Michelle Dennedy - Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School


Michelle Dennedy - Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School
Proceeds benefit the
Ronald C. Wornick
Jewish Day School
Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
“No sensible
can be made
any longer
without taking
into account
not only the
world as it is,
but the world
as it will be.”
-Isaac Asimov
Dear Friends,
This year, 2015, will mark the fifth year of the Feast Your Mind celebration to benefit the
Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School. On February 21, 2015, Wornick supporters will gather
at 14 homes on the Peninsula for an evening of food for the mind and the body. Each home
will have a fascinating speaker along with a delicious meal in an intimate setting to provide
an opportunity for true discussion and learning.
This year, the proceeds will benefit our Arts and Technology programs to upgrade equipment and provide
teacher training to infuse the arts and technology in all aspects of our curriculum. As Margaret Mead
once said, “We are now at a point where we must educate our children in what no one knew yesterday, and
prepare our schools for what no one knows yet.”
Please use this invitation to learn more about Wornick Jewish Day School and to choose to join us for an
evening of camaraderie and learning for a wonderful cause - our children’s future.
Katie and Mike Wolff
2015 Feast Your Mind Chairs
Dr. Barbara Gereboff
Head of School
Feast Your Mind Page 1
Board of Trustees
Michael Berger, President
Vice Presidents:
Lara Druyan
Caren N. Neydavoud
Jeremy Verba
Mark Ezersky, Secretary
Ken Meyer, Treasurer
Jeff Baker, PTO Co-President
Mara Langer, PTO Co-President
Roger Feigelson, Immediate Past President
Dr. Barbara Gereboff, Head of School
Fred Weiner, Chief Financial Officer
Members at Large:
Yoav Boaz
James Dunn
Francesca Eastman
Rabbi Corey Helfand
Peter Schaffer
Amy Sosnick
Shaun Steingold
Anne Steirman
Lisa Wachtell
Karen Wolff
About Wornick
Founded in 1986, the Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School has been
providing a stellar education to students in grades K-8 for 29 years.
Our program is designed to instill deep engagement and a passion for
learning, while providing the necessary skills for a lifetime of academic
and professional success. Much of our teaching includes interdisciplinary
units, in which students create thematic connections across a variety
of subjects. Students emerge with the ability to draw enduring
understandings from their studies, the research skills to dig ever deeper,
and the communication tools that will enable them to articulate their
discoveries with clarity and creativity.
Hebrew and Judaic Studies at Wornick are part of our core academic
program in every grade. Our community is connected through joyous
holiday celebrations, weekly Shabbat rituals, music and the arts
celebrating the diversity and unity of the Jewish people in America and
around the world.
Table of Contents
Shelley Berkley at Goren Home in San Mateo ..............................4
Alex Shandrovsky at Engel Home in San Carlos ..................14
Ivy Chen at Spanger/Berger Home in San Mateo..........................5
Zilka Siljak at Joelson Home in San Mateo ...........................15
Michelle Dennedy at Fridman/Frankel Home in Foster City .....6
Bill Tancer at Abelson Home in San Mateo ...........................16
Jean-Louis Gassée at Ungar Home in Burlingame .......................7
Ronald C. Wornick at Miller Home in Burlingame .............17
Adam Harris at Lent Home in San Mateo .....................................8
Sam Zien at Constantino Home in San Mateo ......................18
Bradley Horowitz at Druyan/Stuart Home in San Mateo ...........9
Randi Zuckerberg at Reich/Meyer Home in San Carlos .....19
Pamela Davis Kivelson at Berger Home in Burlingame............10
Israel Dinner at Wexler Home in Ra’anana ...........................20
Ken Lloyd at Wolff Home in Hillsborough ..................................11
Thank You to Last Year’s Hosts & Special Guests ..................21
Peek Into Wornick .....................................................................12-13
Thank You to Last Year’s Donors, Attendees & Sponsors ...22-23
If you have not seen the school, please come visit and experience the
excitement of discovery taking place in every classroom, hallway and
outdoor space!
