edition 2007/8 - Le Arti Orafe


edition 2007/8 - Le Arti Orafe
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
the peculiar language of clean-cut geometrical abstraction is replaced by a surprising figurative
Archaeological finds, fragments of metal decorations inspired by the mosaic tradition and created
using traditional Japanese techniques, are to be found in the jewellery by STEFANO MARCHETTI.
P R E Z I O S A 2007/8
Stylistic recollections of ancient jewellery constitute the work by the artist VERA SIEMUND, who
examines the themes of inspiration, quotation and the particular past-present, continuity-innovation
relationship in ornaments.
TIMETALES, Jewellery as a representation of reflections on Time
Concept by Maria Cristina Bergesio
The jewellery by RAMÓN PUIG CUYÀS emerges as notebooks on which are graphically recorded memories, emotions and suggestions of experiences, real or imagined, of an interior time and
Second Section: Private memories
The jewellery in the second section accompanies us in the exploration of subjective time, in an individual psychological dimension in which memory takes on the role of identity builder and creation
comes about as a narrative act.
Timetales, Jewellery as a representation of reflections on Time. Time perceived and translated
into objects for the body by eleven internationally-renowned artist-jewellers through reworking and
transformation of forms, materials and content, which creates a network of reflections on the past,
on the function of jewellery as memory object and its existence as witness to political and social
reality, but also as a reflection on the very meaning of jewellery in the contemporary world.
The constant idea running through the exhibition is the mnemonic function of jewellery, which records today, in the culture of the present, the alternation of past stimuli (Memories of the past), of
personal experiences (Private memories) and of variform signs of a multi-faceted reality (Traces of
the present).
The invited artists have been chosen on the basis of the particular approaches to the concept of
time that can be found in their work.
The exhibition is organized in three thematic sections
First Section: Memories of the past
Retrospection lies at the root of the creative process which has led to the making of the jewellery
presented in this section. Forms, techniques and materials providing associations that recall different pasts.
The concept of metal as a pictorial surface has led GIAMPAOLO BABETTO to involve himself with
famous paintings by Pontormo. The Renaissance work becomes a form of contemporary jewellery;
EIJA MUSTONEN’s jewellery is profoundly linked to the natural environment of her country, Finland. The beauty, the rarity and uniqueness associated in traditional jewellery with precious materials, have been transferred and attributed to the natural landscape, that is the protagonist of her
The work of MARI ISHIKAWA can not be separated from the history and cultural tradition of her
country, an integral part of her identity. Shinto, Buddhism, the art of the kimono and the tea ceremony make up a cultural inheritance which becomes a source of interiorized inspiration, surging up
and coming back to life in her pieces
In the work of JIVAN ASTFALCK jewellery is understood not as an article closed in the unequivocal
reality of a given assembly of materials, but as a discourse on the object, a conceptual metaphor
with which to offer new interpretative possibilities of reality
MAH RANA considers jewellery to be an effective, concrete object-document of a personal history,
and so works through projects that examine the meaning and the role of ornament, its rites, stories
and meanings.
Third Section: Traces of the present
The jewellery in this section does not attempt to offer a complete panorama of the pulsating magma of the present time, but could be considered as independent identity cards in which are reflected some of the discordant vibrations of our present.
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
“Contemporary jewellery is dead”: the meaning, the forms, the materials, its use and the relationship of contemporary jewellery with the public are the questions around which the work of TED
NOTEN comes to life and develops.
In the jewels by KATJA PRINS is possible to find a perceptible ambiguous sense of the sublime
when faced by an imminent, unstoppable ‘technologization’ of our daily lives, in which ever more
sophisticated technological equipment conquers our bodies.
The jewellery by TANEL VEENRE exudes an uncertain, dim light, a hazy vision, a penumbra populated with presences pervades his works, in which the organic mixes with the inorganic, where
materials of various origins chosen and inserted into unusual contexts are charged with symbolic
and mythological references.
Guarda PREZIOSA 2007/8 su Youtube:
Barcelona, Spain, Museu Tèxtil i d’Indumentària,
From 23rd of November 2007 to 6 of January 2008.
On 24th of November conferences by the invited artists.
Auditorium La CAixa, Barcelona.
A selection of the exhibition will be showed at inhorgenta europe 2008, Mounich, Germany, 15th to
18th of February 2008
Lucca, Villa Bottini, 24th of April to 18th of May, 2008
EDITION 2007/8
• Jivan Astfalck
• Giampaolo Babetto
• Mari Ishikawa
• Stefano Marchetti
• Eija Mustonen
• Ted Noten
• Katja Prinz
• Ramòn Puig Cuyàs
• Mah Rana
• Vera Siemund
• Tanel Veenre
EDITION 2007/8
Jivan Astfalck
EDITION 2007/8
Jivan Astfalck
EDITION 2007/8
Giampaolo Babetto
EDITION 2007/8
Giampaolo Babetto
EDITION 2007/8
Mari Ishikawa
EDITION 2007/8
Mari Ishikawa
EDITION 2007/8
Stefano Marchetti
EDITION 2007/8
Stefano Marchetti
EDITION 2007/8
Eija Mustonen
EDITION 2007/8
Eija Mustonen
EDITION 2007/8
Ted Noten
EDITION 2007/8
Ted Noten
EDITION 2007/8
Katja Prinz
EDITION 2007/8
Katja Prinz
EDITION 2007/8
Ramòn Puig Cuyàs
EDITION 2007/8
Ramòn Puig Cuyàs
EDITION 2007/8
Mah Rana
EDITION 2007/8
Mah Rana
EDITION 2007/8
Vera Siemund
EDITION 2007/8
Vera Siemund
EDITION 2007/8
Tanel Veenre
EDITION 2007/8
Tanel Veenre
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
Il catalogo di “TIMETALES”, in italiano, spagnolo ed inglese, con immagini a colore delle opere esposte, testi critici e CV di tutti gli artisti, è disponibile su richiesta, al prezzo di 18 euro, utilizzando l’apposito FORM
E’ anche disponibile il DVD VIDEO della mostra, che può essere acquistato insieme al catalogo, al prezzo complessivo (catalogo+video) di 25
Maria Cristina Bergesio
Maria Cristina Bergesio; Mònica Gaspar; Lucio Saviani
Grafica e layout:
Noumeda Carbone, where-@tiscali.it.
Printed By Grupo Duplex
© Le Arti Orafe
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
The first edition of Preziosa Young, the collateral exhibition of young goldsmith/artists selected for
their individual research and for the originality of their creations.
The aims of PYoung is to contribute to the diffusion of what is new in the research jewellery, what
the new generation of goldsmiths/designers/artists is “boiling in the pot”….The selection of the11
participants graduated in the most prestigious schools and Academies in the world is handled by an
international committee:Giampaolo Babetto, Maria Cristina Bergesio, Giò Carbone, Pilar Garrigosa,
Charon Kransen, Stefano Marchetti, Katja Prins, Shreedevi Deshpande Puri, Vera Siemund, Oliviero Toscani, Barbara Schmidt, Christel Trinborn.
The eleven selected participants are: Sally Collins, Eva Franceschini, Sina Emrich, Arata Fuchi,
Daniela Hedman, Mirjam Hiller, Vaishali Ashok Morjaria, Kathryn Partington, Claudia Rinneberg,
Sonja Christine Seidl, Julia Walter.
