L`Shana Tova - Temple Beth Emet


L`Shana Tova - Temple Beth Emet
AUG / SEPT 2012
AV / ELUL / TISHREI 5772-73
L’Shana Tova
May The New Year Bring You Peace And Happiness
Aug 20……………..1st Day of ECC & Elementary School
Aug 24…………………Pot Luck Dinner/Shabbat Service
Aug 26………………….……Sisterhood New Member Tea
Sept 4-7……….…………………………..PTO Fall Book Fair
Sept 6……………….Sisterhood Book Club-Posnack JCC
Sept 8……….......Pray & Play Shabbat Morning Service
Sept 9…………………………Men’s Softball Season Begins
Sept 9………………Sisterhood Welcome Back Breakfast
Sept 9-10………………….……….1st Day of Merkaz Limud
Sept 17-18………………………..……………Rosh Hashanah
Sept 25-26………………………..Kol Nidre & Yom Kippur
Sept 30………………………………………..PTO Fall Festival
Page #
Rabbi Greenspon & Rabbi DeWoskin……………………..2
Cantor & Executive Director….……………….……............3
TBE President..…..………….…………………………………….4
Temple Calendar & Special Events…..………………….6-9
Sisterhood & Men’s Club………..…….….....……..………..10
Early Childhood & Elementary School.……………..…..12
Camp Beth Emet & PTO..................................… ……..13
Bar & Bat Mitzvahs……….…………………………………14-15
Religious School & Youth Group……….…....… …..….…16
Yahrzeits & Condolences.....………..…………….…..…18-19
Birthdays & Anniversaries……………….……....…….22-24
Clergy: 954-680-1882
Rabbi Bennett Greenspon
Rabbi Frank DeWoskin
Cantor Jan Sheer
Administration: 954-680-1882
Jay Nemes
Executive Director
Noemi Gozlan
Elementary School / Religious School Director
Sandy Sherman
Early Childhood Director
Rayna Engle
Youth Director
Robin Sheridan
Camp Director
2011-2012 Officers:
Charles Cutler
Susan Kraizgrun
Executive Vice President
Elliot Weissmark
Vice President Fundraising
Stuart Silver
Vice President Strategic Planning
Lewis Nadel
Vice President Logistics & Security
Tom Kleinman
Vice President Membership
Laurie Levine
Mike Bernstein
Assistant Treasurer
Stuart Slutsky
Financial Secretary
Mark Ginsberg
Assistant Financial Secretary
Barry Blecker
Board Members:
Mark Aronson
Greg Lewen
Rachel Collin
Vivian McCord
Rebecca Cooperman
Ervin Nadler
Jeff Eichel
Kevin Raudt
Colin Gold
Jodi Shir
Barry Issenberg
Peter Weinstein
Jodi Laurence
Valerie Zaffos
Board of Governors:
David Epstein
Robert Klausner
Harold Gubnitsky
Jan Milestone
Michael Gusky
Skip Straus
Board of Advisors:
Rachel Barrett
Dana Kornfeld
Mark Glater
Mina Mandel
Bill Gray
Sheryl Scott
Cindy Greenstein
Ross Trager
Brad Hacker
Past Presidents:
Harold Gubnitsky
Howard Golden
Skip Straus
Marc Weiss
David Epstein
Marlene Bloom
Robert Alterman
Alan Kan z”l
Robert Klausner
Mike Rubinstein
Joel Mutnick
Barry Rose
Mark Young
Marshall Weinberg
Men's Club Co-Presidents
Steve Feldman & Tommy Mandel
Sisterhood President
Sheri Berkowitz
PTO Co-Presidents
Eden Katz & Allison Salpeter (ECC)
Sheryl Katz (BEES)
Rabbi’s Ramblings by
Rabbi Bennett Greenspon
When I meet with couples about
their upcoming weddings I often
ask a question that would not be
asked by an orthodox or
conservative rabbi; “Are there any
traditions you want to incorporate
or eliminate from the ceremony?”
More often than not the bride will say that she wants to
circle the groom. Sometimes, the groom will say that he
wants the bride to circle him. I will then ask why. The
answer is generally, “Well I was at a wedding and I saw
them do it.” I then ask them to go home and research
the tradition and to give me a better reason than that.
When we get back together the bride has often changed
her mind. She no longer likes the tradition. Sometime
she sees it as misogynistic, sometimes as archaic,
sometimes as sexist; “What do you mean he is checking
out the merchandise, I am not a horse.” But often the
couple still wants to do the ritual because they have
found a deeper spiritual meaning behind it; “I am
encompassing him with my love.” Sometimes they want
to do only one circle, sometimes three, and on rare
occasion the bride will do three, the groom three and
the last is a do-si-do.
As we look at the circle as a symbol they will remind me
that it is unending, they will remind me that it
continuous, and repetitive as their love and life is. I have
been thinking about this for a while with regards to
weddings and to Rosh Hashanah. Is life a circle? Is it
unending and repetitive? Should it be? Are we all in a
“Ground Hog Day” movie?
I think not and hope not. Lately I have been telling
couples that it is not a circle that they are making. Yes,
it is a circle but only because of gravity. They are really
making a spiral. Each rotation is just a little higher than
the one before. Each is a little different. Each is arcing
up just a little. Only we cannot see it, we can only
imagine it. (I have this image of a “Slinky” in my head,
stretching and contracting, going down steps but
unfortunately not able to go up them.)
As we come to a new year we need to make sure that
we are spiraling upward (and not downward) even if it is
just a little bit. We need to make sure that we are not
repeating the patterns of behavior or the habits that
have held us back from reaching our higher selves.
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are here to remind us
that we are not groundhogs, that we are not totally
bound by our genes and programming. They are here to
remind us that we are children of the divine, that we are
special, and that we must be kadosh, holy but not
necessarily using the definition you are envisioning,
May these special days bring us back to our roots and
our holiness! Karen and I and our family wish you a
Sweet Year. On behalf of my TBE family, staff,
directors, board and officers I pray you will have a year
filled with joy. May you be inscribed for a good year of
life and success!
Rabbi’s Writings by
Rabbi Frank DeWoskin
A parent and child take a walk
into the woods to look around and
reflect on the past year of their
lives. As they wander they come
across a lake that is as smooth as
glass. They talk with each other
about their perfect reflection,
remembering the beautiful events
that happened over the last year.
All of a sudden, a gust of wind blows across the lake
causing ripples to appear. The clear reflection is
suddenly disturbed. The conversation shifts to
remembering sad times over the last year that took
place out of anyone’s control.
The wind dies down and a sense of
appears over the water. Those good
memories flood back to them.
conversation they accidentally drop
calm once again
times and happy
While in deep
a rock into the
With the ripples in the water, they talk about excitement
and changes that happened over the last year that they
controlled. As the waters calm once again, they
continue on their journey knowing the past year, filled
with ripples and calm, was amazing and the year ahead
will be even more remarkable.
As we approach the High Holy Days, it is a time to
reflect over the last year. With our camp programs in
their last few weeks, our schools getting ready to
welcome students, Temple activities beginning to gear
up, I encourage you to think over the last year. Where
were you in your life in September, 2011? What were
you doing? What has happened to help your life change
from then until now? Perhaps you have gone through
challenging times and found the strength to face those
challenges. Maybe you made a career change that led
you down a new path or had a new baby or lost a loved
one or got married…
Where do you think life will take you by September,
2013? It is hard to know where our life journey is taking
us. Your synagogue is a great resource to help
celebrate joys and support moments of sadness and
hardship. We are here to help you strengthen your
Jewish connection through programs, spirituality and
May your summer end sweet and may your new year be
a wonderful experience, more than you dream possible.
The Koleinu Bulletin is published monthly
by Temple Beth Emet, Inc.
4807 South Flamingo Road
Cooper City, FL 33330
Phone 954.680.1882 www.templebethemet.org
FAX 954.252.6634 Janis Nemes, Koleinu Editor
Cantorial Notes by Cantor Jan Sheer
From the Executive Director, Jay Nemes
Shalom Everyone,
As we approach our most pensive time of
year as Jews, our High Holy Days, I have
been thinking a lot about our beautiful
tradition of Musar...working on ourselves to
develop the most positive traits we possibly
As we have been discussing in our wonderful "Introduction to
Judaism" classes, the attribute of gratitude seems to grow in
our lives, giving us even more to be grateful for...and we find
that we actually are walking around in our very same lives as
happier people!
