10 - Eastern Sociological Society


10 - Eastern Sociological Society
ESS Final Program
January 25, 2012
Thursday, 23 February 2012
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
1. HIV/AIDS, Human Security and Gender Activism - - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: Jennifer N Fish, Old Dominion University; Savannah Eck, Old Dominion University
Scholar-Activism in South Africa: Grandmothers Against Poverty and AIDS. Jennifer N Fish — Old
Dominion University
Securing the HIV/AIDS Crisis: Grandmother Activists in South Africa. Savannah Eck — Old Dominion
Modeling HIV/AIDS Activism as Tool for Community Prevention. Erika Frydenlund — Old Dominion
Bette Dickerson, American University
2. Narratives of Youth: Intersectionality and Risk - Thematic Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Amy Wilkins, University of Colorado
Raising Teenagers in Hostile Environments: How race, class, and gender matter for mothers' protective
carework. Sinikka Elliott — North Carolina State University; Elyshia Aseltine — Lycoming College
Saving Youth from Troubled Schools: Intersectionality and the role of youth as both objects and subjects of
urban school reform politics. Hava Rachel Gordon — University of Denver
Fast Food Kids in a Changing Food Landscape: Social inequalities, youth, and schooling. Amy Best —
George Mason University
Race and Gender in the Transition to College. Amy Wilkins — University of Colorado
3. Race and Low-Wage Labor - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Two Strikes and You're ... In: How Counter-Hypermasculine Treatments Impact Evaluations of Black Male
Job Applicants . David Pedulla — Princeton University
Race, Gender and Soft Skills: A Social Constructionist Analysis of a Social Policy Problem. Sara Chaganti —
Brandeis University
Learning to Play the Game: Underdeveloped Mainstream Cultural Models Among Poor Black Urban
Youth.". Jacqueline Cooke-Rivers — Harvard University
Scripts from the Shop Floor: "Doing" low-wage retail work. Rachel Schwartz — St. Joseph's College
4. Migration and Belonging - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Global Politics and National Narratives: Iranians in the United States and Germany. Sahar Sadeghi —
Temple University
Germanness and the Second Generation: Citizenship and Belonging in Contemporary Germany. Daniel
Williams — University of Maryland
Remaking Community in the Context of Globalization and Transnationalization: The Korean Community in
the Nation's Capital. Chang Won Lee — University of Maryland; Dae Young Kim — George Mason
National Identification among Immigrants, Second Generation, and Native Born in France. Kevin
Tschirhart — Queens College; Marc Schneiberg — Reed College
"Lower than Lepers": Gender, ethnicity and nationality in Korean American women's status in South
Korea. Helene Kim Lee — Dickinson College
5. Transnational Identities - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Diverse forms and meanings of transnationalism among Brazilian immigrants in the US and Portugal
. Natalicia Tracy — Boston University
Transnational Identities: Second-Generation Israelis in New York. Jessica Levin — CUNY Graduate Center
From Diwali to Thanksgiving: The Changing lives of High Tech Immigrants . Uma Sarmistha — Kansas
State University
Invisible Divides: Marriage & Migration Among High-Skilled Syrians. Christopher Fiorello — University of
California, Berkeley
Title: Transnational Tales: Home and Away in the Indo-Trinidadian Diaspora. Kamini Maraj Grahame —
Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg; Peter R. Grahame — Pennsylvania State University - Schuylkill
6. Ethics and Technology in Medicine - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Analysis of a professional disciplinary mechanism: Patients' and doctors' stories . Alaz Kilicaslan — Boston
The Alignment of Countervailing Powers in Anesthesia . Leah Rohlfsen — St. Lawrence University
Privacy, Information Exchanges, and the Stigmatizing Role of the Electronic Health Record. Timothy
Stablein — Dartmouth College; Denise Anthony — Dartmouth College
7. Gender Dynamics of Migration - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Understanding Labor Migration through Stories of Marriage in Bangladesh. Roslyn Fraser — University of
Gender Dynamics of Transnational Migrant Families: Korean Wild Geese Families. Se Hwa Lee — State
University of New York at Albany
Standing Still: Wives of International Students and Immigration Regulations. Samit Dipon Bordoloi —
University of Connecticut
Gendered Stories and Narratives: Constructing a Successful Case of Gender Asylum in the United
States. Cheryl Llewellyn — State University of New York at Stony Brook
8. Poverty and Punishment - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: Elizabeth Seale, State University of New York College at Oneonta; Jennifer Schlosser, SUNY Oneonta
Variation in Punishing the Poor under Workfare. Elizabeth Seale — State University of New York College
at Oneonta
Reconciling Prisoners' Narratives and Failures of Corrections Policy. Jennifer Schlosser — SUNY Oneonta
The Imposition of Language and the Politics of Exclusion. Avi Brisman — Emory University
Elizabeth Seale, State University of New York College at Oneonta
9. Public Spaces - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Conviviality and contestation in super-diverse public spaces . Sofya Aptekar — Max Planck Institute, CUNY
Grad Center
Reflections on Freedom of Speech in Public and Semi-Public Settings in the US. Eric Mielants — Fairfield
The Spatial Organization of the Boston Arts Scene, 1978-2010.. Matthew Kaliner — Harvard University
"Public Spaces After Neoliberalism?" . Kevin Loughran — Columbia University
10. Sociology of Online Gaming - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: PJ Rey, University of Maryland; Tamara Peyton, York University
Presider: Sarah Wanenchak, University of Maryland
Fat, Ugly, or Slutty? : The Frontlines of Feminist Resistance to Sexism in Online Gaming. Eric Reed —
University of Virginia
Mixed stories, digital lives: Travelogues as method & narrative. Tamara Peyton — York
University; Victoria McArthur — York University; Jennifer Jenson — York University; Suzanne de Castell —
Simon Fraser University
Digital Narratives: Cultural Policy, Labour and the Political Economy of Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery
EP. Daniel Joseph — Ryerson University
Internet Use, Online Gaming, and Well-Being. PJ Rey — University of Maryland
Sarah Wanenchak, University of Maryland
11. The Social Construction of Disease - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
A qualitative analysis of HIV/AIDS conspiracy narratives, contemporary legends and rumors. Jacob Heller
— SUNY College at Old Westbury
The Rise and Fall of "World Trade Center Cough". Meredith Bergey — Brandeis University
Negotiating the Path to Wellness: Narratives of Women with Cancer. Laura Beth Atkins — University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Interpreting Stories of the Mentally ill in Eighteenth Century Philadelphia. john leveille — west chester
12. Academic Achievement: Latino and Asian Students - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM1:30 PM
Language and Academics among Latino/a and Asian students with bilingual beginnings . Mary McKillip
— College Board
Concerted Cultivation and the Academic Achievement Of Hispanic Kindergarten Students. Amanda
Mireles — Princeton University
From Stop Over to Savior: The Embedded Influence of Out of School Time Programs for Mexican American
Youth. Ingrid Nelson — Bowdoin College
Exploring the Onset of the Learning Gap Between Chinese and American Students. Timothy Madigan —
Mansfield University
13. Activism and the Media - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
"My country is the world": The spread of tactics and the use of mass media in 19th century international
abolitionism. Cecelia Walsh-Russo — Hartwick College
The Israeli Single Mothers' Protest in the Press: Challenges to Affecting Change . Noa Milman — Boston
Mobilizing Public Support for War: An Examination of the Intersections among Culture, Structure, and
Peace Activism . Carolyn Zook — University of Pittsburgh
TITLE: Social protests and media narratives on violence: How UK and US mainstream media covered
London riots and "Occupy Wall Street" movement. Marina Vujnovic — Monmouth University
Rick Eckstein, Villanova University
14. Disruption and Disadvantage in American Education - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM1:30 PM
Public and Private Sector After-school Tutoring. Kyla Walters — University of Massachusetts Amherst
Becoming a (Teach For America) Teacher in Twenty Weeks. Patricia Maloney — Yale University
Disorder in the Course: Who Experiences Disruptions to Learning and School Disorder and Why? David S.
Morris — University of Virginia
Christine Bowditch, Lehigh Carbon Community College
15. Families and Work: Raising Children in the Ethnographic Field - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 |
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Tamara Mose Brown, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Motherhood and Transformation in the Field: Reflections on Positionality, Meaning and Trust . Leah
Schmalzbauer — Montana State University
The Intimate links between Work and Home: How Children Shaped my Research and how Research Shaped
my Children . Joanna Dreby — Albany University
Making up for Lost Time: My Son, My Life, My Fieldwork . Randol Contreras — California State University,
16. Political Characters - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: James Jasper, CUNY-Graduate Center
Heroes, Villains, and Victims in Affect Control Theory. James Jasper — CUNY-Graduate Center
Heroes and Collective Memory in Namibia. Elke Zuern —
Villains and Heroes in Abolition Debates . Michael Young —
Europe's Anti-heroes. Nicole Doerr — Harvard University
Gary Alan Fine, Northwestern University
17. Immigration, Assimilation, and Incorporation in the U.S. and Abroad - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb
23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Integrating into Who?: The Racial and Ethnic Incorporation of the Haitian Middle Class in New York. Orly
Clerge — Brown University
The Changing Context of Settlement: How Newcomer Immigrant and Refugee Experiences and Support
Services Differ between the Suburbs and the City in Vancouver, Canada. Daniyal Zuberi — University of
British Columbia
Eastern European Youth Narratives: Childhood Emotional Acculturation and Adaptation in an Urban
University Context. Brunhild Seeger-diNovi — Temple University
Rethinking assimilation theories outside US receiving contexts: Marriage migrants and the second
generation in Taiwan. Kuan-Yi Chen — CUNY Graduate Center; Paoyi Huang — CUNY Graduate
Center; Wei-Ting Lu — CUNY Graduate Center
18. "Using Service Learning and Civic Engagement to Teach About Inequities". (Sponsored by the Committee on
the Status of Women) - Workshop - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Meghan Ashlin Rich, University of Scranton
"Living on the Edge of Homelessness: A Student Community Program Evaluation Project". Beth
Merenstein — Central Connecticut State University; Stephen Adair — Cental Connecticut State University
"Cross-cultural Connections: Students Learning and Serving in Petersfield, Jamaica". Melissa Swauger —
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
"Mission-based, Outcome-based Service Learning" . Mary Chayko — College of Saint Elizabeth; Anne
Langan — College of Saint Elizabeth
"Teaching Sociology and Developing Community Assets Through Collaborative Community Based
Research" . Carl Milofsky — Bucknell University; Heather Feldhaus — Bloomsburg University of
Kerry Strand, Hood College
Jonathan White, Bridgewater State University
19. Research on Students - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Judith DeSena, St. John's University
Public Opinion Towards Crime. Sarah Brown — St. John's University
Stereotypes about America among Polish College Students. Karolina May — St. John's University
The Self-Perception of Class and its Effect on the American College Student. Alison Kaminski — St. John's
Student Success and Involvement On Campus. Theresa Brennan — St. John's University
Students Dissatisfaction with Financial Aid and Financial Aid Services. Michelle Cunningham — St. John's
Judith DeSena, St. John's University
20. Crime and Community - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
"Too Many Cracks": Stories of Navigating Safety Issues in High-Crime Neighborhoods. Melody Boyd —
University of Pennsylvania
Race, Ethnicity and Crime in Washington DC. . Enrique S. Pumar — Catholic University of America
The Effects of Community Sexual Offender Notification on the Community. Tasha Bradt — Hartwick
Stories from the post-prison panopticon. John Montgomery — Northeastern University; Douglas E.
Thompkins — John Jay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY
21. Immigration and Health - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Religious Involvement and Asian-American Immigrant Health. Ephraim Shapiro — NYU School of
Medicine; Ephraim Shapiro — NYU School of Medicine
Understanding Infant-Feeding Behavior among Hmong Immigrants in St. Paul, MN. Shannon Feliciano —
Temple University
Are Immigrants Always Healthier? Evaluating the 'Healthy Immigrant Effect' Cross-Nationally in
Europe. Elyas Bakhtiari — Boston University; Sigrun Olafsdottir — Boston University; Jason Beckfield —
Harvard University
Anahi Viladrich, Queens College, CUNY
22. Bullying - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Bullying victimization among adolescents in Iceland. Jón Gunnar Bernburg — University of Iceland; Hlín
Kristbergsdóttir — University of Iceland
Gender, Bullying Victimization and their Impact on Educational Outcomes. Ann Marie Popp — Duquesne
University; Anthony A Peguero — Virginia Tech; Kristen R Day — Miami University
A Synthesis of Research Findings That Explores Definitions, Causes, Relationships and Societal Responses to
Bullying.. Nicholas Astone — Alabama State University; Mary Astone — Troy University
Getting "Tough on Bullying": Institutional Response to the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights. Alicia
Raia — Rutgers University
23. Family and Work - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Investigation of the Factors Influencing Family Functions: A Turkish Sample. Zeynep Copur — Hacettepe
University; Hulya Oztop — Hacettepe University; Ayfer Aydıner — Hacettepe University
Masculinity in the Female Breadwinner Household:Preliminary Interviews . Maegan Morin — University
at Albany, SUNY
Equality or fairness? The relationship between housework and well-being in cross-national perspective.
. Kristi L. Gozjolko — University of New Hampshire
24. Can Sociology Educate? - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Can Sociology Save General Education? Ned Laff — Columbia College; Mahruq Khan — University of
Wisconsin-La Crosse
A Fresh Approach to Teaching Sociological Theory: Overview of a Foundational Theory and Invitation to
Experiment . Debbie Kasper — Hiram College
Tracking and Understanding Your Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic Students at
Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Olivia Blackmon — George Mason University; Ruth Jackson —
George Mason University
25. The Making of Criminals - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Science, Morality and the Invention of Criminal Immigrants in the Progressive Era. Saran Ghatak — Keene
State College
Perceiving the Crime Problem: Racial Heterogeneity and Police Spending . Sarah Brayne — Princeton
Life-course Transitions, Criminality and the Impact of Gender. Michael Markowitz — Holy Family
University; Christopher Salvatore — Montclair State University
Once an addict, always an addict: stigma as a lived experience. . Jolene Sanders — Hood College
Surveilling Strippers: On Raids in Strip Clubs. Melissa Lavin — University of Connecticut
26. Corporations and the Political Economy of the Environment - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Harms. Krista Bywater — Muhlenberg College
Multinational Corporation, Repression and Deforestation: A Cross-National Study. Yangzi Zhao — Stony
Brook University; John Shandra — Stony Brook University
A Theory of Ecological Rent: The Political Economy of Displaced Environmental Degradation . Kirk
Lawrence — St. Joseph's College, New York; Seth B Abrutyn — University of Memphis
27. Urban Cultures - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
The Diverse Suburb and Political Opinion. Christopher Niedt — Hofstra University
Ecology of Philanthropy: Community Composition, Health, and Aggregate Charitable Giving In the United
States. Wendie Choudary — University at Albany
Resources, Relevance, and Relationships: Differential Motivations Behind Local Civic Engagement over
Park Usage . Catherine Simpson Bueker — Emmanuel College
"Symbolic Politics and the Reproduction of Neighborhood Habitus in NYC". Jennifer Candipan — Brooklyn
28. The Politics of Urban Infrastructure - Mini-Conference: Security - Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
City Stuff: Safety and Danger in Everyday Infrastructure. Harvey Molotch — NYU
From Underground Railroad to Critical Infrastructure: Inhabiting the Institutions of Security in the New
York Subway. Noah McClain — New York University
Policing the Urban. Neoliberal and Neocommunitarian Urban Spaces in Germany . Kendra Briken —
Universität Bremen; Volker Eick — Universität Bremen
The Drone Gaze as Surveillance and Visuality: Targeted Killing as Law Unbounded . David Grondin —
University of Ottawa
29. Juxtaposing Asias and Latin Americas: Transnational Approaches to Gender and Sexuality - Invited Session Thursday Feb 23 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: Bandana Purkayastha, University of Connecticut; Jyoti Puri, Simmons College
Situating Sociology: On the sociological production of sex, gender, and sexuality in the time and space of
colonial modernity. Vrushali Patil — Florida International University
Crisis, Resistance, and Gender Politics: Lessons from Argentina. Barbara Sutton — University of Albany
"Oh! At Home, It's All Based on Skills, Or Is It?" Gender and Household Dynamics in Professional Indian
Immigrant Families in America. Namita N. Manohar — Brooklyn College - CUNY
Racialization and Sexualization: Puerto Rican LGBT Migrants in the Northeast. Marysol Asencio —
University of Connecticut
Bandana Purkayastha, University of Connecticut
1:45 PM-3:15 PM
30. ESS Executive Committee Meeting I - - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
31. Uncovering Patterns: Reflections on Narrative Positivism Twenty Years Ago and Today - Thematic Session Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Silke Aisenbrey, Yeshiva University
Presider: Andrew Abbott, University of Chicago
Anette Fasang, Humboldt University
Laurent Lesnard, Sciences Po and CNRS
Kathrine Stovel, University of Washington
32. Sociological Perspectives on the Arab Spring - Special Presidential Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15
Organizer: Jeff Goodwin, New York University
Presider: Jeff Goodwin, New York University
The Performative Revolution in Egypt and Its Aftermath. Jeffrey Alexander — Yale University
From Informal Network and Interpretation to Mobilization: A Comparative Analysis of State Dissidents'
Interactions in Iran, Egypt, and Tunisia. Hamid Rezai — Sarah lawrence College
The Activist Networks Behind the Egyptian Uprising. Killian Clarke — New York University
The Police, The Armed Forces, and The Arab Rebellion in Tunisia and Egypt. Cathy Schneider — American
Jeff Goodwin, New York University
33. The Maid's Daughter by Mary Romero - Author-Meets-Critics - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Miliann Kang, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Presider: Anne Roschelle, SUNY New Paltz
Jennifer N Fish, Old Dominion University
Marjorie DeVault, Syracuse University
Rosanna Hertz, Wellesley College
Julie Wrigley, CUNY-Graduate Center
Romero Mary, Arizona State University
34. Race and Space - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Black San Francisco: How a Black Community Fights for Space in San Francisco. Christina R Jackson —
University of California Santa Barbara
'A Tale of Two Cities' Community Based Organization Growth in the Face of Neighborhood Segregation or
Diversity in Newark and Jersey City, 1990-2009. Joseph Raymond Gibbons — University at Albany, SUNY
New York City Housing Policies and the Development of Racial and Ethnic Inequality in Affordable
Housing. Judith R. Halasz — SUNY New Paltz; Cleo Stern — SUNY New Paltz
Housing Tenure and Residential Segregation in Metropolitan America, 1980-2010. Samantha Friedman —
University at Albany, SUNY; Mary Fischer — University of Connecticut; Hui-shien Tsao — University at
Albany, SUNY; Samuel Garrow — University at Albany, SUNY; Michael Barton — University at Albany,
35. Re-considering "Speed Bumps" in Urban Qualitative Research in the Midst of Rampant Disinvestment in the
Public Sector - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Amy Stich, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Presider: Lois Weis
Researcher Dilemmas inside an Urban School District in Times of Public Disinvestment. Lois Weis — ; Amy
Stich — University at Buffalo, SUNY; Kristin Cipollone — University at Buffalo, SUNY; Andrea Nikischer —
University at Buffalo, SUNY
Speed Bumps in Critical Participatory Projects. Kendra Brewster — Graduate Center, CUNY; Maddy Fox —
Graduate Center, CUNY; Wen Liu — Graduate Center, CUNY; Michelle Fine — Graduate Center, CUNY
Michelle Fine, Graduate Center, CUNY
36. The Medical Profession - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Just Talk?: Rhetoric and Practice of Teamwork in Medical Settings. Jason Rodriquez — University of
Missouri - Columbia
Coming to terms with professional life: Physicians´stories of their turning to the practice of unconventional
medicine in Buenos Aires. Betina Freidin — University of Buenos Aires
Revitalization Movements and the Spread of Radical Technologies in Medicine: The Case of Laparoscopic
Sterilization . Jim Zetka — SUNY Albany
"We are Real Nurses; They are Just Opportunists": How African Immigrant Nurses Craft and Manage
Professional Identities at Work. Fumilayo Showers — Syracuse University
Learning the "Rules of the Game": The Moral Education of Premedical Students . Katherine Lin —
University of Michigan; Renee Anspach — University of Michigan; Brett Crawford — Copenhagen Business
School; Sonali Parnami — University of Michigan; Andrea Fuhrel-Forbis — University of
Michigan; Raymond DeVries — University of Michigan
37. Collective Behavior in China - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Collective Inaction in Surviving SOEs in China. JU LI — binghamton university
Insider Outside: A Social Movement Communities Explanation of the Internationalization of the Tiananmen
Mothers Activism. Chen-Jye Phebie Thum — University of Pittsburgh
Manufacturing A Civil Society? Changing Relations between Transnational Institutions, the State and Local
AIDS Activism in China, 1989-2009. Yan Long — University of Michigan
The Schism over Ism: Ethical Activism and Bloc Recruitment in the Making of Chinese Communism, 19171921. Xiaohong Xu — Yale University
38. Global Inequalities and Financial Crises - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Globalization and Alternative Approaches to Economic Crises. John William Clarry — Bloomfield College
Impact of Global Financial Crisis on China's Stability. Rebecca S.K. Li — The College of New Jersey
Attitudes about Income Inequality in 91 Countries. Liza G. Steele — Princeton University
Dimitri della Faille, Universite du Quebec en Outaouais
39. Suicide and Emotional Lives - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Functional Limitation and Emotional Well-Being: Gender and Marital Status Variations . robin simon —
Wake Forest University; Jennifer Caputo — Indiana University
A Tale of Teen Suicide In Two Communities: Needham and Nantucket, Massachusetts. Marguerite
O'Leary — University of Delaware; Joel Best — University of Delaware
A Decade of Change: Nevada Suicide Trends, 1999-2009 . Tetyana Poladko — Temple University; Matt
Wray — Temple University
Barret Michalec, University of Delaware
40. Teachers and Teaching - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Cheating: Everyone Is Doing It. Nancy Sacks — SUNY College at Old Westbury; Catherine Marrone —
Stony Brook University; Misty Curreli — Stony Brook University
Diffusion of Sociology Educational Materials: Factors Affecting the Adoption of TRAILS. Olga V. Mayorova
— American Sociological Association; Roberta Spalter-Roth — American Sociological Association; Jean
Shin — American Sociological Association
Not a minute to waste: Teachers' early experiences with school turnaround. Erin Rooney — Temple
41. Revolutions, Riots and Flash Mobs: Social Media and Social Movements - Regular Paper Session - Thursday
Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizers: Christopher Donoghue , Kean University; Nathan Jurgenson, University of Maryland; PJ Rey, University
of Maryland
Augmented Collectives: Revolution, Occupation, Protest, Riots, Flash Mobs at the Intersection of Atoms
and Bits. Nathan Jurgenson — University of Maryland
Inspecting Packets and Busting Heads: Augmented Contention and Iran's Sea of Green. Sarah Wanenchak
— University of Maryland
Social Media and Activism: Exploring Twitter's Role in the Arab Spring. Dhiraj Murthy — Bowdoin College
A New Media Fueled Revolution?: U.S. Embassy Cables, WikiLeaks, and the Tunisian Revolution. D.J.
wolover — University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
42. Stories of Everyday Life in the City - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Judith DeSena, St. John's University
Sunday Softball as Catalyst for Diverse Community Formation: Queens, New York City. Joseph Trumino —
St. John's University
Drifting in Chinatowns: Toward a Situationist Analysis of Cosmopolitan Urban Spaces. Konrad Aderer —
Brooklyn College; Timothy Shortell — Brooklyn College
Working Class Voices on Gentrification. Judith DeSena — St. John's University
Visualizing Family Storie(s): Do Images Lie? Jerome Krase — Brooklyn College
Evrick Brown, Brooklyn College
43. Food, Society and Ethnicity - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Farha Ternikar, Le Moyne College
Feeding the Immigrant Family: Food and South Asian Muslim Immigrant Women in the American
Diaspora. Farha Ternikar — Le Moyne College
Food as Narrative: The Discourse of Ethnic Identity. Grace Donbee Choi — New York University
Neighborhood, Family, and Food: Collective Memory and Ethnic-Racial Identity. Alice P Julier — Chatham
44. Blame and Suffering in the Economic Crisis - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Attribution of Responsibility for the Financial Crisis. Olivia Nicol — Columbia University
Rationalizing the Irrational: From Innovation to Instability and Beyond. John Barnshaw — University of
South Florida
Gendered Crisis? The Effects of the Economic Recession and Governmental Response to Gender
Inequality. Yasemin Besen-Cassino — Montclair State University
The Construction of "the Shareholder": Shifting Portrayals in Business News, 1900-2010 . Leslie King —
Smith College
45. Environmental Social Movements - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Designing Sustainability: An International Comparison of Green Building Programs . William Holt —
Southern Connecticut State University
Climate, Trade unions and coorperation with green social movements. Carsten Stroeby Jensen —
Environmental Justice and Uranium in a Neoliberal World: What Would Polanyi Do? Stephanie Malin —
Brown University
Editing interpretation; a case study into the influence of policy on local social movements. Christian Bröer
— University of Amsterdam; M. B. de Graaff — University of Amsterdam; Jan Willem Duyvendak — ; R.A.
Wester —
Native American Womens Narratives: Indigenous Views on Gender, The Environment & Democracy: By
Celene Krauss, Ph.D. Kean University . Celene Krauss — Kean University
46. Teaching Tolerance - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Beyond Bigotry: Teaching About Unconscious Prejudice. Raj Ghoshal — Goucher College; Cameron
Lippard — Appalachian State; Vanesa Ribas — UNC-Chapel Hill; Ken Muir — Appalachian State
The Face of "Terrorism": Islamophobia and the Social Construction of Terrorism in the U.S. Corporate
Media. Krista McQueeney — Merrimack College; Sarah Margaret Parker — Salem College; Janet Sykes —
Salem College
"It Didn't Even Count as a Diversity Requirement": Portraits of White College Students and the Domains of
Power Framework. Margaret Austin Smith — University of Maryland
Visibility and Identity: The Significance of Diversity in the Experiences of Professors Teaching Racial, Class,
Gender, or Sexual Discourses. Raja Staggers — Eastern Connecticut State University; Kimberly Dugan —
Eastern Connecticut State University
47. Asset Based Community Development and Service-Learning - Workshop - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15
Organizers: Ajeenah Haynes, Briarcliffe College; Dr. Arvilla Payne-Jackson, Howard University
48. Resilience and Coping Among Urban Black Women - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Nicole Rousseau, Kent State University
ZUMBA: Eliminating Cognitive Barriers for Black Women to Access Physical Fitness and to Achieve Optimal
Health. Raja Staggers — Eastern Connecticut State University
49. Church - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Who Knows?: Awareness of Upcoming Liturgical Changes in the Roman Missal. Melissa Cidade — Center
for Applied Research in the Apostolate
Connecting the Past to the Present: A Structural Analysis of Anglican Concepts in the Early Modern
Period. Philipp Brandt — Columbia University
Daniel Jasper, Moravian College
50. Modernization and Reform in Asia - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
"Working Within the Boundaries: A Study of Economists and Economic Expertise in Market Reform
China". Abigail Coplin — Columbia University
Late Joseon dynasty: the beginning of the spontaneous modernism period. . yanghwan choi — Queens
College City Univeristy of New York
Karaoglu — Northeastern University
How do they assess to justice? ------A Sociological Analysis on Pro Bono in the Solo and Small Law Firms
context in China. jin dong — University at Buffalo
51. Projects of Empire - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
The Zombie as Metaphor: Conceptualizing the Colonial Subject in Postcolonial Theory. David Paul
Strohecker — University of Maryland College Park
"Internal Colonialism" Revisited: An Analysis of the Overlapped Colonial Projects between Bangkok and
British-Burma in the Northern Thailand, A.D. 1826-1909. Keerati Chenpitayaton — The New School For
Social Research
Changing Political Self-Perceptions: Transformation of Political Narratives During the Times of
Cultural/Structural Crisis in 17th Century Ottoman Empire . Tolga Kobas — Columbia University
52. Children's Health at Risk - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Prenatal Smoking and Drinking: Implications for Subsequent Child Maltreatment. Nicholas Adams —
University of New Hampshire
Child victimization, disability, and behavioral/emotional disorders: An examination of the differential
impact of victimization on children with disabilities. Jennifer Vanderminden — University of New
Feeding the Celiac Family: Medically-Restricted Diets & Gendered Feeding Work. Denise Copelton — The
College at Brockport, SUNY; Brianna Sepulveda — The College at Brockport, SUNY
Youth Smoking in the Developing World: a OLS and SEM analysis of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey
(GYTS).. Gary Maynard — Stony Brook University
53. The Shadow of the Sacred - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Interacting Sacred and Secular: Justice and Last Judgment Iconography in the West and East. Sandy Zhao
— Yale University
Sacred, secular, globalization: Moldova's Orthodox Church and the state. . Sprinceana Vitalie — George
Mason University
Resistance, Recognition, and Sovereignty: Psychodynamic Observations on an Indian Pilgrimage . Vikash
Singh — Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Rhys H. Williams, Loyola University Chicago
54. Personal Narratives - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Stories of Inequity, Injustice, Unfairness and Unprofessionalism Among Sociologists in Recruiting
Immigrant in Academic and Research Positions. Ghyasuddin Ahmed — Virginia State University
Journey from one world to another: Giving voice to my immigrant experience. Mitra Das — University of
Massachusetts Lowell
Weinstein — University of South Carolina Aiken
A Retrospective: Was Kalman Silvert a Political Scientist or a Sociologist? Henry Silvert — The Conference
55. Organizational Ethics - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
"Generation Humanitarian: transitional justice professionals and their habitus". kiri Gurd — Boston
Ethical Responsibilities of Professional Communication Firms. Rodney Andrew Carveth — Goodwin
Working for Change: Civic Engagement Strategies among Immigrant Serving Organziations in
Massachusetts. Diana Yadira Salas Coronado — University of Massachusetts Boston; Michael Berardino
— University of Massachusetts Boston; Karen R. Monaghan — University of Massachusetts, Boston
56. Negotiating Virtual Spaces - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Contested Essentialism: Narratives of the Breast in a Virtual Community. John Carter McKnight — Arizona
State University
Real Enough: Identity and Systems of Social Control in Virtual Worlds. Oskar Milik — Boston University
Evaluating the Global Legal and Political Feasibility of using Massive Multiplayer Online Role-playing
Games in the War on Terror. Marc Jung-Whan de Jong — suny fit
57. Panel 8: Using the School Attendance Boundary Information System (SABINS) - Mini-conference: Choosing
Homes, Choosing Schools - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
David Van Riper, Minnesota Population Center
Salvatore Saporito, College of William and Mary
58. The Sentiments of Patriotism - Mini-Conference: Security - Thursday Feb 23 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
The Partisan Mentality and Regime Change. An Analysis of Partisanship in the Korean, Vietnam, Iraq, and
Afghanistan War. Emanuel Boussios — Hofstra University, NYU
Pathways to the Rally. Popular Support for the US President during International Crisis. Yuval Feinstein —
University of California, Los Angeles
American Nationalism and Popular Support for War: New Evidence from a Survey-Experiment. Yuval
Feinstein — University of California, Los Angeles
Public Participation in the Commemoration of an Ongoing War: The Case of the "100 Faces of
War". Daniel Burland — University of Massachusetts--Amherst
3:30 PM-5:00 PM
59. Untold Stories: Silence and other Dilemmas in Personal Narrative Research - Thematic Session - Thursday Feb
23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizer: Jennifer Pierce, University of Minnesota
Stories in Action: Making Space for Telling More. Marjorie DeVault — Syracuse University
Narrating the Things We Do Not Do: Telling Stories about Abstinence. Jamie Mullaney — Goucher College
Untold Stories: Silences in a Study of Elite White Racism. Jennifer Pierce — University of Minnesota
In Their Hands: Cameras and Recorders as Gateways to Everyday Stories. Nancy Ammerman — Boston
60. Muslims in Motion: Islam and National Identity by Nazili Kibria - Author-Meets-Critics - Thursday Feb 23 |
3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizer: Margaret Abraham, Hofstra University
Margaret Abraham, Hofstra University
Mary Yu Danico, California State University Pomona
Joanna Dreby, Albany University
Bandana Purkayastha, University of Connecticut
Nazli Kibria, Boston University
61. Racist Frames - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
The (Re)Birth of A Nation: Race and the Tea Party's Definition of America. Richard Maurice Smith —
McDaniel College; Ja'Nairra Myers — McDaniel College
"Understanding 'Race' and Viral Videos: Social Media, Digital Place-Making, and Online Identity
Construction". Kevin Loughran — Columbia University
Whiteness from Violence: Lynching and the Formation of White Identity in the U.S. South, 1890-1915
. Mattias Smångs — Fordham University
Taking Our Country Back: A Comparative Analysis of the 20th Century KKK and the Tea Party . Ja'Nairra
Myers — McDaniel College; Richard Maurice Smith — McDaniel College
62. Gentrification - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
"From Coal to Cool": The Creative Class, Social Capital, and the Revitalization of Scranton . Meghan Ashlin
Rich — University of Scranton
Historic District Designation and Gentrification: What does designation do to neighborhoods? Aaron
Passell — University of Pennsylvania
Community Gardens: From Resistance and Subsistance to Gentrification . Fatmir Haskaj — Fairleigh
Dickinson University
Branding the Post-Industrial Neighborhood: Local Actors in Williamsburg and the Lower East Side . Sara
Lucia Martucci — CUNY Graduate Center
63. Telling the Family Story - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Stories of Motherhood: Motherhood Narratives on Internet Websites. Kathleen Turkel — University of
Observations of Public Parenting in China. Debra Lemke — McDaniel College
Blogging and the Presentation of Family. Xochitl Renee Mota-Back — University of Arizona
The Story of Us: Differences in the Telling of How Couples Meet. Reuben (Jack) Thomas — City College of
New York
64. Feminist and Critical Race Epistemologies - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
The Lived Messiness of Third Wave Feminist Epistemology. Susan Mann — University of New
Orleans; Michael Grimes — Louisiana State University
"I Got Luv for my Bruthas": The Other Side of Black Feminism . Sarah Okorie — American University
Identity Acrobatics. Mark Sherry — University of Toledo
Challenging the Modern Eye: The Early American Black Body Though Post-Colonial Theory . Keith
Kottenbach — California State University Fullerton
Finding Home: Latina Lesbians and the Failure of Third Wave Feminisms. Abigail Randall — Florida
65. Storied Lives: The Rewards and Challenges of In-Depth Interviewing - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb
23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizers: Amy LeClair, New York University; Jane J Jones, Ursinus College
Untitled Paper.
Untitled Paper.
Untitled Paper.
Untitled Paper.
Amy LeClair — New York University
Jane J Jones — Ursinus College
Maya Beasley — University of Connecticut
Sarah Damaske — Penn State University
Deirdre A Royster, New York University
66. Soc n' Crim: The Experience of Sociology Departments with Criminology Programs - Regular Paper Session Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizer: Alexander Thomas, SUNY Oneonta
Karen Hayden, Merrimack College
Ann Marie Popp, Duquesne University
Stephanie Bennett, College of Saint Rose
Jennifer Schlosser, SUNY Oneonta
67. Rich People's Movements - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Rich People's Movements: The rise of elite, repeat contributors in federal elections, 1979-2008. Jennifer
Heerwig — NYU
Between Civil Society and Interest Groups: Explaining Differences in Capital's Attitude Towards the State
and Democracy. Devrim Yavuz — Lehman College CUNY
Civic Innovators: Business Ideology in Civic Engagement. Peter Taylor Klein — Brown
University; Gianpaolo Baiocchi — Brown University; Elizabeth Bennett — Brown University; Alissa Cordner
— Brown University; Stephanie Savell — Brown University
Misery in letters - Or, how the Weimar bourgeoisie appropriated storytelling as political tool. Anna K.
Skarpelis — New York University
68. Undergraduate Academic Advising, Major Choice, and College Success - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb
23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizer: Rachelle Brunn, Virginia Tech
Higher Education; A Conspiracy -- How Students View Their Chances in Four Year Colleges. Faye Allard —
Montclair State University; Sangeeta Parashar — Montclair State University
Variations in College Major Selection amongst Minority Youth: An analysis of the Beginning PostSecondary Students Study. Lisette Garcia — New York University
A New Approach?: Academic Advising as a Cultural Capital Intervention. Valerie Lundy-Wagner — New
York University
The Importance of Informal Academic Advising Networks: Rethinking Advising Policy in Higher
Education. Sangeeta Parashar — Montclair State University; Faye Allard — Montclair State University
Elizabeth M. Lee, Hamilton College
69. Queer Spaces - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Hustling in the Village: Queer Male Youth of Color and Sex Work in the Greenwich Village Section of
Manhattan. Jeff McGraham — Brooklyn College
Networks and Circles in the Art of Drag. Robert Kappel — SUNY Buffalo
Contested Gay Spaces: Class-Coding and Heterosexual Presence in Gay Bars. Jaime Hartless — University
of Virginia
Queering Intimacy: Class and the Internet in Gay and Lesbian Life. Matthew Gerard Morrison —
University of Virginia
Re-telling Gender: The Role of Parody in Burlesque Performance. Vania Brightman Cox — University of
70. Out of Bound Bodies - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
"QueerFatFashion: Internet Activism, Queer Identities, and Possibilities of Fashionable
Resistance". Catherine Connell — Boston University
'Banding Together:' The Biosociality of Weight Loss Surgery. Zoe Meleo-Erwin — CUNY Graduate Center
"Sizing Up" Stories of Body Size Experience. Nicole Mixson-Perez — Florida International University
(Re)Constructing the Body after Cancer. Marianne Joyce — University of Massachusetts Amherst
The Standardization of Beauty: Blepharoplasty. Kimiko Tanita — Florida International University
71. Populist Resurgence? Economic Crisis and Social Activism Across the Political Spectrum - Regular Paper
Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizer: Ruth Braunstein, New York University
Discourses of democratic authority in faith-based community organizing and Tea Party activism. Ruth
Braunstein — New York University
Cultural Categories and Populist Discourse: Moral Rhetoric in the Debate Over Walmart. Rebekah
Massengill — Swarthmore College
The Day Chris Simcox Stopped Being Popular: A Cautionary Tale about the Perils of Organizing the
'People. Harel Shapira — new york university
The decline of associationalism, the rise of the internet, and prospects for labor mobilization. Laura
Clawson — Daily Kos
Craig Calhoun, New York University
72. Ethnographies of arts and performance - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Identity Formation in Small Group Art Cultures: The Peculiar Case of Stand Up Comedians. Jack Clarke —
University at Buffalo-SUNY
Networks and circles in the arts.. Gregory Hall — SUNY-University at Buffalo
Poetic Personas: Self & Society in Spoken Word Performance Culture. Naliyah K. Kaya — George Mason
Finding the Group Mind: An Ethnographic Study of Collective Behavior and Emotion in Improv Comedy
. Daniel Semenza — New School University
Raves are Dead, Long Live Raves: The Moral Career of the Jaded Raver. Brian C Kelly — Purdue University
73. Sexual Violence - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Economic Trajectory Changes: A New Narrative on the Consequences of Rape. Rebecca Loya — Brandeis
Kobe, Duke, and DSK: Cultural Stories, Intersectionality, and Justifications of Sexual Assault. Cliff Leek —
Stony Brook University
Maintaining Gendered Status Quo: A Socio-Legal Analysis of Cases of Sexual Violence in Turkey. Tugce
Ellialti — University of Pennsylvania
"A Bad Childhood Made Me a Bad Man": The Continuing Influence of Childhood Socialization on Intimate
Partner Violence. Elizabeth Mansley — Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Voices of internally displaced women on sexual violence: A case of Kenya in the aftermath of post-election
violence. Roseanne Njiru — University of Connecticut
74. Master Class: Arts-Based Research Practices in Sociology with Patricia Leavy - Regular Paper Session Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizer: Patricia Leavy, Stonehill College
Patricia Leavy, Stonehill College
75. Solidarities and Interests - Regular Paper Session - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Struggle and Solidarity: Republican Elements in Pierre Bourdieu's Political Sociology. Chad Goldberg —
Princeton Institute for Advanced Study
Between Marx's Symbolic Power and Durkheim's Truth: Pierre Bourdieu's Solution to a Puzzle of Classical
Social Theory Submission Type: Paper . Chulhee Chung — Chonbuk National University
Towards a Cultural Theory of Interests. Lynette Spillman — University of Notre Dame
Facticity: How Do We Do What We Think We Know ? . Barbara Hanson — York University
76. SAY WHAAAAT?!? Teaching Research Methodology through Service-Learning (Workshop) - Workshop Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizers: Michele Lee Kozimor-King, Elizabethtown College; Barbara F Prince, Elizabethtown College; Michael J
Shields, Elizabethtown College
77. Globalization and Culture - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
The Fugue of Globalization: Reflections on Mimicry and Authenticity. Shehzad Nadeem — Lehman
College - CUNY
The Production of Global Symbolic Capital: An Examination of World Heritage Sites. Victoria Reyes —
Princeton University
Glocommodification and the Developing World Context: redirecting the structural-symbolic construct in
India. Jennifer Parker — Pennsylvania State University
Alissa Boguslaw, The New School
78. Promoting Local Economic Development - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Preservationists as Qualitative Growth Actors: A Case Study of Saratoga Springs, New York . Paul
Knudson — The College of Saint Rose
The Sociological History of New York State's Tech Valley. Joseph Sullivan — West Virginia University
The Sociology of Small Business in a Working Class, Immigrant Neighborhood.. Alex Manuel Torres —
Saint Peter's College; Katherine Y Jimenez — Saint Peter's College; Giancarlo Antigua — Saint Peter's
College ; Alex Trillo — Saint Peter's College; Mary Kate Naatus — Saint Peter's College
Corpses, Contacts, and Competition: Funeral Markets in Massachusetts and Moscow. Jim McQuaid —
Boston University; Ekaterina Moiseeva — European University at St. Petersburg and Boston University
79. Migration and Childhood - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
The Making of Asian American Families: The Case of Second-Generation Korean American Parents
. Haryun Peun — Stony Brook University
The Role of Power Hierarchies on Latino Parent's Conceptualization on Children's Mental Health . Cirila
Estela Vasquez Guzman — University of New Mexico: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Tamar Ginossar
— University of New Mexico; Nancy Lopez — University of New Mexico; Kimberly Huyser — University of
New Mexico
Educational Aspirations of Migrant Children's Parents in Beijing. Sibo Zhao —
Migrant Families in the European Community. Pelagia Papazahariou — St. John's University
Differentials in the academic performance of children of immigrants: How family factors and community
factors matter for immigrant children.. Na Yeong Kim — State University of New York, Albany
80. Social Types and Social Forms - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
The Vigilante as a Social Type. Mark Halling — Hunter College
Home Is Where the House Is? Toward a Sociological Understanding of "Home". Alexis Merdjanoff —
Rutgers University
Pugilism: An interaction of simulation and protestant work ethic. Watoii Rabii — University at Buffalo
Annulla Linders, University of Cincinnati
81. Segregation and Housing - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Race/Ethnicity, Family Structure, and Residential Segregation in Metropolitan America, 2010. Samantha
Friedman — University at Albany, SUNY; Samuel Garrow — University at Albany, SUNY
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Residential Preferences in "Post-Racial" America: A Study of Whites,
African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians . Steven A Tuch — George Washington University; Michael
Hughes — Virginia Tech; Samantha Friedman — University at Albany, SUNY
Socio-Spatial Exclusion and Inclusion: Massachusetts' Fair Share Housing Policy. Jennifer Girouard —
Brandeis University
Disputing Dispersal: Place, Property, and the Dismantling of US Public Housing. John Robinson —
northwestern university
82. Wrestling with Gender - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Strong Yet Susceptible, Powerful But Passive: The Spectacle Of Female Professional Wrestlers And The
Paradox Of Wrestling With Femininity. Tracy Peterchak — Syracuse University
"That's so straight": Heteronormativity, hegemonic masculinity, and the social construction of the male
athlete. Jennifer A. Carter — University of Cincinnati; Jodi Nickole Stooksberry — University of Cincinnati
Gendered Embodiment Cycles in Mixed Martial Arts . Christian Vaccaro — Indiana University of
The New 'Girl Power': Negotiating Narratives of Strength in the Promotion of Women's Tennis. Katie
Young — Temple University; Dustin F Guastella — Temple University
83. Autism and Special Education - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Becoming an Autistic Family: The Interaction of Official Knowledge and Identity. Deirdre Caputo-Levine
— SUNY Stony Brook
"Two Opposite Ends of the World": The Shaping of Pedagogic Action in an Autism-Only School. Catherine
Tan — Brandeis University
Living Special Education: The Limits and Leverage of Language. Marisa Rauscher — Neumann University
Eliminating Institutions: Why Community Based Agencies Are the Only Way Forward. Mary-Jo Callaghan
— Central Connecticut State University; Darcy Whittiker — University of California, Santa Cruz
84. Religion and Youth - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Shifts in Values, Beliefs, and Overall Religiosity among American Youth. Samantha Zulkowski — University
of Delaware
"More than just a party with your church chums?" Examining the Impact of a Catholic, Mainline
Protestant, and Conservative Protestant Youth Conference on Attendees' Religious Outlook. . David
Millard Haskell — Wilfrid Laurier University--Brantford;Kevin N Flatt — Redeemer University
Maria Van Ryn, Yeshiva University
85. Myth and Meaning in Life History - Roundtable - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
The Atomic Prophet: Storytelling & Myth in the Secret Atomic City. Lindsey A. Freeman — New School for
Social Research
Two Sojourned Souls on Pilgrimage: A Self-Reflective Life History . Beverly Marie Pratt — University of
Susan Bell, Bowdoin College
86. Case in Focus- Latin America - Mini-Conference: Security - Thursday Feb 23 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
Non-State Violence and the Creation of Public Order in Rio de Janeiro. Desmond Arias — John Jay
Construction and Reproduction of the 'Field' of Counternarcotics in Colombia. Jorge Linares — University
of Bristol
Politics, Business and Urban Citizen Security in Colombia. Eduardo Moncada — Rutgers University
Security and Citizen Security Reform in Latin America. Mark Ungar — Brooklyn College CUNY
Security as Weapon: Pacification and Play in Rio de Janeiro. Alessandro Angelini — CUNY Graduate
5:30 PM-7:00 PM
87. Robin Williams Lecture presented by Sudhir Venkatesh - Robin Williams Lecture - Thursday Feb 23 | 5:30 PM7:00 PM
Presider: Sudhir Venkatesh, Columbia University
Friday, 24 February 2012
7:30 AM-8:30 AM
88. Chairs Breakfast - - Friday Feb 24 | 7:30 AM-8:30 AM
Organizer: Roberta Spalter-Roth, American Sociological Association
8:30 AM-10:00 AM
89. The Alter-Globalization Movement: Becoming Actors in a Global Age by Geoffrey Pleyers - Author-MeetsCritics - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Brian K. Obach, SUNY New Paltz
Presider: Brian K. Obach, SUNY New Paltz
Jeff Goodwin, New York University
Nicole Doerr, Harvard University
John Krinsky, Graduate Center, CUNY
Giuseppe Caruso, University of Helsinki
Geoffrey Pleyers, FNRS- University of Louvain
90. Social Movements, Elites, and Markets - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Caroline W Lee, Lafayette College
Business on the Barricades: Challenging Agro-Medical Interests from Within the Natural Foods
Industry. Laura Miller — Brandeis University
The Crystallization of the Space of Think Tanks, 1964 to Today. Thomas Medvetz — UC San Diego
Patient, Parent, Advocate, Investor: Entrepreneurial Health Activism from Research to
Reimbursement. David Schleifer — Columbia University; Aaron Panofsky — University of California-Los
Elites and Contested 'Europeanness' in the Remaking of Urban Identity: Itinerant lessons from Istanbul,
Beirut, and Sarajevo. Ryan Centner — Tufts University
91. When Do Empowerment Projects Empower? - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
The Global Campaign Against Wal-Mart: The Case of Chile. Carolina Bank Munoz — Brooklyn College and
The Graduate Center
Rethinking Workers' Power: Land, Labor and Household Production in China and South Africa. Ben Scully
— The Johns Hopkins University; Shaohua Zhan — The Johns Hopkins University
Hazards of Heterogeneity (and Homogeneity): Collective Action and Sanctioning in Microcredit
Groups. Paromita Sanyal — Cornell University
John William Clarry, Bloomfield College
92. Is America Post-Racial?: Race, Racism, and Distance - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00
Internalized Racism: Exploring the Experience of African Americans. Tana James — University at Albany
The Post-Racial America Story: Realities and Dreams. Jazmyne Washington — Southern Connecticut
State University; Peggy Delfino — Southern Connecticut State University; Michelle Chau — Southern
Connecticut State University
The National Social Distance Study: Ten Years Later. Vincent N. Parrillo — William Paterson
University; Christopher Donoghue — Kean University
Anti-racism frames by class: What would more working-class diversity practices look like? Betsy LeondarWright — Boston College
Exploring Color-Blind Racism and Racial Inequity in a Collegiate Environment. Michael Ortiz — CUNY
Brooklyn College
93. Understanding Gangs, Understanding Violence - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Bloods in New York. Lawrence Kelly — John Jay College; Louis Kontos — john jay college; Douglas E.