Page 2 Feast Your Mind
Feast Your Mind Page 3
Hardest Working Woman in Politics
Shelley Berkley
CEO & Provost at Touro University
and Former US Congresswoman
Serving the State of Nevada in the US House of Representatives
from 1998 to 2013, Shelley Berkley earned the title of “hardest
working woman in politics” for her tireless work on issues that
matter to Nevadans: job creation, education, healthcare, and
renewable energy. Additionally, Shelley also was known as one of
the strongest and most outspoken supporters of Israel in Congress.
She left her mark on every resolution, legislation, committee
markup, and floor debate affecting Israel and the Middle East.
Currently, Shelley serves as the Chief Executive Officer
and Senior Provost for Touro University Western Division
overseeing two of the fastest-growing medical schools in
the western United States as well as allied health science and
education programs with a current total enrollment of more
than 3,000 students.
Hosted By
Debbie and David have
Debbie & David
lived on the Peninsula
for 14 years. They are
the proud parents of
two Wornick students,
Jonathan (7th grade)
and Zachary (3rd grade).
San Mateo
Debbie serves on the
Board of Directors of the
PJCC and is co-chairing
their annual gala. She is working on a second
career as a soprano. David is a partner at the law
firm of Fish & Richardson practicing in the field
of intellectual property. They are delighted to be
hosting a dinner for Feast Your Mind again to help
support Wornick.
Page 4
Feast Your Mind
The Birds and the Bees
Hosted By
Dana and David are
Dana Spanger
celebrating their 10th
& David Berger
year of being parents
at Wornick. Their son,
Zachary (Wornick ’13) is
California Style
a freshman at Hillsdale
Meat & Vegetarian
High School and their
In San Mateo
sons, Jordan and Gabriel,
are in the 7th and 4th
grades respectively at
Wornick. David is a Senior Director of Engineering
at Yahoo! and Dana is a volunteer extraordinaire
who spends her time taking care of her family. They
are delighted to open their home to host Feast Your
Ivy Chen
Sexuality Health Educator
Have you been thinking about how to have the “birds and bees”
conversation with your kids? Ivy Chen, MPH is a sexuality
health educator in the San Francisco Bay Area. Over the last 18
years, she has taught thousands of students ranging from the
4th grade through college, as well as parents, teachers, and other
health professionals. She has also taught puberty education to
the 5th-8th graders at Wornick for the last eight years.
Topics covered in her workshops include puberty, healthy
relationships, sexual decision making, STIs, birth control, and
increasing communication about sexuality within families.
She also works as a lecturer at San Francisco State University,
serving as a faculty member for the last 12 years. Ivy is looking
forward to sharing how to make these sensitive conversations
comfortable and fun.
Feast Your Mind Page 5
Does Privacy Exist?
Michelle Dennedy
VP & Chief Privacy Officer,
What is privacy and does it still matter in this always “on”
world? Michelle Dennedy, the Founder of The iDennedy
Project and TheIdentityProject.com is a privacy pioneer and
is widely recognized based upon her experiences at Oracle
and Sun Microsystems as an expert in the areas of privacy and
identity. Michelle plans to discuss “Privacy, Personhood & the
Manifesto: How to build a future that we want?” In a fun-filled
and memorable evening, Michelle will share how parents and
people are the most powerful change agents in technology.
Additionally, Michelle will discuss some basic steps everyone
can take to protect personal data as well as share how and why
she commenced on her personal journey to debate, learn,
innovate, and drive the concept of identity in all of its forms
and facets.
What Can We Learn from Apple?
Hosted By
Judy and Barry are both
Judy Fridman
retired. Judy spends her
& Barry Frankel
time volunteering at
Hillsdale High School
and at Wornick, where
American Beef
& Fish
fundraisers and the hot
In Foster City
lunch program. She is
currently an advisor for
BBYO (a Jewish Youth
Leadership Organization). Barry is a retired golf pro
and now spends time golfing and taking care of Judy
and her kids. Judy’s children attended Wornick for
nine years and now attend Hillsdale High School.
They have enjoyed attending and hosting dinners for
Feast Your Mind in the past and are excited to host
again this year.
Page 6 Feast Your Mind
Hosted By
Hava and Raziel are the
Hava & Raziel
proud parents of one-yearUngar
old Max. Raziel is the owner
of Burlingame Properties,
an avid outdoorsman and
adventurer, a past member
of the Wornick Board
of Directors and proud
graduate (Wornick ‘93).
