Full catalogue NEW - Fonsie Mealys Auctioneers


Full catalogue NEW - Fonsie Mealys Auctioneers
The Dr. Philip Murray
Collection Of Modern First Editions
12th July, 2016
The Dr. Philip Murray
Book Collection
Tuesday July 12th, 2016
The Gresham Hotel, 23 Upper O’Connell Street, Dublin
Commencing at 2 p.m. sharp
At The Gresham Hotel, Dublin
Sunday, July 10th: 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Monday, July 11th: 10.30 - 6.30 p.m.
Tuesday, July 12th: 10.30 - 1 p.m.
Lot 44
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Inside Front & Back Cover Illustration: Lot 240
Illustrated catalogue: €15.00
Back Cover Illustration (l to r): 36, 105, 371
377, 234, 460
508, 518, 524
299, 408,106
Sale Reference: 0233
* The sale also includes a choice selection of approx. 30 lots from other Private Clients.
PSRA Registration No: 001687
The Old Cinema, Chatsworth St., Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland
T: +353
56 4441229 | F: +353 56 4441627 | E: info@fonsiemealy.ie | W: www.fonsiemealy.ie
Design & Print: Lion Print,
1 Cashel. 062-61258
Mr. Fonsie Mealy
Mr. George Fonsie Mealy
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mls ..........Signed handwritten Letter by author
als ...........Signed Typed Letter by author
acs ..........Signed Cards or Postcards by author
Pb ...........Paperback
a.e.g. .......all edges tilg
t.e.g..........top edge gilt
W.A.F. ......With all faults
S.N.S.R.....Sold not subject to return
f.e.p..........front end paper
As Is ........With all damages faults, restorations
As a lot.....With all faults
mor ..........morocco
n.d. .........no date
n.p. .........no place
d.j. ...........dust jacket
L.P. ..........large paper
h.m.p........hand-made paper
hf. ...........half
d.w.s.........dust wrappers
I.M.C........Irish M/ss Commission
A.M.S.......Armorial motif on spine
cont. ........contemporary
n.a.t. ........not affecting text
frontis ......frontispiece
engd. .......engraved
cold. ........coloured
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The Old Cinema, Chatsworth St., Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland
T: +353
56 4441229 | F: +353 56 4441627 | E: info@fonsiemealy.ie | W: www.fonsiemealy.ie
Book Collector
Ever since Philip Murray’s earliest years in Nenagh, Co.
Tipperary, he has been an avid reader and collector of
books. Starting with the Dandy and Beano comics, he
progressed easily to more serious literature, aided by the
discovery when a student in Dublin and later Galway of
the great variety of second-hand bookshops to be found
in both cities. While working in Australia he became
a serious collector and also discovered the works of
novelist Patrick White.
Murray’s main interest has always been twentiethcentury literary fiction and poetry, and over many years
he has built up an impressive range of books by some
of Ireland’s most significant poets and novelists, as well
as the best of British, American (North and South) and
European authors.
In addition to frequenting second-hand bookshops wherever he went, Murray has always made full use
of specialist catalogues. Through attending book readings and literary festivals, he met and befriended
many authors. The London book dealer and publisher Bernard Stone of the Turret Press became a
special friend.
Murray specialised in collecting signed copies of first editions. When in 1980 Sean Golden and Peter
Fallon published an anthology of the work of thirty-six living Irish writers under the title Soft Day, Murray
set out to get his copy signed by all the contributors.
In his memoir Adventures of a Book Collector, published in 2011 by Currach Press, Murray writes with the
zeal of a true devotee of the thrill of the chase, the delights of reading, and the many adventures and
friendships his passion has brought him.
Murray has now retired after many years as a general practitioner in Sligo, and the advent of internet
buying has taken away much of the pleasure of book-hunting. Accordingly, he has decided to part with
his very personal collection, assembled over half a century and more. It includes about 2,200 American
and British first editions, of which about 75% are either signed or inscribed, and the works of many
prominent Irish writers, besides some five hundred letters.
First UK Editions
The Author’s First Three Books, All Signed
Banville (John) Long Lankin (Secker
& Warburg, 1970), v.g, edges spotted;
Nightspawn (Secker & Warburg, 1971) v.g. in
protected removable glassine cover; Birchwood
(Secker & Warburg ,1973) v.g. slight edge wear
top & bottom and some tanning to inside of
d.w., penetrating slightly to front, spine and
top edge slightly faded, top edges dusty. Three
lovely copies of these rare titles. (3) €800 - 850
First UK Signed Editions & One Other
Banville (John) Doctor Copernicus (Secker &
Warburg, 1976), v.g., edges spotted and d.w.
spine faded. Kepler (Secker & Warburg ,1981)
V.g. The Newton Letter (Secker & Warburg,
1982) edges spotted, d.w. spine faded. The
Book of Evidence (Secker & Warburg, 1989) V.g.
D.w. are slightly bumped. Mefisto (Secker &
Warburg, 1986). Ffep is neatly inscribed (nonauthor) “Review copy, RTE” dated and owner
name, some pen lines to margins. A reading
copy only. All top edges dusty. (5) €650 - 700
First UK Editions, and Others, Signed
Banville (John) Kepler (Secker & Warburg
1981); Ghosts (1993), Athena (Secker
& Warburg, 1995); The Untouchable
(Picador,1997); Eclipse (Picador, 2000), The Sea
(Picador, 2005); Shroud (2002) & The Infinities
(Picador, 2009); Kepler, (Godine, 1983) First US
Edn. Four Gallery Press First Edns.; The Broken
Jug (1994); Conversation in the Mountains (Ltd.
51/400); and Long Lankin (First thus, 1984)
[1970] all v.g. in cloth; God’s Gift (2000) pb.
Prague Pictures (2003), cloth, d.w. All v.g. in
cloth, d.w.; Shroud (Picador, 1982) lacks d.w.s.
Some top edges dusty. Laid in: 2 mls and 1 Acs,
original envelope.(15)
€400 - 500
Jordan (Neil)The Past (Cape,1980). Specially
bound Ltd. Edition 9/50, five raised bands,
a.e.g, in matching slipcase, fine, edges of slip
case faded; The Past, (Cape,1980) signed,
dated, inscribed “with best wishes”. V.g. in
cloth, d.w.; The Past, uncorrected proof
inscribed “to Phil, Best wishes” signed, in red
card wraps. V.g.; Sunrise with Sea Monster
(Chatto & Windus, 1994) signed, dated, v.g. in
cloth, d.w.; Shade (Murray/ Hodder, 2004) v.g. in
cloth, d.w., slight spotting to edges; The Dream
of a Beast (Chatto & Windus, 1983), signed,
inscribed “best wishes, April Fool”, v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Night in Tunisia (Co-Op,1976) v.g. in wraps
(no cloth Edn. of First Printing) signed and
dated,15. 12. 1976, Wraps lightly rubbed; Night
in Tunisia (Writers & Readers, 1979) First thus,
signed, dated, 1st April 1987, v.g. in removable,
glassine-protected d.w., edges dusty; Night in
Tunisia Advance sheets for Chatto & Windus
paperback, 1983. Signed, inscribed with best
wishes, dated June 2002. (9)
€400 - 450
All First Editions, Signed
Higgins (Aidan) Felo De Se (Calder 1960) First
Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. edge-rubbed
and lightly soiled; Langrishe Go Down (Calder &
Boyars 1966) Signed. First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.
is rubbed, creased at edges, repaired with tape.
endpapers toned; Scenes from a Receding Past
(Calder 1977) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
is edge-rubbed and lightly soiled. endpapers
toned; Donkey’s Years (Secker & Warburg 1995)
First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w., Inscribed
“For Philip/ best wishes / Aidan”; Bornholm
Night Ferry (Brandon 1983) First Edn. Signed, v.g.
in cloth, d.w. D.w. clipped and rubbed. Edges
toned, top edges dusty. Interesting collection
by a writer increasingly regarded as one of the
greatest and most original Irish writers ever. Laid
in: 2 als. (5)
€400 - 450
Toibin (Colm) The Master, Ltd. Edn. 32/50,
First Edition (Picador), specially bound in
quarter green goatskin, raised bands, t.e.g.,
in matching slipcase, fine; The South First
US, (Viking, 1990); The Blackwater Lightship
(Picador, 1999) non-author inscription;
Brooklyn First US (Viking, 2009); The Heather
Blazing, First US (Viking,1992), signed; The
Master (Second Edn. Picador, 2004) inscribed
“with all best wishes”; also The South, (The
Serpent’s Tail Press, 1990), pb. (7) €350 - 400
First Editions Signed
First Editions Signed
Hogan (Desmond) The Diamonds at the
Bottom of the Sea (Hamish Hamilton, 1979).
Inscribed by author “for Phil Murray, Galway,
April 25th, 1980”, v.g.in cloth, d.w.Laid in: ALS,
agreeing to sign.; The Ikon Maker (Co-Op1976)
True First, no cloth First Edn, v.g. Inscribed
by author, “for Phil Murray, Galway, October,
1980, best Des Hogan”; The Ikon Maker First
US Edn. Braziller, 1979) v.g. cloth, clipped d.w.,
bookseller ink stamp. Inscribed “Desmond
Hogan, Thursday Holy Thursday, April 16th,
1987, London”; Children of Lir (Hamish
Hamilton, 1981) v.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed by
author “for Phil Murray/ Des Hogan / Galway,
May 8th, 1981”; A Curious Street (Hamish
Hamilton, 1984) v.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed
“Desmond Hogan, Thursday Holy Thursday,
April 16th, 1987, Catford”; Leaves on Grey,
Inscribed by author “for Phil Murray, Galway
city, April, 1980”. All v.g., top edges dusty. (6)
€200 - 300
All content and images are subject to copyright
11 & detail
O’Brien (Flann) At Swim-two-Birds, First US.
(Pantheon, 1939), v.g., spotting to endpapers,
pale yellow boards, unclipped d.w., and page
edges, loose glassine covering d.w. Top edge
dusty. Overall a nice copy of O’Brien’s scarce
masterpiece. (1)
€400 - 500
O’Brien (Flann) The Hard Life, First US.
(Pantheon, 1962) v.g., cloth, d.w., and page
edges spotted, top edge dusty. Removable
glassine cover, text and endpapers bright and
clean; The Poor Mouth (Hart- Davis MacGibbon,
1973) v.g. in protected d.w.; The Hair of The
Dogma (Hart- Davis MacGibbon, 1977) v.g.,
d.w., slightly rubbed. (3) €250 - 350
[O’Nolan (Brian)] ‘Flann O’Brien,’ The Dalkey
Archive, 8vo L. (Macgibbon and Ker) 1968. First
Edn., orig. unclipped pict. d.w.; also Cruiskeen
Lawn - Extracts from the Daily Labours to the
Wiseman. Myles N GCopaleen, (text in Irish &
English) 8vo D. (Cahill & Co.) n.d. [1943] 80pp.,
First Edn., illus. thro-out, orig. illus. boards,
printed in red & bl. Both v. good. Scarce. (2)
€250 - 350
Five First UK Editions
Rowling (J K) Harry Potter and the Prisoner
of Azkaban (Bloomsbury, 1999), True First
with ‘Joanne Rowling’ on verso title. v.g., in
unclipped d.w, signed J K Rowling and dated
16/11/99. Front hinge just a little weak; Harry
Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Bloomsbury, 2000),
cloth, d.w, v.g.+.; Harry Potter and the Order
of the Phoenix (Bloomsbury, 2003), cloth, d.w,
v.g.+.; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
(Bloomsbury, 2005), cloth, d.w, v.g.+; Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Bloomsbury,
2007). Ex-lib, with stamps and markings, taped
front and back. Reading copy only, d.w. Good+.
First US Edn.; The Casual Vacancy (Little, Brown,
2012) v.g. in cloth, d.w. (5)€800 - 900
Two Rare First Editions
Wodehouse (P G) Lord Emsworth and Others
(Herbert Jenkins 1937) First printing. Near v.g.
in original red cloth, lacks d.w. Bumped, edges
rubbed, cloth lightly soiled. Prelims, title &
copyright pages and approx. 30 early and late
pages age-toned. Light general soiling Boards
rubbed, spine darkened. Top edge dusty;
French Leave (Herbert Jenkins 1955) About
v.g. in original red cloth, lacks d.w., Bumped.
Prelims, late pages (advertisements for other
titles) title & copyright pages age-toned.
Boards rubbed, spine darkened. Unsightly ink
price (2/2) to 1st fep. Edges toned, top edge
dusty. (2) €700 - 900
Benchley (Peter) Jaws (Andre Deutsch 1974)
First Edn., v.g. in cloth, clipped d.w. D.w. is
rubbed, with some crease marks to edges and
spine ends. Flaps and edges age-toned. Top
edge dusty. Laid in: mls to Dr Murray with ink
drawing of the head of a giant Great White,
signed by author, original envelope. A unique,
humorous association copy. (1)
€250 - 300
Three First UK Signed Editions
Of His First Three Novels
Barnes (Julian) Metroland (Cape, 1980) signed,
dated January 1988, dw price clipped; Before
She Met Me (Cape, 1982) signed, dated January
1988. Faint spotting to endpapers; Flaubert’s
Parrot (Cape, 1984) signed, dated February
1986. Flaps slightly toned. Laid in: acs re
signing of this (named) volume. All 3 v.g, top
edges dusty, otherwise crisp and bright. (3)
€600 - 700
13 & detail
Imperfections Not Stated
Nine First UK Editions
All Signed Copies
Barnes (Julian) Cross Channel (Cape, 1996),
signed, dated 18.i.96; Staring at the Sun (1986),
signed; A History of the World in 101/2 Chapters
(Cape, 1989), signed; England, England (Cape,
1998), signed, dated 3/9/98; Talking it Over,
(Cape, 1991) signed; The Porcupine (Cape, 1992)
signed, 5 Nov. 92; Love etc. (Cape, 2000),
inscribed “to Philp / that poor doctor of Sligo /
from Julian Barnes who unlike Dan Kavanagh
/ has never been treated by him, 14 Sept. 2000
- best wishes…”; Letters from London (Picador,
wraps), signed; Arthur and George (Cape, 2005),
decorative cloth, no d.w. issued, signed. All Very
Good in unclipped d.w. Laid in: 5 acs re signing
of books, 2 original envelopes. (9) €650 - 800
Five First UK Editions
Kavanagh (Dan) [Barnes Julian] Duffy (Cape,
1980), inscribed “Dan Kavanagh - once treated
by Dr Murray of that Sligo medicentre for
an unmentionable disease…”, d.w. clipped;
Putting the Boot In (Cape, 1985), inscribed
“Dan Kavanagh - that Sligo boy …”. d.w., flaps
faintly spotted, some offsetting to ffep; Fiddle
City (Cape, 1981), signed in red biro: “Dan
Kavanagh”; Going to the Dogs (Cape, 1987),
signed in red biro, “Dan Kavanagh”; Also [as
Julian Barnes], Arthur and George (Cape, 2005),
decorative cloth, no d.w. issued. All v.g., top
edges dusty. (5)
€350 - 450
Author’s First Novel
Ishiguro (Kazuo) A Pale View of the Hills (Faber,
1982), inscribed “to Dr. Philip Murray - very
best wishes / Kazuo Ishiguro / 4th January
1987”, d.w. clipped, slight extremities slightly
bumped. Impression of a rusty paper clip to
2nd and 3rd feps. Pencil or thin, light pen
mark to front board. Top edge dusty, Edges,
endpapers and inside d.w. a little spotted/
foxed. Laid in: mls, offering to sign book, with
original envelope. (1)
€750 - 850
Three First UK Signed Editions
Bailey (Paul) At the Jerusalem, (Cape, 1967)
signed, dated, inscribed “For Philip Murray with
best wishes/ Paul Bailey”; Old Soldiers (Cape,
1980) signed, Gabriel’s Lament, (Cape, 1986)
signed, dated, inscribed “For Philip Murray with
best wishes/ Paul Bailey”. All three v.g. in cloth,
d.w. Laid in: mls agreeing to sign books, with
envelope. Top edges of all volumes slightly
dusty. (3)
€150 - 200
Doyle (Roddy) The Commitments:
Uncorrrected Proof. Signed. Heinemann 1998.
(It was first published by King Farouk, 1987) ;
The Van (Secker & Warburg, 1991) v.g. in cloth,
d.w. Top edge dusty; A Star Called Henry (Cape
1999) Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. A very cursory
signature to title page. D.w. lightly creased;
Two Pints (Cape 2012) V.g. in pictorial cloth, as
issued. (no d.w.) signed. (4) €150 - 200
Swift (Graham) Learning to Swim & Other
Stories, (London Magazine Editions 1982) First
Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. Top edge toned.
A bright, clean copy of author’s first collection
of Short Stories, his third book. (1) €300 - 400
Swift (Graham) Shuttlecock, (Allen Lane
1981) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. D.w.
is rubbed and slightly creased at edges. Edges
toned. Top edges dusty. Very collectible copy
of author’s second novel. (1)
€250 - 350
Swift (Graham) The Sweet Shop Owner, (Allen
Lane 1980) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
D.w. is creased at edges. Minimal age toning
to edge of rear endpaper, top edges dusty otherwise a lovely copy of author’s first, scarce
novel. (1)
€350 - 450
Swift (Graham) Waterland, (Poseidon NY,
1983) Uncorrected Proof. Signed, v.g. in
printed wraps, inscribed in red biro “March
30 1984) on front cover; Last Orders, (Picador
1996) First Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed
“Graham Swift -26/1/1996”; Ever After, (Picador
1992) First Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. TEG. (3 )
€200 - 300
Swift (Graham) Waterland, (Heinemann
1983) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
Inscribed “with good wishes / Graham Swift.
D.w. is bumped and slightly creased at edges.
Edges toned. Top edge dusty. “. Laid in: mls,
offering to sign book.; The Light of Day,
(Hamish Hamilton 2003) First Edn., v.g. in
cloth, d.w.; Out of this World, (Viking London
1988) First Edn. Signed. “. Laid in: mls, offering
to sign book. One als, 3 ms cards, a signed
compliments slip. (3) §
€350 - 450
All content and images are subject to copyright
All First Editions
Friel (Brian) Wonderful Tennessee (Gallery,
1993). Ltd Edn. 15/60, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The
Enemy Within, (Gallery, 1979) v.g., signed,
dated, Ex-lib blind stamp, d.w. damaged, slight
loss; Crystal & Fox (Faber, 1970) v.g. in rubbed
dw. Inscribed with author’s address, signed,
dated; The Loves of Cass Maguire (Faber, 1967)
v.g. in cloth, slightly rubbed and creased,
clipped d.w.; The Gentle Island, paperback
play script (Davis-Poynter,1973), signed,
dated 1991,v.g.; A Man’s World (Gallery, 2010,
illustrated Basil Blackshaw). Gallery, Ltd. Edn.
78/350, v.g. in cloth, dw; The Saucer of Larks,
First US (Doubleday, 1962) v.g. in cloth, d.w.
rubbed and a little worn at edges. Laid in:
6 interesting acs to Dr. Murray, 3 addressed
envelopes. (7)
€350 - 450
First Editions - Many Signed
Stuart (Francis) Women and God (Cape,
1931), v.g. in d.w., loose protective wrapper,
edges dusty; Glory, signed (Macmillan, 1933).
Unusually bright copy, cloth, d.w., loose
protective wrapper, edges dusty; Pigeon Irish,
signed, dated, (Macmillan, 1933). Good. Spine
faded, worn at extremities, some loss, lacks
d.w.; Julie, signed (Collins, 1938). Spine faded,
bumped, lacks d.w.; In Search of Love, (1935),
cloth soiled, bumped, lacks d.w.; The Angel of
Pity (1935), cloth soiled, dusty; The Coloured
Dome, signed (1932) v.g., lacks d.w.; The
Flowering Cross, signed, dated. (1950), good,
lacks d.w.; The Chariot, inscribed to owner,
signed, dated. (Gollancz, 1953), d.w. worn at
edges, loss to extremities. First Edn.; The Pillar
of Cloud signed (1948), v.g., lacks d.w., dusty;
Memorial, First, signed (MB & O’K,1973), d.w.,
rubbed at edges, slight loss to inside front
flap; The High Consistory First, signed, dated
(MB & O’K,1981), v.g., d.w. bright, edges dusty;
Black List Section H, signed (Southern Illinois,
1971), v.g. in cloth, d.w. worn at extremities,
owner name of a previous owner to fep and
title; Redemption, US First, signed (Devin Adair,
1950) v.g. in unclipped d.w.; Things to Live For,
First US (NY Macmillan, 1935), Edges dusty,
cloth soiled, lacks d.w. Ten others (paperbacks),
4 signed. As a lot. W.a.f. (25)€450 - 550
First Editions Signed
Stuart (Francis) A Hole in the Head (Longship,
1977) Specially bound, Ltd. Edn. copy 31/50 of
the First US Edn., signed and dated March 6,
1978, hf. red morocco, marbled boards, gilt spine,
5 raised bands; Victors and Vanquished, signed.
(Gollancz, 1958), unclipped d.w., dusty spine and
rear panel, front panel fresh, small tears to spine
ends, no loss. Edges dusty, spotted. Together
with Victors and Vanquished uncorrected proof
(1957), v.g, signed and dated, 1982; Try The Sky
(Gollancz, 1933) v.g., in fresh cloth; unclipped
d.w., covered in removable glassine wrap, d.w.
spine faded, edges dusty; We Have Kept The Faith
(Oak Leaf Press, n.d., 1923) signed and dated,
February 1982. Original printed boards and
paper title label to front board. Spine label shows
some wear, contents generally tanned, hinges
weak We Have Kept The Faith, signed (Raven
Arts reprint, n.d. 1982). Original cloth fresh, gilt.
Unclipped d.w., spine faded. Paper tanned, some
spotting to endpapers. (6)
€400 - 500
Eight Signed First UK Editions
Ackroyd (Peter) First Light (1989) Signed;
Chatterton (1987) Signed, dated; Dickens
(1990) Signed; T S Eliot (1984) Signed, dated;
Hawksmoor (1985), inscribed “for P Murray /
Peter Ackroyd / London Jan 28 1986”. Hinge
open at title page.; The Last Testament of Oscar
Wilde (1983) Signed, dated London, November
25, 1990; English Music (1992) Signed; The
Diversions of Purley, Signed, dated London,
November 25, 1990. All v.g. cloth, d.w., top
edges dusty. (8)
€250 - 300
Six First Editions by Irish Authors
Barry (Kevin) Dark Lies the Land (2012) Signed;
These are Little Kingdoms (2007) Signed; and
City of Bohane (2011) Signed; McNamee (Eoin)
The Blue Tango (2001) Signed; Williams (Niall)
As It is in Heaven (1998) Signed; and Four Letters
of Love (1997) Signed All v.g.+. (6) €100 - 150
Six First Editions. Irish Authors
Keane (Molly) [M J Farrell] Good Behaviour,
(1991). Inscribed by author “to Vivien / a distant
friend! - Molly” and signed “Molly Keane” . Laid
in: four mls very much in Keane’s writing style,
re signing of books, reading etc.; O’Connor
(Joseph) Ghost Light (2010), signed; Leyden
(Brian) The Home Place (2002) inscribed “for
Philip Murray” and signed; McCourt (Frank)
Angela’s Ashes (1996) inscribed “to Philip” and
signed “Frank McCourt” and ‘Tis: A Memoir
(signed); Barry Sebastian A Long Way (2005)
First US top edges dusty. All First UK, cloth, d.w.
€250 - 350
Imperfections Not Stated
Fiction - Ten First Editions
Lurie (Alison) Foreign Affairs, inscribed, signed
“to Philip Murray / Alison Lurie.” Laid in: als
re signing of books envelope.; Winterson
(Jeanette) Sexing the Cherry (1989) signed,
dated Dec 1980; Carter (Angela) Wise Children
(1991); Nights at the Circus (1984); Herriot
(James) Vet in a Spin (1977); and Vets Might
Fly (1976); both signed on label; Gordon
(Richard) Doctor in Clover (1960), inscribed
“for Dr P Murray / every good wish - Richard
Gordon / London 1987” and Doctor and Son
(1959), inscribed “to Dr Philip Murray / with
every good wish from a / fellow member of
the greatest profession / Richard Gordon /
London 1984”.Laid in: 3 als, offering to sign
books; Barstow (Stan) A Raging Calm (1968)
and A Kind of Loving (1960) - both signed. Very
Good lot. Top edges dusty. (10)
€200 - 300
Three First Signed Editions
Keillor (Garrison) Lake Wobegon Days (Faber,
1986), inscribed “to Dr Murray, with good
wishes / from the American heartland, 6. 26. ‘06
/ St Paul / Garrison Keillor” and Leaving Home,
(Faber, 1987), signed on hf title page. ed.; Lake
Wobegon Days First US Edn. (Viking, 1985),
signed on label, hf title page.; Leaving Home
(Faber 1988) First UK. Signed. All v.g. top edges
dusty. (4)
€150 - 200
First Edition
Fleming (Ian) You Only Live Twice, (Cape,
1964) black cloth, silver lettering to spine, gilt
Japanese script to front panel. “First Published
1964”. Corners and top back board bumped
and slightly worn. Edges spotted, d.w. soiled,
edges worn, with some loss at spine ends.
Bookseller stamp to front board; The Man
with the Golden Gun. Second Impression, 1965,
black cloth (lacking gold revolver to front
board). Block leaning. Top edge dusty, edges
spotted. D.w. clipped, worn at extremities, tape
repaired at ends and edges, tiny areas of loss.
(2)€200 - 300
First Edition
Fleming (Ian) Moonraker, (Cape, 1955) black cloth, silver
lettering, “First Published 1955”. V.g. corners bumped and
slightly worn at spine ends. Small (quarter inch) area of
top rear board frayed, d.w. toned, soiled, edges worn, with
some repair (taped) applied verso. Some light soiling to a
few pages. Bookseller stamp to inside rear board. (1)
€1600 - 2000
First Edition
Fleming (Ian) Casino Royale, (Cape, 1953) Black cloth, red
lettering, red heart design to front board, “First Published
1953”, d.w. priced 10/6. V.g. colour to front panel and spine
is fresh, rear panel toned, as usual. Small irregular coffeecoloured stain to facing pages 22/23, d.w. (in removable
protector) worn at edges & corners, very small loss at head
of spine and front edges. Edges toned. (1)€4000 - 5000
First Edition
Fleming (Ian) Goldfinger, (Cape, 1959), black cloth, gilt
lettering to spine. Skull design, gilt eyes, to front board.
“First published 1959”. V.g., d.w. unclipped, rubbed and
soiled at edges, small area of loss to head of spine, in
removable protector. Front panel fresh, white paper rear
panel age toned. Edges spotted, top edge dusty, block very
slightly leaning, hinges a little loose. (1)€500 - 600
All content and images are subject to copyright
Two First Editions, One Second Imp.
Fleming (Ian) On Her Majesty’s Secret Service,
(Cape, 1963) black cloth, silver lettering, loop
design to front board, “First Published 1963”,
d.w., priced 16s. V.g. front panel and spine are
fresh, rear panel toned, as usual, and has 1.5 in.
purple pen or similar mark, d.w. (in removable
protector) is worn at edges, some loss at
bottom of spine and rear edge. Block leaning
a little. Edges, endpapers and d.w. verso are
spotted/toned. Hinges just a little weak;
Octopussy and The Living Daylights, (Cape,
1966) black cloth, gilt lettering to spine, gilt
medallion & front board, “First published 1966”.
V.g. , d.w. clipped, in removable protector. A
nice, fresh copy; The Man with the Golden Gun.
2nd impression, (Cape, 1965) lacks the gold
revolver to front board of the 1st imp. Edges
spotted, d.w. clipped, worn at extremities,
some loss to edge of front flap and bottom
edge of same flap. (3) €300 - 400
First Edition
Fleming (Ian) Dr. No, (Cape, 1958) black cloth,
silver lettering to spine, brown silhouette of
woman to front board. “First Published 1958”,
d.w. priced 13/6. V.g. boards slightly bumped.
Front panel and spine of d.w. quite fresh, rear
panel age toned, some edge wear, chipping,
closed tears, no loss. Edges, endpapers and
d.w. verso are spotted/toned. (1)€500 - 600
First Edition
Fleming (Ian) From Russia With Love, (Cape,
1957) Black cloth, central vignette of Smith &
Wesson to front board, “First published 1957”,
v.g., d.w. unclipped, neatly reinforced/repaired
at top and bottom edges, age toned. Edges
and endpapers spotted/toned. Neat, light
pencil bookseller annotation to ffep., hinges
just a little weak. (1) €800 - 900
Imperfections Not Stated
First Edition
Fleming (Ian) Diamonds Are Forever, (Cape,
1956) Black cloth, silver lettering, medallion to
front board, “First Published 1956”, d.w. priced
12/6. V.g., front panel and spine fresh, rear
panel age toned. Edges, endpapers and d.w.
verso are spotted/toned. (1)€500 - 600
First Edition
Fleming (Ian) Live and Let Die, (Cape,
1954), black cloth, gilt lettering to spine, gilt
medallion to front board, “First published
1954”. V.g., d.w. unclipped, rubbed at edges,
in removable glassine protector. Front panel
fresh, white paper rear of panel age-toned.
Edges and endpapers spotted/toned. Small
black ink inscription, “London 8. 4. ‘54” to hf
title page. (1) €2500 - 3500
First Edition
First Edition
Fleming (Ian) The Spy Who Loved Me (Cape,
1962), black cloth, silver lettering, dagger to
front board, “First Published 1962”, d.w. clipped,
with some spotting to edges, faint watertype stain to rear panel. Two small bookseller
labels to inside front board. Block very slightly
leaning. (1) €200 - 300
Fleming (Ian)The Diamond Smugglers, (Cape,
1957), pine lettered in white) v.g. in cloth, d.w.
clipped, in removable protector cover, with
chipping to head of spine, tiny area of loss.
Endpapers slightly tanned. (1)€250 - 350
de Bernieres (Louis) The War of Don
Emmanuel’s Nether Parts; The Troublesome
Offspring of Cardinal Guzman; Senor Vivo & The
Coca Lord. All in removable protector covers.
All 3 signed, “for Philip Murray / Kilkenny
2000 / Louis de Bernieres”. All v.g. some edges
spotted, top edges dusty. (3)€600 - 750
First Edition
Fleming (Ian) Thunderball (Cape, 1961) black
cloth, gilt lettering, skeletal hand to front
board), v.g., d.w., unclipped, worn and rubbed
at edges, in removable protector cover, edges
spotted. Pencilled numbers (bookseller’s id
reference) to rear endpaper. (1) €450 - 550
First Edition
Fleming (Ian) For Your Eyes Only (Cape, 1960),
black cloth, gilt lettering, eye design to front
cover), d.w. unclipped, with some age tanning,
in removable protector cover, edges spotted.
Pencilled numbers (bookseller’s id reference)
to rear endpaper. (1)
€750 - 900
Three UK First Editions
de Bernieres (Louis) A Day Out for Mehmet
Erbil ( Belmont Press, 1999), ill. Eileen Hogan,
Ltd Edn. 224/250, bound with leather spine,
signed by author and illustrator, beautiful copy,
near Fine - top edge dusty; Gunter Weber’s
Confession (Tartarus Press, 2001), Ltd. Edn.
22/100. Frontis by David Johnson, hand-set
by Alan Anderson at Tragara Press, printed
on Zerkall paper, signed by author. Print,
numbered 22/25, signed by David Johnson,
laid in. Marbled boards and matching slipcase.
€700 - 800
First Signed Editions
de Bernieres (Louis) A Partisan’s Daughter,
(Harvill Secker, 2008), v.g.; Red Dog, First Edn.,
(Secker 2001) signed, dated 1998 (sic), on
adhesive label to hf title; Sunday Morning at
the Centre of the World (Vintage, 2001), signed,
dated 1998 (sic) on adhesive label to hf title; A
Day Out for Mehmet Erbil (Belmont Press, 1999),
ill. Eileen Hogan, Ltd Edn. 58/150, bound with
cloth spine, signed by author and illustrator,
beautiful copy, top edge dusty; Labels (First
Edn., One Horse Press, 1993, Ltd 99/2000),
signed, dated 1993, in original orange wraparound band; Labels (rep, One Horse Press,
1997) [1993], signed, dated 1998 on adhesive
label to hf title; Gunter Weber’s Confession,
(Tartarus Press, 2001), Ltd. Edn. 110/300. In
original red French wraps Beautiful copy, top
edge dusty. (7)
€500 - 600
de Bernieres (Louis) Captain Corelli’s
Mandolin, First UK Edn.(1994), cloth, d.w. in
removable cover, signed, “for Philip Murray
/ Kilkenny 2000 / Louis de Bernieres”, White
boards rubbed; Corelli’s Mandolin, Advance
Reader’s Edition (Pantheon NY, 1994). Original
printed wraps, signed dated 1994 to ffep. In
original card slip case; Birds Without Wings,
First UK (2004), signed, dated 1998 (sic) on
adhesive label to title page. (3)
€500 - 600
Special Limited of Edition 26 Copies
de Bernieres (Louis) A Day Out for Mehmet
Erbil, Belmont Press, 1999, ill. Eileen Hogan, Ltd
Edn. one of 26 De Luxe Copies (with 2 extra
prints in pocket), lettered A to Z, this copy
C. Signed by author and illustrator. Fine in
original slip case. (1)
€400 - 500
All content and images are subject to copyright
Seven First Editions, Mainly Signed
Bragg (Melvyn) The Maid of Buttermere,
(Hodder 1987) inscribed “with best wishes,
Melvyn Bragg, 1987”; laid in: als re signing
of books, envelope. 2 als and one signed
compliments slip; Autumn Manoeuvres,
(Secker 1978) First UK. Signed, inscribed “with
best wishes, Melvyn Bragg, 1987”; For Want
of A Nail, (Secker 1965) his First Novel, First UK
Signed, inscribed “with best wishes, July 1984”
(presumably the inscribed year is a mistake).
First US; The Hired Man, (Knopf 1969) Signed
label to hf. title. All v.g. in cloth, dw. Top edges
dusty; Mortimer (John) Paradise Postponed,
(Viking 1985), Inscribed “For Dr Murray / John
Mortimer”. Laid in: mls re signing of books,
original envelope; Titmuss Regained, (Viking
1990) signed; Hart-Davis (Rupert) Selected
Letters of Oscar Wilde. First UK. (7) €200 - 300
Seven First editions Editions,
Mostly Signed First US, Unless Stated
Eggers (Dave) A Heartbreaking Work of
Staggering Genius (2000) Signed; Baker
(Nicholson) Vox (1992) Signed; Baker
(Nicholson) U and I: A True Story (1991) Signed;
Baker (Nicholson) The Mezzanine (1988) Signed;
Baker (Nicholson) Room Temperature (1990)
Signed. Laid in: acs.; Thorpe (Adam) Ulverton
(1992) First UK, Signed, dated 18.v. 92.; Watkins
(Paul) The Promise of Light, (1992) First UK . All
v.g., cloth, d.w. Top edges dusty. (7) €150 - 200
Twelve First Editions, UK Except Stated
Some Signed
Drabble Margaret The Ice Age (1977); and The
Middle Ground (1980), both signed. Laid in:
mls and 2 acs, agreeing to sign books; Winton
(Tim) Cloudstreet (1991) and The Riders (1995);
Carey (Peter) Theft (wrappers, as issued).
Bolano (Roberto) The Savage Detectives (2007)
(First English language trans.); Pynchon
(Thomas) Vineland (1990); Sher (Antony)
Middlepost (inscribed “for Dr Murray / with best
wishes / Antony Sher / 6 /3/1989). Laid in acs,
offering to sign book.; Hoban (Russell) The
Medusa Frequency (1987); Harris (Thomas)
Hannibal (1999); O’Neill (Jamie) At Swim, Two
Boys (2001); Winton (Tim) In The Winter Dark
(true First, Australian, McPhee Gribble, 1988),
all very good. All v.g. in cloth, d.w., top edges
dusty. (12)
€150 - 200
Lee (Laurie) Cider with Rosie (Hogarth Press)
First Edition Signed, v.g. in cloth/ unclipped
d.w., signed twice - to ffep and title. Age toning
to prelims, title and 15 approx. early and late.
Slight wear to spine ends. Tail of spine repaired
with tape internally (no loss). (1)
€150 - 200
Five First Editions
Doctorow (E. L.) Big As Life (1966) First US,
signed, red cloth, unclipped d.w. is rubbed,
some edge wear, small tears, no loss. In
removable glassine cover, edges spotted,
top edge dusty; Ragtime (1975) First US Edn.,
signed, top edge of d.w. edge worn/bumped
(no loss) rear edge rubbed. 2 mls, & original
envelope laid in.; Ragtime (1975) First UK
inscribed “for Dr Murray of Sligo with best
wishes, June 7, 1987”, d.w. rubbed at edges,
tiny closed tear at head of spine, no loss; Loon
Lake (1980) First UK, signed, some edge wear
to d.w., rear panel repaired internally with
tape, previous owner name Claire Tomalin;
Billy Bathgate (1989) First US. Inscribed “For Dr
Philip J Murray / very best / E L Doctorow”. All
v.g., - top edges dusty. (5)
€275 - 325
Twelve First Editions (Six US First Edn.)
Grossman (David) The Smile of the Lamb
(1990) ; and See Under Love (1989); Mutis
(Alvaro) The Adventures of Maqroll (1990); and
Maqroll (1986); Porter (Katherine Anne)
Ship of Fools (1962); Maclean (Norman) A
River Runs Through It (1976). (Six UK First
Edns.) Kelman (James) A Disaffection (1989)
Inscribed “From James Kellner for Phil Murray
in Sligo / 6. 9. ‘95”; Gall (Sandy) Salang (1989)
Inscribed “For Dr Murray with best wishes /
Sandy Gall”; Gilchrist (Ellen) Victory Over
Japan (1984); Richler (Mordecai) Solomon
Gursky Was Here (1990); Barth (John) Giles
Goat-Boy (1966) inscribed “With good wishes
to Dr P Murray / John Barth / 5 / ‘84” als. laid in;
Hoban (Russell) Kleinzeit (1974), v.g. in cloth,
d.w. As a lot, v.g., top edges dusty. (12)
€170 - 200
Golding (William) Rites of Passage (1980),
signed to ffep., v.g. in cloth, spine ends
bumped, d.w. slightly chipped top right edge,
no loss. In removable protective glassine
cover; Close Quarters (1987), v.g., signed title
page, in removable protective glassine cover;
Fire Down Below (1989) v.g., signed hf title,
offsetting to ffep; An Egyptian Journal (1985),
v.g., top edge of d.w. creased, no loss, top
corners bumped. (4)
€250 - 350
Ford (Richard) Rock Springs Stories, (Atlantic
Monthly Press 1987), First Edn., v.g. in cloth,
d.w. bumped. Inscribed “ For Andrew / with
good wishes for you / Richard Ford”. Laid in:
2 acs. ; The Ultimate Good Luck (Houghton
Mifflin 1981) First Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w., in
archival cover; Wildlife (Collins Harvill 1990),
First Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. In archival cover;
The Sportswriter (Vintage 1986) First Edn., v.g.
in wrappers. Signed, dated 29. 9. 1990. Paper
toned, some edge wear; Women with Men
(Knopf 1997) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. (5)
€150 - 250
Ford (Richard) A Piece of My Heart (Harper
Row 1976) First Edn. Signed, v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.,
in archival cover.; Wildlife (Atlantic Monthly
Press 1990). First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; The Sportswriter (Vintage 1986) First Edn.
Signed. v.g., in wrappers; Independence Day
(Knopf 1995) Advance Review copy, signed, v.g.
in wrappers, archival cover.; A Multitude of Sins
(Knopf 2002) Second Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.
(5) €250 - 350
Ford (Richard) Wildlife (Atlantic Monthly
Press 1987) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. Signed,
dated 22. 6. 1990; Rock Springs Stories (Atlantic
Monthly Press 1987) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in
cloth, d.w.; The Sportswriter, (Collins Harvill
1986) First Edn. Signed, Dated, 29. 9. 1990. V.g.
in cloth, d.w. edge wear to head of spine, top
edge dusty; A Multitude of Sins (Harvill 2001)
First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. (4) €250 - 350
Ford (Richard) Independence Day, (Knopf
1995) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w., in
archival cover.; The Lay of the Land, (Knopf
2006) v.g. in cloth, d.w., bumped, spine ends
creased; Canada (Harper Collins 2012) First
Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w., in archival cover.;
Wildlife (Atlantic Monthly Press 1990) First
Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Rock Springs (Children).
The Short Story, Children, extracted from Rock
Springs (Atlantic Monthly Press ). Signed, v.g.
in pictorial wraps . pp 27 + advertising; Yates
(Richard) Revolutionary Road (Intro. by Ford) .
About v.g. in wrappers. (6)
€350 - 450
Five First Editions
Landy (Derek) Skulduggery Pleasant (2007),
signed; Skulduggery Pleasant Dark Days
(2010) with specially printed sticker “Limited
Collector’s Edition only at W H Smith” signed,
dated 23.9.10; Skulduggery Pleasant Playing
With Fire (2008) signed; The Faceless Ones
(2009), with matching “Limited Collector’s
Edition” sticker, signed. All v.g., cloth, d.w. in
removable protective glassine. All First US
(Harper Collins) in cloth. V.g.+; Skulduggery
Pleasant (2007), First Paperback. V.g. (5)
€80 - 100
Imperfections Not Stated
Ford (Richard) Wildlife, (Atlantic Monthly Press 1987), Number 166 of
200 numbered copies of the First Edn. Specially printed and bound and
signed, v.g.+ in green decorative cloth, ribbon separator, in matching
slip case, spine slightly faded.; Ford (contrib.) Trips No. 1 Spring 1988,
(Magazine): Richard Ford’s Little Rock”; Broadside from The Sportswriter
(July 19, 1986) Signed, Numbered 92/129. (2)
€150 - 200
Ford (Richard) My Mother, In Memory, With an original linecut by Russell
Chatham. (Raven Editions, CT 1988) One of 26 copies lettered A - Z, this
being letter C. About Fine in boards, glassine wrapper, mildest toning to
inner boards and age-toning to top edge. (1) €450 - 550
Ford (Richard) Communist, (Babcock & Koontz 1987). Number 103 of 200
numbered copies of the First Edn. Specially bound in green Fabriano Roma
wrappers, and signed. About Fine. (1) €150 - 250
Ford (Richard) Women with Men, (Knopf 1997) First Edn., Number 101 of
150 numbered copies of the First Edn. Specially bound and signed. V.g.+ in
blue decorative cloth, in matching slip case. A beautiful item (1)
€150 - 250
Garcia Marquez (Gabriel) In Evil Hour, (Cape 1980) signed “Gabriel”, dated
“89”, v.g. in cloth, d.w., front edge slightly foxed, top edge dusty, d.w. in
removable cover; One Hundred Years of Solitude (Cape 1970) signed “Gabriel”,
dated “89” with ink drawing of a fish. V.g. in cloth, d.w., front edge slightly
foxed, top edge dusty, d.w. in removable cover.; Pas de Lettre pour le Colonel
(Grasset, 1980) [Text in French], v.g. in lightly soiled stiff card.; Living to Tell
the Tale (Knopf 2003) First US Edn., v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. V slightly dustsoiled ffep.; The Doom of Damocles (Editorial Universidad para La Paz, 1986).
Text in English. V.g. in stapled pictorial wrappers, staples slightly rusted, text
unaffected.; El general en su Laberinto. (Editorial Oveja Negra 1989). Trade
edition. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. All top edges dusty. (6)
€500 - 600
Scarce First Edition & Limited Edition, Signed
Garcia Marquez (Gabriel) One Hundred Years of Solitude (Harper & Row
1970) inscribed on dedication page “and for Philip / Gabriel” / 89”. This is the
second issue dust wrap, without the exclamation mark at the end of the
first paragraph on the d.w. front flap; Love in the Time of Cholera (Knopf )
No. 315 of 350 copies printed on special paper and specially bound, signed
by the author, in printed glassine wrapper and matching yellow slip case.
About Fine. Slip case very slightly soiled. (2)€3000 - 4000
Special Limited Editions Club, Signed, In Slip Case
Garcia Marquez (Gabriel) One Hundred Years of Solitude (1980) Illustrated
by Rafael Ferrer. No 1011 of 2000 copies. Eight oil paintings reproduced by
the Seaboard Lithographic Corp., NY. One original lithograph laid in. Signed
by author, illustrator translator, and by Alistair Reid who has written the
introduction. Inscribed by Marquez “para Ted / este mamobelo / Gabriel
‘92”. Beautiful edition in linen-covered boards, calf spine, gilt, in matching
slip case. Slip case rubbed, faded. (1)€400 - 500
Scarce Limited Editions, Signed
Garcia Marquez (Gabriel) The General in his Labyrinth, (Knopf ) No. 85 of
350 copies printed on special paper and specially bound, signed by the
author, full calf, gilt spine with six raised bands, ribbon separator. Fine in
matching slip case; Love in the Time of Cholera (Knopf ) No. 304 of 350
copies printed on special paper and specially bound, signed by the author,
in printed glassine wrapper and matching yellow slip case. About Fine.
