April 2014 Newsletter - National Association of Left
April 2014 Newsletter - National Association of Left
SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 www.NALG.org THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LEFT-HANDED GOLFERS Play in the Footsteps of our Founders! NALG/USA BOARD Jon Flowers (OK) Chairman 405.275.1198 Jim Bradley (NC) Sec/Treasurer 910.383.0339 !"#$%&'()"*)+,&-)./0") !"#-%$()!,#1) The 2014 National Championship is just around the corner and so far it has been a thrilling experience preparing for the national tournament! We’ve got the golf venue, host hotel, and activities; and the applications are coming in! At the moment, it appears we will surpass the amount of players that participated in last year’s tournament but I want to blow that number out! How about joining us in St. Louis and making this the best event ever!!! Those of you that have responded to my EVITE, thank you! And, those of you that haven’t, please do so. We are in the process of preparing for a great event and we need your help! I want to thank all the early registrants! We will see you in ST. LOUIS!!! Rick Rodriguez Joe Brogdon (GA) 478.477.9264 Our 72 hole Medal Play event will feature Championship, Open, Senior, Masters, and Ladies divisions and is open to all Left Handed golfers.** The four day tournament will be held at the historic and prestigious Glen Echo Country Club in St. Louis, John Dourgarian (NJ) Missouri (Normandy, Mo.) on June 1619, 2014. Opened in 1901, Glen Echo Country Club is the oldest 18hole private golf course west of the Mississippi and is renowned for hosting 1904 Olympic Golf. For further details on this fabulous course 609.324.0406 visit our Facebook page (National Association of Left handed Golfers) or go to www.gecc.org. Sign up today! The Entry Form is included in this newsletter. Frank Hunter (NC) 336.956.6868 Our host hotel, Ameristar Casino & Hotel, is a luxurious four star resort and approximately a twenty minute drive to the Don Lightburn (NM) tournament location. The NALG has secured a rate of $139.00 plus tax for 6/14/14 and $104.00 plus tax 6/15/14 to 6/19/14. All reservations should be made by May 30, 2014 and our special offer code is NATF14A. 505.286.8667 http://www.ameristar.com/Hotel_Reservations.aspx. Dick Martin (TX) NEWS ALERT: We now have a block of tickets for the Tuesday June 17 Cardinals game against the New York Mets: three 214.522.4245 !"#$%"&%'()%*!+%,-$)./)0'%1)/+%$2+)3%$)4"&+%$)4'2"&%0!"5%'()%1)/+6%%7%8!)-'%$9"'%0"!%-%/"'%"0%9"9%0":/$%-&+%/2&)%+!2;)$%2&'"% the stands, so bring your glove! Busch Stadium opened in April 2006 and has 46,000 seats. The best guess estimate on Terry Martin (NC) travel time from the host hotel is 45 minutes. With all the road construction in the area, it’s a good thing that the shuttle bus 828.754.4007 2&%":!%9-4<-8)%2&4/:+)$%924<%:9%-&+%!)':!&%'"%'()%("$'%("')/=%%7&+%+"&>'%0"!8)'%'(-'%#)%#2//%$'"9%1!$'%-'%'()%24"&24%?-')#-@% Arch, a 5minute walk from the stadium. Our visit to the 630foottall Arch will include the short “Journey to the Top” ride, Jim Mason (WV) for panoramic views of St. Louis and the Mississippi River. Total cost of the package is $57 per person. We only have 50 304.489.9648 tickets and they will go quickly. Don’t miss out – register now! Wally Mattson (CA) For Our Guests: On Monday morning June 16, all spouses and guests are invited to tour the beautiful 79acre Missouri WALG Rep Botanical Garden and then have lunch on site. This package includes a shuttle to / from the host hotel, group admission, a 925.736.8774 private tram tour (approx. 