August 2015 - Rancho Murieta Kiwanis


August 2015 - Rancho Murieta Kiwanis
Kiwanis Kronicle
Rancho Murieta, California
Published by the Kiwanis Club of Rancho Murieta, Inc.
Volume 16 Number 11
Editor: Skulz Inn
August 2015
Inside this issue
Who attends what
12th Annual Pancake
Time for a change…
Take action
Eagle Scout Cole Zenker
Craig Carbrey
Hat Contest Finalists
New Postmaster
New School Secretary
Paper Plate Award
Kiwanis Kalendar
Sept 5
Randy Shepherd
Sept 7
Rich Gilmour
Sept 21
Dan Hayes
Sept 26
Claudia Faeth
Sept 27
Harry Gustafson
Sept 28
Connie Baker
Here are the results of the Kiwanis International Convention held in
Indianapolis, Indiana June 26-28,
Susan Petrisin
Jane Erickson
(Continued on page 20)
Question box???
Why was Mayberry
so peaceful?
Answer: See page 12.
Kiwanis Kids’
Music Mike!
Sept. 20th
Save the
Whew!!!! We made it!
The 12th Annual Kiwanis Pancake
Breakfast for the 4th of July Celebration for Rancho Murieta was a
Over 1,000 folks were served a
good breakfast on the Fourth. Congratulations to all who led and participated. Thanks very much for
your support of this high profile
Coming up on the schedule is the
Tri Tip Dinner on Saturday August
8 (solves the problem of what to do
for dinner on an ETC night.
Our Cal-Nev-Ha District Convention is August 13th to 15th. You
don’t have to travel far for this one,
it is in Sacramento. Your club will
pay for your registration if you volunteer to help. There are few slots
open. Call Linda O’Brien if you
want to do so.
The Kiwanis Kids’ Concert staring
Music Mike is scheduled for September 20th and the Blues & Brews
scheduled for September 26th.
Loretta Lutz is the chair for the
Music Mike concert. She is looking
for an understudy. This Kiwanis
Kids Concert is probably the easiest
to stage and on the other hand it
provides the greatest satisfaction to
those involved. Loretta says that it
is a lot of fun and, not much work
(Continued on page 2)
Time for a change…
Take action
Craig Carbrey
(Continued from page 1)
and very rewarding.
The Division 44 Lt. Governor Installation dinner is on Tuesday September 29th. It will be held at Fair
Oaks Presbyterian Church 11427
Fair Oaks Avenue. If this location
sounds familiar, it is the same location as other Lt. Governors’ installaKiwanis Kronicle is a monthly newsletter published by the Kiwanis Club of
Rancho Murieta, Inc. Club was chartered May 21, 1996. The address of the
club is P.O. Box 855 Rancho Murieta,
CA 95683-0855 (916) 354-0538
Club meetings are on the 1st and 3rd
Thursdays of every month at the Villas
Recreation Center 7083 Murieta Parkway (Enter North Gate) Rancho
Murieta, CA 95683.
Boards of Kiwanis Club of Rancho
Murieta Inc. and Kiwanis Club of Rancho Murieta Club Foundation Inc. meet
on the 3rd Wednesday of each month
at 7:00 p.m. at a designated board
member’s home.
tions for the past years. The
menu is Tri-Tip, roasted potatoes, seasoned vegetables, salad,
and dessert. Please see Secretary
Linda or myself to sign up.
Our own installation dinner is
October 1st; please plan to attend Rich Gilmour’s installation
as your new President. Louise
Gumbinger (our original party
gal) is planning the menu and is
suggesting there will be wine for
each table, and the cost remains
the same.
Speaking from experience this
is the toughest time for the President- Elect. For the next year,
Rich Gilmour needs to know
who will maintain their leadership
on various committees and activities of the club. Please let the
President-Elect know as soon as
Also, this is a great opportunity
to volunteer for a leadership role.
It is very rewarding and gives
you an opportunity to expand
your circle of friends.
President..………………………..Craig Carbrey
Imm. Past Pres…………..Jarvio Grevious
President-Elect………..…Richard Gilmour
Secretary……………….….…….Linda O’Brien
Treasurer…………………………….Susan Sozzi
Director………….………Coit Conant (2016)
Director….…Thomas Eaton DDS (2015)
Director…..…………….Teresa Field (2016)
Director……….Bonnie Shewchuk (2015)
Director………….………Peter Telfer (2016)
Editor……………...…………..John W. Seigal
The editor is solely responsible for the
content. It is the intent to be 100%
accurate. Articles labeled as Editorial
represent the opinion of the editor and
may not represent the opinion of the
Kiwanis Club of Rancho Murieta, Inc.
nor Kiwanis Club of Rancho Murieta Club
Foundation, Inc.
