September 24, 2012 - Capital City Kiwanis Club


September 24, 2012 - Capital City Kiwanis Club
Capital City Kiwanis Club
1st place, Club Bulletin for 2010-2011
Club #5153, Division 3
Golden Corral, Noon on Monday
Chartered Aug. 31, 1959
1630 North Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
Kiwanis International is a global organization of
members of every age who are dedicated to changing
the world, one child and one community at a time.
Sept. 24, 2012
The school year has begun, and so has CCKC’s Tales for Tots reading program
at Betton Hills Preparatory School, which is headed by President-Elect Janet
Morgan. Throughout the school year, members read stories to students in support
of former Governor Donna Parton’s reading initiative. Here, Bill Rogers reads
“A Tree for All Seasons.”
CCKC Newsletter
Tales for Tots
Recent Speakers
September 10th – Larry Campbell
Leon County Sheriff
CCKC Newsletter
Sept. 24, 2012
The Sheriff’s Office is directly responsible to the citizens, and
Larry Campbell was the Under Sheriff under Eddie Boone
before being elected Sheriff in 1996. The Tallahassee Police
Department has jurisdiction over 101 square miles in the City,
while the Sheriff’s Office has 702 square miles to cover in Leon
County. In addition to road patrol, Sheriff Campbell reviewed
the work of the detective units: vice (short term [distribution] and
long-range [trafficking] sub-units); property crimes; financial
fraud (not just a problem here); sexual offender (verifies
addresses of sexual predators every 90 days); warrants & civil
unit (served 28,000 subpoenas last year); courthouse security (screened nearly 400,000
visitors last year); transportation (transported 1,128 people to Raiford and 5,263 to the
courthouse last year); jail (houses 1,000-1,250 per day); school resource officers (45
deputies teach school kids that they are on their side); and homeland security (uses federal
dollars to shore up defenses).
September 17th – David Perry
FSU Police Chief
At 26, David Perry became Police Chief at Albany State University, before moving on to
Clemson as Deputy Chief, and finally to Florida State University as Police Chief. For his talk,
he showed a PowerPoint presentation that he shows to dozens of informational sessions for
incoming FSU students. FSU PD is a full-service accredited agency – not campus security. He
has 67 sworn officers who receive 306 hours every 4 years
of training. FSU PD teams up with other law enforcement
agencies for DUI enforcement, which is important to Chief
Perry due to several FSU students killed by drunk drivers.
To Chief Perry, alcohol, weapons, and drugs on campus
inhibit students’ ability to be successful. He also highlighted
the new FSU PD website, which has new features, such as a
safety guide, game day activities, sex offender notices, and
property protection tips. During FSU games, the department
has instituted the “See Something, Say Something” program,
which allows fans to text the command center if they see
inappropriate behavior in the stands.
Prez Sez
Thank you for your support this year, and I look forward to serving the club as the Division
3 Lt. Governor next year!
Yours in Kiwanis Service,
Jim Ledbetter
Did You now?
The third Object of Kiwanis International is “To promote the adoption and the
application of higher social, business, and professional standards.”
Sept. 24, 2012
8. That is the number of Walter Zeller Fellows from CCKC this year. The Eliminate Project,
Kiwanis International’s global campaign to end maternal and neo-natal tetanus, recognizes
monetary contributions of $1,250 to the International Foundation with the Zeller Fellowship.
Each Fellowship represents the protection of 694 mothers and their future children from
tetanus. In all of the Florida District of Kiwanis, there are 81 Zeller Fellows, and our club
has 10% of that total!
735. That is the total number of service hours this
club has completed, through August, in 2011-2012.
Service is the mission of Kiwanis, and CCKC has a maximum of 130 hours and a minimum
of 35 hours per month in service to children and the community. Your commitment to
service is obvious, and I am grateful for your service.
CCKC Newsletter
Thank you! Thanks for your support in my term as
President of the Capital City Kiwanis Club this year.
