See the complete agenda, featured speakers, workshops, and topics


See the complete agenda, featured speakers, workshops, and topics
Friday, May 14, 2004
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.- 6:30 p.m.
African American Healthy Marriage Initiative
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago Circle Center
This agenda is Interactive, just click on the
750 S. Halsted St.
name to see the Bio.
Chicago, Il.
May 14- 15, 2004
Gala Reception and Chicago Premier of Jump the Broom
Gala Reception
White Oak-A
Inner Circle
Opening and Welcome
Mistress Of Ceremonies
Merri Dee WGN-TV9
Entertainment: Wayburn Dean
Greetings from Conveners
C. Everett Wallace, President
Center for New Black Leadership
Harry Johnson, President
Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc.
Illinois Room
Thomasenia Cotton, Executive Director
Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America
Vivian Berryhill, President
National Coalition of Pastor’s Spouses
Roland Warren, President
National Fatherhood Initiative
HHS Welcome
Clarence Carter, Director
Office of Community Services
HHS Administration for Children and Families
Washington, DC
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Special Chicago Presentation of
"Jump the Broom"- Have a Healthy Marriage
8:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Discussion and Audience Reaction
8:30 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.
Closing Remarks
Joyce A. Thomas, Regional Administrator
Saturday, May 15, 2004
7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Thomas Melancon and Mary Dee
HHS/ACF Region V-Chicago Co-Lead AAHMI
Plenary and Workshop Sessions
Continental Breakfast
Opening Ceremonies
White Oak-A
Mistress of Ceremonies
Effie Rolfe
Pastor Jeffrey A. Johnson,
Eastern Star Church
Chair, Indiana Healthy Marriage Initiative
Welcome from Conveners and Partners
C. Everett Wallace, President
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Center for New Black Leadership
Harry Johnson, President
Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc.
Thomasenia Cotton, Executive Director
Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America
Vivian Berryhill, President
National Coalition of Pastor’s Spouses
Page 1 of 6
Roland Warren, President
National Fatherhood Initiative
Illinois Room
African American Healthy Marriage Initiative
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago Circle Center
This agenda is Interactive, just click on the
750 S. Halsted St.
name to see the Bio.
Chicago, Il.
May 14- 15, 2004
Governor Rod Blagojevich
State of Illinois
Representing the Governor
Carol L. Adams, Ph.D., Secretary
Illinois Department of Human Services.
Clarence Carter, Director
Office of Community Services
HHS Administration for Children and Families
Washington, DC
Suzanne Krohn, Acting Regional Director
Office of the Regional Director
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Wayburn Dean
Contemporary Christian Singer
Introduction of Featured Speaker
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Dr. Patricia Ware
Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Advisor to the AAHMI
Featured Speaker
Rev. Dr. C. Jeffrey Wright, President and CEO
Urban Ministries
Lansing, IL
10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
A.M. Workshops 10:45 -12:00
1. Effectively Communicating Your Message
This workshop will focus on why
marriage matters, the importance
of the AAHMI and how FaithBased
organizations can best tell their
story to their constituents and the
Illinois Room
Lydia Eady,Vice President
Johnson Publishing
Chicago, IL
Roland Martin, Journalist
ROMAR Media Group
Dallas, TX
Effie Rolfe
2. Identifying and Securing Resources and Funding
This workshop will focus on what
Federal, State and community
resources are available for healthy
marriage initiative activities and
how to secure and pay for them.
Rev. Dr. Rozario Slack
First Things First
Chattanooga, TN
Dr. William Rodgers
Holy Redeemer Institutional COGIC - CCF Intermediary
Milwaukee, WI
Moderator and Presenter
Sharon Fujii, Regional Administrator
San Francisco, CA
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Fort Dearborn-B
African American Healthy Marriage Initiative
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago Circle Center
This agenda is Interactive, just click on the
750 S. Halsted St.
name to see the Bio.
Chicago, Il.
May 14- 15, 2004
This session will cover the “how
implementing healthy marriage
services in a community. Speakers
will draw upon real life examples
and use of the “6 Step Plan” for
establishing a Healthy Marriage
3. Developing Your Local Healthy Marriage Initiative – 101
Pastor Dion Evans, Director
Room 603
Marriage and Family Strengthening Initiative
Oakland, CA
Rev. Marjorie Lewis
Sojourner Ministries
Denver, CO
Malverna N. Streater, Co-founder
Team Streater Seminars Marriage Enrichment Programs
Tallahassee, FL
4. Impact of Separation (Incarceration)
This workshop will focus on the
vital role Faith-Based and
Community organizations play in
supporting and providing marriage
sustaining and other services to
couples impacted by separation
due to incarceration
Room 605
Addie Richburg
National Black Church Task Force Initiative
on Crime and Criminal Justice
Washington, DC
Rev. Warren Dolphus
Chief Domestic Strategist
National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
Tom Sullivan, Regional Administrator
Denver, CO
5. Reaching Our Youth
This session will focus on the
need to reach youth by promoting
healthy lifestyles, life choices and
the importance of marriage and
family formation as one of the key
elements of positive youth
development. The session will
also provide best practice
information in this area.
Room 613
Vivian Berryhill, President
National Coalition of Pastor’s Spouses
Memphis, TN
Dr. Patricia Ware
Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Advisor to the AAHMI
Alicia Jackson
MEE Productions
Cassandra Chaney, Doctoral Student
Department of Human and Community Development
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
6. Using Research and Applying It To Practice
This workshop will provide
participants with current, useful
research information on the status
of marriage generally, and more
specifically in the African
American community.
addition, it will introduce models
of various types of marriage
education programming (both
secular and non-secular) that are
Dr. Linda Malone-Colon, Ph. D.
Hampton University
Hampton, VA
Rev. Dr. John H. Stanfield II, Ph. D.
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Katie Williams, Team Administrator
HHS/ACF Region V
Chicago, IL
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Room 713
African American Healthy Marriage Initiative
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago Circle Center
This agenda is Interactive, just click on the
750 S. Halsted St.
name to see the Bio.
Chicago, Il.
May 14- 15, 2004
This session will cover the importance
of ensuring that marriage education
opportunities are available to young
adults who are approaching, or have
reached the age, at which marriage
becomes a real option in their lives.
information on the types of programs
and resources available to young
adults, and ways to see that they are
implemented by Faith-Based and
Community organizations as part of a
local AAHMI.
7. Before You Jump: Marriage Education for Young Adults
Andrew & Terri Lyke
Moderator & Presenter
Rev. Clarence Shuler
Building Lasting Relationships, Inc.
Colorado Springs, CO
8. Fatherhood and Marriage-We Need Both.
This workshop brings together
research and best practices on
why Fatherhood and Marriage
matters to children. Hear from
leaders and AAHMI
partners who are linking these
systems at the community level.
Cardinal Room
Lyke to Lyke Consulting
Chicago, IL
Dr. Jeffrey M. Johnson
Room 315
President/CEO, NPCL
Washington, DC
Dr. Ronald B. Mincy
Columbia University
Fatherhood in Fragile Family’s
New York, NY
Moderator and Presenter
Leon McCowan, Regional Administrator
Dallas, TX
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Master of Ceremonies
Derrick Blakley-News Anchor
Illinois Room
CBS TV2 Chicago
Blessing of Meal
Rev. Dr. Alan V. Ragland
Third Baptist Church of Chicago
Box Lunch
Music/Entertainment-Coral Thunder
P.M. Workshops 1:30-2:45
This workshop will focus on
why marriage matters, the
importance of the AAHMI and
Community organizations can
best tell their story to their
constituents and the public.
1. Effectively Communicating Your Message
Lydia Eady, Vice President
Cardinal Room
Johnson Publishing
Chicago, Illinois
Roland Martin, Journalist
ROMAR Media Group
Dallas, TX
Derrick Blakely – News Anchor
CBS TV2 Chicago
This workshop will focus on
available for healthy marriage
initiative activities and how to
secure and pay for them.
2. Identifying and Securing Community Resources
Rev. Dr. Rozario Slack
First Things First
Chattanooga, TN
Pete Jackson, Chief Community Officer
City of Jacksonville, Florida
Moderator and Presenter
Carlis V. Williams, Regional Administrator
Atlanta, GA
Page 4 of 6
Fort Dearborn-B
African American Healthy Marriage Initiative
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago Circle Center
750 S. Halsted St.
Chicago, Il.
May 14- 15, 2004
3. Developing Your Local Healthy Marriage Initiative – 101
This session will cover the “how
to’s” of developing and
implementing healthy marriage
services in a community.
Speakers will draw upon real life
examples and use of the “6 Step
Plan” for establishing a Healthy
Marriage Initiative.
Illinois Room
Bernadette Karanja-Njaaga, MBA
OIC of Greater Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI
Rev. Darrell L. Armstrong
Pastor-Shiloh Baptist Church/President-NJ Healthy Marriages Coalition
Co-Founder-African American Healthy Marriages Intv. (NJAAHMI)
Trenton, New Jersey
Moderator and Presenter
Bill Coffin
HHS/ACF Special Assistant for Marriage Education
Washington, DC
4. Impact of Domestic Violence
This workshop will focus on the
vital role of bridging the gap
between Domestic Violence and
the Healthy Marriage Initiative.
Topics covered will include
addressing issues, dispelling the
myth of expectations to keep
relationships, partnering with
others in the community for
incorporating the domestic
violence component within the
Healthy Marriage Initiative and
the coalition.
This session will focus on the
need to reach youth by
promoting healthy lifestyles, life
choices and the importance of
marriage and family formation as
one of the key elements of
positive youth development.
The session will also provide
best practice information in this
Room 603
Dr. Ruth Lambert, Ph. D.
Indiana Healthy Marriage and Family Coalition
Indianapolis, IN
Dr. Sterling Lands, ll, DDiv
Greater Calvary Baptist Church
Austin, TX
Dr. Ada Skyles, Ph.D., JD.
The Chapin Hall Center for Children
At the University of Chicago
Chicago, IL.
5. Reaching Our Youth
Rev. Robert E. Streater, III, Consultant
Room 605
Capital City Youth Development Corporation
Tallahassee, FL
Paula DeBoles-Johnson, M.P.A., CCM
Executive Director
Capital Youth Development Corp.
Tallahassee, FL
Rev. George Young
Holy Temple Baptist Church of Oklahoma
Oklahoma Marriage Coalition
Oklahoma City, OK
Cassandra Chaney, Doctoral Student
Department of Human and Community Development
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This workshop will provide
participants with current and
useful research information on
the status of marriage generally,
and more specifically in the
African American community.
In addition, it will introduce
models of various types of
programming (both secular and
non-secular) that are available,
and options for implementation.
6. Using Research and Applying It To Practices
Rev. Dr. John H. Stanfield II, Ph. D.
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Dr. Linda Malone-Colon, Ph.D.
Hampton University
Hampton, VA
Annie Boston, Team Administrator
HHS/ACF Region V
Chicago, IL
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Room 613
African American Healthy Marriage Initiative
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago Circle Center
750 S. Halsted St.
Chicago, Il.
May 14- 15, 2004
7. Before You Jump: Marriage Education for Young Adults
This session will cover the
importance of ensuring that
opportunities are available to
approaching, or have reached
the age, at which marriage
becomes a real option in their
The presenters will
provide information on the
types of programs and resources
available to young adults, and
ways to see that they are
implemented by Faith-Based and
Community organizations as
part of a local AAHMI.
This workshop brings together
research and best practices on
why Fatherhood and Marriage
matters to children. Hear from
leaders and AAHMI
partners who are linking these
systems at the community level.
Dan & Gail Tate
Room 713
Louisiana Family Council
Community Based Approach
Metairie, LA
Moderator and Presenter
Nisa Muhammad, President and CEO
Wedded Bliss Foundation
Washington, DC
8. Fatherhood and Marriage-We Need Both.
Dr. Waldo Johnson, Ph. D. Associate Professor
Room 315
School of Social Service Administration
The University of Chicago
Chicago, IL
Dianna Durham-McLoud, President and CEO
Illiana Coalition for Family & Community Restoration
Chicago, IL
Dr. Kirk E. Harris, J.D., Ph.D
Sr. Group Vice President General Counsel
Family Support America
2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closing Ceremonies
A Celebration of Marriage
Illinois Room
Derrick Blakely - CBS TV2 Chicago
Ms. Iyanla Vanzant
Writer and Inspirational Speaker
Silver Spring, MD
Standing The Test Of Time: Julie Rainbow
A discussion of the experiences of a group of married couple who have been married for different
lengths of time
Featuring Local Couples
4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closing Remarks
Diann Dawson, Director
DHHS/ACF Office of Regional Operations
Washington, D.C.
Youth Response
Jeffrey Roman, Development Specialist
OIC-GM National Abstinence Education Project
Rosalie Manor Community and Family Services
Milwaukee, WI
Rev. Dr. Alan V. Ragland
Third Baptist Church of Chicago
Chicago, IL
Page 6 of 6
Illinois Room
Merri Dee, Director of Community Relations, celebrates over 30
years at Chicago’s WGN-TV Channel Nine. She serves as liaison
between WGN-TV and community organizations, ensuring the
station serves the needs of the diverse local coverage areas, and
represents Tribune Company nationally. This role enables her to oversee various public service
campaigns, reaching over 57 million homes. She manages WGN-TV Children’s Charities, a
fund of the McCormick Tribune Foundation, whose commitment to improving and enriching the
lives of children and their families is strong and unwavering. Since undertaking this program,
over 25 million dollars have been raised and donated to organizations focusing on children’s
Dee began her career in 1966 as a radio personality, and quickly moved to WGN-TV as a
newscaster and talk radio host.
Dee is known for her extensive charitable work and her commitment to social service.
She is a nationally recognized motivational speaker and is in constant demand as a toastmistress,
panelist moderator and fund-raising strategist while also hosting a variety of television specials.
Merri Dee has made the welfare of children waiting to be adopted in Illinois her pet
project. Illinois’ Governor recently commended Dee and WGN for increasing the number of
adoptions in the State of Illinois over 50 percent. A strong believer in education, Dee has hosted
the United Negro College Fund’s Telethon, serving two years as the “volunteer” general
chairman and hosting the Easter Seals Telethon and the Bud Billiken Parade 25 years.
She is one of the founders of “Athletes for a Better Education,” where she worked with
high school athletes, their parents, coaches, educators, and other sports representatives. Six of
these athletes are professional basketball players, coaches or managers.
Dee is considered both unique and courageous because of her strength to survive gunshot
wounds to the head when she and a television guest were kidnapped from the TV station.
Lobbying state and city politicians, she assisted in the passage of Illinois’ first Victims Bill of
Rights legislation that has served as the model for the United States of America. Today she
travels nationwide sharing her wisdom on how “A Victim Becomes a Survivor.”
She is the recipient of numerous awards, including:
“Outstanding Media Person,” AT&T
“Outstanding Community Role Model,” Kellogg’s Corporation
“Volunteer of the Year Award,” Chicago Board of Education
“The National Voice Award,” Nat’l. Comm. to Prevent Child Abuse
“Adoption Activist” North American Council on Adoptable Children
“Adoption Spokesperson Award,” the Adoption Information
Center of Ill.; Child Care Assoc. of Ill., One Church One Child,
And the Department of Children & Family Services
“Outstanding Leadership Award,” YWCA of Metro. Chicago
“Woman of the Year,” Today’s Chicago Woman News
Mercedes Benz “Mercedes Mentor Award,” Chicago Magazine
“Community Service Award,” National Baptist Institute
“Silver Circle,” Chicago Academy of TV Arts and Sciences
“Lifetime Achievement Award,” Univ. of Ill. Center on Women and Gender
“Gracie Allen Award” for Adoption Campaign, National Assoc.
of American Women in Radio and TV
“Lewis University” Honorary Doctorate Degree
Dee serves on the boards of several organizations including: Ronald McDonald House
Charities, Associated Colleges of Illinois, Adoptions Unlimited, Junior Achievement, The
Gateway Charitable Foundation, National Tree Trust Foundation, and the Chinese American
Service League. She continues to serve on the Illinois Attorney General’s Violent Crime
Victims Commission and the States Attorney’s Advisory Council on violence.
Biographies – Forum Participants
Wayburn Dean
Dean, Wayburn
Wayburn is an acomplished vocal recording artist who has traveled all over the globe performing
Contemporary Christian music for God. He is the former lead singer for the nationally/internationally
known Contemporary Christian group Acappella. But more importantly Chris Lemke of WCSG Radio
says: “It’s great to see the heart and song of an individual brought together for God’s glory. That’s
Wayburn Dean. God has enabled him not just to sing, but to sing with the purpose of pointing others to
Jesus Christ. It’s an honor to witness God’s work through him...” Chris Lemke Operations Manager,
After recording 12 albums with the group, Wayburn has launched his first solo record this year. This time
its not an acappella recording but a powerful, creative record with a dynamic pop/R&B sound. During
Wayburn’s five years with the group Acappella, he received several national awards including: 2 Dove
award nominations and a Grammy nomination for his vocal performance on the hit song “Rescue” in
1993, which sold over a million copies. Wayburn has traveled to 13 different countries and was awarded
the prestigious Rubel LIfetime Acheivement award for his accomplishments in acappella performance and
production. That same year, his was the voice you heard on the songs “Build a Bridge”, and “Take The
Time”, duets with Michael English on his 5 time Dove award and Grammy award winning album in 1991.
Most recently, Paramount Pictures selected Wayburn's arrangement of the song Swing Low Sweet
Chariot from the 1993 Acappella Spirituals Album as a pivotal selection in the storyline of the motion
picture "Fighting Temptations" with Cuba Gooding Jr. and Beyonce Knowles. David Zaffiro, six time dove
award winner assisted on the record and he states “In all my 25 years in music I have never mixed an
easier voice. Wayburn has a unique gift that enables you to travel with him on a musical journey that
points upward. His music is fresh, relevant and captivating”. Today, as a result of his travels, which were
quite extensive, some 275 dates a year with Acappella, Wayburn has an enormous fan base who are
anxious to hear from him again.
Artist Name: Wayburn Dean
Musical Style/Genre: Pop R&B. A blend of pop sounds mixed with
a tasteful R&B rhythm and groove.
