No 33, 12 June 1958 - Federal Register of Legislation
No 33, 12 June 1958 - Federal Register of Legislation
QIotttmo««i]?altI| of Aufitralta (illazpttp. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. [Registered at the General Post Office, Melbourne, for transmission by post as a newspaper.] No. 33.] CANBERRA, THURSDAY, lltn JUNE. CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION OF BROKEN HILL. EXCISE ADMINISTRATION OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY. EXCISE PROCLAMATION No. 966. Commonwealth of By His Excellency the Governor-General Australia to wit. in and over the Commonwealth of W. J, SLIM Australia. Governor-General. "rtTHEREAS it is provided by sub-section (2) of section twelve VV of the Excise Act 1901-1957 that the Governor-General may, by proclamation, amongst oth^r things, declare that, for the purposes of the administration of that Act, the whole or portion of a Territory of the Commonwealth, shall be attached to an adjoining State and, in that case, the Collector of Customs for that adjoining State may in the Territory or portion of a Territory, so attached, exercise any power exercisable by the Customs under any Excise Act: And whereas the Governor-General by proclamation published in the Gazette on the second day of September, one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight, at page 3117, declared that, for the inirposes of the administration of the Excise Act 1901-1947, the Northern Territory should ^ attached to the State of Queensland: And whereas it is desirable to revoke the said proclamation and to make other provisions iti its stead: Now therefore I, Sir William Joseph Slim, the Governor-General aforesaid, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, do hereby:— (a) revoke the said proclamation; and (b) declare that, for the purposes of the administration of any Excise Act, that part of the Northern Territory situated north of the twentieth parallel of South latitude shall be attached to the State of Queensland, and that part of the Northern Territory south of that parallel of South latitude shall be attached to the State of South Australia. Given tinder my Hand and the Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia this 22nd day of May in the year of our (L.S.) Lord, One thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight, and in the seventh year of Her Majesty's reign. By His Excellency's Command, DENHAM HENTY Minister of State fot Customs and Excise. ^-{Ex. Min. No. 30.) GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! [1958. CUSTOMS PROCLAMATION No. 967. Conmionwealth of By His Excellency the Governor-General Australia to wit. In and over the Commonwealth of W. J. SLIM AustraUa. Governof-Geiiefal. HEREAS by section eight of the Customs Act 1901-1957 it is provided that if the Governor-General notifies by Pfoolamfltion that for the purposes of the administration of the Customs any portion of a State or Territory is attached to any ftdj<rflliftg State, the Collector of Customs for that adjoining State Shall, subject to the Comptroller-General, be the Chief Officer of the Customs in the portion so attached, and be deemed to be the Collector of Customs in that portion: And whereas by Proclamation published in the Commonwealth Gazette, No. 76, of 29th June, 1916, it was notified that fof the purposes of the administration of the Customs Bfokeii Hill Was attached to the State of South Australia: And whereas it is desirable that the said Proclamation should be revoked: Now therefore I, Sir William Joseph Slim, the GovemofGetieral aforesaid, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, do hereby revoke the said Proclamation: Given under my Hand artd the Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia this 22nd day of May in the year of OTIT (L.S.) Lord, one thousand nine hutidred and fifty-eight, and in the seventh year of Her Majesty's reigfi. By His Excellency's Command, DENHAM HENTY Minister of State for Customs and Excise. W —(Ex. Min. No. 30.) OoD SAVE THE QUEEN! TERRITORY OF PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA. NON-DISALLOWANCE OF AN OKDINANCE. T is hereby notified, for general information, that his Excellwicy the Governor-General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of State for Territories, has not disallowed the undermentioned Ordinance passed by the Legislative Council for the Territory of Papua and New Guinea and assented to by the Administrator:— No. 7 of 1958.—Administration Contracts Ordinance 1958.— (Ex. Mill. No. 106.) PAUL HASLUCK Minister of State for TefritofJes; I NOTIFICATION OF THE MAKING OF REGULATIONS. Copies may be purchased at the Government Printing Office, Canberra, or the Commonwealth Sub-Treasury in each Capital City, at the price indicated. Title of Act under which Regulations made. Defence Act 1903-1956 Citatloit of Statutory Rule. S.R. 1958, No. 38 Particulars of Regulations comprised in atatofory Rtlle. Amendments of the Defence Force Regulations Prkeof ft. d. 0 1 ROBERT G. MENZIES, Prime Minister. 3553/55.—No. 33.—PRICE IS. (plus postage); Quarterly, IBs. 9d.; Half-yearly, 27s. 6d.; Yearly, 55s. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Commonwealth Gazette 1902 Customs Act 1901-1957. 6910. Heat absorbing plate glass. 30th April, 1959. 449 58/5754. NOTICE OF DETERMEVATIONS Nos. 58/6868-7463 UNDER (A)(1). 6911. Typewriters. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8491. PART XVI. 6912. Offset printing press. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). h e Minister for Customs and Excise, the Hon. Denham Henty, in pursuance of section 273B of the Customs Act 1901-1957, Tnotifies that Determinations have been made under Part XVI. of that Act in favour of specific importers in respect of the goods indicated in the Schedule appended hereto and limited to quantities set out in the respective Determinations. Except where an amendment or revocation of an earlier Determination is concerned, the Schedule lists, in the following order, the number of the Determination in the 58/- series, the kind of goods, the date on or before which the goods shall be shipped to Australia for entry for home consumption on arrival or be entered for home consumption, (whichever applicable), if such is a condition of the Determination, further conditions, if any, the Tariff Item applying to the goods, and the File No. All goods, being machines, machinery or machine tools are, unless otherwise indicated, subject to the provisions of Prefatory Note No. 12 to the Customs Tariff 1933-1957. This notice is for public information only. The Determination itself provides the legal authority which is limited to the importer named in the Determination enabling that importer to enter the goods under the item mentioned in the Determination. THE SCHEDULE. 6868. Alloy steel tubing. 31st October, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8554. 6869. Elevator bolts with square nuts. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8671. 6870-1. Reagent strip kits. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/3821-2. 6872. Spun cast iron pipes, joints and pipe couplings. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8711. 6873. Mineral insulated copper cable. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7512. 6874. Mineral insulated cable terminations. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7511. 6875. Grinding balls for paint industry. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/5976. 6876. Manually operated fold-away toilet and wash basin cabinet. 31st December, 1958. Conditional on use as a prototype. 449 (A)(2). 57/27085. 6877. Rescue sledges. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/5984. 6878. Stainless steel chain. 31st March, 1959. 449(A)(2). 57/21387. 6879. Stainless steel sheet. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/5939. 6880. Bright cold rolled steel strip. 31st August, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/6513. 6881. Aluminium corrugated sheets. 30th September, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/14843. 6882. Hot rolled steel strip. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/604. 6683. Steel strip. 30th June, 1959. 449(A)(2). 58/5938. 6884. Electronic sizing device for grinder. 31st December, 1958. 449 (A)(1). 57/26531. 6885. Replacement parts for high speed vacuum closer. 31st July, 1958. 449(A)(2). 57/16769. 6886. Square flanging machine. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/4089. 6887. Conductivity bridge copper standard and galvanometer for copper refining, 31st March. 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/22067. 6888. Sausage stringing machine. 30th June, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/6779. 6889. Fibreglass. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8117. 6890. Truck tyres. 31st October, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/2863. 6891-4. Printers' forme register tables. 30th June, 1959, 449 (A)(1). 57/26395,57/24195-7. 6895-9, Printers' line-ups and lay-out tables. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/24198-200, 58/1649, 57/26394. 6900. Scanning stereoscope. 31st October, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/928. 6901. Rubber testing equipment. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/499. 6902. Test equipment for rubber industry. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/720. 6903. Collator for printing industry, 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/27712. 6904. Components for copying machine. 31st December, 1957. 449 (A)(2). 56/25159. 6905. Components for manufacture of copying machines. 31st March, 1957. 449 (A)(2). 56/6905. 6906. Components for manufacture of copying machines. 30th September, 1957. 449(A)(2). 56/10420. 6907-8. Components for copying machines. 31st December, 1957. 449(A)(2). 56/23131. 6909. X-ray apparatus. 28th February, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/4235. 57/20787. 6913. Spare parts for a combined bar peeling and turning machine. 30th November, 1958. Conditional that Tariff Item 449 (A)(1) shall not apply to any of the spare parts which, if imported incorporated in the machine, would be subject to the provisions of Prefatory Note No. 12 to the Customs Tariff 19331957 or that Tariff as subsequently altered, nor to Vee belts. 449 (A)(1). 57/19797. 6914. Replacement parts for atomizer. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8164. 6915. Textile dyeing and drying plant. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/377L 6916. Retort crate loader and retort crate unloader for food processing industry. 31st August, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8483. 6917. Capsuling machine for wine making. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8009. 6918. Spare parts for dairy and ice cream machinery. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7153. 6919. Rotary press. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(2), 57/27519. 6920. Atomizer wheel for spray drying plant. 30th June, 1957. 449 (A)(2). 56/8581. 6921. Modification kits for picture tube manufacture. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7922. 6922. Hydraulic universal grinding machine. Conditional that Tariff Item 449 (A)(1) shall not apply to any of the spare parts which if imported incorporated in the machine would be subject to the provisions of Prefatory Note No. 12 to the Customs Tariff 1933-1957 or that Tariff as subsequently altered, nor to V belts. 449 (A)(1). 58/8736. 6923. Cutter and radius grinder. 31st May, 1959. Conditional that Tariff Item 449 (A)(2) shall not apply to any of the spare parts which if imported incorporated in the machine would be subject to the provisions of Prefatory Note No. 12 to the Customs Tariff 1933-1957 or that Tariff as subsequently altered, nor to V belts. 449 (A)(2). 57/24994. 6924. Functional replacement parts for crankshaft lathe. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8264, 6925. Functional replacement parts for clip clinching tools. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8263. 6926. Spinning and curling machine. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/19348. 6927. Embossing roller. 449 (A)(2). 57/18353. 6928. Spacer for tyre manufacturing. 30th June, 1959, 449 (a)(1). 58/2794. 6929. Replacement shoe machinery parts. 31st August, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8568. 6930. Centri-cleaners for paper manufacture. 30th September, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8529. 6931. Uptwisting machine. 30th June, 1959. Conditional that Tariff Item 449 (A)(1) shall not apply to any of the spare parts which if imported incorporated in the machine would be subject to the provisions of Prefatory Note No. 12 to the Customs Tariff 1933-1957 or that Tariff as subsequently altered. 449(A)(1). 58/8609. 6932. Jack Sander. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/19051. 6933. Cutter for lead pencil end rounding machine. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/21186. 6934. Validity of Determination No. 57/9007 extended to 31st July, 1958. 57/11542. 6935. Vitamin D3. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/23188. 6936. Vitamin D3. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/23189. 6937. Triethyl phosphate. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/26975. 6938. Soft cotton waste. 31st March, 1959. 432 (c). 58/8654. 6939. Cane webbing. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/6772. 6940. Cobelfix for fabric finishing. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/8706. 6941. Silver yarn, for blending with woollen yarn. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8422. 6942. Phthalic anhydride. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/8615. 6943. Phthalic anhydride, 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/8570. 6944. Phthalic anhydride. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/8571. 6945. Electrical moisture control meter. 31st October, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/24819. 6946. Circuit breaker replacement parts. 31st January, 1960. 449 (A)(1). 58/5816. 6947. Circular lamps. 31st December, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8779. 6948. Dual track recording optical system and galvanometer for television film production. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/26337. 6949. Fluorescent tubes. 30th November, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8838. 6950. Rapping rod assemblies for manufacture of sulphuric acid. 449 (A)(1). 58/4578. 6951. Coupe motor car steel body. Conditional on use as a prototype. 449 (A)(2). 20th March, 1958. 57/26950. 6952. Welding machine. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/4107. Commonwealth Gazette 1903 6953. VentUators. 30th Aprfl, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/4454. 6954. Replacement parts for traction equipments for diesel electric and electric locomotives. 31st October, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8561. 6955. Amendment to description of goods (transmission assemblies) covered by Determination No. 57/7963. 57/10292. 6956. Amendment to description of goods (transmission assemblies) covered by Determination No. 57/7964. 57/10293. 6957. Variable pumps. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/28531. 6958. Hydraulic valves. 30th April, 1959. 449(A)(2). 57/23456. 6959. Hydraulic valves. 30th April, 1959. 449(A)(2). 57/25890. 6960. Validity of Determination No. 56/12810 extended to 31st August, 1958. 56/8621. 6961. Bearings for manufacture of hay rakes. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8535. 6962. Cultivator bearing and flangers. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8536. 6963. Validity of Determination No. 56/15847 as amended extended to 31st August, 1958. 56/16773. 6964. Pulverizer for cosmetic manufacturing. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/6521. 6965. Combined regulating and check valve for water reticulation. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/27891. 6966. Valves for oil refining. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/1619. 6967. Maintenance parts for centrifugals. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/1667. 6968. Screen for use in generation of electricity. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/1606. 6969. Main engine spares for motor vessel. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7069. 6970. Replacement parts for pumps. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/20211, 6971. Spare parts for diesel engine. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/2178. 6972. Spare parts for diesel engine. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/2177. 6973-6. Swathers. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7147-50. 6977. Crimp attachment for cellophane bag making machine. 31st March, 1959. Conditional that the goods were on firm order with the overseas supplier on or before 23rd February, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/24806. 6978. Validity of Determination No. 57/1433 extended to 31st May, 1958. 56/21626. 6979. Sole edge inking machine. 31st October, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/4792. 6980. Automatic form rolling machines. 31st August, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8704. 6981. Replacement parts for brickmaking machines. 31st December, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/28648. 6982. Winding machine for processing yarn. 28th February, 1959. Conditional that Tariff Item 449 (A) (2) shall not apply to any of the spare parts which if imported incorporated in the machine would be subject to the provisions of Prefatory Note No. 12 to the Customs Tariff 1933-1957 or that Tariff as subsequently altered. 449(A)(2). 57/24841. 6983. Replacement parts and accessories for hosiery knitting machines, 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/1466. 6984. Selvedge tester for textile industry. 31st October, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/26715. 6985. Hytronic cutting machine. 31st October, 1959. 449 (A)(1), 58/7691. 6986. Automatic metal slug feeding units. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/5503. 6987. Replacement parts for ammonium sulphate plant. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/5138. 6988. Scissor grinders. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/4537. 6989. Deep back fly press for use with electronic equipment. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/3998. 6990. Surface grinding machine. 449 (A)(1). 58/8790. 6991. Validity of Determination No, 57/3622 extended to 30th September, 1958. 56/10636. 6992. Stamp paper. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/26109. 6993. Gramophone record label paper. 334 (K)(2)(a). 58/1348. 6994. Copper tungsten elkonite metal. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/4285. 6995. Steel wire for prestressed concrete. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1 ). 58/8888. 6996. Oil circuit breakers. 31st December, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8866. 6997. Parts for manufacture of television components. 31st December, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/27856. 6998. Parts for manufacture of television components. 30th September, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/22665. 6999. Switches for manufacture of switchboards. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8549. 700)0. Switch fuse units. 31st July, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8644. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 7001. Holders for lighting equipment. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8653. 7002. Equipment for manufacture of semi-conductors. 30th November, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7232. 7003. Polar miniature trimmer condensers. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/3548. 7004. Carbon valve anodes. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/3042. 7005. Hoist gear for excavator. 31st July. 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8681. 7006. Tools for automatic telephone exchange switching units. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8645. 7007. Current transformers. 30th September, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/5037. 7008. Gas and vacuum packaging machine. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/568. 7009-10. Nickel clad iron wire conductor. 28th February, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/2765-6. 7011. Extraction pump motors. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/4639. 7012. Spare parts for earthmoving equipment. 31st January, 1959. 449(A)(2). 57/22712. 7013. Electric burners. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/2144. 7014. Universal clarifiers. 449 (A)(1). 58/5309. 7015. Spare body for mono-radial pump. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8789. 7016. Universal clarifier. 28th February, 1959. 449(A)(1). 57/22205. 7017. Agricultural combines including mechanical driving units and apparatus for transmitting power. 31st January, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 58/67. 7018. Valves for oil industry. 30th September, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7795. 7019. Gears and ancillary equipment for production of electric power. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/6965. 7020. Stainless steel set screens for cement manufacture. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/26496. 7021. Gas valves. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/17509. 7022-3. Spare parts for steam generators. 449 (A)(1). 56/151, 6. 7024. Air compressor. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/27511. 7025. Impellers. 31st December, 1958. 449 (A)(1). 57/23261. 7026. Impeller. 31st December. 1958. 449 (A)(1). 57/23262. 7027. Impeller blades and backplates. 31st December, 1958. 449 (A)(1). 57/23263. 7028. Impellers. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/24267. 7029. Impeller. 30th April, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/3083. 7030. ImpeUers. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/4667. 7031. Components for manufacture of injection moulding machines. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7932. 7032. Electric dose weighing machine for plastic industry. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/19533. 7033. Typewriters. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8828. 7034. Adding machines. 31st October, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8768. 7035. Parts for weighing machines. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1), 58/8904. 7036. Cellulose acetate. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/4234. 7037. Cellulose acetate. 31st August, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/4185. 7038. Cellulose acetate. 30th September, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/6975. 7039. Cellulose acetate. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/5468. 7040. Cordtex. 31st July, 1959. 105 (D)(4). 58/7305. 7041. Hatters, fur. 31st December, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7446. 7042-4. Logs. 30th September, 1958. Conditional that the goods shall be used in the manufacture of plywood and/or veneers, under security. 291(c)(1)(a). 58/8155-7. 7045-50. Isopropyl alcohol. Conditional that evidence shall be produced to and to the satisfaction of the Collector that the goods have been or will be sold on the basis of admission under Tariff Item 449 (A)(1), and the goods shall be used in the manufacture of cements for spraying the interiors of motor tyres before curing, under security. 449 (A)(1). 58/8646-51. 7051. Porofor paste. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/8815. 7052. Chlordane, 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/8826. 7053. Cotton waste. 31st March, 1959. 432 (c). 58/8901. 