August 11, 2013 - Solemnity of Saint Clare AUGUST 15, 2013
August 11, 2013 - Solemnity of Saint Clare AUGUST 15, 2013
August 11, 2013 - Solemnity of Saint Clare ft|Çà _tãÜxÇvx à{x `tÜàçÜ Vtà{ÉÄ|v ctÜ|á{ tÇw Xwâvtà|ÉÇ VxÇàxÜ 1971 ST. LAWRENCE DRIVE, SANTA CLARA, CA 95051 • TEL. NO. 408-296-3000 • FAX NO. 408-296-3100 WEBSITE: WWW.SAINTLAWRENCE.ORG • E-MAIL ADDRESS: PARISH@SAINTLAWRENCE.ORG Celebrating our Catholic Faith through Worship, Education, and Service AUGUST 15, 2013 - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation) Schedule of Masses 8:30 AM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM (en Español) FEASTS OF SAINT LAWRENCE AND SAINT CLARE Dear Saint Lawrence the Martyr Community, This weekend of August 10th and 11th, we at Saint Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Parish experience a convergences of special celebrations. These celebrations are unique to our community because of the 54th year of the founding of Saint Lawrence the Martyr Parish (1959), and the feast days of the patronal Saints of our Parish Church Saint Lawrence - August 10th) and of the city our Church is located in, as well as co-patroness of our diocese (Saint Clare – August 11th). Every year the Feast Day of each Church is to be celebrated and according to liturgical guidelines, can actually be transferred to the weekend in order to celebrate it as a community during the regular weekend Mass celebrations. This year we have another liturgical factor in the mix – the situation that August 11th is the Feast Day of Saint Clare of Assisi and falls on a Sunday. Normally, the celebration of a Sunday takes priority over celebrations of the feast days of Saints, however, because Estimada comunidad de San iglesia debe ser celebrado de acuerdo a los guias litúrgicos, Lorenzo el Mártir, actualmente puede abarcar el Este fin de semana, del 10 y 11 fin de semana para poderse de Agosto, nosotros en la celebrar como comunidad parroquia de San Lorenzo el durante las celebraciones de Mártir tenemos u n a las misas regulares del fin de convergencia de celebraciones. semana. Este año también Estas celebraciones son únicas tenemos otro factor litúrgico, para nuestra comunidad por ya que el 11 de Agosto es el ser el año 54 de la fundación día festivo de Sta. Clara de Asís, de la parroquia de San Lorenzo y cae en Domingo. el Mártir (1959), y los días festivos de los santos patrones Normalmente, la celebración de nuestra parroquia (San de un Domingo tiene prioridad Lorenzo – 10 de Agosto) y de la sobre celebraciones de los días ciudad en la que nuestra festivos de los santos, pero, por parroquia esta ubicada, tanto que Sta. Clara es la patrona de ciudad, su día como la de nuestra co-patrona nuestra de la diócesis (Sta. Clara – festivo es celebrado como una solemnidad en las iglesias 11 de Agosto). ubicadas en Santa Clara Cada año el día festivo de cada (Se que muchos feligreses en - Continued on Page 3 realidad viven en Sunnyvale, no en Santa Clara, pero también P I O pueden aprovechar estas Y F celebraciones especiales.). La importancia de esta D S J situación litúrgica (Una solemnidad tiene preferencia a “Pope Benedict XVI will grant faithful Plenary un día festivo) actualmente Indulgence for the occasion of the Year of Faith. The suple las celebraciones del indulgence will be valid from the opening of the patrón de la iglesia, San Year on 11 October 2012 until its end on Lorenzo y la del diecinueveavo 24 November 2013.” Domingo del tiempo ordinario. Por este motivo las lecturas en “Bishop McGrath has designated the las misas de este Domingo son diferentes a las que se following sites: the church or chapel of encuentran en el misal. each parish, mission or oratory, on its Saint Clare is the patroness of our city, her feast day is celebrated as a Solemnity in the Churches located in Santa Clara (I know many of you as parishioners actually live in Sunnyvale not Santa Clara, however you can take advantage of these special celebrations). The importance of this liturgical situation (a Solemnity is higher than a Feast), actually “bumps” the celebrations of the patron of the Church, Saint Lawrence and the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time from being celebrated at this weekend’s Masses (this is why the readings at Mass are different than those in the missal). pastoral feast.” - Continúa en la página 3 - Saint Lawrence the Martyr Parish is hosting Catholicism 201 for eight consecutive Mondays at 7:00 PM beginning on July 1, 2013. All parishioners and interested members of the public are invited to join us. Catholicism 201 features a Canadian-produced