SAFE SHIPPING ON THE BALTIC SEA 23 September 2011 Gdańsk, Poland Organising Committee: Dr Jan Jankowski, Polish Register of Shipping – Chairman of the Committee Dr Andrzej Królikowski, Maritime Office in Gdynia – Member Mr Piotr Waszczenko, Short Sea Shipping in Szczecin – Member Dr Adolf Wysocki, Polish Shipowners’ Association – Member Honorary Committee: Mr Willem De Ruiter, European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) Ms Magdalena Jabłonowska, Shipping Safety Department, Ministry of Infrastructure, Poland Mr Paweł Szynkaruk, Polish Shipowners' Association The Symposium is organized under the patronage of the Polish Presidency in the European Union and the auspices of the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure with the attendance of Ms Anna Wypych-Namiotko, Undersecretary of State. 5 CONTENTS Overview by Jan Jankowski, Polish Register of Shipping .................................................. 5 Foreword by Anna Wypych-Namiotko, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Infrastructure, Poland ......................... 7 Foreword by Paweł Szynkaruk, President of Polish Shipowners’ Association .................... 9 Panel discussion and key points of Symposium presentations on 24.04.2010 ........... 11 Session I Higher efficiency by working together in the EU framework, some examples Willem de Ruiter, EMSA, EU .............................................................................................. 23 Implementing the risk approach to develop minimum but sufficient safety standards Jan Jankowski, Polish Register of Shipping, Poland ........................................................... 25 Session II The shipping industry views on oil transport safety Benoit Loicq, European Community Shipowners' Associations .......................................... 45 Safety of underwater pipeline systems Magdalena Jabłonowska, Ministry of Infrastructure, Poland ............................................... 47 Formal LNG terminal design process from the navigational point of view Prof. Lucjan Gucma, Maritime University in Szczecin, Poland ............................................ 57 Session III Maritime surveillance for better maritime safety Isto Mattila, European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, EU ..... 69 Regional efforts for safer navigation, hydrographic re-surveys and cleaner Baltic Shipping Anne Christine Brusendorff, HELCOM ............................................................................... 75 Safety of small fishing vessels Monika Warmowska, Polish Register of Shipping, Poland .................................................. 81 OVERVIEW Shipping in the Baltic Sea Region is specific by nature. The Baltic Sea is a small and enclosed water basin featuring characteristic, dangerous weather conditions, hazardous particularly for some ship types. The specificity of shipping also includes heavy traffic of people and goods between the well-developed countries around the Baltic. The Szczecin 2010 Symposium SAFE SHIPPING ON THE BALTIC SEA confirmed both the specifics and the needs, revealing several issues of general concern for Baltic maritime stakeholders. The Gdańsk 2011 Symposium provides a continuation of the discussion forum for maritime administrations and shipowners to identify and discuss measures for progressing safe shipping on the Baltic. Discussion will follow several introductory papers addressing three key issues identified during the Szczecin 2010 Symposium. I Seeking clarity in proliferated regulations for Baltic Sea shipping • Higher efficiency by working together in the EU framework, some examples; • Proliferation of regulations and controlling bodies; • Implementing the risk based approach to develop minimum but sufficient safety regulation. II Operational and technical safety on the Baltic • Oil transport; • Safety of underwater pipeline systems (Nord Stream); • Formal safety assessment of gas carriers. III Gaps to be filled to ensure safe shipping on the Baltic • Developments in date collection, exchange around the Baltic; • Hydrographical re-surveys and safety of navigation in the Baltic Sea; • Statistics of sea states occurrence contributing to safer shipping on the Baltic. The identification of hazards faced by the shipping sector and related discussions cannot be expected to solve directly the practical problems but raising awareness and better knowledge of necessary measures sets the first step in moving forward. Jan Jankowski Polish Register of Shipping 5 Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a pleasure for me to welcome you for the third time to the Symposium dedicated to safe shipping on the Baltic Sea. The Maritime Administration in Poland, which I have the honour to represent, is fully involved in the process of improving the safety conditions on the Baltic Sea. On the national, non-conventional level, the Administration is working continuously towards improving the safety of fishing boats, domestic passenger ships and pleasure crafts. On the European level, we are involved in executing European maritime safety legal provisions and we follow closely the development of the new European maritime safety law, having our services engaged in the process of its implementation. In July 2011, Poland took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. My Administration is taking all necessary measures to continue work towards ensuring shipping safety and environment protection. On the global level, we are an active member of the International Maritime Organization, engaged in the work of all its Committees and Subcommittees, contributing to many initiatives dedicated to maritime safety and supporting the initiatives of our colleagues from the fellow Member States of the European Union. In the recent months, a great load of legislative work has been done. We are currently nearing the end of the process of transposition to the Polish legal system of seven new European directives of the so-called Erika III Package. The new Act on Maritime Safety introduces improvements to the functioning of the SafeSeaNet, a new PSC inspection regime, harmonization of procedures of authorization of recognized organizations and their supervision, ensuring compliance with flag State requirements, and many other solutions aimed at enhancing maritime safety and alignment with the European law. Next to the ERIKA III transposition, the process of implementing the directive on shipsource pollution and on the introduction of penalties for infringements is coming to a close, with the introduction of regulations imposing criminal sanctions for polluting the sea. We strongly believe that the new law will ensure better compliance with environment protection requirements, as criminal penalties are expected to be more effective than administrative sanctions or civil liability for environmental damage. 7 It should also be stressed that safety of navigation and environment protection cannot be ensured without properly qualified ship crews. The Administration has started the process of ratifying the 2010 amendments to the STCW Convention. This will allow us to introduce changes to the Polish system of training and certification of seafarers adopted at the Manila Conference. Finally, I have to mention the Administration’s involvement in the matters concerning LNG transportation. We are currently implementing our biggest hydrotechnical investment, the construction of a three-kilometre long breakwater for the Outer Port in Świnoujście, in order to adapt the existing port infrastructure to new requirements resulting from locating an LNG terminal in this area. The innovative character of the investment will ensure the highest safety standards. Poland is also the leader of the flagship project 13.7 in the framework of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, concerning formal risk assessment for LNG carriers in the Baltic Sea. The project will deal mostly with delivering knowledge about possible risks of LNG transportation and use in the maritime sector, and will set up safety requirements for LNG transportation and operation in port and coastal areas. I would like to take this opportunity to invite representatives of other Baltic Sea Region Administrations to cooperate with us in implementing this project. Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to warmly thank the Polish Register of Shipping, and Dr Jan Jankowski in particular, for organizing this Symposium, their hard work and commitment. Please accept my best wishes on the 75th anniversary of your Society. I am also grateful to the speakers who agreed to deliver presentations, and to all the participants for their presence reflecting their dedication to matters related to safe shipping and pollution prevention on the Baltic Sea. I wish everybody fruitful discussions and new ideas. I believe that this Symposium will be very important for further development of new maritime safety initiatives. Anna Wypych Namiotko Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Infrastructure, Poland 8 Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the Polish Shipowners Association I would like to welcome all participants of the IV Symposium "Safe Shipping on the Baltic Sea." Since our previous meeting, we have noted several significant events related to the safety of navigation and protection of natural environment of the Baltic Sea. Russians are expanding their Baltic ports in order to significantly increase oil transportation by sea. For many months lively discussions continued on the impact of the Nord Stream pipeline on the free movement of ships to the ports of Szczecin and Świnoujście. European shipowners are increasingly concerned about the increasing pressure from the International Maritime Organization and the European Commission as to the use of expensive fuels with reduced sulphur content in the Baltic and other ECA (Emission Control Area) areas. The Baltic Sea is closed and therefore very sensitive to changes in the environment. Any such large scale disasters as the sinking of the tanker "Prestige" and "Erika", would result in much more serious consequences to the Baltic countries than those that hit the areas bordering the Atlantic. And yet, year after year, the Baltic sees more and more ship traffic, including large tankers carrying east-west Russian oil. The current issue is the construction of the Nord Stream pipeline, which longitudinally crosses the entire Baltic Sea. A few years ago, some countries that have their economic zones in route of the Nord Stream, loudly protested against this project, talking about the possibility of serious environmental effects of the remnants of World War II, still littering the seabed. Currently, these protests subsided, thanks to effective lobbying of authorities of Nord Stream, but they are replaced with correct care for the future freedom of navigation on routes that cross the Nord Stream. Although damage to the pipeline by passing ships and a large scale ecological disaster as the Deepwater Horizont seems unlikely, but any lasting investment, affecting the safety of Baltic shipping must be closely followed. Of course, both the increase in oil transport in the Baltic, and the location of the pipeline on the bottom of the sea, inter alia, serves to improve Europe's energy balance, but we cannot forget about the risks related to the ecology of the Baltic Sea, and communities living in the Baltics. Similarly, you can look at the problem of environmental pollution resulting from the operation of ships. The establishment of the zone SECA (Sulphur Emission Control Area) or current ECA in the Baltic was the ecologically right thing, but the increasing demands badly hit the finances of shipowners, particularly companies involved in Baltic ferry shipping. Planned for 2015, the requirement of the use of fuel with a content of 0.1 percent sulphur combined with low economic situation in the transport market, for some of the Baltic ferry companies maybe become a real disaster. These matters are still subject to thorough analysis and evaluation by shipowners and the MIF (Maritime Industries Forum) including: CESA, CLECAT, EMEC, ESPO, ECSA (European Community Shipowners' Associations) and the various national associations of shipowners. ECSA Sulphur Task Force, established in March this year, prepared a detailed report. The results of this report were presented, on behalf of ECSA, by Task Force 9 Chairman Mr Peter Verstuyft during the EU Maritime Commission Stakeholder Event: “Clear air at sea-Promoting solutions for sustainable and competitive shipping ", which was held in Brussels on 1 June 2011. The owners gathered in ZAP carefully follow all the IMO and the European Commission initiatives concerning the future of European shipping. An important event was the adoption of the strategy, "Transport 2050" by the EC. It consists of two documents: the so-called. "White Paper" or the Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area, and detailed guidelines – Commission Staff Working Document. The main elements of the Roadmap to 2050 in the European transport list: the efforts to eliminate congestion, reduce emissions, increase employment, increase income, increase reliability and service quality, increase security and reduce dependency on the European transport system from the supply of crude oil. Particularly important for shipowners are the solutions proposed to environmental issues, mainly concerning the reduction of emissions of sulphur, nitrogen and CO2. At the March meeting of the EU Commissioner for Climate Action Ms. Connie Hedegaard and President of ECSA Marnix van Overklift, Mr. Overklift confirmed the willingness to engage the European shipowners to reduce CO2 emissions. He also said that ECSA supports the adoption of EEDI (Energy Efficient Design Index), as one of the tools for reducing energy consumption on vessels and thereby reducing greenhouse gases. Marnix van Overklift also welcomed the idea of creating a special fund to reduce CO2 emissions, which is to be made with funds contributed by industrialized countries. ECSA and ZAP, as a member of the Association, also support other initiatives aimed at improving the safety of navigation in the Baltic and more efficient operation of ships in ports (the problem of congestion). One such activity is the project established by EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency) to select ships ready to assist with oil spills off the coasts of EU countries. The same action was launched back in 2004, but this year it has led to the strengthening of EMSA's fleet of "rescue", inter alia, in the Baltic Sea. So far, EMSA has already signed contracts with fourteen private shipping companies. Their ships hold a 24 hours day watch and can be quickly converted into a rescue unit to collect oil spills. Equally interesting and fully supported by the owners is "Maritime Blue Belt project" for initiatives to remove restrictions and barriers of trade within the EU. This project, implemented by EMSA, was launched in May this year and covers 180 ships that have come forward to participate on a voluntary basis. The owners also do not forget, this year's slogan for the European Maritime Day - "putting people first" – considering that in 2011 - in addition to issues related to safety of navigation – one should pay particular attention to social issues of seafarers. We must encourage all local and international initiatives to improve the quality of work on board ships, as well as those seeking to promote the profession of seaman. Wishing you all a successful meeting I would like to ensure that both ZAP and other shipowner associations in Europe, speak with one voice on the provision of adequate security in the Baltic and respect for the environment of this sea. As representatives of shipping companies, we fully support not only the actions relating to our ships and crews sailing on them, but also those affecting the quality of life of residents of all Baltic countries’ coastal areas . Paweł Szynkaruk President of Polish Shipowners’ Association 10 PANEL DISCUSSION AND KEY POINTS OF SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATIONS 23.04.2010 Disclaimer The opinions expressed during the panel discussion as collected do not necessarily present the standing on particular issues of represented organisations or bodies but are individual views, concerns and ideas as voiced by symposium participants during the open discussion. Introduction The issues covered by Session I on regional Baltic initiatives spread awareness of successful safety monitoring projects on one hand and raised questions on the other. It also gave evidence that problems relating to the human factor continue to raise a stir. Session II devoted to rating the safety level focused on the philosophy of safety, risk based approach and the required source data to progress safety at sea. Session III addressing challenges of growing trade on the Baltic concentrated on the practical side – the newly developed navigational safety management for the Southern Baltic, controlling emissions and the system in place for regulating marine operations on the Polish coastline as well as violations recorded. Discussion covered several presentation related thesis, proposals and question marks. Efficient monitoring is a successful project for the Baltic contributing to enhanced navigational and environmental safety “EMSA was given the task to “develop and operate any information system necessary for attaining the objectives of Directive 2002/59/EC establishing a Community vessel traffic monitoring and information system” reported Willem De Ruiter from EMSA in his presentation. Accordingly, the Agency has set up and operates: SafeSeaNet, LRIT, and CleanSeaNet. These 3 information systems constitute the core elements of the EMSA integrated maritime surveillance platform aimed at improving response to incidents, accidents or potentially dangerous situations at sea (incl. search and rescue operations), contributing to improved prevention and detection of pollution by ships and optimising logistic processes (ETA’s). The EMSA concept, embracing SafeSeaNet based on Member States’ infrastructure including 727 AIS coastal stations, VMS Coastal radar images, other AIS sources, LRIT (LRIT = Long Range Identification and Tracking), CleanSeaNet images and SAIS, implements the Integrated Maritime Policy Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) with a mandate to establish, operate & maintain the EU LRIT Data Centre. The latter (LRIT) is to provide information on: positions of EU flag ships worldwide, non-EU flagged ships passing/coming to Europe and remains complementary to “coastal” AIS information (SSN) of the 34 participating countries (EU MS, EFTA, Overseas Territories). 11 The meeting participants raised the question regarding the ownership of the various systems. Who is the owner of AIS – discussions have to start. Now there is an owner of a satellite. How does the Global AIS Infrastructure fit into satellite-based surveillance? There is a feeling of excess of information. All gathered information is secured at present and available, but will AIS in future go commercial and what consequences does that entail? In reply to this question the example of Greenland was given where commercial systems have been adopted. AIS was initially introduced as a collision avoidance system now it has evolved into a monitoring system. We cannot say today whether it will remain a public domain because the decision depends on adopted policies of decision makers. In the case of the Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) we shall see the commercial aspect developing quickly. It would be nice if LRIT followed the career of the Linux Advanced Radio Terminal (LART) a single-board computer (SBC) designed by staff of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. The university released the software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), and the hardware design under the MIT License. LRIT is a further development to AIS operating on the VHF Radio range. While originally designed AIS was designated for short range operation as a navigational aid, it has now been shown to be possible to receive AIS signals by satellite. This is becoming known as S-AIS and might replace LRIT. Satellite AIS is good in low traffic areas. The European Space Agency (ESA) works with EMSA on data distribution (SafetySea network). There are no regulations in this area. Symposium participants voiced a concern that ESA cooperating with EMSA in pollution monitoring established an ad hoc group to solve and not create problems such as data ownership issues. CleanSeaNet is the European satellite oil pollution monitoring system for detecting deliberate and accidental spills linked with the national/regional response chain strengthening operational pollution surveillance and response (penalties for infringements). CleanSeaNet complements aerial/naval surveillance for illegal discharges. Mr De Ruiter pointed out that 28% of CleanSeaNet images delivered cover the Baltic Sea. The system ensures on site verification and follow-up actions, as well as identification of potential polluters by combining CleanSeaNet and Vessel traffic information available through SafeSeaNet and pinpointing offenders to regulation enforcing bodies. Usefulness of the data available from the monitoring systems was reflected, eg. in statistical data presented in Session III by Ms Wesołowska, who in the session on challenges of growing trade on the Baltic presented a study on violation of regulations in the area of Maritime Office in Szczecin, which showed the recorded offences during the last 5 years. Though the figures fluctuate the situation remains stable with a slightly falling trend in 2009. Infringements regarding marine pollution protection rated as more than half of the offences recorded. These were followed by marine safety and security recorded offences and sanctions. The presentation also familiarised Symposium participants with the organisational structure of maritime administration in Poland, showed the Polish bodies involved in regulating, enforcing and assuring safety at sea with a breakdown of competencies, scope of operation and jurisdiction of marine chambers in Poland as well as types of accidents recorded. The paper also included in-depth information on sanctions for violations. 12 The shipping community expressed concern that possible stricter emission restrictions and sanctions with IMO declaring the Baltic a PSS (Particularly Sensitive Sea Area) may move transport from sea back to land. Nevertheless, though a burden to the shipping industry, transparency and precise targeting of violations can ensure ample space for clean shipping on the Baltic. The presentation by Mr Jalkanen from the Finnish Meteorological Institute shows how ship emissions can be modelled to build a system, which is based on real ship movements (AIS Data) and make emission calculations ship-specific and transparent, useful for policymakers, authorities, shipowners, researchers. The Ship Traffic Emission Assessment Model, STEAM, draws on AIS data the registry number, location, heading and the speed of the vessel. AIS is a system which keeps track of ship movements automatically, without the contribution of the ships’ crew. The AIS system was originally built for collision avoidance. It helps seafarers to observe the overall traffic situation, showing the speed and position of every ship nearby. In the Baltic Sea area the coverage of the ground based AIS network is complete. During the year 2007, over 210 million position reports were sent by ships. If the ship cannot be found in the internal ship database, an automatic query to Lloyds Register will be made to get such technical data of the ship as physical dimensions, ship type, build year, design speed and especially: information regarding the main and auxiliary engines. Their make, model, engine rpm, power output, fuel type and so on. Shipowners provide information regarding their own fleets: emission certificates, emission abatement techniques etc. From wave models we get the significant wave height and direction in order to model the effects of waves on ship’s ability to push through stormy waters. The Finnish Meteorological Institute is investigating the possibility of including ice and sea current effects. The principles on which STEAM is based on are ship-specific and come from the basic rules of ship design. Each ship has different physical dimensions, engine installations, design speed, hull structure etc. Once we know sufficient details of every ship, we can compute the instantaneous power demand as a function of ship speed. The systems allows for visualisation of ship emissions summed up in a given grid cell for a period of 15 minutes and tracking every ship, its emissions and fuel consumption. We can produce inventories for NOx, SOx, CO2, PM and CO taking into account abatement techniques and emission certificates. The STEAM model can be used to study the effect of waves to fuel consumption improving the accuracy of the predicted fuel consumption. Future further developments are to embrace among others sea currents, effect of ice and health effects e.g. in major cities close to shipping lanes providing an integrated assessment tools for policymakers. The share of ship types vs. share of exhaust emissions and proportion of each ship type compared to the total annual emission help us to identify the kinds of ships that produce most emission. Further steps include the emission divided by the distance travelled in each ship type and age group, comparison to fuel consumption given by owner, the option to compare unit emission with other modes of transport. In the Baltic the good news is that SOx emission decreased despite the fact that overall traffic increased. This is the result of SOx Emission Control Area rules of the IMO, which became effective on May 2006. 