June-July11 - Mulhern Advertising, Inc.


June-July11 - Mulhern Advertising, Inc.
JUNE / JULY 2011
Time of Day Watering Restrictions!
Springtime is sprinkler time, but the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water
Utility Authority reminds customers to water only in the morning and
evening starting on Friday, April 1. By law, sprinkler irrigation is not
allowed between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The restrictions will be in place until
Oct. 31. Violators can face fines starting at $20 for a first offense up to
$2,000 for ninth offenses and beyond.
Message from
the President
Message from
Neighbor 2 Neighbor
Message from
Community Patrol
Incident Reports
Trudy Jones
Classified Ads
Planning Committee
OFFICE: 823-2307
FAX: 823-6735
ACADEMY GATE: 821-0105
P.O. BOX 10246
PHONE: 897-8100
FAX: 897-8102
EMAIL: ann@mulhernadvertising.com
Community Street Project Update
Milling, Paving, Drainage Work, and Curb and Gutter Replacements
n Monday, May 2, 2011 at 7:00 a.m. crews began the final phases of the street preservation
maintenance project that includes the milling and paving of the Torrey Pines subdivision, Village
Greens Road, a 110 foot section in the Wimbledon West (north) alleyway, Fairfield Greens, Pala
Mesa, Seabrook Drive, the small cul-de-sac on Tanoan Drive near 9604, 9608, 9612 and 9700
Tanoan Drive, the installation of a French drain in the Torrey Pines subdivision at the intersection of
Dorado Beach and Palm Beach and curb and gutter replacements.
Thank you for your flexibility and understanding during the project. We hope that you will enjoy
these improvements made in the community and recognize the investment to preserve and maintain
the capital assets of the Tanoan Community Association.
An Appeal for Help and Greater
Neighbor Participation at Meetings
We always hope for larger turnouts at our
Board meetings to hear about community
updates and get feedback on how to better
serve you. We undoubtedly have a well run
association as compared to others in the City,
with relatively modest issues to deal with which
has unfortunately contributed to some degree
of apathy, low attendance at our monthly meetings and the reluctance to volunteer.
Many current and past Board members have
donated a great deal of their personal time to
keep our community viable and responsive to
your needs. Over time, we know that some
will eventually have to take a break to devote
more of this time to work and family matters
so we are always asking new volunteers to
help. Please contact any of our Board members listed in this newsletter and let us know
what areas you are willing to give just a small
part of your time.
It is time to begin preparing for the upcoming
annual meeting scheduled for October 20,
2011. Two of the five current Board member’s
terms will be expiring this year, making it necessary to elect two new Board members in the
annual election held at the annual meeting. If
you would like to give back to your community
and help to keep the Tanoan Community
Association a great place to live, please consider running for the Board of Directors.
Charlotte Schoenmann
Stephen Bonner
Ben Bowman
Linda Dembnicki
Pattie Hinds
Association Manager: Paul Skojec 823-2307
Security Supervisor: John Cathey: 823-2307
Academy Gate:
more intensive work than the seal-coat
treatment applied to the other Tanoan
streets last year. We elected to complete
all project phases this year in order to take
advantage of favorable pricing. We also
chose to incorporate drainage improvements in the Torrey Pines subdivision.
Message from
the President
President, Board of Directors
usy, busy, busy! I
cannot think of a
better way to describe
things in Tanoan at
this time.
We are busy coordinating the final two phases of the pavement preservation project. This includes
milling and paving the streets in Village
Green, as well as in Torrey Pines and parts
of Fairways North. These areas were in
poor condition- due to age, construction
quality and water damage- and so required
Board of Directors
Meetings: Looking for
a Few Good People
wrought iron fence renovation project. We
have discovered that some walls also
require masonry repairs. Due to this
added complication, we will approach the
project in a phased manner beginning with
the most deteriorated conditions, which are
along the northsides of Zia 2 and 8 (aka
We are also busy managing water conser-
the southsides of Fairways North and the
vation projects. We hope you will enjoy
Masters along the golf course). Please be
the new water-wise installation along
watching your mailbox for an update on
Tanoan Drive, especially as the plants fill in
how and when we will need you to prepare
and begin to bloom. The next phase of
your property.
work will be relandscaping the slopes
It is certainly a good time to be a lover of
behind the golf course restrooms at Zia 4.
big trucks and heavy equipment as Tanoan
Both of these projects are being signifi-
is bustling with them this spring. We
cantly subsidized by the Water Utility
appreciate your patience while your usual
Authority through the exceptional Double
routes and routines are disrupted to pre-
Rebate Program. Together, the projects
serve the beauty of our neighborhood.
will reduce our annual community water
consumption by about two million gallons.
