Newsletter March 2016 - Union Congregational United Chuch of Christ


Newsletter March 2016 - Union Congregational United Chuch of Christ
Volume 123, Issue 3
March 2016
The Prodigal Son
As we move through the Lenten Season, we are reminded that God journeys with us
always. As the following story about the prodigal son reminds us of a forgiving and
loving God who always welcomes our spiritual return home.
"I asked my father for my share of the inheritance and left home. At first, I was enjoying
my newfound freedom, but soon – the money was gone. My life of luxury was
transformed into a life of squalor. I wasn’t afraid of hard work – even though it was a
shock to my privilege. So, I went to work in the fields to feed a farmer’s pigs. I was so
hungry I would have gladly eaten what the pigs were eating. My body was wasting
away. The memories of my father and my family were heavy on my heart. Then, I knew I
must make a change. I had to return to my father. His hired help had enough bread to
spare – and I was starving! I will confess what I’ve done wrong – I don’t deserve to be
called your son, so treat me like one of your hired hands.
I worried that my father would turn his face from me in disgust, but he didn’t. He came
running toward me and hugged me! He was filled with compassion, and forgave me!"
And so it is with God! Offer your prayers to God at a
time of distress. God is your hiding place – keeping you
safe when there’s trouble. God will surround you with
glad cries of deliverance.
God will teach you in God’s ways. Try not to resist as
steadfast love surrounds those who trust in God.
Rejoice in God's love and shout for joy!
With God’s Love,
Pastor Sheila
6 - Diaconate
13 - Chris Bader, Eluna Bicette,
Susan Harrell, Kay Koch
20- Susan DiAmicis, Kent McElroy,
Donna Minott, Ralph Tarricone
27 - Sue McMath, Charlotte Snowden,
Sabine Wiesbauer
Raymond Hargrove & Family, Eva Hines and
family; Barbara Gruber's friends, Lance, Lois,
Amelia, Priscilla and Luis; Simone Barton's
brother, Frank; Jane's nephew, Chris; Lee Anne
Gesch and family; Amy McMath's grandmother,
Grace; Carol Whitlock's friend, Lou Zinnati; Rod
Jennings, Freda Scott, Allen Hollis, David
Gaidry's friend Ronnie, Jean & Charles
Rodriguez, BJ Hernandez, Sue and Amy
McMath, Andrea; Freda's friend, LaTonya
Milligan; Sue Jackson, Mary Calliste, Stella; Sue
McMath's brother-in-law, Eddie Purvis; Cleo's
friend, Valentina; Dennis Smith, Nancy Webster,
Laurel Johns, Donna Westbrook, Irma's mother,
Blanca; Rosemito's daughter, Jumilly Toussaint;
Nicholas Hernandez's sister, Damaris; Pearl
Rosner, Gerson's friend Debbie; Ruth Dietel;
Justice & peace efforts everywhere
Please join us for our new Bible Study session on the book of Ecclesiastes. We
will gather on Wednesdays, March 9, 16; 6:30 PM Potluck, 7:00 PM Bible
Study & Prayer; 7:00 PM Youth Fellowship/Childcare.
Please plan to gather on Thursday, March 24th at 6:30 PM for soup
dinner in Fellowship Hall.
Following dinner, we will gather in the Sanctuary for the
Maundy Thursday Service.
All are welcome.
Board Meeting - March 8, 2016, Devotions- Charlotte Snowden
Monthly General Meeting will be held Wednesday, March 16, 2016. The day change is
due to Primary Election on Tuesday the 15th. Devotions - Susan DiAmicis, Program Gail Fei, and Hostesses - Alice Payne and Muriel Haines. All ladies of the congregation
are welcome to attend the meeting. Bring your brown bag lunch, coffee and dessert will
be served.
Reading for Renewal - Carolyn McElroy will have the" Individual Completion of Books Read" form to be
filled out by the April meeting.
Remember to bring in your used postage stamps and Box Tops for Education.
SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 FROM 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM.
This is our annual neighborhood festival that is very well attended.
Remind your friends of an afternoon of fun from Saturday, March 26, Egg Hunt,
games, crafts, puppet show and food. We are accepting candy or donations
marked for Easter Festival.
Thank you everyone from the Christian Education Ministry Team.
The Youth Ministry is selling Easter Lilies for our sanctuary for Easter Sunday. These may
be purchased in honor of or in memory of a friend or loved one for $10 each. You can take
your plant home after the service on Easter Sunday, March 27. Please complete a form and
order your Easter Lilies by March 20th!
Hello Readers! Spring starts this month so many of you will be going home soon. We
hope you have had an enjoyable stay and had the time to relax with one (or more) of our
books. If you did and have read some of our reading for renewal books please let us
know which ones (especially if they are not the ones from bookshelves). For the rest of
us we are having a busy season and we hope that you can take the time to be a qualified
reader. As of March 3rd we show eighteen readers (of the church library collection) reading a total of 65
books with 4 qualified readers. So again, if you have been reading these books from other sources
please let us know. So keep on reading!!
Yoga will be held on Wednesdays at 5:00 PM. This is a one hour class with easy poses,
meditation and relaxation. Charlotte Snowden
PRIDEFEST - March 19-20, 2016
The pridefst will be held at Bryant Park (Corner of Lake Ave. & South
Golfview Road) 201 North Dixie Highway, Lakeworth, FL
Union will be participating in PRIDEFEST.
If you would like to volunteer see Debbie Chea or Judith Mooers.
Stewardship is what happens when we believe this. It is the
generosity that flows from a sense of the “superabundance” of life
to which Jesus’ resurrection testifies. In the light of Easter fears of
scarcity and loss are overcome: we are “born anew into a living inheritance that is imperishable.” (1 Peter 1:3) Never
need we fear that who we are, what we have, and how we love are
not enough--inadequate given what is necessary, perishable
commodities that must be protected. “Not that we are sufficient of
ourselves,” says Paul, “but our sufficiency is from God, who makes
us sufficient...(and whose) Spirit gives life.” (2 Corinthians 3:6) William C. Green
NEW BEGINNINGS - Our New Begininings re-mission process has challenged us to
expand our vision to serve with offering a food bank, comprehensive health fair, and a
jobs listing service.
UCCIE's List - "Sharing to Assist & Enable" - This is a New Beginnings project. It is the beginning of
sharing our skills, hobbies and certified professions to be consolidated into a brochure for our church
member's use. Please fill in your name and the front and back of the check list, and put it in the box on
the soundboard.
NEW MEMBERS CLASS - A New Members Class will be held Sunday, March 13 after morning
fellowship. All who are interested in becoming members of the church are welcome to attend.
Call the office for more details.
For more information, please contact Kathy Church (
Variety Show - Union will have a Variety Show on Saturday, April 9th. If you would like to participate,
please notify Barbara Gruber, Charlotte Snowden or George Gerson.
The Young Adults Ministry will have their next activity on March 18 at 6:30 PM. For
more information contact Melissa Waineo at
Can you give someone a ride to church?
We are starting a Transportation Ministry to provide transportation for members and
non-members that need a ride to attend service on Sunday. If you would like to help
someone by giving them a ride to church on Sunday morning please sign up on the
Transportation Sheet on the soundboard or contact the office.
will be held on
Monday, March 14th at 7 PM at
Palm Beach County convention Center.
Please contact Jane Grandusky or Pastor
Sheila for more information.
Union Congregational United Church of Christ
5088 Summit Boulevard
West Palm Beach, Florida 33415
(561) 686-0330