MeMo nr. 9 – Decembrie 2012 -Ianuarie 2013


MeMo nr. 9 – Decembrie 2012 -Ianuarie 2013
MeMo CAESAR nr. 9
1 decembrie 2012 – 1 februarie 2013
Echipa editorială
Politic: Isabela Pal, Andrei Ioan Stan
Economic: Daniel Farmache
Securitate: Andrei Ioan Stan
Social: Isabela Pal
Coordonator media: Isabela Pal
Editor: Maria-Magdalena Manea
Consiliul Editorial: Sebastian Burduja, Dan Nechita, Costin Elefteriu, Dragoș Preda
În plan economic, luna decembrie a fost marcată de câteva evenimente importante. Agenția
Națională de Reglementări în Domeniul Energiei a anunțat majorarea prețului la energie electrică
cu 10% de la 1 ianuarie, iar companiile din domeniul energiei eoliene au anunțat noi investiții în
dezvoltarea acestui sector. Pe plan politic intern, decembrie a fost luna alegerilor parlamentare și
a formării noului Executiv. România are acum cel mai mare for legislativ, iar Guvernul condus de
Victor Ponta, co-președintele Uniunii Social-Liberale, este format din 27 de miniștri, dintre care 9
miniștri delegați. Pe plan politic european, Regatul Unit se distanțează tot mai mult de UE, stând
departe și de sistemul european unic de supraveghere bancară. În plan internațional, UE și Rusia
au adoptat o poziție comună în favoarea Palestinei, iar comunitatea internațională susține
opoziția politică din Siria. În ceea ce privește securitatea internațională, NATO a anunțat
instalarea unor sisteme de rachete Patriot în Turcia, iar Coreea de Nord a lansat deja în spațiu
prima rachetă balistică capabilă să atingă teritoriul SUA.
Luna ianuarie a fost marcată, în plan economic intern, de vizita reprezentanților FMI în
România. Acordul pentru implementarea reformelor structurale a fost extins cu 3 luni, iar
termenul limită pentru vânzarea activelor statului a fost prelungit cu un an. Chevron a primit undă
verde pentru explorarea și exploatarea gazelor de şist în Marea Neagră, după ce un referendum pe
această temă a fost invalidat. În plan politic intern, Parlamentul României a votat măsuri pentru
întărirea imunității în ceea ce privește urmărirea penală, într-un context în care raportul Comisiei
Europene privind justiția și lupta împotriva corupției vorbește de necesitatea unui ritm mai
dinamic al refomelor democratice. În planul politicii europene, premierul britanic dorește
renegocierea tratatului de aderare, iar, internațional, relațiile inter-coreene par să se
normalizeze. La nivelul securității, ONU a anunțat că sprijină intervenția trupelor franceze în Mali
împotriva extremiștilor islamiști, iar Coreea de Nord și-a continuat testele nucleare în ciuda
reacțiilor de opoziție. În plan social, britanicii iau măsuri pentru reducerea fluxului de migrație
dinspre România și Bulgaria, iar România răspunde cu o campanie media de încurajare a
MeMo CAESAR nr. 9
Referendumurile pentru gazele de șist și pentru Roșia Montană, invalidate
Referendumul pentru exploatarea gazelor de șist a vizat regiunea din vecinătatea Marii Negre, unde
Chevron a anunțat că plănuiește proiecte bazate pe fracturarea hidraulică. Referendumul pentru
reînceperea exploatării aurifere de la Roșia Montană a fost, de asemenea, invalidat din cauza lipsei
de cvorum, voturile fiind, însă, majoritar pro-exploatare.
Bloomberg, Romania Regional Gold-Mine Referendum Invalidated, 10-12-2012
Bloomberg, Romania Regional Shale-Gas Referendum Invalidated, 10-12-2012
BCR restructurează 18% din angajați
Romania's largest lender, BCR, will cut 1,600 jobs and will close more than 60 unprofitable branches.
“This has been a tough market for Erste and other banks, but provisions for bad debt there should
fall significantly in 2013 when the volume of non-performing loans should peak”, Erste said.
Reuters, Romania's BCR bank to cut 18 pct of workforce, 17-12-2012
Piața primește bine numirea lui Ponta ca premier, în urma temerilor de instabilitate politică
“Romania’s foreign bonds rallied after President Traian Basescu nominated rival Prime Minister
Victor Ponta to form a new government, easing investors’ concern that a standoff between the two
politicians might ensue. […] The yield on 2022 dollar debt fell 5 basis points to a record 3.98% today,
according to data compiled by Bloomberg. “
Bloomberg, Romanian Eurobonds Rally as Designated Premier Plans New Cabinet, 18-12-2012
România extinde cu un an termenul limită pentru vânzarea activelor statului, agreată cu FMI
“Romania committed to an ambitious series of privatisations under a EUR 5bn deal that expires in
early 2013, but has only concluded a secondary listing in power grid operator Transelectrica, raising
EUR 38MM. The other companies targeted are natural-gas company Romgaz, Transgaz (TGN),
nuclear-power operator Nuclearelectrica, Tarom and CFR Marfă. The Government has not provided
any explanations for this postponement. “
Reuters, Romania delays IMF-agreed sale of state companies by a year, 19-12-2012
Prețul electricității crește cu 10% de la 1 ianuarie
Preţul energiei electrice se va majora cu 10% întrucât, pe lângă creşterea de 6% determinată de
recunoaşterea unor costuri mai mari de producţie de către ANRE, va avea impact pe factură şi
suplimentarea ajutorului acordat de stat producătorilor de energie regenerabilă.