Both slip cases are very slightly rubbed, soiled. (2)€1200 - 1500
All content and images are subject to copyright
Garcia Marquez (Gabriel) Collected Stories (Harper & Row, First Edn.
stated) signed and inscribed “ To Philip / from his friend / Gabriel ‘89”, v.g.
in cloth, d.w. boards slightly bowed; The Autumn of the Patriarch (Cape
1977).UK, First signed “Gabriel”, dated “89” with ink drawing/doodle of a
flower on hf title. V.g. in cloth, d.w., top edges of all volumes dusty; Love in
the Time of Cholera (Knopf 1988) First US Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; No one
Writes to the Colonel (First UK, Cape, 1971), inscribed: “Par Philip Murray bel amigo, Gabriel, 89”, v.g. in cloth, d.w. with removable cover; Innocent
Erendira and Other Stories (Harper and Row, 1987) First US., inscribed: “Par
Philip, Gabriel, 89”. V.g. in cloth, d.w. with removable cover, edges spotted,
top edges dusty; Of Love and Other Demons (Knopf 1995) still unopened
-Advanced Reader’s Edn. (6)
€5000 - 6000
Garcia Marquez (Gabriel) Living to Tell the Tale (Knopf 2003) First US
Edn, v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Love in the Time of Cholera (Cape 1988)
signed, dated “89”. V.g. in cloth, d.w., slightest soiling to front panel of
d.w.; Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Knopf 1983) inscribed “par Murray” and
signed, about v.g.+; News of Kidnapping (Cape 1997) v.g.+ in v.g. cloth, d.w.;
The General in his Labyrinth (Knopf 1990) First US., v.g.+ in v.g. cloth, d.w. in
removable glassine cover; Clandestine in Chile (Henry Holt 1986) First US,
v.g.+ in v.g. cloth, d.w. in removable cover; Leaf Storm (Cape 1972) First
UK Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. in removable plastic cover, flap edges tanned,
d.w., small closed tear to spine end of d.w.; Memories of My Melancholy
Whores (Knopf 2005) First US., v.g.+ in v.g. cloth, d.w.; Of Love and Other
Demons (Knopf 1995) First US., v.g.+ in v.g. cloth, d.w.; The Story of a
Shipwrecked Sailor (Knopf 1986?) signed, First US, v.g.+ in v.g. cloth, d.w. in
removable cover, top of spine bumped; Strange Pilgrims (Knopf 1993) First
US., v.g.+ in v.g. cloth, d.w.; Martin (Gerald) Gabriel Garcia Marquez A Life
(Bloomsbury 2008) v.g.+ in v.g. cloth, d.w.; McMurray (George R) Gabriel
Garcia Marquez (Ungar 1977) First Edn., v.g. in cloth d.w. (13) €300 - 400
Special Limited Editions, Signed in Slip Case
Garcia Marquez (Gabriel) El General en Su Laberinto: Novela. No. 85 of
125 for Ediciones del Equilibrista (Mexico). In maroon cloth, in matching
slip case with portrait of author. Fine, in near fine slip case; El amor en los
tiempos del colera. First Edition, (Bogota, Oveja Negra, December 1985). In
yellow cloth and complete dw. Inscribed (apparently non-author) “Para
Antonio - en el dia mas especial de 1986. Feliz cumpleaños! …. GM Bogota
vii. 3. 86”.” . [For Antonio - On the most special day of 1986 . Happy birthday
!] The initialled inscription, GM, probably non-author. (2)€1700 - 2000
Wolfe (Tom) The Bonfire of the Vanities (Cape 1988) signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w. Msl to Dr. Murray laid in. (1) €100 - 150
Vargas Llosa (Mario) The War of the End of the World (Faber 1985) First
UK. Signed by author on label; The Green House (Harper & Row 1968) First
English Language Edn. v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. in removable glassine cover;
The Time of the Hero (Grove Press 1966) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. in
removable glassine cover, d.w. rubbed; Feast of the Goat (FSG 2001) v.g. in
cloth, d.w., top edges dusty, all volumes. A.c.s. in original envelope, laid in.
€400 - 500
Imperfections Not Stated
First UK Editions of Author’s First 6 Novels
Banks (Iain M) The Wasp Factory (Macmillan 1984), signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Walking on Glass, (Macmillan 1985) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The
Bridge,(Macmillan 1986) v.g. in cloth, d.w. few shallow creases to d.w.,
front edge foxed; Espedair Street (Macmillan 1987) v.g. in cloth, d.w.;
Canal Dreams (Macmillan 1989) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The Crow Road
(Scribners London, 1992) (6)
€800 - 900
Set of First Editions
Banks (Iain M) Cleaning Up Ltd Edn. No. 453
of 500, signed. (BSFG 1987), v.g. in printed
card; The State of the Art (Ziesing 1989) signed,
dated 28/9/89, v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Consider
Phlebas (Macmillan, 1987) Ltd Edn. No 162 of
176. Signed Copies, v.g. in slightly dusty slip
case; The Player of Games (Macmillan, 1987) Ltd
Edn. No 44 of 201 Signed Copies, v.g. in slightly
rubbed, slightly dusty slip case; Consider
Phlebas (Macmillan, 1987) First UK Trade
Edition, signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The Player
of Games (Macmillan, 1987) First UK Trade
Edition, signed, inscribed “Best wishes from
Iain M Banks 13/8/88”, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Use of
Weapons (Orbit 1990) First UK. Inscribed “To Dr
Philip Murray /All the best” and signed, dated
26/9/90.; [As Iain Banks]: The Wasp Factory
(Houghton Mifflin, 1984) First US Edn., top
edges dusty. A Lovely collection. One a.c.s., and
one note signed by author, laid in. (8)
€1500 - 1600
Fifteen First Editions - Two Signed
Theroux (Paul) London Snow (Ml Russell 1979)
Signed Ltd Edn. No 73 of 300 for Sale. V.g. in
glassine d.w., as issued, a.c.s. re signing of
book, laid in.; Sailing Through China (Russell
1983); My Secret History, signed (Hamish
Hamilton, 1989); Riding the Iron Rooster
(Hamish Hamilton, 1988); Sir Vidia’s Shadow
(Houghton Mifflin 1998); O-Zone (Hamish
Hamilton, 1986); Saint Jack (Houghton Mifflin
1973); Happy Isles of Oceania (Hamish Hamilton,
1992); A Christmas Card (Hamish Hamilton,
1978) [with McCurry, Steve]; The Imperial Way
(Hamish Hamilton, 1985); Naipaul (V.S.) The
Mimic Men (Macmillan NY, 1967); A House for
Mr Biswas (Knopf 1983); The Enigma of Arrival
(Viking 1987); A Way in The World (Heinemann
1994); Naipaul (Shiva) A Hot Country (Hamish
Hamilton, 1983). Mls re signing of book and
orig. envelope, laid in. All volumes v.g. or better
in cloth, d.w. Top edges dusty.
€200 - 300
Signed First Edition
Greene (Graham) The Name of Action
(Heinemann, 1930), d.w. price 7/6, about v.g.,
cloth rubbed at edges, light soiling, corners
bumped, rear board frayed at bottom edge,
slight loss. Pale liquid splashes to pages 21/22
and 30/31, not affecting text. Oily thumb
marks to bottom margins of pages 240/241
Edges spotted, top edge dusty, hinges a little
loose, stitching generally tight, prelims and
some endpapers foxed. Unclipped d.w., (in
removable glassine cover) is slightly soiled.
Corners chipped, with some loss to front
corners and at top of spine. Inscribed on title
page by author, “For Doctor Philip Murray from
Graham Greene”. Overall a very presentable
copy of one of the author’s scarcest titles. (1)
€1750 - 2000
Four First Editions
Greene (Graham) The Human Factor (Bodley
Head, 1978), cloth fresh, d.w., unclipped, is
slightly rubbed and very slightly soiled, with
small closed tear to bottom of front flap (no
loss), neat owner name in ink and neat stamp,
to ffep., rear inside flap has tick marks in red
biro after each of the titles listed, top edge
dusty, font edge slightly spotted; Travels
With My Aunt (Bodley Head, 1969), v.g., a nice
clean copy, green cloth, d.w. price clipped is
rubbed and lightly soiled, repaired (internally)
with tape at top and bottom edges, creasing
and some edge wear, very minor loss; The
Comedians (Bodley Head, 1966), v.g. in green
cloth, yellow d.w., unclipped, slightly rubbed at
edges, a very small area of soiling to rear panel.
Top front corner of ffep is clipped; A Sort of Life
(Bodley Head, 1971), very good in green cloth,
clipped d.w., in removable protector. Light
pencil pricing to ffep. Top edge dusty. A lovely
copy. (4)€250 - 350
Six First Editions
Greene (Graham) The Tenth Man (Bodley
Head, 1985), v.g., in green cloth and d.w.,
crisp, bright copy, top edge a little dusty; The
Comedians (Bodley Head, 1966), v.g., in green
cloth, green d.w., by Ivan Lapper. Unclipped
d.w. worn at edges, tape-repaired at head (no
loss). Scribbled initial to ffep, outline of holiday
itinerary (arr/dep) in blue biro to last endpaper,
top edge dusty; Travels With My Aunt (Bodley
Head, 1969), v.g. in green cloth. Illegible
initials to ffep., d.w. is rubbed, lightly soiled and
(extensively) tape-repaired (internally); A Sense
of Reality (Bodley Head, 1963), v.g. in green cloth.
Unclipped d.w. is repaired with tape at top and
bottom of spine. Rear panel rubbed, with small
biro mark, tape marks to inside front and back
board; The Lost Childhood And Other Essays (Eyre
Spottiswoode,1951), v.g. in grey cloth. Owner
name, date to ffep, d.w. in glassine protector, has
a few closed tears, no loss, rear panel age- toned
and spotted, edges dusty; Please May We Borrow
Your Husband (Bodley Head, 1967), v.g. in green
cloth. Small irregular liquid stain to base rear
edge of board, penetrating a few late pages not seriously affecting overall impression of a
fresh copy. Faint age-spotting to hf title & a few
prelims, all top edges dusty. (6)€300 - 400
Five First Editions
Greene (Graham) The Third Man and The Fallen
Idol (Heinemann, 1950), v.g. in black cloth, neat
pencil name to ffep, glassine-protected d.w.,
is roughly creased at top edge, with small loss
to top front edge and front spine edge, and
bottom rear edge of spine, two biro marks
visible to forehead of man, top edge dusty,
front edge, pale foxing. A nicer copy than it
sounds; A Burnt Out Case, (Heinemann, 1961).
VG in black cloth. Elaborate silver gilt and grey
art nouveau-style book plate (David Edwards?)
to ffep, glassine-protected d.w. is worn at edges
and corners, edges spotted; Our Man in Havana
(Heinemann, 1958), v.g. in blue cloth, light
oiling/foxing to hf title and a few prelims, d.w.
is clipped and rubbed, slightly worn at spines,
no loss, but repaired with tape internally; Loser
Takes All (Heinemann, 1955), v.g. in blue cloth,
Neat owner gift inscription and date to ffep, d.w.
clipped, worn at edges and corners, with loss at
spine ends and front flap corners; In Search Of
A Character (Bodley Head, 1961), v.g. in green
cloth, red spine, d.w. a little rubbed at edges,
two tiny closed tears, no loss. (5)€400 - 500
All content and images are subject to copyright
Ten First Editions
Greene (Graham) Dr Fisher of Geneva or
The Bomb Party (Bodley Head, 1980) First UK,
v.g. in cloth; Dr Fisher of Geneva or The Bomb
Party (Schuster, 1985) First US, v.g. in cloth,
d.w. rubbed, few small closed tears, no loss;
The Tenth Man (Schuster, 1985) First US., v.g.
in cloth, top edge a little spotted; The Return
of A J Raffles (Bodley Head, 1975), First UK,
play script, v.g. in wrappers; The Captain and
the Enemy (Reinhardt, 1985) First US., v.g. in
cloth, d.w., top edge dusty; Getting to Know
the General (Bodley Head, 1984) First UK,
v.g. in cloth, d.w. slightly creased; Collected
Essays (Viking, 1989) First US, v.g. in cloth,
d.w. clipped; Shades of Greene (Bodley Head/
Heinemann, 1975) First UK, v.g. in pictorial
boards; Yours etc. (Reinhardt, 1989) First US,
v.g. in cloth, d.w.; British Dramatists (Collins,
1942) First UK., v.g. in cloth, d.w. rubbed at
edges. (10) €200 - 300
Special Signed Limited Edition
Greene (Graham) A Quick Look Behind,
(Sylvester & Orphanos, 1983). Ltd. No. 40 of
300 numbered copies for sale (there were
also 26 lettered), signed by author, about fine,
in decorative blue cloth, paper spine label.
In original matching slip case which is very
slightly soiled at corners. (1) €300 - 400
Special Signed Limited Edition
Greene (Graham) Yes And No and For Whom
The Bell Chimes (Bodley Head, 1983). Ltd. Edn.
93/ 750, signed by author, near fine in mustard
green cloth, gilt spine and front board.
Very faint, small fade mark or stain, barely
noticeable. (1)
€300 - 400
Scarce Signed Limited Edition
Scarce Signed Limited Edition
Two Scarce Plays & One Other
Greene (Graham) The Potting Shed: A Play
(Heinemann, 1958), v.g. in cloth. Books Shop
sticker to ffep, d.w. g.+, bright, edges rubbed,
some loss (thumbnail-sized) to top front corner
of rear panel. Some neat internal tape repair to
d.w. edges, top edge dusty; The Complaisant
Lover, (Viking, 1961) First US, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
rubbed at edges, some wear to spine ends, no
loss, in glassine cover (removable); J’Accuse
(Bodley Head, 1982), v.g.+ in French wrappers,
as issued. (3)
€250 - 350
Imperfections Not Stated
First Editions
Greene (Graham) Getting to Know The
General (S/ Schuster, 1984) First US. V.g., cloth,
d.w;. The Honorary Consul (S/ Schuster, 1973)
First US, v.g. in cloth, d.w. is rubbed at edges,
some shallow creasing, no loss; Ways of
Escape (Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1980), v.g.,
cloth, d.w.; Monsignor Quixote (Lester & Orpen
Dennys, 1982) v.g., cloth, d.w.; An Impossible
Woman: The Memories of Dottoressa Moor
(ed. by Greene). (Bodley Head, 1975); Sherry
(Norman) The Life of Graham Greene, Vol. l
(Cape, 1989), v.g. in cloth, d.w., very slightly
rubbed; Sherry (Norman) The Life of Graham
Greene, Vol. ll (Cape, 1994), v.g. in cloth, d.w.
very slightly rubbed; Wyndham (Francis)
Graham Greene (Longmans, reprint 1966), v.g.
in wrappers. (8)
€100 - 150
Five First Editions
Greene (Graham) The End of the Affair
(Heinemann, 1951), about v.g. in cloth, cloth
bumped, d.w. is rubbed, to corners and spine
ends, scribbled initials in biro to ffep, slight
soiling to title, copyright and dedication pages,
endpapers age-toned, top edge dusty, d.w. is
soiled, tape-repaired internally, is worn at spine
ends and corners, with closed tears to head of
spine and tiny area of loss; Stories (Heinemann,
1947), about v.g. in cloth, bumped, d.w.
is soiled, worn at all edges, repaired with
tape, top edge dusty, front edge spotted.
(Allain: Marie Francoise) The Other Man :
Conversations with Graham Greene (Bodley
Head, 1981), v.g. spine ends bumped, slight ink
mark to top corner of front panel of d.w.; The
Living Room (Heinemann, 1953), v.g. in cloth,
d.w. has some tape repair, rear panel rubbed
but front panel is fresh and clean, top edge
dusty; Carving A Statue, (Bodley Head, 1964),
v.g. a lovely copy is loose protective cover, d.w.
spine slightly faded. (5)€350 - 450
Greene (Graham) Why The Epigraph?
(Nonesuch Press, 1989). Ltd. No. 545/900,
signed by author, about fine. In mustard cloth,
gilt spine and front board. In original glassine
wrap (no d.w., as issued) spine faded. (1)
€350 - 450
Greene (Graham) The Great Jowett (Bodley
Head, 1981). Ltd. Edn. 445 / 500, signed by
author. Near Fine in orange cloth, in original
glassine wrap (no d.w., as issued) spine faded.
€300 - 400
Four Scarce First Editions
Greene (Graham) Stamboul Train (Heinemann,
1932), g.+ in black cloth, lacks d.w. Bookplate
to verso front board, edges spotted, foxing
especially to first and last 50 pages, rear hinge
weak; It’s A Battlefield (Heinemann, 1934), g.+
in black cloth, boards are rubbed and bumped,
block leaning, slightly frayed to top front edge
of spine, text bright, stitching tight, rear hinge
weak, front hinge is reinforced with white tape,
lacks d.w.; The Confidential Agent (Heinemann,
1934), g.+ in cloth, boards dusty, spine is soiled,
bumped and is frayed through to full length of
rear edge, endpapers age-toned as are margins
throughout, block tight, hinges a little weak,
top edge dusty; The Lawless Roads,(Longmans,
1939), v.g. in cloth, corners and spine edges
rubbed and bumped, no loss, lacks d.w., title
page, copyright page and endpapers very
slightly soiled, text bright, hinges weak, front
hinge open. (4) €1200 - 1500
Three Scarce First Editions
Greene (Graham) The Basement Room and
Other Stories (Cresset Press, 1935), v.g. in red
cloth and glassine wrapper, lacks d.w., bright
copy, neat owner name to ffep, pale foxing to
endpapers and front edge, top edge dusty;
The Heart of the Matter (Heinemann, 1948), v.g.
in blue cloth, bumped at corners, d.w. is worn
at edges and corners, with loss at spine ends
and front flap corners, with some tape repair
visible, foxing to endpapers, a few prelims and
front edge, top edge dusty; Brighton Rock,
(Heinemann, 1938), near v.g. in red cloth and
glassine wrapper, lacks d.w., cloth slightly
soiled to corners, endpapers age-toned, foxing
to endpapers, a few prelims, a few late pages
and front edge, top edge dusty. (3)
€1500 - 1800
Four First Editions
Greene (Graham) The Quiet American
(Heinemann, 1955), about v.g. in black cloth,
cloth bumped, d.w. is rubbed, soiled to rear
panel, with edge wear and some loss at top
front corners and spine ends, endpapers
age-toned, top edge dusty; The Ministry of
Fear (Heinemann, 1943), v.g. in yellow cloth,
bumped and soiled, lacks d.w., top edge
dusty; The Human Factor (Bodley Head, 1978),
v.g. in cloth, d.w., top edge dusty, sharp copy
in removable glassine protective cover; The
Honorary Consul (Bodley Head, 1973), v.g. in
cloth, d.w., block leaning slightly, front edge
slightly spotted, top edge dusty. (4)€550 - 650
Two Signed Limited Editions & One Other
Greene (Graham) How Father Quixote Became
A Monsignor (Sylvester & Orphanos, 1980), Ltd.
No. 105 of 300 numbered copies for sale (there
were also 26 lettered), signed by author, v.g.,
in maroon cloth, gilt spine and front board.
Foxing to inside boards, otherwise a bright,
sharp copy, in original glassine wrap (no d.w.
as issued); The Monster of Capri (Eurographica,
1989) Ed. Rolando Pieraccini. Signed copy
No. 6 / 500, signed, v.g. + in cloth d.w. The
Tenth Man Greene’s Novel as published in
You Magazine /Mail on Sunday, 1985. Printed
pictorial wraps as issued.(3) €400 - 500
Four interesting Early First UK Editions
& One Other
Fitzgerald (Scott) The Great Gatsby (Grey
Walls Press,1948) v.g. in cloth, d.w., neat owner
name to fep.; This Side of Paradise (Grey Walls
Press,1948) about v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The Last
Tycoon (Grey Walls Press, 1949) v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; The Beautiful and Damned (Grey Walls
Press, 1950) v.g. in cloth, d.w., neat owner name
to fep.; Also Afternoon of an Author,. (Bodley
Head, 1958) First UK Edn ,. V.g. in price-clipped
d.w., pencil (pricing) annotation to ffep, d.w. of
rubbed and slightly frayed at top of spine. (5)
€180 - 250
Donleavy (J P) The Ginger Man (McDowell
Obolensky 1958) [First 1955]. Signed, about
v.g. in cloth, d.w. rubbed; Milligan (Spike)
Puckoon (Anthony Blond, n.d.) signed in black
marker “Spike Milligan 1803” [ sic]. About v.g.
in cloth, d.w. rubbed, creased and spine ends,
soiled. Edges age-toned; (ed. Norma Farnes)
The Spike Milligan Letters (M J Hobbs, n.d.)
signed on adhesive label. About v.g. in cloth,
rubbed d.w. (3)
€300 - 400
Twelve UK First Editions
One Proof Copy
Scott (Paul) The Jewel in the Crown
(Heinemann, 1966), v.g. in cloth, clipped and
rubbed d.w., creased at edges, no loss; The
Day of the Scorpion (Heinemann, 1968), v.g. in
cloth, d.w., chipped, some loss at head of spine;
A Division of the Spoils (Heinemann, 1975),
v.g. in cloth, d.w. slightly creased at head of
spine, no loss; The Chinese Love Pavilion (Eyre
Spottiswoode, 1960) v.g. in cloth, d.w. chipped
at edges, pale foxing to edges, prelims and a
few late; Johnnie Sahib (Eyre Spottiswoode,
1952) v.g. in cloth, d.w., rear panel of d.w. is
age-spotted, similar spotting or foxing to some
page edges, prelims and endpapers; A Male
Child (Eyre Spottiswoode, 1956) v.g. in cloth,
cloth bumped, lacks d.w., cloth faded at spine
and rear board, last page loose, not detached,
owner name, date in pen to ffep.; The Birds
of Paradise (Eyre Spottiswoode, 1962) v.g. in
cloth, clipped d.w., very slightly soiled; The
Mark of the Warrior (Eyre Spottiswoode, 1958),
v.g. in cloth, d.w. is age toned to rear panel but
generally very fresh for its age, closed tears to
head of spine, no loss, pale foxing to prelims
and endpapers; The Corrrida at San Feliu
(Secker, 1964), v.g. in cloth. A very nice copy;
Staying On (Heinemann, 1977), d.w. clipped
but price sticker remains, d.w., spine faded;
The Towers of Silence (Heinemann, 1971), v.g. in
cloth, d.w. chipped at spine ends and top edge,
no loss, flap edges slightly soiled; The Bender
(Secker, 1963), v.g. in cloth, lacks d.w., address
in blind to ffep., pale foxing to prelims and
endpapers. A few indecipherable annotations
in biro to last endpaper; The Alien Sky - proof
copy (Spottiswoode, July 1953), with letter
from publisher., wrappers worn at spine ends.
Top edges of all 13 volumes are dusty. (13)
€650 - 750
All content and images are subject to copyright
Six Signed First Editions
Sharpe (Tom) Riotous Assembly (Viking, 1971)
First US. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. faded at
spine, lovely copy, 3 mls re signing of books, 2
orig. envelopes laid in; Vintage Stuff (Secker,
1982) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. slightly rubbed;
Ancestral Vices (Secker, 1980), signed, v.g., in
cloth, bumped, d.w. slightly creased at edges,
no loss; The Throwback (Secker, 1980), v.g. in
cloth, bumped, d.w. slightly faded at spine and
top edge. Inscribed “For Philip Murray / best
wishes /Tom Sharpe / 6 Nov 1982”; Wilt on
High (Secker, 1984), v.g. in cloth, d.w. slightly
scuffed at edges (very small area). Inscribed
“For Philip Murray / every good wish /Tom
Sharpe / 6 Nov 1982”; Also Second Copy of
Wilt on High (Secker, 1984)., with identical
ISBN etc, but different dust wraps. This copy,
flat signed, with bookseller stamp verso front
board. Top edges of all 6 volumes are dusty. (6)
€500 - 600
Six First US Editions
Two Signed - One Special Ltd. Edn.
Harrison (Jim) Sundog (Dutton, 1984). Copy
No. 192/ 250, beautifully bound in cream linen,
gilt spine, front board, in matching slip case,
a.e.g..; Warlock (Delacorte, 1981), v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Wolf A False Memoir (Schuster, 1971), v.g.
in cloth, d.w.; A Good Day to Die (Schuster,
1973), v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Farmer (Viking, 1976)
v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Dalva (Dutton Lawrence,
1988) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Julip
(Houghton, 1994) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. Top
edges of 6 trade volumes are dusty, otherwise
a lovely set. (6) €2000 - 3000
Adams (Richard) Watership Down (Penguin/
Kestrel 1976) First Illustrated Edn., Inscribed
“To Philip Murray / with the author’s best
wishes / Richard Adams, 21. November. 1986
/ Whitchurch Hampshire”. Boards v.g+. d.w.
paper worn at corners, slight damage to spine
edges, loss. Slip case v.g./v.g.+. (1) €100 - 150
Booker and Other Interest
First Editions Unless Stated
Ondaatje (Ml) The English Patient (Bloomsbury,
1992). Als re signing of books, envelope laid
in.; Wilson (Colin) The Outsider, (Houghton,
1956) First US. Inscribed “To Dr Murray with
warm regards / Colin Wilson, 89”. V.g. in cloth,
d.w., slightly creased/rubbed. Author’s cursory
signature to title page, d.w. soiled. Als re
signing of books, acs, envelope, laid in; Ghosh
(Amitav) Sea of Poppies, (Murray, 4th imp.) V.g.
in cloth, d.w.; Okri (Ben) The Famished Road,
(Cape, 1991). V.g. in cloth, d.w., edges spotted.;
Roy (Arundathi) The God of Small Things,
(Flamingo 1997) signed, date 9/6/97. V.g. in
cloth, d.w.; Dibdin (Ml) A Long Finish, (Faber,
1998) signed on adhesive label to hf title, v.g.
in cloth, d.w.; Boyd (Wm) Stars and Bars,
(Morrow, 1994) First US., inscribed “To Philip
Murray / with all good wishes /William Boyd”.
V.g. in cloth, d.w.; Fitzgerald (Penelope)
Offshore, (Collins, 1979) V.g. in cloth, d.w.
Inscribed “To Philip Murray / with best wishes /
Penelope Fitzgerald / May 29, 1986”; 2 Acs re
signing of books laid in.; Boyle (T C) Drop City,
(Viking, 2003) First US. V.g. in cloth, d.w. (9)
€150 - 200
Imperfections Not Stated
Ten First Editions by Irish Writers
Ridgway (Keith) The Long Falling (Houghton
Mifflin 1998) First US Edn. Signed, v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w.; Ridgway (Keith) The Parts (Faber
2003) First UK Edn. Signed, v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w. Inscribed “For Philip / best wishes / Keith
Ridgway”; Ridgway (Keith) The Parts (Faber
2003) First UK Edn. Signed, v.g., in wrappers;
Ridgway (Keith) Standard Time (Faber Proof Copy), v.g., in paper wrappers. Signed;
Mathews (Aidan) Adventures in the Bathyscope
(Secker & Warburg 1988), v.g. in cloth, d.w.
Signed; Boyne (John) The Terrible Thing that
Happened to Barnaby Brocket (Doubleday 2012)
signed, v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Barry (Sebastian)
The Whereabouts of Aeneas McNulty, signed,
v.g.+ in cloth, d.w . Inscribed “To Dr Phil Murray”
on hf title and “Sebastian Barry - Sligo” on title;
Carson (Ciaran) Fishing for Amber, (Granta
1999), v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Walshe (Robert)
Wales’ Work (Secker & Warburg 1985), v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w. Inscribed “To Dr Philip Murray - with
the best wishes of the author Robert Walshe / I
have inscribed page 21 to add to the fun”. Also:
als, original envelope Scott (Michael) The
Alchemyst (Doubleday 2007) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.
(10) €250 - 350
Lowry (Malcolm) Under the Volcano (Reynal
& Hitchcock, 1947) First US (True First Edition)
v.g., bright, clean copy in grey cloth, cloth
slightly faded at edges, d.w. in removable
protective cover is rubbed at edges, with slight
loss at spine ends, front panel colour fresh,
rear panel age-toned, hinges weakened, block
tight. (1)€600 - 700
Scarce First Edition
Mistry (Rohinton) & Kawabata (Yasunari)
First Editions & Others
Mistry (Rohinton) A Fine Balance (Faber,
1996, Second Imp.) signed v.g., in cloth, d.w.;
Family Matters (Faber, 2002, First paperback.
There was also a cloth Edn.) v.g. in wrappers;
Swimming Lessons (Houghton, 1989) signed,
inscribed “For Philip Murray / with best wishes”,
v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Such A Long Journey (Knopf,
1991) First US Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. Signed
and inscribed “For Philip Murray / with best
wishes”; Kawabata (Yasunari)The Sound of
the Mountain (Secker, 1971) v.g. in cloth, d.w.
soiled, rubbed, tape repaired, closing some
tears, top edges of all volumes are dusty. (5)
€80 - 100
Twain (Mark) Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer’s Comrade)
(Charles Webster & Co.) 1885. With one hundred and seventy
Illustrations. V.g. in original pictorial cloth., bumped, boards sound
and block tight. Boards damp-stained (not penetrating), rear board
soiled edges worn and lightly frayed. Square, tight. Inscribed in
pencil to ffep. “E W Thomson - from Joseph Courtenay Forde - San
Francisco - June 1886”. Presumably the Canadian writer of short
stories and poetry, E W Thomson (1849 - 1924), later editor of the
Toronto Globe. Endpapers, prelims and some early and late pages
toned. First Edition, apparent 1st state, the list of illustrations lists
“Him and Another Man” as appearing on page 87 rather than the
correct page 88. Also on page 57, 11 lines up from bottom, the line
reads ‘with the was’ (instead of ‘with the saw’ as later corrected.
Overall, a very collectible copy. (1)
€550 - 650
Very Rare Signed Copy
Lee (Harper) To Kill a Mockingbird, First UK Edn. (Heinemann
1963), signed. V.g. in original cloth and unclipped d.w., signed and
inscribed to ffep “To Dr Murray / with my best wishes / Harper Lee”.
Light soiling and very mild age toning to a few prelims, edges and
a few late pages. Very nice signed copy. (1)€3000 - 4000
106 & detail
All content and images are subject to copyright
First Editions Signed & A Signed Proof
Amis (Kingsley) I like It Here (Gollancz, 1958) Signed, near v.g. in cloth,
d.w., spine ends of cloth bumped, endpapers foxed, d.w. soiled, spine ends
of d.w. have a few closed tears, minimal loss.; The Riverside Villas Murder
(Cape 1973) Uncorrected Proof. Inscribed “Best wishes to Philip Murray and
thanks for his forbearance, Kingsley Amis” v.g. in wrappers.; I Want it Now
(Cape 1968) v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The Alteration (Cape 1976), Signed v.g. in
cloth, d.w.; Jake’s Thing (Hutchinson, 1978), signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. Neat
owner name to ffep., d.w. edges creased; Difficulties with Girls (Hutchinson,
1988), signed v.g. in cloth, d.w. chipped, no loss; The Old Devils (Hutchinson,
1986), inscribed “Best wishes to Philip Murray,” and signed. (7)
€300 - 400
First Edition Signed
Amis (Kingsley) Bright November (Fortune Press, n.d.) [1947], Signed on
title, v.g. in cloth, d.w. Liquid staining to spine of d.w., and some to front
panel, causing the A in Amis to disappear. Internally bright, paper crisp,
slight soiling to title. (1)
€1200 - 1500
Braine (John) The Vodi (Eyre & Spottiswoode), 1959, signed. Near v.g.
in cloth, d.w. is toned, closed tear, no loss, spine ends slightly creased, in
protective cover. Inscribed “To Dr Philip Murray / with best wishes / John
Braine / 20th May 1983”; Room at the Top (Eyre & Spottiswoode, n.d. Book
Club) Near v.g. in cloth, d.w., bowed, boards soiled. Mls, offering to sign
book, laid in., d.w. rubbed, edges worn, loss, paper heavily toned; Life
at the Top (Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1962) First Edn., near v.g. in cloth, d.w.
clipped, edges rubbed, spine ends worn. Top edges dusty. (3) €150 - 250
Four Signed First Editions
Amis (Kingsley) Lucky Jim (Gollancz, 1953), v.g. in cloth, d.w., spine ends
of cloth faded, some endpapers foxed. A few closed tears to spine ends
of d.w. and some loss; One Fat Englishman (Gollancz, 1963) v.g. in cloth,
d.w., spine ends of cloth bumped, spine of d.w. soiled, spine ends of d.w.
torn, some loss, internally bright; One Fat Englishman (Gollancz, 1963)
inscribed: “Best wishes to Philip Murray” and signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w.,
spine ends of cloth slightly bumped. Spine of d.w. soiled, some edge wear,
few small tears, some loss, internally bright; Take A Girl Like You (Gollancz,
1960) signed, near v.g. in cloth, d.w., title and a few prelims are soiled, with
unsightly residue of removed tape, prelims and some early and late pages
foxed. Top edges of all four are dusty. (4)€3000 - 5000
Eight First Editions
Connolly (John) (Hodder & Stoughton First UK unless stated), Every Dead
Thing (1999) Signed; Dark Hollow (2000); The Killing Kind,(2001); The White
Road (2002); Bad Men (2003) Signed; Nocturnes (2004) Signed; The Black
Angel (2005) plus one US First Edn.: Every Dead Thing (Simon & Schuster
1999). All v.g. in cloth, d.w., top edges dusty.€150 - 200
Imperfections Not Stated
Nine Signed First Editions
James (P D) (All Faber) A Certain Justice (1997) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; A
Taste for Death, v.g. in cloth, d.w., inscribed “For Dr P Murray / with every
good wish / from the author / P D James, 7. 4. 87.” Als, agreeing to sign
this (named) copy, laid in; The Skull Beneath the Skin (1982) signed, v.g. in
cloth, d.w.; Death of an Expert Witness (1977) v.g. in cloth, d.w., Inscribed
“For Vivien Murray / with warm good wishes / from the author / P D James,
2. Feb. 1994”; The Black Tower (1975) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. rubbed,
creased, no loss; Innocent Blood (1980) signed, v.g., in cloth, d.w. paper
tanned, especially at edges; Devices and Desires (1989) signed, slight
shallow creasing to top edge of d.w.; The Children of Men (1992) v.g. in
cloth, d.w. Inscribed “To Vivien Murray / with warm good wishes / from
the author / P D James, 2. Feb. 1994, London”. Paper tanned near edges,
extremities of d.w. edgeworn, no loss.; Original Sin (1994) v.g. in cloth,
d.w., signed 24/10/99; The Lighthouse (2005), The Murder Room (2003), The
Private Patient (2008), Death in Holy Orders (2001). All v.g., in cloth, d.w. A
fine collection. (13)
€600 - 700
109 & detail
Some Signed First Editions
Le Carre (John) The Russia House (Hodder,
1989) Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; A Perfect
Spy (Hodder, 1986) Signed and inscribed “For
Philip Murray / with my best wishes /I hope it’s
worth the trees! 30 May, 1986”; The Looking
Glass War (Heinemann, 1965) v.g. in cloth, d.w.
spine faded.; The Naïve and Sentimental Lover
(1971) near v.g. in v.g. d.w. Ex-lib, with discreet
stamp to copyright page, spine ends chipped,
liquid stain to front colophon, tape residue
to reverse of front board; The Little Drummer
Girl (1983) v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Deighton (Len):
Bomber (Cape 1970) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
Prelims foxed. Signature on label, inscribed “For
Philip Murray / best wishes / Len Deighton”,
d.w. rubbed at edges; SS-GB (Cape 1978) v.g.
in cloth, d.w. clipped. XPD (Hutchinson 1981)
v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Close Up (Cape 1972) v.g.
in cloth, d.w., signature on label, inscribed
“For Dr P Murray / all my very best wishes /
Len Deighton / Dec 1986”, spine ends of d.w.
frayed; Spy Story (Cape 1974) v.g. in cloth, d.w.,
edge wear to spine ends of d.w.
Two als from Deighton re signing of books,
orig. envelope, laid in. (10)
€450 - 550
Six First Editions
Banks (Iain) The Wasp Factory (Houghton Mifflin
1984) First US. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Walking
on Glass (Macmillan 1985) First UK. Signed, v.g.
in cloth, d.w.; Pierre (DBC): Vernon God Little
(Faber, 2003) First UK. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.;
McNamee (Eoin) The Ultras (Faber, 2004) First
UK. Signed, v.g. in French wrappers as issued;
McNamee (Eoin) Resurrection Man (Picador
1994) First UK, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Dexter (Peter)
Train (Doubleday 2003) Signed, First US., v.g.+ in
d.w., top edges dusty. (6)€400 - 500
Scarce First Editions, Signed
Auster (Paul) City of Glass (Sun & Moon,1985),
New York Trilogy, Vol. l. First stated. Signed
“Paul Auster / Aug ‘83” to title, v.g. in cloth, d.w,
glassine-protected removable cover; Ghosts
(Sun & Moon,1986), New York Trilogy, Vol. ll.
First stated. Signed “Paul Auster / Aug ‘83”
to title. V.g. in cloth, d.w., glassine-protected
removable cover.; The Locked Room The
Locked Room (Sun & Moon,1985), New York
Trilogy, Vol. lll. First stated. Signed “Paul Auster
/ Aug ‘83” to title, v.g. in cloth, d.w., glassineprotected removable cover. One mls and 1 acs
from author, laid in. A beautiful set. Top edges
dusty. (3)
€1300 - 1600
Scarce Title - First Edition
(Pseudonym Paul Benjamin) Auster (Paul)
Squeeze Play: A Novel, (Alpha Omega, 1982),
v.g. in original printed card wrappers (no cloth
Edn.) Paper age-toned but strong, book looks
unread, top edge dusty. (1)€200 - 250
Two Signed Limited First Editions
Auster (Paul) (Wm Drenttel ed.) Paul Auster:
A Comprehensive Bibliographic Checklist of
Published Works 1968 - 1994. (Wm Drenttel,
1994). No. 90 of 100 clothbound copies signed
by author. V.g. in cloth, paper spine label,
spine faded; The Art of Hunger (Sun & Moon
Press,1992), signed No. 144 of 300 Limited
Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w., top edges dusty. (2)
€300 - 400
Some Signed First Editions
Auster (Paul) Moon Palace (Viking, 1989)
Signed, v.g., in cloth, d.w., glassine-protected
removable cover; Leviathan (Viking, 1992)
Signed, v.g., in cloth, d.w., glassine-protected
removable cover; Moon Palace (Viking,
1989), v.g. in cloth, d.w., glassine-protected
removable cover; Mr. Vertigo, (Viking, 1994)
Signed, v.g., in cloth, d.w.; In the Country of
Last Things (Viking, 1987), v.g. in cloth, d.w,
glassine-protected removable cover; In The
Country of Last Things, (Faber, 1989) First UK
[US 1987]. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Travels
in the Scriptorium, (Henry Holt 2007), v.g. in
cloth, d.w., glassine-protected removable
cover; Oracle Night, (Henry Holt 2003), v.g. in
cloth, d.w.; The Music of Chance (Faber, 1991)
First UK [US, 1990], v.g. in cloth, d.w., glassineprotected removable cover; Timbuktu (Faber,
1999) First UK. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The
Book of Illusions (Henry Holt 2002), v.g. in cloth,
d.w, glassine-protected removable cover; Man
in the Dark (Henry Holt 2008) First, in pictorial
wraps. V.g. in glassine-protected removable
cover; Timbuktu (Henry Holt, 1999), v.g. in
cloth, d.w.; The Brooklyn Follies (Henry Holt
2006), v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The Brooklyn Follies
(Faber, 2005, Second imp), Signed on adhesive
label. V.g. in cloth, d.w.; Hand to Mouth(Faber,
1997) First UK., v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Hand to
Mouth (Henry Holt, 1997), v.g. in cloth, d.w.
Top edges of most volumes dusty, otherwise a
lovely collection. (17)
€300 - 400
Nine First Editions - Some Signed
Auster (Paul) The Invention of Solitude
(Sun,1982) v.g. in wrappers as issued; Why I
Write (Burning Deck Edns, 1996), v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Facing The Music (Station Hill, 1980),
v.g. in wrappers as issued; Unearth (Living
Hand, 1974) signed, dated Aug. ‘93., v.g. in
wrappers, slight soiling to front cover, faded
spine; Unearth (Living Hand, 1974) also signed,
dated Aug. ‘93., v.g. in wraps, slightly faded
spine.; Smoke & Blue in Face (Miramax, 1995)
cursory signature to half title., v.g. in wrappers.;
Ground Work (Faber, 1990) v.g. in cloth, d.w.;
Paul Auster: A Comprehensive Checklist (Wm
Drenttel, 1994), v.g. in wrappers. [Nathaniel
Hawthorne] Twenty Days with Julian & Little
Bunny, intro by Auster (NY Review of Bks, 2003);
Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story (Henry Holt
2004), v.g. in cloth, pictorial boards, as issued.
(10)€150 - 200
Four Signed First Editions
Highsmith (Patricia) A Dog’s Ransom
(Heinemann, 1972) v.g. in cloth, d.w., signed
on label which caused some ridging to title
page, d.w. rubbed, creasing, few closed
tears and chipping to edges.; Ripley’s Game,
(Heinemann, 1974) V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed
“For Philip Murray / Patricia Highsmith, July,
87.”; Mermaids on the Golf Course (Heinemann,
1985) v.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For Philip
Murray / with best wishes / from the author,
Patricia Highsmith, July, 87.”; The Glass Cell
(Heinemann, 1974) v.g. in cloth, d.w., inscribed
“For Philip Murray / with cordial greetings /
Patricia Highsmith, July, 87.” Als re signing of
books and orig. envelope, laid in. (4)
€200 - 250
All content and images are subject to copyright
Nine First Editions & One Second
(Many Signed)
Crace (Jim) Arcadia (Cape 1992) all v.g./v.g.+
in cloth,d.w.; Continent (Heinemann 1986)
Signed, Four Acs, laid in; Continent (Heinemann
1986) [a second copy] Signed and dated 1. 4 .
87, with a note on his headed paper, drawing
attention to the correct spelling of his name
(laid in), signed.; The Gift of Stones (Secker
1988) Signed; Signals of Distress (Viking
1994) Signed; Being Dead (Viking 1999); The
Devil’s Larder (Viking 2001); Six (Viking 2003);
Quarantine (Viking 1997) 2nd imp. Inscribed
“With my very best wishes to Dr Philip Murray
/ Birmingham 14/10/97 (Booker Day! “ and
signed; The Devil’s Larder (First US Edn.) (FSG
2001) v.g. in wrappers, as issued. (10)
€300 - 400
Marias (Javier) Your Face Tomorrow. Trilogy:
Fever and Spear [Vol 1] (New Directions 2002)
Signed, v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w., in removable
glassine cover; Vol 2 Dance and Dream (New
Directions 2004) Signed v.g./v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w. in removable glassine cover; Vol 3 Poison,
Shadow and Farewell (New Directions 2007)
Signed v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. in removable
glassine cover; A Heart So White (Harvill 1995)
First UK, v.g. in cloth, d.w. rubbed. (4)
€550 - 650
Fourteen First US Editions - Six Signed
Burke (James Lee) Neon Rain (Henry
Holt, 1987) signed, v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.,
in removable glassine cover, spine ends
very slightly bumped., a few spots of pale
foxing to fep. A beautiful copy of this scarce
volume.; Heaven’s Prisoners (Henry Holt 1988)
v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. in removable glassine
cover; The Black Cherry (Little Brown, 1989)
signed v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. in removable
glassine cover; A Morning for Flamingos (Little
Brown, 1989) signed v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.
in removable glassine cover, neat non-author
ink gift inscription to ffep.; Bitterroot (Simon
& Schuster, 2001) signed v.g./v.g.+ in cloth;
Purple Cane Road (Doubleday 2000) V.g. in
cloth, d.w.; Sunset Limited (Doubleday 1998)
v.g. in cloth, d.w., creased at head of spine.;
Heartwood (Doubleday 1999) v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w.; A Stained White Radiance (Hyperion
1992) signed, v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. in
removable glassine cover; Cadillac Jukebox
(Hyperion 1996) v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Burning
Angel (Hyperion 1995), v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Dixie
City Jam (Hyperion 1994) signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w., in the removable glassine cover; Electric
Mist with the Confederate Dead (Hyperion 1993)
v.g. in cloth, d.w., in the in removable glassine
cover; Cimarron Rose (Hyperion 1997) v.g.
in cloth, d.w., top edges dusty, otherwise a
beautiful set. Mls, and orig. envelope, laid in.
€1000 - 1200
Imperfections Not Stated
Atwood (Margaret) The Robber Bride
(Bloomsbury 1993) London Limited Editions.
Specially bound and signed by author, No.
66/150, cloth, glassine wrapper, as issued.
