January - Covenant Presbyterian Church


January - Covenant Presbyterian Church
January 2016 Vol. 29, No.1
A monthly publication of Covenant Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, North Carolina
Isaiah 43: 19
I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth,
do you not perceive it?
3 Flute Choir | 6-7 Health & Wellness for 2016 | 8 The Epiphany Story | 12 New Beginnings
Note from Bob
Dear Covenant family:
With the sounds of
Christmas still ringing in our
ears, it’s hard to turn our
attention to the promises
of 2016, but we have so
much to anticipate I want to
share with you a couple of
First, I’ve long considered
offering a sermon series
on the topic of marriage,
an important and delicate topic, and have finally settled
on a series called “Love to Stay: Intimacy, Grace, and
Commitment.” This series will be intentionally inclusive.
Thus, if you are unmarried by choice or circumstance, your
interests will be given substantial attention as well. I’ll also
be seeking input on specific topics, examples and thought
from the congregation, and hope you will help make this as
meaningful a series as possible. We’ll start Sunday, Jan. 17.
I would be remiss to let this opportunity to go by without
saying thank you for your strong support throughout 2015
and your pledged support for 2016. God continues to do
great things throughout the city and world because of your
generosity. Also, if you also returned your Time and Talent
card during the stewardship season offering your gifts
in God’s service, elders will be calling you within the next
few weeks to solicit your participation. If you did not take
the opportunity to fill out a sheet and would like to serve
in a particular way, we invite you to find a “Walk With Us”
brochure in the Sanctuary or Fellowship Hall and let us
know. Everyone is gifted for ministry, and it’s important to
find our place.
Finally, I solicit your prayers for our upcoming elder retreat
and the ordination/installation of new elders on January
10th. Pray that together we would serve faithfully and
Bob Henderson, senior minister
On the
As 2016 begins, we draw inspiration from
Isaiah 43:19 (NRSV):
"I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert."
Joyful Noise
We are excited about our newest musical
ensemble at Covenant – a flute choir. The
music ministry is expanding the number
of ways people might offer their gifts
in worship. We are motivated by Psalm
150 which encourages praise "with
trumpet sound…with lute and harp…with
tambourine and dance…with strings and
pipe…with cymbals…” Our next three ideas
consist of a drum line, horn line, and the
return of the Covenant Strings. Once each
ensemble is established, we will bring all of
the instrumentalists together to form an
orchestra. You do not have to be a member
to participate in Covenant’s music ministry.
If you are interested in dreaming with us
contact Daniel Heath at daniel.heath@
Churchwide Retreat
For the first time in a number of years Covenant will have a
churchwide retreat Feb. 12-14, 2016 at Ridgecrest
Conference Center in Black Mountain, N.C. It is a winter
getaway planned around the theme of "Being Your Authentic
Self (or discovering new dimensions of yourself) in Christ"
and what that means to live fully and well in body, soul,
mind, vocation and relationships.
Guiding us through the weekend is Kim Moseley, a counselor
at Presbyterian Psychological Services, a certified integrative
health coach, Covenant member and wife of our parish
associate, Reverend Grady Moseley. Kim brings a holistic
view of wellness and wholeness in Christ, one that touches
every aspect of life.
There will be something for all ages and stages:
9:30 a.m. Traditional Chapel 9:30 a.m. Contemporary
11 a.m. Traditional Sanctuary
11 a.m. Contemporary Fellowship Hall
Or worship online at:
Feb. 12-14, 2016
intergenerational times, aspects of the retreat uniquely
planned for youth and children (thanks to our children and
youth staff and others) as well as the adult portions with
Kim. There will also be time to explore the wonders of the
mountains in the winter or explore nearby Black Mountain or
Cost: $99 per room, per night (rooms include two
queen-sized beds
Meals: $31 per adult, $18 per child (6-11), Free for children
under 5. Cost covers Saturday breakfast and dinner and
Sunday breakfast.
Please contact Joan Watson (joan.watson@covenantpresby.
org) or visit our website for more information. Registration is
due by Friday, Jan. 15.