Hava is currently teaching
an undergraduate course at Stanford University,
Introduction to Nutrition, is a registered dietitian and
recent Masters of Public Health graduate. They are
looking forward to hosting a Feast Your Mind dinner
to support Wornick.
Jean-Louis Gassée
Developer and Venture Partner,
Allegis Capital
What can we learn from Apple? Jean-Louis Gassée can tell us.
He is a venture capitalist, investor, entrepreneur, and former
executive at Apple Computer, where he worked for Steve Jobs
and John Sculley. While at Apple, Jean-Louis served as Head
of Apple France then moved on to be the Head of Macintosh
Development, later becoming the Head of Apple’s Advanced
Product Development and Worldwide Marketing.
So much of Apple’s current success is a direct result of JeanLouis’ fervent belief in the Mac OS platform and his refusal
to license Mac OS to other companies. Upon leaving Apple
in 1991, Jean-Louis founded Be Inc., and developed a new
operating system that became known as BeOS which was later
bought by Palm, Inc. Currently, Jean-Louis is a Venture Partner
at Allegis Capital in Palo Alto.
Feast Your Mind Page 7
Who is ISIS and What Do They Want?
Adam Harris
AIPAC Pacific Northwest
Regional Director
The implications of the Islamic State’s emergence are significant
for Israel and the Middle East, and contribute to a regional
atmosphere in which Iran may make major gains. Hear
from top AIPAC speaker, Adam Harris, and learn how the
expansionist goals of the Islamic State are affecting U.S. foreign
policy and the safety and security of Israel.
Adam Harris joins AIPAC’s Pacific Northwest as the Regional
Director, overseeing all of AIPAC’s political, grassroots and
community outreach efforts in Northern California, Oregon,
Washington, Alaska and Northern Nevada. Adam recently
moved from AIPAC’s Washington, DC headquarters where
he worked in partnership with the organization’s executive
team and board leadership crafting AIPAC’s policy messaging,
marketing and social media.
Hosted By
Bobby is the Managing
Fran & Bobby
Partner of Hillsven LLC,
which has launched nearly
20 Internet companies
and serves on the boards
Kosher American
of several companies in
Meat & Chicken
the U.S. and Israel. He
In San Mateo
was the co-founder of
Ariba, which was the
leader in Enterprise Spend
Management, and acquired by SAP. Bobby was
instrumental in leading the founding and creation
of the North Peninsula Jewish Campus in Foster
City and Kehillah Jewish High School in Palo Alto.
Fran created a children’s food company called Fran’s
Healthy Helpings and sold it over 10 years ago. Since
then, Fran has been involved in running fundraising
efforts at Wornick and Kehillah. Their children,
Bradley and Hannah are graduates of Wornick and
Kehillah and Roselyn is a 1st grader at Wornick.
Page 8 Feast Your Mind
From Idea to Impact
Hosted By
Lara and Tom are parents
Lara Druyan
of Wornick 2nd and 3rd
& Tom Stuart
graders. Tom is a cyber
security company executive,
Serving Fish serial entrepreneur, avid
Mexican Inspired
skier, motorcycle rider
California Cuisine
and enthusiastic soccer
In San Mateo
referee. Lara is a Venture
Advisor at SRI where she
helps conceive and launch
new ventures, is an angel investor and chairs the
Investment Committee for the City of San Jose’s
$2B pension fund. She also serves on the Board of
Directors of Wornick, the Harvard Business School
Association of Northern California and Aim High,
a non-profit organization focused on summer
programs for at-risk children. They are delighted to
be hosting another Feast Your Mind dinner.
Bradley Horowitz
Vice President of Product, Google
Meet a true visionary technology leader, Bradley Horowitz,
and learn about how to optimize the journey “From Idea to
Impact.” Bradley is currently the Vice President of Product
for Google’s social products, including Google+, a product he
conceived. Bradley previously worked in Google’s Consumer
Application Division, which includes Gmail, Gtalk, Google
Docs, Google Voice, and Calendar.