Wrapper slightly worn and ruffled, closed tears
to spine ends - fragile; The Handmaid’sTale
(Cape, 1986) First UK, v.g. in cloth, removable
glassine-protected d.w.; Bluebeard’s Egg &
Other Stories (Houghton Mifflin 1986) First
US Edn., v.g. in cloth, removable glassineprotected d.w.; Lady Oracle (Deutsch 1997)
First UK signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. rubbed,
creased at edges. Spine slightly soiled & faded;
Wilderness Tips (Bloomsbury 1991) First UK,
signed, v.g.+ in cloth, removable glassineprotected d.w.; Alias Grace (Bloomsbury 1996)
First UK, signed, v.g.+ in cloth, removable
glassine-protected d.w.; Good Bones
(Bloomsbury 1992) First UK, signed, v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w.; Lady Oracle (Fawcett Crest NY 1976)
v.g. in wrappers., inscribed “For Philip Murray
/ with best wishes - Margaret Atwood”. Edges
toned, all top edges dusty. (8)
€300 - 400
Two Scarce Australian First Editions
An Interesting Inscribed Item & One Other
Carey (Peter) The Fat Man in History,
(University Queensland Press 1974) v.g. in
cloth, d.w., inscribed: “For Ron Abbey / ten
years after / Peter Carey, 4/12/85”; War Crimes
(University Queensland Press 1979) True First
Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For Philip
Murray / with my best wishes / Peter Carey/
Sydney 22/8/88”. Spine ends bumped, d.w.
slightly rubbed. [Carey contrib.] Makar Vol
12, No 1, June 1976. “Building the fabulist
Extensions: an interview with Peter Carey”.
Interesting inscription to title page: “What the
interview doesn’t report is that a) we were very
very drunk and b) the editor distorts some of
my positions at the time. Best wishes - Peter
Carey 14 years later”. V.g. in grey printed
wrappers, spine rubbed; Illywhacker (Harper
& Row 1985) First US Edn. signed v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; and 3 others (7)
€700 - 900
Eight Australian, UK & US First Editions
Carey (Peter) Oscar and Lucinda (University
Queensland Press 1988) signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w., endpapers and edges foxed, spine ends
bumped, cloth edges rubbed but overall a very
nice copy; Illywhacker (University Queensland
Press 1985) Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The Tax
Inspector (University Queensland Press 1991)
v.g. in cloth, d.w., spine ends bumped; True
History of the Kelly Gang. (Faber 2001) First UK
Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; His Illegal Self (Faber
2008) First UK Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; My
Life as a Fake (Faber 2003) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.;
Bliss (Harper & Row 1981) First US Edn., v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w., inscribed “For Philip Murray / with
my best wishes / Peter Carey/Sydney 22/8/88”;
The Fat Man in History (Random House, 1980).
First US Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w., inscribed
“For Philip Murray / best wishes / Peter Carey/
22/8/88”. (8) €500 - 600
Nine Signed First UK Editions
Carey (Peter) The Tax Inspector (Faber 1991)
Signed, dated 26/ 8/ 91, v.g. in cloth, d.w.,
paper tanned at edges; The Unusual Life of
Tristan Smith (Faber 1991) Signed, dated 5/9/
94, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Jack Maggs (Faber 1997)
Signed v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Parrot & Olivier in
America (Faber 2010) Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.;
Oscar and Lucinda (Faber 1997) Signed, v.g. in
cloth, d.w., Inscribed “For Philip Murray / with
my best wishes / Peter Carey/Sydney 22/8/88”,
v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Illywhacker (Faber 1985) v.g.
in cloth, d.w., “For Philip Murray / I’m pleased
you enjoyed it so much / Peter Carey/Sydney
22/8/88”; The Fat Man in History (Faber 1980)
v.g. in cloth, d.w., Inscribed “For Philip Murray
/ with my best wishes / Peter Carey/Sydney
22/8/88”; Bliss (Faber 1981) v.g. in cloth, d.w.,
inscribed “For Philip Murray / with best wishes
/ Peter Carey/ 22/8/88” One mls and one acs
from author with orig. envelope. laid in; The
Tax Inspector (Faber 1991) Uncorrected Proof
Signed, card in creased printed wrappers. (9)
€250 - 300
Mahon (Derek) Somewhere the Wave,
(Gallery 2007) First Edn., with drawings and
watercolours by Bernadette Kiely. V.g.+ in
cloth, unprinted wrappers, as issued. No 293
of 500 Limited Edition. Signed, of which this
is No. 293. One of Gallery’s finest productions;
Collected Poems, (Gallery 1999) First Edn. V.g.+
in cloth, d.w.; New Collected Poems, (Gallery
2011) First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Journalism,
(Gallery 1996) First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w. ;
(Trans. By Derek Mahon): Philippe Jaccottet
Selected Poems, (Viking 1987) First US Edn.
Inscribed “For Philip Murray / with best wishes
/ Derek Mahon / Dec 88”; Antarctica, ( Gallery
1985) First Pb Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers spine faded.; A Kensington Notebook, (Anvil
1984) First Edn., Limited Edn. No 339/500, not
originally signed by poet. This copy signed.
V.g.+ in wrappers (no HB ed.) (7) €200 - 250
Mahon (Derek) Night Crossing, (OUP 1968)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers - no HB,
covers toned, spine slightly creased, a few tiny
chips.; Lives, (OUP 1972) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in
wrappers - no HB, covers toned; The Snow Party,
(OUP 1975) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers
- no HB, covers toned and rubbed, abrasion to
rear cover caused by removal of price label.;
Light Music, (Ulsterman 1977) First Edn. V.g. in
toned wrappers; Poems 1962 - 1978, (OUP 1979)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. unclipped,
inscribed “For Philip Murray / with best wishes /
Derek Mahon Nov. 86”). (5) €100 - 150
Gallery Signed Limited Editions
Mahon (Derek) Resistance Days, (2001) Ill. Ml
Kane. No 33/175, of which 150 for sale., signed
by poet and artist; Sextus and Cynthia, No
59 /175, of which 150 for Sale.; Art Notes, No
58 /175, of which 150 for Sale. Illus. Vivienne
Riche, Signed by poet and artist.; Homage
to Gaia, No 112/175, of which 150 for sale;
Roman Script. Illus. Anne Madden. No 26 /175,
of which 150 for Sale. Signed by poet and
artist.; Dreams of a Summer Night, (2010) No.
78/175, of which 150 for Sale; Huts and Sheds,
(2011) No. 40/175, of which 150 for Sale; The
Seaside Cemetery. Illus; Fionnuala Ni Chiosain
No. 41/175, of which 150 for Sale. Signed by
poet and artist. All v.g./v.g.+ (8) €200 - 250
Murphy (Richard) The Price of Stone (First
Hand Editions 1985 ) No 106 of Limited Edition
of 115 copies, printed on Zerkall mould-made
paper, bound at Woolnough Fine Bindings,
with a decoration by Reg Boulton. Fine in v.g.+
lightly faded slipcase. (1)
€200 - 300
Murphy (Richard) The Last Galway Hooker,
(Dolmen Press 1961) Ltd Edn. 200, signed, of
which 150 for Sale. V.g.+ in v.g. cloth (slight
bump to head of spine) The Woman of the
House: An Elegy, (Dolmen Press 1959) Ltd
Edn. 250 copies, unnumbered and unsigned.
This copy signed on title page. V.g.+ in toned
wrappers. (2)
€350 - 450
Kinsella (Thomas) A Selected Life, (Dolmen
Press 1972) Peppercanister 2. First Regular
ed. 2000 copies. V.g. in toned, soiled
wrappers, head of spine creased. This copy
signed.; The Messenger, (Dolmen Press 1978)
Peppercanister 8. First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in
cloth, d.w.; A Technical Supplement, (Dolmen
Press 1976) Peppercanister 6. First Edn.
Signed. V.g.+ in wrappers. (There was also a
cloth edn.); Song of the Night, (Dolmen Press
1978) Peppercanister 7. First Edn. V.g. in
wrappers. signed. (There was also a cloth Edn.),
covers toned; Personal Places, (Dolmen 1990)
Peppercanister 14. First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in
cloth, d.w. D.w. rubbed; Poems from the City
Centre, (Dolmen 1990) Peppercanister 15. First
Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. rubbed. (6)
€150 - 200
Kinsella (Thomas) Butcher’s Dozen: A Lesson for
the Octave of Widgery, (Elo Press 1972) Signed
Limited Edn, No. 64 / 125 copies, of which
100 were for Sale. V.g. in cloth and protective
cover. No d.w. as issued, with design with
the black coffin design printed with the letter
13, the number of Civil Rights marchers killed
on Bloody Sunday in Derry. Kinsella needed
no 40-year wait for his reaction to the setting
up of the Widgery Tribunal : “Does it take
recourse to law/ to tell ten thousand what they
saw?. . . “.; Poems 1956 - 1973, (Dolmen Press
1980) First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.
D.w. rubbed, slight creasing; Fifteen Dead,
(Dolmen /Oxford 1979) First Edn. Signed. V.g.
in toned wrappers.; The Good Fight A Poem
for the 10th anniversary of the Death of John F
Kennedy, (Dolmen Press 1973) Peppercanister
4. First Edn. V.g. in wrappers (no HB). Signed.
Covers toned; One and Other Poems, (Dolmen
/Oxford 1979) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in toned
wraps, light soiling. (5) €400 - 500
Murphy (Richard) Sailing to an Island, (Faber
1963) First Edn. Signed v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.,
in glassine cover. Edges toned, otherwise a
spotless crisp copy; The Battle of Aughrim and
The God who Eats Corn, (Faber 1968) First Edn.
Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. is clipped, rubbed,
very lightly soiled (2 small spots). A bright,
clean copy; High Island, (Faber 1974) First
Edn. V.g. in original wraps as issued (no HB).
Inscribed by author “For Grattan [Freyer] / with
affection and happy memories / Richard. 19th
Sept 1975 / at Castlebar”. (3)
€250 - 300
Murphy (Richard) Collected Poems, (Gallery
2000) First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed.; The
Price of Stone, (Wake Forest UP 1985) First Edn.
Signed v.g.+ in cloth, d.w., spine toned. Mls laid
in, Murphy explaining that he does not sign and
return books sent to him; The Kick A Memoir,
(Granta 2002) First Edn. Signed v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w. Inscribed “For Philip Murray / with best
wishes / Richard Murphy / 19 June 2002 at the
Niland Gallery”; The Mirror Wall, (Bloodaxe 1989)
First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. (4)
€120 - 160
All content and images are subject to copyright
Kinsella (Thomas) Another September,
(Dolmen Press 1958) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in
cloth, d.w. toned, spine creased, small chips to
spine ends, rubbed at edges, Four mls, one orig
envelope, laid in; Downstream, (Dolmen Press
1962) First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.
spine of d.w. creased; Notes from the Land of
the Dead, (Cuala Press 1972) First Edn. Signed.
V.g. in cloth, pages uncut, no d.w. as issued,
label to spine is age-toned.; Nightwalker
and Other Poems, (Dolmen Press 1968) First
Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. has a few light
creases, in protective cellophane cover; New
Poems 1973, (Dolmen Press / Oxford 1953)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers, tail of spine
worn, bruised. (5)
€150 - 250
Montague (John) Collected Poems, (Gallery
1995) First Edn., No 33 of Limited Edition of
50 Copies, specially bound and signed by
author, fine in cloth, slip case; Chosen Lights,
(Gallery 2009) First Edn., V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.;
Christmas Broadside : Last Chance, (State
University of Buffalo, NY December 1980)
First Edn. 2000. Folded card with text of Last
Chance, illustrated with quilt design by Evelyn
Montague. Signed by designer and poet. V.g.
(3)€200 - 300
Carver (Raymond) Fires, (Capra Press 1983)
First Trade Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, There
was also a Limited, Signed Edition of 250
copies. Bumped. This copy signed by author;
If It Please You, (Lord John Press 1984). First
Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in decorative cloth, gilt
spine, no d.w. as issued, top edge of front
board slightly faded. No. 149 of Limited Edition
of 200 copies on Mohawk Superfine paper and
signed by author. (2)
€350 - 450
Signed Limited Edition
Kinsella (Thomas) Finistere, 4to D. (Dolmen
Press) 1972. Limited Edn No 87 of 250 Signed
Copies, illus. by Hugh Kearns & Liam Miler, orig.
mor. backed green cloth, gilt lettered spine. V.
good copy. Scarce. (1) €200 - 300
Montague (John) The Rough Field, (Dolmen
1972) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in quarter leather,
marbled boards, gilt spine, edges toned,
otherwise a beautiful copy; A Fair House,
(Cuala 1973) Limited Edn. of 350 copies of
which this is No. 103. V.g.+ in printed boards
(no d.w., as issued), paper spine label is toned;
A Chosen Light, (MacGibbon & Kee 1967) First
Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, clipped d.w. D.w.
design and frontis by Louis le Brocquy, d.w,
endpapers and edges toned. Neat owner
name on frontis; New Selected Poems, (Gallery
1989) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
Inscribed “For Philip Murray / John Montague”;
Time in Armagh,(Gallery 1993) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For Philip
Murray / this latest sheaf / instead of medical
bills & prescriptions- a different dose! John
Montague”; Speech Lessons, (Gallery 1989)
First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. (6) €350 - 450
Carver (Raymond) At Night The Salmon Move,
(Capra Press 1976) First thus. V.g. in blue
pictorial wrappers. There was a cloth edition
of 100 copies, this Edition of 1000 copies was
unsigned, but this copy signed by Carver on
title page. In removable protective covers; My
Father’s Life, (Babcock & Koontz 1986) First
thus - it was originally printed in Esquire. This
is No. 138 of Limited Edition 200, signed by the
poet, stitched into Fabriano Roma wrappers.
V.g.+. Wrappers faded. Carver’s Memoir of his
father in which he movingly quotes the end
of his poem. Photograph of My Father in his his
22nd Year:
“Father I love you / Yet how can I say thank you,
I who can’t hold my liquor either / and don’t
even know the places to fish”. (2) €250 - 350
Carver (Raymond) Winter Insomnia, (Kayak
Books 1970) First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in printed
yellow and green wraps, with prints by Robert
McChesney. Carver’s first regularly published
book, published in an edition of 1000 copies.
(1) €300 - 400
Carver (Raymond) Intimacy, (Ewert 1987)
First Edn. No. 62 of 75 numbered copies
signed by the author (the entire edition), on
Rives paper, handbound in boards at Firefly
Press, Mass. Near Fine in decorative boards as
issued, spine slightly toned. (1)
€350 - 450
Imperfections Not Stated
Carver (Raymond) Early for the Dance, (Ewert
1986) First Edn. Fine. No. 28 of 100 copies
printed on Mohawk Superfine paper, hand
sewn in paper wrappers, at Firefly Press, Mass.
and signed by author (1) €150 - 250
Carver (Raymond) All of Us, (Knopf, 1998)
First US Edn. [First Uk 1996]. V.g.+ in cloth,
d.w. rubbed.; Beginners, (Cape 2009). V.g.+ in
cloth, d.w.; Cathedral, (Knopf, 1983). First Edn.
V.g. in cloth, d.w. creased. Carver’s third major
collection of short stories, including ‘A Small,
Good Thing,’ ‘Where I’m Calling From and
‘Cathedral’; Where I’m Calling From, (Atlantic
Monthly Press 1988). First Trade Edn. V.g. in
cloth, d.w.; A New Path to the Waterfall, (Atlantic
Monthly Press, 1989) First Edition. V.g. in cloth/
d.w. (5)
€100 - 150
Milosz (Czeslaw) Visions from San Francisco
Bay, (FSG/ Carcanet, 1982) First US Edn. V.g. in
cloth. Signed, inscribed “Jan 20, 1985, Berkeley”.
D.w. rubbed, top edge dusty (1)
€100 - 150
Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) A Coney Island of the
Mind, (New Directions, 1958) First Edn. V.g. in
wrappers. Covers creased but near v.g., paper
is deeply toned throughout but otherwise
clean. Inscribed “For Philip in Sligo town ,
June 2004. Con molto gratitudine / Lawrence
Ferlinghetti”. (1)
€100 - 150
Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) A Trip to Italy and
France, (New Directions 1981). First Edition.
V.g. in cloth, original mylar cover, as issued,
cloth spine faded. This is No. 42 of Limited
edition 250 copies signed by the author.
Additionally inscribed “For Philip, June 2004,
Lawrence Ferlinghetti”; Open Eye, Open
Heart, (New Directions 1974) First Edn. V.g. in
cloth, d.w. soiled, worn at edges, edges dusty.
Inscribed “For Philip in Sligo town , June 2004”;
Who Are We Now? (New Directions 1976) First
Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For Philip
in Sligo, June 2004, Lawrence Ferlinghetti”;
Writing Across the Landscape, (Norton 2015)
First Edition. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. creased,
otherwise near fine. (4)
€150 - 250
Six First Editions.
All Published by New Directions
Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) The Secret Meaning
of Things, (1958) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in
cloth/ d.w. Inscribed “For Philip / Lawrence
Ferlinghetti”. A few closed tears to d.w, no loss.
In loose mylar covers.; How to Paint Sunlight
, (2001) First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.
Inscribed “for Philip / June 04 / Lawrence
Ferlinghetti”; Over All the Obscene Boundaries,
(1984) First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.
Inscribed “For Philip / June 04 / Lawrence
Ferlinghetti”. D.w. clipped, owner name to
front board verso. Bright, clean copy; A Far
Rockaway of the Heart, (1997) First Edn. V.g.+
in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “for Philip / June 04
/ Lawrence Ferlinghetti”; Americus l, (2004)
First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For
Philip / at City Lights / April 2005 / Lawrence
Ferlinghetti”; Landscapes of Living & Dying,
(1979) First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Inscribed
“For Philip / Lawrence Ferlinghetti /June 04 “.
€250 - 350
Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) A Coney Island of the
Mind, (New Directions 1958) First HB Edn. V.g.
in cloth, slip case. Inscribed “For Philip in Sligo
town , June 2004”. Slip case rubbed but this is
a lovely copy. (1)
€150 - 200
Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) The Secret Meaning
of Things, (New Direction 1958) First Edn.
Signed Limited Edition. This is No. 1 of Limited
edition 150 copies. On Curtis Rag paper, in
blue cloth, gilt spine, custom slip case. V.g.
in cloth/d.w. Inscribed “For Philip / Lawrence
Ferlinghetti”. (1)
€150 - 250
Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) The Street’s Kiss,
(Limberlost Press 1998) First Paperback
Edition. One of 750 unnumbered copies
from an Edition of 750. There were also 250
copies in cloth, signed by author. This copy
inscribed “A work in progress / for Philip / June
2004, Lawrence Ferlinghetti” Covers slightly
rubbed and slightly soiled; Back Roads to Far
Places, (New Directions 1971) V.g. in wrappers,
inscribed “For Philip / June 2004, Lawrence
Ferlinghetti”; Starting from San Francisco, (New
Directions, 1967) 5th printing. V.g. in wrappers.
Previous gift inscription. Inscribed “For Philip,
June 2004, Lawrence Ferlinghetti Inscribed
“For Philip and Vivien / in Sligo /June 04”;
[Felver: Christopher] Ferlinghetti - A Portrait,
(Gibbs & Smith 1998) First Edn. Signed by
author and by Ferlinghetti. (4) €150 - 200
With Fine Inscription
Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) A Coney Island of
the Mind, (Arion Press 2005) Portraiture by R B
Kitaj. No. 207 of 300 copies. Signed by Poet and
Artist. V.g.+ in decorative cloth, slip case soiled
with a few compression marks. On mouldmade Hahnemuhla Bugra paper, inscribed on
half title “For Philip Murray and his scintillating
wife on (the original) Coney Island - 2004 - and
we having a pint together in that 300-year old
pub where they locked doors during Holy Hour
which meant you couldn’t git out! Love and
kisses - Lawrence Ferlinghetti”. (1)
* The Coney Island he refers to in the
inscriptions is off Sligo Town.€300 - 400
All content and images are subject to copyright
Ackroyd (Peter) Country Life, (Ferry Press
1978) First Edn. Signed. Limited Edition 350.
V.g. in card wrappers as issued. Signed on title
page “Peter Ackroyd / London November 25,
1990”; London Lickpenny, (Ferry Press 1973)
First Edn. Signed. VG in card wrappers as
issued. Limited Edition 500. Signed on title
page “Peter Ackroyd / London November 25,
1990” (2)
€150 - 200
Healy (Dermot) The Ballyconnell Colours,
(Gallery1992) Inscribed “For Phil Murray / 4th
Nov. 92 Dermot Healy”. Also signed by Sean
McSweeney who designed the cover; The Reed
Bed, (Gallery2001) First Edition. Signed. V.g.+
in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “ To Philip, Good luck,
Dermot H”; What the Hammer, (Gallery 1992)
Inscribed “For Philip Murray / with admiration /
Dermot Healy”. (Gallery1998); A Fool’s Errand,
(Gallery 2010) First Edition. Signed. V.g.+ in
cloth, d.w. Inscribed “ Keohane’s , Oct 8th 2010
/ to Vivien & Philip, Good luck, Dermot Healy”.
Grennan (Eamon) Out of Breath, (Gallery 2007)
First Edition. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Grennan
(Eamon) The Quick of It, (Gallery 2004) First
Edition. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For
Philip the Bookman / Bless the work! / Eamon
2. 8. 05 - Sligo”; Fallon (Peter) The Company
of Horses, (Gallery 2007) First Edn. V.g. in cloth,
d.w. Inscribed “For Philip, for nothing ends /
with family and friends - Peter -September
2007”; Muldoon (Paul) Vera of Las Vegas,
(Gallery 2001) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Woods (Vincent) The Colour of Language,
(Dedalus 1994) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth,
d.w. One mls two als, one acs, laid in. (9)
€200 - 300
Ackroyd (Peter) Country Life, (Ferry Press 1978)
First Edn. Signed. Copy No. 11 of 26, signed by
author. V.g. in card wrappers as issued, covers
very slightly toned. (1) €250 - 300
Walcott (Derek) The Arkansas Testament, (FSG
1987) First Edn. V.g. in cloth d.w. The Fortunate
Traveller, (FSG 1981) First Edn. V.g. in cloth d.w.;
Omeros (Faber 1990) First Edn. V.g. in cloth,
d.w. label proclaiming “File Copy” to ffep.; The
Gulf, (Cape 1973) First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
faded.; Another Life, (Cape 1969) First Edn.
About v.g. in wrappers, covers creased, front
cover torn (1 inch, no loss) First Edn. V.g.; The
Star-Apple Kingdom, (Cape 1980) First Edn.
V.g. in wrappers.; Bukowski (Charles) Bone
Palace Ballet, (Black Sparrow 1997) First Edn.
V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Sisson (C H ) Collected
Poems, (Carcanet 1984) First Edition. Signed.
V.g. in cloth, d.w.; and one other. (9)€150 - 200
Ginsberg (Allen) Kaddish & Other Poems 1958
- 1960 (City Lights 1961). First Edn. Signed.
V.g. in wrappers. Signed by Ginsberg on title
page, dated “10/14/ 93, London” and also on
label attached to inside front cover. Covers
tanned/spotted. Closed tear to head of spin,
no loss; Empty Mirror, (Totem Press 1961) First
Edn. Inscribed “Allen Ginsberg/ for Dr Philip
Murray / London 10/14/ 93”. V.g. in rubbed,
soiled, tanned card wrappers.; Collected
Poems 1947 - 1980, (Harper & Row 1984) First
Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “Allen
Ginsberg / Chicago 1985” with “AH on facing
fep.; Miles (Barry) Two Lectures on the work
of Allen Ginsberg, (Turret Papers 1992) Signed
by Author and by Ginsberg. V.g. in stiff card
wrappers. Covers creased. Limited Edn. 500.
(4) €550 - 650
Imperfections Not Stated
Gunn (Thom) Fighting Terms, (Hawk’s Well
1958) Signed, near v.g. in wrappers, d.w. One of
1500 copies, also signed “Thom Gunn 1988” on
title page. Covers loose & spine faded, rubbed;
Touch, (Faber 1967) First Edn. V.g. in cloth,
d.w. Signed “Thom Gunn 1988” on title page;
Moly (Faber 1971) First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
Signed “Thom Gunn 1988” on title page, edges
toned, top edges dusty; Poems 1950 - 1966,
(Faber reprint 1973) Signed “Thom Gunn - best
wishes / 1988” on title page. “. Mls, offering to
sign book - but not yet! Acs making further
arrangements, laid in. (4)€400 - 500
Gunn (Thom ) Touch, (Faber 1967) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. clipped, rubbed,
toned. Signed “Thom Gunn / with best wishes/
San Francisco 1983” on title page.; Hobsbaum
(Philip) In Retreat, (Macmillan 1966). First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. * A lecturer in QUB ,
Hobsbaum was mentor to Heaney and Longley
among others, bringing them together and
encouraging them in a way they have often
acknowledged over the years.; Fuller (Roy)
From the Joke Shop (Deutsch 1975) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w.; Bunting (Basil)
Collected Poems, (Fulcrum 1968) First Edn. V.g.
in cloth, d.w. clipped, rubbed, toned; Fuller
(John) The Beautiful Inventions, (Secker1983)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. clipped,
bumped, toned (5)
€150 - 200
Murphy (Richard) Care, (Cornamona Press
1983) First Edn. No. 53 of 150 copies stitched
in hand marbled paper wrapping by Geert van
Daal, of a total edition of 200 copies. V.g.+ in
original yellow card slip case. Inscribed “For
Philip Murray / with good wishes / Richard
Murphy / Sligo 20. 8 . 85”. (1) €150 - 200
Mahon (Derek) Ecclesiastes, (Phoenix 1970)
Limited Signed Edition. No 45/60 of a Limited
Edition 700, signed by Mahon, numbered
and bound in blue cloth, with original d.w. In
marbled slip case, title label on spine. Staples
rusting, otherwise v.g.+. A lovely copy.(1)
€150 - 200
Muldoon (Paul) The Annals of Chile, (Faber
1994) First Edn. Signed V.g. in cloth, d.w.
rubbed, lightly creased. Inscribed “Paul
Muldoon for Philip Murray 1996”; One
Thousand Things Worth Knowing, (Faber 2015)
First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Six Honest
Serving Men, (Gallery 1995) First Edn. Signed
V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed/dated 1996.; Moy
Sand and Gravel, (FSG 2002) V.g.+ in cloth,
d.w.; Selected Poems 1968 1983, (Faber
1986) First Publ. Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers.;
Quoof, (Faber 1983) rep Signed, inscribed
Sligo 2002. VG in wrappers.; Hay, (Faber
1998) Uncorrected Signed Proof Copy. V.g. in
wrappers.; Hay, (FSG 1998) Uncorrected Proof.
V.g.+ wrappers.; Bandanna, (Faber 1999) First
Edn. V.g.+ in wraps (no HB).; The Noctuary of
Narcissus Batt, (Faber 1997) First Edn. signed
V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; The Noctuary of Narcissus
Batt, (Faber 1997) First Publ. Edn. Signed. V.g. in
wrappers. (11)
€200 - 300
Muldoon (Paul) Selected Poems 1968
1983,(Faber 1986) First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
Signed; Meeting the British, (Faber 1987) First
Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w.; Shining Brow
(Faber 1993) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers.;
General Admission, (Gallery 2006) Signed. First
Edn. V.g.+ in cloth v.g. wrappers.; Quoof, (Faber
1983) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers, as
issued (no HB).; Hay, (FSG 1998) First US Edn.
V.g.+ in slightly rubbed wrappers.; Hay, (FSG
1998) Uncorrected Proof. V.g.+ wrappers.;
Bandanna, (Faber 1999) Uncorrected Proof
-Signed . Some top edges dusty. (8) €200 - 250
Muldoon (Paul) Poems 1968 - 1998, (Faber
2001) First Publ. Edition. Signed. V.g. in
wrappers.; New Selected Poems 1968 - 1994,
(Faber 1996) First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
Signed, dated 1996.; Madoc A Mystery, (Faber
1996) First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed,
dated 1996, Sligo, spine faded as usual with
this volume.; Hay, (Faber 1996) First Edn.
V.g. in cloth, d.w. Signed.; Why Brownlee Left,
(Wake Forest 1980) First US Edn. V.g. in faded
wrappers.; Shining Brow, (Faber 1993) First
Edition. Signed. V.g. in wrappers.; Meeting the
British, (Faber 1987) First Publ. Edition. Signed.;
General Admission, (Gallery 2006) First Edn.
V.g.+ in cloth v.g. and in wrappers. (8)
€200 - 250
Cope (Wendy) [Kingsley Amis interest].
Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis, ( Faber 1986)
First Edn. Signed by Cope and by Kingsley
Amis, dated 25th February 1987. V.g. in cloth/
d.w.; The River Girl, (Faber 1986) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in cloth/d.w. Signed by Nicholas
Garland (illustrator) and Cope. Inscribed “For
Philip Murray with best wishes”; Serious
Concerns, (Faber 1992) First Edn. Signed. V.g.
in cloth/ d.w.; Serious Concerns, - signed,
Uncorrected Proof Copy, v.g. in wrappers.; If
I Don’t Know, (Faber 1992) First Edn. Signed.
V.g. in cloth/d.w., inscribed “Philip - Good to
meet at last - Best wishes - Wendy Cope”; If
I Don’t Know, (Faber 1992) signed/inscribed
Uncorrected Proof Copy. V.g. in wrappers.;
Men and their Boring Arguments, (Wykeham
press 1988) No 340/ 390 Copies. This copy
signed.; Another Christmas Poem, (3 Christmas
Cards signed by Cope with the printed verse:
Bloody Christmas here again / Let us raise a
loving cup / Peace on earth, good will to men /
An make them do the washing up” - envelopes
not supplied!) + 3 others, 1 signed. Two als, 3
acs with orig. env. laid in. (11)
€250 - 350
Raine (Craig) The Electrification of the Soviet
Union, (Faber 1986) First Edn. Signed. V.g.
in cloth/ d.w.; Rich, (Faber 1984) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in cloth/d.w.; 1953: Racine’s
Andromaque (Faber 1990) First Edn. Signed. V.g.
in wrappers, as issued. One als, one acs., laid
in ; Davie (Donald) The Forests of Lithuania,
(Marvell Press 1959) First Edn. V.g. in cloth,
d.w. Inscribed “ For Philip Murray in Sligo with
every good wish, Donald Davie 1984”.; The
Gathered Church, (RKP 1978) First Edn. V.g. in
cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For Philip Murray, Donald
Davie”; In the Shopping Train, (Carcanet 1979)
First p bed [HB 77] V.g. in wrappers . Inscribed
“ For Philip Murray, Donald Davie,” (acs from
Davie, loosely inserted); Harrison (Tony)
V (Bloodaxe 1985) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in
cloth/d.w. Acs, orig. env.laid in; Schmidt
(Ml) Choosing A Guest, (Anvil 1983) First Edn.
V.g. in wrappers as issued, covers toned.;
Horovitz (Ml) Wordsounds and Sightlines, (New
Departures 1994) First rep. V.g. in wrappers;
Ash (John) Disbelief, (Carcanet 1987) First Edn.
V.g. in wrappers as issued. All top edges dusty.
€80 - 100
Dunn (Douglas) St Kilda’s Parliament, (Faber
1981) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers as
issued; Northlight, (Faber 1988) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in wrappers as issued; Barbarians,
(Faber 1979) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers
as issued; Elegies, (Faber 1985) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in wrappers as issued; Europa’s
Lover, (Bloodaxe 1982) First Edn. Signed. V.g.
in wrappers as issued.; The Topical Muse :
Kenneth Allott Lectures No 6, (Liverpool Classical
Monthly 1990) V.g. in faded printed wrappers
[unsigned] two als, 1 orig. env, laid in; McCaig
(Norman) Surroundings, (Chatto/Hogarth
1966) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, faded
d.w.; McCaig (Norman) A Round of Applause,
(Chatto/Hogarth 1962) First Edn. Signed. V.g.
in cloth, faded d.w.; Lerner (Laurence) The
Directions of Memory: Poems 1958 - 1963,
(Chatto/Hogarth 1966) First Edn. Signed. V.g.
in cloth, faded d.w. Neat owner name to ffep.
Two als from Dunn in 1 orig. env, 2 mls from
McCaig laid in. (9)
€100 - 150
Raine (Kathleen) On A Deserted Shore,
(Dolmen / Hamish Hamilton 1973) First Edn.
V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “ For Dr P Murray in
Sligo of so many happy memories / Kathleen
Raine”. Author has additionally signed two
Temenos leaflets laid in.; Collected Poems,
(Hamish Hamilton 1956) First Edn. V.g. in cloth,
d.w. Inscribed “ For Dr Philip Murray with kind
remembrances of so many happy memories
in Sligo / Kathleen Raine Feb 87”, d.w. clipped,
owner name to ffep.; The Hollow Hill, (Hamish
Hamilton 1965) First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
Inscribed “ For Dr Philip Murray / Kathleen
Raine,” d.w. edge-rubbed, toned; Selected
Poems , (Golgonooza Press 1988) First Edn,
in wrappers as issued. Inscribed “ For Philip
Murray / with regards from Kathleen Raine
“ Seven acs, two als, two orig. env., laid in;
Raine comments on poor choices by editors
of anthologies and laments the loss of Liam
Miller whom she had visited shortly before his
death. In another acs she recalls Sligo with its
swans and Sally Gardens . (4)
€200 - 250
Porter (Peter) The Animal Programme, (Anvil
1982) Signed. V.g.+ . No 374 of Ltd 500;
Preaching to the Converted, (Oxford 1972) V.g.
in wrappers as issued; The Last of England,
(Oxford 1970) Signed. V.g. in wrappers as
issued; Living in a Calm Country, (Oxford
1975) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers as
issued; The Cost of Seriousness, (Oxford
1978) V.g. in wrappers as issued, covers faded;
The Automatic Oracle, (Oxford 1987) First
Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers as issued; Fast
Forward, (Oxford 1984) First Edn. Signed. V.g.
in wrappers as issued, One als, one mls, five
acs, one orig. env., laid in ; Beer (Patricia)
Friend of Heraclitus, (Carcanet 1993) First Edn.
V.g. in wrappers. Mls. laid in; Silkin (John)
Amana Grass, (Hogarth 1971) First Publ Edition.
Signed. About v.g. in soiled, rubbed wrappers;
Fry (Christopher) A Sleep of Prisoners, (Oxford
1951) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth/d.w. Nonauthor gift inscription. Mls, laid in. (10)
€100 - 150
Abse (Danny) Remembrance of Crimes Past,
(Hutchinson 1990) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in
wrappers as issued, toned, esp at edges; Ask
the Bloody Horse, (Hutchinson 1986) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in wrappers as issued, top edges
dusty. Three mls, laid in., one commenting
on the number of books sent for signing, one
acs, 3 orig. env. laid in; Hamburger (Ml.)
Collected Poems 1941 - 1983, (Carcanet 1984)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed”
Dr P Murray / with corrections and all good
wishes from Ml Hamburger Aug 84” Two als.
laid in; Williams (Hugo) Writing Home, (OUP
1985) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in toned/faded
wraps. Two mls, orig. env., laid in; Reading
(Peter) Perdute Gente, (Secker 1989) V.g.+ in
wraps, as issued; Diplopic (Secker 1983) First
Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. faded, mls, laid
in, top edges dusty. (6) €80 - 100
All content and images are subject to copyright
Lucie-Smith (Edward) Beasts with Bad Morals,
(Leinster Fine Books 1984) First Edn. No 458
of 500 copies in Bembo typeface on Zerkall
mould-made paper. V.g.+ green cloth and
matching slipcase, rubbed. A beautiful copy.;
The Game of French & English, (Turret Books
1965) First Edn. No. 97 of Ltd. Edn. 100 copies,
signed. This copy is additionally inscribed “My
own Copy Edward Lucie Smith, published
1st Nov. 1965” V.g. in stapled wrappers and
unprinted glassine cover. Pp 10. Two als. laid in.
€250 - 300
Sillitoe (Alan) The Mentality of the Picaresque
Hero, (Stone & Danowski 1993)Turret Papers
No 2. First Edn. Signed. Ltd Edn. 500, this copy
signed, inscribed, “All best wishes to Dr Murray
from Alan Sillitoe”. V.g.+ in card wrappers.
Near Fine; Sillitoe (Alan) From Canto Two of
The Rats, (Privately printed). V.g.+ in red stiff
wraps.. Signed, inscribed: “To Bernard - Love Alan”. Pp 8. Acs from Sillitoe and orig. env., laid
in; Lerner (Laurence) A. R.T.H.U.R. (Harvester
Press 1974) First Publ. Edn. Signed inscribed
“Laurence Lerner on behalf of Arthur”. V.g.
in wrappers.; Murray (Les) Translations from
the Natural World, (Carcanet 1993) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in wrappers as issued, paper toned
(pale yellow spotting) throughout. Inscribed
“For Philip Murray / with familial best wishes Les Murray”; Murray (Les) The Boys who Stole
the Funeral, (Angus & Robertson 1982) Reprint.
Inscribed “for Matthew - this dirty religious
poem - with best wishes - Les Murray”, neat
owner name to ffep.; Murray (Les) Killing the
Black Dog, (Federation Press 1997) First Edn.
V.g. in wrappers. Inscribed “For Philip / with
warm regards - Les Murray”; Conn (Stewart)
Under the Ice , (Hutchinson 1978) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in wrappers (2 als from Conn,
laid in).; Hofmann (Ml.) Acrimony, (Faber
1986) First Publ. Signed. V.g. in wrappers;
Calvert (Raymond) The Ballad of William
Bloat, (Blackstaff 1982) First Edn.; Shapcott
(Jo) Phrase Book, (Oxford Poets 1992) First
Edn.V.g.+ in wrappers. (10) €150 - 200
Imperfections Not Stated
Sillitoe (Alan) The Mentality of the Picaresque
Hero, (Stone & Danowski 1993)Turret Papers
No 2. First Edn. Signed. Ltd Edn. 500, this copy
signed, inscribed.,
“All best wishes to Dr Murray from Alan Sillitoe”.
V.g.+ in rubbed card wrappers, title label toned.;
From Canto Two of The Rats, (Privately printed).
V.g.+ in red stiff wrappers. Signed. Pp 8 Lerner;
(Laurence) A. R.T.H.U.R. (Harvester Press 1974)
First Publ. Edn. Signed. V.g. in lightly toned
wraps. Acs and orig. env., laid in. (3) €100 - 150
Sillitoe (Alan) The Loneliness of the Long
Distance Runner, (Allen 1959) First Edn. Signed.
V.g. in cloth, d.w., front board has impression
of label removal but this is not Ex-Lib. Letter
S in pen to bottom to ffep, letter S inside rear
board. Unclipped d.w. in protective cover, light
water stain to tail of spine. Signed. A lovely
copy of Author’s Second Novel; A Tree on Fire,
(Macmillan 1967) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth,
clipped d.w. Text bright, block square, d.w. and
endpapers have residue /shadow of earlier tape
to front and back panels. Not Ex-Lib.; Out of the
Whirlpool, (Hutchinson 1967) First Edn. Signed.
V.g. in cloth, d.w. Acs. laid in. (3)
€550 - 650
Sillitoe (Alan) Saturday Night and Sunday
Morning, (Allen 1958) First Edn. Signed. About
V.g. in cloth, d.w. Ex-Lib. with usual markings.
First and last endpapers have impression of
tape mark (no residue), second fep missing,
open at gutter. Ex- lib, with usual markings,
stamps to title recto and verso and to first and
last pages of text, d.w. remarkably clean, in
protective cover, pale scattered foxing to eps
and a few prelims; The Ragman’s Daughter,
(Allen 1963) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w
., pale foxing to a few prelims and to edges.,
d.w. toned, edges rubbed. Inscribed “ All best
wishes to Dr Murray from Alan Sillitoe / 5th
October1983”. Als. laid in. (2) €300 - 400
Ballard (J G) Crash, (FSG 1973) First US
Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Signed; Running Wild,
(Hutchinson 1988) First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
Signed.; The Kindness of Women, (Harper
Collins 1991) First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
Signed; Billenium, (Berkley Pub, 1962) First Edn.
Paperback, Signed. Mls.laid in. (3) €250 - 350
Ballard (J G) The Wind from Nowhere, (Berkley
Pub, 1962) First Edn. Paperback Signed. V.g.
in wrappers; The Drowned World, (Berkley
Pub, 1962) First Edn. Paperback Signed. V.g.
in wrappers; The Voices Of Time, (Berkley Pub,
1962) First Edn. Paperback Signed. V.g. in
wrappers; Billenium, (Berkley Pub, 1962) First
Edn. Paperback Signed, mls. laid in. (4)
€250 - 350
Ballard (J G) Empire of the Sun, (Gollancz
1984) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w.,
bumped front hinge weak. Inscribed “For Dr
Philip Murray - all best wishes - J G Ballard”;
The Day of Creation, (Gollancz 1987). First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w., top edges dusty. Mls
and acs, orig env. laid in. (2) €300 - 400
Aldiss (Brian) Helliconia Spring, (Cape
1982) Uncorrected Proof, Signed. V.g. in red
wrappers.; Helliconia Summer, (Cape 1983)
Uncorrected Proof, Signed. V.g. in red wrappers,
rubbed, slightly creased; Helliconia Winter,
(Cape 1985) Uncorrected Proof, Signed. V.g.
in red wrappers and pictorial cover, creased.;
Ruins (Hutchinson 1987) First Edn. V.g. in cloth,
d.w. Inscribed “For Dr Murray / A brief story of a
brief life / Best regards / Brian Aldiss, Boar’s Hill
87.”; My Country, ‘tis not Only of Thee A Story
of the World After the Viet Nam War, Privately
printed for the Brian Aldiss Appreciation
Society. No. 59 of Limited Ed of 100 copies.
Signed. V.g. in stapled yellow wrappers.; The
Hand-Reared Boy, (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1970)
v.g. in cloth/ d.w. Inscribed “Dr P Murray - With
best wishes & hopes that the saga of Horatio
Stubbs of which this is Vol. l, will help to
corrupt the rest of Sligo . . . Yours, Brian Aldiss
Oxford 84”. Als and MS card, original envelope.
laid in.; (Davies (Robertson) Fifth Business,(
Macmillan Toronto 1971) 2nd imp. (with
corrected inversion of pages 172 and 127 etc)
V.g. in cloth/ d.w. Inscribed “For Philip Murray /
Robertson Davies”. Top edges dusty; Table of
Samuel Marchbanks, (Clarke Irwin 1949) 3rd.
imp [1947] V.g. in cloth/ d.w. Inscribed “For
Philip Murray / from Robertson Davies”. Top
edges dusty. (8)
€100 - 150
Gascoyne (David) Three Poems, (Privately
Printed 1976 at Enitharmon Press) This is No.
54 of Limited Edition 126 copies. Signed. V.g.+
in stiff blue card wrappers. Top edge of covers
slightly faded and creased. Inscribed “for Dr
Murray of Sligo/ David Gascoyne March 1984”;
David: An Imitation of Leopardi’s Imitation Canti
XXXV. Two als, two ms postcards, laid in. (2)
€50 - 100
Spark (Muriel) The Girl of Slender Means,
(Macmillan 1963) First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
creased, worn at spine ends, endpapers toned.
Inscribed “For Philip Murray/ warm good
wishes / from Muriel Spark May 83”; The
Public Image, (Macmillan 1968) First Edn. V.g.+
in cloth, d.w., bumped, edges rubbed, and
toned. Inscribed “For Dr P Murray/ with happy
greetings/ from Muriel Spark”; The Hothouse
by the East River, (Macmillan 1973) First
Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w . Inscribed “For Philip
Murray/ with all good thoughts / from Muriel
Spark”; Loitering with Intent, (Bodley Head
1981) First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For
P Murray/ warmest wishes / from Muriel Spark”.
Als, orig. envelope. laid in; Mc Carthy (Cormac)
The Sunset Limited, (Picador 2006) First Edn.
Fine in cloth, d.w. In protective cover. (5)
€150 - 200
Paton (Alan) South Africa Today, (Lutterworth
Press 1953) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in faded,
toned stapled wraps, staples rusting. Inscribed
“For Philip Murray - Alan Paton / 1 Feb 1984” “.
Mls, offering to sign book and commenting on
life in Cape Town, laid in. (1) €100 - 150
McCabe (Patrick / Pat) Music on Clinton Street
(Raven Arts 1986) First Edn. V.g. in pictorial
wrappers, as issued. Inscribed “For Phil / Best
/ Pat McCabe “. Acs,.laid in.; Carn, (Aidan Ellis
publishers 1989) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.
Edges toned and paper throughout generally
age-toned/yellowed. Inscribed “For Phil / Best
/ Pat”. A clean copy of a very scarce title, top
edge dusty; The Adventures of Shay Mouse
(Raven Arts 1985) v.g. in rubbed pictorial
wrappers, as issued. Inscribed “For Phil /
Best / Pat McCabe “. Theatre programme for
“Frank Pig Says Hello”, signed by McCabe;
Mondo Desperado (Picador 1999) First Edn.,
signed. V.g.+ in wrappers.; The Butcher Boy
(Picador 1999) signed First Edn., signed, v.g.
in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For Phil / Best wishes
/ Pat McCabe “; Breakfast on Pluto (Picador
1998) 2nd imp. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
Inscribed “For Phil / Best / Pat McCabe “; The
Dead School (Picador 1995) signed First Edn.,
signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For Phil
/ Best wishes / Pat McCabe “. Top edges of all
volumes dusty. (8)
€500 - 600
Lavin (Mary) Tales from Bective Bridge (Little
Brown 1942) First US Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w. Signed “Mary Lavin / 1981”. Paper bright
and crisp, endpapers toned, d.w. faded, in
protective wrapper, top edge dusty, otherwise
a lovely copy; At Sallygap & Other Stories
(Little Brown 1947) First US Edn. Signed. V.g. in
cloth, d.w. Signed “Mary Lavin / Bective 1986”.