Pledge Receipts:
Year to date through Nov. 30
Year-to-Date Budgeted:
Year-to-Date Actual:
Give online at:
Mission and Outreach
Mission Trips
Experience the joy of traveling with Covenant friends on a trip in 2016 as we
serve our neighbors in Mexico or work with children in Kenya. Join us on one of
these offerings this year as we build community both within our own church and
with those who we will work alongside.
Educate a Child,
Transform the World
For more information about any of the trips listed below, please contact Carla
Leaf at carla.leaf@covenantpresby.org or call 704-804-7578.
Do you have a love for education and
children? We are excited about new energy at
the Renguti School, a small rural school
outside Nairobi that serves orphaned and
vulnerable children. If you would like to help
with building repairs, have a love for teaching
and education, experience in music and the
arts or just a simple love of working with
children please consider joining us as we serve
the children at Renguti.
April 29-May 7
Application deadline
Feb. 1
Cost: $1800
Yucatan, Mexico
This summer, we will return to this culturally
rich destination to build a roof for members
of Sinanche Church near the village of Yobain.
While working alongside the children in the
village during Bible School, to slinging concrete
as we pour and build the roof, these trips forge
friendships and community that last decades
within our own community.
Reynosa, Mexico
Covenant Advocates for Education
June 12-18
Application Deadline
Feb. 1
Cost: $760
How do we deepen our faith through
service? What does it mean to be called into
community? What does it mean to serve our
neighbors who live at the border of our own
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1
country in abject poverty? Explore these and
other questions as we seek to understand our Application deadline
March 1
faith through acts of service. An
intentionally different mission trip designed to Cost: $675
deepen faith through service, we will prepare
12 Participants
ourselves for this trip by the constant asking of the question, "Who is my neighbor?"
Partnering with Faith Ministry, we will build a home for two families that will
move them from substandard housing into a place of hope.
In 2016, the Ministry of Mission will highlight
our mission efforts that support quality
education for all children, both in Charlotte, our
nation and world. Mission efforts support the
belief that the way to break the cycle of
poverty and oppression is to ensure all
children have this opportunity. Throughout the
year, we will tell the stories of what
advocates, teachers and everyday people are
doing with children and their education.
Covenant Advocates for Education is an
interest group, affiliated with the Mission &
Outreach Ministry, committed to act, with
God's grace, to help all children learn,
succeed and fulfill their God-given potential.
The 221st General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church (US) (2014) issued
this call: "We believe that God is calling our
church to collectively impact the quality of
education for children in this country and
around the world."
In response to this call, Covenant
Advocates for Education will serve as an
informal network of Covenant members
and friends who will stay informed about
emerging issues and opportunities to
support education in our church and within
our community.
If you would like to be a part of this interest
group, please email Mary Wood Stallings at
Room In The Inn
Flood Relief
Tuesday Nights through March
We are under way and are grateful to again participate in this
important ministry to our neighbors who are experiencing
homelessness this winter as we welcome 14 guests off the
streets to enjoy a warm meal, shower, and a peaceful night’s
sleep on our campus. We need a host group for every week,
including: driving a van to pick up our group from Urban Ministry
Center Tuesday evening and drop them off early Wednesday
morning, welcoming our neighbors into our space and helping
them settle in for the evening, and preparing or bringing dinner to serve and share. We will also need volunteers (two each
week) to spend the night and assist with getting our neighbors
up and ready to go early on Wednesday morning. We also need
sack lunches for the months of January and March, as well as
volunteers willing to spend the night at church to assist with any
needs that may arise and get our guests situated in the morning
for a 5:50 a.m. departure.
Room in the Inn: February Faith and Service Group
In February there will be a unique opportunity for involvement
with Room in the Inn. A focused Faith and Service group consisting of 12 people will be present at Room in the Inn for each
Tuesday in February to host and serve our guests. With accompanied reading and reflection, this group will explore deeper
the complex realities of poverty and what it looks like to come
alongside and be present with our neighbors who are experiencing poverty and homelessness, and wrestle with how we
might serve in ways that faithfully empower others and honor
their dignity. Preliminary meetings will take place in mid-to-late
Work Trip to Sumter, S.C.