30 minutes), free time within the garden, and a boxed lunch served in a private room with a choice of sandwiches & chips or salads & breadstick plus a chocolate chunk cookie. Total time estimated at 34 hours. Jim Pfrogner (FL) 941.360.6967 The 79th National tournament will coincide with the City of St. Louis’ 250th anniversary and all year the city will feature Rick Rodriguez (CA) events celebrating the city’s founding. Main attractions include the world famous Gateway Arch, the Missouri Botanical Garden, The Muny (America’s largest and oldest outdoor theater – “Billy Elliot The Musical” will be playing while we’re there), 510.326.4795 brewery tours at the Budweiser brewery, the Lewis and Clark expedition city of St. Charles; and for you baseball fans, the St. Louis Cardinals will be in town playing 3 different National league opponents. All in all there’s a memorable activity for Paul Sprunk (OH) everyone! 419.351.3342 Bob Wolf (MI) Vice Chairman 248.624.6997 Phone 910.383.0339 Please sign up for these activities on the Entry Form included in this newsletter. We look forward to welcoming you all to St. Louis!!! ** Just add the $25 NALG membership fee on the entry form if you are not current. !"#$%&'()2343%$56&,7"$8) Email jymjoy@bellsouth.net Website www.NALG.org SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM 79th Annual NALG Championship !"#$%&'()%*)+$,-.%*"+/% 0)-12$3.%45,6%7)+89:;%<899)+-8% =+$#%>?@>A;%BC>D% Golfer Name: _________________________________________________ Age: _______ Handicap: ______ Index: _______ Address: ____________________________________________ City: ____________________ State: _____ Zip: __________ Cell Phone: _________________________ Home Phone: ___________________________ Shirt Size ___________________ Spouse/Guest Name: ______________________________________ Guest Cell Phone:_________________________________ Golfer Email Address: ______________________________________ Guest Email: ____________________________________ (Guest email and phone info requested in order to better coordinate the Guest Activities for the Tournament.) !"#$%#&%#"#'(&()#&*+,+%+-.&+.&/)+')&0-1&/+%)&(-&'-23#(#4& ____ NALG Championship Division ‐ Not Flighted ____ NALG Open Division ‐ Flighted after 36 Holes ____ NALG Senior Division (Age 55+) ‐ Flighted after 36 Holes ____ NALG Masters Division (Age 70+) ‐ Flighted after 36 Holes ____ NALG Ladies Championship ‐ Not Flighted & !$5(+'+3$.(&!$'6$7#: Four green fees with cart, daily range balls, entry gift, tournament prizes, daily closest to the pin prize, Welcome Reception on Sunday evening, and Awards Luncheon on Thursday afternoon. Item Entry Fee NALG Membership Fee (If not current) Hole Sponsorship Tuesday Evening Event – visit the iconic Gateway Arch, and then attend a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game vs. the New York Mets. Everyone invited! Includes a shuttle to and from the host hotel. SPOUSE / GUEST ACTIVITIES Spouse / Guest ticket(s) for Welcome Reception – Sunday Spouse / Guest ticket(s) for Awards Luncheon – Thursday Monday Morning Event – tour the beautiful 79acre Missouri Botanical Garden and then have lunch on site. Includes a shuttle to and from the host hotel, group admission, private tram tour (approx. 30 minutes), free time within the garden, and a boxed lunch served in a private room with a choice of sandwiches & chips or salads & breadstick plus a chocolate chunk cookie. Guest Golf – per round TOTAL COST Please mail this form, along with your check payable to NALG for the total cost, to: Rick Rodriguez, 6004 Condor Street, Danville, CA 94506 Address questions to: !! Rick Rodriguez at rrodriguez@rockcliff.com or (510) 326‐4795 or !! Frank Hunter at robhunter@lexcominc.net or (336) 239‐0137. 