While I may hold the title of President of this club,
without you, I am just a title. With each club and board
meeting and every service project and fundraising
event, you keep this club going and growing. It has
been my honor to be a part of such a vibrant and
generous club.
FSU Football Parking
As part of an ongoing fundraising effort for
Kiwanis and Southern Scholarship Foundation,
members of the Capital City, Bradfordville,
and Southside Kiwanis Clubs teamed up to
park cars at FSU home games on September
15th and 22nd.
Sept. 24, 2012
At the FSU vs. Wake Forest game on
September 15th, Jim Ledbetter, Chris Oscar,
Woody Price, Janet Morgan, Tom Morgan,
Cleve White, and Jim Wylie worked the
parking lot for CCKC, parking 183 cars,
and on September 22nd versus Clemson, Ev
Anderson, Kim Davis, Jim Ledbetter, Janet
Morgan, Tom Morgan, and Jim Wylie helped
park 175 cars.
This fundraiser would not be possible without the partnership with the Southern Scholarship
Foundation, represented here by Director of Development Kim Galban-Countryman and President/
CEO (and CCKC member) Mickey Moore. Pictured above.
Chris Oscar, Jim Ledbetter, Jim Wylie, Woody Price, Paul Downing (Bradfordville);
Front L-R: Kim Galban –Countryman (SSF), Lavetta Henderson (Southside), Cleve White, and John
DeLoach (Bradfordville) on September 15th
Eliminate Project Fundraising
Sept. 24, 2012
CCKC applied for and was awarded a
matching grant from the Florida Kiwanis
Foundation to help fund a shade shelter
at the Miracle Field at Messer Park. The
shelter has now been installed and will
be dedicated on November 1st at the
conclusion of the baseball season at the
Miracle Sports Seminole Showdown, when
the FSU Baseball and Softball players
will be out playing a mock game against
the Miracle Sports athletes. The Florida
Disabled Outdoors Association purchased
the shelter with $1,500 from Kiwanis, a
grant from the American Academy of
Dermatology, and funds from Friends of
the Parks, and City of Tallahassee.
Miracle Field Shade Shelter
CCKC Newsletter
As of August 16th, The Eliminate
Project has raised almost $16.5
million in cash and pledges and
2,240 Walter Zeller Fellows.
The Florida District is among
the leaders, with $523,474 in
cash and pledges and 81 Zeller
Fellows, with 8 of those Zeller
Fellows coming from CCKC!
Kiwanis Objects
The six permanent Objects
of Kiwanis International were
approved by Kiwanis club
delegates at the 1924 International
Convention in Denver, Colorado.
Through the decades, they have
remained unchanged.
Sept. 24, 2012
* To give primacy to the human
and spiritual rather than to the
material values of life.
* To encourage the daily living
of the Golden Rule in all human
* To promote the adoption and
the application of higher social,
business, and professional
* To develop, by precept and
example, a more intelligent,
aggressive, and serviceable
* To provide, through Kiwanis
clubs, a practical means to form
enduring friendships, to render
altruistic service, and to build
better communities.
* To cooperate in creating and
maintaining that sound public
opinion and high idealism which
make possible the increase of
righteousness, justice, patriotism,
and goodwill.
Happy Bucks!
Happy Bucks – September 10th
Tony Shah is $5 happy…to be back, and everything
is good with Sameera, and he will be gone for 3
weeks on a trip to South Africa.
Carol McNally is happy…to be a great-aunt for
the 7th time with a 8 lb, 5 oz, 22” baby boy.
John Wells is happy…that the Gators
have beaten the Volunteers 7 straight
times in football and the Gators have
found themselves a quarterback.
Harbert Smith is $5 happy…to welcome
his 10th great-grandchild into the world,
to go along with his 15 grandchildren, 2
more on the way, and 4 at Auburn.