Jan. 11-15
Families in this region are still suffering from the recent
floods in neighboring South Carolina. Many families remain displaced and work groups are desperately needed
to help repair their homes. There is work for all levels of
We are asking for volunteers to join us for flood cleanup
and repair work of homes of the flood victims in Sumter,
S.C. the week of Jan. 11-15. We will leave Monday
morning at 10 a.m. and will return Friday in the early
evening. Team members may come for the whole week
or for part of the week. Working alongside Habitat for
Humanity volunteers, we will prepare homes for reconstruction. Team members will stay in private homes and
the cost is $20 per day that you travel with the team.
Please contact Steve Helms (tshelms@gmail.com) or
Carla Leaf (carla.leaf@covenantpresby.org) for more
Cards and Calendars
Donate through January 2016
Join us once again in collecting new calendars (2016)
and greeting cards to distribute to Hope Haven residents and Crisis Assistance Ministry clients. Last year
Covenant collected and delivered nearly 400 calendars and hundreds of cards. Please bring these items
to the Recreation Wing.
For more information on Room in the Inn please
contact Evan Amo:
evan.amo@covenantpresby.org or 704=804-7574
Festival 2016
Our favorite “party with a purpose” returns this year, but
with a different look. Join us on Saturday, April 16 for a
special evening of music performed by our Contemporary
Worship Team, dinner and Black Box Auction! It wouldn't
be the Auction without our wonderfully hilarious emcees
J.D. DuPuy and Chris Lam who will offer a few fantastic live
auction offerings! Many other surprises for the evening are
being planned and if you love planning festive events, we
would love to have you join the team that is going to make
this night one we will all remember!
For more information or if you would like to be involved
with Festival 2016, please contact Carla Leaf at
Body Matters:
Resolutions to Health in 2016
Wednesdays, Jan. 13-27
6:30-7:30 p.m., FH207
Scripture reminds us that we are incarnate beings; and, as such, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are called to be
stewards of these gifts of body and mind, as well as of our resources; all of which means living intentionally. This series is an
exploration into health...from food to mindfulness; including discoveries in the field of medicine that advance our chances at a
healthy life. Join us for three nights with outstanding leaders in the field of medicine and mind/body health:
January 13: Building Your
Health Portfolio
Speaker: Susan Yaduda, RN MSN, is an
Integrative Health Coach (training Duke
Integrative Medicine), Coordinator for
Integrative Oncology at Levine Cancer
Institute; has served as a health care
professional 30 years, with a passion
for helping others feel empowered to
achieve their own optimal health.
“Many Americans spend lots of time
and energy bolstering their financial
portfolio. Yet, we expect our health
investments to grow on their own, often
with little attention and effort. Learn
some quick and easy recommendations
to help you get and stay healthier in the
New Year, an investment well worth
January 20: Food as Medicine
Speaker: Chasse Bailey-Dorton,
M.D.is the Co-Director for Survivorship
and Integrative Oncology at Levine
Cancer Institute with subspecialties
in Integrative Medicine and Primary
Care. She completed a fellowship in
integrative medicine at the University
of Arizona which was started by Dr.
Andrew Weil. She has also completed
training at the Benson-Henry MindBody Institute and the Center for MindBody Medicine. Dr. Bailey-Dorton is
herself a cancer survivor.
“Food as Medicine” will be a focus on
the health benefits of certain foods
and spices for both prevention and
treatment of cancer. Dr. Bailey-Dorton
“loves to empower survivors and others
to maintain a healthy lifestyle.”
January 27: Change your Mind
to change your Brain
Speaker: Tricia Fisher, MSW, LCSW is a
therapist at Presbyterian Psychological
Services and a certified teacher of
therapeutic yoga, incorporating art
and mindfulness with her clients. She
previously was a Clinical Family Social
Worker with Charlotte Family Housing
where she developed expertise across
a wide range of diagnostic populations,
ages, and cultural backgrounds.
Tricia will focus on incorporating
mindfulness, meditation and
neuroscience to improve Well-Being".
A special thanks to Kim Moseley, Mary Mattiacci and the Health and Wellness Committee for their work in bringing us this endeavor.