Prior to Google, Bradley was Vice President of Advanced
Development at Yahoo! where he identified and led their
key “Web 2.0” acquisitions, including Flickr, MyBlogLog and
Jumpcut. Bradley was also the co-founder and CTO of Virage.
Feast Your Mind Page 9
Art and Technology - How it Fits Together
Pamela Davis Kivelson
Artist & Lecturer, Stanford
University Design Program
Pamela Davis Kivelson is a Silicon Valley based artist and
lecturer at Stanford University’s Design School. Her passion
to tell visual stories behind scientific thought has manifested
through her teaching and exhibits. She has used her artwork
to make technology and science more approachable. She has
exhibited nationally and internationally in museums and
galleries that include Krannert, DeSasset, Wight Art Gallery,
Robert Koch, Stephen Cohen, and Moreton Street.
Pamela has experimented with every medium from sculpting
to drawing and has carved out her own scientific narrative
through her art. While dining with Pamela, she plans to discuss
“Art, Media, and Technology in Silicon Valley: Past, Present,
and Future.”
Hosted By
Rebekka and Mike are
Rebekka & Mike
the proud parents of
Wornick 8th grader,
Zachary. Mike is Director
of Product Marketing
American Chicken
at Marketo, a company
and Fish
that makes software for
In Burlingame
marketers. He currently
serves as President of
the Wornick Board of
Directors. Rebekka is in business development for
Abbott Vascular and focuses on a recently approved
device that non-surgically repairs leaky heart valves.
Wornick has been a great partner in helping them
raise a wonderful young man both socially and
academically, and therefore it gives them great
pleasure to host this event in support of the school.
Page 10 Feast Your Mind
People Problems and Problem People
Hosted By
Karen and George are the
Karen & George
proud grandparents of a
2nd grader at Wornick.
George is a practicing
dentist in San Mateo as
California Organic
well as a clinical instructor
Local Seasonal
at the University of Pacific
In Hillsborough
Dugoni Dental School.
Karen served on the San
Mateo County Civil Grand
Jury and worked for many years in the Hillsborough
City School District as a middle school educator, a
vice principal, an elementary school principal, and a
district office project manager. Both Karen and George
volunteered in all activities in which their three sons
participated. Karen currently serves on the Wornick
Board of Directors. They are delighted to open their
home to host a Feast Your Mind dinner.
Ken Lloyd
Author and VP, Planning and
Development at Strategic Partners
Ever wonder how to deal with that person at work who’s extremely
self-centered, harms office morale, and acts inappropriately?
Widely sought as a speaker at corporations, associations, and
universities, Ken Lloyd, Ph.D is regarded as the ultimate expert
on how to deal with difficult situations at work.
In addition to currently serving as the VP for Planning &
Development at Strategic Partners, Dr. Lloyd writes a workplace
column that appears in newspapers across the United States, and
has written numerous best-selling books such as Jerks at Work:
How to Deal with People Problems and Problem People, Be the
Boss Your Employees Deserve and 151 Quick Ideas to Recognize
and Reward Employees. He will share stories about some of
the biggest workplace challenges and will discuss strategies to
effectively build a strong company culture.
Feast Your MindPage 11
A Wornick education is an
investment in our Jewish future
Photos by Robin Will
Sushi Rolls with the Sushi Rabbi
Alex Shandrovsky
Rabbi and Founder,
L’Chaim Sushi
Learn to roll sushi from a master, Rabbi Alex Shandrovsky.
Rabbi Alex aka the “Sushi Rabbi” is the owner of L’Chaim
Sushi, the world’s first kosher and sustainable sushi provider.
Rabbi Alex will share his journey about how to become more
mindful about the food that we eat and provide attendees with
the tools, knowledge, and palette to discern quality, ethically
sourced, and spiritually infused food.
Attendees will roll sushi, enjoy some sake, discuss sustainability
issues, and dine on a cuisine of delicious sushi.
Hosted By
Lainee and Len have been
Lainee & Leonard
Wornick parents for 11
years. They have two boys,
both alumni students, Ben
(Wornick ‘09) and Noah
Kosher Sushi
(Wornick ‘14). Len works
in his family business
San Carlos
of property management
and loves to play golf!