Thompkins — John Jay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY
Struggling with Ambiguity and Uncertainty: Standards and Sense-making in a Gang-Violence Intervention
Program. Joshua Wakeham — Harvard University
"Slammed by the Media" . Margaret Boyd — Stonehill College; Heather O'Keefe — Stonehill College
Avi Brisman, Emory University
94. Approaches to Economic Struggles - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Households Transformed by Unemployment: A Relational Approach. Joanne Wang Golann — Princeton
Barriers to Health Care: Bifurcated Ideologies and Practices and the Challenge of Action Research . Mary
Tuominen — Denison University
A letter to program evaluation: Misrepresenting poverty in comprehensive community
initiatives. Michelle Ronda — Marymount Manhattan College
Tools That Build Ties. Philipp Brandt — Columbia University
95. Media Narratives and Public Opinion in 2012 - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Lynn Chancer, Hunter College
Presider: Lynn Chancer, Hunter College
Women Soldiers at War: Public Images Trauma, Betrayal and Loyalty. Helen Benedict — Columbia
University School of Journalism
From OJ Simpson to Dominique Strauss-Kahn: The Politics of High-Profile Crimes and Celebrity. Lynn
Chancer — Hunter College
Bernie Madoff, Media Scandals and American Culture: Business Cycles and White Collar Crime. Colleen
Eren — Graduate Center of the City University of New York
Media Coverage of 9/11 in 2011. Isabel Pinedo — Hunter College
Michael Schudson, Columbia University
96. Production of Cultural Capital - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
How class and race/ethnicity shape parenting practices: comparing Asian and Latino/a second-generation
immigrants' post-secondary education pathways. Vicky Maldonado — McMaster University
Head Start Advantage?: The Cumulative Effects of Family-Based Cultural Resources on Educational
Achievement Outcomes. Sonya Conner — Worcester State University
Transferring Ambitions: Families Negotiating Opportunity Consumption. Cara Bowman — Boston
Can I Do It My Way? Social Class and Children's Efforts to Negotiate Classroom Rules. Jessica McCrory
Calarco — University of Pennsylvania
Making Methodological Individuals: Changing Conceptions of Proper Childrearing among Rural-to-Urban
Migrants in Bolivia. Caitlin Daniel — Harvard University
97. Comparative Perspectives on Educational Opportunities - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM10:00 AM
Youth, Change, and the Educational Divide in China. Gregory Adams — Southern Connecticut State
University; Richard C Tessler — University of Massachusetts Amherst
Inequality of Educational Opportunity in China and Japan. Pianpian Carolyn Xu — Yale University
What Can Sustainable Education Mean in Post-Earthquake Haiti? Cynthia Bogard — Hofstra University
School Choice and Academic Achievement in Comparative Perspective. Daniel A Long — Weslyan
University; Catherine Doren — Weslyan University
98. Framing and Beyond - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Gay Conservatives, the Discourse of Civil Society, and Moving Beyond Simply Framing. Edward Gallagher
— New York University
Protests at Gallaudet: A Mirror Into the Deaf Community. Kimberlee A. Bachman — Boston College
The Framing of Protest Narrative: The Occupy Wall Street Social Movement ("We Are the 99%" and other
Framing Devices). Joseph Trumino — St. John's University
"That is Completely unAfrican": Oppositional and parallel frames of Western sexual imperialism in subSaharan Africa. Sasha Rodriguez — Stony Brook University
99. Recovered Theorists - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Bridges Over Troubled Waters: Socio-Theological Visions in W.E.B. Du Bois's Darkwater: Voices from
Within the Veil . Cheryl Townsend Gilkes — Colby College
Achieving Dewey's Vision of a Radical Democracy: The Necessary Contributions of George Herbert Mead
. David W. Woods — Southern Connecticut State University; David W. Woods — Southern Connecticut
State University
Between Erving Goffman and Michel Foucault: The Interaction Order and Power as Complementary
Modalities of Socialization . Black Hawk Hancock — DePaul University
The Sociologist As Tragic Hero: A Reading of the Story of Sociology, with Help from Aristotle. Clayton
Fordahl — Stony Brook University
100. Identity, Integration, and Trust - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Partnership as a Product of Trust: Parent-Teacher Relational Trust in an Urban School . Heather Bleakley
— Temple University
Socioeconomic status vs. Immigrant identity: high-income immigrants negotiate education for their
children in the Northeast.. Catalina Crespo-Sancho — Columbia University, Teachers College; Lindsey
Dixon — Teachers College, Columbia University;Katalin Orosz — Teachers College, Columbia
University; Natalia Perez Uribe — ; Frances Sinanu — Teachers College, Columbia University; Peng Yin —
Teachers College, Columbia University ; Zhu Zhu — Teachers College, Columbia University
Identity between Cultures: The Reinterpretation Model. Elyakim Kislev — Columbia University
101. Ethnography and the World of Fiction - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Richard E. Ocejo, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
Presider: Richard E. Ocejo, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
Looking through 'Lush Life': Writing about gentrification and nightlife on the Lower East Side. Richard E.
Ocejo — John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
Walking is writing is walking: Storytelling in public places and on the page. Jonathan Wynn — UMass
Of fiction and fieldwork: Jonathan Lethem's Boerum Hill. Philip Kasinitz — Graduate Center and Hunter
College, CUNY
There's No Place Like Home: Nostalgia, Research, and Fictional Reality in the South Bronx. Randol
Contreras — California State University, Fullerton
102. Issues in Critical Rural Studies - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Alexander Thomas, SUNY Oneonta
Agricultural Cooperatives in the Interstices. Thomas W Gray — USDA
Taking the Cure: The Rural as a Place of Health and Wellbeing. Stephanie Bennett — College of Saint
Tourism and Retail Diversity in Small Town Business Districts. Alexander Thomas — SUNY
Oneonta; Gregory M Fulkerson — SUNY Oneonta; Polly J Smith — Utica College; Brian M Lowe — SUNY
Television's New Crime Territory: Justified, Rural Crime, and Popular Culture . Karen Hayden —
Merrimack College
103. Networks and Economies - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
The Network Structure of Sovereign Debt Defaults. Doga Kerestecioglu — University of
Pennsylvania; Mauro F Guillen — University of Pennsylvania
Networks and the Wealth of Nations: Global Trade Flows from 1980-2000. Manish Nag — Princeton
"'Why must we keep coming back?' Mobilizing interorganizational networks during extreme
uncertainty". Katherine K. Chen — The City College of New York and Graduate Center, City University of
New York
Stephen Eugene Halebsky, SUNY Cortland
104. The Varieties of Religious Diversity - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Pilgrimage, Tourism, and Development in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India. Sarah Searcy — East Carolina University
Maintaining Fellowship Despite Significant Diversity: An Amish Example. Thomas E. Gallagher — Ursinus
Religion and Family in Ghana: When Families become Multi-Faith. Mansa Bilal Mark King — Morehouse
Reformed Buddhists and Capital-linked Immigrants in Shanghai. Weishan HUANG — Max Planck Institute
for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
105. Narrating Collective Identities - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Economies of Professional Storytellers: Mapping the Relation between Travel Writer, Tourism Marketing
and the Nation-State. Tim Rosenkranz — New School for Social Research
Somali Storytelling in Maine: Exploring the Relationship between Storytelling Models and Constructions of
Identity. Kimberly Huisman — University of Maine
Collective Identities and Formal Ideologies in the Irish Grassroots Pro-Asylum Seeker Movement. Niall
Moran — Keene State College
Lynette Spillman, University of Notre Dame
106. Development, Institutions, and Human Rights - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Central Mandates and Local Interests: the Conflict over Irrigation and Road Investment in China. Lingli
Huang — Johns Hopkins University
Leapfrog or Locked in: An Institutional Approach toward China's Innovation System. Tianyue Ma — State
University of New York
Institutions as Social Devices: Building a Link between Political Action and Historical Processes. José
Tomás Atria — Columbia University
Mechanism Of tension Management and Human Rights In Nigeria :A critical Analysis.. Zacchaeus
Ogunnika — virginia state universty
107. Health Problems - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Ronald Reagan as Diabetes Risk Factor: How Stress in the Neoliberal Age Damages Health. Greg
Smithsimon — Brooklyn College, CUNY
Segregation and Cardiovascular Risk. Antwan Jones — The George Washington University
The Movement of Women between Local Jails and Disadvantaged Communities: A Case Study of Sexual
Health Risk. Megha Ramaswamy — University of Kansas School of Medicine
108. Making Homes and Families - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Denise Copelton, The College at Brockport, SUNY
"We're in Charge of the Health": Women and the Medicalization of Home Cooking . Carol Lindquist —
Stony Brook University
How does homophily in health behaviors explain marriage durability? Mark Carroll Pachucki — UC
Berkeley; William A. Satariano — UC Berkeley
You Are My World -- The Social Embeddedness of Remarriage. Muh-Chung Lin — University of Chicago
109. Unequal Childhoods - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Weight Identity and Weight Narratives: Motivating Behavior Change to Combat Childhood
Obesity. Maeve Gearing — Duke University
Unequal Childhoods, Unequal Health. Kara Dewhurst — University of Virginia
Multiple Child-Care Arrangements and Early Childhood Health. Jen-Hao Chen — University of Chicago
Not Just Tiger Moms: Differential Parenthoods and Unequal Childhoods in Taiwan . Pei-Chia Lan —
Harvard University
Disrupted by Violence: Children's well-being and families' economic, social, and cultural capital in Ciudad
Juárez. Alma Angelica Hernandez — University of New Mexico; Sara Grineski — University Of Texas at El
110. Teaching Writing - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Limitations and Successes-Using "New" Technology for Reading, Writing, and Research in an
Undergraduate Classroom. Binh Pok — Graduate Center-CUNY
Writing as Policy or Writing as Practice? The Changing Role of Writing Programs in an Era of
Accountability. Suzanne Hudd — Quinnipiac University; Sally Mitchell — Queen Mary, University of
"Teaching about Researching and Writing an Undergraduate Thesis". Marybeth F Ayella — Saint Joseph's
University; Kim Logio — Saint Joseph's University
Natalie Patricia Byfield, St. John's University
111. Success and Defeat: Narratives of Competition - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Beyond the board: Firsthand accounts of chess players.. Nicolas Simon — University of Connecticut
The Collective Production of Emotions for American Idol Auditions. Junhow Wei — University of
Ashley Mears, Boston University
112. Framing Reproduction - Mini-conference: Reproduction - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Presider: Yu-ling Huang, SUNY at Binghamton
Who Speaks for Whom? The politics of gender, race, and authenticity in social movements . Zakiya Luna
— University of Wisconsin
There's Abortion, and Then There's Everything Else: Mainstream Media's Coverage of Reproductive
Issues. Carrie Lee Smith — Millersville University
"Have I got a story for you!": Professional decisions & moral visions as reflected in doulas' birth
stories.. Nicole Gallicchio — University of Chicago
Reproducing Stories: How Young Mothers Negotiate Dominant and Alternative Narratives on Teen
Pregnancy . Christie Barcelos — University of Massachusetts Amherst; Aline C Gubrium — University of
Massachusetts Amherst
Teaching Sociology of Reproduction. Caitlin Killian — Drew University
113. Panel 1: Choosing Homes, Choosing Schools Mini Conference - Mini-conference: Choosing Homes, Choosing
Schools - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizers: Michael Bader, American; Annette Lareau, University of Pennsylvania
"Non-Decision Decisions" Unpacking the Process Whereby Parents Decide Where to Live. Annette Lareau
— University of Pennsylvania
"Housing, Education and Family Dynamics: How Poor Families Get Trapped in Low Performing Schools and
What We Can Do About It". Stefanie DeLuca — Johns Hopkins University; Peter Rosenblatt — Johns
Hopkins University
"Beyond Test Scores: Middle-Class Parents and the Evaluation of Urban Public Schools". Shelley
Kimelberg — Northeastern University; University at Buffalo-SUNY
"When Choosing Homes and Choosing Schools are Decoupled: The Case of Wake County, NC, 19762011". Toby Parcel — North Carolina State University; Andrew Taylor — North Carolina State University
Patrick Sharkey, New York University
114. Internal Engagements - Mini-conference: Social Movements - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Donors, Individual and Institutional, Domestic and International: Allies and Potential Allies. Sean Chabot
Networks of Members and Supporters. Ann Mische —
Internal Factions. Francesca Polletta — University of California Irvine
James Jasper, CUNY-Graduate Center
115. The Body in Security - Mini-Conference: Security - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
Neurogovernance, Biology and Feminist Critique in the Age of the Brain . Victoria Pitts-Taylor — City
University of New York
The Security Dispositif. Michael Shapiro — University of Hawaii
(How) Are You Experienced? Inhabiting the Securitized Body. Florentina Andreescu — University of Miami
"A genealogy of the ticking time bomb narrative". Lisa Stampnitzky — Harvard University
116. Sociologists for Women in Society - Meeting - Friday Feb 24 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Laura West Steck, York College of Pennsylvania
10:15 AM-11:45 AM
117. Telling Sexual Stories - Thematic Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizer: Mary Ann Clawson, Weslyan University
Presider: Naomi Gerstel, University of Massachussets - Amherst
Stories of Slavery and Freedom in Debates about Sex Trafficking. Elizabeth Bernstein — Barnard
Untitled Paper for Telling Sexual Stories. Amy Schalet — University of Massachusetts Amherst
New Stories? New Subjects? Discourses of Sex/Gender/Sexuality and the Emergence of Transgender
Childhood. Karl Bryant — SUNY New Paltz
118. Ethnography in the First Person II - Special Presidential Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizer: Sudhir Venkatesh, Columbia University
Insights in Place. Diane Vaughan — Columbia University
From the Nativist's Point of View. Harel Shapira — new york university
Making Multiple Uses of the Self (Really Oneself) in First Person Qualitative Inquiry. Alford Young Jr —
University of Michigan
119. Conversations on Race and Gender - Special Presidential Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizer: Enobong Hannah Branch, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Presider: Margaret Andersen, University of Delaware
Joya Misra, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Tufuku Zuberi, University of Pennsylvania
120. Violence Against Latina Women by Roberta Villalon - Author-Meets-Critics - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45
Organizer: Lisa Brush
Evan Stark, Rutgers Unversity-Newark
Kathleen Ferraro, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Elizabeth Schneider, Brooklyn Law School
Barbara Sutton, University of Albany
Roberta Villalon, St John's University
121. Politics in 140 Characters or Less: Mobilizing Online - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM11:45 AM
The Strength of Weak Ties? Understanding Twitter's use in the 2011 'Arab Spring' Uprisings. Dhiraj
Murthy — Bowdoin College
WikiCliques: Using network analysis to understand large-scale leaks of state secrets. Ryan Hagen —
Columbia University
Tweet, Retweet, Follow, Act: A Theoretical and Methodological Approach for Using Twitter to Study
Political Activism. Rachel M. Durso — Ohio State University; Matthew Stearmer — The Ohio State
Susan Carol Pearce, East Carolina University
122. Transgender Narratives - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Stories of Transgender People in the Workplace. Kyla Bender-Baird — CUNY Graduate Center
Transgender Identity Work at International Call Centers in the Philippines. Emmanuel David — Villanova
The feeling of oppression: An affective analysis of trans and gender variant people's narratives of everyday
interactions. Sonny Nordmarken — University of Massachusetts Amherst
Gender Variant Neologisms, Essentialist Identities, and Stories About Truth. Widow Centauri — San Diego
State University
Trans/gender Sexualities: (Re)Defining the Boundaries of Sexual Identity. Reese Kelly — University at
Albany - SUNY
123. Development and World Systems - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Benchmarking Development. Andrew Shiotani — Teachers College, Columbia University
Sociology on Latin America in the 1960s: Developmentalism, Imperialism, and Topical Tropism. Dimitri
della Faille — Universite du Quebec en Outaouais
Energy and the Evolution of World-Systems: Fueling Power and Environmental Degradation, 1800-2008
. Kirk Lawrence — St. Joseph's College, New York
Globalized Contradictions of Capitalism and the Imperative for Epochal Change. John Asimakopoulos —
City University of New York
The Double Helix of China's Rise: A Chinese Model of Development? Xiaoshuo Hou — St. Lawrence
124. Immigrant Destinations - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Puerto Rican and Dominican Socioeconomic Status in the Northeast: A Comparative Analysis. Gilbert
Marzan — Bronx Community College CUNY
Why Atlanta?: Afro-Caribbeans and the New Great Migration to the South. LaToya Asantelle Tavernier —
CUNY-The Graduate Center
Caribbean Female Immigrants in New York:Reasons and Disillusions. Michael Flynn Fabiola FernandezSalek — ; Michael Flynn Fabiola Fernandez-Salek —
125. Organizations and Leadership - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Educators and Founders: How Leadership Evolved. Joyce Tang — Queens College of the City University of
New York
Leadership Stories from Voluntary Organizations. Jaskiran Kaur Mathur — St. Francis College; Ramanjit
Kaur Johal — Panjab University
Explaining Organizational Conflict: A Quantitative Study of Homeowners' Associations. Courtney
Feldscher — Boston University
Media Diversity and the FCC: Institutional Considerations. Jason Smith — George Mason Universty; Sarah
Stonbely — New York University
Constructing a self: organizations and their stories . Joris Gjata — University of Virginia
126. Urban Governance and Determinants of Service Provision - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15
AM-11:45 AM
Use Value Politics and the Consolidation of a New Urban Regime in Mexico City. Esther HernándezMedina — Brown University
Politics and Emerging Forms of Urban Governance in Turkey and India. Burak Kose — York University
Race, City Service Requests, and Urban Political Behavior. Jeremy Levine — Harvard University; Carl
Gershenson — Harvard University
Framing the Fight: Civic Politics and the Regulation of Adult Entertainment Urban Space in a Toronto Inner
Suburb. Brenna Keatinge — University of Toronto
Enhancing Capabilities in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Toward a Spatial Measure of State Impact . Patrick
Heller — Brown University; Marcelo Bohrt Seeghers — Brown University; Diana Graizbord — Brown
127. Getting Out, Going Home - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Formerly Incarcerated Individuals and Their Re-Entry Challenges. April Risley — ; Suvarna Cherukuri —
Siena College
Theorizing Restorative Offender Reentry. Kathryn Fox — University of Vermont
Access to Medicaid and Recidivism among Female Prison Releases by Psychiatric Disorder. Naomi J.
Spence — Lehman College, CUNY; Andrew M. Cislo — UNC
Back on the Block: Community Re-entry and Re-integration of Formerly Incarcerated Youth. Don Sawyer
— Syracuse University; Anthony Nocella — Hamline University
Getting Comfortable with "Uncomfortability": Re-Entry and Felon Disenfranchisement. CalvinJohn Smiley
— The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
128. Narrative Methods - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Storied Methodologies: Innovative Uses of Narrative in Research. Andrew Junker — Yale University
Narrative Analysis, Blurring the Lines between Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. Natalie Patricia
Byfield — St. John's University
Telling Stories about Ourselves and Our Projects in the Field. Amanda Gengler — Brandeis
University; Matthew Ezzell — James Madison University
Research Subjects' Reactions to the Sociological Narrative: The Case of Seven Shots: An NYPD Raid on a
Terrorist Cell and Its Aftermath (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010) . Jennifer C Hunt — Montclair
State University
Storytelling and Resistance in Personal Narrative: Velma Johnson's Southwest Louisiana . Wanda Addison
— National University
129. Racial Attitudes and Stigma - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Thinking Through Race: Stigma, Welfare Receipt, and Whiteness . Melissa Ann MacDonald — University
of California Santa Barbara
Is it only "lip service"? Examining paternalism in racial attitudes. Jeffrey Dixon — College of the Holy
Cross; Sean Whited — College of the Holy Cross
Equally Unequal: Post 9/11 Media and Policies from the Perspectives of Muslim Americans . Michelle
Byng — Temple University
Poor with Just Cause: Mediated Discussions of a Culture of Poverty in Post-Obama America. Imaani ElBurki Greene — Drexel University
130. Ambiguities of Knowledge - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Translation Work: How Think Tanks Move Ideas Across Field Boundaries . John VP McLevey — McMaster
Stories of Science, Myth, and Metaphor: Sense-making and the Nature of Ancestral Claims . Claire Maiers
— University of Virginia
Hyphenation and Its Discontents: Categories of Transgression and the Politics of Ambiguity . Rachelle
Germana — Rutgers University; Rachelle Germana — Rutgers University
Bringing Utopia Back In: Utopias and the Analysis of Technological Discourse . Julia Schroeder —
University of Virginia
131. Jewish Narratives in Varying Contexts - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Session is co-sponsored by Association for the Social Scientific study of Jewry (ASSJ)
Organizer: Harriet Hartman, Rowan University
Presider: Rosanna Hertz, Wellesley College
Assimilation/erosion or resilience/revival Narratives: Putting the Flesh on Demographic Bones. Debra
Kaufman — Northeastern University
Education, Religious Narratives, and the Power of Social Context. Maria Van Ryn — Yeshiva University
Dating 'Mister Fun': Jewish College Students' Narratives About Intermarriage . Ariela Keysar — Trinity
Small Town Secrets: Storied Lives of Milwaukee Jews. Jack Nusan Porter — Spencer Institute
Judith Gerson, Rutgers University
132. "You'll Never Graduate or Get Tenure Doing That!": Doing Multi-Year Research Projects and Negotiating
Tenure and Promotion Timelines. - Workshop - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizers: Carrie Lee Smith, Millersville University; Theresa Morris, Trinity College
Jerome Hodos — Franklin & Marshall College
Carrie Lee Smith — Millersville University
Theresa Morris — Trinity College
Louise Roth — University of Arizona
Kim Price-Glynn — University of Connecticut
133. Going to College - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
How do mentoring programs geared towards urban African American males define and measure success?
. Kai Jenkins — George Washington University
Onward and Upward: the Disadvantaged Student's Decision to Enroll in College. Ainsley Lambert —
University of Cincinnati
How do Chinese students decide to come to the United States for higher education? : The role of social
capital at multiple levels. Naejin Kwak — Teachers College, Columbia University
Catherine Berheide, Skidmore College
134. Expanding Educational Opportunities - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Mentoring in the Lives of Sexual Minority Youth. Dominique Johnson — Ramapo College of New
Jersey; Billie Gastic — Beam Youth Collaborative
Gendered Stances: Conditional and Unconditional Loan Aversion Among Low-Income Students. Jeremy M
Schulz — Cornell University
Looking to the Bottom in Higher Education. Kijana Crawford — Rochester Institute of Technology
Through the Eyes of Teachers: The functions of alternative schooling for at-risk youth. Janese Free —
Emmanuel College; Amy Longwell — Emmanuel College; Jenny Konecnik — Emmanuel College
Examining the Minority Study Abroad Experience. Olivia Blackmon — George Mason University; Ruth
Jackson — George Mason University
135. Sick Selves - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Disease and Stigma: The Sociological Dimensions of Celiac Disease.. Thomas Mowen — University of
Delaware; Ryan D Schroeder — University of Louisville
Borderline Contagious: Non-fatal STIs and Alternative Constructions of Contagion. Amanda Delong — The
New School for Social Research
Drug abusing Medical Professionals. Virginia McGovern — Mount Saint Mary's University; Martin Malone
— Mount Saint Mary's University
Not Just a Headache: A Qualitative Study of Migraine Headaches in the Workplace. Lisa Pollich — CUNY
Graduate Center
136. Race and Weight - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
A Conceptual Model of Community Stress on Obesity: Implications for African Americans. Raja Staggers —
Eastern Connecticut State University; Ivor L Livingston — Howard University
Weighing in on Heavy Issues: Exploring Race, Nativity, and Obesity in Relationship to Fertility. Karyn
Alayna Stewart — Syracuse University
Bearing the Weight: Black Women and Obesity. Janice Johnson Dias — CUNY/John Jay College of Criminal
Investigating Overweight among Children in Ghana, West Africa, 1988-2008. Jordan Conwell — Bates
College; Jennifer Van Hook — The Pennsylvania State University; Melissa Hardy — The Pennsylvania State
University; Marylee Taylor — The Pennsylvania State University
137. Inequality and Education - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Marginalized within the Borderlands: The Undocumented Citizen Students of Texas-Pan
American. Christian Ramirez — UT-Pan American
Against The Odds. Ranita Ray — University of Connecticut
A Review of Critical Race Theory in Educational Research. Gokhan Savas — Syracuse University
Using Narrative to Reveal the Contexts of Early School Leaving. Jeanne Cameron — Tompkins Cortland
Community College
138. Teaching with Stories - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Learning through Experience: The Necessity of Feminism in the Classroom. Cheryl Llewellyn — State
University of New York at Stony Brook; Amanda Kennedy — State University of New York at Stony Brook
Storied Lives: Poster Boards and Personal Narratives as a Springboard for Teaching the Sociological
Imagination. Linda L. Semu — McDaniel College
More than a Picture. Colin Adams — berkshire community college
Margaret Walsh, Keene State College
139. Moral Orders - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizer: Elizabeth Mitchell Armstrong, Princeton
Road Rules: Ethical Understandings of Non-Elite Runners . April Henning — CUNY Graduate Center
Stories of magic: making it "work" together. Alex Boklin — George Mason University
Language(s) of Emotion: Cases from Popular Culture & Politics . E Doyle McCarthy — Fordham
University; Stephanie Laudone — Fordham University
140. Modern Interventions in Reproduction - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Reproduction: Looking at the Larger Picture. Latoya Lee — SUNY Binghamton University
Disciplining Vaginas: How Modern Medicine Normalizes C-Section Delivery in Turkey. Zeynep ArtanBayhan — CUNY, Graduate Center
The Internet Crafting of Medical Tourism:Promoting "Fertility Paradises" and "Tango-and-Nip-Tuck"
Tours. Anahi Viladrich — Queens College, CUNY
Mary Ann Lamanna, University of Nebraska at Omaha
141. Ethnicity and Locality - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Employers Perceptions about Hispanic/Latino Workers . Rebecca S. Powers — East Carolina University
Complex Trajectories of Legal Status among Senegalese Migrants in Europe. Erik Vickstrom — Princeton
Elizabeth Clifford, Towson University
142. Situating Reproduction Across/In Institutions, Organizations, and States - Mini-conference: Reproduction Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Presider: Juliana Marton, University of Vermont
Civil war, cold war, and controlling reproduction: Birth planning after pronatalism in two Chinas in the
1950s. Yu-ling Huang — SUNY at Binghamton
The Paradox of Post-abortion Care (PAC): the Medicalization of a Quasi-Legal Practice in Senegal. Siri Suh
— Columbia University
Breastfeeding Discourses in U.S. State Laws. Shannon Carter — University of Central Florida; James
McCutcheon — University of Central Florida
State-Sponsored Anti-Abortion Propaganda? An Analysis of Mandated Abortion Counseling Materials
. Katherine Johnson — The Pennsylvania State University
Nurse-Midwife Narratives: A Medical Ethnography of a Hospital-Based Nurse-Midwife Service . Maureen
May — Syracuse University
Ethnic differences in fertility rates, women's educational attainment, and pronatalist policies in
Singapore. Shirley Hsiao-Li Sun — Nanyang Technological University
Alternative Conceptions: Lesbian Reproduction in Germany. Alicia VandeVusse — University of Chicago
Fertile Fields: The Social Movement Foundations of Reproductive Control Organizations' Services, Frames,
and Tactics. Krista Frederico — The University of Arizona; Marie Cornwall — Brigham Young University
Silent no more: Reproductive justice and recognizing stillbirth . Patricia Wonch Hill — University of
Nebraska - Lincoln; Joanne Cacciatore — Arizona State University
Paradoxes to Offer: The Women's Health Movement as a Feminist Project. Wendy M. Parker — Albany
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
143. Panel 2: Choosing Homes, Choosing Schools Mini Conference - Mini-conference: Choosing Homes, Choosing
Schools - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizers: Annette Lareau, University of Pennsylvania; Michael Bader, American
Structuring Spatial Segregation through Place-Based Stigma. Michael Bader — American
Price vs. Pets, Schools vs. Styles: The Residential Priorities of the American Upper-Middle Class . Michèle
Lamont — Harvard University; Lauren Rivera — Northwestern University
Managing the Perception of Educational Organizations: Reputation Work among School District Officials
. Elliot Weininger — SUNY Brockport
Moving for the Kids: Examining the Influence of Children on White Residential Segregation. Kimberly
Goyette — Temple University; John Iceland — Pennsylvania State University; Elliot Weininger — SUNY
Pathways to Racial Integration. Ingrid Ellen — New York University; Keren Horn — New York
University; Katherine O'Regan — New York University
Karyn Lacy, University of Michigan
144. Players Formerly Known as the State - Mini-conference: Social Movements - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45
Lawyers and the Courts. Graeme Hayes — Institut D'Etudes Politiques de Rennes; Brian Doherty — Keele
Infiltrators. David Cunningham — Brandeis University; Roberto Soto-Carrion —
Armies and Police. Ian Roxborough — Stony Brook University
Dictators. Vincent Boudreau — City College of New York
Jan Willem Duyvendak
145. Social movements, Activism, and Warfare - Mini-Conference: Security - Friday Feb 24 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
Revolution or Coup d'Etat? Social Movements versus the SCAF in Post-Mubarak Egypt. Amy AustinHolmes — American University in Cairo
The impact of internet activism on protest policing in China. Guobin Yang — Columbia University
Securing the Revolution: The Arab Spring and the Obstacles to Freedom. Stephen Eric Bronner — Rutgers
The Role of the Military in the Arab Spring. Ori Swed — University of Texas at Austin
Contested Citizenship: From Risk Narratives to Warfare Security . Erika Marquez — Bryn Mawr College
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
146. Undergraduate Poster Session I - - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
What Shall the Unrighteous Inherit? How Certain Religious Groups Contribute to HIV/AIDS among Poor
Black Women . Brandon Sepulvado — Centenary College of Louisiana
Developing Sociological Explanations: Insights from Two Philosophical Traditions . Brandon Sepulvado —
Centenary College of Louisiana
Corporate Ethics and the Role of the Consumer. Erin Hodgson — Quinnipiac University
Working Wives: A Comparison of Happiness. Eowna C Young Harrison — Bloomsburg University of
Who contributes money to Homeless a Person? . Kelsey Hurst — Bloomsburg University
Factors Affecting Adult's Likelihood towards Having Multiple Sexual Partners. Samantha Rae Levin —
Bloomsburg University
The Grandparent-Grandchild Bond through Young-Adulthood. Devon Ann Grayson-Wallace — Clark
Female Wrestlers in America. Ember Skye Willow Kane-Lee — Brooklyn College
Attitude Towards Professional Sports Over a College Education. Josh Encarnacion — Bloomsburg
The Importance of Mental Evaluation of Parents with Newborns. Jennifer Hernandez — Bronx
Community College of the City University of New York
Gender Performance in Cultural Scripts of Dating and Sexuality. Amanda D'Andrea — Clark University
Perception of College Alcohol Use Policies and Their Relationship to Use Rates on Campus. Ryan J. Bunda
— Cabrini College
The Sociology of Hoarding. Emily Parker — American University
The Development of Taste Identity in America. Samantha Rick — Boston University
"The Legacy of a Comedic Genius": A Cultural Sociological Analysis of Richard Pryor's Entertainment
Career. . Michael Tonge — Bucknell University
Human Trafficking: A Global Social Problem. Tasha Israel — College of Saint Elizabeth
Gender and Hierarchy: Affect on Work Culture at the Brooklyn College Library. Florencio Basquez —
Brooklyn College- CUNY
A Story of Mental Illness Stigma in Western Massachusetts. Paul Johansen — Berkshire Community
College; Colin Adams — berkshire community college
It Takes a Village of Women to Raise a Country: Analysis of Women Grassroots Organizations in Africa
. Amina Musa — Arcadia Univeristy
Social Inequalities in Access to Health for Indigenous Australians. Macaelagh Coyle — Arcadia University
The Minimum Wage versus A Living Wage in New York City. Carlos Taveras — Bronx Community College
of the City University of New York
What Makes an Online Community "Good"?: Queer Communities and Autostraddle.com. Elisa M. Gill —
Boston University
"What's the Reality after its over"? Ndidi Nwagbara — Bronx Community College
Health Insurance Coverage Among Hispanic Adults: The Impact of Immigration . Lucy Grymes Dean —
Bucknell University
Drug Use In Urban Communities: Teens Use Drugs. Alicia Ruddy — College of Saint Elizabeth
School Bullying: The Effect on Victims. Norma Schiavone — College of Saint Elizabeth
The Long Term Effects of Child Sexual Abuse . Vanessa Molina — College of Saint Elizabeth
The Effects Multi-Media has on High School Students. Stacey Corbo — College of Saint Elizabeth
Factors That Affect a Person's Attitude Towards Police Enforcement . Max E. Reyes — Bloomsburg
University of Pennsylvania
Predicting College Delinquency: Differential Association or Social Control? . Kathleen Lalli — Cabrini
The Ravena Case Study: A Booming Railroad Center to a Sleeping Bedroom Community; Ravena, New
York. Jared Reynolds — SUNY-Oneonta
147. The Pedagogical Uses of Stories - Thematic Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: Peter Kaufman, SUNY New Paltz; Todd Schoepflin, Niagara University
'The Details of My Life are Quite Inconsequential': Teaching Students with Their Own Narrative. Peter
Kaufman — SUNY New Paltz
The Sociology of Parties: A Creative Writing Exercise Designed for First-Year Sociology Students. Todd
Schoepflin — Niagara University
Expressing the Unthinkable: Curricular Strategies for Teaching about Global Violence and
Conflict. Danielle T Smith — Rochester Institute of Technology
How to Tell Stories with Theory: The Role of Fiction and Poetry in the Teaching and Learning of Social
Theory. Natalia Ruiz-Junco — American University
148. Social Knowledge in the Making, Michele Lamont - Special Presidential Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM1:30 PM
Phil Gorski, Yale University
Randall Collins, University of Pennsylvania
Gabriel Abend, New York University
Neil Gross, University of British Columbia
149. Historical Perspectives on Care - Special Presidential Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Viviana Zelizer, Princeton University
Presider: Viviana Zelizer, Princeton University
A Lost World of Care? Reflecting on Inheritance and Old Age, 1850-1950. Hendrik Hartog — Princeton
Whose Home Care: Workers and Consumers, Social Welfare and Medicine, a Dialogue. Jennifer Klein —
Yale University; Eileen Boris — University of California Santa Barbara
Applying Coase's Theory of the Firm to the Family. Mary Ann Case — University of Chicago Law School
Viviana Zelizer, Princeton University
150. Opportunity Denied: Limiting Black Women to Devalued Work by Enobong Branch - Author-Meets-Critics Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Nancy Naples, University of Connecticut
Katrina Bell McDonald, Johns Hopkins University
Elizabeth Higginbotham, University of Delaware
Patricia Roos, Rutgers University
Enobong Hannah Branch, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
151. Undergraduate Paper Session I - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
The Psychology of Palestinian Terrorism. John Butler — Louisiana State University
Being Jewish: A Cross-Cultural Case Study of Two Jewish Communities. Julie Pollack — Lafayette College
Expectations to Graduate from College and Drug Availability. Sade Vaughn — Ohio State University
...Seeking the Same: Examining Homophily Patterns in Online Mating. Bradley Powell — Columbia
"Will you have me?": A Content Analysis of Gendered Pursuance in American Romantic
Dramas. Katherine Mary Heeb — Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi; Michael Ramirez — Texas A&M
University- Corpus Christi
152. How to write for mere mortals: Thoughts on Bridging the Journalism-Sociology Divide - Regular Paper
Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Arlene Stein, Rutgers
Ted Conover, Journalist
Ilene Kalish, NYU Press
Arlene Stein, Rutgers
John Torpey, CUNY Graduate Center
153. Educational Outcomes - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Interscholastic Sports Participation and School Based Delinquency: Does participation in sport foster a
positive high school environment? Philip Veliz — University at Buffalo, SUNY
Overlapping Contexts: An Place-Based Examination of Neighborhood and School Effects on Student
Outcomes. Rachel Leventhal-Weiner — University of Connecticut
Is Time of the Essence? Examination of benefits and salary of non-traditional college graduates . Megumi
Omori — Bloomsburg University; Sheila Stamets — Bloomsburg University
How Risk Factors Influence the Academic Lives of At-Risk Youth. Janese Free — Emmanuel
College; Bernadine Desanges — Emmanuel College
Ingrid E Castro, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
154. Immigrant Rights and Collective Identity - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Emergence of "Dreamers": Collective Identity for Undocumented Immigrant Student Social Movement
Actors. Thomas Pineros-Shields — Brandeis University
Who Frames the Rights-Talk and how? Immigrant Associations and Undocumented Immigrants . Zeynep
Kasli — University of Washington, Seattle
Anchoring Narratives: Multicultural Collaboration in the Immigrant Rights Movement. Mia Diaz-Edelman
— Boston University
How Social Networks, Interactive Team Management and Political Opportunities Shape Social Movement
Organization and Expansion. Jane McAlevey — IGC
155. Extending Families - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Re-Conceptualizing Families: The Significance of Extended Family Networks. Marla H Kohlman — Kenyon
The Impact of Caregiver Responsibilities on Employed Adults. Meghan E. Amato — City College of New
York- CUNY
Remaking Ethnic Culture of Elder Care: The Case of Aging Taiwanese Immigrants . Ken C. Sun — College
of William and Mary
156. Public Housing and Neighborhood Change - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Structural Barriers to Stable Housing: An Evaluation of a Rapid-Rehousing Pilot Program for Homeless
Families in Massachusetts. Sara Chaganti — Brandeis University; Tatjana Meschede — Brandeis
Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Embeddedness. Kristin Perkins — Harvard University
Foreclosures and Gated Communities: Evidence from Phoenix and Las Vegas. Elena Vesselinov — Queens
College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York
Mary Clare Lennon, Graduate Center, CUNY
157. Media Depictions - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Helpful Husbands and Winsome Wives: An Exploration of Romantic Norms and Ideal Types in Advice
Column Narratives. Kimberly McGann — Nazareth College
The Media's Construction of what it means to have the 'Perfect' Wedding: A Content Analysis of Wedding
Media. Kirstie Kemmerer — Indiana University of Pennsylvania
From Mean Girl to Monster: Lindsay Lohan, Celebrity, and the Demonic "Addict". Rebecca Tiger —
Middlebury College
Swamp People: Reality Television and the Construction of Class & Culture . Francesca Tripodi —
University of Virginia
158. Stigmatization and Interracial Relationships - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
"A Fly in the Milk: Intersectionality and White Family Opposition to Black-White Couples". Chinyere Osuji
— University of Pennsylvania
Desexualizing Japan: The Reconstruction of the Post-occupation Japanese Nation . Masako Endo —
Rowan University
Racialized Desires and Romance: Exploring Romance Tourism in Colombia. Julia Meszaros — Florida
International University
David Paul Strohecker, University of Maryland College Park
159. Vulnerable/ Valuable: interrogating transnational narratives about women's bodies - Regular Paper Session
- Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Poulami Roychowdhury, New York University
Transitional Justice and its Stories: Complicating the Genocidal Rape Monologue in Rwanda. Jenna
Appelbaum — New York University
Narrations of "Adolescent Girls'" Bodies within "The Girl Effect" . Kathryn Moeller — University of
California, Berkeley
Liminal Trafficking: Fashion Scouts at the Edge of Global Stigma. Ashley Mears — Boston University
Narrative Disjunctures: why female survivors of violence avoid the Indian state. Poulami Roychowdhury
— New York University
Lynne Haney, New York University
160. Becoming Adults - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Today's Youth, Tomorrow's Leaders?: Changes in Civic and Political Engagement Attitudes across
Immigrant Generations. Radha Modi — University of Pennsylvania
From adolescence to adulthood: The social and structural determinants of charitable activity among young
adults. Jodi Benenson — Brandeis University
Current Work and Future Work: How Adolescent Employment Affects Occupational Aspirations . Sampson
Lee Blair — SUNY - Buffalo; Patricia E. Neff — Edinboro University
Dare to Dream? Cohort and Gender Effects on Young Adults' Career Attainment Before and After the Great
Recession. Nadia Winds Morgen — University of New Hampshire
Being Prepared (And Staying Connected): Scouting's Influence on Social Capital. Edward Polson —
Messiah College; Young-Il Kim — Baylor University; Sung Joon Jang — Baylor University; Byron R. Johnson
— Baylor University; Buster Smith — Catawba College
161. Storied Lives in Publishing and the Literary Field - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Casey Brienza, University of Cambridge
Beyond Print: How Hybrid Books are Redefining Storytelling and Authorship. Marianne Martens —
Rutgers University
Regionalism and the Publishing Class: Are Publishers Outside of New York Satellites or Alternative Cores in
the U.S. Literary Field? Clayton Childress — Wesleyan University
Globalizing the literary field: Literary scouts in New York. Thomas Franssen — University of Amsterdam
The Production of Practice: Publishing Houses and a New Theory of the Culture Industries. Casey Brienza
— University of Cambridge
162. Constructing Identity - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Switching Selves: Exploring Culture's Influence on Everyday Social Action. Karen Danna — Hampshire
Creating Frames: The Influence of People and Place in Constructing Identity. Karen Stein — Rutgers
How People Resolve the Inexplicable: A Social Psychology of Sense-Making in Property Loss. Brandon
Berry — UCLA
E Doyle McCarthy, Fordham University
163. Film and Sociology - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
The Filmmaker and the Censor: A Curious Tale of Romance and Terror. Andrew Owen — Cabrini College
The Birth of Aliens Created the Pyramids Movies: Drawing Back the Curtain on Neo-Colonial
Mythology. James Curiel — the American University in Cairo; Mike McMullen — University of Houston Clear Lake; Susan McEwen — the American University in Cairo
Using a Classic Film Clip to Teach Classical Concepts: Chaplin on Rationalization and Alienation. . Christine
Bowditch — Lehigh Carbon Community College
Art or Entertainment: A Comparison of the American and Foreign Films . Heidi Rademacher — Stony
Brook University
164. The State of the Media - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Media Sociology since the 1960s: Recent work, best practices, and ways forward. Sarah Stonbely — New
York University
Revolution as Metaphor: The Cable and Information Revolutions in American Journalism. Elizabeth
Breese — Yale University
Bridging the Gap: How To Break the Polarizing Forces of the Media, Corporations, and Politicians
. Matthew Sinisi — Queens College
165. Secrets and Trust - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Trust and Political Participation: China as a Case. Licheng Qian — University of Virginia
Ryan Hagen, Columbia University
166. Religion in International Context - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Korean Christianity in Confucian context. KT Chun — none
Pathways to Protestantism: Religious Switching Among Latinos in Chicago Congregations. Jessica Hamar
Martinez — University of Arizona
Farha Ternikar, Le Moyne College
167. Race and Gender in Colonized Spaces - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
"Bodies of Remembrance: Women, Memory and Tales of Slavery on the Swahili Coast". Erica Alane HillYates — University of Illinois
The Windrush 5 year plan: The Underlying Tremors within the Afro-Caribbean Society.. Nessa Adams —
Brunel University
SERVICE, 1930s BRITISH WEST INDIES. Cecilia Anne Green — Syracuse University
Paul Khalil Saucier, Rhode Island College
168. Educational Aspirations - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Multigenerational Relationships Effect on Children's Academic Aspiration. Amanda Hayes — George
Washington University
The construction of multicultural consciousness by future educators. George Still — SUNY
Plattsburgh; Jean Ann Hunt — SUNY Plattaburgh
Stories of "Miseducation" by DuBois and Others. Barbara Wyche — Fort Valley
Youth Immigrants: Language Acquisition and Assimilation . Lady Jimenez — New Jersey City Universtiy
169. Still Killing the Black Body: Understanding Race, Reproduction, and Liberty in Contemporary Social Contexts
- Mini-conference: Reproduction - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Elizabeth Chiarello, Princeton University
Dorothy Roberts, Northwestern University
Lisa Sun Hee Park, University of Minnesota
Jeanne Flavin, Fordham University/National Advocates for Pregnant Women
170. Panel 3: Choosing Homes, Choosing Schools Mini Conference - Mini-conference: Choosing Homes, Choosing
Schools - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: Annette Lareau, University of Pennsylvania; Michael Bader, American
The Reciprocal Relationship Between Integrated Housing and Education: A Synthesis of Social Science
Research. Roslyn Mickelson — University of North Carolina at Charlotte
The Geography of Inequality: Why Separate Means Unequal in American Public Schools.. John Logan —
Brown University; Elisabeta Minca — Brown University; Sinem Adar — Brown University
Complicating School Choice for Middle Class Parents: Identity, Ideology and the Search for a "Good
School". Erin Horvat — Temple University; Maia Cucchiara — Temple University
The Diversity of Integration in a Multi-Ethnic Metropolis: What do whites, African Americans and Latinos
Imagine? Maria Krysan — University of Illinois at Chicago
Karolyn Tyson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
171. Players Formerly Known as the State Part Two - Mini-conference: Social Movements - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00
PM-1:30 PM
Bureaucrats/civil servants/layers of government. Christian Broer — University of Amsterdam
Other Layers of Government. Imrat Verhoeven — University of Amsterdam
Other Nations' Governments and Populations. Robert Brym — ; Jeff Goodwin — New York University
Movements of Opponents. Clifford Bob — Duquesne University
James Jasper, CUNY-Graduate Center
172. The State in Question - Mini-Conference: Security - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
Innocents Abroad: American 'Security' and the Invasion of Iraq. John Ehrenberg — Long Island University
What Happens When Islamists Win? Lessons From the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's Foray into
Parliamentary Politics. Dalia Fahmi — Long Island University
Borderline Insecurity: Canada and the United States. Erin Gibbs Van Brunschot — University of
Calgary; Leslie W. Kennedy — Rutgers University
Global Migration, Border Control, and the Rise of the Police/Armed Force Repression. Immanuel Ness —
Brooklyn College, CUNY
US-Pakistan Security Dilemma in Afghanistan. Fida Mohammad — SUNY, Oneonta
173. Jane Jacobs: An Urbanist's New York - Local Interest - Friday Feb 24 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Sharon Zukin, CUNY-Brooklyn College and Graduate Center
Presider: Sharon Zukin, CUNY-Brooklyn College and Graduate Center
Michael Sorkin, City College of New York
Philip Kasinitz, Graduate Center and Hunter College, CUNY
Japonica Brown-Saracino, Boston University
1:45 PM-3:15 PM
174. Undergraduate Poster Session II - - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Danisha Moodie, Dr. Christopher Donoghue, Dr. David Brandwein, and Dr. Dina Rosen Kean University
