Canterbury Woods Plat 2 Preliminary Plat
Canterbury Woods Plat 2 Preliminary Plat
Notice of Proposed Development City of Johnston, Iowa June 7th, 2016 PZ Case No. 16-15; Canterbury Woods Plat 2 Preliminary Plat The applicant, Canterbury Woods, L.L.C., is proposing to subdivide a 7.664-acre Outlot ZZ of Canterbury Woods Plat 1 into 3 single-family residential lots. The property is zoned R-1(75) with restrictions based upon a Development Agreement entered into as part of the rezoning of the property. Applicant: Canterbury Woods LLC PO Box 267 Johnston, IA 50131 Meeting Schedule: Planning and Zoning Commission, Monday, June 13, 2016 City Council Meeting (tentative), Monday, June 20, 2016 Both meetings will be held in the Council Chambers of Johnston City Hall, 6221 Merle Hay Road and begin at 7:00 p.m. The public is welcome and invited to attend the above noted meetings and an opportunity will be provided for you to make comments on the proposed request. Staff Contact: Comments and questions about this application may be directed to: Aaron Wolfe, AICP Senior Planner City of Johnston 6221 Merle Hay Road, Box 410 Johnston, IA 50131 Phone: (515) 727-7766 Email: Attachments: Vicinity Map Preliminary Plat CANTERBURY WOODS LLC POB 267 JOHNSTON, IA 50131 V O AG ER E D RA IU MICHAEL DERKENNE 9118 NW 72ND CIR JOHNSTON, IA 50131 S DR A N T C JOHN JACKOVIN 9824 ASHTON DR JOHNSTON, IA 50131 HY DAVID DANIEL 10540 NW 74TH PL JOHNSTON, IA 50131 J LARSON HOMES LLC 10604 NW 75TH PL GRIMES, IA 50111 259.00' COV E RA G E RA D I US CANTERBURY WOODS LLC POB 267 JOHNSTON, IA 50131 Area : 2.46 RICK D PUNDT 8616 LONG MEADOW DR JOHNSTON, IA 50131 FHYD - (2) 8" Drain Tile X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X HY DRA N T BEGIN PROPOSED PAVEMENT X 513.64' 15.15' SHERIF H TEWFIK 7365 NW 107TH ST GRIMES, IA 50111 STEPHEN E KRABER 7375 NW 107TH ST GRIMES, IA 50111 PROJECT NOTES PROJECT CONTACTS NW 100th St. NW 78th Ave. SITE 101 NE CIRCLE DR., GRIMES, IOWA 50111, PH. (515)986-5048 SIGNATURE PRELIMINARY MARK A. McMURPHY DATE IOWA LIC. NO. 14674 MY LICENSE RENEWAL DATE IS DECEMBER 31, 2016. IONA L ENG SS MARK A. McMURPHY 14674 IO W A SHEETS 1 THROUGH PAGES COVERED BY THIS SEAL: SET 1/2" DIA. I.R. w/ YW CAP #15982 FOUND CORNER PLATTED BEARING & DISTANCE MEASURED BEARING & DISTANCE CALCULATED BEARING & DISTANCE SECTION LINE PLAT BOUNDARY LINE PLAT LOT LINE PROPERTY LINE BLDG SETBACK LINE (BSB) PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (PUE) GAS EASEMENT RIGHT OF WAY (ROW) CENTER LINE OF ROAD EXIST. FENCE LINE Z:\site comp\Clients\Dallenbach & Larson\2015\#15063 Canterbury Woods Plat 2\Sheet Sets\#15063 Canterbury Woods Plat 2.dwg attn: John Larson Canterbury Woods, LLC PO Box 267 Johnston, Iowa 50131 Ph: 515-491-4090 Fx: 515-276-4156 e-mail: PRINTED OR TYPED NAME: LEGEND: CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEYING attn: Mark A. McMurphy, PE/PLS Abaci Consulting, Inc. 101 NE Circle Dr. Grimes, IA 50111 Ph: (515) 986-5048 Fax: (515) 986-0588 EER IN t. th S NW 70th Ave. GRADING NOTES: G1) This site disturbs more than one acre. See the SWPPP prepared separately from this. G2) This site is in Zone "X" per FEMA FIRM map community-panel number 190901-0085 D with a revision date of 07-19-2000. G4) The grading is balanced on site. G5) Any dirt or debris spilled onto adjacent properties or right-of-way shall be cleaned up promptly. G6) Rock to be placed on construction entrance to prevent off-site tracking and dust generation. G7) Strip minimum of 4 inches of topsoil and stockpile outside of the grading area toward the backside of each lot (Lots 1-3), in open areas and away from trees. This topsoil is to be placed back over the graded area at the same thickness during finish grading. ABACI CONSULTING, INC. OWNER/DEVELOPER I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS ENGINEERING DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED AND THE RELATED WORK WAS PERFORMED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT PERSONAL SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF IOWA. 107 JURISDICTIONAL SPECIFIC NOTES: J1) All construction shall be in accordance with the 2014 edition Iowa Statewide Urban Standard Specifications for Public Improvements (SUDAS) and any City of Johnston Supplemental Specifications except where explicitly indicated otherwise. J2) Obtain permit or written approval from the City (County or State) prior to commencing work within the right-of-ways. The contractor is responsible for any and all traffic control which shall be in accordance with