The address of the editor is P.O. Box
1131 Sloughhouse, CA 95683-1131 or
email at:
Photo Credit: Kitty York
Thanks for Sharing
Pictured above are Joe Mazzoni Jr. and Joe Mazzoni Sr.
Joe Mazzoni, Sr. invited his
son to join us at a recent evening
Who attends what?
As a Kiwanian (new or old) think about
who attends what meeting?
Club meetings (1st and 3rd Thursday)
all members are expected to attend. There
is a program at each meeting. Meet at
Villas Recreation Center.
Committee meetings Set by committee chairs. The committees meet to conduct business and to prepare proposals to
the board meetings on the third Thursday
each month.
Board meetings On the Wednesday
before the third Thursday of each month
at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are held at a
designated board members home. One
board is for the Kiwanis Club and the other is for the Kiwanis Club Foundation. Separate organizations but the same board
Committee chairs and other club
members are invited to attend board
meetings and see how the club and foundation are governed.
Service projects Club members are
expected to participate in the service projects of our club.
Interclubs These are meetings when
four or more attend another Kiwanis Club
meeting. Generally it is an eye opening
experience. You get a chance to see how
others do it. Some things you can adopt
and use, and some things… well let us
generally leave it unsaid.
Socials Special events just to have fun
and socialize.
Mid-Year Conference A one-day educational and motivational conference designed for all club officers, committee
chairmen and members. It is planned so
Kiwanis members can drive to the conference together, participate in an InterClub, attend a few workshops and then be
back home the same day. The conference
promotes fellowship as well as provides an
opportunity to learn more about Kiwanis.
A Division Council Meeting (DCM) is
a meeting in which the clubs within the
Division come together and are given the
opportunity to network; share experiences
and best practices; and promote upcoming
club events.
Conventions: The Kiwanis family is too
large to gather at one time. So representatives from the Kiwanis family meet at
conventions to conduct organizational
business, elect board members, amend
bylaws and conduct leadership training
etc. These conventions are generally held
annually at the district and International
Read RVT Security Log!
Sign to the
left in
Murieta Ace
Sign to the right in
Rancho Murieta
Ace Hardware for
Redneck Greeting
Sign in
Rancho Murieta
Ace Hardware
Seen on a T-shirt at a
wedding reception!
12th Annual Pancake Breakfast
The leadership for producing the
4th of July Pancake Breakfast, is
the most challenging task in Kiwanis International.
Here are some of the reasons
1. It is not a fund raiser. It ought
not to be end in a deficit positon either. It is a community
service event, that is why all of
the workers are expected to
buy a ticket to volunteer.
2. You never know how many
people will attend. Yet you
don’t want a lot of surplus food
or leftovers.
3. You want to be sure the food is
ready, hot, and delicious and
no long lines of folks waiting for
the cooks to cook.
This year it took a triumvirate of
Kiwanians to pull it off, and pull it
off they did.
Thanks to:
1. Ginny Macko,
2. Judith Embree, and
3. Carol Gustafson.
12th Annual Pancake Breakfast
Boy Scout
Troop 633
The Kiwanis Club of Rancho
Murieta is the Chartered Organization for Club Scout Pack 633 and
Boy Scout Troop 633.
This month we will concentrated
on Eagle Scout Cole Zenker.
Eagle Scout is the highest rank
attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America
(BSA). A Scout who attains this
rank is called an Eagle Scout
or Eagle.
Since its introduction in 1911,
the Eagle Scout rank has been
earned by more than 2.3 million
young men. Around 7 percent of all
Boy Scouts earned the Eagle Scout
rank. the average age of boys
earning the Eagle Scout rank was
17 years of age.
The Eagle Scout Service Project,
or more simply the Eagle Scout
Project, is the opportunity for a Boy
Scout to demonstrate leadership of
others while performing a project
for the benefit of his community.
This is the culmination of the Eagle
Scout candidate's leadership training, and it requires a significant
effort on his part.
The project must benefit an organization other than the BSA, but
it cannot be performed for
an individual or a business or
be commercial in nature.
The Eagle Scout Court of Honor was held on Sunday July 19th at 3:00
p.m. at the Rancho Murieta Community Church.
Above is the listing of the Boys Scouts who have achieved the Eagle
Scout rank since the troop was formed.
The first Eagle Scout is William Thurston, son of John Thurston, previous President of the Kiwanis Club of Rancho Murieta, and past Lt. Governor of Division 44.
John Thurston and family moved to Idaho.
