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2 0 15 – 2 0 16 home Klassiska Ullplädar Classic Wool Throws Premium Ullplädar Premium Wool Throws Premium Ullfiltar Premium Wool Blankets Klassiska Ullfiltar Classic Wool Blankets Sängfiltar Bed Blankets Chenillefiltar Chenille Blankets Bommullsfiltar Cotton Blankets Ullmattor Wool Carpets Kuddar & Ulltyger Cushions & Wool Fabrics Stentvättat Linne Stone Washed Linen Tryckta Tyger & Kuddar Printed Fabrics & Cushions Tabletter & Löpare Table Mats & Runners Kökshanddukar Kitchen Towels Servetter & Förkläden Napkins & Aprons Grillvantar & Disktrasor Oven Gloves & Dishcloths Handfiltade Produkter Hand Felted Products Innehåll / contents 4 18 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 44 46 48 50 3 Our classic wool throws and blankets are made of 100 % lambs wool. The definition of lambs wool is the first cut of a sheep that is no older than six months. QUIlt BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2075-03 tIBetAn, -01 lIGht GReY, -04 InDIGo, -02 BlAcK KlAssIsKA UllPlÄDAR / clAssIc Wool thRoWs N atural materials have fantastic benefits that can´t be found with synthetic fibers. shePheRD 130 X 180 cM, 100 % Wool 2066-01 BRoWn Eco wool is guaranteed pesticide free. No chemicals or antibiotics have been used in the rearing of the lambs. 5 RUMBA BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2074-03 MInt, -04 ReD, -05 WARM GReY, -02 Rose cloUD, -01 lIGht GReY PolKA BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2018-13 PInK, -09 lIlAc, -07 lIMe, -06 tURQUoIse, -08 oRAnGe, -03 ReD, -02 GReY, -01 BlAcK lInUs 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2049-08 oRAnGe, -05 GReen, -01 lIGht GReY, -07 ReD, -02 DARK GReY, -03 BlAcK 6 2069-04 MInt, -07 leAD GReY, -03 YelloW, -02 GReY, -05 Rose cloUD, -01 BlAcK tAnGo KlAssIsKA UllPlÄDAR / clAssIc Wool thRoWs sAMBA BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2039-09 oRAnGe, -06 PInK, -08 lIMe, -04 ReD, -07 BlUe, -05 lIlAc, -03 BeIGe, -02 GReY, -01 BlAcK MosAIK 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2044-03 MAGentA, -05 JADe, -07 BRonZe, -04 oceAn, -06 Rose, -01 GReY 7 8 JAZZ 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool VInGA BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2063-01 WhIte, -02 BlAcK 2008-73 WhIte, -66 DARK GReY, -65 lIGht GReY KlAssIsKA UllPlÄDAR / clAssIc Wool thRoWs tWIst 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2025-02 lIGht GReY, -01 nAtURAl WhIte, -03 DARK GReY MAn & WIFe BY: MARtIn toRDBY 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2055-00 GReY 9 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2022-05 lIMe, -01 lIGht GReY, -07 sMoKeY BlUe, -08 cReAM, -02 BlAcK VeGA BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool KlAssIsKA UllPlÄDAR / clAssIc Wool thRoWs stellA BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 2042-13 RUst, -11 DUcK eGG BlUe, -06 Rose, -12 coPPeR, -10 sAFFRon, -02 GReY, -03 ReD, -08 BARQUe, -09 MAUVe, -07 AVocADo, -05 PetRol, -01 BlAcK tWeeD 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2072-05 DARK GReen, -03 BARQUe, -04 BoRDeAUX, -01 GReY, -02 BlAcK 11 KlAssIsKA