Twitter Parties!


Twitter Parties!
BYOU ‘Be Your Own You!’ Magazine
Because Every Girl Deserves Healthy Self-Esteem
BYOU ‘Be Your Own You!’ Magazine is the premier provider of positive
self-esteem messaging for ‘tween’ girls, with the mission to empower
them to become a positive force in tomorrow’s world.
We have created the perfect balance of entertainment and education;
teaching self-esteem in fun, yet powerful, ways that makes a long-lasting
impact on a girl’s life. We feature stories and information on current topics
and challenges girls face today (such as bullying, body image, and friendships),
positive self-affirming messaging, and popular teen/tween celebrities who are
positive role models and making a difference in the world.
Our readers are excited, intrigued, challenged,
involved, educated, supported, inspired, and
entertained – and the best part? Moms approve!
Parents, educators, national girls’ organizations,
and the like give BYOU 'Be Your Own You!'
Magazine a big thumbs up!
Editorial Information – Ongoing Feature Favorites:
 Celebrity Interviews: Celebrities and pop stars  Young Hollywood Columnists: Advice columns from
teen celebrities, including Ask A&A: Girl Talk with
are a big draw for girls in our target market, so
Allisyn Arm & Audrey Whitby (stars of Disney’s So
we feature young stars making a positive
Random) and Kat's Korner featuring actress Kat
impact in the world. Our goal is to inspire our
McNamara offering advice for healthy, positive ,
readers to emulate the positive attributes of
friendships & girl-world tips!
our celebrity role models to help counteract
the abundance of unhealthy messaging for
 Beauty’s Tips for Outer & Inner Beauty: Inspired by
girls in today’s world.
the award-winning book, Beauty’s Secret: A Girl’s
Discovery of Inner Beauty, fictional character
 Girls Making A Difference: Highlighting both
“Beauty” provides age-appropriate beauty tips,
celebrity and “real” girls making a positive
emphasizing the importance of inner beauty.
impact in their communities and in the world.
 B-Smart: Fun and interactive puzzles, brain teasers,
 Self-Esteem Education and Information:
and games designed to exercise the mind and let
Entertaining, yet informative, articles , quizzes,
girls know it’s cool to be smart!
and projects dedicated to educating our
readers on topics they face in their daily lives,
 B-Silly: Too many girls abandon their silly side for
from friendship and self-empowerment to
fear of what others will think. We believe for a
bullies and the dangers online.
girl to be her authentic, confident, and happy
self, she needs to build her silly bone! We offer
 What It Means To Me To B-YOU!: Dedicated to
‘silly stuff’ and invite girls to submit theirs too!
featuring real girls that tell us what staying true
to yourself means to them, and giving them an
opportunity to offer self-esteem tips to other  Other faves: Every issue also features empowering
fiction, crafts, recipes, giveaways, & our newest
column Awkward to Empowered!
The Tween Girls Market
• What is a “tween girl”? A girl
between the ages of 8 and 14.
• Currently, this 21 million strong
demographic wields $43 billion in
annual spending power!¹
• Individually, tweens earn an average
of $12 per week in allowance. ²
• 47% of parents issue their children an
allowance, knowing it will be spent
rather than saved.³
• In 2015, the largest group of children
under the age of 18 will be those
aged between 5-13.⁴
¹Source: American Express ²Source: American Express ³Source: American Express ⁴U.S. Census Bureau
The Tween Girls Market
How are tweens spending their
own allowance money?
20% - Apparel/Footwear
9% - Toys/Crafts
10% - Books/Music
31% - Video Games
10% - Consumer Electronics
20% - Other Products
The Tween Girls Market
1. Her own clothing, accessories,
toys, personal care products, and
extra-curricular activities
2. Restaurant choices
3. Grocery purchases
4. Family entertainment
5. Family vacation destinations
6. Computer/tech/mobile equipment
purchased for the household
The Tween Girls Market
What triggers an
online search in
moms of tweens?