Paper bright and crisp, endpapers toned,
d.w. faded, in protective wrapper. Small neat
label of personal Bookshop Boston on ffep, at
gutter.; Another lovely copy (top edge also
dusty); A Likely Story (Dolmen 1970) First Edn.
V.g. in pictorial wrappers. Three mls, one orig
envelope, laid in. (3)
€250 - 350
Muldoon (Paul) Maggot, (Faber 2010) V.g.+/
Near Fine in cloth, d.w.; The Annals of Chile,
(FSG 1994) First US Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
Beautiful copy, in protective cover.; Horse
Latitudes, (Faber 2006) First Edn. V.g.+ in
cloth, d.w.; The Birds, [with Richard Martin]
(Gallery 1999) First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.;
The Last Thesaurus, (Faber 1995) First Edn. V.g.
in cloth, d.w.; Moy Sand and Gravel, (Faber
2002) First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. near fine.;
Moy Sand and Gravel, (Faber 2002) Uncorrected
Proof, Signed, inscribed “Sligo 2002”. V.g. in
wrappers.; The Prince of the Quotidien, (Gallery
1994) First Publ. Edn. Signed. (there was also a
HB). V.g.+ in wrappers. Signed/dated 1996. (8)
€150 - 200
Muldoon (Paul) Spirit of Dawn, (Ulsterman
Publications 1975) First Edn. The poems are
taken from Muldoon’s second book, ‘Mules’)
V.g.+ in stapled wrappers.; Names and
Addresses, (Ulsterman Publications 1978) First.
Signed. V.g. in stapled wrappers, cover toned,
rubbed, slight crease; The O-O’s Party , New
Year’s Eve, (Gallery 1980), linocuts by Timothy
Engelland. Limited Edn. 100, signed by author,
a near fine copy is slightly faded wrappers.; The
Wishbone, (Gallery 1984) Limited Ed 750. V.g.
in wrappers, as issued, spine faded. This copy
signed; When the Pie was Opened (American
University of Paris 2008) Cahiers Series , No
8. First (and only) Edn. V.g. in cream card
wrappers. (5)
€350 - 450
Muldoon (Paul) New Weather, (Faber 1973)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers (no HB
was published). Signed - boldly and legibly!
Spine faded. Very nice copy of poet’s first
collection; Why Brownlee Left,(Faber 1980)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers (no HB was
published). Covers rubbed, front cover creased,
the poet’s 3rd collection; Out of Siberia,
(Deerfield /Gallery 1982) Limited Edition 300,
signed. Illustrated by Timothy Engelland. V.g.+
in cloth, d.w. creased, faded at top of front
panel, spine lightly toned; Moy Sand and
Gravel - Uncorrected Proof, (FSG 2002) V.g.+ in
wrappers. (4)
€300 - 400
Muldoon (Paul) A Half-Door near Cluny,
(Gallery, privately printed ) Christmas 1997.
Edn. of 175 copies. Single folding card. V.g.+
copy; The Point, (Gallery, privately printed ).
From an Edition of 125 copies, single folding
card. V.g.+ copy; Hard Drive, (Gallery,
privately printed, Dec 1998) Edn. of 175 copies,
single folding card with text of the poem of
the same name . This copy signed by Muldoon.
V.g.+; John Luke: The Fox (Gallery, privately
printed, Dec 1999) Edn. of 175 copies. V.g.,
slight bump at head of ‘spine’; Horace: Book
lll Ode XVlll, (Gallery, privately printed, Dec
2001) V.g.+. Single folding card with text of
the poem of the same name.; The End of All
Souls’ Night by W B Yeats, Inaugural Lecture
before University of Oxford, 2 Nov. 1999,
where Muldoon was Professor of Poetry. (OUP
2000) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in printed card
wrappers.; The Drowned Blackbird, (Gallery,
privately printed, June 1999) Edn. of 100
copies. Single folding card with text of the
poem of the same name, translated by him
from the Irish. V.g.+; The Beagles, (Gallery,
privately printed, December 2000) Edn. of 175
copies. V.g.+ Single folding card with text of
the poem of the same name, this copy signed.;
Laird (Nick) To a Fault, (Faber 2005) First Edn.
V.g.+ in wrappers, as issued; Szirtes (George)
Metro, (Oxford Poets1988) First Edn. Signed.
V.g. increased wrappers.; Flynn (Leontia) These
Days, (Cape 2004) 2nd imp. V.g. in wrappers.
€250 - 300
All content and images are subject to copyright
Bonnefoy (Yves) Things Dying Things Unborn,
(Menard Press 1985) Copy X of a Special
Edition of 26 lettered copies plus four reserved
copies, signed by poet, translator (Anthony
Rudolf ) and artist (Willow Winston). V.g. in
wrappers, as issued, top edges faded, some
toning.; Ashbery (John) As We Know, (Viking
1979) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, boards
toned, d.w. toned, rubbed; Heath-Stubbs
(John) Birds Reconvened (Enitharmon 1980)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, rubbed d.w.
Inscribed “Best wishes - John Heath-Stubbs,
1984”. Two als. laid in.; Wain (John) Wildtrack,
(Macmillan 1965) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth,
d.w. has closed tear to head of spine (no loss);
Wain (John) Feng, (Macmillan 1975) Signed
Uncorrected Proof. V.g. in wrappers. Three mls,
one acs from Wain, two orig. env., laid in. (6)
€250 - 350
Muldoon (Paul) Immram, (Gallery /Fallon &
Carpenter 1980) First Edn. Limited Edn. 174
copies in quarter cloth, signed by Muldoon and
Robert Ballagh. V.g. in rubbed/toned pictorial
cloth. f.e.p creased at top corner. This copy not
numbered; Wayside Shrines,(Gallery 2009) Fine
in cloth, unprinted glassine wrappers. Limited
Edn. 400, of which 350 for Sale, this being copy
No. 51. With drawings and Paintings by Keith
Wilson; Plan B, (Enitharmon 2009) First Edn.
With photographs by Norman McBeath, near
fine in cloth, lightly rubbed d.w.; Stephens
(Michael) Blues for Chocolate Doherty,
(Ulsterman 1969) v.g. in printed brown paper
stapled wraps. Slight crease. (4)
€400 - 500
(Hope Christopher) Kruger’s Alp, (Heinemann
1984) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. toned,
rubbed at edges. Inscribed “ For Philip Murray/
with best wishes / Christopher Hope” Mls.,
laid in. Initialled compliments slip, orig. env.;
(Hope Christopher) Black Swan, (Hutchinson
1987) First Edn. Signed. Inscribed “ For Philip
Murray/ with best wishes / Christopher Hope”;
Innes (Hammond) Levkas Man, (Collins 1971)
First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w. clipped and slightly
creased, rubbed.; Innes (Hammond) The
Strode Venturer, Companions Book Club Edn.
1965 rep. (First Published by Collins) V.g. in
toned d.w. Signed. Inscribed “Dr P Murray - my
best wishes and thank you for your kind letters
- Hammond Innes Oct 1984” (3)
€100 - 150
McCann (Colum) Dancer, (Weidenfeld &
Nicolson 2003) First Edn. No. 5 of Ltd. Edn. 75
Copies. Signed by Author, bound in quarter
goatskin with raised bands, hand-tooled
spine and marbled boards by Kennys. Fine in
matching slipcase; McCarthy (Cormac) The
Sunset Limited, (Picador 2010) First UK Edn.
Fine in cloth, near fine d.w., in removable
protective cover. (2)
€250 - 350
Muldoon (Paul) Hopewell Haiku, (Warwick
Press 1997) First Edn. Limited to 150 copies,
signed by Muldoon & Blinn., illustrator,
designed, printed and bound by Carol
Blinn, fine in slip case.; Medley for Morin Khur
(Enitharmon Press 2005). Near Fine - top edge
dusty. Printed & handbound at Stonehouse
Fine Press. This is No. 14 of Ltd Edn. 175
numbered copies, signed. (1)
€200 - 300
Bolger (Dermot) Night Shift, (Brandon 1985)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers.; Bolger
(Dermot) The Woman’s Daughter, (Raven Arts
1987) First Edn. V.g. in wrappers as issued.;
Bolger (Dermot) The Journey Home, (Viking
) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed
“For Phil - with best wishes - Dermot Bolger Sligo 1990,” top edge dusty; Leyden (Brian)
Departures, (Brandon 1992) First Edn. Signed,
V.g. in wrappers. Inscribed” To Phil Murray have the pills and powders ready for me after
this, Brian Leyden”; Augustine Martin (ed)
Friendship : 12 Masterpieces of Short Fiction.
(Ryan Publ. 1991) First, Illustrated by Ralph
Steadman and signed by him, inscribed “For
Dr Philip Murray / 30/ 4/ 91; Leitch (Maurice)
Chinese Whispers, (Hutchinson 1987) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “With best
wishes - Maurice Leitch , May 88,”. Mls with
orig. env. laid in.; Williams (Nigel) Black
Magic, (Hutchinson 1988) First Edn. Signed. V.g.
in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “ To Dr Murray of Sligo /
with best wishes for 89, from the author / Nigel
Williams, Feb 89”. Mls, laid in. (7)
€100 - 150
Kociejowski (Marius) The Wolf Month, (Wm
Hoffer 1992) First thus [1975]. One of 150
copies: 75 each for distribution in Canada
and UK. V.g. in wrappers Inscribed “For Philip
Murray / the Wolf - lovingly restored with
regards / (Marius Kociejowski”., signed also on
title page.; Kociejowski (Marius) Giacomo
Leopardi in Naples, (Enitharmon 1993) First
Edn. No 96 of Ltd Ed. 200 numbered copies.
V.g. in wrappers Inscribed “For Philip Murray
/ via Bernard Stone / with regards / (Marius
Kociejowski”; Muldoon (Paul) Medley for
Morin Khur, (Enitharmon Press 2005). Near
Fine. Printed & handbound at Stonehouse Fine
Press. This is No. 152 of Ltd Edn. 175 numbered
copies, signed. (3)
€150 - 250
Fuller (Roy) New & Collected Poems 1934 - 84,
(Secker 1985) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth,
d.w. Inscribed “ For Dr P Murray - with the
author’s good wishes - and a few corrections
in his hand - Roy Fuller” Also signed on title
page. One mls, one acs, a typed poem with
m/s corrections, laid in, top edge dusty;
Enright (DJ) Discharging the Canon, (Single
poem, pp 3 + wraps) signed on cover, Two
mls, three acs. laid in., one mentioning for
the second time in correspondence that
“last time the return postage you sent was
distinctly inadequate!” Also a cutting from
newspaper of his poem ‘In the Street’ signed;
Stallworthy (Jon) A Familiar Tree, (Chatto
1978) First Edn.V.g. in toned/soiled wrappers.
Inscribed, signed & dated; Stallworthy
(Jon) In Memoriam Geoffrey Keynes, One of 60
copies. Inscribed “This copy for Dr P Murray
from Jon Stallworthy”. VG+ in printed wraps .
Pp 5 + covers.; Stallworthy (Jon) The Earthly
Paradise, (Privately printed 1958) . Inscribed
on front cover “my first published misprint! J S”
and the word “not” inserted by hand. Laid in: 1
als, 1 mls. (5) €100 - 150
Muldoon (Paul) Plan B, (Enitharmon 2009)
First Edn. No 41 of Ltd Edn. 150. With
photographs by Norman McBeath. Signed by
Muldoon and McBeath. Fine in mustard cloth
and slipcase with poet’s photograph of poet.
A Beautiful Production; Maggot, (Faber 2010)
No. 80 of Ltd. Edn. of 115 copies. Signed by
author, fine in slipcase. (2)
€400 - 500
Muldoon (Paul) The Bangle, (The Typography
Press 1998) First Edn. Fine in V.g.+ slipcase.
No. 8 of 110 copies on Frankfurt mouldmade paper. Signed, binding by Scott Husby,
marbled paper by Iris Nevins. (1)
€250 - 350
Muldoon (Paul) Poems 1968 - 1998, (Faber
2001) First Edn. Fine in cloth, slipcase. No 69 of
Ltd Ed 100 copies for Sale, signed by Author;
Kerry Slides, (Gallery 1996) First Edn. V.g. in
cloth., d.w. creased, a small tear to top of front
panel. Signed, inscribed “For Philip Murray in
Sligo / Paul Muldoon”. (2)
€150 - 250
Hartnett (Michael) [ed. Peter Fallon].
Collected Poems, (Gallery 2001 ) This is No 31 of
110 numbered copies. Signed by Artist, John
Shinnors. Fine in slipcase. Two interesting mls.,
laid in., from Hartnett, in character with the
character of the man. One thanks Dr Murray for
buying the book, saying “A poet not only needs
an audience, he quite often needs medical
attentions as well!”. In the other, he is pleased
to sign a book: “I only hope it is one of mine”.
€400 - 500
Imperfections Not Stated
Murphy (Richard) The Kick, (Granta 2002) First
Edn. Fine in V.g.+ slipcase. No 5 of Ltd Edn. of
75 copies specially bound in quarter goatskin,
hand-tooled spine. t.e.g. and marbled boards
by Kennys, Galway, signed by author. (1)
€150 - 200
Chatwin (Bruce) The Songlines, (Cape 1987)
First Edn. London Limited Edns. V.g. in cloth,
unprinted glassine wrapper, creased, slightly
worn at edges. No d.w. as issued. No. 60 of 150
numbered copies, Signed by the author and
dated 13. 5. 1993. Top edge dusty (1)
€200 - 250
Longley (Michael) Collected Poems, (Cape
2006) First Edn. This is No 158 of Ltd Edn. of
200 special leather-bound copies, signed by
author, Fine in matching slipcase. (1)
€150 - 200
Montague (John) New Collected Poems,
(Gallery 2012) First Edn. Fine, in cloth, slipcase.
This is “Numbered XV” of Ltd Edin. of 125
copies, fifteen copies reserved for the author
and publisher, 110 copies for general sale.
Signed by author. (1)
€150 - 200
Murphy (Richard) Collected Poems, First Edn.
(Gallery 2000) First Edn. Fine, in cloth, slipcase.
This is No. 2 of Ltd Edn. of 125 copies, fifteen
copies reserved for the author and publisher,
110 copies for general sale. Signed by author.
€120 - 180
Mahon (Derek) Collected Poems, First Edn.
(Gallery 1999) First Edn. Fine, in cloth, slipcase.
This is No. 24 of Ltd Edn. of 125 copies, fifteen
copies reserved for the author and publisher,
110 copies for general sale. Signed by author.
€120 - 180
Mahon (Derek) New Collected Poems, First
Edn. (Gallery 2011) First Edn. Fine, in cloth,
slipcase. This is No. 15 of Ltd Edn. of 125 copies
for sale. Signed by Author. (1)
€150 - 250
Toibin (Colm) Brooklyn, (Tuskar Rock Press
2009) First Edn. Fine in V.g.+ slipcase. No. 43 of
75 numbered copies in full cloth, Signed by the
author and dated 1 May 2009. Top edge dusty
€200 - 300
Carson (Ciaran) Collected Poems, First Edn.
(Gallery 2008) First Edn. Fine, in cloth, slipcase.
This is No. 118 of Ltd Edn. of 125 copies for
sale. Signed by author (1)
€150 - 200
Sweeney (Matthew) Where Fisherman Can’t
Swim, (Bonnefant - 1991) [Donegal interest]
Selected Donegal poems , with drawings by
Rigby Graham. Ltd Edn. Letter F of 26 lettered
copies on Magnani hand-moulded paper,
signed by poet and artist. Total Edn. For Sale is
89. A beautiful production; Blue Shoes, (Secker
1989) First Edn. V.g. in rubbed wrappers.
Inscribed “For Philip Murray / best wishes/
Matthew Sweeney”; The Ice Hotel & Exiled,
(Bonnefant Press, 1999) V.g. in lightly soiled
wrappers. This is No. 98 of Ltd Edn. 100 copies.
€250 - 300
Hutchinson (Pearse) Collected Poems, First
Edn. (Gallery 2002) First Edn. Fine, in cloth, nr.
fine slipcase. This is No. 4 of Ltd Edn. of 100
copies. Ten copies were reserved for the author
and publisher, Signed by author, slip case has a
small bruise. (1) €150 - 200
Malouf (David ) Remembering Babylon,
(Chatto & Windus 1993) London Limited
Editions. First English Edn. V.g. in cloth,
unprinted glassine wrapper, creased, slightly
worn at edges. No d.w. as issued. No. 65 of 150
numbered copies, Signed by the author and
dated 13. 5. 1993 (1)
€150 - 250
McGahern (John) Memoir, (Faber 2005) First
Edn. Fine in V.g.+ slipcase. Special Ltd. Edn.
of 250 copies signed by Author, of which
this is copy No. 48.; Kenny (John, ed.) John
McGahern Yearbook, No. 1, (NUIG 2008) v.g. in
cloth. (no d.w. as issued); Kenny (John, ed.)
John McGahern Yearbook, No. 3, (NUIG 2010)
v.g. in cloth. (no d.w. as issued). (3) €350 - 450
Deane (John F) The Old Grey House, (Poems),
with 8 silkscreen prints from John Behan
(Redfoxpress 2006) Copy No. 74 of Ltd Edn.
of 75 hand silkscreen, printed on Arches
Vellum 250 gr. by Francis Maele at Redfoxpress
Studios, Achill. Signed by Behan and Deane.
In protective perspex slipcase. An Exceptional
Production - where one art form meets
another and the two enhance each other. Fine
in near v.g. + d.w. (slightly toned spine). (1)
€600 - 700
Trevor (William) A Writer’s Ireland Landscape in
Literature, (Thames & Hudson 1984) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. rubbed, top edge
dusty; Lally (Des) and Fallon (Peter) eds.
An Afterglow: A Gallery of Connemara Poems,
(Occasional Press. Copy No. 70 of Limited
Edn. 150 hardback copies. (There were also
500 paperback copies). The hardback copies
include a signed intaglio print by Donal Teskey,
Editioned at the Graphic Studio. Printed on
Regency Kiara stock, 125 gm. By Nicholson &
Bass. This copy inscribed by editors “ For Philip
at 70 - is it? - Peter” and “Yes it is 70 - Des”. (2)
€400 - 500
All content and images are subject to copyright
Muldoon (Paul) Unapproved Road, With
intaglio prints by Diarmuid Delargy (Pied
Oxen Printers 2002). Ltd Edn. 125 Copies.
The intaglio prints were printed from steelfaced copper plates by the artist at Belfast
Print Workshop. The print paper is Somerset
Textured soft white 250 grs. Design by David
Sellers. Poetry and text are on Somerset Book
Wove soft white 175 grs, hand-sewn on linen
tapes and bound in Asahi bookcloth-covered
boards. Signed by poet, artist and printer.
This is copy No. 39 of the 99 copies for sale. A
Superb Production. Fine in V.g.+ slipcase. (1)
€500 - 600
Magnificent Production
Muldoon (Paul) Incantata, (Graphic Studio
1994) A magnificent edition of Muldoon’s
famous lament for Mary Farl Powers. No
elaborate puns, arcane allusions or verbal
acrobatics. From first line: “I thought of you
tonight, A leanbh, lying there in your long barrow
“ to last “and take in your ink-stained hands
my own hands stained with tears” the grief is
too intense to allow for the usual gymnastics.
Ltd Edn. 75, signed: 25 numbered copies, for
private distribution, 50 copies for Sale, This is
copy No. 39. With prints by Farl Powers’s fellow
artists at the Graphic Studio, the book was
designed by James O’Nolan. The text is in 12.5
Stone Serif, was printed letterpress by hand by
Sean Sills at NCAD. The prints are on 250 gsm
BFK Rives paper. Inside covers are Japanese
hand-made paper. The binding, quarterbound in linen and Fabriano Roma paper,
with matching slipcase, was made at Museum
Bookbindings, Dublin. Signed by poet and by
artists Chris Reid, Patrick Hickey, Jas McCreary
Patrick Pye, Carmel Benson, Maria SimmondsGooding, Micheal Farrell, James O’Nolan,
Jennifer Lane, Brian Bourke and Alfonso
Monreal. Fine in v.g. slipcase. An Exceptional
Item. (1)
€2000 - 3000
Imperfections Not Stated
McBride (Charlie ed.) Bourke (Brian)
Five Decades 1960s - 2000s ‘five decades’
(Lilliput Press 2010) V.g. in decorative cloth.
Contributors include Seamus Heaney, Frances
Ruane, Frank McGuinness and James McKenna.
A wonderful record of the work of an artist
who, in Heaney’s words, “by the intensity
of committed vocation and by a boldness
of endeavour, has made marks that are
representative, immediate and salutary”. (1)
€100 - 150
Longley (Ml) The Lake Without a Name Poems
of Mayo [ 3 words in italics) (Blackstaff Press
2005) First Edn. Wood eng. by Jeffrey Morgan.
Edn. of 275 copies. This being No. 42, it has an
additional poem and a wood engraving that
were specially commissioned for the first 45
copies. Spine leather, printed at Libanus Press,
in 11/15 Garamond on Zerkall, mould-made
paper. Signed by poet and artist. Beautiful
item. (1)
€350 - 450
Longley (Ml) The Lake Without a Name Poems
of Mayo, (3 words in italics) (Blackstaff Press
2005) First Edn. Wood eng. by Jeffrey Morgan.
Edn. of 275 copies of which this is No. 92,
printed at Libanus Press, in 11/15 Garamond
on Zerkall, mould-made paper. Gilt spine.
Signed by poet and artist. Beautiful item. (1)
€250 - 350
Searle (Ronald) Slightly Foxed - but Still
Desirable: Ronald Searle’s Wicked World of Book
Collecting, (Souvenir Press 1989) First Edn.
Signed. No 35 of Ltd. Ed. of 150 copies., signed
by author. Together with an illustration by
Foreman (Michael) The Faithful Bull - Ernest
Hemingway (Hamish Hamilton 1980) First
Edn. Signed by author and dated 1980. V.g. in
pictorial boards. No d.w., as issued. (2)
€150 - 250
Longley (Ml) An Exploded View: Poems 1968
- 72, (Gollancz 1973) First Edn. Signed. V.g.+
in cloth, d.w., faded. In protective cover.
Inscribed: “For Phil / blessings / Michael
Longley 16 ix. 99”.; Poems 1963 - 1983, (Wake
Forest 1987) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers.
Inscribed: “For Philip/ Warm wishes / Michael
Longley; The Ghost Orchid, (Wake Forest
n.d. [ 1995]) First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth,
d.w. faded. In protective cover. Inscribed: “For
Philip/ Warmest wishes / Michael Longley;
Gorse Fires, (Secker 1991) First Publ. Edn. V.g.
in rubbed wraps. flat-signed; Broken Dishes,
(Abbey Press 1998) First Publ. Edn. No. 180 of
Ltd Edn. of 250 copies, numbered and signed
by author. (Total Edition 1000); 20th Century
Irish Poems, (Faber 2002) First Edn. Edited by
Longley. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Non-author gift
inscription to ffep. (6)
€250 - 350
McCann (Colum) This Side of Brightness
(Phoenix House 1998) First Edn., signed,
dated, Jan 12, ‘98. V.g. + in cloth, d.w.; Let the
Great World Spin (Bloomsbury 2009) First UK
Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Zoli (Weidenfeld
& Nicolson 2006) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Let
the Great World Spin (Random House 2009)
First US Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Songdogs
(Metropolitan/ Henry Holt 1995) First Edn., v.g.
in cloth, d.w. D.w. rubbed. A beautiful set of
First Editions.; Transatlantic (Bloomsbury 2013)
First Trade Paperback, v.g. (There was also a
cased edition). (6) €250 - 300
McGahern (John) That They May Face the
Rising Sun (Faber 2002) First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth,
d.w., signed, inscribed “For Philip Murray / with
much affection / John McGahern “; That They
May Face the Rising Sun Uncorrected Proof.
Signed , dated 1st August 2002. Also (Ed.
John Killen) Dear Mr McLaverty The Literary
correspondence of John McGahern and
Michael McLaverty 1959-1980. First Edn., v.g. in
cloth, d.w. (3)
€250 - 300
McGahern (John) Getting Through (Faber
1978) First Edn., signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. spine
faded. Inscribed “For Philip Murray / John
McGahern / April 1990”. A clean, tight copy;
High Ground (Faber 1985) First Edn., signed,
v.g. in cloth, d.w. D rubbed, toned/spotted to
endpapers. Inscribed “For Dr P Murray / with
all good wishes / John McGahern / June 1987”.
Further inscribed with the last line from “Gold
Watch”; By The Lake (Knopf 2002) First US
(published by Faber as “That They May Face
the Rising Sun”) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Inscribed
“For Philip Murray / with much affection / John
McGahern / 1st August 2002”. (3) €300 - 400
McMurtry (Larry) Lonesome Dove (Simon &
Schuster 1985) True First Edition with “none”
(for “done”) page 621, line 16. V.g. in cloth, d.w.,
spine cloth faded in spots, d.w. in protective
cover, is creased at extremities, edges toned;
Moving On (Simon & Schuster 1980) v.g. in
cloth, d.w., front hinge weak, loose, d.w.
has one closed tear, no loss, in protective
removable cover. (2)
€200 - 250
McGahern (John) The Collected Stories (Faber
1992) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, signed, dated
12. 10. 1992, d.w. lightly rubbed at corners,
endpapers and edges age toned, nice tight
copy; Memoir (Faber 2005) First Edn. Signed,
v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. slightly dusty; . Creatures of
the Earth New & Selected Stories (Faber 2006)
First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. (3)
€150 - 250
McGahern (John) The Leavetaking (Faber
1974) First Edn., signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
lightly rubbed at corners. Inscribed “For Philip
Murray / John McGahern / April 1990”. Paper
has the usual Faber toning of its time, but
this is otherwise a lovely copy in protective
cover); The Pornographer (Faber 1979)
First Edn., signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. bumped,
lightly rubbed at corners and spine is toned
verso. Inscribed “For Dr P Murray / with all
good wishes / John McGahern / June 1987”;
The Power of Darkness (Faber 1991), v.g. in
wrappers as issued. Paper toned. (3)
€300 - 400
McGahern (John) Amongst Women (Faber
1990) First Edn., signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
Arguably McGahern’s masterpiece, shortlisted
for the Booker Prize and praised since by
jury member as by a distance the finest book
nominated. When the book won The Irish
Times/Aer Lingus Literary Award in 1991, jurist
John Updike, wrote that “McGahern brings us
that tonic gift of the best fiction, the sense of
truth - the sense of transparency that permits
us to see imaginary lives more clearly than
we see our own”. Hilary Mantel , a judge for
the 1990 Booker Prize said that by the time
she had reached page 20 she said “This will
win the Booker” and was disappointed when
it didn’t. The book was brilliantly adapted
for television, Tony Doyle playing the part of
Moran, based closely (like the sergeant in The
Barracks) on McGahern’s father. D.w. rubbed
and toned/spotted verso. “For Philip Murray /
John McGahern / April 90” and further inscribed
with the line “it was as if each of them in their
different ways had become Daddy”. Also:
Uncorrected Proof of Amongst Women, in green
printed Faber wrappers and d.w.. Inscribed “for
Philip Murray / with every good wish / John
McGahern / Christmas 1990” (2)
€350 - 450
McGahern (John) Nightlines (Faber 1970) First
Edn. Signed. McGahern’s First Book of short
stories, including Korea, which foreshadowed
his mastery of the genre. V.g. in faded (spotted)
cloth and clipped d.w., rubbed and lightly
soiled. A few small closed tears -no loss.
Inscribed “For Philip Murray / John McGahern /
April 90” and further inscribed and initialled by
the author with a line from one of the stories.
€250 - 350
All content and images are subject to copyright
[Longley Ml.] Robertson (Robin) Love
Poet, Carpenter: Michael Longley at Seventy,
(Enitharmon 2009) Fine in cloth, d.w. Signed.;
Poems 1963 - 1983, (Salamander/Gallery 1985)
First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. faded to
spine. Inscribed: “For Phil Murray/ Warmest
regards / Michael Longley/ Sligo 85”; The
Weather in Japan, (Cape 2000) First Edn. No. 97
of Ltd. Edn. 150. Tope edge dusty, otherwise
v.g.+. (3)
€150 - 200
McGahern (John) The Dark (Faber 1965) First
Edn. Signed. McGahern’s first novel, since The
Barracks. Its hinting at some of the darker
aspects of Irish life led to widespread criticism
and in effect led to McGahern’s dismissal from
his teaching post. V.g. in slightly soiled cloth,
leaning a little, d.w. soiled, with thumbnail
sized tear to bottom edge of front panel - loss.
Faded at spine, corners and edges rubbed,
slight chipping to spine ends. Signed on title
page. (1)
€500 - 600
Longley (Ml.) Patchwork, (Gallery 1981) First
Edn. Drawings by James Allen. Ltd Edn. 500,
(unnumbered), signed by poet and artist
. V.g.+ in grey paper boards, quarter cloth,
spine & edges faded ; The Rope-Makers: FiftySix Love Poems, (Enitharmon 2005) V.g. + in
marbled paper wrappers as issued. This is No.
7 of 175, numbered, and signed by author. A
lovely copy.; Fireflies at the Waterfall, (Printed
for Associazione per il premio Librex Montale)
2005 VG+ in stapled wrappers. Pp. 20. (3)
€250 - 300
McGahern (John) The Barracks (Faber 1963)
First Edn. Signed. McGahern’s first published
novel, v.g. in slightly faded cloth. Mild
bumping, d.w. faded at spine, corners lightly
rubbed, edge wear/slight chipping to spine
ends. Minor soiling - residue from removal
of price label, transferring to bottom of ffep.
Clean, square copy, edges toned. Signed on
title page. (1)
€600 - 800
[Longley Ml.] Robertson (Robin) Love
Poet, Carpenter: Michael Longley at Seventy,
(Enitharmon 2009) First Edn. No. 111 of Ltd
Edn. 195. Fine in cloth, slipcase. Signed on title
by Longley and on bound stiff cream card by
all contributors, including Seamus Heaney,
Fleur Adcock, Derek Mahon, Dennis O’Driscoll
Paul Durcan and David Wheatley. Exceptional
item, with 1 als, 1 acs., laid in. (1) €400 - 500
[Longley Ml.] Fishing in the Sky: Love Poems,
(Poet & Printer 1975) First Edn. Signed. V.g./
V.g.+; Secret Marriages, (Phoenix Pamphlets
1968) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in about v.g.
wrappers. Pp 20.; Lares, (Poet & Printer 1972).
Ill by Brian Ferran. First Edn. Signed. V.g. in agetoned, stitched card wrappers. (3) €250 - 350
Imperfections Not Stated
[Longley Ml.] Snow Water, (Cape 2004) No.
18 of Ltd Edn. 100 copies, specially bound in
goatskin and signed by author, fine, in slipcase,
spine slightly faded; A Hundred Doors, ( Cape
2011) No. 78 of Ltd Edn. 75 copies, specially
bound in goatskin and signed by author, fine.
slipcase stained; [Longley (Sarah) illus.]: Out
of the Cold: Drawings & Poems for Christmas
(Abbey Press 1999) First Edn. Signed. No 33
of Ltd Edn. 50. Total cloth edition was 500.
Signed by Poet and Illustrator. Fine in slipcase.
€450 - 550
Longley (Ml.) The Rope-Makers: Fifty-Six Love
Poems, (Enitharmon 2005) V.g. + in marbled
paper wrappers as issued. This is No. 97 of 175,
numbered and signed by author; Cenotaph
of Snow, (Enitharmon 2003) Fine in marbled
paper wraps as issued. This is No. 37 of 150,
numbered and signed by Author; Birds,
(Morning Star Folio 5/1 February 1994) Signed
& Numbered 119/250 by Poet, although the
actual limitation run is 300. In original Morning
Star envelope, toned. Laid in is a copy of
Marsh Cinquefoil. Longley’s poem printed as
Christmas card, illustrated by Sarah Longley,
inscribed “Philip - warm wishes at Christmas Michael”. V.g.+. (4)
€250 - 350
Longley (Ml) Broken Dishes, (Abbey Press
1998) First. V.g. in cloth, d.w. No. 199 of Ltd.
Edn. of 250 copies, numbered and signed
by author. (Total Edition 1000); The Weather
in Japan, (Cape 2000). Near Fine in printed
glassine wrappers, top edge dusty.; The Echo
Gate, (Secker 1979) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in
cloth, d.w. clipped, creased at tope edge.
Inscribed “Michael Longley - Belfast - 16 June
1987”; No Continuing City, (Macmillan 1969)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers, covers
rubbed, edges toned; Baucis & Philemon: After
Ovid, (Privately Printed 1993) No, limitation
stated. Drawings by James Allen. Signed,
inscribed “Michael Longley - Sligo - 28. Vii. 03”,
near fine, with 1 mls, acs., laid in. (5) €250 - 300
Longley (Ml) Ten Poems, (Festival Publications
n.d.) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in soiled wrappers.
Inscribed “Michael Longley - Sligo - 28. Vii. 03”.
Acs., laid in. (1)
€200 - 300
Longley (Ml) The Ghost Orchid, (Cape 1995)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth/printed glassine
wraps. Inscribed: “For Philip/ Warm wishes /
Michael Longley”. This is copy 92 of Ltd. Edn.
of 150 copies. A lovely copy of one of Cape’s
finest poetry productions; Selected Poems,
Cape 1998) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth/d.w.
Inscribed: “For Phil/ Warmest wishes / Michael
Longley. 16 ix. 99”; Snow Water, (Cape 2004)
First Edn. V.g.+ in wrappers, as issued. Flatsigned; Gorse Fires, (Wake Forest 1991) First
US Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers. Inscribed:
“For Philip/ Warm wishes / Michael Longley”;
Selected Poems 1963 - 1980, (Wake Forest 1981)
First US Edn. Flat-signed. V.g. in wrappers, with
3 acs. laid in. (5)
€250 - 350
Stone (Bernard) Emergency Mouse, (Andersen
1978) Ill. Ralph Steadman. First Edn. Signed
by author & Illustrator. V.g. in pictorial cloth,
as issued; Emergency Mouse, (Andersen 1978)
Ill. Ralph Steadman. Second Edn. Signed by
Author. V.g.; Quasimodo Mouse, (Andersen
1984) Ill. Ralph Steadman. First Edn. Signed
by Author; Stone (Bernard) Inspector Mouse,
(Andersen 1984) Ill. Ralph Steadman. First Edn.
Signed by Author; Inspector Mouse, (Arrow
Books 1980) First Edn. Near v.g. in creased
wrappers, signed by author. In improvised
slipcase, with drawing of…a mouse! (4)
€200 - 250
Shaffer (Peter) The Private Ear and The Public
Eye : Two Plays. (Hamish Hamilton 1962) First
UK Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Bright, clean
copy in v.g. d.w. Inscribed on label “Dr Murray with all best wishes & thanks for asking - Peter
Shaffer”, with mls re signing of books, and
envelope, laid in. (1)
€150 - 200
Shaffer (Peter) Equus, (Andre Deutsch 1973)
First UK Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. bright,
clean copy in v.g. d.w., edges, endpapers and
rear panel of d.w. toned. Signed on label “Dr
Murray - with all good wishes - Peter Shaffer August 1985”. Mls with original envelope, laid
in. (1)
€150 - 200
Osborne (John) Look Back in Anger, (Faber
1957) First UK Edn. Signed Copy of one of
the landmark plays of the 20th Century, with
Jimmy Porter the original “angry young man”.
V.g. in cloth, d.w. tight, clean. d.w. is rubbed at
edges and worn (loss) at spine ends but overall
a most collectable copy. Signed by Osborne
and dated 8. 9. 89. Als. commenting on a few
actors’ performances, laid in. Interesting. (1)
€150 - 200
Waterhouse (Keith) [with Hall, Willis] Billy
Liar, (Ml Joseph 1960) First Edn. Signed by
both playwrights on ffep. Endpapers toned,
d.w. rubbed. “ An als from Willis Hall in original
envelope, laid in. Creased spine ends, small
closed tears at head of spine.; Billy Liar on
the Moon, (Ml Joseph 1975) First Edn. Double
signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Bright, clean copy in
unclipped d.w. Signed verso rear board and
again on title page “Philip Murray - with best
wishes - Keith Waterhouse”.; Hall (Willis) The
Long and the Short and the Tall, (Heinemann
1961) 2nd imp. [1959] v.g. in wrappers as
issued, spine faded. Signed by playwright to
ffep. (3) €150 - 200
Stoppard (Tom) Night and Day, (Faber 1978)
First UK Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. A
clean tight copy with a crease mark to a few
pages, price erased on flap, front panel of
d.w. lightly toned, neat bookseller ink stamp
to bottom of ffep. Signed by Stoppard on
ffep.; Tom Stoppard: Plays , 2nd imp 1993.
Signed by playwright, edges toned.; Dirty
Linen and New-Found-Land, (Inter-Action Trust
1976) Signed. V.g. in printed wraps as issued.
Inscribed “Best Wishes - Tom Stoppard”; and
two others. (5)
€200 - 250
Osborne (John) Plays for England, (Faber
1963) First UK Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
Ex. Lib. with college library stamps, endpapers
stained with tape residue, similar mark on
rear panel of d.w. which is otherwise clean.
Signed by Osborne and dated 8. 9. 89.; Very
like A Whale, (Faber 1971) First UK Edn. Signed
v.g. in cloth, clean tight copy in rubbed d.w,
slightly worn at spine ends. Signed by Osborne
and dated 8. 9. 89.; A Bond Honoured, (Faber
1966) First UK Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth,
clean tight copy in lightly rubbed d.w, slightly
creased at spine ends. Signed by Osborne and
dated 8. 9. 89.; [with Anthony Creighton]
Epitaph for George Dillon, (Faber 1958) First
UK Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Ex. Lib. with
college library stamps, endpapers stained with
tape residue, similar mark on rear panel of d.w.
which is otherwise clean, spine ends slightly
worn. Signed by Osborne and dated 8. 9. 89. (4)
€150 - 200
Friday (Gavin) & Bono, with Jordan & Eve.
Prokofiev’s Peter & the Wolf, (Bloomsbury
2003) Fine - booklet & CD in box, as issued. (1)
€80 - 100
Mahon (Derek) Beyond Howth Head, (Dolmen
1970) Poetry Ireland Editions ll. First Edn.
signed. V.g.+ in wrappers as issued- no HB.
Spine lightly toned. A superb, crisp copy of
a scarce item; A Kensington Notebook, (Anvil
1984) First Edn. V.g.+ Signed, Limited Edn. No
3/250 of the copies signed before issue. VG+ in
wraps (no HB ed.) Roman Script (Gallery 1999)
Drawings by Anne Madden. Ltd ed. 400, with 1
als, 1 acs. laid in. (3)
€200 - 250
All content and images are subject to copyright
Osborne (John) Look Back in Anger, (Faber
1957) First UK Edn. Signed Copy of one of
the landmark plays of the 20th Century, with
Jimmy Porter the original “angry young man”.
V.g. in cloth, tight, clean, d.w. is rubbed at
edges and worn (loss) at spine ends but overall
a most collectable copy. Signed by Osborne
and dated 8. 9. 89. Als commenting on a few
actors’ performances, laid in. Interesting. (1)
€300 - 400
Pinter (Harold) Landscape, (Pendragon Press
1968) First Edn. Signed, Ltd. No 1344/ 2000
copies. V.g. in cloth, gilt spine faded. Signed
by Pinter on limitation page and again on title
page.; Mac, First Edn. Signed, Ltd. No 128/
2000 copies. V.g. in cloth, spine cloth dull.
Signed by Pinter on page 19 and again on
title page.; Various Voices, (Faber 1998) First
Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Signed on title page,
d.w. rubbed, slight, superficial scratch mark
to rear panel.; The Proust Screenplay, (Eyre
Methuen 1978) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth,
d.w. signed on title page, top edge dusty.
Programme for Poetry International 1975,
signed by Pinter pp 4 in printed wraps (5)
€150 - 250
Osborne (John) Inadmissible Evidence, (Faber
1965) First UK Edn. V.g. in cloth, endpapers
toned, d.w. is clipped, toned, rubbed at edges
and creased at spine ends but overall v.g.
Signed by Osborne and dated 8. 9. 89.; A
Patriot for Me, (Faber 1965) First UK Edn. V.g. in
cloth, d.w. endpapers and a few prelims toned,
d.w. is clipped, toned, rubbed corners and
chipped at spine ends but overall v.g. Signed
by Osborne and dated 8. 9. 89., top edges
of both volumes dusty; The End of Me Old
Cigar, (Faber 1975) First Edn. V.g. in wrappers,
spine faded. Inscribed by Osborne “To Philip
Murray / very best wishes / John Osborne / 4.
2. 87”; Under Plain Cover, (Faber 1972) First
thus [ 1963] VG in wraps. Inscribed by Osborne
“To Philip Murray / with best wishes / John
Osborne / 4. 2. 87”. Author’s compliments slip
laid in. (4)
€250 - 350
Pinter (Harold) The Birthday Party And Other
Plays , (Methuen 1960) First Edn. V.g. in cloth
d.w. signed, d.w. is toned, edge rubbed but
unusually clean, no tears. flaps toned. Signed
on title page. (1)
€150 - 200
Miller (Arthur) Death of a Salesman, (Cresset
Press 1949) First UK Edn. Signed. V.g. in
cloth, d.w., in archival cover, is clipped, spine
faded, closed tear (half inch) at head of spine
repaired with tape, no loss, very slight toning
to endpapers and edges. The play that so
brilliantly evoked the hollowness at the
heart of the American dream by arguably the
greatest playwright of the 20th century. Also
theatre programme for the Dublin Production
of the Play, with Ray McNally as the man who
always felt “kind of temporary”, signed by Miller
on front cover. (1)
€400 - 500
Imperfections Not Stated
Pinter (Harold) The Birthday Party, (Encore
1959 ) True First Edn. Signed, v.g. in wrappers,
paper is age toned/yellowed. Cover creased
near top of spine, and rubbed, but no
significant soiling. Signed on title page. (1)
€200 - 250
Pinter (Harold) Old Times, (Methuen 1971)
First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth d.w. Cloth
on bottom edge of front board is faded
or damp stained - not penetrating, d.w. in
protective cover is lightly soiled at bottom
edge front panel, one small tear, no loss, flaps
and endpapers toned; No Man’s Land, (Eyre
Methuen 1975) First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
in protective cover is fresh, bright, flaps and
endpapers toned. Signed on title page; Tea
Party, (Dramatists Play Service 1969) First US
Edn. Signed. V.g. in printed wrappers. Inscribed
“To Dr Murray / best wishes / Harold Pinter”. All
top edges dusty. (3)
€100 - 150
A lot of (Mainly) First Editions,
Most Signed & Inscribed
Kenneally (Thomas) The Place at Whitton,
(Cassell London 1964) First Edn. Signed, good
only in cloth, lacks d.w. Ex.-Lib., with usual
markings, boards disfigured with residue of
tape removal etc., soiled. Inscribed in pencil
“With best wishes to a faithful (and patient)
reader, Dr. Phil Murray of Sligo. Tom Kenneally
1980”; Blood Red, Sister Rose (1974) inscribed
& signed, Bring Larks & Heroes (1st rep.1967),
Three Cheers for the Paraclete (2nd rep, 1969),
The Survivor, (1st rep. 1969), A Dutiful Daughter
(1972) inscribed & signed, The Chant of Jimmie
Blacksmith (1972) inscribed & signed; Gossip
from the Forest (1975) inscribed & signed; Season
in Purgatory (1976) inscribed & signed; A Victim
of the Aurora (1977); Ned Kelly & The City of the
Bees (1978); Confederates, (1979) inscribed &
signed; Passenger (1979) inscribed & signed;
Schindler’s Ark (1982) inscribed & signed; The
Cut-Rate Kingdom (1984) inscribed & signed; A
Family Madness (1985) inscribed & signed; The
Playmaker (1987) inscribed & signed; Moses The
Lawgiver (1975); Outback (1983). Two Paperback
play texts: Bullie’s House (1981) and Gossip from
the Forest (1983) inscribed & signed. All v.g., top
edges dusty. (20)
€250 - 350
MacLaverty (Bernard) Secrets & Other Stories
(Blackstaff, 1977) First Edn., signed. Inscribed
“Best wishes - Bernard MacLaverty,” v.g. in cloth,
d.w. D.w. and endpapers toned/spotted verso;
Lamb (Blackstaff / Cape 1980) First Edn., signed,
v.g. in cloth, d.w. lightly rubbed, spine ends
bumped; A Time to Dance (Blackstaff, 1982) First
Edn., signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. toned/spotted
verso; Cal (Blackstaff, 1983) First Edn., signed,
v.g. in cloth, d.w. flaps toned, slight offsetting
to endpapers; Cal (Braziller, 1983) First US Edn.,
signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w., cloth slightly spotted
(yellow through the green) in protective covers,
lovely copy; The Great Profundo (Blackstaff 1987)
v.g. in cloth, d.w. rubbed, toned/spotted verso;
Grace Notes (Cape 1997) Inscribed “Best wishes
- Bernard MacLaverty , 7 xi. 97”; The Anatomy
School (Cape 2001), v.g. in cloth, d.w.; A Man in
Search of a Pet (Blackstaff 1978) v.g. in wrappers
as issued. All edges toned - top edges of all
volumes dusty. with 3 mls and 2 acs re signing
of books and touching on personal matters,
envelope, laid in. (9 )
€400 - 500
Farrell (J G) The Empire Trilogy and one other;
Troubles (Cape 1970) First UK, v.g. in cloth,
d.w. Inside front board inscribed in marker
“Bingham / Rookwood / Benburb” (beneath
flap). D.w. rubbed at edges, tears, some
open - loss, front hinge weak. The novel was
voted best novel of 1970 (ahead of White’s
The Vivisector and taking 38% of all votes
cast - more than twice that for any other
nominee); The Siege of Krishnapur (Harcourt
Brace 1974) First US Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.