the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices." ENGINEER/SURVEYOR PRO FE UTILITY NOTES: U1) The proposed water supply is provided by the City of Johnston. U2) The sanitary sewage treatment is provided by the City of Johnston. U3) The proposed electric and gas supply are provided by Mid-American Energy, Phone 1-888-427-5632 U4) The telephone service is by Century Link. U5) Maintain 5.5' minimum cover at all water lines. At sewer crossing maintain 18" minimum vertical clearance and 10' minimum horizontal clearance. U6) The utilities shown here are for Preliminary Plat purposes only. In the event of a discrepancy between this and the detailed construction drawings, the detailed construction drawings shall govern. U7) The individual lot developer shall verify the sanitary sewer service lateral elevation prior to construction. U8) In any area where a PUE overlaps a designated City of Johnston utility easement, the use of the PUE by any public utility is subordinate to the city's easement interest and use of the easement, including future use of the easement by the city. Any utility in conflict with the city's use of a designated utility easement must relocate the conflict without expense to the city. NW GENERAL NOTES: N1) All construction shall be in accordance with the Development Agreement between Silverstone, LC and the City of Johnston, dated March 3, 2006 (BK11568 PG133-137). All lots adjoining the eastern or southern property boundary shall have min. 60' rear setback. N2) All construction shall be in accordance with the 2014 edition Statewide Urban Design Standards for Public Improvements and City of Johnston Supplemental Specifications. N3) This document is preliminary in nature. The information should not be used for boundary retracement. Refer to the Final Plat at the Polk County Recorders Office for boundary retracement information. N4) This site contains 53 White Pine trees which are 6" in diameter or larger. 16 of the existing trees will be removed during construction and grading as indicated. The trees removed will be replaced with same species and placed in a manor to maintain a buffer to the adjacent properties. PAVEMENT/PARKING NOTES: P1) The proposed street will be 26' b-b PCC with integral curb and gutter. P2) No storm or sanitary manholes, intakes or fire hydrants shall be located to conflict with sidewalk, trails or driveways. P3) The proposed pavement will be 7-inch thick PCC. P4) The proposed curbing will be standard 6" PCC. P5) The proposed 4' PCC sidewalk is to have a cross-slope of 2%. Hwy 141 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Outlot ZZ, Canterbury Woods, Official Plat, Johnston, Polk County, Iowa. Containing 7.644 Acres. ZONING NOTES: Z1) Existing zoning and proposed zoning is R-1(75), Single Family Residential. Z2) BULK REGULATIONS REQUIRED PROPOSED LOT AREA 12,500 sq. ft. 12,500 sq. ft. MIN. LOT WIDTH 87' 87' MIN. FRONT BSB 35' 35' SIDE BSB 9'/19' sum 9'/19' sum' REAR BSB 35' 35' Z3) See the Zoning Ordinance for additional requirements/restrictions. Z4) No variances are proposed for this development. Z5) This site is not within any Overlay district. PROPERTY CORNER SECTION CORNER (R) (M) (C) WATER MAIN EX. MAJOR CONTOUR EX. MINOR CONTOUR EX. WATER MAIN EX. STORM SEWER EX. SANITARY SEWER EX. OVERHEAD ELEC. EX. UNDERGROUND ELEC. EX. UNDERGROUND TV EX. UNDERGROUND PHONE EX. UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTICS EX. GAS MAIN PROP. MAJOR CONTOUR PROP. MINOR CONTOUR PROP. WATER MAIN PROP. STORM SEWER PROP. SANITARY SEWER XXX XXX FIRE HYDRANT X" W WATER VALVE PROP. EXIST. ELECTRICAL PEDESTAL E N PHONE PEDESTAL STORM SEWER CLEAN OUT XXX XXX SINGLE GRATE INTAKE SANITARY SEWER 5-13-2016 6-1-2016 1st Submittal 2nd Submittal CANTERBURY WOODS PLAT 2, PRELIMINARY PLAT JOHNSTON, POLK COUNTY, IA POWER POLE GAS MAIN VALVE PREPARED FOR WELL MAIL BOX EXISTING PINE TREE MANHOLE CLEAN OUT 1. 2. REVISION DESCRIPTION POWER POLE MANHOLE FLARED END SECTION DATE PROJECT TV PEDESTAL POWER POLE W/ LIGHT WATER VALVE REVISION PROPOSED PINE TREE M 0 40 CANTERBURY WOODS, LLC 80 Feet POLK COUNTY DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JRS DATE OF DRAWING: MM JOB NO: 6/1/2016 DRAWING NO: 15063 16-00954 SHEET NO: 1 OF 1 Canterbury Woods Vicinty Map NW 107th Street NW 75th Avenue - 0 75 150 NW 70th Avenue 300 450 600 Feet Created by City of Johnston Department of Community Development 6221 Merle Hay Road, P.O. Box 410, Johnston, IA, 50131-0410 (515)278-2344 Fax:(515)278-2033
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