Brno - Moravia Convention Bureau
Brno - Moravia Convention Bureau
113 62 64 63 83 82 89 108 124 21 61 51 57 54 South Moravian Region 75 SVITAVY, MORAVSKÝ KRAS This project is co-financed by European Union. 24 80 For Tourist authority South Moravia produced by Agentura Bravissimo, Znojmo, tel.: 515 227 788, e-mail: Text: Eva Obůrková. Translation: Lucie Šebelová. Photo: CzechTourism, Vít Mádr, Marek Matula, Vít Obůrka, Aleš Jedounek, Veletrhy Brno, a.s., Technical Museum in Brno, Automotodrom Masaryk Circuit in Brno, South Moravian Region archive, Tourist authority South Moravia archive, archives of individual facilities. © Agentura Bravissimo, 2009 3 31 33 28 49 43 20 125 5 If you are interested in other attractive tourist destinations around Brno and in South Moravia, ask for the „Map of South Moravia – tourist destinations“ available in the information centres. 115 16 A 42 D SK 34 20 74 PL 44 D 36 123 103 78 26 Budapest 99 45 97 129 59 Kyjev 40 73 12 35 8 81 9 48 76 130 134 13 38 96 104 15 81 65 56 70 14 126 67 7 27 121 18 109 11 114 117 92 13 16 25 11 3 1 112 69 1 47 41 93 68 135 91 72 88 98 77 10 66 4 101 100 37 105 6 55 6 52 14 58 110 15 116 95 23 17 South Moravia 136 90 2 71 107 94 122 12 102 131 106 10 50 9 7 132 4 19 5 2 8 120 17 119 39 81 127 OLOMOUC 46 60 18 29 86 22 19 30 111 BRATISLAVA 137 128 87 85 77 118 133 32 79 84 100 1 : 8 000 53 PRAHA WIEN 0m 4 300 400 500 m © Copyright highway with a number, four-lane road main road, traffic lights, other roads, one-way, no entry railway, station church, synagogue, chapel, museum BRNO CITY MAP pedestrian zone, tram, trolleybus, bus, stop parking, taxi, petrol station, post office, shopping centre castle, castle ruins, cinema, theatre, monument municipal police, police, hospital, pharmacy TIPS FOR LEISURE TIME sites, museums, galleries, exhibition centres 37 leisure time, theatres, cinemas, music clubs, swimming, shopping 19 200 sightseeing tour through the city hotel, guest-house, restaurant, information, WC park, forest, cycling route, outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool 94 Gastronomie, Wein, Erlebnissgastronomie 128 Souvenirs, Infozentren, Verkehr Řád menších bratří-kapucínů Kapucínské náměstí 5, tel.: +420 542 213 232, [5] Villa Tugendhat – family villa of the Tugendhat family from 1929–1930, a jewel of functionalistic architecture and the most important European masterpiece of German architect Ludwig Miese van der Rohe. Since 2001 it has been enrolled on the UNESCO World Heritage list. Černopolní 45, tel.: +420 545 212 118, 3 2 The second biggest city in the Czech R e p u b l i c (3 8 0 0 0 0 c i t i z e n s) w i t h more than two thousand year long history is a business and social centre of the South Moravian region. It is a seat of a number of institutions including several universities, highest government bodies and embassies of some countries. Thanks to the Exhibition Centre where many international trade fairs, exhibitions and congresses are held, Brno has a reputation of a traditional trade fair centre in Central Europe. The advantages of the city include the Brno-Tuřany International Airport and fast connection with other European metropolises, especially Prague, Vienna and Bratislava. The visitors know the city also thanks to various cultural, sporting and social events, for example the festival “Brno – city in the centre of Europe” with the Ignis Brunensis fireworks show or Superbike Grand Prix. [10] Old City Hall – the oldest and most interesting secular building in Brno with a GothicRenaissance core was f rom 1341 until 1935 a seat of the town