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
Giampaolo Babetto
Jivan Astfalck
Padova, Italy, 1947
Berlin, Germany
Publications (selected)
Jivan Astfalck - Love Zoo, with an essay by Bernice
Donszelmann, UCE/BIAD, Centre for Design Innovation, Birmingham, UK, 2005
Jewellery as a Fine Art Practice in ‘New Directions
in Jewellery’, book essay, Black Dog Publishing ,
London, 2005
Difference and Resemblance in ‘Six Views on a
Practice in Change’, book essay, Crafts In Dialogue,
IASPIS, Stockholm, 2005
Whose Jewellery is it anyway? in ‘Challenging
Crafts’, Gray’s School of Art, The Robert Gordon
University, 2004,
Skin-Carnival in ‘Nocturnus’, Pädaste Manor, Muhu
Island, Estonia, 2001
Betwixt in ‘Making and Unmaking’, University of
Portsmouth, Design History Society, 2000
Tacita Dentata, in ‘things’ no. 12, 2000
Semaphore in ‘The Body Politic’, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, Crafts Council, London, 1999
Poiema - Work and Fiction in ‘Ideas in the Making:
Practice in Theory’, University of East Anglia, Crafts
Council, London, 1998
The Hand that Thinks in ‘Obscure Objects of Desire
- Reviewing the Crafts of the 20th Century’, Crafts
Council, London, 1997
Exhibitions (selected)
2006 (solo) Hnoss, Goetheburg, Sweden
2005 (solo) Raum fuer Schmuck, Cologne, Germany
2005 Maker-Viewer-Wearer ‘European Narrative
Jewellery’, The Glasgow School of Art, UK; The
Scottish Gallery, UK; Galerie Marzee, NL
2004 Hide, installation for ‘Self’, touring exhibition,
Angel Row Gallery; Bury St Edmunds Art Gallery;
Piece Hall Art Gallery; McManus Galleries; mac
2004 Ursprung, Forum für Schmuck and Design,
Germany + UK
2004 The Stuff of Life, collaborative installation/exhibition, Visual Research Centre, Dundee Contemporary Arts, UK
2004 Dust to Dust, University Gallery, University of
Essex, UK
EDITION 2007/8
2004 Jewellery-Unlimited, Bristol Museum & Art
2002 Bohemian Princess, Okresni Museum, Turnov,
Czech Republic
2002 exultet II, St Augustine’s Church, London
2001 Beyond Materials, Silperkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
2001 On Memory and Loss, installation for ‘Acknowledged Sources’, Hastings Museum and Art Gallery
2001 Nocturnus, Pädaste Manor, Muhu Island, Estonia
2001 Bei meiner Ehre, Forum für Schmuck and Design, Germany & UK
1999 Tacita Dentat, Atrium Gallery, University of
Central England, Birmingham
Catalogues (selected)
Jivan Astfalck - Love Zoo, BIAD, Centre for Design
Innovation, UK, 2005
The Stuff of Life, Visual Research Centre, Dundee
Contemporary Arts, UK, 2007
Wire Jewellery, Hans Stofer (ed.), London: A&C
Black, 2006
Maker-Viewer-Wearer ‘European Narrative Jewellery’, UK, 2005
Self, Craftspace-Touring, UK, 2004
Ursprung, Forum für Schmuck and Design, Germany, 2004
Dust to Dust, University of Essex, UK, 2004
Jewellery-Unlimited, The Association for Contemporary Jewellery, UK, 2004
Nocturnus, Tallinn, Estonia, 2001
Bei meiner Ehre, Forum für Schmuck and Design,
Germany, 2001
The Virtual Gallery of Contemporary Jewellery, CDRom, BIAD, UK, 2000
Narratives, Museum of Art and Design, Helsinki,
Finland, 1999
Memento Mori, Forum für Schmuck und Design,
Germany, 1998
Work in Public Collections:
Castle Museum, Nottingham, UK
Okresni Museum, Turnov, CZ
Solo Exhibitions
2007 Palazzo Pitti, Museo degli Argenti, Firenze.
2006 Design Flandesr, Brussels.
2005 Galerie Heike Curtze, Wien; Galerie Heike
Curtze, Salzburg; Galerie Fred Jahn, München; Centro ricerche Nardini, Bassano del Grappa (VI).
2004 Galerie Heike Curtze, Salzburg.
2003 Scuderie Storiche, Poggio a Caiano; Eurema
Interni, Dolo; International Design Zentrum, Berlin.
2002 Galerie Handwerk, Mümchen.
2000 Museo Correr, Venezia; Gewerbemuseum,
1998 Taideteollisuusmuseo, Helsinki.
1997 Galerie Fred Jahn, München; Palazzo del
Monte di Pietà, Padova;
1996 Loggia Rucellai, Firenze.
1995 Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venezia;
Museu Textil i d’indumentària, Barcelona; National
Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.
1994 Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz ; Museum Für
Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt;
1993 Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg.
1992 Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporaine, Nizza; Kunstverein, Düsseldorf.
1989 Provinciaal Museum Voor Moderne Kunst,
1977 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Gemeentelijke
Van Reekum Museum, Apeldoorn.
Group Exibitions
2006 Affaires Culturelle, Cagnes- sur-Mer; Sofa,
New York; Marijke Studio, Padova; “Plastica, Oro
Contemporaneo” Studio GR 20, Padova; Venice
Design Gallery, Venezia; “ Armonici Contrasti” Le Arti
Orafe, Firenze; Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen;
2005 Triennale di Milano
2001 The RISD Museum, Providence; American
Craft Museum, New York.
1996 New Times, New Thinking: Jewellery in Europe
& America, Crafts Council Gallery, London.
1995 Musee des Arts Decoratives, Lousanne.
1994 “In Touch” de Sandvigske Samliger, Lillehammer.
1993 “93 The Art of Jewellery” Japan Jewellery
Design Association, Tokyo; “Facet 1” International
Jewellery Biennale, Kunsthal Rotterdam.
1993 “13 Goldschmide Von Amsterdam bis Tokyo,”
Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste.
1992 Triennale du Biyou, Musée des Art Decoratives, Paris; Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Grooningen.
1991 “Europäisches Kunsthandwerk; “Haus der
Wirtschaft, Stuttgart.
1989-90 Triennale du Bijou, Paris; “Perth International Craft Triennal”, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth and Power House Museum, Sydney.
1989 “Ornamenta I°”, Pforzheim.
1988 “Tragezeichen”, Museum Morsbroich,
1987 “Schmuck, Zeichen am Körper”, Francisco
Carolinum Museum, Linz; “Europea Joieria Contemporània”, Fundaciò Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona;
Biannale du Bijou, Paris.
1986 Art Gallery San Diego State University, San
Diego; Croft and Folk Museum, Los Angeles;
Concepts Gallery, Palo Alto; Hoffman Gallery, School
of Art and Craft, Portland, Oregon; Concepts Gallery,
Carmel, California; Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue.
1985 Geementen Museum, Den Haag.
1984 “Contemporary Jewellery America, Australia,
Europe and Japan”, National Museum of Modern Art
Kioto and National Museum of Art, Tokyo; “Jewellery International” American Craft Museum, New
1983 “International Jewellery Art Exibition”, Isetan
Art Museum Tokyo, and Nabio Gallery, Osaka.