Bloomberg, Romania to Raise Power Prices 10% From Jan. 1, 20-12-2012
MeMo CAESAR nr. 9
Investiţii noi în proiecte eoliene
„The country’s installed capacity may double in two to three years from 2 gigawatts at the end of
2012, Osborg [Monsoon Group] said.” “Enel Green Power connected three wind farms with a total
capacity of 206MW to the Romanian grid. They cost about EUR 340MM to build, bringing the
company’s total installed wind capacity in Romania to c. 500MW. […] Also, GDF Suez acquired Alizeu
Eolian SA, a local project company, to develop a wind park of c. EUR 90MM and 50MW, located in a
village in the county of Galati.” „Lukerg Renew will invest around EUR 135 million to build a [84MW]
wind farm in Eastern Romania, Tulcea region, after acquiring the wind project in late 2012.”
Bloomberg, Enel Green Power Starts up Three Wind Farms in Romania, 28-12-2012
Bloomberg, GDF Suez Plans to Invest 90 Million Euros in Romanian Wind Park, 21-12-2012
Business Review, Lukerg to invest EUR 135 mln in 84MW wind park in Romania, 14-01-2013
Bloomberg, Romania’s Wind Industry May Attract More Investment, 15-01-2013
Leul si activele romanești se apreciează după includerea obligatiunilor in indexul JPMorgan
Includerea obligaţiunilor de stat ale României în indexul JPMorgan GBI-EM, pentru pieţe emergente,
vine după o mişcare similară din partea Barclays. Ambele anunţuri au stimulat cererea pentru leu,
obligaţiuni romaneşti şi alte active, având un impact pozitiv asupra percepţiei investitorilor.
Bloomberg, Leu Climbs to One-Year High on Romanian Entry to JPMorgan Index, 16-01-2013
România plănuieşte taxe pentru producătorii de gaze pentru a compensa creşterea preţurilor
„The tax revenue will subsidise households that are expected to be hurt by rising charges as the
European Union's second-poorest state liberalises energy prices, an ongoing process lasting until
2017 for the electricity sector and 2018 for gas.”
Reuters, Romania plans tax on gas producers to subsidise price hikes, 21-01-2013
Cabinetul aprobă bugetul pe 2013, cu deficit-ţintă de 2.1%
Bugetul a fost agreat şi cu FMI. Ţinta pentru deficitul bugetar este 2.1%. Salariul minim va creşte de la
700 la 800 de lei, termenele de plată pentru industria sănătăţii vor scădea la 60 de zile, pensiile vor
creşte cu 4%, iar finanţare suplimentară ar putea veni din taxe pentru producătorii de gaze naturale,
dar şi din agricultură.
Bloomberg, Romanian Cabinet Approves 2013 Budget That Trims Deficit to 2.1%, 23-01-2013
Acordul cu FMI se extinde cu 3 luni, pentru implementarea reformelor structurale
Acordul cu FMI se extinde cu trei luni, în urma vizitei Fondului în România. După anul 2012, marcat
de evenimentele politice din vară şi de alegerile parlamentare, România are acum răgaz să
recupereze în implementarea reformelor structurale: privatizarea companiilor de stat,
MeMo CAESAR nr. 9
implementarea managementului privat, liberalizarea pieţei energiei. În lipsa stimulilor externi, pe
fondul problemelor din zona Euro, aceste reforme, alături de absorbţia fondurilor europene, ar
susţine creşterea economică a României. În următoarea perioadă, România s-a angajat să realizeze
oferta secundară Transgaz, privatizarea CFR Marfă şi să progreseze cu celelalte proiecte: privatizarea
Complexului Energetic Oltenia, Romgaz, Nuclearelectrica, Hidroelectrica şi măsurile bugetare.
Reuters, IMF delays expiry of Romania IMF deal, PM says, 28-01-2013
Bloomberg, IMF Mission to Propose Romania Accord Extension on Reform Delays, 29-01-2013
Romgaz a preluat Termocentrala de la Iernut
„Transferul dreptului de proprietate asupra CTE Iernut (800MW, n.r.) s-a realizat in scopul stingerii
datoriei pe care SC Electrocentrale Bucuresti SA o are fata de SNGN Romgaz SA. Discutiile cu Elcen
despre transferarea termocentralei Iernut la Romgaz, in contul unor datorii de 653 milioane lei, au
inceput inca de acum doi ani.”
Hotnews, Romgaz a preluat Termocentrala de la Iernut, 31-01-2013
România aprobă proiectele de exploatare de gaze de şist ale Chevron
„Exploration, yes. After confirmation of the existence or non-existence of shale gas, which would
take appreciatively five years, we will take the decision which presumes yes, we will exploit shale gas,
while respecting all European and world standards for environmental protection”, Ponta said.
Euractiv, Romania reverses course on shale gas, 01-02-2013
USL câștigă alegerile parlamentare
“The ruling Social Liberal Union, or USL, got 58.6 percent […] The opposition Right Romania Alliance,
aligned with President Traian Basescu, got 16.5 percent. The People’s Party of media owner Dan
Diaconescu received 14 percent of the votes, while the ethnic Hungarian party got 5.15 percent.”
