REPORT FOR: GRAND CASINO BEOGRAD GAMING HABITS AND PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING 2011 BELGRADE, JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2011 CONTENTS ● About the study - Research objectives - Research methodology - Sample structure ● Results of the study 1. Gaming Habits in General Population - Gaming Habits in General Population 1.1. Games of Chance - Gaming Habits – Games of Chance - Demographic Profile – Games of Chance Players - Lifestyle Profile – Games of Chance Players - Media consumption – Games of Chance Players 1.2. Sports Betting - Gaming Habits – Sports Betting - Demographic Profile – Sports Betting Players - Lifestyle Profile – Sports Betting Players - Media Consumption – Sports Betting Players 1.3. Slot Machines - Gaming Habits – Slot Machines - Demographic Profile – Slot Machines Players - Lifestyle Profile – Slot Machines Players - Media Consumption – Slot Machines Players 1.4. Poker Machines, Electronic Roulette and Similar Games - Gaming Habits – Poker Machines, Electronic Roulette and Similar Games - Demographic Profile – Poker Machines, Electronic Roulette and Similar Games Players - Lifestyle Profile – Poker Machines, Electronic Roulette and Similar Games Players - Media Consumption – Poker Machines, Electronic Roulette and Similar Games Players 2 CONTENTS 1.5. “Live” Games 2. 3. 4. - Gaming Habits – “Live” Games - Demographic Profile – “Live” Games Players - Lifestyle Profile – “Live” Games Players - Media Consumption – “Live” Games Players Pathological Gambling - Incidence of Pathological Gambling in General Population - Pathological Gambling Incidence among Players of Different Types of Gambling Games - Cross-gaming (cross referenced gaming habits) - Demographic Profile of Pathological Gamblers - Lifestyle Profile of Pathological Gamblers Casino Awareness and Visiting - Brand performance - Casino Awareness and Visiting in Total Population - Brand performance - Casino Awareness and Visiting among Target Customers - Brand Performance - Casino Awareness and Visiting among Slot Players - Brand Performance - Casino Awareness and Visiting among “Live” Games Players Grand Casino Image Profile and Brand Performance - Image Attributes of Grand Casino - GCB Brand Performance in Total Population - GCB Brand Performance among Slot Players - GCB Brand Performance among “Live” Games Players 3 CONTENTS 3. 4. Grand Casino Visitors - Incidence in General Population - Demographic Profile of GCB Visitors - Lifestyle Profile of GCB Visitors - Media Consumption of GCB Visitors - Gaming Habits of GCB Visitors - Gaming Habits – Games of Chance - Gaming Habits – Sports Betting - Gaming Habits – Slot Machines - Gaming Habits – Poker Machines, Electronic Roulette and Similar Games - Gaming Habits – “Live” Games - Brand performance - Casino awareness and Visiting among GCB Visitors - Image Attributes of Grand Casino among GCB Visitors - Evaluation of Grand Casino Experience Potential visitors of Grand Casino - Incidence in general population - Demographic Profile of Potential GCB Visitors - Lifestyle Profile of Potential GCB Visitors - Media Consumption of Potential GCB Visitors - Gaming Habits of Potential GCB Visitors - Gaming Habits – Games of Chance - Gaming Habits – Sports Betting - Gaming Habits – Slot Machines - Gaming Habits – Poker Machines, Electronic Roulette and Similar Games - Gaming Habits – “Live” Games - Brand performance - Casino awareness and Visiting among Potential GCB Visitors - Casino Visiting Habits among Potential GCB Visitors - Brand performance – Grand Casino Image among Potential GCB Visitors 4 CONTENTS 3. Grand Casino rejecters - Incidence in general population - Demographic Profile of GCB Rejecters - Lifestyle Profile of GCB Rejecters - Media Consumption of GCB Rejecters - Gaming Habits of GCB Rejecters - Brand performance - Casino awareness and Visiting among GCB Rejecters - Casino Visiting Habits of GCB Rejecters - Image Attributes of Grand Casino among GCB Rejecters ● Key Findings and Recommendations ● Appendix I ● Appendix II 5 ABOUT THE STUDY 6 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ● To determine gaming incidence (games of chance such as lotto, bingo, scratch cards; sports betting; slot machines; electronic poker, roulette and similar games; “live” games) ● To analyze basic gaming habits ● To identify main demographic and lifestyle characteristics of players of different games ● To determine the general incidence of gambling addiction and provide demographic profiles of vulnerable groups ● To identify awareness of Grand Casino and competitors ● To analyze Grand Casino image constituents ● To analyze the potential (strengths to focus on and weaknesses to overcome) of Grand Casino to draw new customers ● To analyze sources of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with Grand Casino services among the visitors ● To identify main demographic characteristics/life style, gaming habits and Grand Casino image among potential Grand Casino visitors and Grand Casino rejecters ● To identify media consumption patterns ● To compare awareness and visiting incidence of GCB, as well as evaluation of GCB experience with 2008 data* *Note: All comparisons will be done using comparable samples for 2008 and 2011. This will be obtained by including only respondents between 20 and 50 years of age and with average household monthly income above 60.000 RSD from 2011 sample. 7 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Quantitative study ● Technique 1: self-filling questionnaire for assessing gambling addiction risks (length app. 10 minutes). ● Technique 2: F2F interviews within households (paired with self-filling questionnaire) (questionnaire length app. 15 minutes). Target group - 2011 ● general population of Belgrade inhabitants aged between 18 and 60 years Total sample ● 1000 respondents Place ● 10 main Belgrade municipalities (Cukarica, Novi Beograd, Palilula, Rakovica, Savski Venac, Stari Grad, Vozdovac, Vracar, Zemun, Zvezdara) 8 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Target group - 2008 ● general population of Belgrade inhabitants aged between 20 and 50 years and with average household monthly income above 60.000 RSD Total sample ● 600 respondents Place ● Central Belgrade municipalities, New Belgrade and Zemun 9 SAMPLE STRUCTURE Age Gender 40.0 28.7 53.0 30.0 25.4 22.3 23.6 47.0 20.0 10.0 Male 0.0 Female 18-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 years 50-59 years of age of age of age of age Occupation Education (last level finished) 80.0 0.2 Private farmer 1.6 Housewife 63.7 11.1 Unemployed 60.0 7.0 Retired or unable to work 32.3 40.0 0.4 Business proprietor (large business) 3.7 Business proprietor (small business) 20.0 2.2 1.8 13.1 Student 6.5 Manual worker 0.0 Primary school Secondary school University degree (BSc/BA) Postgraduate (MA/MSc, PhD) 32.7 Employed (primary/secondary educ.) 23.7 Employed (university degree) 0.0 Base: 1000 respondents 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 10 SAMPLE STRUCTURE Personal monthly income 21.0 I'd rather not say 2.0 More than 100.000 2.6 80.001 - 100.000 8.6 50.001 - 80.000 Marital status 30.001 - 50.000 26.2 15.001 - 30.000 26.4 60.0 49.0 50.0 13.2 Less than 15.000 0.0 10.0 41.0 40.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 6.7 10.0 3.3 0.0 Married Base: 1000 respondents Divorced Widowed Single 11 SAMPLE STRUCTURE Household monthly income 16.7 I'd rather not say 4.5 More than 150.000 3.5 120.001-150.000 Self assessment of economic status 9.3 100.001-120.000 17.6 80.001-100.000 We can buy everything we need and we don’t worry about money 21.8 60.001-80.000 20.8 30.001-60.000 We can buy everything we need and apart from this to save for home appliances and furniture 5.8 Less than 30.000 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 52.4 We manage to cover basic expenses, but not to buy clothing and footwear 3.1 9.5 6.2 We hardly manage to cover basic expenses 5.8 Lives with friends 24.4 Lives with other family members 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 9.8 Multigeneration family 30.9 Couple with cihld / children 9.5 Couple without children 4.5 Single with children 12.0 Single, no children 0.0 Base: 1000 respondents 26.3 We manage to cover basic expenses, clothing and footwear, but not to buy home appliances and furniture 40.0 Household structure Other 5.6 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 12 RESULTS OF THE STUDY 13 1. GAMING HABITS IN GENERAL POPULATION 14 GAMING HABITS IN GENERAL POPULATION Games of chance and gambling games played 60.0 46.8 40.0 28.0 20.0 5.7 5.8 4.5 0.0 Base: 1000 respondents Multiple answers Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) Sports betting Slot machines Electronic "Live" games poker, (Roulette, roulette and Poker, Black similar games Jack...) Close to half of the adult urban Belgrade population (around 47%) plays various games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, scratch cards…) - which indicates that there is approximately 400.000 of games of chance players between 18 and 60 years of age. Sports betting plays close to 1/3 of the population (around 28%), suggesting that approximately 225.000 of adults in Belgrade (urban) play sports betting. Between 5-6% of Belgrade urban population plays slot machines, poker machines, electronic roulette and similar games as well as “live” games (Roulette, Poker, Black Jack…) – indicating that between 40.000 and 50.000 of adults in Belgrade play each of these types of games. 15 GAMING HABITS IN GENERAL POPULATION Cross-gaming (cross referenced gaming habits) *Note: Red Circle Mark denotes highest values, Blue Circle Mark denotes values that follow Every fourth games of chance player plays sports betting, while around 45% of sports betting players play games of chance. Between 60%-70% of slot machines players also play poker machines, electronic roulette and similar games, and vice versa. Around two thirds of “live” games players play sports betting, while close to half play slot machines and other electronic games. 16 GAMING HABITS IN GENERAL POPULATION Percentage of players of electronic games (slot machines, poker machines, electronic poker…) 60.0 46.8 40.0 In total around 8% of adult urban Belgrade population plays some type of electronic games, indicating approximate number of 65.000 players of these type of games. 28.0 20.0 8.2 4.5 0.0 Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) Sports betting Slot machines "Live" games and other (Roulette, Poker, electronic games Black Jack...) Base: 1000 respondents Multiple answers Cross-gaming (cross referenced gaming habits) I only play my game Among games of chance players majority (around 70%) play only this type of game (indicating the number of around 280.000 players). Sports betting players follow, with around 45% of them playing only sports betting games (around 100.000 players). On the other hand, among electronic and “live” games players majority is playing other types of gambling games - around 95% (indicating that app. 2.000 – 3.000 players play only electronic games, and similar number playing only “live” games). I play more than one game 100.0 80.0 30.3 56.1 60.0 40.0 20.0 95.1 95.6 69.7 43.9 4.9 4.4 0.0 Base: 1000 respondents Multiple answers Games of Sports Electronic "Live" games chance players betting players games players players 17 GAMING HABITS IN GENERAL POPULATION Games of chance and gambling games played in Male and Female population 54.9* 60.0 Male 51.1 N = 470 37.7 40.0 20.0 7.5* 9.4 2.5* 9.4 2.6* Female N = 530 7.7 1.7 * While various games of chance are more popular among Female residents (around 55%), Male find sports betting more interesting (around 50% compared to around 8% among Female). 0.0 Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) Sports betting Slot machines Electronic "Live" games poker, (Roulette, roulette and Poker, Black similar Jack...) games Male are also more attracted to slot machines and other electronic games, as well as “live” games (between 8-9% compared to 2-3% among Female). *Note: Red Asterisk denotes statistically significant difference compared to Male Multiple answers 18 GAMING HABITS IN GENERAL POPULATION Electronic games played in Male and Female population 54.9* 60.0 Male 51.1 Female N = 470 N = 530 37.7 40.0 20.0 7.5* 13.2 3.8* 7.7 1.7 * Around 13 % of Male are playing some type of electronic games, compared to around 4% among Female. 0.0 Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) Sports betting Slot machines and other electronic games "Live" games *Note: Red Asterisk denotes statistically significant difference compared to Male Multiple answers 19 GAMING HABITS IN GENERAL POPULATION Games of chance and gambling games played in age groups Base: Respective age groups Multiple answers 60.0 Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) 50.0 Sports betting 40.0 Slot machines 30.0 Poker machines, electronic roulette and similar games "Live" games (Roulette, Poker, Black Jack...) 20.0 10.0 While interest for games of chance increases with age, appeal of sports betting decreases. Slot machines and electronic games are more popular in population up to 35 years of age compared to older age groups, while population up to 50 years of age shows similar interest for “live” games. 0.0 18-29 years of age 30-39 years of age 40-49 years of age 50-59 years of age 20 GAMING HABITS IN GENERAL POPULATION Electronic games played in age groups Base: Respective age groups Multiple answers 60.0 Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) 50.0 40.0 Sports betting 30.0 20.0 Slot machines and other electronic games 10.0 "Live" games Electronic games in general are the most appealing for population up to 35 years of age. 0.0 18-29 years of age 30-39 years of age 40-49 years of age 50-59 years of age 21 1.1. GAMES OF CHANCE 22 GAMING HABITS – GAMES OF CHANCE Frequency of playing games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards…) 19.4 Less than once a month 17.5 Once a month 26.5 2-3 times a month 30.1 1-2 times a week Money spent monthly on games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards…) More than 20.000 RSD 0.0 10.001-20.000 RSD 0.2 5.001- 10.000 RSD 0.0 2.001-5.000 RSD 0.4 3.8 1.001-2.000 RSD 5.6 3-4 times a week 5-6 times a week 0.6 Every day 0.2 0.0 17.7 501-1.000 RSD 39.7 201 - 500 RSD 38.0 Less than 200 RSD 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 468 respondents Games of chance are most often played on a weekly to biweekly bases (around 56%). Majority of games of chance players are spending up to 500 RSD a month (around 80%). 