7054. Cotton waste. 31st March, 1959. 432 (c). 58/8902. 7055. Aluminized sheets. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/2460, 7056. Thermostats. 31st March, 1957. 449 (A)(2). 55/23605. 7057. Thermostats. 31st March, 1957. 449 (A)(2). 55/23606. 7058. Oilgear fluid motors. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/28531. 7059. Hot air treeing apparatus for manufacture of footwear. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8663. 7060. Spare parts for steam dryer. 30th April, 1958. 449 (A)(1). 58/8759. 7061. Spare parts for pipe manufacturing equipment including mechanical driving units and apparatus for transmitting power. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/3980. 7062. Spare parts for chain link fence machines. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8847. No. 3 l — l 2 t h June, 1958 im 7063. Tablet machine. 30th September, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8867. 7064. Roller grinding machine. 30th June, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8836. 7065. Hot £lir treeing machines for manufacture of footwear. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8660. 7065. Sole cutting, rounding and skiving machines for manufacture of footwear. 30th AprU, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8657. 7067. Parts for twin section press. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8662. 7068. t)ieing press for electrical manufacturing industry. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8592. 7069. Parts for corrugating machine. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8591. 7070. Internal cylinder grinding machine. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7090. 7071. Parts for back seam rubbing machine and upper taping machine. 30th April, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8661. 7072. Rail saws. 30th June, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8712. 7073. Tension springs. 31st July, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8680. 7074. Latch needles. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8493. 7075. Latch needles. 31st July, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8679. 7076. Wire reel for spring making. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8522. 7077. Pattern perforators including regulating starting or controlling devices. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/8747. 7078. Parts for use in manufacture of pens and pencils. 449 (A)(1). 55/22030. 7079. Validity of Determination No. 57/4102 extended to 31st December, 1958. 57/4908. 7080. Perforating pins. 31st December, 1958. 449(A)(1). 57/1541. 7081. Aluminized steel. 30th November, 1958. 449(a)(2). 57/13631. 7082. Aluminized steel sheet. 30th June, 1959. 449(a)(2). 58/9023. 7083. Strip steel. 30th June, 1960. 449(A)(1). 58/5654. 7084. Lens edger. Conditional that evidence shall be furnished to and to the satisfaction of the Collector that the full benefit of the concession has been or will be passed on to the actual users. 449(A)(1). 58/8478. 7085. Tamper ievelling-finishing machine including mechanical drivitig units and apparatus for transmitting power. 3(Hh April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/5974. 7086. Earth drill including mechanical driving units and apparatus for transmitting power. 30th June, 1958. 449(A)(1). 58/4094. 7087. Sodtblowers including mechanical driving units and apparatus for transmitting power. 31st October, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/8449. 7088. Pneumatic tie tampers. 3let Aprfl, 1959. 449(A)(2). 57/22296. 7089. Rapid mixer for concrete manufacture. 31st March, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/1567. 7090. Spare parts for agricultural loaders and implements. 449 (A)(1). 57/27860, 7091. Evaporators. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8626. 7092. Evaporator. 31st July, 1959. 449(a)(1). 58/8625. 7093. Spare parts for steam turbme. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/6809. 7094. Mill for production of electricity. 29th February, 1960. 449(A)(1). 58/7123. 7095. Screen for cement manufacture. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/14480. 7096. Vibratory shoe compactor including mechanical driving units and apparatus for transmitting power. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/4651. 7097. Spare parts for steam turbines. 28th February, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/6531. 7098. Spare parts for steam turbines. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/6532. 7099. Extraction pump rotating elements for deaerator. 28th February, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/6660. 7100. Injection moulding machine. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/8740. 7101. Aero covers and tubes. 31st August, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/4753. 7102. Printing press. 30th June, 1959. 449(a)(1). 58/6323. 7103. Foam rubber sheet. 31st July, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/2024. 7104. Moulded hard rubber drainage grids used for sugar mflling. 30th November, 1958. 449 (a)(1). 58/1631. 7105. Battery. 31st July, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/7185. 7106. Batteries. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8459. 7107. Battery. 31st July, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/8550. 7108. Battery. 31st July, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/7942. 7109. Fibreglass tissue. 31st May. 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8737. 7110. Tension testing dynamometers. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7969. 7111. Meat slicing machines. 30th September, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8190. 7112. Traxators. 31st December, 1958. 419(c)(1). 57/28838. 7113. Safety devices for weighbridges. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/14822. Oomtnonweakh Gazette 7114. Casein drier. 31st August. 1959. 449(a)(1). 58/8871. 7115. Pattern min. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8930. 7116. Pattern mill. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/8929. 7117. Serigraphs for manufacture of corset elastic. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8738. 7118. Slice evener roll. 31st December, 1959. 449(A)(1) 58/8869. 7119. Engraved steel embossing shells. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8843. 7120. Slubber bobbins. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8397. 7121. Uptwisting machine. 30th June, 1959. 449(a)(1). 58/8938. 7122. Bead forming machine for manufacture of pneumatic tyres. 3l8t October, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8612, 7123. Oil circuit breakers. 3lst May, 1959. 449(A)(1) 58/2826. 7124. Electric fans. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/2811L 7125. Exchanger for electricity distribution. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/2897. 7126. Spare parts for circuit breakers. 30th November, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8844. 7127-34. Windscreen and backlight glass part for use in manufacture of motor vehicle. 449 (A)(1). 57/25731. 7128-31. Rear window glass for motor vehicles. 30th June, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 56/24975-8. 7132. Rear window glass for motor vehicles. 31st December, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/26221. 7133. Rear window glass for motor vehicles. 31st December, 1958. 449(A)(2). 57/26222. 7134. Rear window glass for motor vehicles, 3l8t December, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/26223. 7135. Rear window glass for motor vdiicles. 31st December, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/26224. 7136. Accessories for use with transformer cores. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8937. 7137. Air terminals. 30th AprU, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8574. 7138. Alithatic sulphonyl chloride. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/8965. 7139-44. Logs. 30th September, 1958. Conditional that the goods shall be used in the manufacture of plywood and/or veneers, under security. 291(c)(1)(a). 58/8974, 58/8976. 58/9040-1, 58/9055-6. 7145. Industrial steel chain. 30th September, 1958. Conditional that evidence shall be produced to and to the satisfaction of the Collector that the full benefit oi the concession has been or will be passed on to the users. 449 (A)(1). 57/10991. 7146. Industrial steel chain. 31st October, 1958. Conditional that evidence shall be produced to and to the satisfaction of the Collector that the full benefit of the concession has been or will be passed on to the users. 449 (A)(1). 57/15750. 7147. Industrial steel chain and parts. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/3415. 7148. Industrial steel chain and parts. 31st December, 1958. 449 (a)(1). 57/21467. 7149. Industrial steel chain. 30th November, 1958. 449(A)(1). 57/24763. 7150. Roller chain and links. 31st July, 1958. Conditional that evidence shall be produced to and to the satisfaction of the Collector that the full benefit (rf the concession has been or will be passed on to the users. 449 (A) (1). 57/10992. 7151. Chrome steel char kiln tubes. 30th September, 1959. 449(A)(2). 58/9098. 7152. Soft galvanised weaving wire. Slst May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/9051. 7153. Galvanised steel mattress wire. 3l8t May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/9050. 7154. Seamless steel tubing. 30th June, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/7837. 7155. Validity of Determination No. 56/4601 as amended extended to 30th September, 1958. 55/27084. 7156. Briquetting press. 30th June, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/4733. 7157. Equipment for manufacture of ball point pens. 3l8t March, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/7931. 7158. Ophthalmic lens manufacturing plant, induding mechanical driving units and apparatus for transmitting power. 31st March, 1959. 57/27184. 7159. Centrdess grinding machine. 30th September, 1958. 449 (A)(1). 58/8940. 7160. TextUe itiachinery. 449(a)(1). 58/3109. 7161. Edge trimming machine and edge inking machine. 31st July, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8658. 7162. Inkometer. 30th AprO, 1959. 449(A)(1). 57/27798. 7163. Vulcanising presses for bootmaking. 31st December, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/5470. 7164. Parts for electronic control equipment. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/2269. 7165. PaUet trucks. 30th November, 1958. 449(A)(1). 57/18394. 7166-77. Transmission gearboxes ahd rear axle sets. 31st December, 1958. 359 (D)(3). 58/8350-8361. 7178. Perthane technical. 31st March, 1959. 449(a)(2). 58/4531. Commonwealth Gazette 1905 7179. Moulding sheets for printing iiidustry. Slst August, 1958. 449(A)(2). 57/21607. 7180. Thermosetting plastic sheets for printing industry. 31st August, 1958. 449(A)(1). 57/21608. 1181. Thermo plastic moulding sheets for printing industry. 31st August, 1958. 449 (A)(1). 57/21609. 7182. Raw cotton. 31st March, 1959. Conditional that the goods shall not include cotton of grades lower than middling or having a staple length of F or less. 432(c). 58/8770. 7183. Microwave distance measuring instrument. 30th June, 1959. 449(A)(2). 58/9057. 7184. Silicone emulsions. 31st May, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/9001. 7185. Photo-conjposer. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/3252. 7186-7. Components for use in the manufacture of tractorshovels. 30th November, 1958. 449(A)(2). 57/24763. 7188. Amentaent to 4espription of goods (wheel assemblies for truck chassis) covered by Determination No, 57/20442. 57/21437. 7189-91. Components for use in the manuf^ctijre of tractor shovels, 30th November, 1958. 449(A)(2). 57/24762, 24761, 24760, 7192. Flameproof motors. 449(A)(1), 58/3595. 7193. Electronic amplifiers and speakers. Conditional on WSQ as a prototype. 449 (A)(1). 58/4416. 