January 31
January 31
Y(\L. -- 1.-;\0. 15. FORT m,Lill..: \ :"""EBRASKA., FRIDAY, JANUARY en, 1919. ~----~-~ PRICE f GAS BAG ON THURSDAY~IA~ II -----~.- FTVE CENTS. o~n !I I.. !I D~T Al'{IlOf"R· nO~·1 Bird-Men }Vho Are Stationed t ~.1 SEJt(L i I at Fort Crook t¥ith Planes ~=========::i' III D~ess. e~ne~day ~he ~!10~aT;; ~ I UllfTHfeN II I 'I~ A ~.\'.'. s '~. ~i FRO~' fURT OfvlAHA r I I . . n I~~~ie~nla:~u~~~;1.c06i.·ga~;at~~~ II GENERAL . n'IAR, L~ illY HAS NEW T~RlllS I i j II I each week, inRi ead of Friday as J ,previously.. paper. will go, to lTV and be dlStrIbutea ac the' mgh pOSe and down town next day. i Contributors please take nonOte8 must be handed In on Monday, as must items for the Rocking the Basket page. Soci.. ety and sporting items must be sUbmi~ted not later than Tueso day mghr. II Former Cowboy Has Many Expel'iences in Fram::e ThatAre NoveL .. ~I' N !i I ~ ! " ICh' f I J ~ iii S ~ ,~, ~_ 'l1' I" r~ ~ ~_ • "I til ~ lease of Men. GOOD NEWS FROM THOSE IN CAMPS OVER HERE ADECIDED SUCCESS . , ~ ." f St ff T II~ S Ie . 090 e t.. en. atofs of Plans for Re~ I I MILITARY BAll WAS WENrOVER WITH FIRST U. S.BALlOON SQUADRON BIQwn JhirtyFeet in Air by ~ High Explosive Shell. Legs Broken. I The Ga.s Bag wiH h€'re'ar,er be II .. published Thursday morning of i •• . Propose American Standing I Large Crowd Turns Out for Army of 500,000 Men I Final Farewell Last He TeUs Committee, I Serg~ant Grover S: Anderson, a ,I SatUl"day Eve. The 785,000 men in camp ill the form"l' cowboy, who rec~ived his ~Tnited States will all be demobi. militili) training at Fort Omaha, Mwtre1 Show, V~e, 'zed within one month, General was not unused t6 ihrilIs, sUch as being hurled from the ]:lack of a I Stunts and Daneing March, chief of staff, informed the bucking brcnclio· or looking into~ Were Fe&tures 5ffllate military committee. the muzzle of a sIx·shooter. but . TiUs includes every man in a when he was blown thirty feet in ~ .• _ . . I .. camp in this country. with the ex~ the air by a high exnlosive sheH . , The farewell mIlItary ball g!yen ooD-tion of those retained for "overwhich fractUred his len leg in tw~ Ueutenut F. W. GlMhiU. Lieutenant J. M. Shlmmon. :it the Oma!Ia Auditorium.last Sat- head" duty. ph.ce3: he put that do~.as . the Two airpianes ha-ve ~n sta- ! by an accident near Tampa, Ia.~ ;r ~a! evemng by the offIcers and Dlscussinl? demobilizat~on plans crowmng adventure of hrs llfetune. tioned at Fort CrOlO>k siR~e 1IGe lat-I Both planeS landed north Ot the l-nl,s~ed perso~el of For.!. O~aha: •generally Wlth the commIttee, GenV{lien the call ea.me to fight for tel' PBrt of October, in chaa-g;e Of', city a.long the river bank al a point Fon ~roo~ ana. ~(}rence nela was' erot ~arch sai~ retention !}f .an Uncle Sam, Sergeant Anderson two roOseI've miLitan a.iat&:l. Lieu- oI'Poaite Florence Field. .. deCided "ucces". ~.. .. . .unencan standmg army of "OQ,IJOti doffed ilis bearskin "chaps" and on -- F W GI dIiiIl d LieUten-! Lieutenant Shimmon had more !t. was the ~a-st o.flclal mIlItary w:-.s proposed. sombrero and enl~ted in the avia- ~~c.J~ M: shimn;m. an I b'ld luck in landing here. He ar- l.flal~' to. be gIven ?ownrown, ac""~e don't ever expect to reduce tion. ;:;e,:-,-ice at L~wtGll, Wa.s~., Lieutenant Gledhill was the first I' riYed after dark and cras..hed into eo.:~g~ co. ?~ders trom thre c.om- I ~elow 500..000 men-if we can h",l~ Ap~il. 1;). 1917. After a month s i to arri,e from Chanute Field, Ran- a fence, demolishing a wne~l and mandm" o~ce! of the p?s.. . lIt," ~e :ald. . tram!ng there he -:ame t.o Fort I toul, lil., where they were previ·l propelior. Neither he nor hIS me-I The AUdit~::.~m _was nUed ~nt~ Shlppmg a~Tange:nen.ts have b.ef'll OlIl;aha b~Iloon SChOOL, \Vhere he re-! oUSly stationed. The planes left at chanic sustained injuries. \ crowds of eh~!lan" an~,.S?l~ler::;, made by w~!Ch 30u,(01) men llllgh mallletl SIX months. H! w~nt o,e1'- the same time, but Lieutenant Both a,iators hay€ made freQ.?ent who .took a fmal ~ppo_ m~ltJ of he tran~DOrted ~om~ from o\"er~ea" seas. December 10. 19h. wnh Com- Shimmon and his mechanic, 8e.r-, flights from the large open fIelds ~eetmg ea:h oth;l at a 1::rewe~1 monthly and ali 01 the Amer,ca.>.;. panJ· C o.f the second b'.1.11oon squad- geant B:. W. Graves. were delaped, near Fort Crook. I ~ance ...~fo::;t of <~~ men, l~. ~:::' expediti.onary f?r~e c?uld b~ p, ron, wbch was the. lmst balloon . Lorm wul have reeel,ed tnen m::;- tllrlled nome vathm SIX montns. I I I I I I :~u~~g~~~d,in tlle·United States to\AU'TO The fi1'3t observation \Vork done . RUNS. THROUPH Four Officers U . ~ . I~~:~:~\~~~.in-.-a month . and I re-lh:t:ln~::Yin ~:r;.~:r;Of'~~;U:; tion is to be determined b" Presi- Leave to A ttend I . G:eat Minstrel S~OW. ! dent Wilson, Ge~eral Marct:. st~.ted, i Tne mmstrel show WhlCh opened I' but more Amencans alreaay nave . DI rl-gl'ble School lIthe entertainment for the ~'I"ening been d~s~gna.ted for return home was a scream. The cast the Ithan ongmal!y propo~ed by Mar· by Company C was ~near Beas,:n. san, France, close cO the SWISS II bordH'. E!0m there th. e s!luadron . . • was tran~rerred to Bruenll~ and I . 'engaged in the first actiYe oosen-a-l ~ non work o~er the German Jines. . Fr~m~B:ueYille the squadron went I Sergeant From Fort Omaha to the. Toul sector and later t. 0 St'l . ' d' D d' A Mihiel, where it was engaged in Injure m 0 grog n· ~ireeting th~ ariill-:ry ::novements I other Oar. In the Amencan offensrve of Septemher 1 2 . . -. "It was near Malancourt. close Two Machines Strike, _t to the Argonne }G~;St, .on"October the Damage to ENihw 9, tllat I got mme; saId ;:;ergeant (Continued on· Page 3.) Is Slight. WAll INTO BED ROOM 6 lor Cantain .Tohn C. Ayling and Lieu· show had not been announced and tenants R. H. Finley, H. D. Kings- 5e,eral distinct surprises were I land and T. E. Faulk win leave thB !5cored as tJ;!e Yarious participants first of next week for Ab:on, 0., were recognrzed. to receiYe preliminary dirigible inHits were made by seyeral song struction. numbers, especially "How Can V',"e They will then proceed to Pensa- Keep the Boys on the Farm After cola, Fla., where they. will meet Gay Paree," by Captain Goodale; Major C. H. Maranville and take "We Never Did That Before the further training in this wor~. War:' by Lieutenant "Cubby" Tay· It is rumored that theY ~llater lor; "A Perfect Day," by Lieuten~go to England for final instruction, mt Connolly, and "Gi"ie Me All of but nothing in their present orders You," by Serg<mnt Howard K. Ste~e home 0( Fr9d Hans~ 1111 indicate this. ~. Soutk Twenty.fourth street, is par'!'he affair was vel"7 oleverly , tiallv wrecked and Sergeant C. lif. FFICERS 4ta-ged and reee!Yed With mueh apIWsSiter of Fort Omaha. 18 at the 1)l"OOiatio!l by the audience, fort hospital with severe injuries as MAYA?PLY FOR Alt E~loye.d Dance. the result of an automobile aeciPt-oles~ ChambNtl' dancing pu.... dent Tuesday lift .-noon when Ros· Qm pHs presented & lIeries of fancy American soldiers totally or P8l"" trit€'t', in attempting to aVilia: a. eolGraduates of officers' training dances and aOngs. The particitially blinded in battie displa.yed li8ion with anOther machine. dJ.:ove schools who received discharges pants ranged from tiny tots to the wonderful courage, according to ~ .seTen-paasengel'. army ear rlght -and res~n-e oommissi~ns.may.m~e grown-up youngsters. All did Captain H. B. Lemere, Omaha. ocn- lnl:O the Hansen home. applicatIon forcommrsslons m tne splendid work aDd ~d equal list, who spent fi.e months 111 The maebine bumped over the regular army, according to advice shares of applause. United States hospitals in :J'l"raftee 'Cti"D and hit the side of the house from the office of tIie adjutant gen" After the entertainment the and has recently returned. wltb. terrifiC force. Crashing through era1. chairs were cleared from the floor "The most remarkable thing 1 the Wall. the machIne ~()sed its way Enlisted men who. succe~sful!Y and wax was liberally distributild 'Witnessed was the rare COlUllge of into a bedroom. The lil~e and front complete courses of mstructl(~n l l l j to facilitate dancing. The :l:orty these boys, many of whom 'Win -of the house were partIally demoI- such schools and who are appomted piece orchestra, mounted en & platspend the remainder of theU'Itves hlhed anet-the whole building had to commissioned gnde, inactive form in the center of the bl11'st in darkness," said C-a];ltain LemeN. the awearan~ of having flirted status, may apply tor active com- into a variety of wild jan music He told of Olle .young top sar- with a. cyclone. missions in the regular npon one of and everyone enjoyed themselves geant who begged to be a.llowed to ~Mrs. HaMen and her daughter. the regular forms provided for the to the limit, go to the front, although !rl~ l!u~eri- Clara, -were in an adjoining room. purpose by alter'.ng the wording of Dancing was ~ oeea01'5 w€';-e lo~tJ:t to spare hlS ",erVl~es Miss Hansen suffered a severe ne~- the same to properly describe the sionali~' to aHow Vi!.1IdevU16 stuntl!l ck at the-,:o:'llital. He ba: Wlth VGUS shock and is under a lIbYal- applicant. 