13 The STEAM model can be used to study the effect of waves to fuel consumption. The inclusion of waves improved the accuracy of the predicted fuel consumption. Future further developments are to embrace, among others; sea currents, effect of ice and health effects e.g. in major cities close to shipping lanes providing an integrated assessment tool for policymakers. A report on HELCOM actions (1992 Helsinki Convention) focussing on prevention and pollution elimination in order to promote the ecological restoration of the Baltic Sea area and the preservation of its ecological balance prepared by Ms Brusendorff, Helsinki, also draws on data collected by the monitoring systems and in databases. Regional HELCOM activities have to take into account the international nature of shipping, which stem from UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, requiring elaboration of global rules and standards – and also stems from the fact that it is not in the interest of the Baltic coastal countries to regulate only ships flying under their flag but all crafts entering the water basin. The nine Baltic Sea States within the International Maritime Organisation jointly pursue initiatives of harmonising the implementation by the nine Baltic Sea States of international regulations, where possible, with the strictest demands; and initiating Baltic regional actions, either by making use of the possibility of HELCOM to act quicker than what is typically possible in international organisations or by pursuing specific Baltic interests that have not been taken into account in other international organisations. An example is the use of pilots by ships posing a risk to the marine environment. Already in the 1970s joint submissions by the Baltic Sea States led to the adoption by IMO of a recommendation to ships to make use of local pilotage schemes when navigating through the entrances to the Baltic. Another joint submission by the Baltic coastal countries to IMO, proposed to designate the Baltic Sea Area as a special area with regard to sewage. An initiative pursued within the International Maritime Organization also includes promoting the use of Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), the use of which has been accepted by IMO as equivalent to paper charts and recently made mandatory for certain classes of ships. HELCOM has decided to cover major and secondary shipping routes by Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC). Availability of ENC is a precondition to be able to promote ECDIS, the use of which enables ships to display their own position in real time. In one of the more recent initiatives by the Baltic coastal countries it is proposed to cover the whole Baltic Sea with re-surveys in order to ensure up-to date depth information and thus more safe sea areas for shipping. These actions (initiated within HELCOM), are either building on or filling a vacuum in international regulations, like the common Baltic AIS (Automatic Identification System) monitoring system which has been operational since 1 July 2005. This system builds on the IMO requirements for ships to be equipped with AIS, or the gap filling measures addressing operational safety requirements for ships sailing in icy conditions. HELCOM has also adopted several regional measures, thus filling a gap in international regulations to promote the harmonised and efficient implementation of international rules and standards, including enforcement thereof. Regional measures also make sense with regard to services to be provided by administration, such as Vessel Traffic Services, hydrographical and pilotage services. This is also true for response activities in case of a pollution incident. 14 Prof. Gucma from the Maritime University of Szczecin presented the concept and development of a navigational safety management method for Baltic and other coastal areas where ship traffic monitoring, e.g. AIS is implemented. A mathematical model of navigational safety is needed to predict how the changes made in traffic or navigational markings will influence the safety of navigation. Traffic monitoring delivers all necessary data about incidents (near misses), which could be the circumstances of accidents. Usually, the number of accidents is not sufficient to assess the risk on its basis, especially when it is necessary to consider spatial distribution. A novel method of navigational incidents analysis, based on AIS monitoring is proposed to overcome problems of insufficient statistical accuracy. The knowledge of incidents (near miss), defined as an event or series of events, which could lead to an accident, but due to preventing action no losses occurs, and their causes, could come from their observation and analysis and remain crucial for the system safety determination. The second important part of the safety management system is the stochastic model of navigational safety based on microscopic simulation principle, which means that each ship is modelled as an individual object with several functions and attributes with various models of navigational accidents applied. The model of navigational safety management system (NavSMS) is a multistage iterative algorithm that could be used for risk assessment and in cases when risk reduction measures are necessary. Navigational risk and its acceptability criteria involve risk based safety indicators related with risk acceptability (tolerability) and are usually based on: individual risk criteria, societal risk criteria, economical risk and acceptable losses level criteria. The navigational incident management model of incidents (NavSMS) is completely independent from the ship and is based on external monitoring by AIS. Two separate models of navigational accidents are created: grounding and collision. Places of possible incidents are presented according to severity (distance between ships passing each other). This model of navigational safety could be, according to Prof. Gucma, applied in any coastal area where AIS monitoring exists. The model requires monitoring and that reduces its usability to coastal regions. The incident model is quite novel but requires stable accident to incident ratio functions in given areas. Research conducted in this field reveals interesting dependencies between navigational accidents and incidents. The presented concept of safety management on coastal sea areas is under validation on the Polish coast and southern Baltic area. The results are very promising and the presented navigational safety management system will be applied as recommended in this area. The introduction of AIS can be, according to one of the Symposium participants, compared to the invention of the telephone, i.e. the inventor did not foresee the use of letters in phone-transmitted messages. AIS did not initially project that land-based stations would have more and more data and could intervene on board a ship. Shipping vessels are not as independent as they used to be in the past. A question was put forward to EMSA whether the merging of systems at user interface level is projected. This would allow input of data to and from national networks. The question of harmonising the reporting system was subsequently raised and the questions of potential benefits and barriers such as different requirements for mariners for example. 15 Some steps have already been made, as reported by EMSA, towards DR 3 system merging like AIS + Safernet (combined help detect polluters). Harmonisation in importing data is projected with the first legislation measures, then technical issues at the operational level will be addressed. The project aims at integrating all data sources. The relative low number of ship accidents seen in the Baltic Sea could be further reduced according to Per Sonderstrup of the Danish Maritime Authority by adopting a risk-based approach and by building a philosophy to decide what measures are feasible and to evaluate their long-term effects in line with one of the tasks outlined in the EU Baltic Sea Strategy. The last decade of new safety and environmental measures provides a very broad and genuine framework to ensure that shipping can be operated on safe basis in the Baltic Sea area. Although we haven’t seen the long term effects coming from some of the recently introduced safety measures, there seems to be tendency towards a fewer number of accidents. Risks from accidents in general can be assessed by the common Risk model: Risk = Frequency x Consequence which seems simple, but can be very difficult in terms of estimating the frequency and consequence of a future scenario. The experience of the Danish Maritime Authority shows that risk structure in a Risk Based Approach to Safety of Navigation can be divided into “defence lines” i.e. factors where incentives would have the highest impact on preventing an accident. The 1st line is the quality of ships and crews and the handling of the ships like route planning, proper bridge team including the use of pilot. The 2nd defence line is the external factors like providing the ship with proper sea charts, traffic routes, land and sea marks or, in general, aids to navigation. The 3rd defence line is the external control of the ship i.e. monitoring ship navigation. During the last decade there have been several 2nd and 3rd line initiatives to manage risks from maritime traffic like: the monitoring of ship traffic and Vessel Traffic Services; extensively covered by Mr De Ruiter and Mr Jalkenen in their presentations. Future projects are in place: new traffic routes are analysed by Helcom; inspection of ships are carried out in Baltic ports (Port State Control); the phasing out of single hull oil tankers is progressing; higher compensation rates for oil spills are in force; insurance for maritime claims (Bunkers and HNS convention); new regulations for transfer of oil at sea (STS operations); increased capacity for oil spill response and EU 3rd maritime safety package have been introduced. To effectively target the 1st line of defence it is necessary to focus on the human factor. The problem was more widely described by Mr R. Sirol from Estonia and found repercussion in the proposed project outlined below. Ship owners need to address human factors by establishing a proper safety culture and to have thorough understanding of the impacts the shipping affects the environment with. Therefore there is a need, in the shipping community and amongst stakeholders, to maintain a high level of awareness of the risks that are prevailing in shipping. 16 Human related factors regionally and globally With the significant attention given to the safe ship equipped with relevant equipment and systems as well as more and more intensified safety rules it is alarming that the crew, and particularly the watch crew, are at risk and somewhat forgotten, reminds Mr R. Sirol from the Estonian Administration. Shipping rules are getting tougher with a constant flow of new obligations to consider, to legalize and adopt as regulations for shipping companies to follow and administrations to inspect. Today, there are often only two navigators (the master and the mate) who keep watch 6 hrs over 6 hrs in short-sea shipping, with a few sailors and an engineer. Short crossings and cargo handling time often is limited to a few hours. Nevertheless, there is a need for cleaning the hold deck, managing the paperwork and for meeting various other demands. And there might be a little time for navigation and rest. Questions arise as to an urgent need to increase the number of minimal crew. Flag State have the right authority to introduce such requirements but face the risk of losing shipowners. The bridge is equipped with sophisticated systems and devices providing extensive data. But a question arises: is it all necessary and is time provided to the crew to acquire relevant information and skills? Crew fatigue poses a serious problem also for shipmasters. The Council of the Baltic Shipmasters recognises the problem where various rules bring about additional duties and ships with limited crew may, on the contrary, diminish the shipping safety. When working out and establishing new criteria all the for and against arguments should be considered carefully including the feasibility of the already minimised crew to take on accruing duties and their questionable impact on actual safety of navigation at risk. Especially in the Baltic Sea conditions where the sea is quite small, shallow, with many narrow sections where ships traffic is dense, where the weather conditions are variable and the sea is partly covered with ice in the wintertime. When adding additional responsibilities to the crew, should we not also revise and regulate in a cohesive manner the requirements for minimum manning? Suggestions were put forward to take under consideration the above in the process of implementing the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Remarks were voiced that casualty statistics showed a falling trend in the number of casualties (often related with groundings, insufficient training of engine room staff) up to 2004 and a growing trend after that year. The casualties are often of human error related incidents. A multinational crew is a mistake in the opinion of some symposium participants, as the crew has no feeling of solidarity, commonness. The human element issue is not covered by certificates or IMO Rules but remains the responsibility of the owner. Pilotage services are linked with the human factor of safe shipping on the Baltic. The problem of multinational crews and communication obstacles, as viewed from an owner’s perspective, are vivid in pilotage (some accidents are caused by pilots and masters who remain in service of shipowners) and tug boat cooperation, the problem requires investigation. 17 The need for improvement of communication between pilot and tugboats is clear. Maritime law is too flexible. Poland for example requires a review of exemptions, new regulations on manoeuvrability of vessels (in view of old port regulations). Such revised solutions could be introduced first nationally, enforced by coastal states and then put forward to IMO. In Denmark, almost all vessels use pilots in the Danish Straights as recommended without mandatory regulations, though in ports there may be areas that require consideration of introducing pilotage for safety reasons. The question remains open as to what can be done to reduce human error. Danish Administration discussed these issues analysing accidents to improve safety issues. The right relations on board are difficult to specify but they must be identified. It was pointed out that the minimum safe manning procedures/requirements are difficult to change because they are directly related to economic/profit issues for the owner. At the same time it was indicated that STCW will be discussed during an oncoming MSC meeting where owners will have to find a balanced solution. The number of hours per crewmember depends on vessel kind and size. The EU has no defined policy on seafarers. National legislations in particular countries in EU give a green light on a bit of multilateral cooperation (taxes, rules). EU intends to establish a taskforce to study to see if seafaring is endangered with extinction but there remains another issue relevant for seafarers’ – their safety and educational matters. A proposal was put forward by Capt. Byczyński to establish a European Fund for Social Security and Education of Seafarers justified by the following arguments. During the recent years a significant shortage of number of qualified ship officers on the world labour market has been noted. This problem regards also the ships registered under the flag of the European Union Member States. The effective method to reverse this trend and to increase the number of cadets (new entrants to the profession) would be the increase of attractiveness of seafarers’ profession in the EU Member States. Seafarers all over the world are employed under various flags on the free global labour market. They are subject to different labour legal systems, different regulations regarding the social security and as the matter of fact quite often they are unable to execute their due, legal rights and privileges, resulting from the flag state law and international conventions. Due to international character of shipping and seafarers’ labour market, even in EU Member States the status of seafarers (in respect to social security) is significantly different than the status of employees working in other sectors of economy. The EU shipping companies have to compete on the open international free market, including the competition on terms of employment, where they cannot offer better (and more expensive) working conditions to their crew, than those offered by other world shipping companies. This puts the EU seafarers in a seriously disadvantageous position in comparison to other EU employees. Any attempt made towards forcing the EU shipping companies into adopting national social security regulations for their crew may, (and inevitably will) cause the escape of EU shipping from EU jurisdiction, by reflagging the ships to the flags of states where such regulations are not applicable (Panama, Liberia, Mongolia, Honduras, etc.). The shipping companies will move also their land based operation there, causing the loss of a number of land-based (office) jobs within the EU territory. 18 It is also worth to bear on mind, that seafarers’ profession has been fully internationalized by the International IMO STCW Convention on education, certification and watchkeeping, which sets the common and internationally accepted minimum standards of education to the all world seafarers community. That is why each seafarer, regardless of his nationality, may work under every ship in the world regardless of its flag (State of registry). The Proposal for action involves creation of the “European, Fund for Social Security and Education of Seafarers” on the Community level of European Union. Such “Fund” could be financed directly from the EU budget – within the framework of support to the EU maritime policy. Seafarers originating from the States associated with EU (within EEA) and employed on ships registered under EU flags or under the flags of States associated with EU within EEA would be eligible to participate in the “FUND” as well as their families. The European Commission could develop the detailed rules for governing the “FUND” and could later on supervise its activities. The “FUND” could serve seafarers from Member States and States associated with EU within EEA, establishing the social security support for seafarers, at least on minimum standards level. The relevant States could create the supplementary “FUND” to increase the level of security support to their national standards, if they wished to do so. The seafarers eligible to the social security support from the “FUND” would be also eligible to the educational financial support, e.g. . financed the first set of trainings, enabling them entry into the profession with the Certificate of Competency, to serve as an officer on ship (nautical or engineering). The total number of candidates to be awarded by the financial educational support from the “FUND” would be proposed each year by the Commission and approved by Member States. The financial educational support, should have a form of educational “bonus” (assigned sum of financial resources on separate bank account) giving the right to the future seafarer to select the European Training Centre from among those recognized by the Commission. This solution should significantly improve the attractiveness of seafarers’ profession in EU Member States, possibility regulate (at least in part) the seafarers’ labour market within EU and along the lines of EU overall maritime policy as well as integrate European seafarers as a professional group within EU forging a European seafarers’ identity. Resultant increase of training standards of EU seafarers would contribute to growing safety at sea, including the increased level of marine environment protection, to increase the attractiveness of EU shipping market and significant increase the attractiveness of European flags for shipowners as well as create perspectives for further future quick development of maritime education in Europe. The question of future attractiveness of the seafaring profession is also related to the development and adoption of measures assuring a technically safe working environment, i.e. a technically safe ship. Establishment of new regulations for stability, the impact of new standards of roPax construction (probabilities methods) have been discussed since 2004. When there is a quest designers will find a way. Dr A. Jasionowski proposes 0% tolerance. There are big obstacles like tonnage tax, value of the ship drops with changing regulations – the economic impact is a problem. In the case of aviation, which we should follow, there is a 0 tolerance. 19 The example of Estonia casualty with loss of 853 human lives in 1994 on the Baltic Sea and underlying technical causes of the casualty state clearly why tragedies such as that of MV Estonia will happen again, said in his presentation Mr A. Jasionowski from the University of Strathclyde, unless firm actions are taken to develop the overall philosophy of ship safety, not limited to discussing shortcomings. An accident is a conjunction (sequence) of undesirable events occurring despite measures taken to prevent each of these events from materialising and causing a loss. Some events (phenomena) can recur for many permutations of initiations, and as such can be considered as “critical” or “root” cause of a loss. In a holistic view, each of these events may be considered as the cause of the loss. Historically summaries of the consequences in terms of loss of life attributable to flooding and loss of stability accidents show that at least one serious ship flooding accident has taken place every year on average, for the past 20 years. Therefore, the historical average rate of catastrophic loss of life on ships in case of a serious flooding accident seems to be of the order of 35%. Although the principle of mean recurrence interval of 100 years as ship design target seems rather conservative when compared to current SOLAS regulations, it is still rather relaxed (accident occurrence in 100 years with 63% probability) when compared to design basis of e.g. hurricane shelters, or adopted by the aviation industry. The root cause of the loss derives from the fundamental flaw in the philosophy of maritime safety provision underlying current regulatory instruments of IMO, and pertaining to inadequate requirements on ship stability to mitigate consequences of very often recurring phenomenon of ship flooding. Therefore, it is recommended that the level of damage ship stability is raised substantially to meaningfully increase the safety standard of passenger ships. It is proposed that a goal to reduce the rate of catastrophic fatal flooding accidents from a 35% historical average to not more than 1% is adopted by all passenger ships without delay and with clear targets for achieving this goal within the foreseeable future. Holistic survey of the Baltic The interest in holistic surveying of the Baltic to enhance safety was not only expressed by HELCOM but also by Prof. M. Pawłowski, a naval architect from the Gdańsk University of Technology, who in his presentation strongly advocated for the Baltic Sea spectrum in his presentation of similar format as JONSWAP spectrum for the North Sea, based on three parameters, with the bandwidth parameter ε less than 1. So far, despite the heavy shipping there is no reliable spectrum available for the Baltic Sea. The paper demonstrated that the ITTC and JONSWAP spectra can be reduced through affinity transformation to a common unit-area nondimensional spectrum that can be precisely approximated by the log-normal distribution. Such spectra, contrary to the original ones, are narrow-banded, with the bandwidth parameter ε less than 1, and have moments of any order. 