(Continued on page 7)
Boy Scout
Troop 633
(Continued from page 6)
Here is Cole Zenker’s Service
Pictured above is Eagle Scout
Cole Zenker.
To the left is his mother: Carrie
To the right is his father: Jason
About Aktion Club
More Than 500 Clubs Serving
Their Communities
Aktion Club is the only service
club for adults with disabilities, with
more than 12,000 members worldwide.
Aktion Clubs draw members from
various organizations that support
individuals with disabilities, as well
as other community programs.
Aktion clubs can also be established at churches, libraries,
YMCAs, lodges or similar facilities.
A Kiwanis club, composed of likeminded, service-oriented people
from the community, serves as the
club’s sponsor.
Aktion Club is supported at the
district level and by the Kiwanis
International Office in Indianapolis,
Indiana, which provides programs,
literature and opportunities to relate to individuals with disabilities
from countries worldwide.
Where development has no disability.
To develop competent, capable,
caring leaders through the vehicle
of service.
To provide adults living with disabilities an opportunity to develop
initiative, leadership skills and to
serve their communities.
Core Values:
1. Character Building: The ability
to the right thing, even when
it might be the unpopular
2. Leadership: The ability to listen, communicate, serve and
guide others
3. Inclusiveness: Accepting and
welcoming differences in other
4. Caring: The act of being concerned about or interested in
other people or situations
 I pledge on my honor to follow the Objects of Aktion Club.
 To better my community, my
country and myself.
 To help those in need.
 To demonstrate loyalty to
our community and nation.
 And to encourage others to do
the same
Lt. Gov. Kathleen Ross reports
we have four Aktion Clubs in Division 44.
1. Aim Higher (Sacramento):
sponsored by Citrus Heights
Kiwanis Club;
2. Auburn: sponsored by Auburn
Kiwanis Club;
3. El Dorado County: sponsored
by Placerville Kiwanis Club;
4. Roseville: sponsored by Roseville Kiwanis Club.
Aim Higher Adult Development
Center serves adults with developmental disabilities at all levels of
the ability spectrum. Our mission is
to provide the highest quality of
care and curriculum delivery to all
of our clients in an environment
that generates a sense of esteem
and worth to everyone.
(Continued on page 9)
(Continued from page 8)
Its Aktion Club decided to hold a
Spaghetti Dinner to benefit our
Kiwanis Family House.
Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast Hat Contest Finalists
Who would you select to be Best of Show? (See Page 11 for answer)
Perhaps you remembered Tina Ferguson,
who presented a program on her book store
Face in a Book.
There was a follow up
article about the store in
a recent Kiwanis Kronicle.
But did you read the
article about reading to
dogs at her store in a
recent article in the Sacramento Bee.
See article to right.
SacBee photo
Diann Swan is shown next to
Tamara Willeford, on the occasion of our foundation presenting
donation to Tamara Willeford
from Rancho Murieta’s Relay for
Our foundation donated
The American Cancer Society’s
Relay For Life event gives everyone in communities a chance to
Celebrate the lives of people who
have battled cancer, Remember
loved ones lost, and Fight back
against the disease.
Pictured above is Kiwanian Carol
Gustafson and the Best of Showwinner of the Hat Contest, Anthony
Vivaldi (number 9 on page 10).
Anthony will be entering the 6th
grade at Cosumnes River Elementary School.
When asked how long did it take
to make his hat and how did he get
to know about the contest, he replied, “I read about the contest in
some RMA notice. I went to the
workshop about the hats.
“I found the materials there at
the workshop.
“It took me about an hour or one
hour and a half to make my hat.
His picture is displayed along
with a the perpetual trophy at Plaza
Contest Chair, Carl Gustafson,
was inspired by Pamela Haines, to
come up with the contest and trophy
Our club’s theme
in Hawaiian
The suggestion has been made that
the term "blue moon" arose by folk
etymology, the "blue" replacing the
no-longer-understood belewe, 'to
The original meaning would then
have been "betrayer moon", referring
to a full moon that be the full moon
of spring, it was "traitorous" in the
sense that people would have had to
continue fasting for another month in
accordance with the season of Lent.
“We don’t grow older…
“We grow softer!”
Virginia Wolfe
Pop. 5,360
Mayberry is a fictional community that was the setting for two popular American television sitcoms,
The Andy Griffith Show and Mayberry R.F.D.
Mayberry was set in North Carolina and is said to be based on Andy
Griffith's hometown of Mount Airy,
North Carolina. According to the
episode "Guest of Honor", the fictional town of Mayberry is adjacent
to fictional Pierce County.
name Mayberry; Stander was one
of the show's creators and writers.