City of origin: Grand Rapids MI
Key Points of Interest:
- Acappella Rescue album - platinum
- Just completed new solo record scheduled for re-release October 15, 2002
- Performed in Sao Paulo Brazil April, 2002
- Kyle Fenton Radio Promotions, May Day Radio Promotions
- May Day Promotions – Michelle Younkman
- Distributed by New Day Christian Bookstores/Spring
- Arbor/Family Christian Stores/Hastings Bookstores/Meijers Stores
- Signed Contract with Millennial Records, April 2002
- Signed deal with publicist Lynn McCain
- 1st
Radio Release “A Thousand Times” received significant radio play
Additional Data:
- Upcoming review on website
- Interviews and reviews will continue to be solicited to press and radio
- Article in Christian Chronicle Magazine November 2002
- CCM Magazine article, November 2002
1990 Sweet Fellowship Produced by Keith Lancaster Clifty Records
1990 Growing Up In The Lord Produced by Keith Lancaster Clifty Records
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 16
Biographies – Forum Participants
Wayburn Dean
1990 Acappella Carols Produced by Keith Lancaster Clifty Records
1991 Rescue Produced by Keith Lancaster Word/Epic
1991 We Have Seen His Glory Produced by Keith Lancaster Word/Epic
1992 Acappella America Produced by Keith Lancaster Word/Epic
1992 Acappella Spirituals Produced by Keith Lancaster Word/Epic
1993 Set Me Free Produced by Keith Lancaster Word/Epic
1994 Acappella Gold Produced by Keith Lancaster Diamante
1995 Spirituals Long Play Produced by Gary Miller Diamante
1997 Acappella Platinum Produced by Keith Lancaster Diamante
2000 The Acappella Collection Produced by Keith Lancaster Diamante
2002 As Long As I Live Produced by Wayburn Dean Christian World
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 17
Effie Rolfe
Media Personality, Consultant and Speaker
Effie started her broadcast career with Willis Broadcast Network at WWCA in Gary, Indiana. She
worked as a weekend radio announcer from 1987 to 1990. While working with Willis Broadcast Network,
she was heard in more than 100 cities including Baltimore, Washington D.C., Norfolk, Memphis, Raleigh,
and St. Louis. In 1990 she went to WJPC AM/FM as Sunday morning host. With less than 5 months at
WJPC, she moved to WGCI AM in 1991where she replaced the late Grammy Award winning Reverend
Milton Brunson, founder and director of the Thompson Community Singers. For over a decade, her golden
voice was known on WGCI-AM as the morning, midday and evening hosts with each show maintaining
the highest ratings on the station. In February 2001, Effie was promoted to host of “The Music of Love
and Inspiration”—the show is currently and has been #1 on Sunday mornings in Chicago on WGCI-FM.
Each week, this seasoned media personality reaches a cumulative audience of nearly 1 million listeners.
Since 2000, Effie has been the Entertainment Reporter and Guest Host on the popular Christian
Entertainment program, Gospel City Videos. In October 2002, the nationally syndicated weekly gospel
program, The Sounds of Inspiration was launched. Each week she hosts and produces the show which
features celebrity interviews, your spiritual vitamin of the week, a health moment as well the independent
artist showcase. The show is heard in more than five states and 50 cities including Flint, Saginaw,
Milwaukee, Memphis, Holly Springs, Tunica and Little Rock. In October 2003, she became a weekly
columnist with the Weekend Edition of The Chicago Defender. Her column, The Sounds of Inspiration,
features leaders, executives and local and national celebrities in the gospel music industry.
A mainstay in the Chicagoland area, each year, the popular media personality speaks and hosts hundreds of
programs for civic and urban faith based organizations including The Chicago Gospel Fest; WGCI
Annual Holiday Program; The Quaker Oats Gospel Competition; The McDonald’s Gospel Choir
Search; WGCI Music Seminar; Jubilee Showcase Review w/ Sid Ordower, Tribute to Thomas A.
Dorsey at the Chicago Public Library and The Chicago Gospel Icon. She has volunteered extensively
as a mentor and life coach for the Chicago Public Library Chicago Housing Authority Literacy
Initiative Program. Also, she volunteers at the Forever Free Wholistic Center for Women and
Children On Substance Abuse, WGCI Annual Toys & Coats Drive, Annual Feed The Hungry Drive,
Black on Black Love Prison Outreach Ministry and various neighborhood outreach programs.
The Arkansas native received her education from East Arkansas Community College, the University of
Arkansas At Fayetteville and the University of Illinois in Chicago. She has received numerous awards
including The Secretary of State’s Office (Jesse White) Honoring African American Women in
Media, Chicago Urban League of Women, Kizzie Award and a Stellar Award for Gospel Announcer
of the Year. Memberships and Associations include the NAACP, Operation Push, The National
Council of Negro Women, Chicago Association of Black Journalist, American Women Journalists,
Gospel Music Association, GMWA Nat’l Announcer’s Guild, as well as Vice President of the Chicago
Area Announcer’s Guild.
She has written numerous articles and columns for various magazines and newspapers The Gospel
Industry Round-Up; Gospel Industry Today, Twelve Stones and The Good News Express as well as
appeared on WGN TV (Gospel Wars Segment); TV 38, WLS TV; Fox 32 New, WCIU, WJYS and
CLTV and cable television. Her voice has been heard on hundreds of voiceovers on television and radio.
Effie is currently producing a documentary in which she will host on the “History of Gospel Music in
Chicago,” scheduled to air on Public and Cable Television. This fall she will host a brand new gospel
entertainment program scheduled for cable television. She also has her own consulting and production
company, EDW Enterprises, Incorporated and is a media personality, consultant, speaker and author.
Effie is currently writing an inspirational book scheduled to be published in March 2004. Currently, Effie
has initiated a “100 Church Tour Campaign” in Chicago for 2004 to “greet and meet” her many
listeners, subscribers and viewers.
Pastor Jeffrey A. Johnson, Sr.
Senior Pastor
Pastor Jeffrey A. Johnson, Sr. is a spirit-filled preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He
accepted his calling to ministry at the age of 17. He received a Bachelors of Arts Degree in
Religion from Bishop College in Dallas, Texas, graduating with honors. He also attended
Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Pastor Johnson accepted his call to pastor Eastern Star Church in 1988. Under his
leadership, the congregation has grown from five hundred members to over ten-thousand.
The annual budget has also increased from $200 thousand to over $10 million dollars. Because of the
tremendous growth, the church now meets at three worship facilities: (1) the Main Location at 5750 E.
30th Street, Indianapolis, (2) the Northwest Location at 7223 Woodland Avenue, Indianapolis, and (3)
the Northeast - 10595 N. Lantern Road, Fishers, Indiana.
The church currently has 120 full and part time employees and more than 30 ministries that meet the
spiritual, social, and physical needs of its growing congregation. This growth is the result of sound
biblical principles, expository preaching and teaching, and an innovative approach to church business.
Rather than allow finance to dictate the level of ministry, Pastor Johnson has initiated a corporate
structure that carries out the business of the church in a manner that supports ministry growth, and
meets State and Federal requirements for a non-profit religious organization.
The Outreach ministry is the church’s largest ministry. It’s success it attributed to the biblical principle
of sowing and reaping, as Eastern Star Church gives back 10% of its Annual Budget to the
community. The Outreach ministry currently has 19 church-sponsored Outreach programs and more
than 40 Community Partner ministries/organizations which provide assistance to those in need.
Eastern Star Church also lends financial and strategic support to churches locally, nationally and
In addition to weekly services, the Word of God and the love of Christ is shared through JEWEL
Ministry. “JEWEL” is an abbreviated version of the church motto: “Where Jesus is Exalted, And the
Word is ExpLained”. JEWEL Ministry is the Media ministry of Eastern Star Church comprised of Radio
and Television, Audio, Video and Prayer Partner ministries. With all efforts combined, JEWEL Ministry
reaches more than one-million people throughout Indiana.
Led by the spirit of God, Pastor Johnson orchestrated a five million-dollar project to build a new
Sanctuary and Family Life Center. The project was completed in 1994. In 1998, the church completed
a $16 million, 120-thousand square foot worship facility called the JEWEL Christian Education and
Conference Center. The facility houses JEWEL Childcare/Preschool ministry, (capacity of 200 children
Age Infant to 4 years), JEWEL Christian Academy, (capacity of 280 students from Kindergarten
through 6th grade), JEWEL Bible Bookstore, a full service gym and fitness center, and a multi-purpose
conference center which facilitates Christian education for adults and youth through Sunday Church
School, Pioneer Club and JEWEL Bible Institute.
In August 2001, Pastor Johnson and the Eastern Star Church planted its first church "New Life Worship
Center" with Pastor John F. Ramsey as the Senior Pastor. The church grew from 400 initial members
to over 1500 in the first year.
In August 2002, Construction began a new Northeast Campus, in Fishers, Indiana. This facility will
offer a Sanctuary that will seat 1,600, a Family Life Center, Wedding Chapel, Youth Activity Wing, and
Bookstore/Café. The doors of the new Northeast Campus will be opened for the first time on Sunday,
August 24, 2003! God is doing tremendous things through his humble servant Pastor Johnson.
Pastor Johnson is the Assistant Chaplain of the Indiana Pacers and in his down time also enjoys
playing basketball. He serves on the board of JEWEL Educational Services, JEWEL Human Services and
numerous others in the community. A devoted husband and dedicated family man, Pastor Johnson is
married to Sharon Henry Johnson and is the loving father of four sons, Jeffrey Allen, II, Jordan Adam,
Jalon Alexander and Josiah Andrew. God has certainly laid His hands on the life and ministry of Pastor
Jeffrey A. Johnson, Sr.
To God Be the Glory!
Biographies – ACF/HHS Participants
Wade Horn, Ph. D.
Biographies – ACF/HHS Participants
Horn, Wade Ph. D.
Wade F. Horn, Ph.D. was named the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families in the Administration
for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, on July 30, 2001. The
Administration for Children and Families is responsible for programs that promote the social and
economic well-being of families. ACF's programs include Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, foster
care, adoption assistance, family preservation and support, Head Start, child care, child support
enforcement, runaway and homeless youth, low income home energy assistance, community services,
refugee resettlement, mental retardation and developmental disabilities.
Prior to this appointment, Dr. Horn was President of the National Fatherhood Initiative, whose mission is
to improve the well-being of children by increasing the number of children growing up with involved,
committed and responsible fathers in their lives.
From 1989-1993, Dr. Horn was the Commissioner for Children, Youth and Families and Chief of the
Children's Bureau in the Administration on Children, Youth and Families. He also served as a Presidential
appointee to the National Commission on Children from 1990-1993, was a member of the National
Commission on Childhood Disability from 1994-1995, and the U.S. Advisory Board on Welfare Indicators
from 1996-1997. Prior to these appointments, Dr. Horn was the Director of Outpatient Psychological
Services at the Children's Hospital National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., and an Associate
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at George Washington University. From 1993 to 2001,
Dr. Horn was also an adjunct faculty member at Georgetown University's Public Policy Institute, and an
affiliate scholar with the Hudson Institute.
Dr. Horn is the author of numerous articles on children and family issues, including a weekly newspaper
column entitled Fatherly Advice, and is the co-author of several books including The Better Homes and
Gardens New Father Book (Meredith Books, 1998) and The Better Homes and Gardens New Teen Book
(Meredith Books, 1999.) He is also the lead editor of The Fatherhood Movement: A Call to Action
(Lexington Books, 1998.)
Dr. Horn is frequently featured on television and radio as a child development expert and commentator.
He has appeared on NBC's Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, McNeil-Lehrer
News Hour, 20/20, 48 Hours, ABC World News Tonight, CNN, NBC Nightly News, CNBC, Fox News
Channel, CNN and MS-NBC.
Dr. Horn received his Ph.D. in clinical child psychology from Southern Illinois University in 1981. He lives
in Gaithersburg, Maryland, with his wife and two daughters.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
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Wallace, C. Everett
C. Everett Wallace is a nationally recognized expert in the areas of
franchise and real estate development, business and mortgage finance and
community economic development. Over the past decade, Mr. Wallace
has been instrumental in establishing a number of the nation’s largest
minority businesses in the areas of franchising and product distribution.
He has successfully developed national programs, initiatives and tools using
franchise systems as a tool to build wealth and revitalize underserved
communities. He is a highly requested public speaker and has written
articles for national publications on franchising, business formation,
finance and economic development.
Mr. Wallace received his JD with honors in Taxation and Corporate Law
from Northwestern University. He completed his formal legal education in
the LLM Program at the University Of Chicago School Of Law. He, also,
has served in a number of U.S. prominent positions in the Federal
Government, including: Senior Legislative Assistant to the U.S. Senate
Majority Leader; General Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development and Head of Transition and Chief of
Staff for the Department of Health and Human Services.
As President of Wallace Enterprises, his clients included the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Office of the
Governor of the State of Tennessee, G.E. Capital Mortgage Corp.,
National Bankers Association, National Association of Investment
Companies, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, the National Congress for
Community Economic Development and the International Franchise
Biographies – ACF/HHS Participants
Harry Johnson
Johnson, Harry
Harry E. Johnson, Sr., the 31st General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® and is also the
President of the Washington D.C. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project, Inc. A native of St.
Louis, Missouri, Mr. Johnson is a practicing attorney in Houston, Texas and serves as an adjunct
professor of law at Texas Southern University’s Thurgood Marshall School of Law.
Mr. Johnson earned his Bachelor’s degree in political science at Xavier University in New Orleans,
Louisiana. He has completed graduate studies in Public Administration at Washington University in St.
Louis, Missouri and earned his Doctor of Jurisprudence from Thurgood Marshall School of Law in
Houston, Texas.
As the National (General) President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. an organization of over 175,000
college educated men, Mr. Johnson spearheaded such innovative programs as his value added services
program which partners with the Fraternity and provides revenue for the Fraternity and discounts for its
members that do business with those corporations.
Mr. Johnson also created an Economic Development Foundation for the fraternity. Through this program
the Fraternity has inked an unprecedented deal with Church’s Chicken (AFC) worth a dollar amount of 30
million dollars. Under this program the fraternity and its members will develop up to 50 Church’s
Chickens in Urban areas across the country. Mr. Johnson’s dream of economic empowerment and job
creation continues as he brings on another partner, Dominoes Pizza.
Mr. Johnson also created a Political Action Committee for the fraternity. This is a first ever for the
fraternity and is chaired by the Honorable Marc Morial, Former Mayor of New Orleans.
Mr. Johnson extended the role and members of Alpha Phi Alpha’a Think Tank (World Policy Council),
adding new members Dr. Cornell West and Congressman Ronald Dellums (Ret. CA). The World Policy
Council’s role has been enlarged to include a lecture series on tolerance and is taking on the issue of HIV
infections and AIDS.
Mr. Johnson has greatly enhanced the fraternity’s relationship with two of its National Partners, The
March of Diems and Big Brothers Big Sisters. The fraternity continues to be number one in contributions
from clubs and organizations for the “MOD WALK A THON”. Mr. Johnson’s vision of growth has lead the
Big Brothers Big Sister organization to elect him to their National Board. In a short 18 months Alpha Phi
Alpha has provided Big Brothers with more African American role models, than they (Big Brothers) had
ever had in their history.
Mr. Johnson continues his work on constructing the first Memorial onour National Mall which will honor an
African American, The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial.
As National Board Member of the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America and member of One Hundred
Black Men, and a national spokesman Mr. Johnson considers community service a civic duty. Among his
professional affiliations are the National Bar Association, American Bar Association, NAACP, Boy Scouts
of American and others.
Mr. Johnson has been married twenty-two years to his wife Karen. They are the proud parents of
Jennifer, Harry, Jr. and Nicholas, and reside in Houston, Texas.
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Biographies – Forum Participants
Roland C. Warren
Warren, Roland C.
President, National Fatherhood Initiative
From the first time he heard about the National Fatherhood Initiative, Roland Warren knew this was an
organization with which he wanted to be involved. But, even after joining the organization’s Board of
Directors in 1997, he could not have imagined that just over five years later, he would be working to
promote responsible fatherhood fulltime.
Fatherhood is an issue that Roland cares deeply about. As President of the National Fatherhood Initiative
(NFI), Roland Warren is dedicated to NFI’s mission of improving the well-being of children by increasing
the proportion of children that are raised with involved, responsible and committed fathers. Roland
directs the organization’s efforts to accomplish this mission through coordinating a nationwide public
education campaign (organized in conjunction with the Ad Council), operating the National Fatherhood
Clearinghouse and Resource Center, and through establishing strategic partnerships with businesses,
government and non-profit organizations across the country.
Roland has represented NFI in the national media, including appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show,
DaySide with Linda Vester on the FoxNews Channel, and Black Entertainment Television, and has been
interviewed by or contributed to major radio and print outlets such as Time, The Wall Street Journal, USA
Today, The Washington Post, Oprah Winfrey’s O Magazine, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Tavis Smiley
Show, and Janet Parshall’s America.
He has given keynote addresses for dozens of charitable, philanthropic, and educational organizations
including: The Kiwanis Club, YMCA, 100 Black Men of America, the Gallup Institute, The National Head
Start Association, The National Youth Summit, Philanthropy Roundtable, and many more.
Roland brings to the National Fatherhood Initiative almost two decades of experience in the business
world, and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to his position at
NFI, Roland worked for Goldman, Sachs and Co., a leading global investment banking firm, where he
managed investments for the firm’s select group of high net worth clients, and served as a liaison to the
firm’s asset management and investment banking groups. He has held management positions for both
IBM and PepsiCo. and he worked in development for his undergraduate alma mater, Princeton University.
A native of Toledo, Ohio, Roland stays active in community and civic activities. He formerly served on the
board of Southern Home Services, a Philadelphia-based children’s home, and served as a youth
abstinence educator for the Urban Family Council. He currently serves on the board of the National
Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, on the Membership Committee of the National PTA, as a member
on the Selection Committee for the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Partnership Award, and on the Parent TV
National Advisory Council. A resident of Germantown, Maryland, Roland is married to Dr. Yvette LopezWarren and has two teenage sons, Jamin, a junior at Harvard University, and Justin, a senior at Seneca
Valley High School.
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Biography of Thomasenia G. Cotton, President & COO
OIC of America, Inc.
Thomasenia Cotton received her B.A. Degree in Sociology from North Carolina Central
University, her M.S. Degree in Human Resource Management from the University of Utah and
has completed the required on-campus hours for her Doctoral in Urban Education from Temple
University. Her completion of specialized training includes: Program Trainer’s Academy in
Bangor, Maine; IBM Community Executive Program in Tarrytown, New York; American
Management Association’s Assessment Center Program for Identifying Management Potential;
and the General Electric School for Managers in Crotonville, New York. Prior to coming to OIC
of America, Thomasenia’s work history included: Program Specialist for the US Army’s Special
Services Division in Seoul, Korea; Program Director for the South West Belmont YWCA of
Philadelphia and Supervisor for the Central Records Unit of the Philadelphia Employment
Development Corporation. During her tenure with OICA, she has worked in a number of
positions including: Project Officer and Supervisor of the Management Information System Unit;
Chief of Protocol and Manager of the national convention; Field Specialist for the Office of Field
Operations and Director of the Office of Field Service Coordination.