Private library label to ffep, name erased with
tippex. In removable cellophane covers. Hilary
Mantel chose The Siege of Krishnapur as her
all-time Booker winner, praising “ its supple
humour, its insight, economy and narrative
drive [that] make it an enduring delight; The
Singapore Grip (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1978)
First UK Edn., v.g. in cloth, spine damp/liquid
stained, d.w. is age-toned; The Hill Station
(Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1981) v.g. in cloth, d.w.
In removable cellophane covers. (4)
€800 - 1000
Farrell J G (as James Farrell ) A Man From
Elsewhere (New Authors Limited 1963) v.g.
in cloth, d.w., cloth is slightly damp-stained,
d.w. rubbed, some tears to bottom edge front
panel (loss); (As J G Farrell) A Girl in the Head
(Cape 1967) v.g./ v.g.+ in cloth., d.w. clipped
still retains printed price of 22s. 6p, mild age
toning to endpapers and edges. (2) €400 - 500
Author’s Third Novel
Amis (Martin) Success (Jonathan Cape 1978)
First UK, signed on adhesive label to title.
V.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w., in removable cover,
neat owner name to ffep, d.w. slightly bumped
at head of spine. Impression or slight crease
mark to top edge front panel - barely visible.
Altogether a lovely copy of Amis’s third book.
Edges lightly spotted, top edge dusty (1)
€300 - 400
Amis (Martin) Other People (Jonathan Cape
1981) First UK, signed on adhesive label to title.
V.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w., in removable cover,
d.w. slightly bumped to top front corner, top
edge dusty; The Rachel Papers (Knopf 1974)
First US Edn. signed on adhesive label to hf
title. Beautiful copy. (2)
€450 - 550
Three First Editions
Amis (Martin) Night Train (Jonathan Cape
1997) First UK. Signed, v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Top
edge dusty; Einstein’s Monsters (Jonathan Cape
1987) First UK. Signed on adhesive label to title.
V.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. slightly bumped to top
front corner, top edge dusty; The Rachel Papers
(Knopf 1974) First US Edn. Signed on adhesive
label to hf title. Beautiful copy. Top edges of all
volumes dusty. (3)
€250 - 350
Author’s First Novel
Five First Editions
Amis (Martin) Money A Suicide Note (Jonathan
Cape 1984) First UK. Signed, v.g./v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w. in removable cover. Signed on adhesive
label to title, corners bumped. with als re
signing of books, acs, orig. envelope, laid in.;
Time’s Arrow (Jonathan Cape 1991) signed,
v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w., First UK; The Moronic
Inferno and Other Visits to America (Jonathan
Cape 1986) First UK, signed on adhesive label
to title. V.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. slightly bumped
to bottom front corners, all top edges dusty;
London Fields (Jonathan Cape 1989) First UK.,
signed, v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. head of spine
slightly chipped; The Information (Flamingo
1995) First UK Edn. v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed,
dated 23. 3. 97 (5)
€300 - 400
Fowles (John) The Collector (Jonathan Cape,
1963) First Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. V.g. copy
of Author’s First Novel. First issue d.w. (without
reviews quoted), neat, 1st fep seems to have
been removed - front hinge slightly loose,
tape residue mark to first and last endpapers,
block leaning a little, d.w. v.g.; Mantissa (Cape,
1983) First Edn. signed v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.
A lovely copy. With 2 typed cards, one signed
by author, the other by his secretary, with orig.
envelope, laid in. (2) €400 - 500
Second Novel
Amis (Martin) Dead Babies (Jonathan Cape
1973) First UK. Signed on adhesive label to title.
V.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w., in removable cover.
Neat ownername to ffep. D.w. fresh, almost
intact. Author’s Second novel. Edges lightly
spotted, top edge dusty (1)
€300 - 400
First U.K. Editions
Fowles (John) The Aristos (1965) signed, v.g.
in cloth, d.w. faded, stained to front edge of
front panel (2 in.) and small thumbnail sized
stain to rear panel Nice copy of a rare volume,
in glassine-protected removable cover; Daniel
Martin (1977) v.g. in cloth, d.w., in glassineprotected removable cover, signed; The Ebony
Tower (1974) v.g.+ in clipped d.w. (3)
€400 - 500
Amis (Martin) The Rachel Papers (Jonathan
Cape 1973) First UK. Signed, dated 11. 2. 86 to
ffep, v.g./ in cloth, d.w. in removable glassine
cover, rubbed at edges and chipped at head
of spine, small closed tear to bottom edge of
rear flap (no loss). Very nice copy of author’s
First Novel. Edges lightly spotted. (1)
€350 - 450
First U.K. Editions
Fowles (John) The Magus (1966) Signed, v.g.
in cloth, d.w., in glassine-protected removable
cover, neat owner name to ffep, slight stain
to front board, top and bottom edges of d.w.
rubbed, chipping to head of spine; A Maggot
(Signed) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Mantissa (Cape,
1983) First Edn. Signed, dated 1982, v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w. A lovely copy. (3)
€450 - 550
All content and images are subject to copyright
First U.K. Editions
Fowles (John) The French Lieutenant’s Woman
(1969) signed, v.g.+ in cloth, clipped d.w., in
glassine-protected removable cover; A Maggot
(Signed) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “Best
wishes to Dr Philip Murray of Sligo/ with my
best wishes “ and signed. (2)
€350 - 450
Seth (Vikram) An Equal Music (Phoenix House
1999) First UK v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; A Suitable
Boy (Phoenix House 1993) First UK signed, v.g.
+ in cloth, d.w., edges dusty; Two Lives (Little
Brown, 2005) First US, v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; The
Golden Gate (Faber 1986) First UK, v.g. in cloth,
d.w. paper toned. Two paperback poetry:
All You Who Sleep Tonight (Faber 1990) Three
Chinese Poets (Faber 1992). Both V.g. Top edges
of all 6 dusty. (6)
€150 - 250
Author’s First Three Novels - Signed
Boyd (William) A Good Man in Africa (Hamish
Hamilton 1981) First Edition of the author’s
First Novel. Signed by the author and inscribed
“For Philip Murray / with very best wishes “. V.g.
in cloth d.w., bumped to head of spine; An
Ice Cream War (Hamish Hamilton 1982 ) First
Edition of the Author’s Second Novel. Signed
by the author and inscribed “For Philip Murray
/ with all very good wishes “. V.g. in cloth d.w.,
bumped to head and tail of spine; Stars and
Bars (Hamish Hamilton 1981) First UK Edn.,
signed, v.g. in cloth d.w. (3)
€350 - 450
Boyd (William) On the Yankee Station (Morrow,
1981) First US Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w, rubbed,
lightly creased. Signed by the author and
inscribed “To Philip Murray / with all good
wishes “; A Good Man in Africa (Hamish
Hamilton 1981) First edition of the Author’s
First Novel. Signed by the author and inscribed
“For Philip Murray / with all good wishes “,
v.g. in cloth d.w., bumped to head of spine.
Ex-libris with stamping confined to copyright
page, block leaning.; Brazzaville Beach (Sinclair
Stevenson 1990) v.g. in cloth, d.w.; School Ties
(Morrow) First US Edn. v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; The
Blue Afternoon (Morrow) First US Edn., v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w., signed, dated 13/9/ 93, v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w.; The New Confessions (HH 1987) signed v.g.
in wraps. Covers lightly soiled. (6)
€300 - 400
Imperfections Not Stated
First UK First Editions
Boyd (William) On the Yankee Station (1981)
v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. In plastic protective cover;
School Ties (1985) signed, v.g. in v.g. cloth, d.w.;
The New Confessions (1987) signed, v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w., slightly spotted at top edge. Lovely
copy; Any Human Heart (2002) v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Armadillo (1998) signed by the author
and inscribed “ For Philip Murray / all good
wishes …” v.g. in cloth, d.w. (5)
€350 - 450
Boyd (William) Brazzaville Beach (Sinclair
Stevenson 1990). (London Ltd. Edns.) No 31 of
150 signed numbered copies. V.g.+ in cloth,
cellophane wrapper as issued, edges foxed.
With 1 mls, 1 als and 2 acs from author with
original envelopes, laid in.; Transfigured Night,
Signed Ltd Numbered Edn. of 2000. Unopened,
in original band’; An Ice-Cream War (Morrow
1982 ) First US Edition of the Author’s Second
Novel. Signed by the author and inscribed
“To Philip Murray / with all good wishes “. V.g.
in cloth d.w.; The Destiny of Nathalie (Sinclair
Stevenson 1995) v.g. in cloth d.w., signed dated
15. 5. 95.; A Good Man in Africa (Morrow 1982)
First US Edn., v.g. lacks d.w. (5)
€350 - 450
Kennedy (William) The Ink Truck (Dal Press,
New York, 1969) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
slightly soiled, creased along bottom edge
of front panel, hinges a little weak, edges
toned. A lovely copy of Kennedy’s Scarce
First Book. In clear protective covering; The
Flaming Corsage (Viking 1996) signed; Very
Old Bones (Viking 1992) signed v.g. in cloth,
d.w. with 1mls, orig. envelope, laid in; Quinn’s
Book (Kennedy (William) In clear protective
covering; The Flaming Corsage (Viking 1996)
signed; Very Old Bones (Viking 1992) signed
v.g. in cloth, d.w. , top edges dusty. (5)
€500 - 600
Kennedy (William) Legs (Coward, McCann
Geoghegan 1975) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
lightly soiled to front panel, creased at top
edge of spine, hinges a little weak. In clear
protective covering; Ironweed 1983 (Viking
1996) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. lightly soiled
to front panel, creased at top edge of spine. In
clear protective covering; Billy Phelan’s Greatest
Game, (Viking 1996) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
chipped at head of spine, one faint crease at
top edge of front panel. In clear protective
covering. All top edges dusty (3)
€550 - 700
First Three Short Story Collections
All First US Editions
Theroux Paul Sinning with Annie & Other
Stories (Houghton Mifflin 1972) v.g. in cloth,
d.w., front hinge weak, d.w. spine ends, corners
lightly creased. In clear protective covering;
The Consul’s File (Houghton Mifflin 1977) First
US Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w. lightly rubbed, spine
ends creased; World’s End (Houghton Mifflin
1980) Signed. First US Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.,
rubbed at edges (3)
€200 - 300
Six US & UK First Editions - Travel
Theroux Paul The Great Railway Bazaar: By
Train Though Asia (Houghton Mifflin 1975)
Signed First US Edn. V.g. in cloth d.w. D.w. spine
ends creased. In clear protective covering. Very
nice copy; The Pillars of Hercules (Putnam 1995)
First US Edn. V.g. in cloth d.w; The Kingdom
by the Sea (Hamish Hamilton 1983) Signed,
First UK Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.; Sunrise with
Seamonsters (Hamish Hamilton 1985) signed,
First UK Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. paper toned;
The Old Patagonian Express (Hamish Hamilton
1979) signed, First UK Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
creased, spine ends bumped, small tear to
head of spine; The Happy Isles of Oceania
(HH 1992) Inscribed “To James and signed by
author. Owner name to ffep (6)
€300 - 400
Exceptional Set of Eleven US & UK
First Edition Novels
Theroux Paul Waldo (Houghton Mifflin 1967)
V.g. in cloth, d.w. edge-rubbed, creasing to
spine end, in clear protective covering. Very
nice copy of Author’s First Novel; Fong and
the Indians (Houghton Mifflin 1968) Signed
v.g. in cloth, d.w. edge-rubbed, creasing
to head of spine, one closed tear (no loss)
in clear protective covering; Girls at Play
(Houghton Mifflin 1969) Signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w. edge-rubbed, creasing to spine end, in
clear protective covering; The Black House
(Houghton Mifflin 1974 ) Signed; The Family
Arsenal (Houghton Mifflin 1976) Signed, v.g.
in cloth, d.w. edge-rubbed, creasing to spine
end, in clear protective covering; The Mosquito
Coast (Houghton Mifflin 1982) Signed, v.g. in
cloth, d.w.; Half Moon St. (Houghton Mifflin
1984) Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. V.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Picture Palace (Hamish Hamilton 1978)
Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The London Embassy
(Hamish Hamilton 1982) Signed v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Dr Slaughter (Hamish Hamilton 1984)
Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Chicago Loop
(Hamish Hamilton 1990) Signed v.g. in cloth,
d.w. (11)
€1000 - 1200
Four US First Editions, (Knopf)
Morrison (Toni) Song of Solomon (1977) V.g.
in cloth, two closed tears to front panel of
d.w., no loss; small tear (loss) to bottom edge
rear panel, spine faded; Tar Baby (1981) v.g. in
cloth, d.w.; Beloved (1987) Signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Jazz (1992) Signed, v.g.+ in cloth d.w. (4)
€150 - 250
Three First Editions
Allende (Isabel) The House of Spirits (Knopf
1975) First US Edn. V.g. in original maroon
cloth, gilt, and d.w. in clear protective cover,
two tiny spots of soiling to d.w., one to front,
one to rear panel but overall a beautiful copy
of Allende’s First Novel; Of Love and Shadows
(Knopf 1987) First US Edn. V.g./v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w.; Eva Luna (Knopf 1988) First US Trade
Edn., v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w., top edges dusty
(3) €150 - 200
Weldon (Fay) Remember Me (Hodder &
Stoughton 1976) Signed v.g. in cloth, d.w.
worn at corners, 1 small closed tear. Signed
“Fay Weldon, London, Oct 87”, with 2 ls, with
envelopes, laid in.; Puffball (Hodder &
Stoughton 1980) V.g. in cloth, endpapers
age-toned, top edge of d.w. slightly creased.
Signed on title “Fay Weldon” and to ffep: “For
Philip Murray / London Oct 87”; Female Friends
(Heinemann, 1975) Signed v.g. in cloth clipped
d.w., paper age-toned, d.w. edge-rubbed and
lightly soiled. Signed “Fay Weldon, London,
Oct 87”; The Rules of Life (Hutchinson 1987)
v.g. in cloth/d.w. Signed on title “Fay Weldon”
and to ffep: “For Philip Murray / London Oct 87”;
Brookner (Anita) Family and Friends (Cape
1986) signed v.g. in cloth, d.w . Signed “With
best wishes from Anita Brookner”; A Misalliance
(Cape 1986) V.g. in cloth. Signed, d.w. rubbed,
with vertical crease front length of front panel.
Signed “With best wishes from Anita Brookner”.
Hotel du Lac (Cape 1986) v.g. in cloth signed,
d.w. rubbed, slightly creased. Signed “With best
wishes / to Dr Murray / from Anita Brookner”. All
top edges dusty. (7)
€450 - 500
Allende (Isabel) Eva Luna (Knopf 1988)
Signed Limited First US Edn. Fine. Privately
printed, on acid-free paper, bound in topgrain leather, for members of Signed First Edn.
Society, cloth in glassine covers as issued.
AEG. Ribbon separator. A superb copy of a
beautifully designed volume. (1)
€300 - 400
Two Scarce UK First Editions
Mailer (Norman) Barbary Shore (Jonathan Cape
1952) Signed by the author and inscribed “ For
Dr P Murray / cordially / Norman Mailer Nov.
1983”. About v.g. in cloth, d.w., has light creasing
to top edge, slight chips to bottom, no loss, in
clear protective cover, endpapers age-toned;
Capote (Truman) Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Hamish
Hamilton 1958). In clear protective cover, d.w.
corners rubbed, rear panel foxed. (2)€150 - 250
Forster (E M) Where Angels Fear to Tread
(Blackwood 1905) First Edition, in original blue
cloth, lacks d.w., good+, bumped and edgerubbed, general edge wear, spine cloth darkened
and faded, partly erasing “E” of author’s name
and publisher’s name, small closed tears to spine
ends, neat owner name in ink to hf title, very
light age to a few pages, hinges weak, open at
title page and rear board, otherwise stitching
tight and paper bright, edges dusty. In specially
made clam shell case A scarce copy of Forster’s
First Book. (1)
€1200 - 1500
All content and images are subject to copyright
Forster (E M) A Passage to India (Edward
Arnold 1924) First Edition. In original red
cloth, lacks d.w., good+. Prelims, late pages
(advertisements for other titles) title &
copyright pages foxed, spine cloth faded,
bumped and edge-rubbed, with a small closed
tear (quarter inch) to head of spine, age toning
and occasional light soiling throughout, pencil
owner name (John Beresford, dated July 1924),
hinges weak, open at pages 16/17; 32/33;
224/225 and 304/305, otherwise stitching tight
and paper bright, top edge dusty. A better
copy than it sounds! (1)
€350 - 450
Forster (E M) Howard’s End (Edward Arnold
1910) First Edition, in original red cloth, lacks
d.w. Edward Baring’s copy, with his signature
and book plate. About v.g., bumped, some
wear/fraying to spine ends (no loss), small
turn-down mark to pages 32/33 and small
closed tear to page 3 (no loss), hinges weak,
open at title verso/page 1, 32/33 and 48/49.
Top edge dusty. (1)
€550 - 650
Fitzgerald (F Scott) The Crack-Up (New
Directions, CT 1945). Ed. Edmund Wilson. First
Edn., with title page printed in red, brown
and black. V.g. in original pink boards with
printed label to spine, d.w. is soiled, worn at
edges, with open tears (loss) to tail of spine
and bottom corner of front panel, edges
and endpapers age-toned, top edge dusty;
[Bruccoli Matthew] The Price Was High:
Last Uncollected Stories of F Scott Fitzgerald
(Harcourt Brace 1979) First Edn., v.g. in cloth,
d.w. and glassine wrapper; [Turnbull Andrew]
Scott Fitzgerald A Biography (Bodley Head
1962). First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. lightly
soiled and edge worn with a few small tears;
[Mitford, Nancy] Zelda Fitzgerald (Bodley
Head 1970) rep., v.g. in cloth, d.w. rubbed,
lightly soiled. Non-author gift inscription to
ffep. (4)
€150 - 250
Forster (E M) A Room with a View (Edward
Arnold 1908) First Edition, in original red
cloth, lacks d.w., neat owner name (Anthony
Wallis) in ink to ffep., about v.g., spine cloth
slightly faded, corners bumped, hinge s weak,
open at pages 80/81. Prelims, late pages
(advertisements for other titles) & title page
foxed, age toning to edges and occasional light
soiling throughout, and text bright and clean,
paper strong. A nice copy. Top edge dusty. (1)
€400 - 500
Forster (E M) The Longest Journey (Wm
Blackwood 1907) First Edition, in original dark
green cloth, lacks d.w., v.g., bumped, a few
tiny closed tears to spine ends (no loss), hinges
weak, open at pages 32/33, light age toning to
prelims and a few early pps, top edge dusty. (1)
€600 - 700
Forster (E M) The Hill of Devi (Harcourt Brace,
1954) V.g., lacks d.w.; Maurice (Arnold 1971)
v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The Life to Come (Norton
1972) V.g. in clipped d.w.; Arctic Summer and
Other Fiction (Arnold 1980) Abinger Edition.
V.g. in cloth, d.w.; Maurice (Edward Arnold
1971) v.g., in cloth, d.w.; (Furnbank, P. N) E M
Forster A Life Vol. l (Secker & Warburg 1977 ) v.g.
in cloth, d.w.; (Furnbank, P. N) and E M Forster
A Life Vol. ll (Secker & Warburg 1998 ) V.g. in
cloth, d.w. A useful lot. (7)
€150 - 200
Grass (Gunter) The Tin Drum (Secker &
Warburg 1962), Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
Prelims and edges age-toned, d.w. clipped,
toned, spine darkened, soiled, in removable
plastic cover, top edge of spin paper creased.
Inscribed in German “fur P Murray [illegible]
von Heinrich Boll / Berlin am 25. 2. 86” also
typed signed letter (in German) from Author’s
Secrtary; Boll (Heinrich) The Train Was on Time
(Secker & Warburg 1973) First Eng. Language
Edition, v.g. in cloth, d.w. spine ends, front
and rear panels creased, corners rubbed, spine
faded, edges toned, top edge dusty; Boll
(Heinrich) Group Portrait with Lady (Avon
Books, NY, 5th printing). Inscribed by author
and signed “For Dr. P Murray.” (3)€150 - 200
Imperfections Not Stated
Scarce Signed First Edition of Author’s
Second Novel
Kenneally (Thomas) The Fear (Cassell
Australia, 1965) v.g. in cloth, d.w. Paper
toned but crisp and clean, d.w. fresh, slightly
chipped, no loss, at head of spine, head
of spine internally reinforced with tape,
inscribed “For Philip Murray / with warmest
regards / Tom Kenneally”. A lovely copy of
this scare title. Als, offering to sign book, laid
in; Cunningham (Michael) A Home at the End
of the World, (Hamish Hamilton 1991) First UK
Edn. [US 1990]. Inscribed “To Dr. Philip Murray
/ with best wishes / Michael Cunningham.” In
protective plastic cover. Two als, arranging to
sign books. laid in. (2) €300 - 350
Hemingway (Ernest) Death in The Afternoon
(Scribner, 1932) First Edn. Scribner’s “A” on
copyright page; frontis by Juan Gris Very Good
in original cloth and unclipped, toned d.w. with
tears to both panels and head of spine, loss,
spine darkened. Ex-lib book plate to verso front
board, of front hinge weak, top edge darkened.
€300 - 400
Hemingway (Ernest) Across the River and
Into the Trees (Cape, 1950). First Edn., v.g. in
cloth, clipped d.w. A bright, clean copy, d.w,
in cellophane wrapper, is lightly bumped
and rubbed, creased to spine ends and has
2 neat tape repairs verso, book seller’s pencil
annotation to ffep. A very nice copy. Edges
age-toned and top edge dusty. (1) €200 - 250
Hemingway (Ernest) Green Hills of Africa
(Scribner 1935) First Edn., v.g. in cloth,
unclipped d.w., in cellophane wrapper is faded,
lightly bumped and rubbed, creased to corners
and spine ends, a few tiny closed tears (no
loss), edges are toned, top edge dusty. Overall,
a fresh, collectible copy. (1)
€150 - 200
Hemingway (Ernest) Men Without Women,
(Scribner, 1926) First Edn., v.g. in original cloth
and First issue d.w., unclipped in cellophane
wrapper, edges are age toned, top edge dusty,
worn at corners and spine ends (loss) with a
little light soiling, spine paper darkened. Neat
owner name (Chard) inscribed beneath top of
front flap, and embossed in blind to bottom
corner of title page, hinges a little loose, open
at a few pages, but block generally tight. (1)
€1500 - 2000
Scarce Signed First Edition
of Author’s First Novel
Kenneally (Thomas) The Place at Whitton
(Cassell London 1964) v.g. in cloth, light toning
to prelims, and just a few early and late pages,
d.w. fresh - corners and edges chipped, no
loss, tippex marks to verso of both boards, not
seriously detracting from a very acceptable
collector’s copy of this scare title; and one
other (same title), Ex.-Libris copy. (2)
€250 - 350
All content and images are subject to copyright
Hemingway (Ernest) A Farewell to Arms
(Scribner, 1929). First Edn., v.g. in original cloth,
unclipped d.w. in cellophane wrapper, edges
are age toned, top edge dusty, d.w. is agetanned with a little light soiling but overall this
is a fresh, clean, collector’s copy. (1)
€2000 - 3000
Hemingway (Ernest) For Whom the Bell Tolls
(Scribner, 1940). First Edn., v.g. in original cloth,
unclipped d.w., in cellophane wrapper. Tan
cloth over boards, discoloured on edges, edges
are age-toned, top edge dusty. First issue d.w.
(without photographer’s name) has a few
small tears (loss) to both panels, some closed
tears some creasing to head of spine paper
but colour is fresh and it looks better than it
sounds! (1)
€350 - 450
Hemingway (Ernest) The Old Man and the Sea
(Scribner, 1952) First Edn. Scribner’s “A” and
Seal on copyright page. Very Good in cloth and
clipped d.w., in protective cellophane wrapper,
d.w. is rubbed at edges and is creased to top
and bottom edges. Age toning to edges. (1)
€350 - 450
Hemingway (Ernest) Winner Take Nothing
(Scribner 1933) First Edn., with Scribner code
“A”. V.g. in cloth, endpapers very slightly agetoned, unclipped d.w, in cellophane wrapper,
is rubbed, creased to edges, corners and spine
ends. A few small tears (loss) and some tape
repairs to top of front panel. Edges are toned,
top edge dusty. (1)
€450 - 550
Hemingway (Ernest) In Our Time (Cape 1926)
First UK Edn. Near v.g. in original green cloth,
lacks d.w. Endpapers and prelims, age-toned,
spine faded, ends bumped, corners rubbed,
circular liquid stain (from glass or similar) to
front boards, small liquid splash to rear board,
edges are toned, top edge dusty. Review taped
to verso back board. An acceptable copy of
author’s second published work. (1) €300 - 400
Imperfections Not Stated
Hemingway (Ernest) The Fifth Column and
The First Forty-Nine Stories (Scribner 1938)
First Edn., with Scribner code “A”. V.g. in cloth,
unclipped d.w. Neat book store sticker to
board verso, endpapers very slightly agetoned, d.w. in cellophane wrapper, is v.g.,
slightly creased to edges and rubbed to spine
ends, a few small closed tears (no loss), edges
are toned, top edge dusty. Overall a lovely
copy of this very scarce first edition (1)
€900 - 1200
Rare First Edition - Poetry
Hemingway (Ernest) God Rest You Merry
Gentlemen, (House of Books 1933) First Edn. No
258 of Limited Edition 300. In original red cloth
and glassine wrapper (no d.w. issued). Gilt
spine & front board, paper is toned but clean
and strong, binding tight. An exceptional copy
. (1)
€1800 - 2500
Hemingway (Ernest) A Moveable Feast
(Scribner 1964); The Nick Adams Stories
(Scribner 1972); A Hemingway Checklist [Lee
Samuels]; By-Line (Scribner 1967); Three Stories
and Ten Poems (1977 rep); 88 Poems (Harcourt
Brace) As a lot, w.a.f. (6)
€140 - 200
Hemingway (Ernest) To Have and Have
Not, (Scribner 1937) First Edn., with Scribner
code “A”. V.g. in cloth, unclipped d.w. Spine
ends bumped, d.w., in cellophane wrapper, is
v.g., slightly creased to spine ends, otherwise
unusually brigh, edges toned, top edge dusty.
A lovely copy. (1)
€900 - 1200
Hemingway (Ernest) [ and others
Hemingway-related] Islands in the Stream; My
Brother Ernest Hemingway; Papa Hemingway;
Dangerous Summer; The Old Man and The Sea;
The Hemingway Reader; Selected Letters 1917
- 1961; The 5th Column and Four Stories of the
Spanish Civil War; The Garden of Eden. A useful
lot., w.a.f. (10)
€150 - 200
Steinbeck (John) Bombs Away The Story of a
Bomber Team, (Viking 1942), v.g. in cloth, faintly
damp stained, front panel of d.w. bright, rear
panel age-toned, edges rubbed, a few small
tears (loss), in removable protective wrapper.
A very collectible copy of the US First Edn.; The
Wayward Bus (Heinemann 1947) First UK Edn.,
v.g. in cloth., d.w. is rubbed and edge-worn,
with large tear to head of spine (loss), rear
panel soiled; Of Mice and Men (Acting Edition)
1964 reprint, v.g. in wrappers. (3) €250 - 350
Steinbeck (John) In Dubious Battle (World
Publishing Co. 1947) Tower Books Edition. First
thus [1936]. ), v.g. in cloth, lightly soiled/worn at
edges, d.w. is torn (loss) to front and rear panels
and spine ends, paper toned; The Log from the
Sea of Cortez (Heinemann 1958). V.g. in near
v.g. cloth, faded at edges, d.w. is soiled, lightly
age-toned, corners worn (loss), all edges toned,
top edges dusty. Burning Bright, (Heinemann
1951). near v.g. in cloth, d.w. age-toned, edges
corners worn (loss to bottom front corner).;
The Short Reign of Pippin lV. (Heinemann 1958),
v.g. in cloth d.w. is age-toned, top corners are
bumped, generally toned, spine darkened;
Travels with Charley (Viking 1962) , v.g. in
cloth, faded at edges, d.w. is clipped, soiled,
edges and corners worn (slight loss). Page 19 is
repaired with tape (long vertical tear) - no loss.;
The Winter of our Discontent (Heinemann 1961)
First UK Edn. VG in cloth, d.w. is clipped, worn
and faded at edges, soiled and rubbed (slight
loss). Two words stroked out in heavy biro
presumably owner name. (6)
€200 - 300
Three First UK Editions
Steinbeck (John) East Of Eden First UK Edn.
(Heinemann 1952) V.g. cloth d.w., cloth is
lightly soiled, clipped d.w. is edge worn, tears
with loss to both spine ends, ends repaired with
tape; Sweet Thursday First UK Edn. (Heinemann
1954) v.g. in near v.g. d.w.,cloth is lightly dampstained at spine ends, d.w. is chipped and worn
at corners, small tears with loss to spine ends,
ends repaired with tape, residue of gum from
tape removal to 1st and last endpapers and hf
title, neat pencil owner name to ffep; Journal
of a Novel First UK Edn. (Heinemann 1970). V.g.
cloth is lightly soiled, d.w. is lightly rubbed. All
edges toned, top edges dusty. (3) €350 - 450
All content and images are subject to copyright
Steinbeck (John) The Grapes of Wrath, First
UK Edn. (Heinemann 1939) v.g. in near v.g.
d.w., cloth is lightly soiled, rubbed, toning to
endpapers, d.w. is in clear, loose, protective
wrappers, rubbed, worn at edges, loss at spine
ends, liquid stain to d.w. verso, not penetrating
to front edges tones, top edge dusty. (1)
€350 - 450
Steinbeck (John) Cannery Row (Heinemann
1945) First UK Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w., cloth is
bright and fresh, d.w. edge-rubbed, chipped
at corners and spine ends, with small tears
(minimal loss) to spine ends, some internal
tape-repair, front flap, endpapers and title
are creased, edges toned; The Moon is Down
(Viking 1942) First US Edn., 2nd state (with the
misplaced dot between “talk” and “this” on
line 11, page 112 removed), v.g. in cloth d.w.
is lightly edge-rubbed, chipped to head of
spine, but overall a lovely copy. In removable
cellophane wrapper. Top edges dusty (both
volumes). (2)
€400 - 500
Six Early First Editions
Snow ( C P) The Light and the Dark (Faber
1947) . Author’s Second Book. About v.g. in
blue cloth, lacks d.w., bumped, generally dusty,
spine very faded, paper is age-toned, but is
otherwise clean and block is tight; Time of
Hope (Faber 1949). Author’s Third Book, v.g.
in orange cloth, lacks d.w., generally dusty,
spine very faded, paper is age-toned, but is
otherwise clean and block is tight; The Masters
(Macmillan 1951) v.g. in cloth, bumped, d.w.
is age-toned, rubbed, chipping to spine ends,
slight loss. Owner name to ffep.; The New Men,
v.g. in blue cloth, lacks d.w. bumped, rubbed,
mild toning to endpapers, bright, tight;
Homecomings (Macmillan 1956) v.g. in cloth,
d.w. is clipped, chipped at spine ends, rear
panel soiled. Overall a nice copy of this early
work; The Conscience of the Rich (Macmillan
1958) v.g. in red cloth, lacks d.w., boards,
rubbed, mild toning to endpapers, bright,
tight. All top edges dusty. Als re signing of
books. laid in. (6)
€200 - 300
Signed First Edition of Author’s
Scarce First Novel
Snow (C.P.) Strangers and Brothers (Faber 1940)
v.g. in cloth, about v.g., d.w., bowed. Inscribed
“To Philip Murray / with warm greetings / from
CP Snow / Jan 29. 80”. Neat owner name to
front board verso, hidden by flap, d.w. is age
toned, unclipped, is worn at edges, some loss,
in cellophane protective wrapper, spine faded.
Als. laid in. (1)
€550 - 650
Dahl (Roald) Kiss Kiss (Ml. Joseph 1960) First
Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w., bumped, d.w. clipped,
rubbed at edges, lightly soiled, repaired
internally with tape, in removable cellophane
protective wrapper. Signed & inscribed “To
Dr Murray and his family / love Roald Dahl”;
Switch Bitch (Ml. Joseph 1974) First Edn., v.g.
in cloth, bowed, d.w. lightly creased. signed
& inscribed “To Philip / love Roald Dahl”.
Additional non-author gift inscription to ffep.;
My Uncle Oswald (Ml. Joseph 1979) First Edn.,
v.g. in cloth, bumped, d.w. rubbed, creased to
spine ends. signed & inscribed “To Dr P Murray
/ with all my best wishes / Roald Dahl 10 Oct
1983”, Roald Dahl’s Book of Ghost Stories (Cape
1983). First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. is rubbed
at corners and edges. Last endpapers covered
with doodles/drawings in ink. Two Fables,
(Viking 1986) v.g.+ in cloth d.w., signed &
inscribed “To Philip / love Roald Dahl”. All top
edges dusty (5)
€250 - 350
Five UK First Editions (Hutchinson)
Forsyth (Frederick) The Day of the Jackal
(1971) Signed, v.g. in cloth, boards bumped,
d.w. chipped to head and tail of spine, with
vertical crease, two tiny tears, one at either
end of spine paper, some loss, corners rubbed
and lightly worn, offsetting from flaps to
endpapers. Inscribed “For Philip Murray /
with warmest regards / Frederick Forsyth 12.
2 . 81. Overall a nice copy of Author’s First
NoveI; The Odessa File (1972) v.g. in cloth,
boards bumped, d.w. creased to head and tail
of spine, inscribed “For Philip Murray / with
my best wishes / Frederick Forsyth 12. 2 . 81”
(Owner name to same page). In removable
plastic cover; The Dogs of War (1974), v.g.
in cloth, d.w. , inscribed “For Philip Murray /
with my best wishes / Frederick Forsyth 12. 2
. 81”, edges slightly creased, two small closed
tears, no loss, non-author inscription to ffep.;
The Devil’s Alternative (1979). Apparent 2nd
impression: “reprinted before publication”, v.g.
in cloth, d.w., inscribed “For Philip Murray /
with sincere best wishes / Frederick Forsyth
12. 2 . 81”; The Fourth Protocol (1984) signed,
v.g. in cloth, d.w. bumped. Inscribed: “Frederick
Forsyth 15/9/84”; The Biafra Story (Penguin
1969) Paperback, v.g., paper toned. With 2 als.
Inscribed “for Philip Murray / with all my best
wishes / Frederick Forsyth Sep. 86”, laid in. (6)
€500 - 700
Dahl (Roald) The Wonderful Story of Henry
Sugar and Six More (Cape 1977) First Edn., v.g.
in cloth, bumped, d.w. rubbed, creased, edges
age-toned. Signed & inscribed “To Philip / love
Roald Dahl”; My Uncle Oswald (Ml. Joseph
1979) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, bumped, d.w.
rubbed, creased. Signed & inscribed “To Philip
/ love Roald Dahl”; Someone Like You (Knopf,
1954) 4th imp. Signed “Roald Dahl”, boards
soiled and edge rubbed (lacks d.w.), internally
clean, hinges weak; Roald Dahl’s Book of Ghost
Stories (Cape 1983)First Edn., v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w. Signed & inscribed “To Philip / love Roald
Dahl”. All top edges dusty. (4)
€250 - 350
Imperfections Not Stated
McEwan (Ian) Author’s First Four novels
Signed. (All First UK, Jonathan Cape) The
Cement Garden (1978) signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.,
unclipped, rubbed, edges toned. A lovely copy
of the elusive first novel, light age toning to
prelims and a few early pages, edges toned.;
The Comfort of Strangers (1981) signed v.g.
in cloth, d.w. unclipped, in removable plastic
cover; The Child in Time (1987) signed, flaps
lightly age toned, d.w. unclipped; The Innocent
(1990) v.g. in cloth, d.w. unclipped is edge
rubbed. All top edges dusty (4)
€450 - 550
A Set of Eight First Editions, Signed
Mo (Timothy) The Monkey King (Deutsch 1978)
A lovely copy of Author’s First Book, v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w. endpapers and edges age toned, in
removable plastic cover; Sour Sweet (Deutsch
1982) v.g. in cloth, clipped d.w. paper toned,
boards slightly bumped; An Insular Possession
(Chatto & Windus 1986), signed v.g./v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w. Endpapers and edges age toned, in
removable plastic cover; The Redundancy of
Courage (Chatto & Windus 1991), v.g./v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w., endpapers and edges age toned.;
Brownout on Breadfruit Boulevard (Paddleless
Press, 1995) Signed, dated April 11. 1995, v.g.+
in cloth, d.w., in removable plastic cover. Laid
in: brief als. Very brief! (5)
€300 - 400
Set of First Editions, Some Signed
McEwan (Ian) Black Dogs (1992), Enduring
Love (1997) signed, Amsterdam (1998) signed
dated, 17. 9. 1978. , Atonement (2001), Saturday
(2005) Or Shall We Die (1983) signed; On Chesil
Beach (2007) All v.g. - v.g.+, in cloth, d.w.; 3
others (paperbacks). (10)
€150 - 200
McEwan (Ian) In Between the Sheets (Simon
& Schuster 1978) signed, d.w. clipped, edges
lightly age toned, spine faded; The Imitation
Game: Three Plays for Television (Cape 1981)
v.g. in cloth, d.w, in cellophane wrapper; The
Innocent: Uncorrected proof (Cape 1990) signed,
v.g. in wrappers. All top edges dusty (3)
€150 - 200
McEwan (Ian) Author’s First two books, signed.
(Both First UK, Jonathan Cape) One signed
uncorrected proof. First Love, Last Rites (1975)
signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w., corners and spine
ends of d.w. are rubbed, small chip (loss) to tail
of spine, liquid stain to bottom of d.w, barely
visible from front, d.w. unclipped, lightly
rubbed, endpapers and edges toned. Author’s
first book (precedes first novel) edges toned; In
Between the Sheets (1978) Signed, d.w. clipped,
edges age toned. Spine faded. Both top edges
dusty; The Innocent: Uncorrected proof (Cape
1990) Inscribed “For Vivien” and signed, v.g. in
wrappers. (3)
€650 - 900
Kundera (Milan) The Unbearable Lightness
of Being (Faber 1991) v.g. in cloth, d.w., edges
rubbed, inscribed “ Paris 1986 / to Dr Philip
Murray / tres cordialement / Milan Kundera”,
The Joke (Harper Collins 1992) First thus
[“Definitive and Revised by the Author”]
v.g.+ in cloth. V.g. d.w., inscribed “to Dr Philip
Murray / Milan Kundera”, Life is Elsewhere First
UK (Faber 1986), in removable protective
wrapper, Laughable Loves (Murray 1978) Short
Stories. First UK Edn. In removable protective
wrapper Inscribed to Dr Philip Murray / truly
/ Milan Kundera”, The Farewell Party (Murray
1977). First UK Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w., cloth
slightly soiled, d.w. rubbed. Inscribed “Paris le
13 mars 1986 / to Dr Philip Murray / with all
my sympathy / Milan Kundera”. Immortality,
(Faber 1991) v.g. in cloth, d.w., edges rubbed.
Inscribed “Paris 1997 / to Philip Murray / avec
une amitie / Milan Kundera”; Ignorance A
Novel (Harper Collins 2002) v.g.+ in d.w.,
inscribed “ pour Dr Philip Murray / avec une
sympathie / Milan Kundera”, Ignorance A
Novel (Harper Collins 2002) Uncorrected proof
(unsigned), v.g.+ in wrappers.
€500 - 700
Signed Copy of Author’s Scarce First Work,
& 2 Others
Lodge (David) The Picturegoers (MacGibbon
& Kee, 1960) v.g. in cloth, d.w. Endpapers and
edges toned, top edge dusty. Rear panel of
d.w. toned and lightly soiled, spine faded, with
edge wear to spine ends. No loss. In removable
protective wrapper. A lovely copy, signed to
title page. Acs, and orig. envelope. laid in; Nice
Work (Secker & Warburg 1988). v.g., in d.w.,
cloth, endpapers and edges toned. Signed,
inscribed “With very best wishes / David
Lodge”; Therapy (Secker & Warburg 1995). v.g.
in cloth, d.w., edges toned. Signed, inscribed
“1st May 1995 / David Lodge” (3)
€300 - 400
First Editions, Most Signed
- Some with Autographed Letters
Lessing (Doris) The Good Terrorist, signed on
adhesive label, Two acs. laid in ; Gordimer
(Nadine) My Son’s Story, signed Laid in: als.;
Gordimer (Nadine) The Conservationist,
signed; Gunesekera (Romesh) The Sandglass
, signed and inscribed to Dr Murray. .” One mls,
from author with original envelope laid in;
Hailey (Arthur) The Final Diagnosis signed and
inscribed to Dr Murray. ; Trapido (Barbara)
The Travelling Hornplayer, signed; Malamud
(Bernard) The Fixer . One als and 2 acs from
author, laid in.; Caute (David) Fatima’s Scarf
signed and inscribed to Dr Murray. .” Als and acs,
2 orig envelopes, laid in; Davies (Robertson)
The Lyre of Orpheus signed on adhesive label,
with 2 als, orig envelope, laid in.; Davies
(Robertson) World of Wonders (proof copy)
signed on adhesive label. Two als, original
envelope, laid in.; One other. (12 )
€300 - 400
Kosinski (Jerzy) The Painted Bird (WH Allen
1966) First UK Edn. Signed and inscribed on
fep “For Dr Murray in appreciation of his ‘long
distance’ interest - cordially Jerzy Kosinski,
Nov. 14th 1983”, v.g. in cloth, d.w., is faded and
toned, closed tear to bottom fore edge and
spine ends, no loss, edges toned, top edge
dusty. (1)
€250 - 350
Bradbury (Malcolm) Eating People is Wrong
(Secker & Warburg 1959). First Edn. signed, v.g.
in cloth, d.w. spine cloth has a shallow crease,
front flap of d.w. has a closed tear, repaired
with tape, in removable glassine cover, agetoning confined to endpapers and edges.
Owner name to ffep. Signed, inscribed "With
very best wishes / Malcolm Bradbury". An
unusually bright copy of author's first work.;
The History Man (Secker & Warburg 1975).
First Edn. signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w., edges
toned; Rates of Exchange (Secker & Warburg
1983). First Edn. signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w., v.g.
Signed, inscribed "With my good wishes ". All
top edges dusty (3) €200 - 300
All content and images are subject to copyright
Two Unique Volumes
Carr (J.L.) A Month in the Country (Harvester
Press, 1980) v.g. in cloth, d.w. With interesting
inscription and dedication from author. (see
image). With acs , orig. envelope, and mls
with list of books and the prices at which
Dr Murray could buy them, loosely inserted.
The Battle of Pollocks Crossing (Viking 1985).
Lengthy, neat inscription from the author,
added on dedication page, outlining the
background to and sources for the book.
Separately inscribed for Dr Murray, signed and
dated Feb 12 1985. (2) €350 - 450
Benedict (Pinckney) Town Smokes (Ontario
Review Press 1987) Signed, First Edn., v.g.
in pictorial wraps, as issued (no h.b.); The
Wrecking Yard and Other Stories (Doubleday
1992) First US Edn. Signed on title page, v.g.+
in d.w.; Dogs of God Stories (Doubleday 1994)
First US Edn. Signed on title page, v.g.+ in d.w.
€150 - 250
Hijuelos (Oscar) Our House in the Last World
(Persea 1983) Signed First Edn., v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w.; Kureishi (Hanif) The Buddha
of Suburbia (Faber 1990), Signed First Edn.
v.g.+ in cloth, d.w., inscribed “To Philip, 17/ 7/
90 Hanif Kureishi”; Tan (Amy) The Joy Luck
Club (Putnam 1989). Inscribed “To Bert / Best
wishes for Joy and Luck / Amy Tan 28 July
89 / Venice”, v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Coetzee (J.