20 A wave spectrum for the Baltic Sea could be developed, either through the law of similarity, described in the presentation, or through establishing a Joint Baltic Sea Wave Project (JOBSWAP). In addition, scatter diagrams with probability of occurrence of various sea states around the Baltic Sea could be delivered through this project. The knowledge of the two deliverables is essential for better prediction of ship motions while operating in the Baltic Sea, both for short - and long-term predictions. The proposal was seconded by Dr J. Jankowski from Polish Register of Shipping who as a representative of the classification sector views safe shipping in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions. The necessary condition is the technically safe ship, whereas the sufficient condition is safe ship operation. The 2009 Gdańsk Symposium identified several areas of concern voiced during the Panel Discussion, which were later presented in the Panel Discussion Key points and roundup. One of the issues related to the technically safe ship is the need to develop a Wave Spectrum for the Baltic Sea and a scatter diagram representing the probabilities of occurring sea states. The Baltic wave spectrum enables us to develop the Baltic irregular wave, then to simulate ship motions in waves and any response of the ship and its structure (including stresses) to that wave. Scatter diagrams enables us to make long-term prediction of ship response to waves. During this year’s Symposium we have a follow up on the subject with the proposal of developing a wave spectrum for the Baltic. The conclusions of the paper on assuring stability of damaged passenger vessels indicate an urgent need to increase their safety level. For the Baltic area this is of major importance as the number of ferries crossing the Baltic continues to grow. Prof. Pawłowski has developed a criterion for ro-ro passenger vessels in damage conditions. This criterion is based on wave parameters. Calling to mind again the Estonia catastrophe it is clear that a sequence of events led to the vessel sinking. However, it was the wave impact loads on the visor that caused the first event. The wave impact loads destroyed the visor securing devices and then the visor opened down the ramp, which served as collision bulkhead. Seawater washed onto the vessel and water on deck caused the capsizing of the vessel. Therefore, there is an urgent need to have the wave spectrum and scatter diagram – it will provide grounds for further development of technical requirements to make progress in assuring technical safety of ships operating on the Baltic according to Dr J. Jankowski. Round up The initial anti-collision system AIS has evolved far beyond the original concept giving access to data used for various safety and environmental protection projects and enforcement measures to the benefit of shipping safety. Further developments in this area remain an open question. Developing holistic monitoring of shipping, however, does go in line with filling the gaps in geological and hydrological surveys of the Baltic Sea, which are indispensable to improve safe shipping in the water basin. This gap needs to be eliminated and joint efforts of Baltic oriented countries and organisations made to conduct relevant research projects as proposed by HELCOM and PRS. 21 To operate safely at sea ships need well educated, satisfied and not overburdened crews that have a feeling of common interests and understanding – an issue that could be addressed by the EU in the Baltic strategy or the seafarer’s workforce. Proposals put forward in this respect may help to cure the present complex and problematic situation. Excessive regulatory measures may be detrimental to further development of shipping not only in terms of the economic and human factor but also in terms of overall safety at sea. This problem together with issues on further Baltic surveys and ship technical safety require extensive discussions on the Baltic forum. Therefore, Symposium organisers suggest to deliberate on the following issues during the IV Symposium on Safe Shipping on the Baltic Sea, which shall take place on 23 September 2011 in Gdańsk, Poland: I Overregulation of Baltic Sea shipping 1) Higher efficiency of EU measures over those nationally undertaken 2) Implementing/adopting the risk based approach to develop minimum but sufficient safety regulation. 3) Polish initiatives and contributions to safe shipping on the Baltic or EU trends in instrumental development of safety on the Baltic II Operational and technical safety on the Baltic 1) Oil transport 2) Safety of small of vessels 3) The human factor contributing to safety of shipping III 22 Gaps to be filled to ensure safe shipping on the Baltic 1) Developments in date collection, exchange around the Baltic 2) Statistics of sea states occurrence contributing to safer shipping on the Baltic 3) Hydrographical survey of the Baltic Higher Efficiency by Working Together, Some Examples Willem de Ruiter, Executive EMSA Summary of the presentation to be made at the Symposium on Safe Shipping in the Baltic Sea - 23 September 2011, GDANSK. 1. Achieving higher efficiency by working together is one of most central objectives behind the concept of building a European Union. This general objective is certainly also applicable to the sectoral policy of maritime safety and protection of the marine environment. 2. EMSA was legally created in 2002 and started its first activities in 2003. Looking back, it is not difficult to identify a number of EMSA projects that were designed to achieve higher efficiency by working together. 3. Working together in the field of oil pollution response could be mentioned as a first example. Here two elements should be distinguished: pollution detection and pollution response. The first point refers to the CleanSeaNet service which uses satellite radar images to detect oil spills at sea. Several Member States, including Baltic States, were already experimenting with this technology before EMSA got involved. However, when it was decided that EMSA would negotiate centrally with the satellite image providers, acting on behalf of the whole group of EU Member States, it was possible to negotiate from a position of strength. It resulted in a system with the highest technical specifications possible at a substantially reduced price per satellite image and better operational conditions than those that could have been obtained by Member States individually. 4. The fleet of oil pollution response ships (presently 16 ships operational) that EMSA has mobilised through so-called “stand-by contracts” with private operators, is another example of how a robust response system was built, with limited financial means, that covers all the different sea areas of the EU coast line. This could not have been created by acting in a national context only. In addition, by working together with the experts of the various Member States and by involving specialised private parties, best practices can be identified and shared. 5. A completely different area where working together leads to higher efficiency is Port State Control. The development of “Rule Check”, the electronic rule finder currently used by all European PSCO’s, was a first example. The common PSC trainings organized by EMSA in cooperation with the PMOU and the further development of Distant Learning Packages for the benefit of all participating States 23 is a second example. In a way, the whole concept of the New Inspection Regime (NIR) as supported by the New Information System (NIS), is based on the principle that by working together closely in the framework of EU and PMOU the Port State Control activities can be organised more efficiently than previously, when “the 25% per State” rule lead to substantial duplication of effort. 6. Another obvious example of efficiency gains was the set-up of a joint EU-LRIT datacenter. The alternative would have been that all EU and EEA Flag States would have set up their own national LRIT datacenter. The benefits for the Member States in terms of reduced costs for development and operation are certainly substantial. In addition the daily exchange of LRIT data between datacenters globally benefits from the fact that Europe has created one single centralised DC instead of 29 small DCs. 7. The inspection work conducted by EMSA to check the quality of maritime training colleges in the labour-providing countries should also be mentioned in this context. Previously inspection teams of labour-receiving Flag States were travelling to the labour-providing third countries to verify compliance with the STCW requirements. Since it was decided that EMSA shall perform these inspections for the EU flags, duplication of effort has been substantially reduced. Some claim that there is also a gain in quality since a single combined inspection can examine matters in greater depth, than a multitude of national inspections. 8. I do not want to make the list of examples too long, but SafeSeaNet should here be mentioned as a unique project of the EU coastal States and the Commission. This system allows to have a full real time overview of all ship movements around the EU coastline. Initially designed for safety and protection of the marine environment only, it now becomes clear that the system also has potential for other user communities, e.g. customs (Blue Belt), border guards, fisheries control, etc. 9. Working together in a regional framework appears to be essential for a great variety of topics in our sector. The development of a distribution system for LNG as a future green fuel for shipping in the ports around the Baltic Sea and the North Sea is another – and completely different – topic that requires such regional cooperation. 10. As a last point I would like to mention the development of mathematical models to calculate ship emissions, in terms of CO2, SOx, NOx, and PM on the basis of data on ships actual movements (AIS data). The Baltic region took the lead in this field within Helcom. EMSA will be instrumental in ‘exporting’ this approach to the wider European region in order to achieve a better understanding of the environmental impact of shipping. 24 Implementing the Risk Approach to Develop Minimum but Sufficient Safety Standards Jan Jankowski Polish Register of Shipping Introduction The trend to optimize fleets has led to new ship types adjusted to the diversity of carried cargo and loading and unloading means. New improved materials have been introduced in building ships. Bigger and faster ships, new loading technologies, improved propulsion systems and computerised deck control systems revolutionised shipping. However, these innovations were not followed by appropriately developed safety regulations. Following a series of catastrophes, classification societies and International Maritime Organisation (IMO) developed new requirements, often retroactive in nature, which in case of ferries and bulk carriers required rebuilding/conversion of ships in operation – in effect creating a maze of regulations, which few manage to embrace. At the same time the number of controlling and auditing bodies has proliferated complicating operators’ life and frequently resulting in an adverse attitude to safety considerations. Casualty statistics show that ”during a period of 25 years between 1982 and 2007, there were 419 bulk carriers lost, along with nearly 2000 lives'” [1]. The next few years showed a falling trend in bulk carrier casualties, however these figures leaped in 2009 [2],[3]. INTERCARGO statistics indicate that about 30% of bulk carrier total losses were caused by failure of ship structure or her equipment [4]. As early as in 1989, following the catastrophe of the tanker ''Exxon Valdez'' and heavy pollution of Alaska's coast, the US Senate resolved that tankers entering American waters must have double shell plating. This requirement was later introduced to MARPOL Convention to provide a second line of defence against polluting the environment. In 1999, the tanker ''Erika'' broke in half and foundered along the French coast. The incident resulted from the bad technical condition of the ship hull. It caused an ecological catastrophe in the region. Similar consequences met the coast of Spain following the catastrophe of the tanker ''Prestige''. After the disaster, the European Union issued the so-called ''Erika packages'' to improve the safety of European waters. The ''Prestige'' case induced International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to develop, for the first time, structural ship safety standards, starting with requirements for bulk carrier and tanker hull structure (so called Goal-Based Standards) and the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) developed ''Common Structural Rules for Tankers''. Up to date the safety assurance of ship structures remains the domain of classification societies. 1994 witnessed the sinking of the passenger car ferry ''Estonia'' on route from Tallinn to Stockholm with loss of 852 lives [5]. In reaction to this catastrophe: 25 • IACS enhanced requirements on impact wave loads acting on the bow and formulated new requirements for the second line of defence against water ingress as well as other requirements improving ferry safety, e.g. monitoring bow visors to detect potential tightness failure; • Swedish government organised a conference, in result of which some states, not only those of the Baltic region, signed the so-called Stockholm Agreement, referring to safety of ferries in damage condition [6]. Recent statistical data show that general cargo ships lead in the number of foundered vessels. The general cargo fleet is ageing and its replacement will follow tanker and bulk carriers replacement trend. In terms of life loss, however, small vessels, particularly fishing vessels are most vulnerable. They are often incapable of surviving extreme weather conditions in which they operate. The biggest catastrophes in recent decades resulted in loss of life and environmental disasters. The reasons of the catastrophes were often technically related. A major problem in enhancing ship safety is the time lag between shipping industry innovations and development of class rules and other safety regulations, which are traditionally developed in reaction to specific casualties, thus following an inductive approach (reasoning from specific to general). Logic says that when the inductive approach is applied exemptions can occur and modification of the existing state is required. Bulk carriers, tankers and Ro-Ro vessels, their casualties, and the reaction to casualties, are good examples of this approach. The occurring exemptions (casualties) are information that the safety regulations developed basing on the inductive approach are not fully harmonized with the sea environment and ship operation, as the sea environment and ship operation underlie the majority of casualties. A technically safe vessel is a necessary condition for safe shipping, whereas the sufficient condition to be met is safe ship operations, which involves improved performance of the so-called human factor. The paper presents, on the example of construction of bulk carriers, the novel trend in the rules development process. History of class rules development Up to the nineteen fifties, classification assessment of ship's strength was mainly based on past experience as the natural forces and behaviour of the sea waving were deemed at the time to be entirely unpredictable. Rules and minimum standards framework, developed under the approach, ensured safety for existing ship types but was more difficult to apply to new types of ships. Furthermore, the requirements referring to the ship's structure scantlings had a tabular form and were dependent on ship's main dimensions. These requirements in general fail to satisfy the principles of physics, in particular structure mechanics. At the time ship structure was appraised in terms of separate structure members. It was conservatively assumed that if each structure member satisfied the minimum requirements then the whole hull structure would be safe. On larger ships, the verification of deck cross section was additionally required. Nevertheless, the trend to optimize the fleet led to new ship types adjusted to the diversity of carried cargo and loading and unloading means. The safety standards applied at the time appeared to be inadequate for the new types of ships. Classification societies started to develop new safety standards in response to the new situation. 26 Safety standards in the present rules correspond to division of the hull structure strength into 3 problems: longitudinal, zone (hold) and local problem. Theoretically 4 criteria, namely; yielding of the structure material, buckling of the structure, fatigue of structure details and ultimate strength, have to be applied to each problem, resulting in 12 problems in total. In practice, the ultimate strength criterion, in current rules, is only applied to certain structures (e.g. bulkheads), and the fatigue strength criterion is applied only in the design requirements for some structure connections (e.g. for connections of longitudinals), thus reducing the number of problems. In the yield check the allowable stress is divided into components, i.e. the criterion for longitudinal, zone and local strength components. However, the division of allowable stress into components is not simple. This results mainly from the fact that class rules require application of different wave loads, in the form of formulae, which are likely to occur once in a ship's life. These loads do not appear ''simultaneously'' – there is a phase shift between them. Therefore, the summing of the stresses resulting from the application of the rule load components (for example, wave bending moments, wave pressure and ship's accelerations), in a particular structure member (e.g. bottom longitudinal), yields a different value than in the case of loads superposition taking into account their phase shift. The proper combination of the stress components is important for deriving the total stress value, giving rise to the question: How to combine the dynamic load components determined by the rule formulae to obtain the stresses in the structure approximating the actual values? Finally, the allowable stresses for each strength level (longitudinal, zone and local) are adopted mainly basing on experience, setting different probability levels for required loads (for example, 10-8 for wave vertical bending moment and 10-4 for wave pressure). To verify the buckling of structure members, knowledge of wave loads is required for which the probability of exceeding thereof is less than 10-8. Decades of applying such rules and past ship structure casualties linked with uncertainties in wave load determination, notably affecting structures of bulk carriers and tankers, gave rise to the development and implementation of new requirements in direct reaction to these casualties. For example, the analysis of different class rule requirements referring to wave pressures on shipside and section modulus (strength) of side frames show how these criteria have changed in time. This unsatisfactory state of regulations on ships' structure triggered both: • The development of Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Double Hull Oil Tankers by IACS (CSR) [7], and • The development of the Goal Based New Ship Construction Standards (GBS) [8]. The proposed Common Rules are intended to embrace more aspects of safety, such as ultimate strength, fatigue strength and the strength in damage conditions, than the presently binding rules. Design loads - the most uncertain aspect affecting safety at present - are in the form of a combination of static and dynamic, local and global loads and they ''consider the most unfavourable combination of load effects''. The requirements referring to the dynamic load components (wave bending moments and shear forces, external sea pressures, internal dynamic pressures, ship motion and accelerations) are given in the form of formulae. The loads for scantling requirements and strength assessment are given at a 10-8 probability level (10-4 for fatigue strength). The load combination factors are given as tabulated values and are calculated by application of the equivalent design wave approach. 27 A method for practical estimation of the design loads, which is based on the following definitions [9], [10]: • design sea state is the sea state that generates response value equivalent to the long-term prediction of stress, • design regular wave is the regular wave that generates response values equivalent to the response values generated in design irregular wave (sea state), and • design loads are the loads generated by design regular wave and adopted in designing the hull structure, was developed. The values of stresses estimated with the use of the proposed design loads are claimed to be equivalent to the long-term predictions of stresses for typical load cases. In the design regular wave approach, the dominant load is determined for such waveheading angle, wave period and height values which produce a maximum response. The dominant load is determined for each load case. Then the load combination factors, representing the relationship between the response to dominant load and response to secondary load, are determined. This regular wave approach has been widely used in local scantling and finite element analysis of ship structure (zone strength analysis). Direct methods of determining the loads acting on a ship and its structure response to the loads are based on hydrodynamics, structure mechanics and probability theories. The actual shape of the ship, mass distribution, randomness of the sea and loading conditions are taken into account in these theories. Theoretically, an infinite number of loads acting on the ship should be considered; in practical calculations, however, a sufficient number of finite representative cases are implemented. Most important of all, the actual phase shifts between loads are determined in the evaluation of the stresses in the structure. Goal – Based Standards The IMO Maritime Safety Committee has started the development of Goal Based Standards, which was initiated in 2002. It is the first time in its history that IMO is setting standards for ship construction. So far the Committee has developed the following five-tier system of GBS: • Tier I: goals – high – level objectives to be met; • Tier II: functional requirements (criteria to be satisfied in order to conform to the goals), • Tier III: process of verifying rules and regulations for ship design and construction against functional requirements; • Tier IV: rules and regulations for ship design and construction; • Tier V: industry practices and standards. The five-tier system introduces a hierarchy to the regulatory system. The MSC decided to develop GBS along two parallel tracks: applying the prescriptive approach and developing the safety level approach. 28 GBS as adopted by IMO, are based on the prescriptive (referred also as traditional) approach. The goal assumes that ''ships shall be designed and constructed for a specified design life to be safe and environmentally friendly, when properly operated and maintained under the specified operating and environmental conditions, in intact and specified damage conditions, throughout their life'', while the functional requirements refer, among others, to the design life, environmental conditions, structural strength, fatigue life, and residual strength. The problem of quantification of the functional requirements has led to the concept of GBS – safety level approach (GBS SLA), which was clarified in [11]. It was assumed in this approach that goals of Tier I take the form of safety objectives (for ship, cargo, passengers, crew, environment, etc.), defined by risk level (eg. probability of failure and fatality); and that these safety objectives are achieved when each ship function (Tier II) such as manoeuvrability, seakeeping performance, stability and floatability, ship strength and fire protection, satisfies the risk level set for each function. Verified class rules (Tier IV) are assumed to meet the functional requirements and consequently meet the goals. The aim of the rules of classification societies is to transpose the required set safety level to the safety level of ships. The safety level (probability of failure) for each ship function, assumed as a requirement, can be determined with use of a risk model – a fault tree with mathematical models used to describe basic events [12]. The fault tree technique postulates some specific states of a system with sequential and parallel basic events (failure modes) contributing to the undesired event built in systematically. This is not a model of all possible causes of system failure but only those faults that contribute to the undesired event – it describes the logical interrelations of the key events that lead to the undesired event. The risk model is a quantitative model that can be evaluated quantitatively [13]. Under the hazard identification process all casualties of the considered ship function and the potential scenarios which lead to the undesired event should be identified. Therefore, GBS SLA and risk model, used for developing criteria for each ship function, follows a deductive approach (reasoning from general to specific) and thus, if correctly applied, no exemptions should occur and modification of the existing state will not be required. Taking this approach to GBS, IMO Maritime Safety Committee started to identify: • all possible types of ships (general approach), and • the current safety level (probability of failure) for vessels, basing on the available statistical data. Current safety level The approximation of the current safety level for bulk carriers has been performed as an example in [14], Annex 5, based on the Bulk Carrier Casualty Report of INTERCARGO [4]. The results of the assessment are presented in Table 1 and 2. 