We have a tradition of finding 100 opportunities EACH DAY to
say a blessing...a prayer of thanks. This practice radically
changes our perspective!
To help you along this path, I offer the following to think
about every time you eat...
Contemplate the amazing and mysterious process of
photosynthesis, providing the precise amount of rays from our
sun...which is 93 million miles away! Consider how water
evaporates from our salty seas and turns into sweet rain to
water our earth. Then, reflect on how a tiny seed that is
planted in the brown dirt of earth begins somehow to grow and
develop into a living plant. How miraculous is the growth of
food from seeds! A single grain can produce more than 1000
new grains...and 1 grain of wheat can produce 300 ears. Now,
look at the cookie in your hand. Who has worked so many
wonders to give it to you? NOW, when you take a bite, you can
truly enjoy what is placed before you. How many more
miracles are also placed before you?
Shana Tova,
Cantor Jan
I want to welcome you back and hope all of
you had a wonderful summer. I hope the
summer gave you an opportunity to be with
your family and enjoy each other’s
company at home or on vacation. I would
like to thank our Camp Director, Robin
Sheridan, her assistants, Dina Milgram and
Sarah DeWoskin, and the entire camp staff for doing a
tremendous job keeping our children happy every minute of
the day, making this the best summer camp ever. Travel Camp
also had a successful summer program with the guidance of
Rayna Engle & Joel Lazarus.
Several planning meetings have been held over the summer
by the board leadership and staff in order to get a head start
for the 2012-2013 year. The new board is comprised of a
diverse and dedicated group of individuals who are anxious to
make us the best that we can be in our community. I look
forward to working with them, our TBE President, Charles
Cutler, Rabbi Greenspon, and Rabbi DeWoskin. We hope that
more of you will get involved in our community and bring your
friends and neighbors to many of our programs so they too can
become part of the TBE family. Please feel free to contact me,
any staff member, or board member, if you have any questions
or concerns. Remember to always check the website for last
minute updates on the programs in our calendar. If you are not
receiving regular email notices, please let me know.
September will bring the beginning of another New Year for
Jews around the world. As we approach this High Holy Day
season, we can look back on the past year with thankfulness
for everything we have and for making it through another year.
We are blessed to have our health, family, loved ones, friends,
jobs, homes, food, income and a future. We must proceed
through the New Year, 5773, with continued energy so as to
improve ourselves and our families. Every individual must
know that they have enormous potential. Let’s take those small
steps to grow and change, to unite our community and come
closer to our friends, our synagogue and God. This will allow
us to improve ourselves and the way our world will be for our
children. With the spirit of the baby steps we take in our
community, may God watch over Jews throughout the world
and this year in the land of Israel. Shana Tova to you and your
family. May the year 5773 be filled with good health, happiness
and peace for everyone.
From The President, Charles Cutler
Friends and Family:
Temple Beth Emet
It has been an honor and a privilege to have
served my first year as President of Temple
Beth Emet. One of the special things about
our congregation, its leadership, and our
schools, is the commitment to serving not
only our member families, but our
community at large. We don’t just talk about
Tikkun Olam… we do it! I am so proud that
Temple Beth Emet members and students play such a vital
role in the community in which we live and set such a great
example for others to follow.
You Can Make A Difference
 Make Your Mark 2011-2012 
 Brick Walk  Memorial Plaque 
 Tree of Life 
At Mitzvah Day this year, we introduced the concept of Mini
Mi’s, which are organized events each month where our
members (old and young alike) can join a service project. For
the last few months, we have had nearly two dozen
participants visiting the Broward Outreach of Pompano. Please
join us on the fourth Sunday of each month when we will be
visiting an organization in the community to lend our support.
What our congregation accomplished on our annual Mitzvah
Day is nothing short of astounding – let’s keep the momentum
going throughout the year.
This time of year, with Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur upon
us, is always a time for reflection; to give thanks for what we
have been blessed with and to seek to repent for things we
should have done differently. The recent tragedy in Aurora,
Colorado was a shock to us all. Let it serve as a reminder to be
thankful for the family and friends around us, and to focus on
the positive things in our lives. Let us strive for the upcoming
year to be one where we live our lives with no regrets, where
we let the people we love know how important they are to us.
Help to make the world around us a better place, and do what
we can to live to our potential.
From myself, and our entire Board of Directors, Le'shana Tova
Tikoteiv Vetichoteim (Le'Alter LeChaim Tovim U'Leshalom).
May you be inscribed and sealed for a Good Year and for a
Good and Peaceful Life.
Wishing all the best to you and your family in the upcoming
year from my family to yours,
Charles, Robyn, Jamie and Myles Cutler
TEMPLE BETH EMET Andrew Siler Fund
Bessie Sigel Fund
Building Donation Fund
Choir Fund
Danny Greenberg Fund
Beth Emet Elementary (Day School) Fund
Beth Emet Elementary School: Help Us Grow Fund
Beth Emet Elementary School: Technology Fund
Early Childhood Education Fund (ECE)
Edith Greenspon Book Fund
Edythe Weinstein Scholarship Fund
General Fund
Glenn Becker Memorial Fund
Granny P Classroom Fund
Jewish National Fund (JNF-Trees in Israel)
Joseph’s Rainbow Fund
Martin Walfish Memorial Fund
Maynard Abrams Fund
Mutnick Education Fund
Past Presidents Fund
Prayerbook Fund
Prevention Education Fund:
In Memory of Jonathan Adario
Rabbi Greenspon's Discretionary Fund
Rabbi DeWoskin’s Discretionary Fund
Religious School Fund
Richie Torrent Early Childhood Scholarship Fund
Security Fund
Sisterhood Scholarship Fund
Yahrzeit Fund
Youth Group Fund
MITZVAH MEMBERSHIP The following members have contributed generously to Temple Beth Emet’s Mitzvah Membership for the year 2012­2013, to help support those less fortunate in our community. For more information how you can help by adding this to your Annual Membership Renewal, please contact the main office at (954) 680­1882. Dr. & Mrs. Alan Ast  Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clausman  Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cohen  Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Huppert Mr. & Mrs. Scott Jacobs  Mr. & Mrs. Sam Jonas  Mr. & Mrs. Neil Kalin  Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Merker Mr. Paul Ranis & Mrs. Jane Sinagub  Mr. & Mrs. Alan Roseman  Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sopshin  Mr. & Mrs. Skip Straus  Mr. & Mrs. Allen Weiss Mrs. Roselyn Winokur  Mr. & Mrs. Alan Zaffos  Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zelden 4
