April 2014 - Dorchester Presbyterian Church


April 2014 - Dorchester Presbyterian Church
Dorchester Presbyterian Church
April 2014
The Good News
Sunday Worship
10:15 a.m.
Sunday School
9:00 a.m.
Dear Friends,
As I glance ahead at my calendar, April appears to be a short month. - April only has 30 days in it, but on top of that, Holy Week stands in the center,
consuming a large bulk of the month.
Healing and
Wholeness Service
Holy Week begins on the 13th, Palm Sunday. Monday the 14th we will
have our normal lectionary lunch, but it will be with the reminder that Jesus
cleansed the temple, spoke in parables, and taught the Scriptures throughout
the week in Jerusalem. The 15th is tax day! Don’t forget to render unto Caesar
the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s! Read
Matthew 22:15-22 for clarification. On Wednesday, take some time to reflect
on the things to come and be reminded of the betrayal of Judas.
April 9, 7:00 p.m.
On Maundy Thursday, the 17th, we will have a meal similar to what
Jesus may have had with his disciples in the fellowship hall at 6:30 p.m. It is a
meal and it is free. There will be plenty for everyone! It is also a worship
service for all ages as we reflect on the events of Jesus’ last night with his
disciples before his death and resurrection.
Maundy Thursday
Seder Meal
The Good Friday service will be from noon to 1 this year in the
sanctuary. Jesus was crucified around noon and died about 3 hours later.
Saturday would have been the Sabbath, it would have been a day of
rest. For us, it will be a workday. We will also have another silent retreat for
anyone interested from 1-5 p.m. Come by anytime during those hours for a
time of silent reflection. Directions will be provided and self-explanatory. It’s
been said that most of life is lived somewhere between Good Friday and Easter
– between the highs and the lows, the what we know and understand and fear
and can explain, and the yet to come, the unexplainably good news! Spend
some time reflecting on what the early disciples might have thought and felt on
that Saturday, and how it might relate to your life today. - - It will make for a
great Easter!
The 20th is Easter! We will have breakfast at 9:00 a.m. Bring your
favorite breakfast dish to share! An Easter Egg Hunt will follow, and then
worship begins at 10:15 a.m. Reminder, there is only one Easter service
this year!
Remember to bring your One Great Hour of Sharing Offering for our
yearly support of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, the Presbyterian Disaster
Assistance, and the Self Development of People.
Sunday the
is a congregational meeting to elect a new Deacon.
Isabelle Rooney has been nominated. Sunday the 27th we will celebrate Earth
Day with an outdoor worship service along with the Scouts.
Grace and peace,
Holy Week
April 13-20
April 17, 6:30 p.m.
 .
& Workday
April 19, 7:30-12:00
Silent Retreat
April 19, 1-5 p.m.
Easter Breakfast &
Egg Hunt
April 20, 9:00 a.m.
Earth Day & Scout
April 27
April 2014
When Dorchester’s Session met on March 18:
Jeff reminded everyone of the many opportunities there are to participate in Lenten services
and activities – check all out in the newsletter or on the website.
Dorothy reported she has a friend, who is a music director of a Methodist church in Florida; who
will be taking 60 youth to New York in June. On their way back home, they have offered to
give a free concert in exchange for a sleepover in the fellowship hall. Session gave approval
so look for more information the closer we get to June 22 nd!
The Deacons have been reviewing and updating the Shepherding Team assignments and looking
into Meal Train needs. They also reviewed ways to reach out to members during times of
emergency should the need arise again.
Austin Richardson reported for the youth that in March they had the opportunity to go as a
group to see the movie “Son of God” and then return to the fellowship hall to discuss it in
detail. They had a discussion night on Religious Freedom, which included examples of recent
proposed legislation in several states.
Under the Finance Committee, Joe White reported the committee is closely watching the deficit
the church has for the first couple of months. They also had a lengthy discussion about the
church copier that has been out of order more than it has worked. It was the committee’s
recommendation to purchase a new copier versus leasing another one when this lease expires.
Joe and Dianne Dube were given authorization to research various options and report back to
The Christian Education Committee has been writing notes to children who have missed attending
Sunday School to let them know they are missed. They also voted in favor of keeping Children’s Church throughout the summer.
The Welcoming Committee promised they are closer to producing our new pictorial directory.
While it will be available online, they plan to also print enough for every family to have one.
The Fellowship Committee stated while the Oyster Roast was a great success, they ran out of
some of the food. They will work on ways to get better estimates for the number attending
the roast in the fall. Their next event will be to help with the Easter Breakfast.
The Mission Committee stated they were pleased with all that was accomplished on Dorchester
Serves Day. They were also proud to report that over $7,700 has been raised thus far to
help with travel expenses for those going on the Haiti Mission Trip with Leigh. In addition,
the committee passed a motion to organize a group this summer to help two elderly women in
Summerville with some home repairs.
April 2014
The Property Committee had a good turnout for their March work day. They said it would be helpful
to have a plumber and an electrician to help with some of the repairs. Please let any of the members know if you have those skills or you know of someone who would be willing to help.