Josie Tamayo is happy…for her family
AND for all the football fans who support
their team, including her own Georgia
Fred Williams is happy…to “survive” parking on
Jack Levine is happy…for the judge’s
judicious football interest, that the Orioles
are hanging on with the Yankees, and for
the advance planning for his son’s wedding
next year in California.
Janet Morgan is “potentially” happy…if enough
people sign up for our club dinner on the 28th and
if she can soon finalize the committee assignments.
Judi Taber is happy…to give a dollar for
hospitalized children and to be an alumni
of the Seminoles.
Jim Ledbetter is happy…to second Fred’s happy
buck and that the thunderstorms slacked up enough
for the parking to continue on Saturday.
Jim Ledbetter is happy…for the parking
assistance on Saturday of Janet & Tom
Morgan, new members Chris Oscar and
Woody Price, Cleve White, Jim Wylie,
and himself.
Nerissa James is happy…to be here.
Tom Morgan is happy…that he received a $20
happy buck from a fellow Kiwanian from South
Lake, Texas at the parking on Saturday.
Janet Morgan is happy…that the club
banquet and committees are almost set
AND to give a preview of October’s
Sept. 24, 2012
John Wells is happy…about the 2nd half of the
Florida Gator game, which you would be too if you
had seen the 1st half.
Ed Joyce is happy…to have a good crop
of non-astringent persimmons (no pucker)
and to bring 3 bags of them to the meeting
to give out.
Jozlyn Gardner is happy…to be here and happy
to have her mom in her life, especially with a close
friend recently losing her mother.
Happy Bucks – September 17th
CCKC Newsletter
Don Lanham is $5 happy…to show off photos from
his recent trip to the Northwest, when he and a
friend rented motorcycles and rode 1,800 miles
while not sweating a bit while Hurricane Isaac came
through down here.
Kiwanis House Pantry Stuffing & Cook-Out
On September 17th, Division 3 Kiwanians came to the Southern Scholarship
Foundation’s Ralph Davis-Kiwanis House to stuff the pantry with food and supplies
and have a cook-out with the residents of the house. Twice each year – in the
fall and spring – this event helps support the Kiwanis House and its residents, who
have rent-free housing, courtesy of the Southern Scholarship Foundation.
Sept. 24, 2012
Dinner is served!
Stuffing the pantry!
CCKC Newsletter
Sept. 24, 2012
SSF’s Kim Galban-Countryman and Fred Williams look on as Jim Wylie tends to the grill.
Representatives from the Lake Jackson Club and CCKC, along with Division 3 Lt. Governor Tommy Mills,
share a meal with the graduate student residents of the Kiwanis House.
Service & Fundraising Information
CCKC Newsletter
Pop Top Tabs and Hotel Freebies
Place pop top can tabs and any hotel freebies
in the container in the storage cabinet for
distribution to Ronald McDonald House.
POC:Fred Williams
Printer Ink and Cell Phones
CCKC aids in the recycling of used printer ink
cartridges and cell phones. POC: Jim Wylie
Sept. 24, 2012
Meals on Wheels Roster – ROUTE G5
Please place the date of service on your
calendars. If for some reason you find that
you are unable to deliver the route, try to
arrange a swap with another club member.
Please be at Elder Care Services, 2518 W.
Tennessee St., by no later than 11:00 on your
assigned date. Earlier is better! Remember we
have to deliver the meals no later than 12:30
to meet Federal guidelines. Call 245-5932
if you have a conflict. For those of you who
are new members, please see Fred Williams
for information concerning the meals route.
September 26th – Howard Eisenman
October 3rd – Lewis Johnson
October 10th – Eddie Williams
Club Dinner & Officer Installation
September 28th @ 6:30 PM
Killearn Country Club
100 Tyron Circle
Tallahassee, FL 32309
Social Committee
October 1st @ 7:00 PM
4th Quarter
2033 North Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32303
From 7pm - 10pm 4th Quorter is offering
a10% Share Night for anyone who
mentions CCKC.