Thomasenia has also worked with other Sullivan entities including the Teachers for Africa
Program, the International Fellows Program and the African African-American Summit.
Biographies – Forum Participants
Vivian Berryhill
Biographies – Co-Conveners/Partners
Berryhill, Vivian
Founder, President - The National Coalition of Pastors’ Spouses
Vivian Berryhill, a native of Kalamazoo, Michigan, is often referred to as a 'trailblazer'. A former beauty title holder,
this Mass Communications/Journalism major is the CEO and Publisher of the first and only African American
newspaper in north Mississippi: The North Mississippi Herald "The Soul Voice of the Community". She established
It was in 1977 that Mrs. Berryhill wrote, developed, and directed the first Patient Advocacy program for the City of
Memphis Hospital, and served on the American Hospital Association's national committee to draft the National
Patient Bill of Rights. She remained at the Regional Medical Center of Memphis/Elvis Presley Trauma Center until
she retired in 1997.
True to her pioneering spirit, in January 2001, Mrs. Berryhill formed The National Coalition of Pastors' Spouses
(NCPS), a nonprofit, nonpartisan network of approximately 2300+ African American clergy spouses from varying
denominations across the nation. The mission of this organization is to raise awareness through health education, by
working through churches and religious institutions to empower women to take action to improve health.
In December 2003, Mrs. Berryhill was selected to serve as an official delegate-- accompanying U.S. Health and
Human Service Secretary Tommy Thompson on an HIV/AIDS fact finding mission to four countries in sub-Sahara
Africa. She is currently spearheading a collaborative effort between her organization and the federal government to
draft an HIV/AIDS teaching manual for Faith Leaders which will be published fall 2004. This manual comes on the
heels of her recently completed abstinence guide specific to African American faith leaders, done in conjunction with
the National Campaign to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy.
In her spare time, she writes music. An internationally acknowledged songwriter, Mrs. Berryhill co-wrote "Take It
Away From Me", which has been recorded by Rev. Andrea Crouch, the late Rev. James Moore, Evangelist Shirley
Caesar, The O'Neal Twins, and The Wilmington Chester Mass Choir. She also wrote the hit single "Somebody To
Love Me", recorded by The Jetts on MCA Records, and included on the movie soundtrack: The Karate Kid.
Mrs. Berryhill, wife of Rev. Chester Berryhill, Jr., is quite involved in community service. In addition to assisting her
husband, who pastors a small congregation in rural Mississippi, she serves or has served on several boards of
directors and community organizations. They include: Charter member for the Coalition of 100 Black WomenMemphis Chapter; Board of Directors Tennessee Lung Association; Board of Directors Tennessee Heart Association;
Former President of the Memphis Mud Island Board; Former member of the DeSoto County Board of Adjustments;
member Beale Street Development Corporation Board; Concerned Citizens for Community Values Board; Charter
Member DeSoto Youth Theater Board; DeSoto County Prayer Breakfast Board; Justice, Unity, Generosity and
Service, International (J.U.G.S., Int'l) Memphis Chapter; Southwestern Youth National Advisory Board; Mississippi
Workforce Investment Board; Mississippi Rehabilitation Services Board; National Women's Health Care Board of the
American Black Cardiologist Society; National Federation of Republican Women; Stax Museum and Performing Arts
Music Foundation Board; Inner Visions Board of Directors, where she served as a consultant to the nationally
televised show: "Iyanla"; member of The National Newspapers of America; Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI)
member; spokesperson for the African American Healthy Marriage Initiative, and lifetime member of the NAACP.
She is the mother of two daughters, Ooujjetti and Attiya.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 12
Clarence H. Carter
Director of the Federal Office of Community Services (OCS)
On June 25, 2001 President George Bush appointed Clarence H. Carter
to serve as Director of the Federal Office of Community Services (OCS).
In this capacity Mr. Carter provides leadership for the organization of federal
government responsible for providing community based support services for low-income
Americans. The $6 billion plus agency administers among others; the Community
Services Block Grant, the Social Services Block Grant, the Community Economic
Development Program the Individual Development Account Program and the
Community Food & Nutrition Program.
The presidential appointment is the latest in a career of government human services
positions held by Mr. Carter. Prior to the OCS appointment Carter served as the
Executive Director of the Virginia Tobacco Settlement Foundation.
Appointed by Virginia Governor James S. Gilmore in January of 2000. Mr. Carter served
as the first Executive Director of the Virginia Tobacco Settlement Foundation. The
Foundation was created out of the landmark settlement between 47 states and tobacco
As Executive Director Carter was charged with constructing the Foundation and helping
the 23 members Board of Trustees design and implement programs to address the
issue of the reduction of youth tobacco use.
Prior to the Foundation appointment Carter served for four years as Commissioner of
the Virginia Department of Social Services. In that capacity Mr. Carter was responsible
for the administration of 1500 employee state wide organization with an annual
operating budget in excess of $ 1 billion. The hallmark of his Social Services tenure was
the construction and implementation of the Commonwealth's landmark welfare reform
initiatives. Fully implemented two years ahead of schedule the program was
instrumental in cutting the public assistance roles by more than half, from an all time of
74,000 to a 30 year low of 31,000. More than 25,000 public assistance recipients have
gone to work and earned in excess of $200 million.
Carter is frequently asked to comment on public issues having been a guest on CNN's
Crossfire, Both Sides with Jesse Jackson, C-Span's morning Roundtable. BET's Our
Voices and Lead Story. He has testified before congressional committees on a number
of human service topics including the restructuring of the Food Stamps Program and the
future of the Personal Responsibility and Work Reconciliation Opportunity Act
The 42-year old native of Pittsburgh, PA resides in Richmond, Virginia with his wife
Diane Watts-Carter.
Biographies – Forum Participants
Thomas Meloncon
Meloncon, Thomas
Thomas Meloncon is a nationally known Playwright and Poet, who lives in Houston, Texas with his wife
and daughters. Thomas was born and raised in Houston’s 5th Ward; where he attended Atherton
Elementary, E.O. Smith and graduated from Kashmere Gardens High School. He writes extensively
about social problems affecting society. He is the author of over 30 plays and a book of poetry and is
known by audiences for his hard-hitting, yet witty prose. Mr. Meloncon is often commissioned by
agencies and organizations to craft a play for their specific needs. He has been an Adjunct Professor in
the Department of Communications, and recently taught in the Fine Arts Department of Texas Southern
University. Mr. Meloncon has also been Resident Playwright at the High School for the Performing and
Visual Arts from 1989 through 2002.
“The Diary of Black Men”, one of his most successful plays, appeared Off-Broadway in 1982. The
success of this dynamic drama, which is still touring, drew the attention of talk show host, Phil Donahue.
Thomas Meloncon, along with the cast, appeared on the Phil Donahue show December 14, 1989. “Diary”
has continued its national tour, setting record attendance numbers in the United States and London,
Alabama State University Theater Department, under the direction of famed actress, Dr. Tonea Stewart,
who recently appeared in The Rosa Parks Story on CBS, directed and produced two of Meloncon’s play;
The Drums of Sweetwater in April of 2002 in Montgomery, Alabama and The Diary of Black Men at the
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D. C. in the spring of 2000 as part of the
American College Theater Festival XXXII.
Express Children’s Theater has produced three of his children’s plays; “The Tree That Grew Human”,
“Young Mandela” and “The Rainbow Celebration”.
“Whatever Happened to Black Love”, a family courtroom drama by Mr. Meloncon toured from 1998
through 1999, starring Bernadette Stannis from Good Times and Ernest Thomas from What’s Happening,
TV sit coms. This play recently began a second tour in February 2003. Starring Along with Ms. Stanis,
and Mr. Thomas are the lovely Ms. Freda Payne, Mr. Tommy Ford of the Martin Lawrence Show and Ms.
Terry Vaughn of the Steve Harvey Show.
Main Street Theater produced in September 2002, a world premier of his most recent play “The Laws of
Storms”. This dramatic piece looks into the life of one family during the aftermath of the Galveston Storm
of 1900.
Among other plays written by Thomas Meloncon: “Let Yesterday Go”, “A Matter of Manhood”, “Where
Were You in 65’, “Ain’t Nothing Wrong with A gizzard Sandwich”, “Before Time Runs Out”, “Our Feet Can
Tell A Story”, “Johnny B. Goode”, “The Colored Section” and “The Tobacco Road”.
Thomas Meloncon received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism and His Master of Arts Degree in
Communications from Texas Southern University. He has received numerous awards for his creativity
and works on social issues including: “Outstanding Texan Award” (Field of Arts, Texas Legislative Black
Caucus); “Creative Writing Award” (Houston Chapter National Association of Black Journalist);
“Achievement Award” (Texas Southern University Program Council); “Bronze Medallion” (The City of
Houston – for Off-Broadway Debut of “The Diary of Black Men”); “Man of the 90’s Award” (Rho Omicron
Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.); “The Eagle Lifetime Commitment to Excellence
Award” (Southwest Community Youth Outreach).
In addition to his plays, Mr. Meloncon has published a book of poems titled Poetry In E Minor. Another
book of prose, poetry and commentary, titled Recollections is slated for publication in 2003. Some of his
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
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Biographies – Forum Participants
Thomas Meloncon
poetry is also featured on the new CD, Another Concept, by Calvin Owens (former trumpet soloist and
musical director for B.B. King), as Meloncon raps about life and love to the music of Owen’s wailing horn.
However, this is not the first time Meloncon’s poetry has been performed to jazz; for more than 25 years
he has worked with Bubbha Thomas’ Jazz and Poetry Program, performing in the Houston Independent
School District and just recently with Horace Alexander Young of Washington State University, in their
production of Mr. Meloncon’s play Johnny B. Goode.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
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Biographies – ACF/HHS Participants
Joyce Thomas
Thomas, Joyce
Joyce A. Thomas is the Regional Administrator for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF),
Region V, in Chicago, Illinois. The Region comprises the six states including Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,
Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin and 35 Tribal Nations. In her capacity, Ms. Thomas partners with state,
local, community based organizations, and tribes within the Region to promote economic independence
and healthy development of children and families.
Ms. Thomas provides executive leadership, and direction to ensure coordination and integration of
activities among Head Start, child care, foster care and adoption, child support enforcement, youth
services and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) programs. Ms. Thomas serves as National
Lead Regional Administrator for the Office of Community Services and the Faith Based and Community
Initiatives within ACF.
The Region represents 22.8% of the nation's Child Support Enforcement caseload, while collecting 25.0%
of the nation's child support collections and established 20.5% of the nation's child support orders in
2001. In addition, Thomas serves as the national Lead for the ACF Office of Community Services in the
Regions. In that capacity, she provides leadership for ACF’s support of community based economic
development networks. The Region is responsible for 209 Head Start Grantees serving 141,588 children,
97 Early Head Start Grantees serving 7,797 pregnant women, infants and toddlers and 82 Runaway and
Homeless Youth Organizations.
Before her employment with the Administration for Children and Families she served as the
Commissioner of the State of Connecticut’s Department of Social Services. As Commissioner, she
implemented major changes in the child support enforcement, TANF and Medicaid programs and played
a major role in the creation of Connecticut's innovative School Readiness legislation. Thomas has
developed particular sensitivity and expertise in re-engineering human services. She directed
Connecticut's largest administrative agency, overseeing an annual budget of over $3 billion and 2,400
employees. Before her appointment as Commissioner, she served as the Regional Administrator for the
DSS in the state's southwestern region.
A graduate of the University of Northern Iowa, Thomas was awarded a BA in Social Work, and an MA in
Counseling, with a minor in Spanish.
Thomas is married and has one daughter.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
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3320 Magnolia Street
Oakland, CA 94608
Dion Evans
To pursue a position in the field of public service
Founder/Senior Pastor
Chosen Vessels Christian Church
Oakland, Ca
• Conduct daily pastoral duties
• Develop marriage strengthening programs
• Direct church programs and initiatives
Greater Light Missionary Baptist Church Oakland, Ca
Assistant Pastor/School of Evangelism Director
• Assist senior pastor in a variety of duties
• Direct classes in school of evangelism
• Conduct religious classes.
St. James Missionary Baptist Church
Associate Pastor/Christian Education Professor
Oakland, Ca
• Assist pastor in a variety of duties
• Conduct Christian education classes
• Work with various church groups and organizations
Talbot Theological Seminary
Oakland, Ca
• Master of Arts Philosophy of Religion
Biola University
BA Biblical Studies and Philosophy
Oakland, Ca
Bay Area Inner City Leadership Alliance (BAICLA), Board of Director /
Marriage & Family Initiative Coordinator, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.,
Pi Chi Chapter, Alpha Omega Service Fraternity, Founder, Baptist Minister’s
Union, Bay Cities Minister’s Union , Clergy Christian Coalition Member
Excellent references upon request
The Reverend
Marjorie Lewis,Ph.D.,D.Min., LMFT,LAC,CSPT
Sojourner Ministries, Denver, CO
President and CEO
The Center for Community Excellence & Social Justice
Reverend Lewis has been a member of the Denver
Community since 1991, coming to us from the
Washington, DC Metropolitan area via Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania and Berkeley, California. She came to our
community with public service and community based
empowerment as a Godly call.
Armed with a
Bachelor’s, three Master’s, a Ph.D. and D.Min. degrees,
she has transformed her academic career and her
community activism into the Center for Community
Excellence and Social Justice.
She utilizes this Center in partnership with her pastoral ministry at the Sojourner United Church of
Christ, for the purposes of honoring human dignity through spirituality, education, and
empowerment. Through the Center’s Behavior Services Institute, one may receive drug and alcohol
rehabilitation therapy, play therapy, individual and group counseling, pre-marriage and post-marriage
therapy, and grief therapy, and HIV/AIDS faith based harm reduction technical assistance and
training. The Center’s Public Policy Institute houses the Conference of Minority Public
Administrators and the National Coalition for Black Reparations in America. Reverend Lewis is a
weekly contributor to a news column featured locally in the Denver Weekly News and syndicated in
42 other cities. She writes a monthly column for the Body of Christ entitled Hagar’s Hangout. She is
the author of various journal articles and book chapters including a sermon in Ella Pearson Mitchell’s
most recent volume of Those Preaching Women. Her most recent literary endeavors include the
contribution of two chapters in a three volume series entitled The Black Church and Public Life.
The Center, in partnership with seven other nonprofit organizations, has an exciting venture to
establish the American Pathways University, an institution of higher learning accessible to the poor.
The Center is responsible for overseeing the Behavior Services School, including credentialing in
Alcohol and Drug Counseling, Play Therapy, and Marriage and Family Therapy. In spite of this busy
schedule, she has developed and written Rites of Passage Intervention Program to be published by
the International Black Women’s Congress.
Community interests of Reverend Lewis are also captured through the Center’s Community Services
Institute that airs a television program on Friday evenings 7:00-7:30 p.m. on DCTV, entitled
Community Corner. It provides weekly therapeutic counseling through the radio program, Peace of
Mind Through Peace With God, airing weekly on Wednesdays from 1:00-1:30 p.m. on KLDC - 800
Reverend Lewis' civic responsibilities do not end there, as she sits on various boards including the City
and County of Denver Department of Human Services, American Baptist Homes of the Midwest, the
Interfaith Intercultural Institute, the International Black Women’s Congress, Denver Chapter of the
Alliance of Clergy Women, Former Chaplain of the Denver Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc., and the Colorado State Senate.
Addie L. Richburg
Chief Domestic Strategist for the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice and
its affiliate, the National Religious Affairs Association.
Author, “To Serve the Present Age: A Basic Guide to Reentry Volunteering and
Develops all national initiatives and specialized training offered by organization
Consultant for the United States Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention (Disproportionate Minority Confinement)
18 year career with the United States Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Prisons
Provides specialized knowledge to support the role of volunteer and citizen
participation for the agency through the Inmate Transition Branch
(oversight 30,000 volunteers nationwide)
Received 25 awards to date (which include):
Sustained Superior Performances
Special Acts
Quality Step Increases
Employee of the Quarter
Employee of the Year
Supervisor of the Quarter
Three times BOP Black Affairs Program Manager of the Year
The 1994 BOP National EEO Award
Thomas Nelson Community College - Hampton, Virginia
Columbus University - Columbus, Georgia
External Affiliations
Serves as Executive Director for the International Network to Freedom Association
Served as National Program Director for Pathways to Freedom Program - Rosa and
Raymond Parks Institute for Self-Development and Former Scheduler for Civil
Rights Icon, Mrs. Rosa L. Parks
Annual Issues Forum Facilitator for the Annual Congressional Black Caucus
Legislative Sessions- Representative Corrine Brown, 3rd District of Florida
Member Faith Roundtable - National Black Caucus of State Legislators
Member, American Correctional Association
Member, Association for the Study of African American Life and History
Many distinguished honors
Married with three children
Reverend Warren H. Dolphus, MDiv.
Rev. Warren H. Dolphus is a native of Camden, New Jersey, but has maintained Georgia
as his home of record. He currently serves as the Director of Faith and Community Based
Initiatives of the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice (NABCJ).
In January 2001, he was appointed by the President of NABCJ to serve as the first Chair
of the National Religious Affairs Committee, which has since evolved into the National
Religious Affairs Association (NRAA), an affiliate of the organization. He now serves as
President Emeritus of NRAA. NABCJ includes a network of over 5000 criminal justice and
related professionals with 55 chapters nationwide.
Rev. Dolphus’ is a retired chaplain of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Prior to this, Rev.
Dolphus’ career includes his service as Chief Chaplain of the Federal Correctional Institution at
Manchester, Kentucky, and Staff Chaplain at the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury,
Connecticut. His early years with the agency included service as a Senior Officer Specialist at
the United States Penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia, one of the Bureau of Prisons’ maximum
security institutions.
Prior to his retirement, his most recent federal service includes Court Services and
Offender Supervision Agency, an independent agency responsible for pre-trial and supervised
offenders of the District of Columbia. Rev. Dolphus also served eight years in the United States
Air Force specializing in military intelligence.
During NABCJ’s 27th Annual Conference and Training Institute in Atlanta, Georgia, Rev.