1980 “ Schmuck International 1900/1980” Künstlerhaus, Wien.
1977 “Schmucktendenzen” Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim.
1970 Museum Boymas Van Beuningen, Rotterdam.
2003 RISD New York Athena Awards for “excellent
carrier”, Providence.
1998 Ring of Honour “Foundation of the Ring of
Honour of the Association of Goldsmiths’Art”, Hanau.
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
Giampaolo Babetto
Mari Ishikawa
1991 Goldmedaille des Freistaates Bayern,
1985 Herbert Hoffmann Preis, München.
1983 Grand Prix, Japan Jewellery Design Association, Tokyo.
1975 Herbert Hoffmann Preis, München.
Public Collections
Schmuckmuseum , Pforzheim;
Danner Stiftung, München;
Victoria and Albert Museum, London;
National Gallery of Western Australia, Perth;
Musée des Art Decoratives, Paris;
Musée d’Art Contemporaine, Nice;
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg;
Nordenfieldske Kunstindustrimuseum Trondheim,
Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin;
Museum Für Konkrete Kunst , Ingolstadt ;
Museu Textil i d’Indumentaria, Barcelona;
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design,
Providence, Rhode Island USA;
Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt.
Grassi Museum, Leipzig.
Musei Civici, complesso Museale Palazzo Zuckermann, Padova
National Gallery of Australia, Camberra.
Museo degli Argenti, Firenze.
Kyoto, Japan, 1964
Solo Exhibitions - Selection
2007 “In the Shade of the Tree”, Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein, Munich, Germany
2006 “In the Shade of the Tree”, Galleria Maurer-Zilioli, Desenzano del Garda, Italy
“Blooming” Galerie Werkstadt Graz, Austria
2004 “Musubi”, Galerie Werkstadt Graz, Austria
“Liebe macht blind”, Palais Schlossrondell Nr. 6,
Munich, Germany
“En”, Galerie Bijouterie, Luxembourg
2002 “Wolken”, Galerie Spektrum, Munich, Germany
Group Exhibitions - Selection
2007 “Schmuck 2007”, International handicraft fair,
Munich, Germany
2006 “Collect”, Victoria & Albert Museum, London,
“Expo Color Jewellery”, Gallery O+, Brüssel, Belgium
“A Showpiece in Silver”, Silver Gallery The Water
Tower, Schoonhoven, Netherlands
“Katachi”, Flow Gallery, London, UK
“Parures”, Bijoutiful Jewellery Show, Nimés, France
2005 “transcender subvertir”, Espace Solidor,
Cagnes-sur-Mer, France
“Peter Skubic and friends”, Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau, Germany
“Spring Exhibition”, Julie Artisans Gallery, New York,
“200 Rings”, - Velve + da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco, USA
- Obsidian Gallery, Tucson Arizona, USA
- Gallery M, Cleveland Ohio, USA
- Shaw Gallery, Northeast Harbour Maine, USA
- Facere Gallery, Seattle Washington, USA
“Grassimesse”, Grassi Museum Leipzig, Germany
“Pensieri Preziosi 2”, Oratorio di San Rocco, Padova, Italy
2004 “Collect”, Victoria & Albert Museum, London,
“Landscape Jewellery”, Alternatives Gallery, Rome,
“Japanese Textures”, Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin,
“Schmuck 2004”, International Handicraft Fair, Munich, Germany
2000 Herbert Hofmann Award, “Schmuck 2000”,
International handicraft fair, Munich
Böhmler Art Award, 1. prize, Munich, Germany
1998 Scholarship, Munich-Academy of Fine Art,
1997 8th Itami City Contemporary Craft Award,
1996 Scholarship, Munich-Academy of Fine Art,
Work in public collections
Jewellery museum Pforzheim, Germany
Hiko Mizuno Collection, Tokyo, Japan
Grassi Museum Leipzig, Germany
Pinakothek Der Moderne, Munich, Germany
Ville de Cagnes-sur-Mer, France
Selected bibliography
- “1000 Rings” – Lark Books, USA 2004
- “Schnellkurs Schmuck” – Dumont Literatur und
Kunst Verlag Köln, Germany 2004
[Exhibition Catalogues]
- “A Showpiece in Silver” – Stichting ZilverKunst,
Schoonhoven, Niederlande 2006
- “Katachi” – Flow Gallery, London, UK 2006
- “Pensieri Preziosi 2” – Comune di Padova, Italy
- “Itami Craft Exhibition” – Itami Craft Centre, Japan
- “Transcender Subvertir” – Espace Solidor, CagnesSur-Mer, France 2005
- “Mari Ishikawa – Kyoko Fukuchi” – Galerie Spektrum, Germany 2004
- “The Light of Silver” – Silver Gallery The Water
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
Mari Ishikawa
Stefano Marchetti
Tower, Schoonhoven, Netherlands 2004
- “Landscape Jewellery” – Alternatives Gallery,
Rome, Italy 2004
- “Schmuck 2004” – International Handicraft Fair
Munich, Germany 2004
- “Luxe Interior” – Caixa Forum, Spain 2003
- “Wolken” – Galerie Spektrum, Munich, Germany
- “Schmuck 2002” – International Handicraft Fair
Munich, Germany 2002
- “Silver as Water” – Silver Gallery The Water Tower,
Schoonhoven, Netherlands 2001
- “Mikromegas” – Galerie für angewandte Kunst,
Munich, Germany 2001
- “20 Jahre” – Galerie Spektrum, Germany 2001
- “Schmuck 2001” – International Handicraft Fair
Munich, Germany 2001
- “Schmuck 2000” – International Handicraft Fair
Munich, Germany 2000
- “Itami Craft Exhibition” – Itami Craft Centre, Japan
- “Schmuck Magazine” – Ebner Verlag GmbH & Co
KG 2004
- “Décidé” – Ebner Verlag GmbH & Co KG 2002
- “Kunsthandwerk & Design” – Verschlingungen und
Verknotungen – Schmuckobjekte von Mari Ishikawa,
Germany 6/2001
Padova, 1970
1999,2001,2003 Galerie Marzee – Nijmegen (NL)
1999 Galeria Magari – Barcelona (E)
2002 Galerie Helene Porée – Paris (F)
2003 Galleria “La Ruota” – Porto Rotondo (I)
2003 Studio GR.20 – Padova (I)
2004 Entratalibera – Milano (I)
2005 Galerie Slavik – Wien (A)
1993 Schmuckszene ’93, Internazionale Handwerksmesse – München (D)
1994 Talentbörse Handwerk, Internazionale
Handwerksmesse – München (D)
1994/2006 Kunstrai, represented by Galerie Marzee – Amsterdam (NL)
1998/2007 SOFA, represented by Charon Kransen
– New York (USA) – Chicago (USA)
1997,1999,2001,2002,2004 Schmuck, Internazionale Handwerksmesse – München (D)
1997 Portrait der Meister, Bayerischer Staatpreis –
München (D)
1998 Schmuck aus Padova, Landesmuseum Joanneum – Graz (A)
1998 Jewellery Moves, National Museum Gallery
of Scotland– Edinburgh (UK)
2000/2003 PAN, represented by Galerie Marzee –
Amsterdam (NL)
2001 Mikromegas, American Craft Museum – New
York (USA)
2002 Contemporary decorative arts selling exhibition 2002, Sotheby’s – London (UK)
2002 Friedrich Becker Prize 2002, Göethe Museum – Düsseldorf (D)
2002 Masterpieces/Capolavori. L’artista artigiano
tra Picasso e Sottsass. Centenario dell’ Esposizione
Internazionale d’Arte
Decorativa Moderna di Torino 1902-2002 Torino (I)
2003 Halszaken, Museum voor Moderne Kunst –
Arnhem (NL)