series of presentations by Fr. James Mallon. August 12 Introduc on to Chris an Morality Each evening consists of four parts: August 19 The Thorny Issues 1. Welcome and opening prayer 2. A one-hour presentation on some aspect of the Catholic faith 3. A small group discussion of the subject matter of the presentation 4. Wrap-up and closing prayer Ju l y 2 9 , 2 0 1 3 August 12, 2013; Monday Monday 7:00 PM 7 :0 0 P M Parish Hall P a r i sh H a l l There is no charge for registration. Participants are encouraged to bring a Bible to the sessions and may wish to acquire a copy of The Catechism of the Catholic Church for follow-up reading. Bibles will also be available for participants who have not brought their own. MASS TIMES Reconcilia on Devo ons Sunday Saturday ● 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Or by appointment Rosary – Monday to Saturday ● A er the 8:30 AM Mass 8:00 AM 10:00 AM (Children’s Liturgy of the Word) 12 Noon 1:30 PM (Mass in Spanish) 6:00 PM (Youth Mass) Saturday ● 8:30 AM ● 5:00 PM (Sunday Vigil) Monday – Friday ● 8:30 AM Eucharis c Adora on Thursday ● 9:00 AM – 8:45 PM ● Solemn Benedic on 8:45 PM Rev. Ernesto Orci Pastor SAINT LAWRENCE SCHOOLS Phil Dolan - President Rev. Tito Cartagenas Parochial Vicar ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL (Pre-K - 8th Grade) 1-408-296-2260 Monica Argenti - Principal PARISH OFFICE 1-408-296-3000 Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - Noon Therie Velasco-Gonzales Office Manager Vickie Wallace Office Assistant Noel Fisico Music Coordinator 1-408-869-8254 CHILDREN’S CENTER 1-408-296-8077 Teen Center 1-408-296-8077 Extended Day Care 1-408-296-8077 Sue Herbelin - Director ACADEMY 1-408-296-3013 Bridgit McGarry - Principal EDUCATION CENTER ADVANCEMENT OFFICE 1-408-841-4282 Janet Yamada - Director Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Tuesday ● 8:15 AM Chapel Open Daily 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM CATECHETICAL OFFICE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF RELIGION 1-408-296-0208 M. Eleanor de Paz Catechetical Director MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY 1-408-296-0208 M. Eleanor de Paz HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION 1-408-893-9353 Elizabeth Sanville - Coordinator highschoolconfirmation HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY 1-408-893-9353 Elizabeth Sanville - Coordinator YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Joseph AuBuchon - Coordinator - Continuando de la página 1 - - Continued from Page 1 - El año próximo, 10 de Agosto de 2014, tendremos que celebrar el día festivo de San Lorenzo y los cincuenta y cinco años de nuestra parroquia en una manera muy especial, ya que caerá en Domingo. Next year, August 10, 2014, we will really have to celebrate the patronal feast day of Saint Lawrence and the 55th years of our parish in a special way as it falls on Sunday. Because of the Decree of the Year of Faith, our community does get to enjoy a special spiritual opportunity this weekend because of our patronal feast. Bishop McGrath has designated each church, on its patronal feast, a site to Saint Lawrence participate in receiving a plenary indulgence to everyone who, “following the due norms, undertakes the special prescripts to obtain them” (see apost_penit/documents/rc_trib_appen_doc_20120914_annusfidei_en.html ). From the liturgical matrix I described above, you can see that Saint Clare is placed in high regards by the Diocese of San Jose because of her patronage for us here in Santa Clara, which is also located in the Santa Clara Valley. To learn the basic life story of this important Saint in the life of our city and of our Diocese, you can Google ‘Saint Clare’ for different articles or read page 11 – Liturgy Corner, or the following: . If you ever get a chance, visit the Poor Clare Monastery which is located in our diocese. The nuns dress and live their lives in a cloistered monastery the same way that Mother Saint Clare did 800 years ago when she began the Order of Poor Clares in 1212. I have the privilege to celebrate with them their daily Mass at 7am a few times each year and I can sense the peace and prayerfulness of their lives and the monastery. They always look so happy and cheerful, especially as they receive Jesus in Holy Communion. On this special weekend for the community of Saint Lawrence the Martyr Church in Santa Clara, we ask the intercession of Saint Lawrence and Saint Clare. Please pray for us! In Christ, Fr. Ernesto Orci, Pastor Saint Clare Por el decreto del Año de Fe, nuestra comunidad puede gozar de una