M) Disgrace (Secker & Warburg 1999) v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w. with 2 als, orig, envelope, laid in.;
Coetzee (J. M) Life & Times of Michael K (Secker
& Warburg 1983) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Inscribed
“For Philip Murray / with my very best wishes
/ J M Coetzee, Nov. 1983”; Hulme (Keri) The
Bone People (Spiral / Hodder & Stoughton
1985) First thus [ 1984], v.g. in cloth, d.w.;
Lawson (Mary) Crow Lake (Knopf Canada
2002) First US Edn. Signed, v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w.; Lawson (Mary) The Other Side of the
Bridge (Knopf 2006) First US Edn. Signed, v.g.+
in cloth, d.w.; Tremain (Rose) Sacred Country
(Sinclair Stevenson 1992) First UK Edn., v.g.+
in cloth, d.w. page edges toned; Robinson
(Marilynne) Home (Virago 2008) v.g. in cloth,
d.w., D.w. slightly rubbed and worn at edges.
(10) Useful lot.
€150 - 200
All First US Editions - Most Signed
Woodrell (Daniel) Woe to Live On (Henry Holt,
1987) Signed; Under the Bright Lights (Henry
Holt, 1988) Signed; Muscle for the Wing (Henry
Holt, 1988) Signed; The Ones You Do (Henry
Holt, 1992) Signed; Give us a Kiss ( Henry Holt,
1996) signed; Tomato Red (Henry Holt, 1998)
Signed; The Death of Sweet Mister (Putnam
(2001); Winter’s Bone (Little Brown , 2006)
Signed; The Outlaw Album (Little Brown ,
2011) signed; The Maid’s Version, (Little Brown
2013). Most Signed. All V.g.+, in cloth, d.w. A
complete set of this author’s work in beautiful
condition (10)
€500 - 600
Hansford Johnson (Pamela) Mainly First
Editions The Humbler Creation; On Iniquity;
The Unspeakable Skipton; Corinth House;
The Survival of the Fittest; Cork St, Next to the
Hatters; Night and Silence; and 10 others. Good
- VG., W.a.f. (17)
€100 - 150
Maclean (Alistair) H M S Ulysses (Collins
1955) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, bumped,
spine cloth faded, d.w. is rubbed, chipped at
spine ends, repaired with tape; Maclean
(Alistair) Bear Island (Collins 1971) v.g. in
cloth, d.w., inscribed “For Dr Murray / with
best wishes May 15, 1984 / Alistair Maclean”;
Alistair Maclean (as Ian Stuart) The Dark
Crusader (Collins 1961) First, about v.g, in
cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For Dr P Murray / with all
good wishes May 15, 1984 / Alistair Maclean”;
bumped, d.w. has closed tear, tape repaired;
Ludlum (Robert) The Holcroft Covenant
(Granada Publishing / Hart-Davis, 1978), v.g.,
d.w. is g.+ . Bumped, cloth faded. D/ toned, top
corner of Ffep cut off. Inscribed in label, “For Dr
Murray / with thanks and best wishes/ Robert
Ludlum”; Bellow (Saul) Mr Sammler’s Planet
(Weidenfeld Nicolson 1970) about v.g. in
cloth, bumped, d.w. is clipped, creased, soiled,
repaired with tape, closed tear; Monsarrat
The Kapillan of Malta (Cassell 3rd imp, 1973)
Signed, inscribed; Munthe (Axel) The Story
of San Michele (Murray / Albemarle Library 4th
imp. 1963) v.g. in cloth, d.w. is soiled (6)
€200 - 300
BOX LOT : Irving (John) The World According
to Garp (Dutton 1978) First Edn., v.g. in cloth,
d.w., rubbed, edges creased, worn, hf. title
covered approx. one-third with tippex,
ink inscription visible verso; Cider House
Rules (Morrow 1985) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.
creased at head of spine; West (Morris) The
World is Made of Glass (Hodder 1983) First
Edn. Inscribed “To Dr Philip Murray / with
compliments and best wishes / Morris L West
/ Dec 1983”. V.g. in cloth, d.w.; Cruz Smith
(Martin) Stallion Gate (Collins Harvill 1986).
First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. paper is age-toned.;
Jones (Edward P) The Known World, (Harper
Collins 2003) First Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.;
Kundera (Milan) Ignorance, (Faber 2002) First
Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Kundera (Milan)
Immortality, (Faber 1991) First Edn., v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w. Inscribed “To Dr Philip Murray / Paris
1991 / Milan Kundera”; Williams (John) Stoner
(Univ of Arkansas, reprint) v.g. in wrappers;
Johnston (George) A Cartload of Clay (Collins
1971)”; Johnston (George) Clean Straw for
Nothing (Collins 1969)”; Johnston (George)
My Brother Jack (rep). A useful lot. (11)
€140 - 200
Imperfections Not Stated
Collection of Seventeen Novels
Snow (C.P.) Box lot of Novels. (1)
With Manuscript Poem
Heaney (Seamus) Night Drive, (Richard
Gilbertson) n.d. [1970] Poems from Heaney’s
first two collections. Copy No 27 , with the
Author’s manuscript of Night Drive. Signed by
author and dated 9th July 1970. V.g. in lightly
soiled, stitched wrappers. From the total Edn.
of 100 copies this is one of only 25 signed and
dated by the author and with a poem in the
author’s manuscript, the poem here being
‘’Undine’’. Of the other 75 copies, 45 had no
manuscript poem, three had all the poems
in manuscript, seventeen had ‘’The Dream’’ in
manuscript and ten had ‘’Night Drive’’. Very
scarce item. (1)
€1250 - 1500
Heaney (Seamus) The Haw Lantern., (FSG
1987) Uncorrected Proof. V.g. in printed
wrappers. Signed on title page.; The Redress
of Poetry, (Clarendon Press 1990) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in wrappers. Inscribed “for Philip
Murray - Seamus Heaney - Sligo - 1985”; An
Open Letter, (Field Day 1983) First Edn. Field
Day No. 2. V.g. in slightly soiled wrappers.
Signed, dated December 1987; The Gravel
Walks, (Lenoir Rhyne College, 1992) V.g
Copy 87 of Limited Edn. of 175 copies. V.g. in
printed wrappers. Pp 4.; Articulations: Poetry,
Philosophy and the Shaping of Culture, (RIA
2008) First Edn. No. 326 of Ltd. Edn. 400 copies,
Signed by author and by Patrick Masterson;
(Heaney contrib.) Dáin do Shomhairle / Poems
for Sorley, (Sorley MacLean Trust 2011) (6)
€300 - 400
340 & detail
€80 - 100
Heaney (Seamus) The Gravel Walks, (Lenoir
Rhyne College, 1992) V.g.+ in marbled
wrappers, uncut Lettered ‘Q’ of a Special Edn.
of 26 lettered copies, printed on hand-made
paper, signed by author. Pp 4.; The Sounds of
Rain, (Emory Univ. 1988) First Edn. One of Ltd
Ed 300 unnumbered copies. This copy signed
on title page. V.g. in blue card wrappers, in
lightly soiled printed envelope.; Something to
Write home About : A Meditation for Television,
(Flying Fox Films 2001) First Edn. V.g.+ in
decorative wrappers. One of a Ltd Edn. of 350,
50 of which were signed, this an unnumbered
copy. Signed by David Hammond (but not
by Heaney).; Articulations: Poetry, Philosophy
and the Shaping of Culture, (R.I.A. 2008) First
Edn. No. 45 of Ltd. Edn. 400 copies. Signed by
author and by Patrick Masterson.; (Heaney
contrib.) Dáin do Shomhairle / Poems for
Sorley, (Sorley MacLean Trust 2011) First Edn.
With mls from Sorley MacLean in orig. env, laid
in. (5)
€200 - 300
Heaney (Seamus) A set of Heaney Lectures:
Among Schoolchildren, (1983) First Edn. V.g.;
Speranza in Reading - On ‘The Ballad of Reading
Gaol, (1994) First Edn. Signed, v.g.; The Redress
of Poetry, (1990) First Edn. Signed, v.g.; Joy or
Night: Last Things in the Poetry of Philip Larkin,
First Edn. Signed, inscribed “For Philip Murray
- Seamus Heaney - August 1995”; The Makings
of a Music, (1978) First Edn. Vg.; Extending
the Alphabet: On Christopher Marlowe’s ‘Hero
and Leander’, (1994) First Edn. v.g.; Place &
Displacement, (1985) Signed, v.g.+; Among
Schoolchildren, Second Edn. (1984) v.g.+;
The Fire I’ the Flint: Reflections on the Poetry of
Gerard Manley Hopkins, (1975) First Edn. V.g. in
creased wrappers. Signed; From the Republic
of Conscience, (1985) First Edn. V.g. Illus by
John Behan, inscribed to Phil Murray - with
best regards - John Behan - February 86”; The
Whole Thing: On the Good of Poetry, (2001)
First Edn. Signed; Eclogues in Extremis: on
The Staying Power of Pastoral, (2003) Signed
on cover and again on page 1. V.g. in creased
wrappers; Yeats: A Fifty Year Salute (Field Day
1989) First Edn. Signed, inscribed “ For Philip
Murray, 14th February 1989”. V.g. + 3 others -(
non-lectures, unsigned). (16)
€400 - 500
Heaney (Seamus) The Riverbank Field, (Gallery
2007) First Edn. Signed. No 47 of Ltd Edn. of
500 copies. Fine, in cloth, d.w.; One on a Side:
An Evening with Seamus Heaney and Robert
Frost, (Bookmarkpress 2008), First Edn.
Signed. Inscribed “For Philip - le meas agus le
buiochas - Seamus Heaney 5. Vii. 08”. Near Fine;
Hailstones, (Gallery 1984) First Publ. Edn. V.g.+
Signed, d.w. lightly creased at top edge front
panel, Signed, dated December 1988. (3)
€400 - 600
Heaney (Seamus) - and others. Field Day
Pamphlets, Nos. 1 - 15, complete, in original
wrap-around price bans. Some toning/
spotting. A second copy of Heaney’s ‘An Open
Letter’, v.g. As a lot. (15) €250 - 300
Heaney (Seamus) A Shiver, (Clutag Press
2005) First Edn. Near Fine in wrappers, as
issued. This is No. 99 of Ltd Edn. of 300 copies
(unsigned); Slack, (Newcastle Centre for the
Literary Arts 2009). Heaney’s poem in folding
card format (32 in. x 6 in). No edition stated.
Also: Landmarks: A Commemorative Programme
Celebrating 40 Years of The Gallery Press. (Gallery
2010) Ltd. Edn. of 450 copies (not numbered or
signed). (3)
€200 - 250
Heaney (Seamus) & Egan (Felim) Towards
a Collaboration, (Ardhowen Centre 1986).
Heaney’s sonnet, “I thought of walking round
and round a space,” and Egan’s painting
“Clearance 1986”. Signed by Poet and by Artist.
V.g.+ in card wrappers. Pp. 4; Poetry Ireland:
50 60, Programme for a reading to mark the
60th birthday of John Montague and the 50th
birthday of Seamus Heaney (Poetry Ireland
1989) V.g.+ in printed card wrappers. Signed
by both Poets. (2)
€300 - 400
Heaney (Seamus) A Tribute to Michael
McLaverty, (Linen Hall Library 2005) Fine
in marbled paper wrappers and original
card envelope. This is No. 82 of Ltd Ed. 250
copies. Beautiful crisp copy. With 2 als (from
McLaverty) agreeing to sign books, laid in;
Clearances, (Cornamona Press 1986) First Edn.
Signed. V.g.+. Uncut. With 2 black & white A-4
sized photographs of the Author, laid in (2)
€600 - 700
All content and images are subject to copyright
Heaney (Seamus) Eleven Poems, (Festival
Publications) Third Impression. V.g. in green
card wrappers. Signed on front cover; Longley
(Ml.) & Heaney (Seamus) An Upstairs Outlook,
(Linen Hall Library 1989) Near Fine. Inscribed
“For Philip - blessings - Michael Longley” and
“more blessings - Seamus Heaney “. A bright,
clean copy in printed, stapled wrappers, as
issued. (2)
€450 - 550
Mistry (Rohinton) Passages: Magnum
Readings No. 8, Pp 11. (Pub. By Magnum Book
Store 1991) First thus, Signed. This is No. 22
from an edition of 30 copies, 26 of which
were for sale, signed by author. “Issued as
a reading series fundraiser”. With mls with
orig envelope, laid in. Auster (Paul) Auggie
Wren’s Christmas Story, (Delos 1992) First
thus. Copy No. 181 of Ltd Ed. 299 copies in
marbled paper wraps. Total ed. 450 copies;
Auster (Paul) contributes: New Yorker Dec.
25 1995 : ‘Why Write?’. With a typed single
A-4 sheet of pink card, laid in. headed ‘Early
History of a Writer’, apparently an adapted and
abridged version of Section 5 of the article in
the magazine. Signed by Auster, dated 11/7/
94 for Bernadette (typed) and with one m/s
correction; Kenneally (Thomas) The Cut-Rate
Kingdom Special Collector’s Item, (Wildcat Press
1980) Magazine format. (4)
€300 - 400
Trevor (William) The Piano Tuner’s Wives,
(Clarion Publishing 1996) First Edn. Signed.
No. 82 of Ltd Edn. 99 numbered copies, with
loose additional illustration signed by the
Artist, total numbered cloth run was 249. Fine
in cloth, boards (no d.w. as issued) Low Sunday,
1950, (Colophon Press 2000) First Edn. Signed.
No. 11 of Ltd Edn. 200 copies, sewn in Murillo
card covers, signed by Author. About Fine. (2)
€250 - 350
[Henryson: Robt.] Heaney (Seamus)
The Testament of Cressid & Seven Fables,
(Enitharmon 2004) First Edn. trans. by Heaney,
illus by Hughie O’Donoghue. V.g.+ in green
cloth. No 181 of 350 Ltd Edn. of copies. Signed
by author and artist. There were 75 de Luxe
copies. This is the regular edition. Folio size
book, 41 pages, printed on Arches Velin Paper,
tipped in colour plates, fine condition in cloth
binding, paper title label on spine; Prospectus
for Squarings, (Arion Press 2003) Ltd Edn. 400
€200 - 300
Heaney (Seamus) The Child That’s Due,
Poetry Broadside. Copy No 16 of Ltd. Edn. 20.
V.g. + on stiff cream stock. (1)
€150 - 200
Deane (Seamus) Readings in the Dark,
(Jonathan Cape) Uncorrected Proof, signed.
V.g. in pink paper wrappers. With 2 mls, laid in.
€200 - 250
O’Grady (Desmond) Al-Mu’allaqat: The Golden
Odes of Love, (American Univ in Cairo 1997)
First Edn. V.g.+ in v.g. wrappers.; Paulin
(Tom) and Connor (Noel) The Book of Juniper,
(Bloodaxe 1981) First Standard Publ. Edn.
Signed by both. (There was also a cloth
edition) With 2 als from Connor and 4 als from
Paulin, laid in; Heaney (Seamus) A first day
cover commemorating Seamus Heaney. A
collection of printed postcards printed with
poems by Heaney and others, (Aer Rianta
series), several sets of Irish Nobel literary
laureates stamps and other similar items. As a
lot. (3)
€100 - 150
Ackroyd (Peter) Ouch, (The Curiously Strong,
Vol. lV, No. 2, Oct 31st 1971) Edn. Patterson
(Ian) Signed by Ackroyd, and inscribed “London
November 25, 1990”. V.g. in purple paper
wraps, stapled. Pp. 15 (1)
€200 - 250
Imperfections Not Stated
J.P. Donleavy (b. 1926)
Watercolour & Pencil The Dromedary,” approx. 10” x 14”, signed “J. P.
Donleavy.” (1)
€450 - 600
Fine Collection by Julian Symonds
Mostly Signed First Editions
Symons (Julian):
Death's Darkest Face, L. 1990. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
The Belting Inheritance, L. 1965. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
Sweet Adelaide, L. 1980, A Victorian Puzzle Solved, Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
The Killing of Francie Lake, L. 1962, unclipped, d.j.;
A Reasonable Doubt, L. 1960, Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
The Kentish Manor Murders, L. 1988. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
The Pipe Dream, N.Y. 1958, Signed unclipped, (worn);
The Name of Annabel Lee, L. 1983. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
The Tiers of Subtopia and other Stories, N.Y. 1983. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
The Colour of Murder, Re-Issue L. 1985. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
The Players and the Game, L. 1972, unclipped, d.j.;
The Man Whose Dreams Came True, L. 1968. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
A Sort of Virtue. A Political Crime Novel. L. 1996, unclipped, d.j.;
The Tigers of Subtopia & other Stories, L. 1982. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
The Blackheath Poisoning's, L. 1978. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
Playing Happy Families, L. 1994. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
Something Like, A Love Affair, L. 1992. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
The Detling Murders, L. 1982. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
The Plot Against Roger Rider, L. 1973. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
The Criminal Comedy of the Contented Couple, L. 1985. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
The Man who Killed Himself, L. 1967. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
Portraits of The Missing, L. 1991. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
A Three Pipe Problem, L. 1975. Signed, unclipped, d.j.;
Art: Pack: A Deck of unique Playing Cards, created by 54 visual artists in
Aid of Irish Hospice Foundation. (2 sets); Art: Pack: Folder, Signed by Basil
Blackshaw and 27 other artists (Irish Hospice Foundation); A set of Poetry
Ireland Pamphlets, Ltd Edn. Signed, including Eavan Boland, Ml Longley,
John Montague, Brendan Kennelly; Together with Abbey Press First Edns.
by Brendan Kennelly, Joan Newman & Catherine Graham. Gallery Press:
6 poems, each from Ltd Edn. 175, to mark 30 years of Gallery Press: Vona
Groarke, Eilean Ni Chuilleanain, Ml. Hartnett, Derek Mahon, Anthony Glavin
& Pearse Hutchinson. Ml Longley (Random House Audio Books) The Ghost
Orchid - cassette tape recording.
€200 - 250
A large Collection of Turret Bookshop Broadsides (Bernard Stone &
Raymond Danowski 1991- 1992 ) Included: Carol Ann Duffy, Alan Sillitoe,
Ted Hughes. Signed copies include Dannie Abse, David Wheatley, Sinead
Morrissey, John F Deane, Alan Brownjohn. Together with: a run of “Poems
for the Waiting Room” (King’s Fund, n.d.) Including Miroslav Holub, WB
Yeats, DH Lawrence, Ted Hughes, Roger McGough. On cream card. An
archive of related correspondence (in yellow folder).
€250 - 350
* Does Literature Exist? The Lurcy Lecture, Amherst College, March 1992,
4to Iowa (Yellow Barn Press) 1993. Lim. Edn. 110 (175) Copies. Signed
Pres. Inscription. Uncut, cloth backed marble boards.
* The Modern Crime Story, roy 8vo Edinburgh (Tragera Press) 1980. Lim.
Edn. 125 Copies. This Copy one of 25 Extra Copies Printed for Use of
Author. Signed Presentation Inscription.
Orig. wrappers with paper label.
* A.J.A. Symons Brother Speculator, roy 8vo [L.] 1986 For Presentation to
Members of the Double Crown Club. Signed Presentation inscription,
orig. ptd. wrappers.
* Julian Symons Remembered. Tributes from Friends, roy 8vo Iowa (Yellow
Barn Press) 1996. Lim. Edn. 175 (225) Copies. With inscribed and signed
Christmas Card to John & Stella Brennan, aka 'John Welcome' author, to
whom all of the above have been inscribed, loosely inserted. (1)
€700 - 1000
All content and images are subject to copyright
Thomas (D.M.) Ararat, (Gollancz 1983) First Edn. V.g. in
cloth, d.w. Signed, with acs. laid in.; Lehane (Dennis) The
Given Day, (Doubleday 2008) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Lehane
(Dennis ) Live by Night, (Little Brown 2012). About
v.g. in wrappers.; Bukowski (Charles) The Captain,
(Black Sparrow 1998) First US Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.;
Flanagan (Richard) Gould’s Book of Fish, (Atlantic 2002)
Second Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.; Maschler (Tom) Publisher,
(Picador 2005) First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.; Hijuelos
(Oscar) The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love, (FSG 189)
First Edn. V.G. in cloth, d.w. bumped.; Mr. Ives’ Christmas (
Harper Collins 1995) First US Edn.; Empress of The Splendid
Season (Harper Collins 1999); A Simple Habana Melody,
(Harper Collins 2002) First US Edn. (10) €80 - 100
Binchy (Maeve) Light a Penny Candle, (Century 1982)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “With best
wishes to Vivien Murray - Maeve Binchy”, d.w. clipped;
Echoes, (Century 19825) First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth,
d.w. Inscribed “To Vivien Murray - with kind wishes Maeve Binchy”; Maeve’s Diary, (Irish Times First Edn.
(n.d.) Inscribed “Vivien Murray -kind wishes - Maeve
Binchy”; Deeply Regretted By, (Turoe Press 1979) Play
script. First Edn. Inscribed “Vivien -kind wishes - Maeve
Binchy”; My First Book, (Irish Times, n.d.) First Edn. V.g. in
faded wrappers. Inscribed “Vivien-kind wishes - Maeve
Binchy”; Dublin 4. (Ward River Press 1982) First Edn.
V.g. in toned wrappers. Inscribed “Vivien -kind wishes Maeve Binchy”. (6)
€125 - 175
First Signed Editions
Chatwin (Bruce) In Patagonia (Cape, 1977) (True First,
map to endpapers), “For Philip Murray / best wishes /
Bruce Chatwin, Mar. ‘88”, v.g., d.w. in protective glassine,
price on flap is partly erased in pencil, top edge dusty,
otherwise a lovely copy of this scarce volume; The
Viceroy of Ouidah (Cape, 1980), inscribed “For Philip
Murray / best wishes / Bruce Chatwin, March ‘88”; The
Songlines (Cape, 1987), inscribed “for Philip Murray /
Bruce Chatwin, March ‘88”; Utz (Cape, 1988), v.g., cloth,
d.w., some offsetting to d.w. flaps verso; What Am I
Doing Here (Cape, 1989), v.g., cloth, d.w.; On The Black
Hill (Cape, 1988), v.g., cloth, d.w., inscribed “For Philip
Murray / best wishes / Bruce Chatwin, March ‘88”; The
Songlines (Viking, 1987) First US Edn. Signed, v.g., cloth,
d.w, with acs, agreeing to sign books. laid in.; Patagonia
Revisited (Houghton Mifflin, 1986) First US Edn., v.g. in
cloth d.w.; On The Black Hill (Viking, 1982) First US Edn.
Signed, v.g., cloth, d.w. in protective glassine, some
lines in biro to margins - probable review copy, top
edges of all volumes are dusty. (9)
€1000 - 1250
Five First UK Signed Editions
Ishiguro (Kazuo) Never Let Me Go (Faber, 2005); The
Remains of the Day (1989) inscribed “ to Dr. Philip Murray
- best wishes”, dated11/8/1989. When We Were Orphans
(Faber, 2000), signed; An Artist of the Floating World
(Faber, 1986), inscribed “to Dr. Murray - best wishes, 17th
November 198 / Kazuo Ishiguro”, with mls, agreeing to
sign book, with original envelope, laid in. Edges a little
spotted, d.w. spine ends slightly bumped; The Unconsoled
(1995) signed, d.w. spine ends slightly bumped, top
edges of all volumes slightly dusty. (5)
€1300 - 1400
365 & detail
Imperfections Not Stated
Signed Limited Edition of 200 Copies
Beckett (Samuel) Stirrings Still, folio N. York (Blue
Moon Books) 1898. Illustrations by Louis le Brocquy,
include one original lithograph. Lim. Edn. No. 170 of
200 Copies, Signed by Author & Artist. uncut, orig. gilt
decor. oatmeal cloth, vellum backed, and in orig. cloth
slip case. V. good. (1)
€1500 - 2000
Beckett (Samuel) Dream of Fair to Middling
Women, edited by Eoin O’Brien. 8vo D. (Black
Cat Press) 1992. Dublin Special Limited Edition
130 Numbered & One of 20 lettered Copies
‘D’, and Signed Presentation from the Editor,
specially bound in silk, & silk slip case. (1)
€400 - 600
Beckett (Samuel) Krapp’s Last Tape and
Embers, (Faber 1959) First UK Edn., v.g./v.g.+
in stiff card wrappers as issued, bright, square
copy. Signed and inscribed on title page “For
Dr P Murray / with all good wishes / Samuel
Beckett / 5. 11. 85”.; Three Occasional Pieces
(Faber 1982) First UK Edn., v.g. in black stapled
wrappers, as issued. Signed on hf. title “Samuel
Beckett / 21 / 1/ 90”. V.g. covers rubbed, rear
cover toned. (2)
€400 - 600
Beckett (Samuel) Waiting for Godot, (Faber
1959) First UK Paperback Edn. V.g. in rubbed
and faded wrappers, light soiling, owner name
and library (private) ID numbers on hf title.
Signed and inscribed on title page “ For Dr
Philip Murray / from / Samuel Beckett / March
87”, edges toned; Happy Days, (Faber 1963)
First UK Paperback Edn., about v.g. in faded
wraps, rubbed at edges. Signed and inscribed
on title page “ For Dr Philip Murray / from /
Samuel Beckett / March 87”. (2) €700 - 1000
One of 100 Copies, Signed
Beckett (Samuel) How It Is, Translated from
the French by the Author. 8vo L. (John Calder)
1964. Limited Edition of 100 Copies Only, No.
80, Signed by the Author. On handmade paper
and uncut, in full tan morocco, and matching
slipcase. (1)
€400 - 500
Beckett (Samuel) Poems 1930 - 1989, (Calder
2002) Fine. Copy No. 5 of Limited Edition 100.
Bound in Quarter Goatskin, with raised bands,
hand-tooled spine, t.e.g., marble boards in
matching slipcase. It includes the lithograph
“Images of Samuel Beckett” by Louis le Brocquy
and is signed by the artist. (Only 90 copies
were offered for sale). (1)
€500 - 600
All content and images are subject to copyright
Beckett (Samuel) Whoroscope, (Paris: The
Hours Press, 1930) First Edition of the Author’s
First Separately Published Work. There were
100 copies signed by the author. This copy is
one of the 200 unnumbered copies, inscribed
“For Dr Philip Murray / from / Samuel Beckett
/ March 1987”. In original red, stapled wraps,
lettered in black, staples rusted, top staple
loose, wrappers are toned, some damp
staining, corners creased. A venerable item,
now housed in beautiful, custom-made full
red morocco case, lined in velvet, with ribbon
to facilitate safe removal. Inside lid of case
has leather label stating “From Library of John
Carville”. See image. (1)
€2000 - 3000
Beckett (Samuel) Murphy, (Grove Press 1957)
First US Edn. [Routledge 1938] v.g. in cloth,
d.w. Hinges weak. Top edge toned. D.w. in
removable plastic cover is unclipped, toned
and lightly soiled. A nice copy. (1) €150 - 200
Beckett (Samuel) Proust, (Chatto & Windus
1931) First UK Edn. V.g. in pictorial cloth, d.w.,
endpapers and prelims toned, pages clean but
yellow-toned, d.w. in removable plastic cover
is unclipped but is torn at edges, with loss at
spine ends and corners. Signed and inscribed
on title page,” For Dr P Murray / with all good
wishes / Samuel Beckett / Paris November 81”.
€250 - 350
Beckett (Samuel) Waiting for Godot, (Faber
1956) First UK Edn. [ Editions de Minuit, Paris
1952] v.g. in cloth, d.w. Signed and inscribed
on title page “ For Dr P Murray / with all good
wishes / Samuel Beckett / Paris July 1981”.
Bumped, yellow cloth fresh, endpapers and
edges toned, d.w. is unclipped, creased,
rubbed at edges and chipped at spine ends. (1)
See illustration on page 53€700 - 800
Beckett (Samuel) Happy Days, (Faber 1962)
First UK Edn. [Grove NY 1961] v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w. Signed and inscribed on title page “ For
Dr P Murray / with all good wishes / Samuel
Beckett / 5. 11. 85”. Bumped, yellow cloth
fresh, endpapers and edges toned, d.w. in
removable plastic cover is unclipped. A
beautiful copy. (1)
€200 - 300
Beckett (Samuel) & Samuel Beckett
interest: Cronin (Anthony) Samuel Beckett
the Last Modernist, v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed,
inscribed for Dr. Murray by author.; Knowlson
(James) Damned to Fame. The Life of Samuel
Beckett, v.g. + in cloth, d.w.; Samuel Beckett:
An Exhibition, (Turret Books 1971). A catalogue
for exhibition at Reading University in
1971. (Catalogue by James Knowlson). V.g.
in wrappers.; Beckett: La derniere Bande,
(Editions de Minuit. Trade edition 1959). A
student copy, with many pen translations reading copy only. (4)
€80 - 120
Fine Signed Copy
O’Flaherty (Liam) The Informer, (Cape 1925)
First Edition, v.g. in original green cloth, d.w.,
signed “Liim O’Flaherty” on title page, d.w. in
clear protective wrapper, is soiled, edge-worn,
with a few small closed tears and some loss to
head of spine, edges are age-toned, top edge
dusty. (1)
€800 - 1200
Illustrations by Norah Mc Guinness
Yeats (W.B.) Stories of Red Hanrahan and The
Secret Rose, roy 8vo L. 1927. First Illustrated
Edn. Hf. title, cold. frontis & 1 other cold. illus.
plus 12 bl. & white illus. by Norah Mc Guinness,
orig. decor. pict. red cloth, & orig. pictorial d.w.
V. good copy. Wade 157. (1)
€220 - 350
See illustration on page 53
371 & detail
Imperfections Not Stated
With Hand-Coloured Illustrations
Cuala Press: Rivers (Elizabeth) Stranger in
Aran, 8vo D. (Cuala Press) 1946. Limited Edn.
No. 31 (280), illus. title, 3 full page & 1 other hd.
cold. illus. plus bl. & white illus. thro-out, orig.
cloth backed illus. boards. V. good copy. (1)
€220 - 350
Yeats (W.B.) The Wind Among the Reeds, 8vo
L. (Elkin Mathews) 1899. Second Edn., hf. title,
attractive gilt decor. blue cloth; Abbey Theatre
Series, Vol. VI - Yeats (W.B.) On Baile’s Strand,
8vo D. (Maunsel & Co.) D. 1905. First Edn., orig.
pict. printed wrappers; also The Green Helmet An Heroic Farce, and Deirdre, 8vo L. 1914, both
printed by Shakespeare Head Press, Second
Theatre Edns., orig. ptd. wrappers. All good. (4)
€200 - 300
383 & detail
Dolly Lynd’s Copy
Yeats (W.B.) ed. Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish
Peasantry, sm. 8vo L. (Walter Scott) 1888. First
Edn., first gathering loose, orig. cloth, paper
label. Wade 212; also A Full Moon in March, L.
1935. First Edn., orig. cloth, front cover with
stain. Wade 182. (2)
€150 - 200
Yeats (W.B.) The Wild Swans at Coole, 8vo L.
(Macmillan & Co.) 1919 First Edn., hf. title, orig.
gilt decor. blue cloth, signed by Sturge Moore.
V. good copy. (1)
* Dolly Lynd’;s copy, signed by her and with
her attractive and scarce bookplate, by Michael
Mac Liammoir.
€200 - 300
Rare Limited First Edition of Classic
Joyce (James) Ulysses, thick 4to Paris
(Shakespeare & Company) 1922. Limited First
Edn. No. 533 of 750 Copies, hf. title, two cont.
neat ownership names on front loose blank,
uncut, & with orig. blue printed wrappers,
bound in, full crushed blue levant by Riviere,
and in matching mor. backed clambox. (1)
€6000 - 8000
All content and images are subject to copyright
Wilde (Sir Wm. R.) Lough Corrib, It’s Shores
and Islands: With Notices of Lough Mask, 8vo D.
1872. Second Edn., inscribed Ex. Libris on title,
wd.-cut text illus. thro.-out, L.S. orig. cloth, gilt
decor. Scarce. (1)
Wilde (W.R.) An Essay on the Unmanufactured
Animal Remains in the Royal Irish Academy:
Illustrative of the Ancient Animals of Ireland, 8vo
D. 1860 First Edn. 31pp some text illus., recent
marble boards. V. good Scarce. (1)
* The author was Oscar Wilde’s father.
€200 - 300
* Author was Oscar Wilde’s father.
Wilde (Oscar) A Critic in Pall Mall, Being
Extracts from Reviews and Miscellanies. Sm.
8vo L. (Methuen & Co.) 1919 Selection made by
E.V. Lucas; Hopkins (R. Thurston) Oscar Wilde
- A Study of the Man and His Work, L. 1913. Port.
frontis cloth. Mason 647; Sherard (R.H.) Oscar
Wilde, The Story of an Unhappy Friendship.
L. 1909. Port. frontis, green cloth. Mason 673;
Mayerfeld (Max) Oscar Wilde Epistola Carcore
et Vinculis, Berlin 1925. First Edn.,, cloth backed
boards; Douglas (Lord Alfred) Lyrics, L. 1935.
First Edn., port. frontis, cloth & d.w.; Crossland
(T.W.H.) The First Stone, L. 1912, recent cloth.
€125 - 175
Presentation Copy
From Oscar Wilde’s Father
Wilde (W.R.) Irish Popular Superstitions, sm.
8vo D. (James Mc Glashan) n.d. First Edn., wd.
cut frontis, 140pp + 2pp. adverts. at front, orig.
decorated coloured wrappers, spine worn.
Scarce. (1)
* Presentation Copy, inscribed on title, ‘Lady
Hudson with the Author’s Compliments.
€300 - 400
Inscribed Presentation Copy
Wilde (Sir Wm. R. Wills) Ireland, Past and
Present; The Land and the People, A Lecture. Sm.
8vo D. (Mc Glashan & Gill) 1864. First Edn., 51pp
orig. decor. blue wrappers. V. Scarce. (1)
* Inscribed Copy, ‘T.S. Gilmore from Writer.’
€200 - 300
€150 - 220
Privately Printed Limited Edition
Wilde (Oscar) Wilde V. Whistler being An
Acrimonious Correspondence on Art between
Oscar Wilde and James A. Mc Neill Whistler, Sm.
4to Lond. 1906. Privately Printed. Lim. to 400
Copies., hf. title, 20pp., orig. printed wrappers
now bound with silk ends, into full blue mor.
tooled gilt, with decorated fillet panel borders
and spine. (1)
€300 - 400
Very Early Contributions
By Oscar Wilde
Mac Ilwaine (Rev. W.)ed. Lyra Hibernica
Sacra, sm. 8vo Belfast 1878. First Edn., hf. title,
decorated title, [VI], IX, 370pp, orig. gilt decor.
cloth. V. good copy. (1)
* Contains four poems by Oscar Wilde, “O Well
for Him:” The Unvintageable Sea,” “Unto one
Dead,” and “Nay, Come not thus,” together with
three poems by Lady Wilde, Oscar’s mother.
€250 - 350
Wilde (Lady) ‘Speranza,’ Poems, by Speranza.
Sm. 8vo D. (James Duffy) 1864. First Edn.,
Dedicated to her Sons, Willie and Oscar [VIII[,.
233pp + advert. leaf at end, a.e.g., orig. full
green cloth, embossed and gilt decoration on
front cover and spine. V. good. (1) €350 - 500
Wilde (Oscar) Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime & other
Stories, crown 8vo L. (James R. Osgood, Mc
Ilvaine & Co.) 1891. First Edn. (2000 copies),
title with reverse blank, orig. salmon coloured
printed boards, with Ricketts design etc., in
dark red, extremities worn. Mason 345. (1)
€250 - 350
Wilde (Lady) ‘Speranza’ Notes on Man, Woman
and Books, .. Selected Essays First Series. 8vo L.
(Ward & Downey) 1891. First Edn. hf. title, [VI],
352pp., t.e.eg, orig. crimson cloth, paper label
on spine. Scarce. (1)
* The Author was Oscar Wilde’s mother.
€200 - 300
Wilde (Lady) ‘Speranza’ Ancient Legends,
Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland, With
Sketches of the Irish Past. 8vo (Ticknor & Co.)
Boston 1888. First American Edn., Hf. title, XII,
347pp, one page with straight tear, (no loss),
uncut, brown cloth, paper label on spine. V.
Scarce. (1)
€280 - 350
Imperfections Not Stated
With Early Contributions By Oscar Wilde
Wilde (Oscar) Kottabos, Original Series, 3 issues, Michaelmas Terms,
1876 & 1877; & Trinity Term 1877; also New Series, Hilary Term, 1888, and
Trinity Term 1880, together 5 issues, 8vo, all orig. ptd. wrappers; also The
Nineteenth Century, A Monthly Review, for May 1885, with article by Wilde
- ‘Shakespeare and Stage Costume,’ 8vo L. 1885, orig. ptd. wrappers., As a
coll., w.a.f. (1)
€100 - 150
Important Variant Association Copy
of First Edition
Wilde (Oscar) De Profundis, 8vo L. (Mathuen & Co.) 1905. First Edn. hf. title,
151pp & with 40pp Catalogue at end of text, Dated February 1905, orig.
blue cloth, with gilt lettering and decorations, small stain in rt. upr. corner
of front cover, otherwise v. good. (1)
* Important Variant Copy, with Catalogue at end dated February 1905, not
March 1905 as stated in S. Mason’s bibliography. Important association
copy. Inscribed on hf. title ‘No. 1 West 87 Street, New York. To Douglas Hyde
from John Quinn Decoration Day, May 30 1906’. An exceptional rarity in
fine condition. Mason 388.
€1250 - 1750
With Contributions By Oscar & William Wilde
[Wilde (Oscar)] Hickson (H.A.)ed. Dublin Verses by Members of Trinity
College, sm. 4to L. (Elkin Mathews) & D. 1895. First Edn., hf. title, XIII, [II],
140, (ii) + 20pp Catalogue, orig. gilt decor. green cloth. B.P. of Claude Lionel
Chavasse. Good. (1)
€200 - 300
Wilde (Oscar) The Soul of Man Under Socialism, With a Preface by Robert
Ross. Sm. 8vo L. (Arthur L. Humphreys, 187 Piccadilly W.) 1912. Hf. title, with
pp. V-X ‘S Superflous Note of Explanation,’ 99pp orig. blue paper boards
with red paper label. Mason 370; D’Aurevilly (Barbey) What Never Dies.
A Romance Translated into English by Sabastian Melmoth (O.W.), 8vo Paris
(Privately Printed) 1902. Lim. Edition 500 Copies. Hf. title, red & bl. title,
360pp., orig. full vellum with black fillet border and black lettering on front
cover ‘O.W.’ and on spine; also Sebastian Melmoth, [Oscar Wilde], 12mo L.
(Arthur L. Humphreys) 1908, uncut, orig. paper wrappers, frayed at edges.
Mason 635. A lot. (3)
€200 - 300
Scarce First Edition
Wilde (Oscar) Intentions, 8vo L. (James R. Osgood / Mc Ilwaine & Co.) 1891.
First Edn. [Limited to 1500 Copies] One blank leaf with publisher imprint,
title, with reverse blank, contents leaf (reverse blank, 258pp & last leaf with
imprint ‘London....’ uncut, orig. gilt decor. moss green cloth, worn. Mason
341. (1)
€180 - 250
One of 50 Copies
Wilde (Oscar) Impressions of America, Edited with an Introduction by Stuart
Mason. 8vo Sunderland (Keystone Pres) 1906. Lim. Edn. No. 13 (50) On
Hand-made Paper. A printed portrait of Wilde loosely inserted, 40pp plus
advert leaf at end, orig. boards with printed blue wrappers (dam.). Scarce.
€180 - 250
Wilde (Oscar) The Soul of Man, post 8vo L. (Arthur L. Humphries) 1907.
One blank leaf with ‘The Soul of Man / by / Oscar Wilde on reverse, red & bl.
title, end leaf printed with ‘Reprinted ......,’ green silk bookmark, pink cloth,
profusely decorated in gilt on front cover & spine, ends somewhat foxed,
otherwise v. good. Mason 368. (1)
€250 - 350
401 & detail
All content and images are subject to copyright
Wilde (Oscar) Salome, sm. 4to L. (John Lane)
1912, illus. by Aubrey Beardsley, gilt decor.
green cloth; also Salome, sm. 4to N.Y. (E.P.
Dutton & Co.) 1930. Illus. by John Vassos,
inscribed Pres. Copy from Artist; & one other
Edn. of same. (3)
€125 - 175
[Wilde (Oscar)] Bendz (Ernst) Oscar Wilde - A
Retrospect, 8vo Vienna 1921. Lim. Edn. No. 12
(400) Signed by author, orig. wrappers, now
with cellophane; Bergert (Dr. F.) ed. Oscar
Wilde Two Tales, 8vo Bielfeld und Leipzig
[1937], pictorial boards. (2)
€125 - 175
Wilde (Oscar) The Ballad of Reading Gaol, By
C.3.3., 8vo L. (Leonard Smithers) 1898. Sixth
Edn., hf. title, uncut, orig. white & gold cloth.
Mason 377. (1)
* This edition was of 1000 copies.
€180 - 250
Probably by Mrs. Chan Toon?
Limited to 1000 Copies
[Wilde (Oscar)] The Love of The King, A
Burmese Masque. 8vo L. (Mathuen & Co.)
L. 1922. First Edn., Lim. to 1000 Copies, on
Handmade Paper. Hf. title, 39[40]pp uncut,
orig. oatmeal buckram, gilt decor. & lettering.
Scarce. (1)
€200 - 300
Pirated Edition
Wilde (Oscar) Lady Windermere’s Fan, A Play
about a Good Woman, sm. 4to Paris 1903. Lim.
Edn. NO. 137 (250). L. Smithers Pirated Edn.
printed in England, hf. title, 132pp, orig. dark
pink cloth, gilt lettered spine. Scarce. (1)
€200 - 300
Imperfections Not Stated
Special Lim. Edn. on Japanese Vellum,
50 Copies Only
Wilde (Oscar) De Profundis, roy 8vo L. (Mathien
& Co.) 1905. First, Special Lim. Edition of 50
Copies Only on Japanese Vellum. Hf. title,
151pp., extra blanks at each end, uncut, t.e.g.,
orig. limp vellum gilt, with designs by Charles
Ricketts. Mason 390.
‘The most important thing about ‘ De Profundis
is that it is a love letter [to Lord Alfred
Douglas].. and must rank its love and hate,
solicitude, vanity and philosophic musings - as
one of the greatest and longest ever written.’
(Richard Ellmann, “Oscar Wilde”). (1)
€1500 - 2000
Signed by Oscar Wilde
Wilde (Oscar) Poems, sm. 8vo Lond. (Elkin
Mathews & John Lane at the Sign of the Bodley
Head in Vigo Street) 1892 Limited Edn. No.
89 (22), Signed by Author. Hf. title, signed
on verso with particulars of issue, decorated
title by Charles Ricketts, 234pp, uncut, t.e.g.,
contemporary hf. vellum by Hatchards, mor.
labels & gilt decor. spine. V. good. Ex.-Libris of
Hubert Beaumont. Mason 309. (1)
€1250 - 1750
Oscar Wilde’s First Separate Publication
Wilde (Oscar) Newdigate Prize Poem. Ravenna,
Recited in The Theatre Oxford, June 26, 1878.
Sm. 8vo Oxford (Thos. Shrimpton & Son.) 1878.
First Edn. Title with Arms of Oxford University,
16pp, orig. printed grey wrappers, both
sides of the back wrapper printed with prize
winners, bound in cont. hf. vellum, green cloth
sides, mor. labels & decor. spine by Hatchards.
V. good. Ex. Libris of Hubert Beaumont. Mason
301. (1)
€750 - 1000
Wilde (Oscar) Lord Arthur Saviles Crime &
other Stories, Crown 8vo L. (James R. Osgood,
McIlvaine & Co.) 1891. First Edn., title with
reverse blank, last leaf with the imprint ‘Printed
by R. & R. Clarke, Edinburgh,’ t.e.g., in cont. hf.
vellum by Hatchards, mor. labels, & gilt decor
spine. V. good. Ex. Libris of Hubert Beaumont.
Mason 345. (1)
€320 - 450
Wilde (Oscar) The Picture of Dorian Gray, 8vo L.
Ward Lock & Bowden Ltd. London New York &
Melbourne, n.d. [1895], hf. title, Preface & Oscar
Wilde in italics, blank at end with imprint ‘Ward,
Lock, Bowden & Co., London, New York, and
Melbourne’ on reverse, publishers catalogue
lacking, t.e.g., in cont. hf. vellum by Hatchards,
gilt decor spine. V. good. Ex. Libris of Hubert
Beaumont. Mason 330. (1)
€320 - 450
Wilde (Oscar) Intentions... The Decay of Lying
Pen - Pencil and Poison, The Critic as Artist,
The Truth of Masks. Crown 8vo L. (James R.
Osgood / Mc Ilvaine & Co.) 1894. & Printers
device. Second Edn., hf. title, 258pp, end leaf
with ‘London Printed by Gilbert and Revington
Ld.....,’ & one blank leaf, t.e.g., cont. hf. vellum
by Hatchards, mor. labels & gilt decor. spine. V.
good. Ex. Libris of Hubert Beaumont. Mason
342. (1)
€400 - 600
Scarce First Edition
Wilde (Oscar) Salome Drame en un Acte. sm.