Bloomberg, Romania’s Ponta Vows New Cabinet by Year-End on Victory, 10-12-2012
Alianţa România Dreaptă se dizolvă după alegerile parlamentare
“The alliance was created strictly for the purposes of promoting the cause of the right-of-center
political spectrum during this year’s elections. […] The announcement about the adoption of an ARD
joint program was made at the end of September this year. ARD entered the political scene with a
very strong anti-USL message.”
Romania Business Insider, First victim of the 2012 local elections: Right Romania Alliance dissolves
right after election day, 11-12-2012
MeMo CAESAR nr. 9
Cel mai mare Parlament românesc, cu 588 parlamentari
“Romania will have its largest number of MPs to date in this parliament, after the general election
results […] With 588 Senators and deputies […] the Parliament is close in size to the German
Bundestag, which has 622 MPs, in a country of 82 million people. Romania, with only some 19 million
people, now has twice as many MPs as the total number approved in a referendum in 2009, when
the idea of having a single Chamber Parliament was put to the people. It is also higher than the
current 471 – member Parliament.”
Romania Business Insider, Re-distribution of seats creates Romania’s largest Parliament: 588
members, 12-12-2012
Președintele CE Jose Manuel Barroso intervine cu privire la reţinerea președintelui de a-l numi pe
Victor Ponta pentru un nou mandat de prim-ministru
“One of the European Union’s top officials stepped into a political fight in Romania over who should
be appointed prime minister, saying the Romanian people had made a “clear choice” in last
weekend’s parliamentary election by backing the coalition of current Prime Minister Victor Ponta.
[…] there was a warning for Mr. Ponta too. Mr. Barroso said he welcomed “the commitment by all
Romania’s political actors to consolidating the rule of law and respecting democratic checks and
The Wall Street Journal, Barroso Wades Into Romania, 14-12-2012
Președintele Traian Băsescu îl numește pe Victor Ponta pentru un al doilea mandat ca primministru
“Romanian President Traian Basescu nominated Victor Ponta as prime minister for the second time
this year after the ruling coalition won a Dec. 9 election. […] The 40-year-old Ponta […] will control
more than two-thirds of Parliament’s seats.”
Bloomberg, Romania President Names Ponta For Second Term as Premier, 17-12-2012
Președintele și premierul semnează un acord de colaborare
“Basescu’s office said the president had handed the seven-point agreement […] to European Union
leaders. Its purpose was “to maintain political stability, and to ensure a functioning climate at an
institutional level, good governance and winning back the confidence of international markets,”
adding that both the government and the president will “respect their constitutional attributions.”
The Washington Post, Romanian PM, president pledge to stop insults in the interest of political
stability, 19-12-2012
Premierul Victor Ponta numește noul Cabinet
MeMo CAESAR nr. 9
“Ponta said […] that he plans to appoint Economy Minister Daniel Chitoiu, 45, to the Finance
Ministry, replacing Florin Georgescu, who will resume his post as central bank deputy governor. He
also appointed Liviu Voinea as minister-delegate to supervise the country’s budget, under the
Finance Ministry. Ponta also divided the Economy Ministry in three, separating a ministry for industry
and trade headed by a former Finance Minister Varujan Vosganian, one for energy led by Constantin
Nita and one for small- and medium-sized companies headed by Maria Grapini. Ponta appointed Relu
Fenechiu as transport minister and Eugen Teodorovici as the minister in charge with the absorption
of European Union funds.”
Bloomberg, Romania’s Ponta Names New Cabinet, Chitoiu to Finance, 19-12-2012
UDMR exclus din noul Guvern
“Ponta a precizat însă că își menţine decizia privind colaborarea cu UDMR […] Întrebat dacă UDMR va
primi funcţii de secretari de stat sau șefi de agenţii, Ponta a spus: "Nu se pune problema. Se pune
problema în domeniile esenţiale - drepturile minorităţilor, educaţie, cultură - acolo vor fi și
reprezentanţi ai comunităţii maghiare, dar nu se pune problema unei participări politice".
Wall-Street, Ponta anunţă: UDMR nu va face parte din Guvern, 17-12-2012
Cabinetul Ponta primește aprobarea Parlamentului
“Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta’s government won parliamentary approval, allowing the new
Cabinet to push through a 2013 budget and start talks for a new international precautionary credit.
The Cabinet […] pledged to create jobs, support foreign and domestic investors and respect the
judiciary and the rule of law. The government is counting on a two-thirds majority in Parliament to
pass projects, including revising the constitution and cutting some social contribution and taxes.”
Bloomberg, Romanian Lawmakers Approve Ponta Cabinet in Parliament, 21-12-2012
Comisia de la Veneţia: reforma Constituţiei trebuie să delimiteze între competenţele președintelui
și ale premierului
Comisia de la Veneţia consideră că "seria de măsuri adoptate de Guvern și Parlament în iulie într-o
succesiune rapidă care au condus la schimbarea din funcţie a Avocatului Poporului, președinţilor
celor două Camere ale Parlamentului, limitarea competenţelor Curţii Constituţionale, schimbarea
procedurilor privind referendumul de suspendare a președintelui și suspendarea propriu-zisă a
acestuia, luate individual dar și ca întreg, sunt problematice din punct de vedere constituţional și al
statului de drept."