Lainee volunteers at her
kids’ high school, Kehillah Jewish High School,
sits on the Board of Directors of PEN (Parents
Education Network), and is an advocate for children
with learning and attention differences. Lainee and
Len are happy to continue to support the school by
hosting a Feast Your Mind dinner every year since
its inception.
Page 14 Feast Your Mind
Religion, Education and Peace-Building
Hosted By
Michal and Ealon are
Michal & Ealon
former Wornick parents;
their daughter Talia
graduated last year. Ealon
is a neurologist at the Palo
Alto Medical Foundation
and is also the President
In San Mateo
of the Israel Peace
Initiative, a non-profit
organization supporting
college students advocating on behalf of Israel.
Michal is originally from Israel. She holds a Masters
in Counseling Psychology and runs parenting
workshops at schools and community centers. They
are delighted to be hosting another Feast Your
Mind dinner.
Zilka Siljak
Visiting Fellow,
Stanford University
Today, more than ever, the world is under the huge threat of
wars and conflict. In most of these circumstances, women
and children often suffer the most. Despite the tremendous
challenges that women in these situations face, many have the
courage to stand for peace and to show how to rebuild lives
and communities. Dr. Zilka Siljak is a research scholar and
public intellectual from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina who
addresses cutting-edge issues involving human rights, politics,
religion, education and peace-building.
For the last two decades, she has been working as a human
rights activist in non-governmental organizations on the
promotion of women’s rights, multi-religious dialogue and
Feast Your MindPage 15
Everyone’s a Critic
Bill Tancer
Best Selling Author and
Internet Expert
Have you ever posted a review on Amazon, Yelp, TripAdvisor,
the Apple Appstore or elsewhere? Bill Tancer is the world’s
preeminent expert on online behavior and his latest book is
Everyone’s a Critic: Winning Customers in a Review-Driven
World. More than 70% percent of consumers now consult
online reviews prior to making purchases and these reviews
can have a huge impact on a company’s success.
As a New York Times bestselling author and the General
Manager of Global Research at Hitwise (a division of Experian),
Bill will discuss what people are really doing online and how
they use internet-based services, from searching to commerce
and online giving. He will offer a unique perspective on human
behavior and share insights into what our behavior means –
how we think and act as consumers, citizens, and Net surfers.
Fireside Chat with our Founder
Hosted By
Gilah and Mark’s three
Gilah & Mark
sons have all graduated
from Wornick. Their
eldest son was one of
the original 21 students.
Kosher Variety
Mark is an attorney in
of Fish
San Francisco and has
In San Mateo
served the school in many
capacities as a founder
and Board President.
Mark is active in a number of Jewish organizations
in the Bay Area and Israel. Gilah has the best job in
the world: she is a lactation nurse working with new
moms and babies. She is actively involved in AIPAC,
Congregation Beth Jacob and the planning of the
community Yom HaShoah observance. They are
delighted to host another Feast Your Mind dinner to
support Wornick.
Page 16 Feast Your Mind
Hosted By
Jon is the Vice President
Tamar & Jon
of Marketing and CoMiller
Founder of Marketo,
a leading marketing
software firm. He is also
Mexican Chicken
an advisor and investor
in various other start-ups.
Tamar is a retail industry
executive and a graduate
of the Harvard Business
School. She is currently in charge of merchandising
for Banana Republic Online. Jon and Tamar are
proud Wornick parents with a son in 3rd grade and a
daughter in Kindergarten. They are delighted to host
a Feast Your Mind dinner again to support Wornick.
Ronald C. Wornick
Founder of Wornick Jewish Day
School, Inventor, Philanthropist
Meet the incredible person behind the legendary name! Join
Ronald C. Wornick, the founder of the Wornick Jewish Day
School, for a fireside chat. Mr. Wornick will share his incredible
stories from his upbringing in Malden, Massachusetts to how
he and his company developed the Meals, Ready to Eat (MREs)
which revolutionized how and what servicemen and astronauts
eat as well as providing another source of food to international
humanitarian aid organizations.
Further, Mr. Wornick and his wife are private collectors of
contemporary craft and are involved in various philanthropic
efforts from the Wornick Family Foundation to the San
Francisco Symphony and Contemporary Jewish Museum in
San Francisco.