'Of vaned (;hara~u to hold forth both e~e" blo\VD; out, but. W1~h~t cian's care. upon tile Btage and the "'picnic :word of C?mplalllt, and_ tned to Sergeant R.ossiter .was taken n:~1"arged Soldiers Get grove," where rmesbroe-nts were che.er up t~e .other boy" wllO had from his wrecked machme and hur- ioFnKiH ••. '~served was generalh" patronized snfrered a sumlar fate.. .tied to the post hospital. wh:e!'e it MemMrshlPS In lttroughout the evening. The Au. • ,was announeed. that his :injurle.s "Two hundred and fifty dis· ditorium was specially decorated Remarn FaIthful to- the oon.-<;-isted of curs and severe brm- cha=ed soldiers have been given for the oecasion. . Girts They -left Behind ses. •.. • free ~embership in the Y. K. C. A. Miss Martha Ebert, pretty ca:>h. • _ . ".! . . . In the machine wuh him was his since the armistice 'W'"dlI signed," ler a.t the :Beaton drng store, was _ ?e~ 1Iom~::;.. h ~~. ~\-N: ~ brother. Lieute~ant Rossiter, \Vho "aid one of the IT' secretaries, awarded epeeial honor for seiling ... emllled_ s~~~e, a::; D~en o~. d a ~ped.with mmor hurts: "We ha.ve fo111ld positions Jo.1' more ticltets than anyone outside of Fort De", ~l)~es or' l 'an:,~o~ g~ The second car was driven by d. some 75 or 100 men and of the 104 tlw box office. who .has marrLed Whl e a > ae- ll. Looney, 2112 S street, South rooms in the Y ?L C. A. building I shal Foell. He indicated that ten divisions had. ?ee~ sugges~ed as America':;: comnbutlOn to tue army of oceu· pation. Several senators said they ha(\ received complaints because divisions which had seen long service o,erseas apparently were to be the iast sent home. This policy, General ::Ifal'ch said, was strictly in accordance with military plans to hold experienced men in the army of occupation. I B·'Ilond M.en Show a Rare Courage, Says Sur!!eon RilERVE 0 REI2.ULAR ARUY 200,000 Yanks to Stay Abroad as Peace Comes I Capti,ated by t.n", charms of French women and French liff', word comes from across the At· lanUc that a startling number or American soldiers will remain ill the country which they helped r€'~ etMl from the plunder and OI/presakm of the Huns. A.oooYdtng 10 a statement maue by a memo6l' of the American colany :in Pari!! and quoted by tha IntransJgeant, at least 200,000 oe Uneie Sam's fighting men will re. fl1~ ON\Ortunities to return to theil' native land. Th..:;" Viill remain in !'1'ance, it is said, to marry French wom;m and take advantage of lift: there. 'lriJich they belieYe prom. ises success and contemment in 2> greater degree lnan would be rea!· [zed in the "Cnited States. Of the thousands. o~ Amerie,m soldiers who have IndICated thfo:.': w~n Il!-ake France. the land of t?-e~l' aaoptlOn, the greater number, i.I. l~ declared, have become en.gagen i~ marry women "over there;' at least 50 are ~cellPIed by solMers Other.s are. entbusi~st.iC in. thf'i; reeently disch1lrged from the s€.-ry. . 6 • .. .. expresslODs or. 3:pprec.lat~ou or bu;,;!ceo The WID: bas changed the attitude! ness. opportunmes ,:nie1?-. tile)- aT;" "'Every day 'We 3D aecommodl!.t· of the Y. M. C. A. on smoking and eon"';t~ed Frc.nce WIll. o~!er Am;:'l·,. ing soldiem from ~ther states vass- secretaries over the country are be- can siill! and energy (lUI mg the 1r,> . "th hot· + , .. t th . j dgm t.about cou'"l11ction lrriod through the eitr Wl a mg .~.LU. 0 use .ell' U • e~ _ ,,,. ". shower ?ath and.8o s~ ~ ~.: ~:ttinog _~o~I1!!rin be "The a"'l'man people do nor bh. pool Smee Amenca ell.",,1'cou uw:>~ ~~U1:> m..........:I.• .m.... ~ fl:en ome "1)000 aoldiail have neutral n"ither di"couraglng no" Iieve that their army was beaten: • 1 • S Privilege of aeJIl. " ~ ~~gj~" smoki;g in the b.U.ild- s-ays a French· general who has just anbgIthv~n~ f . '1"'; :. ,,_•.~ PI"""" b '" '. • .~ ..:,::-;- ! l:1?tlUIled [rom Berlin. our ll. In" acel. lU*' __..~",-;~ ...,... . --~."" -~- I han. .can:: a., '"Y.M:' !a e.?r.dqJ:-l~. te: all Y. _M. C. A: and Side. The. ~wo machines s~ck, ?f C~lum~U= secreta?!*, at but the c~lliSlOn was comparat!-velY bo~h . mthta;:J camp". _, .. ~ slight, o~ to S~rgeant ROSSIter'S .!wT';~;'l:o~"y~t'it ~~~~O}a.~~ manip~la?on of his car. Looney esm Km.."Ilt-: ttt. .,1.:_ ,Lne fe R e.n Eed.:...._.. ue oIlln,on 0 ",ecrera.ry ,.... u Boll of the Knights ot Columbus at Fort De" Moines_ ."! haven't met ho married while' in a man w . . . F~rn; . .e..•• O!' WhO. ev.e ......n' had in.te.~n.tiooa .. :... l:!l m~r~ymg othel:s Th.an an.~; can glri.~ h:'.~';:~' .~_4 "--rl;;:;G.'J caped IDJUry. , Two of 113 conscientious ors honorably disCharged by war d ' t • d to leave epar ment oruers, reruse . .~. . When.. release was begun. ~t ·the 'ciplh)ary barracks, at:~F'Qn Leaye1h .worth.!prIoon. ._._~, I Y MeA N.eutrall object'ring dfs.. I :n Jl1lfl'li tn: THE GAS BAG 2 I pany to answer "here" when the Private Stine with money. CIVIES MAY FLY NOW. o. D. called the roll of companies. Butter on the table. . '. . .' " \' . . ~ "Efficiency," that's us all over. , . :rhe day th.e bugler forgets Army and Navy Board ern Ael"(;' "~ reveille. nautic Cognizance has Temoyed reo l;;;:===::::::::::==============:=:==:::::::==:=:::::::::========!J! 63D BALLOON.---COMPANY . Sergeant :McKay who is on spec- strictions of civilian i]~'lDg amI Neb., and Winfield, Kas. Private lal duty at post headquarters, was MOTOR. TRANSPORT I E, W. Gehrke. recently "romoted to his present will grant permits to ail qualified, First Class Draeger will resume his C C h P 1 f' - '" CORPS. former pCo>';ition willi the Hayden orp. ox of t e ersonne 0 flee grade from private first class. civilians who apply und"r tne B h . has gone on a ten day furlough. Those of us that knew him as a President's Proclamation of ~oOh1'1' Maurice J. Frank. a~~; ~:'~h~Ot~;fd~P~:t~b~~man- B '\~ill some~ne Pleas~_~dvise whe~-e private first class are pleased to ari 9 8 lfJ1R ):., -,,;' AU the garage me)! are trans, ,Sergeant Frank Reida spent last a °er of t.1.e post-o !lee ean e hear of his advanceme-nt. (AHa bov .'" .-'- .• 'F~rrnd to the. 1'''0'01' found after reveille. Mac.) • Until the acHoD of thE' Jomt -= " - Transport week-end in Lincoln,. Neb, . corps and assigned to'the different Private First Class Elder j. Er. . Priyate Shwenk has r~cei,ved his The fellow that said that Corporal Army and Navy Board on Ael'O' companies for quarters and rations. l:tndson spent the week.end visiting discharge and gone to hIS parents, Fenstermaker ~ot more mail than nautie Cognizance, ciyilians were 'Ye have found only, one way to, relatives ahd friends in Red Oak. who live in Wasrungto.l1. any other man'" in the company, only permitted to fly experimental maKe Porter stop singmg and that· Iowa ' Corp. Onne has r,eturned to duty sure hit the nail on ihe Ilead. It machines and then only under perjs feed him a lot of chewing tobaC'j' • at the postoffice following a sick sure must be grand to be nODular. mits from the board, co. and .give him a cigaret. This ENGINEERING DEPT leave. Cook Griffin is home on' a ten Applications from civilian pilots qUiets hIDl for a few moments. .' . . Sgt. Hayes and Co~p Peter:~on, day furlough at Dow City, la" on should be addressed to the Joint There are two officers here now Although our force has somewhat Dot"!J- of. h~adquartel's, nave receIved business. Army and Kavy Board on Aeronau· .-ehecking inventory slips and taking decreased in numbers, it has not de- their di~cna-:lfel:'.. . . Private BuHman is spending a tic Cognizance, Building' "D," 6th jnventory of the c-ars" etc., in the creased in pep! C~Ptam "'lse while Dl;akmg .~me len day furlough at his home. .. and B Sts., N, 'V" 'Washington, 1\I. T· C. ' ..Wnile Prlmte O'Brien was taking o~ !tIS many. tours of lUSpeCll~m, Private First Class Pressley ae- D. C. Lieut. L. G. Haugen, A. S. What cars is that which' Henry his llhysical examination prior to nSIted the kitchen and was greeted companied the bodY of the late A, Sec\'. always enters on the gas records as his discharge, the doctor told him by Cook Bena in this manner. Plivate John Herwith to his broth' , "junk?" The little gray car that he had a slight fever. O'Brien "Captain, what's'the chance for a er·in·law's home at Dell Rapids, THE T.1_ ORD LIVERY ~R!, !'Bunny" drives. said, "Oh, that's because I'm s~. discharge," the captain replied, S. D. .. Bill Coates likes his job as asso, cited at the chance of getting out "Well, Bena, in all probability I date to the iJ+ventory officers. ' o f the army." can arrange to let :NU go home on LEADERS AWARDED ~ Mensinger is some stenographer. Our stenographer spent the <lay a furlough around the 4th of .Ju]y." D S CROSSES RENT A FORD ; He uses the one-finger pick and at t~upply office last Friday, ~en it ~o~es .