2012 Barcelona, Spain, Poster - Impulse
2012 Barcelona, Spain, Poster - Impulse
The Premier Undergraduate Neuroscience Journal Impact of publishing in IMPULSE on student learning L. Jones1, M. Kusper1, K. Cronise2, R. Kohn3, S. M. Sweitzer4, 1Honors College, Appalachian State Univ., Boone, NC; 2Psychology, Middlebury Col., Middlebury, VT; 3 Biology, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA 19426; 4Pharmacol. Physiol. & Neurosci. or Honors College, Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, SC; !"#$%&'#(')*#+, ' 234*+5'6#78#(9%( '!-+./01+'!"#$%&' ':(#$3':/$&;' :99%.#3$+'!"#$%&9' :"3>'?+"+(@3/=* C#9*#$3'D3737 ' E3&3'G3@&#+77# '' '<%/("#(=':99%.#3$+'!"#$%&9' 'A;"#3'B+7>#.8' 'E%*3;73'F%/"93&#' 2004 issue 2005 issue !"#$%&'#(!)*+,-( .#/(0#1+( !)*+,-=*1=>;*#?( >8)#(@8--#1( ( A66,$*8+#(!)*+,-6( B*$;8#4(94#C( D8+;81(.,1#6( >8+;#-*1#(B##E*16 21+345(!)*+,-6( 78%-#1(9-*:;+( 9-81),1(<,%68( 2006 issue !)*+,-<*0<9=*#>( :#0(?,,)2#@( !"#$%&'#(!)*+,-( ./0(1/+#2( 488,$*/+#(!)*+,-8( A/-/=(:/--#@(((((((((B/+=/0(C,0#8( D*$=/#2(:2#E(((((((((B/+/8=/(C%0#F/( G/%-#0(:-*H=+(((((((9/+=#-*0#(D##;*08( I/8#8=(.#8/*(( 30+#-0/&,0/2(!)*+,-( 400/(5/2+,0( Introduction Appalachian State University (USA) In a previous FENS report (2010) we described a neurobiology course at Ursinus College that integrated submitting a manuscript to IMPULSE as part of the syllabus. The students carried out original, drug effects research on D. magna for their class, and then analyzed and wrote up their work, submitting it to the journal at the end of the course. The current report presents the data that was collected after this process, examining the impact of this experience on the students. Fifteen of the 20 students indicated that writing a paper to be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal played a positive role in their experience with the laboratory exercise, some noting that they were more thoughtful about their experimental design. They also reported that they were more diligent in implementing the experiments. An important observation was that the majority felt that submitting a paper to a peer-reviewed journal increased their engagement in exploring the topic. Figure 1: Quantitative analysis of time spent writing a scientific paper for a peer-reviewed journal. Results from a student questionnaire are shown. White bars indicate time spent on a paper submitted solely to the professor. Black bars indicate time spent on a paper submitted to a peer-reviewed journal. The pair of bars labeled “First submission” represents the time students spent preparing a paper for submission. The pair of bars labeled “Revision” represents the time students spent revising a paper after receiving comments. Fifteen students completed the questionnaire. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. Asterisks indicate significant difference (Student’s t test; * indicates p<0.05 and ** indicates p< 0.01). 1%62*$*+7(!)*+,-8( 9,)*(:2/$;( 40)7(1/+#2( 2007 issue !"#$%&'#(')*#+,.((/-0/1$%(- !@+35AB+-!"#$%&C/$/2*/-95(+D/- .22%3#/$+-!"#$%&24/5&/-.11+(6/&/*-7/&&+89+((#,+&-!5:/(;2.""/2%(-<3)/21#(!&#(-4%=+->#3;+&?- </(/E#(E-!"#$%&.("?-F/$+1- Figure 1 F5:1#3#$?-!"#$%&26/(/-G*/1#=H++2*/(-G*/1#I.J;/-C/J#&- 2008 issue !"#$%&'#(')*#+,.((/-0/1$%(- !F+35@G+-!"#$%&H/$/2*/-95(+I/- .22%3#/$+-!"#$%&24/5&/-.11+( -------6/&/*-7/&&+89+((#,+&-!5:/(;2 -------)*/2+-<&/(3#2=/>#?/-4++ -------=/@+-A3)1+11/(.2*1+?-A#11+& -------!&#(-4%B+-C#3;+&?D/E-0++"- A/(/J#(J-!"#$%&.("?-D/$+1D5:1#3#$?-!"#$%&26/(/-=*/1#K.>;/-H/>#&L%:+&$-?%5(J- 2009 issue 2010 issue 2011 issue Figure 2: Quantitative analysis of student engagement in a scientific study when writing for a peer-reviewed journal. Results from a Likert-style questionnaire are shown. Bars represent the mean of students’ responses to questions shown in Table 1 comparing their effort in a course for which a paper was submitted to a peer-reviewed journal to their effort in a course for which a paper was solely submitted to a professor. A score of 1 indicates less time, effort, or thought, a score of 3 represents the same time, effort, or thought, and a score of 5 represents much more time, effort, or thought spent on the writing assignment. The black line indicates where a response showing the same time, effort, or thought would be. Fifteen students responded to the questionnaire. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. Table 1. Quantitative assessment of student engagement in experiments and writing for a peer-reviewed journal. Compared to papers of similar length you have written for other biology courses, choose a number for each of the questions below. “3” indicates that your response is the same compared to other biology courses, “1” indicates that your response is much less compared to other biology courses, and “5” indicates that your response is much more than for other biology courses. n=15; questions Mean ± SEM. 1. How much time did you spend doing 4.5 ± 0.2 background reading for the paper? 2. How much effort went into experimental 4.7 ± 0.1 planning for the paper? 3. How much effort went into completing the 4.6 ± 0.1 experiments for the paper? 4. How much thought did you put into presenting 4.7 ± 0.1 your findings for the paper? 5. How much thought did you put into 4.5 ± 0.2 understanding the meanings of your findings? A further advantage not usually experienced by undergraduates was responding to peer review comments. This form of collaboration with peer scientists is an under-emphasized skill for all future science professionals and one the students appeared to appreciate. For the Instructor, including the process of manuscript writing, submission, and revision into the curriculum of the course provided the students with a full-scale model of the research experience, from experimental design and planning, through manuscript preparation and publishing, which she found very valuable. Conclusion Since student engagement is a key factor in learning and academic success, these results indicate that using IMPULSE to focus student interest and ownership in their learning can be a useful tool to enhance neuroscience teaching. Almost 87% of the students taking the course indicated that they were more engaged in learning the scientific concepts because their work would be submitted to the journal, illustrating that this trial was successful in increasing students’ investment in the course. Grant Canipe, Miranda Cook, Kristi Davis, Kate Davison, Alaina Doyle, Ryan Draper, Ryan Duffy, Patrick Downs, Corbin Ester, Kyle Flores, Zachary Gillespie, Chase Gorowski, Michael Harmon, Alain Humblet, Matthew Kelly, Meghan Kusper, Jasmine Otu, Baldwin-Wallace College (USA) Kara Gawelek, Morgan Marie Rogers California State University, East Bay (USA) Mike Huynh College of Charleston (USA) Hanna Fields College of Wooster (USA) Rebecca Lang Davidson College (USA) Joel Ersenhofer, Charles Ford, Morgan Heinzelmann, Malcolm Moses-Hampton, Matthew De Niear, Ryan Price, Garrett Smith Drexel University (USA) Sravanthi Koduri Duke University (USA) Jordan Hall Emory University (USA) Jonathan Lin, Tamkeenat Syed Furman University (USA) Amanda Blau, Simone Dixon, Jane Hartung, Lindsay Haselden, Michael Jiang, Kristen Kerber, Lindsay Meyers, Katrina Morgan, Katie Newsom, Dylan Richards, Courtenay Stroud, Kenz Sybert, Kyle Townsend, Ashley Wagoner, Caroline Wallace, Sam Wooten Indiana Wesleyan University (USA) Trent Grable Madras Medical College (India) Vishala Mishra Miami University (USA) History of IMPULSE Zoe Ciambro Hesp Middlebury College (USA) Dana Callahan, Chris Chenelle, Sara Dinkin, Joanna Georgakas, Shannon Gair, Patrick Hebble, Noah Silverstein, Leanne Shulman, Kaleigh Spollen Moravian College (USA) 2003 M. Wilkinson, A. Autry, L. Helmick, and S. Roudsari founded new journal with Dr. L.S. Jones; IMPULSE at 1st SYNAPSE meeting and SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs. 29:25.3). Rania Hanna National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) Victor Daniel Lee Aplicano Roanoke College (USA) 2004 First issue posted online. IMPULSE at SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs. 30:28.6). 