Feast Your MindPage 17
Cook with Sam
Sam Zien
Chef, TV/Radio/Online
Host, Author
Sam the Cooking Guy…aka…Sam Zien is an everyday, nextdoor neighbor type of guy - with 14 Emmys! Whether Sam is
on the Today Show or writing one of his three cookbooks or
capturing one of his 450 livecasts, Sam genuinely shows how to
cook easy, great food. His tagline “Food that’s big in taste and
small in effort” says it all.
Enjoy an evening with Sam the Cooking Guy and you’ll learn
that the road to delicious food requires just “a handful of
ingredients and a few steps – that’s it.” Disclaimer – Prepare for
Sam to leave the “chef-speak” at the door.
Changing our Society with Technology
Hosted By
Debra says it has been a
Debra & Ken
true blessing being part of
the Wornick Kindergarten
teaching team for the past
five years. After being a
Sam’s Asian Fusion
stay-at-home mom to their
four children for 20 years,
San Mateo
she decided to go back to
work and surround herself
with more little ones.
Their two oldest girls live and work in LA and their
son attends the University of Michigan. They are
enjoying their time with their 16-year-old daughter
at their home in San Mateo. Ken was born and raised
on the Peninsula and works at Alain Pinel Reality in
San Mateo selling real estate and managing property.
They are delighted to be hosting a Feast Your Mind
dinner to benefit the school.
Page 18 Feast Your Mind
Hosted By
Kathy and Ken are the
Kathy Reich
proud parents of Abigail
& Ken Meyer
and Jonathan, who are in
the 6th and 3rd grades at
Wornick. Kathy works
Kosher Seasonal
at the David and Lucile
Packard Foundation as the
In San Carlos
Organizational Effectiveness
and Philanthropy Director
and serves as the current
President of the Board of Directors at the PJCC. Ken is
Managing Director at Macroeconomic Advisers and
a member of the Wornick Board of Directors. They
are looking forward to spending a great evening in
the company of friends while hosting their Feast
Your Mind dinner.
Randi Zuckerberg
Founder & CEO,
Zuckerberg Media
Technology is completely changing our society. Randi
Zuckerberg will be sharing how to navigate the incredible new
opportunities that technology brings to both our personal lives
and our businesses. Randi is the Founder & CEO of Zuckerberg
Media as well as the author of New York Times bestseller, Dot
During this exciting dinner, Randi will take us through ten
of the most exciting trends in tech, business, leadership, and
entrepreneurship. There’s no doubt that Randi’s personal story
of success is highly inspiring and attendees will enjoy her
engaging personality.
Feast Your MindPage 19
Thank You to Last Year’s Feast Your Mind Hosts & Special Guests
Dinner in Israel
Hosted By
Keren and Asaf are the
happy parents of Shani and
Tal, who attended Wornick
for Kindergarten while
living in Foster City, and
Israeli Food
Guy, who was too young
at that time to study, but
made sure to visit Wornick
every day for pick up.
Keren and Asaf lived in
California for four and a half years and returned to
Israel two years ago. They currently live in Ra’anana
and maintain relationships with friends in the States as
well as with Wornick families who returned to Israel.
Keren works as a Director of Product Management at
SundaySky in Tel-Aviv and Asaf is the Co-Founder
and CTO of Colabo in Herzelia. They are pleased to
host the Feast Your Mind dinner in Israel to maintain
the relationships with past Wornick families and with
the whole Wornick community.
Keren & Asaf
Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School is proud of our strong
connection with the State of Israel and her people. Through
an innovative curriculum, Wornick has paired with the Reali
School, a private school in Israel, for a nationally renowned
twinning program. Our students learn about Israel through
meaningful, personal, and engaging studies which culminates
with a middle school exchange program.
On the evening of Feast Your Mind, there will be a simultaneous
dinner at the home of Keren and Asaf Wexler, former Wornick
parents. The focus of this dinner will be unity amongst the
Jewish people and is open to all former Wornick families living
in Israel, friends of Wornick, and Reali families.