~o"cutti~g the • • i lmd method.' and-it is surprising how much work tails off.. or rabbItS, .!OU ve got Upon the recommendation of I and Drive It Yourself That's all right though, men. was 1iccomplished during her ab- to hand,lt to Corpor.al WItt, for cor:- General Pershing Distinguished 12'" A ......ILE ti There are oihers, inclUding the sence, rob oratIOn of this fact, ask Cham- Service :M:edals have been awarded .. ~l.I. I' Writer. . Sergeant Bolglano says that if fer Lathrop,. . ' to the following officers for exGas and Oil Extra j Talk about your "General Nul- Miss Kendall has as many .callers w:;~n effICIency, IS nee~ed, call ceptionally meritorious and dis· :Millimum, 35c Per' Hour sance," Sergeant Burris is ihe worst this week as last he is going to the, Nen-e Center' of the <l9~h Bal- tinguished senices in posiiions of lJest the stock room has to contend charge ,admittance to the depart. loon _compa~!, they ne,:e~ fall. great responsibility: :\ltith. ment. ChffO':.d N:ch?~s, chie, _c~:he! Major General Mason M. Patrick, 1314 Howard Street ' The other morning, when it was Corporal Tempest says that he and c,:ok,. meL hI" Waterloo Ia"t F:r:l- TInited States Arm,', For excep-l still dark and after roll call the 8er- has a sign business be will sell d~y~mght wh~~ he called upon hIS tionally meritorious and distin· Doug-las 3622 geant asked if there was aJiy one cheap. gIrl, only to rind a Camp, Dod~e, guished services. He .displayed :Whose name he had missed. Lieutenants Lehr and Godfrey A. E; F. m~n had ?,eat ~lm to l~; much ability and devotion w duty ,~============::,-===== Some one piped up, "Did you call are no longer in OUT mklst. Lieu- That s one tIDl€ the Bary Crusher as director of com'truction and .my name, serg,eant?" • tenant Lem- has aone to Arcadia I took the count of ten. Corporal forestry and :later as Chief of I Tf8 sergeant waited for the party and Lieutenant Godfrey 10 Yirginia· 1Witt will :verii! the above, , the Ai~' Service of' the American to tell who he was .but n~ answer. They are sorely missed by the de· I . The wrIter IS ~Spendng ,h.s spar: ExpeditionarY!f:'rces, he perfected I AfLer a moment·s walt he says partmeni. t tIme ?n b::lloon" and tOJ _balloons and ably admmlstered the organ· again, "Did )'OU call my name, Private Charles Roiek has joined l (blo:",:,g t~em up .to see now t~ey ization of this important depart· sergeant?" our deparrmem in the eapacHy of I are.:n.tl~t~a) smdymg the evolutlon ment, Finally some one down the line repairman. ,. of OlTlglO.es. _ Major General Charles T. Men' says: "Tell him your name, ~'OU We never 1.11ew -w:hat CorDor~l o-her, Unit.. d States Army. For dummy." .. . 59TH BALLOON COMPAf~Y ~~,,:Gl:aw w~s_ best f:tted untIl exceptionally m~ritoriolls and disCan you lmagme? It was our C I D k :Saturday lllgnr, noVi he known tinguished sernee. In command I, old friend Pat Conners again. _ p. ~n s. I as the Punch Salesman. 10f the 4~nd Division from Chateau Pilley and Smith are back in the! . What ao you thmk of Sgt. Far· 'Viinen it comes to setting a pace Thierry to the conclusion of the lUotorcyele repair shOD again. I nngron, our ex·mes.s sergeant, now for a funeral escort. we mawh Cap- \ Argomle-l\:1euse offensi,e inc1ud~s"istant Dl~neuvermg sergeant to tain Wise with anyone, there is. inz chI' Baccarat Sector: Rheims. I i PERSONNEL OFFICE ~gt. R;0z:u aJzL We all exte.nd our more tl":Hh~ ::nd .po:.tr~ /~ fhat, Yesles anq St. ~IiI:i,el. ~aliem, ~~i:, __ "ympa,h) to s.gt. HosenozzeI. Speed. wall:> hIm ail 0, €l, 2\~aDeI. officer, "IIh hIS U1V1~lOn, partlC!· P. S. Celuni. ~ e ha,e at je~tst a dozen men In --pated in all of those important en-II Lieutenant George C. Lundberg t1~1~ com~an~')~n{l_ h~:: ~leaded 1 ST BALLOor~ COMPANY gagement::;, The repar.ation. ~s. a I, has left for Arcadia, Cal., for fur· w"t?- c;ap,. (L ,,~d.J) ~ be .0 r e " , , ~ .' I fighting unil of the 42nd DrnSlOn I ther instruction in ballooning, ! n:aIl;'- u:~ serVice" of cours~~ w; _ ?p~. J. H., F: a:.l~:~", I is~ in no "mall measurE' due to the I! fl CorpoTal Cox has left for JO!Jiin, "~~_t .:o:e~~;on name", but ~l1,JPJ.. j \ \ e , }, bdll~ons !nO~1 e. ~~;. Gu} I solilie:-]y qualities and the miiit.ary Mo., on a ten-daY furlough. Vi'ut:-- 1.:> 1..e~". _ I' .Buot ,h?~ .s ~OL the ,,?l, -, /leadershin of ihis officer. ();ow I'll- "-11 the world ih~; l'r "'p'- j"l \\'e dOll t mma Co. • men \\ c:!e ......urD.lsn al, the detaIl" 100 DJ'yec'o" -0'1. -oUr '::'e'T'ce) I; , It::' ~ ~ ..... t.< \, ....... _t" -.... ....... b ' the h 41th n~"l the P~o-h.l.vJ:'l·lk~';' ... ,........ . L . It ~ tough when TOU O'et the wroog te1e-1 E'3L:ng neTe, 1,lt m t e !Um~e please I uv ~ul, --: ':'I~~t. -, - ' ' ' ' . ; i )r:EX'S SHOP :, phone number, "'The otiIer-mgl1t!regJstel':::ttheorderIY.l'OOmsot~atl.V\bat~ tna~'? Oh ye~, tile o~d~!· . I Sergeant First Class El1wein called I ,,~e ~aY,ar~w J'OU1' rauons, e»peclaJ-l ~ight~·.f!rs~ ~ IS ;eo:~.?~::,d a~aJ~ i1 BOYS IN KHAKI. "i ~===========:::: up one of his lady friends, and after I 1) ~e f,~e~nen; .",:,., , .1 ~n~y,;' ~ e~IJ_ct t~~.. u;,"P~"}.~a. 11.°,:- ~t jl You're 'iVeicome at 1:1 J having q":'e" Ion"" conyer"ation! :Sot. Dlelbho"z wa" ru;:,h"no mad.) I Pt:i lU til€' fU.lLe .0 _tt_ a.l L'llI1l SULLY'S PLACE ,j b and Planning ;here the" we;e "'0· tJ:rough tbe squad room on one of'1wg,:ther. , . ina '0 "'rnd the follow'Jia e"e~O' hIS many errands when he was Vi.!" haye at la~t lOund one man q Pool Room, Barbel' Shnp. 20ft ~-o;n: lady "~id \ 0 be: vo;; I hailed by a rookie by this remark, in, tne ~o!?pany "I:0m we c,:nnot 'I! Drinks. Iif • '" _.<1, "'. I "He'-, ..'\' 'M' t'" h~ f -; ea,] "l'ao'-"" """'1 tD~' -" p"J-ate'l 1 Hi pardon~ but I think yon have been I fl:\ ~ OJ; ;:...e~~;~ ~ ~~t. cue C t.t:ce~ .,G:i l .;~ U ... i.., tt~:. ~l. 1:--. - ••". _I . -. 1Cru25 Froill GrOUlllis.. I! telling your story to the wrong,a _.1rlollon. l'~ed!.ess 10 ~a~ ne!~~,;I;l!..We L~.~ w;,1:€lm l~?_l I, party." Excuse-d::: ! '\,:~s"ver~' mucn . InsU~te~. , Tn~"e I D~,L, _'" <:'0 ,~:hi ,',01' .11m so ha, ell Corporal Davis bas been added to! '1\ ,,,Lng, ~() become acquallll",d w "t~l nG~Ied ~lm _n~;:.. ,. , B d d Bros Co jj the civil sernce employees ron ori the l?~Al~e. who ma~e the rEm:>!',;: i .It ha",b.~en \\;:,,,pe:e~ ,,::~~nd,~!i~ ro egaar ., this office· He gave us a fair! ~an n"t; ~\i::~ti Han ~o, 1, where ne !,~tJmp_~:'J. ,"na~" :.~rge~?~"",:"~lhl.~ ,II Ret;:lil Jewelers 1,1 1 demonstration as 10 the way he in- IS en eXlllbh.on. 111Jek~a.ma;?- .- "e5 .'e'_~4 ill .~:e ~ jill Sol.l~er I: iends to spend his time 'With the --ma 'mg ,0, ename:ea ware. l ,\ e d! \,U 1U 'VOUll'" dames in Wa;;;hino-ton when 60TH B II C II wonder Ju~t 'What. ~e know:",) : 16th and Douglas Qts. Ii -he gets '" out of the army.'" For , the . a oon ompanv. It ·ure l,;~,' ' .. ,o'm~"l·~ble tile ~"ill I ',' ~a~,;,:,',.:-,'~,'!".~.·,_:'~,',lie' ::"':?'lcsc,tn':.':"'~':-a':.~" !':.....•...Oi.~.'.:: ~ ~-"l ~ ,,,:,;.:"".~ ~'-' E"tahlisb.,llSS-i. I ., >C'. -"", 'c.' '''." Jack of a feminine vartner, .he! .. }h~ ~ FIG1!Tl;Nl; 6::-.TH,,',, sdh b:: or. ~e~ "Dr. Lli;~ c~n:pan~. ~~"l' 'S;n bs ,':itll u.s during "he c'oming ORGANIZATION NE -. "IJiTC" Y I I i I I III I '1 I I I I I ,:01', D I I I 18 III '. _'.' I and Overcoats j II I il ,I I 1,... ... III J .. h T ._. ,. .. ' __ I Benson &Thorne' , _ _I 'II ..!',I ". ,_ I P 'll It I 25% Off I:d t th: SAM PECK II Men's Suits L') ! STEIN BLOCH 'I' Mr. I'il :, I ll/fan'.' Iii "C i I ~~.g~:~~i::~~4:?eo;ft1~;i "~.;i1~~~~[Yfl~f.~!:;¥~~~!~,~;~~~~!;;~h,",,, II!. ~ C01;;~t 311 ~...De}\Y.' 1\II! ,=lh~,:. ~ <t.·, :U;i,._;:r~'!.;_l:"."''[o:.h,_-!.f~'lqi,·.:;.n~, C_.:_~,'f ~:.,t~.:·,.li~' D·'n.~,:'.i, '";:'~l.,'(;t:,~. ·';,:.' ,.;},':. l·.t,;i ~_I!,:o. '"h.~ .~:L"I,. t Vi l' j . .. " • ,. .. ~;:r~~~"how to rmn ropes or to I Co?..:~ l~ra~er :~ay III O~,~"r:;gIlL j, 'I,n'ec..tl1l1es H eE'lL~·. .~--: ~:, ;~": u. • ~ ~ Slllce the SIgnIng ot tne arnnstlce r",bo". I Fr"ak :.\1orl'l"on w~~ki.u~: _ '. I' I jl this office has attended 1:0 the exit ,.,~erg~a::t ~ur:~:.· wanders aro.und I. _~e;,s ~e~~~,ant Fermi Wll€ll fl,o·l! SARATOGA I I of o,er 11011 men .Ib.€' a .. 0,," cog ;:,mCl? the departure I ,\ a~n t ea.tlll~. ! I' • 1 IGth anil rarnam. Plume Dougl"s ~68'1 ';an' -,·'O'll'· b'e"t' l't' ",' ;:!el'zeant"'~.