. Danisha Moodie — Kean University; Dr. David Brandwein — Kean University; Dr. Dina Rosen — Kean
University; Christopher Donoghue — Kean University
Where Did the Mule Go? Linked Fate Trends Among Black Americans Under 40. Brianna Mack — Emory
Student Senate Collaborative Service-Learning Project. Barbara F Prince — Elizabethtown
College; Michael J Shields — Elizabethtown College; Maggie M Keefer — Elizabethtown College; Lauren T
Hamilton — Elizabethtown College; Lindsey M Cooper — Elizabethtown College
Feeling at Home Away from Home: Gay Tourism and The Creation of a "Safe" Vacation . Chandra Rose
Kirkland — Gettysburg College
Deviance Through Technology: Analysis of an Online Pedophile Forum. Arielle Rose Mercier — Emmanuel
Gendered Marketing of Stigmatized Swinging. Allison Serina — Gettysburg College
Jenna Jameson - Role Model: Pornography Exposure and Women's Sexual Self-Esteem. Chelsea Timmons
Townley — Ithaca College
Detecting Male Dominance . Jenny Kate Morris — Gettysburg College
"What are you, a sissy?": Representations of Masculinity in Mainstream Gay Pornography. Emma Marie
Carroll — Ithaca College
Romantic Attitudes & Advice: A Quantitative Study of the Effects Romantic Attitudes has on Romantic
Advice Given to Peers. Shelby Maroselli — Ithaca College
Addiction Entertainment: Lessons of the Good Citizen in Reality Television. Kimberly Michelle Baker —
Ithaca College
"We probably can affect greater change from within than without" A Content Analysis of Social Theatre
Scripts . Johann Antonio Peiris — Ithaca College
Quid Pro Quo?: A Comparative Study on the United States and the New Zealand's Juvenile Justice
Systems. Emily Brown — Ithaca College
Who's Spending Your Money?: The Effect of Political Affiliation, Religion, and Income on Attitudes Toward
Government Spending on Defense. Lauren T Hamilton — Elizabethtown College
Compassion and Well-being. Kristen Badeau-Hauptmann — Mansfield University
Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery. Danielle Popow — Lehigh University
Exploring Self and Identity Among Clinically Depressed Emerging Adults . Julie Rachelle Daher — Hofstra
Inequality in the Church: Christian Pastors' Views on Homosexuality. Theodora Hermes — Lebanon Valley
Masculinity and the "Disabled" Body . Ryan A. Byrne — Eastern University
The Code of High School Education. Dominic T. Walker — Loyola University Maryland
Barriers to Higher Education for DREAMers. Angela Wu Cen — Hunter College
A New Perspective on Racial Discrimination in the United States: Understanding the Obstacles Faced By
African Americans. Katherine Elisabeth Komninos — Connecticut College
The Increasing Prevalence of Eurasians in the American Fashion Industry -- Exotifying the Other or
Whiteness in a Different Package? . Amani Firoz Zaveri — Connecticut College
"The Effects of America may Include...". Akaniyene Richard Essien — Cuny Bronx Community College
Study Abroad Interrupted: The Experiences of Students in a Natural Disaster. Emily Melvin — Lafayette
Satisfaction of University Students with 15 Services Provided on Campus. Erika Rachel Focht — Mansfield
Racial Categorizations and Support/Opposition for Legislation/Reform. Sook Hing Leung — CUNY
The Marketing of Authenticity by Chinatown. Elizabeth Jones — Gettysburg College
A Well-Balanced Brew: The Myth of the West in U.S. Craft Beer Brand Identities. Joseph J. Houldin —
Lafayette College
Until Infidelity Do Us Part?: The Effects of Religiosity and Spirituality on Marital Infidelity. Maggie M
Keefer — Elizabethtown College
175. Welfare Reform: Missing Stories - Thematic Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Mary Ann Clawson, Weslyan University
Presider: Mary Ann Clawson, Weslyan University
It's Not Like I'm Poor: The Financial Lives of Working People. Sarah Halpern-Meekin — University of
Wisconsin Milwaukee; Kathryn Edin — Harvard University
The Race to the Bottom in the Low-Wage Labor Market. Victoria Mayer — Colby College
The Spatial Allocation of Social Provision: Government Contracting to Nonprofit Organizations in New York
City. Nicole P Marwell — Baruch College/CUNY
176. Sociology at the Intersections: Our dialogs with those beyond our intellectual borders - Special Presidential
Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Karen A Cerulo, Rutgers
Minds and Brains: The Sociology in Neurology. Karen A Cerulo — Rutgers
The Challenges and Promise of Merging the Social and the Psychic. Lynn Chancer — Hunter College
Biological Sensitivity to the Social Environment: Integrating Genetic Research into Sociology. Colter
Mitchell — Princeton University
Stealth Sociology: Public Sphere Crossovers. Vincent N. Parrillo — William Paterson University
177. Celebrating Elliot Mishler I: Performing Stories - Special Presidential Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15
Organizers: Susan Bell, Bowdoin College; Wendy Luttrell, CUNY Graduate Center
Harnessing the power of stories: a novel approach to patient education. Barbara Bokhour — Boston
The Self-Telling Body: Giving and Receiving Accounts of Self in Routine Medical Care--With or without
Words. Rita Charon — Columbia University
Recovery Stories: Shaping the Policy Image of Addiction Treatment. Laura Lorenz — Brandeis University
Maya Women of Chajul Twenty Years Post-Peace Accords: Exploring Individual and Social Transformations
through Images and Text. M. Brinton Lykes — Boston College
John Rich, Drexel University School of Public Health
178. Strip Club by Kim Price Glynn - Author-Meets-Critics - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Mary Bernstein, University of Connecticut
Bernadette Barton, Morehead State University
Wendy Chapkis, University of Southern Maine
Jessica E Hoffman, University at Buffalo
Kim Price-Glynn, University of Connecticut
179. Adolescent Moms and Welfare Parents - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Stories from Parents Living on the Edge in Suburbia: An Ethnography on Welfare Restructuring. Terese
Lawinski — New York State Psychiatric Institute
Narratives that Manage the "Spoiled Identities" of Adolescent Mothers. Mary P Erdmans — Central CT
State Univ; Timothy Black — University of Hartford
Lifestories of Adolescent Mothers at the Intersection of Structural, Symbolic, and Interpersonal
Violence. Timothy Black — University of Hartford; Mary P Erdmans — Central CT State Univ
Open Case: Narratives of Compliance and Defiance Among Parents Involved With Child Protection Services
In New York City. Joyce Robbins — Touro College
180. Taboo Revisited: Challenges of the Erotic Field - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Staci Newmahr, Buffalo State College
The BDSM Interview And/As Erotic Power Exchange. Brandy Simula — Emory University
Bodies, Boundaries and the Eroticized Interview. Staci Newmahr — Buffalo State College
Visually Documenting a BDSM Dungeon . Beverly Yuen Thompson — Siena College
Gaining Access and Keeping Secrets: Issues in Data Collection for Sexualities Research. Alison Better —
Kingsborough Community College
Confronting My Own Ignorance: Learning in Sexual Field Sites. Rebecca F. Plante — Ithaca College
Feeling the Interview: Negotiating Emotions in Insider/Outsider Sexuality Research. Clare Forstie —
Northwestern University
Self-Care: Managing Tensions Between Personal and Professional Selves When Conducting Participatory
Research on Taboo Topics. D.J. Williams — Idaho State University
Bisexuality in the Ethnographic Study of Lesbian and Gay Dominated Social Settings . J Sumerau — Florida
State University
Playing at the State's Mercy: Subjective Experiences of Fieldwork in a BDSM Community. Misty Luminais
— Washington State University
181. Labeling Deviants - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Hooligan Nights: Unruly Boys in Gilded Age New York. Jeffery P Dennis — SUNY Oneonta
Bracketing Children: The Identity Work of Incarcerated Mothers. Brittnie Aiello — Merrimack
College; Mary Paris — Merrimack College
The Social Construction of "Cluttered Space": Popular Media Accounts in the Labeling of Personal and
Household Chaos and Disorganization. Thomas Conroy — Lehman College
Missing Critique of Criminal Labeling: An Argument towards Government Accountability . Robert V
Grantham — University of Massachusetts Lowell
182. Occupy Wall Street / #Occupy!: Applying social movement theory to recent developments - Regular Paper
Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Betsy Leondar-Wright, Boston College
Jeff Juris, Northeastern University
Liam Martin, Boston College
Erica Bushell, Northeastern University
Robert Wengronowitz, Boston College
183. Pursuing Justice in Gender and Sexuality - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Privilege and Accountability in Practice: Transformative Justice in Activist Communities . Sarah Hanks —
The CUNY Graduate Center
Social Justice Sexuality Project: Findings from a Nationwide Survey of LGBT Black Men & Women.. Abigail
Kolker — The Graduate Center at CUNY; Vernon Caldwell — The Graduate Center at CUNY
Un Sitio Donde Ellos Viven, Como Ellos Viven: LGBT Latinos & the Social Justice Sexuality Project. Carlos
Manuel Camacho — CUNY Graduate Center; Alexis Espinoza — Hunter College
A Place to Call our Own: Queer South Asians in America Negotiate Marginalization within Ethnic
Communities. Shweta Majumdar Adur — University of Connecticut; Shweta Majumdar Adur — University
of Connecticut; Shweta Majumdar Adur — University of Connecticut
Marginalized Women of South Asia: Current Struggles and Community Mobilization Strategies. Mahruq
Khan — University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
184. Under Pressure: Workers' Time on the Job - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Constrained Choice of Food and Exercise: Linking Work Environment to Employees', their Spouses', and
their Children's Health Behaviors. Wen Fan — University of Minnesota; Jack Lam — University of
Minnesota; Phyllis Moen — University of Minnesota;Erin Kelly — University of Minnesota; Rosalind King
— National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; Susan McHale — Pennsylvania State
Class and Gender Inequality in Overtime . Mary Lashway — UMass Amherst; Jacklyn Stein — UMass
Minimum Wages and Working Times in the US and EU. Kathleen Ragon — Gettysburg College; Craig Lair
— Gettysburg College
Fashioning Narratives: Accounts of time pressure and work-life balance from "good jobs" and "bad jobs" in
the fashion field.. Allyson Stokes — McMaster University
185. Urban Neighbors, Ethnic Change - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Neighborhood Racial Stability And Change in the Age of Net Outflows of Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics:
New York City, 1980-2010. Ronald Flores — Connecticut College; Peter Lobo — NYC Department of City
Bucking the Trend: Which Communities are Becoming More Racially Homogeneous, and Why? Barrett
Lee — Penn State University; Lauren Hughes — Penn State University
Ethnic Growth Regimes? Conceptualizing the place of ethnicity in urban regime dynamics and
succession. Jennifer Darrah — Harvard University
Ethno-Racial Neighborhood Change and Business Succession in Canarsie, Brooklyn. Jennifer Candipan —
Brooklyn College
186. Social Control and Subversion - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Does the Death Penalty Effect Deterrence? Brittany Willard — Albright College
Moral Compasses: The role of prayer as a vehicle of moral development and social transformation among
violent individuals. Michelle Marcia Cromwell — Regis College
Education and Social Control in a Disadvantaged Brooklyn Community . Christine Barrow — Molloy
The Trouble with Morality: The Effects of Twelve-Step Discourse on Addicts' Decision Making. David Frank
Punishment and Ballot Box: Neighborhood Disenfranchisement and Incarceration In New York City 19872002 . Valerie West — John Jay College/CUNY; Jeffrey Fagan — Columbia LAw School
187. Exploring the Intersection of Race, Gender, and/or Class - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM3:15 PM
Organizer: Deniz Yucel, William Paterson University
Support Networks, Cultural Spaces, and Fictive Kin: Indian Immigrant Women Constructing Community in
the United States. Namita N. Manohar — Brooklyn College - CUNY
Storied Selves: Intersecting Identities in the Coming Out Stories of College Women. Jamie Budnick —
University of Michigan
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Revising Analyses of Lesbian Sexuality and Family Formation through the
Study of Black Women. Mignon R. Moore — University of California, Los Angeles
Deniz Yucel, William Paterson University
188. #OccupyWallStreet: Ethnographic Perspectives - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Kevin Loughran, Columbia University
Kevin Loughran, Columbia University
Ifeoma Ajunwa, Columbia University
Tim Rich, Columbia University
Nicholas Occhuito, Columbia University
189. Muslim-Americans and Politics - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Are Muslims a distinctive minority? An empirical analysis of religiosity, social attitudes, and Islam
. Valerie Lewis — Dartmouth College; Ridhi Kashyap —
"The 'Ground Zero Mosque' Controversy: Religious Pluralism, National Identity, and the Emotional Politics
of Place" . Rhys H. Williams — Loyola University Chicago; Thomas Josephsohn — Loyola University
Religiousization and Politicization: Reconceptualizing the Muslim American Community. Haj Yazdiha —
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Michelle Byng, Temple University
190. Organizations and Social Responsibilities - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Online Accountability: Conformity versus adaptation among Community Development Loan Funds. Eric
Kaldor — SUNY Brockport; Peter Lista — SUNY Brockport
The Adoption of Alternative Dispute Resolution by Fortune 1000 Corporations. Sarah Woodside — Boston
Characterizing Nonprofit Involvement in Advocacy and Policy Work: New Evidence from Boston. Heather
MacIndoe — University of Massachusetts Boston
The Corporation and Organized Malevolence: Lessons from the Holocaust . Stephen Eugene Halebsky —
SUNY Cortland
191. Religion and Education - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Why Worry about Evolution?: A Comparative Analysis of Sunni Muslim and Evangelical Christian
Education. Jeffrey Guhin — Yale University
Parental Religiosity, Parenting Style and Children's Educational Attainment in the United States. Gregory
Eirich — Columbia University
Religion and Medicalization: Religious Beliefs and Their Impacts on ADHD Attitudes. Kati Li — Princeton
192. Studying Men - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
The Situation of Men's Studies within the Field of Women's and Gender Studies. Elizabeth Nagel — Stony
Brook University
Expressions of Masculinity among Fraternity Brothers. Michael Steklof — University at Albany, SUNY
Applying "Revanchist Masculinity": The Case of the Pimp. Max Besbris — New York University
Lauren J. Joseph, Pennsylvania State University, Schuylkill
193. HIV-AIDs in Africa - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Feeling on Top of the World: Highly Educated Malawians' Presentations of Self During HIV/AIDS
Discussions . Tyler Myroniuk — University of Maryland
Examining the Nature and Effectives of Women's Empowerment in Reducing Sexual Risk: The Case of
Kanyama Compound, Lusaka, Zambia . Lwendo Moonzwe — University of Connecticut
Children Living with HIV-positive Adults in sub-Saharan Africa. Susan E. Short — Brown University; Rachel
E. Goldberg — Brown University
194. Substance Use and Abuse - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Does Lack of Exposure to Drug Prevention Education Correlate with Subsequent Drug Use while
Understanding the Underlying Drug Prevention Education Policies in a Comparison of Locations? Kristine
Marie Rosales — CUNY- Queens College
The Influence of Medicaid Policy on Narcotic Treatment Options. Laura Monico — University of Delaware
Policy and Education Effects on Reducing Alcohol Consumption by Adolescents and Youth. Kristin Marie
Cassidy — State University of New York-Buffalo
Adolescent Employment and Patterns of Substance Use. Melissa A. Menasco — Canisius
College; Sampson Lee Blair — SUNY - Buffalo
195. Immigrant Experiences - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Explicating Helping Behavior among Migrants during Unauthorized Crossings through Southern
Arizona. Daniel E. Martinez — University of Notre Dame
Attained Social Position and Personality among Rural Migrants to Urban China. Yin Yue — Shanghai
University of Finance and Economics
Elderly Immigrants' Experiences in the United States: A Review. Meeta Mehrotra — Roanoke College
196. Performing Work - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Affect at Work: Considering the limitations of "emotional labor". Michael Steven Sickels — University of
"The Other Side of the Curtain": Strip Clubs and the Management of Competition for Scarce
Resources. Elizabeth Ann (Liz) Mount — Syracuse University
Party of Five: Ethnographic Stories of Restaurant Life. Laura Martin — New School for Social Research
"Women are Just More Emotional": How Service Providers Deal with the Emotional Labor of Working with
Female Offenders. Nicole Smolter — University of Delaware
(Girly) Bulls and (Grizzly) Bears: The production of gender in finance.. Megan Bahns — Syracuse
197. Narrative Theory and the Theory of Narrative - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
"The Line: Narratives of waiting, community, and aesthetic experience at Marina Abramovic's, The Artist Is
Present (2010)". Erin Siodmak — Graduate Center, CUNY
On Narrative as a Network of Meaning. Anthony L. Haynor — Seton Hall University; Irene J. Dabrowski —
St. John's University
As Seen from Abroad: A Critical-Hermeneutic Approach to the Narrative Performances of Distant Suffering
. Jonathan Roberge — McGill University
198. Labor Exploitation: Trafficking and Subcontracting - Roundtable - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Laboring Under Abstraction: Does Better Factories Equal Better Work? Sarah Miraglia — Syracuse
Transnational Trafficking in South Asia: Current Scenario, Challenges & Opportunities. Farhan Navid
Yousaf — Uconn
Underground Banks: Chinese Informal Fund Transfer Systems (IFTS) and Its Role in Human Smuggling
. Linda Shuo Zhao — Temple University
The Transnational Subcontracting of Indian Immigrant IT Workers in the US. Payal Banerjee — Smith
199. Understanding the Perspectives of Reproductive Health Professionals - Mini-conference: Reproduction Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Presider: Maureen May, Syracuse University
Paradoxes of "Defensive Medicine" in American Obstetrics. Louise Roth — University of Arizona; Megan
Henley — University of Arizona
Why is the cesarean rate rising? Stories from obstetric clinicians about women, society and the culture of
the labor and delivery unit. Christine Morton — Stanford University
Black Midwives in the United States: Experiences and Perceptions . Keisha Goode — The Graduate
Center, CUNY
The Counselor in the Body: How Professional Knowledge and Personal Experience Shape Genetic
Counselors' Own Views and Decisions About Prenatal Testing . Susan Markens — Lehman College, CUNY
Dispensing (with) Morality? Balancing Medical and Moral Gatekeeping Roles in Pharmacy
Practice. Elizabeth Chiarello — Princeton University
200. Opportunity and Constraint at the Community College: Perspectives from Research and Storied Lives - Miniconference: Community Colleges - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
The Politics of Performance Accountability for Community Colleges. Kevin Dougherty — Teachers College
Columbia University
A Conversation about Master Narratives and Dominant and Marginal Stories of the Community College
and College Students. Regina Deil-Amen — University of Arizona
Teaching in a Community College: Balancing Ideals with Institutional Constraints. Brian P Kapitulik —
Greenfield Community College
Moving On Now and Then: Opportunities and Constraints for Community College Success Today and
Twenty Years Ago. Alex Trillo — Saint Peter's College
From Community College to Graduate School: Retention and Completion Experiences among Underrepresented Ethnic Minority Students. Hector Martinez — University of California Irvine
Lisa Handler, Community College of Philladelphia
201. Panel 4: Choosing Homes, Choosing Schools Mini Conference - Mini-conference: Choosing Homes, Choosing
Schools - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizers: Annette Lareau, University of Pennsylvania; Michael Bader, American
How Neighborhoods Matter, and for Whom: Parenting Strategies, School Choice and the Formation of
Neighborhood Peer Networks. Van Tran — University of Pennsylvania
Adolescent Experiences and Adult Neighborhood Attainment. Kris Marsh — University of Maryland
College Park
Trends in Socioeconomic School Segregation, 1970 to 2009. Sean Reardon — Stanford University ; Ann
Owens — Harvard University; Christopher Jencks — Harvard University
In search of Home and School: How the reputation of New York City school districts influence middle-class
home seekers perception of neighborhood quality. Judith Perez — Teaching for Change
Camille Charles, University of Pennsylvania
202. Protesters and their Targets - Mini-conference: Social Movements - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
International Meetings. Christian Scholl —
Corporations. Olivier Fillieule — ; Philip Balsiger —
Professions. Frank Dobbin —
Religious Organizations. Silke Heumann — ; Jan Willem Duyvendak —
Jan Willem Duyvendak
203. Case in Focus: The Olympics - Mini-Conference: Security - Friday Feb 24 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
Policing the Enemy Within (Sapporo 1972). Kiyoshi Abe — Kwansei Gakuin University
"...to guarantee security and protect the social order..." (Moscow 1980). Carol Marmor — Ludwig
Maximilian University
More Like a War Alert (Seoul 1988). Gwang Ok — Chungbuk National University; Kyoung Ho Park —
Chungbuk National University
The National Special Security Event (Salt Lake City 2002). Scott Decker — Arizona State University; Sean
Varano — Roger Williams University
Geographies of Governance (Turin 2006). Alberto Vanolo — University of Turin
Ghettoization of Olympic Host Cities and the Exclusion of Homeless and Street-Involved Youth (Vancouver
2010). Jacqueline Kennelly — Carleton University
3:30 PM-5:00 PM
204. Ethnography in the First Person I - Thematic Session - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizer: Sudhir Venkatesh, Columbia University
On Being Used: The Management of Social Distance in East New York. Francois Bonnet — The University
of Amsterdam
The Precarious Labor of Ethnography. Ashley Mears — Boston University
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the FBI: Fieldwork at the Department of Justice. Sudhir
Venkatesh — Columbia University
205. Occupy Wall Street and the Future of Political and Economic Reform - Special Presidential Session - Friday
Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizers: Jonathan Ryan Davis, The Graduate Center at CUNY; Vernon Caldwell, The Graduate Center at CUNY;
Stanley Aronowitz, The Graduate Center at CUNY; Jean Anyon, The Graduate Center at CUNY; Heather D Gautney,
Fordham University; Patrick Inglis, The Graduate Center at CUNY
Jonathan Ryan Davis, The Graduate Center at CUNY
Vernon Caldwell, The Graduate Center at CUNY
206. Celebrating Elliot Mishler II: Stories in Social Science - Special Presidential Session - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM5:00 PM
Organizers: Susan Bell, Bowdoin College; Wendy Luttrell, CUNY Graduate Center
Inclusion or exclusion - battered women's narratives on social networks' responses. Margareta Hyden —
Linkoping University
"You Can't Carry on Like This:" Representing the Unrepresentable. Caroline Heller — Lesley University
Narrative Exceptions and HIV Exceptionalism. Corinne Squire — University of East London
Missing connections: learning lessons from broken stories. Lars-Christer Hyden — Linkoping University
Elliot G Mishler, Harvard Medical School
207. Revisiting the Importance of Conceptualizing Work and Family - Special Presidential Session - Friday Feb
24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizers: Karen V. Hansen, Brandeis University; Anita Ilta Garey, University of Connecticut
Presider: Karen V. Hansen, Brandeis University
Anita Ilta Garey, University of Connecticut
Kimberly DaCosta, New York University
Rosanna Hertz, Wellesley College
Nazli Kibria, Boston University
Pei-Chia Lan, Harvard University
Annette Lareau, University of Pennsylvania
Margaret "Peggy" K Nelson, Middlebury College
Allison Pugh, University of Virginia
Juliet Schor, Boston College
208. Offending Women: Power, Punishment, and the Regulation of Desire by Lynne Haney - Author-MeetsCritics - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Presider: Marlese Durr, Wright State University
Rebecca Tiger, Middlebury College
Kerwin Kaye, Barnard College
Lynne Haney, New York University
Deborah King, Dartmouth College
209. Producing Local and Natural Food - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Access and Inequalities in Local Food Systems. Shawn Trivette — University of Massachusetts Amherst
Globalizing the local: the local foods movement as an anti-capitalist international social movement. Prita
Lal — Stony Brook University
Tied to the Land and the Market: Narrating Economics and Meaning on a New England Organic
Farm. Connor Fitzmaurice — Boston University
What counts as a blueberry? Making the most of regulatory uncertainty in business-to-business food
advertising . David Schleifer — Columbia University; Michaela DeSoucey — Princeton
210. Narratives of Immigration - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
"American Accent": Counter-hegemonic Narratives of Undocumented and Non-citizen Asian (American)
Youth. Loan Dao — University of Massachusetts Boston
Growing up undocumented: A Process of Negotiation. Francesca Degiuli — CUNY, College of Staten Island
The story of children of immigrants. Elif Keskiner — University of Amsterdam
"Latina Stories of Migration and Abuse: Telling, Re-Telling, Translating and Accessing Citizenship"
. Roberta Villalon — St John's University
211. Masculinities, Sexualities - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Male Circumcision, Sexuality, and the Maintenance of Male Privilege. Amanda Kennedy — State
University of New York at Stony Brook
Good Boys/Bad Boys: Fragile Masculinities, Consumer Masculinities, and the Varied Profiles of Sex Work
Clients. Lauren J. Joseph — Pennsylvania State University, Schuylkill; Pamela Black — Pennsylvania State
University, Schuylkill
Transmasculineflaminfairyflamingosubswitchpanqueen: (New) Forms of Sexual Selfhood among Trans
Masculine Men. Tre Wentling — Syracuse University
Bayliss J. Camp, California State University - Sacramento
212. Fighting Over the Past - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Multidirectional Memory Politics: Colonization, genocide, and politicization of the past in the Kigali
Memorial Center. Amy Sodaro — William Paterson University
The Rhetorical Power of World Heritage: Discursive (Re)formulation of Cultural Memory in Dengfeng,
China. Haiming Yan — University of Virginia
Reclaiming Indigenous Writing in the Face of Colonial Discourse. James Curiel — the American University
in Cairo; Susan McEwen — the American University in Cairo; David Chimovitz — Colorado Mountain
Memory, Consciousness, Movements: Dynamic Politics of History in Dersim. Ozlem Goner — University of
Massachusetts, Amherst
213. Race and Intimate Relationships - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
The Whitening Hypothesis Challenged: Latino and Non-Hispanic White Intermarriage . Jessica Vasquez —
Russell Sage Foundation/University of Kansas
Trends in Puerto Rican Intermarriages in the United States 1990-2009. Gabriel Aquino — Westfield State
Crossing the Line: A Quantitative History of Anti-Miscegenation Legislation in the United States, 16622000. Scott Leon Washington — Princeton University
All You Need Is Love? An Examination of Interracial Divorce. Scott Grether — The George Washington
214. Adopt, Foster, Sponsor - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Coming to Adoption: Transracial Adoption as a Market Calculation. Elizabeth Raleigh — Hunter College
Storied lives: The role of children's books in international adoption narratives of empowerment. Jacki
Fitzpatrick — Texas Tech University; Erin Kostina-Ritchey — Texas Tech University
Adopting and Fostering: An Evaluation of the Standards for Becoming Adoptive and Foster Parents in the
U.S.. Katherin Flower — APSU
"For just pennies a day...": Constructing vulnerability and promise in international child sponsorship
programs.. LiErin Probasco — Princeton University
215. Conceptualizing Consumption - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Don't 'Bank' on it: Consumer Credit and the Impact of Governmental Regulation . Lloyd Klein — St.
Francis College
What are the off-roaders looking for? A sociological study of Brazilian adventure car consumers. Eduardo
Gonçalves — Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
The Cultivation of Chinese Middle Class Taste . Weiwei Zhang — Boston University
The Myth of American Consumerism: How Inequality in American Neoliberalism Drives the Country's
Consumption Problems. Joseph Cohen — City University of New York, Queens College
Mapping Global Culture through the Culture of Things. Vincenzo Mele — Monmouth University
216. Families and Poverty - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
The Effects of Anti-Poverty Measures on Welfare Use among Single Mothers. Peter Brandon — University
at Albany
Who Participates in Transient Domesticity?: Early Findings from a Panel Study. Megan Reid — National
Development and Research Institutes, Inc.; Andrew Golub — National Development and Research
Institutes, Inc.
Lived experiences in the tradition of social activism: Hopeful Activism in building a conversation around
social change in post-poverty, post-welfare reform America. Kaleema A Sumareh — American University
It's the Little Things: Using Online Research Journals to Understand the Experience of College Students who
are Mothers. Autumn R. Green — Boston College
217. Academics, Entrepreneurs and Ethnic Migration - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Migration, Ethnicity, and Entrepreneurship: The Case of Indians in Portugal. Valerian DeSousa — West
Chester University
Chinese academic migrants in the U.S.: Living and narrating privileges and disadvantages through their
suburban weekend school . Jianping Xu — Syracuse University
Christel Kesler, Barnard College
218. Class and Culture - Regular Paper Session - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Reproducing Privilege at the Pool: An Examination of an Upper-Middle Class Swim Club. Jaime DeLuca —
Towson University
Fairness Through French Fries: How Socioeconomic Class is Constructed and Enforced in a Working-Class
Restaurant. Elliott Knofsky McCarthy — Tufts University
Perceived Positions In The Social Hierarchy--Subjective Social Status of Contemporary Chinese: A Case
Study in the City of Shenzhen. Phoenix Chi Wang — Harvard University
Learning middle class womanhood: gender and social change in urban India. Anjali Kothari — Institute of
Education, University of London
219. Normalizing Reproduction - Mini-conference: Reproduction - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Presider: Krista Frederico, The University of Arizona
Self-reliance and the specter of the bad mother: women's readings of pronatalist policy in Russia. Lisa
Gulya — University of Minnesota
"Unfit" Mothers, Exploited Mothers, and "Fit" Mothers: The Reproduction of the White Middle Class
Heterosexual Family through International Adoption . Jungyun Gill — Mountain State University
Good Mothers: Clinic Workers' Conceptions of Abortion Patients . Kia Heise — University of MinnesotaTwin Cities
"It Only Takes One": How Infertile Men Reconceptualize Disease and Restore Masculinity . Liberty Barnes
220. Research on Community College Students: Challenges, Outlooks and Implications for Social Policy - Miniconference: Community Colleges - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Randomized Community College Trial: Experimental Design Research on Student Retention. Dan Douglas
— Graduate Center/CUNY; Robin Isserles — Graduate Center/CUNY
From 'Cooling Out' to 'College-for-All': A Look at Community-College Experience and Student Aspirations
from High School through Early Adulthood. Shannon Smythe Fleishman — Pennsylvania State University
Stops and Starts: Community College Pathways of Low-Income Mothers After Hurricane Katrina. Nicole
Deterding — Harvard University
Predicting School Type Preferences: Who are Community College Compared to For-Profit Institution
Students. Lauren A Nicoll — Eduventures, Inc.
221. Panel 5: Choosing Homes, Choosing Schools Mini Conference - Mini-conference: Choosing Homes, Choosing
Schools - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizers: Annette Lareau, University of Pennsylvania; Michael Bader, American
Differences in Racial Segregation Across Public Schools and their Catchment Areas: An Contemporary
Analysis of Racial Inequality across 500 school districts.. Sal Saporito — College of William and Mary
An Overview of Metro Migrations, Racial Segregation and School Boundaries: The Role of Public Education
in Suburban Residential Patterns . Amy Wells — Teachers College, Columbia University; Douglas Ready —
Teachers College, Columbia University
Wrap-Up. Annette Lareau — University of Pennsylvania
222. Protesters Engage Experts and the Media - Mini-conference: Social Movements - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM5:00 PM
Artists and Intellectuals. Walter Nicholls —
Scientists and Public Health Officials. Phil Brown — ; Alissa Cordner — Brown University; Margaret
Mulcahy — Brown University
The Media. Edwin Armenta —
James Jasper, CUNY-Graduate Center
223. Ethical Considerations and the Military - Mini-Conference: Security - Friday Feb 24 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
Research Ethics and the US Army's Human Terrain System: Islands of Good Intentions in a Sea of
Indifference . Jennifer C Hunt — Montclair State University; Susan G. Taylor —
Sacrifice: Don't Ask Don;t Tell and the Private and Professional Life of Homosexual Soldiers. Maria
Francisca Frisone — Methodist University
Undergraduate Attitudes toward the DREAM Act. Morten Ender — West Point; David E. Rohall —
Western Illinois University; Michael D. Matthews — West Point
Expressing Christian Belief and Atheism on an US Military Base. Marianty F. Mavros — Methodist
5:30 PM-7:00 PM
224. Plenary on Higher Education - Plenary - Friday Feb 24 | 5:30 PM-7:00 PM
Organizer: Dan Clawson, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Challenges for Non-Elite Higher Education. Paul Attewell — CUNY Graduate Center; David Lavin — CUNY
Graduate Center
Beyond Access: Inequities in Undergraduate Experiences. Laura Hamilton — University of California
Merced; Elizabeth A. Armstrong — University of Michigan
Leveling the Higher Education Playing Field: What Works and What Doesn't. Marta Tienda — Princeton
Saturday, 25 February 2012
8:30 AM-10:00 AM
225. Illuminating Life Stories Through Slow Sociology - Thematic Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Karen V. Hansen, Brandeis University
Presider: Rosanna Hertz, Wellesley College
Margaret "Peggy" K Nelson, Middlebury College
Karen V. Hansen, Brandeis University
Robert Smith, Baruch College
Linda Burton, Duke University
226. Family Stories - Special Presidential Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Susan Bell, Bowdoin College
Silence and Gaps in Family Stories of Migration. Nazli Kibria — Boston University
The Hyper-Symbolism of the Family Past: Narratives of Suffering and Self-Transformation among the
Postindustrial Working Class. Jennifer Silva — Harvard
Telling Gender Stories: Families, Institutions and the Making of the Transgender Child. Tey Meadow —
Princeton University
The Oldest Old and the Families They Choose. Meika Loe — Colgate
Susan Bell, Bowdoin College
227. The Marriage Go-Round by Andrew Cherlin - Author-Meets-Critics - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Kathryn Edin, Harvard University
Kathryn Edin, Harvard University
Eric Klinenberg, New York University
Mark Regnerus, University of Texas, Austin
Andrew J Cherlin, Johns Hopkins University
228. Narratives of Queerness and Race - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Storying Gay Interracial Anti-racism . K Broad — University of Florida
Unimagined Narratives:Lesbians, Gays, and the Intimate Experience of Racial Difference . Amy
Steinbugler — Dickinson College
Constructing (New) LGBT Youth of Color Health Narratives . Martine Hackett — Hofstra
University; Antonio (Jay) Pastrana, Jr. — John Jay College, CUNY
Carryin' On: Narrating Community Formations of Black Queer Women in the Rural United States
South. LaToya Eaves — Florida International University
229. Race and Crime - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Friends and family behind bars: How mass incarceration disproportionately affects blacks and whites in
their exposure to the criminal justice system.. Victor Thompson — Rider University
Patrol Officers' Divergent Approaches to Patrolling Blacks in Three Communities. Paul Clement Reck —
Ramapo College
Mass Incarceration: A Contemporary Mechanism of Racialization in the U.S. . Jacqueline Johnson —
Adelphi University
From the Civil Rights Movement to the School-to-Prison Pipeline: The Criminalization of African-Americans
in Contemporary America. Owen Brown — Medgar Evers College (CUNY))
Association between racial/ethnic pride and successful community reentry among incarcerated
adolescents. Satyasree Upadhyayula — University of Kansas Medical Center; Megha Ramaswamy —
University of Kansas School of Medicine; Jessie Daniels — City University of New York; Martha Crum —
City University of New York; Nicholas Freudenberg — City University of New York
230. Navigating Work: How Workers See Themselves - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00
"Buying time with medication" takes on a new meaning: How workers use prescription and over the
counter medication to cope with labor intensification.. Wilma Borrelli — CUNY - Graduate Center
Greasing the Machine: Workplace Structures and Workplace Subjectivities. Joan Meyers — School of
Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers
Narratives of Injustice among New York City Taxi Drivers: At the Corner of Folkloristics and
Sociology. William Westerman — Archie Green Fellow, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress
Skill and Creativity in the Life Stories of Professional Dominatrices. Tania Levey — York College,
CUNY; Dina Pinsky — Arcadia University
Consuming the Worker: Customers, labor and the New York taxi industry . Diditi Mitra — Brookdale
Community College
231. Women's Work - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Suit(ed) for Success? Women, Self-sufficiency, and the Incapable Neoliberal State. Emily R Cummins —
Northeastern University
Does Earning More Than Your Spouse Increase Your Financial Satisfaction? A Comparison of Men and
Women in the United States, 1972-2010. Joan H. Robinson — Columbia University
Early Post-Law School Careers of Women and Men in U.S. and German Cities: A Comparative Study of
Work, Family and Childbearing . Gabriele Plickert — American Bar Foundation; John Hagan —
Northwestern University
Effects of Microfinance Self-Help Groups on Women's Social Capital in India. Swati Singh — University Of
North Texas
232. Law and Discrimination - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Life on the Lehr: Gender Discrimination in a Glass Factory. Roberta Campbell — Miami University
Stretching the Meaning of a Law: Title IX and the Hidden Curriculum . Barret Katuna — University of
Coerced Sterilization: Intersections of Race, Gender, Culture and Criminality . Tonie Marie Gordon —
University of Virginia
Branding Femininity at Hooters Restaurants: Permissible Sex Discrimination and the Civil Rights Act of
1964. Emilie Dubois — Boston College
The Quota Question: Incorporating Disability into the Discourse on Preferential Hiring in the United
States. Iyar Mazar — Boston College
233. Biracial and Multiracial Identities - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
From "Halfie" to Happy: Black/White Biracial American's Stories of Struggle, Strength and
Serenity. Chandra Waring — University of Connecticut
Definitely Both: Asserting a Multiracial Identity. Hephzibah Strmic-Pawl — University of Virginia
The effects of parental racial ascription on racial category selection among black/white biracial siblings.
. Monique Porow — Rutgers University
Charles A. Gallagher, La Salle University
234. Narratives of Equity, Social Justice and Global Health Policy - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30
AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Alex Otieno, Arcadia University
Can Health Sector Reform Initiatives by the World Health Organization and World Bank Remove Persistent
Health Care Challenges in Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago. Michael E McIntosh — Temple University
Community Health Narratives: Revealing the Structural Inequalities of Primary Health Sector Reform in
Belize. Beth Uzwiak — American University
The Marcellus Shale in PA: The Community's Narrative. Christa Lane Hooper — Arcadia University
Our Different Stories: Harnessing Authenticity and Narrative Self in Advocacy for AIDS Orphans in
Kenya. Alex Otieno — Arcadia University; Ashley Gripper — Arcadia University; Leah Hansell — Arcadia
235. Ethnic and Racial Identities among 1.5- and Second-Generation Korean American Young Adults - Regular
Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Pyong Gap Min, Queens College and Graduate Center of CUNY
Family Matters: Multigenerational Relationships and Ethno-Racial Identity. Sung Park — UCLA
Seaweed Soup for the Soul. Helene Kim Lee — Dickinson College
What It Means to be a Korean in a Transnational World. Hyein Lee — CUNY-Graduate Center
A Korean-American from Dixie: Mason-Dixon and the 38th Parallel. Thomas Chung — The Research
Center for Korean Community at Queens College
Pyong Gap Min, Queens College and Graduate Center of CUNY
236. Applying Sociology: Mentoring undergraduate student research - Workshop - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM10:00 AM
Organizer: Sunita Bose, State University of New York at New Paltz
Sunita Bose, State University of New York at New Paltz
Scott Devine, SUNY New Paltz
Karl Bryant, SUNY New Paltz
Claire Papell, SUNY New Paltz
Omar Nagi, Mount Saint Vincent
Mahabir Samuel, College of Mount Saint Vincent
Teresa Medrano, SUNY New Paltz
Roberto Velez-Velez, SUNY New Paltz
237. Work in Urban Space - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Commerce, Culture and the Business of Death in NYC. Kristin Leavelle Murphy — Columbia University
The New Opportunities for Asian Entrepreneurship and Small Business Under Obama Administration. Ying
Yang — Shippensburg University
Opportunity or Oppression?--Day Labor Centers in Immigrant Communities . Jacquelynn M. Parent —
University of Arizona
Santiago's Cornerstore: The Social Organization of Resource Exchange in an Urban Neighborhood Grocery
Store. Elizabeth Derickson — Princeton University
238. Regulating Medicine - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
How to regulate the regulators? Public representatives as regulators of Evidence Based Medicine . Loes
Knaapen — McGill University
Tuberculosis Control in Shanghai before the Work Unit: 1930s and 1940s treatment and outreach. Rachel
Sarah Core — Johns Hopkins University
Abortion and the State: Laws, Policies and Practices in the Context of Contemporary Turkey's Neoliberal
Conservatism. Aysegul Toksoz — University of Washington
239. New Resources for Teaching and Learning - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Colin Adams, berkshire community college
Seusslogy: Stories for teaching Sociology. Janice Purk — Mansfield University
Prospects and Opportunities for Open (-sourcing) Public Universities. Michael Restivo — Stony Brook
Second Life: a three-dimensional journey through the life-course . Paul E Calarco, Jr. — Hudson Valley
Community College
240. Crime and Punishment - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Politics, the Economy and Mass Incarceration. L. Amir Amma —
More than just an apology: How offender acceptance of responsibility and emotional expressiveness affect
victim forgiveness . Kristen Hourigan — State University of New York at Albany
Critical Analysis of the U.S. Juvenile Justice System. Juliana Wade —
Sandra Joy Jones, Rowan University
241. Religion and Civic Participation - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
The Importance of Religion in Political Participation and Civic Volunteerism. Casey Clevenger — Brandeis
University; Henok T Tewolde — Brandeis University
Is Altruism Transient or Impossible? Meso-Level Explanations of Religious Charity in the United
States. Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma — University of Connecticut
Does Religion Matter in Civic Engagement and Political Participation among Asian American
Immigrants? Chigon Kim — Wright State University
Good Public Religion: Context Dependent Standards for Appropriate Religious Expression at a Grassroots
Organization. Nathaniel Gonzalez — University of Southern California
Obstacles to Altruism: Self-Evaluations of Civic Engagement Among Former National Service
Volunteers. Andrew Lynn — University of Virginia
242. Challenges for States - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Sovereignty and Colonialism in Constitution-making: The Philippines (1934-35). Maria Elena Pablo RiveraBeckstrom — Bowdoin College
DECENTERED POWER: Road to Anarchy in Pakistan. Fida Mohammad — SUNY, Oneonta
The Social (dis)Contents of Corruption . Madhukar Shetty — Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and
Politicians' Outrageous Behavior and Media Coverage in South Korea. Hyang-Gi Song — SUNY Stony
From Social Sin to Fiscal Savior: The Dynamics of Lottery Legalization in Massachusetts. Christopher
Wetzel — Stonehill College; Kimberly Luciano — Stonehill College
243. New Skills for New Economies - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Strategies for Self-Regulation among Independent Workers. Karen Levy — Princeton University
The working homelessness: who are more likely to be employed? . Lei Lei — SUNY-Albany
Rural America's Changing Middle-Skill Jobs. Justin R. Young — University of New Hampshire
Informal Economy and the Social Space of Cellular Phone Minutes Vendors in Bogota, Colombia. Casey
Strange — University of North Carolina at Greensboro
"Can You Hear Me Now?": An investigation of the various ways technological change has affected
communication for older workers. Alexander A. Hernandez — Boston College
244. Discourses and the Media - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Explaining the persistent gender gap in newspaper coverage: A paper ceiling? Eran Shor — McGill
University; Arnout van de Rijt — SUNY Stony Brook
Presentation of Masculinity during Conflict in the New York Times: An Analysis of Articles on the
Democratic Republic of Congo and Kashmir in 2010. Elise Webb — Catholic University of America
News Frames and Hegemonic Discourses in the Immigration Debates in the United States, 2006 and
2010. Sharon Quinsaat — University of Pittsburgh
Masculine Imperialism and U.S. Military Occupation of the University "Critical Language"
Classroom. Neda Maghbouleh — Smith College/UCSB
245. Narrativizing Reproduction and Birth - Mini-conference: Reproduction - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00
Presider: Alexandria Vasquez, Virginia Commonwealth University
Don't Intervene? Women's Attitudes about Natural Birth. Katherine Johnson — The Pennsylvania State
University; Richard Simon — Rice University
Social Control and Emotional Expression: Women's Experiences in Hospitalized Childbirth. Miriam
Sessions — Florida State University
"Then it all went wrong...": First-time mothers respond to deviations from their desired birth plans. Sarah
Garrett — University of California, Berkeley
Lactation Specialists and Labor Companions: A Comparison of Lactation Consultants' and Doulas'
Strategies for Navigating the Medical Context of Maternity Care. Jennifer Torres — University of
The Born Identity: Autonomy, Ambivalence, and American Cultural Values in Childbirth. Alana Bibeau —
University of Rhode Island
246. Cultivating "Community" at the Community College and Beyond - Mini-conference: Community Colleges Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
ESL and Learning Communities at Kingsborough Community College. Alison Better — Kingsborough
Community College; Barbara Walters — CUNY Kingsborough and SPS; Jason VanOra — Kingsborough
Community College, CUNY
Programming for Social Justice: Building Community, Cultural Capital and Critical Consciousness. Jennifer
Myhre — De Anza College
Introductory Sociology and Reading: A Linked Course Approach. Jill Schultz — Frederick Community
College; Beth Holmberg — Frederick Community College
In Service to Community College Success: Service Learning Pedagogy in Sociology and Across the
Disciplines. Amy Traver — CUNY-Queensborough Community College
Rifat Salam, Burough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
247. Choices Versus Constraints: Understanding Women in Science - Mini-conference: Women in Science Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Enobong Hannah Branch, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Presider: Enobong Hannah Branch, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Women in Academic Science: Social-Organizational Issues and Implications.. Mary Frank Fox — Georgia
Institute of Technology
The Missing Women in STEM?: Accounting for Gender Differences in Entrance to STEM
Occupations.. Sharon Sassler — Cornell University; Jennifer Glass — University of Texas-Austin; Yael
Levitte — Cornell University; Katherine Michelmore — Cornell University
Struggling to Achieve Professional-Personal Life Balance at Liberal Arts Colleges. . Catherine Berheide —
Skidmore College
Context Matters: How Organizations Shape the Realities of Scientific Work for Women and Men. Laurel
Smith-Doerr — Boston University
Enobong Hannah Branch, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
248. Panel 6: Choosing Homes, Choosing Schools Mini Conference - Mini-conference: Choosing Homes, Choosing
Schools - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizers: Annette Lareau, University of Pennsylvania; Michael Bader, American
Building the School Attendance Boundary Information System. . Sal Saporito — College of William and
Racial Segregation in Schools Today. John Kucsera — Civil Rights Project, UCLA
The Availability of Schools of Choice to Families from Different Social Backgrounds . Noli Brazil —
University of California at Berkeley
Are we Punishing Our Poorest Neighborhoods?: Evaluating the Consequences of No Child Left Behind.