29 Table 1. Current safety level of safety objectives Safety objective Current risk, pOB, per year -3 Safety of the ship ≈2.1 10 Safety of the cargo > 2 10 -3 Safety of passengers Protection of the environment Safety of third parties Safety of seafarers -4 > 3.2 10 The current safety level was assessed, in form of quantitative values, only for these safety objectives and bulk carriers function for which the data was available. It can be used for verification of the actual level. However, it is assumed that a safety level in GBS-SLA will be set by applying systematic computations using the risk models and by accounting for the current safety level. Table 2. Current safety level of ship functions Ship’s feature/capability Current risk, pf, per year Manoeuvrability Power generation Propulsion -5 > 8.6 10 Habitability Seakeeping performance -5 > 4.3 10 Stability and floatability Ship’s strength -4 > 6.2 10 Watertight integrity -4 Safety of navigation ≈9.4 10 Fire protection ≈2.8 10 -4 Emergency protection Life – saving possibilities Other -5 > 8.6 10 The example of application of the risk model to evaluate the safety level of panamax bulk carrier’s structure strength (function of Tier II), which sank in 2000, is presented below. Risk models The sea, the ship response to waves and ship operation are of a random character and therefore appropriate deterministic and probabilistic models need to be developed and used to make a quantitative evaluation of basic events leading to the undesired event – the ship’s sinking. In case of ship’s structure strength: • the failures of its structure strength as the basic events, described by a mathematical models, and • the loss its strength leading to the sinking of the ship as a undesired event; constitute the system called the risk model of a ship function (ship strength, Tier II). 30 The risk model enables identification of the risk (probability) of ship function failure and appraisal of its conformity with the risk level set as the criterion. The risk model can also be used to make an analysis in order to set safety level as a criterion. In this paper the risk model of the structure strength of the panamax bulk carrier (Fig.1) mentioned above, is used as an example of safety level evaluation of this function. Fig.1. Panamax bulk carrier covered by the analysis; built in 1977 and sank in 2000 The bulk carrier casualties studied have led to identify the following scenarios of bulk carrier losses due to structure failures [13]: • failure of the side and progressive collapse of bulkheads due to sloshing in flooded holds (analyzed for each hold); • collapse of the first hatch cover due to green seas and progressive collapse of the bulkheads; • loss of ultimate strength of hull girder; and • failure of Capesize bulk carriers structures due to the high loading rate, which failure originates in still port waters with wave loads generated at sea causing further failure of the structure and the sinking of the ship. Identified scenarios give the basis for building the risk model of bulk carrier structure, which comprises: • a fault tree, which is a graphical model of various sequential and parallel combinations of faults (events) that result in the sinking of the ship; and • mathematical models, based on physical theories, enabling simulations of particular events of the fault tree, conversion of the results to probability distributions and calculation of the of ship sinking probability due to structure failure. The simple fault tree leading to terminal event SL is presented in Fig. 2, where the terminal event SL is the sinking of the ship due to the loss of structural strength. HS – is the loss of hull girder strength, SiB, (i=1,2,3,4 is the number of the hold) – is the side structure failure and corrugated bulkheads collapse due to hold flooding, C1B – is the No 1 hold hatch cover collapse caused by green water and corrugated bulkhead collapse due to hold flooding. However, the fourth scenario, which starts with the high loading rate, is not as yet fully identified. The impact of loading at high rates remains an area of concern. PRS has developed a hypothesis, however, it requires verification. Therefore, a full-scale experiment (measurements on an existing ship) of the double bottom structure response to the impact load caused by falling cargo hitting the ship bottom should be carried out. 31 Fig. 2. Simple fault tree of bulk carrier structure failure Breach of the side (S4) © 2003 PRS S.A. Break of the hull (HS) Wave loads on the hatch cover (C1) The destroyed bulkhead single corrugation (B4/3) 32 Prediction of ship structure response to the waves Seas and oceans are normally divided into distinct areas Al, l = 1,2,...,n, (Hogben et al, 1986), characterized by the spectral density function. Wave spectrum representing the steady state sea conditions (short-term sea state) depends on the significant wave height Hs and average zero up-crossing period To (Ochi, 1998). The short-term response of the ship to waves (e.g. wave bending moment MW ) is a set of probability distributions (e.g. probability density functions) of the given random variables for one sea state in a given area Ai, for various ship courses etc. Long-term statistics of the given ship response is the accumulation of response statistics referring to: sea areas Al, l=1,...n, short-term sea states, ship courses in relation to waves and ship’s loading conditions, taking into account the frequencies of their occurrence. The long-term probability density function f(y) of the ship response y (e.g. wave bending moment Mv as the random variable) can be expressed as: ∞ ∞ f ( y ) = ∑∑∑ ∫ ∫ f klm ( y | (H s , T0 ))g (H s , T0 )dH s dT0 p kl p l p m m l k −∞ −∞ (1) where f(y(Hs,T0)) = probability density function of the random variable y in the sea state condition (HS,To) and g(Hs,T0) is the probability density function of sea state occurrence. Taking into account the formula determining the conditional distribution, and by approximating (by the relevant sums) the integral occurring in (1), the following formula is obtained: f ( y ) = ∑∑∑∑∑ f m l k j i ijklm ( y | (H s , To )) p ijl p kl p l p m (2) where fijklm = the short term probability density function of random variable y; pm = the probability of the ship’s loading condition occurrence (different drafts for different loading conditions); pl = the probability of ship presence in sea area Al; pkl = the probability of ship course in relation to waves in sea area Al (uniform distribution in the interval [0,2π] is used); pijl = the probability of the short-term sea state, determined by (Hs, To), occurrence in the sea area Al, l=1,...,n. The probability distributions of the sea states occurrence are given in the form of a matrix – called scatter diagram, which presents the probabilities pijl of sea state occurrence in the interval [Hsi, Hsi+1]l x [Toj, Toj+1]l, i = 1,...,r, j = 1,...,s, l=1,...,n, (Hogben et al, 1986). The numerical long-term probability density functions (2) of random variable y, representing different ship structure response to waves, is computed, basing on simulations of ship motion and the structure’s behaviour in irregular waves. The shipmaster’s decisions exercising good seamanship like e.g. speed reduction in high seas and change of course in relation to the waves, are projected in the longterm procedure. 33 Simulation of ship motion in irregular waves The simulation of vessel motions in waves is based on numerical solutions of nonlinear equations of motion. This method assumes that: • Froude-Krylov forces are obtained by integrating the pressure caused by irregular waves, undisturbed by the presence of the ship, over the actual wetted ship surface; • the diffraction forces are determined as a superposition of diffraction forces caused by the harmonic components of the irregular wave; • the radiation forces are determined by added masses for infinite frequency and by the so-called memory functions given in the form of convolution. The non-linear equations of motion are solved numerically. The comparison of the computations results using non-linear and linear models is presented on Fig. 3. This comparison shows that the linear method can be used in the long-term process determining the ship’ structure response to waves, however, such a comparison is not sufficient to make final conclusion and further investigations are necessary. Figure 3 Time history of heave, pitch and vertical bending moment Mv The next example showing the time history of the bulk carrier considered and its structure response to waves, computed using the non-linear model, is presented in Fig.4 to 8. 34 4.0E+6 Mv [kNm] 4.5E+6 Mh [kNm] 3.0E+6 Mv [kNm] Mh [kNm] 2.0E+6 1.5E+6 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 -1.5E+6 -2.0E+6 t[s] 2960 2990 3020 2960 3050 Figure 4 Time history of vertical Mv and horizontal Mh bending moments in the cross section at midship, generated by irregular wave determined by: Hs = 6.5 m, To = 7.5 s and β =120º. 250 p [kPa] 200 t[s] -3.0E+6 2990 3020 3050 Figure 5 Time history of vertical Mv and horizontal Mh bending moments in the cross section at midship, generated by irregular wave determined by: Hs = 15.5 m, To = 11.5 s and β =180º. at bottom 1.5 at side 1.0 av [m/s2] 0.5 150 0.0 100 -0.5 50 -1.0 t[s] 0 t[s] -1.5 6900 6900 6920 6940 6960 6980 7000 Figure 6 Time history of wave generated pressure p at the bottom and at the side (bold line), generated by irregular wave determined by: Hs= 15.5 m, To = 15.5 s and β =180º. 6920 6940 6960 6980 7000 Figure 7 Time history of acceleration av in loaded aft hold, generated by irregular wave determined by: Hs = 15.5 m, To=15.5 s and β =180º. σ [MPa] 0 -100 -200 -300 t[s] -400 6900 6920 6940 6960 6980 7000 Figure 8 Time history of stresses σz in lower part of frame in the midship hold, generated by irregular wave determined by: Hs = 15.5 m, To = 15.5 s and β =180º . 35 Probability distributions of load effect The numerical long-term probability density functions of the random variable considered were computed according to formula (2) taking into account the following assumptions: pm = , as only the three loading conditions of the ship were considered: alternate; pl = 1, as according to the IMO Goal-Based Standards the areas Al. l=1, should cover only the North Atlantic area; pk = uniform probability distribution in the interval [0,2π], representing the ship course in relation to waves in the sea area Al was used in the computation of the long-term probability density functions; pij = the probability of sea state occurrence in the North Atlantic; IACS Rec. 34 was used in the computations of the long-term probability density functions; fijk = the short term probability density function of random variable σ, occurring in (2), is approximated by a step function obtained by dividing the number of extremes (separately one minimum and one maximum in a stress cycle) belonging to the set interval of stress ∆σ by the total number of extremes occurring in a sea state (represented by one its realizations – an irregular wave) and by the length of the interval ∆σ . f ij (∆σ ) = n N ∆σ (3) where n = number of maximums or minimums in the stress interval ∆σ; N = total number of maximums or minimums in the time of simulations of one realization of stresses in a chosen structure member in a given sea state; one stress maximum or minimum is per one stress cycle. The examples of numerical long-term probability density function, computed according to (2), are presented in Fig. 9, Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. The probability density function of stress σ in the considered structure member enables the computation of its characteristic values, for example, the stress value for the given probability (e.g. 10-8) of exceeding this stress value. The process of computation also enables the selection of: • the sea state defined by (Hs, To), and • the angle between ship course and wave propagation; from all sea states and ship courses accounted for in the simulations that demonstrate the extreme value of stress σ in the considered structure member. They are called the “extreme load cases”. All together 640 cases (sea states and ship courses) were used in the computation process. 36 f( σ ) 0.08 f( τ ) 0.08 0.04 0.04 σz τ 0.00 0.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 Figure 9 Probability density function of stresses σz in frame (hold No.4), shown in Fig. 11. 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 10 Probability density function of stresses τ in side plating of hold No. 4 The events occurring in the first three scenarios of the bulk carriers sinking was described using the deterministic and probabilistic mathematical models, which enabled computations of the probabilities of ship sinking in particular scenarios. Limit states functions On the basis of the assumptions made in building the fault tree, the probability of ship sinking is determined by the following sum of probabilities: 4 Pr ( SL) = Pr ( HS ) + Pr (C1 B ) + ∑ Pr ( S i B ). (4) i =1 The random variables assigned to the events occurring in formula (1) are as follows: • M H = M U − (M S + M W ) , • • for hull girder strength HS ∑ C = ∑ Y − ∑ LC , FB = FU − FL , (5) • for hatch cover strength C1 (6) for corrugated bulkhead strength Bi/i-1 i = 2,3,4 (7) or collapse of the side frames Si, i = 1,2,3,4 ∑ F = ∑ FY − ∑ LF . (8) The degree of safety depends on the margin between the actual value of load effect and value of the load effect that the structure can ultimately sustain – formulae (5) to (8). The margins MH, Σ C , FB , Σ F are called the limit states functions. The failure will occur when the limit state is less than zero. In the case of hull girder strength, the failure will occur when the ultimate vertical bending moment MU for the hull girder structure is less than the sum of still water bending moment MS and wave bending moment MW. The situation is similar for corrugated bulkheads. The failure will occur when sloshing forces FL in the flooded hold acting on a single corrugation of the bulkhead exceed the ultimate force value FU. The side is assumed to have lost integrity when the stress ΣLF in the frame faceplate is greater than the yield point ΣFY of the frame faceplate material. Whereas the hatch cover is deemed to have lost integrity when the ultimate strength of the cover compressed upper plating or of its stiffeners is breached by the green seas effect. 37 Loss of side and hatch cover integrity result in flooding of the hold. The method applied to determine hull girder, bulkhead, side and hatch cover strength is presented in Chapter 4.2. All load effects MS, MW, ΣLC, FL, ΣLF, and the ultimate, for the structure, values MU, ΣY, FU, ΣY are random variables so the limit state functions MH, ΣC, FU, ΣF are also random variables. They have their own distributions and the probability density function of their sum (difference) is obtained as the convolution of the particular probability density functions [13]. For example, the probability distribution of the sum of random variables Ms and Mw, representing the vertical bending moments in still water and in waves respectively, is obtained from the following formula: h ( m) = ∞ ∫f s ( m s ) f w ( m − m s ) dm s . (9) −∞ Taking into account the limit state function random variables (formulae (5) to (8)): The probability of hull girder strength loss is determined by the formula: 0 Pr ( HS ) = P( M H < 0) = ∫ f (mH )dmH , (10) −∞ where f is the probability density function of random variable MH. The probability that the sequence of events C1 and B1/2 occurs (see Fig. 1) is equal to: Pr (C1 B ) = Pr (B1/ 2 | C1 )Pr (C1 ) where Pr (C1 ) = P(∑ C < 0 ) = ∫ g (σ C )dσ C , 0 (11) −∞ Pr (B1 / 2 | C1 ) = P(FB < 0 | C1 ) = 0 (12)) ∫ g B (f B | C1 )df B . −∞ The probability that the sequence Si and Bi/i-1, i = 2,3,4, or S1 and B1/2 (scenarios) occurs is equal to: Pr (S i B ) = P(Bi / i −1 | S i )Pr (S i ), i = 2,3,4, (13) (for S1B similarly), where Pr (S i ) = P(∑ Fi < 0 ) = ∫ h i (σ F )dσ F , 0 (14) −∞ ( ) Pr (Bi / i −1 | Si ) = P FBi / i −1i | Si = 0 ∫ g Bi (f B | σ F )df B , i = 2,3,4 −∞ 38 (15) Fig. 11. The point in which the stresses were computed Fig. 12. The probability distributions of frame stresses (in way of hold No. 4) 4.0E-6 0.0E+0 -4.0E+6 0.0E+0 4.0E+6 8.0E+6 1.2E+7 -4.0E+6 0.0E+0 4.0E+6 8.0E+6 1.2E+7 0.0E+0 4.0E+6 8.0E+6 1.2E+7 2.0E-6 0.0E+0 2.0E-7 0.0E+0 -4.0E+6 Fig. 13. The probability distributions of hull girder strength Fig. 11 and 13 show the process of computations determining the probability of hull girder strength loss and the collapse of the side frames. These figures show that the probability of hull girder strength loss and the collapse of the side frames is equal to the area under the probability density functions for the random variables MH or ΣF less than zero (see Fig. 12). 39 Probability of structure failure - quantitative assessment of ship loss The computations of probability of ship loss (event SL), according to the fault tree presented in Fig.2, taking into account the probability of a given loading condition and ship’s corrosion state, are presented in Tables 3. Table 3. Probability of loss of the as built ship Table 4. Probability of strengthened ship loss 40 The computations of failure probability show that: • the weakest structure is the ship side frames installed between rigid tanks, and its probability of collapse is at the level of 10-1, • the most probable scenario of ship sinking is the loss of the side integrity, and then, collapse of the bulkhead due to the sloshing and progressive ship flooding leading to its sinking; this bulk carrier sank according with this scenario, • the calculated probability of ship loss due to its structure failure Pr(SL)/23 = 2.6 10-3/year (the ship sank after 23 years of operation), which is high, • the current safety level of ship’s strength evaluated in Table 2 is: Pr(SL)/10 > 6.2 10-4/year; in the evaluation of the current safety level takes into account the population of almost 5000 dry bulk carriers, • to evaluate the current safety level of bulk carriers strength using the risk model all subclasses of their structures and the number of ships in the subclasses should be taken into account, however, this is tremendous work which requires cooperation of all players involved in safety insurance at sea. The catastrophes at sea and public pressure to improve safety indicate that the safety level at sea should be “raised”. This is a political decision undertaken following in-depth of current and other possible states. This can be done using the risk models. For example, the risk model applied to a bulk carrier that sank showed that if the weakest structures were strengthened the safety level of that ship function (its strength) would increase. Strengthening of the weakest structures – by increasing: the frame section modulus (Fig 11) two times, and the corrugated bulkhead strength by 33% (to the level presently required), increases the ship safety (Table 4) to the level Pr(SL)/25 = 1.2 10-4, which could be acceptable. Most important, the risk model, understood as a fault tree of various sequential and parallel combinations of faults (events) leading to the sinking of the ship and the physical theory based mathematical models describing the basic events, enables derivation of the safety criteria corresponding to these events. For example, the following strict form of criterion for ultimate hull girder strength has been derived in [15]: ___ M s+ ( ) ln N ln p δ u 2 + δ s 2 + 1 − M W , N ≤ M u , 2M W , N ln N (14) where Mw,N is the characteristic value defined by the equation F(Mw,N) = 1/N, F is the cumulative distribution function of the wave bending moment MW, N ___ (≈ 108) is the number of wave cycles met by the ship in its lifetime, M s and ___ M u are mean values of still water and ultimate moments respectively, δs2 and δu2 are their variances, and p is the target probability of hull girder failure. The fault tree imposes events for which the criteria should be derived. Formula (14) (criterion), presented as an example, includes parameters representing: • the ship life-time expressed by N – the number of vertical moment cycles in ship life, which can be determined by owner as a design parameter; • the characteristic value of wave moment Mw,N, determined by class rules or direct computations; 41 • • still water load distributions: Ms and δs2, determined by loading conditions and ship designers; the ultimate hull girder strength distribution: MU and δU2 (which also describe the actual regime of ship designing and construction), determined by ship designers and the technology of ship designing and construction. As mentioned above the goals of Tier I of the GBS – SLA system will take the form of safety objectives defined by risk level (eg. probability of failure and fatality) and that these safety objectives will be achieved when each ship function (Tier II) satisfy the risk level (probability) set for that function. The safety levels of the objectives and ship functions will be set, after thorough risk analysis. Next, the rules of classification societies to be an element of GBS – SLA system will have to include, among others, the criteria in form of formula (14) corresponding to the basic events of the ship function fault tree. The target probabilities of the key events of the risk model corresponding to one ship function (see Table 2) should result in identifying the target probability for determining the safety level set for the function considered (e.g. structure of the ship). As the criteria include probabilistic parameters, which should be determined for individual ship designs, it will be necessary to use sophisticated computer programs in the process of ship designing to determine these parameters. The five-tier system of GBS and risk model for each ship’s function reflects the deductive approach to the ship’s safety regulations development (reasoning from general to specific) and therefore, if correctly applied. Conclusions Series of catastrophes at sea show that the innovations introduced in shipbuilding and shipping industry are not covered by appropriately developed safety regulations, which are traditionally developed in reaction to casualties. Such regulations are not fully harmonized with the sea environment and ship operation. Development of ship’s safety regulations in reaction to casualties follows the inductive approach (reasoning from specific to general), which lead to the proliferation of regulations and the number of control bodies. The five-tier system of GBS and risk model for each ship’s function reflects the deductive approach to the ship’s safety regulations development (reasoning from general to specific) and therefore, it is a proactive approach. The safety regulations developed under GBS–SLA and risk models (fault trees and mathematical theories used to describe basic events) will be harmonized with the sea environment and ship operation. The fault tree determines events for which safety criteria should be derived. The arguments of such criteria will be the probability parameters. This implies that sophisticated computer programs will need to be used in the process of ship designing to determine these parameters. GBS – SLA will be developed by MSC as a high priority issue under the current agenda item on GBS. It is a huge project and, therefore, requires cooperation of maritime players. The GBS – SLA, if successful, could heal the ailing safety system and like the Okham razor”shave away" the superfluous regulations. 