46% Coupons
45% Word of mouth
40% In-store promotion
36% Direct mail
34% Magazines
33% Advertising inserts
33% Email advertising
24% TV/broadcast
23% Internet advertising
19% Newspaper
Print Advertising
Magazine Fact Sheet
BYOU Magazine Impact
Readership: Tween girls (ages 8-14)
Rate Base: 21,000
Median Age: 11
Readership: 63,000
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
80% subscriptions
14% newsstand
6% Library/Schools/Events
One Year Subscription Rate: $17.97
Single Copy Rate: $3.95 US/$4.95Can
Available for purchase
online and at Barnes &
Noble booksellers,
Meijer and Kroger
stores, and various
newsstands in the
US & Canada!
Also, approved for
Print Advertising Added Value
Added Value Opportunities!
BYOU Magazine prides itself on its creativity! In addition to providing
content our readers crave, we can tailor promotion (via added value) to
meet our advertisers’ and sponsors’ needs.
A few of the ways in which BYOU Magazine can provide added value to
 Advertorials- This creative marketing tool allows you to have a content
rich full page or spread that leverages edu-tainment to get our audience
excited about your product (priced at Full Page rates + 25%)
 Product Placement- this allows you to have your product appear in a
photo/poster with a teen celebrity ($800/pg)*
 Destination Pages Product Placement-– sponsor our B-Silly and/or BSmart pages ($500/pg)
* This is not an endorsement; we will do our best to have the celebrity wear/use/engage with the product, but cannot guarantee
they will; we can guarantee that the product will be in the photo in the most appealing way possible. We are not representation
for the celebrities who are in our magazine in any capacity.
Print Magazine Advertising Rates
Advertising Packages
1x Placement
3x Placement
6x Placement
Full Page Ad
$1,423 total
$3,822 total
$6,900 total
Half Page Ad
$955 total
$2,574 total
$4,638 total
Third Page Ad
$721 total
$1,950 total
$3,510 total
Two Page Spread
$2,665 total
$7,195 total
$12,948 total
Inside Cover
$1,638 total
$4,407 total
$7,746 total
Back Cover
$1,794 total
$4,836 total
$9,126 total
*All rates are gross. 15% commission paid to recognized agencies.
Rates subject to increase after Aug 1, 2014.
*Ad design services are available for an additional charge.
Our design staff can create artwork for any advertiser unable to provide finished ad material.
Spread ($625) Full Page ($345) Half Page ($250) Third Page ($195)
2014/2015 Close Dates & Deadlines
BYOU Magazine Issue
Artwork/Payment Deadline
May/June 2014
Mar. 21, 2014
July/August 2014
May. 23, 2014
September/October 2014
Jul. 25, 2014
November/December 2014
Sep. 15, 2014
January/February 2015
Nov. 21, 2014
March/April 2015
Jan. 30, 2015
Digital Magazine
Magazine Fact Sheet
BYOU Magazine Impact
Readership: Tween girls (ages 8-14)
Rate Base: 9,500
Median Age: 11
Readership: 20,000
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
One Year Subscription Rate: $14.95
Single Copy Rate: $3.95
Launching MAY/JUNE
Available on these
iOS - iPhone, iPad, iPod
Android - Tablets &
Amazon - Kindle Fire +
Fire HD
The Tween Girls Market
Mobile Content For Tweens:
¹Source: Pew Internet &
American Life Project
²Source: Flurry Analytics
³Source: Now Sourcing
⁴ Source: IgnitionOne
* 58% of 12-year-olds own their own cell phone¹
* Nearly half of tween Internet users (48%)
regularly purchase products up from 31% in 2000¹
* 80% of mobile usage is in app, 20% is in the
* Mobile App usage increased 115% in 2013²
* Messaging App (incl. Photo and Social Sharing)
usage increase 203% in 2013²
* 28% of tweens & 51% of teens own a tablet,
(68% of those own an iPad)³
* Tablets scored 9% higher on the engagement
scale than desktop computers, mainly because
their users spend 17% more time perusing
websites. Additionally, tablets accrued a click
growth of 79% and impression growth of 112%.
Digital Magazine
Unique Digital Added Value Opportunities!