Wall-Street, Comisia de la Veneţia: Reforma Constituţiei trebuie să clarifice competenţele
președintelui și premierului, 18-12-2012
Crin Antonescu, ales Președinte al Senatului
MeMo CAESAR nr. 9
“The Senate president, the second-highest position in the country, is elected for the entire legislature
2012 – 2016. The vote was by secret ballots and […] 136 senators voted in favor, while only 29
against him.”
Xinhuanet, Romania’s liberal leader elected Senate president, 20-12-2012
Votul, între Vest și Est
“ […] the president […] called upon his voters to cast their votes for those “who would preserve the
strategic alliance with the USA” and would not reorient Romania's external policies towards Moscow
and Beijing, not forgetting to mention the need to... “be friends with Russia and China”.
The Voice of Russia, Elections in Romania: the losers complain about the Voice of Russia, 10-12-2012
Instituţiile publice vor centraliza recrutarea pentru funcții publice pe un singur website
“Premierul Victor Ponta a anunţat că îl va coopta în echipa sa pe Cristian Botan, cel care a lansat anul
acesta un site de recrutare care centralizează toate posturile vacante din instituţiile statului.”
Wall-Street, Cristian Botan: În viitor instituţiile publice vor anunţa pe un singur site posturile
disponibile, 3-12-2012
România, între democraţie și post-comunism
“The problem is that many Romanians today believe that their revolution wasn't a 'real' one. They
say it was a 'Coup d'etat' - a seizure of power by a small clique of Communists, military leaders and
KGB agents. They feel betrayed by the revolution, let down by the fact that the post-1989
governments have failed to improve the economy or lift the population out of the mire of poverty.
[…] I think it's a real shame that Romanians are not proud of their great achievement in 1989. They
got rid of one of Europe's worst dictators and they should be very proud of that.”
The Huffington Post, Was Romania’s 1989 Christmas Revolution a Fake?, 21-12-2012
Aderarea României la spațiul Schengen depinde de evaluarea CE a progresului în justiție și corupție
“Appointments to key positions in the judiciary will continue to cause controversy in 2013. The most
recent episode involved the superior council of magistracy, the institution that guarantees the
independence of the judiciary. The election for the vice-president‘s position was postponed because
some of the council’s members didn’t agree with the nomination. Appointments for other key
judicial institutions such as the anti-corruption agency, the public prosecutor or the directorate for
investigating organized crime and terrorism will be made throughout 2013. […] the European
Commission is expected to publish a supplementary report on the progress on justice and corruption
made by Romania. Romania’s chances to get the Schengen membership depend on the upcoming EU
Commission report. […] The issue is expected to be debated at the next EU Justice and Home Affairs
Council in March. “
The Economist, What will happen to Romania’s judiciary?, 17-01-2013
MeMo CAESAR nr. 9
Președintele Băsescu respinge candidații la pozițiile anti-corupție
“Romanian President Traian Basescu rejected a proposal from the justice minister to appoint
Tiberiu Nitu as general prosecutor and Ioan Irimie to head the anti-corruption prosecutors’
department. […] Basescu said the selectionn process lacked transparency and failed to attract an
increased number of qualified candidates.”
Bloomberg, Romania President Rejects Nominees on Anti-Corruption Positions, 18-01-2013
Parlamentul României își întărește imunitatea în fața justiției
“Romanian members of parliament voted […] to boost their immunity from prosecution. […] The
deputies approved changes to a law that regulates their activity, […] making it harder for
prosecutors to investigate them for graft or conflict of interest. […] Another change approved by
the deputies softens the powers of the National Integrity Agency (ANI), an anti-graft watchdog
set up after Romania joined the EU in 2007 to investigate the wealth and potential conflicts of
interest among politicians.”
Reuters, Romania parliament boosts criminal immunity, may irk EU, 22-01-2013
EurActiv, Romanian parliament adds obstacles to fight against graft, 23-02-2013
Ponta vrea comasarea alegerilor europarlamentare și prezidențiale
“Premierul Victor Ponta a anunțat că a discutat cu președintele Traian Băsescu despre
posibilitatea că alegerile prezidențiale să fie organizate în luna mai sau iunie 2014, simultan cu
alegerile europarlamentare.”
Wall-Street, Ponta vrea comasarea alegerilor europarlamentare și prezidențiale, 23-01-2013
Premierul dorește clarificarea Constituției pe subiectul reprezentantului României la întrunirile UE
“The PM reported that he had discussed the idea with the President and the heads of the two
chambers. According to Mr Ponta, President Basescu replied “You can do what you want when
I’m gone.” The PM […] added that Romania’s Constitutional Court is powerless to make a
decision without clarification of the Constitution itself. “
Romania Business Insider, PM wants constitution to make him Romania’s official representative in the
EU, 28-01-2013
Comisia Europeană: România are nevoie de un ritm mai dinamic al reformelor democratice
“Romania […] has taken steps to address “serious concerns” about eroding democracy and needs to
increase the pace of reforms to keep the judiciary independent, the EU said. The coalition
government, supported by a super majority in Parliament, has made progress in dealing with
“challenges to the country’s constitutional order,” though it’s yet to appoint a new chief prosecutor
and anti-corruption head.”