42 References [1] Lloyd’s List, 10 of March, 2008 [2] Benchmarking Bulk Carriers 2009 – 10, INTERCARGO, 2010 [3] Lloyd’s List, May 17, 2010 [4] Bulk Carrier Casualty Report, INTERCARGO, 2005 [5] The Joint Accident Investigation Commission of Estonia, Finland and Sweden, Final report on the capsizing on 28 September1994 in the Baltic Sea of the Ro-Ro passenger vessel m/v Estonia, 1997 [6] IMO, Agreement concerning stability requirements for ro-ro passenger ships undertaking regular scheduled international voyages between or from designated ports in North West Europe and the Baltic Sea, SLF40/INF.14, 1996 [7] IACS Common Rules for Bulk Carriers and for Double Hull Oil Tankers , Draft for Comments, 2004 [8] IMO Document MSC 78/26, Report of Maritime Safety Committee on its seventy eight’s session, item 6, 2004 [9] Shigemi T., Zhu T., Practical Methods of the design loads for primary structural members of tankers, Marine Structures 16 (2003), pp 275-321 [10] Zhu T., Shigemi T., Practical Estimation Method of the Design Loads for Primary Structural Members of Bulk Carriers, Marine Structures, 16, 2003, pp. 489 – 515 [11] Document MSC 81/6/14 submitted by Germany, IMO, 2006 [12] Jankowski J., Bogdaniuk M., Risk Model Used to Develop Goal – Based Standards for Ship Structures of Single Bulk Carrier, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London, 2007 [13] Vesely W.E, Golberg F.F., Roberts N.H., Haasl D.F., Fault tree handbook, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1981 [14] IMO, Maritime Safety Committee, Goal-Based New Ship Construction Standards, Report of the Correspondence Group on Safety Level Approach, MSC 83/5/3, 2007 [15] Boitsov G. V. Partial safety factors for still water and wave loads, Ship Technology Research, Vol. 47, 2000 43 The Shipping Industry Views on Oil Transport Safety Benoit LOICQ ECSA, European Community Shipowners' Associations, BELGIUM The Maritime Safety Package III was part of different measures agreed upon in the EU following the accidents of the Erika and the Prestige, respectively in 1999 and 2002. Whereas the first measures taken following the Erika accident were often purely political as a reaction to the accident and the oil spill, the 2005 Maritime Safety Package III was not reactive but proactive. The ECSA overall assessment was that the new directives acknowledge the realities of shipping, aim at more safety and promote quality shipping. At the same time the importance and the authority of IMO was recognized. Moreover, industry and Member States were consulted prior to issuing the Package. In addition, the technical advice from the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), contributed significantly to delivering a workable package with direct added value. On Flag State Compliance – which is largely based on the relevant IMO instruments – one should observe an improvement in Flag State compliance and a steady shifting of different registers to the White List of the Paris MoU. The key point of the Directive on Port State Control i.e. targeting substandard ships is fully supported by the shipping industry, as it keeps improving the efficiency of Port State Control in terms of their resource allocation through targeting and rewarding quality shipping with fewer controls. With regard to Traffic Monitoring and Reporting processes, the establishment of SafeSeaNet constitutes a very practical result of this Directive creating direct added value – together with other action fields of EMSA such as CleanSeaNet, the EU LRIT Data Centre and the EMSA Oil Spill Response constitute a package of maritime surveillance now in place. Another key point is the action taken on places of refuge. Pre-establishment of possible places of refuge, a clear decision making structure with an independent authority and a clear chain of command in maritime emergencies are at the basis of the places of refuge policy. In recent years, the number of accidents and pollution in EU waters has sharply decreased. Nevertheless, a decent accident investigation with well-trained investigators remains essential. In this respect, the technical expertise with EMSA is a key element. In conclusion, the Maritime Safety Package III concluding the EU regulation development on safety at sea that is also directly linked to the IMO legislation offers a decent EU maritime safety framework, which should be enforced by every EU Member State and its application properly monitored by the European Commission. 45 Safety of Underwater Pipeline System Magdalena Jabłonowska Ministry of Infrastructure, Poland The most important international public act on seas and oceans is the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982. (UNCLOS)1 – gives coastal states the right to build and use installations and constructions in their exclusive economic zones (Article 56). Benefiting from this right ensues the obligation to respect the provisions of the Convention guaranteeing the rights of other states, including the right to “freedom of navigation” for sea going ships (Article 58). Restricting the freedom of navigation involves not only the closing of a selected water basin for navigation of foreign ships by a coastal state but also changes in the nature of the water basin under its jurisdiction resulting from erection of constructions or laying installations which inhibit safe navigation of ships from other countries. Pipelines are a method for transporting substances from the producer to a wide range of recipients. In some cases they may seem to be the only practical transport means of large volumes which could not be transported by road or rail. They are also believed to be one of the safest and economically viable methods for transporting hazardous substances2. Nevertheless, they may pose a serious risk. Releasing of flammable and toxic materials may trigger emergencies with catastrophic effects. The frequency and type of emergency and resultant consequences depend on the substance transported, type of pipeline, etc.3. Underwater pipelines for transporting crude oil and natural gas always put the safety of people and the natural environment at risk. History shows that emergencies and damage to a pipeline lying on the sea bottom do take place, not in fact so infrequently4. Failures in gas pipeline operation may originate from the following: corrosion (internal and external), material and mechanical defects, natural hazards (e.g. sea currents and storm waves), other risks (e.g. sabotage, accidently transported mines) and external interruptions such as fishing, navy and commercial shipping. 5. The dominating risk is believed to come from external factors. These include damage caused by cast or trawled anchors, dredge nets trawled by fishing vessels as well as abrasion or hitting of the pipeline by a ship sailing over the pipeline without sufficient clearance. Pipelines can also suffer damage caused by a heavy container lost in heavy weather overboard a vessel navigating over the pipeline. In areas of heavy traffic a collision resulting in ship sinking and resting on the pipeline cannot be excluded. 1 2 3 4 5 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982 (Journal of Laws of 2002 No 59, item. 543, Appendix). Cullen, J., The competent PIG, Pipes & Pipelines International, Nov.-Dec. 1996. M. Borysewicz, S. Potempski, Ryzyko powaŜnych awarii systemów przesyłowych substancji niebezpiecznych. Metody oceny, 2002, p. 24. According to the US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, in the years 1996-2006 80 emergencies in gas pipeline systems were recorded. Five involved catastrophic bursts of the pipeline, in four cases leading to fire and/or explosions. Nord Stream Espoo Report, Chapter 5 “Risk Assessment”, p. 241. 47 Damage to a pipeline by anchoring vessels is possible only in the case of emergency anchorage in the area of the pipeline due to technical problems such as failure of the main engine, auxiliary engine, steering gear as well as drifting of vessels in unfavourable hydrometeorological conditions6. The risk of damaging the pipeline by operating fishing vessels is connected with various factors among them: type of vessel, fishing techniques used, type of fishing gear, frequency of operations and navigational equipment of the vessel. The greatest risk is generated by vessels using bottom trawl, as the passage of the trawl over the pipeline may result in the trawl catching the pipeline by the otter board, and lead to damage7. The probability of ship sinking resulting in damage to the offshore pipeline is small8, nevertheless, it significantly increases in regions of heavy traffic, particularly in traffic delimitation zones and in roadways to ports. This paper refers only to a wider study on safety of offshore pipelines for transporting oil and gas laid on the sea bottom in water bodies of limited depth, and the freedom of navigation of deep draught ships. IDENTIFYING PARAMETERS ALLOWING FOR SAFE NAVIGATION OF SHIPS ON WATER BODIES OF LIMITED DEPTH A safe passage of ships on water basins of constrained depth requires compliance with the basic conditions of safe navigation that can be formulated as follows: h≥T+∆ where: h – depth of water body, T – ship draught, ∆ – keel clearance. It is the keel clearance that remains decisive in safe passage of a ship over the sea bottom or navigational obstacle on the sea bed. Safe clearance depends on various, further presented factors Identifying keel clearance. Clearance can be divided into two constituents: static clearance ∆ and dynamic s clearance ∆ . Total keel clearance thus reads: d ∆ = ∆ +∆ s 6 7 8 d Analiza oddziaływania Ŝeglugi i rybołówstwa na rurociąg podmorski Balticpipe w polskiej strefie Morza Bałtyckiego opracowana w oparciu o metody szacowania ryzyka”, study directed by S. Gucma, WyŜsza Szkoła Morska Szczecin, Instytut InŜynierii Ruchu Morskiego, Szczecin 2002. Ditto. Breaking load of the finest (14 mm) trawling line used by fishing vessels is 75-85 kN, which usually exceeds the sustainability of the bedded pipeline. See for details: Analiza oddziaływania Ŝeglugi …, Chapter 3. 48 Static clearance does not depend on the ship motion and remains fixed for the given water body, comprising the following: ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ 1 2 3 4 5 water margin for sounding error dependent on water body depth; navigational margin due to lack of sounding continuity; mud margin dependent on navigational water basin; water margin for tide estimation error dependent on navigational water body ; margin for stating water state caused by water level oscillation with reference to map zero; ∆ ∆ 6 7 error margin for ship draught dependent on ship type; error margin for ship heel dependent on ship parameters. Dynamic margin ∆ depends on ship motion and weather conditions. The margin d components are: ∆ ∆ 8 9 margin for squat due to ship’s motion; margin for sea waving, dependent on wave and ship parameters. Water margin for sounding error (∆ ) 1 Water margin for sounding error depends on water body’s depth and is assumed for quick reference from the table given below. Depth of water body (H) [m] Water margin (∆1) [m] up to 4 4 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 100 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.01 H For the needs of this study waters of limited depth refer to 20 m isobaths, therefore the sounding error should read: ∆ = 0.2 m 1 Navigational water margin (∆2) Navigational water margin9 results from insufficient knowledge of depth, bottom cleanliness, interpolation errors between particular soundings and effects of hull bottom potentially touching the sea bed. The margin depends on the frequency and type of sounding and kind of sea bottom. The navigational margins on limited waters are given in the table below10. 9 10 Not all authors take into account the correction called “navigational water margin” connected with ship squat. For example M. Jurdziński does not mention it in planning keel clearance in the study Nawigacyjne planowanie podróŜy, Wydawnictwo Morskie, Gdańsk, 1989. Data given according to S. Gucma, InŜynieria Ruchu Morskiego, Okrętownictwo i śegluga 2001, p. 47, Gdańsk 2001. 49 No. Type of water basin and sounding Type of sea bottom Water margin (∆ ) [m] 1. Trawled fairway irrelevant 0.0 2. Fairway and port basins Continuous sounding – other sounding soft hard 0.2 – 0.3 0.3 – 0.4 3. Access fairways to port (scope dependent on sounding frequency) soft hard 0.5 – 0.8 0.7 – 1.0 2 Navigational margin expresses tentative estimations of other margins and errors. In extreme cases, when other margins and errors are estimated precisely, the navigational margin is the one that protects the ship from touching the sea bottom. Therefore, the navigational margin should be specified as the last, following identification of other margins and errors and their probability level. In terms of safety, adoption of a navigational margin of 0.5 m seems fully justified in conditions under study, i.e.: ∆ = 0.5 m 2 Water margin for mud (∆3) The value of this factor depends on the water body type and frequency of sounding. It reads 0.1 – 0.3 m with bigger values adopted at river mouths. Taking into account the fact that the study scope is limited to open sea waters this value should be assumed to read: ∆ = 0.0 m 3 Water margin for tide estimation error (∆ ) 4 As there are no significant tides in the area covered by this study the value of this correction reads: ∆ = 0.0 m 4 Water margin for identifying the water state (∆ ) 5 The reference level to map zero may oscillate mainly in conditions of changing hydrometeorological conditions. This value varies from 0.1 to 1.0 m. Years of observations by the Institute of Meteorology and Maritime Economy in Gdynia of the Polish section of the Baltic coast11 indicate the option of considerable oscillation of the sea level compared to the average water level. These changes are particularly clear in autumn and winter12. In regions of significant deviation from the average water level, an error may appear in forecasting and current data though ships request information on the present sea level in a given region. Thus, the error in identifying the state of water is adopted at least: 11 12 50 P. Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej, „Warunki środowiskowe Polskiej Strefy Południowego Bałtyku w 2001 roku”, Gdynia 2004. Grzegorz Rutkowski, Ocena głębokości Północnego toru podejściowego do portu Świnoujście od pozycji gazociągu Nord Stream do terminalu LNG w aspekcie obsługi jednostek o maksymalnych gabarytach – Metody uproszczone. Instytut Nawigacji Akademii Morskiej Gdynia ∆ = 0.1 m 5 Water margin for identifying ship draught (∆ ) 6 The draught of a ship at sea is calculated on the basis of load change resulting from fuel and provisions consumption, ballast operations, changing salinity and hull deflections. These calculations are performed with a specified degree of accuracy (familiarity with ships plays a certain role). The error margin for ship draught is 0.1 – 0.3 m and is adopted proportionally to the ship’s size. Taking into account the parameters of the ship in question the draught margin error is assumed to be: ∆ = 01 m 6 Margin for ship heeling (∆ ) 7 The margin for ship heeling is adopted due to the error resulting from difficulties in maintaining the ship upright and heeling connected with change of course. The error referring to keeping the ship upright in practice does not exceed 1o, whereas heeling due to change of ship course is one of the components of the margin and depends on the speed. For ships moving approximately at 5 knots it is in practice negligible, but for ship speed of approximately 20 knots this value may read even 5o. The ship heeling margin is calculated according to the following formula: ∆ = 0.00875 · B · α [m] 7 where: B ship breadth [m]; α: ship heel angle Assuming that the ship heel angle is equal to: α = 0.50o and the ship breadth does not exceed 40-50 m, the margin for ship heel amounts to respectively: ∆ (B = 40-50 m) = 0.183-0.218 m ≈ 0.2 m 7 The total value of static margin ∆ = ∆ + ∆ + ∆ + ∆ + ∆ + ∆ + ∆ and in the given S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 case reads ∆ = 0.2m + 0.5m + 0m + 0m + 0.1m + 0.1m + 0.2m = 1.1 m S In order to proceed to calculating the dynamic margin the ship type must be known. Parameters of sea going ships under analysis13 Three types of ships presently operating worldwide have been chosen for the analysis: bulk carriers, gas carriers and container vessels of the following shapes and sizes: 13 The bulk carrier and container vessel parameters adopted from the study by Instytut InŜynierii Ruchu Morskiego Akademii Morskie in Szczecin „Określenie minimalnych głębokości podejściowych torów wodnych do portu Świnoujście zapewniających bezpieczną Ŝeglugę planowanych do eksploatacji statków” – scientific study, Szczecin 2010. (…). Gas carriers parameters according to MAN in “Propulsion Trends in LNG Carriers”. 51 Ship type LOA L PP B T c Speed [kt] b [m] [m] [m] [m] bulk carrier 270 255 43 13.5 0.82 15.,0 10.0 gas carrier 315 298 50.0 12.0 0.75 20.0 16.0 container vessel 274 260 41.5 13.5 0.62 18.5 15.0 operational reduced Some of the ship parameters have been limited due to the water body’s parameters (up to 20 m) chosen for the study. For the bulk carrier the depth of 13.5 m is not the maximum draught, however in the case of the container vessel, the operational speed of 18,5 knots is much lower than the maximum speed, which can reach even 25-26 knots. Squat for all ship types has been identified for two speeds: operational for limited water bodies and reduced. Water margin for squat of ship in motion (∆ ) 8 There are several methods of determining ship squat value. For the needs of this study a simple and common method C.B. Barrass method (recommended by, e.g. popular the Brown’s Nautical Almanac) giving indirect results as compared to the Huusk or Romish method is applied. The formulas for squat of ship in motion on open waters reads as follows: S max =c x V² b k where: c b V k block coefficient; ship speed [kt]. The scope of applying the method limits the interrelation: 1.1 ≥ h/T ≤1.4 which means in short that the keel clearance does not exceed 25% of the ship draught. Following the calculation of squat for each of the three ship types sailing at assumed speed over the pipeline, the squat margin in motion reads: – bulk carrier (speed 15 knots): ∆ = 1.8 m – bulk carrier (speed 10 knots): ∆ = 0.8 m – gas carrier (speed 20 knots): ∆ = 3.0 m – gas carrier (speed 16 knots): ∆ = 1.9 m – container vessel (speed 18.5 knots ): ∆ = 2,1 m – container vessel (speed 15 knots): 52 8 8 8 8 8 ∆ = 1.4 m 8 Water margin for sea waving (∆ ) 9 Water margin for sea waving depends on a number of factors, such as: wave height and length, breadth and length of the ship. her speed, angle between ship course and wave propagation, and many others, thus, it is the most difficult to calculate. The margin for a still ship can be calculated by the following formula: ∆ = k · h [m] 9 f where: k h adopted coefficient of 0.33 – 0.66; f wave height [m]. Coefficient k depends on the ship’s breadth and length to wave length and wave propagation angle The biggest values are adopted in the case of ships side facing heading wave, where the ship side is less than half of the wave length. For ships that are big as compared to wave dimensions this coefficient assumes a minimum value14. For wave height corresponding to 15 m/s (7°B) win ds the water margin for waving may read: ∆ = 0.4 m 9 The value of dynamic margin ∆d = ∆ +∆ for particular ships amount to: 8 9 – bulk carrier (speed 15 knots): ∆ = 1.8 m + 0.4 m = 2.2 m – bulk carrier (speed 10 knots): ∆ = 0.8 m + 0.4 m = 1.2 m – gas carrier (speed 20 knots): ∆ = 3.0 m + 0.4 m = 3.4 m – gas carrier (speed 16 knots): ∆ = 1.9 m + 0.4 m = 2.3 m – container vessel (speed 18.5 knots ): ∆ = 2.1 m + 0.4 m = 2.5 m – container vessel (speed 15 knots): d d d d d ∆ = 1.4 m + 0.4 m = 1.8 m d Calculating total keel clearance The value of total keel clearance ∆ = ∆ +∆ for particular ships amount to: s d – bulk carrier (v = 15 knots): ∆ = 1.1 m + 2.2 m = 3.2 m – bulk carrier (v = 10 knots): ∆ = 1.1 m + 1.2 m = 2.2 m – gas carrier (v = 20 knots): ∆ = 1.1 m + 3.4 m = 4.5 m 14 A ship is considered to be big when her length exceeds the wave length at angle between ship course and o wave propagation equal 0 or 180 degrees or her breadth exceeds half of the wave length at 90 angle between ship course and wave propagation. 53 – gas carrier(v = 16 knots): ∆ = 1.1 m + 2.3 m = 3.3 m – container vessel (v = 18.5 knots): ∆ = 1.1 m + 2.5 m = 3.6 m – container vessel (v = 15 knots): ∆ = 1.1 m + 1.8 m = 2.9 m Identifying conditions for safe navigation of large draught ships The calculations above indicate that safe operation of ships with parameters adopted for the analysis on water bodies of limited depth (20 meters) in varied weather conditions amount to 15: – for bulk carriers with draught of 13.5 m. 16.7 m – for gas carriers with draught of 12 m. – for bulk carriers with draught of 13.5 m. - 17.2 m. 16.7 m Therefore, to satisfy both criteria for safe passage of all ship types covered by the analysis, the minimum safe depth should not be less than 17.2 m (or 16.7 m in case of neglecting correction ∆ ). 2 In the case of pipelines laid on the sea bottom or embedded underwater structures these values should be increased by the pipeline diameter or the height of the structure over the seabed. In the case of 1.5 m gas pipeline diameter the minimum safe depth for passage of all ship types should read 18.7 m (or 18.2 m when neglecting correction ∆ ) over the sea bed. 2 In all cases the safety zone adopted by the gas pipeline owner should be accounted for (if bigger than the value given in this study). Pipeline damage consequences Damage to a pipeline transporting hazardous substances may generate various consequences, as a rule negative for people, the environment and technical structures, depending on the extent of damage. Damage may be partial or a complete bursting with catastrophic effects. Damage to a pipeline may additionally lead to fire or even an explosion if a source of ignition is nearby, e.g. lightening, operating machinery or operations on board ships. Possible consequences of pipeline damage also depend on whether the dangerous substance is retained by the water environment or released to the atmosphere. Releasing of gas in water results in its free dispersion16. In the atmosphere, the gas meeting no ignitions vanishes, or early ignition takes place followed by stream fire, or free dispersion of the gas air mixture, which results in delayed ignition and in effect immediate ignition or gas explosion. Gas pipeline emergencies may result in heat radiation during a fire or overpressure during the explosion. 15 The values next given may be reduced by 0.5 m provided the discrepancies in studies referring to application of correction ∆ are accounted for. 16 54 2 According to DONG Naturgas, A/S Risk Assessment of anchor Damage, October 2001, local gas leakage will not pollute the environment or cause any changes. Analysis of physical consequences of natural gas released by underwater pipelines conducted in recent years confirms the risk of fires and explosions of varied characteristics. The kind and area of adverse impact of emergencies depend on the location, process parameters, presence of ignition sources and weather conditions. The consequences of fire and explosions caused by failures may pose a serious risk for man, sea going ships and other technical objects in the vicinity of their adverse effects. A study conducted for the crossing of a gas pipeline and fairway confirmed the risk of damage or even sinking of floating units in case of damage, if in the vicinity of heat radiation or overpressure17. An effective and common method for protecting offshore pipelines (similarly to shore pipelines) is their mounting below the sea bottom. The correct depth of embedding the gas pipeline in the seabed minimises the risk of damage and failures. Though many studies have been performed relating to underwater installations, including oil and gas pipeline systems, there are no relevant international regulations in force, which invites various interpretations of these analyses and in effect does not contribute to improving their safety. 17 Study of Biuro Studiów i Projektów Gazownictwa „Gazoprojekt”, PGNiG Gruop: „Potencjalne skutki awarii gazociągów podmorskich”. 55 LNG Terminal Design Process from the Navigational Point of View L. Gucma & M. Gucma Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland P. Vidmar & M. Perkovic University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract Localization of sea terminals, especially when designed to handle potentially dangerous cargo like LNG gas, requires extremely demanding and complete studies. Although appropriate tools exist, each study demands special adaptations of risk models. This article presents risk calculation methods with determination of all stages’ parameters and variables used in formal assessment and special respect to simulation methods. This article copes with localization of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) terminal in terms of navigational advantages. Full mission simulations describe very well the environment of vessels and provide full interactions, while limited task simulations along with Monte Carlo methods can in certain aspects speed up the development process. The authors present below the issue of designing a new terminal and case studies for Slovenia and Poland. 