. Keren Horn — New York University
David Van Riper, Minnesota Population Center
249. On Governance - Mini-Conference: Security - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
Fears and Careers: The Power and Attraction of Conflict. Gordana Rabrenovic — Northeastern
University; Glenn L Pierce — Northeastern University
Democracy and Security: Interrogating a Puzzling Governing Rationale. Guillermina Seri — Union College
HOW TO SECURE THE FUTURE? Forms and mode of governing in the contemporary society. Limor
Samimian-Darash — Stanford U
Security as Value in Social Organization of Everyday Life. Vida Bajc — Methodist University
Global State Formation and Democracy: Legitimacy, Capacity and Security for the Governance of the
Global Settlement System. Christopher Chase-Dunn — University of California-Riverside; Hiroko Inoue —
University of California-Riverside; Alex Alvarez — University of California-Riverside; Paul Peterson —
University of California-Riverside
250. Transnational Conversations about New Forms of Feminist Organizing - Conversation - Saturday Feb 25 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizers: Millie Thayer, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Elisa Martinez, University of Massachusetts
Jasmine Burnett, SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective
Pamela Calla, New York University/Universidad de la Cordillera
Svati Shah, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Claudia de la Cruz, Dominican Women's Development Center/Da Urban Butterflies
251. Committee on the Status of Minorities - Committee Meeting - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
252. Committee on Graduate Education Meeting - Meeting - Saturday Feb 25 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Enrique S. Pumar, Catholic University of America
10:15 AM-11:45 AM
253. Undergraduate Poster Session III - - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Examining the Correlation between Self-perceived Social Class and Bullying . William Rothwell — SUNYOneonta
Gender Segregation, Blocked Mobility and the Double Bind in the Hospital Workplace: Participant
Observation in a Clinical Laboratory . Kimberly Robin Artim — Pennsylvania State University
Extracurricular Club Affiliation and Intervention Behavior. Jessica Lynn Alexander — Ramapo College of
New Jersey; TL Kushner — Ramapo College of New Jersey
Do You Like Yourself?: The Effect of Socioeconomic Status and Gender on Self-Esteem Scores. Lindsey M
Cooper — Elizabethtown College
Parental Opinions About Sex Education in Our Schools. Kelley Conti — Rhode Island College
Farm To School: Profiling an Emerging Movement. Karissa McCarthy — Muhlenberg College
Gender representation in the world of video games. Jesse Truitt — Niagara University
Charlie Mike: Heroes in the Alley: Homeless Veterans and the Organizations that Serve Them. Tara Nicole
Taylor — Rider University
Race to the Charts: Racial and Gender Inequality in Popular Music and Society. Alexis Tavares —
Northeastern University
Rediscovering Feminist Perspectives: A Detailed Analysis of the Past and Present Issues of
Feminism. Sarah Alice Mickey — Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Unleashed? Fighting for freedom in the dog park. Natalie L Mayo — Pennsylvania State University
Privileged Preparation: How Socioeconomic Status Influences the College Application Process. Brittny
Arianna Kissinger — Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Race to the Future World: Science Fiction and the Display of Otherness. Rachael E Silvano —
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Off Track: The Social World of Betting in a Small City. Kimberly Elaine Witmer — Pennsylvania State
Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" and the Beat Generation: From Manifesto to Social Movement. Miguel Fernando
Tevez Rosales — Methodist University
Was your town a sundown town? Jonathan M. Judge — Siena College; Matthew Jacques — Siena College
Scholastic Success for Rural Alaskan Youth. Lindsay Noelle Henkelman — Moravian College
Inequality Studies in Health Care Access: A look at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania . Margaret A DeOliveira —
Moravian College; Virginia Adams O'Connell — Moravian College
Gender Discrimination in the Workforce. Sacha Serabian Kaufer — Quinnipiac University
Family Structure and Youthful Offending Rates . Brittany Marie Mason — Mount St. Mary's University
Evaluation of a Police Run Community Based Program for At-Risk Youth. Rachele Kathleen Hill — Mount
St. Mary's University; Brittany Marie Mason — Mount St. Mary's University
Same Sex Marriage: Contemporary Discourse in the Political & Social World . Maureen Lopriore —
Quinnipiac University
African Americans' Attitudes towards African American Vernacular English. Nea Croxton — Morgan State
Intervention tendencies of transfer and non-transfer students of a undergraduate institution.. Daniel
James Arthur — Ramapo College of New Jersey; Michael Valicenti — Ramapo College of New Jersey
Keeping Secrets: Understanding the Conditions of Sexual Assault Reporting Among College Students. John
Eggleston — SUNY-Oneonta
Media Exposure and the Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption Among Undergraduates. Michelle Haines —
Sacred Heart University
Study of College Attitudes Regarding Rape Mythologies. Meredith Hausler — Ramapo College; Ryan Kluz
— Ramapo College
Green Dot Intervention and Awareness on College Campuses . Gabriella Naimo — Ramapo College of
New Jersey; Stephanie Romano — Ramapo College of New Jersey
The Social Planning of a South American City: Lessons From Curitiba, Brazil. Melissa Alexander — Siena
College; Calvin Lewis — Siena College; Andrea Smith-Hunter — Siena college
Women and Inequalities in the Legal Profession. Gail Andrews — ; Nicholas Grant —
Locked Up: The Effects of Poverty and Urban Communities on Incarceration Rates. . Robert Feliciano —
Skidmore College
254. Tales of the Street(s) - Thematic Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizer: Mark Jacobs, George Mason University
Presider: Mark Jacobs, George Mason University
Maria Kefalas, St. Joseph's University
Charles Smith, Graduate Center CUNY
Gerald Suttles, Indiana/Chicago
Karin Knorr, University of Chicago
255. Making Care Count by Mignon Duffy - Author-Meets-Critics - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizer: Julia Wigley, Graduate Center, CUNY
Cameron Macdonald, University of Wisconsin
Janet Gornick, Graduate Center, CUNY
Romero Mary, Arizona State University
Margaret "Peggy" K Nelson, Middlebury College
Mignon Duffy, University of Massachusetts Lowell
256. Narratives of Refugees - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
"Storied Lives" of Iraqi and Bhutanese Refugees Living at the Margins in the U.S. . Fatima Sattar — Boston
Creating "Little Liberia" in Staten Island, NY. Bernadette Ludwig — The Graduate Center, The City
University of New York
Transnational Lives: Migration Stories of the Liberian Diaspora . Janet E. Reilly — CUNY Graduate Center
Something To Be Said: The Voice of Refugee Resettlement. Kamryn Warren — University of Connecticut
257. European Social Movements, Actors, and Theoretical Perspectives - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb
25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizers: Nicole Doerr, Harvard University; Geoffrey Pleyers, FNRS- University of Louvain
Presider: Nicole Doerr, Harvard University
Radical Movements and Collective Violence. A Comparative Analysis: Russia, Poland, France. Lukasz
Jurczyszyn — Pultusk Academy of Humanities
Emerging "Southern" Paradigms of Social Transformation: The Arab Spring and Global Democratization
. Giuseppe Caruso — University of Helsinki
Shades of Green. The Environmental Movement in Europe.. Ion Bogdan Vasi — SIPA University of
Critical Consumption and Alternative Food Networks in Western Europe. Geoffrey Pleyers — FNRSUniversity of Louvain
Nicole Doerr, Harvard University
258. Neoliberalism, Debt, and Structural Adjustment - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45
An "Other" Intervention: Neoliberal Economic Policies & Islamist Welfare Provision in Egypt . Heather
Brown — George Mason University
The Embedded Racial Meanings in the Moral Transgressions of Debt and Fiscal Austerity in the Post-War
South. Randolph Hohle — D'Youville College
Working-Class Political Consent and Resistance: An Ethnography of Public Housing Mortgage-Debtors in
Chile. Sebastian G. Guzman — New School for Social Research
Debt, structural adjustment, and global health co-epidemics in developing nations. Gary Maynard —
Stony Brook University; Eric Shircliff — Stony Brook University; Michael Restivo — Stony Brook University
259. Playing in the 'Real' World - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Social Awkwardness, Nerdism, and Manhood Acts in a Campus LARPing Group . James S Martin —
Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Christian Vaccaro — Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Places of Play. Aubin Richards — George Mason University
Scripted Subversions: Normative Subversions in a Fan Culture. James Hogan — University of Connecticut
Dungeon Rules: Normalizing Deviant Desires. Julie Fennell — Gallaudet University
Katherine Castiello Jones, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
260. Sociological Perspectives on Psychological Issues - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM11:45 AM
Organizers: Alessandra Seggi, The New School for Social Research; Jessica Klein, Adelphi University
Humanitarian emotion: Between practices of altruism and cultural narcissism. Pierluigi Musaro' —
University of Bologna, Italy
Declines in Happiness and Friendship in the United States, and its Underreported Impact on Men: A
Marxist-Feminist Analysis. Jessica Klein — Adelphi University
An Unconventional Sociological Tool to Teach about Suicide and the Teen Condition: "Archie's Final
Project". Alessandra Seggi — The New School for Social Research
261. Sociology of the Spectacular - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizer: Brian M Lowe, SUNY Oneonta
Spectacular Candidates?: Republican Presidential Campaigning in a Spectacular Environment. Richard P
Barberio — Suny Oneonta; Brian M Lowe — SUNY Oneonta
Framing Fracking: How Newspapers Report Potential Risks . Gregory M Fulkerson — SUNY
Oneonta; Jennifer Schlosser — SUNY Oneonta; Elizabeth Seale — State University of New York College at
Oneonta; Brian M Lowe — SUNY Oneonta
Spectacular Animals: Representations of Animal Advocacy within the Spectacular. Brian M Lowe — SUNY
Constructing the Medical Spectacle. Jeffrey Rieck —
Richard P Barberio , Suny Oneonta
Brian M Lowe, SUNY Oneonta
Gregory M Fulkerson, SUNY Oneonta
Jennifer Schlosser, SUNY Oneonta
Elizabeth Seale, State University of New York College at Oneonta
Jeffrey Rieck
262. Family Wo/Men - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
"How Do They Even Size Kids' Shoes?": Father Involvement, Masculinities and Family Leave Policies in the
USA and Canada. Erin M. Rehel — Vanderbilt University
A Good, Solid Family Man: Reproduction, Masculinity, and Morality. Jeffery P Dennis — SUNY Oneonta
Fathers' Involvement in Nanny Work. Laura Bunyan — University of Connecticut
Mothers as Primary Family Breadwinners: Adapting, Resisting and Transforming Male Breadwinner
Ideologies and Practices. Caryn Medved — Baruch College, CUNY
263. Crime Stories - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Uncomfortable Crimes: The Feminist Politics of the Andrea Yates and Aileen Wuornos Cases. James Perri
— CUNY Graduate Center
"We Weren't the Ones that were Imposing the Death Penalty": Delaware Capital Jurors' Views of Their
Sentencing Responsibility. Ross Kleinstuber — University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Pardon Me: An Introduction to a Case Study Series of the 'Falsely' Accused Black Male Juvenile, Charged as
an Adult. Natasha C. Pratt-Harris — Morgan State University
264. Immigrant Contexts, Citizenship, and Political Struggle - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15
AM-11:45 AM
Inclusion and Exclusion as Domination: The Roma Cases in Europe. Justin Stoll — Boston University
Creating Migrant Minorities: The impact of Ecuadorian & Dominican nation-state practices on migrant
transnational political engagement. Howard Caro-Lopez — City University of New York-Graduate Center
A Voice but Not a Vote: The Case of Surrogate Representation and Social Welfare For Legal Noncitizens
Since 1996. Carly Knight — Harvard University
"It's like being Included and Excluded at the Same Time": Impacts of Immigration Status on Undocumented
Young Adults in California . Caitlin Cassidy Patler — UCLA
265. National Science Foundation Funding Opportunities, Merit Review, and Proposal Preparation - Workshop Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizers: Regina Werum, National Science Foundation; Patricia White, National Science Foundation
266. Problematizing Sexualities - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Intimate Partner Violence in LGB Relationships: An Examination of Prevalence, Determinants, and
Inequality(ies) in the National Violence Against Women Survey. Bethany Coston — Stony Brook
Going Straight: the Ex-Gay Movement. Bernadette Barton — Morehead State University
Sexual Preference or Sexual Orientation: Ideology in Play. Gil Zicklin — Montclair State University
Sex on Campus: A Test of Two Hypotheses of 'Hooking Up'. Timothy J Adkins — University of Illinois at
Chicago; Barbara J Risman — University of Illinois at Chicago
College Women's Power and Agency in the Hookup. Meg Clare Lovejoy — Brandeis University
267. Immigrants: (Re)settlement and Assimilation - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Iraqi Refugees and the Ethnic Enclave Debate: A Study of the Labor Force Activity of Iraqi Refugees by
Resettlement Location and Gender. . Alicia Lee — University of Pennsylvania
Automatic Pass: Post-1965 White Immigrant Assimilation in the United States. Basak Ozgenc —
University at Albany, SUNY
268. Social Movement Counter-Narratives - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Knitting things together: Telling stories to reframe social disorganization narratives. Charlotte Ryan —
University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Karen Jeffreys, — Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless; Robert V
Grantham — University of Massachusetts Lowell; Taylor Ellowitz — Rhode Island Coalition for the
Homeless; Jim Ryczek — Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless
"We Go Where They Go:" Militant Anti-fascism, Threat, and Subcultural Space. Stanislav Vysotsky —
Willamette University
"Glitter Bombing," the LGBT Rights Movement, and the Relationship Between Radical and Respectable
Politics. . Anya Galli — University of Maryland, College Park
Hopeful Activism or Movement Internalized Utopia: Activists Speak to Longevity in the Welfare Rights
Movement. Kaleema Annie Sumareh —
269. Religion, Politics, and the State - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
The changing relationship of the secularized state to religion in Tajikistan. Hakim Zainiddinov — Rutgers
Secularization and "Desecularization": Religions, Institutions, States, and Markets.. Jared ConradBradshaw — Columbia University
Maiduguri al Majirai: The Role of Street Boys in Ethno-Religious Violence in Borno State
(Nigeria). Sundjata ibn Hyman — West Virginia State University
Religious Speech in America v. American Speech Law. Casey Schweppenheiser — Moravian College
"Market Religions" and Postmodern Globalization Theory. Gabe Ignatow — University of North
Texas; Lindsey Johnson — University of North Texas
270. Abstinence, Pregnancy, and Resilience - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Resilience of Urban Black Women & Girls. Nicole Rousseau — Kent State University
Abstinence-Only Education in Schools or Surrounding Culture: What Delays Sexual Initiation in
Teenagers? Patricia Maloney — Yale University; Lauren A Dent — Texas Tech University
Rebecca F. Plante, Ithaca College
271. Social Psychology - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Reference and Perception: Towards a Social Relativism Perspective. Jie Zhang — Buffalo State College
Theory, social environment, and making bets: Examining the Theory of Planned Behaviour in varied sample
of gamblers. . Mark van der Maas — University of Toronto
"True" Love and the "Real" Self: Authenticity as Resolution to Cognitive Dissonance in Extramarital
Affairs. Laurence A. Basirico — Elon University; Alexis Franzese — Elon University
Authenticity of Self: What Is the True Selfhood? Shanyang Zhao — Temple University
Barbara Hanson, York University
272. Natural and Unnatural Disasters - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Narrating Social Capital and Habitus Following Major Disaster: Hurricane Katrina as Case Study . Dana
Greene — University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Relocation Decisions and Social Resilience in Hurricane Katrina Recovery. Eva Rosen — Harvard University
"Rebirthers" and "Disposables:" Narratives of the Future of Post-Katrina New Orleans. Allison PadillaGoodman — Graduate Center-CUNY
Insisting on Dependency: The Effect of Convergence on Media Narratives of the 2010 Haitian
Earthquake. Rose Sayre — Stony Brook University
273. Quantitative Studies of Work - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Work values and a sense of control: Predicting change in the life course.. Jennifer Ashlock — Notre Dame
of Maryland University
Are Perceptions of Discrimination Unidimensional, Oppositional, or Intersectional? Examining Age-,
Gender-, and Race-based Discrimination at Work. . Catherine Harnois — Wake Forest University
Pamela Stone, Hunter College & Graduate Center, CUNY
274. Examining Women's Reproductive Experiences - Mini-conference: Reproduction - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15
AM-11:45 AM
Presider: Alicia VandeVusse, University of Chicago
The Universe is Made of Stories, Not of Atoms: Patient and Provider Stories about Barriers and Facilitators
to Contraceptive Use in Colombia and Peru. Ksenia Varlyguina — Columbia University
Medicalized Maternity Medicine & The Hiring of Labor Support as a Form of Resistance: The Doula's
Perspective. Misty Curreli — Stony Brook University; Catherine Marrone — Stony Brook University
Choosing Surgical Birth: How Women Exercise Their Agency While Working Within the Confines of the
Medical Industry. Alexandria Vasquez — Virginia Commonwealth University
Make Way for Max: Ultrasounds and Changes in the Experience of Pregnancy. Medora W. Barnes — John
Carroll University
Agency in Breastfeeding Decisions After Cesarean Section. Caitlin Cross-Barnet — Franklin and Marshall
College; Marycatherine Augustyn — Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Susan M Gross —
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Amy Resnik — Maryland WIC; David Paige — Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Motherhoods and Meanings Among Black, Hispanic, Asian, and White Women in the United
States. Arthur L Greil — Alfred University; Amy Clark — Clarkson College; Karina M shreffler — Oklahoma
State University; Julia McQuillan — University of Nebraska; Veronica Tichenor — SUNY-Institute of
Technology; Andrew Bedrous — University of Nebraska
Permission to be authentic: Experiences of new mothers who were raised by working mothers. Nicole
Dubus — Wheelock College
Storytelling the Reproductive Body: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understanding Native Women's
Reproductive Healthcare . Barbara Gurr — University of Connecticut
Celebrating Women as Women: Achieving Equality Through Pro-Life Feminism. Amanda M. Czerniawski
— Temple University
Fleshing Out: An Apprentice Midwife's Meditations on the Meanings and Practice of Homebirth Midwifery
. Juliana Marton — University of Vermont
275. Teaching Across the Divides: Challenges and Innovations of Community College Teaching - Mini-conference:
Community Colleges - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
"Reflections on the Experiences of Teaching Race and Racism to Community College Students. Angie
Beeman — Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY; Rose Kim — Borough of Manhattan
Community College, CUNY
"Teaching to the Visual". Julia Rothenberg — Queensborough Community College, CUNY
Autoethnography and Narrative in the Community College Classroom. Jeanne Cameron — Tompkins
Cortland Community College
Reality Check: Teaching Criminal Justice in an Urban Community College. Jane Poulsen —
Queensborough Community College, CUNY
Critical and Contemplative Policy and Pedagogy. Penelope Herideen — Holyoke Community College
Deborah Gambs, Burough of Manhatten Community College CUNY
276. Narrating their Stories: A View from the Trenches - Mini-conference: Women in Science - Saturday Feb 25 |
10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizer: Enobong Hannah Branch, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Presider: Jamika Burge, Coalition to Diversify Computing
Women and Minorities in Chemistry.. Laura Hirshfield — New College of Florida
WoCS at Rutgers: Strategizing to Support and Promote Women of Color Faculty. . Crystal Bedley —
Rutgers University; Patricia Roos — Rutgers University
Smiling Underneath: Life Stories of Women of Color in STEM.. Apriel Hodari — CNA; Irene Liefshitz —
Harvard University; Mia Ong — TERC
STEM Women in Community Colleges.. Cynthia Anderson — Ohio University; Christine Mattley — Ohio
Jamika Burge, Coalition to Diversify Computing
277. Panel 7: Choosing Homes, Choosing Schools Mini Conference - Mini-conference: Choosing Homes, Choosing
Schools - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizers: Annette Lareau, University of Pennsylvania; Michael Bader, American
Studying the Housing/School Segregation Nexus: Mixed Methods and Multiple Epistemologies . Amy
Wells — Teachers College, Columbia University; Douglas Ready — Teachers College, Columbia
University; Lauren Fox — Teachers College, Columbia University; Kathryn Hill — Teachers College,
Columbia University
The Price of Exclusion: Associations between School District, Racial/Ethnic Composition and Residential
Home Prices . Miya Warner — Teachers College, Columbia University; James Quinn — nstitute for Social
and Economic Research and Policy, Columbia University; Douglas Ready — Teachers College, Columbia
Why We Move Where We Do: A Survey of Home Buyers and School District Boundary Lines . Amy Wells —
Teachers College, Columbia University; Hester Earle — Teachers College, Columbia University
Making Sense of Separate School Districts: The Meaning of "School Quality" and the Color Line in Suburban
Housing Choice . Amy Wells — Teachers College, Columbia University; Allison Roda — Teachers College,
Columbia University; Kathryn Hill — Teachers College, Columbia University; Lauren Fox — Teachers
College, Columbia University; Miya Warner — Teachers College, Columbia University
278. Coping with Disasters - Mini-Conference: Security - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
Expanding Organizations in Disaster: A Cross-National Comparative Approach. Ana-Maria Visoiu —
University of South Florida; John Barnshaw — University of South Florida
What do I do when the storm comes in?: Information-seeking in hurricane evacuation and
sheltering. Samantha Penta — University of Delaware; Tricia Wachtendorf — University of Delaware
Some comments on the debate surrounding migration linked to climate change. Continuing with the status
quo? sonia pires — University of Lisbon
279. Where goes the Neighborhood: A Conversation with Robert Sampson and Philip Kasinitz - Conversation Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Presider: Philip Kasinitz, Graduate Center and Hunter College, CUNY
Robert J Sampson, Harvard University
280. Committee on the Status of Women - Meeting - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizers: Carrie Lee Smith, Millersville University; Theresa Morris, Trinity College
281. NY and LA the Uncertain Future: Social Trends - Local Interest - Saturday Feb 25 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizers: Andrew Beveridge, Queens College/Graduate Center-CUNY; David Halle, University of California-Los
Angeles/Graduate Center-CUNY
Skid row and downtown Los Angeles: Broken windows and the ongoing struggle. Forrest Stuart —
University of California-Los Angeles
New York and Los Angeles as immigrant destinations: contrasts and convergence. Nancy Foner — CUNYGraduate Center/Hunter College
Latest trends in architecture in New York and Los Angeles. Rick Bell — American Institute of Architecture
LA and New York Schools. Julie Wrigley — CUNY-Graduate Center
The Challenges of Environmental Policy in New York. William Kornblum — CUNY-Graduate Center
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
282. European Social Movements: Stories of Migration, Mobilization, and Translation - - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00
PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: Nicole Doerr, Harvard University; Geoffrey Pleyers, FNRS- University of Louvain
Presider: Geoffrey Pleyers, FNRS- University of Louvain
A new wave of European mobilization? The case of 15 May Indignats Mobilization in Spain and its
Internationalisation. Mayo Fuster — Harvard University
Protecting the self. Forced migrants and emotional repair work. Asa Wettergren — Goteborg University
A Democracy in Translation? Narrative Constraints to Democratic Practices. Nicole Doerr — Harvard
Geoffrey Pleyers, FNRS- University of Louvain
283. Undergraduate Poster Session IV - - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Legalize, Decriminalize or Prohibit: Student's Changing Attitudes on the Use of Marijuana. Cara McCartin
— Suffolk University; Brett Harrington — Suffolk University; Nicole Queenan — Suffolk University; Sean
Tiernan — Suffolk University
Watershed Moments in the Autobiographies of Deaf Adults: A Pilot Study . Dana Morton — The College
of New Jersey; Jean Slobodzian — The College of New Jersey
Exploring Systems Leadership in Middle Schools: An Overview. Kathryn Borman — University of South
Florida; Scott Patrick Murphy — University of South Florida; Maressa L Dixon — University of South
Florida; Owen Gaither — University of South Florida
Deinstitutionalization and Liberalization of Beliefs: Framing Gay Marriage and Abortion Debates Among
Argentine Young Adults. Leah Ruediger — The College of New Jersey
India's 'Missing Women' and Rural Men's Sexual Risk Behavior. Scott J. South — University at Albany,
State University of New York; Katherine Trent — University at Albany, State University of New York; Sunita
Bose — State University of New York at New Paltz
Socioeconomic Inequalities in Hypertension Awareness in China. Yan Liu — Syracuse University
Active Social Pluralism: Community building among Cameroonian Immigrants. Ellen Salmi — Villanova
The Effect of Cultural Nationalism on Americans' Opposition to Immigration: Who Gets to be a True
American? . Andrea Mariana Roman Alfaro — Skidmore College
How High Do Sports Score? An investigation into the real significance of sports in university attendance
. Elka Peterson Horner — Villanova University
What Does Race Actually Have to do with Homophobia? The Effects of Racial and Ethnic Identity on
Homophobic Attitudes . Stephen A. Bissonnette — Skidmore College
Cultural Threats: An Approach of Globalization towards Swallowing the Culture in Developing Nation and
Ways to Prevent It . Kien Wee Juliano Lai — Universiti Sains Malaysia
Xenophobia in South Africa: Exploring the Post-Apartheid Escalation of Violence . Kathryn Elizabeth Lazell
— Skidmore College
The Effects of Economic Growth and Environmental Protection on Perceptions of Environmental and
Economic Futures . Benjamin Harwick — Skidmore College
How Close Do Americans Feel to Their City? The Impact of Immigration Status and Socioeconomic Status
on Residential Satisfaction in Urban Communities . Willa Jones — Skidmore College
The Criminalization of Homelessness in Chester, Pennsylvania. Kristen Valosky — Villanova University
Negatives Attitudes Toward Latin American Immigration in the United States: What Are the Real Causes?
The Impact of Occupational and Cultural Threat on Prejudice Views toward Latin American
Immigration. Alyson Rae Singer — Skidmore College
Racial and Ethnic Identity within the "Black" Community. Weddy K. Worjroh — Villanova University
The Causes of Xenophobia in Europe: A cross-national study of structural, situational, and personality
factors in Switzerland, Spain, and Norway. Alexander John Jarvis — Skidmore College
From Drilling to Drugs: Shifts in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder. Carrie Ellen Sauer — State University
of New York at New Paltz
HIV Among Young Latino Men who have Sex with Men: The Underlying Factors of Testing. Luis
Maldonado — University of Southern California; Ricky Bluthenthal — University of Southern California
The Social Construction of Race and Ethnicity in the US Census. Eve Emma Stern — State University of
New York at New Paltz College
The Second Shift and Fathers: Are They Supporters or Slackers? Alicia Celeste Loscalzo — SUNY New Paltz
Does Trust in God Make One More Trusting? How Religious Belief Affects Feelings of Trust Towards Others
. Rebecca Louise Donner — Skidmore College
Girls Action Teams: The intersection and connection of self, school, and world. Alexandra Grace Kissling —
University of Cincinnati
Juvenile Criminal Background and Most Recent Arrest. Melissa Janine Madden — Villanova
University; Kristen Ainsley DiGloria — Villanova University
Does the Number of Sexual Partners Differ by Gender? Amber Rose Butcher — Skidmore College
Hide and Seek: Reasons behind the Hide Interaction on Facebook. Jessica Corun — Mount St. Mary's
284. The Explanatory Power of Narrative - Thematic Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Jeffrey Alexander, Yale University
Narrative as a Cultural Structure. Jeffrey Alexander — Yale University
Powerful Events: Good Stories and Political Resonance. Mabel Berezin — Cornell University
Why Narrative Is the Key to Study the Public Sphere. Ron Jacobs — SUNY-Albany
Making Sense of the Senseless: The Narration of Catastrophic Death in the Crash of Flight 93. Alexander
Riley — Bucknell University
285. The Tour Guide: Walking and Talking New York by Jonathan Wynn - Author-Meets-Critics - Saturday Feb
25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Claudio Benzecry, University of Connecticut
Andrew Deener, University of Connecticut
Japonica Brown-Saracino, Boston University
David Grazian, University of Pennsylvania
Jonathan Wynn, UMass Amherst
286. Narratives of Traumatic Events - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
"That Is Your Reality": Communicating the Human Experience of War. Kimberly Spring — New School for
Social Research
Cultural Traumas and Transnational Collective Memories: Mass Mediated Narratives Around 1947 and
1984 in the Sikh Diaspora. Shruti Devgan — Rutgers University
Legacies of Traumatic Memory: The Potential of Socio-epigenetic Storytellings. Andrea Mueller —
Rutgers University
Revisiting Stories Once Told: Watching New Stories Unfold. Laura McClusky — Wells College
287. Undergraduate Paper Session II - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Made it to America, Now What?: Understanding the Educational Achievement Differences among Latino
Subgroups. Natassia Rodriguez — University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Reimagining the Figueroa Corridor, 1960-2005: Growth Politics, Policy, and Displacement. Daniel Wu —
University of Southern California
Proliferation of Sexual Violence Towards Women and Children Within Areas of Heightened Ethnic
Conflict. Donna Yang —
Got Milk?: An Exploration of the United States Dairy Industry. Sarah Florino — College of Notre Dame of
Fame and its Effects on the Presentation of Self in the Britpop Music Movement. Sameer Rao —
Haverford College
Media on Trial: Newspaper Coverage of United States v. Cioffi and Tannin . Mark Setzer — Villanova
288. Contemporary Narratives on Motherhood (Sponsored by the ESS Committee on the Status of Women) Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Laura West Steck, York College of Pennsylvania
Bearing Babies, Bearing Class: Class-Conditioned Agency and the Maternal Body . Kate Mason —
University of California - Berkeley
Social Experiences of Voluntarily Childless Women. Braelin Settle — Wayne State University
"Motherhood is a lot of Work!": Portrayals of Motherhood among Childfree African American and Hispanic
Women. Amy Clark — Clarkson College
Liminal Bodies and Shrinking Spaces: How the Meaning of Motherhood Takes Shape during Pregnancy and
Childbirth. Sara B. Moore — George Mason University
Laura West Steck, York College of Pennsylvania
289. Women's Employment Trajectories - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
"Stories from the Last Bastion": Women professors at the most male-dominated German university
describe the structure and culture as they see it . Heather Hofmeister — Goethe University, Frankfurt
The Variation in Women's Employment Trajectories after Transition to Parenthood in the United States
and West Germany, 1968-2008. Irene Boeckmann — University of Massachusetts-Amherst
The effect of employment on breastfeeding: A causal analysis. Amanda Lubold — University of Arizona
290. Living to Age - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
What's Age Got to Do with it? Children and Elders Rights in the International Perspective. Fortunata
Songora Makene — Worcester State University
American seniors' attitudes towards Medicare system and reformation. Yushi Li — Northern Kentucky
University; Erin Stone Bandy — Northern Kentucky University; Debra Lemke — McDaniel College
Devaluing Evidence-based Practice in Medicare Home Care: The Case of Phantomizing Alzheimer's disease
Clients. William Cabin — The Richard Stockton College
Pitching In: Socioeconomic Status, Living Arrangements, Social Networks, and Physical Well-Being of the
Elderly in India. Sangeeta Parashar — Montclair State University
291. Nation and Nationalism - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Exhibiting the Nation: the Indigenous in Chile's National Museums. Magdalena Gil-Ureta / Columbia
University / msg2144@columbia.edu . Magdalena Gil-Ureta — Columbia University
The Global Diffusion of National Identity. Jonathan Eastwood — Washington and Lee University
Proclaiming Independence: Language and National Identity in Sékou Touré's Guinea. Meghan Tinsley —
Boston University
Poets, Politicians, and Philosophers: The First Stirrings of Nationalism in Africa. Katrina Demulling —
Boston University
292. Hustling to Make It: The Informal Economy - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Structure, Culture and Selective Solidarities: The Case of Scrap Metal Collectors in Chicago. Elise Martel —
Loyola University Chicago
Urban Backyard Chicken Farming in Kingston, Jamaica: Unique Challenges and Strategies for Success
. Allison Suppan Helmuth — George Washington University
Stories from the Second (or Third) Shift: Work-Family Conflicts among Ecuadorian Women in Informal
Employment. Erynn Masi de Casanova — University of Cincinnati
Hustling in the name of Allah: The interplay of culture and structure in an African American
community. Pamela J. Prickett — University of California, Los Angeles
293. Feminist Narratives - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Using Fiction to Tell Women's Stories: The Feminist Academic Novel. Patricia Leavy — Stonehill College
Pride and Prejudice: Sexual Storytelling and the Politics of Inclusion in One Sex-Positive Group. Rebekah
Joy Orr — Syracuse University
Making a Meaningful Life: Gender, Class, and Narrative Resources. Sarah M Corse — university of
virginia; Jennifer Silva — Harvard
Rembrandt's Isaac and Rebecca: A Prescriptive Female Narrative of Power. Nan Atwood — Brigham
Young University
294. Performing in the Margins - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Negotiating Social Marginalization via Music and Dance: The Cultural Work of Southern Italian
Tarantism. Lee Blackstone — SUNY College at Old Westbury
Racial Transparency Theory Applied to Musicians Who Claim to Be Aliens. William Tsitsos — Towson
"Remembering the Times - Chess Hustlers' Stories in New York City's Washington Square Park". Daron
Jabari Howard — The Graduate Center, CUNY
Spinning Stories from Words Got Spit: Researching a Verbal Art/ist Community . Valerie L. Chepp —
University of Maryland
295. Organizational Deviance and Failure: How Things Go Wrong - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 |
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Diane Vaughan, Columbia University
Abu Ghraib: An Organizational Analysis. Ifeoma Ajunwa — Columbia University
Beyond Control: Organizational Uncoupling at Daimler/Chrystler. Philipp Brandt — Columbia University
Dismantling Structure: Organizational Causes of Fire at the Deutsche Bank Building . Lauren Dean —
Columbia University
A Pirate's Ransom: Somalia and the Development of Deviance at Sea. Ryan Hagen — Columbia University
Jeff Goodwin, New York University
296. Tales of Crime, Sex, and Death - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
'My private thoughts are my private thoughts': Shaping sex offenders' narrative identities. Leon Digard —
The Vera Institute of Justice
Still that Little Girl: How the narrative of childhood abuse frames the criminal identity of ex-offender
mothers. Geniece Crawford — Harvard University
In Their Own Words: The Narratives of Women Formerly on Death Row in the Philippines . Diana Therese
Veloso — Loyola University Chicago
Death Penalty Survivors: The Facilitation of Meaning Reconstruction among the Families of Executed Loved
Ones through the Revision of Self-Narratives. Sandra Joy Jones — Rowan University
297. Managing Diversity - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Positioning Race and Diversity in HBCU Mission Statements. Courtney Myrtle Carter — University of
Illinois at Chicago
Decoupling & Diversity Management. Shawna Bowden Vican — Harvard University
Organizational Interventions and Women's Leadership. Mary Godwyn — Babson College; Nan Langowitz
— Babson College
Don Sawyer, Syracuse University
298. Pop Culture Critique through the lens of Post Feminism - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Allison Carter, Rowan University
"Bakhtin and Hustler: Rethinking Disgust". Allison Carter — Rowan University
"Old Spice: Customizing the Appeal to Male and Female Consumers". Meaghan Marks — Rowan
"Post Feminist Male Hegemony: The Case of James Bond". Lewis Cannalongo — Rowan University
Lynn Chancer, Hunter College
299. Atheism and Spirituality in Social Movements - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Catholic Clergy in the Civil Rights Movement. Paul Murray — Siena College
Atheists with Agendas: Multiple Secularisms in the Midwest. Justin Stoll — Boston University
Spiritual Practices and Social Movements: Developing An Interdisciplinary Methodology. Jonathan
Andrews — SUNY Purchase
Kaelyn Wiles, Grinnell College
300. Repression and Social Control - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Policing Protests of Unemployed, Informal Workers and Marginal Groups: the case of
Argentina. Fernanda Page Poma — SUNY Stony Brook
Counterterrorist Legislation Reconsidered: A Historical and Regional Perspective . Eran Shor — McGill
The Tea Party and Legislation to Limit Birthright Citizenship in the U.S. Tarun Banerjee — Stony Brook
U.S. Government Cold War Human Experimentation Programs. Ken Cunningham — Penn State University
'Technologies of Freedom'?: Satellite Imaging and Neoliberal Surveillance. Monica Brannon — New
School for Social Research
301. Using Students' Experience - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Turning Content Into Experience: The Utilization of Experiential Learning in Teaching About Societal
Influences on Personal Biases. Richard Maurice Smith — McDaniel College
Teaching and Researching Difficult Topics. Jennifer Zoltanski — Massachusetts College of Liberal
Arts; Carolyn Zook — University of Pittsburgh
SocioBlogging Our Way to Understanding: Student Blogging as a Learning Tool. Melissa Sheridan
Embser-Herbert — Hamline University
Engaging undergraduates in qualitative research: Modeling the work of Studs Terkel. Marianne
Goodfellow — Lebanon Valley College
Growing up with Dogs: The Effect of the Family Dog on College Students' Attitudes and Beliefs about
Pets. Angela Cora Garcia — Bentley University; Students in Sociology 299: Animals in Society — Bentley
302. Narrative Theory - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
The Narrator. fady talj — university of maryland college park
Common Sensibility: Toward a Narrative Ecology of Place. Mary Hufford — University of Pennsylvania
Emotions as Narratives. Thomas Henricks — Elon University
Towards a Theory of Social Space and Story Worlds: Illusio and the Sociology of Narrative. Michelangelo
Trujillo — University of Michigan
303. Creating Communities - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Boston Neighborhood Case Study: Investigating Divergent Narratives. Whitney Gecker — UMass Boston
Telling Stories: Ironies of Community Process, Diversity, and Participation. Carolyn Chernoff — University
of Pennsylvania
"The greater good:" Narrating identity in Elm City's fire service. Carolyn Ly — Yale University
A Multidimensional Exploration of the Foundations of Community Attachment. Brian Jennings — Albright
College; Richard Krannich — Utah State University
304. The Circle of Life: Fertility and Mortality - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Mortality Deceleration and Mortality Selection: Three Surprising Results in a Simple Setting. Elizabeth
Wrigley-Field — University of Wisconsin-Madison
White-Hispanic Differences in Meeting Fertility Intentions Over the Life Course. Caroline Sten Hartnett —
University of Michigan
Connection between Educational Attainment, Reduced Fertility & Mortality, Labor Force Inclusion &
Political Participation for Women in the Middle East . Elhum haghighat — Lehman College, City University
of New York
Children: Hot or Not? On the Determinants of the Desire for Children, Fertility Intentions and their
Realization.. Isabel N. Haeberling — University of Zurich
Julie Fennell, Gallaudet University
305. Assessing the Sociology of Reproduction and Next Steps. (Bring your lunch!) - Mini-conference:
Reproduction - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Presiders: Theresa Morris, Trinity College; Danielle Bessett, University of Cincinnati
Sociology of Reproduction Meets Reproductive Justice: The Organization of a Subfield. Danielle Bessett —
University of Cincinnati; Theresa Morris — Trinity College
Building the Sociology of Reproduction: Discussion of Next Steps. **No Authors Listed**
306. Diverse Experiences, Global Challenges: Community Colleges Traverse a Changing Social Landscape - Miniconference: Community Colleges - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Human Rights Education and the Community College. Lindsay Padilla — University of San Francisco
Intimate Learning: Fostering Educational Equity Using iPads in the Classroom. Stacy Evans — Berkshire
Community College
Twitter as Pedagogical Resource in an Introductory Course. Travis Jones — Stanly Community College
The Cross-Cultural function of Community College: Middle-class Asian Immigration and California
Community College". Rika Fabian — West Valley College
Jennifer Lerner, Northern Virginia Community College
307. Effects of Military Service Across the Life Course - Mini-conference: Military - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM1:30 PM
Organizer: Ryan Kelty, Washington College
Military Service and Social Policy: Outcomes for financial and health security in later life. Jessica E
Hoffman — University at Buffalo
The Hidden Social Consequences of Military Deployment. Leslie Grantham — University of Southern
Racial Differences in the Socioeconomic Status Attainment of Korean War, World War II and Korean, and
World War II Veterans Compared with their Civilian Peers. Kris Marsh — University of Maryland College
Park; Mary Kniskern — University of Maryland College Park; David R Segal — University of Maryland
College Park
"Occupational Distribution of Military Spouses: A Response to the Demands of the Military
Lifestyle?". Mary Kniskern — University of Maryland College Park
308. Pathways and Potholes: Entry, Persistence, and Exit in STEM Fields - Mini-conference: Women in Science Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Enobong Hannah Branch, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Presider: Laura Kramer, Montclair State University
Retention of Women in STEM Occupations: Comparisons with Managers and Professionals. . Sharon
Sassler — Cornell University; Jennifer Glass — University of Texas-Austin; Yael Levitte — Cornell
University; Katherine Michelmore — Cornell University
Wrought with Frustration: The Path to Full Professor for STEM Women. . Britton Dana — Kansas State
Closet Sexists and Industry Utopias: STEM Women Imagine the Job Market. . Kristen Schilt — University
of Chicago
Gender and Job Satisfaction in the STEM.. Julia McQuillan — University of Nebraska
Laura Kramer, Montclair State University
309. Securing the Economy - Mini-Conference: Security - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
Grey Capitalism in the Islamic Republic: The Politics of Social Security Pension Funds in Iran. Kevan Harris
— Johns Hopkins University
Security is Financial but Finance is Not Secure: The Case of Subprime Loans. John Andrews — Graduate
Center, CUNY
Enchanted Entrepreneurs and the Metaphysics of Security. Karen Gregory — CUNY Graduate Center
The Socio-Politics of Economic Security Imaginings . Josh Klein — Iona College
310. Inequality and Crime Research - Conversation - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Andrew Papachristos, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Andrew Papachristos, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Chris Wildeman
Patrick Sharkey, New York University
311. Editorial Board - Meeting - Saturday Feb 25 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Karen A Cerulo, Rutgers
1:45 PM-3:15 PM
312. Undergraduate Poster Session V - - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
"Cyber-Bullying Among College Students" . Daniel O'Shea — William Paterson University
Should Justice Be Restorative or Retributive . Michael McDonald — William Paterson University
Finding What I Want Out of Life: How Liberal Arts College Students Answer Life's Big Questions . Heather
Elizabeth Godshall —
Influences behind Intervening Interpersonal Violence. Kevin Wilson — ; David Magistro — ; Colleen
Martin —
Tools of Construction: Pornography Websites and the Reification of Gendered Viewing. Theresa Mendez
— Wells College
Intervention and the relation to past experiences . Torin Barnes — ; Ashley N Waldemar — Ramapo
College of New Jersey
US-Born or African-Born? Effect of nativity on mental health service utilization among citizens with severe
mental illness. Sirry Alang —
The Drug War and it's Impact on Women Along the U.S-Mexico Border. Kaitlin Latimer — West Chester
University of Pennsylvania
The Commodification of Yoga and Reinforcement of Social Class Boundaries Through Lifestyle
Stores. Karin C. Robinson — Wellesley College
Formation of abortion opinion . Lydia Mary Blide — Bloomsburg University
Implementing Social Networking Analysis tools in Kenya. Frederick Eddie Beebe —
As A Pearl In Its Shell: The Commodification of Islamic Dress. Anne Shaw Myers — Wellesley College
Kimchi: Commodity of Contradiction. Ji-Su Park — Wellesley College
A Study on Fraternity Men: Hyper-Masculinity and Homophobia -- How West Chester University's
Environment Equates. Rebekah Suzanne Balmer — West Chester University of Pennsylvania
The Romance Novel: an Anti-Status Symbol. Camden Louie — Wellesley College
"The Impact of Parental Socialization Methods on Emerging Adult Males & Females Substance Use" by
Samantha Kopp. Samantha Kopp — William Paterson University
"The Effects of the OTC Availability of Plan B on Teens Contraceptive Decision Making Process, With Race
and SES Considerations" by Erika Mann. Erika Mann — William Paterson Univeristy
"Death Denying Society" by Jazmin Romero. Jazmin Romero — William Paterson University
"How Socioeconomic Differences In Low-Income Families Leads To Child Maltreatment" by Kelly P.
Padilla. Kelly P Padilla — William Paterson University
"Stress, Time-management, Academic Success and the Student-Athlete" by Paul Trass. Paul Trass —
William Paterson University
"(In)direct Bullying: Causes and Consequences of Victimization and Cyberbullying"by Chris
Bores. Christopher Bores — William Paterson University
"Influences on Corporal Punishment" by Carina Jaquez. Carina Jaquez — William Paterson University
"Understanding the Effects of Open Homosexuality on Personal Relationships". Natalie Mooney —
William Paterson University
"The Doors are Locked" by Caitlin Signorello. Caitlin Signorello — William Paterson University
How Immigrant Children Make Sense of Their Experiences. Danielle Cole — ; Jana Sladkova — University
of Massachusetts Lowell; Cory Cascalheira — University of Massachusetts Lowell; Isabel Cano —
University of Massachusetts Lowell; Allyssa McCabe — University of Massachusetts Lowell
Discipline of the Body. Renee Michelle Aylesworth —
The Changing Boundaries of Porn and Non-Porn: How Sex Has Become A Public Issue. Gina Marie
Delgaudio —
The Affects of the Anti-Immigrant Discourse and Public Policy on the Mental Health of Immigrant
Adolescents and Children of Immigrants. Rebecca Moore Litt —
Effect of Family Structure on Choice of Educational Institution. Lauren Corcoran —
Gendered Narratives of American Individualism in the 21st Century: How "American Idol" tells the story of
the American Dream. Analissa Iversen — University of Massachusetts Lowell; Mignon Duffy — University
of Massachusetts Lowell
Face-lift in a Bottle? Anti-aging Cosmetics Industry and Sociocultural Implications. Christine Hyunjeong
Joo — Wellesley College
Resources for the youth and the elderly in the town of Springfield. Sandra Kwawu —
313. Identity Narratives and Kinship Stories - Thematic Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizers: Alondra Nelson, Columbia University; Thuy Lihn N. Tu, New York University
Presider: Thuy Lihn N. Tu, New York University
Ancestors and Relatives: Genealogy, Identity, and Community. Eviatar Zerubavel — Rutgers University
Excavating Ethnic Options: Origin Stories at the Lower Manhattan African Burial Ground. Alondra Nelson
— Columbia University
Race, Ethnicity, and the U.S. Census: Culture, Structure and the SOR Narrative. Clara E. Rodriguez —
Fordham University
Thuy Lihn N. Tu, New York University
314. Pink Ribbon Blues: How Breast Cancer Culture Undermines Women's Health by Gayle Sulik - Author-MeetsCritics - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Astrid Eich-Krohm, Southern Connecticut State University
Astrid Eich-Krohm, Southern Connecticut State University
Omar Nagi, Mount Saint Vincent
Barbara Katz Rothman, Baruch/CUNY
Gayle A. Sulik, University at Albany
315. Narratives Divides: Class, Gender, and Generation - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15
Narratives on the Generational Dynamics of Social Movements. Elizabeth Borland — The College of New
Challenging Narratives: The Women's Liberation Movement in Pittsburgh in the 1970s. Marie Skoczylas
— University of Pittsburgh
Story-telling versus Generalizing: Working-class and Middle-Class Activists' Speech Styles. Betsy LeondarWright — Boston College
Markella Rutherford, Wellesley College
316. Fighting "The Man": Challenges to Power - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Exploring the use of Web 2.0 and Writing Activism of Indonesian Domestic Workers in Hong Kong. Shiho
Sawai — Tokyo University of Foreign Studies; Christine E Bose — SUNY Albany
Feminism or Motherhood? Women's Peace Activism in Turkey. Hayrunnisa Goksel — Northwestern
Guerrilla Women: Understanding Gender in the Maoist Movement in India. Juhi Tyagi — Stony Brook
"'I spell that L-I-L-L-I-E'": Speaking Truth to Power. Dwanna Lynn Robertson — University of
Speech, Silence, and Street Harassment. Melinda Mills — Castleton State College
317. Care and Kinship - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Cameron Macdonald, University of Wisconsin
"They Told Me I Have to be Working or in School": Barriers and Strategies to Child Care Access among
Custodial Grandmothers . LaShanda Pittman-Gay — Georgia State University
Patterned Compliance and the FMLA: The Gendered Implementation of a Gender-Neutral Law. Amy
Armenia — Randolph-Macon College; Naomi Gerstel — University of Massachussets - Amherst
"They Have Their Own Lives to Look After": Social Class and Inter-generational Reciprocity in Care for the
Critically Ill. Cameron Macdonald — University of Wisconsin
Gender Gaps in Help to Parents: Exploring Cross-National Variation. Natalia Sarkisian — Boston
College; Naomi Gerstel — University of Massachussets - Amherst
Amy Armenia, Randolph-Macon College
Naomi Gerstel, University of Massachussets - Amherst
Natalia Sarkisian, Boston College
LaShanda Pittman-Gay, Georgia State University
318. Organizational Forms of Protest - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Consumer Cooperatives and Civil Rights Activism: The Case of the Young Negroes' Cooperative
League. Josh Carreiro — University of Massachusetts, Amherst
The Dynamics of Legal Mobilization: Supreme Court Ruling and the Mobilization of Guantánamo
Lawyers. Chan S. Suh — Cornell University
Care worker unions in the United States: Considering the role of existing social service bureaucracies
. Clare Hammonds — Brandeis University
On the Sources and Targets of Anti-Corporate Activism: Evidence from the Fortune 1000. Marc Dixon —
Dartmouth College; Andrew W Martin — Ohio State University
319. Work and Family - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Part-time Professional or Part-time Parent: Working Parents' Adoption of Work-Family Balance
Strategies. Sarah Mosseri — University of Virginia
Inseparable Spheres: Gendered Occupational Characteristics and Women's Household Labor. Carrie L.
