It`s choice - not chance - that determines your destiny”. Jean Nidetch


It`s choice - not chance - that determines your destiny”. Jean Nidetch
Key Stage 4 Progression 2015
Understanding the process of making your choices
Understanding progression
Moving towards becoming a
“Successful Woman of the Future”
Over the next ½ hour we will…
• Go through the different types of courses that are
available to your daughter in Year 10 and 11
• Explore which are the courses that everyone does, which
ones most do and which are the ones they can choose
• Explore WHY they might choose to do a course
• Understand HOW to use the booklet and Progression
Evening to help them decide what to do
• Understand HOW and WHEN to hand in their completed
The Core:
Core subjects are the ones which everyone studies in years 10 and 11:
English and
English Literature
Religious Studies
Core PE
Core Subjects for all
students at
Ricards Lodge 2015
Core Science*
At least 1 GCSE
Core subjects – New
• Your daughters WILL study the new
styles GCSEs in 2 core subjects:
– English Language and Literature
– Mathematics
These new GCSEs are graded from 1 to 9
NOT G to A*.
4 = current lower grade C
5 = current upper grade C / borderline B
9 = higher than current A*
Current GCSE grades
New GCSE Grades
Upper grade C / Lower B
Lower grade C
Please note – these are approximate equivalents – it will be more subject
Change in style:
• These new GCSEs have:
– more content to cover
– are more demanding
– have less controlled assessment – higher %
final exams
– greater emphasis on SPaG
– no tiers for entries (higher and foundation
levels) except in Maths and Science (and
from the following year in languages).
Other GCSEs
• All other subjects at GCSE don’t change
for your daughters – the change for them
comes for the current year 8s.
• BUT – all those GCSEs also have
increased focus on SPaG, increased
amounts of final exams and grade
boundaries that have moved upwards (the
score needed for a C for example).
Please now refer to the booklets…
First let’s look at what’s in the booklet:
Core subjects:
• All students will study GCSEs in:
English Language and English Literature,
Religious Studies;
Plus PSHE and core Physical Education
Specific extra core subjects:
• Students who have achieved level 6c or
higher in English, Maths, Science,
History or Geography and a Language
– will study a larger core that includes either
Core and Additional or Triple Science (Biology,
Chemistry and Physics), either History or
Geography and a Language (French, German or
Spanish). These students study two additional
courses from the optional list of subjects.
Specific extra core subjects:
• Students who have achieved level 5a or
below in one or more of the subjects
above – will have additional time in English,
Maths and Science in order to maximise their
opportunities to achieve well in these subjects.
In addition they must choose 2 subjects from the
following list as part of their extended core –
History, Geography, Additional Science, French
or Spanish. These students study two additional
courses from the optional subjects list.
Specific extra core subjects:
• Students who receive support in our
Cedar Base or who are identified by the
Inclusion and Learning Support Manager
and Head of Year as requiring further
support – will have further additional time in
English, Maths and Science and will complete a
BTEC Personal Social Development course to
support their progression into education or
training post-16. These students study two
additional courses from the optional list below.
EAL students
A small group of EAL students will have
additional time with our EAL team and
then choose three other subjects from the
optional subjects list.
Heritage / Home Languages
• Please note – any students who are fluent
(both verbally and written) in a home
language that can be taken at GCSE can
do so. Students who wish to do this must
also complete a yellow Home Languages
Application form and hand it in with their
progression choices form to their tutor.
So… what about the options?
• In previous years students have had to
choose their subjects from specific option
• We changed this last year for the current
year 10.
• This year we are going to try and give
them more free choice with your two
• Best 5 – rank order – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
In the booklet there are then several pages
of guidance on how to choose their
courses which you should read through
carefully with your daughters.
Then there are the descriptions of each
subject course.
BUT FIRST….. The Application Forms!!!!!!
What you need to look for on
your form – how to fill it in...
• At the top of the first page of each form is the list of core
subjects you will be doing.
• Then there are the optional subject sections – read the
instructions for these carefully.
• You need to complete the choices boxes accurately and each
one must be signed off by your subject teacher or the Head of
Department for that subject.
• If you are fluent in a home language – please read these
sections carefully and collect a form from Ms Mannan before
you leave.
So… What must I remember?
• You must read the whole booklet carefully and should follow the
guidance to help you make choices – paying really close attention to
any entry requirements..
• You should come with your parents / carer to the Pathways Evening
on Thursday 26th February 6.00pm -7.30pm – bring the
booklet and form with you
• You MUST fill in, sign and hand in your form by Thursday 12th
March at the latest.
• You MUST hand it in to your Tutor who will hand the whole pack of
forms from your group to Ms Simmons by the end of the school day
on that Friday.
• Any student who hands their form in later than that date must hand
it straight to Mr Uddin BUT they will not necessarily get the courses
they want!!!!!!!!
Visiting subject areas.
For the next hour please visit the relevant
core and optional subject areas with your
Please discuss subject recommendations
further if required at Parents’ Evening on
10th March.
Also attending that evening for queries will
be myself and Mr Kennedy (Careers
”It's choice - not
chance –
that determines
your destiny”.
Jean Nidetch