Mayberry is a real community
in Patrick County, Virginia, located
22 miles northeast of Andy Griffith's hometown of Mount Airy,
North Carolina. The Mayberry Trading Post, home of the Mayberry,
Virginia, post office until it closed in
1922, told local TV station WGHPEditor makes an egreTV that Griffith and his father made
many trips to the Mayberry Trading gious error.
The April Issue should
have been dated Volume
Griffith incorporated several com16 No. 7.
munity places and names from his
It was dated Volume
childhood home into the show.
16 No. 6.
Mayberry had one traffic light and
That made May, June, and Aulittle in the way of indigenous crime gust issues with the wrong numwith the exception perhaps of moon bers.
-shining and bootlegging. Out-ofTherefore this August issue in
town bank robbers, scam artists,
numbered correctly (No. 11).
escaped convicts, and vagrants ocI apologize for this egregious
casionally found their way to Mayberry.
The county and the town share the
same name and jurisdiction. In episode 44 "Sheriff Barney", the
mayor of nearby Greendale relates
that Mayberry County has had the
lowest crime rate in the state for
two years in a row under Sheriff
Taylor. The town only had one long
-distance telephone line, as referenced in the episode "Man in a Hurry", that two old ladies shared each
Sunday preventing others from using the telephone. (Reference: Wikipedia, on internet.)
The idea of this article came from
my daughter-in-law, Donna.
She emailed me:
Why was Mayberry so peaceful?
According to show episodes, the
community of Mayberry was named
for fictional founder Lord Mayberry. Andy Griffith himself chose the
name of the fictional community.
Griffith, however, told Larry
King in 2003 that Artie Stander is
the person who thought of the
No one was married. Here are the
single people: Andy, Aunt Bea,
Barney, Floyd, Howard, Goober,
Gomer, Sam, Ernest T. Bass, the
Darling family, Helen, Thelma
Lou, and Clara.
In fact, the only one
who was married was
Otis Campbell and
he stayed drunk.
Now you know.
Note the numbers
Your Kiwanis Kronicle asked the
county what the numbers and letters are on this (and other) highway markers. Benito Ramirez Jr,
from DOT California responded:
 The top number (16) is the
number of the highway.
 The lettering (SAC) refers to
the county it is placed.
 The sideways numbering (17
00) refer to the mileage eastward from the beginning.
The numbers are used by Caltrans and Highway Patrol for locations and identifying purposes.
Is pumpkin a squash?
Well, to keep it simple, pumpkin is one type of
squash and squash generally refers to four species of
genus cucurbita, including the species to
which pumpkin belongs.
So, to make it clearer, both squash and pumpkin belong to the same family (the cucurbitaceae).
Watermelon is in season. Davis Ranch has two
kinds of seeded and one king of seedless.
Ione’s Loss…. 95683’s Gain
New Postmaster for 95683
Her past assignments include 14
years at district level (West Sacramento).
Effective July 11, 2015, the Post
Office located in Sloughhouse has
a new Postmaster.
Her name is Linda (Call me
“Lin”) Bryant.
Julie R. Ortiz, the Officer In
Charge, handling the activities
during the vacancy of a Postmaster, will be going back to Orangevale.
Lin is a native born Californian,
having been born in Los Angeles.
She currently resides in Elk
She has been with the U.S.
Postal Service for 19 years.
She has served at the Folsom
Post Office, and most recently in
Ione. She comes to us from Ione.
She will still be serving Ione until
someone is assigned to take that
She looks forward to Sloughhouse and Rancho Murieta and
meeting her old friends and making
new ones.
Benjamin Franklin said it.
Joe Mazzoni, Sr. implemented it.
We have a storage rack in the shed for posters used for Kiwanis events.
It is the responsibility of RMA to only put them up.
It is the responsibility of Kiwanis Chairs to be sure they are taken down
by Kiwanians and returned to Joe.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) began life as the Social
Security Board (SSB). The SSB was
created at the moment President
Franklin Roosevelt inked his signature on the Social Security Act
(August 14, 1935 at 3:30 p.m.).
The SSB was an entirely new entity, with no staff, no facilities and
no budget. The initial personnel
were donated from existing agencies, and a temporary budget was
obtained from Harry Hopkins and
the Federal Emergency Relief Administration.
Frances Perkins , Secretary of
Labor, offered one of her Assistant
Secretaries, Arthur Altmeyer, to
be an initial Board member, and
she even gave her high-backed red
-leather executive chair to Altmeyer
since the SSB had no furniture. The
Board itself consisted of three presidentially appointed executives and
such staff as they needed to hire.