council. A stone portal with a legendary bent spire is a masterpiece by Anton Pilgram. Found in the gateway is the famous Brno dragon and the wheel, the tower with Renaissance gallery offers a charming view over the city. Exhibition premises in the Gallery of youth, Kabinet Gallery and U dobrého pastýře Gallery. Brno cultural centre Radnická 4, tel.: +420 542 427 102, [7] Church of St. James – Late Gothic church from the end of the 16th century, 94 m high tower is ended by a typical pyramid and is an inseparable part of the Brno skyline. Found in the interior is the tombstone of Louis Raduit de Souches, military commander, who successfully defended Brno against the multiple Swedish superiority during the Thirty Year War. The unique underground charnelhouse will soon be opened. Římskokatolická farnost u kostela sv. Jakuba Jakubské náměstí, tel.: +420 542 219 898, [1] Špilberk – Gothic royal castle from the 13th century, rebuilt into a Baroque fortress, today a seat of the Museum of the City of Brno with permanent expositions depicting history of the castle and city, underground casemates with the exposition of prison. The castle is surrounded by a large park with many quiet nooks, monuments and children’s playgrounds. Museum of the City of Brno Špilberk 1, tel.: +420 542 123 611, 6 32 5 Leisure time, theatres, music clubs, shopping and swimming pools Music clubs and restaurants [44] Melodka, Kounicova 20/22, tel.: +420 733 669 731, [45] Rock restaurant Bigbít – concerts of various music genres. Slovákova 359/10, tel.: +420 530 327 445, [46] Jazz bar U kouřícího králíka – regular concerts of jazz and blues bands (Friday, Saturday). Křídlovická 1, tel.: +420 739 642 488, [47] Jazz restaurant Metro Music – jazz every Monday. Poštovská 6, tel.: +420 515 533 452, [48] Veselá Vačice music restaurant, Běhounská 22, tel.: +420 608 581 962, [49] Music Café Stará Pekárna – regular concerts of jazz and blues bands, part of the Jazz Brno festival and JAZZFESTBRNO. Štefánikova 8, tel.: +420 541 210 040, [50] Club 7. nebe (7th heaven), Jánská 9, tel.: +420 777 994 494, [51] Club Alterna – regular concerts of jazz and blues bands. Kounicova 48, tel.: +420 541 212 091, [52] Mexican music club Viva la Fiesta, Zelný trh 20, [53] FAVAL music circus, Křížkovského 22, tel.: +420 776 596 266, [54] Fléda – multi-genre club. Štefánikova 24, tel.: +420 533 433 432, [55] Labyrinth music club, Masarykova 25, [56] Perpetuum Music Club, Rooseveltova 9, [57] Mersey, Minská 15, tel.: +420 603 840 777, [58] Two Faces, Biskupská 1, [59] Skleněná Louka, Kounicova 23, [60] Club Leitnerova, Leitnerova 2, tel.: +420 543 213 693, [61] Cultural centre Omega, Musilova 2a, tel.: +420 545 211 891, [31] Boat trips on the Brno Dam – water reservoir on the Svratka River built between 1936–1940, 120 m long dam holds a lake covering an area of 252 ha and 10 km long. Already since 1946 the boats have plough through the lake surface; the boating season starts usually in mid April and ends in mid October. Dopravní podnik města Brna, tel.: +420 543 174 317, [32] Automotodrom Masaryk Circuit – racing circuit, world and European races of motorbikes and cars, golf course. Supervised excursions for public, demonstration rides, fine-tuning driving lessons and skid schools. Automotodrom Brno, tel.: +420 546 123 300, [33] Zoo Brno – zoo covering an area of 65 hectares on the slopes and crest of the Mniší Mountain in the suburb Brno-Bystrc, breeding 210 species and 785 pieces of animals. U Zoologické zahrady 46, tel.: +420 546 432 311, [34] The Nicolas Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium – found in the city centre in the park at Kraví hora. A big planetarium with the latest equipment and capacity of 200 places, a rich offer of A-V programmes, night sky and the Sun observing, astronomical apparatuses. Hvězdárna a planetárium Kraví hora 2, tel.: +420 541 321 287, Theatres National Theatre in Brno, – Mahen Theatre (drama), Malinovského náměstí 1, tel.: +420 542 158 120 – [35] Janáček Theatre (opera, ballet), Rooseveltova 31/7, tel.: +420 542 158 120 – Reduta Theatre, Zelný trh 4, tel.: +420 542 424 560 [36] Brno City Theatre – musicals and drama, restaurant, theatre club. Lidická 16, tel.: +420 533 316 301, [37] Husa na provázku Theatre – experimental theatre, festivals and theatre events, gallery. Zelný trh 9, tel.: +420 542 123 411, [38] Bolek Polívka Theatre – author performances, where Bolek Polívka performs, visiting theatres from CR and abroad, theatre festivals. Jakubské nám. 5, tel.: +420 542 214 903, [39] Chanson Theatre – Theatre of musical projects and stars, chanson and its changes in European and time context. Jamborova 3323/65, tel.: +420 548 216 927, [40] Radost Puppet Theatre– music show with puppets and live actors, programmes for children and adults. Bratislavská 32, tel.: +420 545 321 273, 35 The tourist sightseeing tour through Brno will lead you around the majority of the sites and other points of interest in the city centre. The circuit includes twenty information panels with a schematic plan of the tour and text in Czech, English and German, further orientation will be easier thanks to several tens of signposts. Individual stops: 1 Freedom Square (náměstí Svobody), 2 Old City Hall, 3 New City Hall, 4 Šilingrovo Square, 5 Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, 6 Vegetable Market (Zelný trh), 7 Capuchin Crypt, 8 Bašty, 9 Roman Square (Římské náměstí), 10 Minorite Monastery, 11 Malinovského Square, 12 Janáček Theatre, 13 Moravské Square and the church of St . Thomas , 14 St . James Square (Jakubské náměstí) and the church of St. James, 15 Comenius Square (Komenského náměstí) and the Red church, 16 Špilberk Castle, 17 Old Brno, 18 Brno Exhibition Centre, 19 Vaňkovka complex and 20 villa Tugendhat. [26] Museum of Gipsy Culture – permanent exposition introduces the story of Gipsies in world history. The museum preserves the proofs of Gipsy history as a part of European heritage and contributes to the fight against xenophobia and racism. Muzeum romské kultury Bratislavská 67, tel.: +420 545 571 798, [22] Brno Exhibition Centre – one of the most elegant and most famous European exhibition grounds. The incentive for its [27] House of Art of the City of Brno – gallery is placed in the originally ArtNouveau house that was in 1946 altered in the functionalistic style according to the project by architect B. Fuchs for the exhibition purposes. Other exhibition premises are in the House of Lords of Kunštát in Dominikánská Street. Dům umění Malinovského náměstí 2, tel.: +420 542 213 883, 19 20 Shopping centres [41] HaDivadlo – untraditional studio conception, together with the Husa na provázku Theatre they make up the Experimental Theatre in Brno. Poštovská 8d, tel.: +420 542 212 761, [42] Studio Marta – stage of the theatre faculty of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts. Bayerova 5, tel.: +420 542 591 512, [43] Polárka Theatre – Theatre for children and youth, evening performances for adults, cooperation with young artists. Tučkova 34, tel.: +420 541 212 912, 33 Sightseeing tour through the city centre [25] Moravian Gallery – the second biggest gallery in the Czech Republic