oportunidad espiritual especial este fin de semana, por nuestra fiesta patronal. El Obispo McGrath a designado que cada iglesia, el la fiesta de su patrón/a un sitio para participar en recibir una indulgencia plenaria a todo quien “siguiendo las emprenda las reglas especiales para debidas normas, obtenerlas” (vean documents/rc_trib_appen_doc_20120914_annus-fidei_sp.html). De la matriz litúrgica que describí arriba, pueden ver que Sta. Clara tiene un lugar muy alto en la diócesis de San José, por patrocinarnos aquí en Santa Clara, que también se ubica en el valle de Santa Clara. Para aprender la historia de la vida de esta santa importante en la vida de nuestra ciudad y nuestra diócesis, pueden hacer Google “Santa Clara de Asís” para encontrar diferentes artículos o leer lo siguiente: Si llegan a tener la oportunidad, visiten el Poor Clare Monastery (Monasterio de las Clarisas Pobres) que se encuentra en nuestra diócesis. Las religiosas viven sus vidas en un monasterio enclaustrado, de la misma manera que lo hizo la Madre Sta. Clara hace 800 años cuando comenzó la Orden de las Clarisas Pobres en 1212. He tenido el privilegio de celebrar con ellas en su misa diaria a las 7 am algunas veces cada año y puedo sentir la paz y sentido de oración de sus vidas y el monasterio. Ellas siempre se ven tan felices y contentas, especialmente al recibir a Nuestro Señor en la Santa Comunión. En este fin de semana especial para la comunidad de la iglesia de San Lorenzo el Mártir en Santa Clara, pedimos la intercesión de San Lorenzo y Sta. Clara. ¡Por favor oren por nosotros! En Cristo, Fr. Ernesto Orci, Párroco Translated by: Pedro Rincon PLENARY INDULGENCE FOR THE YEAR OF FAITH “Throughout the Year of Faith — established from 11 October 2012 to 24 November 2013 — all individual members of the faithful who are truly repentant, have duly received the Sacrament of Penance and Holy Communion and who pray for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff may receive the Plenary Indulgence in remission of the temporal punishment for their sins, imparted through God’s mercy and applicable in suffrage to the souls of the deceased: a. every time they take part in at least three homilies preached or attend at least three lectures on the Proceedings of the Second Vatican Council and on the Articles of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in any church or suitable place; b. every time they go as pilgrims to a Papal Basilica, a Christian catacomb, a cathedral church, a sacred place designated by the local Ordinary for the Year of Faith (for example, the Minor Basilicas and Shrines dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to the Holy Apostles or to the Holy Patrons), and take part there in some sacred function or at least pause in recollection for a suitable length of time with devout meditation, concluding with the recitation of the Our Father, the Profession of Faith in any legitimate form, invocations to the Blessed Virgin Mary or, depending on the case, to the Holy Apostles or Patrons; c. every time when, on the days determined by the local Ordinary for the Year of Faith (such as, for example, the Solemnities of the Lord and of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Feasts of the Holy Apostles and Patrons and of the Chair of St Peter), in any sacred place, they take part in a solemn Eucharistic celebration or in the Liturgy of the Hours, adding the Profession of Faith in any legitimate form; d. a day freely chosen during the Year of Faith on which to make a devout visit to the baptistery or other place in which they received the sacrament of Baptism, if they renew their baptismal promises in any legitimate form. Diocesan or Eparchial Bishops and those who are legally equivalent to them, on the most appropriate day in this period, on the occasion of the principal celebration (for example, 24 November 2013, on the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King, with which the Year of Faith will end) will be able to impart the Papal Blessing with the Plenary Indulgence from which all the faithful who receive this Blessing devoutly may benefit. Faithful who are truly repentant and are unable to take part in the solemn celebrations for serious reasons (such as, for example all the nuns who live in perpetually cloistered monasteries, anchorites and the hermits, prisoners, the elderly, the sick, and likewise those who, in hospital or in other places for treatment serve the sick permanently…), will gain the Plenary Indulgence on the same conditions, if, united in mind and spirit with the faithful present, especially at a moment when