2005 C. Warren became 2nd EiC. 2nd issue at SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs. 31:20.19). Alex Arey, Paige Arrington, Kelsey Collett, Victoria Godwin, Kati Hurt, Aldijana Mekic, Rebecca Ward Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (Ireland) Melissa Kah Poh Loh Salve Regina University (USA) 2006 Moved to rolling publication; IMPULSE at 2nd SYNAPSE and SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs.); Publicity Editors created; ISSN # request completed. Raymond Black, Daniela Galluzo, Lana Hoertz, Priscilla Perez, Zachary Valentine, Alison Shea, Gina Varuzzo 2007 IMPULSE at 3rd SYNAPSE, 7th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience in Melbourne, Australia, and SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs. 33:26.4). B. Goodlett became 3rd EiC. IMPULSE invited to join Directory of Open Access Journals; 2nd RTS at Middlebury College with Dr. K. Cronise. Patrick Boland, Timothy David Buff, Kelly Culhane, Michelle Frank, Elizabeth Huggins, Caryn McKinney, Elsie Nord, Alicia Ostermann, Elisabeth Vreede St. Michaels College (USA) Rachel Sparks 2008 IMPULSE at 4th SYNAPSE, 6th FENS Forum in Geneva, Switzerland, and SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs. 34:224.5). A. Walton became 4th EiC. 3rd RTS opened at Appalachian State Univ. Honors College (L.S. Jones moved). St. Olaf College University of Alabama (USA) Ashruta Patel University of California Los Angeles (USA) Brett Neely University of the Free State (South Africa) Marizna Barkhuizen, Roswyn Duke, Niël Joubert, Gerdien Kritzinger, Henk Kruger, Onthatile Tshepiso Serehete, Pieter Theron, Joseph Wessels, Dieter van der Westhuizen University of Georgia (USA) Ayan Hussein University of Illinois (USA) Pawel Laciak University of Kentucky (USA) 5th 2009 IMPULSE at SYNAPSE and SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs. 35:23.9). Dr. S. Sweitzer (U. South Carolina) stepped in as 3rd FA; Dr. S. Symington joined as FA for 4th RTS at Salve Regina Univ. Website moved to Appstate hosting: http://impulse.appstate.edu. Allie Lonneman University of North Carolina-Charlotte Anna Bawtinhimer, Joseph Hester University of Pittsburgh (USA) Michael Youssef 2010 IMPULSE presented at 6th SYNAPSE, 7th FENS Forum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and SfN (Soc. Neur. Abs. 36:24.7). K. McClellan became 5th EiC. Dr. K. Crisp joined as FA for 5th RTS, St. Olaf College, Dr. V. Turgeon as FA at 6th RTS, Furman Univ., Dr. S. Smith as FA at 7th RTS, Univ of the Free State (South Africa). University of South Carolina (USA) Rahoul Ahuja, Sonesh Amin, Nidhi Arashinagundi, Zachary Blake, Anna Capps, Celia Cui, Eashwar Chandrasekar, Pooja R. Choudhari, Purva Choudhari, Lauren Cole, Breana Carter, Darien Davda, Julio C. Diaz, Hassieb Din, Sarah Erlandson,Tori Espensen-Sturges, Mohammad Fatani, Humna Fayyaz, Lauren Gee, John He, Caroline Hendricks, Molly Higgins, Christine Hsieh, Courtney Marsh, Anjali Pathak, Kristen Polinski, Marcia Reeves, Nick Riley, Tori Seigler, Allie Turgeon Virginia Commonwealth University (USA) Kunal Kapoor Wake Forest University (USA) Jordan Hall 2011 IMPULSE presented at 6th SYNAPSE and 5th FENS Forum in Florence, Italy, and SfN 37:25.15S; Kate Davison is 6th EiC. Social media Publicity Editor created. 2012 IMPULSE presented at 7th SYNAPSE and 8th RTS established at Roanoke College. by The Honors College at Appalachian State University, The Department of Psychology at Middlebury Supported College, the South Carolina Honors College and School of Medicine at the University of South Carolina, the Faculty Advisors Kevin Crisp, Ph.D., St. Olaf College (USA) Kim Cronise, Ph.D., Middlebury College (USA) Leslie Sargent Jones, Ph.D., Appalachian State University (USA) David Nichols, Ph.D., Roanoke College (USA) Stephanie Smith, M.B.Ch.B., University of the Free State (South Africa) Sarah Sweitzer, Ph.D., University of South Carolina (USA) Steven Symington, Ph.D., Salve Regina University (USA) Furman University (USA) Victoria Turgeon, Ph.D., Department of Biology at Salve Regna University, the Department of Biology at Furman University, the Department of Biology at St. Olaf College, and the Department of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of the Free State. Figure 2 impulse@appstate.edu http://impulse.appstate.edu Associate Editors Editor-in-Chief Exec. Editor Mng. Editor Site hosted at The Honors College at Appalachian State University Publicity Editors IMPULSE Reviewer Training Sites: USCUSC Kate Davison Miranda Cook Review Board Meghan Kusper Lindsey Shapiro Jessie Wozniak Simone Dixon Cammie Curtin Kelsey Collett Ashley Florence Stephanie Savino Michelle Frank Lauren Nixon Faten Ragaban Inge Seale Kasean Kitson Carly Redfearn Dana Cobb Alison Rossi
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