Newsletter Template AA copy 3 January


Newsletter Template AA copy 3 January
Volume 2 Issue 6
Kiwanis 100th Anniversary Series
April -May 17th, 2015
Monthly News of The Kiwanis Club of Portland, est. 1919
Sunday Parkways˝
Herb Tarlick Day˝
KCOP Foundation
Scholarship Awards˝
KCOPers Travel˝
Rose Festival
A Word from the President˝
Kudos to the members of Kiwanis Club of
Portland for their participation in Kiwanis
One Day which we honored during the
month of April. This year the membership
committee, spearheaded by Sandi Page,
energized our membership by inviting
them to participate and bring their friends.
I’m proud to report that over 80% of our
membership responded. Kiwanis One Day
is an internationally coordinated day of service and all Kiwanis
Clubs world-wide are called to participate. The effort not only helps
the communities served but it is a good promotion for Kiwanis.
This year we did our part by packaging food products at the
Oregon Food Bank or by preparing and serving food at P:ear, a
program that creatively mentors homeless youth.
Breakfast with the
Court of Rosaria˝
Happy $$
Bob D
Rose Festival Breakfast
Kiwanis Club of Portland meets every Wednesday at noon at the
Benson Hotel, 309 SW Broadway, Portland
Dave Ripley, President, Rick Schafer, Treasurer, Gary Logsdon, Secretary
Tom W
Volume 2 Issue 6
Sunday Parkways˝
Kiwanis 100th Anniversary Series
April -May 17th, 2015
Herb Tarlick Day˝
City of Portland Sunday Parkways
On May 3rd, KCOP hosted Herb Tarlick Day.
presented by Kaiser Permanente
This year’s event was a fund raiser for Kiwanis
promotes healthy active living
Doernbecher Children’s Cancer Program
through a series of free events
( KDCCP) a non profit that supports a
opening the city's largest public
fellowship program that trains doctors to treat
space - its streets - to walk, bike, roll,
and do research in children’s cancers. Clubs
and discover active transportation
donate men’s ties that have, well, seen better
while fostering civic pride and
stimulating economic development.
days or are “ugly”. These ties are then auctioned off to the highest
Sunday Parkways represents the
bidder. The kicker is the winner of the ugly tie gets to give it to
community, business, and
government investments in
Portland's vitality, livability, and
diversity. It is also a KCOP fund raiser.
someone who must then wear the tie at all Kiwanis functions for a
month. There was some serious bidding going on prodded by
auctioneers Rodney Page and Ernie Chapman and one tie went for
KCOP and The Ross Island Early-
$167.00! In the end the event raised a record high $898.50 for the
Risers (RIER) have joined forces to
program at Doernbecher.
provide volunteers to Sunday
Parkways events and share the
rewards. Volunteers oversee street
KCOP Foundation Awards Scholarships˝
intersections and coordinate the
This year KCOP was so very fortunate to have 4 “outstanding
needs of neighborhood occupants
students” winning scholarships in the amount of $1,500.00 each.
with the safety needs of participants.
Camilla Fuller, President of Lincoln High School Key Club, will be
On May 10th, Dave and Teresa
attending Colorado College. She plans to major in International
Newton, Rodney and Sandi Page,
Studies. Kaitlyn Goertzen, a two year Key Clubber from Union High
Dave Ripley and Barbara Jensen and
School in Camas WA and granddaughter of our own Tom
Evelyn Chapman volunteered for
Marantette, will be attending Oregon State University. Joyce Lui, a
KCOP. With the six volunteers from
RIER each club qualified for a $25 per
person fee for the day, so, KCOP
made $175 for the day.
Next Sunday Parkways is June 21st
three year Key Clubber from David Douglas High School, will be
attending Carroll College majoring in Engineering and Anna Tsoi,
President of the David Douglas Key Club, will be attending the
University of Oregon and will major in Elementary Education.
and the event will be in North
We are very pleased to be able to help these exceptional students
Portland. Contact Evelyn Chapman to
as they pursue their college careers.
My many thanks to Evelyn Chapman and Sandi Page who served
with me on this year’s Scholarship Committee.
Sock Day June 17th˝
Gilda Powell
Volume 2 Issue 6
Kiwanis 100th Anniversary Series
April -May 17th, 2015
KCOP-ers Travel˝
Marilyn Schultz, a long time Kiwanian and Past President of KCOP, and now also the Prime Minister of the
Royal Rosarians has just returned from a trip exploring the high points of England, Wales and Scotland.
Joining her were fellow KCOP ers, Dorothy Connet, Leo Reinikka and Tom Sagerser.