BYOU Magazine Digital Magazine creates the next level of interactivity
with the magazine and creativity! We can enhance your advertisements
with live links, video, and even animation! We can even change your
advertisement on the FLY!
Live links – All directional links will be live while the reader is connected to
the internet! (Included in the ad pricing)
Video – We will allow approved videos to be placed right on your ad space!
($300/per video added to ad cost)
Ad Changes – We will change out your current ad for a replacement that
will go live for our audience within days! Have a special event that just
popped up? A new product release moved up? NO problem! ($300 per paid
Ad change)
Digital Magazine
Advertising Packages
1x Placement
3x Placement
Full Page Ad
$469 total
$1,260 total
Half Page Ad (limited availability)
$315 total
$849 total
Third Page Ad (limited availability)
$275 total
$750 total
$650 total
$1,800 total
$650 total
$1,800 total
Inside Cover (Print Advertisers
Have priority for this position)
Front Page (Print Back Cover
Advertisers have priority)
*All rates are gross and for Digital Magazine only.
Print Advertisers also placing Digital ads have priority placement.
15% commission paid to recognized agencies.
Rates subject to increase after June 1, 2014.
iPad App Advertising
BYOU Magazine Interactive IPAD App
Launching MAY
Available For
iPad and
iPad App Advertising Rates
App Specs and Rates
Ad Type
Banner Ad*
Rotational banner in design
screen area. Always in view
Sticker Ad
iPad and Web App
Located in App and on
Design Gallery Website
Girls add your branded
sticker to their design!
Sticker is fixed to design
image when shared via
social networks.
BYOU User Design
Gallery Website Ad
Specialty Page on
Girls who register and do not have
Ipad App access
just Website
$250/mth w/
Banner ad
BYOU User Design
Gallery Website Ad
Specialty Page on
Girls who register and do not have
Ipad App access
just Website
$200/mth w/
Banner ad
* external links in App require parent consent. Web requires parent notice.
Online Advertising
Website Information
Online Community Facts:
 25,490 Visitors/month
 15,950 Unique Visitors/month
 208,000 pages views/month
 4:56 minutes average time on site
The Tween Girls Market
Tweens primarily access the
internet via a desktop computer.
Girls ages 13-15 are more likely to
use a cell/smart phone when
compared to girls ages 10-12.
Girls are more likely to access a
desktop, laptop, or cell/smart
phone when compared to boys,
who generally access through a
gaming console.
Online Specs and Rates
Ad Type
Block Full
Right Hand Side Bar
Block Half
Right Hand Side Bar
72 dpi
jpeg, swf, tiff
72 dpi
jpeg, swf, tiff
**Ads will be placed and rotated through all non-specialty pages. Specialty pages
include Home Page, Twitter Party Pages, Sponsored Pages, and App Pages. Specialty
pages are available and require premium rates.
Twitter Parties
Twitter Parties!
What Is A Twitter Party?
A Twitter Party is a live chat using the Twitter social media platform and the
Hashtag(#) search feature to connect participants to the conversation stream.
For participants, BYOU Magazine Twitter Parties are a fun way to interact with
BYOU Magazine and their FAVORITE CELEBRITIES in fast-moving
conversations with thousands of people—including fun prize giveaways!
For sponsors, it’s a great way to quickly grow your social media reach and
engage in dialog with current and potential followers and/or customers. Think
of a Twitter Party as a super-charged, online version of a ‘meet-and-greet’ red
carpet party with celebs!
Brands large and small are having social media influencers host Twitter Parties
for them every day.
BYOU Magazine can host one for you!
Twitter Parties!
How Does A Twitter Party Work?
A BYOU Magazine Twitter Party features a popular teen celebrity (or
celebrities) who is a positive role model for girls who will “chat” with
participants during the party. The celebrity posts about the event ahead of
time, invites her followers to participate, and spreads the message using
her various social media outlets!
All parties are hosted by our CEO and Publisher Debra Gano, who
announces the party and prepares the audience ahead of time by sharing
the hashtag(#) via social media, our database, and blog post(s)—as well as
giving the audience a chance to submit questions to be answered!
