Starry Night - Asolo Repertory Theatre
Starry Night - Asolo Repertory Theatre
A S O LO R E P ’ S si x t h A N N UA L Starry Night DINNER SERIES series sponsors W E LCOM E TO A S O LO R E P ’S s i x th A N N UA L STA R RY N I G HT D I N N E R S E R I ES Experience four exclusive dinners at beautiful Sarasota locations, each themed to one of Asolo Rep’s 2013-14 productions. Enjoy fine wines, exquisite foods from the area’s greatest gourmet chefs, and exciting entertainment by Asolo Rep performers. Select the dinners that entice you the most, or sign up for all four! 4 Asolo Repertory Theatre A M E S S AG E F R O M our S E R I E S S P O N S O R S PNC Wealth Management is very proud to sponsor Asolo Repertory Theatre’s Starry Night Dinner Series once again this year. It has been our pleasure not only to attend these exquisite events, but also to provide ongoing support throughout the years so important programs and performances at Asolo Rep continue. Our team of seasoned professionals at PNC Wealth Management is incredibly passionate about supporting the arts and our community. The Starry Night Dinners are a wonderful way for our community members to experience the elegance and culture that Sarasota has to offer. Enjoy! – R. Scott Collins, Senior Vice-President, PNC Wealth Management Magical moments, spirited conversation, and passionate performances embody Asolo Rep’s Starry Night dinners. SCENE Magazine is delighted to sponsor what are the most talked about soirées in town. Please join us and help support the invaluable community treasure that is Asolo Rep. Hope to see you there! – Julie Milton, Co-Publisher, SCENE Magazine 1 3 2 Dinner 1 location T H E H O M E O F S TA N L E Y K A N E 5 3 9 N o r s o t a Way, S i e s t a Ke y H ONO R e e M argaret W ise H ONO R A RY H O S T S TA N L E Y K A N E D R E SS CO D E S outhern C ocktail C hic TIC K ET CO S T $ 25 0 / P E R S O N c o n tac t C a l l: 9 41- 3 51- 9 010 E X T. 4712 E m a i l: L a u r a _Wo o d @a s o l o.o r g O n l i n e: ASOLOREP.ORG/STARRYNIGHTS SERIES SPONSORS D I N N E R 1 CELEBR ATI N G TH E PRO D U CTI O N O F Show Boat M O N DAY, N OV EM B E R 4, 2013 6:30 PM Ah, the relaxing sounds of the Mississippi River* on a cool, November night. Sure, 19th century Mississippi didn’t have much to offer other than planting cotton, farming cotton, selling cotton, and oh, did we mention cotton? And unless you’re super handy with a cotton gin or betrothed to a wealthy plantation owner, we thought: why not just jump on board and retire from the Deep South for a bit? So hurry up, because this boat is leaving faster than Magnolia and Gaylord’s whirlwind courtship. And while we won’t make you sing and dance aboard the Cotton Blossom, we do think our river boat dinner party will be the talk of the town. And to top it off, we thought it would be appropriate to honor the most gracious Southern Belle in all of Sarasota, the lovely Ms. Margaret Wise. (And yes, she’s actually from Mississippi.) So get ready for some good old-fashioned music; classic southern food; sweet tea (with or without the vodka) and a whole lot of fun. That leaves us with just one question: “WILL YOU GO? WE INVITE YOU TO THE SHOW!” *Sarasota Bay Dinner 2 location T he home of R i c har d an d M i c helle P errone 219 Pa l m e t to Av e n u e, O s p r e y H ONO R A RY H O S Ts R ichard and M ichelle P errone TIC K ET CO S T $ 25 0 / P E R S O N c o n tac t C a l l: 9 41- 3 51- 9 010 E X T. 4712 E m a i l: L a u r a _Wo o d @a s o l o.o r g O n l i n e: ASOLOREP.ORG/STARRYNIGHTS dinner S P O N S O R s SERIES SPONSORS D I N N E R 2 CELEBR ATI N G TH E PRO D U CTI O N O F Philadelphia, Here I Come! M O N DAY, D EC EM B E R 16, 2013 6:30 PM od part y), er (a nd a go ct ra ha C an meric rc h of