April 2015 Newsletter - Antioch Baptist Church of Mount Airy


April 2015 Newsletter - Antioch Baptist Church of Mount Airy
The Antioch Caller
April 2015
Volume 38 Issue
Evangelism Committee Announcement!
The Evangelism Committee is planning an Easter drama titled “From the Cradle to the Cross,” that will take place on April 2nd
from 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm. This drive thru drama will include 8 scenes from Jesus’ life ranging from His birth in Bethlehem to his death and Resurrection.
Please invite anyone you know to come out to Antioch, to see the Easter Drama.
This will be a wonderful visual for other’s to see about the life of Jesus Christ,
and his time on Earth. The Evangelism Committee would also like to say a huge
Thank you to everyone that participated in making this production happen. We
know God will Bless you for the hard work you have done.
Easter Schedule
6:30 AM– Worship Service
7:00- AM Breakfast
9:45- Sunday School
11:00 AM– Easter Cantata
No Afternoon Activities
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The WMU next meeting will
be April 7th at 10:00 AM.
Baby Dedication will be coming up
May 10, 2015
By: Eldean Smith
The Golden Autumn had a good day and
good fellowship. Theo’s was closed, but
we made another choice for lunch. On
April 6th we will be going to Brown's
Restaurant in Sparta. It is a good place
to eat. Anyone wishing to go with us be
at the church at 9:30 AM.
Please Contact Terri Moser if your interested at
Antioch’s Library Schedule
Sunday, April 12th
9:30-10:00 AM
Wednesday April 15th
6:30-7:00 PM
Campbell Hiatt (NHSC Skilled Care); Bo
Lynch (Ridge Crest)
At Home: Owen & Jeanette Barber, Penny Bowman, Brenda Davis, Tressa Edwards, Hester Greenwood, (Frank Handy’s Sister), Marie Holder, Beth
Horton, Erica Jones, Lisa Jones, Sue Mauldin, Bertie
Seal, Virginia Seal, Barbara Elmore (Please let us
know when we need to take you or someone else off
the prayer list.)
The Well Food Ministry
The Well Food Ministry would like to Thank everyone for working together and making this ministry
possible. We are currently excepting tin and aluminum cans to help fund the Well Food Ministry. We
appreciate all the donations. Thank you and God
Bless you.
Our Deepest Prayers and sympathies are
extended out to the
families and friends of:
*Rada Bowman
*Brenda Watts
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April 2015
Fellowship Meal
Cradle to the Cross
Easter Drama
Good Friday
Bridal Shower
6:00 PM
Savannah Hawks
7:00-8:30 PM
6:30 AM Worship Service
7:00 AM Breakfast
Sunday School
9:45 AM
Easter Cantata
11:00 AM
Golden Autumn
9:30 AM
Church Council
7:00 PM
Fellowship Hall Reserved
12:00-4:00 PM
Youth Council
4:00 PM
Sisterhood Meeting
6:30 PM
BWI Meeting
10:00 AM
Business Meeting
7:00 PM
10:00 AM
Long Range Planning
7:00 PM
Reed Wedding
Properties Committee
7:00 PM
Youth Trip to
Raven Knob
Fellowship Meal
6:00 PM
Office Closed
Meeting for Youth and
Parents about summer
4:00 PM
Reed Wedding
Fellowship Hall and
All Day
Youth Trip to Raven
SBA Meeting
Blues Grove
7:00 PM
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The Antioch Caller
1. Michelle Phillips 4/1
2. Daniel Jones 4/2
3. Crystal Grant 4/3
4. Don Branch 4/3
5. Mary Hooker 4/3
6. Nick Jarrell 4/5
7. Ashley Hooker 4/6
8. Amanda Moser 4/7
9. Beth Southern 4/8
10. Melisha Surratt 4/8
11. Rachel Brintle 4/9
12. Jackson Hooker 4/10
13. Kaitlen Shelton 4/11
14. Jane Martin 4/12
15. Katlin Newman-Brooks 4/12
16. Jenny Benge 4/14
17. Brodie Lovill 4/16
18. Tim Crabb 4/16
19. Marty Johnson 4/18
20. Tia Goins 4/18
21. Aleen Bowman 4/19
22. Kam Bagley4/19
23. Gideon Anderson 4/19
24. Michael Dalton 4/19
25. Tracy Speight
26. Richard Williams 4/21
27. Kari Martin Reynolds 4/22
28. James Poe 4/23
29. Jamie Poe 4/23
30. Owen Barber 4/23
31. Dennis Miller 4/24
32. Kenneth Holder 4/24
33. Elizabeth Horton 4/25
34. Gail Jones 4/25
35. Sabrina Oakley 4/25
36. Brookie Bunton 4/26
37. Ellie McHone 4/26
38. Haley Helton 4/26
39. Jennifer Easter 4/27
40. Anna Storms 4/28
41. Peggy Miller 4/28
42. Madelyn Hooker 4/28
43. Larry O’Connor 4/29
44. Lisa Hawks 4/30
45. Tyler Shelton 4/30
Jarrod and Amber McCraw 4/8
Josh and Sarah Nixon
Rick and Tina Shelton
David and Kim Collins
Stephan and Melesia Tully
Roger and Wanda Wallace
5th- Tia Goins and Mary Hooker
12th- Amy Fleming and
Betty Jo McCraw
19th-Linda Crawford and
Sandra Hiatt
26th- Margaret Rakes and
Ashley Parsons
Fellowship Meals 6:00 PM
April 1st
Hamburger Steak, Baked Potato
Salad and Dessert
(Gail Jones Group)
April 8th
Grilled Pork Chops, Potatoes,
Slaw, Rolls, and Desserts
(Angie Flippin’s Group)
5th– Mary Lou Grant
12th-Ashley and Mark Parsons
26th-Heather Sawyers,
Madge Miller, and Daphne KIng
Remember the Shut Ins
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Newsletter Article
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April 2015
by Terry Marcum
The Sisterhood met on Monday, March 9 with
9 ladies present. Our current missions ministry pro-
April Youth Newsletter Article
ject is The Legacy Center that addresses pregnancy