·an" of his pal::;, Ehle and Banet; !,e 1 . Private First Class Rencle"l v.ilh i C::TEAl\1 LAIDiDRY. 11, 1 "-' "" ..... ~~ L -~ I ~ l St'eurities Bunuinz~ attended the Gap:;ty and lIe's mar· may recover.,. • . ('lgarets. I j! O,\IAlil, l\EBlUSli..-\. . ried at that. I We mOurn we lo,~;! or our premler ~;;;;;;;;-;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;",;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;:;;;_;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ :Will. be O. ~'. I II' DEPARTMEf.lT .!~~~~e:;)!~~,~1Ft~~:b~~Ya~~L~~:ah;~lt M' 'ED'CAL . I '. III l o u r faces raw and chopped our hair, POST HOSPITAL. ,up beautifully., 1 d Ryan Jewelry Co. 'I II eBB·IOwn c0.'i i • ., . --- ," l It looks <"S though some of our, 'j' G~nevie,e BackUS, arn;y r~YiatoT.s are oui of luck,: !'he cua..Uf.); returned to her home m I reI'S are transferred to all' serv:;eE', i!1 I Hart Schaffner & Marx II II Clothes 'I Spring Styles I Sts.ll Mis;;; 16th and Farnam .nurse, i'l Omaha, ~eo·, haYing been relieved I unassIgned and are detailed r o r ! , from actiye duty at this !lost. dmy in the motor transpon corps. Ii ,I ?offs!; 1\ellis Bigelow, dieti~ian at. They .may get th~ir. ~ischarg€s the hOSPItal, has returned ,rom sometIme. sergean.t Kmiland 'Was I! twenty-one-d,ay ic:::w of absence at not i?-e ~lUly lucky gur when he Diamond Merchants jl her home at;. ~hill!lsburg, Pa. got his dlscllarge; the cnow has al'll II COrD?ral Nell, L. Kepple l'e. t.UTnen r.eadY improved. and jurore is going: Jewelers 1.1 from hlS home ill Waterloo, Ta. He to be a good me::;s serge.ant. il ! ":tls.:.called there by the illness of We were dii.'turb,iild at our peace· ! Ins mother. ful supper last Sunday evening, by i\ Private Floyd B. Fav; left for his I the sound of fire call. Of course we II' " home in Newton, Ka~., to spend a respr.mded and in "nothing flat," al· i I !en-day furlough, ~hile convaiesc- most, had the chemieal cart and I Military Watches I mg ~rom an,01!erauon... other apparatus at the scene of the II 1jl _ PrIvate Fm,;;. Claps Char~es ~, conflagration. L'nfortunate1J' the an.d 1.. .L',;-aeger and Pnrate Frank \'. Klll- guard tent at thE' west gate was r :' caid have received their diSC.barges burned beyond help berore OUT 3.1."- II Insignia Ill' from the service and returned to rival, but it is of interest to note t' i their respect1ye homes, OmalIa, that the l)ijth. was the only com· ~__.! I al P II -I I I! \\'e"E' got the Ij . 'I I, II I' MACHINE TOOLS Sunderland MachiiIery '~n'd II - 1006-10 Douglas' St. Suppl~ , I i and Power Transmission Machinery. Co., I I --....""--... ' """ .....= "--'.-=; i, f1j ',~~ ~ you fhi:::: Spring; clothes as fine as eyer, at pricE'S as "nl0ney-sa,'ing" as eyer. II '11I - You .___'1 .I CE -CREAM. «It's Gooel lor YOl.l" The Fairmont -Creamery Company I I" III get l)ositive here: lUOney .' hack if IJ . ~,'oods T01' satisfaction YOU .- want ii. &rnndeis St01Y"\C=-- ,I L.. The home of Hart Schaffner &. Xark clothes THE fROM 74TH COMPANY TO 50TH COMPANY The following enlisted men have been transferred from the Seventyfourth balloon comnanv to the Fiftieth balloon compimy: at Florence Fiela: Serg-cam Richard J. Jones. Priyates W. J. Curley, John Silverschoon. C. E. Brooks, Edwin Haugen, F. P. Kent. K. R. Kirkpatrick, Jacob Nysse. 8. E. Odean. C. E. Oldham, Rudolph.·Rost!, P. Spellman, E. E. Webb, Harm Westerman and W . .I.. Yeung. . J: GAS BAG I J SOLOiERS REVERIE One ofDancers at WANT APPLICANTS IS CLEVER ~SKETCH '----_R_el_ie_f_F;_u_n_d_B_en_tef;~it=--1 FOR THE DIRiGIBLE Original Pla.ylet Will Be Pre- AIRSHIP SERVICE sented at Brandeis on February 8. Pretty Girls Expected to Attract Fort Omaha Men to Benefit. Names of Soldiers Who Wish to Remain in Army Desired. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN Ir~ THIS ARM Will Be Sent to Ohio, Floris " da and Perhaps Finaliy to England. nC· - - -__- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 • 1D?lanes O ne 0 f [J.'1€ 11 or".?.'" t"ook ~===============:.:===============:::::::;o -,1. ...... ~n- Cr'jJ01.;T111lit-:~ol(li0l" !4) ]'(1_ ··(!i\-ip~'~ ,;Fort4J~=====~~============~=~T~HE~~G-~A~S~B:_:\.~G:=:=:=~~~~~~~:;~~;:=~=r:::=:::::::;~~~~~ I Omaha Gas Bag I~~:h ~::~~I;j~o~:~~~~ ~~!~Yt:l~ i~ ·GIVE AWARDS TO SIX ~~~o:~;:;~~i~;:;-t~~~1~~al~ i J = First Lieut. Asher E. Kelty, de- 0 Q DEFENSE OF THE M. P. omP:,U'hbali,51N~~,·ed"rea'~~!. OFFICERS fOR .R-ERO'Sf1~ ~; f~::n.. funny war story one of these days. action near Crepion, France, Sep· 1 _, h "StoJ.e "0 'OOO*.N\*for*the G:rl Htember 26, 1918. In the CourEe of a :e;r:e u -"., ....." "" photographic mission Lieut. Kelty,s" Loved," says a beadline. ~.l-ch• head-. with his observer, was obliged to H d· own,• Stan' _ 'up'. Ge,o': Rates-$2.QO a year; $1.25 fur six lines are unfortunate af·they nearly penetrate a heav~ .enem}· aniia!r. Hey gUY! Vvna'cha tink, months; 5c a copy. always. arou~ the jelllousy of ?raft barrage: realIzIng thll:" obtam· Say bo, catch that gink. :Mail all checks care The Gas women wl10 l1ave never been loved Six Flyers Are Given D. S. mg the locatIOn of the arulle.ry ob· What' en ~'a mean, ~ag, Fort Oma-ha,·Neb. like that. Extr.aordinary jectives was of the greatest Wearing a sleeveless swe,,:"; .r. ,+ vr <> J. tance, 'Vhen a shell .strucb: hIS ma- W'ere it can be seen? Great celebl'ati()ns are being Heroism Acts. chine, hi~ o~server :was mstan .. y Don' va know G. O. 63? planned by oth~'Ea.rY_:.--""'~. ~,i~ce I killed ana ~ls..maehme so badly Better look out or in the Cowring the fOllowing <\IIDY ,the" ratlfloatioll:fQf i Lbltlon commande";' m' chier,- iU, the wre.cked that H. to the Hoosegow you'll be. . posts: Fort Omaha, Florenee Fiell1~' amende.n£ProYided , ,ive our The . earth, ~h~reby ,causmg hIS de~th. There ya goes jumpin off l.h.1..~ bus". Fttrt ~rook. diScharg'e in time there ;., e goi ng to name of .tile·· president, has, a- Next Ot km, Mrs. Co~a B. Kelt;" 1 Nome day you'll mis an make 1i. --.......:.-------:--...,:c-'c-:-<" I be other final celebrations to wh ich warded the' ·d4tinguished serV1c~ South Main street, Rlce Lake, WIS. ;:J . mu"s, . 'ten n ~ a'b',l,'ty theory leaders cross to':the following-named. . -~econd LI'eut. Francis Lowry, ~ . ADML."-'ISTR . . AT.lVE .r.:,u,'.l;' .. = . fofhe nd num b er -Will not be invited. cers and soldiers for tlle acts 0 x- deceased observer C. A. C.,' 91st Gimme your name a . .' -----P-U-S-.-L·-I-C-IT-.-V.--.O-F-.-F-I.C--E-.R:-:C"'.·"',;'--::":"":"'·,l '. " * traordina!'J' heI'olsm described after Aero For extraordinary Don't get fresh, what s yerc-orgyna. . ' , ::' PrivateWe"lls demurs to the state- their names~' . . ' . , . . heroism in action near: Crepi'ln, tion? . LieLit. James T. Neely. >. 0m-ent.that the three sweetest words MajorJ{... .P.Litiauer, an·,.se:r'lIce, France, September 26, 1918. On Sep- Per'aps now you'll r€<ld up G. O. MANAGING EDITOR. ,;. :iiTthe English language are, United States army; for,repeated tember 26, while on a. very import. No; 1. 'Sergeara t William Shea.i'Swelitheart, .wi.f~ and mother." He acts of heroism in action near.Con-, ant photographic mission,. Lieut. Yebe ya tink we as iL eas:;.. .... EWS ED'·TOR. '" t:laims itmay'be'true in some cases, flans, France, September 14,.1~8, Lowry, with· Lieut. Kelty <Ililot), Ifya do'6S ya shure is,fieez . , y ,.... hut jnsi~ that'in his language the and near.J)ollleon, £rance, ,Octo errealized the importance of the mIs· Caus' wen all 0' ~'ouse IS sleepm Flit. 1cl., Ned E. Williams. three sweeteSt words are, "En- 30, 1918. :Major Littimer sian and chose to continue their Bout some place we's anus creepin, COMPANY EDITOR. -, .bIosed' find; check." on a mission: to. protect a -photo- course through a harassiT~ antiair, Lookin' for that guy wbat got :n'n; Pvt. Frank' J; Lessar. . . * grauhic'plane for ,another squadron craft barrage. A shell made a dishoos. BUSiNESS MANAGER. ~ How do those bolshevik;,.. pull on September 1~, and contmued to- rect hit on the plane, b~ought it Jes yer try our job, ". M. Ser""'ant -Frank O. Sian¢O. tl1eir shirts over their whiskers? ward the obje_ctiye at Cpnflans a~ d?Wll in, fragments, and mstan~y No more you'll call us slob ter three other protecting plane, killed Lleut, Lov,-ry. Next of kIn, Jes because ;I'ou'r jazzin ADYERTI$JN,G' .. The fact that the ex-kaiser is had failed to stan; In encounter Walter R. Lowry, 946 Corona street, Yer sure tub fin' us always . Pvt. J_obn O'Flynri. starting' a full beard ought to be with five en;>]',....- pursUIt. !fflrnes he Denver. Colo. There to see ya act that gent. ClR.CULATION MANAGER. I goodnews ,to the barbers, as every-I protected the THREE SERVICE Our jobs a cinch ya say: I N'j 0 C ' body else will want to be smooth, skillful maUOeUY.8j·mg, altl~oU~h 1" Yes? ""ell try it anny day, sh . Pvt. •. _I.S .' ox. oOOer,er was wounded ana hIS maB'OOKS BEING EDITED • , . . k --,.