Leadership Marshfield Class of 2016 Announced
Leadership Marshfield Class of 2016 Announced
September 2015 Volume 29 Number 9 Leadership Marshfield Class of 2016 Announced The Leadership Marshfield Council is pleased to announce the 2015-16 participants. Entering into its 24th year, MACCI is grateful for the continued support received from the business community towards this program. This year’s program kicks off with a two-day retreat on September 16 & 17. The monthly sessions following will focus on Quality of Life, Education, Health Care, Local Government, Public Safety & Emergency Services, and Economic Development. MACCI Welcomes New Members The purpose of the program is to develop current and potential leaders in the community and to provide a training program that will enhance their ability to become more effective business and community leaders through this professional and personal training. Participants in this year’s class are: Melissa Barnes - Marshfield Utilities Jared Beauchamp - City of Marshfield Police Dept. Renee Binder - PreventionGenetics Wendi Brueggen - Marshfield Insurance Agency Nicole Claude - MACCI Jennifer Fredrick - Marshfield School District, sponsored by Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Miranda Gregory - Opportunity Development Inc. Joe Gustafson - Roehl Transport Penny Hillert-Dunnermann - Marshfield Clinic Jenny Hoffmann - Roehl Transport Kristina Howey - Marshfield Clinic John Kaprelian - Forward Financial Bank Jason King - Citizens State Bank of Loyal Allison Machtan - Security Health Plan Carissa Miller - Forward Financial Bank Dr. Shawn Ronan - Marshfield Clinic Danielle Rummells - Bethel Center Gwen Schnitzler - Figi’s Companies Inc. Todd Schultz - Fairway Independent Mortgage Sandra Steineke - Figi’s Companies Inc. Sarah Unger - Principal Financial Group Jill Walkowski - Felker Brothers Corp. Kristin Weiler - Stoney River Assisted Living & Memory Care Charles Wendlandt - Hawkins Ash CPAs LLP Brooke Wolff - Marshfield Clinic, sponsored by Marshfield Young Professionals Mary Wolff - Marshfield Area United Way Congratulations to all our participants! Business News Shared Marilyn Hardacre Park Dedication Oct. 15 MACCI Welcomes Two New Members Spine & Sport Physical Therapy Specialists, located at 125 West Upham Street in Marshfield is a pivate practice outpatient physical therapy clinic providing hands-on individualized patient care. Janet DevineRuggles is the local contact and can be reached at 715-898-1600 or email her a jdevine@spinesport.com. Stroetz Tax & Accounting LLC is an accounting and tax preparation firm offering personalized and professional services to small businesses and individuals. Jenny Stroetz is the owner of the business that is located at 110 West 4th Street in Marshfield. Jenny’s contact number is 715-502-3060 or email her at jenny@stroetztax.com. Business Briefs Keller, Inc. recently announed they will build a 6,280 square foot bus storage and maintenance facility for Lamers Bus Lines. Keller has built over 30 projects for Lamers Bus Lines over the past 29 years. Owners Allen and Kevin Lamers, are building the bus storage and maintenance facility to better serve the Mosinee School District. The new facility will be located on the corner of Hwy. 151 and Bobcat Drive in Mosinee and is expected to be completed in October, 2015. Brad Allen recently joined Keller’s Wausau project management team. Brad will be responsible for project sales in the Wausau and outlying areas along with management of those projects through completion. Allen has several years experience in the construction industry. 