UllPlÄDAR / clAssIc Wool thRoWs IneZ BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2037-07 oRchID, -08 AQUA, -01 GReY, -04 MUltI, -05 BoRDeAUX clAUDIA 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2059-06 IVoRY, -07 MIstY BlUe, -09 lInen, -08 GReY BIRKA BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2015 -07 Rose, -02 ReD, -01 nAtURAl, -05 lIlAc, -06 GReY BJÖRK BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2041-03 AQUA, -13 oRAnGe, -04 GReen, -01 nAtURAl, -07 PInK, -09 cheRRY, -02 GReY, -08 YelloW, -05 BlAcK 12 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2040-01 DARK GReY, -03 PInK, -02 lIGht GReY, -06 PetRol, -05 BeIGe, -04 BlUe RAlPh 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2056 -08 lIGht GReY, -04 ReD, -02 nAtURAl BeIGe, -06 AUBeRGIne, -03 BARQUe, 01 IVoRY, -12 oRAnGe, -10 lInolIUM, -05 nAVY, -07 MUstARD, -09 DARK GReY BUBBles 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2060-06 eMeRAlD, -01 nUDe, -03 BRonZe, -04 GReY KlAssIsKA UllPlÄDAR / clAssIc Wool thRoWs DoMIno BUBBles eDGe 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2061-02 IVoRY 15 2160-01 lInen, -02 DARK GReY PREMIUM leAF BY: cecIlIA BonDe 130 X 200 cM, 60 % MeRIno Wool & 40 % lAMBs Wool BY 2065-06 leAD GReY, -03 YelloW, -04 GReen, -05 tIBetAn, -02 GReY, -01 BlAcK PREMIUM BY GoBI 130 X 180 cM, 100 % PURe MeRIno Wool 2077-04 stRIPes, -01 IVoRY, -02 sAnD, -03 BRoWn PReMIUM UllPlÄDAR / PReMIUM Wool thRoWs BlUsh BY: BenGt & lottA 130 X 180 cM, 70 % lAMBs Wool & 30 % lInen PREMIUM DottY BY: BenGt & lottA 130 X 200 cM, 60 % MeRIno Wool & 40 % lAMBs Wool BY 2067-03 BeIGe, -01 BlAcK, -02 oRAnGe Our premium wool throws and blankets are made of extra fine fibers, such as merino wool, which make them wonderfully soft and comfy. PREMIUM BY 19 BY BosQUet 2071-01 BlUe/BeIGe, -02 GReY/WhIte, -03 GReen/BRoWn PREMIUM choUcho sJAl shAWl BY: AKIRA MInAGAWA 65 X 200 cM, 60 % MeRIno Wool & 40 % lAMBs Wool BY 2114-01 YelloW/GReY, -02 nAVY/BeIGe PREMIUM BY PReMIUM UllPlÄDAR / PReMIUM Wool thRoWs PREMIUM BY: AKIRA MInAGAWA 130 X 200 cM, 60 % MeRIno Wool & 40 % lAMBs Wool KInG oF the FoRest BY: sAAnA JA ollI 130 X 200 cM, 60 % MeRIno Wool & 40 % lAMBs Wool 2073-01 GReY, -02 BlAcK, -03 ReD 21 PREMIUM FloRAl BY: BenGt & lottA 130 X 180 cM, 60 % MeRIno Wool & 40 % lAMBs Wool PREMIUM lAVA BY: AMAnDA & MAtIlDA 130 X 180 cM, 60 % MeRIno Wool & 40 % lAMBs Wool 2260-01 PAle PAstel, -02 sUMMeR BURst 2262-02 WARM GReY, -03 GReen BY 22 BY BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 130 X 200 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2264-01 GReY PREMIUM stAR BY: UllA GUstAVsson 130 X 180 cM, 60 % MeRIno Wool & 40 % lAMBs Wool BY 2263-01 lIGht GReY, -02 RUst PREMIUM PREMIUM PIXIe BY: BenGt & lottA BY ZIXten 130 X 180 cM, 60 % MeRIno Wool & 40 % lAMBs Wool BY: UllA GUstAVsson 130 X 180 cM, 60 % MeRIno Wool & 40 % lAMBs Wool 2257-03 FlIntstone, -02 MUltI, -01 GReY 2259-01 GReY BY PReMIUM UllFIltAR / PReMIUM Wool BlAnKets MARRAKech 23 PolAR BeAR BY: BenGt & lottA 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2207-02 GReY MoUntAIns BY: tInA BAcKMAn 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2261-01 