Parties average 1.5-2 hours in length and include Q&A conversations with
the celebrity, self-esteem tips & inspiration, and opportunities for sponsor
brand exposure and promotion. BYOU Magazine staff monitors and
manages the entire event as well as provides detailed reporting after the
Twitter Parties!
Why Sponsor A Twitter Party?
10 reasons to sponsor a Twitter Party:
Extend your reach to many new Twitter participants (BYOU Magazine’s
participation with teen celebs reaches millions in the elusive tween/teen
audience, plus their moms!)
Build your Twitter following considerably.
Convert Twitter followers to customers.
Leverage teen celeb influence and spark interest in your product offering.
Point out or create the need your business fills.
Create interest in your product offering in a fun and dynamic way.
Use the opportunity to introduce a new product, service, or special offer.
Generate buzz about your brand.
Drive traffic to your website.
Meet and interact with your current followers and customers in a new
and interesting way.
The Tween Girls Market
40% of tweens ages 10-12 spend
their time online social networking
on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Pinterest, etc.
An additional 27% of teens ages 1315 spend their time social
networking too!
Twitter Parties!
What kind of reach can I expect with a Twitter Party?
Here’s just ONE tweet involving a teen celeb:
Twitter Parties!
What Does BYOU Magazine Do?
All online marketing (website, blog, PR, social media sites)
Coordinate, schedule, contract commitment for teen celeb(s)
Support and coordinate celebrity announcements for each party
Create a custom page on BYOU Magazine website for pre-registration
(including fan questions) and marketing for giveaways
Include a live link advertisement for the sponsors on our website
Email-blast to our database including the sponsor’s recognition
1 ½ to 2 hour Twitter Party hosting
All hosting logistics, tracking, and reporting
Tweet preparation prior to event for giveaways and sponsor recognition
Create a fun and fast paced environment for a memorable event!
Twitter Parties!
What Does The Sponsor Do?
Provide fun and exciting giveaways
Market to your own database to present this new and exciting
way to communicate with them
Provide BYOU Magazine with your logo and other electronic
marketing materials for pre/post-party promotion
Prepare several tweets prior to the party so you’re ready for the
action (it is fast paced!)
Actively participate in the Twitter Party
HAVE FUN & watch your exposure grow!
Twitter Party Sponsor Rates
Sponsorship Packages
1x Event
2x Event
Guest Celebrity following 1,500,000+
$2000 total
$1600 total
$3000 total
$1300 total
$2400 total
$1000 total
$1800 total
$700 total
$1200 total
$450 total
$800 total
Guest Celebrity following 1,000,000+
Guest Celebrity following 750,000+
Guest Celebrity following 450,000+
Guest Celebrity following 200,000+
Guest Celebrity following 75,000+
* Pricing shown for up to 2 sponsors per event .
Exclusive sponsorships require a 25% premium.
School Sponsorship
 Up to 90% of girls today suffer from low-self-esteem.
 The average age where self-esteem begins to plummet is 9 years old.
 Low self-esteem leads to poor decision making: 3/4 of girls with low selfesteem engage in negative activities such as disordered eating, bullying,
cutting themselves, smoking, drinking, taking drugs, or premature sexual
 A girl is bullied every 7 minutes.
 Suicide is the third leading cause of death among adolescents and teenagers.
Teen girls are more likely to attempt suicide.
 81% of 10-year-old girls are afraid of being fat.
 Girls with low self-esteem are less likely to receive praise from parents but
more criticism.
 57% of girls have mothers who criticizes her looks.
 Only 2% of adult women think they are beautiful.
 The top wish among all girls is for their parents to communicate better with
them. This includes frequent and more open conversations.
 The majority of schools today have inadequate funding to provide
empowering programs to help our children.
Debra Gano is the CEO/Publisher/Founding Editor of BYOU
‘Be Your Own You’ Magazine and the best-selling author of
Beauty’s Secret: A Girl’s Discovery of Inner Beauty, the first
book in the award-winning Heartlight Girls Series.