Shandra — Hofstra University
How Men and Women Synchronize Work and Family in Germany and the United States.. Silke Aisenbrey
— Yeshiva University; Anette Fasang — Humboldt University; Daniela Grunow — University of Amsterdam
Does Disability among Married Parents Elicit Gender-Neutral Time Allocations? Peter Brandon —
University at Albany
Age and Cohort Differences in Post-College "Second Shift" Work. Renee A. Monson — Hobart and William
Smith Colleges; H. Weslesy Perkins — Hobart and William Smith Colleges
320. Social Capital in Urban Spaces - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
"Making Money off People, Making Money with People: Economic action and Moral Order among
Landlords in Low-Income Minority Neighborhoods in Brooklyn, NY". Clement Thery — Columbia
Homeownership and the Formation of Social Capital in Local Neighborhoods. Brian McCabe —
Georgetown University
The Facilitation of Social Capital in Campus Housing.. Joseph Cabrera — Marywood University; Josh
Ackerman — Marywood University; Elizabeth Lopez — Marywood University
Social Capital as Collateral: Banking on the Poor. esayas geleta — university of limerick
321. Narrating the Other: Comparative Perspectives on Immigration and Integration - Regular Paper Session Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Migrations meet Genders and Feminisms. Binh Pok — Graduate Center-CUNY
The "land of opportunity" as seen from afar: The United States as an alternative possibility for Latin
Americans in Spain. Jessica Sperling — CUNY-Graduate Center
The role of national context in developing the educational aspirations among children of
immigrants. Jennifer Sloan — CUNY-Graduate Center
Immigrants' work amid affluence: Relations and perceptions across lines of class, race, and
nativity. Elizabeth Miller — CUNY graduate school
The Myth of Belonging: the experience of Polish workers in Dublin. Elitsa Molles — Boston College
Nancy Foner, CUNY-Graduate Center/Hunter College
322. Constructing Racial Identities - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
If You Can't Stand the Heat...: Negotiating Culture and Identity amongst Mexican-American Kitchen
Workers in Chicago's Restaurant Industry . Black Hawk Hancock — DePaul University
Boundary Work and the Negotiation of White Racial Identities in the Context of Hip-Hop Culture. Carolyn
Corrado — University at Albany, SUNY
Veiling at Work: Muslim Women and Religious Accommodation. Wajeeha Ameen Choudhary — Temple
Identity Politics and Complex Saga of Veil, Purdah and Shalwar Kameez. Vinay Bahl — Pennsylvania
College of Technology
323. Feminist Research Ethics - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
The Practice of Feminist Interviewing in an Islamic Republic. Mina Semeni — George Mason University
The Role of Reciprocity in Social Research. Sara B. Moore — George Mason University
Constructing the Frame: Social Location in a Cultural Documentation Project. Katie Kerstetter — George
Mason University
Mitigating Hierarchies in Social Research: Graduate Student Strategies. Marisa Allison — George Mason
Andrea L Robles, George Mason University
324. Varieties of Education Experience - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
How teachers become (like their own) students. Scott Patrick Murphy — University of South Florida; Joe
LoSasso — University of South Florida; Owen Gaither — University of South Florida; Kathryn Borman —
University of South Florida
Challenging the "One Best System": Homeschooling Litigation in the U.S., 1972-2007 . Regina Werum —
National Science Foundation
Constructing the Mediocre Status Quo: Cultural Narratives and Policy Change in Education. Jody Schmid
— University at Albany
Going Places: Did Compulsory Schooling Increase Geographic Mobility . Emily Rauscher — New York
325. Workshop on the Status of the Job Market for New PhDs in Sociology 2011-2012 - Regular Paper Session Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizers: Roberta Spalter-Roth, American Sociological Association; Jerry A. Jacobs, University of Pennsylvania
326. Immigration, Its Complexities, and an Example of Its Product. - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 |
1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Kristine Marie Rosales, CUNY- Queens College
Investigating the African Immigrant Health Paradox. Holly Reed — Queens College CUNY; Catherine
Andrzejewski — Queens College CUNY; Nancy Luke — Brown University; Elizabeth Fuentes — CUNY
Graduate Center
Neighborhoods Change with Immigration: A National Look with concentrations in New York particularly in
Queens.. Kristine Marie Rosales — CUNY- Queens College
A Study of the Afghan Diaspora and the Institutions of Reception in the U.S. and Greece. . Nick Alexiou —
CUNY- Queens College; Katerina Karapanou — ; Suzanne Strickland — CUNY- Queens College
Changing Corona : Remembering and Revisiting . Patricia Clough — CUNY- Queens College; Omar
Hernandez Montana — CUNY- Queens College
Holly Reed, Queens College CUNY
Kristine Marie Rosales, CUNY- Queens College
Nick Alexiou, CUNY- Queens College
Suzanne Strickland, CUNY- Queens College
Patricia Clough, CUNY- Queens College
327. The Left Less Traveled: Explorations of World-Systems Biography - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM3:15 PM
Organizers: Brendan McQuade, Binghamton University; Apurva Apurva, Binghamton University; Matt Birkhold,
Binghamton University
'The road from Mandalay to Wigan is a long one and the reasons for taking it are not immediately clear': A
World-Systems Biography of George Orwell. Brendan McQuade — Binghamton University
Agriculture, Industry, and Automation: A World-Systems Biography of James Boggs. Matt Birkhold —
Binghamton University
The Revolutionary Route at a Crossroads: A World-Systems Biography of M. N Roy and Charu
Mazumdar. Apurva Apurva — Binghamton University
Kevan Harris, Johns Hopkins University
328. Narratives of Graphic Identity - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Katherine Castiello Jones, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
A Black Spider-Man? Racial Discourse, Super Hero Characters and Canon. Albert Fu — Kutztown
He said, she said: Analyzing two graphic novels of self and experience in sex work. Heidi Michelle Baez —
The Graduate Center, CUNY
Katherine Castiello Jones, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
329. Narratives of Race - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
"He's white to me": Using stories about people of color to hide race-based social exclusivity . Kathleen
Gray — Elizabeth City State University
Narratives in Anti-Blackness: Rethinking Cape Verdean Youth Identity. Paul Khalil Saucier — Rhode Island
Social Networks and the Housing Search: The Narratives of African American and White Homeowners from
Long Island. Jeanne Kimpel — Fordham University
"Beyond Racism, Beyond Whiteness: A critical investigation of white privilege narratives". Kathryn
Peterson — New York University
330. The Sociology of Good and Evil - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma, University of Connecticut
331. Perceiving Students, Teachers, and Schools - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Newark Resident Perceptions of Public Education. Alan R. Sadovnik — Rutgers University; Edward Fergus
— New York University; Jeffrey Backstrand — Rutgers University; Elizabeth Rivera Rodas — Rutgers
High School Mathematics and English Language Arts Teachers' Views on the Role of Teachers in Student
Success. Billie Gastic — Beam Youth Collaborative
From Diverse Play to Sustained Inequality: The Informal Processes and Dissemination of Cultural Capital
that Shape the Young Child's Early Educational Experience. Gerilyn Slicker — George Washington
Building Inclusive American Identities: Imagining a National Civics Curriculum. Ann Horwitz — University
of Maryland, College Park
332. Happiness and Unhappiness - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
What makes me happy? Are the determinants subjective, objective or both? George Kypriotakis — Case
Western Reserve University
Social Mobility and Happiness in China. Pianpian Carolyn Xu — Yale University
Stress, Depression, and The Welfare State: How Social Safety Nets Mitigate the Psychological Impact of
Job Loss. Christopher Reece — University of Pennsylvania
Material Hardship and Depression among Low-income Families in Korea. Jaeseung Kim — Columbia
University Mailman School of Pulbic Health; Joyce YH Shim — Columbia University School of Social
Work; HaeNim Lee — Boston College Graduate School of Social Work; RaeHyuck Lee — Columbia
University School of Social Work
Depression and the Depression: Occupational attainment, gender, and reduced mental health. Nadia
Winds Morgen — University of New Hampshire
333. Workplace Inequality and Resistance - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Globalization, Labor Market Transformation, and Union Density at the Metropolitan Level. Todd Vachon
— University of Connecticut
Labor Resistance, Public Policy, and Changing Layoff Policies, 1984-2006. Jiwook Jung — Harvard
Stratification and Social Division: A Regional Comparison of Trade Unions in the United States, Asia and
Europe . . Carsten Stroeby Jensen —
Class Consciousness in the Retail Workplace? Worker Narratives from Two Department Store Chains
. Peter Ikeler — Graduate Center, City University of New York
334. Urban Culture - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
On "Darkness" and "Light": Boundary Work among Homeless Men in a Rescue Mission . Damian Williams
— Concordia University Chicago
Language and Power: When Shanghainese Could not Speak Their Dialect in Public. Fang Xu — Graduate
Center of City University of New York
Alternative Academia? Postmodernity, University, and the Rise of Intellectual Leisure in Russia. Tatiana
Omeltchenko — Sacred Heart University
Joseph Sullivan, West Virginia University
335. Cyber-bullying - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Understanding the Contextualization of Cyberbullying; An Examination of American Adolescents . Karen
Alexis Ertrachter — SUNY Buffalo
Title:Testing the Effects of Bullying and Cyber-bullying on Delinquency Using the Pennsylvania Youth
Survey . Lindsay L Kahle — Indiana University of Pennsylvania
What Are We Blocking? Guardian Intervention Strategies and Online Safety Among Youths. Randy Lynn
— George Mason University
Ann Marie Popp, Duquesne University
336. Studying a Fraught Subject in Reproduction, Abortion - Mini-conference: Reproduction - Saturday Feb 25 |
1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Presiders: Siri Suh, Columbia University; Ksenia Varlyguina, Columbia University
Abortion and "conscience clauses": conflicts between Catholic hospitals and physician employees in
patient care. Lori Freedman — University of California, San Francisco
Abortion counseling: the career of a movement-affiliated occupation. carole joffe — UCSF
Abortion & Later Gestations. Tracy Weitz — University of California, San Francisco
Abortion and Sex Selection: The New Impossible Choice? Sujatha Jesudason — Generations Ahead
337. Narratives of Learning at the Community Colleges: The Undergraduate Perspective - Mini-conference:
Community Colleges - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
338. Military Issues in International and Historical Context - Mini-conference: Military - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45
PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Ryan Kelty, Washington College
The Great Guerilla: Changing Narratives of Martial Valor in Western India. Daniel Jasper — Moravian
The Bureaucratization of Wartime Violence: American Experience in Three "Foreign" Wars. Brice
McKeever — University of Virginia
Changes in Global Inequality 1800-2005. Jeffrey Kentor — University of Utah; Marti Morris — University
of Utah; Daniel Poole — University of Utah
339. Science in a Globalizing World: Continued Marginalization or an Opportunity? - Mini-conference: Women in
Science - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Enobong Hannah Branch, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Presider: Nancy Naples, University of Connecticut
Gender, International Mobility, and Collaboration of Academics.. Kathrin Zippel — Northeastern
The Declining Representation of U.S.-Born Researchers: A Cause for Concern? Lisa Frehill — Energetics
Technology Center
The Importance of Diversity in America's Quest for Innovation.. Enobong Hannah Branch — University of
Compositional Shifts in Women and Foreign Born Workers: A Comparison of Life Sciences and Information
Technology.. Sharla Alegria — University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Nancy Naples, University of Connecticut
340. Discursive Practices and Narrative Telling - Mini-Conference: Security - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
Waterboarding as Callous Cruelty: Culture and Knowledge in Narratives of "Enhanced
Interrogation". Jared Del Rosso — Boston College
The 'pacification' discourse and the public security strategy in Rio de Janeiro. Diogo Dario — University of
St Andrews
Media Photography and Depictions of Social Disorder: Evidence for a Visual Sociological Method and
Theory. Jeremiah Coldsmith — University of Connecticut; Robert L Isenberg —
"Methodological Reflections in the Study of Security". Polly Sylvia — Baruch College
341. Narrating Rumor, Belief, and Truth - Conversation - Saturday Feb 25 | 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Organizer: Gary Alan Fine, Northwestern University
Presider: Gary Alan Fine, Northwestern University
Gary Alan Fine, Northwestern University
Pamela Donovan, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Nicholas DiFonzo, Rochester Institute of Technology
3:30 PM-5:00 PM
342. Challenges of Motherhood - - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Married Black Mothers, Values, and Employment. Caitlin Cross-Barnet — Franklin and Marshall
College; Katrina Bell McDonald — Johns Hopkins University
Deconstructing the "Mommy Wars": Mothers talk about Motherhood, Mothering and Empowered
Choices. Michelle Napierski-Prancl — Russell Sage College
Black Moms and "White Motherhood Society": African-American Middle-Class Mothers' Perspectives on
Work, Family and Identity . Dawn Dow — University of California, Berkeley
343. Tales from the Dark Side - Thematic Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Presider: Diane Vaughan, Columbia University
The Nuisance of Domestic Violence. Matt Desmond — Harvard University
On the Run: An American Ghetto in the Era of Surveillance and Imprisonment. Alice Goffman —
University of Michigan
Living in Instruments of Insecurity. Harvey Molotch — NYU
Mistake, Error, Risk and Stress: Air Traffic Control and the Social Transformation of Risky Work. Diane
Vaughan — Columbia University
Susan Silbey, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
344. Narrative and Social Movements - Thematic Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizer: Marc W Steinberg, Smith College
Encrypted Stories and Contentious Memories: Exploring the Sources of Democratic Crisis in Social
Movements. Nicole Doerr — Harvard University
Forging an Unsettled Future: Activist Projections in Times of Upheaval and Challenge. Ann Mische —
Movements on the Move: Travel as Tact, Story as Strategy, Place as Politics. Lynn Owens — Middlebury
Patricia Ewick, Clark University
345. Graffiti Lives: Beyond the Tag in New York's Urban Underground by Gregory Snyder - Author-Meets-Critics Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizer: Judith R. Halasz, SUNY New Paltz
Michael P. Jeffries, Wellesley College
Jennifer Lena, Barnard College
Judith R. Halasz, SUNY New Paltz
Gregory Snyder
346. Navigating Racialized Spaces - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
"I Would Be Like a Grain of Salt in a Pepper Shaker": Exploring Neighborhood Preferences Among Whites,
Blacks, and Hispanics. Cassi Ann Meyerhoffer — State University of New York at Buffalo
Locational Attainment Outcomes and Returns to Socioeconomic Resources among Black Immigrants
. Grigoris Argeros — Mississippi State University
"How Race, Class, and Gender Identities affect how Middle and Working Class African Americans
experience their neighborhoods". Cassi Pittman — Harvard University
Context Matters: Space and Place in the Development of Ethnic Identities in 2nd Generation Haitian
Migrants. Danielle Saint Hilaire —
347. Alternative Economies - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
The Boston Time Trade Circle: Social and Cultural Capital in an Alternative Market. Emilie Dubois —
Boston College; Luka B. Carfagna — Boston College; Juliet Schor — Boston College
The 10 Building Blocks of a Sharing Economy. Abby Scher — Associate Fellow, Institute for Policy Studies
Gifts Among Strangers. Sofya Aptekar — Max Planck Institute, CUNY Grad Center
The Life of the Hustle: A Comparative Analysis of Legitimate vs. Illegitimate Work in Harlem . Kendra
Gentry — John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Graduate Center; Jeanene Barrett — John Jay College
of Criminal Justice, CUNY Graduate Center
348. Work/Life Balance - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Changing Workplaces, Changing Work Behaviors: Does a Workplace Initiatives Change When and Where
People Work? Eric Tranby — University of Delaware; Erin Kelly — University of Minnesota; Phyllis Moen
— University of Minnesota
"Mompreneurs" in Westernized Countries: How the Effect of Children on Women's Self-Employment
Participation Varies with Policy Supports for and Cultural Attitudes Regarding Maternal
Employment. Michelle Budig — University of Massachusetts;Vartuhi Tonoyan — University of
Mannheim; Robert Strohmeyer — University of Mannheim; Melissa J Hodges — University of Mannheim
Faculty Perceptions of Work/Life Policies and Intentions to Quit. Catherine Berheide — Skidmore
College; Rena Linden — Skidmore College; Cay Anderson-Hanley — Union College
How did I get here? - The cultural and social moorings of business behavior among Asian Indian women
entrepreneurs in the 21st. century.. Manashi Ray — West Virginia State University
349. Mediated and Unmediated Messages in Protest - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00
Starvin' for Justice: Fasting as Embodied Activism . Annie Hallman — George Mason University; Marisa
Allison — George Mason University
Rise of Hate Groups and their Association with Larger Social Movements. ayesha hamid — brooklyn
college; ayesha hamid — brooklyn college; ayesha hamid — brooklyn college
The Meaning of Water: "The Commons" as a Socially Constructed Discourse. Joanna Robinson —
University of California, Berkeley
The Protest is the Message: Aesthetic Politics and Contemporary Social Movements. Kenneth Tucker —
Mount Holyoke College
350. Material Culture - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Alien Tools for Ordinary Projects: Material-Organizational Bricolage and the Paradox of Prison
Culture. Noah McClain — New York University; Robert Riggs — City University of New York
The Market for (Legitimate) Culture: Narratives of Modernity and Tradition at the Istinye Bazaar. Zach
Richer — University of Maryland
The Material Realities of Music: A Discussion of Music's Material Social Treatment. Lee Frank Edwin
Zelewicz — University of Delaware
Commercialization and New Cultural Forms of German Right-Wing Extremism. Cynthia Miller-Idriss —
New York University
351. Looking the Part - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Fashion & the Construction of Social Body. Siamak Movahedi — University of Massachusetts Boston
Managing the Semiotics of Skin Tone: Race and Aesthetic Labor in the Fashion Modeling Industry
. Elizabeth Wissinger — bmcc/cuny
Boots, Bras, and "Butch": Lesbians Negotiating Embodied Masculinity. Alyssa Richman — Temple
Cover Your X-spots: Controlling bodies and promoting abstinence. Katherine Castiello Jones — University
of Massachusetts-Amherst
352. Panics and Policing - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
A New Model of Community Policing: the British Police Community Support Officers . Peter Moskos —
John Jay College
Have Recent School Shootings Caused a Moral Panic in Canada? The Case of Lockdown Procedures. Jenna
Valleriani — University of Toronto; Meghan Dawe — University of Toronto
The War on Drugs Abroad: Care, Custody, and Control of Female Inmates in Ecuador. Jill Harrison —
Rhode Island College
Rumors beyond Orleans: Predatory Drugging in the 1960s and 1970s. Pamela Donovan — Bloomsburg
University of Pennsylvania
The "Anti-Drug Establishment": The Institutionalization of the U.S. Anti-Drug Agenda in the late 1970s and
1980s. Jack Levinson — The City College of New York
353. Race and Immigration - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Race, Migration, and the Transnational Racial Optic. Tiffany Joseph — Harvard University
Stories of Second Generation Transnationalism and Identity among Caribbean Immigrants in Britain. Ivy
Forsythe-Brown — University of Michigan - Dearborn
Conflict or Solidarity?: The Relationship between African Americans and Immigrants as Reflected in the
African American Press, 1900-1930 . Elizabeth Clifford — Towson University
Embodied Stories of Foreign Migrants: Negotiating the Racial Landscape in Contemporary Japan. Miho
Iwata — University of Connecticut
354. Aging and Health - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Exploring Variations in Religiosity, Aging and Health among older Black and White Americans. Allison
Houston — University at Albany, SUNY; Russel A Ward — SUNY, Albany
Social Support and Healthcare Disparities in the Lives of Older, African American Sexual Minorities
. Mignon R. Moore — University of California, Los Angeles; Ron Andersen — UCLA
"The Bearing of Gender and Health on Widowers' Bereavement and Widowerhood". Julia Bandini —
College of the Holy Cross; Edward H Thompson — College of the Holy Cross
SES-Health Gradient and Its Change over Time and the Life Course ----The Case of Older Chinese Adults
. Zhang Xinhui — University at Albany, SUNY
355. Stories of Privileged Lives: New Research on the Sociology of Privilege - Regular Paper Session - Saturday
Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizer: Heather Johnson, Lehigh University
An Education in Privilege. Shamus Khan — Columbia University
Race, Status, and Interactional Failure. Karyn Lacy — University of Michigan
The Upper East Side: A Neighborhood Ethnography of Privilege. Josette Rodriguez — The New School
'It's Against the Rules to Call Someone That': White Kids on Being Racist. Margaret Hagerman — Emory
Jessica Holden Sherwood, SWS
356. Family Size and Fertility - Regular Paper Session - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Growing up with Fewer Siblings: For Better or for Worse? Deniz Yucel — William Paterson University
Changes in U.S. Attitudes about Childlessness . Tanya Koropeckyj-Cox — University of Florida; Orli Zaprir
— University of Florida
University Students' Perceptions of Childless Couples and Parents: A Turkish Sample. Zeynep Copur —
Hacettepe University; Tanya Koropeckyj-Cox — University of Florida
Examining Fertility from a Couple Perspective: Do Relative Resources Matter for First and Second
Births? Natalie Nitsche — Yale University
357. Professional development for sociology graduate students. - Workshop - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00
Organizer: Mary Clare Lennon, Graduate Center, CUNY
Forming and Working with Your MA or PhD Committee. Mary Nell Trautner — University of Buffalo,
Grant Funding and Professional Development - Developing a Sociology Graduate Student Funding
Opportunities Directory. Laura Braslow — CUNY-Graduate Center
Writing for Publication in Graduate School. Colin Jerolmack — New York University
How do I become a Sociology Professor? The Different Trajectories of Sociology PhD Students. Bernadette
Ludwig — The Graduate Center, The City University of New York; Jennifer Sloan — CUNY-Graduate Center
358. The Accumulation of Freedom: Writings on Anarchist Economics - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM5:00 PM
Organizers: John Asimakopoulos, City University of New York; Deric Shannon, University of Connecticut
Deric Shannon, University of Connecticut
John Asimakopoulos, City University of New York
359. Production of Knowledge - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Interrogating Collaboration: How Chemical Scientists Produce Collaborative Knowledge in Academic and
Industry Settings. Itai Vardi — Boston University; Laurel Smith-Doerr — Boston University
The Sociology of Interdisciplinary: Borrowing as Front Stage Storytelling. Daniel Finn — University of
"Research Cells: Organizing Globalized Scientific Innovation". Abigail Coplin — Columbia University
Michael Farrell, University at Buffalo, SUNY
360. Cultures of Resistance - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Cultural Conflict on Campus, 1985-1995: Causes, Stakes, and Legacies. Matthew Braswell — University of
Turkey's Current Hegemonic Moment and the Resistance of Alternative Youth. Selen Yanmaz — Boston
"We are all [fill in here]": How the Symbolic Sphere Infuses the Arab Spring. Susan Carol Pearce — East
Carolina University; Claire Fletcher — East Carolina University
Between Secular Nationalism and Islamism: the Emergence of Islamic Feminism in Turkey. Ozgur Celenk
— University at Albany, SUNY
361. Education, Class, and Values - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Community College: What Are Students Doing There? Lucy Anne Hurston — Manchester Community
Forging Citizens through citizenship education: taking account of differing values and students'
perspectives. Suzanna Eddyono — University of Pittsburgh
Labor Unions: A Contextual Factor in Parents' School Involvement. Evelyn Larios — University of Southern
Christine Bowditch, Lehigh Carbon Community College
362. The Worth of Culture - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Cultural Legitimacy and Highbrow Authenticity: How Cultural Entrepreneurs Frame Music Genres as High
Art. Roscoe Scarborough — University of Virginia
College Football Polls as Cultural Evaluation Systems. Mark Parker — University of Virginia
Of Light-Bulbs and Advancement: Forms of Academic Worth and their Use Regarding Part-Time
Faculty. Nicholas Pagnucco — University at Albany
Debra Lemke, McDaniel College
363. Stories and Narratives in Qualitative Research - Roundtable - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Organizer: Joyce Bell, University of Pittsburgh
"I get to be her playmate": Childfree People's Relationships with Children. Amy Blackstone — University
of Maine
Racial Tension in Social Work organizations 1966-1976: Oral Histories and Triangulation in Historical
Sociology. Joyce Bell — University of Pittsburgh
Racialized Subjects? Depictions of Slavery, Africa, and Afro-Caribbean Citizens in Dutch Primary School
History Textbooks . Melissa F Weiner — College of the Holy Cross
An Ethnographic Portrait of a Precarious Life: Getting by in a Context of Shrinking Resources. Waverly O
Duck — University of Pittsburgh
364. Interrogating the Science of Reproduction - Mini-conference: Reproduction - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM5:00 PM
Presider: Barbara Gurr, University of Connecticut
Reliable Rabbits to Private Pluses: Socio-legal Constructions of the Home Pregnancy Test. Joan H.
Robinson — Columbia University
Whose Organ Is It Anyway? Metaphors of Placental Form and Function in Modern Science. Elizabeth
Mitchell Armstrong — Princeton
Programming the Fetus: Technology, Metaphor, and the Fetal Origins Hypothesis. Miranda Waggoner —
Princeton University
Surrogate Losses: Surrogate Mothers' Stories of Failed Conceptions, Pregnancy Loss, and Assisted
Reproductive Technology (ART). Zsuzsa Berend — UCLA
The Genetic Imperative: Compulsory Motherhood Meets the New Eugenics . Lauren Jade Martin —
Pennsylvania State University, Berks
365. Military Issues: Macro, Micro and Theoretical - Mini-conference: Military - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00
Organizer: Ryan Kelty, Washington College
War is a Meaning that Gives Us Force. Thomas Crosbie — Yale University
Economic Systems, Politics, Military Labor: Is "Freedom" The Commodity Produced from the Labor or
Soldiers? . Kimberly Bridget Bonner — SUNY Buffalo
The meaning of trauma and the experience of security in a military city. Regina Smardon — Methodist
366. Culture and Identities: The Inner Landscape of Security - Mini-Conference: Security - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30
PM-5:00 PM
Organizers: Vida Bajc, Methodist University; Polly Sylvia, Baruch College
Commitment Heroism: Gendered Cultures of Need and Sacrifice in an Age of Insecurity. Allison Pugh —
University of Virginia
Gendered Perceptions of Safety and Danger on the College Campus: The Functions of Fear. Shannon K.
Jacobsen — George Mason University
The Security Backfire: How Overreliance on Motherhood for Security Production Can Cause Security
Disturbances. Ana Villalobos — Brandeis University
Sorting Criminal Identities: Securing the Punitive Institution and the Reification of Criminality. Patrick
Anthony Lopez-Aguado — UC Santa Barbara
367. Transnational Approaches to Gender - Conversation - Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Presider: Roberta Villalon, St John's University
Christine E Bose, SUNY Albany
Nancy Naples, University of Connecticut
Jyoti Puri, Simmons College
5:30 PM-7:00 PM
368. Narrative Freedom: Identity, Inequality, and the Limits of Self Invention - - Saturday Feb 25 | 5:30 PM-7:00
Organizer: Robert Zussman, University of Massachusetts
Presider: Robert Zussman, University of Massachusetts
Sunday, 26 February 2012
8:30 AM-10:00 AM
369. ESS General Meeting - - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
370. When Stories Don't Work - Thematic Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Francesca Polletta, University of California Irvine
Dangerous Stories: Silencing Challenges to Institutional Logics. Donileen R Loseke — University of South
When Authority Works: Deference, Indifference and Law in Career Narratives of Thai Human Rights
Advocates. Frank Munger — New York Law School
Teach Your Children Well -- If Rosa Parks Was Not Everywoman, Who Was She? Michael Schudson —
Columbia University
Francesca Polletta, University of California Irvine
371. Rethinking National Identity: Struggles over Diversity in the U.S. and Europe - Special Presidential Session Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Philip Kasinitz, Graduate Center and Hunter College, CUNY
How Warm is the Welcome? Immigrant Religion, Race, and National Identity in Europe and the United
States. Nancy Foner — CUNY-Graduate Center/Hunter College; Richard Alba —
The Looming Diversity Transition: Challenges and Opportunities for North America and Western
Europe. Richard Alba —
National identity and social membership in Norway after the July 22 attacks. Liza Reisel — Institute for
Social Research
Jan Willem Duyvendak
372. Soundbitten: The Perils of Media-Centered Political Activism by Sarah Sobieraj - Author-Meets-Critics Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Mary Bernstein, University of Connecticut
Laura Miller, Brandeis University
Gregory Maney, Hofstra University
William Hoynes, Vassar College
Sarah Sobieraj, Tufts University
373. Women and (In)equality - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Stories of Inclusion and Exclusion of Indigenous Women in Indigenous Organizations: Comparative
Perspectives on the Experiences of Takana and Shipibo Indigenous Women. Sonia Arellano Lopez —
Binghamton University State University of New York
Weighing Women's Power Worldwide: Theory and Some Data about Structural vs. Cultural Factors. Rae
Lesser Blumberg — University of Virginia
Women's Institutional Equality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Attitudes and Outcomes. Catherine Bolzendahl —
University of California, Irvine; Hilde Coffé — Utrecht University
Shelley Eriksen, California State University, Long Beach
374. Location, Migration, and Inequality Among the Aging - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM10:00 AM
Location, migration, and inequality: The case for studying seniors. Megan Henly — University of New
"Everyone called me grandma": Public housing demolition and relocation among older adults in Atlanta.
. Danya Keene — University of Pennsylvania
Older male inmates' perspectives on aging in prison.. Rachel Filinson — Rhode Island College; Desiree
Ciambrone — Rhode Island College; Diane Martell — Rhode Island College
Gay and Gray in the City: Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities and Sexual Identity among GLBT
Elders. Brian Nicholas Sweeney — Long Island University: CW Post
Determinants of Early Retirement preferences in Europe: The role of grandparenthood. Noah LewinEpstein — Tel Aviv University; Oshrat Hochman — Tel Aviv University
375. On the News - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
The Ascent of Punditry: Media and the Construction of Cable News. Lynn Letukas — University of
Pluralistic gatekeeping: An analysis of the 2008 election cycle's political news media . Ian Sheinheit —
University at Albany SUNY
Progressive and Conservative "Freedom" through the Lens of Fox and MSNBC. Lauren E McDonald —
California State University Northridge; Karen Morgaine — California State University Northridge
An Examination of Microblog as News Source Among University Students in Mainland China. Muyang Li
376. Occupy Everything! - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
The Rise and Future of the Occupy Movement: A Case Study of the Stories of the Participants of the Occupy
Philadelphia Protests. john leveille — west chester university
Occupation in Theory, Occupation in Practice: An Ethnography of Occupy Wall Street. Michael A. GouldWartofsky — New York University; Daniel Aldana Cohen — New York University
New Populist Politics in America: From TARP to Occupy Wall Street. Nicole Hala — Queens College, CUNY
Occupy Wall Street: A Study of Student Responses and Narratives at a Multi-Racial State College"
Jacqueline Keil, Celene Krauss, and Mary Lou Mayo, Kean University . Mary Lou Mayo — Kean
University; Jacqueline Keil — Kean University; Celene Krauss — Kean University; Diana Woody — Kean
377. Memory & Movement after Mass Violence and Genocide - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30
AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Nicole Fox, Brandeis University
Saving Darfur: The Construction and Framing of a Social Movement. Kimberly Lok — Temple University
Surviving Atrocity, Genocide and Return: "There was no family left.". Gallant Mary — Rowan University
"Re-conceptualizing history: How Roma survivors shape Holocaust memory in Romania". Michelle Kelso
— The George Washington University
"Beyond Violence: Memory and Nation in Post-Genocide Rwanda". Nicole Fox — Brandeis University
Truth, Justice and Memory in Africa's Great Lakes: Assessing the Impact of Transitional Justice
Mechanisms on Reconciliation Processes in the Region. Carla De Ycaza — New York University
378. Same-Sex Marriage - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Social Position and Family Formation: Meanings Ascribed to "Family" and Same-Sex Marriage. Diana
Romero — CUNY School of Public Health at Hunter College; Amy Kwan — The CUNY Graduate Center
Religion as Cultural Power: Religious Influences on American's Understandings of Marriage, Family, and
Gender. Eric Tranby — University of Delaware; Samantha Zulkowski — University of Delaware
Gay Couples Count: Contact, Tolerance, and Voting on Gay Marriage Bans. Rebecca DiBennardo —
University of California, Los Angeles
Does Religious Group Affiliation Affect Outlook on Homosexual Marriage in the United States? Megan
Holston — University of Houston
379. Genetics and Medicine - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
From Regulation to Reflexivity: Reconfiguring Research in Personalized Cancer Medicine. Andrew
Hoffman — McGill University
Molecularization of ethnicities in Asia and some preliminary implications for population-based
medicine. Shirley Hsiao-Li Sun — Nanyang Technological University
De-Raceing the Science of Disease: Postwar Immunology and the Erasure of Race. Aleia Clark —
University of Maryland
The trading zone of autism genetics and the emergence of new categories of human difference. Daniel
Navon — Columbia University; Gil Eyal — Columbia University
380. Race and Religion - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
The White Evangelical Racial Frame: The Consistent Views of White Conservative Evangelicals During
Changes in the Racial and Economic Status Quo. Richard Maurice Smith — McDaniel College
Framing Racism Post Vatican II: Critical Race Theory and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Amanda
Moras — Sacred Heart university
Multiracial Congregations as Sites for Racial Projects: Moving Beyond Ethnic Transcendence in a Mainline
Protestant Church . Grace Yukich — Quinnipiac University
Rhys H. Williams, Loyola University Chicago
381. Gender, Sexuality and Self - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizers: Jodi H. Cohen, Bridgewater State University; Sarah Landry, Georgia State University
An Exploration of Gender-Role Expectations and Conflict Among Women Soccer Players in Hong Kong
. Jodi H. Cohen — Bridgewater State University; Jennifer M Raymond — Union Institute & University
A Review of the Biological Studies of Transgender Identity. Laura Erickson-Schroth — New York University
Is a Married Woman Always a Wife? An Exploration of Linguistic Identity in Married Lesbians . Patricia
Ould — Salem State University; Julie Whitlow — Salem State University
How Would You Feel? An Examination of Student Responses to IPV Vignettes and Measures of Self-Esteem
and Stigma. Taylor Hall — University of Massachusetts Boston
'Deadbeat Dads' and Paternity Testing: What it Means to be a Black Father in a Stigmatizing
Society. Sarah Landry — Georgia State University
382. Sociological Alternatives to the Medicalized Concept of Suffering - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Dena T. Smith, Goucher College
A socio-psychological concept of mental suffering: Why is it necessary and what does it do? Dena T. Smith
— Goucher College
Toward a Generic Understanding of Suffering in Everyday Life: Proposed Research in the Micro-Sociology
of Trouble . Ara Francis — College of the Holy Cross
Breast cancer survivorship and ruptured selves: a study of existential suffering. Jennifer R. Hemler —
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Sadness & Sympathy: Effects of the Medicalization of Depression on Attitudes Toward Caring and Support
. Jorie Hofstra — Rutgers University
Peter Conrad, Brandeis University
383. The Digital Divide and Institutions - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Digital Cultural Institutions: What Happens When Museums Go 'Digital". Tamsyn Gilbert — The New
School for Social Research
Congregations and the Digital Divide. Steve McMullin — Acadia University
Job Searching in the Wake of the Great Recession: The Effects of Social Media on Search Experiences,
Durations and Outcomes . Ofer Sharone — MIT
How E-Learning is Redefining Liberal Art Education in the GCC. Mark Olson — American University of
384. Social Movements: Theoretical Challenges - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Families in Social Movements: How to fit two disparate fields together. J.L. Johnson — George Mason
The Creation of ACE in Bedford Hill's Correctional Facility within the HIV/AIDS Awareness Movement of the
Twentieth Century. Isabel Rodriguez — Brooklyn College, The City University of New York
The Economics of the Occupy Movement. Daniel Thompson — Johns Hopkins University
Community Identity and Collective Mobilization: Rethinking City-Based Development . Alexis Mann —
Brandeis University
385. Community, Collaboration, and the internet - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Endogamous Caste Boundaries in Extended (Social) Space: Embeddedness, Emplacement and
Reterritorialization in the context of the Internet. jillet sarah SAM — UMCP
Social Life in Online Neighborhood: Conversational Network Analysis in Nation of Neighbors. Jeehye Kang
— University of Maryland at College Park; Alan Neustadtl — University of Marlyand
Emergent Bureaucracies: explaining the development of governance structures in online collaborative
projects.. José Tomás Atria — Columbia University
The Online Discourse: an Analysis of the Virtual Public Discussion on a Debatable Political Issue . Hatice
Akca — university of south carolina
386. "The Conference Mommy": Negotiating and Enjoying Conferences with Children (panel session, children
welcome!) - Workshop - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
387. How to Get Published in Trails, the Teaching Resources and Innovation Library for Sociology - Workshop Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizers: Mikaila Arthur, Rhode Island College; Gayle A. Sulik, University at Albany
388. Assimilation and Ethnic Identity - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
New Jewish Immigrant Needs and the Triple Melting Pot Revisited. Ephraim Shapiro — NYU School of
Who you hang out with defines who you are: Peers and assimilation. Syed Ali — long island universitybrooklyn
Ethnic Options? Latin American Jewish Immigrants in the United States. Laura Limonic — CUNY Graduate
New Label, Same Old Story? Discourses on Multiculturalism in South Korea. . In-Sook Choi — University of
Goettingen and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
389. Improving Education - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
A Pilot Study of a Multicultural Criminal Justice Class: Impact on Student Learning . Nancy HirschingerBlank — Widener University; Lori Simons — Widener University
Service Learning: A Key Component of Education. Joanne Ardovini — Metroploitan College of New York
Laying the Groundwork for Civic Engagement and Positional Leadership: A Pilot Study of a Service-based
First Year Seminar. Susan Joel — Springfield College
Perceptions of Meritocracy in Singapore's Educational System. Voon Chin Phua — Gettysburg
College; Joseph W Miller — Gettysburg College
390. Experiences of Poverty - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Cynthia Deitch, George Washington University
Race and Rejection of Poverty Stigma. Joan Maya Mazelis — Rutgers University
Poverty and Rates of Public Assistance Use in Upstate New York. Nicole D'Anna — University at Albany,
391. Building Community in Teaching - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Community-building in an Online Course. Brandy Ellison — University of Notre Dame
Teaching Introductory Sociology: Student Assessments as Collaborative Learning Events. Aimee Vieira —
Norwich University
Reflexive meta-participation as a technique for teaching undergraduate research methods: an extension
and refinement. . Bayliss J. Camp — California State University - Sacramento
Kathleen Gray, Elizabeth City State University
392. The Long Haul: De-Mobilization and Inaction - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Constructing the Culture of "Clone-bury": Analyzing the Roots of Student Inaction on a College
Campus. Christopher Wetzel — Stonehill College; Amanda Malachowski — Stonehill College; Abby
Arcadipane — Stonehill College
Demobilization Processes, Poor People's Movements, and Patronage Politics: "Double Pressure" in
contemporary Argentina. Pablo Lapegna — University of Georgia
Riding on Empty: External Abeyance Structures and New York's Critical Mass. Dave Siegel — CUNYGraduate Center
Charlotte Ryan, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
393. STDs - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Consumer Demand for the Gardasil Vaccine in the Medicalization of HPV in
men. Kathy Livingston — Quinnipiac University
The CDC's Construction of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Caroline Faulkner — Franklin & Marshall
College; Lauren Southwick — Franklin and Marshall College
Incarceration and Sexual Health among Adult Men in the United States: A Sexual Marketplaces
Approach. Valerio Bacak — University of Pennsylvania; Jason Schnittker — University of Pennsylvania
Jason Crockett, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
394. The Meanings of Work - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Volunteer Labor Performed by Women in the Roman Catholic Church as Gift. Jared Hanneman —
Graduate Center - City University of New York
Meaning At Work: Unpaid Interns in the Music Industry and Manufacturing Consent. Alexandre Frenette
— CUNY Graduate Center
Just A Job: Occupational Thought and Value in the Visual Arts. Alison Gerber — Yale University
Jennifer Ashlock, Notre Dame of Maryland University
395. Drugs and Other Alternatives - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
The Corporate Social Responsibility of the Pharmaceutical Industry: Health and Human Rights . Helen
Jolly — State University of New York at Stony Brook
Exploring Potential Changes in Attributes and Attitudes among Undergraduate Nursing Students . Barret
Michalec — University of Delaware
Does Interaction with Complementary and Alternative Medicine Cultivate Self-Efficacious Patients?:
Mapping the Pathways toward Health for Chronic Pain Sufferers. Misty Curreli — Stony Brook University
Religion and Well-Being: A Reciprocal Effects Model. Marta Elliott — University of Nevada, Reno; Michael
Doane — University of Nevada, Reno
396. Race, Gender, and Culture - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Male Dominance in Youth Subcultures. Yuniya Kawamura — Fashion Institute of Technology/SUNY
Culture Structure and History as Mechanisms: The Discursive Formation of "Shanghai Little Men" (18432010). Yingyao Wang — Yale University
Imagining the Legacies of Slavery: Toward a Cultural Sociology of Causal Narratives. Crystal Fleming —
SUNY Stony Brook
Competing Narratives: an Islamic Writing Movement of Indonesian Domestic Workers in Hong
Kong. Shiho Sawai — Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Being Woman in Santarem, Brazil. Brian Fowler —
397. Military Structure and Its Effects - Mini-conference: Military - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: Ryan Kelty, Washington College
Social Stratification and Ethnic Mobilization: U.S. Military Deaths in Southeast Asia . Richard Talbot —
Anna Maria College
How Anticipatory Socialization Can Increase Retention at the United States Military Academy. Scotty
Michael Autin — United States Military Academy
Living within a "Greedy Institution": The Institutional and Social Control of Army Spouses . William James
Oliver — Syracuse University
398. How to Build Something in New York - Local Interest - Sunday Feb 26 | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Organizer: James Jasper, CUNY-Graduate Center
David Halle, University of California-Los Angeles/Graduate Center-CUNY
Harvey Molotch, NYU
Lee Compton
10:15 AM-11:45 AM
399. ESS Executive Committee Meeting II - - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
400. Trauma Narratives - Thematic Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizer: Judith Gerson, Rutgers University
"Hundreds of Instances of Slights": Seeing the Trauma in Discrimination. Elizabeth Higginbotham —
University of Delaware
Tell My Story: Rape and Race in Black Women's Lives. C. Shawn McGuffey — Boston College
From Collected to Collective Memories of Apartheid Atrocities. Robyn Autry — Wesleyan University
Returning to Sites of Terror: Reliving Trauma Narratives Among First, Second and Third Generation
Holocaust Survivors. Janet Jacobs — University of Colorado
Arlene Stein, Rutgers
401. New Blood by Chris Bobel - Author-Meets-Critics - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizer: Nancy Naples, University of Connecticut
Benita Roth, Binghamton University
Mary Bernstein, University of Connecticut
Lynn Chancer, Hunter College
Chris Bobel, University of Massachusetts Boston
402. Weber and Friends - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Legality and Legitimacy: Reworking Max Weber Regarding Modern Authoritarianism. Kiat-Jin Lee —
University of California, Riverside; Bryan S. Turner — The Graduate Center, The City University of New
Becoming a god: Max Weber and the Social Construction of Charismatic Power. Paul Joosse —
The Ethics of Belief. Carolyn Ryan — Drexel University; Douglas Porpora — Drexel University
Tour de Theorie: Some Social Theorists through Proustian Eyes. Mary Ann Lamanna — University of
Nebraska at Omaha
403. GLBTQ Parenthood - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Recrafting Kinship: Queer Narratives of Becoming Parents. Laura Victoria Heston — University of
Massachusetts- Amherst
On the Parental Fault Line: Judicial Constructions of Lesbian and Bisexual Motherhood in the United
States. Kristy Watkins — Colgate University
How Do Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Parents Do Gender With Their Children? An Exploratory
Qualitative Study. Cara Bergstrom-Lynch — Eastern Connecticut State University
Lesbian parents telling the family Story. Sheila Anne Quaid — University of Sunderland
404. Bullying and Harassment - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Surveying Bullying: Examining the Effect of Social Context on Quantitative Measures of Student
Interaction. Brent Harger — Albright College; Brittany Willard — Albright College
Understanding the Contexual Nature of Fear of Victimization: An Examination of Girls' and Boys' and Girls'
Fear of being Bullied . Kimberly Lynn Savannah Silla — University at Buffalo
Words that Hurt: The Construction of Childhood Bullying as a Social Problem. Markella Rutherford —
Wellesley College
Considering Context: What Peer Sexual Harassment Means to Students. Dana Hysock Witham — Indiana
University of PA
405. Sustainability and Environmentalism - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
"Green is (Not) the New Black: Social Status and Environmentalism". Janet A Lorenzen — Rutgers
"How Long Can We Keep Doing This?" Sustainability as a Strictly Temporal Concept. Chris Robert
Colocousis — James Madison University; Cesar J. Rebellon — University of New Hampshire; Nick Smith —
University of New Hampshire
Sustainable from the Start: The Diaper Debate Sheds Light on Challenges to Environmentally Preferable
Consumption. Monique Y. Ouimette — Boston College
Living in a Connected World: Enacting Judeo-Christian Environmentalism Through Ethical
Consumption. Abby Templer — University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Examining the Ecological Footprint: The Effects of World System Position, World Polity, and the Race to the
Bottom. David M Lewis — SUNY Oneonta; Gregory M Fulkerson — SUNY Oneonta
406. Narratives of Persuasion - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Mobilizing Narratives: Appeals by a Pet Animal Rescue Organization. Catherine M. Wilson — University
of Massachusetts, Amherst
Understanding Persuasive Processes: An Examination of Narratives Involving Glamour and Charisma in the
Reclaiming Movement . Elizabeth Williamson — Rutgers University
Diasporic Voices from the Irish Republican Movement in the United States. Danielle Zach — The City
University of New York Graduate Center
Kenneth Tucker, Mount Holyoke College
407. Pathways to College - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Well, My Friend Loved It: The Importance of Student Networks in the College Exploration Process. Megan
M. Holland — Harvard University
All grimy with it: narrating the college planning process. Audrey Devine-Eller — Rutgers University
Viewing their Potential through the Actions of Others: How Perceived Regard Affects Underrepresented
Minorities' Pathways to College. Lara Perez-Felkner — NORC at the University of Chicago
David Karen, Bryn Mawr College
408. Social Inequalities and Student Achievement - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Beyond Black and White: The Effects of School Racial and Economic Composition on Low-Income Students'
Achievement . Queenie Zhu — Harvard University
Gender Difference in Within Class Reading Ability Group Placement in Early School Grades for NonHispanic Black and Hispanic Students. Anthony Buttaro, Jr. — The Graduate Center - CUNY; Sophia
Catsambis — Queens College and The Graduate Center - CUNY
The Impact of School Transitions on Children's Math and Reading Learning in the First Through Fifth
Grades. Brian Carolan — Montclair State University
Contradiction in Culture: Cultural Capital or Oppositional Culture? Karen Kozlowski — University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
409. Construction of Political Selves - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Embodied "Stories," Political Selves, and the View from the World (Out-There) . Matthew Mahler —
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Para-Political Actors and the Political Public Sphere. Andrew Horvitz — SUNY Albany
A Complex Reputation: Visualizations of Shifts in Barack Obama's Public Persona. Caroline Erb-Medina —
Graduate Center of the City University of New York
A Dream Denied: Rhetorical Uses of Moral Shock in the Coming Out Stories of Undocumented
Students. Erika Iverson — CUNY-Graduate Center
410. Gender and Social Movements - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
The Tupamaros: engendering gender discourses and practices . Gabriela Gonzalez Vaillant — Stony Brook
The Politics of Inclusive Solidarity of a Feminist Coalition in Puerto Rico. Firuzeh Shokooh Valle —
Northeastern University
Undoing the "Paradox" of Islamic Feminism: Political community in the slums of Hyderabad, India. Fareen
Parvez — University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Elizabeth Chiarello, Princeton University
411. Patterns of Health and Illness - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
"'What About that Spot on My Child's Neck?': A Regional Study of Children and Adolescents at Risk for
Type 2 Diabetes". Shelley Eriksen — California State University, Long Beach; Beth Manke — California
State University, Long Beach
Examining the Income Gradient: An Exploration of Psychosocial and Material Factors as Mediators
between Income and Mortality.. Meghan Kuebler — Columbia University; Peter Muennig — Columbia
University; Zohn Rosen — Columbia University;Jaeseung Kim — Columbia University Mailman School of
Pulbic Health
Predicting Heart Disease among African-American Women Using the Social Ecological Mode: Examining
the Mediating and Moderating Influences of Depression on Heart Disease . Lysha Lewis — Howard
Community Health Workers: Understanding their roles in improving health among Asian-Americans
. Ephraim Shapiro — NYU School of Medicine; Nadia Islam — NYU school of medicine; Rhodora ursua —
NYU School of Medicine; Chau trinh-Shevrin — NYU School of Medicine; Mariano rey — NYU School of
412. Culture, Place and Community - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizers: Jodi H. Cohen, Bridgewater State University; Sarah Landry, Georgia State University
Heritage Imagined: Tourists' reckoning with the authenticity of Carcassonne. Jodi H. Cohen —
Bridgewater State University
Paving Paradise: An Ethnographic Study of Vehicle Living. Michele Wakin — Bridgewater State University
'You Go Girl!': The Internet as a Space for the Rejection of Hegemonic Femininity in Women's Sport. Sarah
Landry — Georgia State University; Amanda Atwell — Georgia State University
Hong Kong Pride: Building visibility and community . Jennifer M Raymond — Union Institute & University
Coming Out: Theories of Individual Identity and Community. Meghan Murphy — University of Buffalo
413. Stories of the Formerly Incarcerated and Their Experiences of Reintegration - Regular Paper Session Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizer: Lior Gideon, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
A year in the life: How the lives of criminal justice system-involved women changed (and didn't change)
over the course of a year and how they understood these changes. Andrea Leverentz — University of
Massachusetts Boston
Barriers to Successful Reintegration of the Formerly Incarcerated. Douglas E. Thompkins — John Jay
College of Criminal Justice/CUNY
Still under surveillance: The experiences of women's reentry from a halfway house setting. Andrea
Cantora — John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Life after Sing Sing. Cory Feldman — John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Doing What I Do Best: Legal Work, Hustling, and Manhood among Formerly Incarcerated Urban
Youth. Jamie Fader — SUNY Albany
Lior Gideon, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
414. The Lowering of Higher Education - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Law and Professional Autonomy: Academic Freedom After Garcetti. Gerald Turkel — University of
What is Happening to Pell? Jonathan Ryan Davis — The Graduate Center at CUNY
Media Rhetoric on the Feminization of Higher Education: The Paradox of Neoliberalism in the
Academy. Marisa Allison — George Mason University
Towards greater (in)equality? Gender and race segregation in green fields of study in higher education
. Dafna Gelbgiser — Cornell University; Kyle Albert — Cornell University
Joanne Ardovini, Metroploitan College of New York
415. Disorders and Diagnoses - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Bodies, Objects, and Social Sanctions: Discovering Disorder before Diagnosis. Jennifer Esala — University
of New Hampshire
Consensus, Community, Classification: The DSM 5 and the Creation of Mental Health. Amanda Delong —
The New School for Social Research
Multiple Eyes on the Use of Psychotropic Medications among Children in Foster Care: Stakeholders'
Constructions of 'Risk and Benefit'. Thomas Mackie — Brandeis University
Childhood Bipolar Disorder: Electronic Support Groups, Concerned Parents, and the Medicalization of
Problem Behaviors. Jessica L Streeter — Rutgers University
416. Urban Visions - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Vernacular Visions: The Contemporary Street Considered as a Visual Culture and Landscape . James M
Dickinson — Rider University
Beneath the Spectacle: Following the Lion's Dance through Chinatown, New York. Konrad Aderer —
Brooklyn College
Urban Mobile Artists: Why Place Still Matters for Burners in Portland, Oregon. Genevieve Cox —
University of New Hampshire
"The brave colored men of Utica:" Telling Sociological Stories Visually. Jan Joseph DeAmicis — Utica
417. Constructing National and Regional Identities - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Education System and National Identity in Iran: Literature textbooks analysis . Ensieh Eftekhari — Stony
Brook University
"Who Owns the Nation?" Postcolonial Korean States and Transborder Membership Politics . Jaeeun Kim
— Princeton University
From a "Cosmopolitan" City to a "City of Remnants": Everyday lives of non-Muslims in Istanbul from the
early 1920s till 1970s. Sinem Adar — Brown University
Negotiating Hybrid Nostalgia: Second-Generation Indo-Guyanese Americans Marking Ethnic Boundaries
and Performances in New York . Nazreen Bacchus — The Graduate Center, CUNY
418. Social Organization of Science - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Is academic science trapped inside the Ivory Tower? Knowledge vs. environment as a source of sciencebased inventions. Michael Bikard — MIT
Gender, Race, and Place: The Geography of Science Achievement. Sandra Hanson — Catholic University
The DNA Case: Sex, Personality, Cultural Clash and Scientific Collaboration. John Wilkes — Worcester
Polytechnic Institute
Sara Shostak, Brandeis University
419. Why People Move - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Migration Intentions and Community Attachment in Different Types of Rural Places. Jessica Ulrich — The
University of New Hampshire; Megan Henly — University of New Hampshire; Thomas G Safford —
University of New Hampshire
Predicting Migration from Rural Amazonia: Preliminary Results from a Longitudinal Case Study. Diane C
Bates — The College of New Jersey
Social Vulnerability, Climate Change, and Population Dynamics: An Agent-based Approach. . Jenniffer
Santos-Hernandez — UDEL / Oak Ridge National Laboratory
420. Constructing Race - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Learning (not) to talk about race: Investigating what doctoral students learn about race
variables. Michael Armijo — University of Pennsylvania; Lisa Merrill — University of Pennsylvania; Valerie
Lundy-Wagner — New York University
The Greeks of New York: From Dark Foreigners to White Ethnics . Vaso Thomas — Bronx Community
U.S. and Foreign-Born Latinos: Examining Differences in Perceived Discrimination. Patrick Joe Stark —
Catholic University of America
Participation and Influence in Task Groups. Murray Webster — UNC Charlotte; Lisa S Walker — UNC
Charlotte; Sharon C Doerer — UNC Charlotte
421. Elections and Public Opinion in the U.S. and Europe - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Aspects of the 2008 Presidential Election (and Implications for 2012). Robert B. Smith — Social Structural
Research Inc.
