June 7, 2016 - Brecksville
June 7, 2016 - Brecksville
MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE HELD Tune 7,2016 Page 1 Council was CALLED TO ORDER in Regular Session by Council President CALL TO Greg Skaljac at 8:00 P.M. in Ralph W. Biggs Council Chambers. ORDER Following the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, members of Council answered to PLEDGE OF ROLL CALL as follows: . ALLEGIANCE Members Present: G. Broski, 1. Carouse, Jr., M. Harwood, N. Murphy, ROLLCALL 1. Redinger, G. Skaljac, K. Veras. None. Members Absent: Assistant Law Director S. DrGeronimo, Others Present: Engineer G. Wise, Finance Director V. Price, CBO S. Packard, Service Director R. Weidig, Purchasing Director R. Riser, Fire Lt. B. Zimlich, Police ChiefW. Goodrich, Recreation Director T. Tupa, Council Clerk M. Scullin. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING: Motion by Carouse, seconded by Redinger, to dispense with reading of the May 17, 2016 regular meeting minutes and to accept same as presented. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. MINUTES OF 5-17-16 REGULAR MEETING APPROVED RESOLUTION 4654 re: promoting and appointing Stanton A. Korinek to the- RES. 4654 position of Lieutenant in the Police Department of the City of Brecksville commencing APPTG. STANTON A. June 12,2016, and declaring an emergency, was read. Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to suspend the rules and place KORINEK Resolution 4654 on third and final reading. TO THE Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. POSITION OF Nays: None. LIEUTENANT MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS IN THE Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Resolution 4654. BRECKSVILLE Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. POLICE Nays: None. DEPARTMENT MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. OATH OF OFFICE: Mayor Hruby said that Stanton Korinek is the 8th Lieutenant OATH OF in the history of the Brecksville Police Department. He said that after he was appointed as OFFICE a Patrolman his commitment to duty and excellence in the performance of his duties was soon recognized and Stan quickly rose to the rank of Sergeant. He also became involved in special weapons as a member of the SWAT team which he now commands. The Mayor said that Stan Korinek has done remarkable things for the department during his tenure and that he is genuinely a leader and someone who is the future of the department. Stan Korinek's duties as a Lieutenant will mainly involve road patrol and investigative operations; and Lieutenant Johnson will mainly be responsible for administrative operations of the department. The Mayor congratulated Stan Korinek on achieving the rank of Police Lieutenant and said that the City looks forward to even bigger and better things from him in the future. Mayor Hruby administered the oath of office to Stanton Korinek and Mrs. Erin Korinek pinned her husband's Police Lieutenant's badge. Lt. Stan Korinek introduced his son Kori who is a Police Patrolman, and Kori's wife Ellen; his daughters Morgan, Jordan and Sydney; his Dad and Mom - Al and Carol; his brother Tony and wife Annette, and their two sons - AJ, a part-time Jailer, and Caleb. MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TI-lE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE HELD June 7, 2016 Page 2 RESOLUTION 4655 re: commending Dan Andre' upon his retirement from RES. 4655 service as Tax Administrator in the City of Brecksville, was read. COMM.ENDING Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to suspend the rules and place DAN ANDRE' Resolution 4655 on third and final reading. UPON HIS Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. RETIREMENT Nays: None. FROM MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS SERVICE AS Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Resolution 4655. CITY TAX Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. ADMININays: None. STRATOR MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. Mayor Hruby told Dan Andre' that city officials are glad that he could be present this evening and hope that his wife, Joyce, is feeling better. The Mayor said that in government there are many people who serve in many roles, one of which is Tax Administrator. He said that you would think in a community of our size and considering how many years that Dan Andre' has served in this position that he, as Mayor, would have been contacted by someone saying how unfair and what a scoundrel the Tax Administrator is; but it has been quite different. The Mayor said that in all the years that Dan Andre' has served the City of Brecksville - not only during his tenure as Mayor but also that of his brother, Mayor Jack A. Hruby, who originally appointed Dan Andre' to the Tax Administrator position - not one time did anyone ever say that Dan