1 1.1 Introduction The LNG projects in Poland and Slovenia Liquefied Natural Gas is of interest to many countries as an alternative, clean and efficient fuel. European countries are looking for reliable and diversified solutions, not based on a single fuel source - mainly pipe. In Poland there is a project of building an LNG terminal in north western Poland (Port of Swinoujscie), whilst in Slovenia an LNG port will be constructed outside of Koper Port. Although these are different types of localizations many similarities can be outlined. In both ports, the concept of a detailed study on navigation risk has been prepared. Currently there are no coherent and complex methods of LNG port and infrastructure design from the navigational risk point of view. Vessels that will be operating in ports are in ranges of capacities from 75000 to 216000 m3 of LNG cargo. 1.2 Mathematical model Hydrodynamic models of two classes are run on limited tasks simulators at the Maritime University of Szczecin and the University of Ljubljana. One class models are exploited only when limited parameters are known (usually when non-existing ships or general class ships are modelled). Other class models are used when precise characteristics of hulls, propellers and steering devices are known. Additionally, real manoeuvring characteristics are used for model validation. In the present study the latter model is used. The model used in this study is based on modular methodology where all influences such as hull hydrodynamic forces, propeller drag and steering gear forces as well as certain external influences are modelled as separate forces and at the end summed as longitudinal, transverse and rotational forces. 57 The model operates in the loop where, for given input variables (settings and disturbances), the system instantly calculates the forces and moments acting on the hull, from which instantaneous accelerations and speeds of surge, sway and yaw are evaluated. The most important forces acting on the model are (Gucma S. 2009): − thrust of propellers; − side force of propellers; − sway and resistant force of propellers; − bow and stern thruster forces; − current, wind and ice effects; − moment and force of bank effect; − shallow water forces; − mooring and anchor forces; − reaction of the fenders and friction between fender and ship’s hull; − tugs’ forces; − other forces depending on the characteristics of ship’s propulsion and steering units. The functional diagram of the ship manoeuvring simulation model is presented in Figure 1.1. Fig. 1.1 Functional diagram of ship manoeuvring simulation model The model interface is a typical 2D chart interface (Fig. 1.2) and 3D world as seen on an actual vessel (Fig.1.3) The interface delivers information on the ships state (position, course, speed, yaw etc.), quay and shoreline location, navigational marks, soundings, external conditions, tug and line control and control elements of the model. The model is implemented in Object Pascal using Delphi™ environment and in Visual C™ using C++ language. 58 Fig 1.2 Chart view during manoeuvring in designed port model Fig. 1.3 3D full mission simulator view of LNG port 1.3 Example solution of a full mission simulator model A typical example of a full mission simulator is a Kongsberg Polaris™ simulator located at the Marine Traffic Engineering Centre (MTEC), Maritime University of Szczecin (Fig. 1.4). Its basic components are: − one full mission navigation bridge simulator with 270° visual projection and live marine ship equipment (DNV class A); − two part task navigation bridges with 120° visual p rojection and mix of real and screen-simulated ship-like equipment including one Voith-Schneider tug console (DNV class B); − two desktop PC simulators with one monitor visual projection and one monitor screen; − simulated ship-like equipment. 59 Fig 1.4 Full mission simulator in MTEC For performing simulations, the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport (FPP UoL) utilizes similar tools – a simulation facility developed by Transas™ Fig 1.5 Full mission simulator in FPP UoL (by Transas) All hardware and software forming ship manoeuvring simulators (both in MTEC & FPP UoL) were granted a DNV certificate of compliance and meet the training requirements set forth in STCW’95 (Section A-I/12, Section B-I/12, Table A-II/1, Table A-II/2 and Table A-II/3). The simulator has a hydrodynamic ship-modelling tool for the creation of own ship models. This tool enables creating of almost any type of ship (controls for two main engines and for controllable or 10 fixed-pitch propeller, azimuth thrusters, rudder controls for simulating various types of conventional rudders, active rudders, Z-drive/azimuth and thrusters) with very high fidelity hydrodynamics in six DOF (surge, sway, heave, yaw, roll, pitch). The hydrodynamics comprise all known to date external effects like squat, bank and channel effects. 60 2. Design of an experimental system in simulation research Based on the studies of the theory of modelling and simulation (Zeigler, 1984), simulation-based research can be summarized as the following procedure: − formulation of the problem, − modelling of the object to be examined, − development of computer programs, − model validation, − design of an experimental system, − experiment, − analysis of the results. In designing an experimental system we have to define the scope of research that in our considerations depends on the following (Gucma & Gucma, 1998): − examined variants of the area infrastructure, − examined types of ship (their maximum parameters), − hydrometeorological conditions under which operations in the examined area will be performed (manoeuvres, types and number of tugs in manoeuvres, etc.). Having defined the data specifying the experiment range, we can establish specific research conditions (Gucma & Gucma, 1998): − number of series of planned manoeuvres, − conditions prevailing in particular manoeuvre series. 3 Verification of simulation models The acceptable level of model conformity with reality in marine traffic engineering studies aimed at the determination of waterway parameters is assumed at 90% (Gucma S., 1990). Model 11 verification is a routine applied before each experiment. The repeated verification of optimum results in simulation tests was positive, which proves that the human-technology-environment system was well represented (Gucma S. 2001). There are three levels of simulated model verification: 1 verification of the mathematical model, 2 verification of pilot’s/navigator’s behaviour, 3 verification of the simulated system. To verify the model, we have to answer three questions: 1 Will the ship proceed along the same or similar route during an identical manoeuvre in the same waters and under the same conditions? 2 Will the pilot perform the same manoeuvre(s) in the same time length? 3 Will the simulated system fit reality? 61 The first answer is given after the mathematical model verification. To answer the second question seems to be more difficult due to various ways and outcomes of manoeuvring, even with the same pilot. This may result from the fact that the navigator, while planning a manoeuvre, predicts future positions of the ship. Predictions are often burdened with errors, and in addition, there exist various ways of making the same manoeuvre. On the other hand, complete adequacy of the model to reality does not have to be greater than the designed tolerance of fairways, i.e. approximately three meters (Webster, 1992). Striving for higher accuracy of simulators for waterway designs would be of academic rather than practical nature. The model can be verified on the basis of: − data from real tests, − physical model tests, − theoretical relationships – analytical calculations (extrapolation or interpolation by theoretical models), − expert opinions. 3.1 Verification of mathematical models The verification of a mathematical model, i.e. quantitative assessment of its adequacy, is always carried out after the model is built and is based on conformity indicators of ship’s manoeuvring characteristics (Gucma S., 1990). The verification makes use of comparative parameters to compare ship’s manoeuvres: − acceleration − distance and time for various operating modes of the main engine; − stopping − distance, time, deviation from the original course for various ME working modes; − turning ability (turning circle tests) − diameter, linear velocity and rate of turn in turning; − course stability (zigzag tests) − time of rudder response, maximum angle of deviation, yaw time, non-dimensional yaw period; − turning ability with thrusters or engines − time to alter course by a specific value. Verification is a lengthy and usually iterative process. The verification of a mathematical model and pilot’s behaviour involves teams of pilots and professionals in the field of ship movement computer simulations. To eliminate systematic errors, at least two groups working independently are arranged. Then the results are compared. The verification by pilot experts is a subjective process, so the results should be treated with reserve. 4 Monte Carlo Simulation Methods The safety assessment of complex marine systems calls for models of a number of parameters, such as: vessel traffic, hydrometeorological conditions, area parameters and others. These parameters are mostly random, therefore analytical methods are not suitable for constructing their models, particularly if these models are to include the human factor (probability of operator’s error). Such systems can be modelled by simulations methods, Monte Carlo (MC) methods in particular. 62 These consist in generating random numbers aimed at estimating their distributions. The generation of numbers is mainly done by computers. The method is really helpful when relations between distributions are described by sophisticated functions and depend on random elements. The MC method offers several advantages, (Vose, 2000) (Brandt, 1998) enabling: − examination of a large number of scenarios, − modelling of correlations and internal relations, − application of a simplified mathematical level, − application of a computer for calculations, − fast introduction of active changes in the model, − sensitivity analysis by changing distributions and their parameters, − incorporation of a large quantity of data from a long time interval, − evaluation of the method error. The disadvantages of the MC methods are as follows: − weak convergence of the method, which can be compensated by a large number of iterations. − only approximate solutions can be obtained. − high computing power demand (some very complex problems require long simulation time). This subchapter presents the methodology of creating MC models for the determination of marine structures safety in view of their possible damage by passing vessels. These models often have to take into account possible human errors and feature human behaviour (e.g. decision to execute emergency anchor dropping). Incorporation of these aspects in models other than simulation is not usually possible. The presented models can be used for assessing the probability of ship’s collision with marine structures, such as: wind turbines, drilling rigs and other objects that may be considered dangerous for surface navigation, or the probability of indirect damage to submarine pipelines or cables by a ship’s anchor. The essential advantage of the MC method is the possibility of projection. In such cases we have to know the function of probability distribution changes or their parameters in time. Principally there are four groups of problems solved by marine traffic engineering using MC simulation methods: 1 stochastic models of vessel traffic streams with elements of MC simulation (Gucma L. 2003), (Hansen & B.C., 2000); 2 MC methods based on generalized simulation and real models (Iribarren, 1999); 3 simulation models of ship movement in fast time with random external excitations (Hutchison, Gray, & Mathai, 2003); 4 methods of measurement error analysis and uncertainties using MC simulation (Sand, Nielsen, & Jakobsen, 1994). 63 The first group of methods comprises simulations of large marine traffic engineering systems found mostly in offshore areas. The vessel traffic streams are the subject of simulation, but the objective of simulation is the determination of system safety. Microscopic methods of simulating vessel traffic streams are used, i.e. single ship movement is simulated. These methods utilize much-simplified models of the navigator, while the ship is regarded as a material point. The models contain analytical or empirical modules for defining probabilities of some modelled events. In these models time is deliberately accelerated in order to create an adequately large number of scenarios, as simulated events are rare (collisions, groundings, indirect damage). Projected magnitudes of random variables can be introduced in the models. External conditions are simulated as random variables. The second group of methods encompasses MC tests, using distributions of random variables and their parameters obtained from previously conducted real or simulation tests. These methods are generally aimed at getting a larger number of accident scenarios that may be obtained by simulation methods. The models are often combined with analytical or empirical models. The third group of methods consists in modifying simulation models of ship movement operating in fast time with a navigator’s model. Random disturbances, often dependent on time, are introduced. Also, random models of navigator’s behaviour can be implemented. Methods of this type are mostly used for port areas, basically in the designing and optimization of waterway parameters. Finally, the fourth group of methods is helpful in the determination of measurement errors in complex measurement systems, i.e. where this cannot be done by analytical methods. These models can be combined with analytical or empirical models in conjunction with uncertainty analysis. The probabilistic method of underkeel clearance determination is an example of such a method. Accidents generally happen due to navigator’s errors, often enhanced by ship’s technical failure and random conditions. The discussed models are based on an assumption that parameters of vessel traffic stream are the most important factor affecting safety. These models can also include empirical or analytical algorithms of ship’s behaviour in various conditions, such as models of drift, leeway, dragging anchor, etc. The applicability of these methods is wide enough to include probability assessment of direct accidents, such as ship’s collisions with marine structures or indirect accidents caused by, e.g. dragging anchor. The above methods can be used for determining the probability of ship’s collision with: − open sea drilling rigs and oil platforms, − offshore wind farms, − fixed aids to navigation, − submarine pipelines or cables, − bridges and their supports, − other stationary marine structures. 64 4.1 Model for the assessment of LNG carrier safety – case study The assessment and comparison of the navigational safety of two proposed locations of an LNG terminal in Poland with several approach routes will be presented. Safety assessment is based on the original probabilistic model created at the Maritime University of Szczecin. The model is capable of assessing the risk of a large complex system with consideration of human (navigator) behaviour models, ship dynamics model, real traffic stream parameters and external conditions such as wind, current, visibility, etc. The model works in fast time and can simulate a large number of scenarios. The output from the model such as a place of collision, ships involved, and navigational conditions can be useful for risk assessment of the proposed LNG terminal locations. The results were used for the determination of the optimal location of the LNG terminal based on the navigational risk criterion. Of the several simplifications assumed, one of the most important was considering an LNG carrier as a conventional ship. The developed model, presented in Figure 4.21, can be used for assessing almost all navigational accidents, such as collisions, groundings, collision with a fixed object [Gucma 2003], indirect accidents involving anchors or accidents caused by ship generated waves [Gucma & Zalewski 2003]. The model can comprise several modules responsible for different navigational accidents. This methodology has already been used by several authors with various effect [Friis-Hansen & Simonsen 2000, Merrick et al. 2001, Otay & Tan 1998]. In these studies the model is used to assess the safety of different variants of LNG terminal location. Fig. 5.1 Diagram of a fully developed stochastic model of navigation safety assessment 5 Conclusions Many possible sources of threats, though important like fire hazard, loss of stability etc. have been intentionally omitted in this article. Neither individual nor social risk models were presented in full scale, due to the fact, of keeping the subject of the article at some general assumptions level. 65 The article presents several aspects of safety with special respect to port operations i.e.: − manoeuvring, − mooring, − alongside, − unloading of LNGC inside port area. Results from manoeuvring simulations proved the optimal shape of designed terminal in Swinouśjcie with use of statistical tools for comparison. An energy induction analysis in the first point of contact led to evolution of mooring facilities especially the fendering system. The paper also presents results of analysis for safety of stay of LNGC alongside the terminal and for performing unloading operations. In terms of terminal operation processes these are most important and must be described thoroughly in port procedures booklets. Safety assessment has been conducted for typical LNG vessels for the designing of outer port in Swinoujście, where the largest analyzed vessel was Q-Flex type, within range of prospected operations inside the port. References Gucma S. 2001 Marine Traffic Engineering, Gdańsk: śegluga i Okrętownictwo Publish House. Gucma S. (ed.) 2008. Simulation methods in marine traffic engineering, Szczecin: Maritime University of Szczecin. Gucma S. (ed.) 2009. LNG terminals design and operation. Navigational safety aspects. Maritime University of Szczecin Publish House, 2009. Gucma, L. 2005. Risk factors modeling of vessels collisions with port and sea constructions. Studies 44. Szczecin: Maritime University in Szczecin Publish House. 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Potential for BLEVE associated with marine LNG vessel fires, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 140, Issue 3, 20 February 2007, New York: Elsevier Fang Q, Yang Z, Hu S, Wang J. 2005 Formal safety assessment and application of the navigation simulators for preventing human error in ship operations. Journal of Maritime Science Applied 2005;4(3), Rotterdam: Balkema 67 Maritime Surveillance for Better Maritime Safety Isto Matilla European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, EU Policy background The overall objective of Maritime Surveillance is to develop mechanisms for improving maritime awareness by sharing operational information between government departments and agencies. The Commitment of Member States and stakeholders to this project shows that they fully understand the benefits that cooperation and the creation of a network across ALL surveillance authorities may bring: Search and rescue authorities will swiftly avail of better information when people's lives are in danger at sea. Coast Guards, police and navies may share information to combat all kinds of illegal activities at sea or to protect merchant ships and fishing boats from all kinds of threats. Increased safety, security and cleaner seas are ultimate objectives for all. Therefore, surveillance policy initiative is an enabler for those authorities to respond adequately to the challenges and risks in the waters under their jurisdiction and in the High Seas. The political process, which is admittedly the most crucial, comprises three main components: coordination, trust-building and sense of ownership. All are progressing very well. The Commission provided the necessary guidance and working tools by means of two consecutive and complementary Communications; October 2009 setting the guiding principles and October 2010 outlining 'A Roadmap towards the Common Information Sharing Environment'. After the first (2009) Communication, all institutions unanimously asked for a Roadmap towards the Common Information Sharing Environment. After the second (2010) Communication, the Council strongly requested to ensure coherence and coordination through the Member States Experts Sub-group. 69 The paradigm of information exchange is gradually changing from the more restrictive "need to know" to the more open "need and responsibility to share". Even more importantly, authorities across the EU have embraced the Common Information Sharing Environment as their own project and the proponents are increasing day by day. This is the prerequisite for success. As mandated by the Council – again – coordination will be effected through the Member States' Experts Sub-Group. Challenges for maritime surveillance The following challenges are currently being faced with regard to the development of a common information-sharing environment for the EU maritime domain: Diverse user and operator communities: Both at national level and at EU level, national authorities responsible for defence, border control, customs, marine pollution, fisheries control, maritime safety and security, vessel traffic management, accident and disaster response, search and rescue as well as law enforcement are collecting information for their own purposes. While the technological means exist to share this information in a meaningful manner, most of the information needed to build up this maritime situational awareness is still being collected by numerous sectoral systems at national, EU and international level. While in some cases the involved authorities are unaware that similar information is collected by other authorities and systems, in other cases they are aware but unable to share this information with one another because information sharing standards, agreements, policies regarding information exchange processes currently exist only in certain user communities. Diverse legal frameworks: The different maritime surveillance activities fall under different articles of the Lisbon Treaty. Surveillance systems have been developed on the basis of sector-specific, international and EU legislation. Regardless of the given EU framework, nothing should prevent the Member States to integrate their maritime surveillance activities. Cross border threats: Threats faced by Member States in the EU maritime domain often require an improved trans-national and sometimes even a trans-sectoral approach, in particular with regard to the high seas. Specific legal provisions: International and EU legislation frame on maritime surveillance activities on the high seas and with regard to the processing of personal, confidential or classified data. A Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) for all EU sea basins is the vision. This cross-sectoral surveillance tool will interconnect different national authorities with a mission at sea on a "responsibility to share data" logic, across sectors and borders. It will thus enable coordinated actions through increased data flows. The first tangible result will be better tactical patrolling and increased response capability in case of maritime incidents (being they of law enforcement/border control nature or search and rescue, response to natural disaster, tracking illegal fishing or polluters of the marine environment etc). At a second level, better knowledge of the processes and interactions in the EU maritime domain has a strong potential to contribute to improved governance and thus create a favourable environment for maritime economic activities to flourish. 