MeMo CAESAR nr. 9
“Brussels also highlighted another major setback - a report by the National Integrity Agency against
ministers and senior officials under criminal investigation, published in November, which did not lead
to their resignations: Vice Prime Minister Liviu Dragnea, Transport Minister Relu Fenechiu and
Varujan Vosganian, Minister of Trade and Industry. […] Asked if the report augurs for the Schengen
accession of Romania and Bulgaria, Mark Gray said the Commission’s positions remains that CVM
and Schengen accession remain separate issues, and that the Commission considers both countries
are ready to join the EU border free area.”
Bloomberg, Romania Needs to Increase Democratic Reforms Pace, EU Says, 30-01-2013
EurActiv, Brussels turns the page on Romania’s ‘annus horribilis’, 31-01-2013
Vergil Voineagu a fost demis de Ponta de la conducerea Institutului Național de Statistică (INS)
“Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta has sacked the country's chief statistician, accusing him
of "severe error" in his projection of GDP for 2011. […] Ponta slammed the institute for a
shortfall of 21 billion lei (4.9 billion euros) […]. "This year, in order to respect the deficit aim we
have to cut one billion lei (in spending) because of a calculation error. Where from? From health,
education, the army, the police?" Ponta asked at a government meeting on Friday. He said the
INS had made erroneous projections for every year from 2003 to 2010.”
France 24, Romania statistics chief sacked for 'severe error', 05-01-2013
Adrian Năstase poate avea sentința redusă
“Former Romanian Prime Minister Adrian Nastase, who is currently serving a two-year jail
sentence in Romania, wrote a scientific paper and two books in the seven months since he’s been
in prison. This helped him earn the green light from the prison for early release, which will be
decided on February 12.”
Romania Business Insider, Prison commission OKs former Romanian PM’s early release: he wrote two
books, a scientific paper, 14-01-2013
Foști miniștri, interpreți și actori trăiesc în casele statului român la chirii sub prețurile pieței
“The recent publishing of a list of all people living in state-owned housing brought up some
names of people working in private companies, or owning private companies, who have
contracts with RA-APPS, the Government agency which handles state owned real estate assets.
[…] The Government also published a separate list, of people who should no longer live in
houses owned by the state – some of them are former ministers and former VPs of state
institutions. This list only includes five people. […] Prime Minister Ponta recently said the
number of work provided houses from RA-APPS should be reduced to 20 to 50, plus ten protocol
villas for the head of the state, Parliament chambers’ presidents and the PM, and the rest should
be sold. The recently published list reveals 258 people live in state-owned houses.”
MeMo CAESAR nr. 9
Romania Business Insider, Former ministers, singers, actors, living in state-owned houses in Romania,
some at lower that market rents, 17-01-2013
Coaliția USL dorește să reducă numărul parlamentarilor
“Romania’s ruling coalition the Social Liberal Union (USL) will propose that a maximum number
of 300 deputies is included in the new electoral law, set to be enforced by the end of June.
Another proposal is to have only two Senators representing each county, according to USL
leader, Prime Minister Victor Ponta. […] Romania has 41 counties and the capital Bucharest –
and a drop to two Senators per county would bring the maximum number of seats in Parliament
down to 400.”
Romania Business Insider, Ruling coalition wants to shrink Romania’s future Parliaments: up to 300
Deputies, only two Senators per county, 28-01-2013
Senatorul Dan Voiculescu a anunțat, în plenul Senatului, că demisionează din funcție
“Liderul FC, Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu, a declarat că demisia lui Dan Voiculescu din Senat are ca
scop "întarzierea întâlnirii cu justiția", menționând că este un gest "incalificabil".”
Wall-Street, Primele reacții după demisia lui Dan Voiculescu din Senat, 28-01-2013
Studiul asupra structurii Parlamentului României arată preponderența studiilor technice și o
reprezentare feminină slabă
“The re-election rate in the Romanian parliament is not as high as expected. […] Engineers,
economists lawyers and paralegals make up the bulk of MPs in the current Romanian
Parliament, Romania’s largest so far, and over a half of the members are new to the Parliament,
according to the recent study. […] Dividing parliament by political party and group, the
governing coalition the Social Liberal Union (USL) and the minorities have 70 percent – 413
MPs, a wide majority.”
Romania Business Insider, Romanian Parliament structure: technical studies, few women and lower
than expected re-election rate, 29-01-2013
Federația Rusă preia președinția G20
La începutul mandatului Rusiei în calitate de președinte al G20, Putin s-a adresat statelor membre
printr-un discurs ce a fixat principalele obiective ale acestei președinții:
"We believe that the Russian presidency’s main task will be to focus the G20’s efforts on developing
measures to stimulate economic growth and create jobs. What will this require? We think the
answer is clear: investment incentives, trust and transparency in markets, and effective regulation.
(...) We will also include two new issues on the financial agenda: financing investment as a basis for
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economic growth and job creation, and modernising national public borrowing and sovereign debt
management systems."
The Voice of Russia, Vladimir Putin addresses G20 member countries: 'Russia is ready for the broadest
possible cooperation on reaching G20’s objectives', 1-12-2012
Conferința ONU pentru mediu de la Doha a decis extinderea Protocolului Kyoto până în 2020
"Despite an objection from the Russian Federation (...) the extension of the 1997 UN-backed Kyoto
Protocol will keep it alive as the only legally binding plan for combating global warming even though
it will cover developed nations whose share of world greenhouse-gas emissions is less than 15 per
cent. (...) The US has refused to ratify Kyoto. The protocol also excludes major developing polluters
like China, the nation with the highest rate of pollution, and India."