On 7/16/46 the SSB was renamed the Social Security Administration under the President's Reorganization Plan of 1946. Arthur
Altmeyer, who had been chairman
of the Board of the SSB, became
SSA's first Commissioner
On 4/11/53 President Dwight
Eisenhower abolished the FSA
and created a 7/16/46 the SSB was
renamed the Social Security Administration under the President's
Reorganization Plan of 1946.
Arthur Altmeyer, who had been
chairman of the Board of the SSB,
became SSA's first Commissioner
(HEW). SSA was made part of
this new cabinet agency.
The suggestion has been made that
the term "blue moon" arose by folk
etymology, the "blue" replacing the
no-longer-understood belewe, 'to
The original meaning would then
have been "betrayer moon", referring
to a full moon that be the full moon
of spring, it was "traitorous" in the
sense that people would have had to
continue fasting for another month in
accordance with the season of Lent.
It is the mission of the Kiwanis
Kronicle to provide items you
might not find elsewhere, so you
will read about Kiwanis, Kiwanians,
and become informed about community events.
Someone asked me what Buca di
Beppo meant.
On 7/1/39 the Social Security
Board lost its independent agency
status when the new sub-cabinet
level Federal Security Agency was
created. The FSA encompassed the
SSB, the Public Health Service, the
Office of Education, the Civilian
Conservation Corp., and the U.S.
Employment Service.
HEW was replaced by the Department of Health & Human Services
on 5/4/80.
SSA was a major part of HHS
until legislation signed by President
William Clinton on 8/15/94 returned SSA to it’s original status as
an independent agency--effective
From the internet: The name
roughly translates as "Joe's Basement" (Buca, which literally means
"hole," can be a slang word in Tuscany for basement or cellar, and
Beppo is a rare spelling of the nickname for "Giuseppe," the Italian
form of "Joseph," in Northern Italy,
since the most used spelling is
In the Shower· Put a bucket in
the shower while you're waiting for
the water to warm up, and use the
water you catch for watering
plants, flushing the toilet or cleaning.
Don’t have a bucket? Ask Larry
Casares at Rancho Murieta Ace
Hardware to get one off of the shelf
for you. See Larry to the left.
 Time your shower to keep it under five minutes. You’ll save up
to 1,000 gallons per month.
 Get a free timer at Rancho
Murieta Community Services
District. (See sample timer
 Do not use your toilet as a trash
can. Extra flushes waste water.
 Turn off the water while washing
your hair and save up to 150
gallons a month.
 When washing your hands, turn
the water off while you lather.
Below, these are available at
Rancho Murieta Ace Hardware.
California Governor Jerry
Brown has issued mandatory water restrictions in response to our
state’s historic drought.
As this drought deepens and
worsens and fears rise, it’s important to know that another country faced a very similar threat: Australia endured a devastating 12year drought from 1997 – 2010.
Because they have similar climate, and very similar people and
economy, their story, their powerful
successes, and some of their painful mistakes and lessons can serve
as a guide to us in California…to
ensure we succeed and thrive.
This is good news that gives
hope and strength, instead of fear.
Like California, Australia responded with progressively deeper
conservation measures as their
drought worsened. In addition to
imposing water use restrictions,
government agencies educated the
public and engaged communities in
taking action
One of painful lessons from the
Australian experience was the loss
of millions of trees and public green
space, together making their cities
hotter and triggering significant
public health impacts.
To protect our families here, not
only do we need to save water in
our households, but we need to
ensure that our community’s precious tree canopy is not devastated
due to lack of water.
Losing trees begins a vicious cycle of an ever hotter and dryer urban climate threatening public
health and the very livability of our
city. A healthy tree canopy and
available soil moisture is essential
for keeping neighborhoods cool.
Water deeply rather than frequently. Because most tree roots
If you have soil such as I do (in
Murieta South), you might have
trouble getting deep water irrigators
in the ground.
It would seem that Caltrans is not
watering its trees with the correct
Read the correct way in accompanying article.
are found in the upper 18 - 24
inches of the soil, this is the zone
that should be wetted up in each
irrigation cycle.
Each deep irrigation will meet a
tree's water needs for between 10
days to four weeks during the hottest part of the summer, depending
on the tree species and soil type.
In last month’s issue of Kiwanis
Kronicle, the watering system using
a five gallon bucket (with small
holes in the bottom) was explained.
This issue the deep water probe
system is covered to deliver the
water to the roots.
This article explains how to water
the tree roots with deep water irrigators, such as these samples:
I bought a Roto Auger from Ace
Hardware, used my 3/8’’ power drill,
wet the soil, and solved the problem.
You can set your sprinklers for the
days allotted for our area by the
Community Service District, or hand
water other days.