Andre' was not polite, or that he was unfair, or that his demeanor was unbefitting a public official. Mayor Hruby said that Dan Andre' has always had good things said about him, handled things in an efficient way, and that he has received praise from his colleagues at RITA, City of Brecksville Finance Directors and, most importantly, the community. The Mayor said that Dan's compassion for people who received a notice from him indicating that their taxes had not been paid and the manner in which he treated them has been remarkable. He said that he knows how many hours Dan has worked at the job and how little he was paid. The Mayor said that Dan Andre's work was a labor of love and he performed his duties the way that he did, and sometimes under some pretty tough conditions, because he is so dedicated to the City. He said that Dan Andre's service in tax administration has also meant a lot to the State of Ohio in relation to income tax administration and legislation, and that Dan was instrumental in RITA locating to Brecksville. Mayor Hruby thanked Dan Andre' on behalf of the City of Brecksville for his dedicated service as Tax Administrator. Council President Skaljac presented Dan with a watch as a token of the City's respect and appreciation. Dan Andre' said that his work has been a labor of love and that he still thinks Brecksville is the best suburb in Cuyahoga County and the State of Ohio and that he will miss the City family. He said that when you retire you miss the people that you work with, and he will miss everyone. RESOLUTION 4656 re: commending Patrolman Paul R. Leigh upon his retirement from service with the City of Brecksville Police Department, was read. Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to suspend the rules and place Resolution 4656 on third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Resolution 4656. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. RES. 4656 COMMENDING PAUL R. LEIGH UPON HIS RETIREMENT FROM THE BRECKSVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT MINUTES OF A MEETING OF T~E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE ~ELD June 7, 2016 Page 3 Mayor Hruby said that Paul Leigh has been a dedicated police officer for the past 34 years and also served in the city of Warrensville Heights prior to being appointed a Patrolman in Brecksville. The Mayor said that Paul Leigh has done remarkable things and gained a reputation that he thinks no one will forget. He said that, as stated in the resolution, Patrolman Leigh has been involved in a number of activities and done some things that were extraordinary and has represented the City of Brecksville in an outstanding way, and it is appreciated. As he says to employees of our safety forces when they retire, what is appreciated the most is that Paul is going home to his family in the same condition as when he started. The Mayor said that police officers especially are in harm's way and potential peril and that not many people have ajob where they have to run towards harm's way rather than away from it in the performance of their duties. He said that Paul Leigh has demonstrated his sincerity in doing his job and that he personally has seen him many times react in remarkable ways in various situations. Mayor Hruby thanked Paul Leigh on behalf of the City of Brecksville for his service, and Council President Skaljac presented him with a watch as a token of the City's appreciation. Paul Leigh thanked everyone who came to support all those who are being honored this evening. He said that he feels very grateful to be retiring in pretty good health and that as he was thinking about coming this evening he remembered so many people that have been lost through the years. He said that he is very grateful for his friends and co-workers, even those that he has had difficulty with at times, and that when it comes to personalities that is going to happen but he has the utmost respect for them. Paul Leigh said that he also served in the City of Warrensville Heights and for the U.S. Marshals and that theBrecksville Police Department is a good agency that has a good team of officers. He introduced his wife, Maureen, and thanked her and his good friends, Paula and Eddie Curtin and Jim and Audrey Kickham, for being present. He said that his daughter was unable to attend because at the moment she is issuing diplomas and awards to her 8th grade students at Incarnate Word Academy. ORDINANCE 5009 re: accepting the alternate bid of Ohio Paving & ORD.5009 Construction for the Park-N-Ride parking lot improvements project in the amount of ACCEPTING $314,310.89, and declaring an emergency, was read by title. ALTERNATE Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to suspend the rules and place BID OF OHIO Ordinance 5009 on third and final reading. PAVING & Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. CONSTRUCTION FOR Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. PARK-N-RIDE Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Ordinance 5009. PARKING LOT Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. IMPROVEMOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. MENTS ORDINANCE 5010 re: amending Ordinance No. 4971 as it relates to employee compensation, and declaring an emergency, was read by title. Motion by Harwood, seconded by Murphy, to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 5010 on third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Ordinance 5010. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. ORD. 5010 AMENDING ORD.4971 AS IT RELATES TO EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE HELD June 7, 2016 Page 4 ORDINANCE 5004 (3r d Reading) re: providing for the submission to the electors of the City of Brecksville the question of amending the zoning map by changing the classification of Permanent Parcel Numbers 60S-lS-001, 60S-lS-004, 60S-14-010 and 60S-14-016 from the R-20 Single Family District to the R-8 Single Family District, was read in its entirety. Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to pass Ordinance S004. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras, Nays: None, MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. ORD.5004 PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT FROM R-20 TO R-8 SINGLE FAM. DIST. FOR 11-8-16 GENERAL ELECTION BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS: Council Representative Veras announced that BD. OF ZONING the Board of Zoning Appeals will be meeting this Monday, June 13th • APPEALS PLANNING COMMISSION: Council Representative Harwood announced that PLANNING the next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, June 9th, at COMMISSION 7:00 P.M. Two public hearings are scheduled regarding: (1) Four Seasons Subdivision Phase S; (2) Proposed rezoning of the former VA property. RECREATION COMMISSION: Council Representative Redinger reported that RECREATION at its last meeting the Recreation Commission discussed and passed a motion to COMMISSION recommend to City Council an amendment to the Community Center fee schedule. She will be presenting the recommendation for Council's consideration in the Finance ' Committee report. The Recreation Commission will hold its next meeting on Monday, June 27, 2016. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES: Council Representative Murphy DEPT. OF announced that the Human Services Advisory Board will meet tomorrow, June 8th, at 3:00 HUMAN P.M. SERVICES TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION: No report. TELEC.COM. SAFETY-SERVICE COMMITTEE: Councilmember Veras reported that the SAFETYcommittee met earlier this evening and has two items for Council consideration. SERVICE Motion by Veras, seconded by Broski, to authorize a one-year extension of Agreement #13-4791 with UniFirst for supplying and laundering of employee uniforms for the Brecksville Service Department at the same pricing as years 1 through 3. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. 1-YR. EXTENSTION OF AGREEMENT WITH UNIFIRST FOR SERVICE DEPT UNIFORMS Motion by Veras, seconded by Broski, to authorize second year renewal of an agreement with Cargill Deicing Technology for the purchase of Sodium Chloride under the following terms and for the period November 1,2016 - October 31,2017: Same Pricing ($S6.29/ton-untreated, $67.03/ton-treated); Revised Estimated Quantities - reduction in tonnage total for the consortium from 72,000 to 43,260 (Brecksville's quantity is reduced from 10,000 to 6,000 tons); 80% minimum commitment of estimated quantity (Brecksville=4,800); No Maximum Ordering Threshold; 24-72 Hour Guaranteed Delivery. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. 2ND YEAR RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT WITH CARGILL FOR THE PURCHASE OF SODIUM CHLORIDE MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE HELD June 7, 2016 Page 5 STREETS & SIDEWALKS COMMITTEE: No report. STREETS & SIDEWALKS UTILITIES COMMITTEE: Councilmember Carouse reported that the committee UTILITIES met earlier this evening and has two items for Council's consideration. COMMITTEE Riverview Road Culvert Project #SW120007, Account #C480171 3505. RIVERVIEW ROAD Motion by Carouse, seconded by Redinger, to approve Workman Industrial CULVERT Incorporated Change Order #1 in the amount of $248.40 for the substitution of sandstone PROJECT rock versus limestone rock as rip rap material at the request of National Park and CHANGE Metropark for ORDERS Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. #1 & #2 Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. Motion by Carouse, seconded by Redinger, to approve Workman Industrial Incorporated Change Order #2 in the amount of $4,631.44 for removal and disposal of old railroad ties found underneath the 100-year old culvert. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. *New P.O. Total with change orders: $494,588.04. BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE: Councilmember Harwood reported BUILDINGS & that the committee met earlier this evening. He thanked Council for the passage of the GROUNDS Ordinance accepting the alternate bid of Ohio Paving & Construction for the Park-N-Ride parking lot improvements project and presented the following additional recommendation on behalf of the committee. Motion by Harwood, seconded by Broski, to authorize Donald G. Bohning & Associates, Inc. construction management and construction staking services in the amount of$9,429.33 for the Park-N-Ride Parking Lot Improvements Project #PK140001. Account C480171 3501. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Veras. Nays: None. Abstained: Skaljac. MOTION CARRIED 6- AYES, 0- NAYS, I-ABSTAINED. LEGISLATION COMMITTEE: No report. DGB CONSTRUCTION MGMT. & CONSTRUCTION STAKING SERVICES FOR PARK-N-RIDE LOT PROJECT LEGIS. COM. FINANCE COMMITTEE: Councilmember Redinger reported that the FINANCE committee met earlier this evening and has the following four items for Council's COMMITTEE consideration. Motion by Redinger, seconded by Murphy, to amend the 2016 Community Center Fee Schedule to include: Community Center Pool Add-on: $30.00 per hour per roomfor non-profit usage ofthe Community Center pool(s). Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. . MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. COMMUNITY CENTER FEE SCHEDULE ADDITION MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TI-IE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE I-IELD June 7, 2016 . Page 6 Motion by Redinger, seconded by Murphy, to authorize a 36-month/2-line commitment extension for Centrex Service through AT&T for the City of Brecksville. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. EXTENSION OF AT&T CENTREX SERVICE Motion by Redinger, seconded by Murphy, to reinstate 240 hours of sick time to Fire Lieutenant Patrick Coleman due to a work related injury he sustained on April 19, 2016. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. REINSTATEMENT OF 240 HOURS OF SICK TIME TO FIRE. LT. P. COLEMAN Motion by Redinger, seconded by Murphy, to authorize the payment of monthly bills for professional services, as follows: Matty, Henrikson & Greve - $14,475.81; Sergio 1. DiGeronimo - $7,950.00; Roger A. Wadsworth - $1,050.00; Kulchytsky Architects, LLC - $675.00; Opatrny & Associates - $604.08; 1. Neusser LLC - $2,000.00; Donald G. Bohning & Associates - $16,447.25; Total of all Invoices - $43,202.14. A complete breakdown of the invoices is on file in the Finance Department. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. MONTHLY BILLS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REPORT OF LAW DIRECTOR: No report. LAW DEPT. REPORT OF ENGINEER: Engineer Wise announced that pre-notification signs ENGINEERING will be posted on Edgerton Road on June 13th and as of June 27th Edgerton Road will be closed for 30 days for the culvert replacement project. REPORT OF FINANCE DIRECTOR: No report. FINANCE DEPT REPORT OF BUILDING DEPARTMENT: CBO Packard presented the May BLDG. DEPT. 2016 Building Department Report. In the month of May the Building Department issued 110 building permits with a valuation of just over $2 million, and total receipts collected were $64,904.04. REPORT OF SERVICE DIRECTOR: No report. SERVICE DEPT. REPORT OF PURCHASING DIRECTOR: No report. PURCHASING REPORT OF POLICE DEPARTMENT: Police Chief Goodrich thanked the POLICE Mayor and members of Council for the appointment of Stan Korinek as a Police Lieutenant DEPARTMENT and also for the resolution of commendation for Patrolman Paul Leigh upon his retirement. REPORT OF FIRE DEPARTMENT: No report. FIRE DEPT. REPORT OF RECREATION DEPARTMENT: No report. RECREATION MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE HELD June 7, 2016 Page 7 REPORT OF THE MAYOR: Mayor Hruby commended the Service Department REPORT and the Beautification Committee for how beautiful the City looked for the Memorial Day OF THE services. He said it is incredible to see the changes that take place so quickly and asked the MAYOR Service Director to pass on to the staff that they did a marvelous job. The Mayor thanked members of Council for their participation and believes it was the largest crowd ever for the Memorial Day parade and services at the cemetery. He said that the crowd seems to grow larger each year and he hopes it means a growth in patriotism and appreciation on behalf of the community and its residents for the people who serve and have served in the U.S. military; and that we do not forget their sacrifices. Mayor Hruby said that the participation of Judge Brian Corrigan as the keynote speaker was also greatly