4to Paris & L. (Libraire de l’Art Independant
... / Elkin Mathews et John Lane) 1893. ‘Tous
droits reserves’. First Edn., (600 Copies) hf.
title (printed on reverse) title reverse blank,
dedication ‘A Mon Ami Pierre Louys,’ reverse
blank, 84pps & one leaf printed ‘Acheve
D’Imprimer le 6 fevrier 1893...,’ & one blank
leaf, t.e.g., orig. front purple wrapper printed in
silver bound in, cont. hf. vellum by Hatchards,
mor. labels, & gilt decor. spine. V. good. Ex.
Libris of Hubert Beaumont. Mason 348. (1)
€450 - 650
First Edition Limited to 500 Copies
Wilde (Oscar) A Woman of No. Importance,
sm. 4to (L. John Lane at the Sign of the Bodley
Head in Vigo Street) 1894 First Edn., blank leaf,
title with imprint Edinburgh; T. & A. Constable,
Printers to her Majesty,’ dedit ., printed on
reverse with copyright and date September
1894, leaf ‘persons of the Play,’ with limitation
printed on reverse, 154pp last leaf with imprint
‘Edinburgh T. and A. Constable Printers to her
Majesty MDCCCXCIV,’’ T.e.g., cont. hf. vellum by
Hatchards, gilt decor. spine. V. good. Ex. Libris
of Hubert Beaumont. Mason 364.. (1)
€550 - 750
Limited to 50 Copies Only
First Edition
Wilde (Oscar) Lady Windemere’s Fan A Play
about a Good Woman, 4to L. (Elkin Mathews,
and John Lane at The Sign of the Bodley Head
in Vigo Street) 1893. First Edn., One of 50
Copies Only. printed on verso of front blank,
132pp., t.e.g., cont. hf. vellum by Hatchards,
green cloth sides, mor. labels & gilt decor.
spine, v. good. Ex. Libris of Hubert Beaumont,
1897. Mason 358. (1)
€850 - 1000
First Edition with Fine Illustrations
Limited to 1000 Copies
Wilde (Oscar) The House of Rome
Pomegranates, ... The Design & Decoration of
this Book by C. Ricketts & C.H. Shannon. Sm.
4to L. (James R. Osgood / Mc Ilvaine & Co.)
1891. First Edn., two prelim. leaves with Dedit.
on reverse of second, decor. title with imprint
& device with ‘O.M.’ above, one leaf following
the text with printers device and imprint, with
4 fine plts., illus. & designs thro-out, t.e.g., other
edges uncut, in cont. hf. vellum by Hatchards,
mor. labels & gilt decor. spine. V. good. Ex. Libris
of Hubert Beaumont. Mason 347. (1)
€400 - 600
All content and images are subject to copyright
First Edition Limited to 200 Copies
Wilde (Oscar) The Sphinx, With Decorations
by Charles Ricketts., 4to L. (Elkin Mathews &
John Lane) 1894. First Edn., hf. title (The reverse
with printed limitation) dedit (reverse blank),
then leaf with reverse printed with title & full
page design in rust red, last leaf with design
and reverse blank, and leaf at end with imprint
‘Ballantyne Press / London & Edinburgh,’
reverse blank, plus two blank leaves, a.e.g.,
in cont. hf. vellum by Hatchards, mor. labels
gilt decor. spine. V. good. Ex. Libris Hubert
Beaumont. Mason 361. (1)
€500 - 700
Illustrated by Walter Crane
and Jocomb Hood
Wilde (Oscar) The Happy Prince and other
Tales, Jocomb Hood sm. 4to L. (David Nutt, 270
Strand) 1889. Second Edn., Hf. title, frontis, on
reverse of title page, printed ‘First Edition May
1888 / Second Edition January 1887,’ plts. &
designs, one leaf at end with small design (no
imprint on reverse), t.e.g., in cont. hf. vellum
by Hatchards gilt decor. spine & mor. labels. V.
good Ex. Libris of Hubert Beaumont. Mason
315. (1)
€400 - 600
Heaney (Seamus) Hughes (Ted ) The School
Bag, (Faber 1997) First Edn. Fine. No 228 of Ltd
Edn. of 300 copies. Signed to limitation page
By Both Authors. In brodart protective cover.
€450 - 550
Heaney (Seamus) Door into the Dark, (Faber
1969) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
clipped, about VG, in protective cover, pale
scattered foxing to endpapers. Signed, dated
November 1986; Field Work, (Faber 1979) First
Publ. Edn. V.g. in creased wrappers. Signed,
dated December 1988; Electric Light, (Faber
2001) First Edn. Signed. Near Fine in cloth, d.w.;
[& O’Driscoll, Dennis] Stepping Stones, (Faber
2008) First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. (4)
€450 - 600
All Signed Copies
Heaney (Seamus) O’Driscoll (Dennis)
Stepping Stones, (Faber 2008) First Edn.
V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed by Both Authors.;
Heaney (Seamus) The Government of the
Tongue, (Faber 1988) First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in
cloth, d.w., top edge dusty; The Government
of the Tongue, (FSG 1988 Uncorrected Proof )
Signed on front cover. V.g. in toned wrappers;
Crediting Poetry, (The Nobel Lecture) (Gallery
1995) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers. (4)
€300 - 400
Heaney (Seamus) Door into the Dark, (Oxford
UP 1969) First US Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth,
d.w.. small closed tear to top edge of rear flap.
Signed, dated December 1988; The Spirit
Level, (Faber 1996) First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in
cloth, d.w.; Seeing Things, (Faber 1991) First
Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. D.w. creased
and chipped at head of spine, half inch closed
tear to rear flap.; Station Island, (Faber 1984)
V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed, dated December
1988.; [Henryson: Robt.] trans by Heaney:
The Testament of Cressid & Seven Fables, (Faber
2009) First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. (5)
€500 - 600
Heaney (Seamus) The Cure at Troy, (Field
Day 1990). Heaney’s version of ‘Philoctetes’ By
Sophocles. No, 187 of Ltd. Edn. of 500 copies,
Numbered and Signed by the Author. Top edge
dusty, otherwise about Fine. ; The Burial at
Thebes, (Faber 2004) First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in
cloth. D.w. slightly rubbed, creased. (2)
€500 - 600
Heaney (Seamus) The Haw Lantern, (Faber
1987) V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed, dated 30 June,
87. Usual heavily toned paper for this era of
Faber productions, top edges dusty, otherwise
near Fine.; Field Work, (Faber 1979) Signed.
First Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For
Kevin - Slainte - Seamus Heaney”. Usual faded
for this volume; Selected Poems 1965 - 1975,
(Faber 1980). V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed, dated
December 1988; Sweeney Astray, (Faber 1983)
V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed, dated December
1988. (4)
€400 - 500
Imperfections Not Stated
Heaney (Seamus) Sweeney Astray, (Field
Day 1983) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
Endpapers and prelims faintly toned.; New
Selected Poems 1966 - 1987, (Faber 1988) First
Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w., small closed tear
(no Loss) to top edge rear panel. Inscribed “For
Philip Murray - Seamus Heaney - Sligo 1995”;
Human Chain, (Faber 2010) First Edn. About
Fine in cloth, d.w.; District & Circle, (Faber 2006)
First Edn. Near Fine in cloth, d.w. (top edge
dusty) (4)
€550 - 750
Heaney (Seamus) Opened Ground: Poems
1966 - 1996, (Faber 1998) First Edn. Signed. V.g.
in cloth, d.w.; Beowulf (Faber 1999) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w.; Human Chain, (Faber
2010) First Edn. Fine in cloth, d.w.; District &
Circle, (Faber 2006) First Edn. Fine in cloth, d.w.;
O’Driscoll (Dennis, with Seamus Heaney)
Stepping Stones, (FSG 2008) Uncorrected proof.
€500 - 700
Heaney (Seamus) Beowulf, (Faber 1999) First
Edn. No 70 of 300 Specially Bound Copies.
Fine in Slipcase as Issued; The Burial at Thebes,
(Faber 2004) First Edn. No 193 of 250 Specially
Bound Copies. Fine in Slipcase as Issued. (2)
€600 - 800
Heaney (Seamus) A Personal Selection, (Ulster
Museum n.d. [1982]) First Edn. V.g. in slightly
creased pictorial wrappers. Signed, dated
December 1988.; Preoccupations: Selected
Prose 1968 - 1978, (Faber 1980) First Edn. V.g.
in cloth, d.w. Review slip laid in. Pale brown
stains to ffep, not seriously detracting from
a very nice copy. In protective cover.; The
Government of the Tongue, (FSG 1989) First
US Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Inscribed
“for Philip Murray - Seamus Heaney - Sligo
1995”; Human Chain, (FSG 2010) First US Edn.
First V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Human Chain, (Faber
2010) Uncorrected proof. V.g. in wrappers.;
(O’Driscoll (Dennis, with Seamus Heaney)
Stepping Stones, (FSG 2008) First US Edn.
Bumped. V.g. in cloth, d.w. (6)
€300 - 400
Heaney (Seamus) Hailstones, (Gallery 1984)
First Edn. V.g.+ Signed. D.w. lightly rubbed;
The Midnight Verdict, (Gallery 1993) First Edn.
Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. D.w. spine rubbed.
Inscribed “For Philip Murray - Seamus Heaney Sligo 1995. (2)
€550 - 750
Heaney (Seamus) [Henryson: Robt.] trans
by Heaney: The Testament of Cressid & Seven
Fables, (Faber 2009) First Edn. No 54 of 110
Ltd Edn. of copies, Signed by author. Fine in
slipcase; Laments, (Gallery 2009) First thus.
Heaney and Stanislaw Baranczak translate
original of Jan Kochanowski. V.g.+ in cloth,
d.w.; Selected Poems 1966 - 1987, (FSG 1990)
First US Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. (3) €300 - 350
Heaney (Seamus) After Summer, (The
Deerfield Press 1978) First Edn. V.g. + in
cloth/d.w. Faded at edges and creased at top
edge. Signed on limitation page, and inscribed
“Seamus Heaney - on the Grolier - April 28
1979”. On title page; Hailstones, (Gallery 1984)
First Edn. V.g.+ Signed. D.w. faded at spine,
lightly creased at top edge front panel of d.w.
A crisp, clean copy. (2)
€600 - 800
Heaney (Seamus) New Selected Poems 1966
- 1987, (Faber 1990) First UK Edn. No 93 of
125 copies, 100 of which are for Sale. Fine in
slipcase. Signed by Author on limitation page;
Longley (Michael) Secret Marriages, (Phoenix
Pamphlets 1968) First Edn. Signed. About V.g.
in about toned, printed wrappers. Pp 20. (2)
€500 - 600
All content and images are subject to copyright
Heaney (Seamus) The Tree Clock, (Linen
Hall Library, 1990) First Edn. Signed. Fine in
marbled boards, linen spine and fore-edge,
in slipcase as issued. No 71 of Ltd. Edn. of 120
copies signed and numbered by the author. A
beautiful production. (1)
€400 - 500
Heaney (Seamus) The Tree Clock, (Linen
Hall Library, 1990) First Edn. Signed. Fine in
cloth, d.w. rubbed. This copy one of the 750
cloth-bound unsigned edition, this copy being
Signed by Author and dated August 1993;
Human Chain, (Faber 2010) First Edn. Signed.
No 277 of Ltd. Edn. of 300 copies, signed by
author. Fine in slightly rubbed slipcase. (2)
€450 - 550
Heaney (Seamus) New Selected Poems 1966 1987, (FSG 1990) First US Edn. No 121 of 200
copies. Fine in v.g. slipcase. Signed by Author
on limitation page; Human Chain, (Faber
2010) First Edn. Signed. No 281 of Ltd. Edn. of
300 copies, Signed by author. Fine in slightly
rubbed slipcase. (2)
€550 - 750
Heaney (Seamus) Opened Ground, (Faber
2010) First Edn. Signed. No 210 of Ltd. Edn. of
300 copies for Sale. Fine in slipcase as issued;
Spelling It Out, (Gallery 2009) First Edn. Signed.
One of Ltd. Edn. of 400 copies, this being one
of the 300 copies for sale. Fine in green cloth,
no d.w. as issued. (2)
€500 - 700
Ormsby (Frank, ed.), Heaney (Seamus,
foreword), Carson (Ciaran, afterword) The
Blackbird’s Nest, An Anthology of Poetry from
Queen’s University Belfast (Blackstaff 2006) First
Edn. No. 215 of Ltd. Edn. of 250 copies Signed
by the Three Poets. Fine in slipcase, as issued;
The Haw Lantern, (FSG 1987) First US Edn. No.
149 of Ltd Ed. 250 copies, Signed on limitation
page by author. Fine is slipcase, as issued. (2)
€450 - 550
(Irvine, W R ed.) From the Small Back Room: A
Festschrift for Ciaran Carson, (Netherlea 2008)
Heaney (Seamus, introduction), illustrated by
Neil Shawcross. Signed by Ciaran, Heaney and
Shawcross. Copy No. 84 of Ltd Ed of 150 signed
copies. Fine in slipcase as issued; Heaney
(Seamus) Spelling It Out, (Gallery 2009) First
Edn. Signed. One of Ltd. Edn. of 400 copies, this
being one of the 300 copies for sale. Fine in
green cloth, no d.w. as issued. (2) €350 - 400
Heaney (Seamus) Seeing Things, (Faber 1991)
First Edn. No. 40 of Ltd. Edn. of 250 copies,
numbered and Signed by Author. Fine in V.g.+
slipcase, as issued; The Spirit Level, (Faber 1996)
First Edn. No. 232 of Ltd. Edn. of 350 copies,
numbered and Signed by Author. Fine in v.g.+
slipcase - slightly faded; Electric Light, (Faber
1991) First Edn. No. 67 of Ltd. Edn. of 300
numbered copies for sale, Signed by Author.
Fine in v.g.+ slipcase, as issued. (3) €700 - 900
Gray (Alasdair) Lanark (Canongate, 1985)
Signed, No. 457 of Limited Edition 1000. V.g.
in cloth, d.w., edges toned.; Janine (Cape
1984) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; The Fall of Kelvin
Walker, (Canongate, 1985) v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w., all edges toned, top edges dusty; Gray
(Alasdair) (intro.) Catalogue for 5 Scottish
Artists Retrospective Show. inscribed “A
social and biographical account of the state
of Glasgow painting: to promote a travelling
show of the art of Gibbons, Connolly, Fletcher,
Gray and Taylor, which appeared in Glasgow,
Edinburgh, Aberdeen 1986 - 1987, Also in this
walledt are 5 fold-out catalogues designed by the
introducer, one with colour reproductions of 5
of his paintings” and Signed “Alasdair Gray”, 21
September 1988.” (4)
€150 - 200
Imperfections Not Stated
McLiam Wilson (Robert) Eureka Street (Secker
& Warburg 1996) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.;
Lynch (Thomas) The Undertaking (Cape 1997)
First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w., Inscribed “ For
Philip Murray /well met in Galway / every good
wish / Thomas Lynch”; Donovan (Gerard)
Schopenhauer’s Telescope (Scribner 2003) First
US Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Carson (Paul)
Scalpel (Hodder & Stoughton 1997) First Edn.,
v.g., in cloth, d.w.; Carson (Paul) Cold Steel
(Hodder & Stoughton 1997) First Edn., v.g. in
cloth, d.w.; Carson (Paul) Final Duty (Hodder
& Stoughton 2000) First Edn.; Betrayal (Hodder
& Stoughton 2004) First Paperback, v.g.;
Cunningham (Peter) Tapes of the River Delta
(Century 1995) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w. (8)
€200 - 300
Fine Collection,
Mostly Inscribed First Copies
Kiely (Benedict)
1. Land without Stars, L. 1946, First, d.w. Signed;
2. The Cards of the Gambler, L. 1953, no d.w.
3. There was an Ancient House, L. 1955, no d.w.
4. The Captain with the Whiskers, L. 1960, d.w.
5. A Journey to the Seven Streams, L. 1963, d.w.
6. A Ball of Malt and Madame Butterfly, L. 1973,
d.w. Signed;
7. Proxopera, L. 1977, d.w. Signed;
8. Proxopera, L. 1977. Lim. Edn. 50 Copies,
Signed, hf. vellum boards, & slipcase;
9. A Cow in the House, L. 1978. Lim. Edn. 50
Copies, Signed, special mor. backed marble
10. Nothing Happens in Carmincross, L. 1985,
d.w. Signed;
11. A Letter to Peachtree, L. 1987, d.w. Signed;
12. A Letter to Peachtree, Boston 1988, d.w.
13. Drink to the Bird, A Memoir. L. 1991, d.w.
14. The Waves Behind Us, L. 1999, d.w. Signed;
15. The Leaves of the Tree, California (Pacific
Editions) 1987. Lim. Edn. (350) Copies,
Signed Pres. inscription.
Also about 22 others, mostly signed pres.
copies. As a collection, w.a.f. (1)
€300 - 500
All Signed Presentation Copies
Hampson (John) The Sight of Blood, 8vo L.
(Ulysses) 1931. Lim. Edn. No. 1 of 145 Copies.
With Signed Pres. inscription and signed
card loose, cloth backed boards and slipcase;
Two Stories, roy 8vo L. (E. Lahr) 1931. Signed
Lim. Edn. No. 33 (250), and with signed Pres.
Inscriptions also, orig. cloth backed boards,
and decor. d.w.; O’Providence, L. (Hogarth Press)
1932. First, Pres. Inscription signed on front
blank, in unclipped pict. d.w.; also Strip Jack
Naked, L. (Heinemann) 1934. First, with signed
Pres. Inscription ‘To Mary Francis Mc Hugh with
the warm regards of John Hampson Simpson.
May 1934,’ and with a signed greeting on a
postcard, and also on a visiting card, orig. cloth
and in unclipped pict. d.w. All good. (4)
€200 - 300
White (Patrick) The Living and the Dead
(Viking 1941) First US Edn., Signed, v.g. in
cloth, cloth is damp-stained, at head of spine,
otherwise fresh, d.w. rubbed, worn at edges,
loss (see image) repaired with tape. Ex-lib
“Private Library of Decatur N Lacy” - label to
front board, beneath flap. Inscribed “For Philip
Murray / Patrick White, 1980”. (1) €400 - 500
Barker (Pat) Regeneration (Viking 1991) First
Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w.; The Eye in the Door
(Viking 1993) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.
bowed. Signed on label “with all good wishes
/ Pat Barker”; The Ghost Road (Viking 1995)
First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Thomas (Leslie)
The Virgin Soldiers (Constable 1966) First Edn.,
v.g. in cloth, d.w. Front hinge weak. Inscribed
by author to hf title: “A first edition / this is
something I don’t possess / Leslie Thomas”. DW
rubbed. Creased to head of spine but overall
this is a fresh copy. All edges toned. All top
edges dusty. (4)
€200 - 300
Waddington (Victor) Publishers, Twelve Irish
Artists, lg. folio D. (Sign of the Three Candles)
1940. First Edn. 12 lg. tipped in coloured plts.,
orig. green cloth backed decor. boards. V. good.
€200 - 300
Boyne (John) The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
(David Fickling 2006) Signed, Number
718/1000 Limited Edition. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.
In wrap-around band and protective plastic
cover. A beautiful copy. (1)
€150 - 250
Yeats (W.B.) & others, The Pageant, Edited by
C. Hazelwood Shannon & J.W. Gleeson White.
Sm. folio 1896. Contributors include W.B. Yeats,
A.C. Swinburne, Robert Bridges, T. Sturge
Moore & many others & with illus. by Dante
Gabriel Rossett, G.F. Watts, Charles H. Shannon,
Sir Ed. Burne Jones & many more, cloth; also
Yeats (Jack B.) Broadside Characters, sm. folio
D. (New Cuala Press) 1971. Lim. Edn. No. 79
(300), hand coloured illus., cloth. (2) €120 - 180
White (Patrick) The Tree of Man (Eyre &
Spottiswoode, 1956) First Edn., about v.g. in
cloth, bumped, d.w. is rubbed, worn at edges,
loss, extensively repaired with tape; Voss
(Viking 1957), v.g. in cloth, d.w. spine faded,
creased at spine ends, a few closed tears (no
loss), tape repaired; Riders in the Chariot (Eyre
& Spottiswoode, 1961) First Edn., about v.g. in
cloth, bumped, cloth faded, rubbed at edges,
d.w. is clipped, rubbed, worn at edges, slight
loss at head of spine. Neat owner name to
ffep.; The Solid Mandala (Eyre & Spottiswoode,
1966) First Edn., about v.g. in cloth faded,
d.w. is clipped, rubbed, lightly creased, worn
at edges, toning to endpapers and prelims.;
The Vivisector (Cape 1970) v.g. in cloth, small
tears to cloth at base of spine, gift inscription
to front board (verso) d.w. is clipped, rubbed,
chipped, creased, worn at edges.; The Eye of the
Storm (Cape 1973) v.g. in cloth, d.w. endpapers
and edges toned.; A Fringe of Leaves (Cape
1976) First UK Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. is lightly
creased, worn at edges - no loss, head of spine
is repaired with tape. Very nice copy.; The
Twyborn Affair (Cape 1979) v.g. in cloth, d.w.,
head of spine bumped, creased; Patrick White
Speaks (Primavera, Sydney, 1989) v.g. in cloth,
d.w., bright, fresh copy (9)
€250 - 400
Signed Presentation Copy
Storey (David) This Sporting Life, L. (Longmans)
1960 Second Impression by Photolithography.
Inscribed ‘For Jim from David Storey, 1960,’ grey
boards and in unclipped pict. d.w. (1)
€80 - 120
Archer (Jeffrey) First Among Equals (Hodder
& Stoughton 1984) First Edn., v.g. in cloth,
small stain to front board, d.w. creased at
head of spine. Inscribed “To Philip Murray /
Jeffrey Archer”; As the Crow Flies (Hodder
& Stoughton 1991) Uncorrected Proof, in
wrappers, v.g. (2)
€100 - 150
Adams (Richard) Watership Down (Macmillan,
NY 1972) Inscribed “To Philip Murray / yours
sincerely / Richard Adams, 21. 11. 1986 /
Whitchurch Hampshire”. Boards lightly soiled,
d.w. paper insect-damaged, tape-repaired,
edges worn, loss, block square, tight, edges
soiled; The Plague Dogs (Allen Lane 1977)
First , v.g. in cloth , d.w. “To Dr Philip Murray
/ best wishes / Richard Adams, 25. 4. 1988”;
The Iron Wolf & Other Stories (Allen Lane 1977)
First, v.g. in cloth , d.w., Inscribed “To Dr Philip
Murray / with best wishes / Richard Adams,
25. 4. 1988”; The Girl in a Swing (Knopf 1980)
v.g. in cloth, First US Edn., d.w. edges are
worn, loss.. Inscribed “To Dr Philip Murray /
with best wishes / Richard Adams, 25. 4. 1988”;
Shardik (Allen Lane 1974) First, v.g. in cloth,
d.w. Inscribed “To Philip Murray / with all good
wishes / Richard Adams, 25. 4. 1988”. Previous
owner inscription to ffep. (5) €200 - 300
Heaney (Seamus, contrib.) Howard Hodgkin,
(Gagosian Gallery 2008) Essay by Alan
Hollinghurst. Heaney contributes “Chlorophyll
for the Spirit”. V.g. in Cloth, d.w.; Barrie Cooke,
(Heaney contributes) (Lilliput 2012) v.g. in
cloth, d.w. (2)
€80 - 100
With Illustrations by Alastair
Wilde (Oscar) The Sphinx, lg. 4to L. (John
Lane) 1920 Lim. Edn. 1000 Copies. Hf. title,
10 fine lg. cold. plts. (include. frontis) & cold.
initials, uncut, in attractive gilt decor. pict.
oatmeal buckram. (1)
€200 - 300
All content and images are subject to copyright
Limited Edition with Large Illustrations
With Illustration by Louis le Brocquy
With Illustration by Louis le Brocquy
Gore-Booth (Eva) The Buried Life of Deirdre,
lg. 4to L. 1930. Limited Edition, No. 130 of 256
Copies, 12 full page illus. by author. Ex. Libris
Copy, orig. cloth backed boards, printed labels.
€250 - 350
Synge (J.M.) The Playboy of the Western World,
sm. folio Barre, Massachusetts (Imprint Society)
1970. Ed. by Stanley Sultan, & brush drawings
by Louis le Brocquy. Lim. Edn. No. 588 of 1950
Copies, Signed by Editor & Artist. gilt decor.
yellow cloth & orig. matching slip case, with
printed loose name band. (1)
€160 - 220
Dolmen Press: The Tain, Translated by Thomas
Kinsella, from the Irish. With Brush Drawings by
Louis le Brocquy. Sm. folio D. 1969. First Edn.,
Limited to 1750 Copies, illus. thro-out, orig.
black buckram, & pict. d.w. (somewhat faded &
lower spine dam.) in decorated pict. slip case.
€350 - 500
Yeats (Jack B.) Life in the West of Ireland, 4to D.
1915. New Edn., 8 tipped in cold. plts., (include
frontis) & bl. & white plts., later cloth. (1)
€200 - 300
Early Dolmen Production
Dolmen Press: Marcus (David) Translator,
The Midnight Court, By Bryan Merriman. Sm.
folio D. (Dolmen Press) 1953. Lim. Edition, No.
89 of 200 Copies, Printed for Subscribers. Wd.cut. Illus. by Michael Biggs, orig. cloth backed
decor. boards. (1)
€200 - 300
Signed Limited Edition
Le Brocquy (Louis) The Irish Landscape, lg.
oblong 8vo D. (Gandon Editions) 1992. Limited
Edn., No. 33 of 250 Copies, Signed by Artist.,
full page illus., mor. backed cloth, in orig. slip
case. (1)
€325 - 450
Imperfections Not Stated
With Fine Hand-Coloured Illustration, Complete Set Limited to 300 Copies
Dun Emer & Cuala Press: Yeats (Jack B.) & others. Broadsides, Vol.I No.1 - Vol. 7, No. 12. Together 84 Nos. sm.
folio D. June 1908 - May 1915. Complete Set, with 170 hd. cold. illus. & 83 bl. & white ditto, each of the seven
vols. bound in uniform full green mor. A very fine clean set. (7)
€4000 - 6000
Proulx (Annie) Postcards (Scribners, 1992) v.g./
v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. in removable glassine cover;
The Shipping News (Scribner, 1993) Signed,
inscribed “For Philip”. v.g./v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. in
removable glassine cover; Heart Songs & Other
Stories, (Scribner, 1988) Signed, v.g./v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w. in removable glassine cover; Bad
Dirt (Scribner, 2004) v.g.+ in cloth; Accordion
Crimes (Scribner, 1996) Signed, inscribed
“For Philip who drive (sic) a few miles”, v.g. in
cloth, d.w. slightly soiled; That Old Ace in the
Hole (Scribner, 2002) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Close
Range -Wyoming Stories (Scribner, 1999) v.g.+
in cloth. Signed, inscribed “ For Philip who
has gone [illegible] - Annie Proulx.; Brokeback
Mountain (4th Estate 1997) v.g. in card. Signed,
inscribed “ for Philip Murray”. Frazier (Charles)
Cold Mountain (Atlantic Monthly Press 1997)
Signed, v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. All top edges dusty.
€250 - 350
Wells (H.G.) Men Like Gods, 8vo (Cassell) 1923.
First Edn. orig. d.w., top of spine clipped; In the
Days of The Comet, L. (MacMillan & Co.) 1906.
First, hf. title, orig. cloth, stained; The Passionate
Friends, L. (Macmillan & Co.) 1913. First, hf. title,
orig. cloth rubbed; The Wife of Isaac Harman,
L. (Macmillan & Co.) 1914. First, hf. title, orig.
cloth, spine faded. (4)
€200 - 300
Traver (Robert) Anatomy of a Murder, L. (Faber
& Faber) 1958. First, hf. title, in lipped pict. d.w.,
soiled finger marks. (1)
€70 - 100
Moore (Brian) Judith Hearne (Andre Deutsch
1955) First Edn. Signed, g.+ in cloth, block
leaning, hinges weak, paper tanned,
endpapers, prelims and some late and early
pages are age-toned. Ffep cut irregularly (Loss
approx. 2 in. x ¾ in) d.w. is clipped, toned,
repaired internally with tape. Inscribed “For
Philip Murray / with every good wish / Brian
Moore”; The Temptation of Eileen Hughes,
(Cape 1981) First Edn. Signed, v.g., in cloth,
d.w., clipped, spine paper faded; I Am Mary
Dunne, (Viking 1968) First US Edn., signed,
v.g. in cloth, d.w. is rubbed, soiled and taperepaired; The Doctor’s Wife, (Cape 1976) First
Edn., signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Catholics,
(McLelland & Stewart 1972) First Edn., v.g. in
cloth, bumped, d.w. is g.+, rubbed, soiled,
edge worn, closed tears. (5)
€300 - 400
All content and images are subject to copyright
Moore (Brian) The Luck of Ginger Coffey,
(Andre Deutsch 1955) First Edn. Signed. v.g.
in cloth, d.w. is soiled, repaired, spine tanned,
irregular tear to bottom of rear panel (loss) age
toning to endpapers and edges; An Answer
from Limbo, (Andre Deutsch 1963) First Edn.
Signed, v.g. in cloth, block leaning, d.w. is
creased, repaired, edge-worn. Age toning
to endpapers and edges; The Emperor of Ice
Cream, (Viking 1965) First US Edn, Signed. V.g.
in cloth, d.w. eps and flaps are tanned, age
toning to endpapers and edges; The Great
Victorian Collection, (Cape 1975) First Edn.,
signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. spine faded, chipped
at spine ends; The Mangan Inheritance, Cape
1979) First Edn., Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w.
flaps and edges toned; The Revolution Script,
(Holt 1971) First US Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth,
d.w. spine is clipped, chipped at corners, top
edge creased; Fergus, (Holt 1970) First US
Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. spine is soiled,
chipped and edge worn, at corners. All top
edges dusty. (7)
€400 - 500
Moore (Brian) Cold Heaven, (Cape 1983) First
Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Black Robe,
(Cape 1985) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; The Colour of Blood Cape, 1987) First
Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The Statement,
(Bloomsbury 1995) First Edn., Signed, v.g.
in cloth, d.w.; Lies of Silence, (Bloomsbury
1990) v.g. in cloth, d.w. Signed, inscribed “For
Philip Murray”; No Other Life, (Bloomsbury
1993) First Edn. Signed v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The
Magician’s Wife, (Bloomsbury 1997) First Edn.
Signed, inscribed “23. 9 .97”. V.g. in cloth, d.w. A
nice clean set. (7) €200 - 300
Moore (Brian) Two Stories, (Santa Susana
Press 1978) First Edn. One of 26 lettered
copies, of which this is letter V. First of the
California Master series. Printed by the Plantin
Press). Top edge slightly dusty, otherwise
about fine in unprinted clear wrapper as
issued; Canada, (Life / World Library - Time
Inc. 1965) Signed. G.+ in pictorial boards.
Prelims loose. Bumped, soiled.; (Under
pseudonym Michael Bryant) Intent to Kill,
(Dell paperback, First Edn.) Signed, v.g. in
wrappers. Creased, rubbed, paper toned. In
protective cover. (3)
€200 - 300
Burroughs (William S) The Soft Machine,
(Calder & Boyars 1968) First UK Edn. Signed.
(First Edn. Paris 1961). V.g. in cloth, d.w. clipped,
abrasion mark from erasure to top of ffep.
Signed and inscribed “For Dr P Murray / all
the best / William S Burroughs / Nov. 6 1984
/ Lawrence Kansas”. Bright, sharp copy in
protective cover. Laid in: MLS, orig envelope (1)
€160 - 220
Moore (Brian) Black Robe, (Cape 1985). Copy
No. 29 of a Special Edition of 50 copies from
the First Edition, specially bound by Kenny’s
of Galway and Signed by the Author. Fine in
quarter leather, raised bands, marbled boards
and matching slip case. (1)
€300 - 400
Imperfections Not Stated
Archive of Signed Letters
Irish Literature interest: An Archive of Letters
and other Correspondence, signed by John
Broderick, Tom Murphy, Frank McGuinness,
James Plunkett, Eavan Boland, David Marcus,
Frank Ormsby, Robt Greacen, Iris Murdoch,
James Michener, Edwin Morgan, Geoffrey
Household, Norman Nicholson, Stephen King,
Jack Higgins, Charles Causley, Gavin Ewart,
, Andrew Motion, Lynn Reid Banks, David
Rudkin, Dervla Murphy, Eilean Ni Chuilleanain,
Eilis Dillon, Jennifer Johnston, Thomas Kilroy
and others. As a lot (1)
€300 - 400
Kiely (Benedict) An Archive of Letters from
Benedict Kiely. As a lot: (12)€200 - 300
O’Flaherty (Liam) Two typed Letters, signed
by Liam O’Flaherty (2)
€350 - 450
McGahern (John) An Archive of Letters from
John McGahern (7)
€350 - 450
Rowling (J. K.) Two typed Letters, with
electronic signature of J.K. Rowling. (2)
€200 - 300
Trevor (William) An Archive of Letters from
William Trevor (6)
€400 - 500
Greene (Greene) A typed Letter from Graham
Greene, signed, together with two signed by
his secretary.(3)
€450 - 600
Vonnegut (Kurt) A typed Letter, signed by
Kurt Vonnegut (1)
€80 - 120
Milligan (Spike) Five typed Letters, signed by
Spike Milligan (5)
€350 - 500
Le Carre (John) Two m/ss Letters from John le
Carre. (2)
€300 - 400
O Faolain (Sean) One typed Letter and two m/
ss Cards, signed by Sean O Faolain. (3)
€250 - 300
All content and images are subject to copyright
Amis (Kingsley) An archive of ten typed
Letters signed by Kingsley Amis, five orig
envelopes. (15)
€1000 - 1250
Rushdie (Salman) A typed Letter from Salman
Rushdie, signed. (1)
€200 - 300
Stuart (Francis) Three typed Letters, two m/ss
Letters and one m/ss Card, all signed by Francis
Stuart (6)
€400 - 500
Dahl (Roald) Four typed Letters from Roald
Dahl, signed. (4)
€350 - 450
White (Patrick) One m/ss Letter and one m/ss
Card signed by Patrick White. (2)
€250 - 300
Garcia Marquez (Gabriel), Archer (Jeffrey)
A m/ss Card from Jeffrey Archer and one from
the secretary of Gabriel Garcia Marquez , orig
envelope (2)
€80 - 120
Beckett (Samuel) Four m/ss Cards signed by
Samuel Beckett, with 4 orig. envelopes.(8)
€700 - 800
Imperfections Not Stated
Trevor (William) A Standard of Behaviour
(Hutchinson 1958) First UK Edn., v.g. in cloth,
spine ends bumped, endpapers toned, d.w.
in removable protective cover is soiled, some
liquid splashes) and a small (half in.) tear to
rear panel, no loss, edges toned and top edge
dusty. Overall a very collectible copy of Trevor’s
first novel. (1)
€500 - 600
Trevor (William) Mrs Eckdorf in O’Neill’s Hotel
(Bodley Head 1969) First UK Edn. Signed, v.g. in
cloth, bumped, d.w. is clipped, slightly creased
at edges, edges toned, top edge dusty; Miss
Gomez and the Brethren (Bodley Head 1971)
First UK Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, bumped, d.w.
is rubbed, very slightly creased at edges, edges
toned, top edge dusty; Elizabeth Alone (Bodley
Head 1973) First UK Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth
d.w. is unclipped, faded at spine, otherwise
v.g./v.g.+, edges toned, top edge dusty. (3)
€300 - 400
Trevor (William) The Silence in the Garden
(Bodley Head 1988) First UK Edn. Signed,
v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. top edge dusty.; The Story
of Lucy Gault (Penguin/Viking 2002) First
UK Edn. Signed, v.g. + cloth, d.w., top edge
dusty.; Two Lives (Viking London 1991)
First UK Edn. Signed, v.g. + cloth, d.w., edges
toned, top edge dusty; Nights at the Alexandra
(Hutchinson 1987) First UK Edn. Signed, v.g.+
in cloth, d.w., v.g.; The Old Boys [playscript]
(Davis Poynter1971) Signed, v.g. in toned card
wrappers; The Distant Past & Other Stories
(Poolbeg 1979) paperback. Signed, v.g. paper
toned, edges foxed. (6)
€150 - 250
Trevor (William) The Old Boys (Viking 1964)
First US Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, bright clean
copy. Signed on title, unclipped d.w. is faded,
age toned and lightly soiled. A few small closed
tears to edges, no loss.; The Boarding House
(Viking 1965) First US Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth,
D.w., a lovely copy, signed on title, unclipped
d.w. is fresh, very slightly rubbed at edges almost imperceptible, flaps and endpapers age
toned. Trevor’s 2nd and 3rd novels in beautiful
condition. (2)
€350 - 500
Trevor (William) The Love Department (Bodley
Head 1966) First UK Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth
d.w. spine is lightly soiled, with slight edge wear
to both ends, but no loss. Overall condition of
d.w. is remarkably fresh, endpapers and a few
late pages toned. Top edge dusty (1) €250 - 350
Six First Editions, Four Signed
Trevor (William) The Day we Got Drunk on Cake
(Viking 1967) First US Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth.
Signed on title, unclipped d.w. lightly rubbed,
in removable protective cover, hinges are weak,
gum/glue-type stain to rear board verso. A very
nice copy of Trevor’s first collection.; Beyond the
Pale (Viking 1981) First US Edn. Signed. V.g./v.g.+
in cloth, d.w. Signed on title, unclipped d.w,
in removable protective cover, slightly faded
to spine and marginally creased to top edge.
Beautiful copy.; Death in Summer (Viking 1998)
First US Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth. Signed on
title, unclipped d.w., v.g.+; Love and Summer
(Viking/Penguin 2009) First Edn., v.g. in cloth,
d.w., unclipped d.w. lightly creased at spine
ends.; Cheating at Canasta (Viking/Penguin
2007) First Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, unclipped d.w.
is v.g.+; Felicia’s Journey (Viking 1994) First
Edn. Signed., v.g. in cloth, unclipped d.w.
lightly creased at top of spine. (6)
€300 - 400
Trevor (William) The News from Ireland &
Other Stories (Bodley Head 1986) First UK Edn.
Signed, v.g.+ in cloth d.w. is creased at fore
edge of rear board, edges & flaps toned, top
edge dusty; Angels at the Ritz (Bodley Head
1975) First UK Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
is slightly creased at top edge, edges toned,
top edge dusty; Old School Ties (Lemon Tree
Press 1976) Signed First UK Edn., d.w. is clipped
with price sticker remaining. Rear panel is
slightly soiled, front panel has scratch/abrasion
under the second “o” of School. Age toning to
endpapers and prelims, top edge dusty. (3)
€300 - 400
Trevor (William) Fools of Fortune, Copy No.
28 of 50 specially bound copies of the First UK
Edition, bound by Kennys, Galway, and Signed
by the author. Fine in quarter goat, orange
marbled boards, five raised bands, in matching
slip case, a.e.g. Superb copy. (1)
€400 - 500
Five Signed UK First Editions
Trevor (William) The Children of Dynmouth,
(Bodley Head 1976) First UK Edn. Signed,
v.g.+ in cloth bumped, d.w. is lightly creased
at edges, endpapers & flaps toned, top edge
dusty; Lovers of their Time (Bodley Head
1978) First UK Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
is clipped, lightly rubbed. A beautiful, crisp
copy, top edge dusty; Fools of Fortune (Bodley
Head 1983) First UK Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w. bumped, slight creasing to edges of d.w.,
but overall a lovely copy; Other People’s Worlds
(Bodley Head 1980) First UK Edn. Signed, v.g.+
in cloth/d.w. edges & flaps toned, top edge
dusty; Beyond the Pale (Bodley Head 1981)
First UK Edn. Signed, v.g.+ in cloth/d.w., top
edge dusty. (5)
€400 - 500
All content and images are subject to copyright
Trevor (William) The News from Ireland,
Copy No. 20 of 50, specially bound copies of
the First UK Edition, bound by Kennys, Galway,
and Signed by the author. Fine in quarter calf,
marbled boards, gilt spine, raised bands, in
matching slip case. TEG. Superb copy. Slip case
slightly soiled, one corner bumped. (1)
€500 - 600
Trevor (William) Low Sunday, 1950 (Colophon
Press 2000) Copy, letter W, of 26 lettered copies
on Zerkall mould-made paper. Signed by the
author who has added a line from the text.
(“Low Sunday, you know, it is called”) Fine in
green boards, gilt spine, in matching slip case.
TEG. Superb copy. (1)
€275 - 400
Trevor (William) Elizabeth Alone (extract,
Bodley Head). Privately printed in an edition of
225 copies at Stellar Press, Hatfield, December
1973. Not numbered. Signed by the author on
title. Figure 8 is written in pencil to ffep which
has an attractive card label with name “John
Ryder” attached by its edge at gutter. A lovely
copy. V.g.+ in designed card. (1)
€175 - 250
Trevor (William) The Silence in the Garden
(London Limited Editions/Bodley Head, 1988)
No. 135 of 150 numbered copies of the First
Edition. Signed by the author, near fine in blue
cloth, marbled boards, glassine unprinted
wrapper, as issued. (1) €200 - 300
Trevor (William) Marrying Damian, (Colophon
Press 1995) Copy, letter 0, of 26 lettered copies
on Zerkall mould-made paper. Signed by the
author who has added a line from the text. Fine
in maroon boards, gilt spine, in matching slip
case. TEG. Superb copy. (1)
€300 - 400
Imperfections Not Stated
Trevor (William) The Last Lunch of the Season,
(Covent Garden Press 1973) Copy, No. 28 of 100
numbered and signed by the author. Pp 11.,
v.g.+ in card wraps designed by Peter Juerges.
In loose protective cover. (1)
€200 - 250
Trevor (William) Death of a Professor,
(Colophon Press 1997) Copy No. 80 of 200
copies on Zerkall mould-made paper, signed
by the author. V.g. in blue card, stitched. About
Fine (1)
€125 - 200
Trevor (William) Lovers of their Time, (extract,
Bodley Head). Privately printed in an edition of
225 copies at Stellar Press, Hatfield, December
1978. Not numbered. Signed by the author on
title. V.g.+ in designed card. (1)
€150 - 220
Trevor (William) Scenes from an Album
(Dublin, Co-Op books 1981) First Edn. Signed,
about v.g. in pictorial card (no HB issued).
Covers toned; The Ballroom of Romance (1972)
Signed. A reprint in aid of Dublin Simon
Community. In cream paper, card covers.
Corners bumped. One other. (3)
€75 - 100
Trevor (William) The Ballroom of Romance
& Other Stories (Bodley Head 1972) First UK
Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth d.w. is very slightly
creased at spine ends, overall condition of
d.w. is remarkably fresh edges, endpapers
and a few late pages toned, top edge dusty.
Beautiful copy of one of Trevor’s most popular
collections. (1)
€300 - 400
Malouf (David) Dream Stuff (Chatto & Windus
2000) First UK Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Jones
(Edward P) Lost in the City (Morrow 1992)
First US Edn. Gift inscription to fep.; O’Neill
(Joseph) Netherland (Pantheon 2008) First
US Edn. Signed, v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; O’Neill
(Joseph) This is the Life (FSG 1991) First US
Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Gift inscription;
Dickey (James) Deliverance (Hamish Hamilton
1970) First Edn., v.g. in cloth/d.w. Inscribed
“For Dr Philip Murray / these rivers and arrows
-James Dickey”; Dunne (Nell) Poor Cow
(MacGibbon & Kee 1967) First Edn., v.g. in
cloth/ d.w.; Braithwaite (E R.) To Sir With
Love, First US Edn., signed, First Edn., v.g. in
cloth/d.w. D.w. clipped. Inscribed “For Philip
Murray with the author’s best wishes - Ricardo
Braithwaite, 1`5. 1. 1995”; Berger (John) G a
Novel (Viking 1972) First Edn, near v.g. in cloth
d.w. ; Household (Geoffrey) The Europe That
Was (David & Charles, 1979) First UK Edn., v.g.
in cloth d.w. Inscribed to Dr Murray. As a lot,
waf. (9)
€150 - 200
Signed Copy
Francis (Dick) Nerve (Ml Joseph, 1964) First
Edn. Signed, v.g. in original green cloth, paper
toned, unclipped d.w. in protective cover is
toned and spine is faded. Flat Signed on title
page, edges age-toned, top edge dusty. A
bright, clean copy. (1)
€400 - 500
Francis (Dick) For Kicks, (Ml Joseph, 1965)
First Edn. Signed, v.g. in original green cloth,
bumped, unclipped d.w. in protective cover is
fresh and bright, slight crease to spine ends,
flat signed on title page, edges age-toned, top
edge dusty. A lovely, clean copy. (1) €400 - 500
Signed Copy
Francis (Dick) Forfeit (Ml Joseph, 1968) First
Edn. Signed, v.g. in original orange cloth, d.w.