Get Well Wishes
Paul Bersach
Rick David
Leslie Deckelbaum
Jerome Efros
Susan Levy
Lisa Reiser
Myron Sandler
Garrett Schnur
Jack Zaffos
Baruch Atah Adonai, Rofeh Cholim…
Blessed is God who heals the sick
TBE High Holy Days
2012 High Holy Day Services 5773
Saturday, September 8 at 9:00 PM
Sunday, September 16 at 7:30 PM
Monday, September 17 at 10:00 AM
Children’s Service (2-5 years) at 3:30 PM
Family Service (6-10 year olds) at 4:30 PM
Tuesday, September 18 at 10:00 AM
Honoring Our TBE
Veterans & Currently
Serving Military
Jason Milgram
Branch of Service:
U.S. Army (Veteran)
Sergeant (E5)
Honors & Medals:
National Defense Medal
Army Achievement Medal
Military Career:
2 Military Occupational Skills
Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Warfare Specialist
Combat Engineer
Friday, September 21 at 6:00 PM
Saturday, September 22 at 10:00 AM
Tuesday, September 25 at 7:30 PM
Wednesday, September 26 at 10:00 AM
Family Service (6-10 year olds) at 3:00 PM
Concluding Service at 4:00 PM
Services Conducted By
Rabbi Bennett Greenspon
Rabbi Frank DeWoskin
Cantor Jan Sheer
For security reasons, tickets will be checked
at the door along with a photo ID
Temple Calendar - Aug. & Sept. 2012
Please call the Temple as service time may change
Shabbat Evening Service
Aug. 3 @ 7:30 PM
Shabbat Lite Service
Aug. 10 @ 5:00 PM
Shabbat Evening Service
Aug. 10 @ 6:30 PM
Shabbat Evening Service
Aug. 17 @ 7:30 PM
Shabbat Evening Band Service
Aug. 24 @ 7:30 PM
Shabbat Evening Service
Aug. 31@ 7:30 PM
Shabbat Morning Service
Sept. 1 @ 9:00 AM
Shabbat Lite Meditation Service
Sept. 7 @ 6:00 PM
Family Shabbat Evening Service
Sept. 7 @ 7:00 PM
Pray & Play Shabbat Morning Service
Sept. 8 @10:00 AM
Shabbat Evening Service
Sept. 14 @ 7:30 PM
Shabbat Morning Service
Sept. 15 @ 9:00 AM
Shabbat Meditation Evening Service
Sept. 21 @ 7:30 PM
Community Tot Shabbat Service
Sept. 28 @7:30 PM
Shabbat Evening Service
Sept. 28 @ 7:30 PM
Shabbat Morning Service
Sept. 29 @ 11:00 AM
Tuesday Mornings @ 6:30-7:30 AM
Thursday Afternoons @ 3:30-4:30 PM
See schedule on Page 5
Labor Day: Sept. 3
Erev Rosh Hashanah: Sept. 16
Rosh Hashanah: Sept. 17-18
Kol Nidre: Sept. 25
Yom Kippur: Sept. 26
Shabbat Pot Luck Dinner
Aug. 24 @ 6:15 PM-7:30 PM
Shabbat Dinner & Pray
Sept. 7 @ 6:15 PM
Shabbat Pot Luck Dinner
Sept. 28 @ 6:15 PM
Introduction to Judaism (2nd & 4th Thursdays)
Aug. 9 & 23 @ 7:00 PM
Introduction to Judaism (2nd & 4th Thursdays)
Sept. 13 & 27 @ 7:00 PM
Sisterhood Book Club (TBE Kiddush Room)
Aug. 6 @ 6:30 PM
Sisterhood New Member Tea (Donna Ruhl)
Aug. 26 @ 2:00-4:00 PM
Sisterhood Book Club Mixer (David Posnack JCC)
“What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank”
Sept. 6 @ 6:30 PM
Men's Softball 1st Game (Bamford Park-Davie)
Sept. 9 @ 9:00 AM
Sisterhood Breakfast (TBE Kiddush Room)
Sept. 9 @ 10:30 AM
Men's Softball Game (Bamford Park-Davie)
Sept. 23 @ 6:00 PM
Men's Softball Game (Bamford Park-Davie)
Sept. 30 @ 10:15 AM
Sanctify your home by lighting the Shabbat Candles
Baruch Ata Adonai, Elohenu Melech Ha'olam, Asher Kid'shanu B'Mitzvotav V'tzivanu L'hadleek ner, Shel Shabbat.
“Blessed art Thou, Adonoi our God, Ruler of the Universe, who has sanctified us by thy commandment,
and has commanded us to kindle the Sabbath lights.”
Shabbat - August 2012
Shabbat - September 2012
Aug. 3................................................................7:48 PM
Aug. 10...............................................................7:43 PM
Aug. 17...............................................................7:37 PM
Aug. 24...............................................................7:31 PM
Aug. 31...............................................................7:24 PM
Sept. 7................................................................7:16 PM
Sept. 14..............................................................7:08 PM
Sept. 21..............................................................7:01 PM
Sept. 28.............................................................6:53 PM
Temple Calendar - Aug. & Sept. 2012
Alec Shears
Aug. 10 @ 6:30 PM
Hunter & Jared Kaufman
Aug. 18 @ 11:00 AM
Dylan Adamsky
Aug. 19 @ 11:00 AM
Adam Zwang
Sept. 1 @ 9:00 AM
Zachary Wolf
Sept. 1 @ 5:30 PM
Amanda Black
Sept. 15 @ 9:00 AM
Jared Saifman
Sept. 29 @ 11:00 AM
Quintin Bernstein
Sept. 29 @ 6:00 PM
BEES 1st Day of School
Aug. 20
BEES Parent/Child Orientation
Aug. 20 @ 8:30 PM
BEES Fall Book Fair (PTO)
Sept. 4-7
BEES Curriculum Night
Sept. 4 @ 6:00-8:30 PM
Rosh Hashanah (BEES School Closed)
Sept. 17 & 18
BEES Tashlich
Sept. 25 @ 8:30 AM
BEES Early Dismissal
Sept. 25 @ 11:40 AM
Yom Kippur (BEES School Closed)
Sept. 26
Bookie One Group
Tuesday Mornings @ 7:30 AM
Other Bookie Group
Aug. 2 & 16 / Sept. 6 & 20 @ 7:00 PM
(1st & 3rd Thursday Evenings)
Merkaz Limud 1st Day of School (Sunday)
Sept. 9
Merkaz Limud Open House
Sept. 9 @ 9:00 AM
Merkaz Limud 1st Day of School (Monday)
Sept. 10
10th Grade Confirmation Family Meeting
Sept. 10 @ 8:00 PM
Rosh Hashanah (No Merkaz Limud)
Sept. 16, 17 & 19
Merkaz Limud Madrichim Meeting
Sept. 23 @ 12:30 PM
Merkaz Limud 7th Grade Curriculum Night
Sept. 24 @ 8:00 PM
ECC Open House A-L
Aug. 17 @ 10:00-11:00 AM
ECC Open House M-Z
Aug. 17 @ 11:00-12:00 PM
ECC 1st Day of School
Aug. 20
ECC Fall Book Fair (PTO)
Sept. 4-7
ECC Open House & Book Fair
Sept. 6 @ 7:00 PM
Rosh Hashanah (ECC School Closed)
Sept. 17 & 18
ECC Early Dismissal
Sept. 25 @ 11:40 AM
Yom Kippur (ECC School Closed)
Sept. 26
ECC Fall Festival (PTO)
Sept. 30 @ 11:00 AM
Join us for “Pray &
Play” on September
8th at 10:00 AM
We invite you to a Shabbat
morning program for Pre-School
children & their families on the
2nd Saturday of each month
September 2012 - June 2013.
There is singing, praying, playing,
storytelling, challah & juice.
PTO Parent Breakfast
Aug. 20 @ 9:15 AM
PTO (ECC) Meeting
Aug. 29 @ 7:00 PM
PTO (ECC & BEES) Fall Book Fair
Sept. 4-7
PTO Booknik (& Picnic Snack with your Child)
Sept. 5
PTO General Meeting
Sept. 12 @ 9:00 AM
PTO Fall Festival
Sept. 30 @ 11:00 AM
TBE Youth Group
Mazel Tov
OFARIM: Kindergarten-2nd Grade
meets every other Sunday 12:00-2:00 PM
CHALUTZIM: 3rd-5th Grade
meets every other Sunday 12:00-2:00 PM
GESHER: 6th-8th Grade
meets every Tuesday night 6:30-8:00 PM
BOGRIM: 9th-12th Grade
meets every Thursday night 7:00-9:00 PM
Youth Group: Aug-Sept 2012
Gesher: Games to Get to Know You
Aug. 28 @ 6:30-8:00 PM
Bogrim: Mixers
Aug. 30 @ 7:00-9:00 PM
Gesher: Wacky Olympics
Sept. 4 @ 6:30-8:00 PM
Bogrim: Battle of the Classes
Sept. 6 @ 7:00-9:00 PM
Ofarim/Chalutzim: Games to Get to Know You
Sept. 9 @ 12:30-2:00 PM
Gesher: Ga-Ga
Sept. 11 @ 6:30-8:00 PM
Bogrim: Ace of Cakes
Sept. 13 @ 7:00-9:00 PM
Rosh Hashanah (No Gesher)
Sept. 18
Bogrim (No Youth Group)
Sept. 20
Ofarim/Chalutzim: Pool/Pizza Party
Sept. 23 @ 12:30-2:00 PM
Kol Nidre (No Gesher)
Sept. 25
Bogrim: Charades
Sept. 27 @ 7:00-9:00 PM
Bogrim: Leadership Training Overnight
Sept. 29-30
TBE Special Programs
We have a History/Current Events Chavurah where people can come
together and discuss what is happening in the world, politics,
historical events, etc. If you are interested, please call Rabbi
Greenspon’s office, email rabbi@templebethemet.org, or leave a
message at (754) 200-1883.