2 Congratulations to Valley Communities Credit Union and State Bank Financial, on being named to the 2015 edition of the Top 200 Healthiest Institutions in America that Deposit Accounts released. Each year, Deposit Accounts.com evaluates the financial health of every federally insured bank and credit union in the United States more thann 13,000 total. Each institution is graded on a number of factors, including capitalization, deposit growth, and loan to reserve ratios, in order to determine a comprehensive health score. Valley Communities Credit Union is located at 2011 South Central Avenue and the phone number is 715-3842867. State Bank Financial in Marshfield is located at 124 North Central Avenue. The business telephone number is 715486-1263. Congratulations on this achievement! Kudos to Barb LaMue! Barb (Fleisner) has been named vice president of Economic and Community Development for the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC). Barb has been sector development manager and a regional account manager for WEDC, has 18 years of economic development experience in Wisconsin. Before joining WEDC in January of 2012, she was the exectutive director of Centergy Inc., and also served as the vice president of economic development of the Greater Green Bay Chamber of Commerce and the executive director of the Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Congratulations, Barb! Schwarz Insurance is pleased to announce that Nikolai Insurance is now part of Schwarz Insurance and has relocated to 1406 South Central Avenue in Marshfield. Schwarz Insurance is a full-service, family owned insurance agency for over 90 years. Jill and Sherry invite you to stop by anytime Monday-Friday from 8:30-5:00 PM. The telephone remains the same at 715-387-1130. Congratulations to Farmers Insurance Agent Kevin Krizan who was recently named among Farmers® Top Agents in the County by National Insurer. Kevin has been named a Championship agent by Farmers Insurance for his outstanding achievement and customer focused efforts by the Los Angeles-based, multi-line insurer. Farmers Insurance is located 2001 South Central Avenue in Marshfield and the telephone number is 715-389-8865. Kudos to Mark Nelson on receiving the Wisconsin Innovation Award in the BioTech category for developing a system that allows for safer, less toxic, more efficient and more tightly controlled conditions for lab specimens to be tested. Microscopy Innovations, LLC was announced as one of the 10 winners among 33 finalists and over 170 nomineees for the awards. Nelson, along with Steven Goodman, founded Microscopy Innovations, LLC in 2007. Congratulations, Mark! Focus on Energy recently honored Merkel Company with a 2015 Focus on Energy Trade Ally Recognition Award for displaying an outstanding commitment to the energy efficiency practice. Merkel Company is located at 1111 West Veterans Parkway and the telephone number is 715-384-8717. MARSHFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY Locals on Stage to be Presented Locals on Stage, a variety show to benefit ODC, Inc. will be presented on Saturday, September 12 at the Performing Arts Center of Wisconsin Rapids. Performances are scheduled for 3:30 PM and 7:30 PM. All seats are reserved and tickets are available for $15 in advance and $17 at the door, children 12 and under $12 in advance and $14 at the door. Advance tickets can be purchased at Daly Drug in Wisconsin Rapids or ODC. Call 715-424-2712 with any questions. MACCI’s Walk Planned MACCI’s 2nd annual glow walk “Light Up the Night” will be held on Saturday, September 19. New this year, the walk will offer participants the opportunity to walk either the 2K or the 5K route.With each registration, each participant will receive a “glow in the dark” t-shirt, along with some glow items to help guide the way. Contact Debbie Bauer about sponsorship opportunities that are available. Registration will take place in the parking lot of MACCI LIGHT UP THE NIGHT 2K/5K Glow Walk Marshfield, WI Again, this year a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Marshfield Area United Way’s NOW program. Come walk with us! Save the Date- MACCI’s Business Bowl! MACCI’s Business Bowl will be offered on Thursday, November 12 at Rose Bowl Lanes. Get your teams lined up and ready to bowl during this afternoon of networking and bowling. Want to be part of the planning, call MACCI at 715-3843454, we are always looking for volunteers to help make our events better. What is Career Awareness? Mid-State Technical College in Marshfield is offering free career awareness classes, September 21-October 1 from 5:00-8:00 pm. Invest in yourself and plan your future through this free, non-credit class for adults. This is a dynamic opportunity to discover “Who Am I?”, “Where Am I Going?”, and “How Do I Get There?”