70 The Common Information Sharing Environment Roadmap is being carried out by the Technical Advisory Group (TAG). It was a strategic option of the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries to work with the User Communities, the Member States and the real experts instead of going directly to the industry. This presents the most modest possible allocation of resources in such times of tight budgets. The Technical Advisory Group brings together the seven user communities experts and agencies including military component. It makes proposals and suggests solutions on how to put the data exchange into practice. The work of the Technical Advisory Group continues until end of 2012. In parallel, based on the results of the carried out within MARSUNO and BlueMassMed Pilot projects, which will show the way forward, implementing studies will focus on the cost-benefit ratio of Common Information Sharing Environment, legal challenges and IT-needs, with a view to delivering an impact assessment. In the Commission's view the most appropriate way to address the legal, technical and financial aspects of the Common Information Sharing Environment would be by continuing the close collaboration with the Member States and the EU Agencies. Expertise available therein is nowhere else available. User communities The CISE brings together the following communities in an unprecedented way. These communities meet regularly in the framework of the Technical Advisory Group which reports to the Member State Expert sub Group on Integrated Maritime Surveillance. (1) Maritime Safety (including Search and Rescue), Maritime Security and prevention of pollution caused by ships. Under leadership of DG MOVE within the Commission, this user community is for now the biggest and best developed with an efficient and productive Agency: EMSA. The transport layer within CISE will be of high value added to all other user communities. (2) Fisheries control, under the leadership of DG MARE within the Commission, and its Agency the EFCA, has a number of data sharing issues and experience to share with the environmental, the transport and the law enforcement user communities. (3) Marine pollution preparedness and response; Marine environment under the leadership of DG ECHO and DG ENV within the Commission with the European Environmental Agency (EEA) are crucial element as environmental crime related issues do not only touch upon law enforcement but also on security matters due to ecological threats (see tsunami now in Japan). (4) Customs under the leadership of DG TAXUD within the Commission is an essential actor as regards economic safeguard of the EU. It cooperates closely with transport, law enforcement and the border control user communities with which it needs to enhance regular data exchange. (5) Border control under the leadership of DG HOME is creating EUROSUR with its agency Frontex. Border Control user community requires transport related data as well as data gathered by the militay community as regards human trafficking through the Mediterranean Sea in view first of all to save as 71 many lives at sea as possible. In the present Mediterranean context this becomes an even more relevant task. HOME is also in charge of the Internal Security Strategy of the Commission. (6) General law enforcement18 under the responsibility of DG JUST, the Maritime Analysis and Operation Centre–Narcotics (MAOC-N) is representing this community in the TAG. Maoc's deep cross-sectoral experience in data exchange is of very high value to the CISE process. (7) Defence is represented directly by Member States as for military matters the Council is only responsible for Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) matters. The defence TAG member and substitute has thus been selected directly from Member States applications. Conclusions An integrated approach to maritime surveillance should improve the effectiveness of the authorities responsible for maritime activities by making available more tools and more information necessary for the performance of their duties. This should result in more efficient operations and reduced operating costs. Therefore the establishment of the common information sharing environment should ensure: Interoperability: Ways and means have to be found to enable the exchange of information between sectoral systems both operational and those currently being developed by the European Union and its Member States supported by EU agencies such as EMSA, EFCA, FRONTEX and EDA. This requires that existing and future standards, interconnections, non-technical processes and procedures are developed and established enabling information sharing and the protection of information shared on the basis of agreed access rights. This should also lead to improved interoperability between sectoral systems within a Member State. Improving situational awareness: The information obtained in this environment should considerably improve the situational awareness within the EU and the Member States. Efficiency: Furthermore, this environment should also contribute to a unity of effort across entities with maritime interests by avoiding duplications in the collection of information and thereby considerably reducing the financial costs for all actors involved. In time, a multi purpose approach could be envisaged when using surveillance tools and assets from different user communities. Subsidiarity: The vast majority of monitoring and surveillance activities at sea are carried out under the responsibility of Member States. Following the principle of subsidiarity, Member States are responsible for coordinating the collection and verification of information from all their agencies, administrations and national operators, preferably via a single national coordination mechanism. Member States will also, where applicable, manage third party access rights, qualify the information and data security levels, and approve and control the selective dissemination and data security mechanisms. 18 With focus on the prevention of any criminal / illegal activity and on police administrative activities in the EU maritime domain. 72 INTEGRATED MARITIME SURVEILLANCE INTO ACTIONS Integration -VISION Full-scale CISE FP7 Pilot projects TAG Implementation Etc. Legislation Conclusions Roadmap Non-paper 2008-2009 20010-2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 73 Regional Efforts for Safer Navigation, Hydrographic Re-surveys and Cleaner Baltic Shipping Anne Christine Brusendorff, Monika Stankiewicz HELCOM, Finland, Abstract HELCOM, an inter-governmental organization of the nine coastal countries and the European Union, has for more than three decades shown how the regional co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region has remarkably improved the safety of navigation and reduced the environmental impacts of the dense maritime traffic as well as ensured a standing national and trans-national response to accidents at sea. Among the latest initiatives is the approval by IMO/MEPC 61 in 2010 of the Baltic Sea Area as the first Special Area under Annex IV (sewage) of MARPOL, expected to be adopted by MEPC 62, as well as the preparation of a joint submission to IMO asking for the designation of the Baltic Sea Area as a NOx Emission Control Area (NECA) under Annex VI of MARPOL. Under the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, and more specifically the flag ship project BRISK (Sub-regional risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea) and its like-minded BRISK-RU project, a risk analysis of oil spills has been carried out, both for the use in the planning of response operations and for further considerations of needed additional maritime safety measures. Another EU Strategy’s flag ship project on speeding up hydrographic re-surveys of the Baltic Sea, led jointly by HELCOM and the Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission, has been politically backed-up by the HELCOM Moscow Ministerial Meeting in 2010, including setting a timetable for its implementation, and has already led to initiation of a new EU Motorways of the Sea project – MONALISA, focusing on quality assured hydrographic surveys in Sweden and Finland as well as on application of IMO’s e-navigation concept. Keywords HELCOM, Baltic Sea Action Plan, maritime safety, Baltic Sea Special Area, risk of spills, hydrographic re-surveys. 1. Overview of the maritime transportation in the Baltic Sea Area HELCOM has, as one of the first international organizations, been able to regularly survey and estimate the maritime transport in the Baltic Sea Area, since 1 July 2005. This is due to a decision taken at ministerial level, involving both transport and environment ministers, whereby national land-based monitoring systems, based on Automatic Identification System (AIS) signals makes up the basis for the common Baltic Sea monitoring system. The data derived from this monitoring system provides for annual reports and statistics on ships’ traffic in the Baltic Sea area as well as trends compared to earlier years. In 2010, vessels entered or left the Baltic Sea via Skav 56,564 times (figure representing the number of crossings through a pre-defined AIS line in Skav). This figure has increased by more than 10% since 2006 (51,628 crossings). Approximately, 19% of those ships were tankers, 44% other cargo ships and 4% passenger ships. Additionally, 31,933 ships passed through the 98-kilometer long Kiel Canal (in 2010). 75 The task of the shore-based AIS network is to provide the competent authorities with a monitoring tool for supervision, risk analyses, designing new routeing measures, search and rescue operations, port state control, security and other safety-related tasks to ensure safe navigation in the Baltic Sea. An example of such AIS application is a system to detect single hull tankers carrying heavy grade oil entering the Baltic Sea, developed jointly by HELCOM and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and put into operation in October 2007. But there are also other uses of AIS which go beyond the “traditional” safety aspects, monitoring of ship emissions being one of them. The AIS data are used, for instance, for calculating nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from Baltic Sea shipping, which reached 357,000 tonnes in 2009, giving the most precise estimate of this kind. This information is particularly important for the region as atmospheric nitrogen deposition is one of the main contributors to the high nutrient concentrations that stimulate massive algae blooms in the Baltic. To allow fully benefiting from AIS, HELCOM has undertaken a revision of the Agreement on Access to AIS Information in the Baltic Sea in order to broaden the eligible uses of AIS data to activities and projects aiming at the protection of the marine environment and consistent with the goals of the Helsinki Convention on the protection of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea Area. 2. Promotion of international regulations and their harmonized implementation As shipping is international, it is necessary to promote regulations that are applied to all ships sailing in the Baltic Sea Area, whether in territorial seas or in the exclusive economic zones and whether under the flag of a Baltic Sea State or another flag. For this reason HELCOM works for the promotion of rules within the International Maritime Organization. At the same time, HELCOM works for the advancement of rules that takes into account the character of the maritime traffic and the specific sensitivity of marine environment, and thus are tailored to the specific conditions in the Baltic Sea Area. This has been recognized since the establishment of the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area in 1974, through Resolutions adopted at the Diplomatic Conference requesting ships other than those flying the flag of a Contracting Party to observe the same special rules when operating in the Baltic Sea Area. This was followed up by four IMO Resolutions recommending the application of the special provisions of Annex I, II, IV and V of MARPOL prior to their global entry into force. Another issue of importance in the HELCOM cooperation is the implementation, in a harmonized way, of adopted regulations. And, where possible and necessary, HELCOM works for the implementation of rules with the strictest content as well as for an earlier implementation in the Baltic than the global entry into force. 3. The Krakow and Moscow Ministerial Meetings – specifically with regard to maritime transportation When ministers met in 2007 in Krakow, under HELCOM Polish presidency, they adopted the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP), which alongside other segments, contains one specific section on “Maritime Activities”. 76 The section on “Maritime Activities” deal with both improved safety of navigation: − through the promotion of enhanced use of the information in the Automatic Identification System and introduction of a general requirement for carriage by ships of an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), as well as the prevention of pollution from ships: − through the proposal for an amendment to Annex IV to MARPOL on requirements for the nutrient discharges in sewage from passenger ships, including the designation of the Baltic Sea as Special Area, and through a proposal for the designation of the Baltic Sea as a NOx Emission Control Area (NECA) under Annex VI to MARPOL. Based on the support of also Baltic Sea countries, IMO adopted in 2009 the amendment to Chapter 5 of SOLAS regarding carriage requirements for shipborne navigational systems and equipment under which, cargo ships, tankers and passenger ships engaged in international voyages shall be fitted with an ECDIS according to the specific timetable. The new regulations mean that a majority of the ships in the Baltic Sea will be carrying ECDIS onboard by 2018 at the latest. Work continues in the Baltic Sea to test and further develop non-mandatory AIS application-specific messages to enhance communication between ships and shore authorities, according to the recently adopted IMO circulars (SN.1/Circ.289 and SN.1/Circ.290). The IMO circulars were developed utilizing the experience of, e.g., the Baltic Sea region and the results of the HELCOM supported Baltic AIS Trial Project. In 2009 the HELCOM countries submitted a proposal to IMO (IMO documents MEPC 60/6/2, 60/6/3, 60/INF.4), aiming at establishing the Baltic Sea as a Special Area for sewage under Annex IV of MARPOL, whereby passenger ships will be banned to discharge sewage in the Baltic Sea unless it has been treated to remove phosphorus and nitrogen to certain levels. Alternatively, sewage can be delivered to a port reception facility (PRF). The proposal for new sewage regulations was approved by the 61th session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in 2010 and is expected to be adopted by MEPC 62 on 11-15 July 2011. As agreed in the BSAP, HELCOM countries supported efforts within IMO under the then ongoing review process of MARPOL Annex VI by submitting a joint document to MEPC 57 in 2008 (IMO document MEPC 57/INF.14) calling for tighter international regulations to prevent a predicted sharp increase in NOx emissions from Baltic shipping. The paper indicated that with the projected annual 5.2% growth of maritime traffic in the Baltic Sea, the 19% reductions in emissions from diesel engines would not change the situation but would even lead to further increases in emissions in the region. Only the most challenging requirement – an 80% reduction in emissions from marine diesel engines - would reverse the increasing trend of NOx emissions in a long term. The Krakow decisions were followed-up in 2010, when ministers met in Moscow under Russian HELCOM presidency. Based on a Moscow decision, a joint proposal by the Baltic Sea countries to IMO applying for a NO x Emission Control Area (NECA) status for the Baltic Sea is close to completion. Comprehensive analyses were finalised to estimate the NOx emissions from ships operating in the Baltic Sea area, and the impact of the emissions on air quality, ecosystems and human health, as well as economic impact. 77 The studies have confirmed that NOx emissions from Baltic shipping contribute significantly to air pollution, have adverse effects on human health, especially in big coastal cities, and contribute to the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. Regarding the Baltic Sea Special Area under Annex IV of MARPOL, practical work and investments at port level have been initiated to enhance reception facilities for sewage in the prioritized ports (listed in the Roadmap for upgrading Port Reception Facilities (PRF) adopted by the Moscow Ministerial Meeting). A Co-operation Platform on PRF has been established under the HELCOM umbrella, consisting of national administrations, ports, water and wastewater associations and passenger shipping industry to facilitate this work. In order to meet the risks related to increasing maritime transportation in the Baltic Sea, the ministers decided to enhance regional cooperation on maritime safety, taking into account the IMO work, which resulted in the arrangement in 2011 of the First Meeting of the Experts on Maritime Safety in the Baltic Sea. HELCOM Recommendation 31E/5 on mutual plan for places of refuge, adopted at the 2010 ministerial session, is the first of its kind agreement providing the basis to accommodate a ship in need of assistance in the Baltic Sea in the safest shelter irrespective of national borders. The ongoing BRISK project, implementing HELCOM Recommendation 28E/12 on strengthening of sub-regional cooperation in the response field, is finalizing the overall risk assessment of shipping accidents covering the whole Baltic Sea Area. A corresponding project in Russia (BRISK-RU) provides a vital expertise to the risk assessment and secures Russian participation in the joint activities. Based on the outcome of the risk assessment, missing response resources in each sub-region of the Baltic Sea will be identified. The gap identification needs to be followed by the necessary investments in the response equipment as well as optimization of the emergency response. The risk assessment will also enable identification of hot spot areas with the highest risks and will provide the basis for development of further risk control measures. The scope of the 2001 HELCOM Copenhagen Declaration regarding hydrograhic resurveys has been extended to cover more routes and other areas, and all Baltic Sea countries are to present their national re-survey plans, including the time schedule for the implementation, by 2015 at the latest. 4. Overall risk assessment of shipping accidents The main aim of the Project “Sub-regional risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea” (BRISK in short) as well as BRISK-RU project ( is to optimize response capacities in the Baltic Sea based on the results of the risk assessment of shipping accidents and pollution. All HELCOM countries participate in the risk assessment, eight EU members through EU cofinancing (2.5 mln from the European Regional Development Fund within the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013) and Russia through the funding by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The project is led by the Admiral Danish Fleet. The project is being conducted within the framework of HELCOM to implement the national commitments under the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan, and is also a flagship project under the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. 78 The risk assessment modelling provides a unique and detailed picture of the risks associated with spills of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea. Its findings are based on some of the most advanced tools available for modelling shipping traffic flows, the risks of accidents at sea and their consequences. It models the events leading to spills (ship accidents, etc.), the frequency, size, type and location of spills, the spreading and fate of the spilt substances and the vulnerability of the marine environment. Moreover, it models the effect of emergency response measures and the effect of various existing and decided risk control measures that are affecting navigational safety. Based on the results of the risk assessment, the coastal countries are investigating whether the existing emergency and response capacities are sufficient to tackle medium-size and the largest spills of oil or hazardous substances, and will jointly plan their investments in the response equipment so as to make sure that each subregion of the Baltic is capable of efficiently responding to the spills. The risk assessment can also be utilized to develop new risk control measures to improve the safety of navigation. 5. Speeding up hydrographic re-surveys in the Baltic Sea The 2011 Copenhagen Declaration requested the HELCOM members “to develop a scheme for systematic re-surveying of major shipping routes and ports in order to ensure that safety of navigation is not endangered by inadequate source information.” The IHO Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission (BSHC) developed and approved in 2002 the Harmonised Hydrographic Re-Survey Scheme and established a Monitoring Working Group to monitor its implementation. During eight years of implementing the re-surveys according to this scheme it has been found out that a major revision of the scheme is needed. The reasons for this are changed traffic patterns and densities, new shipping routes, more accurate information on actually used routes, and other needs for accurate and update hydrographic information (e.g. for environmental purposes). BSHC adopted a new Vision for the re-surveys in 2009 which states that the whole Baltic Sea area should be covered by a harmonised re-survey scheme. The revised re-survey scheme will be based on national re-survey schemes (and generalized, if needed). The re-survey areas should be specified in three Categories: CAT I – includes the current Scheme, re-surveys specified by the 2001 HELCOM Copenhagen Declaration; CAT II – for extended routes and areas according to national re-survey schemes as specified for safety of navigation; and CAT III – for extensions for other purposes than the above (e.g. for environmental protection). The speeding up of hydrographic re-surveys has been included as a flagship project of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, jointly led by HELCOM and the Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission. HELCOM ministers in Moscow gave their full political support for the revision of the Baltic Sea Re-survey Scheme according to the BSHC Vision, to consist of national re-survey plans to be developed and presented preferably by 2013, and by 2015 at the latest. 79 The Baltic Sea countries also agreed to undertake necessary measures to ensure that sufficient funding, including external funding, will be available for re-surveys and to improve mariners’ abilities to assess and interpret hydrographic content in nautical charts and publications either in printed or digital form, especially in ECDIS. To speed-up re-surveys in Finnish and Swedish waters – two countries having the largest maritime area in the Baltic Sea to be re-surveyed, a new project has been initiated within the Motorways of the Sea, financed by the EU TEN-T. Re-surveying of HELCOM fairways and Baltic Sea port areas is to be conducted using modern quality-assured methods to ensure accuracy of hydrographic data presented in existing nautical charts and other nautical publications. Additionally, common technical standards for depth data models, vertical references and depth presentations in nautical publications will be elaborated to enhance harmonization of data presentation among the countries. The MONALISA project, involving Denmark in addition to the two countries mentioned above, will also deal with dynamic and pro-active route planning as a practical application of e-navigation, verification system for officers’ certifications and sharing of maritime information. Conclusions While it is recognized that IMO is the global regulator of shipping, regional cooperation on maritime safety and environmental impact of shipping provides a platform for coastal countries to deal with the specific needs of their regional seas and jointly pursue harmonized implementation, and influence the adoption of stricter international regulations. Thanks to the HELCOM efforts, the sensitivity of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea has been widely recognized, and the issues of maritime safety and clean shipping remain high on political agenda of the coastal countries, followed by concrete actions and projects. Through HELCOM Observership, non-governmental stakeholders have a possibility to influence and contribute to developing new measures. One important development supporting the enhanced regional cooperation on maritime matters is the HELCOM map and data service, which has been initiated to make environmental information publicly accessible for stakeholders and interested users. The service enables viewing, searching and downloading of various data related to the Baltic Sea. This data includes e.g. shipping traffic, accident risk areas, emergency response capacity, marine protected areas and environmental status indicators. The purpose of the service is to act as a regional information hub. The advantage of a centralized data hub is the possibility of combining different thematic datasets into a single map presentation. The development of this interactive data portal is in line with the EU’s INSPIRE Directive’s goal of making spatial information publicly accessible in a standardized format to support environmental policies or activities having an impact on the environment. The next HELCOM ministerial meeting in 2013 will review the progress in implementing the Baltic Sea Action Plan, including regarding the enhanced maritime safety, speeded up hydrographic re-surveys, improved emergency and response capabilities, and reduced environmental impact of shipping. 