2 Each Number $425 1 $ 25 $ 75 $ 57 Cost $ 425 $ 25 $ 25 $ 49 $ 70 $ SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 21st Annual Dave McCall Southwest Shootout “INVITATIONAL” LeftyPartner Format Albuquerque, NM / May 7, 8 & 9, 2014 Entry Form Return this completed form with check (please print or type) to: Donald Lightburn, 40 Woodlands Drive, Tijeras, NM 87059, to contact (5052868667) Field limited to first 72 teams LEFTY______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________ CITY / STATE / ZIP___________________________________________________________ PHONE (________) _____________________________________SHIRT SIZE (__________) GHIN NUMBER_____________________________USGA HCP. INDEX________________ PARTNER___________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________ CITY / STATE / ZIP_______________________ ____________________________________ PHONE (________) ___________________________ __________SHIRT SIZE (__________) GHIN NUMBER_____________________________ USGA HCP. INDEX________________ ENTRY FEE ($520 PER TEAM) _______________TOTAL ENTRY FEE $_______________ SPONSOR FLAG @$75 per flag_________________________________TOTAL $_________ NAME ON SPONSOR FLAG____________________________________________________ TOTAL PAYMENT $________________ 3 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 21st Annual Dave McCall Southwest Shootout “INVITATIONAL” LeftyPartner Format Albuquerque, NM / May 79, 2014 Information Sheet If you don’t have a partner and want us to get you one, just give me a call (5052868667) or email (dlightb@q.com) or state so on entry. PAY OFF WILL BE 25 % OF THE FIELD with a special prize for FIRST LOW GROSS/LOW NET TEAMS. The format is “Scramble”, “Modified Scotch” and “Best Ball”. All players must have “USGA GHIN Handicap Index” or equivalent. Awards and prizes will be given at end of play of third day. All three days of play will take place at the “UNM Championship Golf Course”. There is a maximum of TEN (10) strokes taken per team per hole. If team score reaches a total of ten strokes before holing out you are done for that hole. A maximum combined team handicap will be TWENTY SIX (26) total based on USGA recommended team handicap development for the format of the day. We are planning tee times 1st two days, shotgun final day. If our team total exceeds 32 we will probably do a shotgun start all three days. Shootout participants can purchase practice round at a special rate of $45/per person with cart, as individuals, or $25/per person after 1:00PM (prices subject to change). Identify yourself as part of the Shootout when checking in at the Pro Shop. Currently Monday and Tuesday are open for practice rounds at the Championship Course (subject to change). Skins and Day money by divisions “YOU MUST ENTER FOR BOTH DAYS” (day 1 & 2). Entry fee includes 3 rounds of golf, carts, range balls, prizes, shirt and daily hospitality room. Registration and Welcome Cocktail Reception on May 6th, starting at 5:00pm in the “PLAZA INN” hospitality room. The host hotel, PLAZA INN, is located at 900 Medical Arts NE, between Lomas and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd east of I25. Rate for participants is $49 per night single/double with a continental breakfast. Make your reservations as soon as you receive your entry form by calling 8002371307 