. Explore a wide variety of careers that match your personal and professional skills, interests, and values. Results are matched with occupations and labor market research. Attendance at all classes is expected. Register by calling 715-387-2538. MARSHFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY MARSHFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY 3 Library Projects Gets Boost with Donation! The Marshfield Public Library Foundation recently helped the capital campaign for the Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library project with a $100,000 donation. In 2014, MPLF made the first payment of $20,000 on a separate five-year pledge of $100,000 in general support to the project. MPLF has supported this project with over $350,000 donated over the Foundation’s 28-year life-span to support the project land purchase and cover the expenses of the capital campaign, such as printing, publicity, consultant fees, etc. Pictured in the check presentation are: (back from left) campaign co-chair Laura Drendel, MPLF board member Kim Vrana, MPLF board president Steve Coy; (front, from left) Marshfield Area Community Foundation Director Amber Leifheit, campaign cochair Ginny Mazza, MPLF board members Ken Krahn and Jean Swenson, and library director Lori Belongia Crystal Apple Banquet Scheduled Join us on Wednesday, October 7, for the 13th annual Crystal Apple banquet to be held at the Holiday Inn in Marshfield. The 2015 Crystal Apple winners, along with 20 Teachers of Distinction, will be honored throughout the evening. Dr. Jim Weber, owner/founder of PreventionGenetics is our featured speaker for the program. The Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry is honored to be working with the school districts of Marshfield Public, Columbus Catholic, Immanuel Lutheran, Greenwood, Granton, Pittsville, Auburndale, Spencer, and St. Joseph-Stratford. Join us for the banquet to help celebrate our districts “excellence in education” in Central Wisconsin! MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS IS HIRING! Merle Norman Cosmetics is now accepting applications for a licensed: Cosmetologist, Nail Technician or Esthetician Why work for us? • Competitive pay • Flexible hours • Many other added bonuses! Come check out the possibilities at: 249 S. Central Ave Marshfield WI (715) 384-8000 We can’t wait to meet you!! Congratulations to all those nominated! 4 MARSHFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY Thank you, Chamber Caper Supporters! A perfect day on the green was enjoyed by 170 golfers and 40+ volunteers and enhanced holes sponsors. Special thanks to our Gold sponsors Solarus and Security Health Plan and our enhanced hole sponsors who offered an element of fun throughout the 18 holes of play. Wenzel’s Farm Sausage provided a tasty lunch, and Nasonville Dairy offered fresh curds. Jay and Jill Holm and the staff at RiverEdge Golf Course were most accomodating and helped make the day seamless. Thank you to the golfers, the volunteers, and the Chamber Caper Committee for another amazing day! Thank you Neil Riedel, Brian Hanson, Tiny Michalski, Jay & Jill Holm, Ralph Mueller, Tony Abney, and Jenny Resch. Mark your calendars for Chamber Caper 2016, Wednesday, August 9th at RiverEdge! United Way Kick-Off Planned Join us on Wednesday, September 16 at Wildwood Station to help kick-off the Marshfield Area United Way’s annual fall campaign. 2015 United Way Campaign Drive Chairs, Dan & Mary Beth Knoeck will lead the program. A $5 donation for the cookout is suggested. Please RSVP by September 11 to 715-384-9992. Still using bulky water bottles/coolers? (that never get properly sanitized) Switch to: Safer Efficient Profitable Go Green Pat Brogan • 800.471.7399 • pbrogan@eojohnson.com MARSHFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY 5 MACCI Cuts the Ribbon for Legacy Homes The Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry was pleased to be part of the ribbon cutting for Legacy Homes on August 6. Legacy Homes, located at 2116 North Peach Avenue, is the exclusive