By: Joshua Summerlin
needs in the area. We will be having a Legacy Center
Shower in May. Watch for details, so we can help
Apr. 2nd- Cradle to Cross Easter Drama
with this worthy cause. We will also continue our
Apr.19th- Parent and Youth Summer Trip Meeting (Final Deposit Due)
Davis Lunch project which provides a bagged lunch
Apr. 24th-25th- Youth Camping Trip (Raven Knob) (Lessons in Psalms)
meal once a month to the residents of the Davis
May 15th-16th- Bo's Family Entertainment Lock In ($25 Deposit per
Youth) (Lenoir, NC)
Apartments in downtown Mount Airy. Thanks to our
June 19th- Youth Port a Pit Chicken Fundraiser
Sisterhood Teams and to Melvin Miles for delivering
June 28th- July 3rd- Youth Summer Mission Trip to Harrisburg, PA
(through YouthWorks)
these meals each month.
Our Annie Armstrong Offering is in progress.
Please give generously. This offering helps the missionaries in the field and helps to plant new churches
where there is a need.
We voted to give $80 to purchase 10 “Jesus
Loves You” teddy bears for the ministry that supplies
law enforcement officers and social workers with teddy bears for when they work with children. Heather
Sawyers told us about this ministry in her talk at Baptist Ladies Day.
Baptist Ladies Day was held on March 8. We
had special speakers and music. What a blessing!
Whew I must say a quarter of the year has already flown by, but
we still have a lot of things to look forward to this year for and from our
youth program. I thought our Youth Sunday went very well, and I hope
that you were all blessed by our youth leading the worship service and felt
God's presence among us. A big thank you for all the youth who spent
their time practicing and preparing for Youth Sunday, you guys did wonderful job! I am very proud of you all! We also got the chance to watch the
movie "Do You Believe?," from the creators of God's Not Dead. I would
strongly suggest that those who have yet to see the movie, to go and see the
movie. It is another great Christian movie that will challenge your faith
and will make you want to put your faith into action.
Speaking of putting our faith into action, our youth group will
begin to take small mission requests to amongst our church and community. If you know of someone who could use some help in performing tasks
in or around their house, our youth group will be happy to schedule a date
for a few of us to come out and complete. I do want our group to get out in
our community to do some service projects, however please be aware of the
busy lives our youth do live; I say this because our youth are already have a
lot on their plate balancing school, sports, family, work, etc. So if you need
something done or know someone that needs help, please let us know in
advance so we can schedule it and be sure that some youth are available to
help. Also keep in mind that youth will be doing these projects, so there
are certain things that might need some experienced adults to even attempt
(anything roofing related, cutting, construction, etc).
Thanks to Sandra Hiatt, our WMU Director for coordi-
I would also like to extend a special thank you to all of those
cards, appreciation gifts, prayers, and word of mouth praises that I have
received in light of Youth Sunday and Pastor Appreciation. I will continue
to do my best of my abilities and requirements. I hope that this year will
continue to be a blessed year for your family. As with any of this information if you have any questions please feel free to ask! My email is
jrsummerlin@hotmail.com and my cell phone number is 336-816-8474.
Thank you for support and have a blessed month!
nating this event. What a blessing!
Love in Christ,
Heather Sawyers spoke at the 8:30 service and Sandra
Scott spoke at the 11:00 service. They both did an
outstanding job. The special music was wonderful,
too. Thanks for all who had a part in this special day.
Rev. Joshua Summerlin
Continued Pg. 6
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Vital Signs
Sunday School Enrollment
General Fund Offering
Average Sunday School Attendance
Building Fund Donations
Average Worship Attendance
Designated Offering
These figures were averaged on a 5 week period.
General Fund
Total Receipts
Building Fund
Received, Budget Offering
Budget Needs
Y-T-D Budget Offering
Y-T-D Budget Needs
Building Fund Offering
Building Fund Needs
Y-T-D Building Fund Offering
Y-T-D Building Fund Needs
Sisterhood Continued article from page 5
By Terry Marcum
Our program this month was a discussion of our new book, The Magnificent Obsession by Anne Graham Lotz. We
had a very good discussion about surrendering it all to God, just as Abraham did. We will continue to discuss this
book through the month of June. Please join us if you can. If you need a book, please contact Terry Marcum.
We would love to have you as a part of our Sisterhood and be involved in our ministries. Our next meeting
will be on Monday evening, April 13 at 6:30 pm. Thanks for your support and all the ladies who participate! Lymi!
(Love ya! Mean it!)
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