appreciated. He again thanked everyone for making the Brecksville Memorial Day event extra-special. On June 3rd, Mayor Hruby said that a ribbon cutting ceremony was held for the new Brecksville Community Garden. He joked that city officials thought everyone was there for the ribbon cutting ceremony but the gardeners couldn't wait to get in their gardens and start planting. He said that one family of gardeners was almost completely finished planting their plot by the time the ribbon cutting ceremony was over. The Mayor thanked Council President Skaljac, Vice President Harwood and Councilmember Veras for attending and cutting the ribbon, and also the Beautification Committee. Mayor Hruby recognized and thanked Brian Stucky and the Stucky family for donating excavation for the community garden project. He said that they tore out andhauled away the existing asphalt and replaced it with new dirt, and also provided an outbuilding (shed) to store tools. The Mayor said that the Stucky family played an integral part in making this project happen. He also thanked Mike Boyas of Boyas Excavating for taking all of the excavated materials at the landfill without charging the City. The Mayor also recognized and thanked Don Lastoria of Lastoria's BP for contributing to the project. Mayor Hruby thanked the Horticulture staff, and especially the Service Department staff, for preparing the site, building the 77 gardening plots, and making sure that the fencing is secure. He said that the community garden has beautified the area and he hopes that anyone who thought the garden would detract from the area has reconsidered and realizes what a great thing it is for our community. The Mayor said that the community garden group is already looking forward and talking about expanding the program and starting a farmer's market at some point in the future . The Mayor said that he has passed by the community garden in the evenings and it is packed with people working in their gardens. He encourages everyone to stop by and see it. Mayor Hruby said that for at least forty years, maybe longer, any time there was a major rain event Vaughn and Riverview Roads would flood . He said that installation of a mini bridge years ago helped for a while; however, the area continued to flood through the years. This past Sunday after a heavy rain event it was assumed that Riverview Road would again have to be closed, but the Police Department checked and found that the water was nowhere near the road. Mayor Hruby commended and thanked City Engineer Gerry Wise for doing a fine job of overseeing the Snowville Road Culvert Project and the Riverview Road Culvert and Stream Relocation Projects. He said that the Riverview Road projects involved filling in the area near the National Park Service Garage, relocating the stream back to where it was originally, and raising the road over the wetlands area. He said that it was a perfect way to solve the problem and that the $1.9 million was well spent . and will save the City a lot of money in the future. • c MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE HELD June 7, 2016 Paze 8 \:'. Mayor Hruby reported that one of our residents was working out at the Community REPORT Center when he became a victim of full arrest and through the fine work of our Fire OF THE Department, Police Department, and Community Center staff, the gentleman continues to MAYOR live. The man's condition was grave and he had no vital signs, but our firefighters were able to revive him. By the time the ambulance arrived at the hospital the gentleman was getting better and a few hours later he was stable. Mayor Hruby asked Fire Lt. Zimlich to pass along his commendation to the Fire Department and said that he would be writing letters to each of the firefighters involved for their great work. The Mayor said that these types of incidents happen now and then and that we should never take our safety forces for granted. He said that saving lives is one of the most important things that our Fire Department does and that they are able to do so because of their excellent training. He also commended the Police Department and Recreation Department for their good work in starting CPR on the gentleman and said that they are also well trained and know what to do in an emergency. Mayor Hruby said that he knows the victim and his family are very appreciative to the City and that he will be inviting the gentleman to a City Council meeting so that he can personally express his appreciation. There were no further comments from City Council or the audience. COMMENTS Motion by Skaljac, seconded by Broski, to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:44 P.M. REGULAR Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. -MEETING Nays: None. ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. ~I~'
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