Finally, we are busy preparing for the
Help Wanted:
■ People to attend the monthly
Board Meetings
■ No Prior Experience Needed
■ No monetary compensation given
We also appreciate your comments and
feedback, and hope to see you soon at a
monthly board meeting.
■ Up to date neighborhood news
■ Involvement in Tanoan activities
■ Opportunity to support the Board
members you elected
You may download any Tanoan forms you need from www.tanoantalk.com
The TCa Board of Directors meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month.
Each meeting is held at the Association office at
9820 Murifield Ct. NE at 7:00 p.m. The meetings generally last less than one hour.
Please be informed that all meetings of the Board of Directors are public open meetings. Residents are encouraged to observe the
posted meeting dates and times. Residents who wish to address the Board are
welcome to do so during the homeowner open forum conducted at the end of
each business Board meeting.
Tanoan Ladies’ Coffee and “The Chatty Chicks”
Our regular Tanoan Ladies’ Coffee Hour is cancelled during the summer months
of June, July, and August due to summer vacations and other conflicting schedules. Please mark your calendars accordingly. We will see you again starting
September 8, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in the Association office. Thank you!
TCa Planning Committee Meeting: Thursday, June 9, 7:30 a.m.
TCa Board Meeting: Thursday, June 16, 7:00 p.m.
TCa Planning Committee Meeting: Thursday, July 14, 7:30 a.m.
TCa Board Meeting: Thursday, July 21, 7:00 p.m.
Message from
Association Manager
houghts of spring and summer are on my
mind as the temperatures dip AGAIN into
the thirties as I sit down to write this article.
The deep freeze of February has lost its grip
and after what seemed to be a never-ending
period of “always-winter-but-never-Christmas”,
we start to see the stirrings of something that
looks like spring. Despite the March and April
winds, daffodils, crocuses, and hyacinths
begin to peek their heads out cautiously.
This by no means is an exhaustive list and you may see other
damage in your landscape. Some damage may not be evident
until later in the summer. As the temperatures increase, keep an
eye out for die back in turf areas or perennial flowering plants that
did not survive the record cold temperatures. Start increasing the
watering of your plants and lawn right now. Wait until plants start
to leaf out before you do any hard pruning. This will give you a
better idea of what actually survived.
Some of the plants may push off all the dead leaves and re-leaf.
So wait 3-4 weeks, then you can start trimming the dead out. A
hard pruning will leave plants looking a little scraggly, but they
should recover after a couple of growing seasons. However, I
would wait until the middle of June before you remove an apparently “dead” Crape Myrtle, since they are one of the last trees to
come out of dormancy. I would also wait on Vitex (Chaste Trees)
and indeed many other trees. Patience is an important virtue
when dealing with Mother Nature.
Frigid February Turns to March Madness:
Plants Suffer Freeze Damage Following
Record Lows
Unfortunately, this growing season, your landscape may not be
the idyllic paradise you want it to be. Take a good look at your
landscape and you will begin to see what the frigid temperatures
in February have wrought. Because of the very cold weather in
February (-15°F) you will notice some freeze damage to your
plants. Plants that are normally evergreen will look like they
have been blowtorched. I have looked at many landscapes in
the last few weeks and what is most confounding is that one
Indian Hawthorne may look fried, while right next to it another
may be completely unharmed. Such is the Jekyll and Hyde
nature of Jack Frost.
The following is a partial list of plants and trees that may
have been affected:
■ Photinia
■ Indian Hawthorne
■ Cherry Sage
■ Lavender
■ Agaves
■ Mexican Elders
■ Rosemary
■ Privet (ligustrum)
■ Willows
■ Crape Myrtle
■ Ornamental grasses
■ Boxwoods
■ Some Conifers
■ Palm Yuccas
■ Ash trees
■ Sycamore trees
CongRaDulations, 2011 graduates!
To all of the 2011 Tanoan Community graduates:
the Homeowner’s Association office wishes you great
success and achievement in all your life’s endeavors!