Dolphus introduced Facilitating Assistance in Transition and Healing (F.A.I.T.H.), a multi-year
national initiative adopted by NABCJ. In addition, in September 2000, the concept was
presented by Rev. Dolphus in a legislative braintrust of the 2000 Legislative Session of the
Congressional Black Caucus under the sponsorship of Representative Corrine Brown. From this,
an official partnership was established with NABCJ which has successfully launched F.A.I.T.H.
through pilot programming between the faith community and criminal justice practitioners
Bio of Rev. Warren H. Dolphus
Page 2
throughout the country.
As founder of the concept, Rev. Dolphus plays a vital role in the national development of
training and specialized programming targeting African-American churches and the faith
community. The first piloted in Metropolitan Washington, DC, the program model is designed
to motivate and educate pastors, their staff and members and provide direction for the faith
community to increase or initiate ministry and direct services to incarcerated offenders and
promote collaborations which assist in the reintegration of offenders into society.
Rev. Dolphus is the recipient of numerous awards and recognitions. Among the most
recent is the Daily Points of Lights Award presented to NABCJ for its implementation of
F.A.I.T.H., presented by the Points of Lights Foundation and President George W. Bush with
acknowledgement by Former President George Bush, and the Mary Church Terrell Award
presented in July 2002 by NABCJ for outstanding leadership in issues of social justice and faith.
Rev. Dolphus earned his Masters of Divinity Degree from the Interdenominational
Theological Center (Turner Theological Seminary) in Atlanta, Georgia in 1993. He also holds a
Bachelor of Science Degree from Wayland Baptist University in Plainview, Texas.
His dedication to faith includes his membership at New Canaan Baptist Church of
Norwalk, Connecticut.
Rev. Dolphus serves as a Consultant for the National Crime Prevention Council and for
the Office for Victims of Crime, a component of the U.S. Department of Justice. He has
addressed hundreds of conferences in the United States and has served as a keynote guest in such
specialized events as the International Black Police Officers Association, the National Baptist
Convention U.S.A., Inc. Prison Ministry and Criminal Justice Commission and the Correctional
Services of Canada.
Rev. Dolphus is a proud husband and father.
Thomas F. Sullivan
Denver Regional Administrator for the Administration for Children and Families
Thomas F. Sullivan was named Denver Regional Administrator for the Administration
for Children and Families in September, 2002.
Mr. Sullivan has more than 30 years experience in planning, designing, developing,
managing and evaluating human service and public health programs while working in
both the public and private sectors.
He lead one of the first evaluations of the local health components of Head Start and as
a result designed developed, tested and proved both the feasibility and cost
effectiveness of a technical assistance program to the local Head Start health
components provided by Board Certified pediatricians. Working with the Head Start
Executive Director and his staff, he was able to convince the President and Board of
the American Academy of Pediatrics to adopt this program providing technical
assistance to each of the local health components of the Head Start Program. The
Academy's membership provided the assistance under contract.
When he was appointed Director of the Office of Long Term Care Standards
Enforcement in the Boston regional office of HHS he was responsible for consolidating
staff and functions from three regional agencies. The new office was responsible for
monitoring the health quality, fire safety and handicapped accessibility of nursing
homes and other health facilities in New England. He and his newly consolidated staff
were responsible for the first time implementation of new regulations of several
categories of health facilities which were newly eligible for Medicaid reimbursement.
As such they had to negotiate contracts and budgets with each of the state health
departments, provide training on the new regulations to the staff in each state, while
developing interpretive guidelines on the implementation of these regulations.
He served as the Senior Health Analyst for the US Senate Budget Committee with
responsibility for advising members of the committee on all issues affecting the budget
and arising from Medicare, Medicaid, the Public health Service, NIH and the Veterans
He provided administrative direction to a contract to provide general surgical, burn,
trauma and emergency services for the San Bernardino Medical Center in southern
California. At the same time he conducted a major evaluation of the Oklahoma system
for delivering services to people with developmental disabilities. This evaluation
combined with a comparable one in Connecticut demonstrated that higher quality care
could be provided at lower total cost in small community residences and lead to a shift
away from service delivery in large, isolated institutions. He has testified as an expert
witness in the Federal courts on these issues, set up and lead seminars for
Congressional and Executive Branch staff and testified before state legislative
committees in New England and Oklahoma.
As a result of his efforts on behalf of people with developmental disabilities he was
awarded the Outstanding Public Service Award by the Connecticut Association for
Retarded Citizens.
As Director of Analysis and Evaluation in the Food and Nutrition Service at USDA he
and his staff analyzed all administrative, regulatory and legislative proposals
concerning the Federal food assistance programs and evaluated directly or under
contract a wide variety of issues affecting these programs. One of these contracted
studies debunked the exaggerated claims about the size of the homeless population in
this country. His office was assigned lead responsibility for evaluating the state and
local welfare reform initiatives being tested at that time. These evaluations provided
the basis for the welfare reform legislation signed in 1996.
He has undergraduate degrees in economics from Boston College and in philosophy
from St. Paul's College in Washington, DC and an MBA from Harvard.
Biographies – ACF/HHS Participants
Patricia Ware
Ware, Patricia
Patricia Funderburk Ware is Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services in the George W. Bush Administration. While in the Bush
Administration, she also served as Executive Director of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.
Prior to her appointment, she served as President and CEO of Preserving Family Well-being Foundation,
a national, non-profit organization that focuses on issues of the African American Family. She is also
President and CEO of PFW Consultants, LLC, which provides training and advocacy in the areas of teen
sexuality, pregnancy and HIV/AIDS prevention. Mrs. Ware was also the Director of Educational Services
for Americans for a Sound AIDS/HIV Policy, a non-profit, national HIV/AIDS education and advocacy
organization. She served in the first Bush Administration as Director of the Office of Adolescent
Pregnancy Programs at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She has testified before the
U.S. Congress and state legislatures on adolescent sexuality, HIV/AIDS and related issues. She
facilitates training, provides consultation and appears as a speaker throughout the U.S. and
internationally. She has been appointed as a director or in an advisory position with government
agencies, community-based and professional organizations. She has been interviewed on a number of
radio and TV talk shows including CNN, MSNBC, Black Entertainment Television and “Nightline”. She
publishes articles; is often quoted in the print media; and is featured in teen pregnancy and HIV/AIDS
Mrs. Ware’s professional career is very diverse. As an actress, she performed with the National Players
Classical Acting Company on a cross-country and world tour and was the first statewide actress-inresidence for the North Carolina public schools. She has appeared in radio and television commercials,
industrial films and in an Academy Award nominated film. As an arts administrator, she founded a
statewide non-profit organization that became a national model to preserve the cultural and artistic
heritage of racial and ethnic minorities.
As co-founder and executive director of a community economic development corporation, she developed
projects to stimulate resident controlled economic growth in depressed areas. Through this organization,
she assisted residents in developing businesses, and revitalizing their lives and communities. To be
more effective as an advocate, she moved into the inner city in 1986 with her daughter, Eboni, where they
stayed for four years. It was during this time that she also became an advocate for adolescent health
Mrs. Ware has received numerous awards and national and local acclaim for her work in the arts,
economic development, health education, and as a community development activist, including the 2001
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Honoree Award, and the Twentieth Year Outstanding
Alumni Award from her alma mater, Hampton University. She has a BA degree from Hampton University,
a Master of Fine Arts degree from The Catholic University of America, an Honorary Doctorate of Letters
from Aspen College, and is working towards a Doctor of Public Administration degree at the University of
Southern California. She has also lived and worked in South Korea and participated as a Student in
International Living in Sweden. Mrs. Ware and her husband Bradley Ware, MD, a Family Practice
physician, regularly speak as a team about HIV/AIDS and teen pregnancy prevention. Their daughter,
Eboni, is a graduate of Hampton University and resides in Nashville, Tennessee.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 9
MEE Biography
ALICIA L. JACKSON, Senior Vice President
Ms. Jackson’s responsibilities at MEE include project management and development, where she oversees
the management, marketing, client relations, and supervision of staff involved in MEE’s numerous projects.
She also conducts skills-building workshops, at national conferences and community-based organizations
throughout the nation. Ms. Jackson’s ability to leverage MEE’s national network of 9,000 communitybased organizations to support community campaigns around HIV testing and other promotional activities
has been critical to MEE’s success. She also manages MEE’s national promotional campaigns for the
company’s movie entertainment clientele.
Prior to joining MEE, Ms. Jackson served as the Chief of Staff to a State elected official. During her
tenure, she became proficient in community organizing and mobilizing. Ms. Jackson received her Masters
in Government Administration with a minor in Public Policy from The Samuel S. Fels School at the
University of Pennsylvania. She received her B.A. in Political Science from West Chester University in
MEE Profile and Biography
MEE Profile
Since 1990, MEE has provided communication
research, media production and marketing
services to both private and public sector clients
in the United States and abroad. Clients include
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), The Ford Foundation, The
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, U.S. Center
for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP),
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, March of Dimes
Birth Defects Foundation, M&M Mars, Gramercy Pictures, Columbia/Sony Pictures, New Line Cinema,
Disney/Buena Vista Distribution, The Coca-Cola Company, SmithKline Beecham, Agouron Pharmaceuticals,
DEF Pictures, and Worldvision.
MEE focuses on how urban populations see their world and the world around them. MEE's communication and
marketing reputation stems from over ten years of conducting qualitative research that elicits informative,
accurate and authentic responses. This research has taken the form of literally hundreds of focus groups, oneon-one street interviews and community rap sessions.
Within urban communities, MEE has developed communication campaigns to reach three distinct audiences:
youth, parents, and community leaders. MEE has extensive experience in designing communication strategies
and producing media on complex public health issues, including:
Sexuality, HIV prevention; birth control and pregnancy; sexually transmitted diseases; and
male/female interpersonal dynamics;
Violence involving youth, including date/intimate, gun and juvenile violence; and
Substance abuse, including marijuana and alcohol.
MEE is also an award-winning production company with national and international awards for its media
productions. Already in distribution are Reaching the Hip-Hop Generation (American Medical Association’s
1994 International Health & Medical Film Festival Finalist Award), A Matter of Degrees (1994 Academy of
Arts Mid-Atlantic Regional Emmy Award for Outstanding Children’s Programming), In Search of Love: Dating
Violence Among Urban Youth (1997 Bronze Apple Award, National Education Media Network), A Circle of
Friends Should Never End (1997 Golden Apple Award, National Education Media Network) and L-Evated: The
Blunt Truth (1997 Prized Pieces Winner in the Teen and Community Choice Categories, National Black
Programming Consortium; Finalist Award in Adolescent Health Category, American Medical Association’s
1997 International Health and Medical Film Festival).
MEE first received national prominence with the release of its primary research study entitled The MEE Report:
Reaching the Hip-Hop Generation, which focused on the cultural and communication dynamics of urban teens
(May 1992). Funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the goal of the research was to identify
effective communication strategies to encourage pro-social behavior among inner-city teenag
Cassandra Chaney
Cassandra Chaney, a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, obtained her Bachelor of
Science degree from Southern University and A&M College in 2000. Thereafter, she
immediately began graduate studies in the Department of Human and Community
Development at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Ms. Chaney's master's
thesis examined the role of religiosity and spirituality for parents and members of the
African-American church. Given her interest in developing programs that encourage stable
marital and non-marital relationships among African-Americans, her dissertation will involve
the use of narratives by which married and non-married African-Americans in stable
relationships will describe and experience attachment, commitment, their social support
networks, their level of relationship satisfaction and the narratives that both couples build
when describing their relationship.
Biographies – Forum Participants
Linda Malone-Colon, Ph. D.
Malone-Colon, Linda Ph. D.
Dr. Linda Malone-Colon received her MS degree in clinical psychology and Ph.D. in personality
psychology from Howard University in Washington, DC. She is currently a researcher and faculty
member in the Department of Psychology at Hampton University. She teaches several psychology
courses and has designed and teaches a course on black marriages entitled “Black Marital
Relationships”. She is also conducting a line of research on black marriages that aims to: (1) identify
socio-cultural, intra-personal and interpersonal factors and educational programs that strengthen black
marriages and (2) explore the relationship between marital status and the overall well-being of African
She has also had considerable experience as an educator, administrator and counselor in institutions of
higher education (most especially, Historically Black Colleges and Universities) including Hampton
University, Dillard University and Howard University. She was the director of University counseling for
several years at both Hampton University and Dillard University.
Dr. Malone-Colon is a certified marriage educator in both the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement
(PREP) and the African American Enrichment Program (AAME) and is currently completing training
towards certification in the Couples relationship enhancement Program.
She is also a consultant/trainer in a wide range of human resource development areas including
organizational, management and employee development and career development. She has designed
and conducted courses, workshops and seminars nationally for private industry, local, state and federal
agencies and institutions of higher education. Her primary training areas include: cultural diversity;
conflict management; stress management; leadership/supervision training; effective/assertive
communication; presentation skills; mentoring and development of women managers.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 21
Katie Williams
Katie L. Williams began her federal career as a Summer Intern in the Regional
Director’s Office in 1972 for the former Department of Health, Education and
Welfare. Ms. Williams has served in various staff and supervisory positions in
the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and its predecessor agency in
the Department of Health and Human Services since 1974. She has worked
with many of the ACF programs that serve our nation’s most vulnerable children,
youth and families, including the Urban Indian, Runaway and Homeless Youth,
Child Welfare, Child Care, Developmental Disabilities, Head Start and Early
Head Start Programs. Ms. Williams has served on numerous national and
regional Task Forces and Workgroups addressing administrative and program
initiatives and issues.
Ms. Williams is currently a Team Administrator for the Head Start and Early Head
Start Programs.
In that capacity, she provides leadership to the team
responsible for the federal oversight of the Head Start and Early Head Start
Programs in Illinois and Indiana. She serves as the Regional ACF Lead for the
promotion of family literacy throughout the ACF programs.
Ms. Williams was awarded a BA in Sociology from St. Xavier University and an
MA in Sociology from the University of Illinois. She recently received one of the
first Certificates in Public Administration awarded by the University of Illinois in
collaboration with the Federal Executive Board.
Ms. Williams is married and has three wonderful children.
Andrew and Terri Lyke
Andrew and Terri Lyke were married October 5, 1975. They have been involved in
ministry to marriage since 1978. Together they have directed Marriage Ministry for the
African American Catholic Community of Chicago since 1982. Their team of married
couples and clergy has prepared thousands of engaged couples for married life. Terri
and Drew have developed Marriage Enrichment and Marriage Preparation programs
that they have presented to couples around the United States.
As Lyke To Lyke Consultants they have nationally presented keynote addresses,
workshops, retreats and seminars on Marriage and Family issues to church,
community and business audiences. They have appeared on "The Gift of Blackness"
series that broadcasts nationwide on cable television. They have written articles for
local and national publications, including Catholic News Service, Evangelization Update, The
Catholic World magazine and In-A-Word, on Christian married life. Terri and Drew are
regularly featured columnists for several Catholic diocesan newspapers across the
United States.
In 1995 they received the Augustus Tolton Archdiocesan Award for their pioneer
work in ministry to marriage in the Archdiocese of Chicago. They are the parents of
two college-age children. The Lykes are parishioners at St. Lawrence O’Toole parish
in Matteson, Illinois where they serve together as a family in ministry.
Terri is a supervisor of Medical Sonography and an applications specialist. She has
worked in the field of ultrasound since 1976.
Andrew’s career in the telecommunications industry began in 1970 at Illinois Bell. He
retired from Ameritech Services, Inc. in April of 1993. From 1994 to 1998 he was a
member of the National Advisory Council of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. He was
member of the board of directors for the Catholic Network of Volunteer Services
from 1998 to 2001. He was a university minister at his alma mater, DePaul University
from 1996 until October 1999. Currently he is the Coordinator of Marriage Ministry
for the Archdiocese of Chicago, which hosts the countries largest diocesan marriage
preparation program.
Biographies – Forum Participants
Clarence Shuler
Shuler, Clarence
Building Lasting Relationships, Inc.
8018 Potomac Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Clarence Shuler’s
Biographical Information
Clarence Shuler is a husband, father (3 girls), teacher, author, and a former pastor.
Clarence is the President/CEO of Building Lasting Relationships, Inc. He and Brenda (wife),
conduct marriage and single seminars throughout the United States and internationally. This is the
primary ministry of Building Lasting Relationships, Inc (BLR). Additionally, they are members of
Dennis Rainey’s FamilyLife’s Speaker Team. Clarence and Brenda also partner with The Billy Graham
School of Evangelism (held all over the country), teaching Balancing Family & Ministry.
Biblical Diversity seminars are a vital aspect of BLR. Clarence uses his thirty-plus years of crosscultural ministry experience, when conducting/consulting seminars with businesses, churches,
educational institutions, and parachurch ministries, which desire to be more reflective all of God’s people within their organizations. Formerly, he initiated/developed/managed Focus on the Family’s first
national outreach to the black community as manager of Black Family/Pastors Ministries. He has served
as an adjunct professor at Denver Institute for Urban Studies, Denver Seminary, New Geneva Seminary,
Colorado Christian University, and Tulsa Junior College. He also serves on the advisory board of
Urban Connection; a ministry assisting urban ministry leaders across the United States and Canada.
Clarence advises the Executive Committee of Koinonia House, a Chuck Colson endorsed postprison ministry and he is a board member for Ramah International, which is a ministry to post-abortal
women and men. He occasionally partners with the Multi-cultural Department of Evangelism for the
North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention teaching evangelism and marriage.
He attended Moody Bible Institute and is a graduate of Covenant College (History) and
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity). For twelve years, he served the
Southern Baptist Convention as a home missionary, a mission pastor, and Black Ch.director, IL. Bapt.
Clarence has authored Winning the Race to Unity: Is Racial Reconciliation Really Working?
(2nd edition), and Your Wife Can Be Your Best Friend (2/00), both are Moody Press books. Several
Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries are using Winning the Race to Unity as a textbook. It
has been mentioned in the Chicago Tribune and Washington Post. He’s also a freelance writer for
Christian magazines. Experiencing Discipleship was released by Group Publishing July (02).
He has consulted with the following churches/institutions/organizations in assisting them through
diversity seminars and/or hiring people of color in decision-making positions: The War College of the U.
S. Air Force, Health & Human Services Dept. of US Gov.-American Families & Children, Evangelical
Free Church Association (National Leadership, Board of Directors, Superintendents), Moody Bible
Institute (Media Division), Messiah College, Bethel College/Seminary, Navigators, Wycliffe Bible
Translators, Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Crowell Foundation, Orchard Foundation, Desert Christian Schools (K-12), Salvation Army (Kansas City), Family Evangelism Unit of NAMB of the Southern
Baptist Convention; National Center for Fathering, Greater Kansas City Association of Evangelicals,
Greater Kansas City Area Chapter of the Christian Management Association, Bethlehem Baptist Church
(Dr. John Piper), Harvest Bible Church (interracial), New City Fellowship Church (interracial), Lorimer
Baptist Church (interracial), Clearwater Bible Church, the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Urban
Family Council (Philadelphia), and Sports Ambassadors (division of Overseas Crusade International).
