November 17, 2014


November 17, 2014
1st Place, Club Bulletin 2012-2013
Wilbur Gold Bulletin Effectiveness Award
Non-4th of July Party
Nov. 17, 2014
This year’s Non-4th
of July Party was held
on November 9th at
Lichgate. Our resident
grill master Joe Sanders
cooked up hamburgers,
hot dogs, and sausage
for the hungry crowd
beautiful weather and
each other’s company.
CCKC Newsletter
Distinguished Club 2012-2013
Golden Corral, Noon on Monday
1630 North Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
For the unaware, the only
requirements for this
event are that it must be
held between Memorial
Day and Veterans Day…
but NOT on the 4th of
July. Continued inside
on page 7.
Pictured at right, our
group enjoys the day in
front of the Live Oak at
Kiwanis International is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.
Club #5153, Division 3
Chartered Aug. 31, 1959
Recent Speakers
November 3rd – Katie Ibarra, Chair, Kids Voting Leon County
CCKC Newsletter
Nov. 17, 2014
Ms. Ibarra noted that her organization cannot be successful without partners,
like CCKC, who adopt a precinct. Started in 1992, Kids Voting Leon County is
a non-profit, non-partisan organization with relationships with the Supervisor
of Elections and Leon County Schools. Its goal is to get kids to go out with
their parents on Election Day and to have electionrelated curriculum in schools. The curriculum has
shifted from the newspaper to a website, with 6 or
7 lessons for each grade level. The organization
has a Youth Board, comprised of high school
students, who set up the ballots and work behind
the scenes, including fundraising through share
nights, bake sales, and car washes.
The voting occurs in 2 ways: in-school precincts
and school walkovers for schools within walking
distance of a precinct. The results of the voting
must get to the Tallahassee Democrat by 10:30 PM
on Election Night.
Pack n Play Press Conference
At a press conference on November 17th at
9:30 AM, CCKC and Betton Hills Preparatory
School will present a check to the Florida
Department of Children and Families in
support of their Safe Sleep Campaign.
Representatives from CCKC, DCF, Healthy
Families Florida, and the Betton Hills
Preparatory School will be attending. The
press conference will be held at the Early
Learning Coalition of the Big Bend (1940
North Monroe Street # 70, 32303)
President’s Insights
Service Projects:
What is Your Style Preference?
The enabling service projects are fund raisers. These are my least favorite service projects
from a strictly personal gratification standpoint, but I know these are the service projects
that literally carry the direct service projects (Ramp Builds, Honor Flights and Miracle Sports
events) and indirect service projects (SLPs and partner community service agencies like
Southern Scholarship Foundation, Turn About and Big Bend Hospice).
While the fund raisers are my least favorite type of project, they are where I tend to spend
the most time. They generate capacity to help so many more and to enable those who can’t
abide fund raising or lack the skills for fund raising to do their community service work. We
each get to make that decision for ourselves, but through that personal decision define who
CCKC is and how we are perceived in the community. I thank each and every one of you for
that service.
What is your service project style preference? It’s really a trick question. The correct answer
is “All of the Above.”
Woody Price
Nov. 17, 2014
The indirect service projects are usually at least one step away from the client (diaper drive,
food drives and key clubs). We may collect the diapers and food and fund the key clubs,
but we have to take satisfaction from knowing we made a difference through someone else
delivering the actual benefit to the client.
From a strictly personal gratification standpoint, I prefer direct service delivery. Look at the
picture Janet Morgan took of me with the 4 year olds after reading a delightful children’s
book Rainbow Crow. I was beaming and they were happy, so what’s not to like? Up close
and personal carries tons of immediate rewards. As a service organization, we place a lot of
emphasis on these types of projects. The Ramp Build on November 11th is another example.
CCKC Newsletter
I did a quick tally of our service projects from
the “CCKC Service Projects Membership
Satisfaction Survey” (I am still waiting for many
of you to respond, by the way) and found that
of the 52 total projects, 14 allow direct service
delivery to the clients (27% of the total), 25
with indirect service delivery to the clients
(48%) and 13 enabling service delivery (25%).
Which style of service project do you prefer?
Your answer determines what we do, who we
are and what image we project of ourselves to
the community (our brand).