Are you interested in learning more about Judaism, or have you
thought about becoming Jewish? We meet at 7:00 PM on the 2nd and
4th Thursday evenings of each month to discuss holidays, life cycle
events, basic theology and history, and other topics. If you are
interested, please call Rabbi Bennett Greenspon or Rabbi Frank
DeWoskin at the Temple Office, send a note, or email.
Noemi & Yoram Gozlan on the Engagement
of their Son, Asaf to Anat Fleischman
Sandy & Joel Lazarus on the Engagement of
their Daughter, Shanon to Adam Webster
Elisabeth Suess on her Marriage to
Damian Oliva
Noemi & Yoram Gozlan on the Marriage of
their Son, Itai to Daniela Klein
Kim & Kevin Oppenheimer on the Birth of
their Daughter, Caitlyn Oppenheimer
Elisabeth & Damian Oliva on the Birth of
their Daughter, Samantha Rachel Oliva
Laura & Michael Horwitz on the Birth of
their Son, Zachary Horwitz
Keren & Yoav Magen on the Birth of
their Son, Ben Magen
Lauri & Michael Bernstein on the Birth of
their Grandson, Skylar Kaplan
Welcome New Members
 Steven & Laurie Brasner
Lindsay Brasner
 Corey & Erin Friedman
 Jason & Andrea Goodstein
Joshua, Zachary & Alexander Goodstein
 William & Linda Goodstein
 Ro & Lin Grosman
Raquel & Mia Grosman
 Ari & Holly Harrison
 Robert & Lisa Lewin
Sage, Brynn, Remy & Elle Lewin
 Howard & Sara Lipman
Jacob, Evan & Claire Lipman
 Yoav & Lori Ritter
Reed Ritter
 David Ropp
Sarina Ropp
 Sharon Ropp
 Alberto & Kara SantAntonio
Haylee & Preston SantAntonio
 Barry & Ellen Schneider
2012 - 2013 Temple Events & Programs
August 20, 2012
August 24, 2012
August 26, 2012
August 29, 2012
September 8, 2012
September 9, 2012
What We
Talk About
When We
Talk About
Anne Frank
September 6, 2012
September 16-18, 2012
September 25-26, 2012
September 28, 2012
September 30, 2012
October 5, 2012
November 28, 2013
February 2, 2013
February 3, 2013
February 24, 2013
March 10, 2013
April 14, 2013
April 28, 2013
Sisterhood Scribbles By Marcy Gray
Sheri Berkowitz, President
Summer is a time when family and friends gather for relaxation
and renewal. It is also when the Sisterhood Board plans for a
new year. Sisterhood is a dynamic group of women who assist
the Temple, engage in fundraising, and enjoy Jewish life
among good friends. We look forward to your participation, and
would like to introduce you to our new 2012-2013 Board:
President: Sheri Berkowitz
VP Membership: Monica Steinman & Zoraida Koenig
VP Programming: Donna Ruhl
Treasurer: Isa Joseph
Corresponding Secretary: Marcy Gray
Recording Secretary: Miriam Krischer
Member at Large: Jennie Ann Bonnin
Special thanks to our Event/Program Chairs: Alice Soskin,
Rachelle Dorne, Mina Mandel, Annie Feldman, Donna Ruhl,
Sheri Berkowitz, Susan Kaufman, Marcy Gray, Monica
Steinman, Lois Slutsky, Isa Joseph, Zoraida Koenig, and
Jennie Ann Bonnin. There are many ways you can assist, so
let us hear from you.
Our kick-off activities include a New Member Tea (Aug. 26th)
and Welcome Back Breakfast & Apple Bagging (Sept. 9th).
Take this opportunity to meet and greet all our Sisterhood
members and check out our planned Calendar of Events.
If you enjoy reading, come to Book Club. We meet monthly,
discuss a book and enjoy spirited conversations. The Sept. 6th
book, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank”
by Nathan Englander, is a JCC highlighted book. We hope to
attend his JCC presentation. Members receive an online
invitation monthly. Please RSVP accordingly. Interested, but
don’t have email or not a member, just contact our president.
Temple Beth Emet Men’s Club
Steve Feldman & Tommy Mandel, Co-Presidents
Welcome back from the summer. Men's Club Softball Menorah
League games begin September 9th and run until Playoffs on
December 2nd. Our home field is Bamford Park on Pine Island
Road, just north of Griffin in Davie. Most games are played on
Sunday mornings or early evenings. If you would like to join
our team, contact Tommy Mandel candylandbroker@aol.com.
Some home games might be played at Brian Piccolo Park on
Sheridan Street (another home park for TBE). Rainout makeups might take place on Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend.
TBE Softball 2012 Fall Season Schedule
Sept. 9
Sept. 16
Sept. 23
Sept. 30
Oct. 7
Oct. 15
Oct. 21
Oct. 28
Nov. 4
Nov. 11
Nov. 18
Nov. 25
Dec. 2
9:00 AM
No Games
6:00 PM
10:15 AM
10:15 AM
6:45 PM
5:00 PM
11:30 AM
6:00 PM
8:30 AM
8:00 AM
No Games
8:00 AM
Bamford Park
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Bamford Park
Bamford Park
Tradewinds Park
Bamford Park
Bamford Park
Tradewinds Park
Bamford Park
Bamford Park
Bamford Park
Thanksgiving Weekend
Bamford Park-Playoffs
We invite all TBE men to our 1st Men's Club Meeting for 20122013. Join us to watch the Miami Dolphins play the Arizona
Cardinals on Sunday, Sept. 30th at 4:00 PM (sports bar to be
announced). Our next Poker Tournament is October. Contact
Steve Feldman at shfeld@bellsouth.net or Tommy Mandel at
candylandbroker@aol.com to become a Men’s Club member.
Mah Jongg Clinic is coming! Learn this fun and challenging
game. RSVP to Monica Steinman at steiny9584@aol.com, or
Marcy Gray at marbilgray@gmail.com.
HONEY FOR HEART: send New Year Wishes to loved ones
in a unique way (see AD). TBE Sisterhood sends and receives
information by email. Add sisterhood.bethemet@gmail.com to
your contacts. Also join us on Facebook: search Temple Beth
Emet Sisterhood, and ‘friend’ Sisterhood.
Dates to Remember (Watch your email for details)
 Aug. 6 @ 6:30 PM: Book Club (Kiddush Room)
 Aug. 26 @ 2:00-4:00 PM: New Member Tea (Donna Ruhl’s)
 Sept. 6 @ 6:30 PM: Book Club
 Sept. 9 @ 10:30 AM: Welcome Back Breakfast &
Apple Bagging (Kiddush Room)
 Oct. 2 @ 6:30 PM: Book Club
 Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24 @ 7:30 PM: Mah Jongg Clinic
 Oct. 14 @ 10:00 AM: General Sisterhood Meeting (Program)
 New TBE Members 1st year FREE Sisterhood Membership.
 Sisterhood will continue collecting canned & non-perishable
food at all our events to replenish depleted food banks.
 We have a wonderful Gift Shop-volunteers welcome!
 Questions about Sisterhood? Contact Sheri Berkowitz at
The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Emet
Sisterhood End of Year Dinner
Giovanni's Café ~ May 30, 2012
Early Childhood Center
Sandy Sherman, Director
Robin Sheridan, Assistant Director
Beth Emet Elementary School
Noemi Gozlan, Director
Michal Medina, Assistant Director
I recently had a conversation with a member
of the Temple whose sons, now 8 and 12
years old, went through our preschool. We
talked about the beginning of school (it
hasn’t started yet as I write this) and all of
the stresses this beginning brings upon
We hope your summer was wonderful. As
we reflect on the year that has elapsed, and
take pride in our students accomplishments
here are a few things about Beth Emet
Elementary School that make us smile:
We rush from place to place, from lesson to lesson, and class
to class. Families are able to spend less and less time doing
things together, and even less time doing nothing together!