23 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE – GAMES OF CHANCE PLAYERS Gender Age 50.0 62.2 40.0 30.0 37.8 25.0 28.0 26.1 20.9 20.0 10.0 0.0 Male 18-29 years of age Female Base: 468 respondents Occupation 30-39 years of age 40-49 years of age 50-59 years of age Personal monthly income 0.4 Private farmer 2.8 Housewife 9.8 Unemployed 1.1 More than 100.000 8.1 Retired or unable to work through illness 22.9 I'd rather not say 2.8 80.001 - 100.000 0.4 Business proprietor (large business) 37.0 Employed (primary/secondary educ.) 18.6 0.0 10.0 26.7 15.001 - 30.000 8.1 Employed (university degree) 28.4 30.001 - 50.000 11.1 Student Manual worker 7.5 50.001 - 80.000 3.6 Business proprietor (small business) 20.0 10.7 Less than 15.000 0.0 30.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 40.0 24 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE – GAMES OF CHANCE PLAYERS Marital Status Household structure 80.0 60.0 2.1 Other 55.6 4.1 Lives with friends 40.0 24.4 Lives with other family members 34.4 9.0 Multigeneration family 34.8 Couple with cihld / children 20.0 6.0 4.1 Divorced Widowed 0.0 Married 10.0 Couple without children 5.1 Single with children Single 10.5 Single, no children Base: 468 respondents 0.0 Household monthly income More than 150.000 2.8 120.001-150.000 2.8 20.0 30.0 We can buy everything we need and we don’t worry about money 4.7 We can buy everything we need and apart from this to save for home appliances/furniture 9.8 100.001-120.000 54.3 We manage to cover basic expenses, but not to buy clothing/footwear 22.9 60.001-80.000 28.0 We manage to cover basic expenses, clothing /footwear, but not to buy home appliances/furniture 17.3 80.001-100.000 40.0 Self assessment of economic status 17.9 I'd rather not say 10.0 8.3 22.0 30.001-60.000 0.0 10.0 4.7 We hardly manage to cover basic expenses 4.5 Less than 30.000 20.0 30.0 40.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 25 LIFESTYLE PROFILE – GAMES OF CHANCE PLAYERS Life style Shopping and window-shopping Playing video games Watching television Playing cards, chess, dominos… Walking 3.47 2.80 3.10 Surfing Internet Reading books 2.12 Listening to music 2.37 3.07 Watching movies/ series at home 2.69 1.74 Engaging in competing or recreational sports 1.99 2.71 Going out on family picnics, lunches, diners 2.40 Spending time with 3.57 family/friends at home 2.09 Going out to the movies 1.94 2.79 1.84 Listening to radio 2.77 Reading magazines / journals 3.33 Reading daily newspapers Visiting private parties / gatherings 1.99 Going out to theaters 2.17 2.31 Going out to restaurants 2.42 Going out for concerts Going out to clubs / discos Going out to cafés / pubs On the Scale 1 Never Base: 468 respondents 2 Rarely 3 Occasionally 4 Often 26 LIFESTYLE PROFILE – GAMES OF CHANCE PLAYERS Life style Two thirds of games of chance players are Female of all ages. More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games Reading books and going for walks More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities Listening to music and talking *Note: Factor Analysis of Image Attributes extracted 5 underlying factors: Factor 1 – More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities (grouped items: Going out to clubs/discos, Going out to cafés/pubs, Visiting private parties/gatherings, Surfing Internet, Playing video games, Engaging in competing or recreational sports, Watching movies/series at home) Factor 2 - More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities (grouped items : Going out on family picnics, lunches, diners, Going out to restaurants, Going out to theaters, Shopping and window-shopping) Factor 3 - Listening to music and talking (grouped items : Listening to radio, Listening to music, Spending time with family or friends at home) Factor 4 - Reading books and going for walks (grouped items : Going for walks, Reading books) Factor 5 - TV, daily newspapers and social games (grouped items : Watching television, Reading daily newspapers, Playing cards, chess, dominos…) **Note: Items Going out to the movies, Going out for concerts and Reading magazines / journals were excluded due to lower correlation with factors or higher correlation with more than one factor Base: 468 respondents Players of games of chance are somewhat more than average Belgrade population married (around 55%) and somewhat less single (around 1/3), with total personal and household income as well as self assessed household economic situation at parity with Belgrade general population. On average games of chance players interests are mainly oriented towards watching TV, reading daily newspapers or listening to music. They rarely go out (in general) or engage in sports, mainly spending free time with family or friends at home. Most popular TV stations are Prva TV, RTS 1 and Pink. Most popular radio station is Radio S, while most visited Internet sites are YouTube and Facebook (Wikipedia, Blic and B92 follow). 27 MEDIA CONSUMPTION – GAMES OF CHANCE PLAYERS Most often watched TV stations Prva TV 62.4 RTS 1 62.0 Most often visited Internet sites 56.8 TV Pink 45.9 TV B92 36.5 Other 23.3 TV Avala 18.6 RTS 2 8.5 Happy TV 2.1 RT Vojvodina 1 RT Vojvodina 2 0.9 Don't know 0.0 1.1 Do not watch TV 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 70.0 41.5 Other 28.8 Radio S 15.6 Radio B92 Radio Index 11.1 Roadstar Radio 10.7 23.3 15.4 13.7 11.3 9.2 6.2 4.9 3.8 3.6 3.2 3.2 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.4 2.4 1.3 39.1 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Most often listened Radio stations 8.3 Radio Beograd I program 5.8 Beograd 202 4.7 Radio Fokus 2.1 Do not know 1.1 Radio Beograd II program 22.2 Do not listen to Radio Base: 468 respondents Multiple answers 60.0 39.1 37.0 YouTube Facebook Other Wikipedia Blic B92 Krstarica Infostud Sportal Mondo Polovni automobili Press Kurir Vukajlija Naslovi Limundo RTS Twitter Do not know Do not use Internet 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 28 1.2. SPORTS BETTING 29 GAMING HABITS – SPORTS BETTING Frequency of sports betting Money spent monthly on sports betting 10.7 Less than once a month 5.7 Once a month 22.1 2-3 times a month 0.4 10.001-20.000 RSD 0.4 5.001- 10.000 RSD 1.1 10.0 2.001-5.000 RSD 39.3 1-2 times a week More than 20.000 RSD 19.6 1.001-2.000 RSD 11.8 3-4 times a week 4.6 5-6 times a week 0.0 10.0 28.9 201 - 500 RSD 5.7 Every day 25.4 501-1.000 RSD 14.3 Less than 200 RSD 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 280 respondents Sports betting is most often played from 1-2 times a week to 2-3 times a month (around 60%), although 1 out of 5 sports betting players plays from 3-4 times a week to every day. More than half of sports betting players are spending from 200 to 1.000 RSD a month, with every 1 out of 5 spending from 1.000 – 2.000 RSD and every 1 out of 10 spending from 2.000 – 5.000 RSD. 30 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE – SPORTS BETTING PLAYERS Gender Age 50.0 85.7 40.4 40.0 25.4 30.0 14.3 23.2 20.0 11.1 10.0 0.0 Male 18-29 years of age Female Base: 468 respondents Occupation Private farmer 0.4 Housewife 0.0 8.9 50.001 - 80.000 4.6 21.1 Student 28.2 20.0 11.8 Less than 15.000 19.3 10.0 21.8 15.001 - 30.000 Employed (primary/secondary educ.) Employed (university degree) 27.9 30.001 - 50.000 9.6 0.0 4.3 80.001 - 100.000 0.4 Manual worker 1.4 More than 100.000 3.6 Business proprietor (small business) 50-59 years of age 23.9 I'd rather not say 12.9 Business proprietor (large business) 40-49 years of age Personal monthly income Unemployed Retired or unable to work through illness 30-39 years of age 0.0 30.0 40.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 31 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE – SPORTS BETTING PLAYERS Marital Status Household structure 80.0 3.6 Other 55.7 60.0 7.5 Lives with friends 32.5 Lives with other family members 38.2 40.0 6.8 Multigeneration family 25.0 Couple with cihld / children 20.0 5.4 10.0 Couple without children 0.7 0.0 0.7 Single with children Married Divorced Widowed Single 13.9 Single, no children Base: 468 respondents 0.0 Household monthly income More than 150.000 4.6 120.001-150.000 4.3 We can buy everything we need and we don’t worry about money 15.0 30.001-60.000 10.0 26.8 57.1 6.4 3.6 We hardly manage to cover basic expenses 5.4 0.0 6.1 We manage to cover basic expenses, but not to buy clothing/footwear 18.9 60.001-80.000 20.0 30.0 40.0 We manage to cover basic expenses, clothing /footwear, but not to buy home appliances/furniture 23.6 80.001-100.000 Less than 30.000 30.0 We can buy everything we need and apart from this to save for home appliances/furniture 9.3 100.001-120.000 20.0 Self assessment of economic status 18.9 I'd rather not say 10.0 40.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 32 LIFESTYLE PROFILE – SPORTS BETTING PLAYERS Life style Shopping and window-shopping Playing video games 3.39 Playing cards, chess, dominos… Walking 2.63 Surfing Internet 2.92 Reading books 2.36 3.06 Listening to music Watching television 2.35 Engaging in competing or recreational sports 2.33 3.32 2.39 Watching movies/ series at home Spending time with family or friends at home 2.94 Going out on family picnics, lunches, diners 2.36 2.19 3.44 Going out to the movies 1.86 2.82 Listening to radio 2.04 2.55 Going out to theaters 2.33 Reading magazines / journals 3.44 Reading daily newspapers Visiting private parties / gatherings 2.59 Going out for concerts 2.51 2.92 Going out to restaurants Going out to clubs / discos Going out to cafés / pubs On the Scale 1 Never Base: 280 respondents 2 Rarely 3 Occasionally 4 Often 33 LIFESTYLE PROFILE – SPORTS BETTING PLAYERS Life style Average sports betting player is a Male, mostly between 18-29 (around 40%) and between 30-49 years of age (around 50%), with only 1 out of 10 over 50 years of age. More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games Reading books and going for walks Base: 280 respondents More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities Listening to music and talking Majority of sports betting players are single (around 56%), with total personal and household income as well as self assessed household economic situation at parity with Belgrade general population. On average sports betting players are spending their free time in more contemporary, active and engaging leisure time activities (going out to cafes/pubs, playing video games, surfing Internet and watching movies/series). They also spend time with family or friends at home, listening to music or watching TV, but they rarely go out to theatres, movies, concerts. Most popular TV stations are Prva TV, RTS 1, TV B92 and TV Pink; most popular radio station is Radio S, while most visited Internet sites are YouTube and Facebook (B92, Blic and Sportal follow). 34 MEDIA CONSUMPTION – SPORTS BETTING PLAYERS Most often watched TV stations Prva TV 56.8 RTS 1 56.8 Most often visited Internet sites 48.2 TV B92 45.4 Other 41.8 TV Pink 22.1 TV Avala 19.3 RTS 2 7.5 Happy TV RT Vojvodina 1 1.4 RT Vojvodina 2 0.7 Don't know 0.0 1.8 Do not watch TV 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 70.0 43.6 Other 27.5 Radio S Radio B92 12.9 Radio Index 12.5 36.4 21.8 18.2 18.2 17.1 13.2 9.3 9.3 8.6 6.4 5.4 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.3 2.1 0.7 17.5 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 9.3 Roadstar Radio Beograd 202 6.8 Radio Beograd I program 6.4 Radio Fokus 5.0 Do not know 4.3 Most often listened Radio stations 1.4 Radio Beograd II program 21.4 Do not listen to Radio Base: 280 respondents Multiple answers 60.0 57.1 55.4 Facebook YouTube Other B92 Blic Wikipedia Sportal Mondo Polovni automobili Krstarica Infostud Press Twitter Vukajlija Naslovi Kurir RTS Limundo Do not know Do not use Internet 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 35 1.3. SLOT MACHINES 36 GAMING HABITS – SLOT MACHINES Frequency of playing slot machines Money spent monthly on slot machines 29.8 Once a month 28.1 2-3 times a month 10.001-20.000 RSD 3.5 5.001- 10.000 RSD 3.5 8.8 2.001-5.000 RSD 10.5 1-2 times a week 0.0 More than 20.000 RSD 22.8 Less than once a month 26.3 1.001-2.000 RSD 5.3 3-4 times a week 0.0 5-6 times a week 0.0 24.6 201 - 500 RSD 3.5 Every day 19.3 501-1.000 RSD 10.0 14.0 Less than 200 RSD 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 57 respondents Core of the slot machines players (around 60%) visit places where they can play their games up to 2-3 times a month, while 1 out of 5 play slot machines from 1-2 times a week to every day. On average they are spending up to 2.000 RSD a month, while every tenth is spending between 2.000 and 5.000 RSD. 37 GAMING HABITS – SLOT MACHINES Where do you go to play slot machines most often? 60.0 42.1 40.0 36.8 28.1 20.0 15.8 7.0 5.3 3.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.0 Base: 57 respondents Multiple responses Slot players are most often visiting Grand Casino, Mozzart and Alexandar for their game – each of these three most popular casinos attract between 30-40% of slot players. 38 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE – SLOT MACHINES PLAYERS Gender Age 50.0 77.2 45.6 40.0 30.0 22.8 21.1 19.3 14.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Male 18-29 years of age Female Base: 57 respondents Occupation Private farmer 0.0 Housewife 0.0 22.8 3.5 More than 100.000 3.5 5.3 80.001 - 100.000 1.8 17.5 10.0 20.0 12.3 Less than 15.000 24.6 Employed (primary/secondary educ.) 0.0 19.3 15.001 - 30.000 10.5 Employed (university degree) 28.1 30.001 - 50.000 26.3 Student Manual worker 8.8 50.001 - 80.000 5.3 Business proprietor (small business) 50-59 years of age Personal monthly income 10.5 Business proprietor (large business) 40-49 years of age I'd rather not say Unemployed Retired or unable to work through illness 30-39 years of age 0.0 30.0 40.