Tales for Tots
CCKC Newsletter
CCKC members read to students
Preschool. In the bottom picture
David Johnson read to the class
on November 3rd, pictured with
Janet Morgan at right, Woody
Price read on November 6th, and
just below, Jim Wylie read on the
Photo Credits: Janet Morgan
Nov. 17, 2014
Eddie Lee (1941-2014)
Please address notes of sympathy to:
Carol Reynolds
2036 Nursery Road
Clearwater, FL 33764
CCKC Newsletter
It is with sadness that we inform you of the passing of Past Governor Eddie Lee.
Eddie passed away November 4, 2014 due to complications of a recent stroke.
As the 2011-12 Kiwanis Governor, Eddie worked tirelessly for the good of the
district and the children of Florida.
Please keep Carol, Leon, and Eddie’s family in your thoughts
and prayers during this difficult time.
Jack Levine was the Keynote Speaker at The Association of Fundraising
Professionals of the Big Bend’s National Philanthropy Day Luncheon at the Capital
City Country Club on November 13th.
Woody Price, Jack Levine, and Mickey Moore
Nov. 17, 2014
NPD Luncheon
Roadside Cleanup
CCKC Newsletter
Nov. 17, 2014
Howard Pardue, Bailey & Leanne (Lincoln), Woody Price, Megan & Garrett (Lincoln), Rose Patterson & Sophie the
Dog, Tony & Yolanda Barnes (Ruediger), Abbie (SAIL), Jennifer Ohlsen, Nathan Dollar, Emma Huddleston
On November 15th, CCKC had its quarterly
Roadside Cleanup on Richview Road. The
pre-cleanup breakfast at The Bada Bean
began the day and allowed the temperature
to rise just a few degrees! The K Family came
out to help with assistance provided by the
Ruediger Kiwanis Kids, Lincoln Key Club,
and SAIL Key Club.
Lincoln Key Club’s Megan, Garrett, and Bailey working with
Howard Pardue
SAIL Key Club’s Abbie and Aleksa, along with Jennifer
Ohlsen, strike a Charlie’s Angels pose!
Non-4th of July c’tnd
CCKC Newsletter
Joe Sanders and Peggy preparing for lunch
Mickey Moore, Audrey, and Baby Shane
Linda Smith, Connie Gaede, and Yvonne
John and Emma Huddleston
Nov. 17, 2014
Ev Anderson, Bee, Kathleen, alongside our
snowbird Kiwanians from Connecticut, Ellye and
Seminole Showdown
CCKC Newsletter
Members of the FSU softball and
baseball teams, along with the
cheerleaders and Seminole Sound,
came out to the Miracle Field to play
with the Florida Disabled Outdoors
Association’s Miracle Athletes
for the Seminole Showdown on
November 6th.
Photo Credits: FDOA
Nov. 17, 2014
Jim Davis monitoring the booth.
Photo Credits: JJim Wylie
Jennifer Ohlsen, Janet Morgan, Fred Williams – ready to help!
Photo Credits: Janet Morgan
Kids Voting
Fundraiser & Social
CCKC Newsletter
After the board meeting on November 3rd, CCKC members came out to the 4th
Quarter Bar & Grill for a social and fundraiser, with 10% of the proceeds going back
to the club. The next social is on December 1st at 7:00 pm at the 4th Quarter.
Nov. 17, 2014
Clockwise: Linda Smith, Amber Tynan, Jim Ledbetter, Jennifer Ohlsen, Emma Huddleston
FSU Football Parking
Prior to the FSU vs. Virginia Homecoming Game on November 8th, CCKC teamed
up with members of the Bradfordville, Killearn, Southside, Tallahassee, and Virtual
Kiwanis Clubs to park 174 cars, in a joint fundraiser with the Southern Scholarship
Foundation. L-R: Jim Ledbetter, Kim Galban-Countryman (SSF & Virtual), Janet
Morgan, Tom Morgan
K-Family Potluck
CCKC Newsletter
On November 9th, a K-Family
Potluck and Key Club Division
Council Meeting was held at
Leon High School. During the
event, where 80 Key Clubbers
from 7 area Key Clubs were in
attendance, several Eliminate
Project fundraisers were held,
raising a total of $454.13!