Children have hours and hours of homework and no time to
play or just “hang out.” Then, there are the FCATs. Our
children are stressed!
As adults, we know how quickly the years of our lives fly by.
Can you really remember what it was like not to be saddled
with a lot of responsibilities? If we could only recapture the
“good old days” of carefree childhood! What can we do to
make sure that these days last as long as possible for our
children…that their lives don’t turn into the lives of mini-adults,
rushing, competing, and worrying?
One crucial luxury we can give our children is the luxury of
time – time with us and time to explore and discover at their
own pace. In our Early Childhood Center, we allow the boys
and girls that luxury. When a child discovered a huge spider
web on the playground fence, other children gathered around
that spot. Instead of rushing the children away when it was
“time” to go to the next activity, the teacher wisely allowed the
natural curiosity of these children to take an ordinary
occurrence and turn it in to a learning experience. They
estimated and guessed how many spiders they thought were
in the web. Then, they counted the spiders to see how close
their estimations had been. They wrote a story about the
spiders, and engaged in other experiences that were
MEANINGFUL to the children. In education jargon, this is
called emergent curriculum. Emergent curriculum is all around
us. Guess and count how many French fries are in your next
order. Does your child know that French fries are potatoes?
How do potatoes grow? How many fries will come from one
potato? Let’s try it at home! Let’s grow a potato. What are the
“eyes”? The possibilities are endless. Let’s take some time to
“smell the roses” (or potatoes).
This is how children learn, and this learning is all around us.
It can connect adults to children in such simple ways and
give them wonderful memories of every day time well
We wish all of our families a peaceful year of
discovery, fun, and learning!
 On the 2012 SAT test, our student body
as a whole demonstrated exceptional
academic achievement:
*72% of students scored at least one grade level higher than
their current level
*67% of students scored at least two grade levels higher than
their current level
*41% of students in grades 2nd and up achieved Post High
School scores in at least one sub-test
 We have expanded our award winning Agronomy program to
include Tikkun Olam and feeding the hungry.
 Our students won 1st and 2nd Place at the Broward County
Hebrew Spelling Bee.
Looking ahead, BEES is taking giant steps in technology
advancement. Today’s world of education is light years away
from where it was just a decade ago; technology is changing
the classroom experience by leaps and bounds. Rick
Stephens, Senior VP at Boeing states that “Today’s educators
are preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist using
technologies not yet invented to solve problems not yet
identified.” With this in mind, we look at our curricular
opportunities as guided by STEM Education: Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
A dual track is implemented in Mathematics where students
can advance at their pace and achieve their full potential. A
high percentage of our graduates continue on to highly
advanced GEM and Pre-Algebra classes in Middle School.
We have interactive Smart Boards and computers in every
classroom, as well as educational platforms such as
Accelerated Reader, Brain Pop, IXL, and our computer lab.
BEES is host to an annual engineering LEGO competition with
robotics components, Brickmania, created to inspire young
minds in the way of new technical and scientific innovations.
As technology continue to progress, our school has developed
a new strategic plan encompassing a Google Chromebook
per student in grades 3-5. This allows for collaboration,
connectivity, and interactivity, as well as access to a
plethora of programs in 8 seconds flat. For K-2nd grade, we
are equipping classrooms with tablet centers and educational
apps. In addition, we are adopting new hybrid Social Studies
and Science programs.
This is all very exciting! In today’s technological age,
information is expanding rapidly. As we educate a new
generation of leaders, preparation is key.
Shana Tova!!
Camp Beth Emet
Robin Sheridan, Director
Dina Milgram, Assistant Director
PTO Communications By Robin Steinman
Eden Katz & Allison Salpeter, ECC Co-Presidents
Sheryl Katz, BEES PTO Manager
Last night we concluded week 6 of camp
with a family Shabbat. As I sat on the patio
watching the young families in attendance I
appreciated their commitment to find a
spiritual moment at our Temple. With a small
breeze blowing, I listened to prayers of my
childhood and calming words and melodies
of our Rabbis and Cantor. This was a
perfect, soothing ending to a long week.
Welcome Back from the PTO! We hope you all had a safe and
happy summer. It was so great to see so many new, as well as
familiar faces around Camp Beth Emet. This was truly a
wonderful summer, and we are looking forward to an amazing
school year! We are kicking off the year with our Welcome to
Our Family Breakfast on Monday, August 20th (ECC and
BEES). This will take place immediately following drop off. We
hope you can join us to reconnect with old friends and make
some new ones!
It is difficult to attend services when you have young children.
Some of us want them to sit, to let us get what we need from
the service. Our children, however, are not always in tune with
our needs. They don’t always want to sit when we want them
to sit or listen when we want them to listen. They have their
own agenda. As parents we often have to put our needs on
hold for our children. This is not easy, especially at the end of
a long week.
The PTO has many great plans for a fabulous year with lots of
fun activities, some of our favorites and a few new special
events. Mark your calendars for these upcoming events…
Services last night made room for everyone’s needs. There
was space to walk, grass in which to play, a child friendly
atmosphere. Hopefully parents were able to get what they
needed from the service while some of their children explored
and found Shabbat peace in their surroundings. This time is
fleeting…all too soon you may be sitting at a service alone
while your teenage children are elsewhere. Enjoy these
experiences with them now.
More activities and dates will be coming your way. Please be
sure your email is up to date and you are receiving weekly
PTO blasts. If not, please email us at ptoblasts@hotmail.com
to be added to our distribution list.
As we conclude this summer, I want to thank Miss Dina and
Miss Sarah for their amazing work ethic and attention to detail.
The amount of hours and care they gave to make this program
a success is remarkable. Miss Dina and I often left the Temple
late into the night, but with smiles on our faces. We love this
camp and want it to be the best camp around.
Thank you to our amazing counselors who work hard to make
each child’s summer successful! Thank you to our incredible
art teacher Miss Joan, and our wonderful Miss Judy in wood
shop…what you each add to the program amazes me. Miss
Gayle and Miss Sylvia, thank you for making every Shabbat
special. Miss Lindsay, thank you for helping lead lunch room
prayers and morning Boker Tovs. Thank you Miss Jenn for
helping when needed. Unfortunately, I have limited space, and
many people to thank. Each person that helped make this
camp special from campers, to staff, to parents has a special
place in my heart. Our camp has grown every summer and we
could not do it without you! Parents, thank you for believing in
us and allowing us the opportunity to share your children
during these quickly passing eight weeks.
Until next summer…
 ECC & BEES Fall Book Fair Sept. 4th-7th
 Book-Nic Sept. 5th visit book fair & snack with your child
 Open House: BEES Sept. 4th / ECC Sept. 6th
 PTO General Meeting Sept. 12th Get involved with TBE
 Fall Festival: Sunday, Sept. 30th
Our PTO is so excited to play a part in helping our elementary
school introduce our children to the cutting edge in education
technology. The school started a Technology Fundraising
Campaign to raise money for adding Google Chrome Books to
our 3rd-5th grade classrooms, and Tablet Stations for our lower
grades. Over $9,000 has been raised, and the BEES PTO has
agreed to match that amount of funds raised. We look forward
to seeing our students and teachers take full advantage of this
exciting new technology.
If you are interested in getting involved with PTO, we would
love to have you! There are many jobs both big and small for
everyone. Please contact us at ptoblasts@hotmail.com to
learn more about our volunteer opportunities for everyone. We
look forward to seeing you.
Religious School - Merkaz Limud
Noemi Gozlan, Director
Jennifer Schatz-Young, Assistant Director
Dear Chaverim (Friends),
The academic 2012-2013 school year is
upon us. We have a great year planned
ahead of us. Our summer was very busy
revamping the Family Programs and
adding new and exciting Judaica classes
to our curriculum, focused on connecting
our children, people to people and to our
heritage. We are now solidly in the 21st Century, and we are
pleased with all of the technology that we use to implement
your child’s learning in our Merkaz Limud.
We know that the Hebrew portion of your child’s Jewish
education is vital. Your student should be going over what
they have learned in class on a daily basis. We provide
ways to help study during the week between classes.