Page 20 Feast Your Mind
Thank you to last year’s dedicated
Feast Your Mind Hosts
Gilah & Mark Abelson
Rebekka & Mike Berger
Roxanne & David Cohen
Lainee & Leonard Engel
Judy & Tom Fisher
Judy Fridman &
Barry Frankel
Francesca Eastman &
Edward Goodstein
Michal & Ealon Joelson
Julie Dorsey &
Dan Leemon
Adi & Tomer Magid
Irene & Stephen Moff
Keren & Eyal Ofek
Amy Rabbino &
Neal Rubin
Anne & David Steirman
Lara Druyan &
Tom Stuart, Jr.
Marcy Kawadler &
Daryl Thomas
Wendy & Jeremy Verba
Thank you to last year’s engaging
Feast Your Mind Special Guests
Devin Aloise
Gadi Amit
Alex Anderman
Leo Beckerman
Martin Eberhard
Andrea Goldsmith
David Hoffman
Susan Krane
Dr. Bernadette Loftus
Larry Magid
Arthur Roth
Phil Schlein
Dr. Barry Sherman
Gregory Short
Dave Sobota
Dr. Kevin Tabb
Katherine Toy
Feast Your MindPage 21
Thank You to Last Year’s Feast Your Mind Donors, Attendees & Sponsors
31st Union
Adrienne & Howard Abrams
Elinoar Almagor
Marci Anderman
Lily & Gideon Avida
Edna Avraham
Cara & Jonathan Baker
Michele Ban
Tara & Ranjan Bantwal
Daphne Kaufer & Ram Bartov
Rachel Perkel & Shawn Becker
Lisa Rosner & Sheldon Berg
Block 34
Yoav Boaz
Miriam & Art Bodin
Stefana Borovska
Boston Private Bank & Trust
Eileen & Nersi Boussina
Mary Alice & Roger Bowie
Shirley & Steven Brown
Quirina Buchwald
Camp Newman
Camp Tawonga
Campagnoli, Abelson
& Campagnoli
Curry Up Now
Staci Cole
Mervyn Danker
Decathlon Sports Club
Ruth & Stephen Dickstein
James Dunn
Law Offices of James Dunn
DZH Phillips
Stina Ehrensvard
Mandy & Rabbi Dennis Eisner
Sharron & Elias Emergui
Nina & Robert Engel
Barbara Engler
Elaine Date & Mark Ezersky
Family Dental of Foster City
Robert Feigelson
Rebecca Schwartz &
Roger Feigelson
Sara & Glen Feinberg
Todd Feinroth
Elinor Klein & Dan Finkel
Deena & Jordan Fischer
Rebecca Fisher
Sharon & Eric Fomil
Fox, Shjeflo, Hartley
& Babu, LLC
Bill Futornick
Genentech, Inc.
Barbara & Joel Gereboff
Esther & Troy Gillette
Global Maintenance
Cindy Rogoway & Joe Goldberg
Rabbi Marvin Goodman
David B. & Edward C.