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 39 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE – SLOT MACHINES PLAYERS Marital Status Household structure 80.0 1.8 Other 57.9 14.0 Lives with friends 60.0 33.3 Lives with other family members 40.0 31.6 3.5 Multigeneration family 22.8 Couple with cihld / children 20.0 5.3 5.3 Divorced Widowed 8.8 Couple without children 0.0 3.5 Single with children Married Single 12.3 Single, no children Base: 468 respondents 0.0 Household monthly income We can buy everything we need and we don’t worry about money 8.8 More than 150.000 10.5 100.001-120.000 15.8 30.001-60.000 0.0 10.0 54.4 8.8 5.3 We hardly manage to cover basic expenses 8.8 Less than 30.000 17.5 We manage to cover basic expenses, but not to buy clothing/footwear 8.8 60.001-80.000 20.0 40.0 We manage to cover basic expenses, clothing /footwear, but not to buy home appliances/furniture 19.3 80.001-100.000 30.0 14.0 We can buy everything we need and apart from this to save for home appliances/furniture 5.3 120.001-150.000 20.0 Self assessment of economic status 22.8 I'd rather not say 10.0 30.0 40.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 40 LIFESTYLE PROFILE – SLOT MACHINES PLAYERS Life style Shopping and window-shopping Playing video games Watching television 3.35 2.70 Surfing Internet 3.12 Playing cards, chess, dominos… Walking 2.65 3.09 Reading books 2.41 Engaging in competing or recreational sports 2.41 Listening to music 3.49 2.39 Watching movies/ series at home 3.00 Going out on family picnics, lunches, diners 2.33 Spending time with 3.51 family or friends at home 2.33 Going out to the movies 1.96 2.84 Listening to radio 2.18 2.56 Reading magazines / journals 2.53 3.33 Reading daily newspapers Visiting private parties / gatherings 2.79 2.56 Going out to theaters Going out for concerts Going out to clubs / discos Going out to cafés / pubs 3.21 Going out to restaurants On the Scale 1 Never Base: 57 respondents 2 Rarely 3 Occasionally 4 Often 41 LIFESTYLE PROFILE – SLOT MACHINES PLAYERS Life style Slot machines are predominantly Male game, with only 1 out of 5 players being Female. Majority of the slot players are between 18-39 years of age and single (around 60%). Although their household economic situation is close to general population distribution, somewhat more assess they can buy everything they need and they do not have to worry about money (around 14% compared to around 6% in general population). More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games Reading books and going for walks More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities Listening to music and talking On average slot players lead more active lifestyle and engage in more contemporary leisure time activities (going out to cafes/pubs, clubs/discos or visiting private parties and gatherings, surfing Internet). They also watch movies/series or TV, listen to music or spend time with family and friends at home. They read daily newspapers, and to somewhat lower extent magazines and journals. They however rarely go out to theatres, movies, concerts or on family gatherings. Most popular TV stations are Prva TV, RTS 1, TV B92 and TV Pink; most popular radio stations are Radio S and Radio Index, while most often visited Internet sites are YouTube and Facebook (B92 and Blic follow). Base: 57 respondents 42 MEDIA CONSUMPTION – SLOT MACHINES PLAYERS Most often watched TV stations Most often visited Internet sites 56.1 Prva TV 47.4 RTS 1 45.6 Other 43.9 TV B92 36.8 TV Pink 24.6 TV Avala 8.8 RTS 2 7.0 Happy TV Don't know 0.0 RT Vojvodina 2 0.0 RT Vojvodina 1 0.0 1.8 Do not watch TV 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 54.4 Other 22.8 Radio S 15.8 Radio Index 19.3 17.5 14.0 12.3 12.3 12.3 7.0 7.0 7.0 3.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.0 0.0 15.8 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 10.5 Radio B92 8.8 Roadstar Radio Most often listened Radio stations 7.0 Beograd 202 5.3 Radio Fokus 3.5 Radio Beograd I program 1.8 Do not know 0.0 Radio Beograd II program 21.1 Do not listen to Radio Base: 57 respondents Multiple answers 70.0 59.6 56.1 52.6 Facebook YouTube Other B92 Blic Wikipedia Sportal Mondo Krstarica Polovni automobili Infostud Twitter Vukajlija Do not know Press Naslovi Kurir RTS Limundo Do not use Internet 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 43 1.4. POKER MACHINES, ELECTRONIC ROULETTE AND SIMILAR GAMES 44 GAMING HABITS – POKER MACHINES, ELECTRONIC ROULETTE AND SIMILAR GAMES Frequency of playing poker machines, electronic roulette and similar games 5.2 2.001-5.000 RSD 10.3 1-2 times a week 15.5 5.001- 10.000 RSD 22.4 2-3 times a month 6.9 10.001-20.000 RSD 25.9 Once a month 0.0 More than 20.000 RSD 34.5 Less than once a month Money spent monthly on poker machines, electronic roulette and similar games 25.9 1.001-2.000 RSD 5.2 3-4 times a week 0.0 5-6 times a week 0.0 10.3 201 - 500 RSD 1.7 Every day 22.4 501-1.000 RSD 13.8 Less than 200 RSD 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 58 respondents Most of the poker machines, electronic roulette and similar games players (around 50%) visit places where they can play their games up to 2-3 times a month, while around one third plays less than once a month. On average they are spending up to 2.000 RSD a month, while every fifth is spending over 5.000 RSD. 45 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE – POKER MACHINES, ELECTRONIC ROULETTE AND SIM. GAMES PLAYERS Gender Age 50.0 46.6 40.0 75.9 30.0 24.1 22.4 19.0 20.0 12.1 10.0 0.0 Base: 468 respondents Male 18-29 years of age Female Occupation Private farmer 0.0 Housewife 0.0 32.8 Employed (primary/secondary educ.) 17.2 10.0 20.0 13.8 15.001 - 30.000 13.8 0.0 31.0 30.001 - 50.000 22.4 Employed (university degree) 8.6 50.001 - 80.000 Student Manual worker 12.1 80.001 - 100.000 5.2 Business proprietor (small business) 0.0 More than 100.000 0.0 Business proprietor (large business) 50-59 years of age 24.1 I'd rather not say 3.4 Retired or unable to work through illness 40-49 years of age Personal monthly income 5.2 Unemployed 30-39 years of age 10.3 Less than 15.000 0.0 30.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 40.0 46 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE – POKER MACHINES, ELECTRONIC ROULETTE AND SIM. GAMES PLAYERS Marital Status Household structure 80.0 1.7 Other 63.8 10.3 Lives with friends 60.0 36.2 Lives with other family members 40.0 27.6 3.4 Multigeneration family 19.0 Couple with cihld / children 20.0 6.9 1.7 5.2 Couple without children 0.0 1.7 Single with children Married Divorced Widowed Single 22.4 Single, no children Base: 468 respondents 0.0 Household monthly income We can buy everything we need and we don’t worry about money 6.9 More than 150.000 10.3 100.001-120.000 12.1 60.001-80.000 25.9 50.0 We manage to cover basic expenses, but not to buy clothing/footwear 6.9 We hardly manage to cover basic expenses 6.9 13.8 30.001-60.000 8.6 Less than 30.000 0.0 10.0 20.0 40.0 We manage to cover basic expenses, clothing /footwear, but not to buy home appliances/furniture 20.7 80.001-100.000 30.0 10.3 We can buy everything we need and apart from this to save for home appliances/furniture 3.4 120.001-150.000 20.0 Self assessment of economic status 24.1 I'd rather not say 10.0 30.0 40.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 47 LIFESTYLE PROFILE – POKER MACHINES, ELECTRONIC ROULETTE AND SIMILAR GAMES PLAYERS Life style Shopping and window-shopping Playing video games Watching television 3.38 2.66 Surfing Internet 3.24 Playing cards, chess, dominos… Walking 2.64 Reading books 3.07 2.52 Listening to music 3.47 Engaging in competing or recreational sports 2.38 2.29 Watching movies/ series at home Spending time with family or friends at home 2.91 2.48 2.22 3.43 Listening to radio Going out on family picnics, lunches, diners Going out to the movies 1.95 3.02 2.21 2.71 2.59 Reading magazines / journals 3.48 Reading daily newspapers Visiting private parties / gatherings 2.83 2.64 Going out to theaters Going out for concerts 3.24 Going out to restaurants Going out to clubs / discos Going out to cafés / pubs On the Scale 1 Never Base: 58 respondents 2 Rarely 3 Occasionally 4 Often 48 LIFESTYLE PROFILE – POKER MACHINES, ELECTRONIC ROULETTE AND SIMILAR GAMES PLAYERS Life style Average poker machines, electronic roulette and similar games player is Male, mostly between 18-39 years of age and single (around two thirds). More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games Reading books and going for walks More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities Listening to music and talking Although household economic status of electronic poker and roulette players is similar to general population distribution, when it comes to personal income every fifth has between 50.000-100.000 RSD (compared to 1 in 10 in general population). On average electronic poker and roulette players have similar leisure activities and interests as slot players - they lead more active lifestyle and engage in more contemporary/modern activities (going out to cafes/pubs, clubs/discos or visiting private parties and gatherings). Reading daily newspapers, surfing Internet, watching movies/series or TV, listening to music or spending time with family and friends at home is also important part of their routine. Most popular TV stations are Prva TV, RTS 1, TV B92 and TV Pink; most popular radio stations are Radio S and Radio Index, while most visited Internet sites are YouTube and Facebook (B92 and Blic follow). Base: 58 respondents 49 MEDIA CONSUMPTION – POKER MACHINES, ELECTRONIC ROULETTE AND SIM. GAMES PLAYERS Most often watched TV stations Life style Most often visited Internet sites 63.8 Prva TV 46.6 RTS 1 Other 44.8 TV B92 44.8 34.5 TV Pink 32.8 TV Avala 12.1 RTS 2 5.2 Happy TV 1.7 RT Vojvodina 1 Don't know 0.0 RT Vojvodina 2 0.0 1.7 Do not watch TV 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 70.0 46.6 Other 31.0 Radio S 19.0 Roadstar Radio 37.9 27.6 24.1 22.4 17.2 17.2 15.5 12.1 10.3 10.3 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 3.4 1.7 0.0 10.3 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 17.2 Radio B92 13.8 Radio Index Most often listened Radio stations 6.9 Beograd 202 5.2 Radio Fokus 3.4 Radio Beograd I program 1.7 Do not know 0.0 Radio Beograd II program 15.5 Do not listen to Radio Base: 58 respondents Multiple answers 60.0 62.1 60.3 Facebook YouTube Other B92 Wikipedia Blic Polovni automobili Krstarica Sportal Mondo Infostud Twitter Vukajlija Press Naslovi Kurir Limundo Do not know RTS Do not use Internet 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 50 1.5. “LIVE” GAMES 51 GAMING HABITS – “LIVE” GAMES Frequency of playing “live” games (Roulette, Poker, Black Jack...) 44.4 Less than once a month 8.9 1-2 times a week 3-4 times a week 4.4 5-6 times a week 4.4 0.0 10.0 20.0 2.001-5.000 RSD 22.2 1.001-2.000 RSD 22.2 11.1 501-1.000 RSD 13.3 201 - 500 RSD 2.2 Every day 6.7 5.001- 10.000 RSD 11.1 2-3 times a month 0.0 More than 20.000 RSD 10.001-20.000 RSD 24.4 Once a month Money spent monthly on playing (Roulette, Poker, Black Jack...) 4.4 Less than 200 RSD 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 45 respondents While core “live” games players visit places where they can play their games once a month or less, every fifth plays at least 1-2 times a week. Close to one third is spending up to 1.000 RSD a month, while every fourth is spending over 5.000 RSD. 52 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE – “LIVE” GAMES PLAYERS Gender Age 50.0 42.2 40.0 80.0 30.0 20.0 22.2 22.2 13.3 20.0 10.0 0.0 Base: 468 respondents Male 18-29 years of age Female Occupation Private farmer 0.0 Housewife 0.0 40-49 years of age 4.4 Retired or unable to work through illness 4.4 20.0 2.2 More than 100.000 8.9 80.001 - 100.000 2.2 15.6 50.001 - 80.000 8.9 Business proprietor (small business) 50-59 years of age Personal monthly income I'd rather not say Unemployed Business proprietor (large business) 30-39 years of age 26.7 30.001 - 50.000 24.4 Student 4.4 Manual worker 31.1 Employed (primary/secondary educ.) 0.0 10.0 20.0 13.3 Less than 15.000 13.3 0.0 20.0 Employed (university degree) 15.001 - 30.000 30.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 40.0 53 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE – “LIVE” GAMES PLAYERS Marital Status Household structure 80.0 1.7 Other 64.4 13.3 Lives with friends 60.0 37.8 Lives with other family members 40.0 4.4 Multigeneration family 24.4 20.0 13.3 Couple with cihld / children 8.9 11.1 Couple without children 2.2 0.0 2.2 Single with children Married Divorced Widowed Single 17.8 Single, no children Base: 468 respondents 0.0 Household monthly income We can buy everything we need and we don’t worry about money 17.8 More than 150.000 15.6 100.001-120.000 6.7 30.001-60.000 15.6 35.6 40.0 We manage to cover basic expenses, but not to buy clothing/footwear 15.6 60.001-80.000 40.0 We manage to cover basic expenses, clothing /footwear, but not to buy home appliances/furniture 11.1 80.001-100.000 30.0 We can buy everything we need and apart from this to save for home appliances/furniture 0.0 120.001-150.000 20.0 Self assessment of economic status 24.4 I'd rather not say 10.0 2.2 6.7 We hardly manage to cover basic expenses 8.9 Less than 30.000 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 54 LIFESTYLE PROFILE – “LIVE” GAMES PLAYERS Life style Shopping and window-shopping Playing video games Watching television 3.16 2.71 Surfing Internet 2.67 Reading books 2.93 2.60 3.29 Playing cards, chess, dominos… Walking 2.60 Listening to music 3.44 2.64 Watching movies/ series at home Spending time with family or friends at home 2.93 Engaging in competing or recreational sports Going out on family picnics, lunches, diners 2.49 3.33 2.49 Going out to the movies 2.16 2.70 Listening to radio 2.41 2.62 Reading magazines / journals 2.62 3.29 Reading daily newspapers Visiting private parties / gatherings 2.78 2.69 Going out to restaurants 3.11 Going out to theaters Going out for concerts Going out to clubs / discos Going out to cafés / pubs On the Scale 1 Never Base: 45 respondents 2 Rarely 3 Occasionally 4 Often 55 LIFESTYLE PROFILE – “LIVE” GAMES PLAYERS Life style Average “live” games player is single Male (only 1 out of 5 is Female), with relatively equal split between 18-29 and 30-49 years of age (around 40% in each age group). More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games Reading books and going for walks More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities Listening to music and talking Although “live” games players mostly have average personal income (around 30%), every fourth has between 50.000 – 100.000 RSD compared to 1 in 10 in general population. When it comes to household economic status 16% “can buy everything and does not worry about money” compared to around 6% in general population). Average “live” games players are