Each Wednesday, Open Table @ Covenant will offer opportunities for food, faith and
fellowship. Food service, including a 12-item salad bar with varying hot bars, will be
provided from 5:30-7 p.m. ($5 children, $7 adults, $25 family maximum) and most
programs will begin at 6:30 p.m. for children and adults. Come to eat and stay to
socialize and learn.
Contact Debbie Tyson at debbie.tyson@covenantpresby.org if you plan to attend.
Nurse’s Note
Health & Wellness
Can you imagine that
every four minutes
someone is diagnosed
with a blood cancer
like leukemia? Many of
these patients need a
bone marrow transplant
to survive but may
not have a matching
marrow donor in their
own family. This is
where you can come in.
We will be holding a "Be
The Match" Registry event on Sunday, Jan. 10 from 9
a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in EW202 (Jen Christianson's office).
All it takes is a few minutes of your time to fill out a
health history and have a cheek swab done to sign up.
If you were ever matched to someone, all expenses
would be paid and you would donate either by blood
donation (similar to donating platelets) or by surgical
bone marrow donation. You can find out more about
the specifics at the event. The main thing is that this is a
unique opportunity to offer life to someone who will not
survive without your gift.
Isaiah 43: 19
See you there,
Non-Church Memberships
Permanent Guest
$3 per visit
$180 year ($15 month)
Senior Adults (55+)
$180 year ($15 month)
Individual (ages 12-54)
$240 year ($20 month)
$360 year ($30 month)
Individuals residing at same address
Mary Mattiacci, Parish Nurse
Be the Match Registry Event
Sunday, Jan. 10, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth,
do you not perceive it?
Recreation and Fitness Membership Special
Begin a new thing this year and join Covenant's Recreation
Center for group fitness classes and personal training.
If you join in January, you will receive your first month's
membership for free.
Church Memberships
Optional Drop-In Fee $1 per visit
Student$25 year
Senior Adults (55+)
$25 year
Individual (ages 12-54)
$50 year
Household$75 year
Individuals residing at same address
For more information, please stop by the Recreation Desk
or contact James Huffman at james.huffman@covenantpresby.org or 704-804-7566.
The Epiphany Story
Six years ago, The Epiphany School of Charlotte opened its doors with the belief
that every child can thrive in school with the right people and in the right
environment. With a forward-thinking teacher, a preacher passionate about
education, a clinician dedicated to social and emotional learning, and a handful of
trusting families, The Epiphany School of Charlotte was born.
In the words of one of Epiphany’s parents, “The Epiphany School has changed our
family’s lives. Previously, we avoided so many typical activities because our little
guy couldn’t handle the people or the noise. We couldn’t go to everyday places like
family parties, sporting events, his sister’s school events, restaurants, even Sunday
services – all things we do regularly now. Also, the friendships with other families from Epiphany have been such a
blessing. To put it simply, this special place has transformed our lives.” -Laura and Joe Turner.
The Epiphany School of Charlotte is an independent private school located on the Covenant Presbyterian Campus,
dedicated to serving students with social communication differences in grades 3-8. We offer proven programs to
help teach social skill development. If you have any questions, please contact our Head of School, Erin Morris at
Travel, Learn, Connect
Enhance Your Quality of Life
Wednesday, Jan. 13, 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m., EW201
We will gather for a brief time of fellowship and healthy
snacks followed by a presentation of “Enhance Your Quality of Life” with Kelly Stranburg, M.Ed., CEP, CSCS. This
program will highlight the benefits of staying physically
active and cognitively engaged as we age. Information
covered will include the importance of body strength, ways
to increase and improve mobility and balance, relaxation
techniques, and increasing mental activity. Kelly Stranburg
is the Director of Vitality and Well-being at Sharon Towers and Owner/Operator of Excellence in Wellness, LLC.
Kelly has 15 years of experience working with older adults
on maintaining and improving their quality of life through
exercise, engagement and fun! We hope you will join us! No
reservation needed.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Public Library
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 10:30 a.m.