Division 3 Council Quarterly Meeting
October 8th @ 7:00 PM
Early Learning Coalition
1940 N. Monroe St. #70
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Board Meetings
CCKC Board of Directors last met on September
3rd. The next meeting is October 1st. The board
meets on the first Monday of every month, 5:30
P.M. at the offices of Margaret Lynn Duggar 1018
Thomasville Road, Tallahassee, FL 32303. Meeting
minutes are posted on the CCKC web site. Members
are encouraged to attend BOD meetings.
Upcoming Speakers:
September 24th – Dennis Jones
TPD Police Chief
October 1st – Ion Sancho
Leon County Supervisor of Elections
Kiwanis International, District,
2011-2012 CCKC Officers
David Johnson, Kim Ortloff, & Jim Wylie
Everett Anderson, Mickey Moore, Janet Morgan,
& Eddie Williams
2011-2012 Division 3
Lt. Governor: Tommy Mills (Killearn)
Lt. Governor-Elect: Jim Ledbetter (CCKC)
Past Lt. Governor: K. Scott Whitehead (Havana)
Secretary: Debi Paschal (Southside)
Treasurer: Bob Henderson (CCKC)
Florida Foundation Trustee: Larry Spalding (CCKC)
Division 3 Theme: We Serve Children
2011-2012 Florida District
Governor: Eddie Lee
Governor-Elect: Allen Whetsell
Past Governor: Thomas Ramiccio
Florida District Theme: Embrace the Possibilities
Wedding Anniversary
September 27th – Bill Rogers
Membership Anniversary
October 1st – Carol McNally (1 year)
October 1st – Bob Henderson (35 years)
October 1st – Mario Richardson (1 year)
October 4th – Jim Davis (8 years)
October 7th – Dana Dowling (4 years)
October 7th – Jessica Lowe-Minor (3 years)
October 7th – Mickey Moore (3 years)
Sept. 24, 2012
CCKC Board of Directors
Members are encouraged to give a gift
equal to their age to the CCKC Foundation
or service projects.
September 25th – Dale Pottorff
President: Jim Ledbetter
President - Elect: Janet Morgan
Vice President: Cleve White
Past President: Ben Graybar
Treasurer: Joe Sanders
Secretary: Donna Wells
Division, CCKC Leadership
CCKC Datebook
Coming soon . . .
Program Coordinator:
September – Dan Samborn
October – Janet Morgan
November – Ben Graybar
Weekly Greeter:
September – Carol McNally
October – Woody Price
November – Bill Rogers
2011-2012 Kiwanis International
President: A. Alan Penn
President Elect: Thomas E. “Tom” DeJulio
Past President: Sylvester Neal
CCKC Editor’s Email:
Current CCKC Projects
Service Projects:
1. Roadside Clean-up/Highway Beautification: Quarterly, the
club goes out for about 2 hours on a weekend to pick up trash
along a dedicated one-mile stretch of Richiew Road.
2. Handicap Ramp Building: At the request of and in collaboration with Ability First, the club constructs ramps for disabled or
senior clients with limited access to their house.
3. Miracle League: CCKC, with other Kiwanis Clubs in Division 3,
Florida Disabled Outdoors Association, local government agencies, business and private organizations and individuals, supports
a special athletic field and activities for children and adults with
limited abilities at Messer Field.
4. Pop-Top Tabs/Toiletries: Soda, beer and juice can pop-tops
and hotel freebies such as soap, shampoo, etc. are collected and
donated to Ronald McDonald House to help support traveling
families of seriously ill or injured children in hospitals.
5. Meals-on-Wheels: Each week a club member(s) delivers meals
from Elder Care Services to about 10 clients on Route G5.
6. ECHO Food Drives and Feed-the-Hungry: Annually members
donate food products for ECHO and once a quarter members
provide meal service to the homeless on weekends at First Presbyterian Church.