The point is use, the minimum
amount of water, but get the water
to where it will do the most good for
your trees.
Under the Umbrella
Insurance with Tom
Disclaimer: Tom Mathews is a
register insurance agent for Farmers
Tom since
you are a registered insurance agent and
a Kiwanian
does Farmers
Insurance sell
Umbrella Insurance, and
tell our readers
what the coverage is all about:
“Yes, I have through Farmers
Insurance an Umbrella program
offering coverage of $1M to $5M.
“The annual premium for $1M is
about $250 to insure 2 cars and a
home and golf cart.
“Normally, the umbrella is written by the insurance company who
insures the family's vehicles, however, not all insurance companies
offer this important coverage.
“The need for an umbrella is not
predicated on a person having $1,000,000 in the bank………
but a person (family) wanting to
insure that if the court awarded a
judgment in excess of the amount
of liability insurance carried on
their vehicle, they wouldn't need to
possibly deplete their savings or
declare bankruptcy.”
Neat Treat
Chocolate Truffle
At the deli-counter.
I Am The Flag Of The United States Of America by Howard Schnauber
I am the flag of the United
States of America.
My name is "Old Glory".
I fly atop the world's tallest
I stand watch in America's halls
of justice.
I fly majestically over institutions of learning.
I stand guard with power in the
Look up and see me.
I stand for peace, honor, truth
and justice.
I stand for freedom.
I am confident.
I am arrogant.
I am proud.
When I am flown with my fellow banners,
My head is a little higher,
My colors a little truer.
I bow to no one!
I am recognized all over the
I am worshipped -- I am saluted.
I am loved -- I am revered.
I am respected -- and I am
I have fought in every battle of
every war for more than 200
I was flown at Valley Forge,
Gettysburg, Shiloh and Appomattox.
I was there at San Juan Hill,
the trenches of France, in the
Argonne Forest, Anzio, Rome
and the beaches of Normandy, Guam, Okinawa, Korea,
and Vietnam.
I was there. I led my troops.
I was dirty, battle-weary and
tired, but my soldiers cheered
me and I was proud.
I have been burned, torn and
trampled on the streets of
countries I have helped set
It does not hurt, for I am invincible.
I have been soiled upon,
burned, torn and trampled on
the streets of my country.
And when it's by those whom
I've served in battle -- it
hurts. But I shall overcome --
for I am strong.
I have slipped the bonds of Earth
and stood watch over the uncharted frontiers of space from
my vantage point on the moon.
I have borne silent witness
to all of America's finest hours.
But my finest hours are yet to
When I am torn into strips
and used as bandages for my
wounded comrades on the battlefield,
When I am flown at half-mast to
honor my soldier,
Or when I lie in the trembling
of a grieving parent at the grave
of their fallen son or daughter,
I am proud.
My Name Is "Old Glory".
Long May I Wave.
Dear God In Heaven,
Long May I Wave.
(Continued from page 1)
James M. Rochford
United States and Pacific Canada
John E. DeVilbiss
Lance M. Incitti
Terry A. White
Proposed Amendments and
Therese Favro retires
Dawn Costella
New CRES Secretary
Dawn Costella, shown above is
the new School Secretary at
Cosumnes River Elementary
She has been with the Elk Grove
Unified School District for 21 years.
Previously she was the School
Secretary at Elizabeth Pinkerton
Middle School in Elk Grove. She
was assigned there for eight years.
She is not only a native California,
but a native Elk Grove Citizen.
She noticed the opening for a
school secretary based on Mrs.
Favro’s retirement and decided to
apply because CRES is closer to her
When asked what is the best thing
about her job? She replied The
When asked what is the most
challenging thing about her job?
She replied The Politics.
She and her husband have been
married 27 years and have two
adult sons, ages 21 and 25.
 Proposed Amendment 1:
Club meeting frequency (club
satellites) Adopted
 Proposed Amendment 2:
Substitution for governor at
council meetings Adopted
 Proposed Amendment 3:
Permissible time frame for
District Conventions Adopted
 Proposed Amendment 4:
Vice-Governor as Kiwanis International delegate-at-large
 Proposed Amendment 5:
Corporate membership
 Proposed Amendment 6:
Secure web-based voting for
Kiwanis International business Defeated
 Proposed Amendment 7:
Kiwanis International dues—
flat increase Adopted
 Proposed Amendment 8:
Kiwanis International dues—
annual adjustment option
 Proposed Amendment 9:
Kiwanis affiliated entities
Jack and Jill The Inside Story
The roots of the story, or poem, of Jack and Jill are in
Jack and Jill referred to are
said to be King Louis XVI - Jack
-who was beheaded (lost his
crown) followed by his Queen
Marie Antoinette - Jill - (who
came tumbling after).