-----...,'-:-=-'-::-::-::'-=-:-.......;.:::-::::--'I· aven. chine seriously On Octo. An' see if ya uon soon get SIC FRIDAY, JANUARY 31. 1919. ,* * h b d be "0, "_" "aior LI'ttauer, on dutY,as Three interesting and instructive Tryin' to teach a low hick Pvt. Spohn wonders w y no 0 y L" -'.... , di 'd T h' If ent ble ever invented a syringe fi>r sPf'ea d - 'chl'ef or- -....., ,,;~ ser"l'ce of the ThIrd publications on the me 'cal S1 e I 0 keep IS se tpres I t :ble LL'a·ON PILOr' , of Wh We ain't consa 1 man's ing butter on bread in cold weather. n.rmy c.orps, volunteered and madef of flying prepared by _. l.lembers I d no ' jay own longs an important reconnaissance 0 the Air Senice Memca, are now at on t care so '. ,GOMES TO END. • Anem'machine-gun emplacements in press. a shirt Camp ,John Wise; will be a lone:: at a altJtude near '.rhe first of these wI!1 An' decently cOYefed WIth some place Tue~day... The Balbon ,"• ' ," -I Home addres.<;, Alfred Llttauer, appear under the title "The A.Ir dIrt Pilot, the offic1a-lpaper of thac father, One ,Hundred and Fifth avo Service, MBdical Manual. It 'YilI To hide his nakedness. . camp, was run off the press for the . enu€' New York, N. Y. comprise four chapters concernmg Our job's as good's it's worth las: time this weBk. • Washington. D, C.-To ~olve the . Se~ond Lieut. .James M. Richard- the conservation of human :J?-a-l If some Loot. sees us slip irhe Balloon Pilot was the fir.st. pro.~lem o.r'unemployed discharged son, air SerYice. (pilot?, 1st Aero terial, a~ well as the eons~n'anon A feller by on so.me ,Ii'! !luip, h d - '11 balloon soldIers, the war deparrment has "quadron. For -e},:i:raordmary hero· of maclllnes as developed lD prac- He's sure to turn us In paper e malways were ordered that no man be di.scharg.ed in action near Grandpre', The, An then our begjn, strvice.to be ItsllUblis f'1itions his d h , lice in the LT, S, Airh Serri.ce. ' T bl U've and news'." On its s.taff were from the army against 1 eSl~e France, October 6, 1918. Lieut. Ric - development of .Le . rou e- Per'aps it's tha Can fer UF ~ome of the best men in new>lr.<l.- until such time . as'1 l'f he can obtam ardson undertook an infantry c.on· h shooter" of b' the hfher t as fcomp~red s Please take our job. employment in CIYI 1 e. tact patrol mission under weat er to the troll ,e-s 00 er 0 eng:m~ An then you'll be rough S llerdom. these It was announced ?rders h::d conditions which necessitated fly- and machines. f An more'n tough t;ean• .1. F. Lowney, managmg be€'n to all <lepartmems ing at an altitude of ?n1y 1GO the person of the s1!rgeon. • Caus yer hafter be 01". a Los Ang.!Jes newspaper m,,!,. and dlvision at meters. Near the front hnes, mao The second publlcatlOn 15 more Thas' all. ------.----7:"-:---0 tary BakE'r's direction, to .retaIn all, chine guns opened an ",ffecti,e fire r general in character and also more _ o VATiONS men who desire to I on his plane and he was wounded extensive, It is issued the _,,- broom fadory ar. Deshler. OBSER 0 rartly in the service, preJu- in the foot, but he continued on the I title, "Air Senice, MedIcal," and N b emplo"ment io ten reo o dice to their subsequent dIscharge mission until tbe front lines of the comprises 500· pages of text :"ith - e ., 0 - -: • ' 1 SUO'S . to take employment. d A:nerican troops were located and 275 full,page illustrations. IS a turned soldiers who !la,e each Lost nO.I'malh· his obser>er had written out a re, story on the general **** Any man _Who wou.1 of of their legs in democracy's NEW Mercer tI haye been !i he n?t port for the division the medical aspec.t of aVIauon from cause. **** eXpressed hIS destre m W!'ltmg to Home address, Miss Emma RIch- Langley's expenments to the _ SURE is a remain' in the service, may there- ardson sister. Deyalle Bluff, Ark. Aeronautical achievements of the Washingt'on I' **** after be discharged at. h~s own represent day. It is me doctor who y First Lieut: .John F, Michener, air makes "OARB," so when quest whenever he tmnA.s he m.a service (pilot), 1st Aero flying safer. through Hat and Shirt 00. **** secure employment. . ,For extl'aol'dinai'y heroism in actiOn tion, classification and j HE asked me the Families of marritd. near Varennes, France, 4, anee of the fliers. unde! the last I, 16th and Farnam **** continue to draw thelT 1918. Lieut. Michener was aSSIgned sub-division are explamed rhe'l Hats. Furnishings, SerVice OTHER morning if from the durmg th:s the mission o'f locating t;he front duties of the physic.al director and J. Katleman & Sons **** temporary sernce. Ilines of our troops at a time when nutrition officer. l1 I wanted a lift dense mist and low clouds com· The third publication is more '-================" "cHANCE MEN peIIed him to fly at an altitude .or technical and deals with ,the in. .:. ., ;TO town I climbed ERC'HAluT MARINE' only li):) meters. observer's BIg- ternal working of the reo CO:!1PLThfENTS OF '**** . tit .. nal rockets drew fIre from an ad- search laboratory estabhsbed for IN and we started. .An appeal from the_ yanced hostile machine-gun battery .-tir Semce at Mi.ileola, L, I, It HENSHAW !l **** . $tates Shipping boa::d for enlist- and Lieut. Michener Fas woundEd is actually a manual of the Air " DOWN the boulevard and Inent of young men.m the go:-ern. in the leg. Despite bis he Sen-ice Medical Laboratory. and BARBERSHOP **** ment merchant manne states. n continued the J:niFsion until the recounts and describes the tests " "Americans 18 and ..5 position of troops was ascertained. and experiments 1507 Farnam Street. BUD forgot everything ****. years of age W"l.ll be accepted by He was then cOillpeiIed to land on conducted fvr the' safety of me EXCEPT to get wher,- he this board for special framing :s shell.torn ground behind the lines, I ' **** firemen, sailors o~ stewards at $,,0 the plane being completely 'wreck- il'::' WAS going at sixty.five plus and a month, board mcluded, Oppor· ed. Home address, Mrs. A. R'I Old Parts Made New. tunity to see the w:orl~ !illd}o a~- Michener, mother, Erie, Pa. "I New Parts Made, Too. ' **** WHEN I asked him what would vance in rating unt!-l o,ncers +'po,:;I. Capt, John Mitchell, deceased, aIr! I Friday at ~ Fort I J ~o"ses ~or * ~mpor· pl~nged, L. S ' ",.:""", "'I b' sq~adron, *" *" Yolunteer~ * * '" ,,- *" *" ~~. .MAN·:A.G~R. ~ ,;t<:graph~CIJlan\~~ :l~ B, AIR damag~d. * p b~,ow BA U ~ow Suspend DIscharge TIll They Get Jobs I t~e· Amon~ D~lUlcon'l ~amp,~lets ke~p~ I ~I',,_m w~s ~~. ~k I I ~el.e~raphed commande~s, ~ecre- I WlilJ.O~t I d:schar~ed I ~~d ~q'.1adr~m. I m~dlcal wo~d b~tween I lions are re.ached WIll be open .0 "n who enter t?i.s sen1c;. ._<\.fter tw~ months' trammg the:'! will be ~ro IN from a side street he ,ided with positions on ?cean-gomg **** yessels under the Amencan flag at SAID it woulIi be <is. O. I.." wages from $55 to $75 a month, ,. ,. '" ,hoard included. The board w~~: st ~ I I II:================~ II II I' l'l EAT s€niee. 95th Aero squadron. For EX, Bertsehy Manufa.ci.'lring I traordinary heroism in ac~~on near I C Beaumont, France. :May _I, 1918. and Engineering ompanY ' SKOOKUM APPLES Seeing three enemy planes fl}ing I ! l TR.IMBLE BROS. east over Apremont at 2,500 meters, OMAHA, u. S. - • Capt. Mitchell unhesitatingly at'I~===============:============~=== tacked the three machines, which **** I I II dev~loped a~d ~f1~i~ei.r'~~::"" **** HAPPEN if another ear came I I Hi~ "C"lli~ed on~ ~elec- I mamten~ Octo~€I" FOR YOUNG ffer~ l~ st~n~pomt comman~er, goYe~ment al!0rmen~", IN M. ~nder I sold,le~s wII~ **** wa~,_ ~eveloped ~ !lig~t I re~am tem~o· woe.~ I II III POS:--~_h.,. .~!" S ff ' Apparently the' party of th.e With fl: 2,OOO men at once to putor. on were that in cIose formation. despite the 1l1'iPnghsuapprlimes.,a.cy IIi , part is. "persona non grata" training ships at Atl~t1c r,:a.CIne fa.ct a fourth, hoY€rin~ ~bo~e, Bud. . DortS. Fares are pald to pluce of threatened to close in and JOIn me ... '" " ' t r a i n i n g . " , 7 enemy formation. He succeedEd in . Private Powers reported fate at Those entering the sernce..3re shooting down the enemy machine. I Complete Line of TOIlet II the Garage one morning last week. expected to sign an agree!D:ent for which pro,ed to be a biplane re-,I Articles. "Your"late,J1 remar~ed s.erg~ant one years s~rvice. Reeru.Iting ~ta. turning from an important n::issiO? II 00& and Fort Sts. Colfax 00. I beIng opened m many J, Mitchell'l· ilJ stopped to get. a hair ilut." . . 