We will venture to the Public Library downtown to tour
an exhibit on World War ll. We’ll be learning specifically
about Charlotte’s involvement in the war effort from Sheila
Bumgarner who is holding the exhibit open especially for
us. We’ll leave the church at 10:30 a.m. and will enjoy lunch
at King’s Kitchen after our tour and expect to return to
Covenant around 2:30 p.m.. There is no charge but please
let Mary Mattiacci (mary.mattiacci@covenantpresby.org
or 704-804-7561) know of your plan to come so we can
have appropriate seating available at King’s Kitchen and on
the bus.
TLC visited Blandwood Manor in Greensboro, N.C., in
Where do Christians come from?
Lessons on Peace and Hope from
the Holy Land
Wednesdays, Jan. 13 - Feb. 3
6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall
This educational series takes a
look at Christianity’s roots and
features speakers who will offer
lessons on peace and hope from
the Holy Land.
Jan. 13
Sam Jones, Co-Founder of the Heartland Initiative and human
rights activist, will share lessons from his experiences working
on the ground-level of international conflict resolution in the
Occupied Palestinian Territories, Iraq and Afghanistan (among
other places), with a focus on the unique nature of the ‘Holy
Lands’ as spiritual centers of three major world religions.
Jan. 20
Dr. Max Carter will share stories of what people of faith have
done in the Holy Lands to help create signs of new life and
hope among a conflict-weary people. A hint: for Carter, it’s
about what William Penn calls, 'trying what love can do'.
Jan. 27
Rev. Kate Taber will present on the realities of living in East
Jerusalem, forging relationships with Israelis, Palestinians
and internationals, and discerning her role in the region as
an American Christian peacemaker. From her experiences
and network of on-the-ground relationships, she’ll provide
insight into what American Presbyterians should know about
the region and how they might live in active solidarity with
brothers and sisters of faith in Israel and Palestine. The
Covenant 2015 Holy Land Exploratory Team will share about
their experiences visiting the region with a particular emphasis
Adult Education
Churchwide Convocation
Ruby Nell Sales, Human Rights Activist
Why Spiritual Maturity Matters and What it
Looks Like: The hard work of Hope
Sunday, Jan. 10, 9:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Ruby Nell Sales is a nationally-recognized human-rights
activist, public theologian, and social critic. Sales joined
the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in
the 1960s as a teenager at Tuskegee University and went
to work as a student freedom fighter in Lowndes County,
Alabama. Sales has spent her career teaching and writing
on race, class, gender and reconciliation. She has founded
publications such as Sage Magazine: A Scholarly Journal
on Black Women and nonprofits such as her present
organization SpiritHouse, a national nonprofit that uses the
arts, research, education, action, and spirituality to bring
diverse peoples together to work for racial, economic, and
social justice, as well as for spiritual maturity. SpiritHouse
roots its work today in exposing the extrajudicial murders
of African-Americans by White vigilantes and police. Her
entire biography can be found at:
on our mission partners and the work they do to keep hope
alive for their families and neighbors.
Feb. 3
Suzanne Watts Henderson, PhD., will share stories of
contemporary Christians, Muslims and Jews, who, while living
in a region that often pits them against one another, align
spirits and wills to work for peace and hope.
New Year, New Start
Join a Sunday School Class and find your
‘group’ at Covenant! Drop in anytime to
any of these open, welcoming gatherings:
New Beginnings (EW212): A new class
for new or expecting parents and their
friends. (More on page 12)
Men’s Bible Study – Sundays at 8:30 a.m
in FH207; Open to all men of Covenant.
Foundations (FH 205): A supportive
network for parents nurturing families in
faith. Following a NEW format this month.
Sundays, 9:30 a.m.
The Gathering (FH 105): A new class for
Young Adults that will feature weekly
conversations facilitated by members of
the congregation who have relevant and
interesting experiences in life and faith.
Open Door (FH 201): A diverse gathering
of adults of all ages and a great first class
for people new to Covenant.
People (FH Library): Adults of all ages
who enjoy discussing a wide variety of
Fellowship (FH 203): Largely adults 60+
but open to adults of all ages and features
weekly, conversational presentations by
Covenant members.
Visit our website to see a full list of small
groups that meet on other days, too.
Some are led by ministers, some by peers.
Some are for women, others for men.
Some are at lunch, others at night. If you
need a little help finding the right group
for you, contact Anna Caldwell at anna.