Representation by Numbers: Demography, Redistricting, and the Political Horizon. Michael RodríguezMuñiz — Brown University
The Purse-Strings Hypothesis Revisited: Estimating the Direct Effect of Economic Circumstances on Political
Attitudes. David Pedulla — Princeton University; Lindsay Owens — Stanford University
Public Opinion on European Integration. Bilge Sanli — Stony Brook University
422. Cultural Consumption, Irony, and Authenticity - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
"The Art and Spectacle of the Tattoo: Popularization and the Second Tattoo Renaissance" . David Paul
Strohecker — University of Maryland College Park; William Adam Yagatich — University of Maryland
Authenticity in a Rebellious Subculture: An Analysis of Punk and Hardcore Music Fans. Abagail Williams —
Consuming Contemporary TV in America: Irony, Guilty Pleasures, and Symbolic Boundaries.. Charles Allan
McCoy — University of Virginia; Roscoe Scarborough — University of Virginia
Pamela Donovan, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
423. Therapy and Society - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Mindfulness Meditation and the Politics of Personal Responsibility. Kaelyn Wiles — Grinnell College
Indexing the Sensory Unconscious: Reformulating Approaches to Memory through an Investigation of
EMDR's Use In Humanitarian Interventions. Kim Cunningham — CUNY Graduate Center
Dena T. Smith, Goucher College
424. Marriage and Inequality in the Cross-National Context - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
The Impact of Marriage and Childbearing on Women's Employment and Earnings in Urban China and
Japan. Pianpian Carolyn Xu — Yale University
Education and Marriage: The Case of Urban China 1989-2006. Yuping Zhang — Lehigh University; Emily
Hannum — University of Pennsylvania
Income Inequality and the Prevalence of Educational Assortative Marriage: Evidence from the Luxembourg
Income Study. David Monaghan — The Graduate Center, CUNY
Estimating Non-Labor Force Participation across Immigrant Groups of Women by Cultural Background and
Spousal Ethnicity. Diana Pehlic — University at Buffalo
WE DON'T GET WHAT WE WANT: The Effect of Marital Status, Gender And Number of Children on Desired
Time Allotment. Marshal Neal Fettro — Elizabethtown College; Michele Lee Kozimor-King —
Elizabethtown College
425. Drugs: Legal and Illegal - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Measuring Drug Trajectories over the Life Course: A Mixed Methods Approach Using Bayesian Analysis on
Life History Data. Miriam Boeri — Kennesaw State University; Thor Whalen — Kennesaw State University
Equivalent or Similar? The construction of scientifically informed regulatory concepts. Tatiana Andia —
Brown University
Gender and Alcohol: A Qualitative Analysis. Susan Bullers — UNCW
Brian C Kelly, Purdue University
426. The Financial Downturn and Economic Security - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
A Temporary Future: Managerial Work and the Trend Toward Temping. Laureen O'Brien — University of
Market, ideology, and uncertainty under the neoliberal paradigm: The experience of Low-paid workers in
the Chilean Private Pension System . Rodrigo Figueroa — University of Connecticut
"At Last, I Will Make My Final Payment": Stress, Indebtedness and Suicide in Romania's Long Neoliberal
Crisis. Gerard Weber — Bronx Community College of the City University of New York
Narrating Foreclosure: The Salience of Immigrant Experiences. Karen McCormack — Wheaton
College; Iyar Mazar — Boston College
427. The Military and "The Unspoken" - Mini-conference: Military - Sunday Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizer: Ryan Kelty, Washington College
The camouflage of life: Stories of soldiers in the military intelligence field. Tamara Peyton — York
Indefinite Detention and the Construction of the Enemy. Lester Howard Andrist — University of Maryland
428. NY and LA, the Uncertain Future: The Financial Crisis and its Ongoing Ramifications - Local Interest - Sunday
Feb 26 | 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Organizers: Andrew Beveridge, Queens College/Graduate Center-CUNY; David Halle, University of California-Los
Angeles/Graduate Center-CUNY
The Housing and Economic Crisis. Brendan O'Flaherty — Columbia University
Politics of Crisis. John Mollenkopf — CUNY-Graduate Center; Raphael Sonenshein — Cal State Fullerton
The Genesis of Crisis: "looting" by lenders, default by profligate borrowers, or government housing
incentives. Andrew Beveridge — Queens College/Graduate Center-CUNY
The Struggle for Power: banks, homeowners, Dodd-Frank, and Occupy Wall Street. David Halle —
University of California-Los Angeles/Graduate Center-CUNY
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
429. Narratives of Everyday Diversity on Local Shopping Streets: New York, Berlin, Toronto - Special Presidential
Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Sharon Zukin, CUNY-Brooklyn College and Graduate Center
Presider: Xiangming Chen, Trinity College
New York Narratives. Sharon Zukin — CUNY-Brooklyn College and Graduate Center; Philip Kasinitz —
Graduate Center and Hunter College, CUNY; Laura Braslow — CUNY-Graduate Center; Benjamin Haber —
CUNY-Graduate Center; Jacob Lederman — CUNY Graduate Center; Sara Lucia Martucci — CUNY
Graduate Center; Greg Narr — CUNY Graduate Center; Vanessa Paul — CUNY Graduate Center; Samantha
Saghera — CUNY Graduate Center; Tommy Wu — CUNY Graduate Center; Fang Xu — Graduate Center of
City University of New York
Berlin Narratives. Talja Blokland — Humboldt University Berlin; Christine Henschel — Humboldt
University; Julia Nast — Humboldt University
Toronto Narratives. Katharine Rankin — University of Toronto; Melissa Fong — University of Toronto
430. Social Relations Online - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
New Media, New Realities: Co-Constructing Digital and Material Experiences. Stephanie Laudone —
Fordham University
African American Social Networking Online: Applying a Digital Practice Approach to Understanding Digital
Inequalities. Roderick Graham — Rhode Island College; Danielle T Smith — Rochester Institute of
Online self presentation on dating sites: expressing identity through profile pictures. Cláudia Casimiro —
Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology - University Institute of Lisbon
Subjectivities & Intersectionalities of Racial Identity: How People See Race. Ken-Hou Lin — University of
Massachusetts, Amherst; Jen lundquist — ; Rebecca Rosen — University of Massachusetts, Amherst
431. Affiliation and Disaffiliation: Who are 'We'? - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Constructing "We": A discourse analysis of Soviet -era anekots. Michelle Smirnova — University of
Maryland College Park
The Meaning of Education for National Identity: A Multilevel Analysis Using the World Values Survey
. Pavla Harris — University of Colorado at Boulder
"I Am Not a Farmer:" Non-Identity and Political Subject-Making in the New Europe . Diana Mincyte —
New York University
432. Racial Identity - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Race and Foster Care. Heidi Obach — SUNY Binghamton
Distributing Identity: Does Skin Color Matter in the Allocation of Cultural Values Among Mexican American
Youth? Monique Alcala — Old Dominion University
Racial and Ethnic Self-Identity of Domestic Servant Girls in Marilia City (Brazil). Ethel Kosminsky —
Queens College
Socialization and Identity of Vulnerable Children in Colombia . Randy Salm — George Mason
University; Eduardo Aguirre — National University of Colombia
433. Remembering Race, Constructing Blackness - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Memory as Praxis: Working with Oral History at Cape Town's District Six Museum. Robyn Autry —
Wesleyan University
Touring Slavery: Remapping Blackness Through Stories of Capture. Warren McKinney — Columbia
Constructing Memory in the Absence of History: Embodying Conflicting Narratives at Historic Brattonsville
. Pamela Brown — The New School for Social Research
Elite Philanthropy at African American Museums. Patricia Banks — Mount Holyoke College
434. Law and Outlaw - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Mechanisms of De-institutionalization: The Equal Employment Opportunity Law and the Abandonment of
Sex-Segregating Practices in Japan. Eunmi Mun — Harvard University
Subversion and Peril: Social Processes in North Korean Gulags.. Jee Jee Kim — George Washington
Social Protest, Institutional Change, and the Transformation of Executions in the United States. Annulla
Linders — University of Cincinnati
Kathryn Fox, University of Vermont
435. Black Students in White Schools - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
436. Social Media and the Arts of Digital Existence: Being for Others Online - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb
26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: Christopher Donoghue , Kean University; Nathan Jurgenson, University of Maryland; PJ Rey, University
of Maryland
Framing the Victim. Framing the Artist. Agency and Transposition in the PostSecret Archive.. Stephanie
Hendrick — HUMlab, Umeå University
Digital Life After Death: An Examination of Facebook and Mourning. Stacie Meihaus Jankowski — Indiana
Reconceptualizing Online Interactions: Unpacking the Purpose and Effects of Mediated
Communication. Lauren Wagner — Oxford University
Social Media and the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries: Shaping Consumer-Industry Relations,
Health, and Patienthood. Sonia Alam — University of California, San Francisco
437. Eat Your Heart Out: The Culture of Food - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Ethnicity and Expertise: Immigrant Cooks with Haute Aspirations. Krishnendu Ray — New York University
Omnivorousness across fields: An analysis of practices in cultural participation and food
consumption. Naja Buono Stamer — Copenhagen University; Thomas B Lund — Copenhagen University
The USSR that wasn't lost: Soviet food among Soviet immigrants in the USA.. Sprinceana Vitalie — George
Mason University
Mediation and Mobility of the Meal: Intersecting Trajectories of People and Products in (Sub)Urban
Tokyo. Robert Fenton — George Mason University
438. Stories of Women: Race, Class, and Status in Historical Context - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 |
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: Roberta Spalter-Roth, American Sociological Association; Patricia M Lengermann, The George
Washington University; Jill Niebrugge-Brantley, American University
Socialization of Children in the "Outer-Boroughs". Roberta Spalter-Roth — American Sociological
Traveling Far: Five Caribbean Cousins and Their Adventures with Migration and Mobility. Patricia M
Lengermann — The George Washington University
Why Did We Love Lucy? Jill Niebrugge-Brantley — American University
439. Sociologists in Retirement - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Susan Prager, Brooklyn College
Susan Prager, Brooklyn College
440. Shaping Sexualities - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Is Chivalry Dead? . Virginia Adams O'Connell — Moravian College
Negotiating Male-Directed Courtship Scripts: Reconciling Egalitarian Ideals with Traditional Gender Norms
. Ellen Lamont — New York University
Social Patterns in Dating and Hooking Up. Kristi Hoffman — Roanoke College; Tracy Luff — Concord
University; Marit Berntson — Roanoke College
Cougars on the Prowl? Perceptions of New Conceptions of Older Women's Sexuality. Beth Montemurro —
Pennsylvania State University, Abington; Jenna Marie Siefken — Pennsylvania State University, Abington
"Trumors," Sluts, and Lesbians: Gossip and Gendered Constraint Among American Girls. Sarah Miller —
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
441. Succeeding in College - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Social Class and College Completion: Ideologies of Independence and Family Financial Support. Liza Reisel
— Institute for Social Research; Paul Attewell — CUNY Graduate Center
It's Not What You Know: The Use of Social Capital Among Disadvantaged College Students . Judith
Sedaitis — Berkeley College
Understanding What it Takes to Feel "At Home in College" Through Focus Groups. Stefanie Bruno — City
University of New York; Drew Allen — City University of New York
Differences in College Students' Grades: An Exploratory Study. K. Brandon Lang — Bloomsburg University
of Pennsylvania
442. Building Community - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Framing Green Agendas: How Urban Communities Negotiate Environmental Sustainability. Jill Eshelman
— Northeastern University
Unpacking the Growth Machine: Exploring Urban Development Politics in Providence through the
Greening of the Knowledge District Project. Marcelo Bohrt Seeghers — Brown University; Jamie L. McPike
— Brown University
Planning for Possibility. Dave Overfelt — Rochester Institute of Technology
"Community Collective Responses to Orphanhood and Children's Vulnerability in Kano- Nigeria's Largest
City". Mustapha Hashim Kurfi — Boston University, Massachusetts
443. Climate Change - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Economic Narratives and Climate Change. Jeffrey Zimmerman — New School for Social Research
Social capital, place meanings and perceived resilience to climate change. Jordan W. Smith — Purdue
University; Roger L Moore — North Carolina State University; Dorothy H Anderson — North Carolina State
Public Knowledge, Opinions, and Concern About Polar Regions and Climate Change: A Longitudinal
Assessment. Matthew Cutler — University of New Hampshire; Andrew Schaefer — University of New
Hampshire; Lawrence Hamilton — University of New Hampshire
444. Collective Memory - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Projective Remembering: Bridging the Past and Future at the 20th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall. Andrea
Mueller — Rutgers University
The Installation of History: Holocaust Memory in an Independent Kosovo . Alissa Boguslaw — The New
Two sides of a coin: The interplay between autobiographical and collective memory of the German
Democratic Republic. Melanie Lorek — Graduate Center, CUNY
Representations of Witness and Reconciliation in Stories about the Bombing of Guernica. Joyce Apsel —
New York University
445. Constructing the Media 'Other': Enemies and Immigrants - Regular Paper Session - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00
PM-1:30 PM
Terrifying Environmentalism. Paul Joosse —
Well-Intentioned Racism in Multicultural Media: Analyzing South Asian Characterization in NBC's
Outsourced. Sheena Sood — Temple University
Immigration and the Media. Alyssa Bostrom — Roanoke College
John Sonnett, University of Mississippi
446. Atlas.ti: Beyond Coding - Workshop - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizers: Chinyere Osuji, University of Pennsylvania; Crystal Fleming, SUNY Stony Brook
447. StoryCorps as resource for sociologists - Workshop - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Sofya Aptekar , Max Planck Institute, CUNY Grad Center
Adam Wilson, StoryCorps
Virginia Millington, StoryCorps
448. Stories and Narratives - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
The Voice of the New Zealand Worker: Narratives from below the minimum wage. David Sinfield —
Auckland University of Technology
Narratives of Blame: Homeless Providers and Their Struggle to Reconcile Agency and Structure. Alexis
Mann — Brandeis University
Joshua Wakeham, Harvard University
449. Education at Risk - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
From Baby Steps to Scary Steps to Solutions: Comparing the Perceptions of the Risks for Gang Recruitment
and Plans for Action of Public Educators and Staff . Laura Lynn Hansen — Western New England
University; Denise Kindschi Gosselin — Western New England University; Michaela Simpson — Western
New England University
Redefining Success: A Harm Reduction Evaluation of Abstinence-Based Drug Education. Tanya Whittle —
University of Delaware; Steven A Tuch — George Washington University
Megha Ramaswamy, University of Kansas School of Medicine
450. Toward a Media Sociology? - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Organizer: Jason Smith, George Mason Universty
Linda M Waldron, Christopher Newport University
Sarah Stonbely, New York University
451. Residential mobility and neighborhood change in childhood - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30
Organizer: Mary Clare Lennon, Graduate Center, CUNY
Disorder in the Neighborhood: A Theoretical and Epistemological Critique of Recent Directions in the Study
of 'Neighborhood Effects'. David Monaghan — The Graduate Center, CUNY
Student Residential Mobility, Well-Being, and Academic Achievement. Matt Block — Graduate Center,
CUNY; Jonathan Ryan Davis — The Graduate Center at CUNY
Residential Mobility in Young Children: Why Families Move. Mary Clare Lennon — Graduate Center,
CUNY; Emily Nell — Graduate Center, CUNY; Anthony Buttaro, Jr. — The Graduate Center - CUNY
Residential Mobility in Young Children: Where Families Move. Anthony Buttaro, Jr. — The Graduate
Center - CUNY; Jang Sou Hun — Graduate Center, CUNY; Mary Clare Lennon — Graduate Center,
CUNY; Jerold Davis — Graduate Center, CUNY
452. Pride, Mourning, and Commemoration - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Commemorating 9/11: Secularization, Sacralization and Implicit Religion in Downtown Manhattan
. Barbara Walters — CUNY Kingsborough and SPS; Marco Castro — cuny sps
The Meaning Behind the Mourning: An Exploratory Study of Roadside Memorials. Joleen Greenwood —
Kutztown University of PA
Mary Hufford, University of Pennsylvania
453. Organizing Diversity - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Decoupling Diversity: Organizational Change and Racial Inequity at the University of Vermont. Luka B.
Carfagna — Boston College
Organizational Diversity, Stability and Recruitment: Does Racial Diversity Spur Organizational Outreach in
US Congregations? . Erin Johnston — Princeton University; Matthew Loveland — Lemoyne
Organizational Mobilization Against HIV/AIDS in Black Communities: Challenges to Multiple Intersecting
Systems of Oppression Through Secular and Faith-Based Approaches. Michelle Beadle-Holder —
University of Maryland
Comparative Federalism and Ethnic Diversity in Africa. Alem S. Habtu — Queens College / CUNY
454. Race and Mental Health - Roundtable - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Racial Disparities in Mental Health Service Use: Examining Religiosity and Stigma. Trenita Childers —
Duke University
Racial Disparities in the Treatment of Mental Health.. Karen R. Monaghan — University of
Massachusetts, Boston
Social Support, Mental Illness and Service Utilization among Somali Refugees in the United States. Sirry
Alang —
The role of acculturation in the stress process: Gendered racism, psychosocial resources, and suicide
among African American women . Brea Perry — University of Kentucky; Erin Pullen — University of
Kentucky; Carrie Oser — University of Kentucky
455. How to Advise a Dissertation - Conversation - Sunday Feb 26 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Presider: Michael Schwartz, SUNY Stoneybrook
Paul DiMaggio, Princeton University
Andrew Abbott, University of Chicago
Patricia Roos, Rutgers University
2:00 PM-4:00 PM
456. How to Share Your Sociological Smarts With a Larger Audience: A Professional Workshop - Workshop Sunday Feb 26 | 2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Organizer: Arlene Stein, Rutgers
Index to Participants
Abbott, Andrew (email not available): 31 , 455
Abe, Kiyoshi (email not available): 203
Abend, Gabriel (email not available): 148
Abraham, Margaret
(margaret.abraham@hofstra.edu): 60
Abrutyn, Seth B (Seth.Abrutyn@memphis.edu): 26
Ackerman, Josh (jackerman@m.marywood.edu):
Adair, Stephen (adairs@ccsu.edu): 18
Adams, Colin (coladams@berkshirecc.edu): 138 ,
146, 239
Adams, Gregory (adamsg1@southernct.edu): 97
Adams, Nessa (nessa.adams@brunel.ac.uk): 167
Adams, Nicholas (nau56@wildcats.unh.edu): 52
Adar, Sinem (sinem_adar@brown.edu): 170 , 417
Addison, Wanda (w.g.addison@gmail.com): 128
Aderer, Konrad (adererc@brooklyn.cuny.edu): 42 ,
Adkins, Timothy J (tadkin2@uic.edu): 266
Adur, Shweta Majumdar
(shweta.majumdar@uconn.edu): 183
Aguirre, Eduardo (eaguirred@unal.edu.co): 432
Ahmed, Ghyasuddin (gahmed@vsu.edu): 54
Aiello, Brittnie (aiellob@merrimack.edu): 181
Aisenbrey, Silke (silke.aisenbrey@mac.com): 31 , 319
Ajunwa, Ifeoma (iya2001@columbia.edu): 188 , 295
Akca, Hatice (haticeakca@gmail.com): 385
Alam, Sonia (sonia.alam@ucsf.edu): 436
Alang, Sirry (alang002@umn.edu): 312 , 454
Alba, Richard (email not available): 371
Albert, Kyle (kwa23@cornell.edu): 414
Alcala, Monique (malca002@odu.edu): 432
Aldana Cohen, Daniel (aldanacohen@nyu.edu): 376
Alegria, Sharla (email not available): 339
Alexander, Jeffrey (jeffrey.alexander@yale.edu): 32 ,
Alexander, Jessica Lynn (jalexan1@ramapo.edu):
Alexander, Melissa (m14alex@siena.edu): 253
Alexiou, Nick (Nicholas.Alexiou@qc.cuny.edu): 326
Ali, Syed (syed.f.ali@gmail.com): 388
Allard, Faye (allardf@mail.montclair.edu): 68
Allen, Drew (Drew.Allen@mail.cuny.edu): 441
Allison, Marisa (malliso6@gmu.edu): 323 , 349, 414
Alvarez, Alex (email not available): 249
Amato, Meghan E. (mamato00@ccny.cuny.edu):
Amma, L. Amir (lifeamir@gmail.com): 240
Ammerman, Nancy (nta@bu.edu): 59
Andersen, Margaret (mla@udel.edu): 119
Andersen, Ron (randerse@ucla.edu): 354
Anderson, Cynthia (email not available): 276
Anderson, Dorothy H
(dorothy_anderson@ncsu.edu): 443
Anderson-Hanley, Cay (andersoc@union.edu): 348
Andia, Tatiana (tatiana_andia@brown.edu): 425
Andreescu, Florentina (email not available): 115
Andrews, Gail (Gailgkare@aol.com): 253
Andrews, John (Jandrews@gc.cuny.edu): 309
Andrews, Jonathan (jandrews627@gmail.com): 299
Andrist, Lester Howard (les.andrist@gmail.com):
Andrzejewski, Catherine (): 326
Angelini, Alessandro (aangelini@gc.cuny.edu): 86
Anspach, Renee (ranspach@umich.edu): 36
Anthony, Denise (Denise.Anthony@dartmouth.edu):
Antigua, Giancarlo (gantigua732@gmail.com): 78
Anyon, Jean (jeananyon@gmail.com): 205
Appelbaum, Jenna (jba248@nyu.edu): 159
Apsel, Joyce (jaa5@nyu.edu): 444
Aptekar , Sofya (saptekar@gc.cuny.edu): 9 , 347, 447
Apurva, Apurva (akashya1@binghamton.edu): 327
Aquino, Gabriel (gaquino@wsc.ma.edu): 213
Arcadipane, Abby
(aarcadipane@students.stonehill.edu): 392
Ardovini, Joanne (JArdovini@mcny.edu): 389 , 414
Arellano Lopez, Sonia (farellan@binghamton.edu):
Argeros, Grigoris
(grigoris.argeros@soc.msstate.edu): 346
Arias, Desmond (dearias@jjay.cuny.edu): 86
Armenia, Amy (amyarmenia@rmc.edu): 317
Armenta, Edwin (email not available): 222
Armijo, Michael (mjarmijo@gmail.com): 420
Armstrong, Elizabeth A. (elarmstr@umich.edu): 224
Armstrong, Elizabeth Mitchell (ema@princeton.edu):
139 , 364
Aronowitz, Stanley (saronowitz@gc.cuny.edu): 205
Artan-Bayhan, Zeynep (zartan@gc.cuny.edu): 140
Arthur, Daniel James (darthur@ramapo.edu): 253
Arthur, Mikaila (marthur@ric.edu): 387
Artim, Kimberly Robin (kra5025@psu.edu): 253
Aseltine, Elyshia (email not available): 2
Asencio, Marysol (Marysol.asencio@uconn.edu): 29
Ashlock, Jennifer (jashlock@ndm.edu): 273 , 394
Asimakopoulos, John
(jasimakopoulos@transformativestudies.org): 123 ,
Astone, Mary (mastone@troy.edu): 22
Astone, Nicholas (cavalier_ranch@yahoo.com): 22
Atkins, Laura Beth (lbatkin2@illinois.edu): 11
Atria, José Tomás (jtatria@gmail.com): 106 , 385
Attewell, Paul (pattewell@gc.cuny.edu): 224 , 441
Atwell, Amanda (aatwell2@gmail.com): 412
Atwood, Nan (nanatwood@gmail.com): 293
Augustyn, Marycatherine (maugusty@jhsph.edu):
Austin Smith, Margaret (mras@umd.edu): 46
Austin-Holmes, Amy (email not available): 145
Autin, Scotty Michael (armyautin@gmail.com): 397
Autry, Robyn (rautry@wesleyan.edu): 400 , 433
Aydıner, Ayfer (ayfer_boylu@hotmail.com): 23
Ayella, Marybeth F (mayella@sju.edu): 110
Aylesworth, Renee Michelle (rma07621@sjfc.edu):
Bacak, Valerio (vbacak@sas.upenn.edu): 393
Bacchus, Nazreen (meenaluv@gmail.com): 417
Bachman, Kimberlee A.
(kimberlee.bachman@gmail.com): 98
Backstrand, Jeffrey
(backstjr@andromeda.rutgers.edu): 331
Badeau-Hauptmann, Kristen
Bader, Michael (bader@american.edu): 113 , 143,
170, 201, 221, 248, 277
Baez, Heidi Michelle (baez.heidim@gmail.com): 328
Bahl, Vinay (vbahl@pct.edu): 322
Bahns, Megan (mebahns@syr.edu): 196
Baiocchi, Gianpaolo
(gianpaolo_baiocchi@brown.edu): 67
Bajc, Vida (vbajc@methodist.edu): 28 , 58, 86, 115,
145, 172, 203, 223, 249, 278, 309, 340, 366
Baker, Kimberly Michelle (kmbaker@ithaca.edu):
Bakhtiari, Elyas (elyas@bu.edu): 21
Balmer, Rebekah Suzanne (rb649636@wcupa.edu):
Balsiger, Philip (email not available): 202
Bandini, Julia (jiband12@g.holycross.edu): 354
Banerjee, Payal (pbanerje@smith.edu): 198
Banerjee, Tarun (tarun_banerjee83@yahoo.co.uk):
Bank Munoz, Carolina
(cbmunoz@brooklyn.cuny.edu): 91
Banks, Patricia (pbanks@mtholyoke.edu): 433
Barberio , Richard P (barberrp@oneonta.edu): 261
Barcelos, Christie (cbarcelo@schoolph.umass.edu):
Barnes, Liberty (lwalther@ucsd.edu): 219
Barnes, Medora W. (mbarnes@jcu.edu): 274
Barnes, Torin (tbarnes@ramapo.edu): 312
Barnshaw, John (barnshaw@usf.edu): 44 , 278
Barrett, Jeanene (jbarrett@gc.cuny.edu): 347
Barrow, Christine (cbarrow@Molloy.edu): 186
Barton, Bernadette (bernbarton@yahoo.com): 178 ,
Barton, Michael (michael.s.barton@gmail.com): 34
Basirico, Laurence A. (basirico@elon.edu): 271
Basquez, Florencio (fbasquez@dfscholars.org): 146
Bates, Diane C (bates@tcnj.edu): 419
Beadle-Holder, Michelle (mibeadle@gmail.com):
Beasley, Maya (maya.beasley@unconn.edu): 65
Beckfield, Jason (jbeckfie@wjh.harvard.edu): 21
Bedley, Crystal (email not available): 276
Bedrous, Andrew (andrew.bedrous@gmail.com):
Beebe, Frederick Eddie
(frederick.beebe@usma.edu): 312
Beeman, Angie (ABeeman@bmcc.cuny.edu): 275
Bell, Joyce (jmb267@pitt.edu): 363
Bell, Rick (bell@aiany.org): 281
Bell, Susan (sbell@bowdoin.edu): 85 , 177, 206, 226
Bender-Baird, Kyla (kyla.benderbaird@gmail.com):
Benedict, Helen (email not available): 95
Benenson, Jodi (benenson@brandeis.edu): 160
Bennett, Elizabeth (elizabeth_bennett@brown.edu):
Bennett, Stephanie (dr_sabennett@yahoo.com): 66 ,
Benzecry, Claudio (claudio.benzecry@uconn.edu):
Berardino, Michael
(michael.berardino001@umb.edu): 55
Berend, Zsuzsa (berend@soc.ucla.edu): 364
Berezin, Mabel (email not available): 284
Bergey, Meredith (bergey@brandeis.edu): 11
Bergstrom-Lynch, Cara
(bergstromlynchc@easternct.edu): 403
Berheide, Catherine (cberheid@skidmore.edu): 133 ,
247, 348
Bernburg, Jón Gunnar (bernburg@hi.is): 22
Bernstein, Elizabeth (ebernste@barnard.edu): 117
Bernstein, Mary (mary.bernstein@uconn.edu): 178 ,
372, 401
Berntson, Marit (berntson@roanoke.edu): 440
Berry, Brandon (bberry@ucla.edu): 162
Besbris, Max (mbesbris@nyu.edu): 192
Besen-Cassino, Yasemin
(beseny@mail.montclair.edu): 44
Bessett, Danielle (danielle.bessett@uc.edu): 305
Best, Amy (email not available): 2
Best, Joel (joelbest@udel.edu): 39
Better, Alison (Alison.Better@kbcc.cuny.edu): 180 ,
Beveridge, Andrew (email not available): 281 , 428
Bibeau, Alana (abibeau@mail.uri.edu): 245
Bikard, Michael (mbikard@mit.edu): 418
Birkhold, Matt (birkhold@gmail.com): 327
Bissonnette, Stephen A. (sbissonn@skidmore.edu):
Black, Pamela (pup1@psu.edu): 211
Black, Timothy (tblack@hartford.edu): 179
Blackmon, Olivia (oblackmon@me.com): 24 , 134
Blackstone, Amy
(Amy_Blackstone@umit.maine.edu): 363
Blackstone, Lee (blackstonel@oldwestbury.edu):
Blair, Sampson Lee (slblair@buffalo.edu): 160 , 194
Bleakley, Heather (hbleak@gmail.com): 100
Blide, Lydia Mary (lb43893@huskies.bloomu.edu):
Block, Matt (email not available): 451
Blokland, Talja (talja.blokland@sowi.hu-berlin.de):
Blumberg, Rae Lesser (rblumberg@virginia.edu):
Bluthenthal, Ricky (rbluthen@usc.edu): 283
Bob, Clifford (bob@duq.edu): 171
Bobel, Chris (email: chris.bobel@umb.edu): 401
Boeckmann, Irene (iboeckma@soc.umass.edu): 289
Boeri, Miriam (mboeri@kennesaw.edu): 425
Bogard, Cynthia (Cynthia.J.Bogard@hofstra.edu): 97
Boguslaw, Alissa (bogua624@newschool.edu): 77 ,
Bohrt Seeghers, Marcelo
(marcelo_bohrt_seeghers@brown.edu): 126 , 442
Bokhour, Barbara (Barbara.bokhour@va.gov): 177
Boklin, Alex (aboklin@gmu.edu): 139
Bolzendahl, Catherine (cbolzend@uci.edu): 373
Bonner, Kimberly Bridget
(bonner.kimberly@gmail.com): 365
Bonnet, Francois (email not available): 204
Bordoloi, Samit Dipon (diponbordoloi@gmail.com):
Bores, Christopher (boresc@student.wpunj.edu):
Boris, Eileen (boris@femst.ucsb.edu): 149
Borland, Elizabeth (borland@tcnj.edu): 315
Borman, Kathryn (borman@usf.edu): 283 , 324
Borrelli, Wilma (wborrelli@gc.cuny.edu): 230
Bose, Christine E (cbose@albany.edu): 316 , 367
Bose, Sunita (boses@newpaltz.edu): 236 , 283
Bostrom, Alyssa (abbostrom@mail.roanoke.edu):
Boudreau, Vincent (vboudreau@ccny.cuny.edu):
Boussios, Emanuel (manoli1_2000@yahoo.com): 58
Bowditch, Christine (cbowditch@lccc.edu): 14 , 163,
Bowman, Cara (bowmanc@bu.edu): 96
Boyd, Margaret (maboyd@stonehill.edu): 93
Boyd, Melody (mboyd@sas.upenn.edu): 20
Bradt, Tasha (bradtt@hartwick.edu): 20
Branch, Enobong Hannah (email not available): 119 ,
150, 247, 276, 308, 339
Brandon, Peter (pbrandon@albany.edu): 216 , 319
Brandt, Philipp (psb2120@columbia.edu): 49 , 94,
Brandwein, Dr. David (dbrandwe@kean.edu): 174
Brannon, Monica (branm789@newschool.edu): 300
Braslow, Laura (email not available): 357 , 429
Braswell, Matthew (mlb5cw@virginia.edu): 360
Braunstein, Ruth (ruth.braunstein@nyu.edu): 71
Brayne, Sarah (sarahbrayne@gmail.com): 25
Brazil, Noli (nolib@demog.berkeley.edu): 248
Breese, Elizabeth (elizabeth.breese@yale.edu): 164
Brennan, Theresa
(theresa.brennan08@my.stjohns.edu): 19
Brewster, Kendra (kbrewster@gc.cuny.edu): 35
Brienza, Casey (cb607@cam.ac.uk): 161
Brightman Cox, Vania (brigh009@umn.edu): 69
Briken, Kendra (kendra.briken@sfb597.unibremen.de): 28
Brisman, Avi (abrisma@emory.edu): 8 , 93
Broad, K (klbroad@ufl.edu): 228
Broer, Christian (C.Broer@uva.nl ): 171
Bröer, Christian (c.broer@uva.nl): 45
Bronner, Stephen Eric (email not available): 145
Brown, Emily (eeb1990@gmail.com): 174
Brown, Evrick (browne@brooklyn.cuny.edu): 42
Brown, Heather (heathermariebrown@gmail.com):
Brown, Owen (obrown@mec.cuny.edu): 229
Brown, Pamela (whitp800@newschool.edu): 433
Brown, Phil (email not available): 222
Brown, Sarah (sarah.brown08@my.stjohns.edu): 19
Brown-Saracino, Japonica (email not available): 173 ,
Brunn, Rachelle (rachb80@vt.edu): 68
Bruno, Stefanie (stefanie.bruno@mail.cuny.edu):
Brush, Lisa (email not available): 120
Bryant, Karl (bryantk@newpaltz.edu): 117 , 236
Brym, Robert (email not available): 171
Budig, Michelle (budig@soc.umass.edu): 348
Budnick, Jamie (jalobu@umich.edu): 187
Bullers, Susan (bullerss@uncw.edu): 425
Bunda, Ryan J. (rjb82@cabrini.edu): 146
Bunyan, Laura (Laura.Bunyan@uconn.edu): 262
Burge, Jamika (email not available): 276
Burland, Daniel (dburland@legal.umass.edu): 58
Burnett, Jasmine (Sistersongnyc@gmail.com): 250
Burton, Linda (email not available): 225
Bushell, Erica (bushell.e@husky.neu.edu): 182
Butcher, Amber Rose (abutcher@skidmore.edu):
Butler, John (jbutl22@gmail.com): 151
Buttaro, Jr., Anthony (abj_nerema@hotmail.com):
408 , 451
Byfield, Natalie Patricia (byfieldn@stjohns.edu): 110
, 128
Byng, Michelle (mbyng@temple.edu): 129 , 189
Byrne, Ryan A. (rbyrne@eastern.edu): 174
Bywater, Krista (kbywater@muhlenberg.edu): 26
Cabin, William (williamcabin@yahoo.com): 290
Cabrera, Joseph (jcabrera@maryu.marywood.edu):
Cacciatore, Joanne (jcaccia@me.com): 142
Calarco, Jessica McCrory (jcalarco@sas.upenn.edu):
Calarco, Jr., Paul E (p.calarco@hvcc.edu): 239
Caldwell, Vernon (vcaldwel@gmail.com): 183 , 205
Calhoun, Craig (calhoun@ssrc.org): 71
Calla, Pamela (pamcalla@gmail.com): 250
Callaghan, Mary-Jo (callaghanmaa@my.ccsu.edu):
Camacho, Carlos Manuel (ccamacho@gc.cuny.edu):
Cameron, Jeanne (cameroj@tc3.edu): 137 , 275
Camp, Bayliss J. (bayliss.camp@csus.edu): 211 , 391
Campbell, Roberta (campberm@muohio.edu): 232
Candipan, Jennifer (jennifercandipan@gmail.com):
27 , 185
Cannalongo, Lewis (lcannalongo@comcast.net): 298
Cano, Isabel (isabel_cano@student.uml.edu): 312
Cantora, Andrea (acantora@vera.org): 413
Caputo, Jennifer (caputoj@indiana.edu): 39
Caputo-Levine, Deirdre
(caputolevine@optonline.net): 83
Carfagna, Luka B. (LBCarfagna@gmail.com): 347 ,
Carolan, Brian (carolanb@mail.montclair.edu): 408
Caro-Lopez, Howard (hcarolopez@gmail.com): 264
Carreiro, Josh (carreiro@soc.umass.edu): 318
Carroll, Emma Marie (ecarrol1@ithaca.edu): 174
Carter, Allison (carter@rowan.edu): 298
Carter, Courtney Myrtle (cocarter@uic.edu): 297
Carter, Jennifer A. (carterja@mail.uc.edu): 82
Carter, Shannon (skcarter@ucf.edu): 142
Caruso, Giuseppe (email not available): 89 , 257
Carveth, Rodney Andrew (rodcarveth@gmail.com):
Cascalheira, Cory (cory.cascalheira@gmail.com):
Case, Mary Ann (macase@law.uchicago.edu): 149
Casimiro, Cláudia (ccasim@gmail.com): 430
Cassidy, Kristin Marie (kmc54@buffalo.edu): 194
Castiello Jones, Katherine (kjones@soc.umass.edu):
259 , 328, 351
Castro, Ingrid E (I.Castro@mcla.edu): 153
Castro, Marco (marcocastrophoto@hotmail.com):
Catsambis, Sophia (scatsambis@rcn.com): 408
Celenk, Ozgur (celenkoz@hotmail.com): 360
Centauri, Widow (widowcentauri@gmail.com): 122
Centner, Ryan (ryan.centner@tufts.edu): 90
Cerulo, Karen A (cerulo@rci.rutgers.edu): 176 , 311
Chabot, Sean (email not available): 114
Chaganti, Sara (schagant@brandeis.edu): 3 , 156
Chancer, Lynn (lchancer@hunter.cuny.edu): 95 ,
176, 298, 401
Chapkis, Wendy (chapkis@usm.maine.edu): 178
Charles, Camille (camille_charles@pop.upenn.edu):
Charon, Rita (): 177
Chase-Dunn, Christopher (email not available): 249
Chau, Michelle (chaum1@owls.southernct.edu): 92
Chayko, Mary (mchayko@cse.edu): 18
Chen, Jen-Hao (jenhao@uchicago.edu): 109
Chen, Katherine K. (kchen@ccny.cuny.edu): 103
Chen, Kuan-Yi (kuanyichen@gmail.com): 17
Chen, Xiangming (email not available): 429
Chenpitayaton, Keerati (chenk708@newschool.edu):
Chepp, Valerie L. (vchepp@gmail.com): 294
Cherlin, Andrew J (cherlin@jhu.edu): 227
Chernoff, Carolyn (chernoff@dolphin.upenn.edu):
Cherukuri, Suvarna (scherukuri@siena.edu): 127
Chiarello, Elizabeth (echiarel@princeton.edu): 169 ,
199, 410
Childers, Trenita (trenita.childers@duke.edu): 454
Childress, Clayton (cchildress@wesleyan.edu): 161
Chimovitz, David (): 212
Choi, Grace Donbee (grace.choi@nyu.edu): 43
Choi, In-Sook (in-sook.choi@ens-cachan.fr): 388
choi, yanghwan (lute1004@gmail.com): 50
Choudary, Wendie (wchoudary@albany.edu): 27
Choudhary, Wajeeha Ameen
(wajeeha.ch@gmail.com): 322
Chun, KT (chunk@wpunj.edu): 166
Chung, Chulhee (chulchng@chonbuk.ac.kr): 75
Chung, Thomas (email not available): 235
Ciambrone, Desiree (dciambrone@ric.edu): 374
Cidade, Melissa (mac288@georgetown.edu): 49
Cipollone, Kristin (knc9@buffalo.edu): 35
Cislo, Andrew M. (acislo@schsr.unc.edu): 127
Clark, Aleia (alclark@umd.edu): 379
Clark, Amy (ClarkAmy@clarksoncollege.edu): 274 ,
Clarke, Jack (jackclar@buffalo.edu): 72
Clarke, Killian (kbclarke@gmail.com): 32
Clarry, John William (John_Clarry@bloomfield.edu):
38 , 91
Clawson, Dan (clawson@sadri.umass.edu ): 224
Clawson, Laura (laura.clawson@gmail.com): 71
Clawson, Mary Ann (mclawson@wesleyan.edu): 117
, 175
Clerge, Orly (orly_clerge@brown.edu): 17
Clevenger, Casey (cclev@brandeis.edu): 241
Clifford, Elizabeth (eclifford@towson.edu): 141 , 353
Clough, Patricia (PClough@gc.cuny.edu): 326
Coffé , Hilde (H.R.Coffe@uu.nl): 373
Cohen, Jodi H. (jhcohen@bridgew.edu): 381 , 412
Cohen, Joseph (joseph.cohen@qc.cuny.edu): 215
Coldsmith , Jeremiah
(jeremiah.coldsmith@uconn.edu): 340
Cole, Danielle (danielle_cole@student.uml.edu):
Collins, Randall (email not available): 148
Colocousis, Chris Robert (colococr@jmu.edu): 405
Compton, Lee (email not available): 398
Connell, Catherine (cati@bu.edu): 70
Conner, Sonya (sconner@worcester.edu): 96
Conover, Ted (email not available): 152
Conrad, Peter (conrad@brandeis.edu): 382
Conrad-Bradshaw, Jared (jcb2212@columbia.edu):
Conroy, Thomas (tmascon@hotmail.com): 181
Conti, Kelley (KConti829@cox.net): 253
Contreras, Randol (randolcontreras@yahoo.com): 15
, 101
Conwell, Jordan (jconwell@bates.edu): 136
Cooke-Rivers, Jacqueline (jrivers@fas.harvard.edu):
Cooper, Lindsey M (cooperlm@etown.edu): 174 ,
Copelton, Denise (dcopelto@brockport.edu): 52 ,
Coplin, Abigail (aec2168@columbia.edu): 50 , 359
Copur, Zeynep (zcopur@gmail.com): 23 , 356
Corbo, Stacey (SCorbo@cse.edu): 146
Corcoran, Lauren (corcoranl@sacredheart.edu): 312
Cordner, Alissa (alissa_cordner@brown.edu): 67 ,
Core, Rachel Sarah (corers@yahoo.com): 238
Cornwall, Marie (email not available): 142
Corrado, Carolyn (cc9090@albany.edu): 322
Corse, Sarah M (corse@virginia.edu): 293
Corun, Jessica (jmcorun@email.msmary.edu): 283
Coston, Bethany (bethany.coston@gmail.com): 266
Cox, Genevieve (grg2@wildcats.unh.edu): 416
Coyle, Macaelagh (mcoyle@arcadia.edu): 146
Crawford, Brett (bc.cbp@cbs.dk): 36
Crawford, Geniece (gacrawf@fas.harvard.edu): 296
Crawford, Kijana (drcgss@rit.edu): 134
Crespo-Sancho, Catalina (cc3297@tc.columbia.edu):
Crockett, Jason (crockett@kutztown.edu): 393
Cromwell, Michelle Marcia
(michelle.cromwell@regiscollege.edu): 186
Crosbie, Thomas (thomas.crosbie@yale.edu): 365
Cross-Barnet, Caitlin (caitlin.crossbarnet@fandm.edu): 274 , 342
Croxton, Nea (nea21289@yahoo.com): 253
Crum, Martha (Mcrum@GC.CUNY.edu): 229
Cucchiara, Maia (maia.cucchiara@temple.edu): 170
Cummins, Emily R (cummins.em@husky.neu.edu):
Cunningham, David (dcunning@brandeis.edu): 144
Cunningham, Ken (kuc1@psu.edu): 300
Cunningham, Kim (kimcunningh@yahoo.com): 423
Cunningham, Michelle
(michelle.cunningham08@my.stjohns.edu): 19
Curiel, James (jamescuriel@yahoo.com): 163 , 212
Curreli, Misty (mistycurreli@gmail.com): 40 , 274,
Cutler, Matthew (mjcutler@wildcats.unh.edu): 443
Czerniawski, Amanda M. (aczernia@temple.edu):
D`Andrea, Amanda (adandrea@clarku.edu): 146
D`Anna, Nicole (ndanna@albany.edu): 390
Dabrowski, Irene J. (dabrowsi@stjohns.edu): 197
DaCosta, Kimberly (email not available): 207
Daher, Julie Rachelle (julie.daher@gmail.com): 174
Damaske, Sarah (sarahdamaske@psu.edu ): 65
Dana, Britton (email not available): 308
Danico, Mary Yu (mkydanico@csupomona.edu): 60
Daniel, Caitlin (cdaniel@fas.harvard.edu): 96
Daniels, Jessie (Jdaniels@hunter.CUNY.edu): 229
Danna, Karen (kdanna@hampshire.edu): 162
Dao, Loan (loan.dao@umb.edu): 210
Dario, Diogo (dmdario@yahoo.com.br): 340
Darrah, Jennifer (darrah@fas.harvard.edu): 185
Das, Mitra (mitra_das@uml.edu): 54
David, Emmanuel (emmanuel.david@villanova.edu):
Davis, Jerold (email not available): 451
Davis, Jonathan Ryan (portjd@gmail.com): 205 , 414,
Dawe, Meghan (meghan.dawe@utoronto.ca): 352
Day, Kristen R (): 22
de Castell, Suzanne (decaste@sfu.ca): 10
de Graaff, M. B. (m.b.degraaff@uva.nl): 45
de Jong, Marc Jung-Whan (mjwdejong@yahoo.com):
de la Cruz, Claudia (email not available): 250
De Ycaza, Carla (email not available): 377
DeAmicis, Jan Joseph (deamicis@roadrunner.com):
Dean, Lauren (email not available): 295
Dean, Lucy Grymes (lgd002@bucknell.edu): 146
Decker, Scott (email not available): 203
Deener, Andrew (email not available): 285
Degiuli, Francesca (francesca.degiuli@csi.cuny.edu):
Deil-Amen, Regina (reginad1@email.arizona.edu):
Deitch, Cynthia (deitch@gwu.edu): 390
Del Rosso, Jared (delrosso@bc.edu): 340
Delfino, Peggy (pldelfin@mtholyoke.edu): 92
Delgaudio, Gina Marie (gmdelgaudio@aol.com): 312
della Faille, Dimitri (dimitri.dellafaille@uqo.ca): 38 ,
Delong, Amanda (amanda.delong@gmail.com): 135 ,
DeLuca, Jaime (jdeluca@towson.edu): 218
DeLuca, Stefanie (sdeluca@jhu.edu): 113
Demulling, Katrina (katrinademulling@gmail.com):
Dennis, Jeffery P (jefferypdennis@yahoo.com): 181 ,
Dent, Lauren A (lauren.dent@ttu.edu): 270
DeOliveira, Margaret A (stmad08@moravian.edu):
Derickson, Elizabeth (edericks@princeton.edu): 237
Desanges, Bernadine (desanbe@emmanuel.edu):
DeSena, Judith (desenaj@stjohns.edu): 19 , 42
Desmond, Matt (email not available): 343
DeSoucey, Michaela (desoucey@princeton.edu):
DeSousa, Valerian (vdesousa@wcupa.edu): 217
Deterding, Nicole (deterdin@fas.harvard.edu): 220
DeVault, Marjorie (mdevault@syr.edu): 33 , 59
Devgan, Shruti (sdevgan@sociology.rutgers.edu):
Devine, Scott (email not available): 236
Devine-Eller, Audrey (auderey@rutgers.edu): 407
DeVries, Raymond (rdevries@umich.edu): 36
Dewhurst, Kara (ksd7wd@virginia.edu): 109
Diaz-Edelman, Mia (miad@bu.edu): 154
DiBennardo, Rebecca (redibennardo@ucla.edu):
Dickerson, Bette (bdicker@american.edu): 1
Dickinson, James M (dickinson@rider.edu): 416
DiFonzo, Nicholas (email not available): 341
Digard, Leon (leondigard@gmail.com): 296
DiGloria, Kristen Ainsley
(kristen.digloria@villanova.edu): 283
DiMaggio, Paul (dimaggio@princeton.edu): 455
Dixon, Jeffrey (jdixon@holycross.edu): 129
Dixon, Lindsey (led2124@columbia.edu): 100
Dixon, Marc (Marc.D.Dixon@Dartmouth.edu): 318
Dixon , Maressa L (mdixon83@gmail.com): 283
Doane, Michael (mdoane@unr.edu): 395
Dobbin, Frank (email not available): 202
Doerer, Sharon C (scdoerer@uncc.edu): 420
Doerr, Nicole (nicole.doerr@fu-berlin.de): 16 , 89,
257, 282, 344
Doherty, Brian (b.j.a.doherty@keele.ac.uk): 144
dong, jin (jdong@buffalo.edu): 50
Donner, Rebecca Louise (rdonner@skidmore.edu):
Donoghue , Christopher (cdonoghu@kean.edu): 41
Donoghue, Christopher
(cdonoghu.kean@gmail.com): 92
Donoghue , Christopher (cdonoghu@kean.edu): 174
, 436
Donovan, Pamela (pdonovan@bloomu.edu): 341 ,
352, 422
Doren, Catherine (email not available): 97
Dougherty, Kevin (email not available): 200
Douglas, Dan (Dan.douglas83@gmail.com): 220
Dow, Dawn (dawndow@berkeley.edu): 342
Dreby, Joanna (jdreby@albany.edu): 15 , 60
Dubois, Emilie (duboise@bc.edu): 232 , 347
Dubus, Nicole (ndubus@wheelock.edu): 274
Duck, Waverly O (wod1@pitt.edu): 363
Duffy, Mignon (Mignon_Duffy@uml.edu): 255 , 312
Dugan, Kimberly (DuganK@easternct.edu): 46
Durr, Marlese (email not available): 208
Durso, Rachel M. (durso.6@osu.edu): 121
Duyvendak, Jan Willem (email not available): 45 ,
144, 202, 371
Earle, Hester (hesterearle@gmail.com): 277
Eastwood, Jonathan (eastwoodj@wlu.edu): 291
Eaves, LaToya (leaves@fiu.edu): 228
Eck, Savannah (seckx001@odu.edu): 1
Eckstein, Rick (rick.eckstein@villanova.edu): 13
Eddyono, Suzanna (sue2@pitt.edu): 361
Edin, Kathryn (email not available): 175 , 227
Eftekhari, Ensieh (ensieheftekhari@gmail.com): 417
Eggleston, John (eggljp35@suny.oneonta.edu): 253
Ehrenberg, John (email not available): 172
Eich-Krohm, Astrid (email not available): 314
Eick, Volker (eickv@zedat.fu-berlin.de): 28
Eirich, Gregory (gme2101@columbia.edu): 191
El-Burki Greene, Imaani (ie23@drexel.edu): 129
Ellen, Ingrid (ingrid.ellen@nyu.edu): 143
Ellialti, Tugce (ellialti@sas.upenn.edu): 73
Elliott, Marta (melliott@unr.edu): 395
Elliott, Sinikka (email not available): 2
Ellison, Brandy (belliso1@nd.edu): 391
Ellowitz, Taylor (taylor@rihomeless.org): 268
Embser-Herbert, Melissa Sheridan
(embserherbert@hamline.edu): 301
Encarnacion, Josh (jde48200@huskies.bloomu.edu):
Ender, Morten (morten.ender@usma.edu): 223
Endo, Masako (m.e.endo@gmail.com): 158
Erb-Medina, Caroline (cerb@gc.cuny.edu): 409
Erdmans, Mary P (ErdmansM@ccsu.edu): 179
Eren, Colleen (email not available): 95
Erickson-Schroth, Laura
(erickson.schroth@gmail.com): 381
Eriksen, Shelley (seriksen@csulb.edu): 373 , 411
Ertrachter, Karen Alexis (ke7@buffalo.edu): 335
Esala, Jennifer (jjm36@wildcats.unh.edu): 415
Eshelman, Jill (jilleshelman@gmail.com): 442
Espinoza, Alexis (aes0006@hunter.cuny.edu): 183
Essien, Akaniyene Richard (geniusone1@aol.com):
Evans, Stacy (sevans@berkshirecc.edu): 306
Ewick, Patricia (paewick@clarku.edu): 344
Eyal, Gil (ge2027@columbia.edu): 379
Ezzell, Matthew (ezzellmb@jmu.edu): 128
Fabian, Rika (ryonemura@gmail.com): 306
Fabiola Fernandez-Salek, Michael Flynn
(mflynn@jjay.cuny.edu): 124
Fader, Jamie (jfader@albany.edu): 413
Fagan, Jeffrey (jaf45@columbia.edu): 186
Fahmi, Dalia (email not available): 172
Fan, Wen (fanxx102@umn.edu): 184
Farrell, Michael (ofarrell@buffalo.edu): 359
Fasang, Anette (anette.fasang@sowi.hu-berlin.de):
31 , 319
Faulkner, Caroline (caroline.faulkner@fandm.edu):
Feinstein, Yuval (yuval@ucla.edu): 58
Feldhaus, Heather (hfeldhau@bloomu.edu): 18
Feldman, Cory (feldmancory@gmail.com): 413
Feldscher, Courtney (cofeld@bu.edu): 125
Feliciano, Robert (rfelicia@skidmore.edu): 253
Feliciano, Shannon (shannon.feliciano@gmail.com):
Fennell, Julie (julie.fennell@gallaudet.edu): 259 , 304
Fenton, Robert (rfenton1@gmu.edu): 437
Fergus, Edward (eaf7@nyu.edu): 331
Ferraro, Kathleen (email not available): 120
Fettro, Marshal Neal (marshalfettro@gmail.com):
Figueroa, Rodrigo
(rodrigo.figueroa_valenzuela@uconn.edu): 426
Filinson, Rachel (rfilinson@ric.edu): 374
Fillieule, Olivier (email not available): 202
Fine, Gary Alan (g-fine@northwestern.edu): 16 , 341
Fine, Michelle (mfine@gc.cuny.edu): 35
Finn, Daniel (djf9f@virginia.edu): 359
Fiorello, Christopher
(christopherfiorello@berkeley.edu): 5
Fischer, Mary (mary.fischer@uconn.edu): 34
Fish, Jennifer N (jfish@odu.edu): 1 , 33
Fitzmaurice, Connor (fitzmauc@bu.edu): 209
Fitzpatrick, Jacki (Jacki.Fitzpatrick@ttu.edu): 214
Flatt, Kevin N (kflatt@redeemer.ca): 84
Flavin, Jeanne (email not available): 169
Fleming, Crystal (crystal.fleming@stonybrook.edu):
396 , 446
Fletcher, Claire (): 360
Flores, Ronald (rflores@conncoll.edu): 185
Florino, Sarah (email not available): 287
Flower, Katherin (flowerk@apsu.edu): 214
Focht, Erika Rachel
(fochter23@mounties.mansfield.edu): 174
Foner, Nancy (nfoner@spec.net): 281 , 321, 371
Fong, Melissa (email not available): 429
Fordahl, Clayton (cfordahl@gmail.com): 99
Forstie, Clare
(clareforstie2016@u.northwestern.edu): 180
Forsythe-Brown, Ivy (ivyfb@umd.umich.edu): 353
Fowler, Brian (ctjr@iup.edu): 396
Fox, Kathryn (kfox@uvm.edu): 127 , 434
Fox, Lauren (alf2138@columbia.edu): 277
Fox, Maddy (maddycfox@gmail.com): 35
Fox, Mary Frank (email not available): 247
Fox, Nicole (nsfox@brandeis.edu): 377
Francis, Ara (afrancis@holycross.edu): 382
Frank, David (davidericfrank@yahoo.com): 186
Franssen, Thomas (thomas.franssen@gmail.com):
Franzese, Alexis (afranzese@elon.edu): 271
Fraser, Roslyn (rsfpp9@mail.missouri.edu): 7
Frederico, Krista (kfrederico@email.arizona.edu):
142 , 219
Free, Janese (freej@emmanuel.edu): 134 , 153
Freedman, Lori (freedmanl@obgyn.ucsf.edu): 336
Freeman, Lindsey A. (freeL374@newschool.edu): 85
Frehill, Lisa (lfrehill@etcmd.com): 339
Freidin, Betina (freidinbetina@gmail.com): 36
Frenette, Alexandre (afrenette@gc.cuny.edu): 394
Freudenberg, Nicholas
(Nfreuden@hunter.CUNY.edu): 229
Friedman, Samantha (samfriedman@albany.edu): 34
, 81
Frisone, Maria Francisca (pankika89@gmail.com):
Frydenlund , Erika (email not available): 1
Fu, Albert (afu@kutztown.edu): 328
Fuentes, Elizabeth (efuentes@gc.cuny.edu): 326
Fuhrel-Forbis, Andrea (afuhrelf@umich.edu): 36
Fulkerson, Gregory M (fulkergm@oneonta.edu): 102
, 261, 405
Fuster, Mayo (Mayo.Fuster@eui.eu): 282
Gaither, Owen (owengaither64@yahoo.com): 283 ,
Gallagher, Charles A. (gallagher@lasalle.edu): 233
Gallagher, Edward (esg5@nyu.edu): 98
Gallagher, Thomas E. (tgallagher@ursinus.edu): 104
Galli, Anya (anyagalli@gmail.com): 268
Gallicchio, Nicole (ncgallicchio@hotmail.com): 112
Gambs, Deborah (dgambs@bmcc.cuny.edu): 275
Garcia, Angela Cora (agarcia@bentley.edu): 301
Garcia, Lisette (lmg9@nyu.edu): 68
Garey, Anita Ilta (anitagarey@gmail.com): 207
Garrett, Sarah (sbgarrett@berkeley.edu): 245
Garrow, Samuel (shgarrow@albany.edu): 34 , 81
Gastic, Billie (bgastic@beamyouth.org): 134 , 331
Gautney, Heather D (gautney@fordham.edu): 205
Gearing, Maeve (maeve.gearing@duke.edu): 109
Gecker, Whitney (whitney.gecker001@umb.edu):
Gelbgiser, Dafna (dg432@cornell.edu): 414
geleta, esayas (esay_be_ge@yahoo.com): 320
Gengler, Amanda (amg@brandeis.edu): 128
Gentry, Kendra (kgentry@jjay.cuny.edu): 347
Gerber, Alison (alison.gerber@yale.edu): 394
Germana, Rachelle
(rgermana@sociology.rutgers.edu): 130
Gershenson, Carl (cgershen@fas.harvard.edu): 126
Gerson, Judith (gerson@rci.rutgers.edu): 131 , 400
Gerstel, Naomi (gerstel@sadri.umass.edu): 117 , 317
Ghatak, Saran (sghatak@keene.edu): 25
Ghoshal, Raj (raj.ghoshal@goucher.edu): 46
Gibbons, Joseph Raymond (jg852529@albany.edu):
Gideon, Lior (email not available): 413
Gilbert, Tamsyn (gilbet14@newschool.edu): 383
Gilkes , Cheryl Townsend (ctgilkes@colby.edu): 99
Gill, Elisa M. (elisamgill@gmail.com): 146
Gill, Jungyun (jgill@mountainstate.edu): 219
Gil-Ureta, Magdalena (msg2144@columbia.edu):
Ginossar, Tamar (tginossar@salud.unm.edu): 79
Girouard, Jennifer (girouard@brandeis.edu): 81
Gjata, Joris (jg2nk@virginia.edu): 125
Glass, Jennifer (email not available): 247 , 308
Godshall, Heather Elizabeth
(godshalh@lafayette.edu): 312
Godwyn, Mary (mgodwyn@babson.edu): 297
Goffman, Alice (email not available): 343
Goksel, Hayrunnisa
(nisagoksel2014@u.northwestern.edu): 316
Golann, Joanne Wang (jgolann@princeton.edu): 94
Goldberg, Chad (chadgoldberg@ias.edu): 75
Goldberg, Rachel E. (rachel_goldberg@brown.edu):
Golub, Andrew (golub@ndri.org): 216
Gonçalves, Eduardo (cuducos@gmail.com): 215
Goner, Ozlem (ogoner@soc.umass.edu): 212
Gonzalez, Nathaniel (nathanjg@usc.edu): 241
Gonzalez Vaillant, Gabriela
(Gabriela.Gonzalez.Vaillant@gmail.com): 410
Goode, Keisha (kgoode@gc.cuny.edu): 199
Goodfellow, Marianne (goodfell@lvc.edu): 301
Goodwin, Jeff (email not available): 32 , 89, 171, 295
Gordon, Hava Rachel (email not available): 2
Gordon , Tonie Marie (tmg8z@virginia.edu): 232
Gornick, Janet (email not available): 255
Gorski, Phil (email not available): 148
Gosselin, Denise Kindschi
(denise.gosselin@wne.edu): 449
Gould-Wartofsky, Michael A. (mgw256@nyu.edu):
Goyette, Kimberly (kgoyette@temple.edu): 143
Gozjolko, Kristi L. (klq23@wildcats.unh.edu): 23
Graham, Roderick (rgraham@ric.edu): 430
Grahame, Kamini Maraj (kmg16@psu.edu): 5
Grahame, Peter R. (prg11@psu.edu): 5
Graizbord, Diana (diana_graizbord@brown.edu):
Grant, Nicholas (niko_grant@yahoo.com): 253
Grantham, Leslie (llgranth@usc.edu): 307
Grantham, Robert V (robert_grantham@uml.edu):
181 , 268
Gray, Kathleen (kbgray@mail.ecsu.edu): 329 , 391
Gray, Thomas W (thomas.gray@usda.gov): 102
Grayson-Wallace, Devon Ann
(dgraysonwallace@clarku.edu): 146
Grazian, David (dgrazian@soc.upenn.edu): 285
Green, Autumn R. (greenau@bc.edu): 216
Green, Cecilia Anne (cagree01@maxwell.syr.edu):
Greene, Dana (greenedm@gmail.com): 272
Greenwood, Joleen (greenwoo@kutztown.edu): 452
Gregory, Karen (karengregory@gmail.com): 309
Greil, Arthur L (): 274
Grether, Scott (stgrethe@gwmail.gwu.edu): 213
Grimes, Michael (mgrimes@lsu.edu): 64
Grineski, Sara (segrineski@utep.edu): 109
Gripper, Ashley (AGripper@arcadia.edu): 234
Grondin, David (dgrondin@uottawa.ca): 28
Gross, Neil (email not available): 148
Gross, Susan M (sgross@jhsph.edu): 274
Grunow, Daniela (D.Grunow@uva.nl): 319
Guastella, Dustin F (tuc05466@temple.edu): 82
Gubrium, Aline C (agubrium@schoolph.umass.edu):
Guhin, Jeffrey (jeffrey.guhin@yale.edu): 191
Guillen, Mauro F (guillen@wharton.upenn.edu): 103
Gulya, Lisa (guly0003@umn.edu): 219
Gurd, kiri (kirigurd@gmail.com): 55
Gurr, Barbara (barbara.gurr@uconn.edu): 274 , 364
Guzman, Sebastian G. (guzmas31@newschool.edu):
Haber, Benjamin (email not available): 429
Habtu, Alem S. (alem.habtu@qc.cuny.edu): 453
Hackett, Martine (martine.hackett@hofstra.edu):
Haeberling, Isabel N.