2003 Luxe interior. Joieria contemporània internacional, Fundació La Caixa – Barcelona (E)
2003 Mikromegas, Oratorio di S. Rocco – Padova
2004/2005 Palmbeachcontemporary, represented
by Charon Kransen – IFAE – Palm Beach (USA)
2004 Jewellery the choice of the Europarliament,
European Parliament – (B)
2004/2007 Collect, Victoria and Albert Museum,
represented by Galerie Marzee – London (UK)
2004 Treasures from the Vault, Museum of Art &
Design – New York (USA)
2004 L’Or, Bijoux d’Europe- Gold, Jewelry of Europe, Château-Musée Grimaldi – Cagnes-sur-Mer
2005 Peter Skubic and Friends, Deutschen Goldschmiedehaus – Hanau (D)
2007 The New Italian Design, La Triennale di Milano – Milano
2007 Mokume gane – Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim (D)
1994 Bayerischer Staatpreis, Internationalen
Handwerksmesse – München (D)
1994 Talentepreis, Internationalen Handwerksmesse – München (D)
1996 Segnalazione al Premio città di Todi – Todi (I)
2001 Premio di incentivazione Internova 2001,
Camera di Commercio di Bolzano – Bolzano (I)
Musée des Arts Décoratifs – Paris (F)
Museum voor Moderne Kunst – Arnhem (NL)
Landesmuseum Joanneum – Graz (A)
Fonds National d’Art Contemporain – Paris (F)
National Museum of Scotland – Edinburgh (UK)
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe – Hamburg (D)
Museum of Art & Design – New York (USA)
Marzee Collection – Nijmegen (NL)
Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim – Pforzheim (D)
The Alice and Louis Koch Collection – Basel (CH)
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
Stefano Marchetti
Eija Mustonen
BIBLIOGRAPHY (selection)
G. Segato (a cura di), Stefano Marchetti – Gioielli
Musivi, Padova, 1997
M. de Cerval, Dictionnaire International du Bijou,
Paris, 1998
E. Marko (a cura di), Schmuck aus Padua, Graz,
A. Game, E. Goring (a cura di), Jewellery moves,
Edinburgh, 1998
A. van Berkum, Stefano Marchetti – Longin for
shape, Padova, 1999
A. M. Fisch, Textile Techniques in Metal, New York,
E. Biffi Gentili, A. Leclercq, D. Biernaux (a cura di),
Masterpieces/Capolavori l’artista artigiano tra Picasso e Sottsass, Torino, 2002
G. Folchini Grassetto, (a cura di), Oreficeria contemporanea Stefano Marchetti mostra antologica,
Padova, 2003
G. Vallese, Sculture da pelle, in Arte,Milano, n.362,
M. Le Van, R.Eberdorf, 1000 Rings, Lark Books,
New York, 2004
G. Folchini Grassetto, (a cura di), Gioielleria Contemporanea La Scuola di Padova, Stuttgart, 2005
L.Lenti, M.C. Bergesio, Dizionario del gioiello italiano, Torino, 2005
A.Branzi,S.Annicchiarico, the New Italian Design,
Milano, 2007
Polvijärvi, Finland, 1961
Solo exhibition
2006 Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2003 ”Höytiäinen”, Gallery Rantapaja, Lappeenranta
2003 ”Höytiäinen”, Gallery Atski, Helsinki Finland
2000 ”Sinus”, with Tarja Tuupanen, Käsityömuseo,
Lappeenranta Finland
Exhibitions abroad
2008 Hibernate, gallery Ornamentum, USA
2007 Lucca Preziosa, Lucca, Italy
2007 2nd Skin, Porto, Portugal
2007 Now and Then, gallery Barrett and Marsden,
London, GB
2007 Collect 2007, Gallery Norsu, London, GB
2006 Schmuck 2006, International Contemporary
Jewelry, Museum of Arts and Design, New York,
2006 Schmuck 2006, International Contemporary
Jewelry, Munich, Germany
2006 Hibernate (Helena Lehtinen, Tarja Tuupanen,
EM), gallery 84ghZ, Munich, Germany
2006 Hibernate, Gallery Beatrice Lang, Bern, Switzerland
2005 Proximity, the Sensory and Displacement,
Elaine L. Jacob Gallery, Detroit, USA repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
2005 Hibernate, Gallery Tactile, Geneva, Switzerland
2005 Nomad Room. Contemporary Jewellery, Intimate Space and Public Domain, Centre of Cultural
de Belém, Lisbon, Portugal, curator Monica Gaspar
2005 The Nesting box project, Belgium
2005 Amber Trip 2005, Vilnus, Lithuania
2004 Coburn Gallery, Colorado Springs, USA
2004 ContacT, Boston Massachusetts, USA
2004 Schmuck 2004, International Contemporary
Jewelry, Munich, Germany
2003 Marijke Studio, Padova, Italy (Janna Syvänoja,
Helena Lehtinen, EM)
2003 Bare Boundaries, Tallinn Applied Arts Museum,
2003 Hibernate, Gallery Metal, Kopenhagen, Denmark
2002 Rietveld Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, the
2001 International Jewellery Exhibition Nocturnus,
Pädaste Manor Muhu, Estonia
2001 Kontakt- Räume, Kunsthalle Rostock, Germany
2000 Omand- possession, Tallinn Applied Art Triennial 2000 , Estonia
2000 SOFA, New York 2000, Chigaco 2000, USA
repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
2000 PhD´s gallery, http://www.multimania.com/phd
2000 Sieraadmaker: sjamaan?, Gallery ”Talstrasse”,
Halle, Germany
Group exhibition in Finland
2006 Kontti, Finnish Jewellery Art, Lappeenranta,
2005 Hibernate, Simpeleen Wanha Pappila, Simpele
2004 Hibernate, Kanala gallery, Kemiö Finland
2004 Valkoinen, Fiskars Finland
2001 Hibernate, Kanala gallery, Kemiö Finland
2001 Metallit 2001, Fiskars Finland
2001 Finnish jewellery 3, Porvoo Art Hall, Mikkeli
Artmuseum, Kuopio Artmuseum Finland
2000 Pictures of love, Tikanojan taidekoti, Vaasa
2000 Airring, Gallery Oz, Helsinki Finland
Work in Collections
Marzee Collection, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Rotasa Collection, USA
2006 Container, Finland
2006 Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2006 New Directions in Jewellery, London, GB
2006 Schmuck 2006, International Contemporary
Jewelry, Munich, Germany
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
Eija Mustonen
Ted Noten
2005 Proximity, the Sensory and Displacement,
Elaine L. Jacob Gallery, Detroit, USA repr. by Charon Kransen Arts
2005 Nomad Room. Contemporary Jewellery, Intimate Space and Public Domain, Centre of Cultural
de Belém, Lisbon, Portugal, curator Monica Gaspar
2005 The Nesting box project, Belgium
2004 Schmuck 2004, International Contemporary
Jewelry, Munich, Germany
2003 Bare Boundaries, Tallinn Applied Arts Museum,
2003 Finnish Jewellery, Finland
2003 Omand- possession, Tallinn Applied Art Triennial 2000 , Estonia
Tegelen, 1956
Soloexhibitions (a selection)
2007 Liljevalchs Art Hall, “Global Tactile Pieces,
Volume 2 Tokyo-Amsterdam”, Stockholm, S. Object Rotterdam-solopresentation Gallery Hüsstege,
2006 Presentation Special edition Monography,
Galerie Ra, Amsterdam, NL
“Global Tactile Pieces, Volume 2 Tokyo-Amsterdam,
Museum Boijmans-Van Beuningen togheter with the
presentation of monography: CH2=C (CH3)C(=O)
OCH3 enclosure and other TN’s published by
010, Rotterdam, NL
SOFA New York, Galerie Ornamentum, U.S.(cat.)