lIGht GReY, -02 PAle PInK Moose BY: BenGt & lottA 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2206 -08 GReY, -07 BlAcK sheeP BY: BenGt & lottA 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2208 -02 GReY, -01 BlAcK 24 tRIP BY: AKIRA MInAGAWA 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool oWl BY: helenA heDstRÖM 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2255-03 BlUe/WhIte, -01 GReY/WhIte 2243-02 lIGht GReY 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2249-01 GReY lAPPlAnD BY: BenGt & lottA 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2248-03 lIGht GReY/BlUe, -02 lIGht GReY/ReD, -01 DARK GReY/lIGht GReY hoUse In the FoRest BY: AKIRA MInAGAWA 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool othello BY: BenGt & lottA 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2251-02 GReen, -01 GReY 2245-02 ReD, -01 YelloW loVe-BIRDs BY: BenGt & lottA 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2258-01 GReY KlAssIsKA UllFIltAR / clAssIc Wool BlAnKets PAtch BY: chIQUI MAttson FJÄllnÄs BY: BenGt & lottA 130 X 180 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2231-03 YelloW/GReY, -02 ReD/GReY, -01 GReY/RUst 25 RAW thRoW / BeDsPReAD 150 X 240 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2076-02 MIstY BlUe, -04 IVoRY, -03 PAle PInK, -01 DARK GReY sÄnGFIltAR / BeD BlAnKets T hese blankets are extra long which make them ideal as bedspread for a single bed or as foot end blanket on a double bed. ORGANIC COTTON WAFFle BlAnKet / BeDsPReAD 150 X 240 cM, 100 % cotton 2703-01 WhIte, -04 lInen, -05 DARK GReY All our cotton blankets are made from organic cotton. This means that the cotton is cultivated without the use of any artificial fertilizers or pesticides. ORGANIC COTTON 27 ORGANIC COTTON DottY BY: BenGt & lottA 140 X 180 cM, 50 % cotton chenIlle & 50 % BAMBoo 2533-02 BeIGe stARs ORGANIC COTTON 140 X 180 cM, 100 % cotton chenIlle 2518-02 BeIGe, -01 DARK GReY GeoMetRY ORGANIC COTTON BY: BenGt & lottA 140 X 180 cM, 100 % cotton chenIlle 2524-01 GReY shoRe BIRDs ORGANIC COTTON BY: BenGt & lottA 140 X 180 cM, 100 % cotton chenIlle 2542-03 sMoKeY BlUe, -02 YelloW, -01 GReY 2543-02 BlUe, -01 GReY Moose FoRest sPoon ORGANIC COTTON ORGANIC COTTON BY: BenGt & lottA 140 X 180 cM, 100 % cotton chenIlle BY: AKIRA MInAGAWA 140 X 180 cM, 100 % cotton chenIlle 2537-02 BeIGe, -01 DARK GReY 2531-01 GReen, -03 BeIGe oWl chenIlleFIltAR / chenIlle BlAnKets FeAtheRs ORGANIC COTTON BY: BenGt & lottA 140 X 180 cM, 100 % cotton chenIlle BlAcK sheeP ORGANIC COTTON ORGANIC COTTON BY: helenA heDstRÖM 140 X 180 cM, 100 % cotton chenIlle BY: BenGt & lottA 140 X 180 cM, 100 % cotton chenIlle 2502-97 sAnD, -96 MAUVe 2509-01 DARK GReY, -02 BeIGe 29 MoUntAIns 30 stRIPes sheRWooD ORGANIC COTTON ORGANIC COTTON ORGANIC COTTON BY: tInA BAcKMAn 140 X 180 cM, 100 % BRUsheD cotton BY: BenGt & lottA 140 X 180 cM, 100 % BRUsheD cotton BY: eDholM UllenIUs 140 X 180 cM, 100 % BRUsheD cotton 2608-01 GReY, -02 sMoKeY BlUe, -03 FoRest GReen 2602-00 GReY 2604-01 GReY, -02 GReen BoMMUllsFIltAR / cotton BlAnKets MUoVo ORGANIC COTTON BY: sAnnA lehtI & AnnI KÄÄRIÄ 140 X 180 cM, 100 % BRUsheD