7. Bethany Apartments Support: CCKC supports children of
homeless families in temporary housing at Bethany Apartments,
including funding, clothing, kitchen utensils, furniture, playground
cleanup and maintenance.
8. Bethany Kids Christmas: CCKC, with the Moose Lodge, provides dinner, Christmas stockings and presents with Santa for the
9. Kids School Dictionaries: The club annually provides dictionaries to all 3d graders at Ruediger, Pineview, Chaires, and
Woodville Elementary Schools.
10. Ruediger Elementary Terrific Kids Program: CCKC sponsors
recognition and mentoring of outstanding pupils ages 6-11.
11. Kids Voting: During general elections, CCKC mans a booth
at a selected precinct to help educate kids on the election process.
12. SSF College Scholarships: The club provides 60% of its
profits from Football Parking proceeds to the Southern Scholarship Foundation (SSF) to help provide college scholarships for
qualified students and funds one student scholarship directly.
13. Ralph Davis Kiwanis House: CCKC, with other Kiwanis
clubs, stocks food shelves in January and cleans/maintains this
Southern Scholarship House in September.
14. Diaper Drive: In January and June, CCKC donates diapers to
Healthy Start for kids ages infant to 5 years.
15. Soldier Care Packages: CCKC periodically sends several
packages/backpacks with personal care items to deployed US
combat troops.
16. Turn About: CCKC members serve on the board of this private non-profit, family-centered agency providing Child Victim
Rapid Response for children who are victims and/or witnesses
to violence, and for drug/alcohol rehab for youth and adolescents.
17. Toy Donations at TMH Pediatric Unit: CCKC’s Kiwanis One
Day Project buys and delivers toys to children receiving treatment at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital’s Pediatric Unit.
18. Big Bend Hospice Tree of Remembrance: Members staff
the tree for a day, and shoppers donate to purchase an ornament to place on the tree in memory or in honor of a deceased
loved one.
19. Lifeline: Members volunteer through Tallahassee Memorial
HealthCare Lifeline Services program to install a button-activated emergency services summoning device so those who live
alone or have restricted mobility can feel secure in knowing they
can summon help when needed.
20. Apples for Teachers: CCKC and Kiwanis Kids recognize
teachers and staff at Ruediger Elementary for their service with
apples once a year.
21. Tales for Tots: CCKC donates new and “gently loved” books
to kids, infants to 5 years old, volunteers to read the books to
them, and then gives them the books to keep in order to encourage them to read.
22. Service Leadership Programs: CCKC sponsors Kiwanis Kids
at Ruediger Elementary School, Builders Club at Griffin Middle
School, and Key Club at Lincoln and Rickards High Schools.
23. ELC Activity Room: CCKC funded the creation of an Activity Room at the Early Learning Coalition Northwood Office to
allow children to have a place to go while their parents are
receiving counseling.
Fund-raising Projects:
1. Football Parking: Members park cars at the Southern Scholarship Foundation (SSF) parking lot on Stadium Drive during
home FSU football games. CCKC splits the proceeds with 70%
going to SSF to help provide college scholarships and a portion
of the remaining 30% to CCKC to support club projects.
2. Vidalia Onion Sale: An annual fund-raiser in which CCKC
members sell Vidalia Onions from Georgia in various package
configurations during the spring and summer to support club
3. Gourmet Nut Sale: An annual fund-raiser in which CCKC
members sell Gourmet Virginia nuts in a variety of sizes and
types of nuts (e.g. peanuts, cashews, chocolate-covered) during
Nov-Dec to support club projects.
4. Pancake Breakfast: CCKC volunteers cook eggs and pancakes at a local restaurant for breakfast for a modest fee in the
first quarter of the year.
5. Alternative Christmas Market: An annual fund-raiser in early
December in which the club mans a booth at Christ Presbyterian
Church providing shoppers with items supporting a selected club
project, such as the Miracle League, from which they can choose
to purchase as donations.

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