mainly spending free time actively, in contemporary/modern and engaging activities (going out to cafes/pubs, private parties/gatherings, clubs, surfing the Internet). Visiting restaurants, watching TV, listening to music and reading daily newspapers are also important leisure time activities. Most popular TV stations are Prva TV, RTS 1, TV B92 and TV Avala. Radio S is the most often listened radio station, while most visited Internet sites are YouTube and Facebook (B92 and Blic follow). Base: 45 respondents 56 MEDIA CONSUMPTION – “LIVE” GAMES PLAYERS Most often watched TV stations Most often visited Internet sites 53.3 Prva TV 51.1 Other 48.9 RTS 1 37.8 TV B92 33.3 TV Avala 24.4 TV Pink 13.3 RTS 2 2.2 Happy TV Don't know 0.0 RT Vojvodina 2 0.0 RT Vojvodina 1 0.0 2.2 Do not watch TV 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 70.0 46.7 Other 28.9 Radio S 15.6 Radio Index 55.6 33.3 28.9 26.7 22.2 20.0 13.3 11.1 8.9 8.9 8.9 6.7 6.7 4.4 4.4 2.2 0.0 11.1 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 13.3 Roadstar Radio Radio Fokus 4.4 Radio B92 4.4 Do not know 0.0 Beograd 202 0.0 Radio Beograd II program 0.0 Radio Beograd I program 0.0 Most often listened Radio stations 31.1 Do not listen to Radio Base: 45 respondents Multiple answers 60.0 66.7 64.4 Facebook YouTube Other B92 Blic Wikipedia Vukajlija Mondo Sportal Twitter Polovni automobili Naslovi Infostud Press Krstarica RTS Kurir Do not know Limundo Do not use Internet 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 57 2. PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING 58 INCIDENCE OF PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING IN GENERAL POPULATION Incidence of Pathological Gambling in General Population Risk of Developing Gambling Addiction in General Population 96.4 3.6 ** * Base: 1000 respondents Pathological gamblers * Others *Note: Pathological gambling is indicated by 5 or more diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, American Psychiatric Association **Note: Risk of pathological gambling is indicated by 4 diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling ***Note: Diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders are in the appendix Incidence of pathological gambling (gambling addiction) in adult Belgrade population is 3.6%, with additional 2.5% of residents under risk of developing persistent and recurrent maladaptive gambling behavior. This suggests that in adult urban Belgrade population approximately 30.000 people are potential pathological gamblers, and approximately 20.000 are at risk. In EU member states the percentage of the population involved in problem and pathological gambling is generally estimated at 1.5 to 3%. According to international surveys, the United States and Australia top the list with 5% of their populations, while Norway is at the bottom with 0.2%. 59 INCIDENCE OF PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING IN GENERAL POPULATION Incidence of Pathological Gambling in Male and Female Population 0.9 * 6.6 100.0 Risk of Developing Gambling Addiction in Male and Female Population 80.0 60.0 93.4 99.1* 40.0 20.0 0.0 Male Female N=470 N=530 *Note: Red Asterisk denotes statistically significant difference compared to Male Incidence of pathological gambling and risk of developing gambling addiction among Male population in Belgrade is considerably higher compared to Female population. 60 INCIDENCE OF PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING IN GENERAL POPULATION Incidence of Pathological Gambling in age groups 2.8 2.7 5.2 100.0 3.4 80.0 60.0 94.8 97.3 96.6 97.2 40.0 20.0 0.0 18-29 years of age N=287 30-39 years of age N=223 40-49 years of age 50-59 years of age N=223 N=236 Difference among age groups regarding prevalence of pathological gambling and risk of developing gambling addiction are not confirmed, indicating similar prevalence of pathological and at-risk gambling in different groups (at the level of general adult population). Further studies should, however, be conducted on bigger sample size in order to obtain conclusive findings. Risk of Developing Gambling Addiction in age groups 61 INCIDENCE OF PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING IN GENERAL POPULATION Incidence of Pathological Gambling and Risk of Developing Gambling Addiction in Male and Female Population by age Higher prevalence of pathological gambling and risk of developing gambling addiction among Male compared to Female population is due to higher prevalence of pathological gambling and risk of developing gambling problem among Male under 30 and over 40 years of age compared to Female of same age. Male population is affected by pathological gambling and they show similar risk of developing maladaptive gambling behavior regardless of age (similar as Female population). 62 PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING INCIDENCE AMONG PLAYERS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF GAMBLING GAMES Incidence of Pathological Gambling among Players of Gambling Games 2.4 100.0 9.6 21.1 19.0 22.2 80.0 60.0 97.6 90.4 40.0 78.9 81.0 77.8 20.0 Incidence of pathological gambling and risk of developing gambling addiction is the lowest among games of chance players - at the level of general population. 0.0 Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) Sports betting Slot machines Electronic poker, "Live" games roulette and (Roulette, Poker, similar games Black Jack...) Risk of Developing Gambling Addiction among Players of Gambling Games Incidence of pathological gambling is considerably higher among sports betting players – around 10%, and the highest among slot and electronic games players and "live” games players – around 20%. Furthermore, players of sports betting, slot and electronic games players and “live” games players show considerably higher risk of developing maladaptive gambling behavior compared to general population average – around 7-9%. 63 PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING INCIDENCE AMONG PLAYERS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF GAMBLING GAMES Incidence of Pathological Gambling among Players of Gambling Games 2.4 100.0 9.6 19.5 22.2 80.0 60.0 97.6 90.4 40.0 80.5 77.8 20.0 0.0 Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) Sports betting Slot machines and other electronic games Incidence of pathological gambling and risk of developing gambling addiction are also considerably higher among players of electronic games in general (slot machines, poker machines, electronic roulette, etc.) compared to general adult population. "Live" games (Roulette, Poker, Black Jack...) Risk of Developing Gambling Addiction among Players of Gambling Games 64 CROSS-GAMING (CROSS REFERENCED GAMING HABITS) Cross-gaming (cross referenced gaming habits) 100.0 30.3 80.0 85.9% sports betting 77.7% games of chance 35.9% electronic games 34.4% electronic games 65.4% 69.2% games of chance 35.9% sports betting 56.1 12.0% 60.0 40.0 18.5% “live” games “live” games 35.9% “live” games 95.1 95.6 4.9 4.4 games of chance 67.4% sports betting 65.1% electronic games 69.7 43.9 20.0 0.0 Games of chance players Players playing only one type of game Sports betting players Electronic games players Players playing more than one type of game "Live" games players Base: Relevant groups of plazers of different tzpes of games Multiple answers Players who play two or more games most often play sports betting (around 85%), games of chance follow (around 78%), than electronic games (around 45%), and “live” games (around 25%). 65 PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING INCIDENCE AMONG PLAYERS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF GAMBLING GAMES Incidence of Pathological Gambling among Players who Play only One Type of Game * * *Note: Insufficient base Pathological gambling prevalence among players that play only games of chance is lower than in general population (around 0.6%), although these players have at-risk gambling prevalence at the level with general population. Prevalence of pathological gambling as well as the risk of developing gambling addiction among players that play only sports betting is, on the other hand, considerably higher compared to general population. 66 PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING INCIDENCE AMONG PLAYERS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF GAMBLING GAMES Incidence of Pathological Gambling among Players of Different Types of Gambling Games sports betting “live” games electronic games Players who play 3 or more games games of chance around 7.000 22.9 pathological gamblers Players who play 2 games 34.3 around 10.000 pathological gamblers sports betting “live” games app. 7.000 app. 3.500 electronic games app. 5.000 sports betting games of chance app. 1.750 app. 9.500 Players who play 1 game around 13.000 electronic games pathological gamblers 42.9 In total around 30.000 people can be considered as pathological gamblers in adult urban Belgrade population app. 1.750 67 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLERS Gender Age 50.0 41.7 40.0 86.1 30.0 16.7 20.0 13.9 22.2 19.4 10.0 0.0 Male 18-29 years of age Female Education (last level finished) 77.8 80.0 30-39 years of age Private farmer 0.0 Housewife 0.0 5.6 8.3 Retired or unable to work 0.0 Business proprietor (large business) 40.0 19.4 Student 20.0 2.8 5.6 Business proprietor (small business) 19.4 50-59 years of age Occupation Unemployed 60.0 40-49 years of age 0.0 13.9 Manual worker 36.1 Employed (primary/secondary educ.) 0.0 Primary school Base: 36 respondents Secondary school University degree (BSc/BA) Postgraduate (MA/MSc, PhD) 11.1 Employed (university degree) 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 68 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLERS Personal monthly income 16.7 I'd rather not say 2.0 More than 100.000 5.6 80.001 - 100.000 Marital status 8.3 50.001 - 80.000 30.6 30.001 - 50.000 60.0 25.0 15.001 - 30.000 50.0 13.9 Less than 15.000 0.0 10.0 40.0 20.0 30.0 50.0 40.0 33.3 30.0 13.9 20.0 2.8 10.0 0.0 Married Base: 36 respondents Divorced Widowed Single 69 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLERS Household Monthly Income 22.2 I'd rather not say 5.6 More than 150.000 2.8 120.001-150.000 13.9 100.001-120.000 Self assessment of economic status 16.7 80.001-100.000 60.001-80.000 13.9 30.001-60.000 13.9 We can buy everything we need and we don’t worry about money 11.1 Less than 30.000 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 0.0 33.3 Lives with other family members 55.6 13.9 2.8 We hardly manage to cover basic expenses 5.6 Multigeneration family 0.0 16.7 Couple with cihld / children 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 11.1 Couple without children 5.6 Single with children 16.7 Single, no children 0.0 Base: 36 respondents 19.4 We manage to cover basic expenses, but not to buy clothing and footwear 11.1 Lives with friends We can buy everything we need and apart from this to save for home appliances and furniture We manage to cover basic expenses, clothing and footwear, but not to buy home appliances and furniture Household Structure Other 8.3 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 70 LIFESTYLE PROFILE OF PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLERS Life style Shopping and window-shopping Playing video games 3.5 3.0 2.6 Surfing Internet 2.9 Listening to music Watching television Playing cards, chess, dominos… Walking Reading books 2.9 2.3 3.2 Engaging in competing or recreational sports 2.0 2.3 Watching movies/ series at home Spending time with family or friends at home 3.1 Going out on family picnics, lunches, diners 2.3 3.2 2.2 Going out to the movies 1.7 2.6 Listening to radio 2.1 2.6 Reading magazines / journals Reading daily3.6 newspapers Visiting private parties / gatherings 2.5 2.7 2.6 Going out to restaurants 3.1 Going out to theaters Going out for concerts Going out to clubs / discos Going out to cafés / pubs On the Scale 1 Never Base: 36 respondents 2 Rarely 3 Occasionally 4 Often 71 LIFESTYLE PROFILE OF PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLERS Life style Core of pathological gamblers are Male (only 14% are Female), mostly between 18-29 years of age (around 40%), with similar split across older age groups. More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities Majority have secondary school education, with 20% holding university degree. Two thirds of pathological gamblers are single or divorced (pathological gamblers have higher divorce rate compared to general population – around 14% compared to around 6%). Personal and household income, as well as household economic status of pathological gamblers are similar to general population distribution. Reading books and going for walks Base: 36 respondents Listening to music and talking On average pathological gamblers engage in more active and contemporary/modern leisure activities and interests, but also show high level of activity and interest regarding playing games such as cards, TV watching and reading daily newspapers. 72 3. CASINO AWARENESS AND VISITING 73 BRAND PERFORMANCE - CASINO AWARENESS AND VISITING IN TOTAL POPULATION Base: 1000 respondents Multiple answers Grand Casino is outperforming its competitors in terms of awareness, but has strong competition regarding visit in the past 3 months in Mozzart in general population. 74 BRAND PERFORMANCE - CASINO AWARENESS AND VISITING AMONG TARGET CUSTOMERS* Base: Target Customers Multiple answers *Note: Target Customers are between 20 and 50 years of age with total household income over 60.000 RSD **Note: Grin Arrow Mark denotes statistically significant increase compared to 2008 Red Arrow Mark denoted statistically significant decrease compared to 2008 Grand Casino marketing efforts in the past years resulted in positioning GCB as number one casino general population thinks about when they think of casinos (in the situation when they have specific needs connected to casinos they will think of GCB first). GCB main competitors – Alexandar and Mozzart improved regarding overall awareness since 2008, still behind Grand Casino. 75 BRAND PERFORMANCE - CASINO AWARENESS AND VISITING AMONG SLOT PLAYERS Base: 57 respondents Multiple answers Grand Casino is well positioned among slot players, with Mozzart and Alexandar proving to be important competitors in this target group – Mozzart especially regarding visit in the past 3 months. 