June 16, 2015
June 16, 2015
MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE June 16,2015 HELD _ Page 1 Council was CALLED TO ORDER in Regular Session by Council President Greg CALL TO Skaljac at 8:14 P.M. in Ralph W. Biggs Council Chambers. ORDER 1 Following the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, members of Council answered to PLEDGE OF ROLL CALL as follows: ALLEGIANCE Members Present: G. Broski, L. Carouse, Jr., M. Harwood, N. Murphy, L. Redinger, G. Skaljac, K. Veras. ROLLCALL Members Absent: None. Others Present: Mayor Jerry N. Hruby, Law Director D. Matty, Engineer G. Wise, Finance Director V. Price, CBO S. Packard, Service Director R. Weidig, Purchasing Director R. Riser, Fire Lt. P. Coleman, Police Chief W. Goodrich, R. Miko - Recreation Department, Council Clerk M. Scullin. MINUTES OF THE JUNE 2, 2015 REGULAR MEETING: Motion by MINUTES Carouse, seconded by Redinger, to approve the June 2, 2015 regular meeting minutes as OF 6-2-15 presented. REGULAR Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. MEETING Nays: None. APPROVED MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. RESOLUTION 4543 re: commendation and appreciation to Peggy E. Kraus upon her retirement from service to the City of Brecksville, and declaring an emergency, was read in its entirety. Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to suspend the rules and place Resolution 4543 on third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. RES. 4543 COMMENDATION AND APPRECIATION TO PEGGY E. KRAUS MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Resolution 4543. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. Mayor Hruby said that, unfortunately, Peg Kraus could not be present this evening because her grandchild was born today in Columbus, OH. He said that Ms. Kraus will be invited to another City Council meeting to be recognized and presented with a clock as a token of the City'S appreciation for her service to the City. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION: Council President Skaljac said that PRESENTAthe next item on the agenda is presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Hruby to resident TION OF Don Grispino. Mayor Hruby said that Mr. Grispino approached the City to ask if it would PROCLAMAsupport their idea of placing blue ribbons in town to show community support and TION TO appreciation to our local police, and the City agreed to the idea without hesitation. The DON & Grispino family, with the help of friends and Human Services Department volunteers, SHIRLEY made 350 blue ribbons by hand and attached them to utility poles in town underneath the GRISPINO American flags. The Mayor said that word spread quickly through publicity and signs that were posted as to the intent of the blue ribbons. The Mayor said that the City was anticipating some calls of complaint, but instead received numerous calls in support of the blue ribbons. MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE HELD June 16,2015 _ Page 2 Mayor Hruby said that the City did not want to dilute Memorial Day services in any way; therefore, the blue ribbons and signs were displayed a week before Memorial Day which was the week following Police Memorial Week - a very appropriate time. The Grispinos were invited to participate in the Memorial Day parade. The Mayor said that he hopes people understand what a great effort it was on the part of the Grispinos to make the project happen. GRISPINO BLUE RIBBON PROJECT TO . HONOR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMayor Hruby said that the City has recognized individuals and groups for their MENT service to the community, for acts of heroism, and individuals and groups for their outstanding achievements, but he can't think of another time that people were recognized for just being good citizens. He said that he is very proud of and pleased for Don and Shirley Grispino and the community. The Mayor said that the Grispino family loves their country and law enforcement and has done much for our country. Their son, Dan Grispino, was recently promoted to Sergeant in the Shaker Heights Police Department; and Don Grispino served with distinction in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. Mayor Hruby said that he particularly likes Don Grispino' s quote in the newspaper which is also in the proclamation: "If I made one Brecksville cop patrolling in the middle of the night look at those ribbons and smile, then I've done my job and I'm happy." The Mayor said that he thinks many police officers were very proud of and touched by the blue ribbons and signs. He said that it is a difficult time right now to be a law enforcement official and this kind of display is respected and appreciated so much. Mayor Hruby presented Don and Shirley Grispino with a proclamation on behalf of Brecksville City Council, the Administration, the Brecksville Police Department and the community which expresses the City's thanks, respect, and appreciation for their efforts. Don Grispino thanked Mayor Jerry N. Hruby for his support in making it a successful project and Council member Kim Veras for helping to get the project going. He said that it was a nice project and he hopes that our police department appreciates what they have done. Police Chief Bill Goodrich said that it is the makeup of most police officers to react on the outside like law enforcement is their job and it's just what they do; but when he and many of the police officers saw the blue ribbons and signs for the first time, they were very touched. He said that as Mayor Hruby mentioned, it is a very difficult time right now to be a police officer and it's easy for them to think that no one likes or appreciates them. Police Chief Goodrich thanked Mr. and Mrs. Grispino on behalf of the Brecksville Police Department and said that their efforts are appreciated. He said that the blue ribbons and signs emphasize for the police officers why they do what they do and have reenergized them. He said that if the Grispinos have made one officer smile on the night shift, they have made 30 officers smile every day by this gesture of support and appreciation. RESOLUTION 4544 re: adopting the alternate format tax budget for the year 2016, and declaring an emergency, was read by title. Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to suspend the rules and place Resolution 4544 on third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Resolution 4544. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. RES. 4544 ADOPTING ALTERNATE FORMAT TAX BUDGET FOR YEAR 2016 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE HELD June 16,2015 _ Page 3 RESOLUTION 4545 re: to amend Resolution No. 4524 to add Westfield Bank as an eligible depository for the funds of the City of Brecksville, and declaring an emergency, was read by)itle. Motion by Harwood, seconded by Broski, to suspend the rules and place Resolution 4545 on third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Resolution 4545. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. RES. 4545 AMENDING RES. 4524 TO ADD WESTFIELD BANK AS AN ELIGIBLE DEPOSITORY FOR FUNDS OF CITY OF BRECKSVILLE ORDINANCE 4940 re: to amend Ordinance No. 4904, making appropriations for current expenses of the City of Brecksville during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015, and making appropriation and revenue adjustments, and declaring an emergency, was read by title. Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 4940 on third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, t,o pass Ordinance 4940. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. ORD. 4940 AMENDING ORD.4904 MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 12/31/2015 ORDINANCE 4941 re: to accept the bid ,of Nerone & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $493,824.00, for the Old Quarry Lane Pump Station Improvement Project, and declaring an emergency, was read by title. Motion by Harwood, seconded by Broski, to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 4941 on third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. Motion by Murphy, seconded by Carouse, to pass Ordinance 4941. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. ORD. 4941 ACCEPTING BID OF NERONE & SONS, INC. FOR THE OLD QUARRY LANE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AGENDA AMENDED: Council President said that there is an additional piece of AGENDA legislation this evening, Ordinance 4942, relating to donation of sick time for an employee. AMENDED ORDINANCE 4942 re: authorizing the donation of City employees' accrued but unused sick time to the credit of Service Department employee Gregory Soucie commencing on and after June 14,2015, and declaring an emergency, was read by title. Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 4942 on third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Ordinance 4942. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. ORD. 4942 AUTHORIZING DONATION OF CITY EMPLOYEES' ACCRUED BUT UNUSED SICK TIME TO THE CREDIT OF SERVICE DEPT. EMPLOYEE MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE HELD June 16,2015 _ Page 4 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS: Council Representative Veras reported that at BOARD OF the June 8, 2015 meeting there was one item passed by the Board of Zoning Appeals for ZONING Council Gonsideration and approval. APPEALS APPEAL 2015-18: Motion by Veras, seconded by Broski, to accept the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals to approve for Pulte Homes: (1) a variance from Section 1181.11(a) maximum roof area over 30 ft. is limited to 20% of ground floor to allow 75%; and (2) a variance from Section 1181.11(a) maximum building height of30 ft. to allow 36 ft. 4 in. and (3) a variance from Section 1181.11(a) maximum overall height of 40 ft. to allow 48 ft. 6 in. for the construction of new houses located on Woodlands Drive and River Birch Run PP# 605-22-013, 605-22-014, 605-22-015, 605-22018, 605-22-019, 605-22-021, 605-22-022, 605-22-023, 605-22-024, 605-22-025, 605-22026, 605-22-027, 605-22-028, 605-22-029, 605-22-031, 605-22-033, 605-22-037, 605-22038,605-22-039. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. APPEAL 2015-18 MAX. ROOF AREA VARIANCES APPROVED FOR PULTE HOMES/ WOODLANDS SUBDIVISION The Board of Zoning Appeals will hold its next meeting on Monday, July 13 th at NEXT BZA 7:00 P.M. MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION: Council Representative Harwood reported that PLANNING there were two items presented at the June 4th Planning Commission meeting and that no COMMISSION action was taken. The Planning Commission will hold its next meeting on Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. RECREATION COMMISSION: Council Representative Redinger reported that RECREATION the Recreation Commission has been planning a 5k race and 1 mile walk/run to be held on COMMISSION th June 28 as part of the Brecksville Home Days celebration and encouraged everyone to sign up. She announced that Friday, June 19th, is Recreation Commission Secretary Kelly McNeill's last day with the City. She said that Kelly has certainly been instrumental in helping the Recreation Commission and will be missed. The Recreation Commission will hold its next meeting on Monday, July 22, 2015 in the City Hall Community Room at 7:30 P.M. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES: Council Representative Murphy HUMAN announced that the Advisory Board will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, July 8, 2015 SERVICES at 3:00 P.M. DEPT. TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION: No report. TELEC. COM. SAFETY-SERVICE COMMITTEE: No report. SAFETY-SERV. STREETS & SIDEWALKS COMMITTEE: Councilmember Broski reported STREETS & that the committee met earlier this evening and has two recommendations for Council's SIDEWALKS consideration. COMMITTEE Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to authorize the Law Department to prepare legislation to accept a proposal in the amount of $4,850 from The Osborn Engineering Company for professional services to prepare the City of Brecksville DOPWIC grant application relating to proposed improvements to State Route 82. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. LEGISLATION REQUEST RE: THE CITY'S DOPWIC GRANT APPLICATION MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TI-IE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE I-IELD June 16,2015 _ Page 5 .Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to authorize the Law Department to prepare legislation regarding an agreement between the City of Brecksville and the Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works for proposed improvements to S.R. 82. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY FOR S.R. 82 IMPROVEMENTS UTILITIES COMMITTEE: Councilmember Harwood reported that the UTILITIES committee met earlier this evening. He thanked Council for the passage of the Resolution COMMITTEE for the Old Quarry Lane Pump Station Improvement Project and presented the following additional recommendation on behalf of the committee. Snowville Road Culvert Repair, Project #SWI20005: Motion by Harwood, seconded by Broski, to increase a CTL Engineering purchase requisition in the additional amount of $4,800 for additional inspection time required due to the project extending beyond the original schedule; and for estimated time to complete the required paperwork to close the project out with ODOT. New P.O. Total: $35,351.75. Account #C480171 3505. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. SNOWVILLE RD. CULVERT REPAIR: INCREASE TO ORIGINAL CTL ENG. PURCHASE ORDER BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE: Councilmember Carouse reported BUILDINGS & that the committee met earlier this evening and has two items for Council's consideration. GROUNDS Service Garage and Horticulture Building, Project #BD130002: Motion by Carouse, seconded by Redinger, to approve revised SONA Construction, LLC Change Order #9 in the aggregate total amount of $10,922.64 for the relocation of a Fire Department connection in the amount of $5,608.35; additional concrete at the curb in the amount of $4,152.96; and installation of a retrofit kit at door #009 in the amount of $1,161.33. The new project total with the additional charges is $2,510,037.28. Account #C4901713201. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. SERVICE GARAGE & HORTICULTURE BLDG. CHANGE ORDER #9 FOR FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION & RETROFIT OF DOOR Motion by Carouse, seconded by Redinger, to approve a purchase requisition to Becker Signs in the total amount of $4,281.64 for athletic field signs and installation services. Account #2407422201. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Veras. Nays: None. Abstained: Skaljac. MOTION CARRIED 6-AYES, O-NAYS, I-ABSTAINED. PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF ATHLETIC FIELD SIGNS LEGISLATION COMMITTEE: No report. LEGIS. COM. FINANCE COMMITTEE: No report. FINANCE COM. REPORT OF LAW DIRECTOR: Law Director Matty requested a motion of LAW Council to re-establish a 6-month moratorium prohibiting internet cafes or skilled gaming DEPT. parlors within the City of Brecksville. MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TI-lE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE I-lELD June 16,2015 _ Page 6 Motion by Redinger, seconded by Broski, to re-establish a 6-month moratorium prohibiting internet cafes or skilled gaming parlors within the City of Brecksville. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. INTERNET CAFES/ AND SKILLED GAMING PARLORS REPORT OF ENGINEER: Engineer Wise reported that Dominion Gas is ENGINEERING starting the next phase of the gas main replacement program on Brecksville Road with REPORT multiple crews They will start at St. Basil's and then skip to the south end of the city. Dominion has started installing some small mains at the south end of town and is now completing the Wallings Road portion of gas main replacement project. REPORT OF FINANCE DIRECTOR: No report. FINANCE DEPT. REPORT OF BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No report. BLDG. DEPT. REPORT OF SERVICE DIRECTOR: No report. SERVICE DEPT. REPORT OF PURCHASING DIRECTOR: No report. PURCHASING REPORT OF POLICE DEPARTMENT: No report. POLICE DEPT. REPORT OF FIRE DEPARTMENT: No report. FIRE DEPT. REPORT OF RECREATION DEPARTMENT: No report. RECREATION REPORT OF THE MAYOR: Mayor Hruby announced that the Brecksville REPORT Home Days celebration will be held next weekend, June 26-27-28. The program of events OF THE includes the Hudec Dental Entertainer of the Year contest and new music entertainment MAYOR including Tony Rio and Relentless Country/Rock Banf:l. Other Home Days events include the Brecksville Recreation Dog JoglFun Walk on Saturday morning and a 5k race and I-mile walk/run on Sunday. Mayor Hruby encouraged everyone to' support· Brecksville Home Days. The celebration will conclude with a fireworks display Sunday evening. The Mayor said that this will be the first time the fireworks will be shot off electronically to mUSIC. Mayor Hruby said that he would like to echo Councilmember Redinger's comments about Kelly McNeill. He said that the City appreciates Kelly's service to the Recreation Department and as secretary to the Recreation Commission. The City is currently looking for someone to fill the Recreation Commission secretary position. COMMENTS: There were no further comments from members of Council or the audience. Motion by Skaljac, seconded by Carouse, to adjourn the regular meeting at REGULAR 8:42P.M. MEETING Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. ADJOURNED Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7-AYES, O-NAYS. . s= ~ - ' ; . : # - ::::z.- ~ P~~L ~!wL/ CLEI(j. OF COUNCIL
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