Final Program - Southern Sociological Society
Final Program - Southern Sociological Society
Program for the 75th Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society Hotel Monteleone New Orleans, Louisiana March 21‐24, 2012 “Shifting Social Contracts” Presidents of the Southern Sociological Society 1936 E.T. Krueger, Vanderbilt University 1937 Wilson Gee, UNC‐Chapel Hill 1938 Rupert B. Vance, UNC‐Chapel Hill 1939 E.W. Gregory, University of Alabama 1940 Fred C. Frey, Louisiana State University 1941 B.O. Williams, University of Georgia 1942 William E. Cole, UT‐Knoxville 1943 Katharine Jocher, UNC‐Chapel Hill 1944 Katharine Jocher, UNC‐Chapel Hill 1945 Howard Beers, University of Kentucky 1946 Charles S. Johnson, Fisk University 1947 T. Lynn Smith, Louisiana State University 1948 Coyle E. Moore, Florida State University 1949 Wayland J. Hayes, Vanderbilt University 1950 Lee M. Brooks, UNC‐Chapel Hill 1951 H.C. Brearley, Peabody College for Teachers 1952 Rudolf Heberle, Louisiana State University 1953 Leland B. Tate, Virginia Tech 1954 Guy B. Johnson, UNC‐Chapel Hill 1955 Morton B. King, Jr., University of Mississippi 1956 Irwin T. Sanders, University of Kentucky 1957 Homer L. Hitt, Louisiana State University 1958 C. Horace Hamilton, NC State University 1959 Harold F. Kaufman, Mississippi State University 1960 E. William Noland, UNC‐Chapel Hill 1961 Edgar T. Thompson, Duke University 1962 Meyer F. Nimkoff, Florida State University 1963 Alvin L. Bertrand, Louisiana State University 1964 Selz C. Mayo, NC State University 1965 Bryce F. Ryan, University of Miami 1966 Joseph S. Himes, North Carolina College 1967 A. Lee Coleman, University of Kentucky 1968 Ernest Q. Campbell, Vanderbilt University 1969 John C. McKinney, Duke University 1970 John T. Doby, Emory University 1971 Alvin Boskoff, Emory University 1972 Richard L. Simpson, UNC‐Chapel Hill 1973 Charles M. Grigg, Florida State University 1974 Fredrick L. Bates, University of Georgia 1975 Charles U. Smith, Florida A&M University 1976 Alan C. Kerckhoff, Duke University 1977 Thomas R. Ford, University of Kentucky 1978 Gerhard E. Lenski, UNC‐Chapel Hill 1979 Clifton D. Bryant, Virginia Tech 1980 M. Elaine Burgess, UNC‐Greensboro 1981 Irving L. Webber, University of Alabama 1982 Charles B. Nam, Florida State University 1983 Joseph H. Fichter, Loyola University‐New Orleans 1984 George A. Hillery, Jr., Virginia Tech 1985 Everett K. Wilson, UNC‐Chapel Hill 1986 Jeffrey K. Hadden, University of Virginia 1987 Abbott L. Ferriss, Emory University 1988 Ida Harper Simpson, Duke University 1989 John Shelton Reed, UNC‐Chapel Hill 1990 Lewis M. Killian, University of West Florida 1991 Joel Smith, Duke University 1992 Ronald L. Akers, University of Florida 1993 Shirley B. Laska, University of New Orleans 1994 Walter R. Gove, Vanderbilt University 1995 Thomas C. Hood, UT‐Knoxville 1996 John Moland, Jr., Alabama State University 1997 Karl L. Alexander, Johns Hopkins University 1998 Rebecca G. Adams, UNC‐Greensboro 1999 Lynn Smith‐Lovin, University of Arizona 2000 Maxine Atkinson, NC State University 2001 Kenneth C. Land, Duke University 2002 Rachel A. Rosenfeld, UNC‐Chapel Hill 2003 Patricia Yancey Martin, Florida State 2004 Charles M. Tolbert II, Baylor University 2005 Michael Hughes, Virginia Tech 2006 Judith Blau, UNC‐Chapel Hill 2007 Ronald C. Wimberley, NC State University 2008 Larry W. Isaac, Vanderbilt University 2009 Kathleen Slevin, College of William & Mary 2010 Angela O’Rand, Duke University 2011 Vincent Roscigno, The Ohio State University 2012 Beth A. Rubin, UNC‐Charlotte 75th Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society Hotel Monteleone New Orleans, Louisiana March 21‐24, 2012 Shifting Social Contracts President Beth A. Rubin, UNC‐Charlotte Program Committee Chairs Elizabeth Stearns and Stephanie Moller, UNC‐Charlotte Secretary‐Treasurer Stephanie A. Bohon, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Local Arrangements Committee Chair Sue Falter Mennino, Loyola University‐New Orleans Table of Contents Welcome from SSS President Beth Rubin…………………………………………………………….. 2 Southern Sociological Society Committees…………………………………………………………… 3 Upcoming SSS Meetings…………………………………………………………………………………….... 6 Program Summary……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 Wednesday Schedule of Events…………………………………………………………………………… 17 Thursday Schedule of Sessions Events…………………………………………………………………. 17 Friday Schedule of Sessions and Events……………………………………………………………….. 34 Saturday Schedule of Sessions and Events…………………………………………………………… 56 Index to Participants……………………………………………………………………………………………. 70 Advertisements…………………..………………………………………………………………………………. 79 Giving to the Southern Sociological Society If your financial situation allows, please consider a tax deductible donation to the Southern Sociological Society. No amount is too small‐‐$25, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500, a bequest in your estate‐‐we will greatly appreciate any amount. You may make a donation on the Southern Sociological Association’s Website (, or mail a check to: Stephanie Bohon, Secretary‐Treasurer Attn: Contribution PO Box 16239 University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996 Thank you for your support 1 Welcome from the President, Beth A. Rubin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Welcome to the 75th Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society in New Orleans, LA! It is a thrill for me to host our annual meetings in one of my very favorite cities. If you haven’t fallen in love with New Orleans so far, I hope you do so this time. Even more than enjoying this wonderful city, I think you will be really excited by a terrific program. As always, the challenge is how to fit both in‐enjoying all of the intellectual riches this program offers and those (perhaps less intellectual) that the City of New Orleans offers. The theme for the meeting, Shifting Social Contracts, is reflected in a number of intellectually exciting sessions, plenaries, mini‐conferences and special panels. Plenary speakers include incoming ASA President Cecilia Ridgeway, Rubén Rumbaut, and Joane Nagel, focusing on shifting social contracts around gender, ethnic inequalities and the environment respectively. There are also exciting presidential plenary panels, one considering the shifting contracts in education, focusing on possible resegregation of public schools, and another presidential plenary panel addressing shifting social contracts in higher education with Teresa Sullivan and Suzanne Ortega sharing their hard‐won insights. Besides plenary sessions, addressing the meeting theme, there are three mini‐conferences, one on Work, Inequality and Shifting Social Contracts; a second one on Teaching Sociology, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges; and a third on Gender and the Family, with sessions co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South and the Committee on the Status of Women. The mini‐conferences are open to all participants and will be occurring alongside the many other regular sessions. Among some of the other program highlights are clusters of sessions on Human Rights, Small Group Processes and Theory; sessions honoring the memories of Ron Wimberly and April Brayfield; a session that brings together some of our most distinguished sociologists, Melvin Kohn, Sheldon Stryker, Ida Harper Simpson, John Shelton Reed and Edward Tiryakian as well as a number of really terrific Author Meets Critics sessions. There are so many other wonderful and stimulating sessions on education, social movements, crime, mental health, media, family, social inequality, culture, religion, race and ethnicity and more. I am also really excited to see how our newest innovation, the research incubators, works out. There are research incubator sessions on small groups and social psychology, social movements, political sociology, and criminal justice among others. As my predecessors in this position have learned, putting together the annual meetings and running this society happens because of the incredible commitment, hard work, and energy of our membership. Not only do their efforts contribute to the ongoing life of our organization but their very hard work ensured that this fabulous program came together and did so on time. I am so incredibly grateful for the work that each of these people has done. So I will repeat what previous presidents have said: when you see any of these people during the next few days, please thank them not only for their hard work but for doing it so very well: • • • • • • • The Program Committee listed at the outset of this program, especially the co‐chairs Elizabeth Stearns and Stephanie Moller, mini‐conference organizers Vincent Roscigno, Steven Vallas, Donald Tomaskovic‐ Devey, Marni Brown, Kris DeWelde, Emily Fairchild, and Amie Hess, as well as David Brunsma for taking the lead on the human rights sessions. The Local Arrangements Committee, especially the chair, Sue Mennino The Vice President: Toni Calasanti Secretary‐Treasurer: Stephanie Bohon Presidential Aide: Tonya Frevert George Wilson and Denise Cobb for their work on the membership survey. And the many other committee chairs and executive committee members of SSS that keep the organization functioning behind the scenes, and always with the well being of the society and its members at the forefront of their planning and deliberations. Now enjoy the meetings and New Orleans!! 2 Southern Sociological Society Committees for 2011‐2012 Officers and Executive Committee (elected) President: Beth A. Rubin, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte Vice President: Toni Calasanti, Virginia Tech President‐Elect: Donald Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts‐Amherst Vice President‐Elect: William Danaher, College of Charleston Secretary‐Treasurer: Stephanie A. Bohon, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Recording Secretary: David L. Brunsma, Virginia Tech Past‐President: Vincent J. Roscigno, The Ohio State University Past‐Past‐President: Angela M. O’Rand, Duke University Past‐Past‐Past President: Kathleen F. Slevin, College of William and Mary Elected Member: Shelia R. Cotten, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2014 Elected Member: Linda Renzulli, University of Georgia, 2014 Elected Member: Wanda Rushing, University of Memphis, 2013 Elected Member: Jill Kiecolt, Virginia Tech, 2013 Elected Member: Denise Bissler, Randolph Macon College, 2012 Elected Member: John Reynolds, Florida State University, 2012 Publications Committee (elected) Chair: Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2015 Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia, 2016 Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University, 2014 Holly J. McCammon, Vanderbilt University, 2013 Gayle Kaufman, Davidson College, 2012 Arne Kalleberg, Editor, Social Forces (ex‐officio), UNC‐Chapel Hill Robert Freymeyer, Editor, The Southern Sociologist (ex‐officio), Presbyterian College Stephanie Bohon, Secretary‐Treasurer (ex‐officio), University of Tennessee‐Knoxville James Maples, Webmaster, (ex‐officio), University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Program Committee (Appointed): Co‐Chair: Stephanie Moller, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte Co‐Chair: Elizabeth Stearns, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte Student Aide: Nandan Jha, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte Michelle Adams, Tulane University Harry Dahms, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Timothy J. Dowd, Emory University Scott Fitzgerald, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte Jennifer Hamil‐Luker, University of North Carolina‐Greensboro Ken Hudson, University of South Alabama Kendra Jason, North Carolina State University Barb Johnson, University of South Carolina – Aiken Marina Karides, Florida Atlantic University Gayle Kaufman, Davidson College Marcus Kondkar, Loyola University–New Orleans Krista Paulsen, University of North Florida Mariano Sana, Vanderbilt University Ed Shihadeh, Louisiana State University Jody Clay Warner, University of Georgia Bill Winders, Georgia Tech 3 Local Arrangements Committee (appointed) Chair: Sue Falter Mennino, Loyola University New Orleans Finance Committee (elected and appointed) Chair: Stephanie A. Bohon, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville President: Beth Rubin, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte President‐Elect: Donald Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts‐Amherst Jeremy Reynolds, University of Georgia, 2016 Lesley Williams‐Reid, Georgia State University, 2014 Dawn Robinson, University of Georgia, 2012 Elections Committee (appointed) David L. Brunsma, Recording Secretary, Virginia Tech James Michael Thomas, University of Missouri James N. Maples, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Nominations Committee (appointed) Chair: Toni Calasanti, Virginia Tech Beth Davidson, Appalachian State University, 2014 Yang Cao, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte, 2014 Don Reitzes, Georgia State University, 2014 Linda Renzulli, University of Georgia, 2013 Earl Smith, Wake Forest University, 2013 Idee Winfield, College of Charleston, 2013 David Gay, University of Central Florida, 2012 Irene Padavic, Florida State University, 2012 Michael Wise, Appalachian State University, 2012 Committee on Honors (appointed) Chair: James D. Wright, University of Central Florida, 2014 Roslyn Mickelson, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte, 2014 James Ainsworth, Georgia State University, 2013 Angela Hattery, Wake Forest University, 2013 Karen Campbell, Vanderbilt University, 2012 Florence Bonner, Howard University, 2012 Committee on Racial and Ethnic Minorities (appointed) Chair: Cameron Lippard, Appalachian State University, 2014 Matthew Hughey, Mississippi State University, 2014 Milton Vickerman, University of Virginia, 2014 Bob Edwards, East Carolina University, 2014 Melissa Bamba, University of Florida, 2013 Regine Jackson, Emory University, 2013 Gabriel Acevedo, University of Texas‐San Antonio, 2012 Tomeka Davis, Georgia State University, 2012 4 Committee on Professions (appointed) Chair: Susan Webb, Coastal Carolina University, 2013 Joan Manley, Florida Gulf Coast University‐Ft. Meyers, 2014 Maxine Thompson, North Carolina State University, 2014 Marc Dixon, Dartmouth College, 2014 Rae Blumberg, University of Virginia, 2012 Kenneth Spenner, Duke University, 2012 Committee on Sociological Practice (appointed) Chair: Leslie Hossfeld, University of North Carolina‐Wilmington, 2013 Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama‐Birmingham, 2014 Ye Luo, Clemson University, 2014 Kristin DeVall, University of North Carolina‐Wilmington, 2013 Carolyn Sawtell, University of Western Georgia, 2013 Rachel Kimbro, Rice University, 2012 Brigitte Neary, University of South Carolina‐Upstate, 2012 Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (appointed) Chair: Amie Hess, Meredith College, 2012 Jennie Weil, Winthrop University, 2014 Sandra Weissinger, Southern University of New Orleans, 2014 Sandra Godwin, Georgia College and State University, 2013 Christine Wernet, University of South Carolina‐Aiken, 2013 Siti Kusujiarti, Warren Wilson College, 2012 Membership Committee (appointed) Chair: George Wilson, University of Miami, 2013 Denise Cobb, Southern Illinois University, 2014 Amy Donley, University of Central Florida, 2014 Emily Boyd, Mankato State University, 2013 Regina Bures, University of Florida, 2012 Robert Davis, North Carolina A&T University, 2012 Committee on the Status of Students (appointed) Chair: Jeff Will, University of North Florida, 2012 Purna Mohanty, Paine College, 2014 Nicole Carr, University of South Alabama, 2014 Martha Crowley, North Carolina State University, 2013 Tom Shriver, Oklahoma State University, 2013 Feinian Chen, University of Maryland, 2012 Committee on the Status of Women (appointed) Chair: Emily Fairchild, New College of Florida, 2012 Heather Downs, Jacksonville University, 2014 Catherine Zimmer, University of North Carolina‐Chapel Hill, 2014 Sinikka Elliot, North Carolina State University, 2013 Griff Tester, Georgia State University, 2013 Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama‐Birmingham, 2012 Nancy Randall, Wingate University, 2012 5 Site Selection Committee (appointed) Chair: Angela M. O’Rand, Duke University Site Selection Officer: Dennis McSeveney, University of New Orleans Stephanie A. Bohon (ex‐officio), University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Kathleen F. Slevin, College of William and Mary Vincent J. Roscigno, Ohio State University Beth A. Rubin, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte Donald Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts‐Amherst Development Committee (Ad‐Hoc) Chair: Stephanie Moller, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte Angela O’Rand, Duke University Disaster Relief Committee (Ad‐Hoc) Chair: David L. Brunsma, Virginia Tech J. Steven Picou, University of South Alabama Dana Greene, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill DeMond Miller, Rowan University Archivist (appointed) James Hougland, University of Kentucky, indefinite term Electronic Communications Coordinator/Webmaster (appointed) James Maples, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville, 2012 Audio‐Visual Coordinator (appointed) Nick Zeller, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville, indefinite term Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) Liaison (appointed) H. B. “Keo” Cavalcanti, James Madison University, 2012 Exhibits Coordinator (appointed) Farrah Gafford, Xavier University Organizational Liaison (appointed) Kirsten Dellinger, University of Mississippi Parliamentarian (appointed) Thomas C. Hood, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville, indefinite term Presidential Aide (appointed) Tonya Frevert, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte Upcoming SSS Meetings April 17‐20, 2013: Atlanta, GA April 2‐6, 2014: Greenville, SC 6 Program Summary Wednesday, March 21 2:00 PM‐6:00 PM Executive Committee Meeting (Beauregard) 4:00 PM‐6:00 PM Registration (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 6:30 PM‐9:00 PM Graduate Student Reception (700 Club on the corner of St. Peter’s and Burgundy (700 Burgundy Street)) Thursday, March 22 7:30 AM‐8:30 AM Sociologists for Women in Society‐South: Welcome Reception for New and Interested Members. Please Bring Your Silent Auction Items at this Time (Bienville) 8:00 AM‐9:15 AM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 1. Social Psychological Impacts of Na‐Tech Disasters in the 21st Century (Iberville) 2. Politics and Policing (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 3. Alternatives to Traditional American Beliefs (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 4. Deviance (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 5. Issues in Gender, Marriage, and Intergenerational Relationships (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 6. Predictors of Environmental Attitudes and Behavior (Vieux Carre) 7. Religion and Identity (Cabildo) 8. Race and Gender in the Age of Obama (Pontalba) 9. Urban Agriculture and Community Gardens (Ursuline) 10. Life Choices Writ Large and Small: From Food to Marriage (Cathedral) 11. Aging Issues (French Market) 12. Undergraduate Roundtable: Upsides and Downsides of a Shifting Global World (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 13. Social Problems, Media, and Strategic Communications (Board Room) 8:00 AM‐12:00 PM Executive Committee Meeting (Beauregard) 9:25 AM‐10:40 AM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 14. Regarding the South: The Sociological Art of Looking Forward through the Past (Iberville) 15. National Science Foundation Funding Opportunities, Merit Review, and Proposal Preparation (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 16. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Teaching Sociology with Web 2.0 Technology, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South and the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Bienville) 7 Thursday, March 22 17. Panel Session: Public Sociology: Research Action and Change (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 18. Immigration and Labor Markets (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 19. General Strain Theory of Crime (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 20. Mini‐Conference on Work, Inequality, and Shifting Social Contracts I: Networks and Economic Opportunity (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 21. Environmental Theory (Vieux Carre) 22. Media and Mobilization I: Framing (Cabildo) 23. Sociology of Education: Inequalities on College Campuses I (Pontalba) 24. Research Incubator: Small Groups and Social Psychology (Board Room) 25. Identity and Emotion (Ursuline) 26. Author Meets Critics: For the Family? How Class and Gender Shape Women's Work (Oxford University Press) by Sarah Damaske (Cathedral) 27. Doing Masculinity (French Market) 28. Posters: Military Effects Outside of Service and War (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 29. Posters: Views on Crime and Politics (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 10:50 AM‐12:05 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 30. Presidential Plenary: Panel on Shifting Social Contracts in Education: Does the Resegregation of Public Education Matter? (Iberville) 31. Workshop for SSS: Status of the Job Market for New PhDs in Sociology 2010‐2011(La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 32. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Student Apathy and Curiosity, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Bienville) 33. Shifting Social Contracts between Producers and Consumers of Symbolic Cultural Products (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 34. Latino/a Immigration to New Destinations (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 35. Structural Research in Crime (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 36. Mini‐Conference on Work, Inequality, and Shifting Social Contracts II: Inequality, Mobility, and Social Closure (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 37. Environmental Discourse and Debate (Vieux Carre) 38. Media and Mobilization II: The Internet and Social Media (Cabildo) 39. Sociology of Education: Inequalities on College Campuses II (Pontalba) 40. Methods and Instruction for Urban Sociology (Ursuline) 41. Patient/Provider Relationships and Information Exchanges (Cathedral) 42. A Sociological Re‐Imagination: Ideas for a Dynamic Sociology (French Market) 43. Posters: Education beyond the Institution (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 44. Posters: Childhood Obesity in School and the Community (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 12:00 PM‐4:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting (Board Room) 12:05 PM‐1:00 PM LUNCH (Interested Graduate Students meet Tonya Frevert in the hotel lobby for a group lunch; depart at 12:15) 1:10 PM‐2:25 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 45. Plenary Speaker—Rubén Rumbaut: The Coming of a Majority‐Minority Nation: Ethnic Inequalities and the Social Contract, with Introductory Remarks by Beth A. Rubin, SSS President (Iberville) 46. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Creative Teaching, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Bienville) 8 Thursday, March 22 47. Sociology and Human Rights I: Revisiting Groups (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 48. Religiosity, Health, and Education (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 49. Neighborhood Studies in Crime (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 50. Mini‐Conference on Work, Inequality, and Shifting Social Contracts III: Power and Contestation at Work (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 51. Environmental Impacts on Physical and Mental Health (Vieux Carre) 52. Media and Mobilization III: Artistic Activism (Cabildo) 53. Court Process, Incarceration, and Recidivism (Beauregard) 54. Education and Stratification I (Pontalba) 55. Family Problems and Expectations (Ursuline) 56. Cultural and Media Framing of Gender and Sexuality (Cathedral) 57. Producing and Reproducing Gender and Sexuality (French Market) 58. Posters: College Enrollment and its Consequences (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 59. Posters: Potpourri (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 2:35 PM‐3:50 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 60. Panel Session: Frontiers in Sociology of Education: Recognizing the Work of Maureen Hallinan (Iberville) 61. Panel Session: Serving Strategically and the Art of Saying "No," co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 62. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Working in Small and Community Colleges (2), co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Bienville) 63. Sociology and Human Rights II: Revisiting Institutions (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 64. Author Meets Critics: New Destination Dreaming: Immigration, Race, and Legal Status in the Rural American South (Stanford University Press) by Helen Marrow (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 65. Macro‐Community Studies in Crime (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 66. Mini‐Conference on Work, Inequality, and Shifting Social Contracts IV: Institutions and Organizational Inequality (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 67. Sociology of Reproduction I (Vieux Carre) 68. Panel Session: Activism in a World of Shifting Social Contracts (Cabildo) 69. Sociology of Music (Beauregard) 70. Child Outcomes in the Context of Work, Family, and Parental Involvement (Pontalba) 71. Community and Well Being (Ursuline) 72. Case Studies and Community Activism for Environmental Sustainability (Cathedral) 73. Food, Water, Technology, and Health: Social and Economic Inequalities (French Market) 74. Posters: Family Influence on School Choice (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 75. Posters: Risky Behavior in Romantic Relationships (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 4:00 PM‐5:15 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 76. Panel Session: Distinguished Sociologists: Reflections on a Career's Work, Changes, and the State of Sociology (Iberville) 77. Panel Session: Get a Life: Work/Life Balance Advice for Singles, Parents, and Partnered Academics, co‐ sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 78. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Working in Small and Community Colleges, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Bienville) 79. Sociology and Human Rights III: Revisiting Theory, Methodology, & Teaching (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 80. Immigrants and Contexts of Reception (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 81. Fear of Crime (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 82. Author Meets Critics: Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: The Growth of Polarized and Precarious Employment Systems in the United States, 1970s to 2000s, (Russell Sage Foundation) by Arne L. Kalleberg (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 83. Sociology of Reproduction II (Vieux Carre) 9 84. Methods and Perspectives in Social Movement Research (Cabildo) 85. Music and Genres: Boundaries, Formation and Identity (Beauregard) 86. Education, Race, and Ethnicity I (Pontalba) 87. Community in the Wake of Catastrophe (Ursuline) 88. Case Study Approaches to Studying the Environment (Cathedral) 89. Identity and Authenticity in Changing Urban Landscapes (French Market) 90. Posters: Relationships: Emotions and Attachments (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 91. Posters: Understanding and Expanding Education Curricula (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 5:30 PM‐6:30 PM 92. Ron Wimberley's Contributions to Southern Sociology: Looking Forward by Looking Back (Iberville) 6:30 PM‐7:30 PM Roll of Honor Reception Sponsored by North Carolina State University and the University of Tennessee (Royal Salons) 6:30 PM‐8:30 PM Committee on Small and Community Colleges Dinner (Riverfront Restaurant: Members meet in the hotel lobby at 6:30 PM) Friday, March 23 7:00 AM‐9:00 AM Publications Committee Meeting (Beauregard) ASA Chairs' Breakfast (Riverview) 8:00 AM‐9:15 AM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 93. Teachers and Educational Inequality (Iberville) 94. Gender and Globalization, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Bienville) 95. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Taking Feminist Pedagogy beyond the Circle, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South and the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 96. Social Psychology and Social Relationships (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 97. Social Theory between Dialectics and Dynamics (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 98. Social Movement Challenges to Corporate Actors (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 99. Health Disparities: Literacy, Information, and Communication I (Vieux Carre) 100. Author Meets Critics: The Women of Katrina (Vanderbilt University Press) (Cabildo) 101. Panel Session: Riding the Tides: Applied Sociology in Disaster‐Prone Settings (Pontalba) 102. Panel Session: Career Planning and Transitions, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Board Room) 103. Utilization and Efficacy of Healthcare Services (Ursuline) 104. Gender and Sexuality in Educational Context (Cathedral) 105. Qualitative Sociology: Innovations and Insights (French Market) 106. Research Incubator 1: Social Movements (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 107. Research Incubator 2: Social Movements (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 108. Undergraduate Roundtable 1: Ethnicity, Religion, Identity, and Social Movements (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 109. Undergraduate Roundtable 2: Culture, Family and Gender (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 110. Undergraduate Roundtable 3: Sex and Gender (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 10 Friday, March 23 9:00 AM‐10:30 AM Executive Committee Meeting (Beauregard) 9:25 AM‐10:40 AM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 111. Author Meets Critics: Integration Interrupted: Tracking, Black Students, and Acting White After Brown (University of North Carolina Press) by Karolyn Tyson (Iberville) 112. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: Gender and Health, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Bienville) 113. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Feminist Pedagogy: Building a Feminist Classroom, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South and the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 114. Group Processes: Affect (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 115. Social Theory, Disaster Research, & Katrina (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 116. Panel Session: 25 Years Later: “Frame Alignment Processes: Micromobilization and Movement Participation" (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 117. Health Disparities: Literacy, Information, and Communication II (Vieux Carre) 118. Issues in Work and Occupations (Cabildo) 119. Sociological Implications of the Capitalist Financial Crisis (Pontalba) 120. Author Meets Critics: The Power of Urban Ethnic Places: Cultural Heritage and Community Life (Routledge) by Jan Lin (Ursuline) 121. Author Meets Critics: Just One of the Guys? Transgender Men and the Persistence of Gender Inequality (University of Chicago Press) by Kristen Schilt, co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women (Cathedral) 122. Qualitative Approaches to Social Life I (French Market) 123. Roundtable 1: Deviance (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 124. Roundtable 2: Issues in Race Studies and Relations (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 125. Roundtable 3: Research on HIV/AIDS (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 126. Roundtable 4: Weddings, Name Changes, and Gender Roles (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 127. Roundtable 5: Food and Culture around the World (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 128. Roundtable 6: Deviance and Drug Use (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 129. Posters: Race and the Media (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 130. Posters: Environment, Lifestyle, Health, and Diet (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 10:00 AM‐11:00 AM 131. Site Selection Committee Meeting (Board Room) 10:50 AM‐12:05 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 132. Southern Sociological Society Distinguished Lecture Session: Shirley Laska (Iberville) 133. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: Intersections of Health: Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Culture, and Immigration, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Bienville) 134. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Incorporating Faculty Research into the Undergraduate Classroom, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 135. Group Processes: Risk, Trust, and Collective Action (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 136. Social Theory in the 21st Century: Between Social Action, Science, and Mass Culture (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 137. Culture and Social Movements: Insights from Working at Their Intersection (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 138. Health Disparities: Literacy, Information, and Communication III (Vieux Carre) 139. Sociology of Education: Politics and School Policy (Cabildo) 11 Friday, March 23 140. Ethnic and Immigrant Identities, Aspirations, and Views (Beauregard) 141. Juvenile Violence, Detention, and School Bullying (Pontalba) 142. Panel Session in Honor of April Brayfield (Ursuline) 143. Empirical Studies of Gender and Sport, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Cathedral) 144. Qualitative Approaches to Social Life II (French Market) 145. Undergraduate Roundtable 1: Social Problems, Culture, and the Media (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 146. Undergraduate Roundtable 2: Environment and Health (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 147. Undergraduate Roundtable 3: Gender, Identity, and Sexuality (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 148. Undergraduate Roundtable 4: Social Movements I (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 149. Undergraduate Roundtable 5: Race, Ethnicity, and Neighborhood (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 150. Undergraduate Roundtable 6: Unions, Politics, and Voting (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 151a. Posters: Urban Networks in Small Communities (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 151b. Posters: Inter‐racial Relationships: Attitudes and Interactions (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 11:00 AM‐12:00 PM Nominations Committee Meeting (Board Room) 12:05 PM‐12:30 PM 152. Sociologists for Women in Society‐South Silent Auction: Auction proceeds to be donated to the Brees Dream Foundation in memory of April Brayfield (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 12:05 PM‐1:00 PM LUNCH (Interested Graduate Students meet Tonya Frevert in the hotel lobby for a group lunch; depart at 12:15) 12:30 PM‐1:30 PM Sociologists for Women in Society‐South Business Meeting (Bienville) 1:10 PM‐2:25 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Committee Chairs Meeting (Board Room) 153. Plenary Speaker—Cecilia Ridgeway: How Does Gender Inequality Persist in the Modern World? With Introductory Remarks by Beth A. Rubin, SSS President (Iberville) 154. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Service Learning: A Pedagogical Aspect, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 155. Race, Immigration, and Public Policy (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 156. Higher Education: Policy Evaluation and Outcomes I (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 157. Panel Session: Bringing Religion "Back In" to the Study of Stratification (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 158. Health Stratification by Race (Vieux Carre) 159. Social Movements, Organizations, and Power (Cabildo) 160. Contemporary Racial Attitudes in America I (Beauregard) 161. Criminological Theory (Pontalba) 162. Health and Aging in Context (Ursuline) 163. Theorizing Gender and Sport, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Cathedral) 164. Qualitative Investigations of Deviance (French Market) 165. Roundtable 1: Gender and Media (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 166. Roundtable 2: Gender and the Workplace (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 167. Roundtable 3: Workplace Diversity (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 168. Roundtable 4: Race/Ethnicity and Health Outcomes (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 169. Roundtable 5: New Identities in Established Institutions: Shifting Social Contracts in Varying Social Contexts (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 12 Friday, March 23 170. Roundtable 6: Crime, Law, and Society (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 171. Posters: Low‐Income Communities: Consumption and Health (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 172. Posters: Critiquing and Expanding Theoretical Foundations (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 2:35 PM‐3:50 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 173. Plenary Speakers—Teresa A. Sullivan and Suzanne T. Ortega: Women in Higher Education Administration: Sociological Lessons from the Field, with Introductory Remarks by Beth A. Rubin, SSS President (Iberville) 174. Innovation in the Workplace (Bienville) 175. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Service Learning: The Community University Partnership, co‐ sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 176. Group Processes: Networks and Connections (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 177. Higher Education: Policy Evaluation and Outcomes II (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 178. Religion: Race, Religiosity, and Gender (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 179. Health Inequities/Disparities Session (Vieux Carre) 180. Framing and Social Movements (Cabildo) 181. Contemporary Racial Attitudes in America II (Beauregard) 182. Cultural Production, Organizations, and Commercialization (Pontalba) 183. Prevention and Intervention: Health and Healthcare in Later Life (Ursuline) 184. Gender & Sexuality Intersections, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Cathedral) 185. Author Meets Critics: The Internet and Social Inequalities (Routledge) by James Witte (French Market) 186. Research Incubator 1: Marriage and the Family (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 187. Research Incubator 2: Political Sociology, Stratification, and Society (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 188. Research Incubator 3: Criminal Justice (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 189. Research Incubator 4: Sexuality (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 190. Research Incubator 5: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 191. Research Incubator 6: Gender and Race (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 192. Posters: Victimization, Bullying, and Intimate Partner Violence (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 193. Posters: Examining Gendered Attitudes within Relationships (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 4:00 PM‐5:15 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 194. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: Women in Higher Education Administration: Sociological Lessons from the Field II (Iberville) 195. Segregation in US Cities (Bienville) 196. Panel Session: Sociological Practice in the South (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 197. Panel Session: Tools for Conviviality: Building Community, Sustainable Solutions, and Alternative Projects in New Orleans (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 198. Inequality and Educational Opportunity: Issues of Identity (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 199. Gender in Cross‐National Context (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 200. Linked Lives: Impact of Social Ties on Health Outcomes (Vieux Carre) 201. Social Movements: Right & Left (Cabildo) 202. Race and Inequality (Beauregard) 203. Organized Deviance (Pontalba) 204. Social Support, Health, and Well‐Being among Older Adults (Ursuline) 205. Gender & Bodies, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Cathedral) 206. Gender Roles and Family Practice (French Market) 207. Research Incubator 1: Undergraduate Education (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 208. Research Incubator 2: Gender and Body Size (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 209. Undergraduate Roundtable: Community and Poverty (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 210. Posters: Latino Environmental Threat and Victimization (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 211. Posters: The Influence of Religiosity on Attitudes (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 13 5:30 PM‐7:00 PM 212. Presidential Plenary, Awards, and Memorial Ceremony (Iberville) 7:00 PM‐9:00 PM Presidential Reception (Riverview) Saturday, March 24 7:30 AM‐8:30 AM Southern Sociological Society Business Meeting (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 8:00 AM‐9:15 AM 213. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: Queer Family Practices, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South and the Committee on the Status of Women (Iberville) 214. Adolescents and Health (Bienville) 215. Assessing Teacher Quality: Sociological Perspectives (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 216. Memorializing and Remembering: Racial Identification and Construction (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 217. Shifting White Racial Identities and Racial Inequality (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 218. Social Psychology of Mental Health (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 219. Immigrant Experiences (Cabildo) 220. Theory: Contemporary Issues (Beauregard) 221. Sociology of Sports and Leisure (Board Room) 222. Socialism or Barbarism: Capitalist Assaults and Working Class Revolts from Bahrain to the Bayou (Ursuline) 223. Community Change, Attachment, and Power (Cathedral) 224. Cultural Processes across Time and Place (French Market) 8:30 AM‐9:15 AM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Committee Meetings (Program, Local Arrangements, Sociological Practice, Honors, Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Status of Women, Development, Membership, Sociology in Community and Small Colleges, and the Profession) (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 8:30 AM‐10:30 AM Executive Committee Meeting (Pontalba) 9:25 AM‐10:40 AM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 225. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: Gender, Family, and the Recession, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Iberville) 226. Research on Gender and Policy, co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women (Bienville) 227. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Teaching Sociology, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 228. Race in the Family, Media, and Other Contexts (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 229. Education and Stratification II (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 230. Panel Session: Sexual Socialization in the 21st Century (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 231. Public Opinion: Inequalities and 'Othering' (Cabildo) 232. Cinematic Sociology (Beauregard) 14 Saturday, March 24 233. Tastes, Preferences, and the Broader Social Order (Board Room) 234. Health Stratification by SES and Gender (Ursuline) 235. Participation in Social Movements (Cathedral) 236. Social Change (French Market) 10:50 AM‐12:05 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 237. Plenary Speaker—Joane Nagel: An Environmental Social Contract? Climate Change and the Military‐Security Complex, with Introductory Remarks by Beth A. Rubin, SSS President (Iberville) 238. Land of Opportunity, Excerpts from a Multi‐Platform Documentary Project about Rebuilding New Orleans and Urban America (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 239. Gendered Responses to Economic Challenges, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Bienville) 240. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Innovative Approaches to Teaching about Gender, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges and by Sociologists for Women in Society‐ South (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 241. Gender, Sexuality, and Sexual Practice (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 242. Education, Race, and Ethnicity II (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 243. Race, Inequality, and Agriculture in the Rural South (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 244. Public Policy and the Comparative Welfare State (Cabildo) 245. Social Reality between Theory and Science (Beauregard) 246. Food and Identity (Board Room) 247. Diagnosis and Medication of ADHD and Asperger's Disorder (Ursuline) 248. Sociology of Drug Use (Cathedral) 249. Comparative Views on Changing Social Contracts (French Market) 12:15 PM‐1:30 PM 250. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: Transgender Issues and the Family, co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women (Iberville) 251. Focus on Feminism (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 252. Gender Issues in Suicide, Intimate Partner Violence, and Immigration (Bienville) 253. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Experiential Learning, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 254. Shifting Contracts and Sociology Professions: Panel Discussion, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Professions (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 255. Educational Inequality: Differences in Access (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 256. Shifting Contracts in the Disability Landscape: From Policy to Personal Experience (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 257. Religion, Politics, and Social Change (Cabildo) 258. Social Theory: From Marx to Himes (Beauregard) 259. Video Ethnography, part 1 (Board Room) 260. Predictors of Mental Health (Ursuline) 261. Sociological Views of the Food System (Cathedral) 262. Considering Media Content: Film, Magazines, and the Internet (French Market) 1:45 PM‐3:00 PM 263. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: LGBT Parenting, co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women and Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Iberville) 264. The Creation of, and Innovations within, Sociology and Social Science Programs (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 265. Masculinities in Contemporary Societies (Bienville) 15 Saturday, March 24 266. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Programs, Technology, and Learning Outcomes, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) 267. Challenging Cultural Scripts on Gender and Sexuality (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 268. Education: Community and Social Change (Royal Ballroom Salon C) 269. Meaning and Memory in Everyday Life: Media as Resource (Royal Ballroom Salon D) 270. The Internet: Political Communication, Networks, and Mass Media (Cabildo) 271. The Financial Crisis of 2008 and its Aftermath (Beauregard) 272. Video Ethnography, part 2 (Board Room) 273. Local Infrastructure, Neighborhood Composition, and Health (Ursuline) 274. Gender and Intersectionality in Resistance Movements, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐ South (Cathedral) 275. Considering Media Content: Television and Video Games (French Market) 3:15 PM‐4:30 PM 276. Entrepreneurship and Networks (Cabildo) 277. Gender, Sexuality, and the Workplace (Beauregard) 278. Household Labor and Leisure Time (Board Room) 279. The Triple Helix of Change, Mobility, and Identity in a Shifting Global World (Ursuline) 280. Health and Happiness (Cathedral) 281. Doing Gender, Doing Sexuality (French Market) 16 Program Schedule Wednesday, March 21 2:00 PM‐6:00 PM Executive Committee Meeting (Beauregard) 4:00 PM‐6:00 PM Registration (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 6:30 PM‐9:00 PM Graduate Student Reception (700 Club on the corner of St. Peter’s and Burgundy (700 Burgundy Street)) Thursday, March 22 7:30 AM‐8:30 AM Sociologists for Women in Society‐South: Welcome Reception for New and Interested Members. Please Bring Your Silent Auction Items at this Time (Bienville) 8:00 AM‐12:00 PM Executive Committee Meeting (Beauregard) 8:00 AM‐9:15 AM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 1. Social Psychological Impacts of Na‐Tech Disasters in the 21st Century (Iberville) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Dana M. Greene, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Getting Up and Moving Forward after a Disaster: The Stress of Every Day Life in Long Term Recovery. Pamela Jenkins, University of New Orleans Effects of a Technological Disaster on Social Capital: A Study of the 2008 TVA Kingston Fossil Plant Ash Release. Liesel A Ritchie, University of Colorado; Nnenia Campbell, Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Negotiating the Mile‐Fly Club: Compassion Fatigue in the Disaster Zone. Dana M. Greene, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill The Use of Instructional Technology in Dealing with Disasters. Brucetta McClue Tate, PhD, LB Landry High School & Aii Insitution of Pittsburgh; Ashraf Esmail, Southern University at New Orleans 2. Politics and Policing (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Thomas N. Ratliff, Tennessee Tech Policing the Police: Ethics Education and Training as a Tool to Control 'Noble Cause Corruption' and Reduce the Use of Excessive Force. Manfred F. Meine, Troy University; Thomas P. Dunn, Troy University Current Issues Regarding Police Use of Force. Craig Boylstein, Coastal Carolina University Cultural Barriers to Democratic Policing. Sanjay Marwah, Guilford College Radicals and Neoliberals: Guns, Masculinity, and Race under the War on Crime. J. Dawn Carlson, University of California‐‐Berkeley 17 Thursday March 22, 8:00am‐9:15am 3. Alternatives to Traditional American Beliefs (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Organizer and Presider: Markus Hadler, Marshall University You're either With Us or Against Us: Social Factors in Susceptibility to Conspiratorial Thinking. Rachel M Sparkman, Marshall University The Most Human Thing of All: Tribalism and the American Neo‐Pagan Movement. Heather N Sprouse, Marshall University If They Let Gay People Get Married, I Just Won't Do It! An Analysis of Changing Attitudes Regarding the Institution of Marriage. Jami B Hughes, Marshall University The "Good" and the "Bad" Neighbor: American Backyard Prejudices Examined. Markus Hadler, Marshall University Discussants: Richard Garnett and Adam Stephenson, Marshall University 4. Deviance (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Presider: Katelyn Rozenbroek, University of Miami Substance Use in a Rural High School: Perception and Reality. Michael Capece, Valdosta State University; Thomas Hochschild Jr., Valdosta State University Student Employment and Drug Use: When Too Many Demands Lead to Use. Katelyn Rozenbroek, University of Miami Myths and Misconceptions about the Drug Abuse Problem in America. Jerry Neapolitan, Tennessee Technological University Testing the Effects of Bullying and Cyber‐bullying on Delinquency Using the Pennsylvania Youth Survey. Lindsay Kahle, Indiana University of Pennsylvania 5. Issues in Gender, Marriage, and Intergenerational Relationships (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Presider: Nancy Horak Randall, Wingate University Leaving the Parental Home: The Role of Parents and Mentors. Anna Manzoni and Joshua Lambert, North Carolina State University "My Daughter Said I Needed To Get On Facebook": The Role of Reciprocal Socialization in the Adoption of Social Media by Baby Boomer and Silent Generation Women. Nancy Horak Randall and Sue Carroll Pauley, Wingate University Inter‐Racial Marriage Trends and Migration Patterns: An Analysis of LAFANS 2000. Maggie Bohm and Derrick Shapley, Mississippi State University The Changing Relationship between Marital Status and Political Participation. Abigail Randall, Florida Atlantic University 6. Predictors of Environmental Attitudes and Behavior (Vieux Carre) Presider: Jennifer Leigh Buchan, North Carolina State University The Politicization of Environmental Protection. Nehama Pinson, Florida Atlantic University Disputed Knowledge Claims as a Predictor of Environmental Movement Action: The Squeaky Clean Case of Coal. Juan Barredo, University of Central Florida; Wendi Kane, University of Central Florida Broadening Our Perspective: Human Development and Valuation of the Environment, a Cross‐National Study. Tobin Walton, University of Tennessee 7. Religion and Identity (Cabildo) Presider: Joanna Hunter, Saint Joseph's College "I'm not Catholic; I just like it": Multiple Meanings of Rosary Beads. Anne Borden, Morehouse College Who is Spiritual but not Religious? Donavan Bowers, Florida State University Contemporary Descendants of the Secret Jews of Spain and Portugal Who Are Leaving Their Current Religious Identities and Returning to Their Ancestral Jewish Identities: Analysis of a Recent Phenomenon. Abraham D. Lavender, Florida International University Religion and Personality: The Role of the Social Environment. Ashley L. Archer, Vanderbilt University Religious Identity at a Catholic College. Joanna Hunter, Saint Joseph's College 18 Thursday March 22, 8:00am‐9:15am 8. Race and Gender in the Age of Obama (Pontalba) Organizer and Presider: Persaud Chandrouti, Mississippi Valley State University Southern Politics in State and Nation Revisited: The Hunt for Racial Threat in the Age of Obama. Emmitt Riley III, The University of Mississippi Indefinitely Locked Out: Collectively Bargaining the Racial Contract a Decade into the New Millennium. Milton Bradberry, Jr., University of Nebraska Lincoln Discussant: Milton Bradberry, Jr., University of Nebraska Lincoln 9. Urban Agriculture and Community Gardens (Ursuline) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Yuki Kato, Tulane University A Community Food System Assessment: The Role of Home and Community Gardens/Farms in Five South Central Louisiana Parishes. Toni Y. Muhammad, University of Louisiana, Lafayette Technological Frames and the Sustainable Urban Agriculture Movement in Atlanta, GA. Gloria Ross, Georgia Institute of Technology From the Ground Up? A Case Study of One Community Garden Project. Lachelle Norris, Tennessee Tech University The Environmental Identity of the Urban Farmer: a New Orleans Case Study of Urban Farming Environmental Identifications. Donovon Ceaser, Louisiana State University Non‐Market Factors in Urban and Peri‐Urban Agriculture in Benin City, Southern Nigeria. Chike F. Okolocha, University of Benin 10. Life Choices Writ Large and Small: From Food to Marriage (Cathedral) Presider: Sonal Nalkur, Emory University Beyond BBQ: Navigating a Meatless Memphis. Michele Scott, University of Memphis Eat Your Veggies: Is Vegetable Consumption among Emerging Adults on the Decline? Jennifer Woltil, University of Florida "I do" but My State Says "You don't": Same‐Sex Marriage in a Time of Uncertainty. Cheryl Brown, Greensboro College; Donald Gregory, Reinhardt University 11. Aging Issues (French Market) Presider: Summer McWilliams, Florida State University Using Computers and the Internet in Assisted and Independent Living Communities: An Evaluation of a Technological Intervention. Ronald W. Berkowsky and Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama at Birmingham The Art of Hurdle Crossing: Sampling Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease. Brandi McCullough, The University of Alabama at Birmingham; Rebecca G. Adams, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Having the Time of Our Lives: Understanding the Role of Lifelong Learning Institutes in Promoting Aging Group‐ Consciousness. Summer McWilliams, Florida State University 12. Undergraduate Roundtable: Upsides and Downsides of a Shifting Global World (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Organizers: Fan Mai (Presider), University of Virginia; Rae Blumberg, University of Virginia Women's Empowerment in the Thar Desert? Efforts to Empower Some of the World's Most Subjugated Women. Jessica Modi, University of Virginia Guilty Until Proven Innocent: The Remand Population of Gulu, Uganda. Gracie Burger, University of Virginia Discourse on the Impact of Television in Thimphu, Bhutan. Melissa Rickman, University of Virginia Youth Perspectives on Television and Cultural Change in Thimphu, Bhutan. Claire Wyatt, University of Virginia 13. Social Problems, Media, and Strategic Communications (Board Room) Presider: Maria Lowe, Southwestern University Who’s Running the Show? Anti‐Racist Black Perspectives versus Liberal Media Framing of the 2008 Financial Crisis. Denise Woodall, University of Miami Corporate Strategic Communication and the Manufacture of Public and Policy Consent: An Investigation of Contention Surrounding the Construction of a Coal‐Fired Electric Plant. Kristin G. Waldo and Tamara Mix, Oklahoma State University The Art of Collective Identity: How an Art from the Streets Program Fosters a Sense of Community among the Homeless. Kristen McCollum, Southwestern University Farmworker Solidarity Activists' Conversion Stories: Ethnic Variation in Personal and Collective Identity Correspondence. Lindsey Lennon and Douglas Schrock, Florida State University 19 Thursday, March 22 9:25 AM‐10:40 AM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 14. Regarding the South: The Sociological Art of Looking Forward through the Past (Iberville) Organizer and Presider: David Ferguson, The University of Chicago Mason‐Dixon Dilemmas: How Blacks Experience Race and Region in the Reverse Migration to the South. Sabrina Pendergrass, Duke University Finding the New Black South: Tyler Perry and the Accomplishment of Country Cosmopolitanism. Zandria Robinson, University of Mississippi Guy Benton Johnson and the Problem of Racial Triangulation in a Black/White South. David Ferguson, The University of Chicago Have You Seen My Backyard? Rural Ecology, Disrepute, and Prison Placement. John Eason, Arizona State University 15. National Science Foundation Funding Opportunities, Merit Review, and Proposal Preparation (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Organizers: Katherine Meyer and Patricia E. White, National Science Foundation 16. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Teaching Sociology with Web 2.0 Technology, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South and the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Bienville) Organizer: Kris De Welde, Florida Gulf Coast University; Presider: Nicholas Guittar, University of South Carolina‐ Lancaster Sociological Imaginations Run Wild: One Tweet at a Time. Travis Jones, Stanly Community College Sociology 2.0: The Merits of Facebook as an Electronic Third Place. Jan Martijn‐Meij, Florida Gulf Coast University Embracing Sociology through Interdisciplinary Wiki Work. Amy Traver, CUNY Queensborough 17. Panel Session: Public Sociology: Research Action and Change (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizer: Leslie Hossfeld, University of North Carolina Wilmington; Presider: Tracy E. Ore, St. Cloud State University Panelist. Phil Nyden, Loyola University Chicago Panelist. Gwen Nyden, Oakton Community College Panelist. Jerome Scott, League of Revolutionaries for a New America Panelist. Walda Katz‐Fishman, Howard University Panelist. Paul Luebke, University of North Carolina Greensboro Panelist. Diane Grams, Tulane University Panelist. Roberta Spalter‐Roth, Department of Research and Development, American Sociological Association Panelist. Susan Ambler, Maryville College 18. Immigration and Labor Markets (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Organizer: Mariano Sana, Vanderbilt University; Presider: Lorraine Evans, Georgia Health Science University Overall Effect of Immigration on Labor Market Outcomes. Ted Mouw, UNC Chapel Hill Effects of the Recession on the Employment Share of Mexicans, Second Generation Mexican‐Americans, and Black Americans. Mariano Sana, Vanderbilt University A Construction Boom and a Disposable Labor Force: Hispanic Workers in Post‐Katrina New Orleans. Blake Sisk, Vanderbilt University; Carl Bankston III, Tulane University The Process of Ethnic Succession in the Agroindustrial Complex of the U.S. South. Vanesa Ribas, UNC Chapel Hill 19. General Strain Theory of Crime (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Presider: Shelley Matthews, Mississippi State University General Strain Theory and Differential Criminal Coping. Graham C. Ousey, College of William & Mary; Pamela Wilcox, University of Cincinnati; Laura Parker, College of William and Mary; Christopher J. Schreck, Rochester Institute of Technology Childhood Victimization and Later Offending: Using Agnew's General Strain Theory to Assess the Relationship. Kristie Afonso, University of Central Florida An Examination of the Independent and Joint Mediating Effects of Anger, Depression, and Anxiety in the Relationship between Strain and Delinquency. Timothy McClure, Mississippi State University; Christopher W. Purser, Murray State University An Examination of the Characteristics of Strain and the Impact on Negative Emotions. Shelley Matthews, Mississippi State University 20 Thursday, March 22, 9:25‐10:40 20. Mini‐Conference on Work, Inequality, and Shifting Social Contracts I: Networks and Economic Opportunity (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Organizers: Vincent Roscigno, The Ohio State University; Steve Vallas, Northeastern University; Don Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Presider: Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University Social Networks, Job Search, and Income Inequality in a Transitional Economy. Wei Zhao, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Network Effects across the Earnings Distribution: Informal Job Searching and Non‐Searching in the Labor Market. Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University Race, Gender and Statistical Discrimination: Network Hiring in a Low Wage Labor Market. Roberto M. Fernandez, MIT Sloan School of Management; Jason Greenberg, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, NYU 21. Environmental Theory (Vieux Carre) Presider: JoAnne DeRouen, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Environmental Health Hazards and Local Activism: Linking Quiescence to Social Control. Thomas Shriver, Oklahoma State University; Chris M. Messer, Colorado State University ‐ Pueblo; Alison E. Adams, University of Florida The Energy Battlefield: Shifting Forces and Terrain. Richard Hutchinson, Berry College Ecojustice in the City: Ellul and Foucault. Gabriel Santos, Lynchburg College Framing Disasters: Vested Interest in Perceptions of Technological Disaster. JoAnne DeRouen, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Bob Gramling, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; George Wooddell, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Shirley Laska and Pamela Jenkins, University of New Orleans 22. Media and Mobilization I: Framing (Cabildo) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Thomas N. Ratliff, Tennessee Tech Tea Party and Moral Majority Framing: Testing the Power Devaluation Model. Eric Wright, UNC‐Charlotte Local and National News Coverage of 2011 "Slutwalk" Movement: A Comparison of Framing Devices and the Protest Paradigm. Jessica A. Mahone, University of Florida Old and New Media Mobilization 'Occupy Wall Street': Coverage and Commentary. Russell Stockard, Jr., California Lutheran University Constructing Dissent and Control: The Media Framing of Social Protest in the U.S., 2006‐2009. Thomas N. Ratliff, Tennessee Tech 23. Sociology of Education: Inequalities on College Campuses I (Pontalba) Presider: Deeb Kitchen, Drake University Interracial Friendship Networks throughout the College Career. Elizabeth Stearns, UNC‐Charlotte; W. Carson Byrd, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Beyond Attitudinal Change: Fostering Students' Interracial Interactions after Studying Abroad. Maria Lowe, Southwestern University; Reginald A. Byron, Southwestern University; Susan E. Mennicke, Franklin and Marshall Graduate Unions: Organized Labor or Student Activists? Deeb Kitchen, Drake University Public Higher Education: Mission Shift and Campus Racial Composition. Stephanie McClure, Georgia College & State University; James Bridgeforth, Georgia College & State University; Hersheda Patel, Georgia College & State University 24. Research Incubator: Small Groups and Social Psychology (Board Room) Presiders: Lisa Walker, UNC ‐ Charlotte; Jody Clay‐Warner, University of Georgia; Lynn Smith‐Lovin, Duke University Status, Norms, and the Provision of Public Goods. Aaron Silverman, UNC‐Charlotte The Moderating Effect of Multiple Role Identities on the Relationship between Distributive Injustice and Psychological Distress. Elizabeth Culatta, University of Georgia 25. Identity and Emotion (Ursuline) Presider: Orit Fisher, Florida State University The Rapture of Combat: Action and Edgework in the Seductive Experience of Warfare. Michael G. Flaherty, Eckerd College; Stefan Malizia, University of California, Irvine; Kathryn A. Hamilton, Eckerd College Finding Work or Finding Identity? The Job Search Among the Homeless. Brooke Conroy Bass, Stanford University Emotional Identity Work among Familiar Caregivers of the Mentally Ill. Shannon Sabo, Florida State University; Preeti Vaghela, Florida State University 21 Thursday, March 22, 9:25‐10:40 26. Author Meets Critics: For the Family? How Class and Gender Shape Women's Work (Oxford University Press) by Sarah Damaske (Cathedral) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Gretchen Webber, Middle Tennessee State University Author. Sarah Damaske, Pennsylvania State University Panelist. David Maume, University of Cincinnati Panelist. Deborah Harris, Texas State University Panelist. Shannon N. Davis, George Mason University 27. Doing Masculinity (French Market) Presider: Brian Knop, Florida State University "Is my boyfriend gay?" Advice Columns and the Determination of Masculinity. Lanier Basenberg, Georgia State University Firearms and Masculinity: Beyond the Metaphor of the Phallus. Benjamin Albers, Bridgewater College Everyday Masculinity and Sexual Identity Management among Gay Men. Travis Speice, University of Cincinnati Masculine‐Identity Work in a Student Veterans Group. Brian Knop, Florida State University 28. Posters: Military Effects Outside of Service and War (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Crime Rates among Soldiers Returning from War. Jenifer Hamil‐Luker, UNC‐Greensboro Being a Military Brat; Helpful or Hindering? Does Having a Military Household Background Impact One's Ability to Cope with Stress? Brittney Dennis, University of Central Florida 29. Posters: Views on Crime and Politics (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Race, Sex, and the Views of Crime and Punishment. Joshua Michael Settlemyre, Emory & Henry College Let Me Get My Gun: An Analysis of the Relationship between Race, Region, Urbanicity, and Political View Effect Gun Ownership. Neil DeLuca, Emory & Henry College 10:50 AM‐12:05 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 30. Presidential Plenary: Panel on Shifting Social Contracts in Education: Does the Resegregation of Public Education Matter? (Iberville) Organizer and Presider: Roslyn A. Mickelson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte The Limits of Desegregation Policy and Constructive Alternatives in the Face of Resegregation. Carl Bankston III, Tulane University Why Where Schools Are Matters: Segregation and the Achievement Gap. John Logan, Brown University; Deirdre Oakley, Georgia State University Who Needs Diverse Schools? Rethinking Desegregation in the Age of Racialized Tracking. Karolyn Tyson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill K‐12 Education and the Shifting U.S. Demography: Should Educators Consider Racial Diversity? Angel Harris, Princeton University 31. Workshop: Status of the Job Market for New PhDs in Sociology 2010‐2011 (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Organizer: Roberta Spalter‐Roth, Department of Research and Development, ASA Presider: Ted Brimeyer, Georgia Southern University Panelist. Roberta Spalter‐Roth, Department of Research and Development, ASA Panelist. Theodore N. Greenstein, North Carolina State University Panelist. Liz Grauerholz, University of Central Florida 22 Thursday, March 22, 10:50am‐12:05pm 32. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Student Apathy and Curiosity, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Bienville) Presider: Ken Kolb, Furman University Assessing the Impact of Participation in First‐Year Seminars on Students' Intellectual Curiosity. Ken Kolb and Jenna Barnett, Furman University Student Apathy: A Comparison of Traditional and Non‐Traditional Students. Erika Klutts and Nancy Sonleitner, University of Tennessee Martin Students Attitudes towards Their College Education: Are Students Really Apathetic? Nancy Sonleitner, University of Tennessee Martin 'I Don't Understand Why I'm Failing Your Class': Childhood Socialization and College Preparation. John Rice and Kristen DeVall, University of North Carolina Wilmington 33. Shifting Social Contracts between Producers and Consumers of Symbolic Cultural Products (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizers: John Ryan, Virginia Tech; Angela Barlow, Virginia Tech Presider: Karen Bettez Halnon, Penn State Abington Occupational Careers and the Production of Culture in the Salon Industry. Angela Barlow & John Ryan, Virginia Tech The Production and Consumption of Inequality in Popular Consumer Culture. Karen Bettez Halnon, Penn State Abington How Cultural Producers Determine Reputation: The Case of Joke Theft in Stand‐Up Comedy. Pat Reilly, UCLA The Changing Culture of Adoption: Production, Consumption, and Cultural Capital. Kacie L. Rowell, Virginia Tech Luxury Never Sleeps: What Drives the Global Luxury Goods Industry? Ian M. Taplin, Wake Forest University 34. Latino/a Immigration to New Destinations (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Organizer and Presider: Stephen Christ, University of Missouri "I'm not a Nativist, but...": Reflections of Color‐Blind Rhetoric within Nativist Sentiment. Cameron Lippard, Appalachian State University; Charles Gallagher, La Salle University African American‐Hispanic Labor Market Competition in Post‐Katrina New Orleans: A Segmented Labor Market in the Making? Amy Bellone Hite, Xavier University of Louisiana Determinants of Anti‐Immigrant Prejudice in the American States. Michael Wallace and Rodrigo Figueroa, University of Connecticut Matachines in the Midwest: Rural Mexican Immigrant Resistance to Assimilation. Stephen Christ, University of Missouri 35. Structural Research in Crime (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Organizer and Presider: Edward Shihadeh, Louisiana State University Investigating Changes in the Nature of Homicide in U.S. Cities. Graham C. Ousey, College of William & Mary; Charis E. Kubrin, University of California‐Irvine Similarity/Difference in Structural Correlates of White and Black Violence Rates: What Happens When Hispanics Are Not Recorded As White Arrests? Casey Harris, University of Arkansas Latino Immigration, Black Job Displacement, and Violence in Old and New Destinations. Edward Shihadeh, Louisiana State University; Raymond Barranco, Louisiana State University Immigration, Language Use, and Violence. Ben Feldmeyer, University of Tennessee; Daniel Lai, University of Tennessee 36. Mini‐Conference on Work, Inequality, and Shifting Social Contracts II: Inequality, Mobility, and Social Closure (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Organizers: Vincent Roscigno, The Ohio State University; Steve Vallas, Northeastern University; Don Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Presider: George Wilson, University of Miami Organizational Culture, Developmental Practices, and Minority Success. Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia Do Networks Trump Agism: Social Ties, Age, and Performance Evaluations. Alexandra Kalev, Tel‐Aviv University Managerial Race Segregation and the State: How Legal Context and Culture Matter. Sheryl L. Skaggs, University of Texas‐Dallas; Julie A. Kmec, Washington State University Race, Managerial Citizenship, and Employees' Work Reactions. David Maume, University of Cincinnati; Beth A. Rubin, SSS President, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte; Charles J. Brody, UNC Charlotte 23 Thursday, March 22, 10:50am‐12:05pm 37. Environmental Discourse and Debate (Vieux Carre) Presider: Todd Matthews, University of West Georgia The Blame Game: Analyzing the Institutional Failures Underlying the Deepwater Horizon Disaster. Todd Matthews and Neema Noori, University of West Georgia; Anita Rojas, Valdosta State University; Lashelle Moss, Lane College The Politics of Protection: Corporate Actors in Climate Change Discourse. Elizabeth A. East, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Remaking the Promise of Oil: from the Ocean Ranger Disaster (1982) to the Deepwater Horizon (2010). Susan Dodd, University of King's College, Halifax, Canada Mediating and Moderating Effects between Gender and Socio‐Demographic Characteristics of Environmental Concern. Carmel Price, Furman University; Stephanie Bohon, University of Tennessee Knoxville 38. Media and Mobilization II: The Internet and Social Media (Cabildo) Organizers: Stephen Poulson (Discussant), James Madison University; Thomas N. Ratliff (Presider), Tennessee Tech Fear and Loathing in Old and New Media: Anti Progressivism and Incivility in Talk Radio and on the Web. Matthew Irvin, Eastern Kentucky University From Online Communities to Offline Organizing: Blogging and Evidence against the Substitution Thesis. Stephen F. Ostertag and David G. Ortiz, Tulane University "You have to fight! For your right! To party!" A Value Added Approach to a College Party Riot. Stephen Poulson, James Madison University; Thomas N. Ratliff, Tennessee Tech; Emily Dollieslager, James Madison University 39. Sociology of Education: Inequalities on College Campuses II (Pontalba) Presider: Sandra Weissinger, Southern University at New Orleans Risky Choices: A Dynamic Model for Gender Differences in Fields of Study Selection among 4‐Year College Students. Dafna Gelbgiser, Cornell University Bridging the Research‐Practice Gap in Higher Education to Improve Outcomes for Black and Hispanic Males. Kaleefa Munroe, Graduate and University Center, CUNY College Decision‐Making Gap: Variance in Influences on College Decisions between Foreign‐Born Black and US‐Born Black Students. Sarah Okorie, American University 40. Methods and Instruction for Urban Sociology (Ursuline) Presider: Patricia Snell Herzog, Rice University Understanding Homelessness and Substance Abuse through a Mixed‐Methods Longitudinal Approach. Rachel Rayburn, Indiana University Purdue University ‐ Fort Wayne Modeling Status Hierarchies and Income Inequality Using Multi‐Agent Simulations. John Bradford, University of Alabama, Huntsville Food Stamp Program Participation and the Great Recession. Candice Myers and Tim Slack, Louisiana State University Is it the Government's Responsibility to Reduce Income Inequality? The Changing Attitudes of Americans from 1973 to 2010. Ya Feng Lin and Yoshinori Kamo, Louisiana State University 41. Patient/Provider Relationships and Information Exchanges (Cathedral) Presider: Catherine Zimmer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill "What Your Doctor Doesn't Want You to Know": Rhetorical Authority, Reluctant Acquiescence, and the Medicalization of Sleeplessness in the Physician Office Visit. Mairead E. Moloney, North Carolina State University; Catherine Zimmer and Thomas R. Konrad, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Racial Disparities in Incidence of Total Knee Arthroplasty for End‐Stage Osteoarthritis: Impact of Patient‐Provider Communication. Shannon O'Connor, University of Maryland, Baltimore Repairing the Patient‐Physician Social Contract with Help from Adam Smith and Auguste Comte, and a Focus on the Lacks' Case. Barbara Wyche, Fort Valley Dr. Internet Will See You Now: A Content Analysis of Prescription Drug Information On Line. Katie Reece, University of West Georgia 24 Thursday, March 22 42. A Sociological Re‐Imagination: Ideas for a Dynamic Sociology (French Market) Organizer and Presider: William A. Anderson, University of Alabama at Birmingham The Creativity Imagination. Monika Reuter, Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale Bringing Social Physics Back In: Prospects and Limitations. Stephen J. McNamee, UNC‐Wilmington For Environmental Sociology: Contours of Sociobiophysicality and the Necessity of Critical Theory. Alexander M. Stoner, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Discussant: Cullen Clark, University of Alabama at Birmingham 43. Posters: Education beyond the Institution (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Exploring Systems Leadership in Middle Schools: An Overview. Kathryn Borman, Scott Patrick Murphy, Maressa L. Dixon, and Owen Gaither, University of South Florida Education and Environmentalism: A Closer Look. Cristina Airado, Emory & Henry College 44. Posters: Childhood Obesity in School and the Community (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Effects of High School Wellness Programs on Health Behaviors and Outcomes during Adolescence and the Transition to Adulthood. Wei‐ting Chen, Johns Hopkins University Inequality, Perceptions of Public Space, and Patterns of Childhood Obesity. Sarah Bowen and Ariel Fugate, North Carolina State University 12:00 PM‐4:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting (Board Room) 12:05 PM‐1:00 PM LUNCH (Interested Graduate Students meet Tonya Frevert in the hotel lobby for a group lunch; depart at 12:15) 1:10 PM‐2:25 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 45. Plenary Speaker: Rubén Rumbaut: The Coming of a Majority‐Minority Nation: Ethnic Inequalities and the Social Contract, with Introductory Remarks by Beth A. Rubin (Presider), SSS President (Iberville) 46. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Creative Teaching, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Bienville) Presider: James Maples, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Beyond Bigotry: Teaching about Unconscious Prejudice. Raj Andrew Ghoshal, Goucher College; Cameron Lippard, Appalachian State University; Vanesa Ribas, UNC Chapel Hill; Ken Muir, Appalachian State University "Let me tell you": Using Student Autobiographies to Illustrate Sociological Concepts. Katrina Hoop, Saint Joseph's College of Maine Creative Classroom Assignments: Writing Children's Books about Social Problems. James Maples and William Taylor, The University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Transforming Introductory Sociology Discussion Sections to a Mixed Mode Electronic Format. Dan Hoyt, Alexis Swendener, Sarah Malone, Patrick Habecker, and Rachel Schmitz, University of Nebraska‐Lincoln 47. Sociology and Human Rights I: Revisiting Groups (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizer: David L. Brunsma, Virginia Tech; Presider: Michelle Lore, North Carolina State University Racial and Ethnic Minorities. James Michael Thomas and David L. Brunsma, Virginia Tech Children and Youth. Brian Gran, Case Western Reserve University Disability and Society. Jean M. Lynch, Miami University Discussant: Keri Iyall Smith, Suffolk University 25 Thursday, March 22, 1:10pm‐2:25pm 48. Religiosity, Health, and Education (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Presider: Todd Matthews, University of West Georgia Religiosity and Life Satisfaction in Japan and the U.S.: Understanding Religiosity in Different Cultural Contexts. Kimiko Tanaka, James Madison University The Effects of Higher Educational Experience on Religiosity and Spirituality, and Resolving Cognitive Dissonance. Shawn Gaulden, University of Central Florida Spiritual Struggles and Mental Health: Exploring the Moderating Effects of Religious Role Salience. Kevin J. Flannelly, HealthCare Chaplaincy; Qijuan Fang and Rebecca Steckler, The University of Texas at San Antonio Fractured Faith: The Changing and Diminishing Role of Religion in Progressive Politics. Rebecca Sager, Loyola Marymount University 49. Neighborhood Studies in Crime (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Presider: Lesley Reid, Georgia State University Homicide and Social Disorganization: Hurricane Katrina and a Decade of Killing in New Orleans. Marcus Kondkar, Loyola University–New Orleans Gentrification and Geospatial Patterns of Criminal Offending. Lesley Reid, Chandra Ward, and Deirdre Oakley, Georgia State University What Do Newspapers Tell Us About Home Invasion Robbery? Reginald A. Byron, Will Molidor, and Andrew Cantu, Southwestern University The Police Shooting of Edward Wright: The Civil Case. Bonnie Semora, University of Georgia Foreclosures and Crime: Testing Social Disorganization Theory in the Suburbs. Sara Hoskin, University of Central Florida 50. Mini‐Conference on Work, Inequality, and Shifting Social Contracts III: Power and Contestation at Work (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Organizers: Vincent Roscigno (Presider), The Ohio State University; Steve Vallas, Northeastern University; Don Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Bad‐Faith: Bureaucracy in a Nonprofit Nursing Home. Steven H. Lopez, Ohio State University A Tale of Two Strikes: Gender, State Policy, Firm Organization, Movement Dynamics, and the Radicalization of Women Workers at Moctezuma. Nancy Plankey‐Videla, Texas A&M University Synthesizing Theories of Power at Work: Bringing Power Resources, Power Dependency, and Social Network Centrality Together to Explain the Influence of Labor. Thomas Janoski, University of Kentucky Does Insecurity Generate Work Effort? Control, Orientations toward Management, and Worker Behavior. Julianne C. Payne, Martha Crowley, and Earl A. Kennedy, North Carolina State University 51. Environmental Impacts on Physical and Mental Health (Vieux Carre) Presider: Francis Adeola, University of New Orleans Social Network Analysis of Family‐Planning Discussions in Rural Korea. Lillian O'Connell, North Carolina State University Social Capital and Mental Health Impacts of Katrina: An Empirical Study of Louisiana and Mississippi Survivors. Francis Adeola, University of New Orleans; J. Steven Picou, University of South Alabama Socioeconomic Status, Race, and Cancer Risks due to Inhalation of Air Toxics in Cancer Alley, Louisiana. Wesley James, Chunrong Jia, Satish Kedia, University of Memphis Conceptualizing US Concern for Biotechnology. Jenna Lamphere, University of Tennessee Poverty, Race, and Place in the Era of Globalization: Implications for Gender‐based Health Issues. John Green, University of Mississippi; Debarashmi Mitra, Delta State University 52. Media and Mobilization III: Artistic Activism (Cabildo) Organizers: Jonathan Coley, Vanderbilt University; Thomas N. Ratliff; (Presider and Discussant), Tennessee Tech Ocup(arte)! Performances of Protest in the University of Puerto Rico Student Movement, 2010. Katherine Everhart, Vanderbilt University Art as a Social Project: A Case Study of the Medu Arts Ensemble. Dustin Kidd, Temple University The Workers' Theater: The Role of Plays and Musicals in the 1930's Labor Movement. Jonathan Coley, Vanderbilt Strategic Communications and the Role of Media on Social Movement Mobilization and Success: A Comparative Analysis of the Zapatista in Mexico and Narmada Dam Movements in India (1994‐2000). Sneha Dutta, University of Kentucky 26 Thursday, March 22, 1:10pm‐2:25pm 53. Court Process, Incarceration, and Recidivism (Beauregard) Presider: Peter Wood, Eastern Michigan University Affective Rewards and Rational Choice: Accounting for Offenders' Intentions to Re‐Offend After Release. Peter Wood, Eastern Michigan University; David C. May, Eastern Kentucky University Veterans Courts. Thomas Brown, Virginia Wesleyan College Pre‐Dispositional Detention: The Special Case of Overrides. Scott R. Maggard and Allison Chappell, Old Dominion University Vagrant Masculinity: A Process of Masculine Self‐Conceptualization Post‐Incarceration. Le'Brian Patrick, Louisiana State University 54. Education and Stratification I (Pontalba) Presider: Lisette M. Garcia, New York University Reducing Student Mobility through a Randomized Intervention. Ruth López Turley, Rice University; Jeremy Fiel, University of Wisconsin; Anna Haskins, University of Wisconsin The Impact of Secondary School Re‐segregation on the Opportunities of Minority Youth: An Analysis of the Core of Common Data. Lisette M. Garcia, New York University; Tiffany G. Chenault, Salem State University School Resources and Investments and the Production of STEM Majors. Elizabeth Stearns, UNC‐Charlotte; Jason Giersch, UNC‐Charlotte; Roslyn A. Mickelson, UNC‐Charlotte; Stephanie Moller, UNC‐Charlotte Neoliberalism and the Charter Coup: Public Education in Post‐Katrina New Orleans. J. Katie Harris, University of West Georgia 55. Family Problems and Expectations (Ursuline) Presider: DeAnna Gore, University of South Carolina Aiken Does Victimization Affect Security of Attachment After Controlling for Parenting Variables? An Analysis Using an African‐American Sample. Stephen Watts, University of Georgia The Relationship between Employed Women and Their Family's Problems. Nuray Karakaya, Florida Atlantic University Non‐Marital Romantic Relationship Dissolution among African American Young Adults: The Gendered Roles of Relationship Hostility and Satisfaction. Ashley Barr and Ronald L. Simons, University of Georgia The Effect of Cohabitation on Expectations for Marriage. David Foley and Nancy Sonleitner, University of Tennessee Martin The Good, the Bad, and Technology Mediated Communication in Romantic Relationships. Melissa Faircloth, David Knox, and Jason Brinkley, East Carolina University 56. Cultural and Media Framing of Gender and Sexuality (Cathedral) Presider: Jennifer Leigh Buchan, North Carolina State University Controlling Images in Portrayals of Women Motorcyclists: A Comparative Historical Analysis of Motorcycle Magazines 1930s‐2011. Jennifer Leigh Buchan, North Carolina State University Reading between the Lines: Intersex and American News Media, 1993‐2010. Erin Bergner, Vanderbilt University The Most Interesting Man in the World? A Content Analysis of Gender in Beer and Alcohol Advertisements. Michael Ramirez, Texas A&M University ‐ Corpus Christi; Lisa Schoelen, Texas A&M University ‐ Corpus Christi; Cian Brown, Texas A&M University ‐ Corpus Christi Men of the Goddess: Negotiating Masculinity and Sexuality in Modern Paganism. Gabriella Smith, Radford University 57. Producing and Reproducing Gender and Sexuality (French Market) Presider: Stephen Sills, University of North Carolina Greensboro Blepharoplasty: The Globalization and Homogenization of Beauty. Kimiko Tanita, Florida International University Seeing White Men: Bias in Gender Categorization. Joshua Simpkins, University of Central Florida Liminal Voices: Social Networks among Filipina Marriage Migrants. Stephen Sills, University of North Carolina Greensboro; Sara O'Brien, University of North Carolina Greensboro Performing Third World Poverty: Sex Work in the New Global Economy. Kimberly Hoang, Rice University 58. Posters: College Enrollment and its Consequences (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Student Loans and Bankruptcy. Cierra Riddle, Furman University Worldwide Expansion of Education Enrollment 1970‐2008: A Pooled Time‐Series Analysis of National Level Indicators. Don J. Asay, Louisiana State University 27 Thursday, March 22 59. Posters: Potpourri (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) RV Living and Positive Aging: How Do Older RVers Challenge Negative Stereotypes About Aging? Aaron J. Hartman, University of Central Florida; Elzbieta Sikorska‐Simmons, University of Central Florida; Alexandra Gens, University of Central Florida; Brian Stevens, University of Central Florida; Lei Lei, University of Central Florida Trends in the Use of Visualization in Sociology. Jon Coleman, Duke University 2:35 PM‐3:50 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 60. Panel Session: Frontiers in Sociology of Education: Recognizing the Work of Maureen Hallinan (Iberville) Organizer: Elizabeth Stearns, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Presider: Katherine Meyer, National Science Foundation Panelist. Claudia Buchmann, The Ohio State University Panelist. Adam Gamoran, University of Wisconsin‐Madison Panelist. Barbara Schneider, Michigan State University Panelist. Pamela Barnhouse Walters, Indiana University Panelist. Maureen Hallinan, University of Notre Dame 61. Panel Session: Serving Strategically and the Art of Saying "No," co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Organizers and Presiders: Evelyn Perry, Rhodes College; Lakshmi Jayaram, Virginia Tech Panelist. Krista Paulsen, University of North Florida Panelist. Idee Winfield, College of Charleston Panelist. Joanna Hunter, Saint Joseph's College Panelist. Cherise Harris, Connecticut College 62. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Working in Small and Community Colleges (2), co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Bienville) Organizer: Sandra Weissinger, Southern University at New Orleans Presider: Anna Hall, Delgado Community College/ City Park Institutionalizing Faculty Mentoring. Cheri Chambers, Christopher Newport University The Department of Everything: Keeping Sociology Alive in an Era of Faculty Downsizing and Academic Reorganization. Lori Brown, Meredith College With Audre as my Guide: Faculty Socialization at an HBCU. Sandra Weissinger, Southern University at New Orleans Opportunities Knocking and The Far Reach of a Job in a Community College: Time Management, Role Compartmentalization, Prioritization, and Exit Revised. Anna Hall, Delgado Community College/ City Park Discussant: Christine A. Wernet, University of South Carolina Aiken 63. Sociology and Human Rights II: Revisiting Institutions (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizer: David L. Brunsma, Virginia Tech Presider: Francis Adeola, University of New Orleans Medical Sociology. Susan W. Hinze, Case Western Reserve University; Heidi Taylor Chirayath, Bates College Environment and Technology. Francis Adeola, Univ of New Orleans; J. Steven Picou, University of South Alabama Social Movements and Collective Behavior. Lyndi Hewitt, Hofstra University Human Rights Education. Mark Frezzo, University of Mississippi Discussant: Brian Gran, Case Western Reserve University 64. Author Meets Critics: New Destination Dreaming: Immigration, Race, and Legal Status in the Rural American South (Stanford University Press) by Helen Marrow (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Organizer and Presider: Mariano Sana, Vanderbilt University Critic. Elizabeth Fussell, Washington State University Critic. Katharine Donato, Vanderbilt University Critic. Kim Ebert, North Carolina State University 28 Thursday, March 22, 2:35pm‐3:50pm 65. Macro‐Community Studies in Crime (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Presider: Timothy Hayes, North Georgia College & State University Brawls in the Big Easy: Effects of Civic Community Perspective on Aggravated Assault. Jessica Doucet, Francis Marion Socio‐structural Factors Contributing to Rates of Homicide among Native Americans. Timothy Hayes, North Georgia College & State University Race and Class Effects in Socio‐Ecological Models of Crime. Nick Richardson and William R. Smith, North Carolina State University Temporal Variance in Predictors of Homicide Rates Disaggregated by Gender, Race, and Victim/Offender Relationship, 1970‐2000. Julia D'Antonio‐Del Rio, Loyola University New Orleans 66. Mini‐Conference on Work, Inequality, and Shifting Social Contracts IV: Institutions and Organizational Inequality (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Organizers: Vincent Roscigno, The Ohio State University; Steve Vallas, Northeastern University; Don Tomaskovic‐Devey (Presider), University of Massachusetts, Amherst Inequality and Market Failure. Kim Weeden, Cornell University Putting the Bias in Skill Biased Technological Change? Postwar Development of White Collar Automation Technologies at General Electric. Caroline Hanley, William & Mary Reinventing American Firms: Financialization, Executive Compensation, and Firm‐level Employment Dynamics since the 1970s. Ken‐hou Lin, University of Massachusetts 67. Sociology of Reproduction I (Vieux Carre) Organizer and Presider: Shannon Carter, University of Central Florida Religious Demedicalization: The Case of Unassisted Homebirth. Amy Chasteen Miller, University of Southern Mississippi; Thomas Shriver, Oklahoma State University; Amanda Constance Paris, University of Southern Mississippi Body, Mind, and Emotion Work among Women Committed to Natural Childbirth. Stephanie Gonzalez‐Guittar and Shannon Carter, University of Central Florida The Relational Context of the Cesarean Section Experience. Jenny Irons, Hamilton College Higher Education Influences on Evangelical Protestants' Abortion Attitudes. Laura Moore, Hood College Discursive Constructions of Breastfeeding in U.S. News. Krystal Christopher and Shannon Carter, University of Central Florida 68. Panel Session: Activism in a World of Shifting Social Contracts (Cabildo) Organizer: Zoe Spencer, Virginia State University Presider: Dale W. Wimberley, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Panelist. Zoe Spencer, Virginia State University Panelist. Walda Katz‐Fishman, Howard University Panelist. Jerome Scott, League of Revolutionaries for a New America Panelist. Joyce Edwards, Virginia State University Panelist. Lauren Baron, University of Miami 69. Sociology of Music (Beauregard) Organizers: William F. Danaher, College of Charleston; Jason Eastman, Coastal Carolina University Presider: Jennifer Leigh Buchan, North Carolina State University Collective Identity in the Canadian Women's Movement: The Importance of Music and Song. William F. Danaher, College of Charleston Music Scenes as Transnational Festivals: The Case of Progressive Rock in the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries. Timothy J. Dowd, Emory University There's A Riot Goin' On: Afro‐Punk, Identity, and Societal Reaction. Charles Walton and Edgar Wharton, Lynchburg College Trends in Country Songs of the Year According to Socioeconomic Conditions. Jason Eastman, Coastal Carolina University Discussant: Von Bakanic, College of Charleston 29 Thursday, March 22, 2:35pm‐3:50pm 70. Child Outcomes in the Context of Work, Family, and Parental Involvement (Pontalba) Presider: Sandra Harmon, North Carolina State University Maternal Civic Engagement, Home Environment, and Paternal Involvement, and the Effects on Academic Outcomes for Children. Sandra Harmon, North Carolina State University Nonstandard Work, Family Structure, and Negative Child Outcomes during Adolescence. Joshua A. Hendrix, North Carolina State University Stability in and Relational Consequences of Parental Differential Treatment from Adolescence to Young Adulthood. Sonja E. Siennick, Florida State University The Declining Significance of Marriage and the Increasing Significance of Work for Child Poverty in the United States. Regina Baker, Duke University 71. Community and Well Being (Ursuline) Presider: James Maples, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Community Covariates of Health and Violence: Common Correlates or Distinct Phenomena? Matthew Lee, Louisiana State University; Graham C. Ousey, College of William & Mary Fayetteville‐Fort Bragg: Relationships, Strain, and the Balance of Power. Heather Griffiths, Fayetteville State University; Chaniqua Simpson, Fayetteville State University; Kurkessa Springs, Fayetteville State University Does Use of and Proficiency with Information and Communications Technologies Mitigate the Effects of Traditional Markers for Community Attachment: Evidence from Recent Survey Data. Michael Stern, College of Charleston; Benjamin L. Messer, Washington State University An Exploration of the Link between Feelings about One's Neighborhood and Tendencies towards Violence among Minority Racial Groups: Using Ethnographic Research to Tell the Story behind the Numbers. Abigail Reiter, George Mason University; Elizabeth Reiter, Utah State University 72. Case Studies and Community Activism for Environmental Sustainability (Cathedral) Presider: Patricia Yancey Martin, Florida State University New Public Spaces, Shifting Public Cultures: Memphis and the Adoption of Greenway Networks. Kevin T. Smiley, University of Memphis Diffusion of Innovation and Sustainability Initiatives in the Hospitality Industry: A Case Study. Karen Thal, University of South Carolina; Tracy Burkett, College of Charleston Addictive Economies and Methods of Extraction: Comparing Human Capital Measures in Areas of Surface and Underground Mining. Robert Perdue and Greg Pavela, University of Florida Imagination Envirostation: Students Connecting Students to Ecological Sustainability. David Burley, Natalie Shelton, and Jessica Cuifi, Southeastern Louisiana University; Chris Daunis, University of Louisiana, Monroe; Jamie Walker, Maria Coleman, and Bertha‐Fabiana Mathau, Southeastern Louisiana University. Enforcement of the Clean Water Act: Interviews with Environmental Regulators in East Tennessee. Kayla Stover, The University of Tennessee 73. Food, Water, Technology, and Health: Social and Economic Inequalities (French Market) Presider: Colby King, University of South Carolina Teaching Urban Theory through Simulation: The AudaCity Module. Colby King and Matthew Cazessus, University of South Carolina Shifts in Home Internet Access from 2001 to 2011: Examining the Digital Divide. Kenneth Wilson, Rebecca Powers, Megan Keels, and Magdalen Walton, East Carolina University Food Availability in Eatonville, Florida. Jerian Benwell‐Lybarger, University of Central Florida In Too Deep: Consequence of Water Bills in a Poor Southern City. Barbara Condliffe, Siri Warkentien, and Stefanie A. DeLuca, Johns Hopkins University 74. Posters: Family Influence on School Choice (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) To Succeed or Not to Succeed: The Effects of Parental Education Level on the Adult Child's Future. Devin Adkins, Emory & Henry College Public School Choice: Who Benefits? Stephanie Slates, Johns Hopkins University 75. Posters: Risky Behavior in Romantic Relationships (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Snooping In Romantic Relationships. Kelly Derby and David Knox, East Carolina University Taking Chances in Romantic Relationships. Lindsey Elliott, East Carolina University; Beth Easterling, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; David Knox, East Carolina University 30 Thursday, March 22 4:00 PM‐5:15 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 76. Panel Session: Distinguished Sociologists Reflect on a Career's Work, Changes, and the State of Sociology (Iberville) Organizers: George Wilson (Presider), University of Miami; Vincent Roscigno, The Ohio State University; Beth A. Rubin, SSS President, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte Panelist. Melvin Kohn, John Hopkins University Panelist. Sheldon Stryker, Indiana University Panelist. Ida Harper Simpson, Duke University Panelist. John Shelton Reed, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Panelist. Edward Tiryakian, Duke University 77. Panel Session: Get a Life: Work/Life Balance Advice for Singles, Parents, and Partnered Academics, co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Organizer: Heather Downs, Jacksonville University; Presider: Martha Crowley, North Carolina State University Panelist. Kimberly Kelly, Mississippi State University Panelist. Edward Kain, Southwestern University Panelist. Michelle Hughes Miller, University of South Florida Panelist. Jean‐Anne Sutherland, University of North Carolina ‐ Wilmington Panelist. Teresa Rust Smith, Salem College 78. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Working in Small and Community Colleges, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Bienville) Organizer: Sandra Weissinger, Southern University at New Orleans; Presider: Amie Hess, Meredith College The Triple Transition: New Job, New Setting, New Research. Amie Hess, Meredith College Making the Lessons Applicable: Experiential and Active Learning Strategies among First Generation and Non‐ Traditional College Students. Sarrah Conn, Hillsborough Community College Advising to the Future, Helping Students Choose Classes while Changing Lives. Beth P. Skott, University of Bridgeport 79. Sociology and Human Rights III: Revisiting Theory, Methodology, & Teaching (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizer and Discussant: David L. Brunsma, Virginia Tech; Presider: Lindsay Hamm, North Carolina State University Theory. Elizabeth A. Gill, Randolph‐Macon College Methodology. Amir Marvasti, Penn State Altoona; Karyn McKinney, Penn State Altoona Teaching and Learning. Judith Blau, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 80. Immigrants and Contexts of Reception (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Organizer: Mariano Sana, Vanderbilt University Presider: Colby King, University of South Carolina New Immigrant Destinations and Institutional Racism: The Case of State of Georgia v. Brandon Smith. Stephanie Bohon and Meghan Conley, University of Tennessee The Racial Incorporation of Immigrants in a Changing Southern Political Climate. Helen Marrow, Tufts University The Deportation Threat Dynamic and Victimization of Latino Migrants: Wage Theft and Robbery. Elizabeth Fussell, Washington State University 81. Fear of Crime (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Presider: Lesley Reid, Georgia State University Violence in the Media: How Consumption of Violent Media Affects College Students' Feelings of Safety. Katie Egan, University of Central Florida To Fear or not to Fear? Issues in the Measurement of Fear of Rape. Marion R. Hughes and Douglas W. Pryor, Towson University Examining the Impact of Gender Socialization on Fear of Crime: A Qualitative Comparison of Midwestern and Southern Married Women. Nicole Rader, Mississippi State University Fear of Crime and the Dismantling of Housing Support for Poor Older Adults. Lesley Reid, Angela Anderson, and Marcie Hambrick, Georgia State University 31 Thursday, March 22, 4:00pm‐5:15pm 82. Author Meets Critics: Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: The Growth of Polarized and Precarious Employment Systems in the United States, 1970s to 2000s. (Russell Sage Foundation) by Arne L. Kalleberg (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Kenneth Hudson, University of South Alabama Author. Arne Kalleberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Critic. Irene Padavic, Florida State University Critic. Daniel B. Cornfield, Vanderbilt University Critic. Irene Browne, Emory University Critic. Don Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 83. Sociology of Reproduction II (Vieux Carre) Organizer and Presider: Shannon Carter, University of Central Florida Breastfeeding in Public: Convenience or Hostile Environment? Jeanne Holcomb, University of Dayton Rock‐a‐Buy Baby: Consumerism by New, First‐Time Mothers. Sara Afflerback, University of Central Florida Racial Disparity in Adverse Birth Outcomes: Social Factor Impact. Anne Bubriski‐McKenzie, University of Central Florida The Implications of Reproductive Choice: Sterilization of Puerto Rican Women in the U.S. Nehama Pinson, Florida Atlantic University 84. Methods and Perspectives in Social Movement Research (Cabildo) Presider: Kenneth (Andy) Andrews, UNC Chapel Hill Situating Movements: Situational Analysis as a Comprehensive Way to Study Social Movements. Kathryn Nutter, University of Florida Studying Movement Campaigns and Conflict Dynamics. Kenneth (Andy) Andrews and Sarah Gaby, UNC Chapel Hill The Radicalization of Contention in Northern Ireland, 1968‐1972: A Relational Perspective. Gianluca De Fazio, Emory University Societal Predictability and the Social Movement Society. Kate Pride Brown, Vanderbilt University 85. Music and Genres: Boundaries, Formation and Identity (Beauregard) Presider: Omar Lizardo, University of Notre Dame Race, Ethnicity, and Cultural Consecration in Popular Music. Vaughn Schmutz, UNC Charlotte Redefining and Maintaining a Racial and Ethnic Identity in Contemporary America: An Examination of Popular Latin Music's Potential Influence on Afro‐Caribbean Social Identity Reconstruction. Karie Peralta and Brittany Harder, University of Miami Mapping Genre Formation in the Digital Age: Art Worlds, Artistic Reviews, and the Case of Ryan Light, University of Oregon; Colin Odden, Ohio State The Consumption of Asian American Jazz: The Role of Asian American Programmers. William White and Alan Turley, Texas A&M Central Texas 86. Education, Race, and Ethnicity I (Pontalba) Presider: Shelby Gilbert, Florida Gulf Coast University Teaching Transformations: South Africa's Post‐Apartheid Generation and Apartheid History Education. Chana Teeger, Harvard University Secondary School Contexts and Success in a STEM Career: Differential Effects by Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status and Gender. Martha Cecilia Bottia, Elizabeth Stearns, Roslyn A. Mickelson, and Stephanie Moller, UNC‐ Charlotte U.S Minority Students' Mathematics Achievement: Is the Gap Narrowing? Shelby Gilbert, Florida Gulf Coast University Blinded to Science: Gender Differences in the Effects of Race, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status on Academic and Science Attitudes among Sixth Graders. Tanja Link, Kennesaw State University; Brea Perry, Carl Leukefeld, and Christina Boelter, University of Kentucky 32 Thursday, March 22 87. Community in the Wake of Catastrophe (Ursuline) Presider: Jessica W. Pardee, Rochester Institute of Technology Structural Ritualization Theory and Long‐Term Social Recovery: An Analysis of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Duane Gill, David Knottnerus, and Sarah Kosmicki, Oklahoma State University; Liesel A. Ritchie, University of Colorado Vulnerability, Resiliency, and Community Disruption in Costal Louisiana: Assessing the Social Impacts of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Michael Ray Cope, Tim Slack, and Troy C. Blanchard, Louisiana State University From Survival to Success? Assessing Low‐income Women's Disaster Recovery Six Years after Hurricane Katrina. Jessica W. Pardee, Rochester Institute of Technology Transferable Communities: Relocating Refugees and their Social Networks. George Hobor, Colgate University; Amy Dow, Elly Field, and David Schwartz, Hamilton College Cultural Spaces and Community Places: Vietnamese Identity Building Projects Post‐Katrina. Vy Dao, Tulane University 88. Case Study Approaches to Studying the Environment (Cathedral) Presider: Fernando Rivera, University of Central Florida Socio‐environmental Impacts and Frame Disputes over Natural Gas Fracking in Northern Louisiana. Anthony E. Ladd, Loyola University New Orleans Bouncing Back: Resilience, Perceptions, and Disaster Emergency Management. Fernando Rivera, Marc R. Settembrino, University of Central Florida Waste and Environmental Degradation: The Nature and Causes of Recycling in North Carolina Communities. Ed Kick and Laura McKinney, North Carolina State University 89. Identity and Authenticity in Changing Urban Landscapes (French Market) Presider: M. Faye Hanson‐Evans, University of Texas Arlington Asians, Blacks, Latinos, and Whites in Poverty: "Who Believes What about Whom and Why?" M. Faye Hanson‐ Evans, University of Texas Arlington Structural Inequality by Race and Gender within a Network of Street‐Drug Users. Padraic Burns, North Carolina State University The Impact of Racial Segregation on Black‐White Income Inequality. Melvin Thomas, North Carolina State University 90. Posters: Relationships: Emotions and Attachments (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Is it Really Just as Easy to Love a Rich Person as a Poor One? Caitlin Stroupe, Emory & Henry College Animal‐Human Bond: Attachment vs. Objectification. Magdalen Walton and Christa Reiser, East Carolina University 91. Posters: Understanding and Expanding Education Curricula (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) LaeVedi: Why We Need a Lower Alabama Evolution Education Initiative. Nicole Carr, Doug Marshall, Philip J. Carr, and Brian Axsmith, University of South Alabama Repeat, Review, or Reveal: The Links between General Education and High School Curricula. Lorraine Evans, Georgia Health Science University and Brittain Ayres, University of Tennessee Chattanooga 5:30 PM‐6:30 PM 92. Ron Wimberley's Contributions to Southern Sociology: Looking Forward by Looking Back (Iberville) Organizer and Presider: Joseph J. Molnar, Auburn University RCW and the Black Belt: Pressing the Case for the Long Term. Terry Tomazic, St. Louis University Growing from the Family Farm: RCW and the Structure of Agriculture. Joseph J. Molnar, Auburn University RCW Legacy: Measuring Rural Homelessness in Kentucky. Matthew Irvin, Eastern Kentucky University RCW the Mentor: Lessons for the Digital Age. Gretchen Thompson and Karl Jicha, North Carolina State University RCW and the Civil Religious Dimension: Is It Still There? Donald Woolley, Duke University RCW the President: Impacts on Professional Societies. Linda Lobao, The Ohio State University 33 6:30 PM‐7:30 PM Roll of Honor Reception Sponsored by North Carolina State University and the University of Tennessee (Royal Ballroom Salon B) 6:30 PM‐8:30 PM Committee on Small and Community Colleges Dinner (Riverfront Restaurant: Members meet in the hotel lobby at 6:30 PM) Friday, March 23 7:00 AM‐9:00 AM Publications Committee Meeting (Beauregard) ASA Chairs' Breakfast (Riverview) 8:00 AM‐9:15 AM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 93. Teachers and Educational Inequality (Iberville) Organizer and Discusssant: Mark Schafer, Louisiana State University Presider: Lillian O'Connell, North Carolina State University Framing the "Uncomfortable Middle Ground": Teachers' Discourses of Race and Class Inequality. Jessica S. Cobb, UC Berkeley Teacher Autonomy in Southern Louisiana: A Mixed Methods Analysis of a Crucial Variable. Joseph Cleary, Louisiana State University Pathways and Perspectives Revisited: Teachers at Mid‐Career. Lorraine Evans, Georgia Health Science University 94. Gender and Globalization, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Bienville) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Debarashmi Mitra, Delta State University A Cross‐National Examination of Political Empowerment and Nation‐level Homicide Rates of Women. Martha Smithey, Texas Tech University From Being A Boy's Club To A Complete Health Facility: Changes In The Experience Of Going To The Gym In Urban India. Jaita Talukdar, Loyola University New Orleans Empowering Women in a Disaster Environment: How Feminist Theory May Inform Local Community‐Based Participatory Research Projects in the Context of Global Structural Inequality. Kenneth H. Bolton, Jr. and Anna M. Kleiner, Southeastern Louisiana University Beauty, Constructed and Consumed: Intersections of Global and Local Images of Beauty in Popular American and African Magazines. Danielle Thomas, Lousiana State University 95. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Taking Feminist Pedagogy beyond the Circle, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South and the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizer and Presider: Amie Hess, Meredith College Interdisciplinary Team Teaching as Feminist Pedagogy. Kris De Welde, Nicola Foote, Michelle Hayford, and Martha Rosenthal, Florida Gulf Coast University Building Feminist Pedagogy in the Online Classroom: Climate, Challenges, and Solutions. Valerie Q. Glass, Virginia Tech Teaching Sociology of Gender ...through Film, Interactively, while Online. Idee Winfield, College of Charleston "I Got to Speak Without Being Judged!" Using Mobile Devices and Technologies to Promote Feminist Pedagogy in the Classroom. Skyler Lauderdale and Christina Partin, University of South Florida 34 Friday, March 23, 8:00am‐9:15am 96. Social Psychology and Social Relationships (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Presider: Daniel B. Shank, University of Georgia The Impact of Time, Space, and Motion on Social Relationships. Casey Welch, Flagler College; G S Coffey, Mount Olive College Freeriding Interaction Orders as Competitive Strategy: Playing the "A‐hole" Card. Michael Bare, University of Chicago The Influence of Multiple Person Online Communications on Gender Attitudes. Skylar Gremillion, LSU Social Shifts, Network Ties, and Online Dating. Kaitlin M. Boyle, The University of Georgia 97. Social Theory between Dialectics and Dynamics (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Organizer: Harry Dahms, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville; Presider: John Bradford, University of Alabama, Huntsville Process Analytics and Process Dialectics. Lawrence Hazelrigg, Florida State University Nonergodic Processes and Turning Points in Dynamic Models of Social Change: Illustrations from U.S. Labor History. Larry Isaac, Vanderbilt University; Paul Lipold, Unaffiliated The Future of Critical Theory: Dialectics or Dynamics? Harry Dahms, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Discussant: Douglas Kellner, University of California‐‐Los Angeles 98. Social Movement Challenges to Corporate Actors (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Organizers: Andrew Martin, Ohio State University; John McCarthy (Discussant), Pennsylvania State University Presider: Andrew Martin, Ohio State University Organized Labor and the Media: Toward an Understanding of Media Coverage and Movement Outcomes. Salvatore Restifo, Ohio State University; Andrew Martin, Ohio State University Firm Reputation, Social Responsibility, and Movement Activism. Brayden King, Northwestern University; Mary McDonnell, Northwestern University Corporate Patrons and Illegitimacy Challenges for SMOs: The Strategic Funding of Health Advocacy by Drug and Device Manufacturers. Edward Walker, UCLA Social Protest and Corporate Change: Assessing the Impact of Corporate Campaigns. Marc Dixon, Dartmouth College; Andrew Martin, Ohio State University; Micheal Nau, Ohio State University 99. Health Disparities: Literacy, Information, and Communication I (Vieux Carre) Organizers: Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama at Birmingham; RV Rikard, North Carolina State University Presider: RV Rikard, North Carolina State University Health‐Related Internet Use And Health Lifestyles: An Empirical Analysis Of Online And Offline Health Behaviors Using The 2007 Health Information National Trends Survey. Timothy M. Hale, University of Alabama at Birmingham The Case for Investing in Youth Health Literacy: One Step on the Path to Achieving Health Equity for Adolescents. Kathryn L. Santoro, National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation; Claire M Speedling, National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation Health Information Resource Center: Providing Access to Health Information in Rural South Carolina. Marla C. Rabalais, Oconee Medical Center; Cynthia C. Faverty, University of South Carolina Health Literacy Web Toolkit Raises Awareness of the Impact of Low Health Literacy. Marti Lindsey, Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center 100. Author Meets Critics: The Women of Katrina (Vanderbilt University Press) (Cabildo) Organizer: Emmanuel David, Villanova University; Discussant: Betty Hearn Morrow, Florida International University Women as Community Organizers: How their Work Shifted after Hurricane Katrina. Pamela Jenkins, University of New Orleans Grounded in Faith, Inspired to Action: Bayou Women Own Their Own Recovery. Kristina Peterson, University of New Orleans; Richard Krajeski, University of New Orleans Critical Disjunctures: Disaster Research, Social Inequality, Gender, and Hurricane Katrina. Kathleen Tierney, University of Colorado at Boulder 35 Friday, March 23, 8:00am‐9:15am 101. Panel Session: Riding the Tides: Applied Sociology in Disaster‐Prone Settings (Pontalba) Organizer: Dana M. Greene, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Presider: Kristi Fondren, Marshall University Panelist. Corey Thomas Miller, University of New Orleans Panelist. Erin P. Merrick, University of New Orleans Panelist. Maggie L. Olivier, University of New Orleans Panelist. Michelle M. Gremillion, University of New Orleans 102. Panel Session: Career Planning and Transitions, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Board Room) Organizer and Discussant: Julie B. Wiest, High Point University; Presider: Diane Everett, Stetson University Panelist. Carol F. Black, Newberry College Panelist. Diane Everett, Stetson University Panelist. Jessica W. Pardee, Rochester Institute of Technology 103. Utilization and Efficacy of Healthcare Services (Ursuline) Presider: Josh Packard, Midwestern State University Effectiveness of Diabetes Management Intervention Programs in African American Communities. Tangela Towns, University of Central Florida Health Care Delivery, Utilization, and Satisfaction among Low‐Income Patients. Josh Packard, Midwestern State University Diabetic Patients at Clínica Gratis. Linda Carson and Lane Riley, Lander University 104. Gender and Sexuality in Educational Context (Cathedral) Presider: Aaron Poole, University of Central Florida Gendered Views on Coeducation at a Military College: The Impact of Gender Polarization. David Novack, Washington & Lee University; Lesley Novack, Mary Baldwin College Examining the Development of LGBTQ Allies on Campus. Justin Smith, Central Michigan University Envisioning Gendered Possible Selves: Adolescent Girls' Perceptions of Gender Inequities in STEM Fields. Kimberly Kelly, David Dampier, and Kendra Carr, Mississippi State University Finding Fact and Fiction: Domestic Sex Trafficking in Central Florida. Aaron Poole, James McCutcheon, and Melissa Tetzlaff Bemiller, University of Central Florida 105. Qualitative Sociology: Innovations and Insights (French Market) Presider: Rachel Austin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte "Welcome Home": An Ethnographic Study of a Regional Burn Festival. Rachel Austin, UNC Charlotte Teaming Up in Ethnographic Research: Lessons from a REAP‐Based Group Fieldwork in Montmartre, Paris. Antonio Chiareli, Sophy Beers, and Kait Glass, Covenant College Playing Jazz in the Field: Discoveries in the Organization of Fieldwork Improvisation in School Settings. Scott Patrick Murphy, Heather Scott, Aarti Bellara, and Kathryn Borman, University of South Florida 106. Research Incubator 1: Social Movements (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Scott Fitzgerald, University of North Carolina at Charlotte The Effect of Globalization on Religious Social Movements and Identities. Joshua Tuttle, George Mason University Designing the Future: Framing Disputes in Social Movements. David Zeller, University of South Florida Social Movement Media Production and Consumption: The Role of Gatekeepers, Public Discourse, and Extensive Visibility. Katie Cooper, University of South Florida 107. Research Incubator 2: Social Movements (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presiders: Kenneth (Andy) Andrews, UNC Chapel Hill; Lauren Langman, Loyola University of Chicago Alternative Communication and Mobilization. An Analysis of the Oaxacan Social Movement Communicative Strategies throughout the 2006 Conflict. Virginia Labiano, Dr. José María Luis Mora Sharing the Limelight: Prominence in Social Movement Organizations and their Leaders. Erica Dollhopf, Pennsylvania State University 36 Friday, March 23 108. Undergraduate Roundtable 1: Ethnicity, Religion, Identity, and Social Movements (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Tahseen Shams, The University of Southern Mississippi Self‐Worship and Its Implications for the Global Environment. Adam W. Sumrall, University of Southern Mississippi You and I Will Change the World: Jewish Values, Identity and Social Activism. Ethan Lane‐Miller, Southwestern University Managing Intersecting Identities in a First Generation Bangladeshi Muslim Immigrant Population in Mississippi. Tahseen Shams, The University of Southern Mississippi 109. Undergraduate Roundtable 2: Culture, Family and Gender (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Marie Gualtieri, University of Central Florida The Visibility of Globalization in the Developing Region of Moshi, Tanzania: A Systematic Analysis of an Internship Experience. Abigail Wigington, Georgia College Real Women Discuss Real Women: A Focus Group Study of College Students' Views of the Dove Campaign. Marie Gualtieri, University of Central Florida Her Fantasy, His Apathy: How Culture Affects Males' and Females' Attitudes and Perceived Meanings towards Wedding Ceremonies. Allison Upton, The University of Southern Mississippi 110. Undergraduate Roundtable 3: Sex and Gender (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Simone Ispa‐Landa, Northwestern University Self‐Esteem among Female College Students: What Factors Contribute to the Development of "Ideal" Appearances? Ashlee Lawler, University of Alabama at Birmingham CHEATING: Gender Differences in Reactions to Discovery of a Partner's Cheating. Heather Barnes, David Knox, and Jason Brinkley, East Carolina University The Effect of Family Background on Gender Role Orientation and Expectations for Marriage. Kimberly Foley and Nancy Sonleitner, University of Tennessee Martin 9:00 AM‐10:30 AM Executive Committee Meeting (Beauregard) 9:25 AM‐10:40 AM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 111. Author Meets Critics: Integration Interrupted: Tracking, Black Students, and Acting White After Brown (University of North Carolina Press) by Karolyn Tyson (Iberville) Organizer and Presider: Elizabeth Stearns, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Author. Karolyn Tyson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Critic. Claudia Buchmann, The Ohio State University Critic. Angel Harris, Princeton University Critic. Sean Kelly, Michigan State University Critic. Lala Carr Steelman, University of South Carolina 112. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: Gender and Health, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐ South (Bienville) Organizer and Discussant: Simone O'Bryan, Florida Gulf Coast University; Presider: Cynthia Stockton, University of Memphis It's All in Your Head: Endometriosis Patients' Narratives of Pain and Infertility. Jennifer Pemberton, Young Harris College Breastfeeding and Body Burden: Health, Messaging, and Power. Eileen Smith‐Cavros, Nova Southeastern University Carved Out: Understanding the Connections between Relationships, Stress, and Coping among Adult Women with Eating Disorders. Courtney S. Muse, Vanderbilt University Birth Control, Hormone Replacement Therapy, and Risk of Cancer. La Fleur F. Small, Wright State University; Simone O'Bryan, Florida Gulf Coast University 37 Friday, March 23, 9:25am‐10:40am 113. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Feminist Pedagogy: Building a Feminist Classroom, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South & the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizer and Presider: Amie Hess, Meredith College Tactics for Promoting Student Participation and Fostering Feminist Pedagogy. Shane Willson, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Illuminating Gender Inequalities at Home and Abroad. Christine A. Wernet, University of South Carolina Aiken "That Was My Rape Story": Voices of Authority and Victimization in a Feminist Classroom. Michelle Hughes Miller, University of South Florida 114. Group Processes: Affect (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Organizer and Discussant: Lisa Walker, UNC – Charlotte; Presider: Elizabeth Culatta, University of Georgia Give and Take: Culture, Context, and the Affect Theory of Social Exchange. Melissa Pirkey, University of Notre Dame Gender Differences and Similarities in Emotions Predicted by Affect Control Theory for Similar Social and Reflexive Behaviors. Jesse Clark, University of Georgia; Katie James, University of Georgia Friendly Persuasion: Creating Solidarity in a Modern Therapeutic Community. Kerry J. Strand, Hood College The Affective Basis of Ideal Types of Leadership. Andreas Schneider, Texas Tech University 115. Social Theory, Disaster Research, & Katrina (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Organizer: Harry Dahms, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville; Presider: Francis Adeola, University of New Orleans Sustainability for Whom and for What Purpose: Risk and Resilience in Post‐Katrina New Orleans. Kevin Fox Gotham, School of Liberal Arts, Tulane University Katrina after Seven Years: an Assessment. Edward Tiryakian, Duke University Emotions in Disaster Research: Feminist Epistemology and the Turn toward Researcher Experience. Kristen Barber, Southern Illinois University; Timothy Haney, Mount Royal University 116. Panel Session: 25 Years Later: "Frame Alignment Processes: Micromobilization and Movement Participation" (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Organizer and Presider: Scott Fitzgerald, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Panelist. David Snow, University of California, Irvine Panelist. Robert Benford, University of South Florida Panelist. Holly McCammon, Vanderbilt University Panelist. Lyndi Hewitt, Hofstra University 117. Health Disparities: Literacy, Information, and Communication II (Vieux Carre) Organizers: Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama at Birmingham; RV Rikard (Presider), North Carolina State University Hispanic Women's Perceptions and Attitudes of Health. Sandra Paredes, Johns Hopkins University Diabetes Risk Hypertension and the Importance of Culture in Health Outcomes of the Montagnard‐Dega People. Stephen Sills, University of North Carolina Greensboro; Sharon D. Morrison, University of North Carolina Greensboro; Juan Miranda, University of North Carolina Greensboro Current Status and Influence Factors of Health Literacy of Chronic Disease Prevention among the Pupils’ Parents in Wuhan City. Juan Di, Jing Zhang, and Xiaodong Tan, Wuhan University, China A Study of Barriers to Health Care and Adaptations of a Border Community Population. John C. Kilburn and Gabriela M. Leon, Texas A&M International University 118. Issues in Work and Occupations (Cabildo) Presider: Allison Hurst, Furman University Working in a Pink‐Ribbon World: Impression Management Following Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer. Joanne C. Sandberg and Thomas A. Arcury, Wake Forest School of Medicine The Limits of Observation: Fostering Work‐Life Balance in a Greedy Institution. Jessica Collett and Jade Avelis, University of Notre Dame Can't Say "No": The Commodification of Obligation in Direct Home Sales. Jamie L. Mullaney and Janet H. Shope, Goucher College Time Allocation, Job Satisfaction, and Attrition Intentions among Faculty. Sarah Winslow, Clemson University Occupational Inheritability: New Lessons from Rogoff's Classic Indiana Study. Allison Hurst and Catherine Harmon, Furman University 38 Friday, March 23, 9:25am‐10:40am 119. Sociological Implications of the Capitalist Financial Crisis (Pontalba) Organizer and Presider: David Jaffee, University of North Florida The Global Financial Crisis and the Goods‐Moving Economy. David Jaffee, University of North Florida 'Democracy Needs a Bailout': How Media Structure and Content Failed the Public in Reporting the 2008 Financial Crisis. Denise Woodall, University of Miami The Capitalist's Mortgage Crisis‐‐They Own It; We Live It. Linda Liska Belgrave, University of Miami; Marvin Dawkins, University of Miami; Frank Samson, University of Miami The Capitalist Crisis and the Movement toward Socialism in the 21st Century. Jerome Scott, League of Revolutionaries for a New America; Walda Katz‐Fishman, Howard University 120. Author Meets Critics: The Power of Urban Ethnic Places: Cultural Heritage and Community Life (Routledge) by Jan Lin (Ursuline) Organizer and Presider: Krista Paulsen, University of North Florida Author. Jan Lin, Occidental College Critic. Elizabeth Aranda, University of South Florida Critic. Diane Grams, Tulane University Critic. Richard Lloyd, Vanderbilt University 121. Author Meets Critics: Just One of the Guys? Transgender Men and the Persistence of Gender Inequality (University of Chicago Press) by Kristen Schilt, co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women (Cathedral) Organizer and Presider: Sinikka Elliott, North Carolina State University Author. Kristen Schilt, University of Chicago Critic. Catherine Connell, Boston University Critic. Kirsten Dellinger, University of Mississippi Critic. Irene Padavic, Florida State University Critic. Gretchen Webber, Middle Tennessee State University 122. Qualitative Approaches to Social Life I (French Market) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Jason Sumerau, Florida State University Construction of Activist Identity in the Tea Party and Occupy Movements. Jesse Klein, Florida State University Bridging Differences: Adopting Intersectional and Dramaturgical Approaches in Interviewing. Amanda Anthony, University of Central Florida The Role of Self Identity, Power, and Status: Towards a Grounded Theory of Why Students Choose a Foreign Language Major. Sylvia E. Rogers, University of South Alabama "Nobody talks about suicide, except if they’re kidding”: Disenfranchised Grief, Coping Strategies, and Suicide Survivor Identity in Peer Suicide Grievers. Tanetta E. Andersson, Case Western Reserve University 123. Roundtable 1: Deviance (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Paul Kooistra, Furman University The Unfortunate Bind: The U.S. Response to the Genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda. Kristen Werner, Furman University; Paul Kooistra, Furman University Correlates of Misuse, Abuse, and Dependence on Prescription Pain Relievers among Adolescents. Chrona Conley and Jason Ford, University of Central Florida Redemption Narratives of Drug‐Addicted Women in a Faith‐Based Transitional Center. Mercedez Dunn, Spelman College; Kuniko Madden, Pomona College; Madelyn Semon, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa; Candi Witzigreuter, University of Indianapolis; Kent R. Kerley and Heith Copes, University of Alabama at Birmingham 39 Friday, March 23, 9:25am‐10:40am 124. Roundtable 2: Issues in Race Studies and Relations (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: J. Kevin Benson, UNC Charlotte Trust in South Africa: An Examination of Structural Impacts. Alecia Anderson, North Carolina State University American Attitudes on Immigration and Views on Unemployment. Claudia Giribaldi, Florida Atlantic University Social Framing Implications for Race Riots: An Analysis of the 1967 Winston‐Salem Riot. J. Kevin Benson, UNC Charlotte 125. Roundtable 3: Research on HIV/AIDS (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Robert Peterson, Case Western Reserve University From Repression to Manufacturing Civil Society: The Impact of Transnational AIDS Governance on State Control of HIV/AIDS Activism in China, 1989‐2009. Yan Long, University of Michigan Community and Communal Identity Deficit: Understanding the Lack of Communal Response to HIV. Robert Peterson, Case Western Reserve University HIV/AIDS: A Survey of Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behavior in Post War Liberia. Komanduri Murty, Fort Valley State University; Ashwin Vyas, Fort Valley State University; Sanket Vyas, Tulane University 126. Roundtable 4: Weddings, Name Changes, and Gender Roles (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Persaud Chandrouti, Mississippi Valley State University Surname Retention: A Shift in Tradition? Shannon Lewis, Louisiana State University What Does it Mean to be a Bride? A Content Analysis of Popular Wedding Media. Kirstie Kemmerer, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Who’s Bringing Home the Bacon? A Media Analysis of Traditional Gender Roles in Lesbian Relationships. Teddie Eden and Ashley Baker, Mississippi State University 127. Roundtable 5: Food and Culture around the World (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Sonal Nalkur, Emory University Forms of Consumption: Food and Everyday Life in Urban Japan. Robert Fenton, George Mason University Long Live the USSR: Soviet Food and Soviet Immigrants in the USA. Sprinceana Vitalie, George Mason University Food Insecurity among Latinos in the US. Marc R. Settembrino, University of Central Florida 128. Roundtable 6: Deviance and Drug Use (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Ignacio Luis Ramirez, Texas Tech University Stress and College Students: Does Increased Stress Lead to Illicit Prescription Drug Use as a Self‐Medication Coping Strategy? Olivia Brown, The University of Alabama at Birmingham Pass the Pot Please: Peer and Family influence on College Women's Current Illegal Drug Use. Ashley Hancock, Meredith College Dimensions of Discipline: Parental Upbringing and Deviant Behavior. Tyler Sims, Texas Tech University; Ignacio Luis Ramirez, Texas Tech University 129. Posters: Race and the Media (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Keeping the Tradition in African American Targeted Food Advertisements: How Advertisements Negotiate Culture and Nutrition. Janine Beahm, University of South Florida Differences in Representations of African‐American and White Women in Prime‐Time Television Commercials. Jessica Norwood, University of North Carolina at Charlotte 130. Posters: Environment, Lifestyle, Health, and Diet (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Vegetarianism and Health Outcomes: A Systematic Literature Review. Nicole Owens, University of Central Florida Examining the Linkages between Homelessness, Diet, and Diabetes. Amy Liang, Wake Forest University; R. Saylor Breckenridge, Wake Forest University 10:00 AM‐11:00 AM 131. Site Selection Committee Meeting (Board Room) 40 Friday, March 23 10:50 AM‐12:05 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 132. Southern Sociological Society Distinguished Lecture Session: Shirley Laska (Iberville) Organizer: Patricia Yancey Martin, Florida State University Presider: James Wright, University of Central Florida Environmental Disaster Research by ‘Ground Zero’ Sociologists: Sociology on ‘Steroids.’ Shirley Laska, Professor Emerita of Sociology and Former Vice Chancellor for Research, University of New Orleans Discussant: Betty Hearn Morrow, Professor Emerita of Sociology, Florida International University Discussant: Steve Kroll‐Smith, Professor of Sociology, University of North Carolina—Greensboro 133. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: Intersections of Health: Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Culture, and Immigration, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Bienville) Organizer and Discussant: Simone O'Bryan, Florida Gulf Coast University Presider: Suzanne Kurth, University of Tennessee To What Extent Have Restructuring of the US Economy and Shocks to the Economy from Oversight Blunders and Greed Affected the Gender Gap in Health Status and Health Insurance Coverage? Phillip N. Ritchey and Lora A. Hasse, University of Cincinnati The Relationship between Acculturative Stress and Health among Latino and Asian Immigrants: Does it Vary by Gender? Hilary Dowdy, Sarita Panchang, Rachel Kimbro, and Bridget Gorman, Rice University Drinking Toward Manhood: Masculinity and Alcohol in the Former USSR. Brian Hinote and Gretchen Webber, Middle Tennessee State University Middle Class African American Women and Negative Birth Outcomes: Intersections of Inattention. Jana Knibb, University of Miami Confronting Health Disparities through Philanthropy and Service: African American Women's Mobilization and Health Promotion Efforts. Simone O'Bryan, Florida Gulf Coast University; La Fleur F. Small, Wright State University 134. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Incorporating Faculty Research into the Undergraduate Classroom, co‐ sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizer: Sandra Godwin, Georgia College & State University Presider: Nick Dempsey, Eckerd College The Gospel in Solentiname: Liberation Theology in Nicaragua. Karen Bettez Halnon, Penn State Abington Hands‐on Sociology: Teaching Quantitative Research Methods by Incorporating Ongoing Research. Debra Schleef, University of Mary Washington Research Assistantships and Research‐based Service Learning. Casey Welch, Flagler College 135. Group Processes: Risk, Trust, and Collective Action (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Organizer: Lisa Walker, UNC Charlotte; Presider: Katie James, University of Georgia; Discussant: Jessica Collett, University of Notre Dame Explaining Antisocial Punishment in Groups. Kyle Irwin, Baylor University; Christine Horne, Washington State University Status‐Based Trustworthiness and Job Autonomy: The Effects of Informal Social Structure on the Workplace. Celeste Campos‐Castillo and Kwesi Ewoodsie, University of Iowa Social Identity: Overcoming Risk in Generalized Exchange. Monica Whitham, University of Arizona Legitimacy and 'Compliance' with University Sustainability Efforts: The Effects of Friends and Administrators on Environmentally Responsible Behaviors. Shruthi Subramanyam, Karen A. Hegtvedt, Cathryn Johnson, Christie Parris, and Lesley Watson, Emory University 41 Friday, March 23, 10:50am‐12:05pm 136. Theory in the 21st Century: Between Social Action, Science, and Mass Culture (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Organizer: Harry Dahms, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Presider: Marcus Kondkar, Loyola University–New Orleans Altruistic Behavior in the 21st Century. Edward Tiryakian, Duke University Genetic Manipulation and the Difference between Being a Body and Having a Body. Benjamin Gregg, University of Texas‐‐Austin Media Spectacles: A 21st Century Perspective. Douglas Kellner, University of California‐‐Los Angeles From Capitalist Collapse to the Carnvalesque Alternative. Lauren Langman and Andras Lucaks, Loyola University of Chicago 137. Culture and Social Movements: Insights from Working at Their Intersection (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Organizer and Presider: Timothy J. Dowd, Emory University Social Movementizing Organizations: How Organizations Such as Burning Man Ignite vs. Extinguish Incipient Social Movements. Katherine Chen, The City College of New York Contentious Collective Action and Cultural Change in Novel Form: My Past Journey and Future Directions. Larry Isaac, Vanderbilt University The Art of Quiescence: Culture and Disempowerment. Caroline W. Lee, Lafayette College Culture in Movements and Movements in Culture: Lessons, Intersections, and Remaining Gaps. Vincent Roscigno, The Ohio State University 138. Health Disparities: Literacy, Information, and Communication III (Vieux Carre) Organizers: Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama at Birmingham; RV Rikard, North Carolina State University Presider: Christopher Freed, University of South Alabama Health Literacy: Problems and Solutions. Susan Afanuh, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Promoting Clearer Communication between Health Care Providers and Vulnerable and Underserved Patients: Librarian and Nurse Partnerships at Two Nurse Managed Community Wellness Clinics. Clista Clanton and Margaret Moore‐Nadler, University of South Alabama Examining Health Literacy in the Fundamental Social Cause Framework. RV Rikard, North Carolina State University; Andrew Pleasant, Canyon Ranch Institute; Julie McKinney, World Education, Inc. 139. Sociology of Education: Politics and School Policy (Cabildo) Presider: Allison Hurst, Furman University Funding Inequity and Allocative Efficiency in Public Education: the Role of Inter‐Jurisdictional Competition, Political Institution, and Citizen Demand. Nandan Jha, Roslyn A. Mickelson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Stephen S. Smith, Winthrop University Parallel Policies & the Challenges of Blending Federal and State Policies to Provide Preschool to At‐Risk Children: A Case Study Approach. Donna Sedgwick, Virginia Tech Innovation or Sameness? Charter School Mission Statements. Linda Renzulli, Christen Bradley, and Maria Paino, University of Georgia Racial Integration and Affluent Suburbia: Gender Deviance, Male Dominance, and Racialization. Simone Ispa‐ Landa, Northwestern University Clergy, Citizen, Professional: A Case Study in the Shifting Educational Mission of Higher Education. Allison Hurst, Furman University 140. Ethnic and Immigrant Identities, Aspirations, and Views (Beauregard) Presider: Maria Aysa‐Lastra, Florida International University Barriers to a Post‐Racial Society: What Changes in the Aspirations of Immigrant Youth Over Time Reveal about the Fate of Race Relations in the U.S. Baranda Sawyers, Lansing Community College Do Cubans Care About Social Problems? The Exile Identity and Civil Society Ideology among Cuban‐Americans in Florida. Guillermo J. Grenier, Florida International University; Maria Aysa‐Lastra, Florida International University; Hugh Gladwin, Florida International University Multi‐Ritual Ethnic Identity: A Structural Ritualization Analysis. Basudhara Sen, Oklahoma State University; David Knottnerus, Oklahoma State University 42 Friday, March 23, 10:50am‐12:05pm 141. Juvenile Violence, Detention, and School Bullying (Pontalba) Presider: Jason Ford, University of Central Florida Creating a Supply of Inmates: Kids for Cash. Karen Glumm, NCSSM Not a Gendered Problem: An Analysis of the (non)effect of Gender on Empathy and Remorse in Juvenile Sex Offenders. Katherine Schweigert, Georgia State University School Bullying and Educational Inequality: Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Disparities with Dropping Out. Njeri Kershaw, Virginia Tech; Anthony Peguero, Virginia Tech; Lisa M. Williams, Ohio State University Creating a "School Shootings" Database: Implications for Criminological Research and Pedagogy. Laura Agnich, Longwood University 142. Panel Session in Honor of April Brayfield (Ursuline) Organizer and Presider: Krista M. Brumley, Wayne State University Panelist. Marina Adler, University of Maryland Panelist. David Maume, University of Cincinnati Panelist. Idee Winfield, College of Charleston Panelist. Sue Falter Mennino, Loyola University New Orleans 143. Empirical Studies of Gender and Sport, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Cathedral) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Elizabeth Cavalier, Georgia Gwinnett College Barriers to Coaching Certification in Nova Scotia Schools. Peggy Gallant, St. Francis Xavier University Public Perceptions of Title IX: Evidence from a Recent National Poll. Ashley Mikulyuk, University of Miami; Adrienne Milner, University of Miami; Jomills Braddock, University of Miami "Real Girls"‐‐ Representation in the Shaping Of Gender Expression: A Content Analysis of Interviews with US National Team Soccer Players. Beth Simmert, Wayne State University Outcome Discrepancies and Female Sport Participation. Rebecca Buchanan, Emory and Henry College 144. Qualitative Approaches to Social Life II (French Market) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Jason Sumerau, Florida State University Alternative Bodily Discourses at a Yoga Studio: Healing and Resisting Dualisms. Kari Levine, Florida State University Religious Belief Transitions: Protestant to Catholic. Heather Mauney, Florida State University LGBT Christians' Social Construction of a Masculine Organizational Culture. Jason Sumerau, Florida State University 145. Undergraduate Roundtable 1: Social Problems, Culture, and the Media (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Tahseen Shams, The University of Southern Mississippi The New York Times Coverage of the Bush Tax Cuts Extension. Leah Kozee and Ted Brimeyer, Georgia Southern The Great Advertising Campaign: BP's Post Oil Spill Advertising Campaign. Brianne Painia, University of Southern Mississippi Cooking Gender: Representations of Women in Food Magazines, 1950‐2010. Alyssa Karr, Union University Representation of Food in Korean Dramas. Tahseen Shams, The University of Southern Mississippi 146. Undergraduate Roundtable 2: Environment and Health (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Casey Borch, University of Alabama at Birmingham Growing for a Sustainable Future: Looking at Volunteerism and Community at an Urban Farm. Marcela Orozco, Southwestern University Race and Gender Differences in Environmental Consciousness: Assessing the Mediating Role of Gender Role Attitudes. Diana Andrew and Tom Buchanan, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Sociocultural Barriers to Mental Health Treatment Utilization. Matthew Bennett, Middle Tennessee State University Secondary Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Combat Veteran's Wives: How Does it Affect Physical and Mental Health. Geraldine Scott Long, University of Alabama at Birmingham 43 Friday, March 23, 10:50am‐12:05pm 147. Undergraduate Roundtable 3: Gender, Identity, and Sexuality (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Elyse Murrell, University of Tennessee Martin Coping with Distress: Understanding Sexual Identity and Drug Use among College Students. Karie Hudgins, Meredith College; Heather Losee, Meredith College Impact of Education on Gender Role Perception. Fallon Madison Kadel, University of Central Florida A Bridge over Gendered Waters: Educational Attainment as a Determinant of Open‐mindedness. Lauren Trotman, Emory & Henry College Measuring Knowledge and Attitudes about Intersexed Infants and Their Families: A Workshop for Social Workers. Elyse Murrell, University of Tennessee Martin; Cynthia West, University of Tennessee Martin "This Isn't Just Another Gay Group": Identity Work among Parents and Allies in PFLAG. Alaina Mathers, Florida State University 148. Undergraduate Roundtable 4: Social Movements I (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Maria Lowe, Southwestern University Symbiotic Philanthropy: Ethical Implications and "Voluntourism" in the Humanitarian Healthcare Movement. Alex B. Barnes, Southwestern University Cyber Robin Hoods: LulzSec, Anonymous, and the Hacktivism Movement. Mada Brown, Meredith College “I’m a Youth that Wants My House Back:” An Analysis of How a Free Space Becomes Unsafe. Abby Morales, Southwestern University "We Are ADAPT:" The Role of Collective Identity within the Disability Rights Movement. Krystina Maloukis, Southwestern University 149. Undergraduate Roundtable 5: Race, Ethnicity, and Neighborhood (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Stephanie Southworth, Clemson University On the Market: Exploring Racial Similarities and Differences of Self‐Presentation in an Online Dating Community. Elizabeth Bullock, Stetson University Why South Boston is No Longer "Southie": A Case Study in White Ethnicity. Miranda Galvin, Washington & Lee University At Least We Aren't Black: Generational Differences in Lumbee Racial Self Identification. Shellie Brigman, Meredith College Asian Americans and the Myth of the Model University. Kristen Lee and Simon Ho, Duke University The Subjugation of the Indigenous Quechua Population in Northern Ecuador. Paige Cunico, Georgia College & State University 150. Undergraduate Roundtable 6: Unions, Politics, and Voting (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Kathleen Fitzgerald, Loyola University New Orleans This is the Value of Our Labor: The Nonmajority Union Approach at Two Manufacturing Plants. Essie Ablavsky, New College of Florida Family Attitudes and Union Participation: A Look at Decreasing Union Participation and the Increasing Wage Gap. Whitney Harrison, Welfare Fix or Welfare Nix: Political Ideology's Impact on Welfare Views in the United States. Kristin Schutz, Emory & Henry College A Survey of College Students' Voting Behaviors. Mariamne Harrington, Stetson University 151a. Posters: Urban Networks in Small Communities (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Growing Connections: Understanding the Role of Higher Education in Charleston's Urban Agriculture Network. Jennifer Saunders, College of Charleston; Tracy Burkett, College of Charleston Impact of Urban/Rural Origin on Chinese Youth's Chances to Return to City. E. Paige Borelli, Duke University 151b. Posters: Inter‐racial Relationships: Attitudes and Interactions (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) You're Dating Who? Parental Attitudes toward Interracial Dating. David Knox & Beril Ozay, East Carolina University Dynamics of Cross‐Race Friendships: Exploring Social and Behavioral Avenues By Which Structure Impinges Upon Interpersonal Interactions. Haley Gentile, Florida State University 44 Friday, March 23 11:00 AM‐12:00 PM Nominations Committee Meeting (Board Room) 12:05 PM‐12:30 PM 152. Sociologists for Women in Society‐South Silent Auction: Auction proceeds to be donated to the Brees Dream Foundation in memory of April Brayfield (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 12:05 PM‐1:00 PM LUNCH (Interested Graduate Students meet Tonya Frevert in the hotel lobby for a group lunch; depart at 12:15) 12:30 PM‐1:30 PM Sociologists for Women in Society‐South Business Meeting (Bienville) 1:10 PM‐2:25 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Committee Chairs Meeting (Board Room) 153. Plenary Speaker—Cecilia Ridgeway: How Does Gender Inequality Persist in the Modern World? With Introductory Remarks by Beth A. Rubin (Presider), SSS President (Iberville) 154. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Service Learning: A Pedagogical Aspect, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizer: Siti Kusujiarti, Warren Wilson College Presider: Marion R. Hughes, Towson University Service‐Blogging: Using Collaborative E‐Publication as a Bridge to Community Engagement. Matthew Cazessus, University of South Carolina Quest for Meaning: Service Learning as an Integral Part of a Capstone General‐Education Course. Frank Hamilton, Eckerd College Integrating Service Learning into a Social Problem Course: Toward a Pedagogy of Verstehen. Rebecca Bach, Duke University Participants‐as‐Observers: Student Reflections on Experiential Learning. Matthew E. Wilkinson, Coastal Carolina University; Deborah Perkins, Coastal Carolina University Student‐Athletes and Service‐Learning: Creating a Model for Success. Laura Chambers, Jacksonville University; Elizabeth Gregg, Jacksonville University 155. Race, Immigration and Public Policy (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Presider: Jean Humphreys, Dallas Baptist University From IRCA to E‐verify: Employer Sanctions in Policy and Rhetoric. Nicolas Eilbaum, Duke University The First Amendment and 'Sacrilege at Ground Zero': An Ethnographic Content Analysis of Enemy Construction in the 'Ground Zero Mosque' Controversy. Todd Powell‐Williams, Augusta State University "Terrorized Assimilation": Muslim Young Adults in the Last Ten Years. Jean Humphreys, Dallas Baptist University Why do Some States have More Punitive Death Penalty Laws? Katherine Durante, University of Cincinnati 45 Friday, March 23, 1:10pm‐2:25pm 156. Higher Education: Policy Evaluation and Outcomes I (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Presider: Richard Pitt, Vanderbilt University Seeing Double: Institutional Correlates with Student Propensities to Attain Multiple Majors. Richard Pitt, Vanderbilt University Are "Do‐Over Policies" the Undoing of GPA? : Institutionalized Grade Inflation in a Southern State. Jonathan Marx and David Meeler, Winthrop University The Impact of Abstinence Education on Youth Perceptions of Sexual Behavior in Rural Mississippi. Hussain Al‐ Fadhli, Jackson State University; Mesad F. Shlash, Kuwait University; Bettye W. Fletcher, Professional Associates, Inc. Academic Program Prioritization: Conducting a University‐Wide Program Review. Brandi McCullough, The University of Alabama at Birmingham; Rebecca G. Adams, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro 157. Panel Session: Bringing Religion "Back In" to the Study of Stratification (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Organizer and Discussant: Scott Fitzgerald, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Presider: N. Danielle Duckett, University of Kentucky Panelist. Christopher Ellison, University of Texas San Antonio Panelist. Lisa Keister, Duke University Panelist. Darren Sherkat, Southern Illinois University Carbondale 158. Health Stratification by Race (Vieux Carre) Presider: Brea Perry, University of Kentucky The Moderating Effects of Skin Color and Ethnic Identity Affirmation on Suicide Risk among African American Women. Brea Perry, University of Kentucky; Danelle Stevens‐Watkins, Spalding University; Carrie B. Oser, University of Kentucky African Americans in Emerging Adulthood: Anger and Depression in the American Economic Downturn. Mary Bond Edmond, University of Georgia; Ellen Granberg, Clemson University; Ronald L. Simons, University of Georgia Black Womanhood Re‐Defined: The Stress‐Support‐Distress Process across Age for Black Women. Gerquel Bowman, Terinisha Coleman, Brandy Davis, Teri Graham, Amy Bellone Hite, Bre'on Kelly, Brittney Lewis, Claire Norris, and Akasa Thomas, Xavier University of Louisiana 159. Social Movements, Organizations, and Power (Cabildo) Presider: Dale W. Wimberley, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Power and Political Opportunity: Nascent Social Movements in Post‐Katrina New Orleans. Kelly Frailing, Texas A&M International University; Dee Wood Harper, Loyola University New Orleans Protest and Presidential Voting: Biographical vs. Structural Precipitants of Political Participation (1965‐1997). Winston Tripp, University of West Georgia Resource Mobilization and Persistence of North Carolina Environmental Organizations. Hyun Woo Kim, East Carolina University; Bob Edwards, East Carolina University Student Anti‐sweat Campaigns and Strategic Power Relations: Empirical Foundations and Case Study Illustrations. Dale W. Wimberley and Meredith Ann Katz, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; John Paul Mason, Green Community Schools Initiative, Minneapolis 160. Contemporary Racial Attitudes in America I (Beauregard) Organizer and Presider: J. Scott Carter, University of Central Florida The Racial Story of the South: Shifts in Racial Resentment and Political Conservativism over a Three Decade Period. J. Scott Carter, University of Central Florida; Corra Mamadi, East Carolina University Segmented Political Commonalities and Asian American Attitudes towards Immigration Reform. Frank Samson, University of Miami Is Obama Black? It Depends . . . : Social and Demographic Correlates of American's Perceptions of President Obama's Race. Jomills Braddock, Adrienne Milner, Ashley Mikulyuk, and Marvin Dawkins, University of Miami Off White: Attitudes about Racism among Whites with Contested Racial Identities. Nicholas Vargas, Purdue University 46 Friday, March 23, 1:10pm‐2:25pm 161. Criminological Theory (Pontalba) Presider: Travis Whalen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Bullets, Bombs, and Deeds: A Comparative‐Historical Study of Five Terrorist Groups. Stephen Chicoine, University of South Carolina Interactions and Deviance: Towards an Integrated Theory. Travis Whalen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute A Categorical Examination of Academic Strain on College Campuses. Brandon Mason, Texas Tech University 162. Health and Aging in Context (Ursuline) Organizer and Presider: Kenzie Latham, University of Michigan Retirement and Well‐Being in the United States and Finland: A Comparative Study. John Ryan, Virginia Tech; Jill Harrison, Griffin Hospital; Outi Sarpila and Pekka Räsänen, University of Turku; James Hawdon, Virginia Tech Racial and Ethnic Variations in the Capacity of Self‐Rated Health to Predict Mortality among Late Midlife Americans. Kenzie Latham, University of Michigan; Chuck W. Peek, University of Florida Negotiating Hope in Physical Rehabilitation Post‐Stroke. Craig Boylstein, Coastal Carolina University Next‐of‐Kin's Experiences of the Dying Body at the End of Life: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Patricia Drentea, Beverly Williams, and Kathryn L. Burgio, University of Alabama at Birmingham 163. Theorizing Gender and Sport, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Cathedral) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Elizabeth Cavalier, Georgia Gwinnett College "You Fold Like a Little Girl:" (Hetero) Gender Framing and Competitive Strategies of Men and Women in No Limit Texas Hold Em Poker Games. Michelle Wolkomir, Centenary College 'Foul Play': The Inclusions and Exclusions through South Asian American Sporting Masculinities. Stan Thangaraj, Vanderbilt University As Best They Can: Female Athletes Speaking Sport into Their Lives. Yvonne Becker, Augustana Campus, University of Alberta Perpetuating the Oppositional Binary: The 'Gender Ratio' in Ultimate Frisbee. Michelle H. Lore, North Carolina State University 164. Qualitative Investigations of Deviance (French Market) Presider: Sarah Becker, Louisiana State University Examining Crowd Violence Surrounding Sports Applying the Hooligan Template. Kelly Worthen, University of Central Florida Fuzzy Boundaries: David Duke in Mainstream News Media. Peter Shrock, Southeastern Louisiana University In Search of Satanists: Examining the Accounts of Deviant Religious Practitioners. Chris McDaniel, North Carolina State University 165. Roundtable 1: Gender and Media (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Jamie Palmer, University of Georgia Greeks Gone Wild: An Exploration of Media Framing. Amanda Russell, University of Central Florida Representation and Discourses of Cuba in United States Media and Implications for Immigration (Time and Newsweek 1959‐2010). Jamie Palmer, University of Georgia A Cross‐Cultural Analysis: Advertising Images of Women as the Global Homemaker. Caitlyn Thompson, Delta State University 166. Roundtable 2: Gender and the Workplace (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Rhiannon Leebrick, University of Tennessee Women in the Workforce: Happier by Definition or Ability? Samantha Leyendecker, Florida Atlantic University Wage Penalties Generated at the Intersection of Body, Gender, and Age. Erica Toothman, Florida State University Breastfeeding and the International Division of Labor: A Theoretical Approach. Rhiannon Leebrick, University of Tennessee Gender Wage Gap and its Associated Factors: An Examination of Traditional Gender Ideology, Education, and Workplace. Danice Langdon, Fayetteville State University 47 Friday, March 23, 1:10pm‐2:25pm 167. Roundtable 3: Workplace Diversity (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Lindsay Hamm, North Carolina State University Classrooms on the Home Front: How Home Health Nurses Teach Skilled Nursing Labor. Sherry Mong, The Ohio State University How Have Work Values Changed Over Time? An Analysis of Racial, Gender, and Marital Differences Using OLS and Partial Proportional Odds Models. Zac Watne, University of Georgia Helping Hands: Race, Trust, and Assisting Others on the Job Hunt. Lindsay Hamm, North Carolina State University The Web of Unintended Consequences: A Critique of Diversity Programs in Major Corporations. Rebekkah Driver, The University of Memphis 168. Roundtable 4: Race/Ethnicity and Health Outcomes (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Robert Peterson, Case Western Reserve University Does Race Matter for Self‐Reported Functional Limitations and Hypertension among Hispanic Women of Childbearing Ages? Juanita Chinn, The University of Texas at Austin FACES of Manhood: Black Masculinities and Sexual Expressions at HBCUs. Robert Peterson, Case Western Reserve University Racial Reproductive Histories and the Reproductive Justice Movement. Nicole Jolly, University of New Orleans The Impact on Elders during Hurricane Katrina. Jane Batty, University of New Orleans 169. Roundtable 5: New Identities in Established Institutions: Shifting Social Contracts in Varying Social Contexts (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Organizer and Presider: Matthew W. Hughey, Mississippi State University Beauty Standards: Negotiation of Social Life among African American College Women. Sheena Gardner, Mississippi State University What Makes Some Nursing Homes More Likely to Offer Palliative Care? Does Volunteerism Predict the Presence of Additional Care? Alicia Krey, Mississippi State University The Role of Education in Asian Immigrant's Earnings. Young Bin Lim, Mississippi State University Comparative Study of Inter‐generational Health Change of Asian Immigrant Groups. Xiaojin Song, Mississippi State Discussant: Sheena Gardner, Mississippi State University 170. Roundtable 6: Crime, Law, and Society (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Tatiana Claudy, Indiana University, Purdue University Fort Wayne The Built Environments Relation to Property Crime: A Case Study of the Garden District. Diane Elderkin, Stetson University Liberty and Harm: Group Protection, Legal Moralism and the New Censorship, A Comparison of the Legal Parameters of Multiculturalism and the Social Contract in Canada and the U.S. Gabriel Anderson, Univ of California Riverside Disenfranchisement and the Civic Reintegration of Convicted Felons: A Comparative Analysis. Tatiana Claudy, Indiana University, Purdue University Fort Wayne 171. Posters: Low‐Income Communities: Consumption and Health (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) The Effects of Neighborhood Context and Relocation on the Health: A Quasi‐Experiment. Nia Reed, Georgia State University Evaluating the Accessibility of Greenville, South Carolina's Fresh Food Markets for Low‐Income Consumers. Mallory Boyd, Furman University 172. Posters: Critiquing and Expanding Theoretical Foundations (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Richard Hofstadter's Anti‐intellectualism Revisited: Concerning Undergraduates. Ashley Bland, UNC Charlotte 48 Friday, March 23 2:35 PM‐3:50 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 173. Plenary Speakers—Teresa A. Sullivan and Suzanne T. Ortega: Women in Higher Education Administration: Sociological Lessons from the Field, with Introductory Remarks by Beth A. Rubin, SSS President (Iberville) Organizer and Presider: Karen Campbell, Vanderbilt University Parsing Public and Private in American Higher Education. Teresa A. Sullivan, President, University of Virginia Shifting Social Contracts in Higher Education. Suzanne T. Ortega, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of North Carolina System 174. Innovation in the Workplace (Bienville) Presider: Krista M. Brumley, Wayne State University Changing Course: Adaptive Innovation as a Solution to the Louisiana Shrimp Fishing Industrial Crisis. Jill Ann Harrison, University of Oregon "It Can Transform a Workplace": Understanding the Emerging Profession of Coaching through an Examination of Workplace Coaching Services. Susan W. Hinze, Case Western Reserve University; Margaret Waltz, Case Western Reserve University; Sara Kennedy, Case Western Reserve University 'Tengo bien puesta la camiseta': Worker Commitment in a Mexican Company. Krista M. Brumley, Wayne State University Opportunity or Liability? How Workers Perceive New Occupations. Amanda Damarin, Georgia Perimeter College 175. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Service Learning: The Community University Partnership, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizers: Jeannie Haubert and Virginia Williams, Winthrop University; Presider: Marion R. Hughes, Towson University Getting More Out of Service Learning: Course Level Factors in Connecting Service Learning Courses to the Greater Social Context. Christian Schlaerth and Aaron Puhrmann, University of Miami Are Community Organizations' Goals Being Met? Susan Ambler, Maryville College The Impact of a Service Learning Internship on the Development of a Civic Responsibility in the Students Enrolled. Doris L. Edmonds, Norfolk State University Pickup Trucks, Dirt Floors, and Latrines: Assessing Service Learning in a Developing Country. Virginia Williams and Jeannie Haubert, Winthrop University 176. Group Processes: Networks and Connections (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Organizer: Lisa Walker, UNC Charlotte; Presider: Darys Kriegel, University of Georgia The Impact of Technology on Teaching and Learning Networks in Sociology. Roberta Spalter‐Roth, Department of Research and Development, American Sociological Association; Olga Mayorova, American Sociological Association Information Network Effects in the Provision of Public Goods. Nick Berigan, University of South Carolina Socialization Processes within Street Teams. Anna Turner, University of Central Florida Are Computers Good or Bad for Business? How Customer‐Computer Interaction Alters Future Company Patronage. Daniel B. Shank, University of Georgia Discussant: Murray A. Webster, UNC Charlotte 177. Higher Education: Policy Evaluation and Outcomes II (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Presider: Lillian O'Connell, North Carolina State University Regional Variation in Latino Higher Education Attainment. Brett Lehman, Louisiana State University The Education Attainment and Selectivity of Modern American Political Elites. Joshua Brown, University of Virginia eLearning Communities: An Academic and Administrative Win‐Win? Thomas Dunn& Manfred Meine, Troy University Pull‐Up to the Second Window for Conferral: The Institutional Structure of For‐Profit Education and the Commodification of Knowledge. Andrew Baird, University of Central Florida Financial Cultural Capital: Cultural Capital in the Context of Higher Education and Federal Student Loans. Joey Brown, University of Maryland ‐ College Park 49 Friday, March 23, 2:35pm‐3:50pm 178. Religion: Race, Religiosity, and Gender (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Presider: Richard Pitt, Vanderbilt University Religion and Gender Role Attitudes among Working‐Age Latinos in the U.S. Andrea Ruiz and Gabriel A. Acevedo, University of Texas San Antonio Religion and Marital Quality among Working‐Age African American Couples. Andrea Henderson, University of Texas at Austin; Muntana Griffin‐Hamilton, University of Texas San Antonio Race, Religion, and Prosocial Attitudes and Behavior among U.S. Adults. Christopher Ellison, University of Texas San Antonio; Andrea Henderson, University of Texas at Austin; Thomas Moore, University of Texas San Antonio Religiosity and the Millennial Generation: Are They Really Less Religious? Jessica Chase and David Gay, University of Central Florida 179. Health Inequities/Disparities Session (Vieux Carre) Organizer: Barbara E. Johnson, University of South Carolina Aiken Presider: Nakia De Jesus, University of Maryland, College Park Individual, Ecological, and Contextual Correlates of Mortality. Lynne Cossman, Mississippi State University Race, Class, and Mental Health. Tyrone Forman, Emory University Race, Stress, and Mental Health. Michael Hughes, Virginia Tech A Cross‐Cultural Intervention to Reduce Race and Ethnic Disparities in Health. Wornie Reed, Virginia Tech 180. Framing and Social Movements (Cabildo) Presider: William Wyatt Holland, Georgia State University Framing Disputes within the East Timor Social Movement. Shane Gunderson, Florida Atlantic University Framing the War on Beggars 1927‐1930: The Struggle of Atlanta's Charitable Organizations for Organizational Legitimacy on the Eve of the Great Depression. William Wyatt Holland, Georgia State University Framing the Confederate Battle Flag in Georgia. Eric Orion Silva & Robert A. Shanafelt, Georgia Southern University The Rise of the Tea Party Movement: Race, Conservatism, and Context. Daniel Tope, Florida State University; Justin Pickett, Florida State University; Ted Chiricos, Florida State University 181. Contemporary Racial Attitudes in America II (Beauregard) Organizer and Presider: J. Scott Carter, University of Central Florida A Comparison of Interracial Relationship Interests of Heterosexuals and Homosexuals on an Online Personal Dating Website. Andrew Latinsky, University of Central Florida Terrorized Assimilation: Muslim Young Adults in Public Schools in the US, September 11, 2001. Jean Humphreys, Dallas Baptist University Coping with Diversity: Variations in Reponses to Discrimination on Campus. Von Bakanic, College of Charleston The Social Psychological Roots of Racial Integration Attitudes: Black‐White Intimacy Norms and Anti‐Black Prejudice. Justine E. Tinkler, Louisiana State University; Christine Horne, Washington State University 182. Cultural Production, Organizations, and Commercialization (Pontalba) Presider: Vaughn Schmutz, UNC Charlotte Contextualizing Urban Arts Organizations. Nick Dempsey, Eckerd College The Effect of Changing Policy Environment on the Cable Networks in the United States: 1984‐2010. Jin Won Chung, Emory University The Production and Consumption of Independent Music in Taiwan: A Case Study of White Wabbit Records. Yun Tai, Emory University From Socio‐Political Critique to Interpersonal Relations and Introspection: The Influence of Mass Commercialization on Punk Rock. Timothy Gill and Philip G. Lewin, University of Georgia 50 Friday, March 23, 2:35pm‐3:50pm 183. Prevention and Intervention: Health and Healthcare in Later Life (Ursuline) Organizer: Kenzie Latham, University of Michigan; Presider: Nia Reed, Georgia State University Predictors of Rehospitalization among Nursing Home Residents. J. Brandon Wallace, Middle Tennessee State University Substance Abuse in Older Adults: A Descriptive Analysis of Maryland Hospital Inpatient Admissions and Drug Treatment Facility Discharge Data, 2008‐2010. Marla Oros, Michael Kim, and Colleen Hosler, Mosaic Group Examining WHO Spends: Global Health Expenditures as a Predictor of Health Status. Isabelle C. Beulaygue, Brian J. Lagae and Anwesa Chatterjee, University of Miami HIV/AIDS Awareness and Prevention among African American Elder Women. Bette J. Dickerson, American University; Kameisha L. Bennett, Interfaith Works 184. Gender & Sexuality Intersections, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society ‐ South (Cathedral) Organizer and Presider: Nicholas Guittar, University of South Carolina ‐ Lancaster Gender, Sexuality, and Sport: College Women's Ultimate Frisbee and The Space They Create. Joanna Neville, University of Florida Unwanted Sexual Contact in Public Drinking Venues: The Role of Gendered Beliefs about Alcohol. Amanda Cowley, Louisiana State University Sex and Youth in the Bible Belt. Rebecca Hensley, Southeastern Louisiana University 'I Don't Fit the Gay Stereotype': Gender (Non) Conformity and Coming Out. Nicholas Guittar, University of South Carolina ‐ Lancaster Discussant: Joanna Neville, University of Florida 185. Author Meets Critics: The Internet and Social Inequalities (Routledge) by James Witte (French Market) Organizer and Presider: Laura Robinson, Cornell University, Santa Clara University Author. James Witte, George Mason University Critic. Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama at Birmingham Critic. Hiroshi Ono, Texas A&M University Critic. Michael Stern, College of Charleston Critic. Timothy M. Hale, University of Alabama at Birmingham 186. Research Incubator 1: Marriage and the Family (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Mentors: Gayle Kaufman, Davidson College; Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama ‐ Birmingham New Life, New Culture, New Relationships: A Qualitative Study on Spouse/Mate Selection Process of Chinese in U.S. Chen Xie, University of Florida Older Adults and their Caregivers within Private Homes. Ellen Whiteman, North Carolina State University 187. Research Incubator 2: Political Sociology, Stratification, and Society (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Mentors: Hana Brown, Wake Forest University; Josh Packard, Midwestern State University Quality Time: Exploring the Intersections of Temporality and Happiness. Amy Ernstes, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Access to Healthcare and the Timing of Applications for Social Security Disability Benefits. Sarah Ballard, University of Alabama ‐ Birmingham Disentitlement Programs in the Welfare State: Poor Women's Experiences with Welfare Bureaucracy. Louise Seamster, Duke University 188. Research Incubator 3: Criminal Justice (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Mentors: Jacqueline M. Keil, Kean University; Marcus Kondkar, Loyola University–New Orleans The Runaway Jury: Contributing Causes & Notions of Justice. Jacqueline Chavez, Mississippi State University Do Mentally Ill Inmates Who Receive Treatment for Their Mental Illness Have Lower Recidivism Rates than Non Mentally Ill Inmates? Ashleigh Howard, East Carolina University 51 Friday, March 23 189. Research Incubator 4: Sexuality (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Mentors: Emily Fairchild, New College of Florida; Kris De Welde, Florida Gulf Coast University The Complexities of Race and Sexuality in Perspectives on Family: Challenges Faced by Black Same‐Sex Households. Clare Walsh, University of Florida Ask and Tell: Homosexuality in the Military since the Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Brittany Campagna, Austin Peay State Univeristy; Jonniann Butterfield, Austin Peay State University; Roxanne Gerbrandt, Austin Peay State University 190. Research Incubator 5: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Mentor: Erica Chito Childs, Hunter College/CUNY Graduate Center Negotiating Space and Identity: A Closer Look into the Lives of Second Generation Arab‐Americans. Claudia Youakim, University of Florida Traditional Dress and Muslim Women in the South: How Do Traditional Dress Muslim Women Perceive Their Peer's Social Judgment and How Do Their Non‐Muslim Peers Actually Perceive Them? Courtney Dixon, University Of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Gender and Race Categorization from Facial Appearance. Joshua Simpkins, University of Central Florida 191. Research Incubator 6: Gender and Race (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Mentor: Michele A. Adams, Tulane University Hispanic and Asian Women Consuming To Make Status Claims. Kimberly Miller, UNC Charlotte Crash: The Equivocal Character Model. Tony Cortese, Southern Methodist University 192. Posters: Victimization, Bullying, and Intimate Partner Violence (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Attitudes about Intimate Partner Violence among Gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual Couples. Kate Lavell, Texas Tech University; Charlotte Dunham, Texas Tech University; Ignacio Luis Ramirez, Texas Tech University School Victimization: A Focus on Bullying. Melinda Ward, The University of Texas at Austin 193. Posters: Examining Gendered Attitudes within Relationships (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) To Marry or Not to Marry: Understanding Cohabitation among African American Women. Aleia Mays, Xavier University of Louisiana Virginity: A Gender Based Loss. Elizabeth Holloway, University of North Carolina at Charlotte 4:00 PM‐5:15 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 194. Women in Higher Education Administration: Sociological Lessons from the Field II (Iberville) Organizer and Presider: Karen Campbell, Vanderbilt University Panelist. Rebecca G. Adams, Associate Provost for Planning and Assessment, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Panelist. Norma Burgess, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Lipscomb University Panelist. Shirley Laska, Professor Emeritus and Former Vice Chancellor for Research, University of New Orleans Panelist. Angela M. O'Rand, Dean of Social Sciences, Duke University Panelist. Beth Rushing, Vice President for Academic Affairs, St. Mary's College of Maryland Panelist. Kathleen F. Slevin, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, College of William and Mary 195. Segregation in US Cities (Bienville) Presider: Caroline Hanley, William & Mary Cities in the American South. Richard Lloyd, Vanderbilt University Racial and Ethnic Stratification in Homeownership and Housing Market Dynamics. Ryan Finnigan, Duke University Examining Claims of Urban Authenticity in Memphis and Nashville: A Study in Regional Contrast. Ryan Johnson, University of Memphis Dividing America? The Role of 'Division Streets' in Residential Segregation. Kate Marie Griffin, University of Central Florida 52 Friday, March 23, 4:00pm‐5:15pm 196. Panel Session: Sociological Practice in the South (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizer: Leslie Hossfeld, University of North Carolina Wilmington; Presider: William Kinney, University of St. Thomas Panelist. Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama, Birmingham Panelist. Ye Luo, Clemson University Panelist. Kristen DeVall, University of North Carolina Wilmington Panelist. Rachel Kimbro, Rice University Panelist. Brigitte Neary, University of South Carolina‐Upstate 197. Panel Session: Building Community, Sustainable Solutions, and Alternative Projects in New Orleans (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Organizer: Marina Karides, Florida Atlantic University; Presider: Patricia Widener, Florida Atlantic University Panelist. Kevin Fox Gotham, School of Liberal Arts, Tulane University Panelist. Francine Stock, Visual Resources Curator, Tulane School of Architecture Panelist. John Calhoun, President of the Board of Directors, New Orleans Food Cooperative Panelist. Jennifer Glick, Program Director, Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies, New Orleans 198. Inequality and Educational Opportunity: Issues of Identity (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Organizer: Susan Dumais, Louisiana State University; Presider: Lillian O'Connell, North Carolina State University Exploring the Effects of Discrimination, Race, and Racial Conflict on Immigrant Children's Educational Aspirations and Expectations. Bobette J. Otto, Georgia State University Identity and Expectations of Retention among Academically Marginal College Students. Jason S. Milne, Longwood University Genetics of Educational Attainment and the Persistence of Privilege at the Turn of the 21st Century. Francois Nielsen and J. Micah Roos, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Social Mobility and Student Identity. Brenda Bretz, Dickinson College 199. Gender in Cross‐National Context (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Presider: Gayle Kaufman, Davidson College Romance Tours in Colombia: Imaginings of Race in the Political Economy of Desire. Julia Meszaros, Florida International University Methodological Approaches to Understand Gender Construction in Santarem, Brazil. Brian Fowler, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Gender Differences and Cultural Contexts: Psychological Well‐Being in Cross‐National Perspective. Makiko Hori, Wichita State University What Makes a Good Job? Gender Role Attitudes and Job Perceptions in Sweden. Gayle Kaufman and Damian White, Davidson College 200. Linked Lives: Impact of Social Ties on Health Outcomes (Vieux Carre) Presider: Yan Long, University of Michigan Mentoring Buffers the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Mastery in Young Adulthood. K. Jill Kiecolt and Christine E. Kaestle, Virginia Tech The Effects of Different Forms of Social Support on Depression in an HIV Population. Amanda Bloomer, UNC Charlotte The Enduring Relationship between Social Cohesion and Health in Adolescence and Adulthood. Elizabeth Reiter, Utah State University; Abigail Reiter, George Mason University Health Shocks among Older Adults: Consequences of Well‐Being for Partners. Giuseppina Valle, Janet Weeks, Miles G. Taylor, and Issac W. Eberstein, Florida State University 201. Social Movements: Right & Left (Cabildo) Presider: Hana Brown, Wake Forest University Supporting Anti‐Immigration Border Vigilantism: Power Devaluation Theory and the Minutemen. Matthew Ward, The University of Arizona Protest and Politics: The Origins and Consequences of the 2006 Immigration Rallies in New Destination States. Hana Brown, Wake Forest University; Irene Bloemraad, Katherine Maich, Kim Voss, University of California, Berkeley Too Legit: the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, the Media, and Legitimization. Cassie Miller, University of Memphis Capitalism, Crisis, and Social Mobilization: Left Right or Retreat. Lauren Langman, Loyola University of Chicago 53 Friday, March 23, 4:00pm‐5:15pm 202. Race and Inequality (Beauregard) Presider: Randolph Hohle, D'Youville College The Embedded Racial Meanings in the Moral Transgressions of Debt and Fiscal Austerity in the Post‐War South. Randolph Hohle, D'Youville College Understanding the Role of Faculty Mentors for Black Women in Academia. Kimya Dennis, Salem College; Kendra Jason, North Carolina State University Words and Race: Revisiting the Divergence‐Convergence Hypothesis. Jeffrey Nash, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Persistent Poverty and Community and Development in the Mississippi Delta: The Continuing Significance of Race. Mark Harvey, Florida Atlantic University 203. Organized Deviance (Pontalba) Organizer and Presider: Paul Kooistra, Furman University Harlan County, Organized Deviance, and Collective Memory. Paul Kooistra, Furman University; Dan Harrison, Lander College Predatory Behavior during Genocides. Bradley Campbell, California State University, Los Angeles Deviance of Over‐Conformity: Suicide Bombers as Positive Deviants. Katie Rolley, University of Mississippi The Organization of 1% Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs. James Quinn, University of North Texas; Craig Forsyth, University of Louisiana, Lafayette 204. Social Support, Health, and Well‐Being among Older Adults (Ursuline) Organizer: Kenzie Latham, University of Michigan Presider: Jenifer Hamil‐Luker, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Internet Use, Frequent Feelings of Isolation, and Chronic Conditions among Older US Adults. Greg Pavela, University of Florida Intersection of Healthcare Vulnerabilities of Older Adults and Social Policy. La Fleur F. Small, Wright State University; Beth Kinsel, Wright State University Childlessness and Disability Onset among Late Midlife and Older Women. Jeanne Holcomb, University of Dayton; Kenzie Latham, University of Michigan Activity and Well‐Being: The Impact of Activity Interventions on the Well Being of Older Adults in Continuing Care Communities. Vicki Winstead, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Elizabeth Yost, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama at Birmingham 205. Gender & Bodies, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Cathedral) Organizer: Dana Berkowitz, Louisiana State University Presider: Amy Bellone Hite, Xavier University of Louisiana Youth in a Syringe: Gender Politics and Botox Cosmetic. Dana Berkowitz, Louisiana State University On Disability and Dance, Girlhood and Perfection: A Case Study of Believe Ballet. Amy Traver, CUNY Queensborough Bodies in Protest: Femininity, Burlesque, and the Corporeality of Activism. Maura Ryan, Georgia State University Body Activism: Young Women with Physical Disabilities on Their Embodied Experiences and Their Visions for Ending Disability Oppression. Meggan Jordan, University of Florida How Perceptions of Success, Competence, and Health Differ by Gender, Body Size, and Race. Mary Nell Trautner, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Samantha Kwan, University of Houston; Scott V. Savage, University of Arizona 206. Gender Roles and Family Practice (French Market) Presider: Timothy Haney, Mount Royal University Perceptions of Breast‐Feeding among First Time Mothers in Appalachia. N. Danielle Duckett, University of Kentucky Traditional Gender Roles and their Effect on Marital Happiness. Allyson Hall, Florida Atlantic University Having it All? The Relationship between Gender, Family Outcomes, and Young Adults' Achievement of Non‐ Traditional Occupational Goals. Sarah Friedman, Kennesaw State University Competing Demands during Disaster: Gender, Parenthood, and Hurricane Katrina. Timothy Haney, Mount Royal University; James R. Elliott, University of Oregon 54 Friday, March 23, 4:00pm‐5:15pm 207. Research Incubator 1: Undergraduate Education (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Mentors: Rhonda Evans, University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Raj Andrew Ghoshal, Goucher College Are Safe Zone Programs Effective? Factors that Influence Professors' Motivation and Ability to Create a Safe Classroom Environment for LGBT Students on College Campuses. Elizabeth Casswell, University of Alabama at Birmingham Diamonds in the Rough. Karen Glumm, NCSSM Using Team‐Based Learning in the Sociology Classroom. DeAnna Gore, University of South Carolina Aiken 208. Research Incubator 2: Gender and Body Size (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Mentor: Michele A. Adams, Tulane University Does Your Body Know Who You Know? The Gendered Association between Social Capital and Body Weight. Lijun Song, Vanderbilt University; Bhumika Piya, Vanderbilt University The Effects of Caregiver Strain on the Depressive Symptomology of the Care Recipient. Deborah Ejem, University of Alabama at Birmingham 209. Undergraduate Roundtable: Community and Poverty (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Matthew Johnsen, Worcester State University Disaster in Utopia: The Role of Disaster in the Demise of Equality Colony. Gary Marinin, Worcester State University; Matthew Johnsen, Worcester State University; Amy Ebbeson, Worcester State University Four Conceptual Areas that Affect Levels of Support towards Community Centers. Lauren E. Ruotolo, Flagler College; Sarah Williamson, Flagler College; Tristan G. Joynt, Flagler College; Casey Welch, Flagler College Hungry and Homeless in River City: Establishing Agency and Identity for Those Most In Need. Candace Tschirki, University of North Florida; Jeffry Will, University of North Florida A Face in the Crowd: How Homeless Men Try to Blend In. Emmanuel Jackson, University of Central Florida; Amy Donley, University of Central Florida Living in Hell in the City of Angels: A Mixed Methods Study of Homeless Men on Skid Row. Michael Habashi, Duke University 210. Posters: Latino Environmental Threat and Victimization (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) The Latino Paradox: A Multi‐Level Analysis of Latino Homicide Victimization Risk. Emily R. Berthelot, University of Houston Downtown; Tomson Nguyen, University of Houston Downtown; Timothy C. Brown, University of Houston Gender Differences among Latinos in Perceptions of Environmental Threat and Environmental Justice. Michelle Petrie, University of South Carolina Aiken 211. Posters: The Influence of Religiosity on Attitudes (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) The Impact of Spirituality and Religiosity on Abortion Attitudes. John Lynxwiler, University of Central Florida; David Gay, University of Central Florida In People We Trust: Three Dimensions of Religiosity as Indicators of Trust in Others. M. Elizabeth Wassum, Emory & Henry College 5:30 PM‐7:00 PM 212. Presidential Plenary, Awards and Memorial Ceremony (Iberville) Presider: Toni Calasanti, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Presentation of Honors and Awards: James Wright, University of Central Florida Introduction of President: Lesley Reid, Georgia State University Presidential Address: Shifting Social Contracts, Beth A. Rubin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte 7:00 PM‐9:00 PM Presidential Reception (Riverview) 55 Saturday, March 24 7:30 AM‐8:30 AM Southern Sociological Society Business Meeting (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 8:00 AM‐9:15 AM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 213. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: Queer Family Practices, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society ‐ South and the Committee on the Status of Women (Iberville) Organizers: Kris De Welde, Florida Gulf Coast University; Emily Fairchild, New College of Florida Presider: Sarah Winslow, Clemson University An Overview of Polyamorous Families, 15 Years Later. Elisabeth Sheff, Georgia State University Rewriting the Heteronormative Contract: Spousal Negotiations of Love and Sex in Mixed Orientation Marriages. Michelle Wolkomir, Centenary College On the Margins of Matrimony: Queer Takes on Marriage, Monogamy, and Divorce. Wendy S. Simonds, Georgia State University 214. Adolescents and Health (Bienville) Presider: Anna Mueller, The University of Memphis The Role of Health Lifestyles for Adolescents: A Predictive Model. Colin T. Farrell, University of Alabama; John Lillis, Morris College The Association between Racial Socialization and Depression: Testing Direct and Buffering Associations in a Longitudinal Cohort of Young Adult African Americans. Ellen Granberg, Clemson University; Ronald L. Simons, University of Georgia; Mary B. Edmond, University of Georgia; Frederick X. Gibbons, Dartmouth College Obesity, Weight Perception, & Suicide Ideation in American Adolescents. Cynthia Stockton, University of Memphis The Role of School Contexts in Adolescent Boys' Weight‐Control Behaviors & Weight Perceptions. Anna Mueller, The University of Memphis Moral Communities and Sexual Regret among Emerging Adults. Kyle Longest, Furman University; Sophie Varn, Furman University 215. Assessing Teacher Quality: Sociological Perspectives (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizer: Sean Kelly, Michigan State University Presider: Baranda Sawyers, Lansing Community College Understanding Teacher Effects: Market versus Process Models of Educational Improvement. Sean Kelly, Michigan State University Teacher Education and Accountability: Adapting to Prospective Work Environments in Public Schools. Judson G. Everitt, Loyola University Chicago In Search of Equity: Teacher Tracking in Math. Colette Cann, Vassar College Discussant: Ruth López Turley, Rice University 216. Memorializing and Remembering: Racial Identification and Construction (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Presider: Arthur Evans, Florida Atlantic University "Collected Memories" of Segregation: Two Sides of a Difficult Past. Ashley Thompson and Brendan Lannon, Lynchburg College From Individual to Status Community: The Case of Free Persons of Color. Arthur Evans, Florida Atlantic University Altering the Racial Landscape: The Significance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial on the National Mall. Kathleen Fitzgerald, Loyola University New Orleans Projects in Whiteness. Tracy E. Ore, St. Cloud State University 56 Saturday, March 24, 8:00am‐9:15am 217. Shifting White Racial Identities and Racial Inequality (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Matthew W. Hughey, Mississippi State University Shades of Color Blindness: Rethinking Racial Ideology in the US. Ashley "Woody" Doane, University of Hartford Does Being 'White' Matter to Latinos in the South? Regional Differences in the Access to Whitespace. Hayward D. Horton, State University of New York‐Albany The Currency of White Privilege. Monica McDermott, University of Illinois The Right to Be Racist on Campus: White Space, the First Amendment, and Racist Expression in Colleges and Universities. Wendy Leo Moore, Texas A&M University 218. Social Psychology of Mental Health (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Presider: Amy Kroska, University of Oklahoma Psychological Wellbeing after a Rampage Shooting in Local Communities: Examining the Role of Social Relations and Social Support. Atte Oksanen, Pekka Räsänen, and Miika Vuori, University of Turku Cultural Consumption and Happiness: Does Cultural Consumption Affect Happiness? Lisa Morrison, Florida Atlantic Status Consequences of Psychiatric Labels. Amy Kroska, University of Oklahoma; Sarah K. Harkness, University of Iowa; Lauren Thomas and Ryan Brown, University of Oklahoma 219. Immigrant Experiences (Cabildo) Presider: Grigoris Argeros, Mississippi State University Advancing Understanding about Racism, Migration, and Return Migration Experiences: The Case of Caribbean Sociologists. Alex Miller, Delaware County Community College Locational Attainment Outcomes and Returns to Socioeconomic Resources among Black Immigrants. Grigoris Argeros and Erin Grimmett, Mississippi State University Cross‐Nation Patterns of Immigrant Poverty in 17 Affluent Democracies. Amie Bostic, Duke University Latin American Migrant Entrepreneurs. Heather Mauney, Florida State University Moving to Move Up? Anna Manzoni, NC State University 220. Theory: Contemporary Issues (Beauregard) Presider: Rachel Durso, The Ohio State University Navigating the Twitterverse: Developing a Cohesive Theoretical Framework for Twitter Research. Rachel Durso and S. Matthew Stearmer, The Ohio State University Deconstructing the Discourse of Civilization: Exemplars from a Critical Intersectionality. Jennifer Wyse, Virginia Tech; Thomas N. Ratliff, Tennessee Tech; Karl Precoda, Virginia Tech Positive Thinking: the Panopticon of Magic. Alex Boklin, George Mason University 221. Sociology of Sports and Leisure (Board Room) Presider: Timothy J. Dowd, Emory University Title IX, Cheerleading, and the Gender Politics of Sport. Nancy Malcom, Georgia Southern University "You Throw Like a Girl!" An Examination of Masculinity, Emotion, and Feeling in the Smash‐Mouth World of College Football. Kristi Fondren and Lindsay Heinemann, Marshall University Trail Magic and Hiker Boxes: Exchanges and Social Solidarity among Appalachian Trail Long‐Distance Hikers. Jamie MacLennan, Georgia Southwestern State University Negotiating Contested Fields: An Exploratory Study of Competing Academic and Athletic Roles among Student‐ Athletes. Eric Carter, Adriana Nunez, and Yolanda Gallardo‐Carter, Georgetown College 222. Socialism or Barbarism: Capitalist Assaults and Working Class Revolts from Bahrain to the Bayou (Ursuline) Organizer: Jay Arena, College of Staten Island; Presider: Nicole Owens, University of Central Florida Disaster Capitalism in Aceh, Indonesia: A Case Study of Social Changes in Aceh after Tsunami. Siti Kusujiarti, Warren Wilson College Why Non‐Profits Can't Defend Public Housing: A Social Movement and Public Works Alternative. Jay Arena, College of Staten Island From the Imposition of Austerity to Protest in the Streets: Long‐Term Hardships, the Moral Economy, and Mobilization. Jon Shefner, University of Tennessee; George Pasdirtz, University of Wisconsin; Aaron Rowland, University of Tennessee Precarious, Informalizing, and Casualizing Labor. Dennis Arnold and Joseph Bongiovi, UNC ‐ Chapel Hill 57 Saturday, March 24 223. Community Change, Attachment, and Power (Cathedral) Presider: Matthew Irvin, Eastern Kentucky University The Challenge of Counting Rural Homelessness. Matthew Irvin, Eastern Kentucky University Boomtowns and the Tourism Economy: A Case Study of Heber Valley, Utah. Beatrice Morlan, Ralph B. Brown, and Vaughn Call, Brigham Young University The Elverton Uprising: Exploring Hegemony and Solidarity in West Virginia's New River Gorge. Rhiannon Leebrick and James N. Maples, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Coal Power in West Virginia: The Contradiction of Mountaintop Removal and Appalachian Ideals. Aysha Bodenhamer, North Carolina State University A Case of Puppy Love or the Doghouse Blues? How Open‐Admission Shelter Employees Perceive their Relationship to the Community. Amanda Constance Paris, University of Southern Mississippi 224. Cultural Processes across Time and Place (French Market) Presider: Keith Kerr, Quinnipiac University Investigating Reinterpretations of Pain in Public Processions. Andreas Schneider, Texas Tech University Killing for Sport: A Forensic Sociological Account of US War Crimes and American Cultural Contradictions of Violence. Keith Kerr, Quinnipiac University; Stjepan Mestrovic, Texas A&M University; Ryan Ashley Caldwell, Soka University of America; Chris Thompson, Quinnipiac University 8:30 AM‐9:15 AM Committee Meetings (Program, Local Arrangements, Honors, Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Status of Women, Development, Membership, Community and Small Colleges, and the Profession) (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 8:30 AM‐10:30 AM Executive Committee Meeting (Pontalba) 9:25 AM‐10:40 AM 225. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: Gender, Family, and the Recession, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society ‐ South (Iberville) Organizer and Presider: Shannon N. Davis, George Mason University Expected Career Prioritization in the Post‐Recession United States: A Family Typology. Shannon N. Davis, George Mason University Who Cares? Work‐Family Strategies in Tough Times. Julia C. Wilson and A. Celeste Gaia, Emory & Henry College Household Economic Strategies during Times of Economic Hardship: A Study of Shifting Practices and Attitudes across Two Economic Crisis. B. Alexander Currit, Todd L. Goodsell, and Ralph B. Brown, Brigham Young University 'Making Do' With Bad Jobs: Low‐Income Families' Lessons about Job Quality. Lane Destro, Duke University 226. Research on Gender and Policy, co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women (Bienville) Organizers: Sarah Ballard, University of Alabama ‐ Birmingham; Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama ‐ Birmingham Presider: Corinne Castro, Temple University Work to Live or Live to Work? The Impact of Gender, Personal Resources, and National Policy on the Importance of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Work Rewards in Post‐Industrial Nations. Christy Flatt, Gordon College Gender and Work in Traditional Organizations: Women's Fight for Equality in the U.S. Military. Joseph Bongiovi, University of North Carolina ‐ Chapel Hill Policy Inequalities among U.S. States‐‐an Aspect of the "Women‐Unfriendly" State. Phyllis Raabe, Tulane University An Ethnography Explaining Welfare Participation Decisions of Low‐Income Mexican‐Immigrant Women in Chicago Post‐Welfare Reform. Sancha Doxilly, Duke University 58 Saturday, March 24, 9:25am‐10:40am 227. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Teaching Sociology, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizers: Rhonda D. Evans (Presider), University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Toni Y. Muhammad, University of Louisiana, Lafayette; Discussants: Toni Y. Muhammad and Rene Pogue, University of Louisiana at Lafayette A Case Study in Teaching Social Science Research Methods: Technology and Transformative Learning. Rhonda. D. Evans, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Live‐Action Sociological Imagination: Reflections, Observations, and Criticisms of an Undergraduate, Introductory‐ Level Sociology Course Simulated Society (SIMSOC) Role‐Playing Game. Richard Kessinger, III, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; George Wooddell, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Teaching the Sociology of Death and Dying: Experiential Methods for Expanding and Enriching Students' Learning Objectives. Margot Hasha, University of Louisiana at Lafayette 228. Race in the Family, Media, and Other Contexts (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Presider: Yasmiyn Irizarry, Mississippi State University Integration is Not So Black and White: Black Experiences with Discrimination in Integrated Contexts. Yasmiyn Irizarry, Mississippi State University Other Family Members Talk about Race and Racism Too: "New Racism" and the Limits of Traditional Conceptions of Parental Racial Socialization. Theodore E. Thornhill, St. Olaf College Cinematic Representations of Interracial Intimacy. Erica Chito Childs, Hunter College/CUNY Graduate Center; Matthew W. Hughey, Mississippi State University Tying the Knot Across the Color Line: Some Determinants of Getting Married Interracially. Loren Henderson, University of Illinois Interracial Representations in Children's Literature. Anne Bubriski‐McKenzie and Elizabeth Grauerholz, University of Central Florida; Celine Atkins, San Francisco State University 229. Education and Stratification II (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Presider: Ruth López Turley, Rice University Science, Math, and Frog Ponds in North Carolina High Schools. Stephanie Southworth, Sarah Truitt, Malisia Wilkins, Margaret Leisey, and Bryce McNeal, Clemson University Socioeconomic Opportunity Structure of Place and Student Achievement: A Theoretical and Empirical Refinement of Inequalities of Place Model in Roscigno et al. (2006). Nandan Jha and Roslyn A. Mickelson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte The Influence of Push/Pull Reasons for High School Dropout on Later Reentry. Rebecca Boylan, University of Georgia 230. Sexual Socialization in the 21st Century (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Organizer: Michele A. Adams, Tulane University Presider: Benjamin Albers, Bridgewater College Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Latinas Gaining Familial Acceptance through Gender. Katie Acosta, Tulane University Taking a Life Course Approach to Gendered Sexuality. Laura Carpenter, Vanderbilt University Feeling Schooled: The Emotional Lessons of Sexuality Education. Jessica Fields, San Francisco State University Sex and Subjectivity: The Sexual Socialization of Dutch and American Boys. Amy Schalet, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 231. Public Opinion: Inequalities and 'Othering' (Cabildo) Presider: Laura Robinson, Cornell University, Santa Clara University Civil Liberties for Gays and Atheists: Greater Tolerance or Less Rejection? Thomas Wilson, Florida Atlantic University Immigration, Exploitation, and Inequality: Newspaper Discourse on Immigration in the U.S. Emily P. Estrada, North Carolina State University Reconsidering Whites' Opposition to Race‐Targeted Affirmative Action Policies: The Economic Recession and Group Interests. Todd Schoonover, Florida Atlantic University Islamism and the Public Opinion in Turkey. Yunus Kaya, University of North Carolina Wilmington; Lutfi Sunar, Istanbul University 59 Saturday, March 24, 9:25am‐10:40am 232. Cinematic Sociology (Beauregard) Organizers: Harry Dahms, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville; Jean‐Anne Sutherland, UNC ‐ Wilmington Presider: Tracy E. Ore, St. Cloud State University; Discussant: R. Scott Frey, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville A Different Point of View: Using Independent and "Foreign" Films to Teach Sociology. Kathryn Feltey, University of Akron Sociology and Science‐Fiction Films. Harry Dahms, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville The Hollywoodization of Feminism. Jean‐Anne Sutherland, University of North Carolina ‐ Wilmington 233. Tastes, Preferences, and the Broader Social Order (Board Room) Presider: Vaughn Schmutz, UNC Charlotte The Girl Next Door? Comparing Cultural Preferences and Lifestyle Attitudes of Coeds and Call Girls. Maryann Seals, Universtiy of South Carolina; Frances Choe, University of South Carolina; Michael Hahn, University of South Carolina; Lala Carr Steelman, University of South Carolina Who Develops Cultural Capital in Adulthood? Aaron Silverman, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Musical Tastes as Social Practices: Artists and Genres in Context. John Sonnett, University of Mississippi Technology Use Patterns among Generation Y. William Kinney, University of St. Thomas; Jynette Larshus, Minot State University 234. Health Stratification by SES and Gender (Ursuline) Presider: Rebecca Reeder, University of Cincinnati Trajectory of Functional Limitations among Chinese Older People: the Effects of Socioeconomic and Demographic Status. Hanyao Qiu, University of Florida Towards a Richer, More Accurate Understanding of Determinants of Preterm Births: Better Estimating US Preterm Births through an Event History‐Path Analysis Model. Rebecca Reeder, University of Cincinnati; Phillip N. Ritchey, University of Cincinnati The Relationship of Adolescent Cognitive Ability to Adult Health: Socioeconomic Status and Health Behavior as Mediating Variables. Timothy M. Hale, University of Alabama at Birmingham Education as a Determinant for Sexual Behavior: Implications of Academic Achievement on Safe Sexual Practices. Jane Gimbel, Florida Atlantic University Does Higher Education Lead to Higher Stress? The Role of Maternal Education Level in Black‐White Disparities in Pregnancy Outcomes. Courtney Thomas, Vanderbilt University 235. Participation in Social Movements (Cathedral) Presider: Katherine Everhart, Vanderbilt University Growing Good: Gendered Characteristics of Organic Farmers. Anneliese Gregory, North Carolina State University Women and the Arab Spring: Women's Movements, Political Transitions, and Democratic Rights. Megan Tobias Neely, University of Texas at Austin From Resistance to Representation: Storytelling, Social Movement Discourses, and Women's Paths to Public Office. Angela Frederick, The University of Texas at Austin Identity and Student‐Led Social Movements. Shelby Longard, Belmont University 236. Social Change (French Market) Presider: Lindsey Peterson, Mississippi State University Hispanic and Black Patterns of Residential Segregation in New and Established Destinations: Results from the 2010 Census. Domenico Parisi, Mississippi State University; Michael Taquino, Mississippi State University; Daniel T. Lichter, Cornell University Pilgrimage, Tourism, and Development in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India. Sarah Searcy, East Carolina University Foreign Aid, INGOs, and Development: A Cross‐National and Longitudinal Examination of the Global Development System. Lindsey Peterson, Mississippi State University Student Interviewer Fumbles: Roadblocks in Integrating Teaching and Research on Sexual Aggression. Sarah Becker, Louisiana State University; Justine E. Tinkler, Louisiana State University 60 Saturday, March 24 10:50 AM‐12:05 PM Registration and Book Exhibit (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) 237. Plenary Speaker—Joane Nagel: An Environmental Social Contract? Climate Change and the Military‐Security Complex, with Introductory Remarks by Beth A. Rubin, SSS President (Iberville) Presider: Beth A. Rubin, SSS President, University of North Carolina‐Charlotte 238. Land of Opportunity, Excerpts from a Multi‐Platform Documentary Project about Rebuilding New Orleans and Urban America (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West); Organizer: Luisa Dantas, Unaffiliated 239. Gendered Responses to Economic Challenges, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Bienville) Organizer: Shannon N. Davis, George Mason University; Presider: Liana C. Sayer, The Ohio State University Gender, Class, and Time Use during the Great Recession. Liana C. Sayer, The Ohio State University; Sanjiv Gupta, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Kristin Smith, University of New Hampshire The Temping Trend: White Collar Managerial Work and the Great Recession. Laureen K. O'Brien, University of Arizona Avoiding Debt, Tolerating Debt: The Role of Gender in Structuring Stances towards Educational Loans. Jeremy Schulz, Cornell University 240. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Innovative Approaches to Teaching about Gender, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges and Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Organizer: Janice McCabe, Florida State University; Presider: Linda Carson, Lander University Discussant: Melissa Bamford, Florida State University Teaching Students about Intersectionality: Gender, Social Class, and Race. Alicia Suarez, DePauw University Students Teach Sex Ed: Promoting Alternative Conceptions of Sexuality. Alison Buck, North Carolina State University; Kylie Parrotta, North Carolina State University Fostering Understandings of Gender through Popular Music. Janice McCabe, Florida State University 241. Gender, Sexuality, and Sexual Practice (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Presider: Candice Campanaro, University of Central Florida "We Don't Play.....We Dabble": An Ethnographic Exploration into the BDSM Lifestyle. Mindy Weller, University of Central Florida; Candice Campanaro, University of Central Florida A Framework for Categorizing Meeting Contexts: The Case of College Hook‐ups. Joseph E. Padgett, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Arielle Kuperberg, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Differences Between Same‐Sex and Opposite‐Sex College Hook‐ups. Arielle Kuperberg, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro; R. James Leister, High Point University Gender, Sexual Experiences and Feelings of Regret among Emerging Adults. Kyle Longest, Furman University; Wellsley Radecke, Furman University Contested Gay Spaces: Class‐Coding and Heterosexual Presence in Gay Bars. Jaime Hartless, University of Virginia 242. Education, Race, and Ethnicity II (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Presider: Karen Kozlowski, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Contradiction in Culture: Cultural Capital or Oppositional Culture? Karen Kozlowski, UNC‐Chapel Hill Teachers' Perceptions of Students at the Starting Gate: The Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Status. Yasmiyn Irizarry, Mississippi State University Teacher Diversity, Student‐Teacher Racial Mismatch, and Achievement Gaps between Diverse Groups. Neena Banerjee, UNC‐Charlotte; Stephanie Moller, UNC‐Charlotte Reaching For the American Dream: Are Black Immigrants more Vulnerable to Academic Decline than other Immigrants? Denise Obinna, The Ohio State University 61 Saturday, March 24, 10:50am‐12:05pm 243. Race, Inequality, and Agriculture in the Rural South (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Organizer: Bill Winders, Georgia Tech Presider: Toni Y. Muhammad, University of Louisiana, Lafayette 'To Tell the Truth in an Acceptable Manner': Arthur Raper in Greene County, Georgia. Clifford Kuhn, Georgia State University Black Harvest: Sowing the Seeds of Democracy through Federal‐Local Land Reform in the Rural South, 1935‐1997. Jess Gilbert, University of Wisconsin; Spencer Wood, Kansas State University Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss: Poultry Integrators are the New Planters. Douglas Constance, Sam Houston State University 244. Public Policy and the Comparative Welfare State (Cabildo) Presider: Hana Brown, Wake Forest University Activation Policies and Social Experiments: the Israeli Case Study. Orit Fisher, Florida State University Cross‐National Variations in Attitudes toward Government Spending on Social Security Programs. JoEllen Pederson, Florida State University Beyond the Black‐White Divide: Regional Racial Hierarchies and Welfare Policy Discourse. Hana Brown, Wake Forest University 245. Social Reality between Theory and Science (Beauregard) Presider: J. Micah Roos, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Science Knowledge in Sociological Context: The Relationship between Conservative Protestantism and Science Knowledge in the United States. J. Micah Roos, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Is a Cumulative Social Science Possible? Toward a Standard Taxonomy. Melvyn Fein, Kennesaw State University Social Uncertainty Principle. John Lillis, Morris College; Colin T. Farrell, University of Alabama Intellectual Pornography: Hyperbolic Theory and Idea‐Construction of Reality. Ben Gibson, University of Alabama at Birmingham 246. Food and Identity (Board Room) Organizers: Deborah Harris, Texas State University; Jamila Zakari, Texas State University‐San Marcos Presider: Marc R. Settembrino, University of Central Florida What's For Dinner? Examining Family Foodwork within Contested Food Environments. Sarah Bowen, North Carolina State University; Sinikka Elliott, North Carolina State University High Agency and Low Agency Attributions of Obesity: The Impact of Status Group Differences on Perceptions of Obesity on Support for Obesity Interventions. Christy Freadreacea, University of Kentucky Analyzing College Students' Food Diaries: Motivations, Reflections, and Eating Behaviors. Deborah Harris, Texas State University; Jamila Zakari, Texas State University‐San Marcos; Julia Von Bank, Texas State University‐San Marcos International Students in US Colleges and Universities: Eating Habits, Cultural Identity, and Dietary Acculturation. Boniface Noyongoyo, East Carolina University; Corra Mamadi, East Carolina University; Hal J. Daniel III, East Carolina University; Marieke Van Willigen, East Carolina University Stories of Class, Reproduction, and Food from the Early 1940s through the 1950s. Roberta Spalter‐Roth, Director, Department of Research and Development, American Sociological Association 247. Diagnosis and Medication of ADHD and Asperger's Disorder (Ursuline) Presider: Philip Mason, Mississippi State University Riches and the Ritalin Romance: A Multivariate, Cross Sectional Analysis of ADHD Symptoms, Treatment Rates, and Socioeconomic Status. Zachary Simoni, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Cassandra Crawford, Northern Illinois University Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Religious Involvement: Is There a Relationship? Philip Mason, Mississippi State University The Social Contract of a Medical Diagnosis: Implications of the Exclusion of "Asperger's disorder" in the DSM‐5. Jennifer S. Singh, Georgia Institute of Technology Hyperkinetic Syndromes and the Price of Legitimacy. Linda Ann Treiber, Kennesaw State University 62 Saturday, March 24 248. Sociology of Drug Use (Cathedral) Organizer: Sean Coleman, Virginia Tech and RTI International; Presider: Christopher W. Bounds, Delta State University Examining the Effect of Regulating a Novel Drug: An Evaluation of Changes in Use of Salvia Divinorum in the First Year of Florida's Ban. John Stogner, Georgia Southern University; David Khey, Loyola University New Orleans; O. Hayden Griffin, III, The University of Southern Mississippi; Bryan Lee Miller, Georgia Southern University; John H. Boman, IV, University of Florida Racial Differences in the Impact of Job Stability upon the Desistance of Illicit Substance Use: Testing Sampson and Laub's Age‐Graded Informal Social Control among Racial Subgroups. Christopher W. Bounds, Delta State University The Rhetorical Shift from "War" to Public Health and Human Rights: The Obama Administration, Harm Reduction, and Drug Policy. Fernando Perez, Barry University Must Alcoholics and Addicts Stay Anonymous? Social Stigma as a Barrier to Recovery. Emily Eisenhart Moore, Georgia Southern University How It's Made: Innovation among Marginalized Drug Users. Dee Wood Harper Jr., Loyola University; David Khey, Loyola University New Orleans 249. Comparative Views on Changing Social Contracts (French Market) Organizer: Markus Hadler, Marshall University; Presider: Omar Lizardo, University of Notre Dame Discussants: Maria M. Orsini, Marshall University and Michael J. McAteer, Marshall University The Phantom of Race, Realities, and Unrealities of Racial Consciousness in Brazil. Richard Garnett, Marshall University Social Networking: The Phantom of the Internet. April S. Angell, Marshall University The Ties That Bind: Religious Masochism and Its Social Construction. Alison G. Stamper, Marshall University A Look Inside the Darkness: Self‐Harm and the LGBT Community. Caitlyn Reedy, Marshall University 12:15 PM‐1:30 PM 250. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: Transgender Issues and the Family, co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women (Iberville) Organizer: Griff Tester, Georgia State University; Presider: Rhonda D. Evans, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Resistance and Co‐optation: Identifying the 'Gender Variant' Child. Elizabeth Rahilly, University of California, Santa Barbara The Pathologization of Gender: The Effects on Stigmatization of Gender Variant Youth. Kelli Perkins, University of New Orleans Sexual Transgressions: Changing Bodies and Sexual Intimacy among Female‐to‐Male Transmen and Partners of Female‐to‐Male Transmen. Megan Tesene, Georgia State University Coming Out a Little: Transgendered Identity Negotiations in Social Networks. P.G. Ybarra, University of Florida 251. Focus on Feminism (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Presider: Allison McGrath, Vanderbilt University "I don't fight for feminism or anything, I just don't think of myself that way": An Examination of the Discrepancy between Egalitarian Gender Attitudes and Willingness to Adopt a Feminist Identity. Allison McGrath, Vanderbilt University The Promise of a Feminist Public Sociology: Dispatches from the Feminist Wire. Heather Laine Talley, Western Carolina University Feminism: Past, Present and Future. Suzanne Kurth, University of Tennessee Strategic Ambiguity: How Hookups Perpetuate the Existing Gender Order. Danielle Currier, Randolph College 252. Gender Issues in Suicide, Intimate Partner Violence, and Immigration (Bienville) Presider: Jennifer Scroggins, University of Tennessee, Knoxville What Rights? LGB Perceptions of Legal Protections in Cases of Same‐Sex Domestic Violence. Xavier Guadalupe‐ Diaz, University of Central Florida Immigrant Isolation and Women's Violent Offending. Jennifer Scroggins and Ben Feldmeyer, University of Tennessee Intimate Conflict and the Structure of Lethal Violence. Jason Manning, West Virginia University "I just wanted to die": Pre‐Prison and Current Suicide Ideation among Women Serving Life Sentences. Meredith Dye, Middle Tennessee State University 63 Saturday, March 24, 12:15pm‐1:30pm 253. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Experiential Learning, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Presider: Lauren Valentino, UNC Charlotte Women, Crime, and Criminal Justice: Students' Experiential Learning Project. Linda Carson, Lander University Using Participant‐Observation to Teach the Sociology of Religion. Bradley Koch, Georgia College & State University Teaching about the Wild West of the Fringe Economy: Does Experiential Learning Work? R. Robin Miller, Drury University; Sandra Browning, University of Cincinnati "I'm Taking This Class Because It's Required": Using Applied Sociology to Connect Theory and Methods for Undergraduates. John Rice, University of North Carolina‐Wilmington Understanding Curricular Resistance to Internships at Elite Liberal Arts Colleges. Lauren Valentino, UNC Charlotte. 254. Panel Session: Shifting Contracts and Sociology Professions, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Professions (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Organizer and Presider: Susan Webb, Coastal Carolina University My Journey from Non‐Regular Rank to Regular Rank Faculty: Issues and Problems. Rebecca Bach, Duke University Threats to Academic Freedom. Rae Blumberg, University of Virginia Legislative Pressures on University Budgets. Paul Luebke, University of North Carolina Greensboro The Future of Sociology: Minorities, Programs, and Jobs? Roberta Spalter‐Roth, American Sociological Association 255. Educational Inequality: Differences in Access (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Organizer and Presider: Susan Dumais, Louisiana State University Cumulative Advantage in Blau Space: Peer Composition and Achievement Effects on Gender and Racial Disparities in Math Coursetaking. Will Tyson, University of South Florida Student Characteristics and Assignment to the Gifted Program. Rose M. Kelley, Louisiana State University Access to Digital Resources & Educational Inequalities. Laura Robinson, Cornell University, Santa Clara University School Choice and Segregation: "Tracking" Racial Equity in Magnet Schools. Tomeka M. Davis, Georgia State University 256. Shifting Contracts in the Disability Landscape: From Policy to Personal Experience (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Organizer: Sara Eleanor Green, University of South Florida; Presider: Yan Long, University of Michigan Medicaid Managed Care and Chronic Health Conditions: How Might Changes in Medicaid Affect the Independence of Beneficiaries with Disabilities? Richard Scotch and Robert Woerner, University of Texas at Dallas The Quota Question: Incorporating Disability into the Discourse on Preferential Hiring. Iyar Mazar, Boston College Exploring the Attitudes of Graduate Students toward Students with Disabilities. Leslie McCallister and Kalah Wilson, East Tennessee State University How Disabilities are Framed in the United States: Implications for Providing Public Shelters during Times of Disaster. Rochelle Brittingham and Tricia Wachtendorf, University of Delaware A Narrative Approach to Medically Unexplained Chronic Pain: Bridging the Individual and Social Models of Disability. Loren Wilbers, University of South Florida 257. Religion, Politics, and Social Change (Cabildo) Presider: Todd Powell‐Williams, Augusta State University Moldovan Orthodoxy as Civil Society. Sprinceana Vitalie, George Mason University Examining the Effects of Racial‐Political Organizations on State Immigration Legislation. Kim Ebert, North Carolina State University; Emily P. Estrada, North Carolina State University; Michelle H. Lore, North Carolina State University '...between the righteous and the wicked': Narrative, Identity, and Social Control in the Westboro Baptist Church. Todd Powell‐Williams, Augusta State University 258. Social Theory: From Marx to Himes (Beauregard) Presider: Seth Abrutyn, University of Memphis Max Weber and the Rise of Capitalism: The City, Law, and, Yes, the Protestant Ethic. Seth Abrutyn, University of Memphis Joseph Himes and the Racial Stratification of the Labor Market. Leslie Hurt, North Carolina Central University Resurrecting Marxist Class Theory: By Adding a Stage of Development to this Classic Theory, Urbanization in Latin America, and Class Theory‐Work. Paul (Stanley) Kasun, University of Texas at Austin Biological Reduction and its Imprint on the Genesis of Parsons's General Theory of Action. Michael Bare, University of Chicago 64 Saturday, March 24 259. Video Ethnography, part 1 (Board Room) Organizers: Wesley Shrum and Frederick Weil, Louisiana State University; Presider: Stephen Sills, UNC Greensboro Studies of the Male Body. Luke Castle, Louisiana State University Enhancing Our Understanding of Verbal‐Nonverbal Integration and Identity Construction. Lyndon Garrett, Brigham Young University; Emily Warren, Brigham Young University; Curtis LeBaron, Brigham Young University Technology and Teaching Sociology: The Expanding Use of Technology in Higher Education Instruction. Don J. Asay, Louisiana State University Organic Farming in Africa. Mark Schafer and Wesley Shrum, Louisiana State University The Debate between Organic and Modern Farming I: The AGRA Project. Matthew LeBlanc, Louisiana State University 260. Predictors of Mental Health (Ursuline) Presider: Megan Smith, Emory University Disposed to Distress: Gender Role Orientation, Socioeconomic Background, and Depression Symptoms. Philip Gibson, University of Alabama at Birmingham The Marital Status‐Mental Health Association: Different Dimensions of Psychological Well‐being using Structural Equation Modeling. Tze‐Li Hsu, Florida State University Changing Gender and Mental Health Patterns? William C. Cockerham and Carrie Betcher, University of Alabama at Birmingham Social Networks and Aging. Megan Smith, Emory University 261. Sociological Views of the Food System (Cathedral) Organizers: Deborah Harris and Jamila Zakari, Texas State University‐San Marcos Presider: Michael Ramirez, Texas A&M University ‐ Corpus Christi Taking the Challenge for Real Food: Student Engagement in Procuring Sustainably Produced Food on Campus. David Burley, Erica Dickerson, Bonnie May, Timothy McCarty, Benny Milligan, Denaty Moses, Sole Sanchez, Adam Shea, and Rick Hortman, Southeastern Louisiana University CAFO: Hazards, Environmental and Health Risks as the Latent Products of Late Modernity. Bryan R. Clarey, University of New Orleans The Space of Food Justice. Joshua Sbicca, University of Florida From Culinary Afterthought to Zeitgeist Favorite: the Rise of Frozen Food in America. Justin Schupp and Andrew Martin, Ohio State University Fostering Food‐System Literacy. Patricia Widener, Florida Atlantic University 262. Considering Media Content: Film, Magazines, and the Internet (French Market) Presider: Yun Tai, Emory University Through Their Eyes: Gaining a Sociological Imagination through Popular Culture. Fernando Rivera and Matthew Hiesterman, University of Central Florida The Sexualization of Jordanian Culture: Verbal and Non‐Verbal Expression of Sexuality in Online Communities and in the Media. Rachel Austin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Calling Dirty Harry a Liar: A Critique of Displacement Theories of Popular Criminology. Neal King, Virginia Tech 1:45 PM‐3:00 PM 263. Mini‐Conference on Gender and Family: LGBT Parenting, co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women and Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Iberville) Organizers: Emily Fairchild, New College of Florida; Kris De Welde, Florida Gulf Coast University Presider: Emmanuel David, Villanova University Maternal Urges, Biological Clocks, and Soccer Moms: Gay Men's Procreative and Fathering Narratives. Dana Berkowitz, Louisiana State University Avoiding Playground Liabilities: LGBT Family Practices, Stigma, and the Experience of Normalcy. Rafael Colonna, University of California, Berkeley G.I. Joe and Grade Point Averages: How Structural Inequalities Shape Lesbian Parenting Strategies. Jonniann Butterfield and Roxanne Gerbrandt, Austin Peay State University 65 Saturday, March 24, 1:45pm‐3:00pm 264. The Creation of, and Innovations within, Sociology and Social Science Programs (La Nouvelle Orleans East/West) Organizer, Presider, and Discussant: Ned Rinalducci, Armstrong Atlantic State University Against the Grain: Creating a Social Science Major in a Difficult Political and Economic Environment. Ned Rinalducci and Alison Hatch, Armstrong Atlantic State University Growing a Women's and Gender Studies Program in Economically Challenging and Politically Conservative Times. Tracy Woodward‐Meyers, Valdosta State University A Sudden Change of Fortune: Obstacles to the Creation of a New Baccalaureate Program in a Changing Social Milieu. Christy Flatt, Gordon College; Elizabeth Watts‐Warren, Gordon College Meet PEAT: Student‐Evaluators Providing Quality Evaluations for the Non‐Profit Sector. Rilee Buttars, B. Alexander Currit, Jonathan Muir, Ralph B. Brown, Carol Ward, and Tim Heaton, Brigham Young University Innovation and Success in Times of Trouble: Louisiana's CALL Program. Stan C. Weeber, McNeese State University 265. Masculinities in Contemporary Societies (Bienville) Organizer: Joslyn Brenton, North Carolina State University; Presider: Mitchell B. Mackinem, Claflin University Big Men on Campus: An Examination of Masculinities in College Stories. Mitchell B. Mackinem, Claflin University; Russell E. Ward, Jr., Francis Marion University “Am I Your Man?” Regional Heterosexual Presentations of Masculinities on Lauren Stewart, University of Oregon; Jackie Eller, Middle Tennessee State University; Lisa Walker, Middle Tennessee State University “No Total Bottoms": The Devaluation of Effeminacy in Gay Male Communities. Marik Xavier‐Brier, Georgia State University Influences on Physical Fitness Practices and Body Image among College Aged Males. Luke Castle, LSU 266. Teaching Sociology Mini‐Conference: Programs, Technology, and Learning Outcomes, co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (Royal Ballroom Salon A) Presider: Douglas Kuck, University of South Carolina Aiken Assessing Student Learning Outcomes in the Sociology Major Using an Alumni Survey. Edward Kain and Toni Nietfeld, Southwestern University Can Online Courses Deliver In‐Class Results? A Comparison of Student Performance and Satisfaction in an Online Versus a Traditional Face‐to‐Face Introductory Social Science Course. Adam Driscoll, Karl Jicha, Andrea N. Hunt, Lisa Tichavsky, Gretchen Thompson, North Carolina State University Unleashing the Power of Technology: Developing Sociological Thinking with Blogs, Wikis, and YouTube. Lee Bidwell and Tatiana Pashkova‐Balkenhol, Longwood University A Content Analysis of Goals and Objectives of Undergraduate Sociology Programs. Douglas Kuck and Barbara E. Johnson, University of South Carolina Aiken; Robert H. Freymeyer, Presbyterian College 267. Challenging Cultural Scripts on Gender and Sexuality (Royal Ballroom Salon B) Presider: Neal King, Virginia Tech Dual‐Surname System in Japan: Reconstructing Gender in Japanese Law. Kimiko Tanaka, James Madison University Narratives of Healing: Challenging Cultural Scripts of Rape. Stacy Gorman, Georgia State University; Amanda Jungels, Georgia State University; Bobette J. Otto and Marni Brown, Georgia State University Public Opinion of Women in Combat: A Reflection of Evolving Gender Ideology. Colleen Johnson, Brigham Young University Tolerance of Homosexuals among Men and Women: Does it Make a Difference? Joshua Werner, Florida Atlantic 268. Education: Community and Social Change (Royal Ballroom Salon C) Presider: Toby L. Parcel, North Carolina State University MS Deltans Desire Educational Change: Is Teach For America the Long‐Term Answer in the Mississippi Delta? Albert Nylander and Eric Atchison, Delta State University Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire: A Sociology Internship Course to Foster Critical Thinking and Awareness through Service Learning. Toni Y. Muhammad, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Are Diversity and Community Diametrically Opposing Values? Results from a Study of Attitudes Concerning School Assignments in Wake County, NC. Toby Parcel, Andrew Taylor, and Joshua Hendrix, North Carolina State University Promoting Critical Consciousness in the Desert: An Evaluation of a Peace Corps Sponsored Program in Morocco. Joseph Stincer, University of West Georgia Sexual Assault Advocates on University Campuses. Darcey McCampbell, University of Central Florida 66 Saturday, March 24, 1:45pm‐3:00pm 269. Meaning and Memory in Everyday Life: Media as Resource (Royal Ballroom Salon D) Presider: Vaughn Schmutz, UNC Charlotte You'll Never Watch Alone: The Compulsion of Proximity in Sports Bars. Daniel Buffington, University of North Carolina‐Wilmington Me, Myself, and Identity Online: Identity Salience on Facebook vs. Non‐Virtual Identity. Nathalie Delise, University of New Orleans This I Believe: Religion, Mass Media Content, and Identity. Melissa Scardaville and Sonal Nalkur, Emory University 270. The Internet: Political Communication, Networks, and Mass Media (Cabildo) Presider: Matthew W. Hughey, Mississippi State University Racist Comments at Online News Sites: A Methodological Dilemma for Discourse Analysis. Matthew W. Hughey, Mississippi State University; Jessie Daniels, CUNY‐Hunter College Utilizing Social Media for Disaster Relief: A Social Network Analysis of American Red Cross Facebook Cause Joiners Before and After the Haitian Earthquake. John Skvoretz, University of South Florida; Jennie Lai, The Nielsen Company The Internet Mediated Political Communication and Participation: An Analysis of the Changing Faces of Public Discourse from Coffee Shop to Computer Screen. Hatice Akca, University of South Carolina News in Transformation: The Impact of the Internet and Future of Newspapers. Julie B. Wiest, High Point University 271. The Financial Crisis of 2008 and its Aftermath (Beauregard) Presider: Steven Panageotou, University of Tennessee The Global Debt Minotaur: An Analysis of the Greek Financial Crisis. Steven Panageotou, University of Tennessee Americans' Historical View on Labor Unions: Donkeys Build Bonds; Elephants Stomp on Them. Gary Goldberg, Florida Atlantic University Deep or Shallow? Testing the Causal Power of Sewell's Theory of Structure in the 2008 Financial Crisis. Michael Flota, Daytona State College Political Embeddedness, Executive Autonomy, Corporate Characteristics, and Financial Malfeasance in Large Telecommunications Companies. Bryce Hannibal, Texas A&M University 272. Video Ethnography, Part 2 (Board Room) Organizers: Wesley Shrum, Louisiana State University; Frederick Weil, Louisiana State University Presider: Tracy E. Ore, St. Cloud State University Black Working Class Parades in Post Katrina New Orleans. Diane Grams, Tulane University The Slums of the Suburbs: Fieldwork in Blighted Suburban Areas. David Gibson, Ben Tyndall, Miriam Boeri, and Annette Bairan, Kennesaw State University; Denise Woodall, University of Miami Autonomy in Southern Louisiana Schools. Joseph Cleary, Louisiana State University Community Recovery in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina. David Maddox and Frederick Weil, Louisiana State University 273. Local Infrastructure, Neighborhood Composition and Health (Ursuline) Presider: Josh Packard, Midwestern State University The Impact of a Local Primary Health Care Infrastructure on Seeking Non‐Emergent, Primary Care in Hospital Emergency Rooms. Christopher Freed, Sasha Eastburn, Beverly Rossini, Shantisha Hansberry, and Martha Arrieta, University of South Alabama Neighborhood Context and Mental Health. Terrence Hill, Florida State University; David Maimon, University of Maryland, College Park Availability of Recreational Resources in Minority and Low‐Income Status Areas. Emily Godsey, Herpreet Thind, Haley Heckman, Sh'Nese Townsend, and Monica Baskin, University of Alabama at Birmingham Isolating the Effects of Neighborhood Satisfaction on Levels of Resident Distress. Josh Packard, Midwestern State University 67 Saturday, March 24, 1:45pm‐3:00pm 274. Gender and Intersectionality in Resistance Movements, co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South (Cathedral) Organizer: Emily Cabaniss, North Carolina State University; Presider: JoEllen Pederson, Florida State University Getting Together: Black and White Gay Men Constructing Interracial Relating in the Early 1980's. K.L. Broad, University of Florida A Headscarf among the Turbans: How Female Policy Entrepreneurs Optimize Focusing Events. Sandra C. Arch, Vanderbilt University Gender and Intersectionality in the Cultural Poetics of Environmental Justice. Kamala Platt, University of Texas, Pan American Women Rural Teachers in the Bolivian Educational Reform Era: Teaching Gender Equality and the Intersection of Public and Private Lives. Julie A. Reid, University of Southern Mississippi Storytelling and the Reproduction of Inequality in a Youth‐Led Immigrant Rights Movement. Emily Cabaniss, North Carolina State University 275. Considering Media Content: Television and Video Games (French Market) Presider: Jin Won Chung, Emory University A Gendered World: Male Dominance and Female Portrayals in Video Games. Adam Sullivan, University of Texas at San Antonio "We Chase the Darkness:" The Interactional Accomplishment of Hegemonic Masculinity in the Ghost Adventurers. Melissa Powell‐Williams, Augusta State University Social Framing of Hoarding: Its Portrayal in Mainstream Media. Linda Liska Belgrave, University of Miami; Nakia De Jesus, University of Maryland, College Park Images of Black Women in Rap Music Videos: Interpretations by Black Women Viewers. Kerrie Stewart, UNC Charlotte 3:15 PM‐4:30 PM 276. Entrepreneurship and Networks (Cabildo) Presider: Seth Abrutyn, University of Memphis Social Capital and Work Activity: How Are Work Autonomy and Supervision Related to Network Resources? Richard Benton, North Carolina State University Institutional Entrepreneurship: Toward a Synthesis of Weber, Eisenstadt, Colomy and Rhodes, and Abrutyn. Seth Abrutyn, University of Memphis; Justin Van Ness, University of California‐Riverside Varieties of Entrepreneurs, Varieties of Contacts: The Source of Financial Capital and the Formation of Foreign‐Born Entrepreneurs. Amanda Wyant and Danny W. Hamrick, North Carolina State University 277. Gender, Sexuality, and the Workplace (Beauregard) Presider: Paige Miller, University of Wisconsin ‐ River Falls Hyper‐Professional Bodies: How Women of Color Faculty Embody the 'Professional'. Corinne Castro, Temple University To Come Out or Not to Come Out: Workplace Protections and Sexual Orientation Disclosure. Annie Tuttle, Onondaga Community College; Jonniann Butterfield, Austin Peay State University Women's Employment and Changing Attitudes towards Gender Sex Roles. Magdalene Moise, Florida Atlantic University Gender, Ideology and Partisanship: a Longitudinal Network Study of Women's PACs. Emily Hoagland, Cornell University 68 Saturday, March 24, 3:15pm‐4:30pm 278. Household Labor and Leisure Time (Board Room) Presider: Fang Fang, Virginia Tech Theoretical Explanatory Power = Assessing Social Change? A Content Analysis of Research Predicting the Division of Household Labor (1975‐2011). Shannon N. Davis, George Mason University; Jeremiah B. Wills, Queens University of Charlotte Leisure Time among Cohabiting and Married Couples in Four Countries. Christina Wolfe, Pennsylvania State University Economic Dependency, Gender, and the Performance of Household Labor in Chinese Family. Fang