76 BRAND PERFORMANCE - CASINO AWARENESS AND VISITING AMONG “LIVE” GAMES PLAYERS Base: 45 respondents Multiple answers Grand Casino has best overall positioning among “live” games players in current competitive environment, with Mozzart and Alexandar as main competitors considerably behind (especially regarding visit in the past 3 months). 77 4. GRAND CASINO IMAGE PROFILE AND BRAND PERFORMANCE 78 IMAGE ATTRIBUTES OF GRAND CASINO Base: Aware of Grand Casino Beograd 79 IMAGE ATTRIBUTES OF GRAND CASINO Base: Aware of Grand Casino Beograd Is well advertised Both for people putting small and big bets For people putting small bets 3.80 For people putting big bets 3.91 3.88 Casino that I trust International Casino 3.45 3.32 3.55 2.44 Not for people oriented towards family values* 4.114.06 4.04 3.93 Unattractive building * 2.33 2.14 2.37 2.23 3.17 3.53 3.59 3.77 3.52 3.81 3.65 More than just a Casino 3.41 1.53 1.52 2.87 For fun and entertainment 3.37 1.89 3.99 For ritch 4.05 3.91 3.07 3.17 4.51 Old fashined Casino * Casino for someone like me 3.53 3.45 3.57 3.40 4.57 4.14 4.07 3.77 3.51 For young 3.88 4.02 For exciting night life 3.49 For people that look for 3.89 something special For trendy nightlife with friends 4.05 3.23 3.66 3.21 3.68 3.77 3.44 3.21 3.37 3.93 3.56 3.61 3.91 For selfconfident people 3.77 3.89 4.16 4.18 For those who love adventure 4.09 4.11 4.12 3.66 3.81 For those who are open For people that live a full life Total 4.34 4.37 Modern Casino 3.82 4.02 4.16 3.81 3.89 For all that want to have good fun Slot machines players Attractive location 4.25 4.33 For people that enjoy For all generations luxury "Live" games players *Note: Items ‘Not for people oriented towards family values’, ‘Oldfashioned Casino’ and ‘Unattractive building’ are rated on the same scale as other items, as a result smaller average grades indicate better GCB performance on these items Grand Casino has a strongly developed image in general population. It is positioned as international, modern and luxurious place with good advertisement and attractive location. It is a place for rich people and people who love adventure, but not for people oriented towards family values. Grand Casino has better overall image performance among target audience – slot players and “live” games players. Apart from the above perception, target groups also distinguish it as more than a casino – it is a place for fun and entertainment, exciting night life and all generations. Target groups have higher overall identification with GCB compared to general population („Casino for People Like Me‟). On the Scale 1 I completely disagree 2 3 4 I mostly Neither agree I mostly disagree nor disagree agree 5 I completely 80 agree GCB BRAND PERFORMANCE IN TOTAL POPULATION Brand Performance Pyramid Base: 1000 respondents 81 GCB BRAND PERFORMANCE AMONG SLOT PLAYERS Brand Performance Pyramid Base: 57 respondents 82 GCB BRAND PERFORMANCE AMONG “LIVE” GAMES PLAYERS Brand Performance Pyramid Grand Casino performs better in target audience – slot and “live” games players compared to general population not just in terms of awareness and number of visitors, but also in terms of number of repeated visitors (intend to visit in the next 3 months) and visitors who identify with it („Casino for People Like Me‟). Base: 45 respondents 83 5. Grand Casino Visitors 84 INCIDENCE IN GENERAL POPULATION Have you ever visited Grand Casino? 88.8 11.2 Visited Grand Casino Not visited Grand Casino Base: 1000 respondents About 11% of the general population have visited Grand Casino since it was opened. 85 INCIDENCE IN GENERAL POPULATION Have you ever visited Grand Casino? 93.3 100.0 85.6* 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 6.7 14.4* 0.0 Yes No 2008 N=600 *Note: Red Asterisk denotes statistically significant difference compared to 2008 2011 N=585 Base: Population from 20 to 50 years of age with monthly household income over 60.000 Grand Casino is continuing to draw new visitors - about 14% of the general population from 20 to 50 years of age and with household monthly income over 60.000 RSD have visited Grand Casino since it was opened (increase compared to 2008). 86 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF GCB VISITORS Gender Age 50.0 66.1 40.2 40.0 29.5 33.9 30.0 17.0 20.0 13.4 10.0 Male Female 0.0 18-29 years of age Education (last level finished) 80.0 30-39 years of age 40-49 years of age Occupation 7.1 Unemployed 3.6 Retired or unable to work through illness 53.6 60.0 42.9 0.9 Business proprietor (large business) 40.0 6.3 Business proprietor (small business) 20.0 3.6 0.0 21.4 Student 3.6 Manual worker 0.0 Primary school Base: 112 respondents Secondary school University degree (BSc/BA) Postgraduate (MA/MSc, PhD) 50-59 years of age Employed (primary or secondary education) 28.6 Employed (university degree) 28.6 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 87 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF GCB VISITORS Personal monthly income 23.2 I'd rather not say 4.5 More than 100.000 RSD 9.8 80.001-100.000 RSD 13.4 50.001-80.000 RSD Marital status 24.1 30.001-50.000 RSD 9.8 15.001-30.000 RSD 80.0 63.4 15.2 Less than 15.000 RSD 60.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 40.0 28.6 20.0 6.3 1.8 0.0 Married Base: 112 respondents Divorced Widowed Single 88 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF GCB VISITORS Household monthly income 19.6 I'd rather not say Self assessment of economic status 17.9 More Than 150.000 RSD 3.6 120.001-150.000 RSD 14.3 100.001-120.000 RSD We can buy everything we need and we don’t worry about money 18.8 80.001-100.000 RSD We can buy everything we need and apart from this to save for home appliances and furniture 12.5 60.001-80.000 RSD 9.8 30.001-60.000 RSD 0.0 10.0 20.0 Household structure 30.0 40.0 50.0 45.5 We manage to cover basic expenses, but not to buy clothing and footwear 3.6 Other 0.9 We hardly manage to cover basic expenses 8.9 Lives with friends 3.6 0.0 37.5 Lives with other family members 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 6.3 Multigeneration family 19.6 Couple with cihld / children 8.9 Couple without children 2.7 Single with children 12.5 Single, no children Base: 112 respondents 36.6 We manage to cover basic expenses, clothing and footwear, but not to buy home appliances and furniture 3.6 Less than 30.000 RSD 13.4 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 89 LIFESTYLE PROFILE OF GCB VISITORS Life style Shopping and window-shopping Playing video games Watching television 2.81 3.13 Surfing Internet 3.30 2.36 2.43 Playing cards, chess, dominos… Walking Reading books 3.06 2.61 Listening to music 3.46 2.56 Watching movies/ series at home Spending time with family or friends at home 3.17 2.57 3.45 2.53 Engaging in competing or recreational sports Going out on family picnics, lunches, diners Going out to the movies 2.23 2.78 2.37 Listening to radio 2.82 Reading magazines / journals 2.58 3.29 Reading daily newspapers Visiting private parties / gatherings 2.73 2.75 Going out to restaurants 3.16 Going out to theaters Going out for concerts Going out to clubs / discos Going out to cafés / pubs On the Scale 1 Never Base: 112 respondents 2 Rarely 3 Occasionally 4 Often 90 LIFESTYLE PROFILE OF GCB VISITORS Life style Current visitors of Grand Casino are mostly single younger men from 18 to 39 years of age (around one third of visitors are Female). About half of GCB visitors holds at least a university degree. More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games Reading books and going for walks Base: 112 respondents More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities Listening to music and talking Average Grand Casino visitor has personal income over 30.000 RSD, with every fourth having over 50.000 compared to somewhat over 1 in 10 in general population. When it comes to household economic status around half “can buy everything they need and manages to save for home appliances/furniture” or “can buy everything and does not worry about money” compared to around 30% in general population. On average GCB visitors engage in more active, modern/contemporary and exciting leisure activities and interests, but also show high level of activity and interest regarding more conservative and stiller pastimes such as going out to restaurants. Most popular TV stations are Prva TV, RTS 1 and TV B92. Most popular radio stations are Radio S, while most visited Internet sites are YouTube and Facebook (B92 follows). 91 MEDIA CONSUMPTION OF GCB VISITORS Most often watched TV stations Most often visited Internet sites 52.7 Prva TV 63.4 Facebook 50.9 RTS 1 65.2 YouTube 43.8 Other 50.0 TV B92 41.1 Other 27.7 24.1 Blic 15.2 Infostud 34.8 TV Pink 30.4 B92 Wikipedia 14.3 Krstarica TV Avala 12.5 Sportal 27.7 12.5 Mondo 17.9 RTS 2 8.9 Polovni automobili 8.9 Twitter 2.7 Do not watch TV 9.8 Naslovi 3.6 Happy TV 11.6 Vukajlija 7.1 Press 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 5.4 Limundo 4.5 Kurir 3.6 RTS 47.3 Other 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 9.8 Roadstar Radio 8.9 Radio Index Do not know 3.6 Radio Fokus 3.6 Beograd 202 3.6 Most often listened Radio stations 2.7 Radio Beograd I program 25.0 Do not listen to Radio Base: 112 respondents Multiple answers 0.0 13.4 Radio B92 9.8 Do not use Internet 29.5 Radio S 0.9 Do not know 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 92 GAMING HABITS OF GCB VISITORS Games of chance and gambling games played 60.0 53.6 43.8 33.0 40.0 31.3 34.8 20.0 0.0 Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) Sports betting Slot machines Electronic "Live" games poker, (Roulette, roulette and Poker, Black similar games Jack...) Base: 112 respondents Multiple answers Around half of Grand Casino visitors play games of chance and sports betting, while around one third play slot machines, other electronic games and “live” games. 93 GAMING HABITS OF GCB VISITORS Cross-gaming (cross referenced gaming habits) *Note: Red Circle Mark denotes highest values, Blue Circle Mark denotes values that follow Between 50%-60% of GCB visitors slot machines players also play poker machines, electronic roulette and similar games, and vice versa. In total around half of Grand Casino visitors play some type of electronic games. Furthermore between 50%-60% of slot players also play “live” games. Close to half of “live” games players show interest for slot machines and other electronic games, although sports betting is more popular (around 65%). Percentage of players of electronic games (slot machines, poker machines, electronic poker…) 60.0 53.6 44.6 43.8 34.8 40.0 20.0 0.0 Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) Base: 112 respondents Multiple answers Sports betting Slot machines and other electronic games "Live" games (Roulette, Poker, Black Jack...) 94 GAMING HABITS – GAMES OF CHANCE Frequency of playing How much do you spend 32.7 Less than once a month 16.3 Once a month 18.4 2-3 times a month More than 20.000 RSD 0.0 10.001-20.000 RSD 0.0 5.001- 10.000 RSD 0.0 2.001-5.000 RSD 0.0 28.6 1-2 times a week 6.1 1.001-2.000 RSD 3-4 times a week 2.0 5-6 times a week 2.0 10.2 501-1.000 RSD 0.0 Every day 0.0 44.9 201 - 500 RSD 38.8 Less than 200 RSD 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 49 respondents While one half of GCB visitors play games of chance 1-2 times a week to 2-3 times a month, other half plays once a month or less. Majority of games of chance players are spending up to 500 RSD a month. 95 GAMING HABITS – SPORTS BETTING Frequency of playing How much do you spend 13.3 Less than once a month 1.7 Once a month 0.0 10.001-20.000 RSD 0.0 1.7 5.001- 10.000 RSD 23.3 2-3 times a month More than 20.000 RSD 5.0 2.001-5.000 RSD 40.0 1-2 times a week 1.001-2.000 RSD 25.0 501-1.000 RSD 25.0 11.7 3-4 times a week 6.7 5-6 times a week 3.3 Every day 0.0 10.0 31.7 201 - 500 RSD 11.7 Less than 200 RSD 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 60 respondents Core of GCB visitors which play sports betting do so 1-2 times a week to 2-3 times a month, while every fifth plays from 3-4 times a week to every day. Majority is spending up to 2.000 RSD a month. 96 GAMING HABITS – SLOT MACHINES Frequency of playing How much do you spend 48.6 Less than once a month 24.3 Once a month 10.8 2-3 times a month 0.0 More than 20.000 RSD 10.001-20.000 RSD 2.7 5.001- 10.000 RSD 2.7 8.1 2.001-5.000 RSD 5.4 1-2 times a week 24.3 1.001-2.000 RSD 5.4 3-4 times a week 18.9 501-1.000 RSD 0.0 5-6 times a week 5.4 Every day 0.0 32.4 201 - 500 RSD 10.0 10.8 Less than 200 RSD 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 37 respondents Most of GCB visitors play slot machines once a month or less (close to 75%), with 1 out of 10 visiting places where they can play their game 3-4 times a week to every day. They mainly spend between 200 and 2.000 RSD a month. 97 GAMING HABITS – SLOT MACHINES Where do you play most often? 80.0 64.9 60.0 40.0 29.7 18.9 20.0 5.4 10.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 0.0 Grand Casino Alexandar Mozzart London Admiral Meridian Balkan Bet Rio Base: 37 respondents Multiple answers Close to two third of Grand Casino visitors slot players most often play their game in GCB, while 20-30% most often visits Alexandar and Mozzart. 98 GAMING HABITS – POKER MACHINES, ELECTRONIC ROULETTE AND SIMILAR GAMES Frequency of playing How much do you spend 45.7 Less than once a month 22.9 5.001- 10.000 RSD 17.1 2-3 times a month 5.7 10.001-20.000 RSD 20.0 Once a month 0.0 More than 20.000 RSD 5.7 2.001-5.000 RSD 5.7 1-2 times a week 28.6 1.001-2.000 RSD 8.6 3-4 times a week 17.1 501-1.000 RSD 0.0 5-6 times a week 2.9 Every day 0.0 8.6 201 - 500 RSD 10.0 11.4 Less than 200 RSD 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 37 respondents Majority of GCB visitors players of electronic games play their game once a month or less. Close to half spends between 500 and 2.000 RSD a month, with every third spending over 5.000 RSD. 99 GAMING HABITS – “LIVE” GAMES Frequency of playing How much do you spend 41.0 Less than once a month 2-3 times a month 10.3 1-2 times a week 10.3 7.7 10.001-20.000 RSD 25.6 Once a month 0.0 More than 20.000 RSD 17.9 5.001- 10.000 RSD 25.6 2.001-5.000 RSD 23.1 1.001-2.000 RSD 3-4 times a week 5.1 5-6 times a week 5.1 10.3 501-1.000 RSD 2.6 Every day 0.0 10.0 0.0 201 - 500 RSD 15.4 Less than 200 RSD 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 39 respondents Core of GCB visitors “live” games players engage in their game once a month or less, while somewhat over 1 out of 10 play from 3-4 times a week to every day. Around half spends between 1.000 and 5.000 RSD a month, whereas every fourth spends over 5.000 RSD. 100 BRAND PERFORMANCE - CASINO AWARENESS AND VISITING AMONG GCB VISITORS Base: 112 respondents Multiple answers Among the Grand Casino visitors, this casino has superior performance, with higher advantage compared to main competitors Alexandar and Mozzart than in general population. 