Four nights in London were followed by a day at Winsor Castle, a short visit to Oxford University and the late
afternoon and the night at Ruthin Castle, Wales in the English Lake District where the Royal Rosarian Rose
Ceremony was performed, planting a rose to honor the Manager of the Castle.
Edinburgh, Scotland, York, England then off to Stratford-Upon-Avon, Shakespeare’s home town, Stonehenge
all were visited during the 12 day event. What was the high point of the trip? Every day was memorable!
If you have more than a minute or two, and have a question about the trip, ask Marilyn, Leo, Dorothy or Tom.
Rose Festival Breakfast˝
Everyone who reads this Newsletter should leap at the chance to spend part of their morning on
Wednesday June 3rd starting at 7:45 AM at the Benson Hotel. The reason? The entire Court of Rosaria will
be there for breakfast and to introduce themselves to all who are in attendance. The princesses will be
distributed around the many breakfast tables, and you can meet and talk with them one on one. In addition,
each princess will be interviewed by KPTV Channel 12’s News Anchor/Reporter, Debra Gil. Also, the
princesses often perform a little skit.
Many Royal Rosarians will also be in attendance lead by Marilyn Schultz, Prime Minister, who is also a
member of Kiwanis Club of Portland.
The morning will be festive and entertaining, guaranteed. The cost is $25 per person
This is a photo of 2014’s Queen of Rosaria Emma Waibel with Marilyn Schultz
Volume 2 Issue 6
Kiwanis 100th Anniversary Series
April -May 17th, 2015
A Nod to 100 Years of Kiwanis˝
Ernie’s Corner˝
Spread some laughter, share the cheer. Let's be happy, while we're here!
Volume 2 Issue 6
Kiwanis 100th Anniversary Series
April -May 17th, 2015
David Douglas High School Key Club have a newly elected board which was installed at the April 19th Division 62
Banquet. This is a photo of the outgoing board with KCOP advisor Dave Newton and faculty advisor Brian Graham.
DDHSKC sent 13 members to the district convention in Seattle in March with $600-assistance of KCOP. Mr. Graham and
his wife attended as advisor/chaperones. The Key Club has 86 members this year.
Several KCOPers and their spouses attended the Mount Hood Kiwanis Camp Auction on April 21st. Pictured here, left,
are Ernie Chapman with Roger Turk and right, Mary Turk with Jane and Tom Wing.
Volume 2 Issue 6
Kiwanis 100th Anniversary Series
April -May 17th, 2015
Marilyn Schultz (red jacket) stands in the center of her fellow travelers to the UK. Other KCOP members are identified by
their copies of the KCOP News which, apparently, they brought with them. Left to right are Dorothy Connet, Tom
Sagerser and Leo Reinikka.
Court Princesses
Devon Thompson, St. Mary’s; Amber Shakelford, Madison; Tabitha Ivan, Lincoln; Paris Sykes, Central Catholic; Cristell Gonzales Perez, Parkrose
Elli Simotas, David Douglas; Kahedja Burley,Jefferson; Tihanne Marshall, Benson; Lily Broderick, Wilson; Naomi Tsai, Cleveland
Erika Manzo, Roosevelt; Clara Cannon, Metro West Valley Catholic; Talia Quatraro,Metro East Lake Oswego; Olivia Berry, Grant; Sierra Hosea, Franklin
Volume 2 Issue 6
Kiwanis 100th Anniversary Series
April -May 17th, 2015
The KCOP Foundation awarded 4 worthy students $1,500 scholarships this year. The award winners from left to right are
Camilla Fuller, President of Lincoln High Key Club, Joyce Lui, a three year Key Clubber from David Douglas High, Anna
Tsoi, President of David Douglas High Key Club and and Kaitlin Goertzen a two year Key Clubber from Union High in
Camas, Washington. Kaitlin is also the granddaughter of Tom Marantette a long time Kiwanian and past president of
KCOP. Gilda Powell our scholarship chairperson is on the left and Evelyn Chapman a KCOP past president is on the the
right with Tom Marantette.
Evelyn Chapman presented everyday hero awards to Rodney Page, Gilda Powell and Rick Shafer for their support of
Herb Tarlick Day which netted almost $900 for KDCCP. On the right California Kiwanians George Humphries, left and
Janet Croft were visitors as Bob Munger helped KCOP celebrate Kiwanis’s 100th birthday.