7194. Coil ipsulatprs, 31st May, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8840. 7J 95. Piaphragm fprming assemblies, 30th November, J958. 449(A)(2). 57/25995. 7J96. Relays. 30th November, 1958, 449(A)(2). 57/25994, 7^97. Fluorescent tubes. 31st July, 1959, 449(A)(1). 58/9232. 7198-9. Diesel engine spare parts. 28th February, 1959. 449 (4)(2). 57/25845, 25844. 7200. Diesel engine spare parts. 31st January, J959. 449 57/24294. 7l01. Bottle lowerer. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/3374. 7?02. Centrifugal solvent extraptor for clothing industry including mechanical driving units and apparatus for transmitting pQwer. 30th June. 1958. 449(A)(1). 57/6548, 7203. Solenoids. 3Qth April, 19^9. 449 (A)(1). 58/8426. 72P4. Machine for precision leveUing and sanding. 31st October, 1959. 449 (A) (L). 58/2852. 7J05. Pisecting and press tools. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/3070. 7^06. Tungsten carbide can extrusion die parts. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/170. 7207. Tooling for automotive industry. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/9158. 7208. Surface grinding machines. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8081. 7209. Grinding machine. 31st December, 1938. 449 (A)(1). 58/9095. 7210. Tooling for automotive industry. 30th September, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/9186. 7211. Replacement parts for oxygen producing plant and gasifiI?ation plant, 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8489. 7212. Parts for oxygen producing plant and gasification plant. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/6893. 7213. Equipment for openside planing machine, including mechanical driving units and apparatus for transmitting power. 31st January, 1 9 5 9 . Conditional that Tariff Item 4 4 9 ( A ) ( 1 ) shall not apply to motors not covered by a Ministerial Direction under Prefatory Note No. 1 2 to the Customs Tariff 1 9 3 3 - 1 9 5 7 . 4 4 9 (A)(1), 57/12471. 7214. Saw chain sharpeners. 31st July, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8505. 7215. Machines for cutting and slitting foamed styrene blocks. 30th September, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8863. 7216-20. Components for flour milling machinery. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7592, 7593, 7594, 8445, 7591. 7217. Components for flour milling. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7593. 7221. Stitching machine. 30th November, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/21726. 7222. Cement sole attaching machine. 31st October, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/9104. 7223. Functional replacement parts for drilling machine. 3l6t May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8988. 7224. Abrasive cleaning plant. 30th June, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/6992. 6225. Fleshing machine blades for manufacture of leather, 31st August, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/9106. 7226. Sausage rotary grillers. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 38/9070. 7227. Fibreglass battery retainer mat. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8642;. 7 2 2 8 . Typewriters. 3 1 st December, 1959. 4 4 9 (A) ( 1 ) . 58/9116. 7229. Plant for the manufacture of bread salt sticks. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/18587. 7230. Aluminium moulding. 3L0T July, 1959. 4 4 9 (A)(1). 58/8537. 7231. Siliccm electrical gted strip, 30th April, t959, 449 (A)(1). 58/9039. 7232. 3teel wire for the manufacture of pr^stressed concrete. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8627. No. 33.-r-12th Juae, 1958 7233. Magnesite bricks and dead burnt magnesite. 449(A)(1). 58/4434. 7234. Cast iron pipes and joints. 31st May, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/9230, 7235. Stainless steel conveyor chain. 31st July, J959. 449 (A)(1). 58/9195. 7236. Gas heater. 31st March, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/7022. 7237. Precision file bands. Conditional that the full benefit of the remission of duty has been or will be passed on to the actual users of the goods. 449 (A)(1), 56/19530. 7238. Polyester resin binder fibreglass. 28th February, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/773. 7239. Hydrant for fruit canning industry. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1), 58/2278. 7240. Cherries in brine. 31st December, 1958. 449(A)(2). 58/7701. 7241-2. Dihydrotachysterol. 30th September. 1959. 449(A)(2). 57/19U5, 22418. 7243-6. Cellulose acetate film sheets. 30th June, J959. 449 (A)(1). 58/6256,5118,5119,9034. 7247. Rigid P,V.C. sheets. 3l6t October, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8766. 7248. Monochloracetic acid. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/9222. 7249. Sodium chlorate. 31st May, 1959. 449(A)(2), 58/9177. 7250. Replacement parts for bag making machiics. 30th June, 1958. 449 (A)(1). 58/7671. 7251. Seamless steel tube. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(J). 58/9261. 7252. Pipe line. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 5g/9238, 7253. Cultured pearls. 31st July, 1959, 449(A)(2). 58/923. 7254. Burners for electric lamp manufacturing industry. 31lrt March, 1959, 449 (A)(2). 57/24448. 7255. Stitching wire, 30th April, 1959. 449(A)(1), 58/9287. 7256. Bimetal strip. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7622, 7257. Tools and fixtures for diesel hydraulic locomotives. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/6028. 7258. Refinery replacement parts. 31st August, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/9145. 7259. Steel bars. 30th June, 1959. 449(A)(1), 58/9342. 7260. High tensile prestressing wire. 30th September, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/9309. 7261. Component parts for use in the manufacture of eigarette lighters. 31st May, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/13605. 7262. Punches and inserts for manufacture of screws and bc^tp. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(1), 58/4195. 7263. Replacement parts for open wind machine, 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/1972. 7264. Universal winding gear. 28th February, 1959. 499 (A)(2). 57/24677. 7265. Functional replacement parts for clip clinching gun. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/1932. 7266. Functional replacement parts for clip clinching and hog ring equipment. 28th February, 1959. 449 U ) (2). 58/1099. 7267. Finger jointing and assembling plant for timber industry. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/26090. 7268-9. Long thread whirling attachments. 31st December, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/24155, 57/26530. 7270. Wire cutting machines. 31st March, 1959. 449(A)(2). 58/893. 7271. Equipment for centreless grinding machine. 3l8t December, 1959, 449 (A)(1). 58/8970. 7272. Replacement parts for lamp making machines. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/578. 7273. Woven high pressure dye machine. 30th September, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/19473. 7274. High temperature dyeing machine. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/23037. 7275. Validity of Determination No. 57/534, as amended, extended to 31st May, 1958. 57/132. 7276. Mill for use in the paint industry. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/798. 7277. Spares for chain saws. 30th June, 1958. 449 (A)(1). 57/19532. 7278. Plant for the manufacture of doors and panels, 30th September, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8221. 7279. Recoiling units for fabrication of aluminium. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/2054. 7280. Time recorder dock unit. 30th April, 1959, 449 (A)(1). 58/7329. 7281. Metal tyre valve stem$. 30th June, 1959. 449(A)(2). 58/8187. 7282. Tools for tractors. 30th April, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8569. 7283. Sintered magnets for radio manufacture. 30th September, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7777. 7284. Oak lectern. 30th April, 1959. 449(c)(1). 7285. Scrap mica. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 5g/8708. 7286. Heat exchanger gaskets. 31st May, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8555. 7287. Figured glass. 30th June, 1958. 449 (A)(1). 58/9091. 7288. Covers and flaps. 31st Mwch. I960. 449(A)(1). 58/5105. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1906 7289. Synthetic rubber woven wire braided gas hose. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/7589. 7290. Punch and binder unit. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8979. 7291. Hydrouts for fruit canning industry. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/2279. 7292. Electronic controls for soap wrapping machine. 31st January, 1960. 449 (a)(1). 58/9182. 7293. Liver meal. Conditional that evidence shall be furnished to and to the satisfaction of the Collector that the full benefit of the concession has been or will be passed on to the users. 449 (a)(1). 58/4467. 7294. Alkaline battery. 31st July, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9196. 7295. Battery. 31st December, 1958. 449 (a)(2). 57/23137. 7296. Ironclad battery. 31st October, 1959. 449(a)(1). 58/9054. 7297. Polyflex film. 30th June, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/9248. 7298. Red oxide. 30th June, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/9245. 7299. Conductive coating for manufacture of volume controls. 31st December, 1958. 449 (a)(2). 57/25625. 7300-1. Logs. 30th September, 1958. Conditional that the goods shall be used in the manufacture of plywood and/or veneers under security. 291(c)(1)(a). 58/9112, 9102. 7302. Red oxide. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/9288. 7303. Logs. 30th September, 1958. Conditional that the goods shall be used in the manufacture of plywood and/or veneers, under security. 291(c)(1)(a). 58/9299. 7304. Validity of Determination No. 57/18946 extended to 30th September, 1958. 57/24873. 7305. Dichloroproprionic acid. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/9250. 7306. Furfural. 30th June, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/9249. 7307. Sodium hydroxide pellets. 30th June, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9257. 7308. Dichloroproprionic acid. 30th June, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/9272. 7309. Dichloroproprionic acid. 31st May, 1959. 449(a)(2). 58/9273. 7310-11. Methyl bromide. 31st July, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9270-1. 7312. Ethyl hexoic acid. 31st March, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/3011. 7313. Spare parts for earthmoving equipment. 31st March, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 57/28114. 7314. Trencher. 31st December, 1958. 449 (a)(1). 57/28657. 7315. Rectifiers. 31st December, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/1127. 7316. Rectifiers. 30th November, 1958. 449 (a)(2). 57/19945. 7317. Rectifiers. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 57/24897. 7318. Rectifiers. 31st December, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/2205. 7319. Spare parts for earthmoving equipment. 31st March, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 57/27275. 7320. Spares for loaders. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/1005. 7321. Rotor blanks for automotive industry. 449 (a)(1). 58/788. 7322. Parts for earthmoving equipment. 31st January, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 57/24895. 7323. Parts for grader. 31st December, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 57/24890. 7324. Replacement parts for coal cutters, coal loaders and battery locomotives. 30th June, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/23. 7325. Component parts for fork lift trucks. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/1601. 7326. Spare parts for road graders. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/2138. 7327. Spare parts for diesel electric locomotives. 