In Closing…
Please remain attentive regarding the weeds that consistently
make their seasonal presence in the cracks of the sidewalk,
driveway, and gravel beds.
Please feel free to call me with your ideas, concerns, and questions regarding the community at any time. All correspondence
should be addressed to the Tanoan Community Association and
mailed to 9820 Murifield Ct., Albuquerque, NM 87111. Our
office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00
p.m. Monday through Friday. We are closed for lunch from
12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Conservation is what we do together! Water
saving thoughts lead to water saving actions!
Use a Water Efficient
Showerhead. They are
inexpensive, easy to install,
and you can save up to
750 gallons a month.
ummer has finally arrived after the most brutally cold winter in years! Unfortunately, there has been significant plant and sod winter kill. It was especially noticeable when the grass/plants did not sprout or
turn green. Re-sodding and replanting is the only answer.
Standards for Lawns
a. Lawns will be green, reflecting adequate watering, fertilization and aeration.
B. Lawns will be mowed and trimmed on an approximate weekly basis.
C. Lawns will have minimal or no weeds. Lawns will not contain any patches of weeds.
D. Lawns will have no bare or dead spots continuing for longer than three weeks. Owners must reseed or resod any bare or
dead spots immediately.
e. Landscaped areas, including rock and flowerbeds, and vegetable gardens will be kept weed free. Dead or dying plants shall
be removed promptly and replaced as necessary.
Standards for Trees and Shrubs
Trees and shrubs/bushes will be trimmed or pruned in keeping with the general appearance of other well-maintained yards in the
neighborhood. Trees, shrubs, and bushes shall not grow over sidewalks or driveways.
Tanoan 4th of July Parade – Mark Your Calendar!
Come one, come all to our 5th annual July 4th Parade!
Decorate your bicycles, wagons, golf carts and tricycles, as well as the kids, dogs, cats, moms
and dads in red, white, and blue and come out for some fun! The more the merrier.
The parade participants will meet at 8:45 a.m. Monday, July 4, 2011 at 9609 Tanoan Drive. The
parade will start at 9:00 a.m. at the address and go west on Tanoan Drive to Pebble Beach, then
left on Augusta and left again onto Pebble Beach, and left on Tanoan Drive. See map.
Avoiding Conflict with the Neighbors
e all can just get along. The key? Communication. It’s often
the best way to prevent and resolve conflict before it reaches
the legal system. You don’t have to be friends or spend time
together to achieve a peaceful coexistence, but you should try to
be a good neighbor and follow these tips:
Appreciate them. If the neighbors do something you like, let them
know. They’ll be pleased you noticed, and it’ll be easier to talk
later if they do something you don’t like.
Say hello. At the mailbox, while walking the dog or when you see
a moving van arrive, introduce yourself. Learn your neighbors’
names and regularly offer a friendly greeting.
Talk honestly. Tolerance is important, but don’t let a real irritation
go because it seems unimportant or hard to discuss. Let your
neighbors know if something they do annoys.
Provide a heads up. If you’re planning a construction project,
altering your landscaping or hosting a big party, contact your
neighbors beforehand.
Be respectful. Talk directly to your neighbors if there’s a problem. Gossiping with others can damage relationships and create trouble.
Do unto others. Treat neighbors as you would like to be treated.
Be considerate about noise from vehicles, stereos, pets, etc.
Remain calm. If a neighbor mentions a problem they have with
you, thank them for the input. You don’t have to agree or justify
any behavior. Wait for any anger to subside before responding.
Know your differences. Make an effort to understand each
other. Differences in age, ethnic background and years in the
neighborhood can lead to different expectations or misunderstandings.
Consider the view. Keep areas of your property that others can
see presentable.
Stay positive. Most people don't try to create problems. If a neighbor
does something that irritates you, don’t assume it was deliberate.
Listen carefully. When discussing a problem, try to understand
your neighbor’s position and why he or she feels that way.
Take your time. Take a break to think about what you and
your neighbor have discussed. Arrange to finish the conversation at another time.
Grilling Safety Tips for This Summer
When firing up your grills this summer, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reminds you to
barbecue safely whether you use gas or charcoal.
o reduce the risk of fire or explosion, consumers should routinely perform the following safety checks:
■ Check the tubes that lead into the burner for any blockage from
insects, spiders, or food grease. Use a pipe cleaner or wire to
clear blockage and push it through to the main part of the burner.