the words of the Supreme Pontiff or of the Diocesan Bishops are broadcast via the television or radio, they recite at home, or wherever their impediment obliges them to be (for example, in the monastery chapel, in hospital, in a clinic, in prison...), the Our Father, the Profession of faith in any legitimate form and other prayers in conformity with the objectives of the Year of Faith, offering up their suffering or the hardship in their lives.” Source: documents/rc_trib_appen_doc_20120914_annusfidei_en.html A UGUST 11, 2013 - S OLEMNITY OF S AINT C LARE - P AGE 3 You d! August 11, 2013 YouAre AreInvite Invited! Sunday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Small Group Facilitating, Leadership, and Faith Formation Community Center Note: Optional dinner after the 6:00 PM Mass 1,852.00 Mail In ACH/CC Total Stewardship Offering Goal - Stewardship Variance $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,993.72 2,458.00 1,985.55 530.06 1,322.00 118.00 $11,259.33 8,800.00 2,459.33 He qualifies the called!" “Since we have gifts that differ according to t he grace given to us, let us exercise them: if prophecy, in proportion to the faith; if ministry, in ministering; if one is a teacher, in teaching” July 1, 2013 - August 05, 2013 08/04/2013 - Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM 6:00 PM "God does not call the qualified. Year-To-Date Stewardship 08/03/2013 - Saturday 5:00 PM $ This is a great leadership training and ministry formation opportunity to everyone in the community. Please join us whether you are already in ministries or perhaps interested in becoming more involved. $56,327 Actual YTD Variance ($5,373) $61,700 Goal $- $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 P l e a s e P r a y Fo r. . . Our Parishioners, Friends, and Family May Armann Eleanore Brennan Lincoln Groner Gabriela Guillen Stuart Jakabcin Ann Lizotte Pat Naki Barbara Orason Ernie Ortiz Hilda Peralta Rosalie Perez Arlene Thompson Teresa Vega Stan Boben Diane Byrd Clell Grimes Renee Hallett Victoria Handal Jubilee Liebich Mackena Naki Peggy O’Donnell Yolanda Romero Dale Roph For the unemployed and underemployed CATHOLIC Gate of Heaven Calvary CEMETERIES Cemetery Cemetery OF THE 22555 2655 DIOCESE Cristo Rey Drive Madden Avenue Los Altos, CA 94024 San Jose, CA 95116 (650) 428-3733 (408) 258-2940 OF SAN JOSE Please call ahead for Pre-Needs or At-Need Arrangements J Office for the Protec on of Children and Vulnerable Adults Office of Financial Services If you suspect financial mismanagement or misconduct in your parish, school, Diocese of San Jose or in the Diocese of San Jose, Phone: 1-408-983-0113 please contact: Fax: 1-408-983-0147 EthicsPoint Emergency line: 1-408-983-0141 or hotline E-mail: protec 888-325-7863 OF C LARE 2, 2013A-UGUST T S 11, 2013 - S OLEMNITY M H S AINT B B - P AGEC 4 -P 4 P ANCAKE B REAKFAST AUGUST 11, 2013 SUNDAY A er the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Masses Parish Hall Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus August 11, 2013 Solemnity of Saint Clare of Assisi, Virgin Wisdom 18:6-9/Psalm 33:1,12,18-19,20-22 /Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19 or 11:1-2,8-12/Luke 12:32-48 or 12:35-40 8:00 AM + Concipcion Magisa + David John Garcia + Jess Avila + Ed & Estrelle Spring + Robert & Renee Stamm Kenneth Stamm + Donna Stamm + Rebecca Mc Hugh 10:00 AM People of Saint Lawrence 12:00 PM + Harry Sr. & Eva Turenchalk 1:30 PM + William Navarette + Deceased Members of Campos Family + Remedios Moreno 6:00 PM + Tranquilino Santos, Sr. August 12, 2013 Monday Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Deuteronomy 10:12-22/Psalm 147:12-13,14-15,19-20/Matthew 17:22-27 8:30 AM + Yen Thihai Bach August 13, 2013 Tuesday Saints Pontian, & Hippolytus Deuteronomy 31:1-8/Deuteronomy 32:3-4ab,7,8,9 & 12/Matthew 18:1-5,10,12-14 8:30 AM + Yen Thihai Bach August 14, 2013 Wednesday Saint Maximilian Kolbe Deuteronomy 34:1-12/Psalm 66:1-3a,5 & 8,16-17/Matthew 18:15-20 8:30 AM + Alberto Melo August 15, 2013 Thursday The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a,10ab/Psalm 45:10,11,12,16/1 Corinthians 15:20-27/Luke 1:39-56 8:30 AM People of Saint Lawrence 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Spanish August 16, 2013 Friday Saint Stephen of Hungary M ISSION C OOP U PDATE Joshua 24:1-13/Psalm 136:1-3,16-18,21-22 & 24/Matthew 19:3-12 On behalf of Home of Hope India, our 2013 Mission Coop beneficiary, we extend our sincerest gratitude for your generosity. As of August 5, 2013, our donation amounts to $6,210.83. J 8:30 AM + Yen Thihai Bach August 17, 2013 Saturday Blessed