builder/dealer of Wisconsin Homes Inc. in Central Wisconsin. The company first opened its doors in July of 2011 on the south end of Marshfield. In fall of 2014, Legacy Homes moved to its new location at 2116 N Peach Avenue (directly to the west of Menards). Legacy Homes specializes in the design, planning, and construction of building Wisconsin Homes. Cutting the ribbon are owners of the company Ben and Jenna Kautza, along with Scott Larson, MACCI Executive Director. Free Computer Basics Class Offered Mid-State Technical College is offering a free computer basics class, October 5-8 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at the Marshfield Campus. What is Computer Basics? Computer Basics is a hands-on, non-credit class offered by MSTC that provides adults with instruction in basic computer skills. The class starts with turning the computer on and off correctly and works up to sending emails and downloading information. Topics included in this class are: Parts of a computer system Operating systems Logging on to a network Internet browsing & search engines Email & attachments You must be 18 years of age or older to participate. Special accomodations can be made for students with disabilities. Attendance at all classes is expected. Call 715-387-2538 to register. Firm of the Year Dinner Scheduled Mark your calendars and plan to join us on Thursday, October 22 when MACCI will honor its 2015 Firm of the Year, V&H Trucks Inc. Invitations will be mailed in September and we hope you will celebrate with Terry Frankland and company! The dinner will be held at RiverEdge Golf Course & Banquet Facility. Happy Anniversary! Tammy Mason, MACCI’s office assistant, celebrated her 25th anniversary of work on July 30. Tammy’s tasks at MACCI include assembling relocation packets, shredding confidential documents, and any other duties asked of her. Thank you, ODC, for working with MACCI all these years. We appreciate you and your support staff! Pictured with Tammy, are ODC support staff and MACCI employees! Wishing you many more years, Tammy! 6 MARSHFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY THURS., SEPT. 24th at 6PM Wildwood Pavilion | 1800 S. Roddis Ave., Mfld, WI 54449 Dinner Catered buffet style dinner and desserts provided by each committee. Bring your own beverages. Marshfield Themed Trivia Test your knowledge about the City of Marshfield and the history of MYP. You might learn something new! RSVP Please join our event on Facebook or email us at marshfieldyp@gmail.com Member Awards Ceremony Find out what your fellow members really think of you during the reveal of the “yearbook style” superlatives survey. NEW this year are the MYP Member Recognition Awards, which include: Excellence Award, Volunteer of the Year, Emerging Leader Award, Long Service Award and Attendance Award. Optional $5.00 donation enters your name into a special drawing! Members and non-members welcome. Thank You to Our Sponsors! Learn More. www.facebook.com/MarshfieldYP @marshfieldyp | marshfieldyp@gmail.com Team Sporting Goods, Inc., Thomas House, United FCS, V&H Trucks, Inc. Encourage Employees To Attend Networking Events Once a month, your Chamber offers Business After 5’s. Hosted at a member business and sponsored by additional members, this networking event is open to all members and their employees. This member benefit is a great opportunity for you to grow your business and support your Chamber. Every month over 200 business people attend and take advantage of the opportunity. Locations confirmed for 2015 include: September 30: Marshfield Utilities October 15: Hardacre Park November: Ministry Saint Joseph’s Hospital December 10: Christmas Business After 5 at Hotel Marshfield If you are interested in being a sponsor at any of these events please contact Debbie Bauer at 715-384-3454 or email her at debbiebauer@marshfieldchamber.com. 8 MARSHFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY NEW ANNUAL FUNDRAISING EVENT ▪WINE/BEER/CHEESE TASTING ▪SILENT AUCTION ▪LIVE AUCTION ▪LIVE MUSIC ▪HORS D’OEUVRES ▪DANCING ▪FUN SPONSORED BY: September/October 2015 Annual Awards & Welcome these New Downtown Businesses! 