was established in 1961 and its expositions are placed in three buildings: in the Pražák’s Palace, Governor’s Palace and Museum of Applied Arts. The Moravian Gallery is the main organiser of the International Biennial of Graphic Design. Moravská galerie Husova 18, tel.: +420 532 169 131, [15] Reduta – corner house on the Vegetable Market (Zelný trh), one of the oldest theatre buildings in Central Europe, where theatre was played already in the 17th century. In 1767 eleven year old W. A. Mozart performed there for the Bnro audience. Today it houses the National Theatre in Brno. Divadlo Reduta, Zelný trh 4, tel.: +420 542 424 560, [4] Capuchin Crypt – crypt accessible for public situated under the church of the Holy Cross Finding. From the 2nd half of the 17th century until 1780 the Capuchin order members were buried there, as well as its sponsors and other significant personalities including legendary Pandurs leader Baron Trenk. [30] Wannieck Gallery –gallery is found in the urban preserved complex of buildings of the former Vaňkovka factory, modern masterpieces of the prestigious Czech and foreign artists. Wannieck Gallery Ve Vaňkovce 2, tel.: +420 543 256 072, 737 287 511, [24] Technical Museum – exposition of historic transport, aircraft, cutlery, cast iron, metallurgy, communication technology, water and steam motors, salon of mechanical music and culture of the blind, traditional trades street, technical playroom. Technické muzeum v Brně Purkyňova 105, tel.: +420 541 421 411, [21] Botanical Garden and Arboretum of Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry – large complex, demonstration of plant and wood growing in agriculture, decorative plants for gardening lessons, water reservoirs, tactile garden for the blind and handicapped visitors, greenhouses, interesting roof gardens. Botanická zahrada a arboretum MZLU Zemědělská 1, tel.: +420 545 223 606, [14] Vegetable Market (Zelný trh) – the square in the city centre dates back to the 13th century similarly as the Freedom Square (náměstí Svobody) and got famous for its markets. Found in the square centre is the Parnas Baroque fountain, built between 1690–1695 according to the design by architect Jan Bernard Fischer from Erlach. Water was delivered there by the oldest Brno duct from the Svratka River. 24 [23] Sacral Art Museum – placed in the premises of the historic house on the Petrov knoll, near the cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, are the pictures and sculptures from the churches and vicarages of the Brno diocese, which tell the story of the life of the Jesus. Information centre Petrov Petrov 1, tel.: +420 731 404 000, [20] Botanical Garden of Masaryk University – greenhouses with tropical and subtropical flora, meditative places with fountains and stone compositions. Botanická zahrada MU Kotlářská 2, tel.: +420 549 497 772, 549 492 548, [13] Freedom Square (náměstí Svobody) – together with the Vegetable Market (Zelný trh) the oldest square in the historic city centre was established in the 13th century on the crossroads of three trade routes. The dominant feature is the Baroque Plague Column from 1679; the Renaissance House of Lords of Lipá with arcades in the courtyard is also worth mentioning, as well as the Neo-Renaissance Klein Palace and the House of Four Giants (U čtyř mamlasů). [3] Veveří Castle – Gothic royal hunting castle with a cylindrical tower, palace and chapel above the Brno Dam, a place where many social and cultural events are held. Státní hrad Veveří tel.: +420 549 420 164, 602 707 318, foundation was the Exhibition of modern culture