101 IMAGE ATTRIBUTES OF GRAND CASINO AMONG GCB VISITORS Base: Aware and Ever visited Grand Casino Beograd 102 IMAGE ATTRIBUTES OF GRAND CASINO AMONG GCB VISITORS Base: 112 respondents Both for people putting small and big bets For people putting small bets Is well advertised 4.10 Old fashioned Casino * Casino for someone like me For people putting big bets For fun and entertainment 3.54 Casino that I trust 3.67 4.06 3.33 3.31 More than just a Casino 4.13 International Casino 3.33 Unattractive building* 1.42 4.45 2.17 For rich 3.55 3.95 Not for people oriented towards family values * 3.48 3.90 3.71 For people that look for something special For young 4.49 For exciting night life Modern Casino 3.63 4.13 For trendy nightlife with friends For self-confident people 3.66 4.24 3.84 For those who are open For people that live a full life 3.78 3.76 4.01 For all that want to have good fun 4.31 For those who love adventure Grand Casino has similar image perception among its visitors as among target audience of slot and “live” games players. It is positioned as international, modern and luxurious place with good advertisement and attractive location. It is more than a casino - a place for fun, entertainment and exciting night life for rich people and people who are open and love adventure. Attractive location For people that enjoy luxury For all generations GCB Visitors *Note: Items ‘Not for people oriented towards family values’, ‘Oldfashioned Casino’ and ‘Unattractive building’ are rated on the same scale as other items, as a result smaller average grades indicate better GCB performance on these items On the Scale 1 I completely disagree 2 3 4 I mostly Neither agree I mostly disagree nor disagree agree 5 I completely 103 agree EVALUATION OF GRAND CASINO EXPERIENCE Why have you decided to visit Grand Casino for the first time? 35.7 Recommendation / because of friends/relatives 25.9 Out of curiosity 11.6 For the restaurants 8.9 For fun Because of the free voucher 8.0 I was trying my luck / I wanted to see if I can win some money 8.0 Because I liked the ad / because of the tempting ad 3.6 Because they have real roulette table 3.6 For "live" games" 2.7 Because it is big, luxurious, glamorous 2.7 1.8 To try roulette Because of the promotional / free drinks 0.9 Because of promotional bonuses 0.9 Because it is something new 0.9 Because of the location 0.9 Because they host popular musicians / bends 0.9 0.0 Base: 112 respondents Multiple answers 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 104 EVALUATION OF GRAND CASINO EXPERIENCE Why have you decided to visit Grand Casino for the first time? Recommendation / because of friends/relatives 27.5 25.0 Out of curiosity For the restaurants 10.0 8.3 For fun I was trying my luck / I wanted to see if I can win some money 0.0 Because of the free voucher 0.0 For roulette 30.0 13.1 15.0 8.3 8.3 2.5 4.8 3.6 5.0 Because I liked the ad / because of the tempting ad Because it is big, luxurious, glamorous As in previous period most often reasons for initial visiting of Grand Casino are recommendation and influence of friends and family and personal curiosity; restaurants follow. 3.6 0.0 2.3 2.5 For "live" games" Because of promotional bonuses 1.2 0.0 Because it is something new 1.2 0.0 Because of the promotional / free drinks 1.2 0.0 Because of the location 1.2 0.0 0.0 I like casinos 5.0 1.2 2.5 Because they host popular musicians / bends 0.0 I walked by 0.0 Base: Respondents from 20 to 50 years of age with household monthly income over 60.000 RSD Multiple answers 34.5 2.5 10.0 20.0 30.0 2011 2008 N=84 N=40 40.0 105 EVALUATION OF GRAND CASINO EXPERIENCE How did you find out about Grand Casino? 58.9 Word of mouth (recommendation) 23.2 From a bilboard 8.9 Nespapers ad From the promotion 6.3 59.5 Word of mouth (recommendation) I saw GCB building (in a walk, from a car, bus…) 4.5 From a flyer 4.5 Radio ad 4.5 Base: 112 respondents Multiple answers How did you find out about Grand Casino? Internet ad 2.7 TV ad 1.8 I don't know 2.7 27.4 From a bilboard On the promotion 7.1 5.0 From a flyer 6.0 5.0 Nespapers ad 6.0 2.5 Radio ad 3.6 5.0 Saw it on the Internet 2.4 5.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 Word of mouth and billboard advertisement have the highest impact on Grand Casino awareness among its visitors – similar as in previous period. TV ad 1.2 0.0 I saw GCB building (in a walk, from a car, bus…) 1.2 0.0 72.5 42.5 Base: Respondents from 20 to 50 years of age with household monthly income over 60.000 RSD Multiple answers 3.6 5.0 I don't know 0.0 20.0 2011 N=84 40.0 60.0 80.0 2008 N=40 106 EVALUATION OF GRAND CASINO EXPERIENCE Which types of Grand Casino entertainment have you tried out so far? Ever visited GCB 57.1 Roulette Visited GCB in the past 3 months 46.4 Slot machines Restaurant Ginger 24.1 Roulette Black Jack 23.2 Slot masine 18.8 Restaurant Diva 70.8 52.1 31.3 Black Jack Restaurant Chameleon 13.4 Mystery Jackpot 13.4 Restaurant Ginger 22.9 Texas Hold`em 12.5 Mystery Jackpot 22.9 9.8 Ultimate Texas Poker 20.8 Restaurant Chameleon 7.1 Piano bar 25.0 Restaurant Diva 18.8 Texas Hold`em Casino Stud Poker 5.4 Ultimate Texas Poker Other 4.5 Piano bar Three card Poker 3.6 Other Don't know 3.6 Three card Poker 4.2 Casino Stud Poker 4.2 0.0 Base: 112 respondents Multiple answers 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 12.5 10.4 6.3 2.1 Don't know 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 Base: 48 respondents Multiple answers 107 EVALUATION OF GRAND CASINO EXPERIENCE Which types of Grand Casino entertainment have you tried out so far? Ever visited GCB Roulette 50.0 54.8 36.9 40.0 Slot machines Ginger 29.8 2.5 * 21.4 22.5 Black Jack „Ginger‟ popularity increased, while „Mystery Jackpot‟ popularity decreased among Grand Casino visitors since previous period. 19.0 17.5 Diva Chameleon 16.7 10.0 13.1 Other Texas Hold'em 7.5 22.5 10.7 8.3 Piano bar 20.0 6.0 Mystery Jackpot 4.8 Casino Poker 42.5 * 15.0 3.6 2.5 3 Card Poker 3.6 5.0 I don't know 0.0 10.0 20.0 2011 N=84 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 2008 N=40 *Note: Red Asterisk denotes statistically significant difference compared to 2011 Base: Respondents from 20 to 50 years of age with household monthly income over 60.000 RSD Multiple answers 108 EVALUATION OF GRAND CASINO EXPERIENCE General evaluation of Grand Casino Base: Respondents from 20 to 50 years of age with household monthly income over 60.000 RSD Grand Casino is keeping its appeal since previous period in general, with somewhat increased number of its visitors with ambivalent attitude („I neither like it nor dislike it‟). 109 EVALUATION OF GRAND CASINO EXPERIENCE Satisfaction with specific aspects of Grand Casino service 5.00 4.59 4.00 4.47 4.16 4.64 4.61 4.20 3.75 3.00 2.00 1.00 Interior Music Atmosphere Personnel Courtesy and Attitude Hygiene Security Prices Base: 112 respondents On the Scale 1 Not at all satisfied 2 3 4 Mostly not Neither satisfied Mostly satisfied nor dissatisfied satisfied 5 Completely satisfied 110 EVALUATION OF GRAND CASINO EXPERIENCE What is it that you like about Grand Casino? Base: 112 respondents Multiple answers What is it that you don’t like about Grand Casino? 111 6. Potential visitors of Grand Casino (haven‟t visited Grand Casino so far but intend to do so within next 3 months) 112 INCIDENCE IN GENERAL POPULATION Potential visitors – Do you intent to visit Grand Casino in the next 3 months? 84.2 13.0 2.8 Yes Maybe No Base: 1000 respondents Around 16% of the general population can be considered as potential Grand Casino visitors – they have not visited Grand Casino Beograd yet, but either intend to do so or would consider it during the next 3 months. 113 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS Gender Age 60.0 53.8 50.0 66.5 40.0 30.0 33.5 21.5 17.7 20.0 7.0 10.0 0.0 Male 18-29 years of age Female Education (last level finished) 80.0 62.7 30-39 years of age Private farmer 0.6 Housewife 0.6 14.6 2.5 Retired or unable to work 32.9 40.0 0.6 Business proprietor (large business) 20.0 2.5 1.9 0.0 Primary school Secondary school University degree (BSc/BA) Postgraduate (MA/MSc, PhD) 1.9 Business proprietor (small business) 21.5 Student 7.0 Manual worker 24.7 Employed (primary/secondary educ.) 25.9 Employed (university degree) Base: 158 respondents 50-59 years of age Occupation Unemployed 60.0 40-49 years of age 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 114 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS Personal monthly income 29.7 I'd rather not say 0.6 More than 100.000 1.9 80.001 - 100.000 8.2 50.001 - 80.000 Marital status 29.1 30.001 - 50.000 16.5 15.001 - 30.000 60.0 13.9 Less than 15.000 65.2 70.0 50.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 40.0 30.4 30.0 20.0 10.0 3.2 1.3 Divorced Widowed 0.0 Married Base: 158 respondents Single 115 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS Household monthly income 17.7 I'd rather not say 1.3 More than 150.000 3.2 120.001-150.000 Self assessment of economic status 8.2 100.001-120.000 22.2 80.001-100.000 23.4 60.001-80.000 We can buy everything we need and we don’t worry about money 20.9 30.001-60.000 3.2 Less than 30.000 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 Base: 158 respondents Household structure 31.0 55.1 5.1 We hardly manage to cover basic expenses 8.2 Lives with friends We can buy everything we need and apart from this to save for home appliances and furniture We manage to cover basic expenses, clothing / footwear, but not to buy home appliances / furniture We manage to cover basic expenses, but not to buy clothing and footwear 1.9 Other 2.5 34.8 Lives with other family members 6.3 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 7.6 Multigeneration family 18.4 Couple with cihld / children 11.4 Couple without children 1.3 Single with children 16.5 Single, no children 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 116 LIFESTYLE PROFILE OF POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS Life style Shopping and window-shopping Playing video games Watching television 3.42 Playing cards, chess, dominos… Walking 2.78 Surfing Internet 3.11 2.25 2.32 Reading books 2.95 Engaging in competing or recreational sports 2.53 Listening to music 3.35 2.31 Watching movies/ series at home 3.03 Going out on family picnics, lunches, diners 2.39 Spending time with 3.51 family or friends at home 2.27 Going out to the movies 2.05 2.93 Listening to radio 2.18 2.67 Reading magazines / journals 2.47 3.39 Reading daily newspapers Visiting private parties / gatherings 2.63 2.62 Going out to restaurants 3.00 Going out to theaters Going out for concerts Going out to clubs / discos Going out to cafés / pubs On the Scale 1 Never Base: 158 respondents 2 Rarely 3 Occasionally 4 Often 117 LIFESTYLE PROFILE OF POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS Life style Core of potential GCB visitors are Male (with 1 out of 3 being Female), mostly between 18-39 years of age (3 out of 4), and single (around two thirds). More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games Reading books and going for walks Base: 158 respondents More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities Listening to music and talking Personal and household income, as well as household economic status of potential GCB visitors are similar to general population distribution. On average potential GCB visitors engage in more active, modern/contemporary and exciting leisure activities and interests, but also show relatively high level of activity and interest regarding TV watching and reading daily newspapers or for more conservative and tranquil spare time activities such as shopping and window-shopping or visiting restaurants. Most popular TV stations are Prva TV, RTS 1, TV B92 and TV Pink. Most popular radio station is Radio S, while most visited Internet sites are YouTube and Facebook (Blic and B92 follow). 118 MEDIA CONSUMPTION OF POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS Most often watched TV stations Most often visited Internet sites 65.8 Prva TV 54.4 RTS 1 47.5 Other 46.2 TV B92 44.3 TV Pink 24.7 TV Avala 11.4 RTS 2 7.6 Happy TV Do not know 0.6 RT Vojvodina 1 0.6 1.9 Do not watch TV 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 70.0 46.8 Other 24.7 Radio S 13.9 Radio B92 Roadstar Radio 12.7 Radio Index 12.0 Beograd 202 7.6 Do not know 7.0 34.2 21.5 18.4 17.1 12.7 10.8 9.5 8.9 5.7 5.7 5.1 5.1 5.1 3.8 3.8 3.2 0.6 14.6 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Most often listened Radio stations 5.7 Radio Beograd I program 4.4 Radio Fokus 0.6 Radio Beograd II program 14.6 Do not listen to Radio Base: 158 respondents Multiple answers 60.0 62.0 61.4 YouTube Facebook Other Wikipedia Blic B92 Krstarica Sportal Infostud Mondo Polovni automobili Naslovi Vukajlija Press Twitter RTS Limundo Kurir Do not know Do not use Internet 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 119 GAMING HABITS OF POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS Games of chance and gambling games played 80.0 54.4 60.1 60.0 40.0 9.5 20.0 9.5 3.2 0.0 Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) Sports betting Slot machines Poker machines, electronic roulette and similar games "Live" games (Roulette, Poker, Black Jack...) Base: 158 respondents Multiple answers Over half of potential Grand Casino visitors play games of chance and sports betting, while 1 out of 10 plays slot machines and other electronic games. “Live” games are less popular (around 3%). 120 GAMING HABITS OF GCB VISITORS Cross-gaming (cross referenced gaming habits) * *Note: Red Circle Mark denotes highest values, Blue Circle Mark denotes values that follow * * **Note: Red Asterisk Mark denotes insufficient base Percentage of players of electronic games (slot machines, poker machines, electronic poker…) 80.0 54.4 60.1 60.0 In total around 15% of potential Grand Casino visitors play some type of electronic games. 