cotton 2607-01 BlAcK, -03 BlUe, -02 GReY cheRRY DRoPs ORGANIC COTTON BY: AMAnDA & MAtIlDA 140 X 180 cM, 100 % BRUsheD cotton 2606-01 toMAto, -02 BlUe, -03 coPPeR 31 why we are able to make such wonderfully thick and durable wool rugs with patterns and colours matching the rest of our range. WIlMA BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 90 % Wool & 10 % cotton sAMBA 85 X 200 cM 3500-04 MIstY BlUe 85 X 240 cM 3503-02 BlAcK WIlMA BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 90 % Wool & 10 % cotton 85 X 200 cM 3500-05 Rose cloUD BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 90 % Wool & 10 % cotton 170 X 240 cM 3504-02 BlAcK UllMAttoR / Wool cARPets O ur soft jacquard-woven wool rugs are made from our own yarn in a small traditional weaving factory in Bulgaria. This is sAMBA BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 90 % Wool & 10 % cotton 85 X 240 cM 3503-01 GReY ZIGGY BY: UllA GUstAVsson 90 % Wool & 10 % cotton sAMBA 85 X 200 cM 3502-01 GReY 85 X 240 cM 3503-03 MInt 170 X 240 cM 3504-01 GReY BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 90 % Wool & 10 % cotton 170 X 240 cM 3504-03 MInt 33 RUMBA BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 45 X 45 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2742-02 Rose cloUD, -04 WARM GReY, -01 lIGht GReY, -03 MInt 34 MARRAKech BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 45 X 45 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2741-01 GReY BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 45 X 45 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2744-05 YelloW, -03 MInt, -04 Rose cloUD, -06 leAD GReY, -02 GReY, -01 BlAcK tWeeD 45 X 45 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2743-05 GReen, -01 GReY, -04 BoRDeAUX, -03 BARQUe, -02 BlAcK soFIA 60 X 35 cM, 100 % FelteD MeRIno Wool BJÖRK 2759-05 DARK GReY BY: BIRGIttA BenGtsson BJÖRK 45 X 45 cM, 100 % lAMBs Wool 2757-11 GReY, -10 nAtURAl, -12 BlAcK YIn & YAnG lAPP BY: chIQUI MAttson 45 X 45 cM, 100 % FelteD MeRIno Wool 45 X 45 cM, 100 % FelteD MeRIno Wool KUDDAR & UlltYGeR / cUshIons & Wool FABRIcs sAMBA 2758-01 BlAcK, -02 MUltI 2796-01 lIGht GReY/DARK GReY PlAIn tYG På MeteRVARA FABRIc on the Roll BReDD WIDth 150 cM 100 % FelteD MeRIno Wool 3001-05 lIMe -43 DARK GReen -20 GReen -19 lIGht BlUe -40 RoYAl BlUe -12 nAVY BlUe -41 tURQUoIse -18 BlUe -44 VIolet -21 lIlAc -17 ceRIse -11 ReD -16 oRAnGe -15 WARM ReD -22 YelloW -14 chestnUt -13 chocolAte -42 coFFee -07 BeIGe -02 lIGht GReY -04 coKe GReY -03 DARK GReY -09 BlAcK 35 stentVÄttAt lInne / stone WAsheD lInen lInn lAVA 2756-20 WhIte, -21 BeIGe, -22 leAD GReY 2756-23 GReY, -24 GReen 100 % stone WAsheD lInen cUshIon coVeR, 50 X 50 cM BY: AMAnDA & MAtIlDA 100 % stone WAsheD lInen cUshIon coVeR, 50 X 50 cM lInn 100 % stone WAsheD lInen lAVA BY: AMAnDA & MAtIlDA 100 % stone WAsheD lInen tABle MAt, 37 X 50 cM 5108-20 WhIte, -21 BeIGe , -22 leAD GReY tABle MAt, 37 X 50 cM 5108-30 GReY, -31 GReen RUnneR, 43 X 140 cM 5107-20 WhIte, -21 BeIGe, -22 leAD GReY RUnneR, 43 X 140 cM 5107-30 GReY, -31 GReen FABRIc on the Roll, WIDth 150 cM 3902-20 WhIte, -21 BeIGe, -22 leAD GReY FABRIc on the Roll , WIDth 150 cM 3902-23 GReY, -24 GReen lInn lInn 5109-20 WhIte, -21 BeIGe, -22 leAD GReY tABle cloth, 145 X 250 cM 5105-20 WhIte, -21 BeIGe, -22 leAD GReY 100 % stone WAsheD lInen nAPKIn, 43 X 43 cM 100 % stone WAsheD lInen tABle cloth, 145 X 310 cM 5106-20 WhIte, -21 BeIGe, -22 leAD GReY 36 O ur cotton and cotton/linen fabrics are manufactured in the Baltic states by Oek-Tex certified printers with extensive experience. The Baltic states are well-known for their traditional linen. We offer a wide collection consisting of both fabric by the meter and readymade products. MoRnInG DeW MY stocKholM tRADItIon RetRo cAnDY AlMA FloRAl loVe-BIRDs shoRe BIRDs BlUe BY: BenGt & lottA 100 % cotton 3900-76 cheRRY RAIn shoRe BIRDs oRAnGe BY: BenGt & lottA 100 % cotton 3900-75 MY stocKholM leKsAnD WhIte BY: eDholM UllenIUs 100 % cotton 3900-67 FIsh leKsAnD GReen BY: eDholM UllenIUs 100 % cotton 3900-66 MooRlAnD sheRWooD lIttle BeAR sMålAnDssKoG lIttle BeAR BY: eDholM UllenIUs 100 % cotton 3900-80 BY: BenGt & lottA 100 % cotton 3900-79 BY: BenGt & lottA hAlF-lInen 3900-03 BY: BenGt & lottA 100 % cotton 3900-77 BY: eDholM UllenIUs hAlF-lInen 3900-47 BY: tInA BAcKMAn 100 % cotton 3900-78 BeIGe BY: eMelIe eK 100 % cotton 3900-58 BY: BenGt & lottA 100 % cotton 3900-54 BY: BenGt & lottA hAlF-lInen 3900-26 BY: BenGt & lottA 100 % cotton 3900-71 DAWn BY: AMAnDA & MAtIlDA 100 % cotton 3900-65 ReD BY: eMelIe eK 100 % cotton 3900-60 BY: BenGt & lottA hAlF-lInen 3900-43 BY: eDholM UllenIUs 100 % cotton 3900-55 BlUe BY: eDholM UllenIUs 100 % cotton 3900-70 PInK BY: eDholM UllenIUs 100 % cotton 3900-74 tYGeRnA ÄR 150 cM BReDA och sÄlJes I 10-MeteRs RUllAR. the FABRIcs ARe 150 cM In WIDth AnD ARe solD As 10 MeteR Rolls shoRe BIRDs 45 X 45 cM, 100 % cotton 2755-52 BlUe leKsAnD 45 X 45 cM, 100 % cotton 2755-37 WhIte MUoVo 45 X 45 cM, 100 % cotton 2755-54 sMålAnDssKoG 45 X 45 cM, 100 % cotton 2755-58 shoRe BIRDs 45 X 45 cM, 100 % cotton 2755-51 oRAnGe leKsAnD 45 X 45 cM, 100 % cotton 2755-36 GReen MY stocKholM 45 X 45 cM, 100 % cotton 2756-32 BeIGe FloRAl 45 X 45 cM, 100 % cotton 2755-53 cheRRY RAIn 45 X 45 cM, 100 % cotton 2755-35 DAWn sheRWooD 45 X 45 cM, hAlF-lInen 2755-26 tRYcKtA tYGeR & KUDDAR / PRInteD FABRIcs & cUshIons MoRnInG DeW 45 X 45 cM, 100 % cotton 2755-59 RetRo 45 X 45 cM, 100 % cotton 2755-30 41 tRADItIon 5865-00 tABle MAt 5203-66 RUnneR shoRe BIRDs oRAnGe shoRe BIRDs BlUe 5868-01 tABle MAt 5203-68 RUnneR MUoVo 5870-00 tABle MAt Moose 5802-00 tABle MAt 42 loVe-BIRDs 5872-00 tABle MAt 5203-72 RUnneR 5868-02 tABle MAt 5203-69 RUnneR AlMA 5823-01 tABle MAt 5203-25 RUnneR RetRo 5855-00 tABle MAt cAnDY 5808-00 tABle MAt 5203-03 RUnneR FIsh 5843-00 tABle MAt FloRAl 5869-00 tABle MAt 5203-70 RUnneR BlAcK sheeP 5824-00 tABle MAt 5873-00 tABle MAt 5203-73 RUnneR cheRRY RAIn DAWn 5862-02 tABle MAt 5203-61 RUnneR MooRlAnD tABlett tABle MAt 45 X 35 cM lÖPARe RUnneR 45 X 150 cM sheRWooD 5848-00 tABle MAt 5203-47 RUnneR 5856-00 tABle MAt leKsAnD GReen 5863-01 tABle MAt 5203-62 RUnneR leKsAnD tABletteR & lÖPARe / tABle MAts & RUnneRs MoRnInG DeW WhIte 5863-02 tABle MAt 5203-63 RUnneR 43 KÖKshAnDDUKAR / KItchen toWels KÖKshAnDDUK KItchen toWel 46 X 