The words and lyrics to the
Jack and Jill poem were made
more acceptable as a story for
children by providing a happy
The actual beheadings occurred in during the Reign of
Terror in 1793.
The first publication date for
the lyrics of Jack and Jill rhyme
is 1795 - which ties-in with the
history and origins.
The Jack and Jill poem is also
known as Jack and Gill - the
misspelling of Gill is not uncommon in nursery rhymes as they
are usually passed from generation to generation by word of
Two awards may be given at the meeting (funny and achievement).
Carol Gustafson
“Mad Hatter”
Carol Gustafson created and
organized the Crazy Hat Contest,
as a part of the Rancho Murieta
4th of July Festivities.
See page ??? For more information.
Carol Gustafson and Bonnie Shewchuck (Presenter).
Photo Credit: Kitty York
Hygiene Help for the
Homeless (HH4H)
By Bill DuVal
2nd Annual
Life Lessons I Learned
from my Parents
By Joshua Becker
Kiwanis Crab Feed
Rancho Murieta
St. Vincent de Paul
Catholic Church
14673 Cantova Way
Rancho Murieta
February 6, 2016
Save the date!
Save the date!
October 1st
Club Installation
Think ink!
Recycle your ink/
LASER/toner cartridges. Turn in at Rancho
Murieta Business Center or given to Jack
Seigal at meetings.
They will be turned
into our Kiwanis Family House.
It makes “cents” to recycle for
the environment and for our Kiwanis Family House income.
HH4H mid-July Report
While I don't give the official
report out for the HH4H projects
collection until the first meeting of
each month, I wanted to give you
all, a heads report.
July was a banner month and
the HH4H project hit the mother
With the latest communication
(Wish List) from Loaves & Fishes
there were numerous pairs of flipflops and reading glasses along
with much of the usual. Thanks to
I don't know where all of the
donations came from but I have
my suspicions.
Our totals this month included 26 lbs. to Loaves & Fishes, 10.5
lbs. to our Kiwanis Family House
and 5.25 lbs. to the Elk Grove
Food Bank.
There was a total of 536 items
donated weighing in at 41 3/4
Bravo Zulu to all, or
well done,
for you nonseafaring
• Study words. My mother
loves games that value words:
Scrabble®, Boggle®, even Words
with Friends®. And even to this
day, unless I cheat, I am unable
to beat her.
• Take care of the elderly. The sunset is no less beautiful
than the sunrise. I’m grateful for
parents who see the beauty in
young children, but I am also
grateful for parents who have
stood by those at the end of their
life as well.
• Track spending. My dad is a
banker with a mind for numbers.
As a result, I can’t possibly remember the complicated system
that he used to track our family’s
budget… nobody else could either. But what I did learn is the
importance of tracking dollars and
developing budgets. And I’ll take
that any day.
• Trust others. I learned optimism from my parents. They live
their lives seeing the good in others and trusting them because of
it. They taught me it is better to
trust and get burnt once in awhile
than to live your entire life suspicious of everyone around you.
• Use your talents. As I mentioned, my dad is a financial guy
and my mom is a gifted teacher
and trainer. Apart from their careers, they often use their talents
in various community-based organizations to better the lives of
others. They recognize their gifts
and utilize them whenever possible.
P.S. If you turn them in at the
business center. You can buy replacement inks there for your
Mark Twain
Some words from
Dr. Seuss
“Humor is the great thing, the
saving thing. The minute it crops
up, all our irritations and resentments slip away and a sunny
spirit takes their place.”
Mark Twain 1835-1910
“Unless someone like you cares a
whole awful lot, nothing is going to
get better. It's not.”
Rabbit or Duck?
A gourd is a plant of the family Cucurbitaceae,
particularly Cucurbita and Lagenaria or the fruit of
the two genera of "calabash tree” Crescentia,
and Amphitecna.
The term refers to a number of species and subspecies, many with hard shells, and some without.
Likely one of the earliest domesticated types of
plants, subspecies of the bottle gourd, Lagenaria
siceraria, have been discovered in archaeological
sites dating from as early as 13,000 BC. Today, research is being conducted into bitter gourds,
Momordica charantia, to reduce its unpleasant taste
while keeping the nutritional and medicinal benefits.
Gourds have had numerous uses throughout history,
including as tools, musical instruments, objects-ofart, film, and food. (from Wikipedia®)
What is an inter-club?
With The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF
have joined forces to eliminate
maternal and neonatal tetanus.