Volume 2 Issue 6
Kiwanis 100th Anniversary Series
April -May 17th, 2015
Projects & Fundraisers
Other Kiwanis Events
“Who Am I to Stop It”
Doernbecher Car Seat
Kim Armstrong from Bridgetown
Kiwanis is hosting a Pampered Chef
Catalog Show and Party
Cheryl Green
Life Changing Pain
Management and NonNarcotic Pain Alternatives
Dr. Dean Clark D.C.
Rose Festival Breakfast with
the Court of Rosaria!
How Kiwanis Can Attract and
Retain Young Leaders
Tom Cox
22557 NE Park Lane
Wood Village
See attached Flyer
9:00AM- 11:30 AM
Bikin to the Beach
Connie Shipley
Sunday Parkways for North
Contact Evelyn Chapman to
Family Fun Ride to Raise Money for
Kiwanis Doernbecher Children’s
Cancer Program
Region 5 Club Leadership Training
See Attached Registration Form
Margie’s Marathon
Margie Swanson will be walking a
Marathon to raise money for Kiwanis
Doernbecher Children’s Cancer
See Flyer attached
Division Counsel, 6:30PM Boy Scout
Bldg., 2145 SW Naito Parkway
Save the Dates for the District
Flyer Attached
Portland, Oregon USA
Get Cookin’
with our
Pampered Chef®
catalog show & party!
Hosted by the Kiwanis Club Of Bridgetown,
to benefit the Kiwanis Doernbecher
Children’s Cancer Program
Together, we can make a difference.
Order Pampered Chef® products through
this Catalog Fundraiser and up to 20% of
our total sales will go toward our cause.
Place your order any time between
May 5, 2015 and May 30, 2015
Click on the weblink below, scan the QR code,
or contact our consultant directly to order:
Nancy Chinn
scan this code with your
smart phone or tablet to go
right to our show website!
Join us for the party – food, drinks, demonstrations & door prizes:
Tuesday, May 26
6:30 pm
at Kim Armstrong’s home
5415 NE 32nd Place • Portland OR 97211
R.S.V.P. by May 20 206-327-5358 • • or online
Your purchase will benefit the Kiwanis Fellowship Program at OHSU
In a unique collaboration with the
staff at Doernbecher, the Kiwanis
Fellowship Program was established
more than 25 years ago to help train
the “next generation” of specialists and
researchers in childhood cancers.
The best doctors spend three years
in post-residency training, treating
patients and engaging in cutting
edge research at OHSU, helping to
find the causes and cures for pediatric
Kiwanis Doernbecher
Children’s Cancer Program
supporting Oregon Health & Science University
On June 13th I will be walking 34 laps of
Summerlake Park (11450 SW Winterlake
Dr., Tigard).………..…that is a marathon.
I am asking for pledges for each lap I
All the money I raise will go to the
fellowship program at Doernbecher
Children’s Hospital. Doctors in this
program are on the leading edge of
children’s cancer research.
There are three ways you can help me with
this project:
Pledge an amount per lap. Any amount
will help.
Sit at my support table and help with my
food and water needs. Chart my
performance and condition after each
Walk with me. The perimeter of the park
is just under one mile. I plan to start at
6:00AM and finish around 6:00PM.
On June 12th, I will be having dinner at Cafe’ Allegro in Tigard to load up on carbs. I would love to
have my friends join me.
If you can help me with this project, please contact me at my e-mail address below.
Phone: 503-590-4186 Cell: 503-510-2303
Registration Form – Must be received no later than
June 12, 2015
Region 5 Club Leadership Training
Divisions 42-44-63-66-68-70
Montainview Church
1890 NE Cleveland Ave.
Gresham, Oregon 97030
Saturday June 20, 2015
8:00 AM – 3 PM
Club Name_____________________________________
Club Key Number____________________________________
Attendee(s) Name
1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
Amount Enclosed (Number attending times $35.00 ______________________
Mail check and registration form to:
McMinnville Noon Kiwanis
c/o Linda Schwichtenberg
1559 SW Wright St.
McMinnville, Or 97128
Dear PNW District Kiwanians,
Now is a great time to start planning for the 98th
Annual District Convention in Portland, Oregon,
August 20-23, 2015 at the Red Lion Hotel Jantzen
Registration and information materials will be going up on
the PNW website in the next couple weeks.
Why should you go to District Convention?
• As a delegate you will vote on important PNW
Kiwanis District business.
• Learn something new by attending one of the many
educational forums and training sessions.
• Most of all to have fun and make new friends in
It is an experience you should not miss and we hope to
see you there!
Steve Emhoff - Convention Chair 2014-2015
Cindy Crowther - Convention Co-Chair 2014-2015