■ Check grill hoses for cracking, brittleness, holes, and leaks.
Make sure there are no sharp bends in the hose or tubing.
■ Move gas hoses as far away as possible from hot surfaces and
dripping hot grease. If you can't move the hoses, install a heat
shield to protect them.
■ Replace scratched or nicked connectors, which can eventually
leak gas.
■ Check for gas leaks, following the manufacturer's instructions, if
you smell gas or when you reconnect the grill to the LP gas container. If you detect a leak, immediately turn off the gas and don't
attempt to light the grill until the leak is fixed.
■ Keep lighted cigarettes, matches and open flames away from a
leaking grill.
■ Never use a grill indoors. Use the grill at least 10 feet away
from your house or any building. Do not use the grill in a garage,
breezeway, carport, porch or under a surface that can catch fire.
■ Do not attempt to repair the tank valve or the appliance yourself. See an LP gas dealer or a qualified appliance repair person.
■ Always follow the manufacturer's instructions that accompany
the grill and when connecting or disconnecting LP gas containers.
■ Consumers should use caution when storing LP gas containers.
Always keep containers upright. Never store a spare gas container under or near the grill or indoors. Never store or use flammable
liquids, like gasoline, near the grill.
To avoid accidents while transporting LP gas containers, transport the container in a secure, upright position. Never keep a
filled container in a hot car or car trunk. Heat will cause the
gas pressure to increase, which may open the relief valve and
allow gas to escape.
For more information, visit the CPSC website at www.cpsc.gov.
Conservation is what we do together! Water
saving thoughts lead to water saving actions!
Flower and Shrub
Replacements. Next time
you add or replace a flower
or shrub, choose a low
water use plant for year
round landscape color and
save up to 550 gallons
each year.
Message from
in case of emergency.
noise during maintenance.
With this information, the Community
Patrol can more aware of your residence.
Normally, we do not let a guest into your
residence if we know that you are away. It
would be prudent for you to let us know
who, if anyone, will be visiting your residence in your absence (i.e. housekeepers,
contractors, etc.).
Regarding contractors working Tanoan,
they are allowed to work Monday through
Saturday between the hours of 7:00 a.m.
to 7:00 p.m. On Sunday and Holiday’s
Tanoan complies with the Albuquerque
Noise Ordinance also which states:
Except for emergency work, no person
shall operate or allow to be operated outdoor, any power equipment including but
not limited to, sweepers, power mowers,
leaf blowers, rototillers, power saws or
other power equipment used to sweep
parking areas or other surfaces or perform gardening, property repair or other
functions, within 500 feet of any noise
sensitive property.
Noise Ordinance
ello everyone. I
hope everyone is
enjoying the summer
and have great plans
for the season.
Golf Carts
I would like to remind
all residents that all
persons driving a golf cart must be
licensed motor vehicle operators. Golf
carts being driven on Tanoan property are
to be operated just like any other vehicle.
They are not to be driven on the sidewalk,
on the wrong side or middle of streets
and must stop at all stop signs. Adults
are not allowed to allow young children to
operate the golf carts accompanied or
not. As a reminder, all traffic rules apply
to golf carts and citations are issued for
their traffic violations.
As you know, summer time is vacation
time. When you have your vacation dates
firm for your departure and return, you
should stop by the Academy Gate or the
Association Office and fill out a “Residents’
Notice of Vacation” form. On it you will be
able to tell us how long you will be absent
from your residence and any other pertinent information, such as who may be
housesitting or watering plants, etc. You
will be able to provide telephone numbers
Incident Reports
Recently I have received question regarding contractors, landscapers etc. working
hours and the noise because of them
working. Tanoan uses the Albuquerque
City noise regulation. Albuquerque’s noise
ordinance established 50dB (A) or 10dB
During the nighttime or between 7:00 a.m.
and 9:00 a.m. Power mowers on golf courses are exempt from these requirements.
Pet Rules Reminder
(A) above ambient as the allowable noise
at the property line. This level does not
vary by zoning or land use. This level is
defined “the sound pressure level of the all
encompassing noise associated with given
environment, being usually a composite of
sounds from many and excluding the specific noise under investigation.” Nighttime
hours are established as 10:00 p.m. to 7
a.m. During nighttime hours, any noise
that is audible within any dwelling that is
not the source of the noise is prohibited.