Virgin Mary Joshua 24:14-29/Psalm 16:1-2a & 5,7-8,11/Matthew 19:13-15 8:30 AM 5:00 PM + Martin Nguyen Ngoc Duy Khiem + Joseph Nguyen Ngoc Cu August 18, 2013 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Jeremiah 38:4-6,8-10/Psalm 40:2,3,4,18 /Hebrews 12:1-4/Luke 12:49-53 8:00 AM + Louis Tapella + Anna Cong Nguyen + Stanley Hanel + David J. Garcia 10:00 AM Ellen Hanley 12:00 PM People of Saint Lawrence 1:30 PM 6:00 PM + Robert Anthony Dodson Carag OF C LARE 2, 2013A-UGUST T S 11, 2013 - S OLEMNITY M H S AINT B B - P AGEC5 -P 5 CATECHETICAL CATECHETICAL PLEASE CONSIDER OUR SAINT LAWRENCE CATECHETICAL MINISTRY OFFERINGS ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES! Online registration is available starting August 10th! Visit Click on “Ministries” then “Catechetical”. Scroll down to the program of choice and click “Register and click here”. Complete form and click “SUBMIT.” Confirmation E-mail/Call will follow! TH TH TH TH TH TH IN-PERSON REGISTRATION WILL ALSO BE HELD IN THE PIAZZA AFTER ALL MASSES ON AUGUST 10 /11 , 17 /18 & 24 /25 !! FAITH FORMATION CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD SUNDAY SCHOOL OF RELIGION (5 Years Old to 5th Grade) For 15 minutes during the 10:00AM Sunday Mass, children are invited to explore the Gospel with a Catechist. Children then return to Mass and join the rest of the community for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. (Pre-K to 5th Grade) Ongoing faith formation program for children that teaches the Catholic Faith and nourishes spiritual life. See “Sacramental Preparation” section if 2nd-5th grader needs sacraments of First Eucharist and Reconciliation. Parents are invited to attend Adult Faith Formation sessions held at the same time. Sundays during 10 AM Mass. Begins Sept. 2013. No registration required. Sundays 11:10 AM -12:00 Noon. Begins Sept. 8th. $80 Registration. (408) 296-0208, MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY th th (6 to 8 Grade) (9th to 12th Grade) Discover more about faith in a fun and creative way! Ongoing faith formation with opportunities to interact Perfect place to build friendships with fellow Middle with fellow High Schoolers in a social setting. Schoolers & Jesus! Sundays 3:30 PM-5:30 PM, twice per month. Begins Sept. 22nd. $25 Registration. Year-round. Join us on Facebook! YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY ADULT FAITH FORMATION (18 to 35 Years old or Adults young at heart!) (Adults) Dive into deep faith-centered discussions and share faith, Learn more about the Catholic Faith! Sessions will feature food and fun. videos from Fr. Robert Barron, Matthew Kelley, and others. Open to all adults and especially convenient for parents of children in Sunday School. First Sundays of the month 7:15 PM to 8:45 PM. Sundays 11:10 AM – 12:00 Noon. Begins Sept. 8th . (408) 296-0208, ALPHA CATHOLICISM 201 (Adults and Mature Teens) (Adults and Mature Teens) A 10-week series that explores the meaning of life in a An 8-week series that will feed the mind and heart as the relaxed, friendly setting. Sessions begin with a meal, riches of the Catholic Faith are explored. followed by a short talk and time for discussion. Coming in February 2014! Coming in Summer 2014! REGISTRATION REGISTRATION For Cateche cal-related ques ons, please contact: Eleanor de Paz Cateche cal Director 408-296-0208 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION INFANT BAPTISM BAPTISM FOR OLDER CHILDREN & YOUTH (Infant to 7 Yrs Old) For infants & young children who would like to receive the Sacrament of Baptism. One interview with priest and one 2-hour class for parents and godparents. (8 Yrs Old through High School) Process of welcoming and introducing older children and teenagers to the Catholic Faith and providing preparation to receive the Sacraments. Parish Office (408) 296-3000; Must contact Catechetical Director, Eleanor de Paz (408) 296-0208, FIRST EUCHARIST/RECONCILIATION (CHILD) FIRST EUCHARIST/RECONCILIATION nd th (2 to 8 Grade) SUNDAY SACRAMENTAL PREP 2nd to 5th Grade Preparation for baptized children who wish to receive First Eucharist and First Reconciliation. Must enroll in Sunday Sacramental Prep. Sundays 11:10 AM-12:00 Noon. Begins Sept. 8th. $140 Registration. (408) 296-0208, TUESDAY NIGHT SACRAMENTAL PREP 6th to 8th Grade Preparation for baptized Middle School Youth who wish to receive First Eucharist and First Reconciliation. Must enroll in Tuesday Night Sacramental Prep. Tuesdays 7:00 PM-8:15 PM. Begins Sept. 10th. $140 Registration fee. (408) 296-0208, HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION th th (High