1,I "What do you mean by getting a A bullet which struck LIeutenant j SHOES REPAIRED 11 NOE SALE If hail' cut on my time," demanded wm Mack of Clevelan?, 0" ,passed WlITLE YOU W AITI'il OLEARA II Sergeant Burris. . between his eyes a~u bram an~ I I! 'I outh "We!! it grew on your time, aboye the roof of hIS . h l, ;l didn't demanded Powers, entered in. front of his .len. ear and r. L. . • -a1 t h e - , lently. . Emerged in front ?i blS ;;?ht .ear.: 211 South 14th Street j '.1. * " " H e left the hOSPItal fumy .?ay",! POST EXCHANGE "Draft evaders Wi.!! be tra.ced to.j la.ter and got back into the nght-l! .Army Work a Specialty. the. gro.und if it takes a hun~reding. years;' declares F. J. O'Kelh~er. h' ' j Rineph.haotrotgr-aptheers ens NatioJ1al Draft Jn$peetor at- Chlea-.! go. From which it <:ppear~ that the evaders. ~.ade .ct seriOUS mistake by . not enh~lng m.the army as con-, scientious objectors, ~ , Pies Like I' B~;j:JI::?~~::::e~h~o~~~e~~rilY,i~~s~re ii~~;he~t~~~~a~alter n:: I!I I; r ,' II'!I ~rucu'l "* I We Recommend the M. P. HINCHEY . LAUNDRY CO I . "'- * .~} "Ditty" O'R~Eil'ke ~Iaims that no amount. of culture will stop Lakin' from snoring in his sleep. 2309 N St.; Sonth Side. O:M...\.H.A. ~~~~~r~~~~n: Rash belieyes ~-!- '*they* are going to.i.' A T '"DT.tRI'n ED-o-O'" '"l\1f 1. ..u '" .uLl_ DIAMOr..'1)S Omaha's -. Oldest T.' . )lSilCfl ., , Lst:::O J E;W ttler, ~'"EB. L !i I ill Ii 1i 'II' :q Everea.dy Daylos Flash "1 lIP }, Our the list 'of "Useless T.hlt\gs-- IS. a five.year guaran~ee 01'1 a fountam pen. Who J ;;;ntain five years II" .u..o:c" . It!Ip :l We Handle ~l Complete b IIil 'II'III IJine of . 30th and Fort Streets. .Ann.hing and Ever;--thing PI:!I , ,the - Soldiers , [se for and Comfort. I' ",1 1 ,p .:":'1 ';, H if iI I,I ', ------ Try·"T" u~ on. Your Next Bun.dle of Laun.dIy 't!S'~H" "":.~~~.= I! II, 802 Farnam i. § ~ Iiif; S_p ecial Prices for Men D' bar Being 15e d . ge Ii 11 1. 1 ji j ! ~Io;her Tl'ied I k I\ a.-e. to Hot :Mince and Apple, 5 G CO ~ I OMAHA PRINTIN, I LITH()Gl~APHERS EN"GRXVERS IIIlJI. ST.1TI()~RS 1 CCltfffDH-V Street, r~"r I II omana"lll 'i~ OFFICE FOUI'""I'.rURE SUPPLIES 13th ana Farnam Streets Omaha , ~,~;===================:=========i ' II: i BRO~g, The Qunlity Clean""" DRESHER lla.." the GO"emment s "emr"-,,•• Iii .1, 1 i~~F:,·!,~!l~~;~lif:o~:~:::= ~~~;c~:"1'Ii1,I' D<nvnt""i"ll Branch: !l I Iii i Ir Lights _ ._......' .z:'1t!dric • the Other Kind. I.I~· * I:! I'I]I DOHSE'S'.CAFE .. . IIIII,'I 'm * * ~o* contf'i?uti~.n III T:''Rl'r;cDMAN BROS :/' 800-302 South 18th St. They Cost No :More Than 1'=============== LAI'lES I SIX P v f I it." If !.,~ "-,, Ury Clean;n;:- 'ZU ..... Qclo:n ",km 1 1 1 1 of 'th~S.(' ".lIf>e~ c:r our w,""k. I1I ::211.-~1.7 I'lU'Dum sG-"".till I ~n~~~.~sH~E~R~T~HE~~T~.m~.~(}~Ri.'~~lE;LI -r".1<>r 345. ." j 1515_ _ :Fantanl .. t. ,I, ATTENTION, '1\/rESS SERGEANTS •I .In. rOR FRESH FRUITS AXD YEGET.ffiL.ES. GILINSKY FRUIT COMl"..L"'IT Im5 Howar d Street. ,--~ . ~ THE GAS BAG * 5 FORT OMAHA BRIDE; J MRS. GORMAN HOWELL.., ·.s<XlI(fT'f ·ffi- l ! Miss Madeline Kendall, Sooie ty Edftor. 1110 SMILES CLUB TO GIVE VALENTINE DANC~· .ON- Ft.IGHT .. ";C, 0 0'---::-,---01 FINE ARTS·-SE-'-C-T-IO-N- o 'I'~e S.r;riiles Club _will 'give a.' Lieutenant-Sam warren :Was asThe Fine Arts Section is to be speeralYaJfntine . Dance on Febl:\l.· signed t{}a.nd -in command of the a permanent feature covering lJ.ry 14., at-Ha.J.-t·Ha.li in Dundee. A Fort)'-spventh company_ Omaha_ appearances of music, rumor .thatplans.for ~e affair ·had Lieutenant R. H. Finley hall been art and drama. Co-operation ~en .aband~ed IS .Without founda' relieved . from command, . of the and contributions are· invited. tl(>n. ·accoromg to Mrs,·· Charles Forty-seventh company. ·He. will Address communications to MeTMallory, pat:0ness. . leave soon for Akron, 0, rill E. L.Hooven, Gas Bag, or Those who have attended·preYi. Lieutenant Theodore Nelson has 0 phone 126 at Colfax 460Q•. o ous Pl!rti~s given by. this delightful boon assigned to the Forf.y,Sevel1th -corgamzation .:are eordially .invited Balloon cOmpany. . 9 0 tO redserve~thiT'seYeningaml attendLie1trenant~ Kirkpatrieldlall .been I K. C. NOTES ·Le an~·c he. music. all. n.:"ual. allsigned··to headquarters as assist- O--~-----------'-- h ·will be- a:cellent and the ... young ant. adjutant . . The 11Suat.Sunday afternoon ser:hostesses B[Fl irresistably charming . Lieutenant Robert P, ~ehr has Ice at the K. C. Wall made· more inas ever. tbeen ords.ed to-Texas, From there ter~ting last Sunday by the speeial o he will go. ~ to Arcadia,· CaL, for mUS1C,· . I, Y·• MeA °1 stuL~~e·u'.ten.a-nt. John "'. Godfre".n'as .Sol~s by Mrs. Mary :Moriarty and . • .: . . ' ~ ..... ~r. ;,;hannon were especially enn 0 been tl'ansferrild to Virginia. J<;Jyed, .Mrs, Riley accompanied the secretary Ra(ifol'd snent four Lieutenant _ Kass.1er has been smgers on the organ. 4.a ys of ~his. week in Chicago at- transferred to Fort Logan, Motion pictures' were held at the tending a conference of Y. M. C. A. . Lieutenant Walter bas been K. C. hut this week. Tuesdayleaders. in t~e .work· in military tra~sferred to Fort Wayne, Mich, "No Man's Land," and Thursday camps, Plans were made for conLIeutenant Lundberg left for Cal- "Cyclone Higgins" both of which tiTIuation of the work until·the com- ifornia. . were well attended and enjoyed bv plete demobili~ationof the army. Captain JOlm G. Ayling left Fri- the boys. • . Rev.. E. L. Reese of the Hartford day fo~ ~on, 0." where he will Father Stephen Dowd reported ~Iemorial United Brethren cliurch, ent~r ~mgJ.ble s~rVlce. . here.January 27 from Camp Grant. spoke to the men January 23. . LIeutenant ReDer has been as- Father Dowd was with an overseas . '. . .. slgned to the Forty-seventh com· company, but was hurt in - an auto ~. E\haw! educahonal .secretary pany. . .d t ?f,the CIty Y.M. C. A., dehvered an AmonE!: those recently receiving acCl en which prevented his going -e tin. ddr S ~ overseas and kept him in the hos:n. res, g a ess unday morn- tbeir' discharges are: Lieutenant pital for some time. He has been ;illg, January 26. Reynolds, Comns. John G. McKay, assigned to this post as chaplain. Ardis Before she was married to Lieutenant Howeil, Mrs. Howell wa:o !I1iss. W~Jr(l comes fro~ ~~rt MC~enry, Cha!-'les H. ~heets and Kassle!. <0:, Ca~ter.. ~er parents, Mr. and MTS. George W. CartH, :;:eside on Balnmore, Md., hO~Plta.1 No..., that Lleutenan. A. M. Foster IS 1'13- C C ~.outh Thnty-thll'd street, Omaha. The wedding took ll'~ce New ~, BU1:ke, formerly Burke, from duty with the f DANCES i • • ' .'ear $. Frny-thlrd company, 1S actmg as a urst o.aIIOOn company and assIgned If 0 I Eacn numper was received Viith DaUgherty,. noted pamter of nnrin£! Y, secretary. to t&:; Eighty·first balloon comThe Joan f A 0 a continuous thunder of applause, ~ subjects, which has been on vie~ Monday evening Omaha musical pany :is maneuveling officer. dance at K. CO hu/CnC~Pe d g:ve a that would be hushed only after j a.t the Fontenelle among the R. Co talent furnished a program much Lieutenant W. S. Taylor is atThe Lovalty 'club ;-ve a d ne",da!, several eI.1cores, and then only I \' ose collection, has been pur,;; appr.eCiat.ed bY. the men. eorpo.ral t~hed (temporariiy) to the Six~ the Ie C: hut~ at Flo;ence f.~:l~eo"~ fr~m consl~eration t,?r, the artist. ch~~ed by ~e Fri~nds ?f An fo? Wayne :Moore, Forty-seventh com- uetlJ. balloon company at Fort Wednesday Janua ."9 E'ie.ry seat m the bUlldmg was oc- $3,LlC)O, and wlIi be III thelr pf'rman.pany, ~sistedwith several reading-s ~r(}{)k for daty as maneuvering of· The Pab:icia C~b" enteIiainod cnpled, and additional chairs were I ent collection. " " '. and hIS work was received with flcer. Fort Omaha men "i'h ~ '_ . - placed on the stage. Though Oma- I !h~ mO,st s~llkm!f qllali.ty GI th$ evident satisfaction. We hope to Captain Y. R. Walter!', medical party Mondav. . • '" a"llcmg I h~ patrons of art have been spoken I pam.ting, IS ~ne..sklllfUl ueatment hear from ..Mr. Moore again, corps, has been relieved from duty The Patriot's club gaTe a fat 13 Qr, ~s. cold and unappreciative, that of i.i;'e lllummatlon and detail 0.$ On Tuesday; evening Dr. G. Jones, at the hospital in this post and dance and held open hOUS: l~~t CriUcI.sm found no ground on this the Ja,gged ,ro.ck shelf in the for~ prof~Sor?fhistory in thestateuni- tra~Ef~rred. to Fort Wayne, Mich. Saturday e,ening, January 25. ;t oc:asulR. _ ,grouna, a. dlffl~Ult 5ubj~ct at bes~ vers1ty, Lmcoln, spoke on "Russia LIeutenant T, E. Faulk returned the Girls' Community house· ,McCormack sang from opera, T!,-~ colormg or ~he entire work 1il in Dissolution-the Bolshevik Men- Wednesday from a ten-day leave,in There is a dance eve>oy Wedn~~- Insh ballads, and the higher type V1VIU, yet s~ dell~ately harmonized ace." Professor Jones showed him- :vhich he visited the horse show day evening at the K. C~ hUt. "of war ~ong, and pleased his audi- that the eIfe~t 15 one. of , unison.