(haeberling@soziologie.uzh.ch): 304
Hagan, John (j-hagan@northwestern.edu): 231
Hagen, Ryan (rah2168@columbia.edu): 121 , 165,
Hagerman, Margaret (email not available): 355
haghighat, Elhum (dr.elhum@gmail.com): 304
Haines, Michelle (hainesm@sacredheart.edu): 253
Hala, Nicole (n.akai.hala@gmail.com): 376
Halasz, Judith R. (halaszj@newpaltz.edu): 34 , 345
Halebsky, Stephen Eugene
(halebskys@cortland.edu): 103 , 190
Hall, Gregory (gmhall@buffalo.edu): 72
Hall, Taylor (taylor.hall001@umb.edu): 381
Halle, David (dhalle@ucla.edu): 281 , 398, 428
Halling, Mark (mhalling@hunter.cuny.edu): 80
Hallman, Annie (ahallman@gmu.edu): 349
Halpern-Meekin, Sarah (halpernm@uwm.edu): 175
Hamar Martinez, Jessica
(jhamar@email.arizona.edu): 166
hamid, ayesha (ayeshafarzana@gmail.com): 349
Hamilton, Laura (lhamilton2@umerced.edu ): 224
Hamilton, Lauren T (hamiltonl@etown.edu): 174
Hamilton, Lawrence (lawrence.hamilton@unh.edu):
Hammonds, Clare (hammonds@brandeis.edu): 318
Hancock , Black Hawk (bhancock@depaul.edu): 99 ,
Handler, Lisa (lhandler@ccp.edu): 200
Haney, Lynne (lynne.haney@nyu.edu): 159 , 208
Hanks, Sarah (sarahmhanks@gmail.com): 183
Hanneman, Jared (JMHanneman@gmail.com): 394
Hannum, Emily (emily.hannum@gmail.com): 424
Hansell, Leah (LHansell@arcadia.edu): 234
Hansen, Karen V. (khansen@brandeis.edu): 207 ,
Hansen, Laura Lynn (lauralynn.hansen@wne.edu):
Hanson, Barbara (hansonbg@yorku.ca): 75 , 271
Hanson, Sandra (hanson@cua.edu): 418
Hardy, Melissa (mah38@psu.edu): 136
Harger, Brent (bharger@alb.edu): 404
Harnois, Catherine (harnoice@wfu.edu): 273
Harrington, Brett (harrington212@gmail.com): 283
Harris, Kevan (kevan@jhu.edu): 309 , 327
Harris, Pavla (pavla.harris@colorado.edu): 431
Harrison, Jill (jharrison@ric.edu): 352
Hartless, Jaime (jnh9ts@virginia.edu): 69
Hartman, Harriet (hartman@rowan.edu): 131
Hartnett, Caroline Sten (carohart@isr.umich.edu):
Hartog, Hendrik (hartog@princeton.edu): 149
Harwick, Benjamin (benjamin.harwick@gmail.com):
Hashim Kurfi, Mustapha (mustapha@bu.edu): 442
Haskaj, Fatmir (fhaskaj@gmail.com): 62
Haskell, David Millard (dhaskell@wlu.ca): 84
Hausler, Meredith (mhausler@ramapo.edu): 253
Hayden, Karen (haydenk@merrimack.edu): 66 , 102
Hayes, Amanda (arhayes@gwmail.gwu.edu): 168
Hayes, Graeme (graeme.hayes@sciencesporennes.fr): 144
Haynes, Ajeenah (ajeenah.haynes@gmail.com): 47
Haynor, Anthony L. (haynoran@shu.edu): 197
Heeb, Katherine Mary
(kchavez@islander.tamucc.edu): 151
Heerwig, Jennifer (ennif@nyu.edu): 67
Heise, Kia (heis0081@umn.edu): 219
Heller, Caroline (Carolineheller2@gmail.com): 206
Heller, Jacob (hellerj@oldwestbury.edu): 11
Heller, Patrick (patrick_heller@brown.edu): 126
Hemler, Jennifer R.
(jhemler@sociology.rutgers.edu): 382
Hendrick, Stephanie
(stephanie.hendrick@humlab.umu.se): 436
Henkelman, Lindsay Noelle
(stlnh08@moravian.edu): 253
Henley, Megan (): 199
Henly, Megan (megan.henly@gmail.com): 374 , 419
Henning, April (ahenning@gc.cuny.edu): 139
Henricks, Thomas (henricks@elon.edu): 302
Henschel, Christine (email not available): 429
Herideen, Penelope (pherideen@hcc.edu): 275
Hermes, Theodora (theodorahermes@gmail.com):
Hernandez, Alexander A. (hernanap@bc.edu): 243
Hernandez, Alma Angelica
(aahernandez4@miners.utep.edu): 109
Hernandez, Jennifer (jenh8530@gmail.com): 146
Hernandez Montana, Omar
(ohernandez102@qc.cuny.edu): 326
Hernández-Medina, Esther (esther@brown.edu):
Hertz, Rosanna (rhertz@wellesley.edu): 33 , 131,
207, 225
Heston, Laura Victoria (lheston@soc.umass.edu):
Heumann, Silke (Heumann@iss.nl): 202
Higginbotham, Elizabeth (email not available): 150 ,
Hill, Kathryn (kbh2114@columbia.edu): 277
Hill, Rachele Kathleen
(rmcintyre@email.msmary.edu): 253
Hill-Yates, Erica Alane (eahill1@illinois.edu): 167
Hirschinger-Blank, Nancy
(nbblank@mail.widener.edu): 389
Hirshfield, Laura (email not available): 276
Hochman, Oshrat (): 374
Hodari, Apriel (email not available): 276
Hodges, Melissa J (mjhodges@soc.umass.edu): 348
Hodgson, Erin (erin.hodgson@quinnipiac.edu): 146
Hodos, Jerome (jerome.hodos@fandm.edu): 132
Hoffman, Andrew
(andrews.hoffman@mail.mcgill.ca): 379
Hoffman, Jessica E (jeheyn@buffalo.edu): 178 , 307
Hoffman, Kristi (khoffman@roanoke.edu): 440
Hofmeister, Heather (mail@heather-hofmeister.de):
Hofstra, Jorie (jhofstra@sociology.rutgers.edu): 382
Hogan, James (james.j.hogan@uconn.edu): 259
Hohle, Randolph (hohler@dyc.edu): 258
Holden Sherwood, Jessica
(jessicasherwood@mail.uri.edu): 355
Holland, Megan M. (mholland@fas.harvard.edu):
Holmberg, Beth (bholmberg@frederick.edu): 246
Holston, Megan (mcholston1@yahoo.com): 378
Holt, William (holtiiiw1@southernct.edu): 45
Horn, Keren (km1423@nyu.edu): 143 , 248
Horvat, Erin (erin.mcnamara.horvat@temple.edu):
Horvitz, Andrew (ahorvitz@albany.edu): 409
Horwitz, Ann (ann.horwitz@gmail.com): 331
Hou, Xiaoshuo (xhou@stlawu.edu): 123
Houldin, Joseph J. (houldinj@lafayette.edu): 174
Hourigan, Kristen (khourigan@albany.edu): 240
Houston, Allison (ahouston@albany.edu): 354
Howard, Daron Jabari (dhoward@gc.cuny.edu): 294
Hoynes, William (wihoynes@vassar.edu): 372
Huang, Lingli (lhuang23@jhu.edu): 106
Huang, Paoyi (phuang@gc.cuny.edu): 17
HUANG, Weishan (weishan_huang@yahoo.com):
Huang, Yu-ling (yhuang2@binghamton.edu): 112 ,
Hudd, Suzanne (suzanne.hudd@quinnipiac.edu):
Hufford, Mary (hufford.mary@gmail.com): 302 , 452
Hughes, Lauren (lah5383@psu.edu): 185
Hughes, Michael (mdh@vt.edu): 81
Huisman, Kimberly (kim.huisman@umit.maine.edu):
Hunt, Jean Ann (huntja@plattsburgh.edu): 168
Hunt, Jennifer C (hunt_jennifer@yahoo.com): 128 ,
Hurst, Kelsey (ksh25134@huskies.bloomu.edu): 146
Hurston, Lucy Anne (lhurston@mcc.commnet.edu):
Huyser, Kimberly (khuyser@unm.edu): 79
Hyden, Lars-Christer (Lars-christer.hyden@liu.se):
Hyden, Margareta (Margareta.hyden@liu.se): 206
ibn Hyman, Sundjata (sibnhyman@wvstateu.edu):
Iceland, John (jiceland@pop.psu.edu): 143
Ignatow, Gabe (gignatow@gmail.com): 269
Ikeler, Peter (pikeler@gc.cuny.edu): 333
Inglis, Patrick (patrickinglis@gmail.com): 205
Inoue, Hiroko (email not available): 249
Isenberg , Robert L (robisen077@netscape.net): 340
Islam, Nadia (Nadia.islam@nyumc.org): 411
Israel, Tasha (tisrael01@cse.edu): 146
Isserles, Robin (Isserles@bmcc.cuny.edu): 220
Iversen, Analissa
(analissa_iversen@student.uml.edu): 312
Iverson, Erika (eiverson@gc.cuny.edu): 409
Iwata, Miho (miho.iwata@uconn.edu): 353
Jackson, Christina R (crjackson@umail.ucsb.edu): 34
Jackson, Ruth (ruth.jackson@tmcfund.org): 24 , 134
Jacobs, Janet (jacobsjl@colorado.edu): 400
Jacobs, Jerry A. (jjacobs@sas.upenn.edu): 325
Jacobs, Mark (mjacobs@gmu.edu): 254
Jacobs, Ron (email not available): 284
Jacobsen, Shannon K. (sjacobse@gmu.edu): 366
Jacques, Matthew (mg04jacq@siena.edu): 253
James, Tana (TanaDJames@gmail.com): 92
Jang, Sung Joon (email not available): 160
Jaquez, Carina (jaquezc@student.wpunj.edu): 312
Jarvis, Alexander John (ajarvis@skidmore.edu): 283
Jasper, Daniel (djasper@moravian.edu): 49 , 338
Jasper, James (jjasper@gc.cuny.edu): 16 , 114, 171,
222, 398
Jeffreys,, Karen (karen@rihomeless.org): 268
Jeffries, Michael P. (email not available): 345
Jencks, Christopher
(christopher_jencks@Harvard.Edu): 201
Jenkins, Kai (kai.gabrielle@gmail.com): 133
Jennings, Brian (bjennings@alb.edu): 303
Jensen, Carsten Stroeby (csj@soc.ku.dk): 45 , 333
Jenson, Jennifer (JJenson@edu.yorku.ca): 10
Jerolmack, Colin (email not available): 357
Jesudason, Sujatha (sjesudason@generationsahead.org): 336
Jimenez, Katherine Y (kjimenez1@mail.spc.edu): 78
Jimenez, Lady (ljim418@gmail.com): 168
Joel, Susan (sjoel@spfldcol.edu): 389
joffe, carole (joffec@obgyn.ucsf.edu): 336
Johal, Ramanjit Kaur (rkjohal@pu.ac.in): 125
Johansen, Paul
(paul_johansen@student.berkshirecc.edu): 146
Johnson, Byron R. (email not available): 160
Johnson, Dominique (djohnso5@ramapo.edu): 134
Johnson, Heather (hbj2@lehigh.edu): 355
Johnson, J.L. (jjohnsp@gmu.edu): 384
Johnson, Jacqueline (jjohnson@adelphi.edu): 229
Johnson, Katherine (kmj165@psu.edu): 142 , 245
Johnson, Lindsey (Lindsey.Johnson2@unt.edu): 269
Johnson Dias, Janice (jjohnson-dias@jjay.cuny.edu):
Johnston, Erin (EFJOHNST@PRINCETON.EDU): 453
Jolly, Helen (helenjolly@gmail.com): 395
Jones, Antwan (antwan@gwu.edu): 107
Jones, Elizabeth (ejones712@gmail.com): 174
Jones, Jane J (jjones@ursinus.edu): 65
Jones, Sandra Joy (jonessa@rowan.edu): 240 , 296
Jones, Travis (tjones5596@stanly.edu): 306
Jones, Willa (wjones1@skidmore.edu): 283
Joo, Christine Hyunjeong (cjoo@wellesley.edu): 312
Joosse, Paul (jjoosse@ualberta.ca): 402 , 445
Joseph, Daniel (daniel.joseph@ryerson.ca): 10
Joseph, Lauren J. (luj12@psu.edu): 192 , 211
Joseph, Tiffany (tjoseph@rwj.harvard.edu): 353
Josephsohn, Thomas (tjj9q3@gmail.com): 189
Joyce, Marianne (majoyce@soc.umass.edu): 70
Judge, Jonathan M. (jm01judg@siena.edu): 253
Julier, Alice P (ajulier@chatham.edu): 43
Jung, Jiwook (jwjung@fas.harvard.edu): 333
Junker, Andrew (andrew.junker@yale.edu): 128
Jurczyszyn, Lukasz (email not available): 257
Jurgenson, Nathan (nathanjurgenson@gmail.com):
41 , 436
Juris, Jeff (j.juris@neu.edu): 182
Kahle, Lindsay L (l.l.kahle@iup.edu): 335
Kaldor, Eric (ekaldor@brockport.edu): 190
Kaliner, Matthew (kaliner@fas.harvard.edu): 9
Kalish, Ilene (email not available): 152
Kaminski, Alison
(alison.kaminski08@my.stjohns.edu): 19
Kane-Lee, Ember Skye Willow
(ember1220@yahoo.com): 146
Kang, Jeehye (jkang125@umd.edu): 385
Kang, Miliann (email not available): 33
Kapitulik, Brian P (kapitulikb@gcc.mass.edu): 200
Kappel, Robert (rbkappel@gmail.com): 69
Karaoglu, Lora (karaoglu.l@husky.neu.edu): 50
Karapanou, Katerina (kkarapanou@yahoo.com): 326
Karen, David (dkaren@brynmawr.edu): 407
Kashyap, Ridhi (): 189
Kasinitz, Philip (email not available): 101 , 173, 279,
371, 429
Kasli, Zeynep (zuk2@uw.edu): 154
Kasper, Debbie (kasperdv@hiram.edu): 24
Katuna, Barret (barret.katuna@uconn.edu): 232
Kaufer, Sacha Serabian
(sacha.kaufer@quinnipiac.edu): 253
Kaufman, Debra (dkaufman@neu.edu): 131
Kaufman, Peter (kaufmanp@newpaltz.edu): 147
Kawamura, Yuniya (yuniya_kawamura@fitnyc.edu):
Kaya, Naliyah K. (nkaya1@gmu.edu): 72
Kaye, Kerwin (email not available): 208
Keatinge, Brenna (brenna.keatinge@utoronto.ca):
Keefer, Maggie M (keeferm@etown.edu): 174
Keene, Danya (dkeene@wharton.upenn.edu): 374
Kefalas, Maria (email not available): 254
Keil, Jacqueline (jkeil@kean.edu): 376
Kelly, Brian C (bckelly@purdue.edu): 72 , 425
Kelly, Erin (kelly101@umn.edu): 184 , 348
Kelly, Lawrence (): 93
Kelly, Reese (rck517@gmail.com): 122
Kelso, Michelle (email not available): 377
Kelty, Ryan (rkelty2@washcoll.edu): 307 , 338, 365,
397, 427
Kemmerer, Kirstie (GTJR@iup.edu): 157
Kennedy, Amanda (podly@aol.com): 138 , 211
Kennedy, Leslie W. (email not available): 172
Kennelly, Jacqueline (email not available): 203
Kentor, Jeffrey (kentor@soc.utah.edu): 338
Kerestecioglu, Doga (doga@sas.upenn.edu): 103
Kerstetter, Katie (kkerste2@gmu.edu): 323
Keskiner , Elif (e.keskiner@uva.nl): 210
Kesler, Christel (ckesler@barnard.edu): 217
Keysar, Ariela (akeysar@aol.com): 131
Khan, Mahruq (mkhan@uwlax.edu): 24 , 183
Khan, Shamus (email not available): 355
Kibria, Nazli (nkibria@bu.edu): 60 , 207, 226
Kilicaslan, Alaz (alazk@bu.edu): 6
Killian, Caitlin (ckillian@drew.edu): 112
Kim, Chigon (chigon.kim@wright.edu): 241
Kim, Dae Young (dkio@gmu.edu): 4
Kim, Jaeeun (jaeeun1121@gmail.com): 417
Kim, Jaeseung (hao1203@gmail.com): 332 , 411
Kim, Jee Jee (jeejee@gwu.edu): 434
Kim, Na Yeong (esprit400@hotmail.com): 79
Kim, Rose (rkim@bmcc.cuny.edu): 275
Kim, Young-Il (email not available): 160
Kimelberg, Shelley (s.kimelberg@neu.edu): 113
Kimpel, Jeanne (kimpel@fordham.edu): 329
King, Deborah (email not available): 208
King, Leslie (lesking@smith.edu): 44
King, Rosalind (rozking@mail.nih.gov): 184
Kirkland, Chandra Rose (kirkch01@gettysburg.edu):
Kislev, Elyakim (ek2629@columbia.edu): 100
Kissinger, Brittny Arianna (bk7137@mcla.edu): 253
Kissling, Alexandra Grace (kissliag@mail.uc.edu):
Klein, Jennifer (jennifer.klein@yale.edu): 149
Klein, Jessica (jklein9797@gmail.com): 260
Klein, Josh (jklein@iona.edu): 309
Klein, Lloyd (lklein@stfranciscollege.edu): 215
Klein, Peter Taylor (kleinp@gmail.com): 67
Kleinstuber, Ross (rkleins@pitt.edu): 263
Klinenberg, Eric (email not available): 227
Kluz, Ryan (rkluz@ramapo.edu): 253
Knaapen, Loes (loes.knaapen@mail.mcgill.ca): 238
Knight, Carly (crknight@fas.harvard.edu): 264
Kniskern, Mary (mkmk@umd.edu): 307
Knorr, Karin (email not available): 254
Knudson , Paul (knudsonp@mail.strose.edu): 78
Kobas, Tolga (tk2420@columbia.edu): 51
Kohlman, Marla H (kohlmanm@kenyon.edu): 155
Kolker, Abigail (abigailkolker@gmail.com): 183
Komninos, Katherine Elisabeth
(kkomnino@conncoll.edu): 174
Konecnik, Jenny (konecnikj@emmanuel.edu): 134
Kontos, Louis (lkontos@jjay.cuny.edu): 93
Kopp, Samantha (kopps@student.wpunj.edu): 312
Kornblum, William (wkornblum@gc.cuny.edu): 281
Koropeckyj-Cox, Tanya (tkcox@ufl.edu): 356
Kose, Burak (burakkose@gmail.com): 126
Kosminsky, Ethel (ethelkos@hotmail.com): 432
Kostina-Ritchey, Erin (erin.ritchey@ttu.edu): 214
Kothari, Anjali (anjali.kothari@gmail.com): 218
Kottenbach, Keith (keithkottenbach@gmail.com):
Kozimor-King, Michele Lee (): 76 , 424
Kozlowski, Karen (kkoz@live.unc.edu): 408
Kramer, Laura (email not available): 308
Krannich, Richard (richard.krannich@usu.edu): 303
Krase, Jerome (jerrykrase@aol.com): 42
Krauss, Celene (ckrauss1@aol.com): 45 , 376
Krinsky, John (jkrinsky.ccny@gmail.com): 89
Kristbergsdóttir, Hlín (hlinza@gmail.com): 22
Krysan, Maria (krysan@uic.edu): 170
Kucsera, John (kucsera@gseis.ucla.edu): 248
Kuebler, Meghan (meghankuebler@gmail.com): 411
Kushner, TL (tkushner@ramapo.edu): 253
Kwak, Naejin (nk2420@tc.columbia.edu): 133
Kwan, Amy (akwan26@gmail.com): 378
Kwawu, Sandra (skwawu8207@westfield.ma.edu):
Kypriotakis, George (gxk56@case.edu): 332
Lacy, Karyn (krlacy@umich.edu): 143 , 355
Laff, Ned (ned.laff@gmail.com): 24
Lai, Kien Wee Juliano (gemilang_kevin@yahoo.com):
Lair, Craig (clair@gettysburg.edu): 184
Lal, Prita (pritalal@yahoo.com): 209
Lalli, Kathleen (kal732@cabrini.edu): 146
Lam, Jack (lamxx142@umn.edu): 184
Lamanna, Mary Ann
(mlamanna@mail.unomaha.edu): 140 , 402
Lambert, Ainsley (lamberae@mail.uc.edu): 133
Lamont, Ellen (ellen.lamont@nyu.edu): 440
Lamont, Michèle (mlamont@wjh.harvard.edu): 143
Lan, Pei-Chia (pclan@ntu.edu.tw): 109 , 207
Landry, Sarah (sarahlandry85@gmail.com): 381 , 412
Lane Hooper, Christa (clanehooper@arcadia.edu):
Lang, K. Brandon (klang@bloomu.edu): 441
Langan, Anne (alangan@cse.edu): 18
Langowitz, Nan (langowitz@babson.edu): 297
Lapegna, Pablo (plapegna@uga.edu): 392
Lareau, Annette (alareau@sas.upenn.edu): 113 ,
143, 170, 201, 207, 221, 248, 277
Larios, Evelyn (elarios@usc.edu): 361
Lashway, Mary (mlashway@student.umass.edu):
Latimer, Kaitlin (KL677512@wcupa.edu): 312
Laudone, Stephanie (laudone@fordham.edu): 139 ,
Lavin, David (dlavin@gc.cuny.edu ): 224
Lavin, Melissa (lavinmelissa016@gmail.com): 25
Lawinski, Terese (lawinski@rcn.com): 179
Lawrence, Kirk (klawrence@sjcny.edu): 26 , 123
Lazell, Kathryn Elizabeth (klazell@skidmore.edu):
Leavy, Patricia (pleavy7@aol.com): 74 , 293
LeClair, Amy (amy.leclair@nyu.edu): 65
Lederman, Jacob (jlederman@gc.cuny.edu): 429
Lee, Alicia (alicial@sas.upenn.edu): 267
Lee, Barrett (bal6@psu.edu): 185
Lee, Caroline W (email not available): 90
Lee, Chang Won (sociolee@gmail.com): 4
Lee, Elizabeth M. (elee@hamilton.edu): 68
Lee, HaeNim (leehaenim@gmail.com): 332
Lee, Helene Kim (leehe@dickinson.edu): 4 , 235
Lee, Hyein (email not available): 235
Lee, Kiat-Jin (kiat-jin_lee@msn.com): 402
Lee, Latoya (llee4@binghamton.edu): 140
Lee, RaeHyuck (raehyucklee@gmail.com): 332
Lee, Se Hwa (sl567939@albany.edu): 7
Leek, Cliff (cliffleek@gmail.com): 73
Lei, Lei (kathylei7@gmail.com): 243
Lemke, Debra (dlemke@mcdaniel.edu): 63 , 290, 362
Lena, Jennifer (email not available): 345
Lengermann, Patricia M (patleng@attglobal.net):
Lennon, Mary Clare (mlennon@gc.cuny.edu): 156 ,
357, 451
Leondar-Wright, Betsy (betsy@classism.org): 92 ,
182, 315
Lerner, Jennifer (jlerner@nvcc.edu): 306
Lesnard, Laurent (laurent.lesnard@sciences-po.fr):
Letukas, Lynn (lletukas@udel.edu): 375
Leung, Sook Hing (sookhleung@gmail.com): 174
leveille, john (jleveille@wcupa.edu): 11 , 376
Leventhal-Weiner, Rachel
(rachel.leventhal@gmail.com): 153
Leverentz, Andrea (andrea.leverentz@umb.edu):
Levey, Tania (tlevey@york.cuny.edu): 230
Levin, Jessica (jlevin@gc.cuny.edu): 5
Levin, Samantha Rae
(srl35380@huskies.bloomu.edu): 146
Levine, Jeremy (jrlevine@fas.harvard.edu): 126
Levinson, Jack (jlevinson@ccny.cuny.edu): 352
Levitte, Yael (email not available): 247 , 308
Levy, Karen (kelevy@princeton.edu): 243
Lewin-Epstein, Noah (noah1@post.tau.ac.il): 374
Lewis, Calvin (cg22lewi@siena.edu): 253
Lewis, David M (lewidm08@suny.oneonta.edu): 405
Lewis, Lysha (lyshalewis@gmail.com): 411
Lewis, Valerie (valerie.lewis@gmail.com): 189
LI, JU (bj93113@binghamton.edu): 37
Li, Kati (kathrynl@princeton.edu): 191
Li, Muyang (shuilongyin1988@gmail.com): 375
Li, Rebecca S.K. (lirebecc@tcnj.edu): 38
Li, Yushi (liyu@nku.edu): 290
Liefshitz, Irene (email not available): 276
Limonic, Laura (llimonic@gc.cuny.edu): 388
Lin, Katherine (linkathy@umich.edu): 36
Lin, Ken-Hou (kenehou@soc.umass.edu): 430
Lin, Muh-Chung (muhchung@uchicago.edu): 108
Linares, Jorge (sojelh@bristol.ac.uk): 86
Linden, Rena (rlinden@skidmore.edu): 348
Linders, Annulla (annulla.linders@uc.edu): 80 , 434
Lindquist, Carol (Carol.Lindquist@stonybrook.edu):
Lippard, Cameron (lippardcd@appstate.edu): 46
Lista, Peter (peterlista@yahoo.com): 190
Litt, Rebecca Moore (rebecca.litt@conncoll.edu):
Liu, Wen (altwen@gmail.com): 35
Liu, Yan (yliu43@syr.edu): 283
Livingston, Ivor L (ilivingston@howard.edu): 136
Livingston, Kathy (kathy.livingston@quinnipiac.edu):
Llewellyn, Cheryl (cheryl.llewellyn@gmail.com): 7 ,
Lobo, Peter (PLOBO@planning.nyc.gov): 185
Loe, Meika (mloe@colgate.edu): 226
Logan, John (John_Logan@brown.edu): 170
Logio, Kim (logio@sju.edu): 110
Lok, Kimberly (email not available): 377
Long, Daniel A (email not available): 97
Long, Yan (longyan@umich.edu): 37
Longwell, Amy (longwam@emmanuel.edu): 134
Lopez, Elizabeth (elopez@m.marywood.edu): 320
Lopez, Nancy (nlopez@unm.edu): 79
Lopez-Aguado, Patrick Anthony
(patlopeza@umail.ucsb.edu): 366
Lopriore, Maureen (mtlopriore@quinnipiac.edu):
Lorek, Melanie (mlorek@gc.cuny.edu): 444
Lorenz, Laura (llorenz@brandeis.edu): 177
Lorenzen, Janet A
(jlorenzen@sociology.rutgers.edu): 405
LoSasso, Joe (jlosasso@mail.usf.edu): 324
Loscalzo, Alicia Celeste
(N01737396@hawkmail.newpaltz.edu): 283
Loseke, Donileen R (dloseke@usf.edu): 370
Loughran, Kevin (kpl2107@columbia.edu): 9 , 61,
Louie, Camden (clouie@wellesley.edu): 312
Lovejoy, Meg Clare (lovejoy@brandeis.edu): 266
Loveland, Matthew (lovelam@lemoyne.edu): 453
Lowe, Brian M (lowebm@oneonta.edu): 102 , 261
Loya, Rebecca (beccaloya@brandeis.edu): 73
Lu, Wei-Ting (weitinglu2005@gmail.com): 17
Lubold, Amanda (alubold@email.arizona.edu): 289
Luciano, Kimberly
(kluciano@students.stonehill.edu): 242
Ludwig, Bernadette (bludwig@gc.cuny.edu): 256 ,
Luff, Tracy (tluff@concord.edu): 440
Luke, Nancy (Nancy_Luke@brown.edu): 326
Luminais, Misty (email not available): 180
Luna, Zakiya (zakiyal@umich.edu): 112
Lund, Thomas B (tblu@foi.dk): 437
lundquist, Jen (lundquist@soc.umass.edu): 430
Lundy-Wagner, Valerie (valerie.lundywagner@nyu.edu): 68 , 420
Luttrell, Wendy (WLuttrell@gc.cuny.edu): 177 , 206
Ly, Carolyn (carolyn.ly@yale.edu): 303
Lykes, M. Brinton (Brinton.lykes@bc.edu): 177
Lynn, Andrew (apl9ze@virginia.edu): 241
Lynn, Randy (rlynn2@gmu.edu): 335
Ma, Josef Kuo-Hsun (josefma2000@gmail.com): 241
, 330
Ma, Tianyue (mtianyue@gmail.com): 106
Macdonald, Cameron (cmacdon@ssc.wisc.edu): 255
, 317
MacDonald, Melissa Ann
(melissa_macdonald@umail.ucsb.edu): 129
MacIndoe, Heather (Heather.MacIndoe@umb.edu):
Mack, Brianna (bnmack12@gmail.com): 174
Mackie, Thomas (tmackie@brandeis.edu): 415
Madden, Melissa Janine
(melissa.madden@villanova.edu): 283
Madigan, Timothy (tmadigan@mansfield.edu): 12
Maghbouleh, Neda (nmaghbou@smith.edu): 244
Magistro, David (dmagistr@ramapo.edu): 312
Mahler, Matthew (mmahler@soc.umass.edu): 409
Maiers, Claire (cdm6zf@virginia.edu): 130
Malachowski, Amanda
(amalachowski@students.stonehill.edu): 392
Maldonado, Luis (lemaldon@usc.edu): 283
Maldonado, Vicky (maldonrv@mcmaster.ca): 96
Malin, Stephanie (stephanie_malin@brown.edu): 45
Malone, Martin (malone@msmary.edu): 135
Maloney, Patricia (patricia.maloney@yale.edu): 14 ,
Maney, Gregory (gregory.m.maney@hofstra.edu):
Manke, Beth (bethmanke@gmail.com): 411
Mann, Alexis (armann@brandeis.edu): 384 , 448
Mann, Erika (manne3@student.wpunj.edu): 312
Mann, Susan (samann@uno.edu): 64
Manohar, Namita N.
(NManohar@brooklyn.cuny.edu): 29 , 187
Mansley, Elizabeth (emansley@iup.edu): 73
Mark King, Mansa Bilal
(livinrythm2000@yahoo.com): 104
Markens, Susan (susan.markens@lehman.cuny.edu):
Markowitz, Michael (mmarkowitz@holyfamily.edu):
Marks, Meaghan (marksm26@students.rowan.edu):
Marmor, Carol (email not available): 203
Maroselli, Shelby (smarose1@ithaca.edu): 174
Marquez, Erika (email not available): 145
Marrone, Catherine
(cmarrone@notes.cc.sunysb.edu): 40 , 274
Marsh, Kris (kmarsh1@umd.edu): 201 , 307
Martel, Elise (elisemartel@yahoo.com): 292
Martell, Diane (dmartell@ric.edu): 374
Martens, Marianne (martens@rci.rutgers.edu): 161
Martin, Andrew W
(martin.1026@sociology.osu.edu): 318
Martin, Colleen (cmartin1@ramapo.edu): 312
Martin, James S (j.s.martin@iup.edu): 259
Martin, Laura (laura.ann.martin@gmail.com): 196
Martin, Lauren Jade (ljm37@psu.edu): 364
Martin, Liam (liam.martin@bc.edu): 182
Martinez, Daniel E. (mada0102@email.arizona.edu):
Martinez, Elisa (email not available): 250
Martinez, Hector (hymartinez@gmail.com): 200
Marton, Juliana (julianaemarton@gmail.com): 142 ,
Martucci, Sara Lucia (sara.martucci@gmail.com): 62 ,
Marwell, Nicole P
(Nicole.Marwell@baruch.cuny.edu): 175
Mary, Gallant (email not available): 377
Mary, Romero (email not available): 33 , 255
Marzan, Gilbert (gilbert.marzan@bcc.cuny.edu): 124
Masi de Casanova, Erynn (erynn.casanova@uc.edu):
Mason, Brittany Marie
(BMMason@email.msmary.edu): 253
Mason, Kate (kate_mason@berkeley.edu): 288
Massengill, Rebekah (rmassen1@swarthmore.edu):
Mathur, Jaskiran Kaur
(jmathur@stfranciscollege.edu): 125
Matthews, Michael D. (Mike.Matthews@usma.edu):
Mattley, Christine (email not available): 276
Mavros, Marianty F. (mariantym@gmail.com): 223
May, Karolina (karolina.may08@my.stjohns.edu): 19
May, Maureen (mamay@mac.com): 142 , 199
Mayer, Victoria (vlmayer@colby.edu): 175
Maynard, Gary (gmaynard@ic.sunysb.edu): 52 , 258
Mayo, Mary Lou (mmayo@kean.edu): 376
Mayo, Natalie L (nataliemayo32@yahoo.com): 253
Mayorova, Olga V. (mayorova@asanet.org): 40
Mazar, Iyar (mazari@bc.edu): 232 , 426
Mazelis, Joan Maya (mazelis@camden.rutgers.edu):
McAlevey, Jane (email not available): 154
McArthur, Victoria (vickymc@yorku.ca): 10
McCabe, Allyssa (allyssa_mccabe@uml.edu): 312
McCabe, Brian (mccabeb@georgetown.edu): 320
McCarthy, E Doyle (mccarthy@fordham.edu): 139 ,
McCarthy, Elliott Knofsky
(elliott.mccarthy@tufts.edu): 218
McCarthy, Karissa (km238014@muhlenberg.edu):
McCartin, Cara (camccartin@suffolk.edu): 283
McClain, Noah (noah.mcclain@nyu.edu): 28 , 350
McClusky, Laura (lmcclusky@wells.edu): 286
McCormack, Karen
(mccormack_karen@wheatonma.edu): 426
McCoy, Charles Allan (cam3ga@virginia.edu): 422
McCutcheon, James (mccutjc@knights.ucf.edu): 142
McDonald, Katrina Bell (mcdon@jhu.edu): 150 , 342
McDonald, Lauren E (lauren.mcdonald@csun.edu):
McDonald, Michael (email not available): 312
McEwen, Susan (smcewen@aucegypt.edu): 163 ,
McGann, Kimberly (kmcgann5@naz.edu): 157
McGovern, Virginia (mcgovern@msmary.edu): 135
McGraham, Jeff (jmcgraham@hotmail.com): 69
McGuffey, C. Shawn (clifton.mcguffey@bc.edu): 400
McHale, Susan (x2u@psu.edu): 184
McIntosh, Michael E (erasmus@temple.edu): 234
McKeever, Brice (bm7yu@virginia.edu): 338
McKillip, Mary (mmckillip@collegeboard.org): 12
McKinney, Warren (wtm2104@columbia.edu): 433
McKnight, John Carter (john.mcknight@asu.edu): 56
McLevey, John VP (mclevejv@mcmaster.ca): 130
McMullen, Mike (mcmullen@uhcl.edu): 163
McMullin, Steve (stephen.mcmullin@acadiau.ca):
McPike, Jamie L. (jamie_mcpike@brown.edu): 442
McQuade, Brendan (bmcquad1@binghamton.edu):
McQuaid, Jim (jmcquaid@bu.edu): 78
McQueeney, Krista (mcqueeneyk@merrimack.edu):
McQuillan, Julia (jmcquillan2@unl.edu): 274 , 308
Meadow, Tey (tmeadow@princeton.edu): 226
Mears, Ashley (mears@bu.edu): 111 , 159, 204
Medrano, Teresa (email not available): 236
Medved, Caryn (caryn.medved@baruch.cuny.edu):
Medvetz, Thomas (email not available): 90
Mehrotra, Meeta (mehrotra@roanoke.edu): 195
Meihaus Jankowski, Stacie
(smjankow@indiana.edu): 436
Mele, Vincenzo (vmele@monmouth.edu): 215
Meleo-Erwin, Zoe (zmeleo-erwin@gc.cuny.edu): 70
Melvin, Emily (melvine@lafayette.edu): 174
Menasco, Melissa A. (menascom@canisius.edu):
Mendez, Theresa (tmendez@wells.edu): 312
Mercier, Arielle Rose (merciar@emmanuel.edu):
Merdjanoff, Alexis
(amerdjanoff@sociology.rutgers.edu): 80
Merenstein, Beth (merensteinb@ccsu.edu): 18
Merrill, Lisa (lisa.merrill@gmail.com): 420
Meschede, Tatjana (meschede@brandeis.edu): 156
Meszaros, Julia (jmesz001@fiu.edu): 158
Meyerhoffer, Cassi Ann
(cassimeyerhoffer@gmail.com): 346
Meyers, Joan (jmeyers@work.rutgers.edu): 230
Michalec, Barret (bmichal@udel.edu): 39 , 395
Michelmore, Katherine (email not available): 247 ,
Mickelson, Roslyn (roslynmickelson@uncc.edu): 170
Mickey, Sarah Alice
(mickeysa19@mounties.mansfield.edu): 253
Mielants, Eric (emielants@fairfield.edu): 9
Milik, Oskar (omilik@bu.edu): 56
Miller, Elizabeth (emiller1@gc.cuny.edu): 321
Miller, Joseph W (milljo16@gettysburg.edu): 389
Miller, Laura (lamiller@brandeis.edu): 90 , 372
Miller, Sarah (sarahm@soc.umass.edu): 440
Miller-Idriss, Cynthia (cmi1@nyu.edu): 350
Millington, Virginia (vmillington@storycorps.net):
Mills, Melinda (melinda.mills@castleton.edu): 316
Milman, Noa (milman@bc.edu): 13
Milofsky, Carl (milofsky@bucknell.edu): 18
Min, Pyong Gap (pyonggap.min@qc.cuny.edu): 235
Minca, Elisabeta (elisabeta_minca@brown.edu):
Mincyte, Diana (mincyte@illinois.edu): 431
Miraglia, Sarah (skmiragl@syr.edu): 198
Mireles, Amanda (mireles.amanda@gmail.com): 12
Mische, Ann (email not available): 114 , 344
Mishler, Elliot G (emishler@comcase.net): 206
Misra, Joya (misra@soc.umass.edu): 119
Mitchell, Colter (cmitchel@princeton.edu): 176
Mitchell, Sally (s.mitchell@qmul.ac.uk): 110
Mitra, Diditi (diditimitra@gmail.com): 230
Mixson-Perez, Nicole (perezsoc@gmail.com): 70
Modi, Radha (radmodi@sas.upenn.edu): 160
Moeller, Kathryn (kathrynmoeller@berkeley.edu):
Moen, Phyllis (phylmoen@umn.edu): 184 , 348
Mohammad, Fida (mohammf@oneonta.edu): 172 ,
Moiseeva, Ekaterina (moiseeva@bu.edu): 78
Molina, Vanessa (vmolina@cse.edu): 146
Mollenkopf, John (jmollenkopf@gc.cuny.edu): 428
Molles, Elitsa (elitsa.molles@gmail.com): 321
Molotch, Harvey (harvey.molotch@nyu.edu): 28 ,
343, 398
Monaghan, David (dmonaghan@gc.cuny.edu): 424 ,
Monaghan, Karen R.