Fang, Virginia Tech Professor Mom? Determinants of Male Faculty Members' Utilization of the Family Medical Leave Act. Emily Wetzel, University of Cincinnati 279. The Triple Helix of Change, Mobility, and Identity in a Shifting Global World (Ursuline) Organizers: Fan Mai (Presider), University of Virginia; Rae Blumberg, University of Virginia More Ways to Connect but Less Connectedness: The Promise and Plight of Building Transnational Virtual Community through Computer‐Mediated Communication. Fan Mai, University of Virginia Immigrant Risk Portfolios: How Do Notions of Risk Affect the Experiences and Success of Indian Immigrants to North Carolina? Mili Kalia, University of Virginia Playing Against a Very Stacked Deck: Afghan Women, a Theory of Gender Stratification, and the Role of Blue Burqas. Rae Blumberg, University of Virginia Victimization among "Left‐Behind" Children in Rural China. Xiaojin Chen, Tulane University; Ningxing Liang, Guangzhou University Discussant: Tonie Gordon, University of Virginia 280. Health and Happiness (Cathedral) Presider: Chen Xie, University of Florida Marital Status, Presence of Children, and Women's Allostatic Load. Janet Weeks, Florida State University Marital Satisfaction: Does Marriage Really Increases Happiness? Tamara Ebanks, Florida Atlantic University Non‐Marital Relationship Status, Relationship Strain, and Psychological Well‐Being: Does Relationship Status Influence Well‐Being? Jessica A. Seberger, University of Georgia; Ronald L Simons, University of Georgia An Examination of the Time Fathers Spend with their Intact Children on Health ‐‐Related Needs, Relative to the Mother. W. Trevor Brooks, Austin Peay State University 281. Doing Gender, Doing Sexuality (French Market) Presider: Joslyn Brenton, North Carolina State University Undoing Gender? The Case of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Joslyn Brenton, North Carolina State University; Sinikka Elliott, North Carolina State University Doing Gender and Sexuality through Ritual and Tradition: The Junior Ring Dance at an Elite Southern University. Christine Mowery, University of Richmond Gendered Embodiment Cycles in Mixed Martial Arts. Christian Vaccaro, Indiana University of Pennsylvania The Lived Experience of African American Men with Prostate Cancer. Lauren Gilbert, University of Florida A Closer Look at Self‐Esteem and Perceived Social Acceptance in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young Adults. Caitlin Hennessy, Radford University 69 Index to Participants by Session Number Ablavsky, Essie: 150 Abrutyn, Seth: 258, 276 Acevedo, Gabriel A.: 178 Acosta, Katie: 230 Adams, Alison E: 21 Adams, Michele A.: 191, 208, 230 Adams, Rebecca G: 11, 156, 194 Adeola, Francis: 51, 63, 115 Adkins, Devin: 74 Adler, Marina: 142 Afanuh, Susan: 138 Afflerback, Sara: 83 Afonso, Kristie: 19 Agnich, Laura: 141 Airado, Cristina: 43 Akca, Hatice: 270 Albers, Benjamin: 27, 230 Al‐Fadhli, Hussain: 156 Ambler, Susan: 17, 175 Anderson, Alecia: 124 Anderson, Angela: 81 Anderson, Gabriel: 170 Anderson, William A.: 42 Andersson, Tanetta E: 122 Andrew, Diana: 146 Andrews, Kenneth (Andy): 84, 107 Angell, April S: 249 Anthony, Amanda: 122 Aranda, Elizabeth: 120 Arch, Sandra C.: 274 Archer, Ashley L.: 7 Arcury, Thomas A.: 118 Arena, Jay: 222 Argeros, Grigoris: 219 Arnold, Dennis: 222 Arrieta, Martha: 273 Asay, Don J.: 58, 259 Atchison, Eric: 268 Atkins, Celine: 228 Austin, Rachel: 105, 262 Avelis, Jade: 118 Axsmith, Brian: 91 Ayres, Brittain: 91 Aysa‐Lastra, Maria: 140 Bach, Rebecca: 154, 254 Bairan, Annette: 272 Baird, Andrew: 177 Bakanic, Von: 69, 181 Baker, Ashley: 126 Baker, Regina: 70 Ballard, Sarah: 187, 226 Bamford, Melissa: 240 Banerjee, Neena: 242 Bankston III, Carl: 18, 30 Barber, Kristen: 115 Bare, Michael: 96, 258 Barlow, Angela: 33 Barnes, Alex B: 148 Barnes, Heather: 110 Barnett, Jenna: 32 Baron, Lauren: 68 Barr, Ashley: 55 Barranco, Raymond: 35 Barredo, Juan: 6 Basenberg, Lanier: 27 Baskin, Monica: 273 Bass, Brooke Conroy: 25 Batty, Jane: 168 Beahm, Janine: 129 Becker, Sarah: 164, 236 Becker, Yvonne: 163 Beers, Sophy: 105 Belgrave, Linda Liska: 119, 275 Bellara, Aarti: 105 Bellone Hite, Amy: 34, 158, 205 Benford, Robert: 116 Bennett, Kameisha L: 183 Bennett, Matthew: 146 Benson, J. Kevin: 124 Benton, Richard: 276 Benwell‐Lybarger, Jerian: 73 Bergner, Erin: 56 Berigan, Nick: 176 Berkowitz, Dana: 205, 263 Berkowsky, Ronald W.: 11 Berthelot, Emily R.: 210 Betcher, Carrie: 260 Beulaygue, Isabelle C: 183 Bidwell, Lee: 266 Black, Carol F.: 102 Blanchard, Troy C: 87 Bland, Ashley: 172 Blau, Judith: 79 Bloemraad, Irene: 201 Bloomer, Amanda: 200 Blumberg, Rae: 12, 254, 279 Bodenhamer, Aysha: 223 Boelter, Christina: 86 Boeri, Miriam: 272 Bohm, Maggie: 5 70 Bohon, Stephanie: 37, 80 Boklin, Alex: 220 Bolton, Jr., Kenneth H.: 94 Boman, IV, John H.: 248 Bongiovi, Joseph: 222, 226 Borch, Casey: 146 Borden, Anne: 7 Borelli, E. Paige: 47, 79, 151a Borman, Kathryn: 43, 105 Bostic, Amie: 219 Bottia, Martha Cecilia: 86 Bounds, Christopher W.: 248 Bowen, Sarah: 44, 246 Bowers, Donavan: 7 Bowman, Gerquel: 158 Boyd, Mallory: 171 Boylan, Rebecca: 229 Boyle, Kaitlin M.: 96 Boylstein, Craig: 2, 162 Bradberry jr, Milton: 8 Braddock, Jomills: 143, 160 Bradford, John: 40, 97 Bradley, Christen: 139 Breckenridge, R. Saylor: 130 Brenton, Joslyn: 265, 281 Bretz, Brenda: 198 Bridgeforth, James: 23 Brigman, Shellie: 149 Brimeyer, Ted: 31, 145 Brinkley, Jason: 55, 110 Brittingham, Rochelle: 256 Broad, K.L.: 274 Brody, Charles J.: 36 Brooks, W. Trevor: 280 Brown, Cheryl: 10 Brown, Cian: 56 Brown, Hana: 187, 201, 244 Brown, Joey: 177 Brown, Joshua: 177 Brown, Kate Pride: 84 Brown, Lori: 62 Brown, Mada: 148 Brown, Marni: 267 Brown, Olivia: 128 Brown, Ralph B: 223, 225, 264 Brown, Ryan: 218 Brown, Thomas: 53 Brown, Timothy C: 210 Browne, Irene: 82 Browning, Sandra: 253 Brumley, Krista: 142, 174 Brunsma, David L.: 47, 63, 79 Bubriski‐McKenzie, Anne: 83, 228 Buchan, Jennifer Leigh: 6, 56, 69 Buchanan, Rebecca: 143 Buchanan, Tom: 146 Buchmann, Claudia: 60, 111 Buck, Alison: 240 Buffington, Daniel: 269 Bullock, Elizabeth: 149 Burger, Gracie: 12 Burgess, Norma: 194 Burgio, Kathryn L: 162 Burkett, Tracy: 72, 151a Burley, David: 72, 261 Burns, Padraic: 89 Buttars, Rilee: 264 Butterfield, Jonniann: 189, 263, 277 Byrd, W. Carson: 23 Byron, Reginald A: 23, 49 Cabaniss, Emily: 274 Calasanti, Toni: 212 Caldwell, Ryan Ashley: 224 Calhoun, John: 197 Call, Vaughn: 223 Campagna, Brittany: 189 Campanaro, Candice: 241 Campbell, Bradley: 203 Campbell, Karen: 173, 194 Campbell, Nnenia: 1 Campos‐Castillo, Celeste: 135 Cann, Colette: 215 Cantu, Andrew: 49 Capece, Michael: 4 Carlson, J. Dawn: 2 Carpenter, Laura: 230 Carr, Kendra: 104 Carr, Nicole: 91 Carr, Philip J: 91 Carson, Linda: 103, 240, 253 Carter, Eric: 221 Carter, J. Scott: 160, 181 Carter, Shannon: 67, 83 Casswell, Elizabeth: 207 Castle, Luke: 259, 265 Castro, Corinne: 226, 277 Cavalier, Elizabeth: 143, 163 Cazessus, Matthew: 73, 154 Ceaser, Donovon: 9 Chambers, Cheri: 62 Chambers, Laura: 154 Chandrouti, Persaud: 8, 126 Chappell, Allison: 53 Chase, Jessica: 178 Chasteen Miller, Amy: 67 Chatterjee, Anwesa: 183 Chavez, Jacqueline: 188 Chen, Katherine: 137 Chen, Wei‐ting: 44 Chen, Xiaojin: 279 Chenault, Tiffany G.: 54 Chiareli, Antonio: 105 Chicoine, Stephen: 161 Chinn, Juanita: 168 Chirayath, Heidi Taylor: 63 Chiricos, Ted: 180 Chito Childs, Erica: 190, 228 Choe, Frances: 233 Christ, Stephen: 34 Christopher, Krystal: 145 Chung, Jin Won: 182, 275 Clanton, Clista: 138 Clarey, Bryan R.: 261 Clark, Cullen: 42 Clark, Jesse: 114 Claudy, Tatiana: 170 Clay‐Warner, Jody: 24 Cleary, Joseph: 93, 272 Cobb, Jessica S: 93 Cockerham, William C: 260 Coffey, G S: 96 Coleman, Jon: 59 Coleman, Maria: 72 Coleman, Sean: 248 Coleman, Terinisha: 158 Coley, Jonathan: 52 Collett, Jessica: 118, 135 Colonna, Rafael: 263 Condliffe, Barbara: 73 Conley, Chrona: 123 Conley, Meghan: 80 Conn, Sarrah: 78 Connell, Catherine: 121 Constance, Douglas: 243 Cooper, Katie: 106 Cope, Michael Ray: 87 Copes, Heith: 123 Cornfield, Daniel B.: 82 Cortese, Tony: 191 Cossman, Lynne: 179 Cotten, Shelia: 11, 99, 117, 138, 185, 196, 204 Cowley, Amanda: 184 Crawford, Cassandra: 247 Crowley, Martha: 50, 77 Cuifi, Jessica: 72 Culatta, Elizabeth: 24, 114 Cunico, Paige: 149 Currier, Danielle: 251 Currit, B. Alexander: 225, 264 D`Antonio‐Del Rio, Julia: 65 Dahms, Harry: 97, 115, 136, 232 71 Damarin, Amanda: 174 Damaske, Sarah: 26 Dampier, David: 104 Danaher, William F.: 69 Daniel III, Hal J.: 127, 246 Daniels, Jessie: 270 Dantas, Luisa: 238 Dao, Vy: 87 Daunis, Chris: 72 David, Emmanuel: 100, 263 Davis, Brandy: 158 Davis, Shannon N.: 26, 225, 239, 278 Davis, Tomeka M: 255 Dawkins, Marvin: 119, 160 De Fazio, Gianluca: 84 De Jesus, Nakia: 179, 275 De Welde, Kris: 16, 95, 189, 213, 263 Delise, Nathalie: 269 Dellinger, Kirsten: 121 DeLuca, Neil: 29 DeLuca, Stefanie A: 73 Dempsey, Nick: 134, 182 Dennis, Brittney: 28 Dennis, Kimya: 202 Derby, Kelly: 75 DeRouen, JoAnne: 21 Destro, Lane: 225 DeVall, Kristen: 32, 196 Di, Juan: 117 Dickerson, Bette J: 183 Dickerson, Erica: 261 Dixon, Courtney: 190 Dixon, Marc: 98 Dixon, Maressa L: 43 Doane, Ashley "Woody": 217 Dodd, Susan: 37 Dollhopf, Erica: 107 Dollieslager, Emily: 38 Donato, Katharine: 64 Donley, Amy: 209 Doucet, Jessica: 65 Dow, Amy: 87 Dowd, Timothy J.: 69, 137, 221 Dowdy, Hilary: 133 Downs, Heather: 77 Doxilly, Sancha: 226 Drentea, Patricia: 162, 186, 226 Driscoll, Adam: 266 Driver, Rebekkah: 167 Duckett, N. Danielle: 157, 206 Dumais, Susan: 198, 255 Dunham, Charlotte: 192 Dunn, Mercedez: 123 Dunn, Thomas P.: 2, 177 Durante, Katherine: 155 Durso, Rachel: 220 Dutta, Sneha: 52 Dye, Meredith: 252 Eason, John: 14 East, Elizabeth A.: 37 Eastburn, Sasha: 273 Easterling, Beth: 75 Eastman, Jason: 69 Ebanks, Tamara: 280 Ebbeson, Amy: 209 Eberstein, Issac W: 200 Ebert, Kim: 64, 257 Eden, Teddie: 126 Edmond, Mary B: 214 Edmond, Mary Bond: 158 Edmonds, Doris L.: 175 Edwards, Bob: 159 Edwards, Joyce: 68 Egan, Katie: 81 Eilbaum, Nicolas: 155 Eisenhart Moore, Emily: 248 Ejem, Deborah: 208 Elderkin, Diane: 170 Eller, Jackie: 265 Elliott, James R: 206 Elliott, Lindsey: 75 Elliott, Sinikka: 121, 246, 281 Ellison, Christopher: 157, 178 Ernstes, Amy: 187 Esmail, Ashraf: 1 Estrada, Emily P: 231, 257 Evans, Arthur: 216 Evans, Lorraine: 18, 91, 93 Evans, Rhonda. D.: 207, 227, 250 Everett, Diane: 102 Everhart, Katherine: 52, 235 Everitt, Judson G.: 215 Ewoodsie, Kwesi: 135 Fairchild, Emily: 189, 213, 263 Faircloth, Melissa: 55 Fang, Fang: 278 Fang, Qijuan: 48 Farrell, Colin T: 214, 245 Faverty, Cynthia C: 99 Fein, Melvyn: 245 Feldmeyer, Ben: 35, 252 Feltey, Kathryn: 232 Fenton, Robert: 127 Ferguson, David: 14 Fernandez, Roberto M.: 20 Fiel, Jeremy: 54 Field, Elly: 87 Fields, Jessica: 230 Figueroa, Rodrigo: 34 Finnigan, Ryan: 195 Fisher, Orit: 25, 244 Fitzgerald, Kathleen: 150, 216 Fitzgerald, Scott: 106, 116, 157 Flaherty, Michael G.: 25 Flannelly, Kevin J.: 48 Flatt, Christy: 226, 264 Fletcher, Bettye W: 156 Flota, Michael: 271 Foley, David: 55 Foley, Kimberly: 110 Fondren, Kristi: 101, 221 Foote, Nicola: 95 Ford, Jason: 123, 141 Forman, Tyrone: 179 Forsyth, Craig: 203 Fowler, Brian: 199 Frailing, Kelly: 159 Freadreacea, Christy: 246 Frederick, Angela: 235 Freed, Christopher: 138, 273 Frey, R Scott: 232 Freymeyer, Robert H.: 266 Frezzo, Mark: 63 Friedman, Sarah: 206 Fugate, Ariel: 44 Fussell, Elizabeth: 64, 80 Gaby, Sarah: 84 Gaia, A. Celeste: 225 Gaither, Owen: 43 Gallagher, Charles: 34 Gallant, Peggy: 143 Gallardo‐Carter, Yolanda: 221 Galvin, Miranda: 149 Gamoran, Adam: 60 Garcia, Lisette M.: 54 Gardner, Sheena: 169 Garnett, Richard: 3, 249 Garrett, Lyndon: 259 Gaulden, Shawn: 48 Gay, David: 178, 211 Gelbgiser, Dafna: 39 Gens, Alexandra: 59 Gentile, Haley: 151b Gerbrandt, Roxanne: 189, 263 Ghoshal, Raj Andrew: 46, 207 Gibbons, Frederick X: 214 Gibson, Ben: 245 Gibson, David: 272 Gibson, Philip: 260 Giersch, Jason: 54 Gilbert, Jess: 243 Gilbert, Lauren: 281 Gilbert, Shelby: 86 Gill, Duane: 87 Gill, Elizabeth A.: 79 Gill, Timothy: 182 Gimbel, Jane: 234 72 Giribaldi, Claudia: 124 Gladwin, Hugh: 140 Glass, Kait: 105 Glass, Valerie Q.: 95 Glick, Jennifer: 197 Glumm, Karen: 141, 207 Godsey, Emily: 273 Godwin, Sandra: 134 Goldberg, Gary: 271 Gonzalez‐Guittar, Stephanie: 67 Goodsell, Todd L: 225 Gordon, Tonie: 279 Gore, DeAnna: 55, 207 Gorman, Bridget: 133 Gorman, Elizabeth: 36 Gorman, Stacy: 267 Gotham, Kevin Fox: 115, 197 Graham, Teri: 158 Gramling, Bob: 21 Grams, Diane: 17, 120, 272 Gran, Brian: 47, 63 Granberg, Ellen: 158, 214 Grauerholz, Elizabeth: 228 Grauerholz, Liz: 31 Green, John: 51 Green, Sara Eleanor: 256 Greenberg, Jason: 20 Greene, Dana M.: 1, 101 Greenstein, Theodore N.: 31 Gregg, Benjamin: 136 Gregg, Elizabeth: 154 Gregory, Anneliese: 235 Gregory, Donald: 10 Gremillion, Michelle M.: 101 Gremillion, Skylar: 96 Grenier, Guillermo J.: 140 Griffin, Kate Marie: 195 Griffin, III, O. Hayden: 248 Griffin‐Hamilton, Muntana: 178 Griffiths, Heather: 71 Grimmett, Erin: 219 Guadalupe‐Diaz, Xavier: 252 Gualtieri, Marie: 109 Guittar, Nicholas: 16, 184 Gunderson, Shane: 180 Gupta, Sanjiv: 239 Habashi, Michael: 209 Habecker, Patrick: 46 Hadler, Markus: 3, 249 Hahn, Michael: 233 Haines Flatt, Christy: 264 Hale, Timothy M.: 99, 185, 234 Hall, Allyson: 206 Hall, Anna: 62 Hallinan, Maureen: 60 Halnon, Karen Bettez: 33, 134 Hambrick, Marcie: 81 Hamil‐Luker, Jenifer: 28, 204 Hamilton, Frank ‐: 154 Hamilton, Kathryn A.: 25 Hamm, Lindsay: 79, 167 Hamrick, Danny W: 276 Hancock, Ashley: 128 Haney, Timothy: 115, 206 Hanley, Caroline: 66, 195 Hannibal, Bryce: 271 Hansberry, Shantisha: 273 Hanson‐Evans, M. Faye: 89 Harder, Brittany: 85 Harkness, Sarah K: 218 Harmon, Catherine: 118 Harmon, Sandra: 70 Harper, Dee Wood: 159 Harper Jr., Dee Wood: 248 Harrington, Mariamne: 150 Harris, Angel: 30, 111 Harris, Casey: 35 Harris, Cherise: 61 Harris, Deborah: 26, 246, 261 Harris, J. Katie: 54 Harrison, Dan: 203 Harrison, Jill: 162 Harrison, Jill Ann: 174 Harrison, Whitney: 150 Hartless, Jaime: 241 Hartman, Aaron J.: 59 Harvey, Mark: 202 Hasha, Margot: 227 Haskins, Anna: 54 Hasse, Lora A.: 133 Hatch, Alison: 264 Haubert, Jeannie: 175 Hawdon, James: 162 Hayes, Timothy: 65 Hayford, Michelle: 95 Hazelrigg, Lawrence: 97 Heaton, Tim: 264 Heckman, Haley: 273 Hegtvedt, Karen A.: 135 Heinemann, Lindsay: 221 Henderson, Andrea: 178 Henderson, Loren: 228 Hendrix, Joshua A.: 70, 268 Hennessy, Caitlin: 281 Hensley, Rebecca: 184 Herzog, Patricia Snell: 40 Hess, Amie: 78, 95, 113 Hewitt, Lyndi: 63, 116 Hiesterman, Matthew: 262 Hill, Terrence: 273 Hinote, Brian: 133 Hinze, Susan W.: 63, 174 Ho, Simon: 149 Hoagland, Emily: 277 Hoang, Kimberly: 57 Hobor, George: 87 Hochschild Jr., Thomas: 4 Hohle, Randolph: 202 Holcomb, Jeanne: 83, 204 Holland, William Wyatt: 180 Holloway, Elizabeth: 193 Hoop, Katrina: 46 Hori, Makiko: 199 Horne, Christine: 135, 181 Hortman, Rick: 261 Horton, Hayward D.: 217 Hoskin, Sara: 49 Hosler, Colleen: 183 Hossfeld, Leslie: 17, 196 Howard, Ashleigh: 188 Hoyt, Dan: 46 Hsu, Tze‐Li: 260 Hudgins, Karie: 147 Hudson, Kenneth: 82 Hughes, Jami B: 3 Hughes, Marion R.: 81, 154, 175 Hughes, Michael: 179 Hughes Miller, Michelle: 77, 113 Hughey, Matthew: 169, 217, 228, 270 Humphreys, Jean: 155, 181 Hunt, Andrea N.: 266 Hunter, Joanna: 7, 61 Hurst, Allison: 118, 139 Hurt, Leslie: 258 Hutchinson, Richard: 21 Irizarry, Yasmiyn: 228, 242 Irons, Jenny: 67 Irvin, Matthew: 38, 92, 223 Irwin, Kyle: 135 Isaac, Larry: 97, 137 Ispa‐Landa, Simone: 110, 139 Jackson, Emmanuel: 209 Jaffee, David: 119 James, Katie: 114, 135 James, Wesley: 51 Janoski, Thomas: 50 Jason, Kendra: 202 Jayaram, Lakshmi: 61 Jenkins, Pamela: 1, 21, 100 Jha, Nandan: 139, 229 Jia, Chunrong: 51 Jicha, Karl: 92, 266 Johnsen, Matthew: 209 Johnson, Barbara E.: 179, 266 Johnson, Cathryn: 135 Johnson, Colleen: 267 Johnson, Ryan: 195 73 Jolly, Nicole: 168 Jones, Travis: 16 Jordan, Meggan: 205 Joynt, Tristan G.: 209 Jungels, Amanda: 267 Kadel, Fallon Madison: 147 Kaestle, Christine E.: 200 Kahle, Lindsay: 4 Kain, Edward: 77, 266 Kalev, Alexandra: 36 Kalia, Mili: 279 Kalleberg, Arne: 82 Kamo, Yoshinori: 40 Kane, Wendi: 6 Karakaya, Nuray: 55 Karides, Marina: 197 Karr, Alyssa: 145 Kasun, Paul (Stanley): 258 Kato, Yuki: 9 Katz, Meredith Ann: 159 Katz‐Fishman, Walda: 17, 68, 119 Kaufman, Gayle: 186, 199 Kaya, Yunus: 231 Kedia, Satish: 51 Keels, Megan: 73 Keil, Jacqueline M.: 188 Keister, Lisa: 157 Kelley, Rose M: 255 Kellner, Douglas: 97, 136 Kelly, Bre`on: 158 Kelly, Kimberly: 77, 104 Kelly, Sean: 111, 215 Kemmerer, Kirstie: 126 Kennedy, Earl A: 50 Kennedy, Sara: 174 Kerley, Kent R.: 123 Kerr, Keith: 224 Kershaw, Njeri: 141 Kessinger, III, Richard: 227 Khey, David: 248 Kick, Ed: 88 Kidd, Dustin: 52 Kiecolt, K. Jill: 200 Kilburn, John C: 117 Kim, Hyun Woo: 159 Kim, Michael: 183 Kimbro, Rachel: 133, 196 King, Brayden: 98 King, Colby: 73, 80 King, Neal: 262, 267 Kinney, William: 196, 233 Kinsel, Beth: 204 Kitchen, Deeb: 23 Klein, Jesse: 122 Kleiner, Anna M.: 94 Klutts, Erika: 32 Kmec, Julie A.: 36 Knibb, Jana: 133 Knop, Brian: 27 Knottnerus, David: 87, 140 Knox, David: 55, 75, 110, 151b Koch, Bradley: 253 Kohn, Melvin: 76 Kolb, Ken: 32 Kondkar, Marcus: 49, 136, 188 Konrad, Thomas R: 41 Kooistra, Paul: 123, 203 Kosmicki, Sarah: 87 Kozee, Leah: 145 Kozlowski, Karen: 242 Krajeski, Richard: 100 Krey, Alicia: 169 Kriegel, Darys: 176 Kroll‐Smith, Steve: 132 Kroska, Amy: 218 Kubrin, Charis E.: 35 Kuck, Douglas: 266 Kuhn, Clifford: 243 Kuperberg, Arielle: 241 Kurth, Suzanne: 133, 251 Kusujiarti, Siti: 154, 222 Kwan, Samantha: 205 Labiano, Virginia: 107 Ladd, Anthony E.: 88 Lagae, Brian J: 183 Lai, Daniel: 35 Lai, Jennie: 270 Lambert, Joshua: 5 Lamphere, Jenna: 51 Lane‐Miller, Ethan: 108 Langdon, Danice: 166 Langman, Lauren: 107, 136, 201 Lannon, Brendan: 216 Larshus, Jynette: 233 Laska, Shirley: 21, 132, 194 Latham, Kenzie: 162, 183, 204 Latinsky, Andrew: 181 Lauderdale, Skyler: 95 Lavell, Kate: 192 Lavender, Abraham D.: 7 Lawler, Ashlee: 110 LeBaron, Curtis: 259 LeBlanc, Matthew: 259 Lee, Caroline W.: 137 Lee, Kristen: 149 Lee, Matthew: 71 Leebrick, Rhiannon: 166, 223 Lehman, Brett: 177 Lei, Lei: 59 Leisey, Margaret: 229 Leister, R. James: 241 Lennon, Lindsey: 13 Leon, Gabriela M: 117 Leukefeld, Carl: 86 Levine, Kari: 144 Lewin, Philip G: 182 Lewis, Brittney: 158 Lewis, Shannon: 126 Leyendecker, Samantha: 166 Liang, Amy: 130 Liang, Ningxing: 279 Lichter, Daniel T: 236 Light, Ryan: 85 Lillis, John: 214, 245 Lim, Young Bin: 169 Lin, Jan: 120 Lin, Ken‐hou: 66 Lin, Ya Feng: 40 Lindsey, Marti: 99 Link, Tanja: 86 Lipold, Paul: 97 Lippard, Cameron: 34, 46 Lizardo, Omar: 85, 249 Lloyd, Richard: 120, 195 Lobao, Linda: 92 Logan, John: 30 Long, Geraldine Scott: 146 Long, Yan: 125, 200, 256 Longard, Shelby: 235 Longest, Kyle: 214, 241 Lopez, Steven H.: 50 Lore, Michelle H: 47, 163, 257 Losee, Heather: 147 Lowe, Maria: 13, 23, 148 Lucaks, Andras: 136 Luebke, Paul: 17, 254 Luo, Ye: 196 Lynch, Jean M.: 47 Lynxwiler, John: 211 Mackinem, Mitchell B.: 265 MacLennan, Jamie: 221 Madden, Kuniko: 123 Maddox, David: 272 Maggard, Scott R: 53 Mahone, Jessica A: 22 Mai, Fan: 12, 279 Maich, Katherine: 201 Maimon, David: 273 Malcom, Nancy: 221 Malizia, Stefan: 25 Malone, Sarah: 46 Maloukis, Krystina: 148 Mamadi, Corra: 127, 160, 246 Manning, Jason: 252 Manzoni, Anna: 5, 219 Maples, James: 46, 71, 223 74 Marinin, Gary: 209 Marrow, Helen: 80 Marshall, Doug: 91 Martijn‐Meij, Jan: 16 Martin, Andrew: 98, 261 Martin, Patricia Yancey: 72, 132 Marvasti, Amir: 79 Marwah, Sanjay: 2 Marx, Jonathan: 156 Mason, Brandon: 161 Mason, John Paul: 159 Mason, Philip: 247 Mathau, Bertha‐Fabiana: 72 Mathers, Alaina: 147 Matthews, Shelley: 19 Matthews, Todd: 37, 48 Maume, David: 26, 36, 142 Mauney, Heather: 144, 219 May, Bonnie: 261 May, David C: 53 Mayorova, Olga: 176 Mays, Aleia: 193 Mazar, Iyar: 256 McAteer, Michael J: 249 McCabe, Janice: 240 McCall, Patty L.: 35 McCallister, Leslie: 256 McCammon, Holly: 116 McCampbell, Darcey: 268 McCarthy, John: 98 McCarty, Timothy: 261 McClue Tate, Brucetta: 1 McClure, Stephanie: 23 McClure, Timothy: 19 McCollum, Kristen: 13 McCullough, Brandi: 11, 156 McCutcheon, James: 104 McDaniel, Chris: 164 McDermott, Monica: 217 McDonald, Steve: 20 McDonnell, Mary: 98 McGrath, Allison: 251 McKinney, Julie: 138 McKinney, Karyn: 79 McKinney, Laura: 88 McNamee, Stephen J: 42 McNeal, Bryce: 229 McWilliams, Summer: 11 Meeler, David: 156 Meine, Manfred F.: 2, 177 Mennicke, Susan E: 23 Mennino, Sue F.: 142 Merrick, Erin P.: 101 Messer, Benjamin L: 71 Messer, Chris M: 21 Mestrovic, Stjepan: 224 Meszaros, Julia: 199 Meyer, Katherine: 15, 60 Mickelson, Roslyn A.: 30, 54, 86, 139, 229 Mikulyuk, Ashley: 143, 160 Miller, Alex: 219 Miller, Bryan Lee: 248 Miller, Cassie: 201 Miller, Corey Thomas: 101 Miller, Kimberly: 191 Miller, Paige: 277 Miller, R. Robin: 253 Milligan, Benny: 261 Milne, Jason S: 198 Milner, Adrienne: 143, 160 Miranda, Juan: 117 Mitra, Debarashmi: 51, 94 Mix, Tamara: 13 Modi, Jessica: 12 Moise, Magdalene: 277 Molidor, Will: 49 Moller, Stephanie: 54, 86, 242 Molnar, Joseph J.: 92 Moloney, Mairead E.: 41 Mong, Sherry: 167 Moore, Laura: 67 Moore, Thomas: 178 Moore, Wendy Leo: 217 Moore‐Nadler, Margaret: 138 Morales, Abby: 148 Morlan, Beatrice: 223 Morrison, Lisa: 218 Morrison, Sharon D: 117 Morrow, Betty Hearn: 100, 132 Moses, Denaty: 261 Moss, Lashelle: 37 Mouw, Ted: 18 Mowery, Christine: 281 Mueller, Anna: 214 Muhammad, Toni Y: 9, 227, 243, 268 Muir, Jonathan: 264 Muir, Ken: 46 Mullaney, Jamie L.: 118 Munroe, Kaleefa: 39 Murphy, Scott Patrick: 43, 105 Murrell, Elyse: 147 Murty, Komanduri: 125 Muse, Courtney S.: 112 Myers, Candice: 40 Nagel, Joane: 237 Nalkur, Sonal: 10, 127, 269 Nash, Jeffrey: 202 Nau, Micheal: 98 Neapolitan, Jerry: 4 Neary, Brigitte: 196 Neville, Joanna: 184 Nguyen, Tomson: 210 Nielsen, Francois: 198 Nietfeld, Toni: 266 Noori, Neema: 37 Norris, Claire: 158 Norris, Lachelle: 9 Norwood, Jessica: 129 Novack, David: 104 Novack, Lesley: 104 Noyongoyo, Boniface: 246 Nunez, Adriana: 221 Nutter, Kathryn: 84 Nyden, Gwen: 17 Nyden, Phil: 17 Nylander, Albert: 268 O`Brien, Laureen K.: 239 O`Brien, Sara: 57 O`Bryan, Simone: 112, 133 O`Connell, Lillian: 51, 93, 177, 198 O`Connor, Shannon: 41 O`Rand, Angela M.: 194 Oakley, Deirdre: 30, 49 Obinna, Denise: 242 Odden, Colin: 85 Okolocha, Chike F.: 9 Okorie, Sarah: 39 Oksanen, Atte: 218 Olivier, Maggie L.: 101 Ono, Hiroshi: 185 Ore, Tracy E.: 17, 216, 232, 272 Oros, Marla: 183 Orozco, Marcela: 146 Orsini, Maria M: 249 Ortega, Suzanne T.: 173 Ortiz, David G: 38 Oser, Carrie B.: 158 Ostertag, Stephen F: 38 Otto, Bobette J: 198, 267 Ousey, Graham C.: 19, 35, 71 Owens, Nicole: 130, 222 Ozay, Beril: 151b Packard, Josh: 103, 187, 273 Padavic, Irene: 82, 121 Padgett, Joseph E: 241 Painia, Brianne: 145 Paino, Maria: 139 Palmer, Jamie: 165 Panageotou, Steven: 271 Panchang, Sarita: 133 Parcel, Toby L.: 268 Pardee, Jessica W.: 87, 102 Paredes, Sandra: 117 Paris, Amanda Constance: 67, 223 Parisi, Domenico: 236 75 Parker, Laura: 19 Parris, Christie: 135 Parrotta, Kylie: 240 Partin, Christina: 95 Pasdirtz, George: 222 Pashkova‐Balkenhol, Tatiana: 266 Patel, Hersheda: 23 Patrick, Le`Brian: 53 Pauley, Sue Carroll: 5 Paulsen, Krista: 61, 120 Pavela, Greg: 72, 204 Payne, Julianne C: 50 Pederson, JoEllen: 244, 274 Peek, Chuck W: 162 Peguero, Anthony: 141 Pemberton, Jennifer: 112 Pendergrass, Sabrina: 14 Peralta, Karie: 85 Perdue, Robert: 72 Perez, Fernando: 248 Perkins, Deborah: 154 Perkins, Kelli: 250 Perry, Brea: 86, 158 Perry, Evelyn: 61 Peterson, Kristina: 100 Peterson, Lindsey: 236 Peterson, Robert: 125, 168 Petrie, Michelle: 210 Pickett, Justin: 180 Picou, J. Steven: 51, 63 Pinson, Nehama: 6, 83 Pirkey, Melissa: 114 Pitt, Richard: 156, 178 Piya, Bhumika: 208 Plankey‐Videla, Nancy: 50 Platt, Kamala: 274 Pleasant, Andrew: 138 Poole, Aaron: 104 Poulson, Stephen: 38 Powell‐Williams, Melissa: 275 Powell‐Williams, Todd: 155, 257 Powers, Rebecca: 73 Precoda, Karl: 220 Price, Carmel: 37 Pryor, Douglas W.: 81 Puhrmann, Aaron: 175 Purser, Christopher W: 19 Qiu, Hanyao: 234 Quinn, James: 203 Raabe, Phyllis: 226 Rabalais, Marla C: 99 Radecke, Wellsley: 241 Rader, Nicole: 81 Rahilly, Elizabeth: 250 Ramirez, Ignacio Luis: 128, 192 Ramirez, Michael: 56, 261 Randall, Abigail: 5 Randall, Nancy Horak: 5 Räsänen, Pekka: 162, 218 Ratliff, Thomas: 2, 22, 38, 52, 220 Rayburn, Rachel: 40 Reece, Katie: 41 Reed, John Shelton: 76 Reed, Nia: 171, 183 Reed, Wornie: 179 Reeder, Rebecca: 234 Reedy, Caitlyn: 249 Reid, Julie A.: 274 Reid, Lesley: 49, 81, 212 Reilly, Pat: 33 Reiser, Christa: 90 Reiter, Abigail: 71, 105, 200 Reiter, Elizabeth: 71, 105, 200 Renzulli, Linda: 139 Restifo, Salvatore: 98 Reuter, Monika: 42 Ribas, Vanesa: 18, 46 Rice, John: 32, 253 Richardson, Nick: 65 Rickman, Melissa: 12 Riddle, Cierra: 58 Ridgeway, Cecilia: 153 Rikard, RV: 99, 117, 138 Riley, Lane: 103 Riley III, Emmitt: 8 Rinalducci, Ned: 264 Ritchey, Phillip N.: 133, 234 Ritchie, Liesel A: 1, 87 Rivera, Fernando: 88, 262 Robinson, Laura: 185, 231, 255 Robinson, Zandria: 14 Rogers, Sylvia E: 122 Rojas, Anita: 37 Rolley, Katie: 203 Roos, J Micah: 198, 245 Roscigno, Vincent: 20, 36, 50, 66, 76, 137 Rosenthal, Martha: 95 Ross, Gloria: 9 Rossini, Beverly: 273 Rowell, Kacie L.: 33 Rowland, Aaron: 222 Rozenbroek, Katelyn: 4 Rubin, Beth A.: 36, 45, 76, 153, 173, 237 Ruiz, Andrea: 178 Rumbaut, Rubén: 45 Ruotolo, Lauren E.: 209 Rushing, Beth: 194 Russell, Amanda: 165 Rust Smith, Teresa: 77 Ryan, John: 33, 162 Ryan, Maura: 205 Sabo, Shannon: 25 Sager, Rebecca: 48 Samson, Frank: 119, 160 Sana, Mariano: 18, 64, 80 Sanchez, Sole: 261 Sandberg, Joanne C.: 118 Santoro, Kathryn L: 99 Santos, Gabriel: 21 Sarpila, Outi: 162 Saunders, Jennifer: 151a Savage, Scott V.: 205 Sawyers, Baranda: 140, 215 Sayer, Liana C.: 239 Sbicca, Joshua: 261 Scardaville, Melissa: 269 Schafer, Mark: 93, 259 Schalet, Amy: 230 Schilt, Kristen: 121 Schlaerth, Christian: 175 Schleef, Debra: 134 Schmitz, Rachel: 46 Schmutz, Vaughn: 85, 182, 233, 269 Schneider, Andreas: 114, 224 Schneider, Barbara: 60 Schoelen, Lisa: 56 Schoonover, Todd: 231 Schreck, Christopher J.: 19 Schrock, Douglas: 13 Schulz, Jeremy: 239 Schupp, Justin: 261 Schutz, Kristin: 150 Schwartz, David: 87 Schweigert, Katherine: 141 Scotch, Richard: 256 Scott, Heather: 105 Scott, Jerome: 17, 68, 119 Scott, Michele: 10 Scroggins, Jennifer: 252 Seals, Maryann: 233 Seamster, Louise: 187 Searcy, Sarah: 236 Seberger, Jessica A.: 280 Sedgwick, Donna: 139 Semon, Madelyn: 123 Semora, Bonnie: 49 Sen, Basudhara: 140 Settembrino, Marc R.: 88, 127, 246 Settlemyre, Joshua Michael: 29 Shams, Tahseen: 108, 145 Shanafelt, Robert A.: 180 Shank, Daniel B.: 96, 176 Shapley, Derrick: 5 Shea, Adam: 261 Sheff, Elisabeth: 213 Shefner, Jon: 222 76 Shelton, Natalie: 72 Sherkat, Darren: 157 Shihadeh, Edward: 35 Shlash, Mesad F.: 156 Shope, Janet H: 118 Shriver, Thomas: 21, 67 Shrock, Peter: 164 Shrum, Wesley: 259, 272 Siennick, Sonja E.: 70 Sikorska‐Simmons, Elzbieta: 59 Sills, Stephen: 57, 117, 259 Silva, Eric Orion: 180 Silverman, Aaron: 24, 233 Simmert, Beth: 143 Simonds, Wendy S: 213 Simoni, Zachary: 247 Simons, Ronald L: 55, 158, 214, 280 Simpkins, Joshua: 57, 190 Simpson, Chaniqua: 71 Simpson, Ida Harper: 76 Sims, Tyler: 128 Singh, Jennifer S.: 247 Sisk, Blake: 18 Skaggs, Sheryl L.: 36 Skott, Beth P: 78 Skvoretz, John: 270 Slack, Tim: 40, 87 Slates, Stephanie: 74 Slevin, Kathleen F.: 194 Small, La Fleur F.: 112, 133, 204 Smiley, Kevin T.: 72 Smith, Gabriella: 56 Smith, Justin: 104 Smith, Keri Iyall: 47 Smith, Kristin: 239 Smith, Megan: 260 Smith, Stephen S.: 139 Smith, William R.: 65 Smith‐Cavros, Eileen: 112 Smithey, Martha: 94 Smith‐Lovin, Lynn: 24 Snow, David: 116 Song, Lijun: 208 Song, Xiaojin: 169 Sonleitner, Nancy: 32, 55, 110 Sonnett, John: 233 Southworth, Stephanie: 149, 229 Spalter‐Roth, Roberta: 17, 31, 176, 246, 254 Sparkman, Rachel M: 3 Speedling, Claire M: 99 Speice, Travis: 27 Spencer, Zoe: 68 Springs, Kurkessa: 71 Sprouse, Heather N: 3 Stamper, Alison G: 249 Stearmer, S. Matthew: 220 Stearns, Elizabeth: 23, 54, 60, 86, 111 Steckler, Rebecca: 48 Steelman, Lala Carr: 111, 233 Stephenson, Adam: 3 Stern, Michael: 71, 185 Stevens, Brian: 59 Stevens‐Watkins, Danelle: 158 Stewart, Kerrie: 275 Stewart, Lauren: 265 Stincer, Joseph: 268 Stock, Francine: 197 Stockard, Jr., Russell: 22 Stockton, Cynthia: 112, 214 Stogner, John: 248 Stoner, Alexander M: 42 Stover, Kayla: 72 Strand, Kerry J.: 114 Stroupe, Caitlin: 90 Stryker, Sheldon: 76 Suarez, Alicia: 240 Subramanyam, Shruthi: 135 Sullivan, Adam: 275 Sullivan, Teresa A.: 173 Sumerau, Jason: 122, 144 Sumrall, Adam W.: 108 Sunar, Lutfi: 231 Sutherland, Jean‐Anne: 77, 232 Swendener, Alexis: 46 Tai, Yun: 182, 262 Talley, Heather Laine: 251 Talukdar, Jaita: 94 Tan, Xiaodong: 117 Tanaka, Kimiko: 48, 267 Tanita, Kimiko: 57 Taplin, Ian M.: 33 Taquino, Michael: 236 Taylor, Andrew: 268 Taylor, Miles G: 200 Taylor, William: 46 Teeger, Chana: 86 Tesene, Megan: 250 Tester, Griff: 250 Tetzlaff Bemiller, Melissa: 104 Thal, Karen: 72 Thangaraj, Stan: 163 Thind, Herpreet: 273 Thomas, Akasa: 158 Thomas, Courtney: 234 Thomas, Danielle: 94 Thomas, James Michael: 47 Thomas, Lauren: 218 Thomas, Melvin: 89 Thompson, Ashley: 216 Thompson, Caitlyn: 165 Thompson, Chris: 224 Thompson, Gretchen: 92, 266 Thornhill, Theodore E.: 228 Tichavsky, Lisa: 266 Tierney, Kathleen: 100 Tinkler, Justine E: 181, 236 Tiryakian, Edward: 76, 115, 136 Tobias Neely, Megan: 235 Tomaskovic‐Devey, Don: 20, 36, 50, 66, 82 Tomazic, Terry: 92 Toothman, Erica: 166 Tope, Daniel: 180 Towns, Tangela: 103 Townsend, Sh`Nese: 273 Trautner, Mary Nell: 205 Traver, Amy: 16, 205 Treiber, Linda Ann: 247 Tripp, Winston: 159 Trotman, Lauren: 147 Truitt, Sarah: 229 Tschirki, Candace: 209 Turley, Alan: 85 Turley, Ruth López: 54, 215, 229 Turner, Anna: 176 Tuttle, Annie: 277 Tuttle, Joshua: 106 Tyndall, Ben: 272 Tyson, Karolyn: 30, 111 Tyson, Will: 255 Upton, Allison: 109 Vaccaro, Christian: 281 Vaghela, Preeti: 25 Valentino, Lauren: 253 Vallas, Steve: 20, 36, 50, 66 Valle, Giuseppina: 200 Van Ness, Justin: 276 Van Willigen, Marieke: 127, 246 Vargas, Nicholas: 160 Varn, Sophie: 214 Vitalie, Sprinceana: 127, 257 Von Bank, Julia: 246 Voss, Kim: 201 Vuori, Miika: 218 Vyas, Ashwin: 125 Vyas, Sanket: 125 Wachtendorf, Tricia: 256 Waldo, Kristin G.: 13 Walker, Edward: 98 Walker, Jamie: 72 Walker, Lisa: 24, 114, 135, 176 Walker, Lisa: 265 Wallace, J. Brandon: 183 Wallace, Michael: 34 Walsh, Clare: 189 Walters, Pamela Barnhouse: 60 77 Walton, Charles: 69 Walton, Magdalen: 73, 90 Walton, Tobin: 6 Waltz, Margaret: 174 Ward, Carol: 264 Ward, Chandra: 49 Ward, Matthew: 201 Ward, Melinda: 192 Ward, Jr., Russell E.: 265 Warkentien, Siri: 73 Warren, Emily: 259 Wassum, M. Elizabeth: 211 Watne, Zac: 167 Watson, Lesley: 135 Watts, Stephen: 55 Watts‐Warren, Elizabeth: 264 Webb, Susan: 254 Webber, Gretchen: 26, 121, 133 Webster, Murray A: 24, 176 Weeber, Stan C: 264 Weeden, Kim: 66 Weeks, Janet: 200, 280 Weil, Frederick: 259, 272 Weissinger, Sandra: 39, 62, 78 Welch, Casey: 96, 134, 209 Weller, Mindy: 241 Werner, Joshua: 267 Werner, Kristen: 123 Wernet, Christine: 62, 113 West, Cynthia: 147 Wetzel, Emily: 278 Whalen, Travis: 161 Wharton, Edgar: 69 White, Damian: 199 White, Patricia E: 15 White, William: 85 Whiteman, Ellen: 186 Whitham, Monica: 135 Widener, Patricia: 197, 261 Wiest, Julie B.: 3, 102, 270 Wigington, Abigail: 109 Wilbers, Loren: 256 Wilcox, Pamela: 19 Wilkins, Malisia: 229 Wilkinson, Matthew E: 154 Will, Jeffry: 209 Williams, Beverly: 162 Williams, Lisa M: 141 Williams, Virginia: 175 Williamson, Sarah: 209 Wills, Jeremiah B.: 278 Willson, Shane: 113 Wilson, George: 36, 76 Wilson, Julia C.: 225 Wilson, Kalah: 256 Wilson, Kenneth: 73 Wilson, Thomas: 231 Wimberley, Dale W.: 68, 159 Winders, Bill: 243 Winfield, Idee: 61, 95, 142 Winslow, Sarah: 118, 213 Winstead, Vicki: 204 Witte, James: 185 Witzigreuter, Candi: 123 Woerner, Robert: 256 Wolfe, Christina: 278 Wolkomir, Michelle: 163, 213 Woltil, Jennifer: 10 Wood, Peter: 53 Wood, Spencer: 243 Woodall, Denise: 13, 119, 272 Wooddell, George: 21, 227 Woodward‐Meyers, Tracy: 264 Woolley, Donald: 92 Worthen, Kelly: 164 Wright, Eric: 22 Wright, James: 132 Wyant, Amanda: 276 Wyatt, Claire: 12 Wyche, Barbara: 41 78 Wyse, Jennifer: 220 Xavier‐Brier, Marik: 265 Xie, Chen: 186, 280 Ybarra, P.G.: 250 Yost, Elizabeth: 204 Youakim, Claudia: 190 Zakari, Jamila: 246, 261 Zeller, David: 106 Zhang, Jing: 117 Zhao, Wei: 20 Zimmer, Catherine: 79 80 81 82 83 Roll of Honor 2012 Ronald Wimberly, NC State University 2010 Charles S. Johnson, Fisk University 2008 Patricia Yancey Martin, Florida State 2008 Clifton Bryan, Virginia Tech 2007 Ida Harper Simpson, Duke University 2006 Richard L. Simpson, UNC‐Chapel Hill 2002 Ronald L. Akers, University of Florida 1996 Lewis M. Killian, Univ. West Florida 1995 Charles B. Nam, Florida State University 1994 Alan C. Kerckhoff, Duke University 1990 Rudolf Heberle, Louisiana State 1989 Kurt W. Back, Duke University 1986 Guy B. Johnson, UNC‐Chapel Hill 1986 Joseph H. Fichter, Loyola‐New Orleans 1984 Joseph S. Himes, UNC‐Greensboro 1982 Vernon J. Parenton, Louisiana State 1979 Ernst Borinski, Tougaloo College 1977 T. Lynn Smith, University of Florida 1977 Rupert B. Vance, UNC‐Chapel Hill Martin L. Levin Distinguished Service Awardees 2010 Thomas C. Hood, UT‐Knoxville 2006 Clifton D. Bryant, Virginia Tech 2005 Abbot L. Ferriss, Emory University 2004 Catherine Harris, Wake Forest University 2003 Martin L. Levin, Mississippi State Distinguished Lectureship Awardees 2012 Shirley Laska, University of New Orleans 2011 Larry W. Isaac, Vanderbilt University 2008 Larry J. Griffin, UNC‐Chapel Hill 2007 E.M. Beck, University of Georgia Charles S. Johnson Awardees 2010 Larry J. Griffin, UNC‐Chapel Hill 2006 William W. Falk, University of Maryland 2005 Dolores P. Aldridge, Emory University 2002 John Moland, Jr., Alabama State 1997 Charles U. Smith, Florida A&M Katharine Jocher‐Belle Boone Beard Awardees 2010 Irene Padavic, Florida State University 2004 Barbara Risman, NC State University 1999 Patricia Yancey Martin, Florida State 1995 Rachel Rosenfeld, UNC‐Chapel Hill Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Awardees 2010 Edward L. Kain, Southwestern 2006 Gregory Weiss, Roanoke College 2005 Idee Winfield, College of Charleston 2004 Maxine Atkinson, NC State University 2002 Clifton D. Bryant, Virginia Tech 2002 Department of Sociology, James Madison University
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