Goodstein Foundation
Page 22 Aliya & Gil Gordon
Debbie & David Goren
Tracey & Scott Green
Sari & Scott Greenberg
Audra & Drew Greenspan
Frieda Greenspan
Joanne & William Greenspan
Yair Grindlinger
Nicole Haire
Susan Hamlin
Carol & Martin Harband
Ruthellen Harris
Sharon & Scott Hartley
Jennifer & Rabbi Corey Helfand
HighCom Security
Heidi Hoffman
Robin & Steven Hurwitz
Barbara Jacobs
JCC Maccabi Sports Camp
Janice & Irving Katz
Feast Your Mind
Thank You to Last Year’s Feast Your Mind Donors, Attendees & Sponsors
Barbara & William Katz
Joelle & Neal Kaufman
Linda & Robert Kiss
Lindsay & Ilan Kopecky
Mara & David Langer
Edwin LaZar
Lori Adels-Lazar & Mark Lazar
Fran & Bobby Lent
Sherry & Brian Lipson
MacInnis, Donner & Koplowitz
Patty Magid
Ruth Mainzer
Caryn & James McDowell
Alan Mendelson
June Bell & Neil Mendelson
Kathy Reich & Ken Meyer
Tamar & Jon Miller
Lisa Wachtell & Michael Miner
Bunny & David Moff
Irene & Stephen Moff
Todd Morgan
Darby Morris
Caren & Robin Neydavoud
O’Melveny & Myers LLP
The David & Lucile
Packard Foundation
Shani & Larry Pascal
Peninsula Sinai Congregation
Peninsula Temple Beth El
Peninsula Temple
Sholom Women
Mauree Jane & Mark Perry
Deborah Pinsky
Jane Post
Kristen Reese
Carrie & Bret Ridge
Cliff Robbins
Annie Rohan
Rebecca & David Rodnitzky
Donna & Robert Rodnitzky
Barbara & Richard Rosenberg
Lois Roth
Michelle Hudson & Joel Scott
Karin & Marlin Segal
Elena & Victor Shaburov
Melissa & Daniel Shefer
Esther & Barry Sherman
Robin Wolaner & Phil Smith
Ellen & Paul Snider
Amy & Wayne Sosnick
Tracey & Shaun Steingold
Deborah & Leor Stern
Limeng & Eylon Stroh
Elizabeth Clarkson
& Brad Sutton
Roselyne C. Swig
Lori & Bill Tancer
Judy Thalheimer
Raziel Ungar
Hava & Raziel Ungar
Visa Givingstation
Ellen Bob & David Waksberg
Ellen Weinstein & Fred Weiner
Karen Alexander & Ross Weiner
Robin Will
Nancy Evans & Art Wolf
Donna Ornitz & Brian Wolf
George Wolff, DDS
Karen & George Wolff
Katie & Mike Wolff
Anita & Ron Wornick
Dottie Yourtz
Feast Your MindPage 23
General Information
Feast Your Mind is truly a community event and could not happen without our amazing volunteers and staff.
Thank you to everyone who has helped make Feast Your Mind so successful.
Katie and Mike Wolff
Chairs, Feast Your Mind 2015
Sherry Lipson
Chair, Host Committee
Lara Druyan
Chair, Development Committee
Judy Fisher and Mike Wolff
Co-Chairs, Invitation Bios
Audra and Drew Greenspan
Past Chairs, Feast Your Mind 2014
Gift Committee
Audra Greenspan
Development Committee
Roxanne Cohen
James Dunn
Fran Eastman
Anne Steirman
Katie Wolff
Dalia Zatlin
Special Guest Committee
Roxanne Cohen
Lara Druyan
Fran Eastman
Rabbi Dennis Eisner
Dr. Barbara Gereboff
Lindsay Kopecky
Ken Meyer
Marketing and Communications
Lily Avida and Dana Izenson
Advisory Committee
Audra Greenspan
Mara Langer
Amy Sosnick
Page 24 Feast Your Mind
Feast Your Mind Kashrut Policy
For the purposes of this event, and in order to make our Kosher meals accessible to nearly all members of our community, we have
adopted the following standard of Kashrut: Kosher means that the products used, including cheese and wine, carry a hechsher (any
formal certification of Kashrut other than a plain “K”). If Kosher, the hosts use separate dishes, pots, pans and utensils for meat and
dairy. Any event catered by a Va’ad-approved Kosher caterer who brings their own dishes is Kosher. Please note: all homes which are not
Kosher and are serving meat and chicken will be Kosher Style (no pork or shellfish). Also, all homes will be serving a vegetarian option.
Thank You to our Partners
Jewish Learning Works
Congregation Beth Jacob
Jewish Community Federation
Jewish Community Relations Council
of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin,
Sonoma, Alameda and Contra Costa
Jewish Family and Children’s Services of
San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin, and
Sonoma Counties
North Peninsula Chabad
Peninsula Jewish Community Center
Peninsula Sinai Congregation
Peninsula Temple Beth El
Peninsula Temple Sholom
Please contact the
Development Office
for more information about
Feast Your Mind.
Phoenix Feinbloom
Director of Development
Our mission is to develop
students who are socially
and academically
prepared to meet
their full potential as
engaged leaders
committed to a
life steeped in Jewish
ethics and values.
800 Foster City Boulevard
Foster City, CA 94404
Invitation design by Jamie Lacroix