Our teacher guided Hebrew Lab on Wednesdays provides
a two hour window for you to bring your child in for extra
help and reinforce that which they have learned in their
Keeping in mind how busy the students are with schoolwork
and extra curricular activities, we have a new Hebrew
Tutoring Program through the wonders of technology –
Skype – all from the comfort of your own home! This Skype
program provides your student with twenty minutes of oneon-one teaching and review, and is an opportunity that
should be taken advantage of.
Youth Group News
Rayna Engle
Youth Director
August, 2012
Dear Student:
If you are in Kindergarten-12th Grade, we
have a youth program just for you. I am
writing to tell you about four really exciting
BOGRIM (grades 9th-12th meet every Thursday night from
7:00-9:00 PM) and GESHER (Grades 6th-8th meet every
Tuesday night from 6:30-8:00 PM) are groups comprised of
young people sponsored by Temple Beth Emet. Our
chapter will have numerous activities including Field Trips,
Films, Speakers, Chapter Retreat, Discussions, Games,
Dances, and Mitzvah Trip. Most of all we have a lot of fun.
Together we explore what it means to be Jewish in a way
that is always enjoyable. We also get to meet a lot of other
teenagers from the community. Our first meeting for Gesher
will be Tuesday, August 28th and Bogrim will be Thursday,
August 30th.
CHALUTZIM (Grades 3rd-5th) and OFARIM (Grades
Kindergarten-2nd) meet every other Sunday from 12:30-2:00
PM. It is an opportunity for you to come to the Temple to
have fun and be able to socialize with all of your friends.
Our chapter has a variety of activities, including games,
crafts, cooking, field trips, and most of all, we promote
friendships. Our first program will be September 9th.
Please review our calendar and flyers and come out a try
any of our programs, I promise once you attend you will be
If you have any questions concerning any of the above
youth groups please feel free to call me at the Temple (954)
680-1882 (Ext. 111). I look forward to meeting all of you!!!
Rayna Engle
We understand that getting here midweek for the Hebrew Youth Director
lab might be difficult for you and your family, so we are
urging you to take advantage of this alternative Skype
Through our educational endeavors, we will always strive to
bring a Jewish spirituality to our students. We are looking
forward to a wonderful school year.
Shana Tova
A Message from the 2012-2013
Bogrim Youth Group President
Hello, my name is Sarah Ruhl and I am both proud and
excited to say I am the new Bogrim president. I have
always been in youth group and to be president feels
great! I know this year is going to be so much fun! I
am confident that the board and I have awesome
programs and field trips planned and I can’t wait for
the year ahead of us.
Yahrzeits  Aug. 3rd - Aug. 31st
May Their Memories Be For A Blessing…
One of the most beautiful and meaningful customs of the Jewish people is to remember those
we have lost by memorializing our beloved through acts of Tzedakah and by saying Kaddish.
The following Yahrzeits will be acknowledged and Kaddish will be said
during Shabbat Services on the dates below.
August 3, 2012
Stanley Brock
Samuel Herman
Nuchym Kaplan
Bell Birken
Philip Polansky
Rita Schreiber
Claire Baumwoll
Rose Davis
Phyllis Laszlo
Abner Smiles
Lawrence Herman
Coleen Werner
Erna Heyer
Max Rattner
Bernice Straus
John Wood
Harry Bennett
Elaine Carlin
Sidney Singer
Shirley Taffert
Roslyn Dembsky
Mae Karp
Susan Kovacik
Tessie Kravetz
Solomon Kugler
August 10, 2012
Mamie Levitt
Abraham Maselstein
Molly Stein
Sadye Chosak
Shirly Roth
Ruth Yanowitz
Albert Alfassa
Harold Casden
Beverly Finkelstein
Benjamin Gabrilove
August 10, 2012
Louis Helfand
David Lerner
Scott Miller
Irving Sadow
Tillie Dilbert
Sanford Elfenbein
Anna Goldstein
Melvin Kestenbaum
Rose Sloan
Pauline Zedeck
Melvin Berlin
Eleanor Paull
Rose Pozner
Helen Arnowitz
Simon Goldenberg
Eli Landsman
Charles Lazarus
August 17, 2012
Jean Desky
Beatrice Halperin
Ruth Trent
Max Feldman
Aaron Fine
Leon Raskin
Maurice Raznick
Edith Greenspon
Raymond Kruzel
Stanley Kurland
Jack Midanek
Edythe Salvato
Richard Sobelman
Bert Zuckerman
Rochelle Goldstein
Terri Levan Katz
Bruce Marell
Morton Sand
Sadie Weissberg
August 17, 2012
Milton Zwang
Sarah Appel
Celia Arber
Fred Fineberg
Sylvia Goldenberg
Morton Gutterman
Teddy Kennedy
Lester Russell
Irene Adler
Ann Quinter
Janie G. Rosen
Molly Stein
Samuel Asarnow
Hernando Duque
Brian Goldberg
Adele Krebs
Elaine Uris
August 24, 2012
Mina Garber
Milton Goldsmith
Gerry Siegel
Jack Weinman
Louis Zedeck
Gene Chajet
Jack Danz
Lenore Kleiman
Benjamin Krovetz
Solomon Nadler
Isadore Sloan
Bernard Altschuler
Eli Cohen
Simon Goldenberg
Jodi Gross
Harry Leskin
Grace Meyers
Hannah Savarick
Diane Bandalin
August 24, 2012
Phillip Ferer
Alfred Lieberman
Madia Lieberman
Harold Rose
Rose Whiteman
Lillian Imber
Patti Jenkins
Julius Ober
Meriam Schecter
Belle Memberg
Rebecca Nelson
August 31, 2012
Arthur Appel
Steve Citrin
Cynthia Esrick
Evelyn Goldfinger
Shirley Berlin
Mildred Gochman
Izach Robert Marcus
Andrew Michak
Larry Mickenberg
Mildred Strelzik
Stephen Haber
Earl Cole
Benni Miller
Solomon Rittman
Beatrice Weinrich
Sidney Baer
Lawrence Draizin
Isaac Friedman
Bhadra Hathaway
Martha Popper
Popeye Feldman
Estelle Grossman
Sam Brumer
Pauline Greenspon
Charles Nemeroff
Yahrzeit Notifications
Yahrzeit Notifications are sent to our members and friends who request this service.
It is a Jewish tradition to remember our loved ones by saying Kaddish, lighting a candle,
attending Services, and making a gift of Tzedakah.
Please call Karen Kofsky at (954) 680-1882 Ext #113 in the Main Office
at Temple Beth Emet to be notified of a Yahrzeit.
Yahrzeits  Sept. 7th - Sept. 28th
May Their Memories Be For A Blessing…
One of the most beautiful and meaningful customs of the Jewish people is to remember those
we have lost by memorializing our beloved through acts of Tzedakah and by saying Kaddish.
The following Yahrzeits will be acknowledged and Kaddish will be said
during Shabbat Services on the dates below.
September 7, 2012
Madolyn Ungar-Sakolsky
Gertrude Abrams
Stuart Cohen
Adolph Weiss
Allen Barkey
Florence Gore
Rivian Katz
Mattie Lipschitz
Hilda S. L. Menzies
Elizabeth Perl
Rhoda Rankin
Morris M. Siman
Sylvia Adler
Gerald M. DuBois
Leonard Haft
Leon Hyman
Ilene Phillips
Scott Brenner
September 14, 2012
Harry Bandalin
Martin Barrett
Harry Cooperstein
Pearl Ferer-English
David Lippin
September 14, 2012
Julia Rabin
Bernard Ross
Frieda Rothman
Maxine Bartel
Lily Hibnick
Gerald Schreiber
Arthur Whiteman
Tania Podell
Ruth Hageman
David Meyers
Werner Kahn
Louis Kalin
Ron Levy
Joe Roth
Lena M. Cooke
Pearl Hornstein
Abraham Huppert
Sam Leiss
Elsie Rosenberg
Rachel Tobias
Myron Deckelbaum
Martha Frank
Edward Freedman
Ruth Goldenberg
September 21, 2012
Mollie Greengold
William Paper
Stanley Schoenberg
Jack Shurack
Dorothy Lerner
Melvin Burris
Stanley Cohen
Lori Gudinas
Trudy Edelstein
Sadie Kane
Alvin Kreindel
Susan Weiss Schmidt
Donald Freeman
Susan Leventhal
Gustav Ross
Dorothy Wolin
Leonard Lipsky
Mickey Wolf
Lewis Kaplan
September 28, 2012
Mike Obrand
Fanny Faigin
Ike Gochman
September 28, 2012
Jerry Klugerman
Rose Wolfson Lindy
Beatrice Ganz
Chris Gordon
Martin Schott
Sylvia I. Schulman
Bernard Wallach
Nathan Agata
Jackie Dobrinick
Gertrude Pollack
Gordon Randell
Iby Salamon
Baby Weiss
Enid Berman
Oscar Colton
Blanche Luxenberg
Jacob Melamed
Irving Shapiro
Herman Triebwasser
Herbert Wagner
Natalie Cooperman
Leo Friedland
Melvin Greck
Fannie Rose
Honor and remember your departed loved ones this year.