70 cM tRADItIon sMålAnDssKoG loVe-BIRDs lAVA MUoVo RetRo MY stocKholM shoRe BIRDs shoRe BIRDs 5672-00 lAVA 5690-02 GReen Moose 5690-01 GReY FIsh 5602-00 5643-00 cheRRY RAIn sheRWooD 5661-02 DAWn 44 MoRnInG DeW 5647-00 5671-00 5669-00 5667-01 oRAnGe leKsAnD 5662-01 GReen 5670-00 5654-00 5664-00 5658-01 ReD AlMA 5667-02 BlUe 5625-01 leKsAnD FloRAl 5662-02 WhIte 5668-00 cAnDY 5607-00 MY stocKholM 5658-00 BeIGe BlAcK sheeP 5626-00 MooRlAnD 5655-00 AUtUMn BeRRIes 6100-55 shoRe BIRDs 6100-56 oRAnGe shoRe BIRDs 6100-57 BlUe MoRnInG DeW PAPPeRsseRVetteR PAPeR nAPKIns 33 X 33 cM, 3 lAGeR lAYeRs loVe-BIRDs leKsAnD Moose tRADItIon FIsh BlAcK sheeP cAnDY FloRAl 6100-53 6100-34 46 6100-60 6100-50 6100-20 6100-03 6100-01 6100-59 6100-58 tRADItIon sMålAnDssKoG loVe-BIRDs cAnDY MUoVo Moose RetRo MY stocKholM MY stocKholM FIsh shoRe BIRDs shoRe BIRDs 5772-00 5769-00 5743-00 sheRWooD 5747-00 5771-00 5703-00 5767-01 oRAnGe leKsAnD 5762-01 GReen 5770-00 5754-00 5764-00 5758-01 ReD 5707-00 5758-00 BeIGe 5767-02 BlUe 5725-01 AlMA BlAcK sheeP leKsAnD FloRAl MooRlAnD 5762-02 WhIte 5768-00 5726-00 seRVetteR & FÖRKlÄDen / nAPKIns & APRons MoRnInG DeW 5755-00 47 MoRnInG DeW 5364-00 oVen GloVe 5238-00 Pot holDeR Moose 5302-00 oVen GloVe 5252-00 Pot holDeR FIsh 5336-00 oVen GloVe 5286-00 Pot holDeR BlAcK sheeP 5321-00 oVen GloVe 5271-00 Pot holDeR sheRWooD 5340-00 oVen GloVe 5290-00 Pot holDeR 48 tRADItIon sMålAnDssKoG loVe-BIRDs 5363-00 oVen GloVe 5239-00 Pot holDeR 5362-00 oVen GloVe 5240-00 Pot holDeR 5356-00 oVen GloVe 5245-00 Pot holDeR RetRo MY stocKholM ReD MY stocKholM BeIGe 5346-00 oVen GloVe 5296-00 Pot holDeR shoRe BIRDs oRAnGe 5359-01 oVen GloVe 5243-01 Pot holDeR MUoVo 5361-00 oVen GloVe 5241-00 Pot holDeR leKsAnD GReen 5354-01 oVen GloVe 5247-01 Pot holDeR 5350-01 oVen GloVe 5299-03 Pot holDeR shoRe BIRDs BlUe 5359-02 oVen GloVe 5243-02 Pot holDeR FloRAl 5360-00 oVen GloVe 5242-00 Pot holDeR leKsAnD WhIte 5354-02 oVen GloVe 5247-02 Pot holDeR 5350-00 oVen GloVe 5299-01 Pot holDeR AlMA 5320-01 oVen GloVe 5270-01 Pot holDeR cAnDY 5304-00 oVen GloVe 5254-00 Pot holDeR MooRlAnD 5347-00 oVen GloVe 5297-00 Pot holDeR 6003-73 MoRnInG DeW 6003-74 FloRAl 6003-72 DIsKtRAsA DIshcloth 17 X 20 cM, cellUlose & cotton shoRe BIRDs 6003-41 sheRWooD 6003-42 shoRe BIRDs loVe-BIRDs leKsAnD Moose In the FoRest 6003-64 BlAcK sheeP cAt loVeRs DAlAhÄst 6003-62 BUtteRFlY 6003-70 oRAnGe 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hAnD FelteD PRoDUcts ARe MADe oF 100 % Wool 51 Adapt Media 2015 (www.adaptmedia.se) K lippan Yllefabrik, a family company, was started when Jöns Petter Magnusson took over a small wool spinning mill in the center of Klippan, a small town in southern Sweden. Ever since, we have stayed with our core business, which is with natural wool & cotton products. We produce throws and blankets, from start to finish, in our own factory. Controlling the entire process, we take the carefully selected raw material and turn it into a comprehensive textile collection based on quality and design. Klippan Yllefabrik AB Box 3, SE-264 21 Klippan Tel +46 (0) 435 44 88 80 Fax +46 (0) 435 44 88 88 info@klippanyllefabrik.se www.klippanyllefabrik.se