~ self to be ~aster of the intricate III Denver and relatives in ChesThe Smiles club will give a Val- ence WI~h every number, but it a~~ ..!,lements co·ordmatlOn. yet and supposedly incomprehensible enne, Wyo. entine dance Februarv 14 ~t Harte seem:u tnat his peculiar sweetness d,,;tmct and c,ear. situation in Russia and the men . Lieutenant C. R. JMobson, den, hall. The cI~b and fri~;ds have of v~)Jc,: was sJ:own to the highest r were ,greatly pleased With the fa, tal surgeon at Florence FreId, will been cordiallY invited to attend degree III the sl!!lpler melodies. On I une eil:" way in hich he go to, spend a t.en:day leave Mrs. Charl;;; Mallory will an he t?rned his [Jack to Art Materials out the RUSS1.aD tangle ror them. at. his home III Tracy, Ml)l!l. informal dance at her home next the m::In _part Ot the audience and I Mr, Tibbles of the eill.torial staff First Lieutenant Stephen L. Saturday evening, February 4, for sang blS lan;OUS "Mother Machree"I Drawing Papers of the WQrid-Herald, spoke on u]lc-o- Dowd hall reporr,ed at this post for some of the soldiers of the Pallt. to the cr?wu on the stage. -'.: nomic Life .Among the Indians" on duty as chaplain. He will. also re-I A Valentine ball will be held at the same recital· Everything in Music ',l'he.lectm.:e ¥ajor R.. T. Crawford as post February 14 at the for wast Flight Donald : ? I e - . 1 WIth fIrst hand mformahon, llbranan. ..' the benefit of the Creche. Miss uUlform of the CanaPianos and Players 1 gamed by the personal experience Lieutenant Frank M. Henry has Pleasant Holveke is the solo d.an aU' serrlce, whose violin numof the speaker, and held the closest been attached to the Fifty-ninth dancer. It is-hoped that all who bers were applauded by the aUdi-.I' . . attention. of the hearers. balloon company for duty. can will attend this ball as the com- ence fully as much as the vocal art On Saturdaye"V.ening, February Lieutenant Otto IT. Weimer is mittee is anxious to make as much of Mc<?ormack. jl • ~ 1, the L~faYett<: club wiU enter~n, relieved from duty with the Sev- monel' as possible for this worthy Ed"::ln. Sc.hneider, pianist, a~sjst· ~he soldiers of the post at the "y' mty-fourth balloon company and is cause, e~ bOlh artIsts, and won fayor for 11)13 Dougl~ Street aui!' _ a.ssigned to duty as motor transThe Patricia club ;rill entertain hlmself. . . !he S. O. S: an?- General Per- port officer at Fort Crook. at a dancing !larty Monday eve-I Fo!! Omaha was well represent- I Omaha shmg clubs' WIll gIve a party at Lieutenant· 'Frank E. Dennen is mng. FebnUiiOY 3, at Sacred Heart ed m the aUdience, principally ':================~ tJ:e Y. M. C. A. WednesdaY ~ve- r~lieYed from dut:· with the Six· llyceum, TwemY-Becond and Locust from among the commfF;l.ioned per-II amg, Fe"9ruary 5, for the soldiers h:=th ballooI.1. company and as- streets__ Men in uniform will be so~~el. _ . . II AFTER CHRISTMAS :If Fort omaha. slgned as adJurant at. Fort Crook. Igue~~ ~r the club. . .1 J:SpraJ' and SllilBhme,' by pauIll' SHOPPING 1 !I eqml1brmID smnts mat are Pleas-l j : We Carry the Finest Seiecdon I I I b~:: ~riva~~ !~eYeg ~L'{ty- I .~.. I I. ! 1 I I II I ;n w: s~ightened Wednesd~yn~t. .e~let:3 its ~~onday ~a.s ~eYe giv~ en~ore I~ea_h,,:ln APlJe~r-illg Lle.u~nant th~ FOIl.t~;n~ne II I A HOSPE CO 'II I - i I j I . E AR.TS SECTION FIN 'By Merril·E. L•.Hooven f !IiII n g eXhibiu.·cns of the gymnasts' , skill and grace. MOYies, the Weekly Allied War I For Light L.unches t th IIIiI! .,..;;0 ., o! a~~~~~:s~~~c8~.and . . Very Fine Line of Leather e !lreview, picturing overseas Trayel activi-I a; . IiI: F'me W atGooh dS'd <Jewelry ... i i ties, and the Orpheum ·0 .~ > _ _------,----,---------llweekly, portraying rare and beau1\ Repamng. and "Mother and Children,'" by the birds, also Chines.e news, willil i Our Prices. Are !he. Lowest m • • ol~ Dutch master, De Hoog. b ~hown. _ the Clty, Smg at BrandeiS _ LecTures on the paintings have h M . L I G ldst' J ,-,. N been given daily by Mr. R. C. Yose, i 1522 Farnam Street, ' 0 The Tuesday Musical club will who. the COlleCtiOn., Were Gwen a Rare .\ bl0 Fa...?JlaDl Street present Miss Lucy Gates and the free, and all w}1? .c::re Treat at Audl·torl'u m OM.llU. NEB. "Tri d L t " t h B d' to :see thIS remarkable exmbmon HI () e U e~e a t e ~n e151 are urged to do so this evening as Omaha music 10Ters were gI.en! LAUNDRY SERV GUY L, SMITlI th.eater next Thursday evemng at· t WI'11 b e l e a 1 t . . ' to :, ?"re Fri • I 'l" ICE !' I S'15 o'clock s opportunity • -" treat: , -ho t .: M '1\'" G; '" ' . h view it before it is taken to Kan-l u.a~ mg~t rohen~. tue great tenor ~J.lat. eans :More Than Just Huason Super-Six: .u.lSS ate_ IS a soprano o~ t e., c'ty artIst, Jonn McCormack cave areW h" C1' I higher _class, ~avm.g been a, prima I' "as ·1 • j c~tal ~I unusual w-orth tit:t was de. as lUg otn es, 1fotol' Cars d:0nna ~31 the .ImperIal o~era i l l Bel'- Att t' 0 h IsJ.gn:G ;:0 ~tBr to the varied tastes Kimba.ll Laundry C lin the, war. broke. ont, and raD !ve rp eum 'or bl,; aUQJence of 7.0D!) apprecia- """',.. O. 2563 Farnam St. she 1:- be~o:mmg mcreasmgly pop· Bill for the Week the ll~H'ners. I "'Jle_ 280. 1507 Jackson St. mar III this country. l ! j "Trio de Lutece"(three of of February 2d ill ' Pans) are Fren~h artists;., Mr. The O~heum th~ater ~m haVE II OU. Stock of • . !l' Ge?rge IS a. nuns!: of bill thlS w.€,:k. Poultry SupplIes [II €nunence. ~r. C~rIes i::ialzedo ha;s "tarm: g Febr.uary 2, pr€-sennng tne '. is composed of Standard maK"s ~een a harpllit WIth the Metropoli- followmg artls.!',: _ of a11 kinds. '1 tan opera ror years, and Mr. paull Ao"'l1es Bern ana Irene Jonani, 1 Q 1:1 K1:f!,r _.is a solo 'cellist of rare! interesting voc-a.lisrs, will give a e 1 eoraska veed II' . By llSing ,1~azda lamps instead of old stvle carbon lam " "0 _ abillty. tshort pro[1"am of their own; Grace I 1618 Hf,ward St. I,i WIn ~Oillply WIth the regulations of the National Fuel Admini~'I'a~o; 1Dunbar ~Jle appears in a promi;;'1 "I Mazua la~ps-all sizes tor home and factorY mav be obtainEd .;"; • • . .... Art Exhibition at ing.•com~y Ekei;ch,- "Petticoats," -!~i !Ee Electnc Shop of whIOn remmds one of "The Taming,' FonteneHe Holds of the Shrew," It dea,s with college ;! Many girl. life, and a handsome young! f X'l\Jl""'S C"rTmLERY Iii . . .. ~. ~ _. doctor who doe.sn't app;:eciate the! II J.V~ u::' " "Your .Electric Senice CQ.," , ;'he, ':~lb~lOn of fitm?us,pam.t- charms o~ the fair sex.. Ii i lUgS w.mc-n h~s been OUV1ew .n ~e A muslCal playetl:e, "Clothes, 'I III T-yler Thr~ One Hundred. 15tb and Farnam Streets.. ba~ room at the Fontenelle the ClOThes, CI.othes/' will fetnre the RAZORS POCKET IUTfES 1 :pase three weeKS, comes t:O a close De Wolf Girls. I d with, over eople hav-l "Pills for Ills" will be admin,,'j H.ardware and Tools. !l;.'= m~"''1.ewedhthe COll~ctil!ln." . istered by the Lander Broth,:!'s, ,I !II ~ong t_e e.~ib~t o~~ <ollowmg who al1peara~comedyapothecari€s'll ;lj ar" Ii\. few of the be,ter known and a laugh m eyerv pill i" to be if; works: Paul DoUghert)"s marine "xnected. . --: Milton Rogers & Sons -Ce., lH "BI'ILT FOR IOU TO ElIlJOY." p~inting ';:~pl"ay and Sun1ight,~~1 Charlie Wilson will be - ralick-I !li ari Melc?ers:. "~ummer Home;" ingly, ridi'.cUIOliS.IS foolish in "The 1515 Haney St. The Home of Khaki-dad Lads-They All Meet H",r€. _'The Mastel'J,Hl?ce,' ·by .lules Due Loose Nut." , Ii Priet's :R~sonable. . Service "[nexeell(ill llrBt; C'....,orge lnnes'# ":Moonlight;. Paul L€ Varre a:ld brOIDer off~ 1\ , "-, T€ll your friends to meet YOU at the Home on the Hill. .....",J ILucy Gates Win~_--> • on February 6th Z It~u; torna a~co~panies Ad~lss1on,Is ~h 11 ~arrere ~ ~ ::~tracuve cO!ll1n~ II !ll Take Your Lighting Out of the Slacker Class II N CO. II II 5,OO~ p.~ I 1 III ,_' .- II . l. ~ em eweJ..J.J \JO~ IInl I I:I Th ~uditorium I 1 I I IntereC'·t for ?.. a~ "1 it ~onigI:t a USI~ overs I ~til ~e II Candy Land I ,. III I .NEBRASKA POWER CO.. ============================ HOTEL FONTENELLE l' II III ,tl: T·RE GAS BAG SPORTiNG DARK HORSE HELD N WS SEVEN PLAYERS TRADED r=OR BASEMAN SCHULTZ ~OUT BY SPRAINED ARM .fROr~~ FIGHT Electric?!, ~.nd S~enL}f Te::-;j!::oTIc ~:'1~:;1~e~ I;Jlill Siorc: of "s:- in a min!:nnul1 :::pace of tilne, f'tr the Our Nitrous Oxide (,as and l\1cl(ENNEY DENTISTS 1324 Farnam Street-CQrner 14th mid l'arnam. \\-e TIlrnl0el" 2..IDong our hundreds of saii3ficd l)a-rlents many of :~nur "Bllddies'~-ask thern .. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Oak Oak IvI 0 tor Sui t, a d e of e:zcellent w ear - proof, fast.. color, su1lJhur- - eiye ill K"nakL All Size.s 34 to 43 They Are Sure Repeaters, - . ,,~~~1'.:hfs G(}t:a-~::?i:".,'l: ""'J",,:-i"" ~ .~ ~ THE GAS BAG ~. IR wuz EVER YEP, IT o----GIRLS I LaUghing, · ead This One Without The fallowing letter is one of the THUS - many reasons why some of our company commanders grow bald. It is "taken ITom life": From: Private To: Cofumanding Officer. Subject: Discharge. Reasons, Sir: my reasons are for ---r wu:~ :a~d~:an';'8~a~t'~irl in' teens, maids didn't dress like burlesque queens. She didn't wear a. lot of rouge, nor [i-inch heels upon her shoes. She didn·t have a poodle pet nor smoke a perfumed cigarette. She never donned a gossamer waist, but then 'twas scandalous how she laced! And O! the hoop-skirts and the bustles, the furbelows and plaited ruffles, the beauty patch and pantalets she v.ore while dancing minuets. Her skirts fell swooping to the floor putting in for a discharge are that I had a Garage in and a very nice business to. But as J got. cr.lled in the army so I had to sell it in a rush at a considerable and caught a million germs or loW" price find then I had to wait more. The waist she wore was quite a while for getting my money caIled a basque, to squeeze into but in about.a month and a half it was a task. And once inside ago he sold the Garage again for it made her flinch to raise her mighty near the double mice. And arms a. half an inch. These so I got my money for the business. things to grandma seem all But I had some different parts right, to modern maids they are which I didn't sell. Like a Huda fright; and cigarettes are bad son car, motorcycle air compressor. enough, but are they worse than dinamo and different tools and old pinching snuff? When I'm a motors etc. grandpa though, I'll say, "Girls I -certainly would apnrceiate it if were more modest in my day." I could get out quick as possi- .:.o~;======::::::.:=====~o" ble. As I want to get married and The food administration anbuild up a nice business again as nounced that President 'VilsoD. I got two places spoted allreadY ! which want to seIl out. So I taught signed a proclamation in Paris reth moving restrictions on the manu;· e sooner I get out the army the facture of so-called near beer. better it is for me. As I haye to get married in the near future anvhow. . THE . See I haven't got no~depency nor L&;1A"''''li'iNWORTH any Imment made and I will be .L:I 'i .£i ... one of the last ounes getting out, LAUNDRY . and think it is more important for me to get {l.ut than lots that did get Out allready. I I had to giye up a nice business Vie Have .. ~n account of this war, I was mak- i The Fort Omaha Laundry mg about $25.00 profit per day and i C . if I can get any discharge some j ontract . Times soon ! would appreciate it 1 J very much so that I can buy my jI ~ old business or a GaLfee close by 2809 Leavenworth Street II with myoId CUi'wmers -Which is fO'r , H a r n e y 103 sa1e and stan in Eveing a real life I again, .=====================~ as I ME fER fU'HE I DON'T WAi'iN~ SEE '!\NOi.'H:>E GAL AGIN: ! I ,. t. I II l I J f I I I Foxy ~;:::s for II O~;~~-r~;~:Ee~~·1 A!:~'Ci~~~ ;~~!e~p~~ I,---------------....:. il Douglas 295 j to the convention of the National '. ..A ssocIation of 3dercbant Tailors, 1/ which opened here, forEsee a new I I ;~: ~~~. picturesque I0 S S oncernlng t e l i CURE FOR THl:.l ome indy • C 'ie.' I Dilemma of One I I . SOLDIER BLUES II ~.i!t~e ~m~ed~"~~t does I I ! A. :;land fOI, m~rnma. h Q • ,. I Garish de~ign.s and lmes v.-ill be i the rule. Ihe aele£ates announce !' q !Ii Everything in Smokes - I - . IiI S. E. Cor. 24th and Ouming I CENTRAL CIGAR STORE "B.!a!1d i:.he~' asclib8. til'; .l?rosP':Cti,.. ~ I S!tuatlOn to the aSSOC1auon 01 nea-I Mamma-Bachelor of ani', my. pIes. of din'rs nationaHties {lui-ing 1". I' ! 'Oma ba DelJ u+a"te,' 11 11 SPOrts attire Streets. ej·,-jjian. suit. . .' .. (,. J.L table "ah a real ,,,bl'c-CiOll!. Idem', jlhe war. i---------------' , There's no IIQubt a.bout it, he, 1 ~:~l~ (:?o~ked by mother). Little Mildred-And what Is a 1 The woolen goods i~<~l1i'lry_ ?lW.a.S :handsome. ~ l~;;: ;e.... t"'~l ?"d. bachelor or arts, mamma? most approached a condinon ot tie- I ELECTR.. IC A~L GOODS And, being a perfectly good lieu-,t ~c.r'!-p. .>~ ,lOU:'S sleep. .. "_1 ~ ; iI _ a ~\f"' m' • • b~.h I . =~ ,_ 'I mor-alization at one time during the .I:'Jl"-t ~f-·.... I D · a-nn" cc_e 01 ~~liO 1::; ~ .±"'uant With. barS. 'neyer"th'noh"" ~~ ,"','" ,e~ (L,,~,-,alge. I.., -- .. . "ar' Ie "as declared of- a ' .~'. •• " ,., " , -. j I Oh b -, ,,- ~- ~ ~Tau d ~ !l ITYIue to'-Stav tile bachelOr cIas:' ~. . ' . beca"se a. was ab".le to splai'h around wrne i l l ! ' , ~~, _ n.,,, ~ iO . "n' I '. "J'" -J·'ct· ., "t~te of nystena due to busyoodlES, Burgess-Granden Co., the social s""im. ~ I! glonous teelmg It must De. loa.• ng. u ge. I wno intruded on the proTince of I He met her and she likeu him. 0 a ! I the tailors 2nd ad,oeated the ,,8;>,1'-1 1511 Howard St, Menne he liked her, too, but he ! THE HUrJ INVADES in~ Ol~ "home ~Pllil sHk cloth and failed to 'phone. I _ l<l~~s~~_=_ne.:..::s~.' She invited him to call ;;"yera}! 1.1. ! NURSERY times without re.sults. Then sng j TAT ! "... , .. ~ " .. I ji finally cornered him one arternoon n I In~l~ ";". "-~ __ ~::e ~~, i -o! . ' t d b ' ,,. t' n ' I AEu ne "",hI c. h"le ZhJ1. I. <,u rt;,pea e ?r. 10c. Lawrenr:e T.rimble S-nnburne. A. d : i . T"" ~.,. :::11 '" '"" II terms or n041nct'rtaln Hrength. .,. . _. . n.s D~J e. (LmU"ill. 'i . She was de.ml·it! .-y worker W110 nas aone much to • ~,:mou:n; . !, How they ralI for these looies!. organize soldler entertainments. He ;ll~nn~.li~ ~~lr~e., ~. jol a • :.'C c~:>Uld .. ee, "\Vhv don·t vou ask Bill"'?" was' i,," I To .. n-Ill? I €{I. a p.aIll~t. , Bm now he IS ill lilD",dolll come, i I ! ! * • l'i l- • 4 4 I I! I ill RHYMe. as a B liek ~""d ill\Ha "~n~.~~.~~:.:~. :. need' ; . I ~uck Iil;;l:~.~~~ ~~.~::..ke~~os~~b~;n~.·11 mi. a"n '~~.~.~~~~y'~~;~:~~.,:d~f~a~re,~:~u~ he"€~nt·~::r~~.:~~~: Soft uA "BiHy and 1 nre expecting ourl f" discharges soon:' he elucidated. .' • "Before wa.r I was Billy'S father's "_Ugy is engaged to a girl weigh· c:i1auffeur and uron our release I'm! ing 300 pounds, ca.lis her his lump going to b-ecOl,e Billy"'s chauffE·ur. of sugar." }Vhy c:om't C(l~li;Ucations?" II or Limousine iI!l Correct Fashions fo? Women ~ A Splendid Shop for Men . .1. _. CALL COL;FAX 1907 4507 S<trth 1 co. T;' '" '-::J ,I In G 't M bI B rame, ax e, ronze J. F. BLOO],{ & I( .L' I I~ I ~.' . III KEEP UP YOUR TRAINING BOYSI I ' ! · - -, .the I You rrlflY be needed yet keep tlle to JItm on P lY T II Ou~!n~motto is: NeYer lEt !~e.~Y.:A3!1 the GA." BAG. ~ ,_ ,:",-".. I ----- ~ ~=.. Established 1886 I 17th and Cuming Sts. 11 Other Side of the Rhine Woodmen of the World ' I I 'j . . k11<'J'_.... ~'O'tl 't't n' 'I ., "'11 o' e 'furnish th Be t d S f t ' II H e '-" \YuH"' qm., V,le tllel'e lliaV Stl_ S .,.." m'sueSranc~ m' ·the ~,~orl",7. RTeo-S 1'1' JACOBSON & F'UREN III wor~ to. d.v. They will bear watching until the Peace =... '-' n U T d ~tripes-instead c.; I ,I ", But, :my darling: don't you bleat, Noone thinks you had cold,.feet- morrow may not come. Do it to- I You had to do as you were told, day. If Silver of gold. COL, C. L. MATHER, "\ ~ 11 po l' E I City Manager,' -lie y 'le a a g e . ! RON. W • .A. FRASER, II ,.AG For Taxi ! days,"-Kansasl' THL\"li A. MThTTE! Do Yon Know that tIle Darling, here's your warrior bold, SHyer stripe". instead of gOld ~chl1le upon hISI sl~eve~ today ause he con !In't saIl away. c.., ...._e A D ependahI e Sto",.1. .e I. Ii Th Auto Accessories and Tires 11,.1' OnlpSOn- Belden & Co. ! I'; 16 );l~ U~" d O } !;..oth. c.. L' I'j ttl r:J.O war, n t Ie 0,-'1 ar l.ne I' Artistic Memorials II PO~d~u~:ul~fn~~~;~~l;~~~~t.;~~! HERE'S ONE .FOR , a~tractions the5e, THE L1'L UKELElE Clty.Journal,· I ~ eemc"m:'.~. - ., ,II -L«;e ~ ,ela _OO,}.-. II soi-,,!I I ,,- "r: ar; neting prh"2cl.3 m !.IllS same ,ootenallt s compenY'1 was astounded and delio:lIted bv The He "nid SO,.b i.!Ie OrIICer "new th,:,' ""Yes, I guess I, c.an playa bit. I Tll.e sweet Yclllng thmg, was ob: used to be Caruso's accompanist." iJ duran,' and the pursued heutenant -.a.simciation :M:en. iI dean with ill.e fOEi:}W'! . ------. 'jfl .;~; ::'ct~~me II II'=================_:::=::' I !1'1] Bet He I '11---------------;-, I'I I ~ CO l"IilI Thomas Kel· I patriek & Co.. 11 reaty IS ::ngne , . Jewelers and Opticians 11 24th and N St-s., So. Omaha HoSmo'ee~fit~ ...~oO~~h~dj~b. I! I The • "Li;;y:\T St-ore 1They Sell Dry Goods. ~. v "'-" ........... n . 1. : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - ~----I 8 THE UAS BAG =~===='======