Business Connection - Wytheville-Wythe
Business Connection - Wytheville-Wythe
150 East Monroe Street Wytheville, VA 24382 276.223.3365 / F: 276.223.3412 BU S INE SS C ON NEC TION 2 0 1 6 ONLY redeemable at area Chamber Member businesses. Available to purchase year round at the Chamber office. Each year, thousands of dollars of Chamber Gift Certificates are purchased and redeemed at local businesses. Together, let’s help strengthen our community by continuing to support the Shop Small ® initiative all year and especially on November 26, consider shopping with small, local businesses. Chamber Newsletter Advertising 1st Quarter-January BUSINESS CARD SIZE AD - $75 per issue (Email your print ready ad in PDF Format) INSERTS – $125 per issue. Supply us with 400 copies of your insert and we mail it with the newsletter to all Chamber Members! (One 8 ½ x 11 flat sheet, double sided print encouraged) F O U R T H Q U A R T E R N E W S L E T T E R The Board of Directors of the Wytheville-Wythe-Bland Chamber of Commerce cordially invites you to attend the 70th Annual Membership & Awards Dinner November 1, 2016 6 pm Networking │ 6:30 pm Dinner Wytheville Meeting Center, 333 Community Blvd., Wytheville Reserved Table * Eight $500 Reserved Table * Four $250 Reserved Table * Six $375 Individual Tickets $35 per person Purchase Tickets at the Chamber Office. 150 E. Monroe St., Wytheville │ 276.223.3365 │ PAGE 2 2016 Chamber Cup Golf Tournament Winners 1st Place: Appalachian Machine Ribbon Cuttings Family Medicine of Our Mountains 245 Ft. Chiswell Rd., Suite D Max Meadows, VA 24360 276.595.5300 Rockstar Gems & the Button Babe 155 E. Main St. Wytheville, VA 24382 276.239.0224 2nd Place: Clarke Precision Machine 13th Place: Brown, Edwards & Company Chamber Cup Golf Tournament A special Thank You to all of our sponsors, teams and volunteers who helped make the Chamber Cup Golf Tournament a successful event this year. 1st Place: Appalachian Machine 2nd Place: Clarke Precision Machine 13th Place: Brown, Edwards and Company Last Place: ABB Last Place: ABB THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Appalachian Machine, Inc. Appalachian Power Pascor Atlantic Wytheville Moose Lodge #394 ADVERTISEMENTS To have your event included in our Calendar of Events, Weekly E-Blasts and Facebook please send the flyer and information at least two weeks prior to the event to
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In conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce Annual Membership
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