Phone: (719) 282-1340
FAX: (719) 282-0177
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 34
Biographies – ACF/HHS Participants
Leon McCowan
McCowan, Leon
Leon R. McCowan serves as the Regional Administrator for the Administration for Children and Families,
Region VI, in Dallas, Texas. He provides executive leadership, direction, and coordination for all ACF
programs in the region, consisting of the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and
Texas. The Administration for Children and Families is responsible for programs that promote the social
and economic well-being of children and families. The following ACF programs are under his direction:
Head Start, Child Care, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Child Support Enforcement,
Tribal programs, Developmental Disabilities, Child Welfare programs, Youth programs, and Community
Service programs. Nationally, he serves as the Lead Regional Administrator for Child Support
Enforcement, Technology, and Positive Youth Development.
With more than 30 years of professional federal service, Mr. McCowan began his career in the
Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. He has held various program and management
positions within the Department of Health and Human Services, including: Regional Hub Director, WestCentral Hub; Deputy Program Manager for the Office of Family Assistance; and as the Deputy Regional
Representative for Child Support Enforcement.
In 2001, Mr. McCowan was recognized with the prestigious "Presidential Rank Award" for Meritorious
Executives, and was presented with two "Secretary's Award for Distinguished Service" by the Department
of Health and Human Services. The first award commended his creativity, initiative and vision in
developing approaches to partnerships for results with Hub Stakeholders and inventing a model
organizational strategy for the West-Central Hub. The second lauded his efforts with the Department of
Health and Human Services National Fatherhood Initiative. He received the Secretary's Award in 2000 as
well, for outstanding performance of Y2K activities.
Mr. McCowan is a member of the International Who's Who of Professionals. The North Texas Chapter of
Blacks in Government honored Mr. McCowan with a "Career Achievement Award." He was named
"Manager of the Year" by the National Treasury Employees Union and was presented the "Unsung Hero
Award" by the Dallas Chapter of Federally Employed Women.
Mr. McCowan received his B.A. in Sociology from Wiley College in Marshall, Texas, and his M.A. in
Public Administration from the University of North Texas in Denton.
He is married to Curtistene McCowan; they have two married sons and three granddaughters.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 3
Jeffery M. Johnson, Ph.D.
Dr. Jeffery M. Johnson is President and CEO of the National Partnership for Community
Leadership (NPCL). As a national nonprofit intermediary organization, the mission of
NPCL is to strengthen the service capacity of nonprofit and community-based agencies
to empower youth and families. Prior to his work at NPCL, Dr. Johnson spent nearly two
decades as a senior manager and management consultant in the private and public
As president of NPCL, Dr. Johnson has overseen the planning and implementation of
two of the nations largest social welfare research projects involving low-income men.
They are the Partners for Fragile Families Site Demonstration, and the Fathers at Work
Demonstration. These projects have served more than 6000 men since 1999. In
addition, under Dr. Johnson’s leadership, NPCL created the National Youth
Development Practitioners Institute. The Institute, which is the only national entity of its
kind in America, annually trains and certifies youth workers to effectively serve out of
school youth in urban, rural, and Native American communities throughout the United
States. Since 1997, Dr. Johnson and NPCL have also convened an annual international
fatherhood conference that attracts thousands of community-based and family
practitioners from around the world.
Dr. Johnson is a nationally recognized authority in the areas of leadership, employment
and training, urban poverty and youth employment. A particular focus of Dr. Johnson’s
work has been on the plight of African-American men and families. He is regularly
invited to testify before the United States Congress on matters pertaining to low-income
fathers and strengthening families. He played a principal role in passage of the first
national fatherhood legislation in Congress, The Fathers Count Bill. Dr. Johnson is also
the author of several publications including Fatherhood Development: A Curriculum for
Young Fathers.
Dr. Johnson has been quoted in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The
Washington Times, and The Afro-American newspapers. Dr. Johnson has also
appeared on CNN, C-Span, Fox Morning News Show, the Jesse Jackson Show, NBC
Nightly News, BET News and National Black Network News.
Dr. Johnson has an extensive civic involvement record and serves on many community
boards where he has received numerous service awards. He is past President of the
United Way of the National Capital Area, a member of the congressionally mandated
Medical Child Support Working Group, and currently serves as a member of the Board
of Advisors for the Morehouse College Research Institute. In addition he serves on the
District of Columbia Commission on African-American Men and Boys, and the District of
Columbia Neighborhood College wherein he serves as Co-Chair. He is also the 2003
recipient of the President’s Award by The National Practitioners Network for Fathers and
Families. This award annually recognizes outstanding leadership in the promotion of
responsible fatherhood. Dr. Johnson is a member of the Peoples Community Baptist
Church in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Dr. Johnson has been married for 24 years and has two children. He received his formal
education at the University of Michigan where he received the Bachelor of Arts, Master
of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Urban Education.
Derrick Blakley
Derrick Blakley serves as co-anchor for CBS 2 CHICAGO’s 4:00PM News, alongside Mary Ann
Childers. He also reports for the station’s 10:00 PM News, Monday- Friday.
In June 2003, Blakley returned to CBS after 15 years at NBC 5 in Chicago. He had worked for CBS
News, as a network correspondent, from 1980-87, based in Chicago, London, and Bonn, Germany.
Blakley, a three-time Emmy Award winner, joined WMAQ-TV in 1987 as a general assignment
reporter. He later served as news anchor for NBC 5’s weekend morning newscasts (1994-98). In
1998, he began anchoring the weekend evening newscasts, and continued to serve as a general
assignment reporter.
Blakley got his start in television broadcasting at WBNS-TV in Columbus, Ohio (1978-80). He
began his career in journalism as a news reporter for the Chicago Tribune (1976-78).
Blakley, a Chicago native, holds a B.S. in Journalism from Northwestern University and a Masters in
Communications from the University of Illinois.
Dr. Alan V. Ragland is the Senior Pastor of the Third Baptist Church of Chicago located at
1551 West 95th Street in Chicago, Illinois.
Alan Ragland is a native of Memphis Tennessee where he completed undergraduate studies at
the University of Memphis. He received his M. Div., Degree from Colgate Rochester Divinity
school and his D. Min. from McCormick Theological Seminary.
Alan V. Ragland has served the cause of Jesus Christ in a variety of ministry venues:. After a
residency in Clinical Pastoral Education, Dr. Ragland served as Hospital chaplain and Director
of Pastoral Care for the Regional Medical Center in Memphis, Dr. Ragland has also served as a
theological educator on the faculty of Memphis Theological Seminary and has served in adjunct
faculty capacities at McCormick in Chicago.
Dr. Ragland is a product of the African American Church in the Baptist tradition and claims
that the center of his ministerial service is as a local Pastor. He is an ordained clergyman of the
Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. and the American Baptist Churches USA.
Dr. Ragland has been extensively involved in lay and ministerial development within the
church, and church-based community organizing and transformation in the community at large.
In publications, be has contributed to the book "Living in Hell - the Dilemma of African
American Survival", and wrote the meditation for- Psalm 95 in the African American
Devotional Bible.
In addition to his congregational ministry, Alan Ragland also serves as: President of Heritage
Community Development Corporation (HCDC), Chicago, Illinois; Co-Chairperson of Long,
Range Planning, Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc.; Chairperson of Mission
Partnership Committee, American Baptist Churches of Metro Chicago; Board Member,
Chicago Metropolitan Development Association (Ezra Community Homes); Board Member,
McCormick Theological Serninary , Chicago, Illinois; Board Member, Chicago Southside
Branch, NAACP.
Dr. Ragland is a nationally recognized theologian, scholar, and preacher.
Alan V. Ragland is married to Barbara Ollie Ragland and they have out daughter, Melanie
Loren Ragland.
CHORAL THUNDER, a contemporary and sophisticated vocal ensemble, specializes in dynamic vocal arrangements presented
with precision and power. Intricately woven melodies and close harmonies, richly blended, are standard components of each
performance. The group's multicultural composition also adds dimension to its unique vocal character.
The ensemble continues to showcase widely varied music — hard-hitting gospel with jazz and blues influences; soul-stirring
spirituals; inspirational songs; fervent hymns and anthems; and diverse international selections. Musically refreshing á cappella
selections contribute significantly to the ensemble's vast repertoire.
CHORAL THUNDER'S explosion onto the music scene has met with swift acclaim. Featured on several radio, television and
recording projects, CHORAL THUNDER continues to delight audiences on an increasingly global scale. The ensemble's
collaboration with famed Jazz vocalist Patricia Barber drew critical praise: "CHORAL THUNDER gives 'Modern Cool' souldrenched dynamics that push the CD into the realm of instant classics." (
Based in Chicago (USA), CHORAL THUNDER performs at numerous public venues and participates in many public service and
community outreach projects. Treat yourself to vocal artistry at its best — experience the Roar of CHORAL THUNDER. You will
never be the same.
Music Styles: Choral, Gospel, Inspirational, Urban, Contemporary, Jazz, Pop
Influences: Manhattan Transfer, Take 6, Sounds of Blackness, Sweet Honey in the Rock, Acappella, Singers Unlimited, New York
Frances Marshall-Brim
President/Business Manager
28 East Jackson Building
10th Floor · Suite F-395
Chicago, Illinois 60604 USA
(773) 429-0500
If you would like to add your name to the CHORAL THUNDER Mailing List, feel free to contact us.
If you would like to become a member of CHORAL THUNDER, please contact us to schedule an audition appointment.
If you are a composer or arranger and would like to submit your original songs to CHORAL THUNDER for upcoming recording
opportunities, feel free to contact us.
Lydia Davis Eady is a media professional with many years of
experience in publicity, advertising, marketing, public relations, public
affairs, event planning and speech writing. Lydia brings a wealth of
knowledge in targeting and reaching consumers as to their demographics
and has particular expertise in marketing to African-American
consumers. She also offers significant experience as a company spokesperson.
Lydia is currently a Vice President at Johnson Publishing Company where she handles
corporate public relations for the company. She handles media and communications related
projects for every area of the company including the magazines (Ebony and Jet), cosmetics
company (Fashion Fair Cosmetics), fashion show (EBONY Fashion Fair), hair care company
(Supreme Beauty Products) and the JPC Book division. Lydia is Creative Director and Media
Planner & Buyer for the in-house advertising agency. Her ad campaigns have appeared in the
New York Times, Advertising Age, Adweek, network television, prime cable television
(including USA, HGTV, TV Food Network), and urban radio. She also interviews and hires
models, scouts and selects locations and serves as photographic stylist and photo shoot
coordinator for advertising and promotional materials for the various company divisions and
video productions.
She is the editor and manager for the company’s web site – which includes the web sites
for every area of the company. She plans and executes special events including TV shows,
product launches, press conferences and V.I.P. luncheons and receptions. For 10 years she was
Program Coordinating Executive for the nationally-syndicated Hollywood production of the
American Black Achievement Awards. She consulted on the production of the ABC-TV network
special, Celebrate The Dream: 50 years Of EBONY. She was associate producer of EBONY/JET
Celebrity Showcase, nationally-syndicated weekly television show. She produces video
presentations and television commercials. Lydia also writes everything from speeches (for the
CEO, Secretary-Treasurer and other senior-level executives) to books (the EBONY Guide To
Historically Black Colleges and Universities) to calendars (EBONY Great Black Americans and
JET Great African-American Entertainers) to magazine articles (for special events and fashionrelated) to press releases. She has represented the company at the White House and at several
other events internationally, nationally and locally. She directs handling of requests by the public
for funding, information and materials.
Lydia has administered sweepstakes, contests and model searches for the company. She
is also copywriter and consultant for the company’s circulation division. Her expertise is in both
newsstand promotion and subscription promotion and maintenance. Her packages include
sweepstakes, renewals, and special promotions to attract new subscribers. She has received the
Folio Circulation Direct Mail Award of Merit for her work.
Previously she worked in the news department of the ABC-TV affiliate, WRTV-TV, in
Indianapolis. Lydia is listed in Who's Who in the World, Who's Who of American Women, and
Who's Who of Black Americans. She has received several awards and honors including the
Woman Of Substance Award from Men Committed To A Better Community. Lydia is a Magna
Cum Laude graduate of Howard University in Washington, D.C. She can be contacted at: 1137
S. Park Terrace, Chicago, IL 60605. 312-427-0207,
Biographies – Forum Participants
Roland Martin
Martin, Roland
Roland S. Martin is a nationally award-winning journalist and a nationally syndicated columnist with
Creators Syndicate. Mr. Martin is also the author of Speak, Brother! A Black Man's View of America. Mr.
Martin's media ventures are handled through his company, ROMAR Media Group, a Dallas-based
multimedia company focusing on publishing, syndicated print and audio content, television production, as
well as Internet and media consulting. The company owns DFW Heritage: A Lifestyles Publication for the
21st Century Christian ( ROMAR has published two books, Speak, Brother! and
Fulfilled! The Art and Joy of Balanced Living by Rev. Jacquie Hood Martin. His work has been published
in several national media outlets, including USA Today, Honey Magazine,,,, and He is the founding news editor for Savoy
Magazine, a New York-based national lifestyles magazine targeting African Americans. He served from
2001 to 2003. Martin also provides commentary on The Tavis Smiley Show on National Public Radio. Mr.
Martin has also produced a one-hour special on the 2000 Election for Major Broadcasting Cable Network
in Atlanta, Georgia. He also is frequently called upon as a content and marketing consultant for a variety
of media outlets. A provocative and insightful analyst, Mr. Martin has already appeared more than 75
times on various TV and radio network shows. His appearances include CNN's Live From...,Talkback Live
and Showdown Iraq with Wolf Blitzer; FOX's The O'Reilly Factor; MSNBC's Scarborough Country,
Nachman and Donahue; C-SPAN; nationally syndicated radio talk shows such as The Tom Joyner
Morning Show; The Bev Smith Show and the Joe Madison Show. He is the former founding editor of, the black news and information site founded by nationally-syndicated radio show
host Tom Joyner. He previously served as editor of the Houston Defender, Houston's leading Black
newspaper, and the former managing editor of The Weekly, Dallas-Fort Worth's top Black newspaper,
which he led to a number of local, state and national journalism awards. Mr. Martin is a member of the
National Association of Black Journalists, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and is one of 32 national Unity
Journalists of Color mentors.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 23
Biographies – Forum Participants
Rozario Slack
Slack, Rozario
Rozario Slack is the Director of Fathering and Urban Initiatives at First Things First, a grassroots
nonprofit organization in Chattanooga, Tennessee, that is dedicated to strengthening families. He has
spent the last twenty-five years serving families in a variety of capacities. Rozario has assisted
Tennessee’s Families First participants and other economically disadvantaged persons to access
postsecondary education and training. Rozario managed a Family Advocacy Project for Inner City
Ministries in Chattanooga, lectured in a number of schools and colleges, and has worked extensively with
disenfranchised persons to help them deal with their unique challenges. Rozario speaks frequently on
healthy marriage, fatherhood, and other issues that profoundly impact children and families, and has
worked with low-income families to help them become empowered to achieve self-sufficiency. Rozario
works with a cross-section of people, challenging them to develop healthy, wholesome marital, parenting
and dating relationships. He is a pastor of a church, volunteers for various community organizations, and
serves on several organizational boards. Rozario and Chattanooga pediatrician, Dr. Angela Smith Slack,
have been married almost eleven years and have three children: seven- year-old Will, four-year-old
Pamela, and eleven-month-old Taylor. This past May, Rozario received the Doctor of Ministry degree.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 35
Willie C. Jackson, II
Brother Willie C. “Pete” Jackson is Senior Minister and Administrator of the Westside Church of Christ
and Vice President of the Board of Westside Ministries. He has been a member of the Church of Christ
for over forty four years. The first son born to Willie C. Jackson, Jr. and Norris Lundy Jackson in
Jacksonville Florida. He was an exceptional student as stated by his nursery school teacher. He was
admitted to the first grade at the age of four. He received honors in every grade. In Junior high school he
earned awards, especially in English and Math. By the time he entered senior high school his academic
reputation was known and respected-putting a seal on his ability to achieve excellence. In spite of his
age, he was elected president of the Senior Class, the Honor Society, the HIY and Glee Club. He
received many awards and was the only young man to graduate with honors. He graduated from Matthew
Gilbert in 1963. The Principal announced that he had achieved more awards in the history of Gilbert than
any other student. Bro. Pete’s college and early adult life had a strong interest in sports such as
basketball and volleyball. He enjoys fishing at the lakes, at the beach, on the river and from boats (both
large and small).
Bro. Pete began preaching at the age of thirteen under his grandfather, Bro. John L. Lundy. He spent
twenty years at the Normandie Congregation in Los Angeles where he served as a Deacon, Bible School
Teacher, and Volunteer Education Department Chair. He returned to Jacksonville from Los Angeles
California in 1983. He served as full time Director of Education at the Northside Church of Christ—
Minister Charlie E. McClendon, for seven years. He is in demand as a local, statewide and regional
lectureship speaker and workshop presenter at youth meetings as well as conferences designed for
Church Leaders.
Bro. Pete attended College at Pepperdine University, Los Angeles California and, completed Course work
in Mathematics and Psychology with a minor in Marriage and Family Counseling. Bro. Pete also attended
Rio Hondo Community College, Pomona, California where he received certification in Checking and
Layout Drawing.
Past and present board and civic affiliation includes: Past chair of Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce
Community Leadership Task Force; past board member of HabiJax; a contributor for a new Southern
Agenda: by the Jessie Ball Dupont Fund Unfinished Business Agenda. He was an Adjunct instructor at
the University of North Florida continuing Education Department where he taught a course as a licensed
Facilitator of “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey. He serves on boards and
commissions of several governmental and civic affair groups in Jacksonville. He is a current board
member of the Bridge of Northeast Florida, Clara White Mission, Minority Aid Coalition of Jacksonville;
Steering Committee of the Jacksonville Juvenile Justice Comprehensive Strategy; board member of
JIA/CRA of JEDCO. Leadership Jax Board and Mayor’s Commission on Domestic Violence. He recently
completed training as a study circle facilitator of the Human Rights Commission of the City of Jacksonville
and Volunteers as a Supreme Court Certified Mediator in cases of Civil Court.
Currently, he is Chief Community Officer for the City of Jacksonville. As an integral part of Mayor
Peyton’s leadership team, he works to ensure the effective delivery of city services to citizens, and is
immersed in various special initiatives and projects.
