Drinking Water Research Foundation 2014 Casino Night Gilley`s
Drinking Water Research Foundation 2014 Casino Night Gilley`s
Drinking Water Research Foundation 2014 Casino Night Gilley’s Dallas Downtown Dallas, TX 7:30 PM- 10:00 PM November 11, 2014 The Drinking Water Research Foundation (DWRF) would like to announce the 2014 DWRF Casino Night fundraiser, held in conjunction with the 2014 IBWA Business Conference and Trade Show in Dallas, TX. THIS IS AN EVENT YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS! Each attendee’s ticket grants: • Access to the Casino Night at the Gilley’s Dallas, which offers both a beautiful outdoor patio for views of downtown and entertaining casino games and live music inside • Roundtrip shuttle transportation to and from the Hyatt Regency (transportation shuttle begins departing at 7:15 pm) • A wonderful meal of deluxe Texan cuisine • One complimentary drink ticket (alcoholic or nonalcoholic) • A raffle that offers a chance to win your choice of these fantastic prizes: Beats by Dr. Dre, Smart Watch (watch model depends on cell phone model), 16gb iPad (or mini)* • Musical accompaniment by Israel Gonzales, a soulful pop and acoustic singer/songwriter • and $2000 in gambling chips** ALL THIS FOR ONLY $150 PER PERSON! * Due to gambling laws in Dallas, we are unable to grant prizes to the top three attendees with the most chips, since there will be money exchanged for attending the event. Instead, a raffle will be held to award prizes. However, those with the most chips will receive more raffle tickets, increasing their chances to be chosen. Three raffle tickets will be chosen and each winner will have a choice of three fabulous prizes. (Same person cannot win more than one prize) ** There will be no money exchanges for winning; all gambling is done with ‘fake’ chips. Fill out this registration form and return to: Attn: Claire Crane DWRF, 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650, Alexandria, VA 22314 via Fax at: (703) 683-4074 OR E-mail: ccrane@bottledwater.org Name: ____________________________Company_____________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________ Phone: (Day) _________________ Payment Options: CHECKS: Please make checks payable to “Drinking Water Research Foundation” CREDIT CARDS: Amount to Charge: $_________________ Circle One: Amex Visa MasterCard Name as it appears on the card: _________________________________________________ Credit Card Number: ____________________________________ Exp Date: ____________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________ *Please register by COB October 24, 2014. This event requires much preparation and it is important to know how many attendees prior to the event. **Cancellations must be received in writing no later than October 15, 2014. After that date, no refunds will be issued. Substitutions can be made, but must be in writing. *** $75 of entry fee if tax-deductible Questions about the Casino Night or sponsorship opportunities? Please contact Claire Crane at (703) 647-4612 or ccrane@bottledwater.org Can’t make it to the event? You can still donate to DWRF: Donation: I am unable to attend but would like to donate $_______________ to DWRF (This is 100% tax deductible).