in Czechoslovakia in 1928. Every year the complex with a number of functionalistic and modern pavilions holds many trade fairs, congresses and social events. Veletrhy Brno, a.s. Výstaviště 1, tel.: +420 541 151 111, [19] The Moravian Museum – the biggest Moravian and the second biggest museum in the Czech Republic, founded in 1817. It maintains the expositions in the Bishop’s Courtyard, Dietrichstein Palace on the Vegetable Market (Zelný trh) and the Institute of Ethnography on the Freedom Square (nám. Svobody), as well as the Anthropos Pavilion in Pisárky and the memorial to Leoš Janáček in Smetanova Street. Moravské zemské muzeum, tel.: +420 533 435 220, [12] Měnínská Gate – the only preserved city gate in the medieval fortification system, firstly mentioned in 1293. The building from the second half of the 16th century houses the premises of the Museum of the City of Brno. Muzeum města Brna, Orlí ulice, tel.: +420 542 123 611, [9] Church of John Amos Comenius (Red church) – Neo-Gothic Evangelic church built between 1863–1865 according to the project by Heinrich Ferstel, the author of Votive church in Vienna, is one of the dominant features of the Brno circular avenue. The name of the first big non-catholic church in this part of Europe is derived from the colour of bricks. Českobratrská církev evangelická Komenského náměstí, tel.: +420 542 211 453, [2] Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul – originally Romanesque basilica on the Petrov knoll, rebuilt in the Gothic and Neo Gothic style, together with the Špilberk Castle they create a characteristic skyline of the Brno City. The treasury, crypt and tower with look-out are accessible for public. Římskokatolický farní úřad Petrov 9, tel.: +420 543 235 031, 10 [29] Summerhouse of the Mitrovský Family – classicist building in the style of Luis XVI with unique fresco decoration, stylish exhibition premises. Letohrádek Mitrovských Veletržní 19, tel.: +420 605 972 588, 22 [18] Mahen Theatre – Neo-Renaissance building built between 1881–1882 according to the project by Viennese architects Ferdinand Fellner Jun. and Hermann Hellmer. On 14 November 1882 the Mahen Theatre became the first theatre in the world with electric lighting. The project was developed by the company of Thomas Alva Edison. Mahenovo divadlo Malinovského náměstí 1, tel.: +420 542 158 120, [11] New City Hall – former Dominican monastery from the 13th century served the needs of professional representation, also the meetings of the Land House and courts were hold there. During the 18th century the complex was rebuilt in the Baroque style according to the project by Mořic Grimm. A seat of the city mayor and local authority. Magistrát města Brna Dominikánské náměstí 196/1, tel.: +420 542 171 111, [8] Church of St. Thomas – originally a part of the Augustinian monastery, founded in the mid 14th century by Moravian Margrave John Henry, brother of Emperor Charles IV. Found in the church is a copy of the panel painting of the Black Virgin Mary, guardian of the Brno City. The original is placed on the silver altar in the basilica in Old Brno. Římskokatolická farnost u kostela sv. Tomáše Moravské náměstí, tel.: +420 545 572 215, Sites, museums, galleries and the exhibition centre [17] Denis Gardens (Denisovy sady) – historic park with several romantic buildings and an obelisk, founded in 1815 by Moravian governor Margrave Mitrovský on the south-western slope of Petrov. It will be connected with the Capuchin Gardens. 