40.0 13.9 20.0 3.2 0.0 Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) Base: 158 respondents Multiple answers Sports betting Slot machines "Live" games and other (Roulette, Poker, electronic Black Jack...) games 121 GAMING HABITS – GAMES OF CHANCE Frequency of playing How much do you spend 19.8 Less than once a month 27.9 2-3 times a month 1.2 10.001-20.000 RSD 24.4 Once a month 0.0 More than 20.000 RSD 5.001- 10.000 RSD 0.0 2.001-5.000 RSD 0.0 25.6 1-2 times a week 3.5 1.001-2.000 RSD 2.3 3-4 times a week 23.3 501-1.000 RSD 5-6 times a week 0.0 Every day 0.0 0.0 38.4 201 - 500 RSD 33.7 Less than 200 RSD 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 86 respondents While one half of potential GCB visitors play games of chance 1-2 times a week to 2-3 times a month, other half plays once a month or less. Majority of games of chance players are spending up to 1.000 RSD a month. 122 GAMING HABITS – SPORTS BETTING Frequency of playing How much do you spend 10.5 Less than once a month 6.3 Once a month 0.0 10.001-20.000 RSD 0.0 1.1 5.001- 10.000 RSD 21.1 2-3 times a month More than 20.000 RSD 13.7 2.001-5.000 RSD 41.1 1-2 times a week 26.3 1.001-2.000 RSD 12.6 3-4 times a week 23.2 501-1.000 RSD 5.3 5-6 times a week 3.2 Every day 0.0 25.3 201 - 500 RSD 10.5 Less than 200 RSD 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 95 respondents Core of potential GCB visitors which play sports betting do so 1-2 times a week to 2-3 times a month, while every fifth plays from 3-4 times a week to every day. Majority is spending up to 2.000 RSD a month. 123 GAMING HABITS – SLOT MACHINES Frequency of playing How much do you spend 53.3 Less than once a month 0.0 5.001- 10.000 RSD 26.7 2-3 times a month 6.7 10.001-20.000 RSD 6.7 Once a month 0.0 More than 20.000 RSD 13.3 2.001-5.000 RSD 6.7 1-2 times a week 1.001-2.000 RSD 20.0 501-1.000 RSD 20.0 6.7 3-4 times a week 5-6 times a week 0.0 Every day 0.0 0.0 13.3 201 - 500 RSD 26.7 Less than 200 RSD 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 *Note: Insufficient base Base: 15 respondents 80.0 66.7 60.0 Where do you play most often? 40.0 26.7 26.7 20.0 13.3 20.0 6.7 6.7 0.0 Base: 15 respondents Multiple answers Alexandar Mozzart Fontana Meridian Balkan Bet Royal Moulin Rouge 124 GAMING HABITS – POKER MACHINES, ELECTRONIC ROULETTE AND SIMILAR GAMES Frequency of playing How much do you spend 46.7 Less than once a month 2-3 times a month 20.0 1-2 times a week 20.0 6.7 10.001-20.000 RSD 13.3 Once a month 0.0 More than 20.000 RSD 5.001- 10.000 RSD 0.0 2.001-5.000 RSD 0.0 33.3 1.001-2.000 RSD 3-4 times a week 0.0 5-6 times a week 0.0 Every day 0.0 26.7 501-1.000 RSD 0.0 20.0 201 - 500 RSD 13.3 Less than 200 RSD 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 *Note: Insufficient base Base: 15 respondents 125 GAMING HABITS – “LIVE” GAMES Frequency of playing How much do you spend 80.0 Less than once a month 20.0 Once a month 2-3 times a month 0.0 1-2 times a week 0.0 More than 20.000 RSD 0.0 10.001-20.000 RSD 0.0 20.0 5.001- 10.000 RSD 0.0 2.001-5.000 RSD 3-4 times a week 0.0 5-6 times a week 0.0 Every day 0.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 1.001-2.000 RSD 20.0 501-1.000 RSD 20.0 201 - 500 RSD 20.0 Less than 200 RSD 20.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 *Note: Insufficient base Base: 5 respondents 126 BRAND PERFORMANCE - CASINO AWARENESS AND VISITING AMONG POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS Base: 158 respondents Multiple answers Among the potential Grand Casino visitors, this casino leads regarding awareness and is considered for visiting, indicating that further marketing efforts should be directed into encouraging trial (initial) visit. Mozzart is the GCB‟s main competitor in this target group. 127 CASINO VISITING HABITS AMONG POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS Do you visit casinos? 78.5 How often do you visit casinos? 21.5 50.0 35.3 40.0 30.0 Visiting casinos Base: 158 respondents Not visiting casinos 17.6 20.0 17.6 11.8 11.8 5.6 10.0 0.0 0.0 Every day 5-6 times a week 3-4 times a week 1-2 times a week 2-3 times a month Base: 34 respondents Once a month Less than once a month One out of five potential visitors of Grand Casino visits casinos. Half of those who visit casinos do it once a month or less, while 1 out of 3 visits casinos from 1-2 times a week to every day. 128 CASINO VISITING HABITS AMONG POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS How did you find out about Grand Casino Belgrade? 32.9 From a bilboard 31.0 Word of mouth (recommendation) 13.3 Nespapers ad TV ad 8.2 Radio ad 7.6 On promotion 4.4 From a flyer 3.8 I saw GCB building (in a walk, from a car, bus…) 3.8 Internet ad 0.6 I don't know 0.6 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Base: 158 respondents 129 BRAND PERFORMANCE – GRAND CASINO IMAGE AMONG POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS Base: Aware of Grand Casino Beograd and haven’t visited GCB so far but intend to do so within next 3 months 130 BRAND PERFORMANCE – GRAND CASINO IMAGE AMONG POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS Base: 158 respondents Is well advertised Both for people putting small and big bets For people putting small 3.95 bets For people putting big bets For fun and entertainment 3.41 3.85 Casino that I trust Old fashined Casino * Casino for someone like me 3.69 3.08 More than just a Casino 2.76 3.68 International Casino 2.78 4.02 Unattractive building* 1.65 2.37 For ritch 3.56 3.94 Not for people oriented towards family values * 3.58 3.79 3.82 For people that look for something special 4.24 For young For exciting night life Modern Casino 3.54 For trendy nightlife with friends 4.17 For those who love Grand Casino has relatively similar image perception among its potential visitors as among its current visitors – it positions as international, modern, luxurious place for those who want to have good fun. Potential visitors, however, also perceive it as place that offers something special for rich people and those who are putting big bets. adventure 3.53 4.09 For selfconfident people 3.73 3.75 For those who are open For people that live a full life 3.59 3.96 4.17 Attractive location For people that enjoy luxury For all generations For all that want to have good fun *Note: Items ‘Not for people oriented towards family values’, ‘Oldfashioned Casino’ and ‘Unattractive building’ are rated on the same scale as other items, as a result smaller average grades indicate better GCB performance on these items On the Scale 1 I completely disagree 2 3 4 I mostly Neither agree I mostly disagree nor disagree agree 5 I completely 131 agree 7. Grand Casino rejecters (casino players who do not intend to visit Grand Casino within next 3 months) 132 INCIDENCE IN GENERAL POPULATION Rejecters 86.4 10.9 2.7 Casino players GCB rejecters Casino players who visited GCB Others Base: 1000 respondents Around 3% of the general population can be considered as Grand Casino rejecters – they are visiting other casinos whereas they do not to intend to visit GCB. 133 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF GCB REJECTERS Gender Age 60.0 50.0 85.2 40.7 40.0 25.9 30.0 14.8 20.0 14.8 18.5 10.0 0.0 Male 18-29 years of age Female Education (last level finished) 70.4 80.0 60.0 30-39 years of age 40-49 years of age Occupation Private farmer 0.0 Housewife 0.0 11.1 Unemployed 40.0 22.2 20.0 3.7 3.7 50-59 years of age Retired or unable to work 0.0 Business proprietor (large business) 0.0 Business proprietor (small business) 0.0 25.9 Student 0.0 Primary school Secondary school University degree (BSc/BA) Postgraduate (MA/MSc, PhD) 18.5 Manual worker 25.9 Employed (primary/secondary educ.) 18.5 Employed (university degree) Base: 27 respondents *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 134 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF GCB REJECTERS Personal monthly income 33.3 I'd rather not say 3.7 More than 100.000 7.4 80.001 - 100.000 3.7 50.001 - 80.000 Marital status 33.3 30.001 - 50.000 11.1 15.001 - 30.000 70.0 7.4 Less than 15.000 0.0 10.0 60.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 48.1 48.1 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 3.7 10.0 0.0 0.0 Married Divorced Widowed Single Base: 27 respondents *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents 135 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF GCB REJECTERS Household monthly income Self assessment of economic status 40.7 I'd rather not say More than 150.000 3.7 120.001-150.000 3.7 We can buy everything we need and we don’t worry about money 14.8 100.001-120.000 We can buy everything we need and apart from this to save for home appliances and furniture 18.5 80.001-100.000 7.4 30.001-60.000 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Household structure 7.4 0.0 We hardly manage to cover basic expenses 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 3.7 Other 11.1 Lives with friends 37.0 Lives with other family members 7.4 Multigeneration family 29.6 Couple with cihld / children 3.7 Couple without children 0.0 Single with children 7.4 Single, no children Base: 27 respondents 85.2 We manage to cover basic expenses, but not to buy clothing and footwear 0.0 Less than 30.000 7.4 We manage to cover basic expenses, clothing and footwear, but not to buy home appliances and furniture 11.1 60.001-80.000 0.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents 100.0 136 LIFESTYLE PROFILE OF GCB REJECTERS Life style Shopping and window-shopping Playing video games Surfing Internet 2.56 Watching television 3.22 Playing cards, chess, dominos… Walking 2.89 3.26 3.00 Listening to music Reading books 2.33 2.56 3.33 Engaging in competing or recreational sports 2.26 Watching movies/ series at home Spending time with family or friends at home Listening to radio 2.89 Going out on family picnics, lunches, diners 2.04 2.22 3.37 Going out to the movies 1.81 3.04 2.15 2.70 Reading daily3.59 newspapers Visiting private parties / gatherings 2.37 2.11 Reading magazines / journals Going out for concerts 2.89 2.89 Going out to restaurants Going out to theaters Going out to clubs / discos Going out to cafés / pubs Base: 27 respondents *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents On the Scale 1 Never 2 Rarely 3 Occasionally 4 Often 137 LIFESTYLE PROFILE OF GCB REJECTERS Life style Majority of GCB rejecters are Male up to 18-29 or above 40 years of age. More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities They assess that they can manage to cover household expenses with family monthly income, but not to save for furniture or home appliances (around 85%). More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games Reading books and going for walks Listening to music and talking On average potential GCB rejecter spends its free time in more active, modern/contemporary and engaging activities and interests (such as going to cafes/pubs, private parties and gatherings, surfing Internet), but also shows relatively high level of activity and interest regarding TV watching, reading daily newspapers or playing games like cards, chess, dominos… Most popular TV stations are RTS 1, Prva TV, TV Pink and TV B92, while most visited Internet sites are YouTube and Facebook (B92 and Blic follow). Base: 27 respondents *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents 138 MEDIA CONSUMPTION OF GCB REJECTERS Most often watched TV stations Most often visited Internet sites 58.3 RTS 1 56.8 Prva TV 46.7 TV Pink 43.9 TV B92 40.5 Other 21.7 TV Avala 17 RTS 2 6.4 Happy TV RT Vojvodina 1 3 RT Vojvodina 2 1.6 0.2 Do not know 1.2 Do not watch TV 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 60.0 39.7 Other 29.7 Do not know 14.9 Radio Fokus 28.2 16.7 16.1 16.0 9.4 8.2 6.3 6.3 5 4.8 4.1 4 4 3.5 3.1 2.8 1.2 30.5 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 10.7 Roadstar Radio 8.5 Radio Index Beograd 202 6.0 Radio Beograd II program 5.4 Most often listened Radio stations 4.3 Radio Beograd I program Radio S 1.2 Radio B92 1.2 23.5 Do not listen to Radio Base: 27 respondents Multiple answers 50.0 43.6 41.6 YouTube Facebook Other B92 Blic Wikipedia Krstarica Infostud Sportal Mondo Press Vukajlija RTS Polovni automobili Naslovi Kurir Twitter Limundo Do not know Do not use Internet 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents 139 GAMING HABITS OF GCB REJECTERS Games of chance and gambling games played 81.5 100.0 80.0 60.0 37.0 29.6 40.0 14.8 18.5 20.0 0.0 Games of chance (Lotto, Bingo, Scratch cards...) Sports betting Slot machines Poker machines, electronic roulette and similar games "Live" games Base: 27 respondents Multiple answers Majority of Grand Casino rejecters play sports betting (around 80%), while 2-3 out of 10 play “live” games, slot machines and other electronic games. *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents 140 BRAND PERFORMANCE - CASINO AWARENESS AND VISITING AMONG GCB REJECTERS Base: 27 respondents Multiple answers Grand Casino main competitor among its rejecters is Mozzart. *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents 141 CASINO VISITING HABITS OF GCB REJECTERS How often do you visit casinos? 60.0 33.3 40.0 22.2 22.2 14.8 20.0 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Every day 3-4 times 1-2 times 2-3 times a week a week a month Once a month Less than I don't once a visit month casinos Base: 27 respondents Most of the Grand Casino rejecters visit casinos on a weekly or biweekly bases, with every third visiting casinos once a month or less. *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents 142 CASINO VISITING HABITS OF GCB REJECTERS How did you found out about Grand Casino Beograd? 