School to Adult) HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION 9th to 12th Grade Baptized High School students who have not yet received First Eucharist will concurrently be prepared for First Eucharist, First Reconciliation and Confirmation. Must enroll in High School Confirmation. Sundays 3:30 PM-5:45 PM, twice per month (Sept-May). Orientation for student and parents is Sunday, Sept 8th. $125 Registration; $225 Weekend Retreat. BECOMING CATHOLIC/RCIA (Adults) Baptized adults who seek preparation for First Eucharist are invited to join the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process to prepare for both First Eucharist, First Reconciliation and Confirmation. Tuesdays 7:00 PM-8:15 PM. ADULT CONFIRMATION (9 to 12 Grade) For those in High School who seek to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Preparation will be provided for those who also need to prepare for First Eucharist. (Adults 18 years old and beyond) Preparation for adults who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist, and now seek to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Sundays 3:30 PM-5:45 PM, twice per month (Sept-May). Orientation for student and parents is Sunday, Sept 8th. $125 Registration; $225 Weekend Retreat. Interviews begin August 26th. $75 Suggested Donation. BECOMING CATHOLIC (RCIA) MARRIAGE PREPARATION Process of welcoming and introducing adults to the Catholic Faith and providing preparation for the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process. Also for adults who are already baptized who seek preparation for First Eucharist and Confirmation. Tuesdays, 7:00 PM-8:15 PM; (Engaged Couples) Two 4-hour sessions or four 2-hour sessions to prepare couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Parish Office (408) 296-3000; ¡FAVOR DE CONSDERAR LOS PROGRAMAS QUE OFRECE NUESTRO MINISTERIO DE CATEQUESIS DE SAN LORENZO EN LAS SIGUINTES PAGINAS! REGISTRO POR EL INTERNET ESTARÁ DISPONIBLE EL 10 DE AGOSTO! 1. Visite 2. Clic en “Ministries”. 3. Desplácese hacia abajo hasta el programa de elección y haga clic en "Register and click here". 4. Complete el formulario y haga clic en "SUBMIT". Un E-mail o una llama telefónica de Confirmación seguirá! ¡También Habrá Registración "en vivo" en la plaza después de las misas de agosto 10/11, 17/18 y 24/25! FORMACIÓN DE FE LITURGIA DE LOS NIÑOS DE LA PALABRA ESCUELA DOMINICAL DE RELIGION (5 años a 5to grado; Inglés) (Pre Kinder al grado 5; Inglés) Programa de formación en la fe para niños que enseña la Fe Católica y alimenta la vida espiritual. La opción para el ciclo de preparación para la Primera Eucaristía y Reconciliación se ofrece también a los niños de 5 años a 5to grado. Favor de ver la sección “Preparación Sacramental” para detalles. Los padres de familia están invitados a asistir a las clases de “Formación en la Fe para Adultos” que se darán al mismo tiempo. Los domingos, 11:10 AM-12 del mediodía; Comenzando el 8 de septiembre de 2013. (408) 296-0208; $80 MINISTERIO DE LA JUVENTUD PARA ESTUDIANTES DE “Escuela Secundaria” (Grados del 9 al 12; Inglés) Por 15 minutos durante la Misa de 10:00 am del domingo, los niños son invitados a explorar el Evangelio con un catequista. Los niños regresan a la Misa y se reúnen con el resto de la comunidad para la Liturgia de la Eucaristía. Domingo, misa de 10 AM.; Comienza septiembre 2013. (No es necesario registrarse) MINISTERIO DE LA JUVENTUD PARA ESTUDIANTES DE “MIDDLE SCHOOL” (Grados del 6 al 8; Inglés) ¡Descubra más acerca de la fe en una manera divertida y creativa! ¡Lugar ideal para hacer amistades con sus compañeros estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria y Jesús! Los domingos, 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM, Dos veces al mes; Comenzando el 22 de Septiembre, 2013.; $25 PREPARACION PARA QUINCEAÑERA La Quinceañera debe asistir a una sesión de preparación de 3 horas. Fecha se determinará con la fecha de la Quinceañera. Padres y patricinador(es) primero(s) también deben asistir a la sesión de la preparación. Oficina Parroquial (408) 296-3000 MINISTERIO PARA ADULTOS JOVENES (18 a 35 años de edad, o ¡adultos jóvenes de corazón!; Inglés) Sumérjase en una fe profunda, enfocado en los debates y el compartimiento de la fe, comida y diversión. Los primeros domingos del mes, 7:15 PM a 8:45 PM La formación en la fe con oportunidades para interactuar con compañeros de la misma de edad de “High School” en un escenario social. Un evento de todo el ano. ¡Únete a nosotros en Facebook! FORMACION EN LA FE PARA ADULTOS (Adultos; Inglés y Español) ¡Aprenda más acerca de la Fe Católica! Las