Groupexhibitions (a selection)
2007 Gallery Klimt 02, Barcelona, Spain
Ars Ornata 2007 “Romancing the Stone”, Manchester. E. Curator; Jo Bloxham
Galerie Rob Koudijs, New Jewellery, Amsterdam, Nl
“Then and Now”, Barrett and Marsden Gallery, london, E. Curator: Caroline Broadhead
Lucca Preziosa, oreficeria contemporanea, Lucca, I.
2006 ‘Machines”, Galerie Hüsstege,’s-Hertogenbosch, NL
15 Jahr Galerie Spektrum, Munich, G.
“10 jahre galerie Stülher”, Berlin, G.
“Plastic Contemporary gold”, Milano, Corona, Padova, I. Curator-Graziella Folchini Grassetto
“Do the right Bling”, SM’s, ’s Hertogenbosch, NL
“Gespot”, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL
“Tall Stories”- narrative jewellery from the Netherlands-, Stedelijk Museum ’s-Hertogenbosch, NL,
later on in Djakarta-, I. -curator: Liesbeth den Besten
In public collections
2007 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Nl
Museum for Art and Design, New York, USA
2006 CODA-Museum Apeldoorn, Nl
2005 F.N.A.C., Paris, F.
2004 Museé-Espace Solidor, Cagnez sur Mer, Fr.
Textiel Museum, Tilburg, NL.
2003 Droog Design, Amsterdam, NL.
Harrie-Tillie prize 2003, gemeentemuseum Roermond, NL.
2002 First prize contest;- a Tiara for Maxima-, museum for modern art, Hertogenbosch, NL.
2001,1999 Nomination Rotterdam Design Prize, NL.
Herbert Hofmannpreis1998, Munchen, D.
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
Katja Prins
Katja Prins
SM’s-Stedelijk Museum, ’s Hertogenbosch, NL
Mint Museum, Charlotte, USA
Schmuck Museum, Pforzheim, DE
European Ceramic Work Centre, ’s Hertogenbosch,
Dutch Textile Museum, Tilburg, NL
Museum of Modern Art, Arnhem, NL
CODA Museum, Apeldoorn, NL
Nationaal Glasmuseum, Leerdam, NL
Marzee Collection, Nijmegen, NL
Glasmuseum Alter Hof Herding, Coesfeld-Lette, DE
Amber Centre Gdansk, PL
Studio GR20, Padova, I
Private collections
2008 Ornamentum Gallery, Hudson, New York,
2007 Galerie Rob Koudijs, Continuum, Amsterdam, NL
2006 Galerie Metal, Copenhagen, DM
Galerie Spektrum, with Terhi Tolvanen, München, D
2005 HNOSS, Göteborg, SE
2004 Galerie Louise Smit, Machines are us, Amsterdam, NL
2003 Galerie Pont & Plas, Gent, B
2002 Galerie Louise Smit, Inventarium, Amsterdam, NL
1999 Galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam, NL
2007 Artist in Residence, Idar Oberstein, D
2006 Stichting Fonds BKVB, Basisstipendium, NL
Galerie Louise Smit, commission art-edition 20th
Anniversary NL
Chi ha paura..?, Bound by Blood, Rituals, NL
2005 Nomination Bernardine de Neeveprijs, NL
Stichting Fonds BKVB, Projectsubsidie NL
Wijninformatiecentrum, commission giftbox Nationale Wijnweek, NL
2003 Opzij, commission Harriët Freezerring (t/m
2007), NL
2002 Stichting Fonds BKVB, Basisstipendium, NL
Glas Centrum Leerdam, ZomerGlasStudio 2002, NL
2001 European Ceramic Work Centre (EKWC),
Artist in Residence, ’s Hertogenbosch, NL
2000 Stichting Fonds BKVB, Individuele werkbeurs, NL
1999 Stichting Fonds BKVB, Startstipendium, NL
Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Nomination
Designprijs Rotterdam 1999, Rotterdam, NL
Stedelijk Museum, commission brooch museumshop, Amsterdam, NL
2008 Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim, Glass Wear,
Pforzheim, D
Museum Arts and Design, Glass Wear, New York,
Design Museum, Challenging the Chatelaine!, Helen
W. Drutt, Gent, B
SM’s – Stedelijk Museum, NL Challenging the Chatelaine!, Helen W. Drutt, ‘s Hertogenbosch, NL
2007 Galerie Rob Koudijs, New Horizons, Amsterdam, NL
Oratorio di San Rocco, Schmuck 2007, Padova, I
Toledo Museum of Art, Glass Wear, Toledo, USA
59th International Trade Fair, Schmuck 2007,
München, D
Salone de Mobile, Rituals, Chi Ha Paura...?, Milan, I
Ornamentum Gallery, Golden Clogs, Dutch Mountains, Hudson, New York, USA
Museum of Arts and Design, Challenging the Chatelaine!, Helen W. Drutt, Talinn, EL
Las Palmas, Artfair OBJECT, Rotterdam, NL
2006 Design Museum, Challenging the Chatelaine!, Helen W. Drutt, Helsinki, FI
Ornamentum Gallery, Annual Holiday Earring Show,
Hudson, New York, USA
Galerie Spektrum, Plus 5, München, D
Lesley Craze Gallery, Contemporary jewellery, metalwork and textiles inspired by architectural forms,
London, UK
Ornamentum Gallery, SOFA Chigago, USA
Studio GR20, Plastic. Contemporary gold, Padova, I
2005 The Kaliningrad Amber Museum, ALATYR
2005, Kaliningrad, RU
Elaine L. Jacob Gallery, Proximity, The Sensory &
Displacement, Detroit, USA
Lesley Craze Gallery, New Dutch Jewellery, Londen,
57th International Trade Fair, Schmuck 2005,
München, D
Victoria & Albert Museum, Collect, London, UK
Charon Kransen Arts, Palm Beach3 SOFA / Art +
Craft Expo Dubai / SOFA New York / International Art
+ Design Fair New York / SOFA Chicago, USA
Gallery Velvet Da Vinci, 100 Brooches Exhibition,
San Francisco, USA
2004 Gallery Velvet Da Vinci, 200 Rings Exhibition, San Francisco, USA
The Gallery of Art in Legnica, Legnica Jubilee Exhibition, PL
Charon Kransen Arts, SOFA New York/Chicago,
Galerie Ra, Een souvenir voor Museum Van Loon,
Amsterdam, NL
Glasmuseum Alter Hof Herding, Neuerwerbungen,
Coesfeld-Lette, D
Charon Kransen Arts, Art Form Palm Beach, Florida,
2003 Galerie Spektrum, Open Art, München, D
Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Halszaken, Arnhem,
Galerie Binnen, Dutch Souvenirs EKWC, Amsterdam, NL
Salone de Mobile, Dutch Souvenirs EKWC, Milaan, I
55th International Trade Fair, Schmuck 2003,
München, D
2002 Nationaal Glasmuseum, Nieuw Glas, Leerdam, NL