28th February, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/2414. 7328. Motor vehicle spare parts. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/895. 7329. Spare parts for electric locomotives. 31st October, 1958. 449(a)(1). 57/17249. 7330-2. Mantles for kerosene lamps. 31st December, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9558-60. 7333. Aluminium sheet ingot. 31st March, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/1333. 7334. Piping for oil refining. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 57/25634. 7335. Steel tubing and chrome molybdenum tubing. 30th November, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/4091. Revocation of Determination No. 58/4059. 7336. Steel tubing. 31st December, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 57/28683. Revocation of Determination No. 58/83. 7337. Weather seal assembly for aluminium windows. 31st August, 1958. 449(a)(2). 57/19908. 7338. Aluminium bronze bar. 31st July, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9458. 7339. Brass testing sieves for chemical and food industry. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/7965. 7340. Holder for photo-composing machine. 31st May, 1959. 449(a)(1). 58/3141. 7341. Wedge inserting machine. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/26025. 7342. Armature winders. 31st July, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 57/26026. Commonwealth Gazette 7343. Multiple spline keys. 31st January, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 57/28458. 7344. Spare parts for circuit breakers. 31st August, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/3148. 7345. Tungsten filaments. 31st December, 1959- 449 (a)(1). 58/9236. 7346. Radio equipment for aircraft. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/1553. 7347. Windscreen wipers for railcars. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/6960. 7348. Track guards. Conditional that the goods shall be shipped to Australia on or before 31st December, 1958, and entered for home consumption not later than two calendar months after arrival. 449 (a)(2). 57/27711. 7349. Replacement parts for rockershovels. Conditional that the goods shall be shipped to Australia on or before 31st January, 1959, and entered for home consumption not later than two calendar months after arrival. 449 (a)(2). 58/1135. 7350. Spare parts for diesel electric locomotives. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/4463. 7351. Transistors. 31st December, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 57/26137. 7352-3. Transistors. 31st March, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/1257-8. 7354-5. Transistors. 31st December, 1958. 449 (a)(2). 57/19678, 57/26866. 7356. Transistors. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/3284. 7357. Transistors. 30th June, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/9373. 7358. Grader components. 31st January, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 57/16849. 7359. Steel tubes. 28th February, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/3069. 7360. Steel cutting blade. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/5039. 7361-3. Jewellery chain. 31st January, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 57/24620-21. 7363. Jewellery chain. 31st December, 1958. 449 (a)(1). 57/24622. 7364. Jewellery chain. 31st January, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 57/24623. 7365. Jewellery chain. 31st March, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/4821. 7366. Jewellery chain. 449 (a)(1). 57/28424. 7367. Jewellery chain. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/3692. 7368. Jewellery chain. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/8795. 7369. Aluminium wire. 31st March, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 57/24657. 7370. Magnesite ore. 30th April, 1960. 449 (a)(2). 58/9315. 7371. Polyethylene glycol nonyl phenyl ether. 31st May, 1959. 449(a)(1). 58/9253. 7372. Replacement parts for match making machines. 31st July, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/3973. 7373. Replacement parts for safety valves. 31st December, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/3693. 7374. Replacement parts for match making machines. 31st January, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/3972. 7375. Replacement production tooling for cold sawing machine. 31st July, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9321. 7376. Replacement production tooling for machines used in motor industry. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a) (1). 58/9322. 7377. Replacement production tooling for hypoid roughing machines. 31st July, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9326. 7378. Functional replacement parts for corrugator machine. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9324. 7379. Replacements for moulds. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9143. 7380. Perforating press. 31st August, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 98/9035. 7381. Dental instrument sharpener. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/12652. 7382. Prestressed jack, car and manometer. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 57/27304. 7383. Winding machine. 30th April, 1959. Conditional that the Tariff Item 449 (a)(1) shall not apply to any of the spare parts which, if imported incorporated in the machine, would be subject to the provisions of the 12th Prefatory Note. 449(a)(1). 57/27304. 7384. Mould for concrete pipe manufacture. 30th April, 1959. 449(A)(1). 57/27305. 7385. Functional replacement parts for presses and abrasive tumblast plant 31st July, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9323. 7386. Functional replacement parts for spot welding equipment. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9325. 7387. Replacement parts for lampmaking machines. 31st October, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/2159. 7388. Spare parts for scrap shearing baler. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/1166. 7389. Spare parts for match making machines. 31st March, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/3784. 7390. Glass burning-off machine. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/26020. 7391. Functional replacement parts for sound deadener spray machine. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9327. 7392. Machine for manufacture of electrical accessories. 30th June. 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9298. 7393. Gear tools. 30th June, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9163. Commonwealth Gazette 1907 7394. Rotary combination indexing and continuous rotation polishing and buffing machine. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(1), 58/9307. 7395. Attachment for automatic bar bending machine. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9389. 7396. Attachment for bar bending machine. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/9390. 7397. Universal bending machine. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9384. 7398. Replacements for use in ball point pen industry. 31st January, 1959. 449 (a)(2). 58/8218. 7399. Centreless grinding machine. 31st December, 1958, 449 (a)(1). 58/4605. 7400-1. Rubber grinding machine. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/1129-1130. 7402. Spare parts for carpet tufting machines. 30th June, 1959. 449(A)(1). 58/8643. 7403. Equipment for use in manufacture of paper charts. 30th November, 1958. 449 (a)(1). 57/6978. 7404. Felt conditioner. 31st October, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/8675. 7405. Mixer masticator. 31st October, 1958. 449 (a)(1). 57/15348. 7406. Punches and sleeves for telephones. 31st January, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/3248. 7407. Cutterhead moving unit. 31st August, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/2630. 7408. One hour ringer timers. 31st August, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/9058. 7409. Ringer timing clocks. 30th June, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/8741. 7410. Compressor and compressor heads. 30th November, 1958. 449(a)(1). 57/23667. 7411. Hydraulic compressor. 30th June, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/7265. 7412. Burner oil torch spares. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/5845. 7413. Parts for oil firing equipment. 30th June, 1958. 449 (A)(n. 57/24453. 7414. Electrical cable reeling drum. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8086. 7415. Spare parts for mining machinery. 30th June, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/7227. Revocation of Determination No. 58/6112. 7416. Automatic pick-up baler including mechanical driving units and apparatus for transmitting power. 31st May, 1959. Conditional on use as a prototype. 449 (a)(1). 58/8601. 7417. Replacement parts for earth boring machines. 31st May, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/8413. 7418. Crankshaft for generator engine. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/8342. 7419. Spares for burners. 30th April, 1959. 449 ( A ) ( 1 ) . 58/8137. 7420. Hydraulic steering equipment for agricultural combines. 30th April, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/8136. 7421. Spare parts for vibrating screens. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8113. 7422. Compression and transfer moulding press. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/859. 7423. Bag filter dust collecting system. 31st October, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7101. 7424. Replacement parts for use in oil refinery. 31st July, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/6187. 7425. Spares for crushing and screening plants. 31st December, 1960. 449 (A)(1). 57/15040. 7426. Spare parts for boilers. 31st December, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/6728. 7427. Spare parts for air heater and burners. 31st August, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/6729. 7428. Hydraulic power drive. 449(A)(1). 57/22095. 7429. Replacement part for hydro turbine generator set. 31st December, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/6386. 7430. Spare parts for steam turbines. 30th June, 1959. 449 (a)(1). 58/6432. 7431. Submersible pumps including mecham'cal driving units and apparatus for transmitting power. Conditional that the goods shall be shipped to Australia on or before 29th February, 1959, and shall be entered for home consumption not later than two calendar months after arrival. 449 (a)(1). 58/2920. 7432. Submersible pumps including mechanical driving units and apparatus for transmitting power. Conditional that the goods shall be shipped to Australia on or before 30th April, 1959, and shall be entered for home consumption not later than two calendar months after arrival. 449 (a)(1). 58/5297. 7433-7. Submersible pumps including mechanical driving units and apparatus for transmitting power. Conditional that the goods shall be shipped to Australia on or before 28th February, 1959, and shaii be entered for home consumption not later than two calendar months after arrival. 449 (a)(1). 58/2859, 58/1423, 58/524, 58/912, 58/1428. 7438. Submersible pump including mechanical driving units and apparatus for transmitting power. Conditional that the goods shall be shipped to Australia on or before 31st March, 1959, and shall be entered for home consumption not later than two calendar months after arrival. 449 (a)(1). 58/5028. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 7439-40. Ventilator testing machine. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/6662, 58/6663. 7441. Spares for pumps. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/3581. 7442. Variation of description of goods (spiiming pirns) covered by Determination No. 57/15317. 57/14233. 7443. Gear wheel pumps. 31st May, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/3536. 7444. Fluid energy size reduction. 