The Worship Committee has been busy with the many Lent and Holy Week services. There is something for everyone! And then Earth Day and Scout Sunday will be celebrated on April 27 with an
outdoor service behind the Pavilion. Scouts from Troop 700 will act as greeters and ushers.
The Good Shepherd School reported they were able to place some funds in a reserve account and hope
to increase it until they have a balance of $18,000 to help in times of emergency. They also approved a cycle of pay raises for employees.
The Presbyterian Women are still reeling over the record number of surgical caps made on Dorchester
Serves Day – 647! There was a wonderful turnout with sewers ranging from age 11 to 99. The
Women are planning to have a special speaker from the Village at Summerville at their April 24 th
meeting. Anyone who would like to learn more about living at the Village is welcome to come to the
fellowship hall at 10:00 a.m. for refreshments and discussion. And, several ladies are planning to
attend the Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering on Saturday, April 26 in Orangeburg.
Under New Business:
We had a visit from Colin Kerr, the energetic young man who spoke at Dorchester some time ago
about the exciting things that are happening in the Campus Ministry program he directs. He
explained that during 2011, Presbytery budget cuts eliminated the Campus Ministry program
so he has been operating with the support of four local PC (USA) congregations, grants and
fundraising efforts. His ministry has expanded to about 100 students from the College of
Charleston and The Citadel. Authorization has been granted for him to spend 2014 visiting
churches within the Presbytery to seek annual pledges for a three-year commitment that
will go into effect in 2015. This pledge is contingent upon receiving at least $25,000 of new
support. Should that goal not be met, pledging churches would be under no obligation to
give in 2015. His request will be sent to the Finance Committee for possible inclusion in the
2015 church budget.
The date of April 6 has been set for a brief Called Congregational Meeting for the purpose of
electing a Deacon to fill a vacancy in the Class of 2015. Isabelle Rooney has been nominated
for this seat.
Session approved April 6 as the date to baptize Rebecca Alice Blackwelder. Becca is the newest
sweet baby of Dorothy and Russ and little sister to
Taylor and Caleb.
The next regular meeting of Session is scheduled for
Tuesday, April 15
Don’t forget to read your Lenten Devotional
Calendars and contribute to the fish bank each
day for the One Great Hour of Sharing
Offering. We will collect the offering on Easter
Sunday. There are more fish available in the
narthex if you need one.
Ernest Vaupel
Mary Frances Page
Genevieve Stark
Sara Gamble
Bob Monnet
Samantha Graves
Norma Jamrogowicz
Join your sisters in Christ for a time of fellowship, prayer, and Bible
study this Spring. We will meet Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the
fellowship hall, beginning April 23 until May 28. Our study is called
Broken and Blessed, a study of Genesis, “which traces the story of the
Genesis family from Adam and Eve through the generations to Joseph,
bringing blessing from brokenness. We will see that despite both good
and bad traits that were passed down, God worked for good in every
generation – determined to transform those within and outside the
family bloodlines. Through these stories of Genesis, New Testament
teaching about family, and stories of contemporary families changed and
used by God, this study shows us how God can use our own imperfect
families to bring blessing in a hurting and broken world.” Speak with
Tracie Parnell or Tina Kuhlman for more information and to sign up.
Participant books are $10.
Dianne Hogon
Kim Monnet
Claire Gamble
Angie Krouse
Ann Graves
Bonnie Merriman
Evan Huiet
Don Harmon
Hunter Cushman
Ross Newton
Magellan Mambou
April Wardlow
Tony Alvarado
Kelly Burchette
Connie Judson
Coty Lodge
Kelly Kampwerth
Linda Bosley
Jason Gamble
Ariane Mambou
Begins April 23
The youth group is having their annual Progressive Supper on Sunday,
April 27. Youth families are hosting the appetizer and main courses, but
we would love to hang out with you for dessert. We will arrive at your
home around 7:30 for dessert and will be gone by 7:50 (the progressive
supper is quick). In the New Testament, we learn that hospitality was
central to the early church…and it still is! This is a wonderful way to get
to know some of our fabulous youth! If you are willing to host 10-15
middle schoolers or high schoolers, please speak with Dorothy.
Dorchester Presbyterian Women meet on the 4th Thursday of each
month from September through May. Our meetings begin at 10 AM with
fellowship and refreshments. We have a Bible Study using a video from
the Nooma Series with Rob Bell which is followed by our business
agenda. This is not a private club, all women who are available during
the morning are invited. Please join us on April 24th at 10 AM.
From your Church
April 2014
Dorchester Serves Day took place on March 15. Volunteers ranged from ages 11 months
to 99 years-old! Take a look inside of some of the missions’ work that our
volunteers shared.....