Aljazeera, Key points of the Doha deal, 9-12-2012
Aljazeera, Deal reached in Doha to extend Kyoto protocol, 9-12-2012
UE și Rusia asumă o poziție comună în favoarea Palestinei
"The European Union and Russia on Friday denounced Israel's plans to expand settlements in the
occupied West Bank and urged Israelis and Palestinians to take ’bold and concrete steps towards
peace’. (...) ’The European Union and the Russian Federation are deeply dismayed by and strongly
oppose Israeli plans to expand settlements in the West Bank and in particular plans to develop the E1
area’." (declarație comună Ministrul de externe rus, Sergey Lavrov și Înaltul Reprezentant al Uniunii
Europene pentru Afaceri Externe, Catherine Ashton)
Reuters, EU, Russia condemn Israeli settlement expansion plans, 21-12-2012
Distanțarea Regatului Unit riscă să destabilizeze UE
"Britain is already not part of key EU policy areas. It is not a member of the Euro, it opts out of
border-free Schengen zone and, most recently, out of the single European banking supervisor.
Significantly, Cameron's government has also said it plans to opt out of swathes of laws in EU police
and judicial cooperation. This has prompted exasperation in Brussels and other EU capitals - but also
a keen sense of concern."
"If every member state were able to cherry-pick those parts of existing policies that they most like,
and opt out of those that they least like, the union in general, and the single market in particular,
would soon unravel." (Herman Van Rompuy, Președintele Consiliului European)
EUobserver, Cameron: British EU exit is 'imaginable', 18-12-2012
EUobserver, London could make EU 'unravel', 28-12-2012
Impasul geopolitic al Moldovei
"Despite regular political and media campaigns of unification with Romania, this scenario seems to
be almost impossible. Bucharest is not independent in its decisions, and Brussels is obviously not
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inclined to get a hotbed of ethnic tensions within the European Union. (...) Moldova is in a difficult
situation. The ruling elite want to integrate Moldova into the European Union, but it is not able to do
it. Integration into the Customs Union is possible, but it is impracticable, until a powerful political
force appears in Moldova."
The Voice of Russia, Republic of Moldova: National deadlock, 24-12-2012
Găgăuzia se opune integrării europene
Procesul de integrare în Uniunea Europeana al Republicii Moldova este periclitat de către decizia
parlamentului regional al Unității Teritoriale Autonome Găgăuzia de aderare la Uniunea Vamală
alcătuită de Federația Rusă, Belarus și Kazakhstan.
The Voice of Russia, Part of Moldova against joining EU, 1-12-2012
În ciuda protestelor populare, Constituția islamistă a Egiptului a fost aprobată prin referendum
"Two years since waves of unrest broke out across the Middle East and North Africa - sweeping away
long-entrenched rulers in Tunisia, Libya and Yemen as well as Egypt - well-organized Islamist parties
have emerged as the main beneficiaries. (...) Mursi's opponents say the new constitution could allow
clerics to intervene in lawmaking, while offering scant protections to minorities and women. (...) The
referendum follows Islamist victories in parliamentary and presidential elections, representing a
decisive shift in a country at the heart of the Arab world where Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood was
suppressed for generations by military rulers."
Reuters, Egypt approves constitution drafted by Mursi allies, 25-12-2012
Emisarul internațional pentru Siria, Lakhdar Brahimi, cere o schimbare reală și instalarea unui
guvern de tranziție cu puteri depline
"Change should not be cosmetic; the Syrian people need and require real change, and everyone
understands what that means," the UN-Arab League envoy said on the fifth day of his latest peace
mission to Syria. The transition period should not lead to the collapse of the state and its institutions,
we prefer (...) a project whose facilitation the parties have agreed upon, and, if they do not, the last
solution is going to the (UN) Security Council which will make a binding resolution."
Aljazeera, UN envoy calls for interim Syria government, 27-12-2012
Opoziția din Siria capătă susținere internațională
"More than 100 countries have recognised a new Syrian opposition coalition, opening the way for
greater assistance to the forces fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad, including possibly
military aid. (...) Military intervention does not appear to be in the cards for Syria, where the
government has the powerful backing of Russia, China and Iran."
Aljazeera, Syria opposition wins international backing, 12-12-2012
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Normalizarea relațiilor inter-coreene
Kim Jong a ținut un discurs rar pentru Republică Nord Coreană prin care transmitea mesaje de
mediere și unificare între nord și sud.
"An important issue in putting an end to the division of the country and achieving its reunification is
to remove confrontation between the north and the south. (...) The past records of inter-Korean
relations show that confrontation between fellow countrymen leads to nothing but war."
Al Jazeera, North Korean leader reaches out to S Korea, 01-01-2013
Pași către independență
Parlamentul catalan a trecut o declarație simbolică ce recunoaște regiunea drept suverană.
The Voice of Russia, Catalonia passes declaration of sovereignty, 23-01-2013
Cameron dorește renegocierea tratatului de aderare
Coaliția de guvernare vrea sa renegocieze relația Marii Britanii cu UE, ceea ce implică și un acord din
partea celorlalte 26 State-Membre. Mai mult, dacă recâștigă alegerile, premierul Britanic vizează
organizarea unui referendum în 2017 asupra apartenenței la UE.
"Britain's national interest is best served in a flexible, adaptable and open European Union and that
such a European Union is best with Britain in it," he said, telling reporters that he would "campaign ...
with my heart and soul" for a Yes vote on the new UK-EU settlement.
"Noting that "public disillusionment with the EU is at an all time high" in Britain, Cameron insisted
that it is "time to settle this European question in British politics ... People feel that the EU is heading
in a direction that they never signed up to. They resent the interference in our national life by what
they see as unnecessary rules and regulation. And they wonder what the point of it all is."
The Voice of Russia, Cameron promises In-or-Out Referendum on EU membership, 24-01-2013
Euobserver, UK looks to 2017 for EU membership vote, 23-01-2013
The Voice of Russia, UK to hold referendum on relations with EU in 5 years, 07-01-2013
Scoția nu are aceeași poziție cu Marea Britanie în privința UE
"Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond said on Wednesday that Eurosceptics in the British Prime
Minister David Cameron’s Conservative Party posed the biggest threat to Scotland's position in the
The Voice of Russia, Scottish PM slams David Cameron's EU vision, 24-01-2013
Franța și Germania revin la unison
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"In May we will table joint proposals ahead of the June EU council, on closer economic cooperation
in the eurozone, measures to boost competitiveness and to reform our labour markets. And we will
urge social partners to contribute to this endeavour," (Angela Merkel, Cancelarul Germaniei)
"You may have noticed that Angela and I are not from the same political family, but in the past eight
months, when I see the contribution of Germany and France, I can only welcome what we have
achieved to get out of the euro crisis." (Francois Hollande, Președintele Franței)
Apart from joint ideas on further eurozone integration, the two leaders also pledged to get a deal on
the EU seven-year budget at a summit due on 7-8 February.
Euobserver, France and Germany promise joint EU plans, 23-01-2013
Euronews, France, Germany mark 50 years of friendship, 22-01-2013
Marea Britanie pierde teren în interiorul UE
După anunțul supunerii unui referendum a apartenenței la UE, Marea Britanie pierde statutul de
lider al integrării europeane alături de Germania și Franța, acesta fiind vizat acum de Polonia.
"The Prime Minister [the UK's David Cameron] has shifted his country's position in the EU hierarchy.
From a country which was a natural member of the triumvirate capable of ruling the EU, Great
Britain has moved to the category of a country of special concern, which should be treated with care
in case it does something unwise, harms itself and leaves the Union. It means the group which holds
power in the Union will have a different shape." (Radek Sikorski, fost Ministru de Externe al Poloniei)
"If the UK decides to leave the EU, we will roll out the red carpet to businessmen [who want to leave
the UK]." (French foreign minister, Laurent Fabius)
Euobserver, Poland: UK no longer a leading EU country, 25-01-2013
NATO va instala sisteme de rachete Patriot în Turcia
În urma solicitării venite din partea statului turc în luna noiembrie pentru sporirea propriei securități
aeriene, Consiliul de miniștri de externe al NATO a aprobat amplasarea unor baterii cu rachete
Patriot la granița Turciei cu Siria. Deși Rusia, Siria și Iranul au protestat față de acestă cerere, în urma
negocierilor, ministrul de externe rus, Sergey Lavrov, a menționat că Rusia nu va interveni asupra
dreptului de auto-apărare al Turciei.
The Voice of Russia, NATO agrees to send Patriot missiles to Turkey, 4-12-2012
Aljazeera, NATO approves missiles on Turkey-Syria border, 5-12-2012
CSTO dorește propriul scut defensiv
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Organizația Tratatului pentru Securitate Colectivă, ale cărei membri sunt Rusia, Armenia, Belarus,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan și Tajikistan, va dezvolta un scut anti-aerian și anti-rachetă pentru apărarea
The Voice of Russia, CSTO to build joint anti-aircraft/anti-missile shield, 4-12-2012
Korea de Nord a lansat în spațiu prima racheta balistică cu o autonomie capabilă de atingerea
teritoriului SUA
"America led the denunciation of the unexpected launch of the Unha-3 rocket from Sohae Space
Centre, calling it a ’highly provocative act that threatens regional security’. (...) By conducting this
test, North Korea has broken United Nations Resolution 1874, passed unanimously in June 2009,
which bans the regime from conducting ’any launch using ballistic missile technology’. "
The Telegrapgh, North Korea rocket launch: Defiant Pyongyang crosses missile threshold, 12-12-2012
Bătălia pentru resursele Antarcticii
"Huge resources of oil and gas are hidden under the ice cover of the Antarctic. It is a proved fact but
at present the development of these fields is too difficult and unprofitable. In addition, many
countries are held back by the status of a continent. According to the treaty on the Antarctic, no one
has the right either to draw state borders there or develop mineral deposits.”
"As the Arctic ice continues to melt and resources slowly begin to be available the West has decided
to begin the militarization of the Arctic zone in a bid to gain control over the precious resources.”
The Voice of Russia, Militarization of the Arctic: ‘We have to rethink how war is fought’, 30-01-2013
The Voice of Russia, Who has the right to Antarctic?, 04-01-2013
ONU sprijină intervenția trupelor franceze în Mali
"The United Nations Security Council has unanimously endorsed the French intervention in Mali. It
came as French President Francois Hollande announced he's increasing troops to stop Islamist
extremists taking control of the capital Bamako. A pan-African force of 3,000 will join the French in
the coming weeks.”