Nov. 17, 2014
With $82, Rickards Key Club won the auction to pie Lt. Governor Zac Schroepfer and made it count!
In addition to supporting mothers and children in the fight against tetanus, 415 pb&j sandwiches were made and
donated to The Shelter!
Giving Tuesday
From the Kiwainis International Foundation’s Facebook page:
CCKC Newsletter
The Kiwanis International Foundation is proud to participate—joining charities,
families, businesses, community centers, and students. Giving Tuesday gifts to
our foundation will go to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund, which supports grants to
Kiwanis clubs, districts and district foundations—and grants to Kiwanis’ Service
Leadership programs, like CKI Leadership Academy.
Our fundraising goal for Giving Tuesday this year is $30,000. That’s the equivalent
of 30 Hixson Fellowships—simply one from each Kiwanis district. Your gifts to
the Kiwanis Children’s Fund will support many Kiwanis-family programs, like CKI
Leadership Academy and its development of emerging Kiwanis leaders.
Mark your calendar, tell your friends, and get ready to give! Support the Kiwanis
International Foundation—and the Kiwanis Children’s Fund—on December 2.
Did You now?
On 08/31/1959, CCKC became the 2nd Kiwanis club founded in Tallahassee.
Nov. 17, 2014
On Tuesday, December 2, people around the world will come together for one
common purpose: to celebrate generosity. It’s the third annual Giving Tuesday.
On that day, people will make gifts that benefit good causes and people in need.
Ramp Build
CCKC Newsletter
On Veterans Day, CCKC, in
partnership with Ability 1st,
built a wheelchair ramp in Mt.
Pleasant, Florida (near Quincy) for
a 94-year-old widow of a Navy
veteran, whose son-in-law is a
former Marine.
Nov. 17, 2014
Mike Stephens gets Kiwanian of the Day for volunteering to go
under the house to shore up the porch.
Photo Credit: Ability First
Emma Huddleston uses a nail gun on the
frame, with Ability 1st’s Eric (left) and Tom
Duggar helping.
The crew: Nathan Dollar, Emma Huddleston, Fred Williams, Mike Stephens, Jim Ledbetter, Tom Morgan,
Tom Duggar, Joe Sanders, Flavous Green (our Marine friend)!
CCKC Newsletter
Nov. 17, 2014
The final product with the crew and family!
Tom Morgan and Fred Williams nailing the
decking boards.
A flurry of activity with a new screen door and the
ramp in process
Larry Spalding Dinner
CCKC Newsletter
CCKC joined members from the Bradfordville Kiwanis Club and friends and family
of Larry Spalding to celebrate the completion of the Larry Spalding Challenge.
Before Larry passed away in March, he issued a challenge to fund a matching
grant to support the CCKC Foundation and the Florida Kiwanis Foundation.
Nov. 17, 2014
Stephanie Spalding-Cook (left) came in from
Virginia for the occasion
Faith Spalding (second from left) with friends
Dinner is served! In the background Woody Price and Bill Rogers
help themselves.
Happy Bucks!
Howard Pardue, Jim Wylie, Luisa & Bruce Gillander
before dinner
Clockwise from top left: Jim Wylie, Woody Price, Tom
Duggar, Pam Price, & Margaret Lynn Duggar.
Carol McNally is happy...Katie (our guest
speaker) is here AND for the Diaper
Drive, for which we are already at 14%
of our goal (and to remind Costco that
they promised us some diapers that
will be delivered this week).
Jack Levine is happy...he spoke at a
Rotary Club in New Port Richey that had
a good representation of Kiwanians in
Jennifer Ohlsen is attend her
son’s first high school soccer match on
Mark your calendars!
Christmas Party & Auction:
Saturday, December 6th 6:00 PM
A barbershop quartet provided the evening’s entertainment
Icelandic Night:
Saturday, January 24th 6:00 PM
Nov. 17, 2014
Jim Wylie is start a new
tradition: giving a check to the CCKC
Foundation for wedding anniversaries
($49 for him), and his was directed to
the Larry Spalding Endowment.