Bro. Pete has a passion for children and family issues as they impact the quality of life for Jacksonville
He has recently celebrated 36 years of marriage to Marsha Anise (Wright) Jackson, they have two adult
daughters Antoinette Eileen and Nichelle Marie and one son Gerald W. C. age 20.
The Westside Congregation hopes to be blessed with the presence and services of Bro. Pete and his
family for many more years.
His goal is to work side by side with the leaders and the congregation in establishing of a Senior care
center and Christian School.
Biographies – ACF/HHS Participants
Carlis Williams
Williams, Carlis
Carlis V. Williams serves as the Southeast Regional Administrator for the Administration for Children and
Families (ACF), and is based in Atlanta, Georgia. The Southeast Region includes eight states: Georgia,
Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, North and South Carolina, Mississippi and Florida. She leads a staff of
106, and oversees an annual budget of over six billion dollars. She is responsible for ACF human service
programs that include Head Start, Child Welfare, Foster Care, Adoption, Child Care, Developmental
Disabilities, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Child Support, and Runaway and Homeless Youth.
Before assuming her present position, Carlis was the Executive Assistant to the Governor for Human
Services in the State of Indiana. She was the Governor's chief policy advisor in these areas and had
responsibility for four major agencies: Family and Social Services Administration, the Governor's Council
on Disabilities, the Governor's Council on Protection and Advocacy and the Governor's Council on Sports
and Fitness. She was instrumental in launching Indiana's nationally recognized Children's Health
Insurance Program, Hoosier Healthwise, which enrolled over 120,000 children in it's first year. She was
also the catalyst for major changes in the areas of early childhood development, adoption, fatherhood and
support for low income working families in the state of Indiana.
Previously, Carlis served as Deputy Director for the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration,
Division of Family and Children, and was responsible for programs related to family resources: Temporary
Assistance for Needy Families, Food Stamps, Medicaid, JOBS, Housing and Community Services. She
also had lead responsibility for the design and implementation of welfare reform in the state.
Carlis has worked in the community for many years as a volunteer in the areas of education and mental
health. She has been on numerous boards and committees that focus on issues surrounding race
relations, parenting, education, economic development, community involvement and many others. She
has experience in the private sector as a consultant in marketing and telecommunications. She has also
been in private practice as a counselor/therapist in areas related to personal growth and positive
Carlis is a graduate of Ball State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology and Master
of Art Degrees in Social Psychology and Counseling and Guidance. She is a mother and grandmother
and loves reading, music and the theater. If asked her philosophy of life, she will say, "Giving is better
than receiving… If we all give, everyone wins!"
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 5
Opportunities Industrialization Center of Greater Milwaukee
Position Title:
Executive Assistant to Executive VP/COO
Employment History:
Bernadette has had 15 years of Executive Administration experience, seven of which
have been in a successful senior management role. Bernadette’s varied experience has
given her the versatility to adopt to various managerial roles in the non-profit and for
profit areas. As Marketing Manager at a HMO, Bernadette developed strategic and
marketing plans, recruited, trained and monitored the sales force thereby growing the
corporate client base by 100% in one year. Bernadette’s marketing research and project
management experience provided the tools to transform organizational cultures from
product to customer orientation, while conducting Image Surveys and Opinion Surveys.
At OIC-GM, Bernadette has developed and overseen the strategic planning process; and
program outcomes and is a funding development team member that was last year
responsible for growing the agency’s budget by 97%. Bernadette is also heading OICGM’s effort in developing the Healthy Marriage Program Pilot while coordinating and
staffing the building of Milwaukee’s CHMI, namely Milwaukee Marriage Partnership.
Bernadette’s commitment to community service has seen her volunteer in various
projects as a Rotary Club Member/Club Secretary from 1997 to 2000 and as Honorary
Secretary at Kenya Business & Professional Women’s Club an affiliate club of the
International Federation of Business & Professional Women, in the same period.
Bernadette is a member of the National Association of Female Executives (NAFE). She
holds a Bachelor of Education Degree in Business and Secretarial Sciences (Honors) and
a Masters In Business Administration.
L. AtrongPastor
Personal: Native of Los Angeles, California! He is
happily married to the former Melanie L. Pinkney, Esq.
of Ewing, NJ.
Undergrad: BA in Public Policy from Stanford University
; [concentration in Social Welfare Policy]
Graduate: Masters in Divinity from Princeton
Theological Seminary; [concentration in Church-State Relationships]
Additional. Coursework. - Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs;
[concentration in Educational/Non-Profit Policy]
Pastor: On Sat., 01-08-2000, he was called by the historic Shiloh
Baptist Church in Trenton, NJ, to be it's 3rd pastor in the last 95
years! Under his leadership, the church's membership has increased
from 850 to 1,400 and the church budget has nearly tripled!
Member: NJ Council of Churches, ALL affiliates of National &
American Baptist Conventions
Founder/Chair-Board of Trustees : The National Association of Foster
Children, Inc., a private, non-profit organization which works to raise
public awareness about the plight of America's abused, abandoned
and neglected children;
Chair-Board of Trustees : The Capital Corridor Community
Development Corporation, Inc., a faith-based organization, affiliated
with the Shiloh B. C., focusing on human transformation,
community development, and economic empowerment;
Member: New Jersey Supreme Court Committee on Minority
Concerns: a statewide commission of lawyers, judges,
administrators, and community leaders advising the New Jersey
Supreme Court on legal issues affecting minority citizens;
Member: Governor's Cabinet for Children: One of ten community
leaders appointed in May, 2003 to a statewide commission of 20 by
Bill Coffin
Bill Coffin, the Special Assistant for Marriage Education, joined ACF
in Jan 02. Working with the Assistant Secretary and the Principal
Deputy he is helping to orchestrate an important culture change,
where those who marry will have better access to knowledge and
skills to form and sustain a healthy marriage.
Bill spent most of the previous 33 years working for the Navy,
initially on active duty and then as a civilian in the Navy's Family
Support Program Headquarters in DC. His passion is marriage
education and enrichment. He trains both couples and leaders in the
military, churches and communities.
Bill served as the Marriage Preparation Coordinator for the
Archdiocese of Washington and as a consultant to the U.S. Bishops
Committee on Marriage and Family Life. He co-authored a book
chapter on Preventive Interventions for Couples. Bill is a graduate of
Fairfield University and has two master’s degrees, one in Human
Relations, the other in Counseling. He's been married for 35 years
and has four children and three grandchildren.
Dr. Lands, born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is a graduate of the Southern University School of
Engineering, Baton Rouge, LA., B S, Electronics, 1967, and the National Theological Seminary, D Div,
1983. He is the senior pastor of the Greater Calvary Baptist Church, Austin, Texas, since September
1984. He formerly served as the senior pastor of the Maryland Street Baptist Church of Louisiana,
Missouri and the Second Baptist Church of Frankfort, Missouri.
He is a registered professional Control Systems Engineer. His corporate career covers 25 years as
Project Engineer, Project Manager, Manager of Engineering, Director of Engineering, and Director of
Operations for Fortune 500 companies.
He is the CEO and president of Rites of Passage Development, Inc., an agency specializing in affordable
housing, community development, human development and economic development. He serves as CEO
of SWL, Inc., an agency committed to character education and abstinence education and HIV prevention.
He is also the CEO and president of Greater Calvary Rites of Passage, Inc., an agency specializing in
character centered youth development. He serves as the Chairman of the board of Preserving Family
Well Being Foundation an agency specializing in abstinence education and teen pregnancy prevention.
He received certification in Non-Violent Social Change Strategy from the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center
For Non-Violent Social Change, Atlanta, Georgia, 1982. He received volunteer mediator training at the
Dispute Resolution Center of Travis County, 1992. He was trained as a Managerial Analytics Specialist at
the Monsanto Company, St. Louis, Mo., 1979. He is trained in Analytical Problem Solving and Decision
Making. He has authored several books including the “Integrity Screen”; Holiness; The Main Ingredient;
Inside Out; and the “Servant Warrior Leader Development Manual”. He is also author of the “Character
Centered Process Conflict Resolution Manual.”
He is the past president of the Baptist Ministers’ Union of Austin and Vicinity, 1991 - 93. He served on the
“Ethics Review Commission” City of Austin. He is former Chair of the City of Austin “Parks and Recreation
Board”. He is former Vice Chair of the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce. He has received many
awards and recognitions, including the Black Achievers in Industry award, Harlem Branch YMCA of
Greater New York; Citizen of the Year award, HDC of Metropolitan St. Louis; Outstanding Parks Board
Member Award, Austin Parks and Recreation; Arthur B. De Witty/Volmar R. Overton Award, NAACP,
Austin, Texas; and Youth Advocate of the Year Award, Nokoa, The Observer.
He currently serves as the Chair of the Preserving Family Well Being Foundation Board of Directors; as
Vice Chair of the Austin Revitalization Authority (ARA) Board of Directors; he also serves as a member of
the Trust for Public Land Texas Advisory Council; as a member of the Austin Area Research Organization
(AARO); as a member of the Texas Advisory Committee to Promote Adoption of Minority Children; as a
member of the Community AISD Health Services Advisory Board; and as a member of the Health and
Human Services Design Team.
He is President of ANAK Consultants, a firm specializing in Abstinence Education and Teen Pregnancy
Prevention, Character Development, Project Management, Human Potential Development, Character
Centered Conflict Resolution, Organization Development, Process Consultation, Systems Design,
Implementation and Analysis, Mediation and Total Quality Management.
Ada Skyles, Ph.D., J.D.
Social worker and attorney Ada Skyles is a Research Fellow at the Chapin Hall Center for Children
at the University of Chicago. At Chapin Hall, her work focuses on child welfare systems and the
experiences of children of color in those systems, juvenile justice and family courts, community
participation, capacity building in community-based agencies, youth employment, and diversity. Her
legal practice included an emphasis on family law.
Dr. Skyles is extensively involved with human service policy and practice issues. Since 1997, she has
chaired the Ethics Board for Child Welfare Professionals of the Illinois Department of Children and
Family Services. She chairs the Child Support Advisory Committee of the Appleseed Fund for
Justice. She is also chair of the board of the Center for Neighborhood Technology. Between 2000
and 2002, Dr. Skyles served on the Illinois Governor’s Child and Family Leadership Subcabinet. In
2001, she chaired the Child Support Reform Partnership Council, a project of Chicago’s
Metropolitan Family Services.
Dr. Skyles has taught at the schools of social work, medicine, and law for the University of
Wisconsin, Madison, where she was affiliated with the Institute for Research on Poverty. She is the
former Chair of the Wisconsin Governor’s Council on Domestic Abuse and served as Director of
the Bureau of Child Support Enforcement for the Wisconsin Department of Health and Human
Services. Dr. Skyles received her Ph.D. in social welfare policy from the University of Wisconsin
and her J.D. from Northwestern University School of Law. Dr. Skyles was coeditor of a recent issue
of Children & Youth Services Review focusing on the overrepresentation of children of color in child
welfare systems. She is the author of a number of articles and a book chapter on such topics as
family relationships, child support, and minority family participation in child welfare systems.
Executive Board
Valerie Pace
Sheila Reed
Faith Walker
David Johnson
Carmen Dupoint
Paula D. Johnson
Executive Director
Business Partners
Hartwell Taxes &
Community Resources
Well-Hart Publishing
Paula DeBoles-Johnson is the Executive Director of Capital City Youth
Development Corporation. She has worked within the big bend
community for the past 13 years, serving on community boards, creating
and managing local and statewide programs, training and human
resource management, program planning, monitoring and evaluation.
She has worked within the public and private sectors with the
Department of Education, Department of Labor, Department of Children
and Family Services, Leon County Schools, Department of Health,
Gadsden County Senior Citizens Center and the Community
Intervention Center. She is also an active member of several community
organizations as a motivational speaker, community advocate and a
YMCA coach. Mrs. DeBoles-Johnson is certified by the Supreme Court
of Florida as a Mediator, serves as a member of the Executive Board of
the National Achievers Society, a member of the Gamma Sigma
National Service Sorority and volunteers as the Administrator of her
church and also with the Florida Army National Guard Family Support
Unit. She is a former liaison member of the Governor’s Task Force for
Sexual and Domestic Violence (under Governor Lawton Chiles
Administration). She holds a Bachelors degree in Political Science and a
Masters Degree in Public Administration. Mrs. Johnson is the founder of
“All About Girls”, an annual conference for minority females in the tricounty area, which focuses on academic excellence, self-esteem and
abstinence. A conference so popular that it has been adopted by
Thomas University in Thomasville, Georgia and currently being
promoted as a national model.
David L. Johnson is her soul mate and husband of eleven blissful years.
They are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters Zemoria age 9
and Zenani age 6.
Telephone: (850) 878-9277
(850) 878-8027 (fax)
Let’s Meet, Inc.
P.O. Box 38596
Tallahassee, FL
(850) 878-9277
A 501-c3 non-profit
“Nothing that you ever do for children is wasted.”
Biographies – Forum Participants
Reverend George E. Young, Sr.
Young, Reverend George E. Sr.
Reverend George E. Young, Sr. received his undergraduate degree from Lambuth University in Jackson,
Tennessee. After accepting the call to the Ministry, he continued his education receiving a Masters of
Arts in Ministry from Oklahoma Christian University of Arts and Science, graduating Magna Cum Laude.
He received a Masters of Divinity Degree from Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa, Oklahoma,
graduating Cum Laude. He is currently working on his Doctorate of Ministry from Phillips Theological
Seminary, projecting completion this year. He completed a Merrill Fellowship with Harvard Divinity
School, Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1996. He completed a two-year internship and residency at the
Center for Psychotherapy and Religion in counseling. He is a board-certified chaplain with the
Association of Professional Chaplains. Pastor Young completed a counseling internship and residency
along with Pastoral education through the Program at Presbyterian Hospital. He attended the Institute for
Church Administration and Management at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Ga.,
earning a certificate of completion in that program. He is a community activist – holding memberships in
much civic, faith based organizations including Mayoral, and Governor appointed committees. Pastor
Young is a trustee for Phillips Theological Seminary. He is a board member for The United Way of
Greater Oklahoma City, The American Red Cross of Central Oklahoma, Eagle Ridge Institute, One
Church One Child of Oklahoma. He is also, President of The African American Clergy for the Prevention
of Aids, and many other organizations. Pastor Young is Chair of the ad-hoc Faith-based Committee for
the Oklahoma City Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community Governance Committee. He is also a
Board Member of Langston University Ryan White HIV Advisory Board, which promotes AIDS awareness.
He is past President of Progressive Oklahoma Baptist State Convention, past President of the Congress
of Christian Education for the Southwest Region of Progressive National Baptist Convention. He is a
graduate of the Oklahoma Aging Leadership Advocacy Academy class of 1999. He is an alumnus of
Leadership Oklahoma City (Class XX). Pastor Young works with the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative in
promoting the institution of marriage. Pastor Young brings many years of pastoral experience ministering
to a diverse population. He is an adjunct professor for Phillips Theological Seminary in Tulsa. He is
currently Senior Pastor at Holy Temple Baptist Church in Oklahoma City. He is married to the Reverend
Dr. Thelma Chambers-Young, has two children and three wonderful grandsons.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 41
Annie Boston
Annie Boston is a Team Administrator with the
Administrator for Children and Families. She has over 20
years experience working across a number of ACF Programs
including Head Start, Child Care, and the Temporary
Assistance to Needy Families Program. Currently she
supervises the Management and Administration Team
focused on internal operations, personnel and budget
management. Ms. Boston has a BA Degree in Psychology
and a MS Degree in Human Services Administration.
Biographies – Forum Participants
Dan and Gail Tate
Tate, Dan and Gail
Dan is the President and CEO of the Louisiana Family Council (LFC). LFC has grown from one to three
offices across the state under his leadership. Dan is a certified parenting facilitator in Parenting by Grace
and Parenting of Teens. Dan is also a training consultant and co-author of “Fresh Start” Fathering Skills
Curriculum, “1 + 1” Healthy Marriages and Relationships Curriculum, and “Stop The Drama!!!” (S.T.D.)
Parental Relationship-Building and Maintenance Curriculum for never-married and divorced couples.
Dan is a dedicated to positively impacting the community. He currently volunteers in New Orleans High
Schools and Total Community Action Head Start Centers. He is a former CASA Role Model and Junior
Achievement Volunteer.
Dan is a graduate of Trinity Christian University where he obtained his Master of Science Administration.
As a single father, Dan raised his son, Sir, and was able to obtain his paralegal certification by attending
school at night. A former commercial arbitrator of a Fortune 100 Company, Dan gave up his career to
join in the effort of reuniting fathers and children and stabilizing families.
Dan’s aspiration is to play some part in strengthening families in his home state of Louisiana and across
this nation. He believes that if LFC can help one father or mother, it has impacted future generations.
Gail is the Executive Director of the Louisiana Family Council. She is the co-author of “Fresh Start”
Fathering Skills Curriculum, “1 + 1” Healthy Marriages and Relationships Curriculum, and “Stop The
Drama!!!” (S.T.D.) Parental Relationship Building and Maintenance Curriculum for never-married and
divorced couples.
Gail is a training consultant and grants writer, working with such companies as Time Warner Cable,
Louisiana Department of Labor, Horseshoe Casino, Louisiana Department of Social Services, Office of
Family Support, Southern University at New Orleans, and other profit and non-profit organizations. Gail
has been in non-profit service for nearly eight years. Her experience includes Program Services Director
for the North Louisiana Chapter of the March of Dimes, and W-T-W and FindWork Program Manager for
North Louisiana Goodwill Industries.
Gail is a graduate of Louisiana State University. She is a former news anchor, reporter, talk show host,
and radio personality. She combines all her skills and experience into creating effective programs that
meet the needs of the families LFC serves and assists them in becoming more literate, employable and
Gail and Dan were married in 2000 and formed what they call a millennium (blended) family. Dan and
Gail’s experiences since being married have given them a unique understanding of today’s families and
helped in the development of this curriculum. Dan and Gail are the elated and ecstatic parents of eight
children, Sir (deceased), Elliot, Adam, Erica, Christian, Gabrielle, Shenelle, and Natalie.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 38
Biographies – Forum Participants
Nisa Islam Muhammad
Muhammad, Nisa Islam
Nisa Islam Muhammad is the Founder and CEO of Wedded Bliss Foundation, a national initiative to
promote marriage in the Black community. She is also the creator of the highly successful Black Marriage
Day, which debuted March 23, 2003. Inspired by the Million Family March, she came upon this
challenging work while researching an article for The Final Call Newspaper where she is a senior staff
writer. She read in the Morehouse Research Institute publication, Turning the Corner on Father Absence
in Black America that married men make more money. She asked herself, “Does anyone else know
this?” After researching the answer, she found that not many people knew the numerous advantages of
marriage, especially in the Black community. That was the beginning of her quest to unearth a wealth of
knowledge about the benefits of marriage and pass it on to the community where successful marriages
are a wish and a prayer.
