September 2015 - Olympia Kiwanis
September 2015 - Olympia Kiwanis
OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 1921 …..Serving the children of the world ….. 94 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY PRESIDENT’S KORNER—Dave Peeler SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 DON’T MISS THESE PROGRAMS!!! This is my last message to you as President of the Club, and I have to say it’s been an exciting year to be the leader of this great club. To start with, it’s been an honor to help celebrate Kiwanis International’s 100th birthday at the mid-winter meeting in Seattle and at the Kiwanis International Convention in Indianapolis this summer and our own banquet in September. Looking back on the accomplishments of the past 100 years was fascinating and looking ahead to what we can accomplish together in the next 100 years is a great challenge for all of us. Over the past year we have seen a great deal of change in our club, but a lot remains the same. Our club is financially sound and we have active, strong member participation. We have lost a few members but we have gained even more. We have new leadership for our Lakefair Food Booth (John Zuroske) and Harbor Days (Mary Hall), while we say a heartfelt thanks to those they are replacing (Terry Kirkpatrick and Russ Carstensen). Our food bank gardens continue to grow remarkable amounts of fresh food for the Thurston County Food Bank thanks to our club members, volunteers, interns and of course our gardener extraordinaire, Don Leaf. Because of that signature effort, out club was one of only 40 clubs in the country to be invited to participate in a White House Community Briefing in May 2015. Our club and our Waterfront group provided support at numerous functions throughout the year, from YMCA Kids Day to Capital City Marathon to Sand in the City and many more. Our Key Clubs continue to excel at providing high school students with wonderful ways to contribute to the community and learn valuable skills that will last a lifetime. August 31st - Law Enforcement Day Awards September 8th (Tuesday) w/Rotary - Boys & Girls Club Director - Katya Miltimore September 14th - Harbor Days Recap and Raffle September 21st - TESC President - Dr. George Bridges September 28th - Olympia City Council Races Oct 5th - President Seeman - Goals & Plans KIWANIS OBJECTIVES To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than the material values of life. To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. To promote the adoption and application of higher social, business and professional standards. To develop by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship. To provide, through the club, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service and to build a better community. (continued on Page 2) To cooperate in creating and maintaining that ~ CLUB INFORMATION ~ Officers: President: Dave Peeler 866-3998 President Elect: Debra Seeman (253) 307-0093 Vice President: Mark Couey 481-2916 Secretary: Jan Britt 456-0503 Treasurer: Shawn Myers 556-1048 Immediate Past President: Lynn Urvina 493-1612 Board of Directors Meetings: Normally, the fourth Tuesday of each month at 12 noon at FESS. Mailing Address: P O BOX 1847 Olympia 98507-1847 Web Site: Facebook Page: Board Members: Through 2015—Leighton Johnson, Dean Walz, John Zuroske Through 2016— Judy Hall, Linda Oosterman Through 2017 - Frank Hensley, Tom Newcomb Division 38 Lt. Governor: Ross Gallagher WEEKLY MEETINGS: 12 noon at TUGBOAT ANNIE’S—VIEWPOINT ROOM— 2100 West Bay Drive NW, Olympia Love it. Share it. Live it. sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and good will. SOME SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS September 3 - Bary Diseth September 9 - Judy Hall September 14 - Ken Stormans September 15 - Olympia Kiwanis Club September 18 - Eric Sullivan September 20 - John Tobin September 22 - John Justice September 23 - Ann Cooke September 25 - Dave Kirk September 27 - Alex Young September 27 - John Drebick September 28 - Carol Lien September 28 - Jon Agnesani September 29 - Ed Davis Page 2 OLYMPIA KIWANIS KORNER SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 (President’s Korner continued from Page 1) VISIT THESE CLUBS IN DIVISION 38 SHELTON KIWANIS Meets 12 noon Tuesdays at Xinh's Restaurant 221 West Railroad, Shelton Contact: Dawn Pannell 360-426-0512 NORTH THURSTON KIWANIS Meets 7 a.m. Tuesdays at Hawks Prairie Restaurant 1-5 and Marvin Road, Lacey Contact: Don Sattleburg 491-2019 PIONEER COMMUNITY CLUB OF MASON COUNTY Meets 7 a.m. Wednesdays at Spencer Lake Restaurant E 1111 Pickering Road, Shelton Contact: Lee Strohm 360-432-0136 KRISTMAS TOWN KIWANIS Meets 7 a.m. Wednesday at Pine Tree Restaurant 102 S First St., Shelton Contact: Leroy Valley 360-426-1509 TUMWATER KIWANIS Meets 7 a.m. Thursday at Nickelby’s Restaurant, Tumwater Contact: Marion Smith 360-943-0199 WATERFRONT Satellite KIWANIS Meets 7 a.m. Wednesday Budd Bay Café, Olympia Contact: Garn Turner 360-456-6003 HOOD CANAL KIWANIS Meets 7:00 am Thursday Hood Canal Library Contact: George Bowen 360-877-9768 After careful consideration, we made the decision to transfer management of our Educational Endowment Fund to The Community Foundation of South Puget Sound. Although their investments are fairly conservative, the ups and downs of the financial markets make us all nervous but we believe it will be a good, safe investment leading to growth over the long haul. I encourage all of our club members to consider making year end donations to the Endowment Fund and/or including it in your estate planning so that we can increase our scholarship awards in the future. Participating in the high school awards events and announcing our scholarship winners were highly inspirational moments for me. As your President, it has been my privilege to preside over the Club and Board meetings. We have had some great programs and speakers and a few surprises and burps along the way. I have relied extensively on the knowledge and skills of our officers, committee chairs and members, and I thank all of you for your help and assistance. I wish my successor, President-Elect Debra Seeman, the very best. I am certain she will be a fantastic leader as we head into the next 100 years. Let’s all follow the Kiwanis Formula – Love it, Share it, Live it! At the August 3rd meeting, Eli Sterling gave a presentation on the Procession of the Species community event. Kiwanis Korner Published by the 10th of each month Compiled by John Zuroske Web site: ELIMINATE Update Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world August 18, 2015 Release - During Kiwanis International’s centennial year, we’ve one child and one community at a time. been celebrating the power of 100. But now that number represents more than just a look back at our past. Today, it became a big step forward. Installation Banquet Kiwanis International is pleased to announce that The Eliminate Project: Kiwanis This year’s installation banquet will be on eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus has reached US$100 million in cash and September 10th. We will again be having pledges. an auction. If you’d like to donate items for the auction, please bring them to the meeting That means the Kiwanis family has saved or protected more than 55 million lives and give them to Debra Seeman. Doors since 2010. And it leaves us just US$10 million away from our fundraising goal of open at 5:00 with the banquet beginning at US$110 million. 5:30. 1) Do you know the FORMULA? What formula? The Kiwanis International formula! Love it. Share it. Live it. Page 3 OLYMPIA KIWANIS KORNER SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 OLYMPIA KIWANIS CLUB BOARD NOTES - August 25, 2015 Meeting CALL TO ORDER. President Dave Peeler called the meeting to order at 12:05 pm at the Family Support Services office. Members present include Jan Britt, Judy Hall, Frank Hensley, Leighton Johnson, Shawn Myers, Tom Newcomb, Linda Oosterman and John Zuroske. President Dave Peeler welcomed our newest board member, Tom Newcomb, who will be filling the remainder of Dave Silke’s position no. 5, which expires September 30, 2017. Regrets: Dean Walz – proxy to Shawn Myers, Mark Couey and Lynn Urvina proxy to Dave Peeler. Guests: Don Leaf, Russ Carstensen, Les Eldridge, Linda Enlow and Tawni Sharp 1. MINUTES: The minutes of the July 28, 2015 meeting were sent out electronically prior to today’s meeting and were published in the Kiwanis Korner. MOTION 1: Frank Hensley moved Judy Hall seconded that the minutes of July 28, 2015 be approved as published. Motion passed. 2. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: Shawn Myers reported the Club balance for the month ending July 31, 2015. The records were just received yesterday so the Finance Committee has not yet met to review them. MOTION 2: Jan Britt moved and Shawn Myers seconded acceptance of the Treasurers Report of the bank balance as presented. Motion passed. Waterfront Satellite is transferring their account to WSECU from South Sound Bank. MOTION 3: Judy Hall moved, Tom Newcomb seconded we approve the transfer of the Waterfront Satellite bank account to WSECU and that authorize signers should be Debra Seeman, Mark Couey, Shawn Myers, Dean Walz and Garn Turner. Motion passed. The Harbor Days account will remain at Olympia Federal Savings, as they are one of the event sponsors. MOTION 4: Shawn Myers moved Jan Britt seconded, that Shawn Myers, Mary Hall, Debra Seeman and Mark Couey will be authorized signers on the Harbor Days Olympia Federal Savings account. Motion passed. 3. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Membership Committee: We have one new member applicant, Mizanor Rhaman sponsored by Jon Halvorson. MOTION 5: Shawn Myers moved Judy Hall seconded we approve Mizanor Rhaman’s application for membership. Motion passed. o Jan Britt presented a proposal that for the 2015-2016 Kiwanis fiscal year, the club pay for new member’s Kiwanis International dues - $80 per person – as an incentive to join the club. See attached information sheet. This is estimated to cost the club about $1,200 a year (if we have 15 new members join in a year). The funds would need to come from the “Administrative” budget. Funding may depend on the success of our “auction” at the installation dinner. No vote at this time. We will consider the issue at the September Board meeting. This would be a change to Additional Policy No. 27. Harbor Days (HD) Update: Russ Carstensen reported we have 16 tugs and 4 Lord Nelson mini-type tugboats scheduled to come. Saturday night dinner will once again be at the Olympia Yacht Club sponsored by the Lucky Eagle Casino. Russ Carstensen reminded the club to have enough money to cover the Harbor Days transition. Harbor Days Transition Committee: Les Eldridge reported the information booth sign up shifts are getting filled. We still need members to help break down the event Sunday afternoon September 6th when the event ends. Raffle sales have been progressing nicely. We will compensate the upcoming festival director, Carol Riley, for her transition time learning about Harbor Days. NOTE: We need to send Ms. Riley a letter saying she has been selected as the director for 2016. Dave Peeler volunteered to do that. Waterfront Satellite: They just finished the Sand in the City event and will be providing a free meal for the Thurston County Food Bank volunteers this week. Garden: Don Leaf reported: o The garden folks will have a booth at Harbor Days this year to provide a show and tell about the garden and possibly selling some produce while advertising our interns’ fundraiser benefit event. o The approved fundraiser to help support the interns at the Thurston County Food Bank for next year is set for September 26th, between 9A – 3P. Waterfront Satellite will be providing food service at the West Side Garden. There will be “show and tell” tours at the Capital Campus and Goche Garden sites. o The day before, September 25th, is the United Way Day of Caring with volunteers working on garden and wood activities. Wood Crew: We are continuing to split firewood and accept donations of firewood. Lakefair Booth: No final figure yet on income from Lakefair. Bills are still coming in. We need to budget $1,500 to repair the barbeque prior to next year. Love it. Share it. Live it. Page 4 OLYMPIA KIWANIS KORNER SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 OLYMPIA KIWANIS CLUB BOARD NOTES (continued from previous page) Kiwanis Law Enforcement Youth Camp: Jan Britt requested the club continue to 1) support 2 students a year. With the cost per student rising from $500 to $600 per student, this means $1,200 for students next year. It is hoped the club will also 2) continue to support some of the camp’s administrative costs, and budget $300 per year for camp costs. This would be a total Law Enforcement Camp donation for 2016 of $1,500 (versus the previous year’s donation of $1,200). Programs: There is always a shuffling of programs depending on when people are available. The committee tries to alternate between “fun” and “educational” programs. 4. NEW BUSINESS: Russ Carstensen reminded the club to have enough money to cover the Harbor Days transition. Dave Peeler congratulated John Zuroske for the 1st Place Newsletter Award and Jan Britt for her Distinguished Secretary Award at the PNW Convention. The Installation Banquet and Auction is on target for September 10th. Adjourn 1:38 pm Next Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 29 at 12 noon at Family Support Services. Jan Britt, Secretary OLYMPIA KIWANIS CLUB FOUNDATION NOTES - August 25, 2015 Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER: President Dave Peeler called the meeting to order at 1:38 pm at the Family Support Services office. Members present include Jan Britt, Judy Hall, Frank Hensley, Leighton Johnson, Shawn Myers, Tom Newcomb, Linda Oosterman and John Zuroske. Regrets: Dean Walz – proxy to Shawn Myers, Mark Couey and Lynn Urvina proxy to Dave Peeler. 2. MINUTES: The minutes of the July 28, 2015, meeting were sent out electronically prior to today’s meeting and have been published in the Kiwanis Korner. MOTION 1: Frank Hensley moved and Judy Hall seconded that the OKF minutes of June 23, 2015 be approved as published. Motion passed. 3. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: Shawn Myers reported the endowment balance for the month ending July 31, 2015. MOTION 2: Judy Hall moved Frank Hensley seconded acceptance of the Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed. 4. OTHER BUSINESS: Community Grants: Jane Field has begun work on the community grants process. We are interested in making grants to programs that are working, and to make larger dollar amount grants versus many smaller dollar amount grants. A Disaster Relief Fund has been created through the PNW Kiwanis Foundation. We raised $779 on August 24th for this account with “pass the hat”. Adjourn 1:51 pm. NEXT MEETING: Our next Board meeting is scheduled for September 29, 2015, at about 1 pm at the Family Education and Support Services, Olympia. Jan Britt, Secretary 2) What's the FORMULA? What does the formula do? What's in the formula? How much does it cost? CLUB DUES ARE DUE The annual dues for Olympia Kiwanis Club membership are $150 for the period of October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016. Dues should be paid on or before September 30, 2015. Dues may be paid in two installments of $75 by September 30th and $75 by March 31st. Dues may be paid by credit card or check at Monday meetings. Checks can also be mailed to: Olympia Kiwanis P O BOX 1847 OLYMPIA WA 98507-1847 Love it. Share it. Live it. Page 5 OLYMPIA KIWANIS KORNER SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 A somewhat disguised President Dave Peeler, Derek Valley, and Russ Carstensen participating in the Procession of the Kiwanis Species at the August 3rd meeting. 3) How long has the FORMULA been around? How can I get the FORMULA? Is the FORMULA proprietary or can I / we share it? SAND in the CITY The Waterfront satellite club spent August 22nd and August 23rd at the Sand in the City event, selling hot dogs and Sno-Cones. The proceeds of the sales, about $2500, will be donated to the Hands on Children’s Museum. Love it. Share it. Live it. Page 6 OLYMPIA KIWANIS KORNER SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 "Guess what? THE FORMULA has been the theme for the year (look at the footer of the newsletter) - Kiwanis - LOVE IT, SHARE IT, LIVE IT! This is "the formula" to recruiting and keeping members." GARDEN TOUR & BENEFIT Due to a generous donation of $5000 this year, the Food Bank was able to hire two interns to help out at the Kiwanis gardens. The interns have made a tremendous difference. We want to keep the intern program going so the Garden Project will be hosting a tour and benefit on Saturday, September 26th. Tours of the Goche garden and Capital Campus gardens will be in the morning. The event will culminate at the West Side garden where The Hinges will be playing music from 12:00-2:00. “HARBOR DAYS” Presented by the Olympia Kiwanis Club Event Details: Who: Harbor Days Maritime Festival & Tugboat Races Where: Percival Landing & Port Plaza Olympia WA Hours: Friday Sept. 4th 5pm-8pm, Saturday Sept 5th 10am-7pm, Sunday Sept. 6th 10am-6pm What: Tug boat tours, tug boat races, 250 arts & craft vendors, entertainment, kids activities, & food. More info: SAND in the CITY Yes, there was sand at the Sand in the City event. Love it. Share it. Live it. Sno-Cone King - Dean Walz Page 7 OLYMPIA KIWANIS KORNER SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER of the YEAR AWARDS The Olympia Kiwanis Club hosted the Thurston County Pat Sutherland Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Awards at their August 31, 2015, meeting at Tugboat Annies. WSP Assistant Chief Marc Lamoreaux gave the key note address on what the process is like to become a WSP Trooper or a police officer. Voted on by their peers to receive this award, the following officers were recognized: Olympia Police Officer Bryan Houser was recognized for his 16 years with OPD and for his great efforts working as a detective on investigations. Lacey Police Officer Rich Broeker was recognized as a local youth and former North Thurston High School graduate who has stayed in the community to mentor youth and keep the streets safe working traffic. Tumwater Police recognized Officer Ken Driver as being the epitome of a police officer and a joy to work with. Thurston County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Rod Ditrich was recognized for his many years of work as a well respected, outstanding employee. Washington State Patrol Trooper Corey West, assigned to Thurston County, was recognized as a local leader, field training officer, and back up public information officer. The Olympia Kiwanis Club recognizes our local law enforcement officers each year as part of our continuing mission, “changing and improving the world one child and one community at a time.” Jan Britt WSP Assistant Chief Marc Lamoreaux WSP Capt Brogan and Trooper West Thurston County Sheriff Snaza and Deputy Ditrich Olympia Lt Homes and Officer Houser Tumwater Chief Stines and Officer Driver Lacey Chief Pierpoint and Officer Broeker Love it. Share it. Live it. Page 8 OLYMPIA KIWANIS KORNER SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 SUNDAY AUGUST 30 MONDAY 31 - 12 Noon Olympia Kiwanis Meeting TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 1 WEDNESDAY 2 - 7:00 am Waterfront K Budd Bay Cafe THURSDAY 3 FRIDAY 4 - HARBOR DAYS 5-8 pm SATURDAY 5 - 9:00 - 12:00 West Side Wood Splitting (no gardening) - HARBOR DAYS 10 am -7 pm 6 - HARBOR DAYS 10 am - 6 pm 7 - Labor Day Holiday 8 - 12 Noon Combined Meeting w/ Rotary 9 - 7:00 am Waterfront K Budd Bay Cafe 10 - Installation Banquet - Red Lion - Doors open at 5:00, Banquet begins at 5:30 11 12 - 9:00 - 12:00 West Side Garden Wood Splitting 13 14 - 12 Noon Olympia Kiwanis Meeting 15 - Happy 95th!!!!!!!!! Olympia Kiwanis Club 16 - 7:00 am Waterfront K Budd Bay Café 17 18 19 - 9:00 - 12:00 West Side Garden Wood Splitting 20 21 - 12 Noon Olympia Kiwanis Meeting 22 23 - 7:00 am Waterfront K Budd Bay Cafe 24 25 - United Way Day of Caring - 9:00 - 2:00 West Side Wood Splitting Garden & Goche Garden 26 - 10:00 - 2:00 Garden Tour & Intern Benefit - 9:00 - 12:00 West Side Wood Splitting 27 28 - 12 Noon Olympia Kiwanis Meeting 29 - 12 Noon Board Meeting @FESS 30 - 7:00 am Waterfront K Budd Bay Cafe OCTOBER 1 2 3 - 9:00 - 12:00 West Side Garden Wood Splitting ~ CLUB INFORMATION COMMITTEE CHAIRS ~ Executive Committee: Dave Peeler Key Club – CHS : Jon W. Halvorson & Hillary Hunt Finance Committee: Debra Seeman Lakefair Booth: Terry Kirkpatrick Club History: Sam Reed Law Enforcement Camp: Jan Britt Communications: John Zuroske Membership: John Rumsey Garden Project: Don Leaf Newsletter: John Zuroske Harbor Days: Russ Carstensen Poinsettia Sales: Jim Hutchinson Harbor Days Transition: Les Eldridge Programs: Don Law & Sam Hunt & Lindsay Pryor House Reception: Michael Vaupel Risk Management: Bob Lien Human & Spiritual: Bob Hauth Website: Jerry Barney International Relations: Karen Fraser Wood Project: Jon Tobin & Gene Forrester Key Club – OHS: Jane Field & DeWayne Granacki Youth Grants: Jane Field Love it. Share it. Live it.