Unclipped d.w. in protective cover is edge
rubbed and spine ends are lightly creased.
Flat signed on title page Edges age-toned, top
edge dusty. A bright, clean copy. (1) €200 - 300
Signed Copy
Francis (Dick) Odd Against (Ml Joseph, 1965)
First Edn. Signed, v.g. in original brown cloth,
d.w. Bumped, leaning. Unclipped d.w. in
protective cover is noticeably toned to rear
panel but otherwise colour is fresh and bright.
Flat signed on title page Edges age-toned, top
edge dusty. A bright, clean copy. (1) €350 - 450
Francis (Dick) Flying Finish, (Ml Joseph, 1966)
First Edn. Signed., v.g. in original red cloth, neat
initials to ffep., unclipped d.w. in protective
cover is slightly edge rubbed but colour is
sharp, flat Signed on title page, edges agetoned, top edge dusty. A bright, clean copy. (1)
€350 - 450
Signed Copy
Three Signed First Editions
Francis (Dick) Enquiry, (Ml Joseph, 1969) First
Edn. Signed, v.g. in original red cloth, d.w.,
block leaning, unclipped d.w. in protective
cover is slightly edge rubbed, rear panel toned,
flat signed on title page.; Knock Down (Ml
Joseph, 1974) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in original
red cloth, block leaning, d.w. lightly edge
rubbed but v.g. overall, flat Signed on title
page, endpapers, flaps and edges age-toned,
top edge dusty; High Stakes (Ml Joseph, 1975)
First Edn., Signed, inscribed, v.g. in original
black cloth, bumped, d.w. rubbed, worn at
bottom front corner. Inscribed on hf title “Hi
Philip! / Dick Francis”. (3)
€400 - 500
Three Signed First Editions
Francis (Dick) Blood Sport, (Ml Joseph, 1967)
First Edn. Signed, v.g. in original blue cloth,
spine cloth creased, unclipped d.w. in protective
cover is slightly creased at spine ends, edges
lightly rubbed but overall v.g. Flat Signed on
title page, page edges toned; In The Frame, (Ml
Joseph, 1976) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in original
black cloth, d.w. is clipped, v.g. overall. Signed
on title page and inscribed “ Sept. 83 Very best
wishes - Dick Francis”, endpapers and edges
age-toned; Risk (Ml Joseph, 1977) First Edn.
Signed, v.g. in original black cloth, d.w. fresh,
colour sharp. All 3 are in cellophane protective
covers. All top edges dusty. (3)
€450 - 550
Three Signed First Editions
Francis (Dick) Smokescreen, (Ml Joseph, 1972)
First Edn. Signed, v.g. in original red cloth.
Slight earlier damp-type stain to front board,
unclipped d.w. in protective cover is slightly
rubbed but colour remains sharp. Inscribed
“Philip Murray / Very best wishes” and signed
on hf title.; Rat Race (Ml Joseph, 1970) v.g., in
original blue cloth, pale liquid stain to front
board, d.w. just slightly rubbed but bright and
clean, flat Signed on title page, edges agetoned, top edge dusty. A lovely copy.; Slay
Ride (Ml Joseph, 1973) v.g. in original blue
cloth, d.w.is clipped but v.g./v.g. (3) €450 - 550
All content and images are subject to copyright
Author’s First Book
Signed Presentation Copy
Francis (Dick) Trial Run, (Ml Joseph, 1978)
First Edn. Signed, v.g. in original black cloth,
front board slightly soiled, unclipped d.w. in
protective cover, flat Signed on title page;
Proof, (Ml Joseph, 1984) First Edn., Signed, v.g.
in original black cloth, front board bumped
top corner, d.w. is unclipped, lightly rubbed,
a few shallow crease marks. Signed on title
page, endpapers and flaps are age-toned;
Banker (Ml Joseph, 1982) First Edn., signed,
v.g. in original black cloth, bumped. d.w. fresh,
colour sharp, in removable protective cover.
Inscribed on hf title “Philip Murray - All the very
best - Dick Francis”; Whip Hand (Ml Joseph,
1979) First Edn. Signed, v.g.+ in original black
cloth, bumped, front board lightly soiled, d.w.
fresh, colour sharp, in removable protective
cover. Inscribed on hf title “Philip Murray - Hi!
- Dick Francis”. A lovely copy; Come To Grief
(Ml Joseph, 1995) First Edn., signed, v.g.+ in
original black cloth, bumped, unclipped d.w.
Inscribed on hf. title “Philip Murray - very
best wishes - Dick Francis”; Second Wind (Ml
Joseph, 1999) First Edn., signed, v.g.+ in
original black cloth, d.w. bumped, unclipped
d.w. Signed on title page “ 2. 9. 99 - Dick
Francis”. 10-lb Penalty, (Ml Joseph, 1997) First
Edn., signed, v.g.+ in original black cloth,
bumped, unclipped d.w. Signed on title page “
4. 9. 97 - Dick Francis.” Top edges of all volumes
dusty. (7)
€450 - 550
Francis (Dick) Dead Cert, (Ml Joseph, 1962)
First Edn. Signed, v.g. in original red cloth,
paper toned, unclipped d.w. in protective
cover is toned/spotted to both panels, with
slight edge wear to spine ends and creased top
edge of front panel. Inscribed on title page “Dr
Philip Murray / Very best of luck / Dick Francis”.
Endpapers and edges age-toned, top edge
dusty. (1)
€1500 - 2000
Seven Signed First Editions
Signed Scarce First Edition of
Francis’ Autobiography
Francis (Dick) The Sport of Queens (Ml Joseph,
1957) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in original blue
cloth, unclipped d.w., block tight but front
hinge weak, open at 2nd front endpaper and
at rear board. Owner name and address to ffep.
Endpapers toned and very slightly soiled, cloth
edges very slightly rubbed, d.w. in removable
protective plastic cover is tone-darkened and
slightly creased at spine ends. Signed on title
page, inscribed “HI! - Dick Francis”. Page edges
are toned, top edge dusty.
€400 - 500
Imperfections Not Stated
Five First Editions
Francis (Dick) Proof, (Ml Joseph, 1984)
First Edn., signed, v.g. in original black cloth,
bumped, d.w. is unclipped, creased at top of
spine. Signed on hf. title page and inscribed
“Best wishes Philip - Dick Francis”, endpapers
and flaps are age-toned; The Danger (Ml
Joseph, 1983) First Edn. Signed. About v.g. in
original black cloth, bumped, block leaning.
FFep clipped, d.w. is rubbed, creased, flaps
soiled. Signed on label attached to title, the
page creasing as a result, endpapers toned;
To the Hilt, (Ml Joseph, 1996) First Edn.,
[unsigned]. V.g. in original black cloth, d.w.
Block leaning slightly, unclipped d.w. Review
copy slip laid in; Decider (Ml Joseph, 1993)
First Edn., [unsigned] v.g. in original black cloth,
block leaning; Second Wind, (Ml Joseph, 1999)
First Edn., [unsigned], v.g.+ in original black
cloth, d.w. (5)
€125 - 200
Donovan (Gerard) Schopenhauer’s Telescope
(Scribner 2003) First US Edn., signed v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w., book seller label, “Signed by the
Author”, to front cover; Doctor Salt (Scribner
2003) First US Edn., v.g. in wrappers; Julius
Winsome (NY, Overlook Press 2006) v.g.+
in cloth, d.w.; Schopenhauer’s Telescope
(Counterpoint, 2003) First thus., v.g. in cloth,
d.w. is rubbed. (4)
€150 - 200
Donovan (Gerard) Schopenhauer’s Telescope
(Scribner 2003). Fine. No. 5 of a Limited Edition
of 50 signed copies, bound in quarter goatskin,
with raised bands, hand-tooled spine, top edge
gilt and marbled boards. A superb copy. (1)
€200 - 300
524 & detail
Signed First Edition
Burgess (Anthony) A Clockwork Orange, (Heinemann, 1962). First Edition in black boards. Signed
by Burgess twice to title page: second “signing” in Russian. D.w. in loose glassine protector, priceclipped and worn at extremities. Front and rear covers quite bright. (1)
€2000 - 2500
Five Rare First Editions Signed in English & Arabic
Burgess ( Anthony) Earthly Powers, (Hutchinson 1980) v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Any Old Iron
(Hutchinson 1989) Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Time for a Tiger (Heinemann, 1956), v.g. in cloth, d.w.
Signed by author in English and Arabic! Neat owner name to ffep., d.w. in removable protector.;
The Enemy in the Blanket (Heinemann, 1958) Signed by author in English and Arabic, v.g. in cloth,
d.w., inside rear flap of dw (in removable protector) is torn, irregular tear to top edge, slight
fingernail-sized loss to top front corner of dw; also Beds in the East (Heinemann, 1959) signed
by author in English and Arabic, near v.g. in removable protector, is worn and chipped at edges,
with slight loss; Devil of a State (Heinemann,1961) in red cloth; Also Signed by author in English
and Arabic, d.w. is soiled and worn, with some tape repair and loss to front panel; The End of the
World News (Hutchinson 1982) d.w. clipped, glue or similar residue to inside boards, v.g. in cloth,
d.w. With als, and original envelope, laid in. (7)
€1200 - 1500
Powell (Anthony) To Keep the Ball Rolling: The Memoirs of Anthony Powell Volumes 1 - lV,
(Heinemann 1976 - 1982) . All four are v.g./v.g.+ in unclipped d.w., top edges dusty. With 2 als re
reasons for his reluctance to sign of books, orig envelope, laid in.; The Fisher King, (Heinemann
1986) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.; O How the Wheel Becomes it! (Heinemann 1983) First Edn., v.g.
in cloth, d.w.; From a View to a Death, (Little Brown 1963) First US Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Powell
(Anthony) The Military Philosophers, (Heinemann 1968) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, bright, lightly
edge-rubbed, edges toned., d.w. is clipped awkwardly but is v.g. spine just slightly faded and has
2 small holes above title on spine. A nice square copy.; Books Do Finish a Room, (Heinemann
1971) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. is unclipped, one very small closed tear to bottom edge of rear
panel, no loss, edges toned; Temporary Kings, (Heinemann 1973) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. is
unclipped, repaired internally at head of spine, water stain near tail of spine verso, does not show
through to front, endpapers bright; Hearing Secret Harmonies, (Heinemann 1975) First Edn., v.g.
in cloth, d.w. is unclipped, endpapers bright. A lovely copy of the last volume of Dance to the
Music of Time (11)
€300 - 400
All content and images are subject to copyright
Powell (Anthony) A Question of Upbringing,
(Heinemann 1951) First Edn. of Author’s Scarce
Novel, the first in his ‘Dance to the Music of
Time’ Series. About v.g. cloth lightly rubbed
at corners, hinges weak., faint stain to front
board, small neat name beneath front flap,
small pen mark in margin of page 120, dust
wrapper in archival cover is fragile, tape
repairs, worn at extremities, loss., endpapers
and edges toned. (1)
€300 - 400
Powell (Anthony) At Lady Molly’s, (Heinemann
1957) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, paper tanned but
clean throughout, endpapers toned, d.w. is
clipped, slightly toned, neat ink name to corner
of ffep., damp staining verso not penetrating
to front cover, endpapers and edges toned;
Casanova’s Chinese Restaurant, (Heinemann
1960) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, block leaning a
little, bumped at top corner of front board.
Edges toned, top edge dusty. Neat owner
name of Rosemary Hill to ffep., d.w. is v.g, spine
faded/toned. (2)
€300 - 400
Powell (Anthony) A Buyer’s Market,
(Heinemann 1952) First Edn., v.g. in cloth,
paper tanned but clean throughout, d.w. is v.g.,
endpapers toned, spine faded/toned, chipped
at spine ends, one small closed tear, no loss. A
very acceptable collector’s copy of the second
volume of Dance to the Music of Time; The
Acceptance World, (Heinemann 1955) First Edn.,
v.g. in cloth, hinges weak, endpapers and
some prelims toned, d.w. is clipped crudely
and is torn (with loss) at both spine ends and
along rear panel, including flap. (2) €300 - 400
Imperfections Not Stated
Powell (Anthony) The Kindly Ones,
(Heinemann 1962) First Edn., v.g. in cloth,
endpapers, prelims and d.w. toned, text bright,
d.w. is clipped and has 2 small holes above
title on spine. A good square copy; The Valley
of Bones, (Heinemann 1964) First Edn., v.g. in
cloth, block leaning a little, endpapers, prelims
and d.w. toned, text bright, d.w is clipped, with
light wear to corners, small loss at bottom
corner of front panel, tape-repaired verso;
The Soldier’s Art, (Heinemann 1966) First Edn.,
v.g. in cloth, endpapers barely toned, d.w. is
unclipped, in archival cover, age toned at spine
- lovely overall condition. (3)
€350 - 450
Durrell (Lawrence) Justine, (Faber 1957) First
Edn., v.g. in cloth faded, d.w. is soiled, faded
and is torn at top front corner, tail of spine
and all four corners of flaps, significant loss.;
Balthazar, (Faber 1958) First Edn., v.g. in cloth,
bumped, spine cloth faded, slight soiling to rear
board, d.w. in removable cellophane cover is
unclipped, toned, rubbed at edges, closed tear
to front panel, no loss, chipped at head of spine
and corners, slight loss.; Mount Olive, (Faber
1958) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, fresh, mild toning
to endpapers and d.w. flaps. d.w. in removable
cellophane cover is unclipped, top edge
slightly creased, spine paper chipped, slight
loss. V.g. overall. A very collectible copy.; Clea,
(Faber 1960) First Edn., v.g. in cloth, bumped,
cloth fresh, mild toning to endpapers, d.w. in
removable cellophane cover is unclipped, spine
toned, v.g. overall. A nice copy; Livia or Buried
Alive, (Faber 1978) First Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.,
v.g. overall. (5)
€700 - 800
A set of Five Signed First Editions
Durrell (Lawrence) Monsieur or the Prince
of Darkness, (Faber 1974) First Edn., Signed,
dated 1974, v.g. in cloth, d.w. in removable
cellophane cover is unclipped, v.g. very lightly
rubbed at edges; Livia or Buried Alive, (Faber
1978) First Edn. Signed., v.g. in cloth, d.w .in
removable cellophane cover is unclipped.
Beautiful copy.; Sebastian or Ruling Passions,
(Faber 1983) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w . Inscribed on label attached to title page
“For Dr P Murray / by Lawrence Durrell /
Sommiere 30250/ France”. d.w. in removable
cellophane cover is unclipped; Constance
or Solitary Practices, (Faber 1982) First Edn.
Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w . Inscribed on label
attached to title page “Inscribed to Dr &
Mrs Philip Murray / by Lawrence Durrell /
Sommiere 30250/ France”. D/W in removable
cellophane cover is unclipped; Quinx or The
Ripper’s Tale, (Faber 1985) First Edn., signed,
dated 1985., v.g. in cloth, d.w . D.w. unclipped.
€425 - 550
Colfer (Eoin) Artemis Fowl, (Viking London
2001) First Edn., v.g. in unclipped d.w.; Artemis
Fowl The Arctic Incident, (Puffin 2002) 2nd
imp. V.g. in unclipped d.w.; Artemis Fowl
The Eternity Code, (Puffin 2003) First Edn.,
v.g. in unclipped d.w.; The Supernaturalist,
(Puffin 2004) First Edn., v.g. in unclipped d.w.;
Artemis Fowl The Opal Deception, (Puffin 2005)
First Edn., v.g. in unclipped d.w.; The Wish List,
(Puffin 2002) Second Edn., [O’Brien Press 2000]
v.g. in unclipped d.w.; Benny & Omar, (O’Brien
Press 1998) True First Edn., v.g. in wrappers.;
The Legend of Spud Murphy, (Puffin 2004) First
Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.; The Supernaturalist,
(Puffin 2005) Second Edn., v.g. in wrappers. (9)
€200 - 300
Original Typescript, Extensively Corrected by Author
Moore (George Augustus (1852-1933) Corrected typescript of his collection of short stories. A Story-teller’s
Holiday [1918], very extensive autograph emendations, cancellations and additions, to almost every page in the
first quarter, 380 pages, 4to (numbered), in red cloth slipcase.
* A Story-teller’s Holiday relates, a series of Irish folk tales of poets, monks and nuns within the autobiographical
framework of a journey from London to Mayo and back. It was first published in 1918 in a Limited Edition under the
sign of the fictitious Society of Irish Folklore - an attempt by Moore to evade the controversy that had surrounded
the publication of The Brook Kerith (1916) and Lewis Seymour and some Women (1917).
€5000 - 7000
Signed by the Author
Moore (George) Ulick and Soracha, 8vo L.
(Nonesuch Press) 1926. Lim. Edn. No. 324 (1250)
Copies, Signed by Author, illus. by S. Gooden,
uncut, buckram, & orig. d.w.; The Coming of
Gabrielle. A Comedy, L. 1920. Privately Printed
Lim. Edn. No. 105 (1000). Signed by Author,
uncut, vellum backed boards, d.w.; Hail and
Farewell! 2 vols. L. 1925. Lim. Edn. No. 703 (780)
Signed by author, vellum backed boards, soiled;
& 2 others. (6)
€200 - 300
Rushdie (Salman) The Jaguar Smile
Nicaraguan Journey, (VIking 1987) First
US Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. In protective
cellophane cover; Haroun & the Sea of Stories,
(Granta 1990) First UK Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Imaginary Homelands, (Granta 1991)
First UK Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. All top
edges dusty. (3)
€200 - 250
Rushdie (Salman) The Satanic Verses, (Viking
1988) First US Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.; Fury,
(Cape 2001) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Haroun and
the Sea Stories, (Granta 1990) v.g.+ in cloth/
d.w.; The Jaguar Smile Nicaraguan Journey,
(Picador 1987) paperback . V.g. in wrappers;
Is Nothing Sacred? The Herbert Read Memorial
Lecture 6 February 1990, v.g. in wrappers as
issued. (5)
€250 - 350
Limited To 150 Copies
Signed by 32 Irish Writers
Wylie (Donovan) Photographer 32 Counties,
Photographs of Ireland. With new writing by
Thirty-two Irish Writers, Lg. 4to L. 198. Limited
Edition No. 85 of 150 Copies, Signed by 32 Irish
Writers, and with one original photograph
signed by the artist. Orig. cloth, & pict. d.w. in
slipcase. V. good. V. Scarce. (1)
* Writers include Seamus Heaney, John Mc
Gahern, Michael Hartnett, James Plunkett,
Brian Moore, Francis Stuart, John Banville, Paul
Muldoon, Brendan Kennelly, Ben Kiely, Frank
Mc Guinness etc.
€600 - 800
537 & detail
All content and images are subject to copyright
Rushdie (Salman) Midnight’s Children, (Cape
1981) First UK Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, block
leaning slightly, d.w. lightly toned, light
creased at edges., one small closed tear, no
loss. Inscribed “To Dr Philip Murray / with
my best wishes / Salman Rushdie/ 19th June
1985”. Endpapers and edges toned, top edge
dusty. (1)
€500 - 600
Rushdie (Salman) Grimus, (Gollancz 1975)
First Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. rubbed,
lightly creased at spine ends. Inscribed “To Dr
Philip Murray / with my best wishes / Salman
Rushdie 19th June 1985”. Edges toned, top
edge dusty. (1)
€300 - 400
DeLillo (Don) End Zone , (Houghton Mifflin
1972) First US Edn., v.g. in cloth, unclipped d.w.
in removable wrappers is rubbed at all corners
and front edges, top edge dusty. Author’s
Second Novel; Cosmopolis, (Scribner 2003)
First US Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, v.g. d.w.; Falling
Man, (Scribner 2007) First US Edn., v.g.+ in
cloth, v.g.+ d.w.; The Body Artist (Scribner
2001) First US Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, v.g.+ d.w.
€350 - 450
Rushdie (Salman) The Satanic Verses, (Viking)
No 27 of a Special Edition numbered 1 - 100,
published simultaneously with the First
Edition. Printed on vellum antique laid and
bound in goatskin and buckram cloth, edges
toned, almost imperceptible. A beautiful copy.
€700 - 800
Rushdie (Salman) The Moor’s Last Sigh, (Cape
1995) First Edn., Numbered 70/100 by author
and signed by him. Fine in full green leather,
gilt spine, ribbon separator. AEG. A superb
copy in matching slip case. (1)
€150 - 250
Rushdie (Salman) The Moor’s Last Sigh, (Cape
1995) First Edn. Signed, v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.,
top edge dusty; The Ground Beneath Her Feet,
(Cape 1999) First Edn. Signed, v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w. Inscribed “Salman Rushdie/ 13. 4. 99”;
Shame, (Cape 1983) First Edn. Signed, v.g. in
cloth, d.w. Inscribed “To Dr Philip Murray / with
my best wishes / Salman Rushdie 19th June
1985”; Shalimar The Clown, (Cape 2005) First
Edn., v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. (4)
€250 - 350
Rushdie (Salman) Midnight’s Children,
(Knopf 1981) First US Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.,
endpapers and edges toned, top edge dusty.
€550 - 750
DeLillo (Don) Running Dog, (Knopf 1978)
First US Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Unclipped D/W
in removable wraps. Top edge dusty; White
Noise, (Viking 1985) FIRST US EDN. signed,
inscribed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Unclipped d.w. is
rubbed, a few crease marks. Inscribed on ffep
“For John / Best wishes / Don DeLillo”. Top
edge dusty.; Libra, (Viking 1988) First US
Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. Unclipped d.w.
Edges toned and top edge dusty. Inscribed
“for Jennifer / Best wishes / Don DeLillo”;
The Names, (Knopf 1982) First US Edn., v.g.
in cloth, d.w. Unclipped d.w. in removable
wrappers. Edges toned and top edge dusty;
Underworld, (Scribner 1997) First US Edn. V.g.+
in cloth, v.g. d.w. Author’s magnum opus in
every sense. Unclipped d.w. in removable
wrappers. (5)
€250 - 350
Imperfections Not Stated
DeLillo (Don) Ratner’s Star, (Knopf 1976) First
US Edn., v.g. in cloth, unclipped d.w. is lightly
rubbed, small closed tear at bottom edge, no
loss, top edge dusty; Players, (Knopf 1977)
First US Edn., v.g. in cloth, unclipped d.w. in
removable wraps is v.g.+, toning to flaps and
pages edges. Top edge dusty. (2) €300 - 400
DeLillo (Don) Americana, (Houghton Mifflin
1971) First US Edn., v.g. in cloth, block square,
unclipped d.w. in removable cellophane
wrappers is lightly toned and rubbed, with
one small closed tear, no loss. Overall a most
desirable collector’s copy of the Author’s First
Novel. (1)
€350 - 500
DeLillo (Don) End Zone, (Houghton
Mifflin 1972) First US Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w.
Unclipped d.w. in removable cellophane wraps
is bright and clean, with one small crease to
tail of spine and a few light rub marks. A lovely
copy of author’s second novel. (1) €300 - 400
See illustration on page 76
DeLillo (Don) Great Jones St, (Houghton
Mifflin 1973) First US Ed., v.g. in cloth, block
tight but front hinge slightly open at title page,
hf. title toned/yellowed, unclipped d.w. in
removable cellophane wrappers is v.g., corners
rubbed, worn. A very fresh copy of Author’s
Third Novel; White Noise, (Viking 1985) First
US Edn., v.g. in cloth, d.w. Unclipped d.w. in
removable cover is bright and clean (2)
€350 - 500
Heller (Joseph) Catch 22, (Simon & Schuster
1961) First Printing stated. Good + in
original blue cloth, lacks d.w., bumped, cloth
soiled, endpapers toned, lightly soiled, ink
stamped name of “ Franz J Horch, Author’s
Representative” to ffep, ith his address. Pencil
drawing to rear board (verso); Good as Gold,
(Simon & Schuster 1976) First Edn., v.g. in cloth,
d.w., edges rubbed, top edge dusty, unclipped
d.w is lightly soiled, creased to spine ends
and has a closed tear (vertical cut?) to spine;
Closing Time, (Simon & Schuster 1994) First
Edn., Signed. V.g. in cloth, top edge dusty,
unclipped d.w. is clean. Signed by author and
dated 7. 11. 94. (3)
€150 - 200
Rendell (Ruth) Master of the Moor,
(Hutchinson 1981) First UK Edn. Signed, v.g.
in cloth, d.w. endpapers toned. Inscribed “To
Philip Murray / best wishes / Ruth Rendell”;
Heartstones, (Hutchinson 1987) First UK Edn.
Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w. rubbed but clean.
Inscribed “For Philip Murray / from the author
/ Ruth Rendell; Simenon (Georges) Maigret
Takes the Waters, (Hamish Hamilton 1969) First
UK Edn. Signed, v.g. in cloth, d.w., edges toned,
tippex erasure to ffep., d.w. clipped, rubbed,
soiled. Inscribed “For Dr. P Murray / Medicentre
/ with warmth / Georges Simenon 1985”. (3)
€120 - 180
Ni Dhomhnaill (Nuala) Cead Aighnis,(An
Sagart 1998) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in
wrappers. Inscribed “Do Philip - I gcuimhne
- Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill”; Feis, (An Sagart 1991)
First Edn. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, slightly faded
d.w.. Inscribed “Do Philip - I gcuimhne - Nuala
Ni Dhomhnaill. V.g. in green wrappers, covers
printed in Japanese. A book of Translations
of poems in English, Irish and Japanese by
Hartnett, Longley, Muldoon, McGuckian et al.
Inscribed “ For Philip Murray - in case you ever
learn Japanese - Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill” (3)
€250 - 350
Chandler (Raymond) The Long Good-Bye,
L. (H. Hamilton) 1953. Second Impression,
in price clipped pict. d.w.; Playback, L. (H.
Hamilton) 1958. First Edn., in unclipped d.w.;
The Simple Art of Murder, L. (H. Hamilton) L.
1950. First, in unclipped pict. d.w., clipped &
worn; Killer in the Rain, L. (H. Hamilton) 1964.
First, in unclipped cold. d.w.; The Raymond
Chandler Omnibus, N.Y. (Alfred A. Knopf )
1964. First American Edn. in unclipped d.wl.;
and Raymond Chandler’s Unkown Thriller - The
Screen play of Playback, L. (Harrap) 1985, in
unclipped d.w. (6)
€180 - 250
Important Archive
Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) (City Lights interest)
Pictures of the Gone World, Pocket Poets
Series Number One. (City Lights 1955). First
Edn. V.g. in rubbed card wrappers. Signed
by Ferlinghetti and inscribed: “For Philip
in Sligo - Lawrence Ferlinghetti”. Scarce
First Edn., authenticated with author’s
signature; Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) Starting
from San Francisco : New Poems by Lawrence
Ferlinghetti, (New Directions 1961) V.g. in
rubbed pictorial cloth (no d.w. as issued).
First Edn. Signed. Inscribed “For Philip - June
04 - Lawrence Ferlinghetti”. With 33/1/3 record
in sleeve laid in. Together with: An archive
of letters, emails and postcards from or
on behalf of Lawrence Ferlinghetti.. Coney
Island of Lawrence Ferlinghetti (2 copies: 1
CD, 1DVD - in orig cases). Related recordings
from Rattlebag programme on RTE radio and
reading from Model Niland Arts Centre SlIgo.
Coupland (Douglas) Generation (St Martin’s
Press 1994) Fourth Edn. Signed, inscribed.
€2500 - 3000
556 & detail
All content and images are subject to copyright
Flanagan (Richard) Death of A River Guide
(Grove Press 1994) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. in
removable protective wrapper; The Sound of
One Hand Clapping (Atlantic Monthly Press,
1997). Signed. First thus., v.g. in cloth, d.w.;
Gould’s Book of Fish (Picador 2001) First Edn.
v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Inscribed “For Phil - all good
things - Richard Flanagan”; Death of A River
Guide (Grove Press 1994) Advance Reader’s
Edition., v.g. in wrappers, signed. (4)
€100 - 150
A set of Gallery Press First Editions
Mahon (Derek) Courtyards in Delft, (1981);
The Chimeras, (1982); Antarctica, (1985); High
Time (1985); The School for Wives (1986); The
Bacchae (1991); The Hudson Letter (1995
- inscribed “For Philip Murray / with best
wishes / Derek Mahon Sligo 96”); Racine’s
Phaedra (1996); The Yellow Book, (1997 unsigned); Words in the Air, (1998); Birds,
(2002 - unsigned); Harbour Lights, (2005); Life
on Earth, (2008 - unsigned); An Autumn Wind,
(2010 - unsigned), all cloth. All v.g. in unclipped
d.w. Signed unless stated. A beautiful set. (14)
€250 - 350
Durcan (Paul) The Art of Life, (Harvill 2004) First
Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed. Special, full
dark green leather-bound Limited Edition of
100 copies, of which this is No. 69, signed. Gilt
designed boards and spine, AEG. In matching
slipcase. An exceptional volume. (1) €200 - 300
Durcan (Paul) Ark of the North, For Francis
Stuart on his 80th Birthday (Raven Arts 1982)
Specially bound Limited Edition of 25 copies,
of which this is No. 10. Beautifully bound
in half blue Goat Skin, marbled boards, by
Antiquarian Book Crafts, Rathfarnham. In
matching grey slipcase. Signed in red biro
by artist on hf. title, slipcase slightly faded. A
beautiful copy. (1)
€150 - 200
Imperfections Not Stated
559 & detail
Mostly Signed Copies
Durcan (Paul) Ark of the North, (Raven
Arts 1982) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in toned
wrappers., endpapers tones. Signed, dated
23. 8. 86.; Jesus Break his Fall, (Raven Arts
1980) First. Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. rubbed.
Signed, dated, Sligo 30. 4. 91.; Jumping the
Train Tracks with Angela, (Raven Arts / Carcanet
1985) First . Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. rubbed.
Signed, dated, Sligo 30. 4. 91.; A Snail in
My Prime, (Harvill 1993) First Edn. V.g.+ in
cloth d.w. Signed, dated April 22, 1993; The
Laughter of Mothers, (Harvill Secker 2007)
v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; Cries of an Irish Caveman,
(Harvill 2001) First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.;
Christmas Day, (Harvill 1996) First Edn. V.g. in
cloth, d.w. soiled; The Art of Life, (Harvill 2004)
First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed.; Greetings
to our Friends in Brazil, (Harvill 1999) First Edn.
V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed.; Teresa’s Bar, First
pb signed. About v.g. in soiled wrappers.;
Going Home to Russia, (Blackstaff 1987) First
Edn. Signed, dated, Sligo 30. 4. 91. V.g. in
wrappers; The Berlin Wall Café, (Blackstaff
1985) First Edn. Signed, dated, 23, 8. 86. Two
mls. laid in. (12)
€250 - 350
Inscribed Presentation Copies
Duffy (Carol Ann) Fifth Last Song, (Headland
Publications 1982) First Edn. V.g. in printed
wrappers. Inscribed “May 92 for Philip, love, as
ever - Carol Ann”; light toning to spine; Thrown
Voices, (Turret Books 1986 ) v.g. in unprinted
boards. No. 31 of 100 numbered copies (Edn.
1000) Signed by author. Additional inscription
“for Philip with good wishes / Carol Ann”;
Selling Manhattan, (Anvil 1985) First Edn. V.g.
in wrappers. Inscribed “For Phil and Vivien with
love/ Carol Ann”; Standing Female Nude, (Anvil
1989) rep. Inscribed “For Phil and Vivien with
love/ Carol Ann”; Selected Poems, (Penguin /
Anvil) rep. Inscribed “For Phil and Vivien with
warmest wishes & love/ Carol Ann/ Sligo
September 1998”; Mean Time, (Anvil 1993)
First Edn. V.g. in wrappers. Inscribed “for Phil
- best wishes/ Carol Ann”; The Other Country,
(Anvil 1990) First Edn. V.g. in wrappers.
Inscribed “For Phil and Vivien, Emily, Joe &
Jenny - with love/ Carol Ann”. Three others. (10)
€200 - 250
Murray (Les) Equanimities, (Razorback Press,
n.d.) Limited Edn. 350, unnumbered. This
copy inscribed “Philip - of course you know
the Scottish Murrays’ prayer: ‘lord, gie’s a
guid conceit/ o’orselves!’ - Best Wishes / Les
Murray”; Collected Poems, (Carcanet 1991)
First Edn. signed. V.g. in cloth/ d.w Inscribed
“ For Philip and Vivien, with warm best wishes
/ Les Murray”; New Selected Poems, (Duffy
& Snellgrove 1998) First Edn. Signed. V.g. in
pictorial wrappers. Inscribed “for Philip / with
best wishes / Les Murray”; The Boys who Stole
the Funeral, (Duffy & Snellgrove 1982) rep.
V.g. in pictorial wrappers. Inscribed “for Philip
and Vivien in Sligo / with cheers from all the
Boys”; A Working Forest, (Duffy & Snellgrove
1997) First Edn. V.g. in wrappers. Inscribed “ For
my clansman Philip and my compatriot Vivien,
with warm regards / Les Murray”; Dog Fox
Field, (Carcanet 1991) First Edn. Signed. V.g.+.
Inscribed “For Philip with every kind wish / Les
Murray”. Inscribed “for Phil and Vivien in Sligo
/ with cheers from Fred & Les”; Fredy Neptune:
A Novel in Verse, (Carcanet 1998) First UK Edn.
V.g. in pictorial wrappers. (no HB of Australian
First issued). Inscribed “For Phil and Vivien in
Sligo / with kind regards from Fred & Les”;
Blocks and Tackles, (Angus & Robertson, 1990).
Second imp. V.g. in wrappers (no HB issued).
Author’s third collection of prose pieces.
Inscribed “For Phil and Vivien on a sunny day in
Sligo / Les Murray”; Subhuman Redneck Poems,
(FSG 1997) First US Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Conscious & Verbal, (Angus & Robertson,
1999). First Edn. Signed. V.g. in wrappers (no
HB issued). Inscribed “For Phil and Vivien with
best wishes / Les Murray”. (10)
€200 - 300
Cope (Wendy) If I don’t Know, (Faber 2001)
First Edn. Fine in slipcase. Copy No. 100 of 150
copies specially bound and signed by the poet;
Men & their Boring Arguments, (Wykeham
Press 1988) 1st ed. No. 38 of limited edition
110. Endpapers toned, otherwise v.g.+; Does
She Like Word-Games? (Anvil Press1998) v.g. in
printed wraps. No. 106 of 600 copies Signed by
author. (3)
€150 - 200
Hughes (Ted) Meet My Folks, (Faber 1961)
First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Bumped.
Endpapers toned. D.w. soiled, worn at spine
ends, text bright and clean; Comics, (Prospero
Poets 1997) Illustrated by Annie Newnham,
signed by poet and illustrator. No 51 of 60
copies with additional loose print, this one
numbered 51/59 (sic) (2)
€250 - 350
Hughes (Ted) Gaudete, (Faber 1977) First Edn.
Signed. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w. Signed & inscribed
“For Dr Murray / with my best wishes / from
Ted Hughes / 5 Feb 1987”.; Birthday Letters,
(FSG 1998) First US Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.
[unsigned]. One other. With 2 mls, 3 ms cards,
original envelopes, laid in. (3)
€300 - 400
Hughes (Ted) A Tribute to T S Eliot, (Privately
printed by Faber 1987) An address delivered on
the occasion of the unveiling of a blue plaque
at 3 Kensington Court Gardens, London, 28
Sept., 1986. V.g.+ in slate blue wraps, stiff
glassine and card folder. Signed. One of 250
unnumbered copies. Beautiful condition (1)
€150 - 200
570 & detail
Hughes (Ted) Tales from Ovid, (Faber 1997).
Fine. Hughes’s much praised translation from
the Greek. No. 230 of 300, in pale green
boards, olive-green slipcase. Slip case about
Fine. (1)
€150 - 250
Hughes (Ted) Rain Charm for the Duchy,
(Faber 1992) v.g.+, First Edn. Signed. Copy
No. 28 of 250. Supplement (The Unicorn),also
numbered 28, is laid in, slipcase slightly soiled;
River, (Harper & Row, 1984) First US Edn. V.g.
in cloth. Signed, d.w. is rubbed, soiled, closed
tear (no loss) to rear panel. Inscribed to ffep “An
Early Draft / Ted Hughes / January 1990”. (2)
€200 - 300
Hughes (Ted), Fainlight (Ruth), Sillitoe
(Alan) Poems, (Rainbow Press 1971). V.g.+.
Copy No. 97 of 300. Fully bound by David &
Hodges, London, olive green leather, blocked
in real gold front, spine and back, with handprinted Japanese endpapers, in slip case of
olive green leather, slip case v.g. A handsome
production. With 2 mls, 4 autograph cards, 2
original envelopes, laid in. (1)
€250 - 350
Hughes (Ted) Birthday Letters, (Faber 1998) First
Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, dustjacket, by Frieda
Hughes, is v.g. Winner of the Forward Prize for
Poetry in the year of publication; Wolfwatching,
(Faber 1989) First Paperback Edn. Signed. V.g. in
wrappers.; The Iron Woman, (Faber 1993) First
Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. (3)
€250 - 350
Hughes (Ted) Crow From the Life and Songs
of the Crow, (Faber 1970) First Edn. Signed. V.g.
in cloth, d.w. Ffep is clipped along top edge
(apparently to remove name), pictorial d.w.
by Leonard Baskin is clipped, slightly rubbed
at ends with tiny spot of soiling to front edge
but overall is bright and clean with just a little
toning to back panel. One of 4000 copies
printed. Inscribed “For Philip Murray / greetings
/ Ted Hughes / 10th May 1985”; Tales from
Ovid, (Faber 1997) First Edn. V.g.+ in cloth, d.w.
Signed “Ted Hughes”; Crow, First US Edn.
(Harper & Row, 1971.) Signed. V.g. in soiled
boards, lacks d.w. Inscribed “Greetings / from
Ted Hughes” (3)
€400 - 500
Hughes (Ted) Lupercal, (Faber 1960) First Edn.
Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w. Maroon cloth quite
fresh, endpapers and prelims age-toned as is
d.w., clipped, in archival covers, is clipped, faded
at edges, very slightly rubbed at ends. Signed
“Ted Hughes”. Hughes’s scarce second book.
One of 2250 copies printed. (1)
€250 - 350
Hughes (Ted) Birthday Letters, (Faber, 1998).
First Edn. Signed. Near Fine. Number 191 of
300 specially bound, numbered and signed
copies, issued simultaneously with the trade
hardcover edition. A lovely copy: tight, bright,
in original issue glassine wrapper (no d.w.
as issued), faintest toning to edges. A very
handsome production. (1)
€350 - 450
Hughes (Ted) The Hawk in the Rain, (Faber,
1957) . First Edn. Signed. V.g. in cloth, d.w.,
endpapers age-toned (spotted) as are d.w.
covers and (very slightly) front boards, no
foxing to text pages, d.w. unclipped. Signed
“Best Wishes / from Ted Hughes”. A very nice
copy of poet’s first book. (1)
€300 - 400
All content and images are subject to copyright
Hughes (Ted) Wodwo, (Faber, 1967). First
Edn. V.g. in cloth, d.w., slightly bumped, d.w. in
protective cover, is unclipped, is toned, rubbed
at edges, small water stain to spine, spine
ends repaired with tape (internally). Signed
& inscribed “For Philip Murray / with my best
wishes / Ted Hughes / 18th October 1985”. (1)
€200 - 300
Healy (Dermot) Banished Misfortune, (Allison
& Busby/Brandon 1982) First Edn. v.g. in
cloth, d.w. Inscribed “ For Philip Murray, Good
luck, Dermot Healy / Belfast / May 85”; A
Goat’s Song, (Harvill / Harper Collins 1994) First
Edn. Signed, v.g.+ in cloth, d.w.; The Bend for
Home, (Harvill 1996) First Edn. Signed, v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w. FFep lightly soiled; Long Time, No
See, (Faber 2011) First Edition. Signed. V.g. in
pictorial wrappers. Inscribed “ To Philip, Good
luck, 3rd April 2011, Dermot Healy”; Sudden
Times, (Harvill 1999) First Edn. Signed, v.g.+ in
cloth, d.w.; Fighting with Shadows, (Allison &
Busby/Brandon 1984) First Edn. v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w. Inscribed “Galway 1989, Dermot Healy”.
€350 - 450
Frazier (Charles) Cold Mountain, (Atlantic
Monthly Press, 1997). First Edn. Signed.
Limited Edition of 500 copies, of which this is
No. 196. Hardcover in publisher’s slipcase; no
dust jacket (as issued). About Fine, spine lightly
faded. (1)
€150 - 200
Allingham (Margery) The Mind Readers, L.
1965, First, unclipped d.w.; The China Governess,
L. 1963, First, red cloth, gilt lettering on spine,
in clipped d.w.; The Allingham Case-Book, L.
1969, First, in unclipped d.w.; Cargo of Eagles,
L. 1968. First, in unclipped d.w.; Mr. Campion’s
Clowns An Allingham Omnibus, L. 1967, First, in
clipped d.w.; The Mysterious Mr. Campion - An
Allingham Omnibus, L. 1963. First Edn. - Signed
Pres. Copy, in unclipped d.w.; & 1 other. (7)
* Pres. inscriptions reads, ‘John Brennan [John
Welcome] Salutations from one Mystery
Manager to another, Margery Allingham.’
€180 - 250
First Editions, Signed, Signed Letter
Bainbridge (Beryl) One Georges Simenon
A Weekend with Claud (New Authors Ltd
1967) Signed v.g. in cloth and unclipped
d.w., inscribed “For Philip Murray / with best
wishes /Beryl Bainbridge / Camden Town
1989”, slight soiling, closed tear to top front
corner, some loss to paper at head of spine.
cellophane-protected removable cover; A
Quiet Life (Duckworth 1976) v.g.+ in cloth,
d.w. is v.g. in removable plastic cover; Injury
Time (Duckworth 1977) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. is
v.g. in removable plastic cover; Winter Garden
(Duckworth 1980) v.g.+ in cloth, d.w. is v.g.
in removable plastic cover; The Bottle Factory
Outing (Braziller 1975) Signed First US Edn.,
v.g.+ in cloth, d.w., inscribed “With best wishes
/Beryl Bainbridge”. Beautiful copy, edges
toned, in removable plastic cover; Every Man
For Himself (Duckworth 1996) Signed, v.g.+
in cloth, d.w., “For Vivien / with best wishes /
Beryl Bainbridge”; Laid in: one m/ss letter to Dr
Murray, one signed typed and a handwritten
postcard, all signed by Bainbridge. A lot. (6)
€250 - 350
Vonnegut (Kurt) Slaughterhouse 5, (Cape
1970) First UK Edn., about v.g. in cloth, block
leaning, d.w. is rubbed, creased and chipped,
edges toned, top edge dusty; Frazier (Charles)
Cold Mountain, (Atlantic Monthly Press 1997)
First Edn. (stated), v.g. in cloth/d.w.; Cercas
(Javier) Soldiers of Salamis, (Bloomsbury 2003)
First UK Edn., [Barcelona 2001]. V.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Cercas (Javier) The Tenant & The Motive,
(Bloomsbury 2005) First UK Edn., v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Martinez (Tomas Eloy) Santa Evita,
(Doubleday 1997) First US Edn., v.g. in cloth,
d.w.; Brodkey (Harold) The Runaway Soul,
(Cape 1991) First US Edn. with two intersting
Als. laid in. A useful lot, v.g. in cloth, d.w.
Signed on label to ffep. D.w. rubbed, edges
toned, top edge dusty; Connolly (C.) The Rock
Pool, 8vo, Reprint, L. 1947, cloth & d.j. (7)
€250 - 350
Imperfections Not Stated
Box lot of mainly hardback Volumes - literary
interest, academic and fiction, Irish & other.
Includes Signed First Edns of Hutchinson
novellas by Francis King, Colleen McCullough,
Peter Levi, Malcolm Bradbury and Frank
Delaney. Some items of Irish interest include
General Collection of the Ancient Irish Music
& Compositions of Conolan & Carolan (1996
€100 - 150
A large lot of interesting Poetry (approx. 60),
mainly First Edition Paperbacks, many Signed.
Includes Signed volumes by Les Murray,
Richard Murphy, Derek Mahon (3), David
Wheatley, George MacBeth, Oliver Reynolds,
Peter Redgrove and many others. Also,
some Als laid in. Unsigned includes Seamus
Heaney, Anne Tallentire, Anne Stevenson, Julie
O’Callaghan. As a lot. (60 approx)€250 - 300
Twelve First Editions
BOX LOT: Various Authors: Crow Lake; World
of Charmian Clift; Sponge Divers; Other Side
of the Bridge; Sacred Country; The Alchemyst,
Home; The Facilitators, Scandal; A Home at the
End of the World; Offshore; A Fraction of the
Whole; Runyon on Broadway Omnibus Volume.
As a lot. (12)
€100 - 150
Wednesday September 28th, 2016
At: The Ormonde Hotel, Kilkenny
Rare Books, Irish Literary Items, Periodicals,
Postcards, Republican Ephemera,
Sporting Memorabilia & Collectibles, etc.
To include: The Library of the late Peter James Rankin; & other Important Clients
The J.J. Barrett, (Kerry) Medal Collection
The Old Cinema, Chatsworth St., Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland
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