30th AprH, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/7499. 7445. Photographic tape. 30th June, 1958. 449 (A)(1). 56/14063. 7446. Heat resisting glass. Conditional that evidence shall be furnished to and to the satisfaction of the Collector that the full benefit of the concession has been or will be passed on to the user. 449 (A)(1). 58/6161. 7447. Heat resisting glass. 30th June, 1958. 449 (A)(1). 58/6162. 7448-9. Heat resisting glass. Conditional that evidence shall be furnished to and to the satisfaction of the Collector that the full benefit of the concession has been or will be passed on to the user. 449 (A)(1). 58/6163-4. 7450. Heat resisting glass. Conditional that evidence shall be furnished to and to the satisfaction of the Collector that the full benefit of the concession has been or will be passed on to the user. 449 (a)(2). 58/6165. 7451. Bath lifts. Conditional that evidence shall be furnished to and to the satisfaction of the Collector that the full benefit of the concession has been or will be passed on to the users. 449 (A)(1). 57/24046. 7452. Microline stationary grids. 419 (c)(2). 58/3128. 7453. X-ray stationary grids. 30th April, 1959. 419 (c)(2). 58/8801. 7454. Spare parts for thickness testing machine. 31st December, 1958. 449 (A)(2). 58/469. 7455. Boxes for extension of book gatherer. 30th April, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/2824. 7456. Pear testers. 30th June, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/9351. 7457. Spare parts for positive displacement meters. 31st August, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 58/3810. 7458. Typograph machine. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/23898. 7459. Oxygen analysers. 31st May, 1959. 449(a)(2). 58/9207. 7460. Bitumen testing apparatus. 28th February, 1959. 449 (A)(2). 57/19101. 7461. Cog belts for diesel engines and tractors. 31st March, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/8633. 7462-3. Cog belts for diesel engines and tractors. 31st January, 1959. 449 (A)(1). 58/3235,58/3189. Department of Customs and Excise, Canberra, A.C.T. 5th May, 1958. Customs Act 1901-1957. CUSTOMS BY-LAW No. 1118. NORMAN HENRY DENHAM HENTY, Minister of State for , Customs and Excise, in pursuance of section 271 of the Customs Act 190M957, hereby make the following By-law. I By-law No. 1118. Item 449 (a) (2). 1. This by-law may be cited as Customs By-law No. 1118. 2. By-law No. 189, published in Gazette No. 10, dated 25th February, 1955, as amended by By-law No. 703, published in Gazette No. 72, dated 6th December, 1956, is further amended by:— (a) deleting from the list of goods to which 449 (a) (2) applies, the reference to " Paper—Tissue, white, etc.", but Tariff Item 449(a)(2) applies to such goods provided they are— (i) in direct transit to Australia on 12th June, 1958, and are entered for home consumption on arrival; or (ii) in bond in Australia on 12th June, 1958, and are entered for home consumption on or before 12th July, 1958. (b) adding to the list of goods to which Tariff Item 449 (a) (2) applies the following:— Paper— Tissue, white, machine finished, in sheets 50 inches by 90 inches or 50 inches by 120 inches or in rolls 50 inches in width, having a substance of 7 lb. for 480 sheets 20 inches by 30 inches, and composed of approximately 40 per cent, unbleached sulphite pulp and approximately 60 per cent, mechanical pulp, for use in the manufacture of paper patterns, under security. Dated this second day of June, 1958. DENHAM HENTY Minister of State for Customs and Excise. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1908 Customs Act 1901-1957. Cy^TOMS »Y-L4WS Nqs. U19-1121. NORMAN HENRY DENHAM HENTY, Minister of State for , Customs and Excise, in pursuance of section 271 of the ICustoms Act 1901-1957, hereby make the By-laws set out in the Schedule hereto. THE SCHEDULE. By-law No. 1119. Item 331 (A)(1). I. This by-law may be cited as Customs By-law No. 1119. Z'. NOe J0?5, published in Gazette No. 9, dated 13th February, 1958, Is revoked. By-law No. lUO. Item 331(D)(1). 1. This by-law may be cited as Customs By-law No. 1120. 2. Py-law No. 10?7, published in Gazette No. 9, dated 13th Fpbr^i^iry, 1958, Is reyokpd. By^hvi No, 1121. Item 449 (A) (1). 1. This by-law may be cited as Customs By-law No. 1121. 2. The Schedule to By-law No. 840, published in Gazette No. 30, dated 23rd Mav, 1957, as an^cnded, is further amended by deleting therefrom the following references and the dates opposite thereto:— Angles, ^flual, Angles, unequal, Ac. Barg, flat, ^c, Bars or rods, black, round, &c. ox ro^ii, blapk, square, &c. Peaim. joints or girders, Ac. Channels, otherwise, Ac. Pl^n sheets, pot ^c. Posts, fencing, steel. Pat«4 XW second day of Jwiie, 1958, DENHAM HENTY Miniiter of State fqr Customs and Excise. AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY. Leases (Special Purposes) Ordinance. URSUANT to the powers conferred upon w by action 30 of the Leases (Special Purposes) Ordinance 1925-1936 of the Australian Capital Territory, I hereby declare the Polish Ex-Servicemen's Association, Branch Australia, Incorporated, to be an Approved Association for the purpose of the said section. Given und^r my hand this twenty-ninth day of January, 1958. ALLEN FAIRHALL Minister of State for the Interior. P EXPENPITURE UNDER TflEASURY REGULATION 52 TO BE MADE UNDER SECTIQN 71 OF THE AUDIT ACT 1901-1957. DEPARTMENT OF TERRITORIES. £625.—R. M. p. Miller and H. P. Davis, Hamilton Downs Station, via Alice Springs, purchase of buUs.—(Ex. Min. 109.) Commonwealth Gazette required for tho machine handling of tablets and capsules in the Packaging Section at Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, Melbourne.—(Ex. Min. No. 83.) £2,595.-^'Brien Publicity Pty. Ltd., 422 Collins-street, Melbourne, Victoria—Preparations of designs, specifications, scale models, &c.; supplying of photography, artwork and copy writing, &c.; assembling, dismantling and freight for exhibition unit at Hobart Medical Congress for the display of Commonwealth Serum Laboratories' products. £2,287.-^'Brien Publicity Pty. Ltd., 422 Collins-street, Melbourne, Victoria—Planning, artwork, copywriting, model making, photography manufacture, for assembling and dismantling of exhibition unit at the Australian Industries Fair, Melbourne, for the display of Commonwealth Scrum Laboratories' products.—(Ex. Min. No. 84.) £6,325.—Qantas Empire Airways Ltd., Box 489, G.P.O., Sydney, New South Wales—Charter of aircraft to transport 1,200 monkeys from Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, to Melbourne. These monkeys are required for the production of poliomyelitis vaccine at Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, Melbourne.—(Ex, Min. No. 85.) DEPARTMENT OF TRADE. Not exceeding ^380.—To Mr. CJeorge Krai, of Melbourne, for design services in connexion with the Australian pavilion at the Canadian National Exhibition in August-September, 1958.—(Ex. Min. No. 38.) DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION. £1,467.—A.W.A. Ltd., 47 York-street, Sydney, New South Wales —VAC-^ VHF transceivers.—(Ex. Min. No. 22.) £309 12s.—Telephone Manufacturing Co. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 47 York^street, Sy^Jn^y—Purchase of six sub-harmonic ringers.—(Ex. Min. No. 23.) ROBERT G. MENZIES, Prime Minister. CommoiiweaUh of Australia. Lands Apquiwtion Act 1955-1957. NOTICE OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND BY THE COMMONWEALTH. is liereby notified that His Excellency the Governor-General acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council has fiuthoriwd pursuant to the provisions pf the Lands Apquisition Act 1955-1957, the acquisition by compulsory process of t^e lapd hereunder described, and I hereby 4eclare that the said land is acquired by the Commonwealth of Australia under the said Act fqr th0 following purpose approved by the Governor-General:— Postal Services at Seymour, Victoria (V.5936).—(Ex. Min. No. 277.) Dated this third day of June, One thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight. ALLEN FAIRHALL Minister of State for the Interior. r DeiHcription of L^nd^ All that piece of land containing an area of 1 rood 1 perch more or less being part of Crown Allotments 8 and 9 Section 2a Township and Parish of Seymour County of Anglesey State of Victoria: Commencing on a north western side of Station-street at a point which bears 66 degrees 31 minutes 244 feet 3 inches and 66 dep-ees 3 minutes 145 feet 8i inches from the Intersection of that side of Station-street with a south eastern side of Wallis-street and bounded thence by lines bearing 336 degrees 2 minutes 140 feet 5 Inches 246 degrees 12 minutes 21 feet 8 inches 335 degrees 51 minutes 12 feet 246 degrees 12 minutes 21 feet 8 inches 335 degrees 51 minutes 12 feet 246 degrees 12 minutes 66 feet U inches and 335 degrees 49 minutes 115 feet thence by part of a south eastern side of William-street bearing 66 degrees 12 minutes 91 feet Oi inch thence by the south western boundary of the Commonwealth land contained in Certificate of Title Volume 3330 Folio 665980 bearing 155 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds 267 feet 5 inches and thence by part of the aforesaid north western side of Station-street bearing 246 degrees 3 minutes 3 feet 1 inch to the point of commencement. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. £577.—Imperial Cheniical Industrial of Australia and New Zealand Limited, 408 Latrobe-street, Melbourne, Victoria— Purchase of 3,300 lb. of hydrochloric acid A.R. in 5i-lb. Winchesters plus deposit on 600 Winchesters, required for general use at Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, Melbourne. £313.—Tuto Products, 10-16 Vere-street, Collingwood, VictoriaPurchase of 1,000 plastic snap-on closures with projecting flap to fit aluipiniuni containers, require^ for u ^ in the production of penicillin at Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, Melbourne.—(Ex. CQmwQiiwt^ltli of Aipstnilia. Min. No. 78.) Lands Acquisition Act 1955-1957. £288.—Wades Leather Goods. 491 Pitt-street, Sydney, New NOTICE OF THE ACQUISITION OF AN EASPVIENT »Y South Wales—Purchase of 1,000 pouches used as a protective TH^ COMMONWEALTH. covering for carrying the Calaid hearing aids for Commonwealth Acoustic Laboratories, Sydney. jfi hereby notified that His Excellency the Govemor-<3eneral £663.—Apropack & Co., 443 Little Collins-street, Melbourne, aijsting with the advice pf tho Federal Executive Council has Victoria—Purchase of ono (1) single headed " Triumph" elec- authorii«4 pursuant to the provisions of the Land* Acq-uisition tronic batch counter "T.B,2" model anjl associated equipment Act 1955-1957, the acquisition by compuJ3ory propess of the fig^fet r Coiiim9nwcaiai Q^tt^ 1909 for the CofumPQW^Uh |ts an4 ^^ oym^^ aiwl op^upieps fgr tJiP time beinp of Cpmmpnwealth Property ap^Hired by nptificatipn in the CPPVnpnweaJth of Australia Ga?ette No. 63, 1st Npvember, 1956, as appurtenant thereto to lay and mamtain a line or lines of water supply pipes thrqygh over under and along the land hereunder described together with the right for the Commonwealth its workmen servants and others to enter into or upon the said land hereunder described for the purpose of excavating erepting constructing laying amending repairing or such line or |ipes pf water sypply p^es, and t hereby declare that the said rights are acquired l^y the Cpmmonwealth pf Australia ujider th^ said act for the following public purpose approved by the Governor-General:— Civil aviation at Grafton, in the State of New South Wales.-(PA.19Q4.)—(Bjf. Min. No. J75.) Dated this third day of June, One thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight, ALLEN FAIRHALL Minister of State for the Interior, Pescrfption of Land. All that piece of land situate in the Shire of Ulmarra containing an area of 1 rood 14i perches more or less being part of Portion 128 of the Parish of Lavadia County of Clarence State of New South Wales as delineated on plan catalogued in the New South Wales Branch of the Department of the Interior Negative No. 10783 N.S.W.; commencing at the intersection of a southern boundary of Portion 129 of the Parish of Lavadia with a southwestern boundary of Commonwealth Property acquired by notification in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. 