13 [6] Old Brno Monastery – monastery of Cistercian nuns founded in 1323 by Queen Widow Elizabeth Reichenza, from 1783 owned by the Augustinians. One of the abbots in this order was Johann Gregor Mendel, founder of genetics. The Gothic church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was awarded the basilica minor title by Pope John Paul II in 1987. Augustiniánské opatství na Starém Brně Mendlovo náměstí 1, tel.: +420 543 424 010, The City of Brno [28] Museum of Czech and Slovak exile in the 20th century – the only museum of its kind in the world. Documentation and presentation centre dedicated to the first, second and third revolt, the exposition depicting the foundation of the Czechoslovakian Republic and exile wave in the 20th century. Opened at the request. Štefánikova 22, tel.: +420 603 552 351, e-mail: [16] Park Lužánky – the oldest public town park in Bohemia and Moravia lands. Once swamp meadow and forest were there, later a farm and finally a Jesuit garden. After abolition of the order (1773) Emperor Joseph II gave the park to “all Brno citizens” in 1786. [62] Cultural centre Semilasso, Palackého třída 126, tel.: +420 541 247 010, [63] Šelepova No 1, rregular oldies party. Šelepova 1, tel.: +420 608 776 614, [64] Cultural centre Starý Pivovar, Areal FIT VUT, Božetěchova 1, tel.: +420 541 141 018, [65] Caribic Music Club, Běhounská 22/24, [66] El Sombrero, Latin American music, Salsa lessons. Zelný Trh 20, tel.: +420 728 885 098, [67] Ratejna Music Bar, Dvořákova 13, [68] Sound Café Vyhlídka Dům pánů z Lipé, náměstí Svobody 17, [69] Livingstone, Dominikánské náměstí 5, [70] Desert, Rooseveltova 11, [71] Café Trojka, intellectual atmosphere, in summer concerts in the courtyard. Dominikánská 9, [72] Jazz Café, regular jazz program every Wednesday and Sunday. Orlí 1, [73] Jazzcafé Podobrazy, regular jazz program every Wednesday. Moravské nám. 1a, Cinemas [74] Cinema Art, Cihlářská 19, tel.: +420 541 213 542, [75] Cinema Lucerna, Minská 19, tel.: +420 549 247 070, [76] Cinema Scala, Moravské náměstí 3, tel.: +420 542 211 659, [77] Palace Cinemas, tel.: +420 840 200 240, Olympia (U Dálnice 777, Modřice), Velký Špalíček (Mečová 2, Brno) Outdoor and indoor swimming pools [78] Swimming pool Kraví hora, Kraví hora, tel.: +420 543 216 434, [79] Outdoor swimming pool Riviéra in Pisárky, Bauerova 7, tel.: +420 548 422 530, [80] Outdoor swimming pool Brno, Dobrovského ulice, tel.: +420 733 676 566, [81] Brno City Spa, Nádražní, tel. 543 235 068; Ponávka, tel.: +420 545 571 684; Rašínova, tel.: +420 542 210 874; [82] Indoor swimming pool Za Lužánkami, Sportovní 4, tel.: +420 541 425 832, [83] Indoor swimming pool Tesla in Lesná, Halasovo náměstí 7, tel.: +420 545 222 672, [84] Shopping centre Futurum, Vídeňská 100, tel.: +420 547 212 824, [85] Shopping and entertainment centre Olympia, U Dálnice 777, Modřice, tel.: +420 547 423 611, [86] Shopping and social centre Vaňkovka Gallery, Ve Vaňkovce 1 , tel.: +420 533 110 111, [87] Avion Shopping Park, Skandinávská 2, tel.: +420 543 539 909, [88] Shopping centre Velký Špalíček, Dominikánská 5, tel.: +420 543 237 385, [89] Shopping centre Královo Pole, Cimburkova 4, tel.: +420 541 245 541, [90] Shopping gallery in Orlí Street, Orlí 3, tel.: +420 543 128 212, [91] Shopping passage Rozkvět, náměstí Svobody 16, tel.: +420 543 128 212, [92] Shopping centre Omega, náměstí Svobody 9, tel.: +420 542 211 783, [93] Dům pánů z Lipé, náměstí Svobody 17, Gastronomy and wine Wine shops with Moravian and other wines [94] Wine shop Silvestr, Starobrněnská 12, tel.: +420 542 210 446, 602 515 861, [95] Benedictus, Petrov 1, tel.: +420 736 659 300, [96] Kamenný džbán – wine bar, Česká 31, tel.: +420 733 651 