44.4 From a bilboard Nespapers ad 18.5 Radio ad 18.5 14.8 Word of mouth (recommendation) From a flyer 3.7 On promotion 3.7 7.4 I don't know Base: 27 respondents *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 143 IMAGE ATTRIBUTES OF GRAND CASINO AMONG GCB REJECTERS Base: Aware of Grand Casino Beograd and casino players who do not intend to visit GCB within next 3 months *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents 144 IMAGE ATTRIBUTES OF GRAND CASINO AMONG GCB REJECTERS Base: 27 respondents Is well advertised Both for people putting small and big bets For people putting small bets For people putting big bets For fun and entertainment 3.59 Casino that I trust 3.30 3.74 4.41 More than just a Casino 3.59 2.89 International Casino Old fashined Casino* Casino for someone like me 1.81 3.70 2.52 Unattractive building* 2.48 2.44 For ritch 4.44 Not for people oriented towards family values * For young 3.22 3.59 4.00 3.33 For people that look for something special For exciting night life 4.11 Modern Casino 3.19 3.81 For trendy nightlife with friends For selfconfident people 3.52 3.74 3.15 3.81 For those who are open For people that live a full life For those who love adventure 3.37 3.74 4.15 Attractive location For people that enjoy luxury For all generations *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents For all that want to have good fun *Note: Items ‘Not for people oriented towards family values’, ‘Oldfashioned Casino’ and ‘Unattractive building’ are rated on the same scale as other items, as a result smaller average grades indicate better GCB performance on these items On the Scale 1 I completely disagree 2 3 4 I mostly Neither agree I mostly disagree nor disagree agree 5 I completely 145 agree IMAGE ATTRIBUTES OF GRAND CASINO AMONG GCB REJECTERS Base: 27 respondents Is well advertised Both for people putting small and big bets For people putting small bets 4.10 For people putting big bets For fun and entertainment 3.54 3.74 Casino that I trust 3.31 3.67 4.06 3.33 3.59 3.33 3.59 1.81 2.89 4.45 4.41 More than just a Casino 4.13 3.30 International Casino Grand Casino has lower overall image perception among its rejecters compared to its current visitors, although still keeps image of modern, international and luxurious place for rich people. Old fashioned Casino* Casino for someone like me 1.42 Unattractive building* 3.70 2.52 2.48 For rich 4.44 Not for people oriented towards family values * 2.17 2.44 3.55 3.95 For young 3.22 3.48 4.00 3.59 3.90 For exciting night life 3.33 For people that look for something special For self-confident people 4.49 3.81 3.52 3.63 For trendy nightlife with friends 4.11 3.19 3.71 3.15 3.37 3.66 3.74 3.74 3.84 For those who are open For people that live a full life 4.13 For those who love adventure 4.15 4.24 3.81 3.78 3.76 4.01 4.31 Attractive location For people that enjoy luxury For all generations For all that want to have good fun Grand Casino Visitors Modern Casino Among rejecters GCB is often perceived as not for people oriented towards family values. Considerably lower performance on items such as Casino for someone like me, Casino that I trust, For all generations, Well advertised, Attractive location, For fun and entertainment, More than just a Casino and For people putting small bets compared to GCB visitors could indicate potential issues which can be further explored and targeted with marketing efforts. *Note: Results are only indicative due to base size lower than 30 respondents Grand Casino Rejecters *Note: Items ‘Not for people oriented towards family values’, ‘Oldfashioned Casino’ and ‘Unattractive building’ are rated on the same scale as other items, as a result smaller average grades indicate better GCB performance on these items On the Scale 1 I completely disagree 2 3 4 I mostly Neither agree I mostly disagree nor disagree agree 5 I completely 146 agree KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 147 KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ● Close to half of the adult urban Belgrade population plays various games of chance (around 400.000 players), while close to 1/3 engages in sports betting (around 225.000 players). ● Gaming incidence of slot machines, poker machines, electronic roulette and similar games, as well as “live” games (Roulette, Poker, Black Jack…) is between 5-6% in adult urban Belgrade population - indicating that between 40.000 and 50.000 of adults in Belgrade play each of these types of games. ● Various games of chance are more popular among Female residents (around 55% compared to around 38% among Male), whereas Male find sports betting more interesting (around 50% compared to around 8% among Female). ● Male are also more attracted to slot machines and other electronic games, as well as “live” games (between 8-9% compared to 2-3% among Female). ● Interest for games of chance increases with age, while appeal of sports betting decreases. Slot machines and electronic games are more popular in population up to 35 years of age compared to older age groups, whereas population up to 50 years of age shows similar interest for “live” games. 148 KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ● Incidence of pathological gambling (gambling addiction) in adult Belgrade population is 3.6%, with additional 2.5% of residents under risk of developing persistent and recurrent maladaptive gambling behavior. This suggests that in adult urban Belgrade population approximately 30.000 people are potential pathological gamblers, and approximately 20.000 are at risk. ● Male population regardless of age shows considerably higher vulnerability in terms of pathological gambling and risk of developing gambling addiction compared to Female population. ● Incidence of pathological gambling is considerably higher among sports betting players – around 10%, and the highest among slot and electronic games players and "live” games players – around 20%. ● Players of sports betting, slot and electronic games players and “live” games players also show considerably higher risk of developing maladaptive gambling behavior compared to general population average – around 7-9%. ● However, having in mind the number of players of each these games in adult urban Belgrade population, as well as the fact that many of them play two or more games, sports betting players prevail among pathological gamblers, while players of electronic games and “live” games players follow. 149 KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ● Grand Casino is outperforming its competitors in terms of awareness, but has strong competition regarding visit in the past 3 months in Mozzart in general population (they are at parity on this brand health indicator). Brand health captures the sense of longevity or existence over time of the brand and indicates the likelihood for brand to grow rather than decline. Brand health indicators are brand awareness and consideration, usage, brand image, its distinctiveness, customer satisfaction... ● Grand Casino marketing efforts in the past years resulted in improvement on TOM awareness and positioning of GCB as number one casino general population thinks about when they think of casinos (in the situation when they have specific needs connected to casinos they will think of GCB first). ● Grand Casino is well positioned on awareness and visit in the past 3 months indicators among slot players, with Alexandar and especially Mozzart proving to be important competitors in this target group - Mozzart is at parity with GCB regarding visit in the past 3 months among slot players. ● Grand Casino has best overall positioning among “live” games players in current competitive environment, with Mozzart and Alexandar as main competitors considerably behind (especially regarding visit in the past 3 months). ● GCB strong standing among its visitors is confirmed by its leading position on awareness and visit in the past 3 months indicators compared to main competitors. 150 KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ● Grand Casino is successfully continuing to draw new visitors - about 11% of the general population and about 14% of the general population from 20 to 50 years of age and with household monthly income over 60.000 RSD have visited Grand Casino since it was opened. ● Most often reasons for initial visiting of Grand Casino are recommendation and influence of friends and family and personal curiosity; restaurants follow. ● Word of mouth and billboard advertisement have the highest impact on Grand Casino awareness among its visitors. ● GCB is interesting and engaging its visitors mainly with roulette and slot machines; restaurants „Ginger‟ and „Diva‟, as well as Black Jack follow. ● GCB visitors are on average very satisfied with interior, personnel courtesy and attitude, hygiene and security of this casino, and mostly (although not completely) satisfied with choice of music, atmosphere and prices. ● Having in mind their gaming habits, around one third of Grand Casino visitors play slot machines, other electronic games and “live” games. ● Close to two third of Grand Casino visitors slot players most often play their game in GCB, while 20-30% most often visit Alexandar and Mozzart – this once more confirms GCB strong standing among its slot players base, but also suggests the importance of successful Grand Casino positioning in relation to its main competitors. 151 KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ● Around 16% of the general population can be considered as potential Grand Casino visitors – they have not visited Grand Casino Beograd so far but intend or would consider to do so the next three months. ● Core of potential GCB visitors are Male (with 1 out of 3 being Female), mostly between 18-39 years of age and single. On average, potential GCB visitors engage in more active and engaging leisure activities and interests (such as going out to café/pubs, watching movies, surfing Internet), but also show relatively high level of activity and interest regarding TV watching and reading daily newspapers or for more tranquil spare time activities such as shopping and window-shopping or visiting restaurants. ● Over half of potential Grand Casino visitors play games of chance and sports betting, while 1 out of 10 plays slot machines and other electronic games. “Live” games are less popular (around 3%). ● Among the potential Grand Casino visitors, this casino leads regarding familiarity and is considered for visiting, indicating that further marketing efforts should be directed into encouraging trial (initial) visiting. ● Since one out of five potential visitors of Grand Casino are visiting casinos, and mostly not too often, marketing efforts should further explore emphasizing a unique assembly of different fun, entertainment and enjoyment choices that would answer both active and exciting, but also leisurely spending of free time. 152 MASMI VOJVODE DOBRNJCA 26/1 11000 BELGRADE SERBIA TEL: +381 11 3390846 +381 11 3390847 FAX: +381 11 3390732 contact persons: Olivera Despotovic Milan Skoric APPENDIX I 154 DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING Diagnostic Criteria for Pathological Gambling Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition Published by the American Psychiatric Association Persistent and recurrent maladaptive gambling behavior as indicated by five (or more) of the following: A1: is preoccupied with gambling (e.g. preoccupied with reliving past gambling experiences, handicapping or planning the next venture, or thinking of ways to get money with which to gamble) A2: needs to gamble with increasing amount of money in order to achieve the desired excitement A3: has repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop gambling A4: is restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop gambling A5: gambles as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving a dysphoric mood (e.g., feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression) A6: after losing money gambling, often returns another day to get even (“chasing” one‟s losses) A7: lies to family members, therapist, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with gambling A8: has committed illegal acts such as forgery, fraud, theft or embezzlement to finance gambling A9: has jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job or educational or career opportunity because of gambling A10: relies on others to provide money to relieve a desperate financial situation caused by gambling 155 PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING AND RISK OF DEVELOPING GAMBLING ADDICTION People exibiting 3 pathological gambling symptoms mainly exhibit so called “chasing” (after losing money gambling, they often return another day to get even), they gamble to “escape” from problems and exibit “preoccupation” with gambling (e.g. they are preoccupied with reliving past experiences, planning the next venture, or thinking of ways to get money with which to gamble). 3 Symptoms Peopple under risk (exibiting 4 pathological gambling symptoms ) are exibiting “lying”, “tolerance” (need to gamble with increasing amount of money in order to achieve the desired excitement), and are requiring “bailouts” (relying on others to provide money to relieve a desperate financial situation caused by gambling) to considerably higher extent compared to people exibiting 3 symptoms. 4 Symptoms Probable pathological gamblers (exibiting 5 or more symptoms) are exibiting “lying”, “loss of control” (have repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop gambling), “tolerance”, “withdrawal symptoms” (are restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop gambling), require “bailouts” and are“risking significant relationships ” (have jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job or opportunities because of gambling) to considerably higher extent compared to people at risk. 5 Symptoms 156 APPENDIX II 157 LIFESTYLE PROFILE – GAME PLAYERS Games of Chance Players Sports Betting Players More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games Reading books and going for walks More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games Listening to music and talking Reading books and going for walks Listening to music and talking Slot Machines Players Poker Machines, Electric Roulette and Other Similar Games Players Live Games Players More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities Reading books and going for walks TV, daily newspapers and social games TV, daily newspapers and social games Listening to music and talking Reading books and going for walks Listening to music and talking More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities Reading books and going for walks Listening to music and talking 158 LIFESTYLE PROFILE – GCB VISITORS, POTENTIAL GCB VISITORS AND GCB REJECTERS GCB Visitors Potential GCB Visitors More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities Reading books and going for walks TV, daily newspapers and social games Listening to music and talking More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities Reading books and going for walks Listening to music and talking More contemporary / more modern leisure time activities TV, daily newspapers and social games More conservative / more traditional leisure time activities GCB Rejecters Reading books and going for walks Listening to music and talking 159