Debra speaks nationwide to girls & moms on issues of inner
beauty, self-esteem, anti-bullying, empowerment, building
confidence, and communication. Her work is the recipient of
numerous awards (including the Mom’s Choice Award) and is
endorsed by many motivational authors such as Chicken Soup
for the Soul’s Jack Canfield, girls’ organizations such as Girl
Scouts USA, and schools, counselors, and parents around the
country. She is a sought-after media expert, appearing on
television, radio, and in print. And her most important role:
mother to her 11-year-old daughter.
She facilitates numerous workshops for girls and adults; yet
her most popular program is her mother & daughter event
titled “Mommy & Me Tea, A Mother/Daughter Self-Esteem
*Gano’s standard speaking fee is $5,000 per keynote/workshop
At the Mommy & Me Tea event, girls and their moms together explore topics such as
self-esteem, bullying, body image, empowerment, inner beauty, and friendship during
a fun and interactive ‘tea party’. Mothers & daughters acquire tips & tools to better
communicate, with positive direction on how to handle life in girl-world today.
With YOUR support, BYOU Magazine can bring award-winning self-esteem expert
Debra Gano to schools in the area to deliver a powerful mother & daughter workshop
that would be FREE to students and their moms (or other influential adult). As a
sponsor, not only would you receive tremendous exposure (see next page), but you
would be making a life-changing difference in the lives of our youth.
Help us bring these important much-needed messages to elementary and middle
school girls & their parents!
"This evening's presentation was so much more than I expected. I know I needed to hear the message
as much as my daughter - or maybe more!”
“BYOU and Debra's message is an inspired gift to women and girls and I truly hope this message
continues to spread and grow. Thank you Debra, for letting your light shine so brightly!“
Actual photos and
mom’s testimonials
from previous
“Mommy & Me Tea”
Note: Middle school
events are titled
“Mom & Me Tea.”
• Logo placement in school direct marketing materials: Event
announcements, registration forms, follow-up thank you letters,
and post-order forms
• 150-750+ girls plus their parents per school
• Logo placement on website registration page
• Inclusion in e-blast news (approx. 3,000 contacts) and social
media campaigns (approx. 25,000 contacts) + networks
associated with event
• Featured in local press releases, including television/radio/press
• Verbal recognition from main stage
• Logo electronic projection before/after presentation
• Sponsor Provided Signage permitted such as Pop-up banners or
poster boards (placed next to the Step and Repeat photo area)
• Gift bag inserts of your choice (coupon, flyer, product, etc.)
• Event giveaway/raffle prize participation
• Opportunity to sell your product at the event
Demographics: Girls grades K-8th and Parents/Women ages 25-55
The Tween Girls Market
• 9 out of 10 (90%) of
moms plan to be
equally or more
involved in their
child’s school during
the academic year
SOURCE: Marketing to Moms Coalition,
• Sponsor 1 School
$400 total ($400 per school)
• Sponsor 3 Schools
$900 total ($300 per school)
• Sponsor 5 Schools
$1200 total ($240 per school)
• Sponsor 10 Schools
$1500 total ($150 per school)
Help make a difference!
Event Sponsorship
Celebrity Empowerment Panels
BYOU Magazine is proud and
honored to work with some
of the most popular young
Hollywood celebrities,
having them participate in
empowerment panels
designed to reinforce
positive messaging to our
tween audience!
Events and Empowerment Panels
BYOU Magazine is thrilled to host
Empowerment Panels, Role Model
Searches, and Keynote Experiences
all over the country!
If you are interested in
being a part of our
events, ask for details on
our next event!
Photos shown are from actual BYOU Magazine events.
BYOU ‘Be Your Own You!’ Magazine
Because Every Girl Deserves Healthy Self-Esteem
Thanks so much for your
interest in BYOU Magazine!
We have special incentives and
discounts for mixed media and live
event packages.
YOU can be part of the
BYOU Magazine buzz!
For more information please contact:
Phil Gilliam
BYOU ‘Be Your Own You!’ Magazine
National Sales Director
Tel: (303) 667-8886
Fax: (303) 578-1234