Parish “Prayer Line” - Christ Our Redeemer Catholic Church
Parish “Prayer Line” - Christ Our Redeemer Catholic Church
SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ JULY 19 ~ 2015 “Will you not spend one hour with me?” - Mt: 26-4 Join us at Christ Our Redeemer SATURDAY: JULY 18 Vigil of Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:30 p.m. ~ Andrew & Virginia Rabiansky ✝ SUNDAY: JULY 19 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. ~ Charles Remington ✝ 10:30 a.m. ~ People of God MONDAY: JULY 20 Saint Apollinaris 8:30 a.m. ~ Ron & Jean Rabiansky (Happy 47th Anniversary)! ! TUESDAY: JULY 21 Saint Lawrence of Brindisi 8:30 a.m. ~ ! 8:30 a.m. ~ THURSDAY: JULY 23 Saint Bridget 8:30 a.m. ~ Luke Baly (Happy Birthday) FRIDAY: JULY 24 Saint Sharable Makhluf 8:30 a.m. ~ COMMUNION SERVICE SATURDAY: JULY 25 Vigil of Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:30 p.m. ~ Jim Doty ✝ SUNDAY: JULY 26 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. ~ People of God 10:30 a.m. ~ People of God READINGS FOR THE WEEK 19July 2015 thru 26 July 2015 Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; ! Mk 6:30-34 !Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 TUESDAY: ! Ex 14:21 -- 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17; ! ! Mt 12:46-50 WEDNESDAY: ! Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28; ! ! ! Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 THURSDAY: !Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; ! ! ! Mt 13:10-17 FRIDAY:! ! Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23 SATURDAY: !2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 SUNDAY: ! 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-18; ! ! ! Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 ! God has created me to do some definite service. God has committed some work to me which has not been committed to another. I have a mission. -- John Henry Newman IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT THE MONTH OF AUGUST Father Bob will be on vacation. Therefore, there are only eight times during August that Mass Intentions can be requested for someone special. If you take a card from the pamphlet rack in the Narthex, please turn it in immediately. Only eight request cards are available Parish “Prayer Line” Prayer Requests Call: BETH McDONALD at 897-0549 WEDNESDAY: JULY 22 Saint Mary Magdalene SUNDAY: ! ! ! MONDAY: 7:00 P.M. TIL ~ TUES. JULY 21ST ✝ FAITHFUL DEPARTED: THEA SHAEFER ✝ (RIP) DEPLOYED MILITARY: Capt. Justin Saunders Colleen & Robin Murray SERVING MISSIONS IN AFRICA: Marcos Melecio-Zambrano Rosa & Arthur Culver - Becky Sobel - Bill & Nancy Kirk - Don Riggs Marcie Norris - Edward Jarzabek - James Whitmarsh - David Bell Beverly Wheat - Ruby Liberatori - Bernice Huyser - Shirley Ocker Mary Lou Alvadj - Kelly Chamberlain - Lillian Rusonis - Kelly Walter Brenda Tutin - Fran Crimmens - Danny Rossi - Bill & Lynn Horsely Dale Peterson - Dianne Goldberg - Keith Collins & family Sally Livingston - Maddie Bunner - Denise Deppen - Linda Keller Richard Carpenter - Shana Bradberry - Michelle Kimpton Marie Chezem - Melissa Heller - Lynn Patrick - Flinn Family Cathy Martin - Pete & Judy Bassham - George Rall - Doug Rinell Jessica Erickson - Paul Young - Marvin Minnix Do YOU want to serve Our Lord in a very special way . . . 1. Are you a baptized member of the Catholic Church? 2. Have you received your First Communion and receive Communion regularly at Sunday Mass? 3. Is your family registered members of Christ Our Redeemer Parish 4. Can you be responsible by arriving in the Sacristy 15 minutes before Mass when you are scheduled to serve. If all your answers are “yes” . . . Father Bob invites you to be part of our Altar Server Ministry. Fill out a white registration card from the pamphlet rack in the Narthex and call Deacon Jim at 850-974-1033 for information. Saturday, July 25th from 9 a.m. until noon Training Morning & Pizza for Lunch NEXT WEEKEND’S BULLETIN CONTENT DEADLINE IS MONDAY July 20th by 12 noon email: SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ! ! ! ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ SUMMER BIBLE STORY TIME THURSDAY: JULY 23RD JOIN US IN THE PARISH HALL AT 9:30 A.M. CATHOLICISM: A JOURNEY DEEP INTO FAITH presented by Fr. Robert Barron, is a thematic presentation of what Catholics believe and why. Not a video lecture, Church history or scripture study, this engaging and interesting formational program uses the art, architecture, literature, music and all the treasures of the Catholic tradition to illuminate the timeless teachings of the Church. This Catholicism Study Program presents the strong, ecclesial dimension of the Catholic Faith – God’s revelation through Jesus Christ and His Church open to all who wish to learn more about their faith and the “why” behind that belief. Sessions held at 9:30 AM after morning Mass in the Parish Hall. For starting date, more information or to register for this program, call Michele McCormick at (850) 502-0684 or email her at with “Catholicism” at the subject. Treasures for Our Lord ~ 12 JULY 2015 To our visitors & our members . . . thank you for your generosity Weekend Donations & Office Deposit to Operate $11,336.00 On-Line Donations $2,567.00 Total Received $13,903.00 JULY 19 ~ 2015 Ministry will have a Game Night Social Wednesday, July 22nd from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Bring your favorite board game Dinner will be served RSVP to or call 897-7797 PARISH OFFICE SUMMER HOURS 9:15 a.m. until 12 noon COMING SOON As Catholics, we are heirs to a remarkable heritage and history ~ a fascinating story of adventure, rebellion, tragedy, and triumph 2,000 years in the making. One word best! describes Catholic history: Epic. “Epic: A Journey through Church History” is a captivating and fast-paced look at the story of the Catholic Church beginning with the lives of the apostles to the present day. Epic takes the immense history of the Church and simplifies it into twelve, color-coded time periods. In twenty sessions Epic provides understanding of Church history that enables participants to have a greater sense of meaning and identity as Catholics. Join us for the Epic: A Journey Through Church History here at Christ Our Redeemer with our first session on Sunday, August 16th at 2:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. For info or to register for this study Please call Deacon Bill Schaal at (H)897-3949 or ©902-1422 or email him at with “Bible Study” as the subject. ❖ MONDAY NITE BOOK STUDY ~ MOMNIPOTENT 6:00 p.m. in Peter/Paul Classroom. POC: Rebecca Coley at: 618-409-6580 or ANNUAL DRIVE for “Sharing & Caring” Please Take a “NEEDS” List from the display table in the Narthex and RETURN your school supply DONATIONS to the Narthex UNTIL THURSDAY ~ JULY 30TH Saint Mary Catholic School Free Prekindergarten for 4- year olds. Saint Mary Catholic School participates in the State of Florida’s Voluntary Prekindergarten Program. (VPK) Have you Registered your 4-year old for VPK? · VPK is free for all Florida’s 4-year olds · VPK helps your 4-year old develop the skills they need to become good readers and successful students · All VPK instructors must meet quality standards required by Florida Law · VPK provides children a strong foundation for success In education and life Call the school for more information: 850-243-8913 Or come by for a tour (110 Robinwood, Fort Walton Beach) Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 13527 INFORMATION ▶ CALENDAR ITEMS: July 22nd - First Degree at Crestview July 23rd - Executive Committee Mtg ~ 7:00 p.m. July 24th - B-I-N-G-O at HNJ ~ 6:00 p.m. Aug 6th - General Assembly Meeting ~ 7:00 p.m. ▶ TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ... ... ... the Knights of Columbus go to or contact Grand Knight Tom Means at: 919-920-4128 or VICTIMS OF ABUSE: The Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee is committed to healing the hurting hearts of sexual abuse victims and has established Victims Assistance Coordinators who are experienced and trained counselors and are available to help persons who have been sexually abused. The Coordinator for the Pensacola/Ft. Walton Beach area is: Louis M. Makarowski Ph.D.; P.A. at 850-477-7181 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ! ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ JULY 19 ~ 2015 A NOTE FROM FATHER RON ROLHEISER, OMI . . . The Eucharist invites us to receive nourishment from God, fill with gratitude, and, on the basis of that, to break open our lives and serve the poor in hospitality, humility, and self-donation. THE EUCHARIST AS WASHING EACH OTHER’S FEET This is everywhere evident in the Gospels, though John’s Gospel puts it the most clearly. Where the other gospels have Jesus speaking the words of institution at the last supper (“This is my body. This is my blood. Do this in memory of me.”) John has Jesus washing the disciples feet. But, for John, this gesture replaces the words of institution. It specifies what the Eucharist is in fact meant to do, namely, to lead us out of church and into the humble service of others. The Eucharist is a call to move from worship to service, to take the nourishment, the embrace, the kiss, we have just received from God and the community and translate it immediately and directly into loving service of others. To take the Eucharist seriously is to begin to wash the feet of others, especially the feet of the poor. The Eucharist is both an invitation, which invites us, and a grace, which empowers us to service. And what it invites us to do is to replace distrust with hospitality, pride with humility, and self-interest with self-effacement so as to reverse the world’s order of things – wherein the rich get served by the poor and where the first priority is always to keep one’s pride intact and one’s self-interest protected. The Eucharist invites us to step down from pride, away from self-interest, to turn the mantel of privilege into the apron of service, so as to help reverse the world’s order of things wherein pride, status, and self-interest are forever the straws that stir the drink. ! FLOWERS ! ! We have several generous parishioners who donate regularly to the Christ Our Redeemer “Flower Fund” Rick & Marcy Spitznagel Rozborski Family Mark & Cathy Demoreski Mr. & Mrs. Ken Swank Paul & Carol Giguere Mr. & Mrs. Vinh Nguyen Bob & Sharon Hargreaves Mr. & Mrs John Bunyan Mike Schwartz & Mary Kalscheuer Schwartz Glenn Prescott & Sylvia Diaz Steve & Carmen Marshall-Claude Sanctuary Flowers at the Ambo William Blinn in Memory of . . . Nan Blinn ✝ Weekend of: May 9th /10th Tina-Marie Zermeño in Honor of . . . “Z” & Tricia Weekend of: June 13th /14th Miguel Nolla in Honor of . . . Lynn Nolla Weekend of: June 27th /28th Marcie Norris in Memory of . . . Anna & Harry Myhra ✝ Weekend of: July 18th /19th For Our Blessed Mother Judie Galatro Donna Clark in Memory of her mother . . . Gloria Abate ✝ Dr. Joe Agostinelli in Honor of . . . Nurses Dr. Joe Agostinelli in Honor of . . . Teachers Dick & Ina Reimann in Memory of . . . Ida Reimann ✝ Weekend of: June 28th Diane Mitchell in Memory of . . . Germaine Courchene ✝ Weekend of: July 12th SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ JULY 19 ~ 2015 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: ! “We, the parish of Christ Our Redeemer, are called to love God, act as stewards of Christ and trust in the Lord to nurture our faith through His Presence in the Eucharist.” PARISH VISION STATEMENT: PASTOR: “Christ Our Redeemer Catholic Parish is: An open, diverse and vibrant Christ-centered family, inspired by the Holy Spirit to nurture and share our faith through celebration of the Eucharist, prayer, education, outreach and community.” REV. ROBERT J. JOHNSON CATHOLIC MINISTRIES AT CHRIST OUR REDEEMER: DAY & TIMES AND POINTS OF CONTACT WITH PHONE NUMBERS ! ! EDUCATION OR FAITH FORMATION: Religious Education: (Grades PreK-5)! Lisa Hall: 897-7797 Youth Ministry: (Grades 9-12) Carmen Marshall-Claude: 897-7797 Youth Ministry: (Grades 6-8)! Dalane Fox: 897-7797 Sacramental Catechesis: Lisa Hall: 897-7797 Rite of Christian Initiation: ! Deacon Jim Murray: 974-1033 Bible Study: ! Deacon Bill Schaal: 897-3949 Michele McCormick: 897-2372 Sue Marco: 897-5609 Ignatian Exercises: Maurie Ockerman: 897-1463 ENRICHMENT Prayer Line: ! Charismatic Renewal: Communion & Liberation: ! Cursillo:! Respect Life: Sun: 8:45-10:00 a.m. Wed: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wed: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Check Bulletin or Call Mon.: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sun.: Tue.: Tue.: Wed.: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. 9:30-11:00 a.m. 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. 9:10-11:30 a.m. Beth McDonald: Maurie Ockerman: Pam Deloach: Annette North: Michele McCormick: 897-0549 897-1463 279-3979 897-3783 897-2372 LITURGY Music: ! James Perkins: 897-7797 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Deacon Nolla: 897-6885 Lectors & Altar Servers: Tom Toltzien: 897-5789 Altar Servers: Deacon Murray: 974-1033 Sacristans: Patty Harp: 897-5887 Ushers / Greeters: Adolph Fejfar: 897-2586 Art & Environment: Michele McCormick: 897-2372 ! Carmen Marshall-Claude: 678-9372 FYI: FELLOWSHIP Donut Brigade: ! Sun: after 7:30 & 10:30 Masses Donna & Ron Quinn: 897-2342 Welcome Committee: ! Sun: 1st Wkend at all Masses Colleen Miller: 678-2116 Single-Divorced-Widowed: 4th Sun: after 10:30 Mass Barbara Vanderbeek: 897-6551 Playgroup-4-Kids-&-Moms: Tue.: 9:30-11:00 a.m. Sarah Dieterich: 897-3795 Parish Socials Ministry: Whenever Scheduled - Check Bulletin Contact: Need Volunteer Monday Morning Coffee: Mon.: 9:10 a.m. til OUTREACH & FELLOWSHIP Knights of Columbus: ! Tom Means: 919-920-4128 Council of Catholic Women: Rosemarie Adams: 279-4627 Priscilla Circle: ! Rebecca Coley: !618-409-6850 OUTREACH Bereavement Ministry: Thu.: 1st Wk of Month Fri.: 1st Wk of Month Wed.: 3rd Wk of Month Sue Marco: Beth McDonald: Sharon Hargreaves: Patty Harp: Ron Rabiansky: Nitsi Bennett: Parish Outreach: ! St. Vincent de Paul:! KoC Outreach (Elderly): Habitat for Humanity: ! COUNCILS & COMMITTEES Pastoral: Finance:! Faith Engaged: 897-5609 897-0549 279-6337 897-5887 897-3493 315-0025 Jeanette Schaal: 897-3949 Adam Dieterich: 897-3795 Pat Brennan: 897-1163 Christ Our Redeemer Parish’s website is INFORMATION / GUIDELINES FOR RECEPTION OF SACRAMENTS AT CHRIST OUR REDEEMER SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Before setting a Wedding Date: Call parish office at 897-7797: ➤ Schedule appointment with Pastor SIX MONTHS in ADVANCE of anticipated Wedding Date ➤ To be married in Catholic Church by a Catholic priest registration & completion of prep program required SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Prior to setting a Baptism date: Call the parish office at 897-7797: ➤ to register for required class ➤ to finish necessary paperwork One of the godparents: ➤ must be baptized & confirmed ➤ a practicing Catholic who is sixteen years of age or older SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Anointing . . . . . . . . . Request by calling the Parish Office: 897-7797 or emergency: 897-2974 Parishioners who are facing surgery, struggling with serious illness or preparing for death may request this sacrament at any time VICTIMS OF ABUSE: The Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee is committed to healing the hurting hearts of sexual abuse victims and has established Victims Assistance Coordinators who are experienced and trained counselors and are available to help persons who have been sexually abused. The Coordinator for the Pensacola/Ft. Walton Beach area is: Louis M. Makarowski Ph.D.; P.A. at 850-477-7181