63 dated 1st November 1956 and bounded thence on the northeast by part of that southwestern boundary of that Commonwealth Property bearing 176 degrees 12 feet Oi inches thence on the south by a line bearing 270 degrees 4 minutes 1248 feet U inches to a point on the right bank of Pheasant Creek thence generally northeasterly by that bank of that creek to its intersection with the aforesaid southern boundary of Portion 129 being a point bearing 48 degrees 25 minutes 18 feet 01 inches from the firstmentloaed point thenea on the north by part of that southern boundary of Portion 129 bearing 90 degrees 4 minutes 1333 feet 9i inches to the point of commencement. No. 33.—12tb Junoi, 1958 Cpinmonweal^ qf AustnMia. Lands Acquisition Act 19554957. NOTICE OF THE ACQUISITION OF hAf^ BY THE COIVfMOlWEALTIf. T is hereby notified ^hat His Expeiiepcy tbe Qovernor-Genwai acting with thf advice of the Federal ExeiJWtive CoxmH lias authpfi^d ptirsuant tp the provisions of the Lands Acquisition Act 19554Q57, th?ftj:quiBitionby compulsory process of tho land hareundfr d^scribfd, and I hereby declare that the said land is acquired by t ^ Commonwealth of Australia under the said Act for the following public purpose approved by the QovemorGenerali—Postal services at Warilla, in the State of New South Wales,^(PA,2037,WEX, Min, No. 295.) Dated this third day of June, One thousand pine hundred and flfty-ei^t. ALLAN FAIRHALL Minister of State for the Interior. I Description of Land. All that piece of land situate in the Municipality of SheJ}harbour containing an area of 1 rood 4f perches more or le|3 being Lots 16 and 17 of Deposited Plan 21695 Parish of Terragong County of Camden State of New South Wales as delineated on plan catalogued in the New South Wales Branch of the Department of the Interior Negative No. 10818 N.S.W.; commencing on a southern side of George Street at the westernmost comer of Lot 18 of Deposited Plan 21695 and bounded thence on the northeast by part of the southwestern boundary of that Lot 18 bearing 174 degrees 17 minutes 101 feet Oi inches thence on th^ south by the northern boundary of Lot 15 of Deposited Plan 21695 bearing 269 degrees 16 minutes 120 feet 5i inches thence on the southwest by part of a northeastern side of Shellharbour Road bearing 354 degrees 17 minutes 91 feet Oi inches thence on the northwest by the southeastern side pf a cut qU corper of Shellharbour Road and George Street bearing 41 degrees 46 minutes 30 seconds 13 feet 6 inches thence on the north by part of the aforesaid southern side of George Street bearing 89 degrees 16 minntes n o feet 5} inches to the point of oonuuencement, AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERMTORY. Building and Services Ordinance 1924-1942. CANBERRA BUILDING REGULATIONS. T^HEREAS it is provided by regulation 22 of the Canberra W Building Regulations made under the provisions of the Building and Services Ordinance 1924-1942 that the use of woodenframed walls for dwelling houses may be permitted in such localitiei as are from time to time specified by the Minister by nptiw in the Gazette: Now, therefore, I, John Noble Core Rogers, delegate of the Minister administering the said Ordinance, do hereby specify that the use of wooden-framed walls for dwelling houses in the Canberra City District may be permitted on the Blocks set out in the Schedule hereunder. Dated this thirtieth day of May, One thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight. J. N. ROGERS Delegate of the Minister of State for the Interior. Commonwealth of AustraUa. Lands Acquisition Act 1955-1957. NOTICE OF ACQUISITION OF LAND BY THE COMMONWEALTH. T is hereby notified that His Excellency the Governor-General acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council has authorized pursuant to the provisions of the Lands Acquisition Act 1955-1957, the acquisition by compulsory process of the land hereunder described, and I hereby declare that the said land is acquired by the Commonwealth of Australia under the said Act for the following public purpose approved by the GovernorGeneral:—Postal services at Fig Tree Poeket (Brisbane) ia the State of Queensland.—(QL.526)—(Ex. Min. No. 302.) Dated this third day of June, One thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight. SCHEDULE. ALLAN FAIRHALL Blocks 23, 24 and 29 to 36 inclusive of Section 4, Division of Minister of State for the Interior. Braddon. Blocks 25, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34 of Section 5, Division of Braddon. Ploclfs 4 and 5 of Section 6, Division of Braddon. Blocks 5 to 13 inclusive of Section 17, Division of Deakin. Blocks 18 to 21 Inclusive of Section 17, Division of Deakin. Blocks 24 to 26 inclusive of Section 17, Division of Deakin. Description of Land. Blocks 5 to 10 inclusive of Section 19, Division of Deakin, All that piece of land containing an area of 8.2 perches more Blocks 15 to 21 inclusive of Section 19, Division of Dea^n. or less being Resubdivision 1 of Subdivisions 5 to 12 of Portion Blocks 6 to 13 inclusive of Section 20, Division of Deakin. 110 Parish of Indooroopilly County of Stanley: Commencing on Blocks 5, 6, 9, 10, 25 and 26 of Section 24, Division of Deakin. an eastern side of Fig Tree Pocket Road at the north-western Block 6 of Section 28, Division of Deakin. corner of Subdivision 13 of Portion 110 and thence by part of the Blocks 19 and Zi of Section 29, Division of Deakin. said eastern and part of a south eastern Side of the said road Blocks 9 and 12 of Section 31, Division of Deakin. bearing respectively 9 degrees 58 minutes 809.6 links and 31 degrees Blocks 14 to 29 inclusive of Section 89, Division of GriflSth. 19 minutes 40 seconds 90 links, thence by part of a south-western Blocks 1 and 38 to 54 inclusive of Section 92, Division of side of Subdivision 4 of portion 110 bearing 136 degrees 52 Griffith. minutes 20 seconds 2.24 links and thence by western boundaries Thirteen two-story semi-detached dwelling sites of Section 27, of Resubdivisions 2 to 9 of Subdivisions 5 to 12 of Portion 110 Division of Kingston. bearing 293 degrees 34 minutes 3Q seconds 94.6 links, 189 degrees Blocks 10 to 14 inclusive of Section 61, Division of Narrabumdah. 11 minutes 40 seconds 319.61 links, 189 degreeK 43 minutes 40 Blocks 4 to 8 inclusive of Section 63, Division of Narrabundah. seconds 325.74 links and 193 degrees 2 minutes 30 seconds 157.84 Blocks 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24. 26, 29, 31, 36, 38 links to the point of commencement. and 48 of Section 72, Division of Narrabundah. I No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Commonwealth Gazette 1910 Blocks 2, 4, 6. 8, 10, 12, 15, 19, 21, 23 and 27 of Section 73, Division of Narrabundah. Blocks 1, 3, 5, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25 and 26 of Section 76, Division of Narrabundah. Blocks 10 and 11 of Section 125, Division of Narrabundah. Blocks 4, 7, 14 and 17 of Section 19, Division of O'Connor. Blocks 2 to 4 inclusive of Section 20, Division of O'Connor. Blocks 8 to 10 inclusive of Section 20, Division of O'Connor. Blocks 17 to 20 inclusive of Section 20, Division of O'Connor. Blocks 19 to 21 inclusive of Section 21, Division of O'Connor. Blocks 6 to 10 inclusive of Section 65, Division of O'Connor. Blocks 19 to 22 inclusive of Section 66, Division of O'Connor. Blocks 1 to 4 inclusive of Section 69, Division of O'Connor. Blocks 1 to 16 inclusive of Section 80, Division of O'Connor. Blocks 17 to 27 inclusive of Section 84, Division of O'Connor. Blocks 5 to 8 inclusive and 15 and 16 of Section 9, Division of Yarralumla. Blocks 9 and 12 of Section 10, Division of Yarralumla. Blocks 9 to 13 inclusive of Section 11, Division of Yarralumla. Blocks 17 to 21 inclusive of Section 11, Division of Yarralumla. Blocks 8 and 10 of Section 12, Division of Yarralumla. Blocks 7 to 10 inclusive of Section 13, Division of Yarralumla. Blocks 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 36 of Section 21, Division of Yarralumla. Blocks 2, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 13 of Section 23, Division of Yarralumla. Blocks 9, 10, 15, 17, 19, 20 of Section 27, Division of Yarralumla. Blocks 4, 11, 20 and 21 of Section 28, Division of Yarralumla. Blocks 20, 21, 23, 28, 29, 30 and 31 of Section 29, Division of Yarralumla. Blocks 3, 4, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23 and 24 of Section 34, Division of Yarralumla. Block 13 of Section 35, Division of Yarralumla. TERRITORY OF PAPUA A N D NEW GUINEA. New Guinea Land Titles Restoration Ordinance 1951-1955. NOTICE LISTING PROVISIONAL ORDERS. a k e notice that Provisional Orders under the New Guinea Land Titles Restoration Ordinance 1951-1955 in respect of interests, so defined in Section 4 of that Ordinance, in land in the Territory of New Guinea as summarized hereunder were made during the month of May, 1958. T Names of persons provisionally declared to be entitled on the appointed date to interests provisionally re-established. Short description of the land. Chenova, Portion 282, District of Bougainville Interests owned on the appointed date provisionally declared to be re-established. (a) The Administration of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. (b) J. M. Joyes and W. A. L. Clarke . . Wanup, District of New Ireland . . (a) Absolute ownership. (b) Administration Lease for 99 years from 1st July, 1939, as tenants in common. (a) Absolute ownership. (a) The Administration of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. (b) The successor in title to C. G. Chadderton. (a) The Administration of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. (b) J. H. Macgregor Dowsett Tokaiya, Portion 452, District of New Britain Tokaian, Portion 242, District of Bougainville (b) Administration Lease for 99 years from a date to be fixed. (a) Absolute ownership. (b) Administration Lease as to part for 99 years from 1st January, 1933, and Administration Lease of remainder for 99 years from 1st July, 1940. (a) Absolute ownership. (a) The Administration of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. (b) J. H. Ellis Kenabot, Allotment 2, Portion 247, District of New Britain Meto, Witu Island, District of New Britain Ilia, Witu Island, District of New Britain . . Rabuin, between Cape Worn and Cape Pus, District of Sepik The Custodian of Expropriated Property (b) Administration Lease for 99 years from the 1st July, 1937. Estate in fee simple The Custodian of Expropriated Property The Custodian of Expropriated Property The Custodian of Expropriated Property Estate in fee simple Estate in fee simple Estate in fee simple as to part Any person desiring to object to the making of a Final Order in accordance with any Provisional Order listed in this Notice may make an objection in Form 15 in the Schedule to the New Guinea Land Titles Restoration Regulations. Such objection must be forwarded by registered post to the Commissioner of Titles, Port Moresby, Territory of Papua and New Guinea, to reach him on or before the first day of October, 1958. If in respect of any Provisional Order listed in this Notice no objection is made in accordance with the provisions of the New Guinea Land Titles Restoration Ordinance 1951-1955 on or before the first day of October, 1958, a Final Order may, subject to the provisions of that Ordinance, be made in the terms of that Provisional Order or in such other terms as I think just. All Administration Leases mentioned above are affected by the provisions of Regulation 24 of the National Security (External Territories) regulations of the Commonwealth. All provisional Orders mentioned above are dated the twentieth day of May, 1958. Dated at Port Moresby the twenty-sixth day of May, 1958. CYRIL