Other noise sources addressed in the
Albuquerque noise ordinance are: sound
amplifying equipment, drums, air conditioners, vehicle repairs and aircraft engine
As a reminder to all residents that allow
their cats to run free in the community, it
is against the rules of the City of
Albuquerque and the Tanoan Community
Rules to allow cats to run free. Pet owners are responsible for any property damage, injury, or
their pet(s) may
cause or inflict.
No feces shall
be permitted to
and no odor
shall be permitted that will render any areas of the community unsanitary, unsightly, or offensive
to any residents. Please restrain cats on
a leash when not confined inside your
As always my door is open, have a happy
and safe summer.
for March and April, 2011
Property Theft
Domestic Dispute
Unauthorized Entry
Dog Bite
31 Failure to stop at stop sign
2 Pet violations
21 Overnight parking
2 Parked blocking sidewalk
20 Speeding
2 Trash container violations
2 Resident parked in visitor space
1 Failure to stop for school bus stop
Visit our website at www.tanoantalk.com.
Trudy Jones: Thanks, Constituents, for
Helping to Keep Government Out of HOAs
rudy Jones looks back with pride
on her accomplishments as City
Councilor for Albuquerque’s District 8,
but she knows she couldn’t have
achieved her greatest successes
without the steadfast support of her
“I count among my proudest achievements the recent defeat of legislation
at both the state and local level that
would have enabled government
interference in the operation of private homeowners’ associations,” she said. “I really want to thank
the citizens of District 8 for letting their voices be heard on this
issue, and sending a clear message to the City Council and to the
Legislature that they were opposed to the imposition of meddlesome government regulations.”
Jones, a recently retired real estate professional who describes
herself as “avidly pro-business,” said her opposition to the measures in question reflects her overall philosophy of government.
“One of the most important things we can do as a City Council is
to create a regulatory and tax environment that is attractive to
Environmental Facts
(courtesy of PNM)
Recycling a 4-foot stack of newspapers saves one 40-foot
A bath uses 15 to 20 gallons of heated water, but a five-minute
shower only uses 10 gallons.
One tree can filter up to 60 pounds of pollutants from the air
every year.
Turning off your faucet while brushing your teeth saves up to
seven gallons per minute.
Making cans from recycled aluminum saves 95% of the energy compared to making cans from raw materials.
One ton of re-cycled paper saves 3,700 pounds of lumber and
24,000 gallons of water.
The low setting on an evaporative cooler consumes one-third
the energy of the high setting.
It takes 24 gallons of water to make one pound of plastic.
Producing recycled glass generates 20% less air pollution and
50% less water pollution than new glass.
Compact fluorescent bulbs use one-fourth the energy of conventional light bulbs.
Each time you open the oven, the temperature drops 50 to
100 degrees.
businesses and their employees,” she said. “We send the wrong
message when we start trying to micromanage the affairs of private enterprises like HOAs.”
That holds true for the Legislature as well, Jones said.
“House Bill 9, which died in this year’s session thanks in large
part to the outcry from my constituents, was an outrageous laundry list of needless rules and regulations governing the operations
of HOAs,” she said. “We don’t want the heavy hand of government interfering in a private homeowners’ association any more
than we want to see it meddling in the private affairs of a business, a volunteer organization, or a church.”
Standing up for the rights of businesses and private organizations
is everyone’s job, she added.
“I encourage the people of District 8 to continue their advocacy on
behalf of the values we hold dear,” she said. “If we don’t let our
voices be heard, then we invite the erosion of the free enterprise
system on which our country and our community depend for its
continued success and prosperity.”
Watch this space for more articles about Trudy Jones’ efforts on
behalf of District 8 and the City of Albuquerque. For more information, please visit www.trudyjones.com
Come Join the Chatty Chicks!
Our Tanoan coffee group meets at 10:00 a.m. on the second Thursday of the month at the Association Office.
The “chicks” bring along a few “goodies” to share and
plenty of spirited conversation. Our activities include a
holiday get-together, special monthly events, and an
annual “recycle gifts” exchange. This is a wonderful
opportunity to get to know your neighbors. We hope to
see you there!
Pet, Home & Plant Sitter T.L.C. Well established (8+ years) in the
Tanoans. Excellent rates. Personal service. Excellent references.
Call Barbara at 797-4201.