List their name in our 5773 High Holy Day Yizkor Memorial Book.
This book will be distributed at Yom Kippur Yizkor Services on September 26, 2012.
Please see the Yizkor Memorial Book Order Form in this Bulletin.
Yizkor Elohim  Our Condolences To…
Hilliard Moldof on the loss of his Mother, Sarah Moldof
Julie Locke on the loss of her Mother, Irene Addis
Caryl Shuham on the loss of her Father, Alvin Sandler
Bob Roth on the loss of his Friend, Marty Dunn
Lori Baron on the loss of her Father, William O'Hay
Robin Morganstine on the loss of her Grandmother, Edith Pepper
Linda Klein on the loss of her Father, Jack Miller
Karol Naidus on the loss of her Uncle, Dominick Pasquiarillo
Maureen Barrett on the loss of her Niece, Brianna Austin
Lori Burke on the loss of her Grandmother, Rose Glick
“May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life”
August Birthdays
August 1
Eli Collin
Ethan Levine
Mrs. Merle Lundy
Erin Mandel
Mrs. Wendy Volcy
Jonas Westerlund
Aidan Winter
August 2
Corey Adario
Zachary Arenson
Connor Schweitzer
August 3
Mr. Douglas Adamsky
Daniel Greene
Elana Levine
Brian Silver
Mr. Mark Young
August 4
Rebecca Applebaum
Mrs. Debra Barkins
Mr. Russ Becker
Melissa Danz
Mr. Kenneth Epstein
Holly Essig
Joey Septoff
Michelle Shacter
Mr. Alan Stevens
August 5
Amanda Black
Mr. Thomas Evans
Mrs. Lyssa Flayman
Dr. Jerry Friedman
Mr. Jeffrey Gordon
Mrs. Robin Kopet
Michelle Wagner
August 6
Cara Barkey
Sean Curtis
Marisa DeBlois
Mr. Robert Riesenberg
Mrs. Meryl Trager
Dr. Gary Yanowitz
Zachary Zimmerman
August 7
Dr. Tara Ellsley
Mrs. Stephanie Gilfarb
Cassie Gubnitsky
Mrs. Rhonda Hernandez
Mrs. Carrie Horowitz
Mr. Mark Orovitz
Riya Satyaketu
Mrs. Jodi Solarana
August 8
Mr. Bruce Cooperman
Mr. Steven Feldman
Peter Rzepko
Mrs. Randi Weinstein
Mrs. Rochelle Zucker
August 9
Leah Applebaum
Mr. Brian Goldberg
Mrs. Gale Kaplan
Aaron Langbein
Jordan Marcus
Ms. Beth Mejia
Mrs. Lisa Reiser
Ilyssa Shacter
Mrs. Alison Wealcatch
August 10
Mrs. Dawn Applebaum
Mr. Paul Berkowitz
Mr. Charles Frishman
Mrs. Debra Hornstein
Dylan Moncada
Gina Patino
Michael Podel
August 11
Mrs. Amanda Amigo
Jordan Antevy
Jacqueline Bush
Noah Dolberg
Mrs. Alyse Edelstein
Mr. Steven Zaffos
Jonathan Zaidman
August 12
Kate Kaplan
Mrs. Sharon Kaplan
Ryan Rosen
August 13
Daniel Baer
Rebecca Baer
Angelia Jacobs
Dara Koch
Mr. Shawn Powell
Kevin Rafkin
Jordan Shears
Jonah Spiller
Mr. Matthew Wealcatch
August 14
Mr. Seth Amigo
Matthew Antecol
Aya Casden
Alex Gambach
Samantha Greene
Leah Johnston
Zachary Locke
Mr. Bruce Salzman
Dr. Lisa Slingbaum
Mr. Eric Steinman
August 15
Lauren Gostel
Eric Greenstein
Mr. Gerald Gubnitsky
Mr. Matthew Jerry
Mr. Andrew Kessler
August 15
Mr. Daniel Miller
Zachary Zimmerman
August 16
Rebecca Katz
Eva Linet
Mr. Paul Ranis
Sarah Reinstein
Seth Saidman
Kaleb Shafa
Mr. Avi Spiller
August 17
Mr. Jonathan Davidson
Andrew Davis
Mrs. Audrey Green
Mrs. Ronna Jonas
Mr. Joel Kaplan
Mr. Justin Rothschild
Mrs. Lisa Uchin
August 18
Nicole Finkel
Mrs. Sandra Friedland
Lauren Spear
August 19
Samantha Bimston
Mrs. Lori Burke
Mrs. Joy Chajet
Mr. Geoffrey DePass
Emilie Lenes
JoyRose Mahl
Mr. David Perez
Eric Schackne
Mr. John Simon
August 20
Mr. Gary Brown
Mr. Gil Kraus
Liza Margules
Andrew Rzepko
Mrs. Jessica Weissman
August 21
Zachary Fisher
Mitchell Knight
Isabel Westerlund
Bryan Zelitt
Agam Zohar
August 22
Danielle Bimston
Joseph English
Emily Holz
Mrs. Magda Kahn
Daniel Light
Jeremy Shir
Mr. Mark Woodham
August 23
Mrs. Frances Blocker
Dara Cimerberg
Mr. Michael Clausman
Jenna Cohen
Nathan Eccher
Bradee Hernandez
August 23
Mr. David Roth
Mrs. Deborah Schackne
Mrs. Janelle Schor
August 24
Dr. Murray Deckelbaum
Mrs. Sherril Levine
Mr. Marc Mutzman
Jonathan Pasquale
Mrs. Janet Schlang
August 25
Sarah Edelstein
Noah Levine
Mr. Scott Rosen
Mr. Michael Siegel
Jaime Sloane
Avery Zaffos
August 26
Sydney Kaufman
Mrs. Jamie Knight
Mr. Tom Neuman
Mr. David Roth
Mrs. Lois Slutsky
August 27
Abraham Bendayan
Mr. David Bergman
Alexandra Laurence
August 28
Melissa Meyers
Flora Ranis
Mrs. Lori Sobol
August 29
Rachel Alexander
Colby Ashey
Samantha Franco
Mrs. Elizabeth Margolis
Mr. Ralph Olesky
August 30
Mrs. Katherine Babbitt
Dylan Fineberg
Mrs. Debbie Goldstein
Zee Hernandez
Iris Kiner
Josh Phillips
Ethan Rittenberg
Ben Schlang
Sam Schlang
Jacob Smith
Leah Wolf
Sara Wolf
Myah Zohar
August 31
Nathan Farber
Mr. Jeff Kane
Mr. Jared Lerner
Julia Milgram
Zoe Shir
September Birthdays
September 1
Mr. Farrell Antecol
Stefano Batista
Quintin Bernstein
Ms. Sandi Cimerberg
Zachary Issenberg
Mr. Ronald Jacobson
Brittany Karpf
Erica Karpf
Mrs. Maria Rosen
Mrs. Jennifer Tacher
September 2
Brian Alston
Mrs. Deborah Clausman
Mr. Steven Mason
Kyra Mejia
Jack Naidus
Mr. Daniel Shir
September 3
Mr. Michael Bernstein
Mrs. Marci Footer
Dylan Gara
Jordan Gara
Michael Ginsberg
Bradley Krotowski
September 4
Chase Barrett
Danielle Bush
Mr. Marc Gruskin
Mr. Ken Heyder
Lisa Horvitz
Mrs. Teri Kaye
Eric Rappoport
September 5
Mr. Adam Barrett
Shana Gavilondo
Mrs. Beth Golden
Jeremy Haas
Mr. Steven McCord
Mrs. Helene Shear
Brendan Wasserman
Eric Weinstein
September 6
Marly Bouer
Mr. David Drobner
Ela Gozlan
Mrs. Alice Soskin
September 7
Ms. Diana Castillo
Adriana English
Mrs. Stacey Jerry