or FAX 5058436229. The Tournament Committee is selling Sponsor Flags again this year (see included flyer). If ordering a flag and participating in tournament use tournament entry form and flyer. If ordering a Sponsor Flag, only, just return flyer with requested information. HOPE TO SEE YOU IN ALBUQUERQUE SPONSORS MR. CARPET PLAZA INN 4 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 5 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 SOUTHWEST SHOOTOUT FOR ALL DAYS, WHEN YOU HAVE REACHED DOUBLE PAR “PICK UP”. THE WORST SCORE YOU CAN HAVE IS DOUBLE PAR! 70+ IN AGE MAY USE THE SILVER TEES, WOMEN MAY USE CHERRY TEES, ALL OTHERS USE WHITE TEES. MAY 7 TWOMAN SCRAMBLE [TEE TIMES START 9:00AM] ALL PLAYERS HIT FROM THE TEE. TEAM SELECTS THE SHOT YOU WANT TO PLAY AND BOTH PLAYERS HIT FROM THAT SPOT. YOU MAY PLACE YOUR BALL ANYWHERE ON THE COURSE [WITHIN ONE CLUB LENGTH], BUT MAY NOT IMPROVE YOUR POSITION. KEEP GROSS BALL SCORE, CHECK, AND SIGN SCORE CARD BEFORE TURNING IN YOUR CARD TO TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR. MAY 8 SCOTCH (MODIFIED ALTERNATE SHOT) [TEE TIMES START 9:00AM] ALL PLAYERS HIT FROM THE TEE. TEAM SELECTS THE SHOT YOU WANT TO PLAY AND ALTERNATE PLAYER HITS FROM THAT SPOT. YOU MAY PLACE YOUR BALL ANYWHERE ON THE COURSE [WITHIN ONE CLUB LENGTH], BUT MAY NOT IMPROVE YOUR POSITION. KEEP GROSS BALL SCORE, CHECK, AND SIGN SCORE CARD BEFORE TURNING IN YOUR CARD TO TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR. MAY 9 TWOMAN BEST BALL [SHOTGUN START AT 8:00AM] BOTH TEAM MEMBERS PLAY THROUGHOUT HOLE. IF ONE PLAYER IS OUT OF THE HOLE, PICK UP TO HELP SPEED PLAY! YOU MAY MOVE YOUR BALL (ONE CLUB LENGTH) IN YOUR FAIRWAY ONLY, NO CLOSER TO HOLE. KEEP (PER HOLE) LOW GROSS BALL SCORE, LOW NET BALL SCORE, CHECK, AND SIGN SCORE CARD BEFORE TURNING IN YOUR CARD TO TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR. “TIES” EXCEPT FOR 1ST PLACE IN LOW NET AND LOW GROSS, ALL TIES WILL BE PLAYED OFF ON THE CARD, STARTING WITH THE LAST NINE HOLES, THEN THE LAST SIX HOLES, THEN THE LAST THREE HOLES. FIRST PLACE LOW NET AND LOW GROSS TIES WILL PLAYOFF STARTING ON HOLE NUMBER ONE, USING “FOURBALL” FORMAT. IF STILL TIED, SECOND HOLE TO BE PLAYED USING “SCOTCH” FORMAT. IF STILL TIED, THIRD HOLE TO BE PLAYED USING “SCRAMBLE” FORMAT. IF STILL TIED, REPEAT FORMAT ORDER, “FOURBALL”, “SCOTCH”, AND “SCRAMBLE”. GIFT CERTIFICATES/AWARDS TO BE GIVEN IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING FRIDAY’S ROUND AT THE PAVILLION AT THE GOLF COURSE (~1:30PM). “SKINS & DAY MONEY” IF YOU ENTER IT MUST BE FOR BOTH DAYS BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT STARTS. $60 PER TEAM ($30 PER PERSON) COVERS BOTH DAYS. SEE DINO McCALL TO GET IN. WE HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GEAT TIME! WHEN YOU GET A CHANCE THANK OUR SPONSORS, “MR. CARPET” JOHN SILVA, ESPANOLA ELECTRIC,THE HOST HOTEL, PLAZA INN (MIKE COY), AND OUR VARIOUS FLAG SPONSORS. 6 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 Michigan Association Of Left-Handed Michigan Association Of Left-Handed GolfersGolfers 2014 State Amateur Tournament 2014 State Amateur Tournament Saturday/Sunday August 16 & 17, 2014 at The Highlands GC Saturday/Sunday August 16 & 17, 2014 at The Highlands GC A Donald Ross Design www.highlandsgr.com A Donald Ross Design www.highlandsgr.com 2715 Leonard St. NW; Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Ph. 616-453-1504 2715 Leonard St. NW; Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Ph. 616-453-1504 th Entry Fee: $160 Deadline: th August 13 – please send as early as possible. Entry Fee: $160 Deadline: Augusttwo 13 rounds – please sendwith as early possible. Entry Fee includes: of golf cart,asrange balls, Saturday banquet and Sunday Entry Fee includes: two rounds of golf with cart, range balls, Saturday and Sunday lunch, prize fund, and tee gift. More Info…Call Bob Wolfbanquet 248-624-6997 lunch, prize fund, and tee gift. More Info…Call Bob Wolf 248-624-6997 Starting Tee Times: 10:00 AM Saturday, August 16th and 8:00 AM Sunday, August 17th Starting Tee Times: 10:00 AM Saturday, August 16th and 8:00 AM Sunday, August 17th Practice Round: Friday, August 15th – Call for tee time - Pro shop – 616-453-1504 Practice Round: Friday, August – Callrange for tee time - Pro shop – 616-453-1504 $3515th includes balls. $35 includes range balls. Divisions: Divisions: Open, Women, Senior (55+), & Super-Senior (70+); Open, Women, Senior (55+), (70+); Any age may play&inSuper-Senior the Open Division Any age may play in the Open Division Format: Flighted after Saturday's Round by Division Format: Flighted after Saturday's Round by Division Accommodations: Not confirmed as yet Accommodations: Not confirmed as yet Banquet: Banquet: Will follow Saturday's round @ The Highlands Golf Course Will follow Saturday's round @ The Highlands Golf Course Name___________________________________________________ Name___________________________________________________ Circle one Circle one Division Division Open Open Women Women Senior 55+ Senior Super-Senior Super-Senior 55+ 70+ 70+ Address____________________________________ Address____________________________________ City/State/Zip_______________________________ Entry Fee $160 City/State/Zip_______________________________ Entry Fee Extra $160Banquet $________ $ 22 Extra Banquet $ 22 $________ Phone______________________________________ Extra Lunch $ 6 Phone______________________________________ Extra Lunch Hole $ Sponsor 6 $________ - $ 50 Hole Sponsor - $ 50 $________ Email______________________________________ Email______________________________________ Subtotal Subtotal $________ $________ $________ $________ $__________ $__________ ! Please indicate here if you choose to opt out of Saturday Banquet: DEDUCT $22 ! Please indicate here if you choose to opt out of Saturday Banquet: DEDUCT $22 Check Enclosed ______________________ Check Enclosed ______________________ Checks payable to: MALG Checks payable to: MALG Mail to: Robert Wolf Mail to: Robert Wolf 1485 Meadow Drive 1485 Meadow Drive Walled Lake, MI 48390 Walled Lake, MI 48390 Entry also posted @ www.nalg.org and www.michiganlefties/weebly.com Entry also posted @ www.nalg.org and www.michiganlefties/weebly.com 7 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 Carolina Division National Association of Left-Handed Golfers 51st NATIONAL LEFTYRIGHTY AMATEUR GOLF TOURNAMENT Gentlemen: This year marks the 51st Anniversary of the National LeftyRighty Amateur Golf Tournament which will be held Wednesday, September 3, 2014 through Saturday, September 6, 2014, at Cedar Rock Golf and Country Club in Lenoir, NC. Wednesday’s round will be played in the evening. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday rounds will start at 8:15 shotgun. Practice round is $15 and will be available on Tuesday, September 2. Tee time can be made by calling the Cedar Rock ProShop at (828) 7584421. Deadline for entry is August 20, 2014. !"#$#%&'((%)#%*+,*-%.#/01%2#$%3'4".5%6((%.#/01%&'((%78/('9:%9$;0%."#%<&"'.#=%%.##1%/>?%."#%<@"/02';>1"'2%A('4".=%;>(:%&'((% 0;B#%.;%."#%<)(8#=%.##1%."#%(/1.%.