“Reviving Marriage in the Black Community” was the organization’s debut conference in the Washington,
DC area that gathered more than 200 people interested in learning how to make their marriage
successful. Participants engaged in workshops that explored topics such as Fighting for Your Marriage:
Resisting Divorce, Finding Your Soul mate and Infidelity: Repairing a Broken Promise. The conference
received national press coverage and Wedded Bliss has been asked to bring the innovative conference to
cities all around the country.
Since the conference, Ms. Muhammad has become a sought after speaker and trainer on marriage in the
Black community. She has spoken at two Smart marriages conferences on Reviving Marriage in the
Black Community and provides technical assistance to community organizations seeking to develop
Community Healthy Marriage initiatives in the Black community.
Ms. Muhammad is a graduate of the University of Maryland and studied journalism at Howard University.
Wedded Bliss Foundation is Ms. Muhammad’s vision to bring resources, support and direction to the
Black community so happy marriages become the norm rather than the exception. Ms. Muhammad
knows both the joys of marriage and the sorrows of divorce. She wants to create better foundations for
successful marriages so her five children can enjoy Wedded Bliss.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 27
Waldo E. Johnson
Waldo E, Johnson, Jr. is associate professor at the School of Social Service
Administration of the University of Chicago where he teaches research methods and
social policy in the MA and Ph.D. programs. He is a family researcher and his
substantive research interests include the male involvement in adolescent pregnancy,
nonresident fathers in low-income families, and the health statuses of African
American males. As a research methodologist, he is interested in the use of qualitative
research methods in guiding policy and practice research.
He is currently a research consultant to the Supporting Healthy Marriage Project, a
seven year ACF/HHS national evaluation of healthy marriage programs for lowincome couples in their child-rearing years who are married or plan to marry
conducted by the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC),
ChildTrends, Optimal Solutions Group and McFarland and Associates. He is research
director for the Young Fathers Initiative, a community based intervention designed to
support positive involvement among fathers (ages 18-30) in families and communities
via (1) enhanced relationships with children and improved access to the labor market,
enhanced financial literacy and strengthened social support systems.
Dr. Johnson was-principal investigator for Time, Love, Cash, Care and Children
(TLC3): A Qualitative Study of Family Dynamics in Families with Young Children
which examines the norms and expectation about the rights and obligations of
unmarried parents; co-principal investigator for the Fathers and Child Welfare Study
which examines paternal participation among unwed nonresident fathers in case
planning and permanency provision in child welfare activities, and an investigator for
the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, a longitudinal study of the
circumstances of unmarried parenthood among African Americans, Hispanics and
Whites in 20 U.S. cities. His research affiliations include the Center for the Study of
Politics, Race and Culture (CSRPC), the Center for Human Potential and Public
Policy (CHPPP) and the Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago
(CHCC) and the Program for Research on Black Americans (PRBA) at the Institute
for Social Research (ISR) at the University of Michigan.
A native of Americus, Georgia, Dr. Johnson earned the B.A. degree in sociology at
Mercer University, the M.S.W. degree at the University of Michigan and the Ph. D.
degree. in social work at the University of Chicago. He was a Ford Foundation
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Poverty Research and Training Program and the Program
for Research on Black Americans at the University of Michigan. He was also a NIMH
Postdoctoral Fellow for in the Minority Training Program in HIV/AIDS Research at
the University of Michigan. He is a Consulting Editor for Social Work: The Journal of
the National Association of Social Workers.
Biographies – Forum Participants
Dianna Durham-McLoud
Durham-McLoud, Dianna
Dianna Durham-McLoud is the President & CEO of the Illiana Coalition for Family and Community
Restoration an inter-denominational faith-based collaborative serving urban communities. Mrs. McLoud
is also the director for Inter-Governmental Affairs (IGA) for the National Center for Strategic Nonprofit
Planning & Community Leadership (NPCL), a Washington, D.C.– based non-profit and one of the leading
capacity building and program development group for the responsible fatherhood programs. Mrs.
McLoud is also the principal of D.D. McLoud Consulting.
A recognized expert in child support enforcement, women’s economic issues, and urban policy, DurhamMcLoud served as Illinois’ IV-D (Child Support) director from 1992 to 1998. While serving as director,
Dianna re-engineered the child support program to significantly improve the performance of Illinois’ Child
Support Enforcement program. During her tenure as administrator of the Illinois program, DurhamMcLoud became committed to helping “dead-broke dads,” men who are willing but unable to pay child
support, build the skills necessary to take responsibility for their children. She helped pioneer efforts to
provide services from within the child support structure for that purpose. While IV-D director, the Illinois
program won the National Child Support Enforcement Association’s (NCSEA) prestigious Most Improved
Program Award (1997). It was the fourth national award the program received under Durham-McLoud’s
Durham-McLoud is a past President of NCSEA, the National Child Support Enforcement Association, as
well as a former president of the IV-D Directors’ Council, NCSCSEA (National Council of State Child
Support Enforcement Administrators). Durham-McLoud was a member of the Child Support Task Force
that developed the new child support incentive package and served on the Justice Department’s Criminal
Child Support Task Force. Durham-McLoud also served as a co-chair of the working group that produced
child support’s first national strategic plan, in 1994, as part of the Government Result and Performance
Improvement Act (GRPA).
Durham-McLoud’s professional career includes working with the Illinois Department of Employment
Security, where she was director for program and policy. Additionally, she has 15 years experience with
the National Urban League, where she served as a member of the League’s legislative task force under
former Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown.
Durham-McLoud is a graduate of Purdue University, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in
economics and urban planning, and Indiana University, where she received a Master’s degree in
management and finance. She is an active member of Community of Faith, Church of Christ (Holiness)
U.S.A. McLoud is a frequent public speaker, and has served as a member of the boards of directors for
Women Employed, the Women’s Institute, the National Urban Affairs Council and Hull House to name a
few. Dianna is married to William D. McLoud, Jr. and has three children and one grandchild.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 19
Kirk E. Harris is Senior Group Vice President and General Counsel at Family Support
America. His duties encompass the management and oversight of the day-to-day legal
and administrative affairs of the corporation in collaboration with the President/CEO and
the senior management team. He provides strategic leadership and management of staff
who support the research, evaluation, and the public policy work of Family Support
America. Along with other senior management, Dr. Harris provides staffing for the
National Program Office of the Family Support America Initiative, which is funded by
the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. In this role, he serves as liaison between the
initiative and local community constituents, program providers, state department and
cabinet level individuals. Dr. Harris provides technical assistance to Family Support
America states in the areas of community economic development, social capital
development, parent/community engagement, fatherhood, welfare reform, and evaluation.
Dr. Harris is also an adjunct faculty member at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
in the Graduate Department of Urban Planning, where he teaches courses in
constitutional law, mediation and negotiation, and urban political economy. Dr. Harris
has written on matters concerning community development, social welfare policy,
politics, race, and fathering.
Dr. Harris began his career serving families and children as a Legal Aid lawyer. He
served as a consultant with Shore Bank Corporation and also directed the Innovation
Center for the Austin Initiative that was the research, evaluation, and training arm of the
community development effort on Chicago’s west side. Dr. Harris initiated his work in
fathering as a consultant with the Paternal Involvement Demonstration Project (PIP) in
Chicago. PIP was an innovative public/private collaboration that provided direct services
to low-income non-custodial fathers to support their efforts to connect financially and
emotionally to their children and families. Dr. Harris went on to co-found the Center on
Fathers and Families and Public Policy. The Center began as the national policy arm of
the Strengthening Fragile Families Initiative, a national initiative funded by the Ford
Foundation. The Center engaged in applied research, technical assistance, and public
education related to issues of low-income children, their fathers and families. The
Center’s primary work was focused on promoting social welfare and child support
policies that strengthen the financial, emotional, and developmental links between lowincome fathers and their children. Dr. Harris presently serves as President/Chairman of
the Board of Directors for the National Practitioners Network for Fathers and Families
and also serves on the board of the Chicago Jobs Council.
Dr. Harris received his Bachelors of Arts from Rutgers University, his Masters in Public
Administration from the University of Kentucky, Martin School of Public
Administration, his Juris Doctorate from Thomas Jefferson School of Law, and his Ph.D.
from Cornell University. Dr. Harris is the father of three daughters, ages 11, 9 and 7
months, and has been married to their mother for 20 years.
lyanla (pronounced Ee-Yan-La) Vanzant, hailed as among the
"most dynamic African-American speakers in the country" by
Emerge magazine, is a nationally recognized inspirational speaker
devoted to showing others the way to transform their lives. A
bestselling author, her books include Tapping the Power Within,
Acts of Faith (the 1994 BlackBoard Book of the Year), The Value in
the Valley (the 1995 BlackBoard Book of the Year), Faith in the
Valley (the 1996 BlackBoard Book of the Year), and two new
guides to self-awareness and spiritual fulfillment: In the Meantime:
Finding Yourself and the Love You Want (Simon & Schuster
Hardcover) and One Day My Soul Just Opened Up: 40 Days and
40 Nights Toward Spiritual Strength(Fireside Books/A Simon &
Schuster Trade Paperback Original).
By now her story has been well documented. Born in Brooklyn in the back of a taxi, Vanzant was given to her
grandmother at age 2 after her mother died. A troubled and abusive childhood was followed by teen pregnancy,
abusive marriages, and welfare. But it is from this very less than inspiring background that Vanzant has built
the foundation for transformation. Not merely a survivor, Vanzant became a standard bearer and trend setter.
Since then, Vanzant has earned a B.S. degree from Medgar Evers College and a J.D. degree from Queens
College Law School. She went on to become a practicing attorney, serving nearly four years as a public
defender in Philadelphia. But it was not enough. She was also seeking spiritual growth. While working with a
group of women on public assistance and creating lectures about changing their lives, Vanzant penned Tapping
The Power Within: A Path To Empowerment For Black Women. This book containing basic spiritual
principals, self-affirmations, and personal rituals became a best-seller when published by Harlem Readers &
Writers in 1992. It was the start of a new career for the resourceful Vanzant.
In addition to her books, Vanzant has established the Inner Visions Spiritual Life Maintenance Center and
Bookstore in Silver Spring, Maryland, where she regularly conducts personal growth classes and weekend
workshops for both men and women. She makes regular appearances on radio and national television and has
given numerous lectures at such events as African American Women on Tour, the Essence Music Festival,
Howard University and the Apollo Theater. Her inspiration for her numerous projects is completely divine, she
attests: "God told me to do four things: tell my story, teach His law, write books, and make people laugh. That's
what God told me to do...What I write about, I live."
With so many achievements and activities, Vanzant declares that her greatest achievement is being able to look
into her grandson's face as an inheritor of her legacy of survival. The key for Iyanla Vanzant, and for us all, is to
be able and willing to hear the voice when it comes, and great things will show up to take us out of our "In The
Meantime" experiences. Her motto--"I am just an ordinary person committed to doing extraordinary things" is
the chorus to the song of Iyanla Vanzant, a song with the rhythm of self-realization and a melody of inner peace
that we are all invited to sing.
Vanzant has received numerous awards and accolades for her work. In 1992, Los Angeles Mayor Thomas
Bradley named October 21st "Tapping the Power Within Day" in honor of Vanzant and a workshop she
presented in the city for African-American women. In 1994, Vanzant was named "Alumni of the Year" by the
National Association for Equal Opportunity in Education, an organization comprised of the presidents and
administrators of the 117 predominantly Black colleges in the United States. She was also awarded an "Oni" by
the International Congress of Black Women as one of the nation's unsung heroes. She currently serves as a
national spokesperson for Literacy Volunteers of America.
The mother of three and grandmother of four, Vanzant lives in Silver Spring, Maryland, with her husband,
Adeyemi, and Mr. Coco, the cat.
Biographies – Forum Participants
Julie Rainbow
Rainbow, Julie
Julie Rainbow, a native of Raleigh, North Carolina, is an author,
educator, artist, playwright and humanitarian who enjoys writing
human interest stories - stories that inspire the heart to reach deeper
for meaning and understanding of the human spirit. She was raised
in an African American community in which relationships with elders
were apart of her daily experiences. Elders provided the additional
love, support and nurturance to neighborhood children, most of
which had two working parents.
Her first literary offering “Standing The Test Of Time: Love Stories Of African American Elders”
was fueled by her passion to honor African American elders, who have long-lasting loving,
committed marriages. “Standing The Test Of Time” celebrates “black love” while affirming longlasting loving marriages. The stories “provide a rare opportunity to glimpse into the lives of
committed couples. The stories are riveting, inspiring and filled with warmth…….” She was
inspired to write this book to honor the wisdom of African American elders whose candid stories
helped her heal after her first marriage ended in divorce. Collecting and documenting stories of
“ordinary people” has been a life long passion. She believes that listening to one another heartto-heart is the sustenance of life and is the foundation of much of her work. Enriching the soul
by sharing stories allows us to connect with others, something we rarely do as our lives become
progressively busier.
She was invited to participate in the 2002 National Black Arts Festival in Atlanta, Georgia as a
new works playwright. “Standing The Test Of Time”, a work-in-progress, made its debut
performance at Spelman College, Rockefeller Fine Arts building. She continues to develop this
work into a full play to be used as a catalyst to encourage African women and men to dialogue
about the “work of relationships.” She has recently authored a children’s book that will be
published in the near future.
Julie currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her son and writes curricula for a not-for-profit
organization. She holds degrees from Spelman College and Bryn Mawr College. When she in
not working or writing, she enjoys being in the outdoors, playing chess and reading.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 32
Diann Dawson - Director, Office of Regional Operations
Working with ACF
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About ACF
ACF News
Diann Dawson
Director, Office of Regional Operations
Download photo
Diann Dawson serves as the Director, Office of Regional Operations in the Administration
for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. As a
senior level director and principal advisor to the Assistant Secretary, she provides leadership
and direction to the field/regional operations for ACF Programs. These programs,
administered through ACF's ten regional offices, include: Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families, Child Care, Child Support Enforcement, Head Start, Community Services,
Developmental Disabilities and Child Welfare Services, including Foster Care, Safe and
Stable Families, Child Abuse, Neglect and Adoption Assistance and Runaway/Homeless
Ms. Dawson, a member of the Senior Executive Service, has extensive experience in
executive leadership and program management at both the Federal and State levels in the
public welfare field. Prior to joining the Federal government, she was employed with the
South Carolina Department of Social Services.
Ms. Dawson received her J.D. degree from the Columbia School of Law at the Catholic
University of America in Washington, D.C. and is admitted to practice law in the District of
Columbia and Maryland. She holds a M.S.W. (Master of Social Work) degree with a
concentration in community organization and social planning from the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill and a B.A. from Bennett College, Greensboro, North Carolina.
Jeffrey Roman Bio
Jeffrey Roman is an Abstinence Education Trainer in the Opportunities
Industrialization Center of Greater Milwaukee National Abstinence Education
Project. Mr. Roman has vast experience with abstinence until marriage education and
motivational speaking. Mr. Roman joined the Milwaukee-based Families United to
Prevent Teen Pregnancy Program at age 13. Inspired by his mentor, Mr. Herbie
Hodges, Mr. Roman went on to serve as a Teen Mentor, Lead Para-professional and
Life Skills Educator in the exact abstinence program he joined at age 13. While
working in his current capacity of Abstinence Education Trainer and Youth
Development Specialist, Mr. Roman is pursuing double majors in Education
Psychology and International Studies with a minor in Spanish at University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee. A native of Milwaukee’s inner city, Mr. Roman is 20 yeas old,
one of five children and looks forward to leading a life of abstinence until marriage
and having a very large family. As a motivational speaker and role model, Mr. Roman
inspires hundreds of youth each year to save sex until marriage.
Carol L. Adams, Ph.D.
Carol L. Adams is Secretary of the Illinois Department of Human Services. Appointed by Governor Rod
Blagojevich in February 2003, this former executive director of Northeastern Illinois University’s
undergraduate and graduate Center for Inner City Studies is a career public servant and public policy
innovator who has, for more than 25 years, made substantial contributions to human services,
community development, sociological research and African-American education and culture.
Nationally acclaimed for her expertise in developing programs that promote self-sufficiency, human
capital development and neighborhood revitalization, Adams was the first social scientist to guide the
mammoth human services program at the Chicago Housing Authority as director of its Resident
Services Division.
There she designed and implemented several highly successful, award-winning initiatives including:
mentoring sessions for teen mothers and fathers; a late night sports program used to steer youth from
crime; a drug prevention and treatment program expressly tailored for public housing residents; a
consortium of Chicago’s major museums to mainstream public housing residents into educational and
cultural programs; and the Mental Health Roundtable/Crises Response Team which continues to provide
counseling in low-income neighborhoods where recurring violence and tragedy significantly impact the
collective psyche of its residents.
At Loyola University she directed the Department of African-American Studies, where she was
spokeswoman on issues of diversity and urban affairs. Loyola students voted her one of ten favorite
professors among a faculty of more than 1,100.
Secretary Adams has consulted for Illinois agencies and institutions including the Board of Higher
Education, the Department of Corrections and the Humanities Council. The City of Chicago
Department of Human Services, Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Police Department have
sought her counsel. Consultations with the federal government include: the United States Department of
Health and Human Services; the US Department of Housing and Urban Development; and the US
Agency for International Development.
She is affiliated with: ETA Creative Arts Foundation; Chicago Project for Violence Prevention; the A.
Phillip Randolph Pullman Porters Museum; the Bronzeville Arts Trust; and the Harold Washington
Research and Policy Institute.
Adams is a member of the American Sociological Association, the Conference of Minority Public
Administrators, the Illinois Ethnic Coalition and the National Association of Housing and
Redevelopment Councils.
Educated at Fisk University, Boston University, the University of Chicago and The Union Graduate
School where she earned a Doctorate of Philosophy, Dr. Adams holds the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa
Among her awards and honors are: the Community Service Award presented by the National
Association of University Women; the Illinois Arts Council Governor’s Awards In The Arts; the
Community Service Award presented by Chicago’s Abraham Lincoln Center; the Winnie Mandela
Award; the Outstanding Leadership Award presented by the Senior Citizens of the Chicago Housing
Authority; and a Certificate of Merit presented by the Board of Aldermen of Louisville, Kentucky, her
Danny K. Davis was chosen by the people of the 7th Congressional District of Illinois as
their Representative in Congress on November 5, 1996. He has been re-elected each term
since, most recently on November 5, 2002.