25th Anniversary Celebration! Back Porch Living (new ownership!)—253 S. Central Ave Mark your calendars for October 14th at 6pm for a night of networking, hors d’oeuvres, cocktails, door prizes, & celebration! Pre-purchased tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the Main Street office. Your ticket gets you entered in to the drawing for prizes, complimentary drinks & hors d’ oeurves! Amber Waves Farm LLC—140 S. Central Ave. THIRD TUESDAYS—Sept. 15th Circle your calendar for the next Third Tuesday event on September 15th from 5-7 pm! Over 30 shops, salons, & restaurants will be open late that evening & the Farmers' Market will be open from 2-7 pm! Come walk downtown, shop local, eat local, & enjoy the entertainment throughout Marshfield's downtown! For every $5 you spend, your name will go into a raffle to win gift certificates to be used at these local businesses! To help us recognize some important people in our downtown, please take the time to nominate a deserving downtown employee! Nomination forms are available at our office or online. Flower Power Wrap up Celebration Attn: Downtown Businesses We want to thank all the volunteers who worked so hard to make our downtown beautiful this Summer. On Oct. 7th at 6pm, we will be hosting a wrap up celebration at the Main Street office. If you volunteered, or would like to next year , we would love to see you there. Refreshments & snacks provided! RSVP by October 1st. Business & Bagels September 9th at 8am @ Main Street Office. Join us for coffee, bagels, and a great discussion on best practices that will impact your bottom line. Increase your average ticket, move up your retention, and increase product awareness. Sept. 12th: Oktoberfest @ Blue Heron Brew Pub Blue Heron Brew Pub will celebrate Oktoberfest as well as its 10th Anniversary on September 12th! A day long street party will be held in the block in front of the BrewPub. They are offering FREE vendor Booth Space to any Downtown Business, $25 for other businesses. Contact them to Reserve your space! Downtown Trick or Treating If your business wants to participate in the downtown Trick or Treating on Friday, October 30th, please contact us by October 19th! Fall Flowers Sept. 25th: Efflorescence @ Hotel Marshfield Enjoy a night of fashion, friends, and fun as some of the downtown businesses showcase their new fall lines! Tickets available online! www.efflorescence999.com Help us beautify the downtown this Fall by sponsoring a planter full of Mums! Each sponsor ($35) will have name recognition in the planter. Watering/Care will be donated by Mill Creek Gardens. Contact Erik by 9/14 if you are interested, 414-708-1439 or eriksllc@gmail.com Our printing partner info@mainstreetmarshfield.com (715)-387-3299 www.mainstreetmarshfield.com Available Properties are listed on our website: www.mainstreetmarshfield.com Upcoming meetings—New members are always welcome! Board Meeting—Wednesday, Sept. 2nd & Oct. 7th at 7:30am Promotion– Monday, Sept.14th & Oct. 5th at 8:00am. Coffee with Main Street (Tell us your ideas for Downtown!) Sept. 3rd, 17th, Oct. 1st, 15th (8:30am at the Daily Grind) *Check out our website for all other upcoming events this Summer! Design– Monday, Sept. 14th & Oct. 12th at 10am. Organization—Thursday, Sept. 10th & Oct. 8th at 8am Economic Restructuring—Wed, Sept 30th & Oct. 28th at 8am. *Meetings are held at the Main Street Office Main Street Marshfield, Inc. NON-PROFIT ORG 139 S. Central Avenue U.S. POSTAGE PAID Marshfield, WI 54449 Permit No. 50 Marshfield, WI 715-387-3299 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Our mission is to enhance our community identity and heritage, to foster a center of activity and to ensure economic stability for the heart of Marshfield through concentrated efforts of organization, promotion, design, and economic restructuring. Lois TeStrake, President C.W. Mitten, Vice-President Josh Kilty, Treasurer Erin Howard Nick Arnoldy Tony Abney Scott Koran Ryan Baer Jenna Hanson Cindy Cole Mike Eberl Tom Henseler Kelly Korth Office Staff: Angie Eloranta, Executive Director Diane Gallatin, Bookkeeper/Assistant Donation confirmation letter for tax purposes will be