Emma Huddleston is happy...Carol
McNally is taking her MOW shift AND
for Woody Price and Jim Ledbetter
helping her transition to the Secretary
CCKC Newsletter
Happy Bucks – November 3rd
Nathan Dollar is happy...that although
he is sad a former teacher of his at SAIL
passed away (Mr. Rod Moore), he is
happy they are having a celebration of
his life this week.
Kiwanis Objects
The six permanent Objects
were approved by Kiwanis
club delegates at the 1924
International Convention in
Denver, Colorado. Through the
decades, they have remained
Nov. 17, 2014
* To give primacy to the human
and spiritual rather than to the
material values of life.
* To encourage the daily living
of the Golden Rule in all human
* To promote the adoption and
the application of higher social,
business, and professional
* To develop, by precept and
example, a more intelligent,
aggressive, and serviceable
* To provide, through Kiwanis
clubs, a practical means to
form enduring friendships, to
render altruistic service, and to
build better communities.
* To cooperate in creating and
maintaining that sound public
opinion and high idealism which
make possible the increase
patriotism, and goodwill.
Zeller, Hixson,
& Davis Fellows
CCKC is proud to recognize its members’ support
of the Kiwanis International & Florida Kiwanis
Donors who give $1,250 to The Eliminate
Project—a global initiative to eliminate maternal
and neonatal tetanus – become Walter Zeller
Fellows, named in honor of the first donor to the
Kiwanis International Foundation.
Ev Anderson
John Ryan
Jim Davis
Hilmar Skagfield
Howard Eisenman Larry Spalding *
Bob Henderson
Donna Wells *
Ed Joyce
Marcia Waller
Jim Ledbetter
Jim Wylie
Bill Rogers
Donors who give $1,000 to the Kiwanis
International Foundation become George F.
Hixson Fellows, named in honor of the first
Kiwanis International president.
Bob Henderson * Bill Rogers
Tom Duggar
Hilmar Skagfield
Howard Eisenman Larry Spalding
Ed Joyce
Donna Wells *
Howard Pardue
Jim Wylie *
Donors who give $1,000 to the Florida Kiwanis
Foundation become Ralph Davis Fellows, named
in honor of the first Florida Kiwanis Foundation
Howard Eisenman
Bob Henderson
Bill Rogers
Larry Spalding
Jim Wylie
*Diamond-level (additional $1,000/$1,250
CCKC Current Projects
21. Tales for Tots: CCKC donates new and “gently loved” books
to kids, infants to 5 years old, volunteers to read the books to
them, and then gives them the books to keep in order to encour1. Roadside Clean-up/Highway Beautification: Quarterly, the club goes out for age them to read.
about 2 hours on a weekend to pick up trash along a dedicated one-mile stretch
of Richview Road.
22. Service Leadership Programs: CCKC sponsors Kiwanis Kids at
Ruediger Elementary School, Builders Club at Raa Middle School,
2. Handicap Ramp Building: At the request of and in collaboration with Ability and Key Club at Lincoln and Rickards High Schools.
First, the club constructs ramps for disabled or senior clients with limited access to
their house.
23. ReadingPals: CCKC members volunteer to read one-on-one,
for one hour a week, with a student in kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd
3. Miracle League: CCKC, with other Division 3 clubs, Florida Disabled Outdoors grade at a Title One school to inspire and help them to read on
Association, local government agencies, business and private organizations and grade level when they reach 3rd grade.
individuals, supports a special athletic field and activities for children and adults
with limited abilities.
24. Guardian ad Litem: Club members volunteer their time in
this partnership of community advocates and professional staff
4. Pop-Top Tabs/Toiletries: Beverage can pop-tops and hotel freebies are col- providing a powerful voice on behalf of Florida’s abused and
lected and donated to Ronald McDonald House to help support traveling families neglected children.
of seriously ill or injured children.
25. Immunization Coalition: This partnership of health agencies
5. Meals-on-Wheels: Each week a club member(s) delivers meals from Elder Care in Leon and Gadsden Counties, Leon County Schools, and Kiwanis
Clubs promotes infant and back-to-school immunizations and flu
Services to about 10 clients on Route G5.