Congressman Davis is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, the Congressional
Progressive Caucus, the Congressional Community Health Center Caucus, the Congressional
Caucus on India and Indian Americans, the Congressional Steel Caucus, the Congressional Asian
Pacific American Caucus, the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues, and is Chair of the
Congressional Postal Caucus and is a Regional Whip in the Democratic Caucus.
Congressman Davis has distinguished himself as an articulate voice for his constituents and as an
effective legislator able to move major bills to passage despite his relative lack of seniority. His
initiative to quadruple the Access to Jobs funding in the 105th Congress, one of only two
successful amendments to the transportation authorization bill; and his bi-partisan Community
Renewal Act in the 106th Congress, designed to bring investment and jobs to economically
impacted communities are examples of his successes.
In the 107th Congress he introduced the Public Safety Ex-Offenders Self Sufficiency Act which
continues to gain support in the 108th Congress. The Act is designed to rehabilitate and to
prepare ex-offenders for a healthy and positive reentry into normal society once they are released
from correctional facilities and institutions and to reduce recidivism.
Congressman Davis has developed an unique and energetic style of communication and
interaction with his constituents setting up dozens of advisory task forces * to consider significant
questions of public policy. He hosts several weekly television and radio shows which feature
audience call in and produces regular written reports to every household in the district (please
see links on the home page of this site to read the current newsletter or back issues of
Congressman Davis' newsletters). In addition, he maintains weekly office hours in the district
and is widely sought after as a speaker at district events.
Prior to his election to the Congress he served on the Cook County Board of Commissioners
having been elected in November 1990 and reelected in November 1994. Previously, he served
for eleven years as a member of the Chicago City Council as Alderman of the 29th Ward.
Before seeking public office Congressman Davis had productive careers as an educator,
community organizer, health planner/administrator and civil rights advocate. He has received
hundreds of awards and citations for outstanding work in the areas of health, education, human
relations, politics and advocacy. He has traveled extensively throughout the United States and
has spent time in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and in South and Central America.
Congressman Davis has been an officer and member of many other civic, professional and
social organizations.
Born in Parkdale, Arkansas on September 6, 1941, Congressman Davis moved to the Westside
of Chicago in 1961, after having earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Arkansas A.M. & N.
College (now known as the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff). He subsequently earned both
Masters and Doctorate degrees respectively from Chicago State University and the Union
Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio.
He is married to Vera G. Davis, has two sons, Jonathan and Stacey, is a member and Deacon of
the New Galilee M.B. Church. A public servant, a true public interest elected official.
Carl Jeffrey Wright
Carl Jeffrey Wright is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Urban
Ministries, Inc. (UMI). The 33 year old company is the only independent African
American owned and operated Christian publishing company producing a full line
of Sunday school curriculum, books, and Black Christian video and film developed
specifically for this market. Headquartered in a new 40,000 square foot facility in
suburban Chicago, UMI employs over 50 people and distributes its products
nationwide to nearly a quarter of the 65,000 African American Christian churches
of virtually every denomination. The company also does business in several
international markets. UMI was the first religious publisher to specifically
contextualize Christian educational products for the African American market.
Prior to assuming the presidency of Urban Ministries in 1995 Wright was Vice
President Corporate Development for Bristol-Myers Squibb Company with
specific responsibility for the merger and acquisition activities of its $3 billion
consumer products businesses. In ten years with the firm he worked in a number
of business development, licensing and new product development positions. His
product experience includes pharmaceuticals, (cardiovascular, CNS and cancer
products), nutritionals, consumer products and diagnostics. Prior to joining
Bristol-Myers he worked in business development and marketing positions at
Johnson & Johnson and Trans World Airlines.
Wright is an honors graduate of Fisk University, holds a Master of Business
Administration degree from Columbia University, and a law degree from
Georgetown University Law Center. He has completed postgraduate study in
Business at the Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania) and in Law at the
Harvard Law School. He has also done post graduate work in religious studies and
church administration at Trinity Theological Seminary (Indiana). He spent five
years on the adjunct faculty in the graduate school for health care at the University
of Evansville. He has lectured extensively on business development and strategic
alliance issues, including presentations for the European Management Association.
Sharon M. Fujii
Regional Administrator, Region IX (San Francisco)
Sharon M. Fujii is the Regional Administrator for the Administration for
Children and Families (ACF), Region IX, San Francisco. She is responsible for
overseeing the operations and implementation of a broad range of Federal
programs that address the needs of children and families, which are
administered by States, Tribes, and other grantees in the Region. The Region
includes Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, the Outer Pacific.
Before assuming her current position in 1991, Ms. Fujii had served since 1987
as Regional Administrator of the Family Support Administration, and since
1981, she was the Regional Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement in
Region IX. She was an HEW Fellow assigned to the Regional Director (San
Francisco) in 1978. She has also worked in the private sector for a consulting
firm and a university, and a non-profit agency in Los Angeles. She has worked
or interned with Seattle City government and with State government in
Olympia, Washington.
Ms. Fujii received her Bachelor of Art's degree in political science and a
Master's Degree in social work from the University of Washington. In 1975, she
received a Ph.D. from the Heller School at Brandeis University.
Biographies – ACF/HHS Participants
Diann Dawson
Dawson, Diann
Diann Dawson serves as the Director, Office of Regional Operations in the Administration for Children
and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. As a senior level director and
principal advisor to the Assistant Secretary, she provides leadership and direction to the field/regional
operations for ACF Programs. These programs, administered through ACF's ten regional offices, include:
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Child Care, Child Support Enforcement, Head Start,
Community Services, Developmental Disabilities and Child Welfare Services, including Foster Care, Safe
and Stable Families, Child Abuse, Neglect and Adoption Assistance and Runaway/Homeless Youth.
Ms. Dawson, a member of the Senior Executive Service, has extensive experience in executive
leadership and program management at both the Federal and State levels in the public welfare field. Prior
to joining the Federal government, she was employed with the South Carolina Department of Social
Ms. Dawson received her J.D. degree from the Columbia School of Law at the Catholic University of
America in Washington, D.C. and is admitted to practice law in the District of Columbia and Maryland.
She holds a M.S.W. (Master of Social Work) degree with a concentration in community organization and
social planning from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a B.A. from Bennett College,
Greensboro, North Carolina.
Dallas Forum, January 22 - 23, 2004
Page 2
Curriculum Vitae
Columbia University School of Social Work
622 West 113th Street, New York, NY 10025
Tel: 212-854-5451
Cell: 646-996-4144
Fax: 212-854-7598
Home: 646-698-4298
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D. 1987
Economics, Harvard College, A.B. 1974
Career Brief
Dr. Mincy is Maurice V. Russell Professor of Social Policy and Social Work
Practice at the School of Social Work, Columbia University, where he teaches
graduate courses on family formation and social welfare policy. He has published
widely on the effects of income security policy on family formation, responsible
fatherhood, the urban under class, and urban poverty. Prior to joining the
Columbia faculty, Mincy was Senior Program Officer in the Ford Foundation's
Program in Human Development and Reproductive Health, where he developed
the Strengthening Fragile Families Initiative (SFFI). SFFI is a Ford Foundation
grantmaking initiative working with federal, state, and local human services
agencies to reform income security policies in ways that will enable low-income
mothers and fathers to provide emotional, financial, and developmental support to
their children receiving welfare. As a result of SFFI, Mincy is widely regarded as
a critical catalyst for changes currently underway in the treatment of low-income
fathers by U.S. welfare, child support, and family support systems. He has been
invited to speak and consult with donors, researchers, policymakers, and social
workers who are contemplating support for initiatives similar to SFFI in South
Africa, the United Kingdom, Jamaica, and throughout the United States.
Mincy is a former co-chair of the Grantmakers Income Security Taskforce and a Board
Member of the Grantmakers for Children, Youth, and Families. Prior to joining the Ford
Foundation, Mincy lead the Noncustodial Parents Issue Group for the Working Group on
Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence in the Clinton Administration.
While he was a Senior Research Associate at the Urban Institute, Mincy directed a
policy-research project on the Urban Under Class. He has taught on the economics
faculties of Purdue University, Bentley College, the University of Delaware and
Swarthmore College, and the Foundation for American Communications.
Office of the Regional Director
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Suzanne Krohn currently serves as Acting Regional Director (RD), Midwest Office of the
Regional Director (Region V), United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Region V covers almost 20% of the population, and composed of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,
Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin.
HHS is the federal government’s lead agency for promoting the good health of Americans and
providing essential human services. The Department focuses on five primary issues: public
health, health care, financing, family support, social services, and food and drug safety.
As Acting RD, Suzanne serves as liaison on health and human services issues to governors,
mayors and other state and local officials, interest groups and the public; providing advice and
assistance, while striving to develop a mutually beneficial Federal-State-local partnership. She
also leads regional Departmental efforts on cross-cutting issues to assure efficient and
responsible actions in the interest of total service to the public.
During her tenure in the Regional Director’s (RD) Office, Suzanne has served three times as
Acting RD, including 2000- 2002. Before coming to the RD’s Office in 1997, Suzanne spent
over ten years working with HHS’ children and family programs, including Head Start, where
she created a partnership that helped a Head Start program increase their 48% immunization rate
to 100% in one year.
Prior to joining HHS in 1986, Suzanne spent more than five years working for U.S. congressmen
in Washington, D.C., where she developed legislation passed by Congress exploring an
international mentorship program. She received her B.A. from Denison University in Granville,
Ohio, majoring in government/political science.
John H. Stanfield, II
Adjunct Professor of Sociology,
American Studies, and Cultural Studies
1973: B.A., Sociology
California State University Fresno
1977: M.A. and PhD., Sociology
Northwestern University
A500 Introduction to Composition and the Study of Black Literature I
A693 Social and Behavioral Sciences
A695 Master's Thesis Colloquium
Research Areas:
Race and colonialism in historical sociology of knowledge and human
Racism and anti-racism in universities, businesses, faith communities,
and in local communities gifted people of color and their community of
Civic values and engagement in urban communities
Values and ethics in social science theories and methods
Brief Biography
John H. Stanfield, II, (B.A. magna cum laude, California State University
Fresno 1973 and M.A., PhD. Northwestern University 1977) Professor and
former Chair, Adjunct Professor of Sociology, American Studies, and Cultural
Studies; Director, The Institute for Equality Studies(in process of being
established); member, editorial boards of Teaching Sociology and Race and
Society, and the international advisory editorial board of The Encyclopedia of
the African Diaspora; member, Faculty Council's Budget Affairs Committee and
Dean of Faculties Multidisciplinary Projects Committee; member: Commission
on the Status on African American Males, City of Indianapolis; member, Rotary
Club, Madame C. J. Walker Theatre Advisory Board; Executive Board, Indiana
Chapter of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Executive
Board, Indiana Chapter of the National Association of Black Social Workers;
2000 Himes Life Career Award, the national Association of Black Sociologists.
Former Fulbright Scholar in Sierre Leone and Chair of the Fulbright
Commission Committee on Sociology in Africa, Social Science Foreign Affairs
Fellow in Great Britain, and Mellon Visiting Scholar at Teachers College
Columbia. 2003-05 Visiting Scholar at Teachers College Columbia and Florida
International University.
Dr. Ruth L. Lambert affectionately know as "Dr. Ruth," nationally recognized, administrator, program specialist,
adoption expert, child advocate, community organizer, social worker and family preservationist, founded Institute
for Family Life and Preservation, Inc. in 1994. IFLAP's primary goal is to serve as a mechanism for providing
suitable, stable and permanent families for children which maximally meet the child's developmental needs. She
is the organizer of the Indiana Healthy Marriage Coalition which contains a Community and African American
Healthy Marriage and Family component.
Dr. Lambert, a native of Pine Bluff, Arkansas has work experience including Program and Policy Consultant and
Educational and Administrative Consultant for the State of Indiana, Child Welfare Social Services Division,
Consultant, Special Needs Adoption Project; Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Women Affairs
Dean of Women, Academic Dean, Dean of Students, Executive Director Elkhart Urban League, Inc., Job
Placement Specialist, teacher and counselor.
Dr. Lambert serves on numerous boards and committees to include Charter member, National Black Child
Development Institute, Indianapolis Affiliate; Local Chairperson, National Adoption Exchange Association; Board
Member, Kaleidoscope Church and Community Partnership; Member, Urban League Greater Indianapolis;
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter, Chairperson, Family Life Education Program;
and Indiana Healthy Marriage and Family Coalition, Organizer and Interim Executive Director.
Dr. Lambert received her Bachelor of Science from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (formally Arkansas
AM&N College), Masters of Science from University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, with emphasis on Child
Development and Advanced Family Relations and Doctorate of Philosophy from Michigan State University. She
is also a Certified Marriage and Family Therapist, Clinical Certified Social Worker and a Certified Family Life
Dr. Lambert has been a leader from a very young age as one of the fifth (5th) African American to attend
Michigan State University and receive a Doctorate in Student Personnel Administration and Higher Education
with a cognate in Family and Child Sciences. She has instituted several national and local programs. To name
a few: Indiana One Church One Child; Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc., Taking the Lead, Teaching Families to
Read Program; Indiana Healthy Marriage Initiative; being the founder/organizer/consultant and charter member
of the Robinson Community AME Community Foundation, Inc.; and organizer of Delta Family Life Education
Program, Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter.
Dr. Lambert has for the past 30 years been a role model and inspiration to women of all ages. In her role as a
member of the Robinson Community AME Church Women's Missionary Society and Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. she has provided mentoring, and counseling to women and girls of all ages. One of the most
profound examples was her establishment of the Social Action: Postponing Sexual Involvement. It was with
great enthusiasm in 1990 that Dr. Ruth presented a collaborative program with the Indiana Department of
Education to fight against adolescent pregnancy. Training were conducted to train the trainer on a curriculum for
peer-to-peer training and leadership. The curriculum was taken to schools, public housing, churches, Boys and
Girls Club, Girl Scouts, and Girls Inc. and youth were trained as peer leaders and presenters. The campaign
also included partnership with the Marion County Health Department to fight against infant mortality. Due to the
vision and its innovation to meet the challenges of the epidemic a grant from the State Department of Education
was awarded, which was earmarked as the first grant ever received by the Delta Sigma Sorority, Inc.,
Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter. The funds were used to provide program supplies, training curriculum, incentive
for peer educators, promotional materials and $1,000 was donated to the Indianapolis Campaign for Healthy
Babies. The Sorority received an award from the Mayor of the city of Indianapolis in recognition for an
outstanding job in bringing about community awareness and education in the fight against infant mortality.
Dr. Ruth Lambert has shown tremendous vision and insight by becoming the founder and organizer of Institute
for Family Life and Preservation, Inc.(IFLAP) the first minority owned and administered non-for-profit social
services agency in the State of Indiana. The agency has filled a gap in the Indianapolis community as well as
the world by providing an agency whose mission is to revive the family by renewing its spirit, vigor, and
conscience so that it may become more alive, grow, produce and be a source of activity liveliness. It is
designed and dedicated to provide opportunities where families and their entities can rest and be cared for until
they are able to make it on their own.
After many year of dedicated service, Dr. Ruth retired from the state in 1995, and she was bestowed the honor
of receiving the MYRA JEAN LOUX MEMORIAL AWARD from the Indiana Association on Adoption and Child
Care Services, Inc. in recognition of her constant effort on behalf of all children. Additional recognition was
given in 1996 when she received The Reverend Walter E. Walters, II Award from the Indiana One Church One
Child Program for Outstanding Services throughout the state of Indiana in the area of Special Needs Adoption.
Within the last two (2) months, because of her hard work, dedication and volunteerism to the Healthy Marriage
and Family Initiative, Dr. Lambert has been nominated and received the following three (3) awards: March 2004,
Women in White Prayer And Praise Ministry, Womack Memorial CME Church, Certificate of Recognition Award
for Dedicated Service to God's Church and Community; March 2004, Center for Leadership Development
Distinguished Achievement Volunteer Award: Honoring Excellence in Life's Work and Service to Community:
Empowering Youth/Strengthening Community; and April 2004, the YWCA Salute to Women of Achievement
Volunteer Award. Dr. Lambert humbly accepted the nominations and awards, and as always, recognized all that
assisted her in conducting the programs and gives God all the glory.
In talking with Dr. Lambert if you ask her what is her driving force she will say, " My Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ from which all my help and strength comes and my precious family." She defines her major goal in life is
to leave this world a better place than she found it. She truly believes that if she can touch someone life in a
positive way as she goes through life's journey then her living would not have been a vain. her favorite scripture
is, knock and the door shall be opened, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find.
The Indianapolis community is blessed to have such a wonderful resource in its mist. A women of faith, fine
character, and long live commitment to families, neighborhood and community service.
If all of this sounds to good to be true just know that Dr. Lambert is one of those rare people whose compassion
and dedication motivates those around her. She is continually raising the quality of awareness for social
injustices with a focus on creating solutions that touch and change lives as she strives to leave a legacy for
those to come.
William G. Rogers
3106 W. State St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208
Home (414) 934-8925
Business (414) 466-5967
Abbreviated Biography
• Profession: Historian/Educator-
Executive Director- H. R. COGIC Social Services - Serves as Project Director for
the Compassion Capital Initiative where Holy Redeemer Institutional Church of
God In Christ serves as Intermediary For The Department of Health and
Human Services
Sr. Lecturer- University of Wisconsin Milwaukee/Dept. of Africology- teaching
Intro to African American History and The Church In African American Live
(Part time) Professor of Religious Studies- Milwaukee Theological Institute
Executive Director- Nirvana Ministries, Inc. of Milwaukee - A family
development center that conducts training seminars for men involved in organized
mentoring programs.
• EducationUniv. of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- Ph. D. – History
• AffiliationsOrdained Elder- Church of God In Christ – Holy Redeemer Institutional COGIC
Chairman of Trustee Board- Milwaukee Theological Institute
Chairman of the Board- Wisconsin Black Historical Society and Museum
Member of the Selective Service Review Board for the State of Wisconsin
Founding Member of the Milwaukee Chapter of 100 Black Men of America, Inc.
• Publications:
“Saving Our Community” - State of Black Milwaukee 2000- Urban League
“Crisis of the Black Male”- (8 part series) Milwaukee Community Journal 1984
“History Of Apartheid In South Africa” – (10 part series) Milwaukee Community
Journal 1986
Men At The Crossroads: Chaos or Community- Nirvana Press, 2003