clases empezaran con una presentación de una serie del video “Catolicismo” del Presbítero Robeto Barron. Disponible para todos los adultos y especialmente para los padres de familia de la Escuela Dominical de Religión. Los domingos, 11:10 AM – 12:00 NOON; Comenzando el 8 de Septiembre, 2013; (408) 296-0208 ALPHA CATOLICISMO 201 (Adultos y Adolescentes Maduros; Inglés y Español) (Adultos y Adolescentes Maduros; Inglés y Español) Una serie de diez (10) semanas que explora el significado de la vida en un ambiente relajado y amigable. Las clases comenzaran con una comida, seguido de una plática corta y un tiempo para debatir. Una serie de ocho (8) semanas que alimentará la mente y el corazón como las riquezas de la Fe Católica serán exploradas. ¡Por llegar en febrero del año 2014! ¡Por llegar en el año 2014! PREPARACIÓN SACRAMENTAL BAUTISMO PARA NINOS (Niños hasta 7 años de edad; Inglés y Español ) Para niños que deseen recibir el sacramento del bautismo. Una entrevista con un sacerdote y una clase de 2 horas para los padres y padrinos. Oficina de la parroquia (408) 296-3000; PRIMERA COMUNION / RECONCILIACION ( NINOS) (GRADOS DEL 2-8; Inglés) 1. PREPARACION DOMINICAL PARA LOS SACRAMENTOS (Grados del 2 al 5; Inglés) Preparación de niños bautizados que desean recibir La Primera Comunión/Primera Reconciliación. Debe de inscribirse en la Escuela Dominical de Preparación Sacramental. $140 Los domingos, 11:10 AM - 12:00 del mediodía, comenzando Septiembre 8. 2013. (408) 296-0208,; 2. PREPARACION DE MARTES POR LA NOCHE PARA LOS SACRAMENTOS (Grados del 6 al 8; Inglés) Preparación de jóvenes ya bautizados en la edad “Middle School” que deseen recibir La Primera Comunión/Primera Reconciliación. Debe de inscribirse en la Preparación Sacramental de martes por la noche. Las martes por la noche, 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM, comenzando en Septiembre 10, 2013. (408) 296-0208,; $140 CONFIRMACION DE ESTUDIANTES DE “ESCUELA SECUNDARIA” (Grados del 9 al 12; Inglés) BAUTISMO PARA NIÑOS Y JÓVENES (8 años de edad hasta la edad de “High School;” Inglés) Un proceso de dar la bienvenida y de presentar a niños mayores y adolescentes a la fe católica y a la preparación de los Sacramentos. Debe contactarse con el Director de la Catequesis. (408) 296-0208, PRIMERA COMUNION / RECONCILIACION (DE ESCUELA SECUNDARIA HASTA ADULTO; Inglés) 1. CONFIRMACION DE “ESCUELA SECUNDARIA” (Grados 9 al 12; Inglés) Para aquellos estudiantes bautizados sin haber recibido su Primera Comunión y que buscan recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación. La preparación también se hará para estos estudiantes de secundaria que necesitan prepararse para Primera Comunión junto a la Confirmación. Los domingos, 3:30 PM - 5:45 PM, Dos veces al mes (Sept a Mayo) La orientación para los estudiantes y padres será el domingo, 8 de Septiembre. 2013.; $125 Registracion; $225 Retreat 2. SER CATOLICO (RICA) (Inglés) Adultos bautizados que buscan preparación para La primera Comunión son invitados a reunirse en el proceso de RCIA (Siglas en Ingles, que significa “Rito de la Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos”) para prepararse para ambos La Primera Comunión y La Confirmación;Martes, de 7pm-8:15pm; rcia CONFIRMACION DE ADULTOS (Edad de 18 años en adelante; Inglés) Para aquellos que se encuentran en la escuela secundaria y que buscan Una preparación de 10 semanas para adultos que ya recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación. La preparación también se hayan recibido los Sacramentos del Bautismo y de la hará para estos estudiantes de secundaria que necesitan prepararse Primera Comunión, y que aun buscan recibir el para Primera Comunión junto a la Confirmación. Sacramento de la Confirmación. Los domingos, 3:30 PM - 5:45 PM, Dos veces al mes (Septiembre a Mayo) La orientación para los estudiantes y padres será el domingo, 8 de Septiembre. 2013.; $125 Registración; $225 Retiro $75 Donacion SER CATOLICO (RCIA) PREPARACION PARA MATRIMONIO (Inglés) Proceso de bienvenida y la presentación de adultos a la fe católica y la preparación para los Sacramentos del Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación a través del proceso RCIA. También, para los adultos que ya están bautizados que buscan preparación para la Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Los martes, 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM; (Parejas ya comprometidas; Inglés) Dos clases de 4 horas cada una, o cuatro clases de 2 horas cada una para la preparación de parejas hacia el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Oficina Parroquial (408) 