80 Safety of Fishing Vessels Monika Warmowska, Jan Jankowski Polish Register of Shipping Abstract PRS started a long-term project for the development of stability criteria and standards for smaller vessels which covers: − Theoretical analyses of physical phenomena; − Development of mathematical models and computer software; − Carrying out the model tests verifying the theories and software; − Performing systematic numerical simulations; − Statistical analyses of real accidents vs. “safe” ships; − Development of rational criteria preventing capsize; − Development of safety standard. This paper presents the results of theoretical analyses of the studied phenomena, mathematical models and results of computations. It comprises presentations of modelling of irregular waves, modelling of ship motion on irregular wave and inflow and outflow of water on the vessel’s deck. The behaviour of water on deck was modelled by the shallow water flow. Verification of the theories and software is also presented in the paper. The conclusions summarize the results obtained and present further necessary steps to develop safety criteria referring to the stability of smaller vessels moving in waves. Keywords: motion of small vessel, modelling of water flow over vessel’s deck, the shallow water problem 1. Introduction Figures reported by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) show that the annual loss of life on world’s small vessels is huge. There are many reasons for this situation – among them the capsizing of vessels moving in waves. Therefore, there is a strong and urgent need for significant increase of survivability of smaller vessels. PRS believes this can be achieved by, inter alia, the development of new survivability standards based on ship dynamics in extreme weather conditions – a significant element missing in the safety assurance system. Particularly alarming is the safety of fishing vessels, which is the most acute problem. The main reasons underlying stability problems and safety standardization of smaller involve: − generally unfavourable relation between stability capability/capacity and the magnitude of external heeling moments (waves, wind); − water trapped on deck; − shift of weight on smaller ships result in significant change of centre of gravity, often causing dramatic change of stability; − inadequate stability criteria and standards – based on static stability in calm water, and not on real dynamic behaviour in waves. 81 Additionally, small vessels, in particular fishing vessels, often lack technical documentation, may be in poor technical condition, often undergo alterations to hull and equipment without appropriate supervision; and are sometimes operated by insufficiently skilled crew. Small vessels also face insufficient financial resources to make technical improvement. Therefore, the project focused on improving the safety of smaller vessels should aim at: developing a set of rational stability criteria and standards, and operational guidelines and training courses for crews. PRS decided to start a long-term project developing stability criteria. As the first step a computer program were developed to simulate the motion of smaller vessels taking into account effects of water flowing on deck. The stage of developing mathematical modelling of these phenomena is nearly completed. 2. Modelling of small vessel’s motion with effects of water trapped on deck The simulation model of smaller vessel’s motion consists of models describing: − irregular wave rounding the vessel, − forces and moments acting on the vessel and determining equations of vessel motion, − phenomena of water inflow and outflow on vessel deck, − motion of water over the deck, − forces and moments caused by water trapped on deck. 2.1 Modelling of irregular wave Accurate values of velocity field, pressure of water around ship and free wave surface are very important for determining a small vessel’s motion in waves. The attained accuracy enabled the computation of wave forces and moments acting on the vessel and the computation of forces generated by water trapped on vessel deck. Both linear and non-linear models have been developed. Irregular waves, defined by probabilistic parameters: significant wave height Hs and zero up-crossing mean period T0, is composed of harmonic waves. Fig. 1 Velocity field and free surface determined by linear method Fig. 1 presents the velocity field and free surface obtained using a linear model. In this method the velocity potential φ of one harmonic component of irregular wave is well know and it is defined as follows: φ (t ) = 82 r0 kz e sin (kx − ωt ) , ω where r0 is an amplitude of harmonic wave, ω is a frequency of harmonic wave, k is a wave number, (x, z) is a position of water’s particle, t is a time’s parameter. In the linear method, the pressure and velocity are well estimated when a small elevation of free surface is assumed. However, in the case of small vessels’ motion the dimension of vessel is of similar size range as the wave height. Therefore, the non-linear method for wave description has to be applied. In the method developed the motion of water’s particle is defined as motion around an average value of water’s particle position, Fig. 2. Fig. 2 Position of free surface’s particle during simulation of irregular wave The position (x, y, z) of water’s particle for one harmonic component or irregular wave is defined by equations: x(t ) = x0 − r0e kz 0 sin (kx0 − ωt ), y (t ) = y0 , z (t ) = z0 + r0e (1) kz 0 cos(kx0 − ωt ). where (x0, y0, z0) the average position of water’s particle. Fig. 3 presents the velocity field and free surface determined by the non linear method. Fig. 3 Velocity field and free surface determined by non-linear method The position of free surface results directly from equation (1). This approach gives the possibility to find the proper value of pressure and velocity in close proximity of the free surface Warmowska [6]. 83 2.2 Modelling of vessel’s motion in irregular wave The simulation of vessel motions in waves is based on numerical solutions of nonlinear equations of motion. The non-linear model used is presented in Jankowski [3]. It is assumed that the hydrodynamic forces acting on the ship and defining the equations of its motions can be split into Froude-Krylov forces, diffraction and radiation forces as well as other forces, such as rudder forces, non linear damping and generated by water moving on deck. − The Froude-Krylov forces are obtained by integrating the pressure caused by irregular waves, undisturbed by the presence of the ship, over the actual wetted ship surface. − The diffraction forces are determined as a superposition of diffraction forces caused by the harmonic components of the irregular wave. The irregular wave is assumed to be a superposition of harmonic waves. It is assumed that the vessel diffracting the waves is in its mean position. This is possible under the assumption that the diffraction phenomenon is described by a linear hydrodynamic problem. Such an approach significantly simplifies calculations because bulky computations can be performed at the beginning of the simulations and the ready solutions can be applied to determine the diffraction forces during the simulation. − The radiation forces are determined by added masses for infinite frequency and by the so-called memory functions given in the form of convolution. The memory functions take into account the disturbance of water, caused by the preceding vessel motions, affecting the motion of the vessel in the time instant considered. The dynamics of water trapped on deck, caused by water motion over the deck in the vessel’s actual position and vessel’s acceleration, are also taken into account in the equations of vessel motions. The forces and moments caused by water-ondeck are obtained by integrating the pressure generated by moving water in relation to deck. The ways of solving 3D hydrodynamic problems and determining forces appearing in the equation of motion are presented by Jankowski&Laskowski [2]. The non-linear equations of motion are solved numerically, Fig. 4. Fig. 4 Simulation of fishing vessel’s motion in waves obtained using simplified method 84 2.3 Modelling of water flow on small vessel’s deck The phenomenon of water flow on small vessel’s deck can be divided into the following stages (Fig. 5): − the inflow of water over upper edge of bulwark, − the inflow and outflow of water from deck through openings in the bulwark, − the flow of sea water over the submerged vessel deck, − the dynamic water motion on deck. Fig. 5 Inflow and outflow of water over vessel bulwark In the model developed it is assumed that the volume of water on deck, varying in time, depends on the difference in heights between the wave surface and the following edges: the upper edge of the bulwark, and the lower edges of openings in the bulwark. To determine the amount of water on the deck it was assumed in the first approach that the vessel presence and its motion do not disturb the velocity field around the vessel. The amount of water on deck depends on the wave velocity field. Further, it was assumed that the dynamic water motion over the deck is directed along the deck, that the vertical acceleration a3 and that viscosity forces can be neglected. These assumptions allow for the motion of water to be described with Euler equations. The assumption enables to model the problem of dynamic water motion on deck by the shallow water flow Warmowska [5]. This model enables to determine: − the shape of free surface elevation, − the velocity field of water particles over the deck, − the pressure, forces and moments acting on the deck caused by water moving over the deck. The forces and moments generated on deck are built-in to the vessel equations of motions and, therefore, affect the vessel motions. 2.3.1 Inflow and outflow of water over the bulwark and through the openings It is assumed that the flow rate of water volume over the bulwark can be calculated as the flow over a weir, whereas the flow through the openings in the bulwark is modeled as a flow through a submerged orifice in a dam. The general formula for the flow rate is: q = ( sign(H ))cb 2 g 23 H 3 2 1 +d H 2 (2) 85 where q – changing mass of water, c – correction coefficient for non-stationary flow, established experimentally, b – the width of the orifice or the fragment of bulwark above which the deck is flooded, H – vertical distance between the wave profile and the water free surface on the deck at a point considered (positive if the wave exceeds the water level on the deck), d – the depth of water at the orifice or the instantaneous elevation of wave profile above the deck edge at the orifice. Formula (2) assumes various forms depending on relative water levels inside and outside the deck flow and on the position of the opening in the bulwark (Pawłowski, [4]), and was applied separately for the upper edge of bulwark (Fig. 6) and the openings in the bulwark (Fig. 7). Fig. 6 Flow of water through the openings in the bulwark Fig. 7 Water flow on the vessel deck through the bulwark Correction coefficient c for non-stationary flow occurring in (2) is established experimentally for the needs of hydraulics. However, it is questionable whether this coefficient can be used to model the inflow and outflow of water on the vessel’s deck in wave conditions where there is the velocity field in the irregular wave, disturbed by the presence of the vessel. Therefore, it is the next problem, which is on the agenda for solving. 86 2.3.2 Deck submerged in water As it was mentioned, it is assumed that the velocity field around the vessel is the velocity of the undisturbed sea wave. In the case of deck submerged in a wave (Fig. 8), the water particle velocity over the deck, near vessel’s bulwark, is determined by velocity filed being the average of the deck water velocity field and the wave velocity field. Fig. 8 Deck submerged in water 2.3.3 The flow of water on deck The flow of water on deck was modelled by the so-called shallow water flow described by differential equation problem, presented by Warmowska [5]. This problem was solved in the following four steps determining: − the domain Ω occupied by water, − the pressure field, − the horizontal components u1 , u2 of velocity u, − the vertical component u3 of velocity u, − the forces and moments generated by moving water over the deck. The motion of the free surface SF is described by the following equations: dx (t ) = u1 (t , x,y,z ), dt dy (t ) = u 2 (t , x,y,z ), dt dz (t ) = u 3 (t , x,y,z ). dt (x(t ),y(t ),z (t )) ∈ S F (t ) (3) Equations (3) are integrated using the Runge-Kutta method. The nodes of the net determining the free surface moving in time are updated in each time step by interpolating the function describing free surface over the nodes (xAi, yAi, zAi) of constant Euler grid of deck. 87 It is assumed that the vertical acceleration can be neglected. The pressure field on deck pA is obtained integrating third Euler equation defining water motion. As a result we obtain: p A (t , x,y,z A ) ≅ p a + ρ zA ∫ f (t , x,y,s )ds, (x(t ),y(t ),z (t )) ∈ Ω(t ) , 3 z A + h (t , x , y , z A ) A (4) where pa – pressure on the free surface SF corresponding to atmospheric pressure, f3 – vertical component of the force acting on the water in point (x,y,zA). Horizontal components of the velocity field in the domain Ω are determined from the two first Euler equations: du1 (t , x,y,z ) = f 1 (t , x, y, z ) − 1 ∂p (x,y,z ), ρ ∂x dt du 2 (t , x,y,z ) = f 2 (t , x, y, z ) − 1 ∂p (x,y,z ), dt ρ ∂y (x(t ),y(t ),z (t )) ∈ Ω, (5) where pressure is determined by formula (4), and f1, f2 –horizontal components of the force acting on the water in point (x,y,zA). The vertical component u3 of the velocity field in the domain Ω is determined from the equation of mass conservation. Additionally, in the shallow water model it is assumed that horizontal velocities u1 and u2 do not depend on the vertical coordinate z. Basing on this assumption, the equation determining vertical component u3 takes the form: ∂u ∂u u 3 (t , x, y, z ) = − 1 (t , x, y ) − 2 (t , x, y ) + q ( z − z A ) . ∂y ∂x (6) Fig. 9 Free surface of water over the vessel deck and distribution of velocity in the flow over the deck The shallow water method is three dimensional. The solution of this method depends on such parameters as mass of water q and value of water velocity trapped on deck and inertial forces (f1, f2, f3) acting on the vessel. While, the accuracy of this method depends significantly on the accuracy of free surface determination and on 88 the proper accounting of the boundary conditions. Fig. 9 shows the free surface and velocity field in water over the vessel deck. The velocity field and pressure can be obtained for all particles of water domain. The pressure field enables us to determine the force F=(F1,F2,F3) and movement M=(F4,F5,F6) generated by moving water on deck: Fi = − ∫ ni p AdS , i = 1,2,3 S Fi + 3 = − ∫ (n × R )i p AdS , i = 1,2,3 (7) S where : S – the wetted part of surface of the deck and bulwark, R – the position vector of points belonging to S, n – normal vector. 3. Verification of the theories and software The program simulating shallow water flow on deck has been developed in PRS. The results of the program depend on such parameters as: − parameters of sea wave (height, period of oscillation, wave direction), − shape of the deck and bulwark, level of water on deck, − parameters of ship motion on sea waves. In effect the shape of free surface elevation, velocity field of water particles, pressure, forces and moments acting on the deck are obtained. 3.1 Deck moving with constant acceleration To verify the method applied, the simulation of water motion on the rectangular deck, moving with constant acceleration a =(1m/s2, 0m/s2,0m/s2) has been carried out. The result shows the flat free surface finally inclined at the angle 5.82o to the deck (Fig. 10). The velocity field, responsible for the inclination of the free surface, appears during the simulation. After reaching the angle 5.82o the velocity field starts to disappear. Fig. 10 The form of free surface of water on deck moving with constant acceleration a1=1m/s2 89 3.2 Inflow and outflow on non-moving deck The inflow of wave on deck affects the water flow on deck. The upshot effect is accounted for in the relevant boundary conditions. Numerical procedures describing this phenomenon were worked out. Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 show the regular wave affecting the water on deck. Fig.11 Wave running on the deck being at rest Fig.12 Wave running backward from the deck being at rest The height of sea wave is equal to 1m and the period of wave oscillation equals 6s. The length of deck is equal to 20m. The deck is on the level of the sea surface. The changing in time mass of water on deck, motion of water on deck and superposition of incoming and reflected wave can be observed. 3.3 Water motion on oscillating deck The simulation of water motion on deck, moving with a harmonic acceleration has also been carried out and verified with numerical results obtained by Huang & Hsiung [1]. The original O of the reference system OXYZ is fixed in the geometric centre of the deck. The mass of water on the deck is constant. The parameters applied to make the simulation are given in Table 1. 90 Table 1. Parameters of the simulation Length Wide Water depth Frequency Pitch Roll amplitude amplitude Case No. 1 1.0m 0.91m 7.62 cm 1.57rad/s − 9.5° Case No. 2 1.0m 0.91m 5.08 cm 2.07rad/s − 5° Case No. 3 1.0m 0.91m 5.08 cm 3.644rad/s − 7.5° Case No. 4 1.0m 0.91m 5.08 cm 4.71rad/s − 7.5° Case No. 5 1.0m 0.8m 10 cm 4 rad/s 5° 5° Case No. 6 1.0m 0.8m 10 cm 7.8 rad/s 5° 5° In Case 1, the frequency of deck oscillation is close to one half of the first natural frequency. Case 2 corresponds to the first natural frequency, in Case 3 frequency of deck motion is equal to one and half of the primary resonant frequency. In case 2 and 3 the bore can be clearly observed. In Case 4, the frequency is equal to second resonant frequency. This case presents a wave that is composed of two waves: coming and reflected. Case 5 and Case 6 represent the superposition of two waves generated by coupled sway and pitch excitation. Verification of the presented results against those obtained in the experiment and from calculations by Huang and Hsiung [1], are presented in Table 2. The verification shows correctness of the model applied. Table 2 Wave profile – verification with experiment and numerical calculations Wave profile Wave profile Case No. 1 Case No. 2 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.00 -0.50 Case No. 3 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 Case No. 4 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.20 experiment Huang - Hsiung numerical calculation 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.00 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 91 3.4 Comparison of simplified method and shallow water method For the reason of comparison the forces Fd and moments Md caused by water on deck are calculated by two different models (Warmowska [7]): − the simplified method – the model used in Ro-Ro ferries damage stability calculations; − the shallow water model. In the simplified method, the position of water trapped on deck is determined by the horizontal plane and the actual position of the vessel deck in the given time instant. The dynamics of water caused by the motion of water particles in relation to the deck is neglected. The forces and moments caused by water-on-deck are obtained by integrating the hydrostatic pressure determined by (Jankowski & Laskowski [2]): − water horizontal plane above the deck in the vessel’s actual position, and by − the vessel’s acceleration and the changing heights of the horizontal plane above the deck have been added to the model to better describe the phenomenon. Taking into account the assumptions, the pressure pA in point A on the deck is equal to: dh p A = ρ v A + ρ( g + a A ) h (8) dt where: h – changing distance of the horizontal plane from the point A in the inertial system, vA, aA – velocity and acceleration of the deck point A, determined in the inertial system. Fig. 13 shows the simulation of the frame of water flow on the vessel deck, moving in waves, obtained using shallow water model. Fig. 13 Simulation of the water flow on the moving vessel’s deck, 262s The irregular wave, determined by significant wave height Hs=6m and mean period Tz=8s, followed the vessel moving with the forward speed u=6m/s. The angle between the vector of forward vessel velocity and the wave vector was 30 degree. 92 Fig. 14 presents force Fd3 generated by water on deck, which increases the vessel draught, and Fig. 15 – the rolling moment Fd4, responsible for vessel capsizing. Fd3 [kN] shallow water method 200 simplified method 0 -200 -400 -600 220 240 260 280 t [s] Fig 14 Time history of vertical force Fd3 (increasing the draught) When the vessel is in a relatively calm wave trough and the water surface on deck is almost a horizontal plane both methods match well, (in period (240s, 248s)). There are some differences in period (248s, 260s). In the shallow water model the mass of water on deck does not change as rapidly as in the simplified method − Fig. 14. In the simplified method the volume of water on deck depends only on the difference between the wave surface and deck water surface and does not depend on the velocity field on the deck. In periods (260s, 265s) the water surface in the simplified method drops immediately, while in the shallow water method the velocity field in the water on deck falls down slower − Fig. 14. The rolling moment matches very well for both methods (Fig. 15); this is probably because the following wave is considered, which does not generate significant water motion across the deck. Fd4 [kNm] 800 shallow water method simplified method 400 0 -400 -800 220 240 260 280 t [s] Fig. 15 Time history of rolling moment Fd4 93 3.5 Comparison of results obtained for vessels with open and closed stern Water flow on deck with open and closed stern was also considered. For an open stern vessel the mass of seawater inflow on deck and its outflow is faster than in the case of closed stern, which was reflected in the computations using the shallow water model (Fig. 16). 0 Closed stern F3 [kN] Open stern -100 -200 -300 -400 time [s] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Fig. 16 The vertical forces caused by water on deck In the case of closed stern vessels the water stays longer on the deck. It increases the heave of the vessel and it changes the GM value. A similar situation is observed when the orifices are small or closed. The closed bulwark around small vessels’ deck may cause vessel capsizing. 4. Conclusions Survivability standards based on ship dynamics in extreme a missing element in the safety assurance system The development of such standards is, as mentioned in the problem and should be perceived as a long-term project. In modelling of: − irregular waves, − ship motion in irregular wave, − inflow and outflow of water on the vessel’s deck, − water flow on the vessel’s deck. weather conditions are for smaller vessels. introduction, a complex the first step it requires These problems have been solved but still require improvement. First of all, the free surface around the moving vessel in waves should be more accurately determined – the diffraction of the free surface shape should be taken into account. The second problem which should be improved is the modelling of the inflow and outflow of water on the vessel’s deck – the velocity field in water around the vessel moving in waves should be taken into account to determin more accurately the flow of water through openings in and over the bulwark. The validated models of vessels with water trapped on deck moving in irregular waves and computer programs based on these models, enabling the simulation of this phenomenon, are necessary elements of the project for developing vessel dynamic stability criteria. The validation should also include model tests verifying the theories and software. Then, using the software, it will be possible to perform systematic numerical simulations to identify the essential elements affecting the vessel’s dynamic stability such as the extreme waves for a given vessel. 94 References 1. Huang Z.-J., Hsiung C. – C., ‘Nonlinear shallow-water flow on deck coupled with vessel motion’, Proceedings of the Twenty – First Symposium of Naval Hydrodynamics, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1997. 2. Jankowski J., Laskowski A., ‘Capsizing of small vessel due to waves and water trapped on deck’, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference STAB 2006, Brasil, 2006. 3. Jankowski J., ‘Statek wobec działania fali’, Raport Techniczny Nr 52, PRS, Gdańsk, 2007. 4. Pawłowski M., ‘Subdivision and Damage Stability of Vessel’, Euro-MTEC series, pp.217-220, 2004. 5. Warmowska M., ‘Problem of water flow on deck’, Archives of civil and mechanical engineering, Wrocław, Poland, vol. VII, No. 4, 2007. 6. Warmowska M ‘Fala biegnąca’, Raport Techniczny Nr 56, Polski Rejestr Statków, Gdańsk, Poland, 2010. 7. Warmowska M., Jankowski J., ‘Problem of water flow on deck of small vessel’, Proceeding of 18 th International Conference on Hydrodynamics in Vessel Design, Safety and operation, Hydronav’10, Gdańsk, Poland, 2010. 95