(karen.monaghan001@umb.edu): 55 , 454
Moncada, Eduardo
(eduardo.moncada@rutgers.edu): 86
Monico, Laura (lmonico@udel.edu): 194
Monson, Renee A. (monson@hws.edu): 319
Montemurro, Beth (eam15@psu.edu): 440
Montgomery, John
(montgomery.jo@husky.neu.edu): 20
Moodie, Danisha (moodied@kean.edu): 174
Mooney, Natalie (mooneyn1@student.wpunj.edu):
Moonzwe, Lwendo (lmoonzwe@yahoo.com): 193
Moore, Mignon R. (moore@soc.ucla.edu): 187 , 354
Moore, Roger L (roger_moore@ncsu.edu): 443
Moore, Sara B. (smooref@gmu.edu): 288 , 323
Moran, Niall (nmoran@keene.edu): 105
Moras, Amanda (morasa@sacredheart.edu): 380
Morgaine, Karen (karen.morgaine@csun.edu): 375
Morgen, Nadia Winds (nwa4@unh.edu): 160 , 332
Morin, Maegan (mmorin@albany.edu): 23
Morris, David S. (dsm4v@virginia.edu): 14
Morris, Jenny Kate (morrje03@gettysburg.edu): 174
Morris, Marti (marti.morris@soc.utah.edu): 338
Morris, Theresa (theresa.morris@trincoll.edu): 132 ,
280, 305
Morrison, Matthew Gerard (mgm7r@virginia.edu):
Morton, Christine (cmorton@stanford.edu): 199
Morton, Dana (morton5@tcnj.edu): 283
Mose Brown, Tamara (tbrown@brooklyn.cuny.edu):
Moskos, Peter (pmoskos@jjay.cuny.edu): 352
Mosseri, Sarah (sem2gw@virginia.edu): 319
Mota-Back, Xochitl Renee
(xmota@email.arizona.edu): 63
Mount, Elizabeth Ann (Liz)
(eamount@maxwell.syr.edu): 196
Movahedi, Siamak (siamak.movahedi@umb.edu):
Mowen, Thomas (tjmowen@gmail.com): 135
Mueller, Andrea (amueller@sociology.rutgers.edu):
286 , 444
Muennig, Peter (pm124@columbia.edu): 411
Muir, Ken (murikb@appstate.edu): 46
Mulcahy, Margaret (email not available): 222
Mullaney, Jamie (jamie.mullaney@goucher.edu): 59
Mun, Eunmi (emmun@fas.harvard.edu): 434
Munger, Frank (Frank.Munger@nyls.edu): 370
Murphy, Kristin Leavelle (km632@columbia.edu):
Murphy, Meghan (murphy.meghan.a@gmail.com):
Murphy, Scott Patrick (murphy8@usf.edu): 283 , 324
Murray, Paul (murray@siena.edu): 299
Murthy, Dhiraj (dMurthy@Bowdoin.edu): 41 , 121
Musa, Amina (amusa@arcadia.edu): 146
Musaro`, Pierluigi (pierluigi.musaro@unibo.it): 260
Myers, Anne Shaw (amyers@wellesley.edu): 312
Myers, Ja`Nairra
(jsm002@connections.mcdaniel.edu): 61
Myhre, Jennifer (myhrejennifer@deanza.edu): 246
Myroniuk, Tyler (myroniuk@umd.edu): 193
Naatus, Mary Kate (mnaatus@mail.spc.edu): 78
Nadeem, Shehzad (shehzadn@gmail.com): 77
Nag, Manish (mnag@princeton.edu): 103
Nagel, Elizabeth (elizabeth.nagel@stonybrook.edu):
Nagi, Omar (email not available): 236 , 314
Naimo, Gabriella (gnaimo@ramapo.edu): 253
Napierski-Prancl, Michelle (napiem@sage.edu): 342
Naples, Nancy (nancy.naples@uconn.edu): 150 ,
339, 367, 401
Narr, Greg (email not available): 429
Nast, Julia (email not available): 429
Navon, Daniel (dn2181@columbia.edu): 379
Neff, Patricia E. (PNEFF@edinboro.edu): 160
Nell, Emily (email not available): 451
Nelson, Alondra (alondra@gmail.com): 313
Nelson, Ingrid (inelson@bowdoin.edu): 12
Nelson, Margaret "Peggy" K
(mnelson@middlebury.edu): 207 , 225, 255
Ness, Immanuel (email not available): 172
Neustadtl, Alan (alan.neustadtl@gmail.com): 385
Newmahr, Staci (newmahsd@buffalostate.edu): 180
Nicholls, Walter (email not available): 222
Nicol, Olivia (on2123@columbia.edu): 44
Nicoll, Lauren A (lnicoll@eduventures.com): 220
Niebrugge-Brantley, Jill (niebran@attglobal.net):
Niedt, Christopher (christopher.niedt@hofstra.edu):
Nikischer, Andrea (email not available): 35
Nitsche, Natalie (natalie.nitsche@yale.edu): 356
Njiru, Roseanne (roseanne.njiru@uconn.edu): 73
Nocella, Anthony (nocellat@yahoo.com): 127
Nordmarken, Sonny (snordmar@soc.umass.edu):
Nusan Porter, Jack (jacknusan@earthlink.net): 131
Nwagbara, Ndidi (nwagbara@gmail.com): 146
O`Brien, Laureen (lkobrien@email.arizona.edu): 426
O`Connell, Virginia Adams
(voconne1@moravian.edu): 253 , 440
O`Flaherty, Brendan (bo2@columbia.edu): 428
O`Keefe, Heather (hokeefe@students.stonehill.edu):
O`Leary, Marguerite (moleary@udel.edu): 39
O`Regan, Katherine (katherine.oregan@nyu.edu):
O`Shea, Daniel (email not available): 312
Obach, Brian K. (email not available): 89
Obach, Heidi (hobach1@binghamton.edu): 432
Occhuito, Nicholas (njo2109@columbia.edu): 188
Ocejo, Richard E. (email not available): 101
Ogunnika, Zacchaeus (zogunnika@vsu.edu): 106
Ok, Gwang (email not available): 203
Okorie, Sarah (so2035a@american.edu): 64
Olafsdottir, Sigrun (sigrun@bu.edu): 21
Oliver, William James (wjoliver@maxwell.syr.edu):
Olson, Mark (molsonphd@yahoo.com): 383
Omeltchenko, Tatiana (to3yster@gmail.com): 334
Omori, Megumi (momori@bloomu.edu): 153
Ong, Mia (email not available): 276
Orosz, Katalin (ko2270@tc.columbia.edu): 100
Orr, Rebekah Joy (rjorr@maxwell.syr.edu): 293
Ortiz, Michael (m.ortiz82@gmail.com): 92
Oser, Carrie (cboser0@uky.edu): 454
Osuji, Chinyere (chinyereosuji@gmail.com): 158 ,
Otieno, Alex (otieno@arcadia.edu): 234
Ouimette, Monique Y.
(monique.ouimette.1@bc.edu): 405
Ould, Patricia (pould@salemstate.edu): 381
Overfelt, Dave (daveosociologist@gmail.com): 442
Owen, Andrew (alo722@cabrini.edu): 163
Owens, Ann (aowens@fas.harvard.edu): 201
Owens, Lindsay (lowens@stanford.edu): 421
Owens, Lynn (lowens@middlebury.edu): 344
Ozgenc, Basak (bozgenc@albany.edu): 267
Oztop, Hulya (hoztop@hacettepe.edu.tr): 23
Pachucki, Mark Carroll (pachucki@berkeley.edu):
Padilla, Kelly P (padillak1@student.wpunj.edu): 312
Padilla, Lindsay (lindsaympadilla@gmail.com): 306
Padilla-Goodman, Allison (agoodman@gc.cuny.edu):
Page Poma, Fernanda (fernandapage@gmail.com):
Pagnucco, Nicholas (npagnucco@gmail.com): 362
Paige, David (dpaige@jhsph.edu): 274
Panofsky, Aaron (email not available): 90
Papachristos, Andrew
(apapachr@hsph.harvard.edu): 310
Papazahariou, Pelagia (ppapazah@aol.com): 79
Papell, Claire (email not available): 236
Parashar, Sangeeta (parashars@mail.montclair.edu):
68 , 290
Parcel, Toby (toby_parcel@ncsu.edu): 113
Parent, Jacquelynn M. (jacq@email.arizona.edu):
Paris, Mary (parism@merrimack.edu): 181
Park, Ji-Su (jpark3@wellesley.edu): 312
Park, Kyoung Ho (email not available): 203
Park, Sung (sungspark@gmail.com): 235
Parker, Emily (emily.parker@student.american.edu):
Parker, Jennifer (jpt7@psu.edu): 77
Parker, Mark (mwp9q@virginia.edu): 362
Parker, Sarah Margaret (sarah.parker@salem.edu):
Parker, Wendy M. (wendy.parker@acphs.edu): 142
Parnami, Sonali (sonpatel@umich.edu): 36
Parrillo, Vincent N. (parrillov@wpunj.edu): 92 , 176
Parvez, Fareen (parvez@soc.umass.edu): 410
Passell, Aaron (aaron.passell@gmail.com): 62
Pastrana, Jr., Antonio (Jay)
(apastrana@jjay.cuny.edu): 228
Patil, Vrushali (Vrushali.patil@gmail.com): 29
Patler, Caitlin Cassidy (caitlinp@ucla.edu): 264
Paul, Vanessa (email not available): 429
Payne-Jackson, Dr. Arvilla (apj07@comcast.net): 47
Pearce, Susan Carol (pearces@ecu.edu): 121 , 360
Pedulla, David (dpedulla@princeton.edu): 3 , 421
Peguero, Anthony A (anthony.peguero@vt.edu): 22
Pehlic, Diana (dpehlic@buffalo.edu): 424
Peiris, Johann Antonio (johann.peiris@gmail.com):
Penta, Samantha (spenta@udel.edu): 278
Perez, Judith (judyperez1@yahoo.com): 201
Perez Uribe, Natalia (np2340@tc.columbia.edu):
Perez-Felkner, Lara (larap@uchicago.edu): 407
Perkins, H. Weslesy (perkins@hws.edu): 319
Perkins, Kristin (kperkins@fas.harvard.edu): 156
Perri, James (jjperri@gmail.com): 263
Perry, Brea (breaperry@uky.edu): 454
Peterchak, Tracy (tlpeterc@syr.edu): 82
Peterson, Kathryn (kp636@nyu.edu): 329
Peterson, Paul (email not available): 249
Peterson Horner, Elka (epeter07@villanova.edu):
Peun, Haryun (hpeun@ic.sunysb.edu): 79
Peyton, Tamara (tspeyton@gmail.com): 10 , 427
Phua, Voon Chin (vphua@gettysburg.edu): 389
Pierce, Glenn L (g.pierce@neu.edu): 249
Pierce, Jennifer (pierc012@umn.edu): 59
Pinedo, Isabel (email not available): 95
Pineros-Shields, Thomas (tshields@brandeis.edu):
Pinsky, Dina (pinskyd@arcadia.edu): 230
pires, sonia (Sonia.Pires@EUI.eu): 278
Pittman, Cassi (cpittman@fas.harvard.edu): 346
Pittman-Gay, LaShanda
(lashawnda@northwestern.edu): 317
Pitts-Taylor, Victoria (vpitts@gc.cuny.edu): 115
Plante, Rebecca F. (rplante@ithaca.edu): 180 , 270
Pleyers, Geoffrey (Geoffrey.Pleyers@uclouvain.be):
89 , 257, 282
Plickert, Gabriele (gplickert@abfn.org): 231
Pok, Binh (bp.cara@gmail.com): 110 , 321
Poladko, Tetyana (tatiana.poladko@temple.edu): 39
Pollack, Julie (email not available): 151
Polletta, Francesca (polletta@uci.edu ): 114 , 370
Pollich, Lisa (lisrandy@aol.com): 135
Polson, Edward (cpolson@messiah.edu): 160
Poole, Daniel (daniel.poole@soc.utah.edu): 338
Popow, Danielle (daniellepopow@gmail.com): 174
Popp, Ann Marie (poppa2842@duq.edu): 22 , 66,
Porow, Monique (mporowru@aol.com): 233
Porpora, Douglas (porporad@drexel.edu): 402
Poulsen, Jane (jpoulsen@qcc.cuny.edu): 275
Powell, Bradley (email not available): 151
Powers, Rebecca S. (powersr@ecu.edu): 141
Prager, Susan (profprager@aol.com): 439
Pratt, Beverly Marie (bevmpratt@gmail.com): 85
Pratt-Harris, Natasha C.
(Natasha.PrattHarris@morgan.edu): 263
Price-Glynn, Kim (kim.price-glynn@uconn.edu): 132 ,
Prickett, Pamela J. (prickett@ucla.edu): 292
Prince, Barbara F (princeb@etown.edu): 76 , 174
Probasco, LiErin (probasco@princeton.edu): 214
Pugh, Allison (apugh@virginia.edu): 207 , 366
Pullen, Erin (erinpullen@uky.edu): 454
Pumar, Enrique S. (pumar@cua.edu): 20 , 252
Puri, Jyoti (jyoti.puri@simmons.edu): 29 , 367
Purk, Janice (jpurk@mansfield.edu): 239
Purkayastha, Bandana
(bandanapurkayastha@yahoo.com): 29 , 60
Qian, Licheng (lq3eh@virginia.edu): 165
Quaid, Sheila Anne (sheila.quaid@sunderland.ac.uk):
Queenan, Nicole (nmqueenan@suffolk.edu): 283
Quinn, James (jq2145@columbia.edu): 277
Quinsaat, Sharon (smq5@pitt.edu): 244
Rabii, Watoii (watoiir@yahoo.com): 80
Rabrenovic, Gordana (g.rabrenovic@neu.edu): 249
Rademacher, Heidi (heidi.rademacher@gmail.com):
Ragon, Kathleen (ragoka03@gettysburg.edu): 184
Raia, Alicia (araia@sociology.rutgers.edu): 22
Raleigh, Elizabeth (lizraleigh@gmail.com): 214
Ramaswamy, Megha (mramaswamy@kumc.edu):
107 , 229, 449
Ramirez, Christian (cramirezz7@utpa.edu): 137
Ramirez, Michael (michael.ramirez@tamucc.edu):
Randall, Abigail (arandal3@fau.edu): 64
Rankin, Katharine (email not available): 429
Rao, Sameer (email not available): 287
Rauscher, Emily (ekr220@nyu.edu): 324
Rauscher, Marisa (rauschem@neumann.edu): 83
Ray, Krishnendu (krishnendu.ray@nyu.edu): 437
Ray, Manashi (mray3@wvstateu.edu): 348
Ray, Ranita (ranitaray1@gmail.com): 137
Raymond, Jennifer M
(jennifer.raymond@myunion.edu): 381 , 412
Ready, Douglas (ready@exchange.tc.columbia.edu):
221 , 277
Reardon, Sean (sreardon@stanford.edu): 201
Rebellon, Cesar J. (cesar.rebellon@unh.edu): 405
Reck, Paul Clement (preck@ramapo.edu): 229
Reece, Christopher (creece@sas.upenn.edu): 332
Reed, Eric (enr5et@virginia.edu): 10
Reed, Holly (holly.reed@qc.cuny.edu): 326
Regnerus, Mark (email not available): 227
Rehel, Erin M. (erin.m.rehel@vanderbilt.edu): 262
Reid, Megan (reid@ndri.org): 216
Reilly, Janet E. (jreilly@gc.cuny.edu): 256
Reisel, Liza (liza.reisel@socialresearch.no): 371 , 441
Resnik, Amy (resnika@dhmh.state.md.us): 274
Restivo, Michael (marestivo@ic.sunysb.edu): 239 ,
rey, Mariano (mariano.rey@nyumc.org): 411
Rey, PJ (pjrey.socy@gmail.com): 10 , 41, 436
Reyes , Max E. (mer53009@huskies.bloomu.edu):
Reyes, Victoria (vreyes@princeton.edu): 77
Reynolds, Jared (reynjm77@suny.oneonta.edu): 146
Rezai, Hamid (hrezai@sarahlawrence.edu): 32
Ribas, Vanesa (ribas@live.unc.edu): 46
Rich, John (jar82@drexel.edu): 177
Rich, Meghan Ashlin (richm2@scranton.edu): 18 , 62
Rich, Tim (tar2127@columbia.edu): 188
Richards, Aubin (arichark@gmu.edu): 259
Richer, Zach (zricher@umd.edu): 350
Richman, Alyssa (richmana@temple.edu): 351
Rick, Samantha (srick@bu.edu): 146
Rieck, Jeffrey (riecj60@suny.oneonta.edu): 261
Riggs, Robert (robert.riggs@jj.cuny.edu): 350
Riley, Alexander (email not available): 284
Risley, April (aa12risl@siena.edu): 127
Risman, Barbara J (brisman@uic.edu): 266
Rivera, Lauren (l-rivera@kellogg.northwestern.edu):
Rivera Rodas, Elizabeth
(elizabr@pegasus.rutgers.edu): 331
Rivera-Beckstrom, Maria Elena Pablo
(mriverab@bowdoin.edu): 242
Robbins, Joyce (joyce.robbins@touro.edu): 179
Roberge, Jonathan (roberge.jonathan@uqam.ca):
Roberts, Dorothy (email not available): 169
Robertson, Dwanna Lynn (dwanna@soc.umass.edu):
Robinson, Joan H. (jhr2130@columbia.edu): 231 ,
Robinson, Joanna (joanna.robinson@berkeley.edu):
Robinson, John
(johnrobinson2014@u.northwestern.edu): 81
Robinson, Karin C. (krobins2@wellesley.edu): 312
Robles, Andrea L (arobles@gmu.edu): 323
Roda, Allison (akt121@msn.com): 277
Rodriguez, Clara E. (email not available): 313
Rodriguez, Isabel (Belle.Rodriguez@gmail.com): 384
Rodriguez, Josette (email not available): 355
Rodriguez, Natassia (email not available): 287
Rodriguez, Sasha
(sasha.rodriguez@stonybrook.edu): 98
Rodríguez-Muñiz, Michael
(michael_rodriguez@brown.edu): 421
Rodriquez, Jason (rodriquezj@missouri.edu): 36
Rohall, David E. (DE-Rohall@wiu.edu): 223
Rohlfsen, Leah (lrohlfsen@stlawu.edu): 6
Roman Alfaro, Andrea Mariana
(aromanal@skidmore.edu): 283
Romano , Stephanie (sromano@ramapo.edu): 253
Romero, Diana (diana.romero@hunter.cuny.edu):
Romero, Jazmin (romeroj1@student.wpunj.edu):
Ronda, Michelle (mronda@mmm.edu): 94
Rooney, Erin (erooney@temple.edu): 40
Roos, Patricia (email not available): 150 , 276, 455
Rosales, Kristine Marie
(kristine.rosales@qc.cuny.edu): 194 , 326
Roschelle, Anne (roschela@newpaltz.edu): 33
Rosen, Dr. Dina (drosen@kean.edu): 174
Rosen, Eva (evarosen@fas.harvard.edu): 272
Rosen, Rebecca (rrosen@smith.edu): 430
Rosen, Zohn (zr2153@columbia.edu): 411
Rosenblatt, Peter (prosenblatt@jhu.edu): 113
Rosenkranz, Tim (roset997@newschool.edu): 105
Roth, Benita (email not available): 401
Roth, Louise (lroth@email.arizona.edu): 132 , 199
Rothenberg, Julia (jrothenberg@qcc.cuny.edu): 275
Rothman, Barbara Katz (email not available): 314
Rothwell, William (rothwr36@suny.oneonta.edu):
Rousseau, Nicole (nroussea@kent.edu): 48 , 270
Roxborough, Ian (ian.roxborough@stonybrook.edu):
Roychowdhury, Poulami (pr667@nyu.edu): 159
Royster, Deirdre A (dr101@nyu.edu): 65
Ruddy, Alicia (aruddy@cse.edu): 146
Ruediger, Leah (ruedige2@tcnj.edu): 283
Ruiz-Junco, Natalia (email not available): 147
Rutherford, Markella (mrutherford@wellesley.edu):
315 , 404
Ryan, Carolyn (car83@drexel.edu): 402
Ryan, Charlotte (charlotte_ryan@uml.edu): 268 ,
Ryczek, Jim (jim@rihomeless.org): 268
Sacks, Nancy (nancysacks@optonline.net): 40
Sadeghi, Sahar (ssadeghi@temple.edu): 4
Sadovnik, Alan R.
(sadovnik@andromeda.rutgers.edu): 331
Safford, Thomas G (tom.safford@unh.edu): 419
Saghera, Samantha (email not available): 429
Saint Hilaire, Danielle (djosep@sas.upenn.edu): 346
Salam, Rifat (email not available): 246
Salas Coronado, Diana Yadira
(diana.salascorona001@umb.edu): 55
Salm, Randy (rsalm@gmu.edu): 432
Salmi, Ellen (esalmi01@villanova.edu): 283
Salvatore, Christopher
(salvatorec@mail.montclair.edu): 25
SAM, jillet sarah (jillet.sam@gmail.com): 385
Samimian-Darash, Limor (limordarash@gmail.com):
Sampson, Robert J (rsampson@wjh.harvard.edu):
Samuel, Mahabir (email not available): 236
Sanders, Jolene (sandersj@hood.edu): 25
Sanli, Bilge (sanlibilge@yahoo.com): 421
Santos-Hernandez, Jenniffer (JSANTOS@UDEL.EDU):
Sanyal, Paromita (ps724@cornell.edu): 91
Saporito, Sal (sjsapo@wm.edu): 221 , 248
Saporito, Salvatore (email not available): 57
Sarkisian, Natalia (natalia@sarkisian.net): 317
Sarmistha, Uma (uma0105@ksu.edu): 5
Sassler, Sharon (email not available): 247 , 308
Satariano, William A. (bills@berkeley.edu): 108
Sattar, Fatima (sattarf@bc.edu): 256
Saucier, Paul Khalil (psaucier@ric.edu): 167 , 329
Sauer, Carrie Ellen
(csauer03@hawkmail.newpaltz.edu): 283
Savas, Gokhan (gsavas@maxwell.syr.edu): 137
Savell, Stephanie (stephanie_savell@brown.edu): 67
Sawai, Shiho (shihosawa@gmail.com): 316 , 396
Sawyer, Don (dsawye01@syr.edu): 127 , 297
Sayre, Rose (rosesayre@gmail.com): 272
Scarborough, Roscoe (rcs2t@virginia.edu): 362 , 422
Schaefer, Andrew (apq62@wildcats.unh.edu): 443
Schalet, Amy (schalet@soc.umass.edu): 117
Scher, Abby (abbyscher@mindspring.com): 347
Schiavone, Norma (NSchiavone@cse.edu): 146
Schilt, Kristen (email not available): 308
Schleifer, David (david.schleifer@gmail.com): 90 ,
Schlosser, Jennifer (schlosja@oneonta.edu): 8 , 66,
Schmalzbauer, Leah (schmalzb@montana.edu): 15
Schmid, Jody (jschmid@albany.edu): 324
Schneiberg, Marc (schneibm@reed.edu): 4
Schneider, Cathy (cschnei@american.edu): 32
Schneider, Elizabeth (email not available): 120
Schnittker, Jason (jschnitt@ssc.upenn.edu): 393
Schoepflin, Todd (tas@niagara.edu): 147
Scholl, Christian (email not available): 202
Schor, Juliet
(macarthur.research.team.bc@gmail.com): 207 , 347
Schroeder, Julia (js5pd@virginia.edu): 130
Schroeder, Ryan D (rdschr01@louisville.edu): 135
Schudson, Michael (ms3035@columbia.edu): 95 ,
Schultz, Jill (jschultz@frederick.edu): 246
Schulz, Jeremy M (js2439@cornell.edu): 134
Schwartz, Michael
(mschwartz@notes.cc.sunysb.edu): 455
Schwartz, Rachel (rschwartz@sjcny.edu): 3
Schweppenheiser, Casey (stcjs03@moravian.edu):
Scully, Ben (bentscully@gmail.com): 91
Seale, Elizabeth (sealeek@oneonta.edu): 8 , 261
Searcy, Sarah (sarahesearcy@gmail.com): 104
Sedaitis, Judith (judithsdts@gmail.com): 441
Seeger-diNovi, Brunhild (brunhild3@verizon.net):
Segal, David R (dsegal@umd.edu): 307
Seggi, Alessandra (aleseggi@fulbrightmail.org): 260
Semeni, Mina (mina.semeni@gmail.com): 323
Semenza, Daniel (daniel.semenza@gmail.com): 72
Semu, Linda L. (lsemu@mcdaniel.edu): 138
Sepulvado, Brandon
(brandon.sepulvado@gmail.com): 146
Sepulveda, Brianna (bsepu1@brockport.edu): 52
Seri, Guillermina (guillerminaseri@gmail.com): 249
Serina, Allison (serial01@gettysburg.edu): 174
Sessions, Miriam (msessions@fsu.edu): 245
Settle, Braelin (besettle@wayne.edu): 288
Setzer, Mark (email not available): 287
Shah, Svati (svatipshah@wost.umass.edu): 250
Shandra, Carrie L. (carrie.shandra@hofstra.edu):
Shandra, John (jshandra@notes.cc.sunysb.edu): 26
Shannon, Deric (dericshannon@gmail.com): 358
Shapira, Harel (hs992@nyu.edu): 71 , 118
Shapiro, Ephraim (eashap2525@yahoo.com): 21 ,
388, 411
Shapiro, Michael (shapiro@hawaii.edu): 115
Sharkey, Patrick (pts1@nyu.edu): 113 , 310
Sharone, Ofer (osharone@mit.edu): 383
Sheinheit, Ian (ian.sheinheit@gmail.com): 375
Sherry, Mark (markdsherry@yahoo.com): 64
Shetty, Madhukar (mshetty@albany.edu): 242
Shields, Michael J (shieldsm@etown.edu): 76 , 174
Shim, Joyce YH (joyceshim@gmail.com): 332
Shin, Jean (shin@asanet.org): 40
Shiotani, Andrew (aks7@columbia.edu): 123
Shircliff, Eric (eric.shircliff@sunysb.edu): 258
Shokooh Valle, Firuzeh (firuzehsv@gmail.com): 410
Shor, Eran (ershor@gmail.com): 244 , 300
Short, Susan E. (Susan_Short@brown.edu): 193
Shortell, Timothy (shortell@brooklyn.cuny.edu): 42
Shostak, Sara (sshostak@brandeis.edu): 418
Showers, Fumilayo (feshower@syr.edu): 36
shreffler, Karina M (): 274
Sickels, Michael Steven
(msswf9@mail.missouri.edu): 196
Siefken, Jenna Marie (jms6054@psu.edu): 440
Siegel, Dave (dsiegel@gc.cuny.edu): 392
Signorello, Caitlin (signorelloc@student.wpunj.edu):
Silbey, Susan (email not available): 343
Silla , Kimberly Lynn Savannah (klsilla@buffalo.edu):
Silva, Jennifer (jsilva@wjh.harvard.edu): 226 , 293
Silvano, Rachael E (rachael.silvano@gmail.com): 253
Silvert, Henry (henry.silvert@conference-board.org):
Simon, Nicolas
(nicolas.simon@huskymail.uconn.edu): 111
Simon, Richard (rms386@psu.edu): 245
simon, robin (robinwsimon54@gmail.com): 39
Simons, Lori (lorgold@aol.com): 389
Simpson, Michaela (michaela.simpson@wne.edu):
Simpson Bueker, Catherine
(buekeca@emmanuel.edu): 27
Simula, Brandy (bsimula@emory.edu): 180
Sinanu, Frances (fls2101@tc.columbia.edu): 100
Sinfield, David (david.sinfield@aut.ac.nz): 448
Singer, Alyson Rae (alyrsinger@gmail.com): 283
Singh, Swati (singhswati_74@yahoo.co.in): 231
Singh, Vikash (vsingh@sociology.rutgers.edu): 53
Sinisi, Matthew (ms4430@columbia.edu): 164
Siodmak, Erin (erin213@gmail.com): 197
Skarpelis, Anna K. (aks402@nyu.edu): 67
Skoczylas, Marie (mbs@pitt.edu): 315
Sladkova, Jana (jana_sladkova@uml.edu): 312
Slicker, Gerilyn (gerilyn.slicker@gmail.com): 331
Sloan, Jennifer (jsloan@gc.cuny.edu): 321 , 357
Slobodzian, Jean (slobodzi@tcnj.edu): 283
Smångs, Mattias (msmangs@fordham.edu): 61
Smardon, Regina (rsmardon@methodist.edu): 365
Smiley, CalvinJohn (cjs719@gmail.com): 127
Smirnova, Michelle (msmirnova@gmail.com): 431
Smith, Buster (email not available): 160
Smith, Carrie Lee (carrie.smith@millersville.edu):
112 , 132, 280
Smith, Charles (email not available): 254
Smith, Danielle T (dtsgla@rit.edu): 147 , 430
Smith, Dena T. (dena.smith@goucher.edu): 382 , 423
Smith, Jason (jsm5@gmu.edu): 125 , 450
Smith, Jordan W. (green.olympia@gmail.com): 443
Smith, Nick (nick.smith@unh.edu): 405
Smith, Polly J (psmith1@utica.edu): 102
Smith, Richard Maurice (rmsmith@mcdaniel.edu):
61 , 301, 380
Smith, Robert (email not available): 225
Smith, Robert B. (rsmithphd@comcast.net): 421
Smith-Doerr, Laurel (ldoerr@bu.edu): 247 , 359
Smith-Hunter, Andrea (ahunter@siena.edu): 253
Smithsimon, Greg
(gsmithsimon@brooklyn.cuny.edu): 107
Smolter, Nicole (nsmolter@udel.edu): 196
Smythe Fleishman, Shannon (ssf122@psu.edu): 220
Snyder, Gregory (email not available): 345
Sobieraj, Sarah (email not available): 372
Sodaro, Amy (sodaroa@gmail.com): 212
Sonenshein, Raphael
(rsonenshein@exchange.fullerton.edu): 428
Song, Hyang-Gi (hyanggisong@gmail.com): 242
Songora Makene, Fortunata
(fmakene@worcester.edu): 290
Sonnett, John (sonnett@olemiss.edu): 445
Sood, Sheena (sheena.sood@temple.edu): 445
Sorkin, Michael (email not available): 173
Soto-Carrion, Roberto (email not available): 144
Sou Hun, Jang (email not available): 451
South, Scott J. (ssouth@albany.edu): 283
Southwick, Lauren (lauren.southwick@fandm.edu):
Spalter-Roth, Roberta (spalter-roth@asanet.org): 40
, 88, 325, 438
Spence, Naomi J. (naomi.spence@lehman.cuny.edu):
Sperling, Jessica (jsperling@gc.cuny.edu): 321
Spillman, Lynette (spillman.1@nd.edu): 75 , 105
Spring, Kimberly (sprik629@newschool.edu): 286
Squire, Corinne (c.squire@uel.ac.edu): 206
Stablein, Timothy
(Timothy.P.Stablein@Dartmouth.edu): 6
Staggers, Raja (rstaggershakim@gmail.com): 46 , 48,
Stamer, Naja Buono (nbs@foi.dk): 437
Stamets, Sheila (sms31438@huskies.bloomu.edu):
Stampnitzky, Lisa (lisastampnitzky@gmail.com): 115
Stark, Evan (eds203@juno.com): 120
Stark, Patrick Joe (06stark@cardinalmail.cua.edu):
Stearmer, Matthew (): 121
Steck, Laura West (lsteck@ycp.edu): 116 , 288
Steele, Liza G. (lsteele@princeton.edu): 38
Stein, Arlene (arlenes@rci.rutgers.edu): 152 , 400,
Stein, Jacklyn (jacklyn@soc.umass.edu): 184
Stein, Karen (kstein@sociology.rutgers.edu): 162
Steinberg, Marc W (mwsteinb@smith.edu): 344
Steinbugler, Amy (steinbua@dickinson.edu): 228
Steklof, Michael (msteklof@gmail.com): 192
Stern, Cleo (n01843005@hawkmail.newpaltz.edu):
Stern, Eve Emma (estern80@hotmail.com): 283
Stewart, Karyn Alayna (kastew02@maxwell.syr.edu):
Stich, Amy (amystich@buffalo.edu): 35
Still, George (grstill@vt.edu): 168
Stokes, Allyson (stokesae@mcmaster.ca): 184
Stoll, Justin (stollj@bu.edu): 264 , 299
Stonbely, Sarah (stonbely@nyu.edu): 125 , 164, 450
Stone, Pamela (pstone@hunter.cuny.edu): 273
Stone Bandy, Erin (stonee@mymail.nku.edu): 290
Stooksberry, Jodi Nickole (stooksjn@ucmail.uc.edu):
Stovel, Kathrine (stovel@u.washington.edu): 31
Strand, Kerry (strand@hood.edu): 18
Strange, Casey (clstrang@uncg.edu): 243
Streeter, Jessica L (jessstr@eden.rutgers.edu): 415
Strickland, Suzanne
(suzannesophiastrickland@gmail.com): 326
Strmic-Pawl, Hephzibah (hvs5c@virginia.edu): 233
Strohecker, David Paul (dpstroh@gmail.com): 51 ,
158, 422
Strohmeyer, Robert (strohmey@ifm.unimannheim.de): 348
Stuart, Forrest (fstuart@ucla.edu): 281
(email not available): 301
Suh, Chan S. (cs683@cornell.edu): 318
Suh, Siri (jss2054@columbia.edu): 142 , 336
Sulik, Gayle A. (gayle.sulik@gmail.com): 314 , 387
Sullivan, Joseph (js8852@earthlink.net): 78 , 334
Sumareh, Kaleema A (kbiteye@hotmail.com): 216
Sumareh, Kaleema Annie (sumareh@gmail.com):
Sumerau , J (jes08j@fsu.edu): 180
Sun, Ken C. (kensun@brandeis.edu): 155
Sun, Shirley Hsiao-Li (shirley.sun@nyu.edu): 142 ,
Sun Hee Park, Lisa (email not available): 169
Suppan Helmuth, Allison
(allison.helmuth@gmail.com): 292
Suttles, Gerald (email not available): 254
Sutton, Barbara (bsutton@albany.edu): 29 , 120
Swauger, Melissa (melissa.swauger@iup.edu): 18
Swed, Ori (oriswed@gmail.com): 145
Sweeney, Brian Nicholas (brian.sweeney@liu.edu):
Sykes, Janet (janet.sykes17@gmail.com): 46
Sylvia, Polly (Polly.Sylvia@baruch.cuny.edu): 28 , 58,
86, 115, 145, 172, 203, 223, 249, 278, 309, 340, 366
Talbot, Richard (rtalbot@annamaria.edu): 397
talj, fady (fadytalj@gmail.com): 302
Tan, Catherine (ctan@brandeis.edu): 83
Tang, Joyce (jtang@qc.edu): 125
Tanita, Kimiko (kimikoharu@gmail.com): 70
Tavares, Alexis (lexitavares@gmail.com): 253
Taveras, Carlos (ctaveras7@yahoo.com): 146
Tavernier, LaToya Asantelle
(ltavernier@gc.cuny.edu): 124
Taylor, Andrew (andrew_taylor@ncsu.edu): 113
Taylor, Marylee (mct@psu.edu): 136
Taylor, Susan G. (huntj@mail.montclair.edu): 223
Taylor, Tara Nicole (taylort@rider.edu): 253
Templer, Abby (atempler@soc.umass.edu): 405
Ternikar, Farha (ternikfb@lemoyne.edu): 43 , 166
Tessler, Richard C (tessler@sadri.umass.edu): 97
Tevez Rosales, Miguel Fernando
(mifetero@gmail.com): 253
Tewolde, Henok T (henokt@brandeis.edu): 241
Thayer, Millie (thayer@soc.umass.edu): 250
Thery, Clement (ct2184@columbia.edu): 320
Thomas, Alexander (thomasa@oneonta.edu): 66 ,
Thomas, Reuben (Jack) (rthomas@ccny.cuny.edu):
Thomas, Vaso (vasothomas@aol.com): 420
Thompkins, Douglas E. (dthompkins@jjay.cuny.edu):
20 , 93, 413
Thompson, Beverly Yuen (bevyuen@gmail.com):
Thompson, Daniel (dthomp59@jhu.edu): 384
Thompson, Edward H (ETHOMPSO@holycross.edu):
Thompson, Victor (vthompson@rider.edu): 229
Thum, Chen-Jye Phebie (cht51@pitt.edu): 37
Tichenor, Veronica (tichenv@sunyit.edu): 274
Tienda, Marta (tienda@princeton.edu ): 224
Tiernan, Sean (sstiernan@suffolk.edu): 283
Tiger, Rebecca (rtiger@middlebury.edu): 157 , 208
Tinsley, Meghan (tinsleym@bu.edu): 291
Toksoz, Aysegul (toksoza@uw.edu): 238
Tonge, Michael (Michael.Tonge02@gmail.com): 146
Tonoyan, Vartuhi (vtonoyan@rumms.unimannheim.de): 348
Torpey, John (): 152
Torres, Alex Manuel (atorres3@mail.spc.edu): 78
Torres, Jennifer (jennymct@umich.edu): 245
Townley, Chelsea Timmons
(chelsea.t.townley@gmail.com): 174
Tracy, Natalicia (mrtracy@bu.edu): 5
Tran, Van (vantran@wharton.upenn.edu): 201
Tranby, Eric (etranby@udel.edu): 348 , 378
Trass, Paul (trassp@student.wpunj.edu): 312
Trautner, Mary Nell (email not available): 357
Traver, Amy (ATraver@qcc.cuny.edu): 246
Trent, Katherine (k.trent@albany.edu): 283
Trillo, Alex (atrillo@mail.spc.edu): 78 , 200
trinh-Shevrin, Chau (c.trinhshevrin@gmail.com):
Tripodi, Francesca (fbt8pa@virginia.edu): 157
Trivette, Shawn (strivett@soc.umass.edu): 209
Truitt, Jesse (Truitt_Jesse@yahoo.com): 253
Trujillo, Michelangelo (miketrujillo@gmail.com):
Trumino, Joseph (truminoj@stjohns.edu): 42 , 98
Tsao, Hui-shien (HTsao@albany.edu): 34
Tschirhart , Kevin (email not available): 4
Tsitsos, William (wtsitsos@towson.edu): 294
Tu, Thuy Lihn N. (email not available): 313
Tuch, Steven A (steven.tuch@gwu.edu): 81 , 449
Tucker, Kenneth (khtucker@mtholyoke.edu): 349 ,
Tuominen, Mary (tuominen@denison.edu): 94
Turkel, Gerald (gmturkel@udel.edu): 414
Turkel, Kathleen (kturkel@udel.edu): 63
Turner, Bryan S. (bryansturner@yahoo.com.sg): 402
Tyagi, Juhi (tyagijuhi@gmail.com): 316
Tyson, Karolyn (kdtyson@email.unc.edu): 170
Ulrich, Jessica (jessicad.ulrich@gmail.com): 419
Ungar, Mark (mungar@brooklyn.cuny.edu): 86
Upadhyayula, Satyasree (supadhyayula@kumc.edu):
ursua, Rhodora (rhodora.ursua@nyumc.org): 411
Uzwiak, Beth (uzwiak@american.edu): 234
Vaccaro, Christian (cvaccaro@gmail.com): 82 , 259
Vachon, Todd (dj_mayday@hotmail.com): 333
Valicenti, Michael (mvalicen@ramapo.edu): 253
Valleriani, Jenna (jenna.valleriani@utoronto.ca):
Valosky, Kristen (kvalos01@villanova.edu): 283
Van Brunschot, Erin Gibbs (email not available): 172
van de Rijt, Arnout (arnoutvanderijt@gmail.com):
van der Maas, Mark
(mark.vandermaas@utoronto.ca): 271
Van Hook, Jennifer (jvanhook@pop.psu.edu): 136
Van Riper, David (vanr0033@umn.edu): 57 , 248
Van Ryn, Maria (riavanryn@gmail.com): 84 , 131
Vanderminden, Jennifer (jay75@wildcats.unh.edu):
VandeVusse, Alicia (ajv@uchicago.edu): 142 , 274
Vanolo, Alberto (email not available): 203
VanOra, Jason (Jason.VanOra@kbcc.cuny.edu): 246
Varano, Sean (email not available): 203
Vardi, Itai (itaiv@bu.edu): 359
Varlyguina, Ksenia (kvarlyguina@gmail.com): 274 ,
Vasi, Ion Bogdan (bv2125@columbia.edu): 257
Vasquez, Alexandria (vasquezca@vcu.edu): 245 , 274
Vasquez, Jessica (vasquez@ku.edu): 213
Vasquez Guzman, Cirila Estela (vasqueze@unm.edu):
Vaughan, Diane (email not available): 118 , 295, 343
Vaughn, Sade (email not available): 151
Velez-Velez, Roberto (Velezr@newpaltz.edu): 236
Veliz, Philip (ptveliz@buffalo.edu): 153
Veloso, Diana Therese (dmveloso1@gmail.com):
Venkatesh, Sudhir (avsudhir@me.com): 87 , 118, 204
Verhoeven, Imrat (i.verhoeven@uva.nl): 171
Vesselinov, Elena (elena.vesselinov@qc.cuny.edu):
Vican, Shawna Bowden
(skbowden@fas.harvard.edu): 297
Vickstrom, Erik (evickstr@princeton.edu): 141
Vieira, Aimee (avieira@norwich.edu): 391
Viladrich, Anahi (anahi.viladrich@qc.cuny.edu): 21 ,
Villalobos, Ana (anavilla@brandeis.edu): 366
Villalon, Roberta (villalor@stjohns.edu): 120 , 210,
Visoiu, Ana-Maria (avisoiu@mail.usf.edu): 278
Vitalie, Sprinceana (): 53 , 437
Vujnovic, Marina (mvujnovi@monmouth.edu): 13
Vysotsky, Stanislav (svysotsk@willamette.edu): 268
Wachtendorf, Tricia (twachten@udel.edu): 278
Wade, Juliana (jkwade92@gmail.com): 240
Waggoner, Miranda (waggoner@princeton.edu):
Wagner, Lauren (lauren.b.wagner@gmail.com): 436
Wakeham, Joshua (jwakeham@fas.harvard.edu): 93
, 448
Wakin, Michele (mwakin@bridgew.edu): 412
Waldemar, Ashley N (awaldema@ramapo.edu): 312
Waldron, Linda M (lwaldron@cnu.edu): 450
Walker, Dominic T. (dtwalker@loyola.edu): 174
Walker, Lisa S (lisa.walker@uncc.edu): 420
Walsh, Margaret (mwalsh@keene.edu): 138
Walsh-Russo, Cecelia (walsh_russoc@hartwick.edu):
Walters, Barbara (bwalters@kbcc.cuny.edu): 246 ,
Walters, Kyla (walters@soc.umass.edu): 14
Wanenchak, Sarah (sphipps@umd.edu): 10 , 41
Wang, Phoenix Chi (chiwang@fas.harvard.edu): 218
Wang, Yingyao (yingyao.wang@yale.edu): 396
Ward, Russel A (r.ward@albany.edu): 354
Waring, Chandra (chandra.waring@uconn.edu): 233
Warner, Miya (): 277
Warren, Kamryn (kamrynwarren@gmail.com): 256
Washington, Jazmyne
(washington2@owls.southernct.edu): 92
Washington, Scott Leon (slw@princeton.edu): 213
Watkins, Kristy (kawatkins@colgate.edu): 403
Webb, Elise (63webb@cardinalmail.cua.edu): 244
Weber, Gerard (Gerard.Weber@bcc.cuny.edu): 426
Webster, Murray (mawebste@uncc.edu): 420
Wei, Junhow (junhow@sas.upenn.edu): 111
Weiner, Melissa F (mfweiner@holycross.edu): 363
Weininger, Elliot (eweining@brockport.edu): 143
Weinstein, Raymond M. (rayw@usca.edu): 54
Weis, Lois (University at Buffalo, SUNY): 35
Weitz, Tracy (weitzt@obgyn.ucsf.edu): 336
Wells, Amy (asw86@columbia.edu): 221 , 277
Wengronowitz, Robert
(robert.wengronowitz@bc.edu): 182
Wentling, Tre (tlwentli@maxwell.syr.edu): 211
Werum, Regina (rwerum@nsf.gov): 265 , 324
West, Valerie (vwest@jjay.cuny.edu): 186
Wester, R.A. (email not available): 45
Westerman, William (artknob@yahoo.com): 230
Wettergren, Asa (asa.wettergren@sociology.gu.se):
Wetzel, Christopher (cwetzel@stonehill.edu): 242 ,
Whalen, Thor (twhalen@kennesaw.edu): 425
White, Jonathan (jonathan.white@bridgew.edu): 18
White, Patricia (pwhite@nsf.gov): 265
Whited, Sean (smwhit12@g.holycross.edu): 129
Whitlow, Julie (julie.whitlow@salemstate.edu): 381
Whittiker, Darcy (dwhittiker@yahoo.com): 83
Whittle, Tanya (twhittle@udel.edu): 449
Wigley, Julia (email not available): 255
Wildeman, Chris (email not available): 310
Wiles, Kaelyn (wileskae@grinnell.edu): 299 , 423
Wilkes, John (jmwilkes@wpi.edu): 418
Wilkins, Amy (email not available): 2
Willard, Brittany (brittany.willard13@albright.edu):
186 , 404
Williams, Abagail (akwilliams11@gmail.com): 422
Williams, D.J. (willdj@isu.edu): 180
Williams, Damian (damian.williams@cuchicago.edu):
Williams, Daniel (dwillia9@umd.edu): 4
Williams, Rhys H. (rwilliams7@luc.edu): 53 , 189, 380
Williamson, Elizabeth
(ewilliamson@sociology.rutgers.edu): 406
Wilson, Adam (awilson@storycorps.org): 447
Wilson, Catherine M. (cmwilson@soc.umass.edu):
Wilson, Kevin (kwilson3@ramapo.edu): 312
Wissinger, Elizabeth (ewissinger@bmcc.cuny.edu):
Witham, Dana Hysock
(dana.hysock@atlanticbb.net): 404
Witmer, Kimberly Elaine (kew5153@psu.edu): 253
wolover, D.J. (dwolover@uwm.edu): 41
Wonch Hill, Patricia (trish521@unlserve.unl.edu):
Woods, David W.
(david@greenwoodsassociates.com): 99
Woodside, Sarah (woodsisa@bc.edu): 190
Woody, Diana (woodyd@kean.edu): 376
Worjroh, Weddy K. (weddy.worjroh@villanova.edu):
Wray, Matt (mwray@temple.edu): 39
Wrigley, Julie (jwrigley@gc.cuny.edu): 33 , 281
Wrigley-Field, Elizabeth (wrigleyfield@wisc.edu):
Wu, Daniel (email not available): 287
Wu, Tommy (email not available): 429
Wu Cen, Angela (anabelk4@gmail.com): 174
Wyche, Barbara (bdwbdw3@hotmail.com): 168
Wynn, Jonathan (email not available): 101 , 285
Xinhui, Zhang (xzhang7@albany.edu): 354
Xu, Fang (fxu@gc.cuny.edu): 334 , 429
Xu, Jianping (jxu04@syr.edu): 217
Xu, Pianpian Carolyn (pianpian.xu@yale.edu): 97 ,
332, 424
Xu, Xiaohong (xiaohong.xu@yale.edu): 37
Yagatich, William Adam (wayagati@gmail.com): 422
Yan, Haiming (hy7s@virginia.edu): 212
Yang, Donna (email not available): 287
Yang, Guobin (gyang@barnard.edu): 145
Yang, Ying (yyang@ship.edu): 237
Yanmaz, Selen (yanmaz@bc.edu): 360
Yavuz, Devrim (devrim.yavuz@gmail.com): 67
Yazdiha, Haj (yazdiha@live.unc.edu): 189
Yin, Peng (py2178@tc.columbia.edu): 100
Young, Justin R. (jrobertyoung@gmail.com): 243
Young, Katie (kbyoung@temple.edu): 82
Young, Michael (email not available): 16
Young Harrison, Eowna C
(ech86127@huskies.bloomu.edu): 146
Young Jr, Alford (email not available): 118
Yousaf, Farhan Navid (farhan_ssg@hotmail.com):
Yucel, Deniz (yuceld@wpunj.edu): 187 , 356
Yue, Yin (yinyue@jhu.edu): 195
Yukich, Grace (grace.yukich@quinnipiac.edu): 380
Zach, Danielle (daniellezach@hotmail.com): 406
Zainiddinov, Hakim (hakim.gtzsme@yahoo.com):
Zaprir, Orli (ozaprir@ufl.edu): 356
Zaveri, Amani Firoz (azaveri@conncoll.edu): 174
Zelewicz, Lee Frank Edwin (zellee@udel.edu): 350
Zelizer, Viviana (email not available): 149
Zerubavel, Eviatar (email not available): 313
Zetka, Jim (jzetka@albany.edu): 36
Zhan, Shaohua (szhan1@jhu.edu): 91
Zhang, Jie (zhangj@buffalostate.edu): 271
Zhang, Weiwei (weizhang@bu.edu): 215
Zhang, Yuping (yuz307@lehigh.edu): 424
Zhao, Linda Shuo (shuozhao@temple.edu): 198
Zhao, Sandy (sandy.zhao@yale.edu): 53
Zhao, Shanyang (bzhao001@temple.edu): 271
Zhao, Sibo (sibozhao@buffalo.edu): 79
Zhao, Yangzi (iamyangtze@yahoo.com.cn): 26
Zhu, Queenie (qxzhu@fas.harvard.edu): 408
Zhu, Zhu (zz2214@tc.columbia.edu): 100
Zicklin, Gil (zickling@montclair.edu): 266
Zimmerman, Jeffrey (zimmj326@newschool.edu):
Zippel, Kathrin (email not available): 339
Zoltanski, Jennifer (jennifer.zoltanski@mcla.edu):
Zook, Carolyn (clz10@pitt.edu): 13 , 301
Zuberi, Daniyal (daniyal.zuberi@ubc.ca): 17
Zuberi, Tufuku (tukufu@pop.upenn.edu): 119
Zuern, Elke (email not available): 16
Zukin, Sharon (email not available): 173 , 429
Zulkowski, Samantha (sammiz@udel.edu): 84 , 378
Zussman, Robert (2012easterns@gmail.com): 368