The A siast In Sea hu nt E re at Dear The : e your se arch ons to validat as re ee r We have th ill be brilliant. n about of this play w Philly to le ar ion ct re di l the way to i’s al at al go G to nk ve ra t ha 1. F play, you don’ e ti tle of the els. 2. Despi te th d so ft pr e tz se st eaks an . ee on ch ti t ra e ig m ur Irish em ude go ing might incl for this even 3. Our menu Night Dinne r ign this S tarry at ld to tourism ca mpa y or ra nk ’s st Phila de lphia” it is “V e th P.S. H ear F r wit h love, copywri te fo ink we could P.P.S. We th Asolo R eop xox Dinner 3 location Ba ha m a Flowe r T H E H O M E O F K e v i n S c hoeler an d P h i l i p van d er Voet 18 0 8 F l o w e r D r i v e, H a r b o u r A c r e s H ONO R A RY H O S Ts K evin S choeler and P hilip van der voet TIC K ET CO S T $ 25 0 / P E R S O N c o n tac t C a l l: 9 41- 3 51- 9 010 E X T. 4712 E m a i l: L a u r a _Wo o d @a s o l o.o r g O n l i n e: ASOLOREP.ORG/STARRYNIGHTS dinner S P O N S O R SERIES SPONSORS D I N N E R 3 CELEBR ATI N G TH E PRO D U CTI O N O F Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike SAT U R DAY, JA N UA RY 11, 2014 6:30 PM Vanya and Sonia and Masha cordially invite you to attend their dysfunctional family reunion. Now don’t get too excited. This isn’t an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Nor can we promise that the evening’s drama will be anything like the destruction bonding that would occur if all the Bravo housewives got together one afternoon for tea. But what we can promise is that by the time you leave this dinner, you will all feel connected like family. You will have shared memories, discussed opinions and feelings, passed the bread basket, yada yada yada. You get the idea. Theatre brings people together. Like Masha and Spike. Unfortunately, we can’t all have a 29 year old boy toy, now can we? So bring your husband, your wife, your partner, your mistress, your dentist or even your pet fish. This family is ready to gather. And maybe if you’re really lucky, we can slip in a game of Family Feud. Dinner 4 location THE HOME OF L arry and Debbie Haspel 673 4 C h a n c e r y P l a c e, U n i v e r s i t y Pa r k H ONO R A RY H O S Ts L arry and D ebbie H aspel TIC K ET CO S T $ 25 0 / P E R S O N c o n tac t C a l l: 9 41- 3 51- 9 010 E X T. 4712 E m a i l: L a u r a _Wo o d @a s o l o.o r g O n l i n e: ASOLOREP.ORG/STARRYNIGHTS SERIES SPONSORS D I N N E R 4 CELEBR ATI N G TH E PRO D U CTI O N O F Hero: The Musical M O N DAY, A PR I L 7, 2014 6:30 PM Let’s be honest. We all like to pretend that reality isn’t really real and that we’re actually these extraordinary humans with supernatural powers. How many comic books have been written about your average Joe waking up one day to find he’s one telephone booth away from dashing heroism? And of course, we all imagine falling in love with this dark, mysterious hero. You know, the strong and brave vigilante who swoops in to defeat his evil archnemesis and saves the day (we swoon). And though hanging upside down to attempt the “Spider-Man kiss” with your significant other seems like a good idea at the time, it’s probably not. Take our word for it. So we’re left idolizing these icons because they have something we don’t. We read the books and see the movies. We cosplay, mostly at Halloween, but secretly dream we could do it every day. We wish saying words like “Zap,” “Boom” and “Pow” was cool. We might even proudly boast about our lifetime admission pass to ComiCon. (Wait, can you really buy those?) So “SHAZAM,” “Hulk Smash” and “to the bat-pole, Robin!” Let’s just take a much needed break from our real lives for one night. And relax – we won’t make you dress up for the event. But, major superhero kudos to anyone who does!