129, [97] Kamenný džbán – wine shop, Slovákova 6, tel.: +420 736 484 965, [98] Moravská banka vín, Velký Špalíček, Mečová 3, tel.: +420 543 237 361, [99] Wine Club V8, Slovákova 8, tel.: +420 541 420 056, [100] Good Wine Shop (Obchod dobrým vínem),, Starobrněnská 20, tel.: +420 542 217 403 Josefská 1, tel.: +420 602 236 958 [101] St. Martin, Úvoz 4, tel.: +420 543 215 199, [123] Boulevard Restaurant, Lidická 12, courtyard of the Brno City Theatre, tel.: +420 533 316 442, [124] Noem Arch Restaurant & Design Hotel, Cimburkova 9, tel.: +420 541 216 160, [125] U Kastelána Restaurant, Kotlářská 51a, tel.: +420 541 213 497, Souvenirs from South Moravia [102] Wine shop PATRIA Kobylí, a. s., Jánská 12, tel.: +420 725 726 133, [103] Vlachova vinotéka (wine shop), Lidická 9, tel.: +420 775 552 780 [126] LUTA – Arts and craft – ceramics, wooden products, toys, wicker and straw products. Česká 22, tel.: +420 542 215 796 [127] Kunštát ceramics – hand-made stoneware shop. Hybešova 46, tel.: +420 737 236 711, [128] Moravské sklárny Květná s.r.o. – hand-made glass shop, art, applied art and glasses. Airport Tuřany, tel.: +420 602 488 148, [129] Tradice Shop – traditional and interesting assortment of prestigious Czech authors, artists and masters. Slovákova 4, tel.: +420 541 214 588, [130] Souvenir shop, Běhounská 17, tel.: +420 542 210 763 Selected restaurants and beer-houses with Czech and Moravian cuisine [104] Švejk restaurant U Formanů, Česká 29, tel.: +420 542 210 248, [105] Restaurant Skanzeen, Pekařská 80/246, tel.: +420 543 244 962, [106] Brněnský šenk, Dominikánská 7, tel.: +420 543 213 377, [107] Dávné časy Restaurant, Starobrněnská 690/20, tel.: +420 542 215 292, 777 756 667, [108] Nebeský mlýn Restaurant, Palackého třída 91, tel.: +420 541 210 221, [109] Pegas Brewery and beer-house, Jakubská 120/4, tel.: +420 542 210 104, [110] Wine-bar U Královny Elišky, Mendlovo náměstí 1b, tel.: +420 543 212 578, [111] Zbojnická izba Restaurant, Křížkovského 33a, tel.: +420 543 217 423, [112] Koliba Nikacentrum, Lipová 24, tel.: +420 543 235 165, [113] Grand Restaurant Zelená kočka, Kounicova 83, tel.: +420 775 566 570, [114] Černohorský sklep, nám. Svobody 5, tel.: +420 542 210 987 [115] U Prokopů Restaurant, Kotlářská 30, tel.: +420 549 253 419 [116] Pandur Restaurant, Kapucínské nám. 8, tel.: +420 533 435 315 [117] Plzeňka Restaurant – Hotel International, entrance from the Veselá Street, tel.: +420 542 122 111, [118] Moravská chalupa – Interhotel Voroněž, Křížkovského 47, tel.: +420 543 143 100, 724 246 278, [119] Pivovarská Restaurant, Mendlovo nám. 20, tel.: +420 543 420 130, [120] Mamut pub • café • bar, Bašty 8, tel.: +420 542 210 136, [121] The PUB, Běhounská 9, tel.: +420 539 003 979, Information centre Tourist information centre of the city of Brno e-mail:, [131] Old City Hall, Radnická 8, tel.: +420 542 427 150, 542 427 151, 542 211 090 [132] Nádražní 8, tel.: +420 542 221 450, 542 213 061 [133] BVV, pavillion E (during trade fairs), tel.: +420 541 153 294 [134] Ticket agency, Běhounská 17, tel.: +420 542 210 863 [135] Cultural and information centre in the Dům pánu z Lipé, Náměstí Svobody 17, tel.: +420 539 000 770, Transport [136] Brno public transport and Integrated transport system of the South Moravian region – information office. Novobranská 18, tel: +420 543 174 317, e-mail:,, [137] Airport Brno-Tuřany, tel.: +420 545 521 309, 545 521 310, Bus and railway transport, Special gastronomy [122] Brabander Restaurant, Pekařská 4, tel.: +420 543 215 250, Joštova 4, tel.: +420 542 211 922, 135
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