296-3000; Friday Night Dinner and Swimming Too Cena y Natación, Viernes por la Noche The 1:30 Hispanic Community of Saint Lawrence presents: / La Comunidad Hispana de San Lorenzo presenta: A Delicious Mexican Taco Bar (Taquiza) / Una Taquiza Mexicana (Taco Bar) Menu: Menú: A plate of 2 so tacos with all the trimmings plus rice and beans, a drink and dessert 2 tacos, arroz y frijoles, bebida y postre When: August 16th at the Friday night dinner Cuando: En la cena nocturna, viernes 16 de agosto, 2013 Time: Star ng at 5:30pm Qué Hora: Se empieza a las 5:30pm Where: Donde: At the Saint Lawrence Pavilion Area En el Pabellón de la Parroquia de San Lorenzo, el Már r The Blessed Mother requested this special devotion to honor her Immaculate Heart. Please join us and invite others on the following dates a er the 8:30 AM Mass: • September 7 • October 5 • Interested in sharing your me and talent to lay-out the bulle n, please e-mail us at The Pilgrim Virgin of Our Lady of Fatima A statue of the Pilgrim Virgin of Our Lady of Fatima travels from home to home and remains in the home for one week subject to extension upon request for additional one week. Sign-up to schedule a visit from the Pilgrim Virgin of Our Lady of Fatima in your home. Please contact the Legion of Mary, Mario de Guzman at 408-646-4498. W A • Mondays • Tuesdays • Thursdays • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM // Donation: $3/session A UGUST 11, 2013 - S OLEMNITY OF S AINT C LARE - P AGE 10 Liturgy Corner F EAST OF By: Deborah Ferry S AINT C LARE (Taken from the Catholic Encyclopedia) COME JOIN THE SAINT LAWRENCE CATECHETICAL TEAM!!! We are in need of: Catechists for all programs. (Must be Confirmed. English and/or Spanish ) SPANISH speaking Catechists for Baptism, Wedding, Quinceañera Preparation, High School Confirmation. (Spanish) Catechist Assistants (Middle Schoolers, High Schoolers, Adults) Catechist Substitutes (Must be Confirmed.) High School & Middle School Youth Ministry Catechists and “Planning” Core Members (Confirmed High Schoolers, Adults, or graduted MSYM members enrolled in High School Confirmation) TRAINING PROVIDED! FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: ELEANOR DE PAZ, Catechetical Director (408) 296-0208 J Saint Clare of Assisi was born Chiara Offreduccio. She is Cofoundress of the Order of Poor Ladies, or Clares and wrote their Rule of Life the first monas c rule known to have been wri en by a woman. She was born at Assisi, 16 July, 1194 and died there 11 August, 1253. From her earliest years. Clare seems to have been endowed with the rarest virtues. She was eighteen when Saint Francis came to preach the Lenten course in San Giorgio at Assisi. The inspired words of the Poverello kindled a flame in the heart of Clare; she sought him out secretly and begged him to help her that she too might live "a er the manner of the holy Gospel". Saint Francis promised to assist her. On Palm Sunday, Clare, arrayed in all her finery, a ended high Mass, but when the others pressed forward to the altar-rail to receive a palm branch, she remained in her place as if rapt in a dream. That night she secretly le her father's house, by Saint Francis's advice and, accompanied by others, proceeded to the chapel of the Porziuncula, where Saint Francis and his disciples met her. Clare then laid aside her rich dress, and Saint Francis, having cut off her hair, clothed her in a rough tunic and a thick veil, and in this way Clare vowed herself to the service of Jesus Christ. This was 20 March, 1212. When, in 1234, the army of Frederick II was devasta ng the valley of Spoleto, the soldiers, preparing an assault upon Assisi, scaled the walls of San Damiano by night, spreading terror among the community. Clare, calmly rising from her sick bed, and taking the ciborium, proceeded to face the invaders at an open window against which they had already placed a ladder. As she raised the Blessed Sacrament on high, the soldiers who were about to enter the monastery fell backward as if dazzled, and the others who were ready to follow them took flight. It is due to this incident that Saint Clare is generally represented in art bearing a ciborium. Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time “Am I waiting for the “right” time to become a good steward? Do I plan to share my time and talents “later?” Today’s Gospel warns those who are procrastinating about stewardship to be prepared — “at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.”” Excerpt from Stewardship By The Book by: Sharon Hueckel C LARE 2, 2013A- UGUST T S 11, 2013 - S OLEMNITY M HOF S AINT B B - P AGEC 11 -P 11