6. ECHO Food Drives and Feed-the-Hungry: Members donate food products
for ECHO and once a quarter members provide meal service to the homeless on 26. Elder Day Stay: Club members donate items to be used for
Bingo prizes at Elder Care Services’ Elder Day Stay – a facility
weekends at First Presbyterian Church.
that allows a “home away from home” environment with safe, so7. Bethany Apartments Support: CCKC supports children of homeless families in cial interaction for seniors.
temporary housing at Bethany Apartments through rent assitance.
27. Veterans Transport: Club members, through The Disabled
9. Kids School Dictionaries: The club annually provides dictionaries to all 3d American Veterans and Department of Veterans Affairs, volunteer to drive veterans to Lake City and Gainesville VA Clinics for
graders at Ruediger, Pineview, Chaires, and Woodville Elementary Schools.
treatment that is not available in Tallahassee.
Service Projects:
19. Lifeline: Members volunteer through Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare
Lifeline Services program to install a button-activated emergency services
summoning device so those who live alone or have restricted mobility can feel
secure in knowing they can summon help when needed.
7. VIP Pavilion: Members will serve beer and wine to the VIPs
and the general public during the Saturday in the Park Concert
Series at Ponce de Leon Park on the first Saturday of the month
from April to August.
20. Apples for Teachers: CCKC and Kiwanis Kids recognize teachers and 8. Bunco: A fundraiser involving the social dice game for groups
staff at Ruediger Elementary for their service with apples once a year.
of 12-16 players.
Nov. 17, 2014
2. Gourmet Nut Sale: An annual fund-raiser in which CCKC mem14. Diaper Drive: In January and June, CCKC donates diapers to Healthy Start bers sell Gourmet Virginia nuts in a variety of sizes and types of
for kids ages infant to 5 years.
nuts (e.g. peanuts, cashews, chocolate-covered) during Nov-Dec to
support club projects.
15. Soldier Care Packages: CCKC sends packages/backpacks with personal
care items to deployed US combat troops.
3. Pancake Breakfast: CCKC volunteers cook eggs and pancakes
at a local restaurant for breakfast for a modest fee in the first
16. Turn About: CCKC members serve on the board of this private non-profit, quarter of the year.
family-centered agency providing Child Victim Rapid Response for children
who are victims and/or witnesses to violence, and for drug/alcohol rehab for 4. Alternative Christmas Market: An annual fund-raiser in early
youth and adolescents.
December in which the club mans a booth at Christ Presbyterian
Church providing shoppers with items supporting a selected club
17. Toy Donations at TMH Pediatric Unit: CCKC’s Kiwanis One Day Project project, such as the Miracle League, from which they can choose to
buys and delivers toys to children receiving treatment at Tallahassee Memo- purchase as donations.
rial Hospital’s Pediatric Unit.
6. Firecracker 5K Race: CCKC is continuing the 30-year history
18. Big Bend Hospice Tree of Remembrance: Members staff the tree for a of this Kiwanis race, started by the Greensboro Kiwanis Club and
day, and shoppers donate to purchase an ornament to place on the tree in always held on the 4th of July. The event also includes a 1 mile
memory or in honor of a deceased loved one.
fun run/walk.
Fund-raising Projects:
12. SSF Support: The club partners with the Southern Scholarship Foundation
(SSF) to raise funds through FSU Football Parking and provides financial support
1. Football Parking: Members park cars at the Southern Scholarfor SSF’s mission to provide rent-free housing to qualified students.
ship Foundation (SSF) parking lot on Stadium Drive during home
FSU football games. CCKC splits the proceeds with 70% going
13. Ralph Davis Kiwanis House: CCKC, with other Kiwanis clubs, stocks food to SSF to help provide college scholarships and a portion of the
shelves in January and cleans/maintains this Southern Scholarship House in Sep- remaining 30% to CCKC to support club projects.
CCKC Newsletter
10. Ruediger Elementary Terrific Kids Program: CCKC sponsors recognition and
28. Dictionaries & Thesauruses: The club annually provides dicmentoring of outstanding pupils ages 6-11.
tionaries to all 3rd graders at Ruediger, Pineview, Chaires, and
Woodville Elementary Schools and thesauruses to students at Raa
11. Kids Voting: During general elections, CCKC mans a booth at a selected and Woodville Middle Schools.
precinct to help educate kids on the election process.