Mr. Ken Joseph
Michelle Kobelin
Melissa Libanoff
Mrs. Amy Miller
Mr. Maurice Zedeck
September 9
Mr. Gary Arenson
Zoey Fisher
Daniel Medina
Mrs. Miriam Weinberger
September 10
Mr. Neal Bush
Ms. Christi Desky
Elijah DeWoskin
Mya Kushner
Mrs. Randi Rothschild
Mrs. Jenniffer Weisberg
September 11
Ms. Toby Berkowitz
Mr. Lawrence Cooper
Courtney Epstein
Bayla Gerstenfeld
Mr. Matthew Wachs
September 12
Brooke Baron
Evan Blacker
Mr. Larry Burke
Mr. Joel Greene
Mr. Russell Kaplan
Dr. Sam Lerman
Mr. Frank Schreiber
September 13
Zackary Eccher
Mr. Richard Kahn
Meeghan Moldof
Sophia Steinman
Mrs. Shari Weissmark
Michael Woodham
September 14
Mr. Howard Agress
Madelyn Beinfest
September 15
Lauren Davis
Mr. Eyal Dayan
Mrs. Tara Issenberg
Mrs. Cheryl Karpf
Mya Rush
Mrs. Denise Sherman
Sandy Sherman
Mr. Allen Valinsky
Casey Weidenfeld
Brooke Wood
September 16
Melissa Brown
Mr. Robert Mahl
Heather Oken
Mrs. Eliana Szajnert
September 17
Lindsay Abbondandolo
Mrs. Hanna Alima
Mr. Mark Cohen
Nicole Levy
Mr. Richard Markowitz
Josh Weissman
September 18
Chad Allen
Mrs. Tamara Arenson
Mr. Marvin Bensman
Mrs. Julie Hernandez
Kym Kaplan
Mr. Marc Kaufman
Mrs. Mina Mandel
Mrs. Caryl Raudt
Mrs. Laura Weinberg
Mrs. Terri Weinstein
September 19
Mr. Richard Barnes
Mrs. Abby Blacker
Corey Friedman
Abigail Holz
Jennifer Holz
Mr. Joshua Shuch
Mrs. Andrea Steinberg
September 20
Dylan Adamsky
Josh Cimerberg
Alex Cooper
Mr. Isaac Franco
Mrs. Jami Genson
Mr. Mark Goldstein
Adam Lazarus
Morgan Lerner
Mrs. Robin Sheridan
Mr. Jeff Uchin
Mr. Michael Zelitt
September 21
Mr. Adam Baron
Mr. Stephen Chaikin
Mrs. Allyson Linder
Mrs. Judy Rappoport
September 22
Mr. Mark Friedman
Mrs. Lorraine Mahl
Jamie Marcus
Mr. Scott Nortman
Mrs. Adrienne Rosen
Michael Sheer
Joshua Wolf
September 23
Jake Horowitz
Mrs. Kevyn Markowitz
Jason Moncada
Carolyn Smitherman
September 24
Mr. Amit Alima
Christopher Ashey
Mrs. Faith Bieda
Mr. Howard Golden
Seth Grossman
Mrs. Aliza Novie
September 25
Mrs. Robyn Cutler
Mrs. RoseAnn Eisenberg
Sarah Garber
Jordan Kane
Mrs. Dana Metzger
Dr. David Robbins
September 26
Samantha Foster
Mr. David Friedman
Mrs. Michelle Goldberg
Maxwell Katz
Benjamin Milgram
Marc Schreiber
Brent Zimmerman
September 27
Liam Bendayan
Mrs. Eileen Cohen
Mrs. Rebecca Cooperman
Kurtis Gubnitsky
Mrs. Rona Hager
Mr. Carter Hall
Divya Satyaketu
September 28
Mrs. Myra Cox
Abigail Hoffman
Jacy Kruzel
Brett Martin
Mrs. Donna Rabinowitz
Brody Segaul
Mr. Robert Smolowitz
September 29
Kaila Deckelbaum
Mrs. Lisa Septoff
Joshua Turchin
Mr. Robert Wechsler
Mitchell Weiss
Mrs. Susan Yanklewitz
September 30
Herman Goodman
Mrs. Anne Koch
Mr. Mark Lewis
Mrs. Patricia Marks
Ryan Schwartz
Jeremy Victor
August Anniversaries
August 1
Tom & Billye D'Azevedo
David & Helen Sheffield
August 2
August 8
Brian & Sandra Wolf
August 9
Jeffrey & Myra Cox
Carter & Linda Hall
Adam & Alaina Jacobs
August 3
August 10
August 15
Murray & Leslie Deckelbaum
Scott & Shari Kleiman
August 17
Stephen & Lauren Johnston
Mark & Miriam Weinberger
Harold & Diane Issenberg
Brian & Melissa Shultz
August 18
Thomas & Dina Abrams
Ken & Melanie Winter
August 12
August 19
August 5
August 13
Stephen & Cindy Kushner
August 4
Michael & Robin Gusky
Scott & Nancy Levine
August 6
Bruce & Rebecca Cooperman
August 7
Brian & Wendy Firtell
Jared & Allison Lerner
Daniel & Nikki Miller
Lee & Sheryl Reback
Jeff & Robin Morganstine
Michael & Randi Adario
Tommy & Mina Mandel
Scott & Lori Sobol
August 14
Loren & Tammy Kushner
Daniel & Gail Levi
Randy & Marta Paul
Paul Ranis & Jane Sinagub
Brian & Leah Rush
David & Phyllis Friedman
David & Judith Drobner
Steve & Jackie Press
Jeffrey & Jessica Weissman
August 20
Amit & Hanna Alima
Rob & Beth Glassman
August 21
Marvin & Harriet Bensman
Sheldon & Irene Masel
August 22
Ricky & Gail Jacobs
Frank & Ellen Schreiber
August 23
Thomas & Jill Smitherman
August 25
Jonathan & Kathleen Salit
Jorge & Merav Victor
August 26
Bruce & Barbara Lenes
August 27
Brian & Agar McNulty
August 28
David & Irvene Foster
August 29
David & Debi Katz
Howard & Debbi Tanenbaum
August 30
Stanley & Karol Naidus
August 31
Alan Holz & Josie Stone
Steven & Kerin Mickenberg
Dan & Michelle Rubin
Robert & Jodi Solarana
September Anniversaries
September 1
Arthur & Marian Fishbein
Frank Hull & Stephanie
Eliot & Sandy Reifkind
Stuart & Lois Slutsky
Robert & Eleanor Wechsler
September 2
Adam & Rachel Barrett
September 3
Norman & Esther Freedman
Neil & Debra Hornstein
September 4
Ira & Janie Libanoff
September 4
Elliot & Janelle Schor
Steve & Nancy Winner
September 5
Barry & Tara Issenberg
Robert & Kathy Klausner
Stuart & Aggie Merker
September 6
Seth & Amanda Amigo
Andrew & Melissa Feirstein
Steven & Ann Yermish
September 13
Paul & Sheri Berkowitz
September 14
Theodore & Susan Kaufman
September 15
September 21
Mark & Rodi Friedman
Andy & Lisa Wasserman
Gary & Mindy Brown
Mitchell & Cheryl Karpf
September 22
September 16
September 23
Kenneth & Megan Friedman
Tom & Tammy Kleinman
Joshua & Haily Shuch
September 19
Harris & Marjorie Friedman
Richard & Phyllis Weiss
Jay & Whitney Zwerdling
September 27
Sam & Terry Lerman
September 29
David & Francie Horvitz
Michael & Ellen Williams
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