660 Surgical Caps for the
MUSC Children’s Hospital
Habitat for Humanity
My Sister’s House
Palmetto House
Presbyterian Village
DEACON :Don Harmon
ELDER : Michele Robertson
May 18
Confirmation Sunday
April 6~ Bob & Joan Semle
June 8-14
June 22
Montreat Youth
April 13~ Pam & Kirk Stewart
April 6~ Jan Goin
April 20~ Don Harmon
April 13~ Ernie Vaupel
Kid Fest– Creation
April 27~
Sonlight Youth
Choir and Band
Concert at DPC
June 24-July 1
Haiti Mission Trip
July 5-12
Salkehatchie Youth
Mission Trip
July 23-27
Montreat Middle
School Conference
September 20 Church Bazaar
April 20~ Easter Don Harmon
April 27~
June 22
Scouts to Read
April 6~ Pam & Kirk Stewart
April 13~ Linda & Bob Veline
April 6~ Michele Robertson &
April 20~ Linda & Rick Carson
April 27~ Ann & Tony Savage
Annamae Novakowski
April 13~ Kylie Page & Ansley Savage
April20~ Diane Lodge &
Alexis Killough
April 6~ Richard/ Laura Donnelly
April 13~ Dennis Pankop
April 20~ Shannon Wickersham
April 27~ Linda Trethewey &
Anne Vido
April 27~ Jocelyn Pryor &
Ariane Djeugoue
Michele Robertson, Tony Savage, Ann
Savage, Robin Bowers
Elease Holmes
November 21-23 Women’s Retreat
Register Early for
Have you taken the time to look at the summer camp programs offered at
Bethelwoods? While June and July may seem a long way off, the staff at
Bethelwoods is already gearing up for another exciting summer filled with
fun and spiritual growth. Bethelwoods offers a variety of programs for
campers who have completed Kindergarten-12th grade. Whether you are a
first-time camper or a veteran senior high, there is something for everyone
at Bethelwoods! If you register and pay in full before May 1st, you will receive the Early Bird Discount. To sign up for camp, pick up a brochure and
send in your registration today or visit www.bethelwoods.org to register
online. Make your plans now to have camp be a part of your summer. Camp
brochures can be found at the church or contact the Bethelwoods office by
email at: info@bethelwoods.org or by calling (803) 366-3722.
Holy Week
Palm Sunday~ April 13 at 10:15 am
The children will assist in worship with a palm processional; children who would
like to participate in the processional should meet Dorothy on the sanctuary
courtyard at 10:00 am to get instructions.
Maundy Thursday Seder Meal~ April 17 at 6:30 pm
We will have a meal similar to what Jesus may have had with his disciples in
the fellowship hall at 6:30 p.m. It is a meal and it is free. There will be plenty
for everyone! It is also a worship service for all ages as we reflect on the events
of Jesus’ last night with his disciples before his death and resurrection.
Good Friday Worship Service~ April 18 at noon
The Good Friday service will be from noon to 1 this year in the sanctuary.
Jesus was crucified around noon and died about 3 hours later.
Easter Sunday Breakfast and Egg Hunt~ April 20 at 9:00 am
We will hold our fifth annual Easter Morning Breakfast in the fellowship hall.
Please bring a covered dish (or two) to share with your church family. The
fellowship committee will provide the drinks. Children: bring your Easter baskets
to collect all of the eggs you find!
Easter Sunday Worship~ April 20 at 10:15 am
As you enter worship on Easter Sunday, you are invited to bring fresh flowers from
your yards and gardens to decorate the Easter Cross. The cross will be
transformed from rough wood into a beautiful cross of flowers, helping us
remember the miracle and hope of Jesus’ resurrection and the promise of new life
in Christ.
Dorchester Presbyterian Church
10290 Dorchester Road
Summerville, SC 29485
Office Hours
9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Phone: 843-871-3572
Visit our Website at:
Questions? Email: office@dorchesterpresbyterian.org
Lead me in your truth,
and teach me, for you
are the God of my
salvation; for you I wait
all day long. Psalm: 25:5
View the church directory online: https://secure.accessacs.com/access/memberlogin.aspx?sn=141571
Class of 2014:
Rev. Jeff Kackley, Pastor
Rev. Dorothy Blackwelder, Associate Pastor
Simplicia Smith, Church Administrator
Dianne Dube, Financial Administrator
Kevin Gossett, Music Director
Angie Krouse and Connie Judson, Organists
Amy Plexico & Angela Laflin, Nursery Staff
Andrea Smith, Good Shepherd School Director
Sunday School: 9:00 a.m.
Worship: 10:15 a.m.
Rick Carson
Steve Dube
Robin Monnet
LeeAnne Newton
Michele Robertson
Austin Richardson
Class of 2015:
Jim Brice
John Lee
Katie Osterritter
Todd Heldreth
Kathy Worthington
Class of 2016:
Jim Mallory
Rebecca McBrearty
Bill Rooney
Roslyn Taylor
Joe White
Clerk of Session: Kathy Worthington
Class of 2014:
Michelle Graves
Jenny Ticknor
Bob Colucci
Class of 2015:
Don Harmon
Doug Richardson
Dianne Hogon
Class of 2016:
Rebecca Moore
Traci Parnell
Ann Savage