Home For Short Term Rental – Torrey Pines; Tanoan West. 3 BR, 3 bath,
fully stocked kitchen, private walled patio, view of Sandia Mountains, tastefully furnished. Minimum 1 week. $900/week, $3200/month. No pets or
smoking. Email: khk@baberkal.com, www.vrbo.com #128285.
Clothing Bank Donations (benefitting underprivileged APS students)
accepted at Tanoan Country Club main office. Please donate gently
used or new clothing/toys/books for ages 5 to 18. Items in urgent
demand: boys/girls sizes 5 to 7 T-shirts & jeans, and toys for ages 5 to
13. More info, call Claire at 291-1932 or 243-0900.
art Repair – paintings, ceramics, prints, figurines, sculpture and
frames. You break it, I’ll fix it. Very affordable. Pick up & delivery. See
Ari von Huene at Weems Gallery.
Tutoring and enrichment in reading comprehension, writing skills,
vocabulary and spelling, and literature appreciation. Qualifications:
published author, creative writing teacher, facilitator of writing workshops. References available. 797-0904
Responsible, reliable, honest Cleaning Woman. I treat your house like
my own. Tanoan references available. Carol, 296-3051 after 5.
Tennis Lessons. Do you want to learn how to play tennis or improve
your tennis skills? Private and group lessons/clinics for adults and
juniors. Call Donald Larrichio, PTR Certified, 452-6069.
Helping Hands for Seniors or anyone who needs a helping hand.
Duties include doctor and hair appointments, errands, etc. References
available. Call BJ, 363-9351 or Dee, 712-5788.
Caring for your Four-Legged Friends, whatever your needs might
be. We have lots of TLC to share with your friends. References available. Call BJ, 363-9351 or Dee, 712-5788.
Your neighborhood Computer Man… Old fashioned, personable
service for high tech devices. Available Monday - Saturday and I
come to you! $40 per hour (1/2 hour minimum) plus a $10 per trip fee
for Tanoan residents. Call Lee Geer at 508-2124 or (cell) 720-3226.
general Cleaning for your home, very dependable, references
available. Call Carolyn, 239-3860.
New Furniture & Home Decor Consignment Store
Casa Bella
Located in Laramie Square 3208 San Mateo NE
Beautiful things at reasonable prices.
Ask for Linda Wilson 280-2828
Piano Lessons
Adults, students and kids, all ages, all styles. I come to
you! Also Private Party Pianist – New York pianist, formerly with Guy Lombardo. Clients include: the New York
Yankees, Howard Stern, Neil Sedaka, NBC.
Reasonable rates! Many references! 681-8376.
Affordable Flowers for Your Wedding or Special Occasion!
Personal Touch Flowers
Call for FREE Consultation.
Pattie Hinds: 821-1247
• Tanoan Resident • 30 years Experience
• Professional Florist • References available.
Electric edger/Trimmer/Weedeater, US made, $15. Electric adding
Machine with extra roll papar, US made, $15. Electric Window or Wall
Decoration, “Tweedy,” very nice, vintage, $15. Glazed ceramic Flower
Pots, 11”x13”, each $10. Long-handle US made manual metal Tiller, $8.
1960s Czech ornate heavy lead crystal Cake Stand with heavy dome, as
new, $50. Lead crystal Fostoria Bowl, $20. Call 508-0678.
Pet lover available for Pet and Home Sitting. 5 years experience, with
references. Call McCall 235-9950.
need Help with Your Senior? Are you taking the keys away? Call
Barbara, 797-4201.
Pet Portraits in oil from your photos. Carolyn Poole, artist, 828-3909.
Samples: crpoole@comcast.net.
Beautiful custom solid alder entertainment Center. Holds up to a 32”
TV. Has doors to conceal TV. Many shelves on each side of the unit
with drawers below. 104” long. Comes apart in three sections for moving. $300. Please call 823-2899.
If you are downsizing or redecorating I am Looking for Furnishings
for my daughters college apt. YES I need to "steal" it-but you won't
have to mess with it. Specifically a stackable washer/dryer; couches,
living room chairs, rugs, side tables, lamps, dishes, curtains, drapes,
some kitchen utensils. Feel free to email a description and price and
photo if possible to: ann@mulhernadvertising.com. If my daughter can
afford it we will contact you for a time to meet and see what you have.