issued by the Marshfield Community Foundation. ___________ Thank you for your help getting it done is appreciated! Friends of Marilyn $100-$250 $251-$500 To be acknowledged in prgram must receive donation and copy material by September 21, 2015. Alphabetically listed in official dedication program. Benefactor $500 - $2,500 ___________ Quarter page in official dedication program. Recognition on permanent donors placard in park. Silver $2,500 - $10,000 ___________ Half page in official dedication program. Recognition on permanent donors placard in park. Gold $10,000 - $25,000 ___________ Full page in official dedication program. Official Sponsor of VIP Wine & Cheese reception (Lobby Rogers Cinema) prior to Park dedication & Business After 5 Celebration. Recognition on permanent donors placard in park. Platinum $25,000 - Plus ___________ Giving Guide for Recognition Levels Hardacre Park Fund Located on the Northeast corner of Fifth and Central in Marshfield, WI. Hardacre Park “Recognition Earned, Recognition Deserved. Be Part of Getting This Done!” Hardacre Park Fund Honoring Marilyn Hardacre Located on the Northeast corner of Fifth and Central, Marshfield, WI A tribute honoring Marilyn Hardacre who has for decades given so much to Marshfield. As former Mayor and Chamber Executive, so many life-changing improvements have been made to our city because of her leadership and vision. This park will enhance our downtown, as it will be a piece of art with murals and sculptures; a place to hold small events and enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors to the City of Marshfield. Detach and Return Please make checks payable to: Marshfield Area Community Foundation, Hardacre Park Fund, PO Box 456 Marshfield, WI 54449. Thank you for your support! Name ________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ State ________ Zip _________ Phone ______________________ Email ___________________________________________ “Recognition Earned, Recognition Deserved. Be Part of Getting This Done!” Light Up the Night 2K/5K Glow Walk Saturday, September 19, 2015 Marshfield, WI 6:30- 7:30 pm - Registration at Pick’n Save 7:45 pm - Pre-stretch warm-ups 8:00 pm - Glow Time Glow Registration Name __________________________________________________________________________ Address/City/State________________________________________________________________ Email ______________________________________Phone # _____________________________ (For registration confirmation & updates) Glow T-shirt Size (Adult unisex unless noted Youth): ___Youth Med. ___Youth Lg. ___Small ___Medium ___Large ___ Xlarge ___XXlarge Registration: Includes “Glow” T-shirt and participants packet: $25 per person, ages 12 and under $10 $30 after September 1st, cannot guarantee “Glow” T-shirt $35 day of Glow, cannot guarantee “Glow” T-shirt A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Marshfield Area United Way for the NOW (Nutrition On Weekends) program. Payment: ____ Check Enclosed ____ Credit Card Card Number ____________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: _____/_____ V-Code ______ Amount $ ____________________________ Card billing address _______________________________________________________________ Signature of name as it appears on card _______________________________________________ Return completed form: MACCI, 700 South Central Ave, Marshfield, WI 54449, or register online at web.marshfieldchamber.com/events Sun 0 Mon Tue 1 Farmer’s Market – 8 am – 1 pm – Pick ‘n Save Parking Lot Wed 2 Central Wisconsin’s Got Talent – 7 pm Thu 3 Fri 4 Ribbon Cutting – 4 pm - Di Lucas Tonic – 7:30 pm – Grandstand (Fairgrounds) Howie Sturtz – 2:30 pm – Grandstand (Fairgrounds) Final Show Sat 5 Diamond Rio – 7:30 pm – Grandstand (Fairgrounds) September Vic Ferrari – 7:30 pm – Grandstand (Fairgrounds) 6 Thousand Foot Krutch – 7:30 pm – Grandstand (Fairgrounds) 7 Cash Mob – Di Lucas Demolition Derby – 6 pm – Grandstand (Fairgrounds) 8 Farmer’s Market -8 am – 1 pm – Pick ‘n Save Parking Lot MAHRA Social – 4 – 6 pm – Nutz Deep II 10 FORE Bill Golf Celebration – 10 am – RiverEdge Golf Course Walk to End Alzheimer’s 6:30 pm – Wildwood Station 