Centraal Museum Utrecht, Zonder wrijving geen
glans, Utrecht, NL
Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus Hanau, Nature and
Time, Hanau, D
Las Palmas, Commitment. Een keuze uit drie jaar
Fonds BKVB, Rotterdam, NL
Christie’s / Galerie Jim Beard, Sold, Amsterdam, NL
2001 Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Op de Huid,
Arnhem, NL
Studio GR 20, Gioielli Contemporanei, Padova/
Udine, I
Charon Kransen Arts, SOFA New York/Chicago,
Gewerbemuseum, Ornaments from there, ........?,
Winterthur, CH
2000 Charon Kransen Arts, SOFA New York/Chicago, USA
Museum of Applied Arts, Ornaments from there,
........?, Lausanne, CH
Cortina d’Ampezzo, Gioielli Contemporanei, Cortina
d’Ampezzo, I
International Trade Fair, Schmuck 2000, München, D
1999 Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Nominatie Designprijs 1999, Rotterdam, NL
Stedelijk Museum, AEX Amsterdam Exposé‚ 19981999, Amsterdam, NL
Galerie Louise Smit, Preview KunstRai 1999, Amsterdam, NL
Studio GR 20, Gioielli Contemporanei, Padova, I
Museum of Arts & Design, Glass Wear, NY, USA,
International Trade Fair, Catalogus Schmuck 2007,
München, D
Catalogus Golden Clogs,Dutch Mountains, Amsterdam, NL, 2007
Black Dog Publishers, New Directions in Jewellery II,
Designmuseo, Challenging the Chatelaine!, Helen
W. Drutt, FI
Galerie Spektrum, Katja Prins & Terhi Tolvanen, D,
Corning Museum of Glass, 25 Years of New Glass,
GR20, Catalogus Plastic. Contemporary gold. Padova, I
Galerie Spektrum, Plus 5, Munchen, D, 2006
Lark Books, 500 Brooches, USA
Galerie Louise Smit, Catalogus Collect, NL, 2005
International Trade Fair, Catalogus Schmuck 2005,
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
Katja Prins
Ramòn Puig Cuyàs
München, D
Galerie Louise Smit, Catalogus Machines are us, NL
Het Nederlandse sieraad in de 20e eeuw, Marjan
Unger, NL
Glasmuseum Alter Hof Herding, Catalogus Neuerwerbungen 2003, Germany, D
Corning Museum of Glass, New Glass Review 25,
Lark Books, 1000 Rings, USA, 2004
Galerie Ra, Catalogus Een souvenir voor Museum
Van Loon, NL
International Trade Fair, Catalogus Schmuck 2003,
München, D
Fonds BKVB, Catalogus Commitment, NL, 2002
Galerie Louise Smit, Catalogus Inventarium, NL
Galerie Reverso, Catalogus Noord Oost Zuid West,
Lissabon, PT
Threes Moolhuysen-Coenders, Onedel / Non-precious, NL, 2001
Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Catalogus Op de
Huid, sieraden uit de collectie 1960-2000, Arnhem,
Museum of Applied Arts, Catalogus Ornaments from
there, ornaments from here, incidences, coincidences?, Lausanne, CH
International Trade Fair, Catalogus Schmuck 2000,
München, D
GR20, Catalogus Gioielli Contemporanei, L’ Alternativa Al Prezioso, Cortina d’Ampezzo, I
Galerie Louise Smit, Catalogus solotentoonstelling
1999, NL
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Catalogus AEX Amsterdam Exposé, NL
Catalogus Designprijs Rotterdam 1999 (als bijlage
bij Vrij Nederland en Items), NL
Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Catalogus Colliers en
Portretten van Claartje Keur, Arnhem, NL, 1998
Galerie Marzee, Catalogus Sieraden, de keuze van
Nijmegen, Nijmegen, NL, 1998
Mataró, (Barcelona) 1953
Selection one-man exhibitions
2007 “Ramon Puig Cuyàs; Imago Mundi“, Hipotesis,
“Ramon Puig Cuyàs; Imago Mundi“, Al 65, Vilanova i
la Geltrú, Barcelona.
2006 “Ramon Puig Cuyàs,- Umschlossene Gaerten
– Imago Mundi“, Galerie Biró, München, Germany.
“Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Walled Gardens”, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, Holland.
2005 “Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Walled Gardens”, Galleri
Hnoss , Gothenburg, Sweden.
“Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Walled Gardens”, Contemporary Applied Arts, London, England.
2004 “Ramon Puig Cuyàs, 1996-2004”, Hipòtesi
Galeria, Barcelona. Spain
“Ramon Puig Cuyás, Sieraden” Galerie Beeld &
Aambeld, Enschede, Holland.
2003 “Cuaderno de Viagem, Joias de Ramon PUIG
CUYAS”, Galeria Tereza Seabra, Lisboa, Portugal.
2002 “Ramon Puig Cuyàs - Himmelsrichtungen”,Galerie Biró, München.
2001 “Ramon Puig Cuyàs”, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, Netherland.
2000 “Ramon Puig Cuyás”, Hellen Drutt Gallery,
Philadelphia, U.S.A.
1999 “Puig Cuyás”, Aurum Galerie, Copenhagen,
1988 “Archipelago”Puig Cuyás,” Galeríe Sofie
Lachaert, Antwerpen, Belgium.
gioielli di Ramon Puig Cuyas, D.Kruger, R.Peters, G
Visintin“, Oratorio di San Roco, Padova, Italy;
“ El Laboratorio de la Joyería“ 1940- 1990“, Museo
del Traje, Madrid;
“Schmuckkunst im Dialog, Ramon Puig-Cuyàs, Alexandra Lisboa“ Galerie Slavik, Wien, Austria;
2005 “West-East Dialogues” (Bati-Dogu Diyaloglari).
Hagia Sophia Museum, Sultanhamet, Istanbul, Turkey.
“Triennale Européenne du Bijou Contemporain“
2005, WCC-BF, Chateau de Seneffe, Belgium.
“Maker-Wearer- Wiever”, Glasgow School of Art,
Glasgow, Scotland. Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh,
2004 “Naturalismo Memorialismo Citazionismo nella
Giolleria Contemporanea, 2000-2004”, Studio GR
20, Padova, Italia. “Valuable Links”, National Gallery
for Foreign Art, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2003 “Valuables Jewelry in the New Milenium, MOFCA, San Francisco, CA. USA.
1975 - Prize “Fi de Carrera” of the Fundació General
Mediterránea Barcelona, Spain.
1981- 1984 and 1994 - Prize “Herbert Hofmann”,
International Schmuckschow, München, Germany.