Thank you so much! 897-8100.
exercise your Mercedes-Benz C-E or SLK, SLR, AMG, etc. for fun
weekend or day road trips. They pay us to have fun! Call DK 844-5878
or 350-5811
Planning Committee: Dick Malenfant, Chairman; Charles Adams, Terry Corlis and Pamela Gooden
The TCA Planning Committee took the following action in its April and May meetings:
Approved request to make landscape
changes, as submitted and with conditions.
Approved request to install patio cover,
with conditions.
6501 Cypress Point Way
6923 Borg Road
9508 Augusta Avenue
9404 Pebble Beach Drive
9116 Flushing Meadows Drive
9605 Village Greens Road
9712 Greenbrier Road
Approved request re-stucco, repair stucco,
re-paint, and/or re-paint trim at residence,
with conditions.
9701 Pebble Beach Drive
9521 Callaway Circle
Approved requests to make alterations/
improvements and/or additions to residence, as submitted and with conditions.
9223 Flushing Meadows Drive
9409 Seabrook Drive
9521 Callaway Circle
10157 Masters Drive
9712 Greenbrier Road
lthough the association may sometime seem like Big Brother when you want to replace an existing roof, change the stucco color
of your home, install a satellite dish or put up a fence, the Planning Committee is essentially a benefit—not a burden. The association’s design standards are based on harmony with the overall community, consideration for neighbors, and high-quality construction
practices. The Planning Committee exists to maintain, protect, and enhance the value of your property, and it strives for a balance
between individual rights and the good of the entire community.
While association members have the biggest stake in property values, others are also very interested in seeing our community well maintained and looking its best. Home remodel companies reputations and lenders’ financial support are closely connected to the community.
Also, public officials have an interest in maintaining and enhancing the community since tax revenues depend on property values.
Effective June 1, 2009
Driving a motorized vehicle without a driver’s license
1st: $50; 2nd: $100 (within 12 mo.); 3rd: $200 (within 12 mo.)
Exceeding 25 mph Tanoan speed limit
1st: $50; 2nd: $100 (within 12 mo.); 3rd: $200 (within 12 mo.)
Overnight parking on streets and off street parking
1st: $25; 2nd: $50 (within 6 mo.); 3rd: $100 (within 6 mo.)
Failure to stop at stop signs
1st: $50; 2nd: $100 (within 12 mo.); 3rd: $200 (within 12 mo.)
Parking RVs, boats, etc., on property, in excess of 48 hours.
1st: $25; 2nd: $50 (within 6 mo.); 3rd: $100 (within 6 mo.)
Parking on sidewalk
1st: $25; 2nd: $50 (within 6 mo.); 3rd: $100 (within 6 mo.)
Barking dogs, pets not on leash, not picking up after dog
1st: $25; 2nd: $50 (within 6 mo.); 3rd: $100 (within 6 mo.)
Trash container violations
1st: $10; 2nd: $15 (within 6 mo.); 3rd: $25 (within 6 mo.)
Photos available at
Visit our website at www.tanoantalk.com
Call 843-STOP (7867)
if you have information about a crime. You will not be asked your name. If the
information leads to the solution of a crime, confiscation of a weapon, or an
arrest, you may earn a cash reward. All callers remain anonymous.
Planning On Changing the
Appearance of Your Home or Yard?
re you planning to revise your landscaping in any fashion,
thinking about installing a satellite dish, or giving some
thought to adding a new room to your house?
Any new landscape or remodeling plans must be approved by
the Planning Committee. The Committee meets on the second
Thursday of each month at 7:30 am in the Association office.
Call 823-2307 for information. The deadline for submitting
your request to be included on each month’s agenda is noon
on the Friday before the regularly scheduled meeting. Signs
are posted at both gates as reminders.
Contribute to Our Service Referral Book
The Tanoan Community Association office gathers names of
contractors and other service people that residents have
used and are pleased with. The book is located in the TCA
office and available for any resident to look through. These
word-of-mouth references are from resident to resident. The
sole purpose of the referral book is to assist residents in
their search for names of service people that residents have
used, and would like to recommend to others.
Would you like to contribute?
We are always
adding to our list of good companies & people to work with.
Please drop by the office with a business card.
Editor: Ann Mulhern, mCo Publishing • P.O. Box 10246, Albuquerque, NM 87184 • 505 897-8100
Publisher: Tanoan Community Association • 9820 Murifield Ct. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111 • 505 823-2307
Security Supervisor: John Cathey
Visit our website at www.tanoantalk.com