11 52nd Annual Wisconsin Fur Trappers State Rendezvous – Central WI State Fairgrounds 12 Oktoberfest – 11 am – Bar Close – Blue Heron Brew Pub Movies in the Park – 9 pm – Columbus Catholic School 52nd Annual Wisconsin Fur Trappers State Rendezvous – Central WI State Fairgrounds LUDO Games – 10 am -7 pm – 710 Columbus Ave 13 14 Cash Mob – The Thomas House Business & Governmental Affairs Meeting – 11 am – MACCI YP Meeting – 5:30 pm - MACCI 15 Farmer’s Market Third Tuesday – 2 – 7 pm – Pick ‘n Save Parking Lot 16 Leadership Marshfield Retreat – Holiday Inn Ambassadors Membership Meeting – 4 pm – MACCI 17 18 Leadership Marshfield Retreat – Holiday Inn 20 21 Cash Mob – 2 ½ Cups Cupcakery & Bake Shop 22 Farmer’s Market – 8 am – 1 pm – Pick ‘n Save Parking Lot Marshfield Cranberry Bike Tour – 7 am – UW Marshfield Fine Arts Building 27 Eve of Destruction Demolition Derby – 3 pm – Marshfield Motor Speedway 28 Ribbon Cutting – 1:30 pm – Figi’s “New” Call Center MACCI Board Meeting – 4 pm 29 Farmer’s Market – 8 am – 1 pm – Pick ‘n Save Parking Lot 19 23rd Annual Maple Fall Fest – Wildwood Park and Zoo “Lift Up the Arts” Maple Fall Fest After Party – 7 pm – Chestnut Center for the Arts Auction of Champions – RiverEdge Golf Course Ambassadors Meeting – 5:15 pm 23rd Annual Maple Fall Fest – Wildwood Park and Zoo 2015 9 Business & Bagels – Main Street Office 2nd Annual “Light up the Night” Glow Walk – 8 pm – Pick ‘n Save Parking Lot 23 Senior Wellness Fair – 10 am - 4pm – Stoney River Assisted Living & Memory Care 24 MYP Social – 6 pm – Wildwood Pavilion 25 Booster Dash 5K – 6 pm – Beell Stadium – Marshfield Tiger Booster Club 26 3rd Annual Booster Bash Dinner/ Auction – 6 pm – Fairgrounds, Youth Bldg. 30 Business After 5 – Marshfield Utilities Maximize your Membership Meeting October 14, 2015 For more information contact: Karen Isaacson 715-384-3454 macci@marshfieldchamber.com PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID MARSHFIELD, WI PERMIT NO. 24 700 South Central Avenue Marshfield, WI 54449 www.marshfieldchamber.com phone: (715) 384-3454 fax: (715) 387-8925 Return Service Requested Perspectives is published monthly for the members and supporters of the Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry. MACCI is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE), the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), the Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce Executives (WCCE), Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. (WEDC), International Economic Development Council (IEDC), International Your Staff of: MACCI Scott Larson, Executive Director Debbie Bauer, Program Director Karen Isaacson, Member Services Director Nikki Claude, Administrative Assistant Jessica Roehl, Administrative Assistant Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), Wisconsin Downtown Action Council (WDAC) and SCORE (Counselors to America’s Small Business), Transportation Development Association (TDA), Dairy Business Council (DBA), and Wisconsin Economic Development Association ( WEDA). Correspondence may be sent to MACCI at 700 South Central Avenue, Marshfield, WI 54449. Send faxes to 715-387-8925 or call 715-384-3454. Our email address is macci@marshfieldchamber. com and our web site is www.marshfieldchamber. com Chamber Foundation Karen Olson, Business Development Director MACCI Board of Directors Dave Meissner, President Pat Wesenberg, Vice President Frank Baltus, Secretary Troy Weik - Treasurer Bob Trussoni - Exec. Member Nick Arnoldy Sharon Helwig Neil Armitage Cory LaTourell Jerry Cleveland Amy Nystrom Todd Diedrich Phil Trierweiler Matt Eckelberg Ron Wilczek Convention & Visitors Bureau Matt McLean, Executive Director Lyn Anderson - Marketing Assistant Advertise in the New Perspectives Raise your company’s visibility in a monthly newsletter that goes to the top executives, managers and entrepreneurs in Marshfield & surrounding communities. Perspectives is an extremely cost-effective way to get your message out to a highly targeted group of your fellow business people. For more information, contact the Chamber at (715) 384-3454.
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