This deadly disease steals the
lives of nearly 60,000 innocent
babies and a significant number of
women each year. The effects of
the disease are excruciating —
tiny newborns suffer repeated,
painful convulsions and extreme
sensitivity to light and touch.
To eliminate MNT from the
Earth, more than 100 million
mothers and their future babies
must be immunized.
This requires vaccines, syringes,
safe storage, transportation,
thousands of skilled staff and
It will take US$110 million —
and the dedicated work of UNICEF
and every member of the Kiwanis
Kiwanis Help Line
(916) 354-0538
Need help?
 Want to know where
to get a wheel
 Want meals delivered during lunch?
 Want to know about
how to join Kiwanis?
 Want to know about
Kiwanis sponsored
An inter-club meeting is a
meeting staged by two or more
Kiwanis clubs (including clubs in
formation), or by a Kiwanis club
and any K-Kids, Builders Club,
Aktion Club, Circle K Club, or Key
Clubs with 20 or fewer members need a minimum of two
members in attendance to constitute an interclub meeting.
Clubs with 21-30 members need
three members, and clubs with
31 or more members need at
least four members in attendance.
Visiting groups shall be composed of a minimum of two Kiwanians’ plus members of KKids, Builders Club, Aktion Club,
Circle K Club, and/or Key Club
must be in attendance (a lieutenant governor can only be included if he/she is a member of
the participating club).
Inter-clubbing is a means of
supporting Kiwanis’ fifth Object,
which is “To provide, through
this club, a practical means to
form enduring friendships, to
render altruistic service, and to
build a better community.”
This wider scope of Kiwanis
can be achieved by arranging
visits between clubs in the same
town, division, and district, as
well as inter-district gettogethers.
Kiwanis protocol is to have
the visiting club call the host
club to advise it how many
people are coming and when.
Kiwanis Kronicle
Kiwanis Kronicle is emailed
to members who have email
It is also emailed to some
Kiwanis Division and District
If you want a copy emailed
to you, email editor:
Collect labels!
Cosumnes River
Elementary School!
Deposit items at collection
boxes at Plaza Foods and the
RMA office.
Tally up!
Each month, our ever loyal club
secretary, Linda O’Brien, prepares many reports for Kiwanis
International and the Cal-Nev-Ha
One of the reports deals with
service hours.
So please tally up your service
hours for the various Kiwanis projects, and give them to her at the
first club meeting of the month.
Oh the places you’ll go, Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting, So get on your way!... Dr. Seuss
Club Programs
 September 29th Div. 44
Lt. Gov. Installation Dinner
Fair Oaks Presbyterian
Church 5:30 p.m.
Placerville Hosts.
Looking ahead!
 2015:
 Lt. Governor-Elect Lori
Warden says: The DCM’s
for 2015-2016 will be held at
the same place (Oak Avenue
Free Methodist Church) on
the second Monday of each
 Aug. 13-15 District Convention. Sacramento Convention Center. Hyatt
Regency Hotel
Division Council Meetings
Host Clubs
August 6 - Cory Wathen Cosumnes River College Vice
August 20 - Diana Wright "Voices from the Border and
Sept. 3 - Michael Gulden,
Principal CRES “State of CRES”
 2016:
Pun of the month
SacBee Photo
 June 25-28 Kiwanis
International Convention
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sept. 17 - Danny Mander WWII Memories - He was Winton Churchill’s Body Guard
Oct. 1 Installation Dinner Villas
Recreation Room.
Lincoln Foothills: Turkey Creek Golf Course 1525 State Highway 193, Lincoln, CA 95648 1st &
3rd Friday at 11:30 a.m. Email before coming.
1st Thurs. 7:00 a.m.; 3rd Thurs. 7:00 p.m.
Strikes Bowling Alley, 5681 Lonetree Blvd. Rocklin– Thurs.@11:45 a.m.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated
to improving the world, one child, and one community at a time.
September 2015
3 7:00 a.m.
Gulden, CRES
17 7:00 p.m.
20 Kids’ Concert
23 1:22 a.m.
Music Mike
September is the ninth month
of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and one of four
months with a length of 30 days.
In Latin, septem means "seven"
and septimus means "seventh".
September was in fact the seventh
month of the Roman calendar until
153 BC, when the first month
changed from Kalendas Martius
(March 1) to Kalendas Januarius
(January 1).
It is also the seventh month of
the Astrological calendar, which
begins with March/Mars/Aries.
September marks the beginning
of the ecclesiastical year in the
Eastern Orthodox Church.
September begins on the same
day of the week as December every year, because there are 91 days
separating September and December, which is a multiple of
seven (the number of days in the
No other month ends on the
same day of the week as September in any year