Welcome New Members
Hoover family: Hunter, Cheryl, Morgan and
Tom Christy
Maggie and Ross Halleland
Reed-Hall family: Nate, Jerry, Thom and Tori
Marli Johnston and Andrew
Rachel Justice
Jaryn Pulice and Chris Phelps
Jeanie McLaurin Slack
Brittany Wurdeman and
Michael Kleffner
Shores family: Skott, Tiffany, Mason and
We welcome new members
every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in the
Parlor, located downstairs in the
Sanctuary building.
We also welcome new members
on the 4th Sunday of each month
in the Fellowship Hall Library at
12 p.m.
For more information, please
contact Lora Borrelli at:
Dustin Saunders
Pam Jefsen
Sunday, Jan. 24
6 p.m., Parlor
Are you looking for a way to learn
more and begin taking part in the life
of faith at Covenant? You're invited
to Starting Point, an informal dinner
with senior minister Bob Henderson.
Please come, or invite a friend who
may have visited Covenant, to a
relaxed time of fellowship and an
opportunity to learn more about our
For more information, please contact Lora Borrelli at lora.borrelli@
covenantpresby.org or 704-804-7562.
Upcoming Events
Churchwide Convocation: Ruby Sales
Sunday, Jan. 10, 9:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Ruby Sales, Human-rights Activist and Founder
and Director of the SpiritHouse Project, will
speak. For more information, visit:
InChrist Supporting Ministries: The Well
Thursday, Jan. 14, 7 p.m., Parlor
Monthly meeting for caregivers, family members and church leaders who provide care and
advocacy for those navigating mental illness.
She, He, We and God: Faith & Sexuality
Workshop for Tweens (4th-6th Graders)
Saturday, Jan. 30, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Join us in the workshop for the entire family.
Registration is due by Jan. 15. Cost is $20 per
family. For more information, please contact
Anne Lowrance at anne.lowrance@covenantpresby.org or 704-804-7593.
Vacation Bible School 2016
Aug. 8-12
Please note that VBS will move to August this
year. All children ages 3 (as of Aug. 31, 2015)
to rising 5th grade are welcome. If you would
like to be involved in the planning team, please
contact Anne Lowrance at anne.lowrance@
covenantpresby.org or 704-804-7593.
Men's 4th Annual Getaway
March 11-13, 2016
Register by Jan. 11
The men of Covenant will enjoy a weekend of
golfing, hiking and other activities at Etowah
Valley Golf Club and Lodge. For more information contact Paul Steffens (paul.steffens@
troutmansanders.com) or visit the website.
With All Our Prayers: Walking with God
Through the Christian Year
Wednesday, Jan. 6, 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Reverend Dr. John B. Rogers, Jr., author and former senior minister of Covenant Presbyterian
Church, will be talking about the life of prayer
and his book published last year on prayer.
Copies of Dr. Roger's books are available for
purchase at $10 each
Where Do Christians Come From?
Wednesdays, Jan. 13-Feb. 3
6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall
This four-part educational series takes a look
at Christianity's roots and features speakers
who will offer lessons on peace and hope from
the Holy Land. (More on page 9)
Body Matters: Resolutions to Health 2016
Wednesdays, Jan. 13-27
6:30 p.m., Fellowshp Hall
Join us for three nights with outstanding
leaders in the field of medicine and mind/
body health who will lead us in an exploration
into health, including discoveries in the field
of medicine that advance our chances at a
healthy life. (More on page 6)
Declan James Cronin, son of Katie
(Murchison) Cronin and Dennis Cronin,
on Oct. 22
Mae Wheaton Clark, daughter of
Meghan and Ben Clark, on Nov. 8
Martin Gifford TenBroeck, son of Julia
and Scott TenBroeck, on Nov. 21
Amelia Joanne Hernandez, daughter of
Kara and Keith Hernandez, on Dec. 13
N. Bruce Boney, Jr.
August 22, 1924 - December 6, 2015
Harvey Lindenthal Cosper, Jr.