&;%?/:15%C'D.:,EB#%/>?%;(?#$%2(/:#$1%0/:%2(/:%4$##>%.##1%'9%."#:%F";;1#5%!"#%2$'G#1%&'((% )#%?'1.$')8.#?%/1%9;((;&1%/1%:;8$%$;8>?1%#>?%;>%C/.8$?/:5%A('4".1%/>?%4'9.%F#$.'EF/.#1%&'((%)#%/?H81.#?%/FF;$?'>4%.;%>80)#$% of entries, if needed. % % % I%A('4".%&'>>#$%J%.$;2"'#1%2(81%KLM+%4'9.%F#$.'EF/.#% I%->?%2(/F#%J%.$;2"'#1%2(81%K-M+%4'9.%F#$.'EF/.#% % I%M$?%2(/F#%J%K*M+%4'9.%F#$.'EF/.# I%L."%2(/F#%J%KN+%4'9.%F#$.'EF/.# I%O."%2(/F#%J%KP+%4'9.%F#$.'EF/.# Entry fee is $715 per team. If cancellation is received after 81514, $100.00 will be deducted from refund. Range balls are '>F(8?#?%'>%2/FQ/4#5%!"#%E$1.%R+%.#/01%.;%1#>?%'>%."#'$%9;$0%/>?%payment will be accepted. Payment must be included – no #DF#2.';>15%%S#%0/:%'02;1#%/%1/>?,)/44'>4%$8(#%."'1%:#/$5%%T9%&#%?;%:;8%&'((%)#%>;.'E#?%;>%$8(#%1"##.1%'>F(8?#?%'>%&#(F;0#% bag. $75.00 fee for guest is for (2) nights and lunch each day. An application and schedule are attached for your convenience, along with motel information. All four motels listed are giving us a discount. Please identify yourself as a participant in the National LeftyRighty Golf Tournament to receive your discount. Days Inn I%U-U,LM*,-*++%VW'FQ;$:X KOO5NN%V?;8)(#X Ask for NALG Group Rate (LeftyRighty) Full breakfast buffet. Y;F/.#?%;>%W&:5%M-*%C;8."Z%/F$;11%$'B#$Z%1#F;>?%$'4". 1.$##.Z%/2D5%*R%0'(#1%9$;0%Y#>;'$5 Days Inn%I%U-U,POL,+PM*%(Lenoir) ['>4%;$%\;8)(#%KRN5*+ Ask for LeftyRighty rate Free continental breakfast American Motel (formerly Jameson Inn) 8287581200 (Lenoir) KLN5O+%2#$%$;;0 Ask for LeftyRighty rate \#(8D#%F;>.'>#>./(%)$#/Q9/1.5 Comfort Inn%I%U-U,POL,-+N+%VY#>;'$X KRN5++%V['>4%;$%\;8)(#%$;;0X%,%KPN5++%VC8'.#X Ask for LeftyRighty rate Hope to see you in September. Terry Martin, President % @/$;('>/%\'B'1';>%]6Y^% (828) 7544007 8 Jim Bradley _D#F8.'B#%C#F$#./$:`!$#/18$#$% Carolina Division NALG William R. Johnson, VicePresident @#?/$%a;FQ%^;(9%/>?%@;8>.$:%@(8) James H. Bradley, Executive Secretary/Treasurer • 1062 Winding Trail Drive, Leland, NC 28451 Residence 910-383-0339 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 SCHEDULE Practice round Tuesday with tee times, 8:005:00 Registration – Tuesday – (10am 3pm) Includes gifts and welcome bag Wednesday – September 3rd Registration 11:0012:30 – Lunch: Barbecue Buffet, keg and soft drinks, etc. 1:00 – Shotgun Start OPEN NIGHT Thursday – September 4th 8:15 – Ladies Golf (This year golf is at Cedar Rock Golf Course 8:15 Shotgun start) (Information to be in welcome bag) 12:302:00 – Lunch: New York DeliDay, keg and soft drinks, etc. 8:15 – Shotgun start 6:008:00 – Open Bar 6:008:00 – Heavy Hors d’oeuvres featuring seafood and rawbar 7:308:30 – Flight races Calcutta Friday September 5th Ub*O%J%C";.48>%1./$.%'>%3'4".1% 12:302:00 – Lunch: Cookout Buffet, keg and soft drinks, etc. 6:308:00 – Open bar Pb++%J%\'>>#$%9#/.8$'>4%0'D#?%^$'((%;9%@"#9%@/$B#?%c##9%!#>?#$(;'>%/>?%c$;'(#?%C"$'02 Saturday September 6th Ub*O%J%C";.48>%1./$.%'>%3'4".1% 12:302:00 – Lunch: Fried Chicken, Cole Slaw, Potato Salad, Green Beans, Biscuits and Cookies The entry fee of $715 per team includes carts, green fees and all of the activities and meals on the schedule. Entries will be numbered as they are received. Wednesday tee time will be at 1:00pm. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday tee times will be 8:15am shotgun. Range balls are included in package. Cedar Rock Grill Room will open each day at 7:00am for breakfast on a cash basis. 