1984- Stipendium from Catalonia Government, Barcelona, Spain.
1985- Stipendium from Catalonia Government, for
to produce one experimental videotape, Barcelona,
2002 – Premi Ciutat de Barcelona de Disseny. Special mention of the Jury, Barcelona, Spain.
Group exhibitions selection
2007 “Bijoux d’or et bijoux d’argent: Métamorphose
d’une tradition au 20e. Siècle“ Musée des BeauxArts de Montreal and Hermitage Museum, Saint
“Challenging the Châtelaine!“Applied Art and Desing
Museum, Tallin, Estonia;
“Collect“. Represented by Alternatives Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum, London;
2006 “ Pensieri Preziosi 3 – affinità e differenze nei
Works in:
-Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim, Germany.
-Kunstindustrimuseet, Copenhagen, Denmark.
-Inge Asenbaun, Wien, Austria.
-Die Neue Sammlung. Staatliches Museum für angewandte Kunst. Design in Pinakothek der Moderne.
Munich. On permanent loam from the Danner Foundation, Munich.
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
Ramòn Puig Cuyàs
Mah Rana
-Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany.
-Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, Germany.
-Musée des Beaux-Arts, Montréal, Canada.
-The Cooper Hewitt Museum, New York, U.S.A.
-Museum of Fine Arts Houston, The Helen W. Drutt
Collection, Houston. U.S.A.
-The Dorothy and George Saxe Collection, Menlo
Park, Califomia, U.S.A.
-The Royal College of Art at the Victoria and Albert
Museum. London, England.
-Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimusset, Tronheim,
-Muzeum Ceského Ráje v Turnove, Tumov,
-Copoteca FAD, Foment de las Arts Decoratives,
-Museu de les Arts Decoratives, Barcelona
-Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, New Paltz, New
Yok, U.S.A.
- Permanent collection “Bijou Bontemporain”,
Cagnes-sur-Mer, France.
-Museum of Arts and Design, New York. U.S.A.
Selected Exhibitions
* denotes accompanying book or catalogue
2007 Meanings and Attachments *, Middlesbrough
Institute of Modern Art
2006 Solo Exibition
Galleri Hnoss, Göteborg,
2003 Jewellery is Life, * Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, Holland
2002 Jewellery is Life, * Fabrica Art Gallery
2007 The Jerwood Prize for Jewellery*, The Jerwood Space, London
2005 The Waktins Era, Contemporary Applied
Arts, London
2005 The Nomad Room: Contemporary Jewellery,
Intimate Space and Public Domain,
Cultural de Belém, Lisbon,Portugal
2005 Maker-Wearer-Viewer*, Glasgow School of
Art, Scotland
2004 Navigating History,* West Sussex Local
Studies Collection in Worthing Library
2005 The HAT Project,* Monash University, Faculty Gallery, Melbourne
Major Grants/Awards/Prizes
2007 Finalist for the Jerwood Prize for the Applied
Arts: Jewellery
2007 Sir John Cass Department of Art, Media and
Design (LMU),
Funded Research Project
2004 Arts Council England
2003 Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,
HAT Artist in Residence
2001 London Arts, Visual Artist Award
Notable Commissions/Collections
Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, Com-
2004 Navigating History Projects, Commission
2002 The Hiko Mizuno College of Jewellery Public
Teaching/Lecturing Posts
2006-present John Cass Department of Art, Media
and Design (LMU), Visiting Research
and Senior Lecturer
2005-2006 University College for the Creative Arts,
Course Leader
2002-2005 Ravensbourne College of Design and
Communication, Associate Lecturer
1998-2005 Central Saint Martins College of Art
and Design, Associate Lecturer
Artist monographs
Jewellery is Life, Fabrica Art Gallery publications,
Meanings and Attachments, Middlesbrough Institute
of Modern Art publications, 2007
Jönsson, Love: En Knuten paminnelse in: Göteborgs-Posten, 18 March Sweden 2006
New Directions in Jewellery II, Black Dog Publishing
UK, 2006
New Directions in Jewellery, Black Dog Publishing
UK, 2005
Gaspar, Mònica: Nomad Room in: The Nomad
Room. Contemporary Jewellery, Intimate Space and
Public Domain. Portugal, 2005
Williams, Hilary: Gold rush in: a-n Collections: Collaborative relationships, issues June 2005 UK
500 Brooches: Inspiring Adornments for the Body,
Lark Books, New York, US
Cunningham, Jack: Maker,Wearer,Viewer: Contemporary Narrative European Jewellery Glasgow
School of Art, Scotland
EDITION 2007/8
Vera Siemund
Vera Siemund
1971, Essen, Germany
Solo exhibitions:
2007 Jewelers‘ Werk Galerie, Washington DC, USA
2007 Galerie Marzee Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2004 Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2004 Jewelers‘ Werk Galerie, Washington DC, USA
2004 Galleri HNOSS, Göteborg, Sweden
2003 Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Group exhibitions(selection):
2006 „Leidenschaft – Lieblingsschmuckstücke“,
Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein e.V., Munich,
2005/06 „Choice - Contemporary Jewellery from
Germany“, The Museum of Arts & Crafts, Itami, Japan, Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim, Germany, Goldsmiths‘ House of Germany, Hanau
2005 „Fools Gold - Worn Art and Useless Jewels“,
The Embassy Gallery, Edinburgh, Great Britain
2004 „Jewellery from the Burg Giebichenstein visiting at the Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku“, Tokyo, Japan
2004 „Students of Burg Giebichenstein“, Galerie
V&V, Vienna, Austria;
„Schmuck 2004“, Special Jewellery Show, International Trade Fair Munich, Germany;
„Ein Sommernachtstraum“, Galerie Handwerk, Munich, Germany;
2003 „Chains“, Galerie Sofie Lachaert, Tielrode,
„Schmuck 2003“, Special Jewellery Show, International Trade Fair Munich, Germany;
2002 „Nature and Time“, Goldsmiths‘ House of Germany, Hanau;
2001 „Körperschmuck – Schmuckkörper“, Galerie
Handwerk, Munich, Germany;
Marzee annual graduation show, Galerie Marzee,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, SOFA Chicago, USA,
Midora Leipzig, Germany;
2000- 1998 „Feldversuch I-III“, jewellery class
Dorothea Prühl, Burg Giebichenstein Halle, Galerie
Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2006 Marzee Prize, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, The
2002 Second prize „Nachwuchsförderwettbewerb
2002 für Schmuck und Gerät“ (Young artists‘ progress competition), Bertha Heraeus and Kathinka
Platzhoff Foundation/ Society for Goldsmiths‘ Art,
Hanau, Germany
First prize „Nature and Time“, Society for Goldsmiths‘ Art/ Goldsmiths‘ House of Germany, Hanau,
2001 Marzee prize for graduation work, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Work in public collections:
The Marzee Collection, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Grassimuseum, Leipzig, Germany
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
Coda Museum Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
Publications (selection):
Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe- Verein e.V. (ed.),
„Leidenschaft Lieblingsschmuckstücke“, Munich
Toni Greenbaum, „An Argument for Ornament, The
Jewelry of Vera Siemund“, in Metalsmith, Naperville
Elisabeth Holder, Herman Hermsen (eds.), „Choice
- zeitgenössische Schmuckkunst aus Deutschland“,
Paderborn 2005
Marie-José van den Hout (ed.), The Marzee Collection / Edition No. 1, „Collection Feldversuch, Klasse
Dorothea Prühl class“, Leipzig 2004
Galerie Marzee (ed.), „Jewellery, the Choice of the
Europarliament“, Nijmegen 2004
Christianne Weber-Stöber, „Schnellkurs Schmuck“,
Cologne 2004
Bayerischer Handwerkstag e.V. (ed.), „Schmuck
2004“, Special Jewellery Show, International Trade
Fair Munich, Bad Wörishofen 2004
Christianne Weber-Stöber, „Vera Siemund - Das
minuziöse Ornament: Reichtum, Vielfalt“, in Kunsthandwerk & Design, Frechen 2003
Galerie Marzee (ed.), „Jewellery, Roermond’s
Choice“, Roermond 2003
Bayerischer Handwerkstag e.V. (ed.), „Schmuck
2003“, Special Jewellery Show, International Trade
Fair Munich, Bad Wörishofen 2003
Andrea Richter-Mahlo, „Nature and Time“, International Jewelry Competition, Hanau 2002
Saarländisches Künstlerhaus Saarbrücken e.V.