Service & Fundraising Information
CCKC Newsletter
Pop Top Tabs and Hotel Freebies
Place pop top can tabs and any hotel
freebies in the container in the storage
cabinet for distribution to Ronald
McDonald House. POC:Fred Williams
Meals on Wheels Roster – ROUTE G5
Please place the date of service on your
calendars. If for some reason you find
that you are unable to deliver the route,
try to arrange a swap with another club
Nov. 17, 2014
Please be at Elder Care Services, 2518
W. Tennessee St., by no later than 11:00
on your assigned date. Earlier is better!
Remember we have to deliver the meals
no later than 12:30 to meet Federal
guidelines. Call 245-5932 if you have a
conflict. For those of you who are new
members, please see Fred Williams for
information concerning the meals route.
November 19th – Woody Price
November 26th – Jim Ledbetter
December 3rd – Carol McNally
December 10th – Tony Shah
December 17th – Mike Stephens
December 24th – Howard Pardue
Tales for Tots
Members volunteer to read to students
at Betton Hills Preparatory School. See
Janet Morgan to volunteer!
November 17th-21st – Nga Nguyen
November 25th – Mickey Moore
December 1st-5th – Matt Guse
December 9th – Amber Tynan
Pack n Play Press Conference
November 17th @ 9:30 AM
Early Learning Coalition
1940 North Monroe Street, #70
Tallahassee, FL 32303
FSU Football Parking
November 22nd @ 11:30 AM
November 29th @ TBA
Southern Scholarship Foundation
322 Stadium Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32304
Christmas Party & Auction
December 6th @ 6:00 PM
Bring a wrapped gift (minimum $25)
with a riddle about its contents.
Proceeds benefit the CCKC Foundation.
5359 Pembridge Place
Tallahassee, FL 32309
Board of Director Meetings
CCKC Board of Directors last met on
November 3rd. The next meeting isDecember
1st. The board meets on the first Monday
of every month at 5:30 pm at the office of
Margaret Lynn Duggar 1018 Thomasville
Road. Meeting minutes are posted on the
CCKC website. Members are encouraged
to attend BOD Meetings. Meeting materials
are posted on the CCKC website at www.
Kiwanis International, District,
2014-2015 CCKC Officers
CCKC Board of Directors
2014-2015 Division 3
Lt. Governor: Steve Sullivan (Tallahassee)
Lt. Governor-Elect: Jerome Wyche (Madison)
Past Lt. Governor: Heather Locke (Lake Jackson)
Secretary: Sam Kerce (Tallahassee)
Treasurer: Keith Roberts (Lake Jackson)
Florida Foundation Trustee: Jim Wylie (Killearn)
2014-2015 Florida District
Governor: Chuck Gugliuzza
Governor-Elect: Celia Earle
Past Governor: Matthew Cantrall
2014-2015 Kiwanis International
President: Dr. John Button
President Elect: Susan Petrisin
Past President: Gunter Gasser
Wedding Anniversary
Amber Tynan
Jim Ledbetter
Karen Gievers & Frank Bach
Howard Pardue
Membership Anniversary
November 19th – Tim Atkinson (13 years)
Coming soon . . .
Program Coordinator:
November – Carol McNally & Jennifer Ohlsen
Young Children: Priority One
December – Amber Tynan
CCKC Fundraising Projects
Weekly Greeter:
November – Nathan Dollar
December – Nathan Dollar
Upcoming Speakers:
November 17th – Pam Banks, Program Manager,
Healthy Families Gadsden/Leon
November 24th – Anita Odom, & Jean Gibson,
Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida
Nov. 17, 2014
Don Lanham, Carol McNally, Jennifer Ohlsen
Tom Morgan, Linda Smith
Members are encouraged to give a gift
equal to their age to the CCKC Foundation
or service projects.
None this issue
President: Woody Price
President Elect: Amber Tynan
Vice President: Jim Davis
Past President: Bob Henderson
Secretary: Emma Huddleston
Treasurer: Joe Sanders
Division, CCKC Leadership
CCKC Datebook
3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 USA •
Worldwide: 1-317-875-8755 USA and Canada: 1-800-KIWANIS