9 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 Carolina Division National Association of Left-Handed Golfers OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Tournament Dates: September 3 September 6, 2014 51st National LeftyRighty Amateur Golf Tournament at Cedar Rock Golf and Country Club; Lenoir, NC. d$;,C";2%VU-UXPOU,LL-*%;$%e9EF#%VU-UXPOU,LLO* We hereby make a formal application for entry in the 2014 National LeftyRighty Amateur Golf Tourna 0#>.%/>?%"#$#&'."%18)0'.%."#%$#78'$#?%'>9;$0/.';>%/>?%9##1%.;%2(/:5%%c:%1'4>'>4%."'1%/22('F/.';>Z%&#%/4$##% to abide by all tournament rules and decisions by rules committee. Y#9.:%]/0#% % % % % % Street Telephone City State C'4>/.8$#% % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%^8#1.%]/0#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% a'4".:%]/0#% % % % % % Street Telephone City State Zip % % % % % % % % % fC^6%T>?#D% ^8#1.%]/0#%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%fC^6%T>?#D%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%64#%%%%%%%% Zip % %%%%%fC^6%T>?#D% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%fC^6%T>?#D%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%64#%%%%%%%% Tee Time On Wednesday: 1:00 pm Shotgun Start % % % % Entry Fee Per Team $715 S'9#%;$%^8#1.%-%]'4".1`Y8>F"% KPO`#/F" Carolina Division Dues $15 NALG Dues $25 Y/?'#1%^;(9%g%Y8>F"% % % KR+`#/F" Total Enclosed $ Make Checks Payable To: Mail To: Carolina Division NALG National LeftyRighty Amateur Golf Tournament Terry Martin 820 Beverly Circle, NE Lenoir, NC 28645 James H. Bradley, Executive Secretary/Treasurer • 1062 Winding Trail Drive, Leland, NC 28451 Residence 910-383-0339 10 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 James Cup Challenge Final Results Feb 1517, 2014 Flight 1 Net Scores D. Wallace / F. Hunter Gross Scores Result/Place !"#$%#!&###'(&) ) $*#$+#$,###''') ) -./01)234)56377) $(#!"#!"###'(&) ) $!#$+#$+###''+) ) -0.89:)%7:);/:) $%#!!#$%###'(&) ) $"#$*#$"###',,) ) -0.89:)'<1);/:) !"#$(#$%###'%() ) $&#&%#&(###',") ) -0.89:),61);/:) M. Kemppainen / J. Little E. Froese / W. Coffman J. Flowers / D. Martin)) Flight 2 Net Scores Gross Scores Result/Place !,#!+#!$###%"+) ) $+#$*#$$###''!) ) -0.89:)%7:);/:) ) !$#!*#!*###%"$) ) $$#$*#$*###''$) ) -0.89:)'<1);/:) ) !&#$%#$(###'(") ) $$#&%#&(###',&) ) -0.89:),61);/:) N. Little / T. Thresher)) $%#!"#$%###'%%) ) &'#&(#&'###'++) ) -0.89:)+:9);/:) J. Dalton / C. Pearson ) B. Clark / F. Davis) J. Cox / G. Dykes) Flight 3 Net Scores M. Hankin / P. Hankin) Gross Scores Result/Place !+#!*#!*###%"+) ) $!#$*#$$###''&) ) -0.89:)%7:);/:) !!#!$#!*###%"&) ) $$#$"#$$###',,) ) -0.89:)'<1);/:) $,#$,#$,###'%") ) &+#&,#&,###'*() ) -0.89:),61);/:) $&#!"#$+###''%) ) &&#&(#&!###'*+) ) -0.89:)+:9);/:) Result/Place J. DeLore / J. Williams) J. Schnabel / D. McCall) M. OBrien / T. Milne) ) Flight 4 Net Scores H. Engert / J. Hodecker) Gross Scores !+#!,#!*###%"') ) &%#&%#&%###'+,) ) -./01)234);/:) !!#!!#!,###%"*) ) $&#&(#$&###',!) ) -0.89:)%7:);/:) !,#$%#$+###'(&) ) $"#&!#"'###'*$) ) -0.89:)'<1);/:) !"#$%#!"###'(") ) &$#&"#&$###'!,) ) -0.89:),61);/:) J. Judge / R. Root) ) L. Toscano / B. Armijo) R. Griffin / T. Billstrom) Tournament Pairing Program 2/17/2014 1:23 PM Page:1 11 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We want to know about your holeinone! Send the details to Margaret Hunter at Margaret@WOWPersonalVacations.com. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Print this page for your fellow lefty golfers so they too can join the NALG! Join the “Southpaws” – supporting lefthanded golfers since 1934. Annual membership fee for the National Association of Left-Handed Golfers is only $ 25 / year. Newsletter is sent every 3 months with news of State, National, and World lefty events. Tournaments can be all Lefty or Lefty & Partner (lefty or righty partner, depending on the tournament). National and World Tournaments generally include 5 Divisions: Championship, Open, Senior, Super Seniors/Masters, and Ladies. Check out the websites: http://www.nalg.org/ and http://www.walg.org/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of LEFTHANDED GOLFERS APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP/RENEWAL Lefty Name _________________________________ Birthdate ________________ Street Address _________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State ___________________ Province _______________________ Zip / Postal Code ______________________ Phone ( ) __________________________________ Hcp. ___________________ EMAIL Address _______________________________________________________ Dues: $25.00 Send to: NALG ~ PO Box 640, Leland, NC 28451 12 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 2013 Caldwell County Tourism Ambassador Award We recently awarded the 2013 Caldwell County Tourism Ambassador Award to Delma Jean and Terry Martin. They were selected to receive this annual award because of their labor of love to host the annual Lefty-Righty Tournament here in our community. Delma Jean and Terry serve as volunteers in many organizations and are what we call !"#$%&'()*#&+#$",-))./#0$)#1#2(0%#'#"")&")*#&+#$")0")3&"#+)0')*&$4#)5&$()6')(/#0$)5$&2(02#) 67)5#$"6'&*)"&2$082#)&'+)"#$%02#)(6)6(/#$")8$"(We are truly blessed to have the Martins in our community and we value the annual visit 67)(/6"#)*69&*)46*7#$"):/6)5&$(0205&(#)0')(/#);#7(9<=04/(9).6>$'&?#'(Submitted by: Deborah Ashley Smith President/CEO of the Caldwell County Chamber of Commerce ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Obituaries UÊÊMarvin Lee McCrea,Ê>ÀÛÊiiÊV Ài>ÊÜ>ÃÊLÀÊÊ ÛiLiÀÊ£ÓÇÊÌÊ,>`Ê>`Ê>ÊV Ài>Ê Ê >iÀ]Ê°]Ê>`Ê«>ÃÃi`Ê>Ü>ÞÊ>vÌiÀÊ>Ê}ÊiÃÃÊÊ7i`iÃ`>Þ]Ê>°ÊÓ]ÊÓä£{°ÊÊÃÊ>ÊÌii>}iÀ]Ê ÃÊv>ÞÊÛi`ÊvÀÊÃÃÕÀÊÌÊi`À>]Ê >vÀ>ÆÊ>`Ê>vÌiÀÊ}À>`Õ>ÌÊvÀÊ } ÊÃV ]Ê iÊi`Ê Ì iÊ1°-°Ê >ÛÞ°ÊÊvÌiÀÊ ÃÊ`ÃV >À}iÊvÀÊÌ iÊ >ÛÞ]Ê iÊLiV>iÊ>ÊÌÞ«iÜÀÌiÀÊÀi«>À>Ê>`ÊÌ iÊ>ÊvwViÊ >V iÊÃ>iÃ>°ÊÊiÊ«>ÀÌiÀi`ÊÊ>ÊvwViÊ>V iÊLÕÃiÃÃÊvÀÊÛiÀÊÎäÊÞi>ÀÃÊÊÃÕÌ iÀÊ >vÀ>°ÊÊ Ü>ÞÃÊ>Ê>Û`Ê}viÀ]Ê iÊÀiÌÀi`ÊÌÊ->ÊÕÃÊ"LÃ«Ê ÕÌÞÊÊ£nÈ°ÊÊ>ÀÛÊÜ>ÃÊÜÊvÀÊ ÃÊ«ÃÌÛi]Ê }À>VÕÃÊ>iÀÊ>`Ê>Ê>ÊÜ ÊV>Ài`Ê`ii«ÞÊvÀÊ ÃÊv>Þ°ÊÊ>ÀÛÊÃÊÃÕÀÛÛi`ÊLÞÊ ÃÊÜviÊvÊ£nÊÞi>ÀÃ]Ê Ì iÆÊ`>Õ} ÌiÀ]Ê*>ÌÀV>Êi®ÆÊÃ]ÊiiÊ>Ì iÀi®ÆÊÃÌi«`>Õ} ÌiÀ]Ê>ÀiÊ*i`À®ÆÊ}À>``>Õ} ÌiÀ]ÊV iiÊ -VÌÌ®ÆÊ>`ÊÌÜÊ}Ài>Ì}À>`V `Ài°ÊÊiÊÜ>ÃÊ«ÀiVi`i`ÊÊ`i>Ì ÊLÞÊ ÃÊwÀÃÌÊÜvi]Ê/iÀiÃ>ÆÊ>`ÊÃ]ÊÀÕVi° Published in San Luis Obispo Tribune on Feb. 9, 2014. 13 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER April 2014 TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE !" #$%&'"()*"+,(Hiddenbrooke, Vallejo, CA.""./01/23&4'"5//"5&6/7"734%3&28"43"(,9,,46:"" ;<234=3">&6"?4'3<2"@<%"A/34&'7"43 BC(,D"EFGH+(+)"<%"I&6JA4'3<2K7L=8'<L4':2/3: !" >1'N"+)H+F*"+,(Carolinas Lefty and Lefty-Partner Tournaments – Sapona Ridge Country Club, Lexington, NC."";<234=3"Q%42["\123/%"43 %<LR123/%K'/b=<6&2=:2/3"<%"BEE)D"+EOH,(EF"@<%"@1%3R/%"A/34&'7: !" 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Henceforth it will be sent to you via email, or you may 1&+% 2'% "&% '()% A7B?% #),$2')C% ###6&-/86"!83% :&+)!% '()% DA)#$/)'')!$E% heading. The newsletter issue dates will remain the same: January, April, July, and October. If you do not receive your emailed copy "0% '()% &)#$/)'')!% #2'(2&% '()% 1!$'% FG% +-@$% "0% '()$)% 5"&'($3% 9/)-$)% contact Margaret Hunter at Margaret@WOWPersonalVacations.com.”