The Los Altos Life - Los Altos Christian Church


The Los Altos Life - Los Altos Christian Church
The Los Altos Life
Los Altos Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
11900 Haines NE ◊ Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 ◊ 505 299-5526
Email: ◊ Website:
August 11, 2015 Volume 30 Issue No. 31
Getting hold on the external propulsion of God's grace is crucial to our
understanding of the 'mission'. It means that doing mission is not a duty
(something we "should do") but a natural overflow of the Gospel's work in our
very being. If you are not motivated to love, serve, or to speak the gospel, with
people, the answer is not Nike's "just do it." The way is to examine your heart,
repent of any sin, and discern where your unbelief is short-circuiting the natural outward movement of the
gospel to bring wholeness to our broken world. As the good news of Jesus Christ renews your heart, it's power
will renew your desire to move out in faith into relationships with people and opportunities to serve God in
places along your way. Putting it simply, the grace of God is always going somewhere for good - moving
ahead, extending the Kingdom of God, propelling his people toward love and serving people in need. As we do
learn to live in light of the good news, God's 'mission first' tends to be the natural overflow of grace. God's
power of grace brings renewal internally, that is in our being, so that it might bring revival externally through
disciples of Jesus, us. Living the gospel centered life is both challenging and fulfilling in word and in deed.
Scriptures to read this week in preparation for worship are: Proverbs 9:1-6; Psalm 34; Ephesians 5:15-20 and
John 6:51-58. "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever;
and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh." - Jesus
John puts out this claim of Jesus even more outrageously. Surely Jesus is not speaking literally of eating his
flesh and drinking his blood; he refers, first of all to the bread and wine of the Eucharist. The Gospel of John is
written for the insiders, for a beleaguered little group of believers whose allegiance to Jesus has brought them
to the crisis of separation from their neighbors and families, "the Jews" who now hate them. When those
believers hear this Gospel read to them, they know the story very well. They have heard the echoes of the
words of the LORD'S Supper from the beginning, echoes that are found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
gospel accounts of the miraculous feeding of the masses. How does this shape your spiritual life? May we be
reminded of the patterns of faithful response to the LORD this week.
I hope for an integrated life, with balance between contemplation and action, both firmly rooted in God's
vision for all humanity and specifically for those who are "in Christ."
On the Journey,
Pastor Bill Harrold
Did you see our very own Maggie B. on television? Maggie submitted a
co-volunteer’s name for the KOB pay it forward reward and the person was
chosen! In the true spirit of giving (on both Maggie and the winner’s part) the
reward was donated to help feed people of the community who are in need.
We’re proud of you, Maggie!!
Feed & Seed
The Prayer Corner
Thursday Night Bible Study
August 13, 2015 - Fellowship and supper at 5:30 pm
The Mighty Acts of God
Restoration of the Remnant
Ezra: Chapters 5-8
Join us around the table. (brown bag)
Our shut-ins and others requesting special prayers:
Irene Bentley, Don Brady, Vicie Kells,
Jack & Betty Newman, Julia Rose Manganaro,
Janet Southward, Coral Stupp, Ann Strommen,
Lorraine Haberman, MaryLou Reed, Mary Wright
Great work is being done with every can or box of food that you
place in the shopping cart for The Storehouse! The month of
August is Your Pick ….. Let’s have that cart FULL this
month!! Next Storehouse Day is August 19!
Save this date:
August 30th - 8th International
Village Feast & Fund Raiser.
IRRVA Update
Have you noticed all the things happening in the garden area on the south side of the
Education Building? There is a container garden planted. The IRRVA volunteers, with a few others,
cleared out the weeds and East Central Ministries brought containers, soil, seeds, ollas, and straw
and showed the IRRVA group how to plant in containers. The flagstones pulled by the Mission
Youth are being used to make walkways….and all this was done with the exchange of several
This week, the Early Childhood Program will start - with instruction for preschool children from
10:00-12:30 on Wednesday and Friday. There are only five youth at the present time, but it can
change from week to week. There will be two volunteers each day, all trained in childhood
Also this week, the afternoon tutoring will be held on Monday and Wednesday from 4:00-6:00.
There are between 20-25 youth that have been participating in the afternoon program. This is a
good opportunity for volunteers that are interested in working with children. Most are learning
English as a second language, so there are many difficulties in completing homework. There will
also be an opportunity several times when schools have in-service days for meeting and working
with the entire families. Hopefully, that will be a time when activities can be planned.
The sewing/craft area has been moved in and the work will start.
There is sorting and arranging to be done.
On Sunday, August 30, the Eighth Annual Village Feast will be held at
La Mesa Presbyterian Church, 7401 Copper NE from 3-7 pm. The Village Feasts are designed to
welcome new refugees and immigrants in our city. Food from different countries will be served.
Flags from different countries of the world will be draped around the walls and in front of the
booths that will serve the food from those countries. Also there will be music, drumming and
dance. There is a request of a minimum donation of $10.00 to defray the cost of the event.
Additional donations will support the community programs.
Most of the books have been distributed to all who stood and proclaimed in
worship “I am a church member.” Since this was a majority of the
congregation, we’re expecting great participation to discuss the attitude and
the expectations that make the difference in church membership. Call Tracey
R. (563.4780 or 363.9103) if you need a copy.
Conversational questions are printed at the end of these very small chapters
that we will be discussing on Sunday mornings from 9:15am – 10:00
departing early enough to get to choir, serve as a greeter or just visit with
friends and visitors before the worship service begins.
I Will Be a Unifying Church Member
I Will Not Let the Church Be About My Preferences & Desires
I Will Pray for My Church Leaders
I Will Lead My Family to Be Healthy Church Members
I Will Be a Functioning Member
I Will Treasure Church Membership as a Gift
Los Altos Christian Church (DOC)
Hours of Sunday Worship
Sunday School: 9:15 am
Sunday Morning Svc: 10:30 am
Evening Taize Svc: 5:00 pm
We are disciples of Christ, a movement for
wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the
one Body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord's
Table as God has welcomed us.
Los Altos Christian Church
11900 Haines Avenue NE
Albuquerque NM 87112-4513
newsletter articles
must be turned in
by 10:00 am on
Please note: For safety’s sake, the
doors of the church will be locked
at all times. Ring the doorbell if there is no answer, call the
church office: 505-299-5526
Visit Us On The Web at
Los Altos Christian Church (DoC) Staff
Bill Harrold
Administrative Office Mgr:
Connie Shaw
Director of Music:
Jeremy Velardez
Jani-King of NM
Office Angels: Pat Craven, Iva Vest, Edie Dunnington
Kristie Gitzendanner, Georgie