June 13, 1948 - December 19, 2015
The congregation extends its sincere
sympathy and love to:
Beth and Gillie Spratt on the death of
his mother, and to Emily and Scott Spratt
on the death of their grandmother, Jean
Little Spratt of Charlotte, on Nov. 24
Family of N. Bruce Boney, Jr., who died
on Dec. 6
Rita Livengood on the death of her
sister, Mollie Wood of Indianapolis, Ind.,
on Dec. 11
Kandy Cosper and family on the death
of her husband, Harvey Cosper, on Dec.
Open House and Registration
Thursday, Jan. 21, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Covenant Preschool Open House for the
2016-17 school year will be Thursday, Jan. 21.
Registration begins Monday, Jan. 25.
Women’s Fellowship Breakfast
Tuesday, Jan. 12, 7 a.m.
Laurie Martin, Owner of Simplicity Organizers will discuss A Fresh Start to the New Year:
Finding Peace Through Simplicity. Cost is $5.
Email michelle.williamson@covenantpresby.
org if you'll be attending.
First Sunday Brunch
Sunday, Jan. 3, 12 p.m.
Join us for brunch at Cantina 1511. Contact Jen
Christianson if you plan to attend: jen.christianson@covenantpresby.org.
Spring Kickoff
Sunday, Jan. 3, 5:30-7 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Reconnect and re-engage for some, and to
restart the New Year for others! All youth and
families are invited. Please RSVP to anna.
Parent Workshop
Sunday, Jan. 10, 6:10-7 p.m.
Join us for a monthly gathering to connect with
youth parents.
Contact Us
Front Desk
Fax No.704-333-0386
Recreation Wing
Preschool 704-333-8658
Communications 704-804-7565
Custodian On Duty
and rejoices with them in the assurance
of the resurrection.
PERMIT NO. 005405
1000 East Morehead Street, Charlotte, NC 28204
Covenant Staff
Evan Amo�����������������������������������������������������������������704-804-7574
Pastoral Resident, Missions and Outreach
Lora Borrelli�������������������������������������������������������������704-804-7562
Membership and Engagement Coordinator
Anna Caldwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7579
Administrative Assistant-Education
Steve Carriker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7592
Property Manager
Jen Christianson���������������������������������������������������704-804-7573
Pastoral Resident, Adult Discipleship, Young Adult Ministries
Lucy Crain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7570
Executive Assistant
Perry Dixon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7563
High School Ministry Director
Sibyl Durant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7590
Food Service Manager
Kathleen Grabert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7568
Preschool Director
Craig Harmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7564
Media/Communications Assistant
Daniel Heath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7584
Contemporary Worship and Arts Director
Bob Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-333-9071
Senior Minister and Head of Staff
James Huffman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7566
Recreation Ministries Director
Martha Isaacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7577
Women’s Ministries Director
Bill Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7575
Business Administrator
Carla Leaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7578
Mission and Outreach Director
Anne Lowrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7593
Early Childhood and Elementary Ministry Director
Mary Mattiacci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7561
Parish Nurse
Grady Moseley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-333-9071
Parish Associate
Jessica Patchett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7572
Associate Minister of Education
John Richardson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7581
Director of Traditional Music, Organist
Addie Rising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7565
Communications Director
Virginia Rumbley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7576
Accounting Manager
Chaz Snider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7569
Middle School Ministry Director
Debbie Tyson / Ashley Stowe . . . . . . . . . . . 704-333-9071
Joan Watson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7580
Associate Minister for Pastoral Care and Discipleship
Michelle Williamson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-804-7560
Executive Assistant
Staff email:
Where the Road
Has Taken Us
Are you expecting or
blessed with young
children? Think you
have all the answers?
As a father of two
children under three,
I can attest to the
fact that new and old
challenges occur every
day. Fortunately, along
with my wife and
several other blessed
couples, we are able
to explore these
challenges through
our faith and experiences in a Bible study-type discussion. This past fall we tackled
such topics as teaching our kids to pray, making faith a part of our busy lives, explaining
the passing of a loved one and being thankful instead of anxious at work and home.
We hope you'll join and share your thoughts.
- Jason LaBonte
New Beginnings meets the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of every month from
9:40-10:40 a.m. in EW212. For more information, please contact Jason LaBonte: