2015 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Poster - IMPULSE


2015 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Poster - IMPULSE
The Premier Undergraduate Neuroscience Journal
Opportunities in the journal IMPULSE for non-Anglophone student publishing and reviewing for all disciplines
Jones LS1, Sasser K1, Kriek P2, Landman AV2, 1The
Honors College, Appalachian State Univ., Boone, NC; 2University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Review Board (con’t)
History of IMPULSE
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2004 issue
2005 issue
2006 issue
2007 issue
2008 issue
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2009 issue
2010 issue
2011 issue
2012 issue
2013 issue
Reviewer Training Sites!
2014 issue
Kyle Sasser
Mng. Editor
The journal IMPULSE was started by four undergraduate students and one faculty member in
the spring of 2003. The first issue was posted in 2004, and a total of eleven issues have been
archived, one per year. The current, 2015 issue, is the twelfth. The journal has evolved from a
once-per-year posting reviewed by students at a single institution, to rolling review and posting
by students worldwide representing twelve institutions. The first issue was reviewed by 14
students from three countries and two continents, with a single Faculty Advisor and Reviewer
Training Site (RTS). The 2014 issue posted with over 100 student reviewers representing over
30 institutions in six countries and four continents. Many of these students were members of the
12 RTSs, one of which was in South Africa. The rest of the Reviewers were individuals who
simply wished to have the experience and applied to join as independent Reviewers. They were
assigned to an RTS team and sent their reviews to the Associate Editor from that RTS. Each
RTS had its own Associate Editor who compiled the team’s review and a Faculty Advisor who
oversaw and taught about the reviewing process. The most recent RTS to be added (2014) was
from Carnegie Mellon University.
We have reported previously on the value of involving students as reviewers and authors in the
undergraduate neuroscience journal IMPULSE to promote their neuroscience or pre-medical
career plans. It is also a less intimidating means for non-Anglophone, university students to
work on their English language reading, reviewing, and writing skills in the sciences. It is an
accessible way to teach students about the peer review system and to involve them directly in
the scientific process. Results from a recent survey (SfN 2014, http://www.abstractsonline.com/)
indicated that students outside of science disciplines could also benefit from working with the
journal, enhancing their understanding of the scientific process for related careers in business,
journalism, or the arts. A course that utilizes the journal could be designed (see a
published example at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/
PMC3592724/, at left), or a team of student reviewers could be
created, comprising students from different fields. This would
make learning about neuroscience, as well as the scientific
enterprise and publishing, available to students in many areas of
study. Since the realms of professions that require some scientific
expertise include those involving writing, entrepreneurship, and
everything from dance studies to sociology, it would be useful for
all students to have some understanding of the brain/mind.
Current examples from the IMPULSE Editorial team are a
Journalism major (Editor-in-Chief), a Math major (Managing
Editor), and an English (Writing) major (Executive Associate
While taking a neuroscience class or working in a research lab
may not be an option for many of those non-science students,
working with the journal may help bridge the gap between their
field of study, whether it is journalism or business, and the world
of neuroscience.
Creating a Reviewer Training Site at any institution is easy and
does not require any special application process. There are no
costs, and the manner of involvement is flexible and up to each
Faculty Advisor at each RTS. Some choose to offer a course for
new Reviewers, some work with a campus neuroscience club,
while others just focus on a group of students doing research in
their laboratory. All that is needed to start an RTS at an
institution is a faculty member willing to take on the role of the
Faculty Advisor (see list at right of current FAs) and a few
students willing to be Reviewers (one will become the Associate
Editor for that RTS). The process works very fluidly, with
submissions being forwarded by the Executive Associate Editor to
all of the RTS Associate Editors, who then distribute the
manuscript to their RTS Review Team for review. A compiled,
single review from each RTS is returned to the EAE and a final,
unified compilation is created by the Executive Editor for return
to the authors, usually within 4-5 weeks.
Rahul Patel
Salgado de Oliveira University (Brazil)
Hercules Rezende Freitas
Salve Regina University (USA)
Wayne Bainter, Raymond Black, Hanna Cote, Kristen Dostie, Justin Gay, Craig Irving, Karl Varkey, Gina Varuzzo, Priscilla Villa
Skidmore College (USA)
Jennifer Brown
St. Olaf College (USA)
Amara Balhorn, Stuart Behling, Maia Erickson,, Liz Grosse,Annika Lee, Pedro Monque, Roman Tyshynsky, Jacob Westerberg
Stony Brook University (USA)
Andrew Lee
Trinity College (USA)
Isabella Dahilig
University of California Los Angeles (USA)
Gal Daskal, Brett Neely, Vu Tran, Arielle Tripp
University of California, San Diego (USA)
Wednesday Bushong, Sofia Campos, Katelyn Carmichael, Lala Forrest, Mary Graves, Gerdien Kritzinger,
Edward Nguyen, Nathan Olesen, Thuy-Iinh T Pham, Chris Shenton, Trisha Srivastava, Alan Truong, acob Valadez, Tyler Wishard
University of Colorado, Boulder (USA)
Brandon Fields
University of Connecticut (USA)
Margaret Rowland, Tiahna Spencer
University of the Free State (South Africa)
Dakota Corbett, Natalie Collins, Danri Joubert, Jan Kriel, Alden Geldenhuys,Carl van Heerden, Pieter Willem Kriek,
Gerdien Kritzinger, Corli Leonard, Sune Liebetrau, Bhavana Narayanan, Lbe van Niekerk, Shirley Louise du Plessis,
Lisa Sibthorpe, Nicki Steyn, Cornel Dieter van der Westhuzien
University of Georgia (USA)
Ayan Hussein
University of Greenwhich (UK)
Steliana Yanakievs
University of Kentucky (USA)
Allie Lonneman
Review Board
Appalachian State University (USA)
University of Kentucky (USA)
Allie Lonneman
University of South Carolina (USA)
Elisabeth Artz, Alicia Brunson, Sarah Eubanks, Hannah Johnson, Elisabeth Moore, Zachary Richardson-Bull, Timothy Sasser, Rachel Sledge, Cole Sloboda, Sarah Snouse, Walker Stevens, Dominic Ysidron
Brown University (USA)
Hye Bin Shin, Dustin Hayden, Olena Kuksenko, Nicolas Ledru, Kurt Pianka, Ali Razaei, Alexandra Saali, Methma Udawatta
Rahoul Ahuja, Sonesh Amin, Nidhi Arashinagundi, Alexis Baker, David Berry, Zachary Blake, Syndey Bromfield, Shravya Budidi, Anna Capps,
Celia Biyun Cui, Selina Chang, Pooja R. Choudhari, Purva R. Choudhari, Lauren Cole, Breana Carter, Darien Davda, Julio C. Diaz,
Hassieb Din, Andrew Dippre, Sarah Erlandson, Tori Espensen-Sturges, Mohammad Fatani, Humna Fayyaz, April Galloway, Lauren Gee,
Alexander Gex, Michael Goyda, Luke Havens, John He, Caroline Hendricks, Molly Higgins, Christine Hsieh, Polina Kopylova, Rachel LeMelfant,
Courtney Marsh, Trevor Morris, Anjali Pathak, Kristen Polinski, Marcia Reeves, Tori Seigler, Alex Teshon, Allie Turgeon
Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
Vanderbilt University (USA)
Michael Cross, Lance Lehman, Stacy Yanofsky
Ji Heon Han, Luke McDonald, Amira Millette, Mark Nicholas, Brandon Rogowski, Meredith Schmehl, Erin Sipple
Colgate University (USA)
Kathryn Welp
College of Charleston (USA)
Wake Forest University (USA)
Virginia Catherine Cushing, Jordan Hall, Nanami Miyazaki, Eileen McNamara Hope Peterson, Ian Rosner, Caitlin Suire
Wayne State University (USA)
Hanna Fields
Cornell University (USA)
Jennifer Brown
Samantha Cloutier, Christopher Yoo
Wellesley College (USA)
Paige Miranda
Davidson College (USA)
Wake Forest University (USA)
Charles Ford, Malcolm Moses-Hampton, Matthew De Niear, Garrett Smith
Virginia Catherine Cushing, Jordan Hall, Nanami Miyazaki, Eileen McNamara Hope Peterson, Ian Rosner, Caitlin Suire Drexel University (USA)
Sravanthi Koduri
Duke University (USA)
Jordan Hall
Emory University (USA)
Jonathan Lin
Rachel Sledge
Laura Gunsalus
Ali Rezaei
Kate Brokaw, Kyle Duke, Stephanie Manceor, Nathan Moliterno, Jason Pecorella,
Madison Ritter, Arianna Scricco
Madras Medical College (India)
Vishala Mishra
Middlebury College (USA)
DanVal Braddick, Eliza Jaeger, Adam Glaser, Timothy Ogle, Anna Paritsky
National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
Victor Daniel Lee Aplicano
New York University (USA)
Laura Craciun, Themesap Khan
Nova Southeastern University (USA)
Katie Dabrowski
Roanoke College (USA)
Alex Arey, Paige Arrington, Kelsey Collett, Victoria Godwin, Kati Hurt, Aldijana Mekic, Rebecca Ward
Jordan Hall
Supported by The Honors College at Appalachian State Univ., The Dept of Psychology at Middlebury College, the Dept of Biology
at Univ of South Carolina, the Dept of Biology at Salve Regina Univ, the Dept of Biology at Furman Univ, the Dept of Biology at
St. Olaf College, the Dept of Basic Medical Sciences at the Univ of the Free State, the Dept of Psychology at Roanoke College, the
Dept of Biology at Wake Forest Univ, the Dept of Cognitive Science at UC San Diego, the Dept of Neuroscience at Brown
University, and the Dept of Biological Sciences at Carnegie Mellon Univ.
QR codes for website and facebook
Publicity & Social Media Editors
Drew Kreuzman Kate Brokaw
Faculty Advisors
Carlos Aizenmann, Ph.D., Brown University (USA)
DJ Brasier, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
Kim Cronise, Ph.D., Middlebury College (USA)
Annalize Landman, M.B.Ch.B., University of the Free State (South Africa)
Jeremy Loebach, Ph.D., St. Olaf College (USA)
Leslie Sargent Jones, Ph.D., Appalachian State University (USA) Founding FA
David Nichols, Ph.D., Roanoke College (USA)
Jaime Pineda, Ph.D., University of California San Diego, (USA)
Deanna Smith, Ph.D., University of South Carolina (USA)
Wayne Silver, Ph.D., Wake Forest University (USA)
Steven Symington, Ph.D., Salve Regina University (USA)
Victoria Turgeon, Ph.D., Furman University (USA)
Furman University (USA)
Rebecca Wood
Pierre Kriek
Theresa Urquhart
IMPULSE Reviewer Training Sites:
Exec. Editor
2003: M. Wilkinson, A. Autry, L. Helmick, and S. Roudsari founded new journal with Dr. L.S. Jones; IMPULSE at SYNAPSE meeting
(James Madison U.) and SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs. 29:25.3, New Orleans).
2004: First issue posted online. IMPULSE at SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs. 31:20.19, Washington, D.C.).
2006: Moved to rolling publication; IMPULSE at 2nd SYNAPSE (Davidson Col.) and SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs. 32:xxx, Atlanta); Publicity Editors
created; ISSN # assigned.
2007: IMPULSE at 3rd SYNAPSE (Davidson Col.) , 7th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience in Melbourne, Australia, and SfN (Soc. Neur.
Abs. 33:26.4, San Diego). B. Goodlett became 3rd EiC. IMPULSE joins Directory of Open Access Journals; 2nd RTS at Middlebury
College with Dr. K. Cronise.
2008: IMPULSE at 4th SYNAPSE (Col of Charleston), 6th FENS Forum in Geneva, Switzerland, and SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs. 34:224.5,
Washington, D.C.). A. Walton became 4th EiC. The 3rd RTS opened at Appalachian State Univ. Honors College (L.S. Jones moved). 2009: IMPULSE at 5th SYNAPSE (Col of Charleston) and SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs. 35:23.9, Chicago). Dr. S. Sweitzer (U. South Carolina) stepped
in as 3rd FA; Dr. S. Symington joined as FA for 4th RTS at Salve Regina Univ. Website moved to Appstate as host site.
2010: IMPULSE presented at 6th SYNAPSE (Wake Forest U), 7th FENS Forum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs.
36:24.7, San Diego). K. McClellan became 5th EiC. Dr. K. Crisp joined as FA for 5th RTS, St. Olaf College, Dr. V. Turgeon as FA at
6th RTS, Furman Univ., Dr. Stephanie Smith as FA at 7th RTS, University of the Free State (South Africa).
2011: IMPULSE presented at 7th SYNAPSE (Wake Forest U) and 5th FENS Forum in Florence, Italy, and SfN 37:25.15S (Washington, D.C.);
Kate Davison is 6th EiC. Social Media and Publicity Editor created. 2012: IMPULSE presented at 8th SYNAPSE (USC-Columbia), the 8th FENS (Barcelona), and SfN 38:23.07SA (New Orleans). The 8th RTS
established at Roanoke College. 2013: A DECADE of IMPULSE! M. Cook installed as 7th EiC. The 9th RTS, and first in Europe, established at University of Barcelona, Spain
(Dr. Juan Abolafia). The 10th (UC San Diego, Dr. Jaime Pineda) and 11th (Wake Forest Univ., Dr. Wayne Silver) RTSs came online.
Presentations at 9th SYNAPSE (USC-Columbia) and SfN 39:22.08SA ( San Diego).
2014: IMPULSE presented at 10th SYNAPSE UNC-Asheville) and 9th FENS Forum in Milan, Italy, and SfN 40:24.05SA (Washington, D.C.).
Dana Cobb installed as 8th EiC. Added Brown University as an RTS with FA Dr. Carlos Aizenman, and Carnegie Mellon
University, with Dr. DJ Brasier as FA.
2015: IMPULSE presented at 11th SYNAPSE (UNC-Asheville); Kyle Sasser takes over as 9th EiC.
Associate Editors
Exec. Editor
Exec. Assoc. Ed.
Rutgers University
Site hosted at The
Honors College,
Appalachian State

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