The Voice of Russia, UN backs French intervention in Mali, 16-01-2013
Coreea de nord continuă testele nucleare
În ciuda reației comunității internaționale și a sancțiunilor rezultate după ultimul test, Coreea de
Nord își continuă programul nuclear prin efectuarea unui a treia lansări.
The Voice of Russia, Pyongyang warns of new nuclear test, 24-01-2013
Al Jazeera, North Korea 'plans to conduct nuclear test', 24-01-2013
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Sistemul NATO de baterii Patriot pentru Turcia este operațional
"The first of six Patriot missile batteries being sent to defend Turkey from possible attack from Syria
is now operational, NATO has said. (..) The batteries are being stationed around three southeastern
Turkish cities and NATO says it will protect 3.5 million Turks from missile attack. All batteries are
expected to be in place and operational by the end of January.”
Al Jazeera, NATO sets up defence system in Turkey, 27-01-2013
Sistemul britanic dicriminează studenții români și bulgari
“Romanian and Bulgarian students pursuing higher education in the United Kingdom face a tough
choice: the country has extended their work restrictions until January 2014.”
The Independent, Why is the UK biased against students from Romania and Bulgaria?, 02-01-2013
Britanicii iau măsuri pentru reducerea fluxului de migrație dinspre România și Bulgaria
“About 50,000 people from Romania and Bulgaria will come to the UK every year when restrictions
are lifted next year, think tank Migration Watch suggests, warning of "significant consequences" for
housing and jobs. […] Migration Watch, which supports tighter immigration controls, said its study
suggested its estimates could be considerably higher if there were to be a movement of Roma people
to the UK or if some of the nearly one million Romanians resident in Spain and Italy moved to Britain.
[…] Home Secretary Theresa May said in November temporary curbs could not continue under EU
law and the government was looking instead at limiting access to benefits and the NHS to reduce the
"pull factors" that encouraged migrants to come to the UK. […] The Home Office said: "We are
working to cut net migration from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands by the end of this
Parliament and our tough new rules are already taking effect with overall net migration falling by a
quarter in the past year.”
BBC, Migration Watch warning on Romania and Bulgaria immigration, 17-01-2013
The Telegraph, We don't want to conquer you or take your houses or jobs, Romania's top diplomat
tells UK, 16-01-2013
The Economist, EU and immigration: Fear-mongering, 23-01-2013
The Huffington Post, 'Anti-British Ads' Could Target Immigrants From Romania And Bulgaria, 28-012013
România răspunde temerilor britanice de migrație cu o campanie de promovare a turismului
“Half of our women look like Kate. The other half, like her sister,” the poster reads. Another points
out: “Charles bought a house here in 2005. And Harry hasn’t been photographed naked once.” […]
Restrictions on British visas for citizens of Bulgaria and Romania are due to be lifted at the end of the
year, and ministers are believed to be considering a “negative poster campaign” to protect Britain
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from an “invasion” of migrants from both countries and to correct the impression that Britain’s
streets are “paved with gold”.
The Independent, Worried about immigration? Then come to Romania - all our women look like Kate
and Pippa, 31-01-2013
The Huffington Post, Half Our Women 'Look Like Kate Middleton' Romanian Newspaper Says In 'AntiBritain' Ads, 31-01-2013
Lipsa medicamentelor pentru cancer îi determină pe pacienți să și le procure pe cont propriu
“Thousands of cancer patients in Romania struggle everyday to find the drugs their life depends on.
The country has been facing a severe cancer-drug shortage over the last two years as more than 20
types of medicine, especially the cheap ones, are very difficult or impossible to obtain. […] The
situation got worse in Romania compared to other EU countries because the country’s health-care
system is underfunded, highly corrupt and its drug regulation is inadequate. “
The Economist, A shortage of cancer drugs, 28-01-2013
3 români arestați pentru furtul picturilor din galeria de artă Kunsthal din Rotterdam
“Seven masterpieces by artists including Picasso and Monet were stolen from the Kunsthal Museum
in Rotterdam last October. […] Experts estimate the items taken could be worth 18 millions euros if
sold legally at auction.”
BBC, Rotterdam Dutch art thefts lead to Romania arrests, 22-01-2013
The Economist despre mass media din România
“Romania’s media—for a time one of the most independent-minded press corps to be found in exSoviet Europe—is once again in the grip of the old guard, who are given to laying off journalists en
masse when they write something unpleasant. […] The recent coverage of the death of a Romanian
celebrity was more illustration of how the standards of Romania’s media are deteriorating. […]
“What we have now is the confluence of an uneducated public, uneducated journalists and poor
quality editors.”
The Economist, Romanian media: Trivia and sleaze, 16-01-2013
România, pe locul 42 în ceea ce privește libertatea presei
În acest an, țara noastră ocupă cea de 42-a poziție în clasamentul mondial privind libertatea presei al
organizației Reporteri fără Frontiere. Potrivit acesteia, clasamentul de anul acesta reflectă mai bine
decât în trecut atitudinile și intențiile guvernelor raportate la libertatea presei pe termen mediu și
lung. Primele trei poziții au fost ocupate, ca și anul precedent, de aceleași țări europene: Finlanda,
Olanda și Norvegia. România a înregistrat un progres de 5 poziții față de 2012.
Reporters sans Frontières, Après Les Printemps, Les Espoirs Déçus, 30-01-2013
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