(ed.), „Schmuck aus der Burg Giebichenstein“, Halle
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
Tanel Veenre
Tanel Veenre
Tallin, Estonia, 1977
Solo exhibitions:
2005 Extacy, Golden Section, Ennui, Köismäe Tower, Tallinn, Estonia
2006 Ehted, mis on (Jewellery, That does Exist),
HOP Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
2007 21. century prince, photos, Lounge Stereo,
Tallinn, Estonia
Group exhibitions (selected):
1996 Forever Together, Tammsaare Museum, Tallinn, Estonia
1997 Millenium II*, Rotermann Salt Storage, Tallinn,
1998 Subjects III Narratives*, Museum of Applied
Art, Helsinki, Finland
1998 Memento mori, Wuppertal, Kassel and Berlin,
1999 Ornament as a crime*, Kulturhuset, Stockholm,
1999 Ferromenal, Art Hall Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
1999 Tehnika ja traditsioon, Applied Art Museum,
Tallinn, Estonia
1999 Ars Ornata Europeana VI, Barcelona, Spain
1999 Shamanism. Jewellery? Beurs von Berlage,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1999 Spatial Palace*, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen,
The Netherlands
1999 Augenlust*, Erfurt, Germany
2000 Fabergé Arts Foundation, St.Petersburg, Russia
2001 Close and Distant*, Riga, Latvia
2001 õhuLoss*, Rakvere Museum, Estonia
2001 castillo en el aire*, Barcelona Textile Museum,
2001 Mazzanon aika*, Helsinki Art Hall, Finland
2001 LuftSchloss*, Raum für Schmuck, Cologne,
2001 NOCTURNUS*, Pädaste Manor, Muhu Island,
2001 LuftKastell*, Galerie Metal, Copenhagen, Den-
2002 Spatial Palace*, Galeria Uno, Lisbon, Portugal
2002 L´ornament est-il toujours un crime?*, Geneva,
2002 Enampakkumine*, Applied Art Museum, Tallinn, Estonia
2003 Estonian Art, Budapest, Hungary
2004 Laegas, Applied Art Museum, Tallinn, Estonia
2003 Notes, 3-dimensional Estonian Art, Szentendre
Art Mill, Hungary
2003 The Link of The Body, 3rd Biennial of Contemporary Jewellery, Nîmes, France
2003 (Un)dressed. Body in the Baltic Photo Art,
Berlin, Germany
2004 Estonian Jewellery, Beijing Arts & Crafts Museum, China
2005 Schmuck 2005*, Munich, Germany
2005 2. European Triennial of Contemporary Jewellery*, Museum of Silversmithing, Castle of Seneffe,
2005 Closer*, Museu Arte Antiga, Lisbon, Portugal
2005 CHROMA Jewellery from Six European
Schools*, Le Arti Orafe, Florence, Italy
2006 Schmuck 2006*, Chamber of Trade and Craft,
Munich, Germany
2006 Schmuck 2006*, Museum of Arts & Design
(MAD), New York, U.S.A.
2006 KORU 2*, South-Karelia Art Museum, Lappeenranta, Finland
2006 Two Close Ones*, Tallinn Applied Art Triennial,
Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design, Tallinn
2006 LuftShloss*, Villa Bengel, Idar-Oberstein, Germany
2007 Skin Case*, Pedras e Pessegos, Porto
2007 Bijou contemporain. Regard sur l´Estonie*
(with Kadri Mälk and Piret Hirv) Espace Solidor,
2007 Baltic Way, Craft in the Bay, Cardiff
2007 Jewellery (with Kadri Mälk and Piret Hirv), Gallery Biró, Germany
* exhibitions with cataloque
Fashion performances:
About 15 collections since 1995 (some with Aldo
Järvsoo). Shows in Estonia, Latvia, Portugal and
Prizes and awards (selected):
1996 IN`96, fashion contest, grand prix
1998 EXIT, fashion contest, grand prix
2000 SuperNoova, fashion contest, second price
2001 SuperNoova, fashion contest, grand prix
2003 SuperNoova, fashion contest, grand prix
Lectures at international conferences:
2004 Jewellery and Fashion, jewellery art seminar
Laegas, Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design, Tallinn
2005 6 Clouds: the presentation of the Young Jewellery of Estonia (based on the lecture of Kadri Mälk),
Royal Academy of Arts, Edinburgh, Scotland
2006 Escaping into the Jewellery, KORU 2, Lappeenranta, Finland
2007 Jewellery in Estonia (with Kadri Mälk), 2nd skin
Cork Jewellery, Escola Superior de Artes e Design,
Matosinhos, Portugal
Tanel Veenres designworks have been exposed
in most of estonian newspapers (Postimees, Eesti Ekspress, Päevaleht, Sirp, SlÕhtuleht, Äripäev
etc), magazines (Vikerkaar, Kunst.ee, Stiil, Anne,
Trend, Diivan, Avenüü etc) and in foreign press (Zoo
(Germany), L`Officiel (Russia), MFF Magazine for
Fashion (Italy), Stern (Germany), Arte Yjoya (Spain),
Jyllands-Posten (Denmark) etc).
Works in public collections:
Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design
EDITION 2007/8
EDITION 2007/8
Lucca Preziosa 2007/2008
Le Arti Orafe, Jewellery School & Gallery, Firenze e Lucca
Giò Carbone, Le Arti Orafe
Anna Balatti, Le Arti Orafe
Fulvio Carbone, Studio Ipotesi
Lucca City Council
Maria Cristina Bergesio
With the contribution of
Lucca City Council
Lucca Province
Barcelona Chamber of Commerce
Italian Cultural Institure, Barcelona
GrupoDuplex, Barcelona
CaixaForum. Centro Social y Cultural de la Obra Social la
Manifattura Tabacchi, Lucca
Mostre & Mostre, Lucca
Set-Up exhibition
Mauro Vegliante, Ark Design, Firenze
Mostre & Mostre, Lucca
Italian Ministery of Culture
Toscana Region
Lucca City Council
Lucca Province
Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale Fiorentino
Soprintendenza BAPPSAE per le Province de Lucca e
Massa Carrara
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Museu Tèxtil i de Indumentària de Barcelona