P. McCUBBERY, Commissioner of Titles. TERRITORY OF PAPUA A N D NEW GUINEA. New Guinea Land Titles Restoration Ordinance 1951-1955. NOTICE LISTING FINAL ORDERS. r i l H E following is a list of all Final Orders made by me during the month of May, 1958:— Short Description of Land. Chinatown, Town of Kavieng, District of New Ireland Allotment Ic, Chinatown, Kavieng Allotment 2, Chinatown, Kavieng., Names and Addresses of Persons declared to be Entitled to Interests Re-estabUshed. The Administration of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea, Port Moresby Soo Tong, Kavieng Public Curator of Papua and New Guinea for estate of Ah Young, deceased Interests declared to be Re-established. Absolute ownership Administration Lease from 1st January, Administration Lease from 1st January, Date of Provisional Order. See Orders for Allotments for 30 years 1937 for 30 years 1937 1st December, 1952 13th October, 1952 Commonwealth Gazette 1911 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 NOTICE LISTING FINAL ORDERS—continued. Short Description of the Land. Names and Addresses of Persons declared to be Entitled to Interests Re-established, Allotment4, Chinatown, Kavieng. . Public Curator of Papua and New Guinea for estate of Ah Young, deceased Liu Lam Ying, Kavieng Allotment 7c, Chinatown, Kavieng Jee Kok, Kavieng Allotment 9, Chinatown, Kavieng. . Leong Bew, Kavieng Allotment 10, Chinatown, Kavieng Toong Lep, Buin Allotment 11, Chinatown, Kavieng Woo You, Kavieng Allotment 12, Chinatown, Kavieng Cheong Fat, Kavieng .. Allotment 13, Chinatown, Kavieng Bernard Chan Bing At, Rabau) Allotment 17, Chinatown, Kavieng Kwan Wah, Kavieng .. Allotment 20, Chinatown, Kavieng Cheong Ho, Kavieng .. Allotment 3, Chinatown, Kavieng.. .. Interests declared to be Re-established, Date of Provisional Order. Administration Lease for 30 years from 1st January, 1937 13th October, 1952 Administration Lease for 30 years from 1st January, 1937 Administration Lease for 30 years from 1st January, 1937 Administration Lease for 30 years from 1st August, 1935 Administration Lease for 30 years from 1st August, 1935 Administration Lease for 30 years from 1st August, 1935 Administration Lease for 30 years from 1st August, 1935 Administration Lease for 30 years from 1st August, 1935 Administration Lease for 30 years from 31st May, 1939 Administration Lease for 30 years from 31st May, 1939 13th October, 1952 13th October, 1952 13th October, 1952 10th November, 1955 13th October, 1952 13th October, 1952 1st December, 1952 13th October, 1952 13th October, 1952 No native customary rights were retained at the appointed date in relation to any of the pieces of land listed above. NOTE.—The time between 11th February, 1942, and 10th February, 1947, both dates inclusive, is not to be taken into account in computing the term of the leases mentioned above. The date of all Final Orders listed above is 30th May, 1958. Dated at Port Moresby the thirtieth day of May, 1958, CYRIL P. McCUBBERY, Commissioner of Titles. TENDERS. COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION. TENDERS ACCEPTED, Locality and Description of Work. Amount of Contract. £ 916 10 0 Mareeba.—One (1) Beckman quartz spectrophotometer for the Tobacco Research Institute Werribee.—Supply of 12 tons of layers pellets to the Poultry Research Centre Fishermen's Bend,—One (1) single point millivolt recorder for Division of Industrial Chemistry Edithvale.—Erection of power lines at the Field Station 844 0 0 375 0 0 422 0 0 527 0 0 2,612 0 0 768 16 0 302 11 0 1,728 13 6 1,427 0 0 545 0 0 461 0 0 642 10 0 401 Date of Date of Acceptance. Completion. S. d. Werribee.—Supply of 30 tons of layers* mash, &c., for Poultry Research Centre Carlton.—One (1) gas cooling machine for the Division of Tribophysics, University of Melbourne Sydney,—One (1) 16 mm. optical and magnetic sound projector for the Division of Radiophysics Sydney.—One (1) Paillard Bolex reflex camera for the Division of Radiophysics Sydney.—Supply of 60 gallons of silver iodide solution to the Division of Radiophysics Sydney.—One (I) precision toolroom lathe and accessory equipment for Division of Radiophysics Brisbane.—Supply of a cool incubator to the Division of Entomology Western Australia.—One (1) automatic scaler for Division of Plant Industry Canberra.—Supply and erection of one (1) prefabricated building at the Division of Plant Industry Fishermen's Bend,—Supply of one (1) plunger type controlled volume pump to the Division of Industrial Chemistry Highett.—One (1) Vickers projection microscope and accessory equipment for Division of Building Research Rockhampton.—Supply of one (1) side delivery rake to the National Cattle Breeding Station, Belmont Fishermen's Bend.—One (1) Jacketted vacuum drier for the Division of Industrial Chemistry Canberra.—One (1) Refrigerated water bath for Division of Entomology Highett.—Supply of additional refrigeration components to the Engineering Section Contractor's Name and Address. 0 0 1,538 16 5 295 0 0 492 0 0 269 0 0 1,532 10 0 Poultrymens and Farmers Trading Co. Pty. Ltd., 286 Queensberry-street, North Melbourne H. B. Selby & Co. Pty. Ltd., Upper Romastreet, Brisbane John McLeann & Son, cnr. Princes Highway and Plunkett road, Dandenong Philips Electrical Industries Pty. Ltd., 590 Bourke-street, Melbourne Thompson & McKenzie Pty. Ltd., 499 High-street, Prahran Philips Electrical Industries Pty. Ltd., 590 Bourke-street, Melbourne Hanimex Pty. Ltd., 14 King-street, Sydney Cineoptics Aust. Pty. Ltd., 329-335 Pacific Highway, Artarmon By-Products & Chemicals Pty. Ltd., 22 Bourke-road, Alexandria Demco Machinery Co. Pty. Ltd., 267-271 Cleveland-street, Redfem Andrew Thom Ltd., 261 Broadway, Sydney Siemens (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 189-191 Williamstreet, Melbourne D. Normoyle & Co. Ltd., Lower Boroniastreet, Young Centrifuge Engineering Pty. Ltd., 1 UnwinsBridge-road, St. Peters, Sydney A. E. Supplies Pty. Ltd., 44 Punt road, Windsor Hastings Deering (Q'land) Pty, Ltd., 102124 Melbourne-street, South Brisbane Universal Equipment Co. Pty. Ltd., 38 Northern-road, Heidelberg West Gordon Bros. Pty. Ltd., comer Lordstreet, and Edgeware-road, St Peters R. Werner & Co. Pty. Ltd., 54-86 Burnleystreet, Richmond 30.4.48 30.6.58 June, 1958 30.6.58 6.5.58 Oct., 1958 5.5.58 19.5,58 8.5.58 13.5.58 >» Four weeks 20.5.58 >» 16.5.58 23.5.58 19.5.58 August, 1958 26.5.58 21.5.58 29.8.58 22,5.58 30.9.58 23.5.58 Sept,, 58 27.5.58 6,6.58 29.5.58 31.7.58 20,6,58 5.5,58 19,5.58 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1912 Commonwealth Gazette DEPARTMENT OF WORKS. TENDERS INVITED. Locality and Description of Work. Tenders Rctumablfi on— New South Wales. Tenders returnable to Pirector of Works, 32 Pitt-strept, Phillip House, 119 Phillip-street, Sydney.—Supply, de- 2 p m., 17th June, 1958 livery and installation of an air conditioning system for the fifth floor R.A.A.F. Station, Richmond.—Provision and instal- 2 p m., 24th June, 1958 lation of a 100,000 gallon reinforced concrete water tank and one (1) electrically and one (1) oil driven engine pump and a brick pump house R.A.N. Torpedo Establishment, Neutral Bay.r—New piles, girders, land ties and sundry wharf repain Phillip House, 119 Phillip-street, Sydney .---General repairs including the installation of partitions to the fifth floor Nowra.—Supply, delivery and installation of on© (1) 60 kW. generating set, R.A.N.A.|S. Menindee.—Sundry repairs, general renovation® and painting to the post office, residence and outbuildings. Fresh Tenders Tamworth.—Erection and completion of a steel-framed, corrugated iron sheeted divisional store, including alterations and additions to existing roads Bonalbo.—Erection and completion of a timber framed line depot building Narrandera.—Alterations and additions to the post office and telephone exchange Plans, SpecificatiQD5. Ayftil^blc at— Sydney. Department of Works, 82 Pitt-street, Sydney Department of Works, 82 Pitt-street, Sydney; and Postmasters at Broken Hill and M^nindpp Department of Works, 82 Pitt-street, Sydney; and Divisional Works Officer, T. & G. Building, Huntw-strc^t. Neweastl?; aod Postin^stpr at Tamworth Department pf Works, 82 Pjtt-strept, Sydney; and Postmasters at Lismore and Casino Department of Works, 82 Pitt^strcet, Sydney; Divisional Works Qfficer, p^yiiss-street, Wagga; and Postmasters at Leeton and Narrandera Victoria. Tenders returnable to Director of Works, 225 Bourke-street, Melbourne. Maribymong.—Reconstruction in concrete of abut- 1 p.m., 18th June, 1958 Department of Works, 225 Bourke-street, Melments on bridge at Explosives Factory bourne Avalon.—Construction of sealed granite sand car park (approximately 4,500 sq. yd.) and security fence (approximately 860 lineal feet) at test airfield Parkville.—Erection of extensions to Veterinary Virus Laboratory in brick two (2) buildings Broadmeadows.—Erection of compound for dog breeding and distemper isolation Parkville.—Erection of additional story in brick to easting Experimental Animals Building Parkville.—Erection of steel framed aluminium clad walkway connecting South Block to Block No. 5 Broadmeadows.—Erection of brick building to provide facilities for production of dog anti-tick swum Newport West.—Installation of fire hydrant system at P.M.G. store Footscray.—Alterations and additions to building No. 1 p,m„ 24tl| June, 1958 66, No. 1 tool room, steel frame, brick and concrete with asbestos corrugated roof at Ammunition factory Deer Park.—Alterations and additions to buil4ings 241 A, 242A, 243A at Explosives factory Broadmeadows.—Erection of steel-framed asbestos and aluminium clad building to house small ^imals. (Quantities £20) Footscray.—Erection of extensive replacement of sawtooth glazing and box gutters to building 302, No, | Cjtse shop Footscray.—Installation of light and power in No. 1 Case shop South Australia. Tenders returnable to Director of Works, 9th Floor, Da Costa Building, Orenfell-street, Adelaide. Torrens Island,—Enclose frqnt verand^ilis to No. 4 2,15 p,m., I7th Jun^, 1958 Department of Works, 9th Floor, Pa Cp^ta cottages. Spec. HH.58/353 Building, Qrenfell-street, Adelaide Adelai4e.—Period contract, 1st July, 1958 to 30th December, 1958. Supply and delivery of wooden office furniture. Spec. WH.58/351 R.A.A.F. Edinburgh.—Construction and illumination pf two (2) basketball courts. Spec, WRE.58/366 Glenthome.—Repairs and maintenance to workshop building. Spec. CS.58/358 Woomera, Village.—Provision of pqwer outlets tO 2AS p.m., 24th June, 1958 Department of Works, 9th Floor, Da Costa laundries of 67 houses. Spec. WRE.58/356 Building, Grenfell-street, Adelaide; an4 Post Office, Port Augusta Port Adelaide, Dean Range.—Repair and re-sealing of Pepartmont of Works, 9th Floor, Da Costa th© access road ^nd re-construc^ion of three (3) firing Building, GrenfelUtrpet, Ad6lai48 mounds. Spec. AY.58/371 It.A.A.F. Edinburgh.—Supply and installation of kitchen equipment. Spec. WRE,58/247 Edinburgh Airfield.—Generating plant, ^pec, WRE, 2,l5p,m., 1st July, 1958 58/288 Qarmer4—Hppairs and maintenance ^nd general Department gf Worki, 9tb Floor, Pa CQit^ painting. Spec. PG.58/370 Building, Grenf^U^iitreft, Adelaide J Post Offices, Renmark and Barmera Coittmonwealth Oarctte 1913 N a 33.—12th June, 1958 DEPARTMENT OP WORKS—continued. TENDERS INVITED--continued. Locality and Description of Work. Tenders Returnable on— Plans, Spedflcations, Availabl* at— y^estttn Austrftlift. Tenders returnable to Director of Works, Box C.115, G.P.O., Perth. Department of Works, 99 WeUington-fitreet, Perth.—Supply of steel cabinets. Job 3709 .. 17th June, 1958 Perth Hollywood.—Extensions to nurses home, £2 2s. deposit 24th June, 1958 on Bill of Quantities, returned bona fide tender lodged. Job 3708 Leonora.—Alterations and additions. Job 3670 Kojonup.—Erect timber line depot building and paving. Job 3684 Kojonup.—Erect brick exchange and alterations to Post Office. Job 3701 Onslow and Learmonth.—Erect airport passenger shelters. Job 3699 Donnybrook.—Erect brick long line equipment building. Job 3698 Pearce.—Supply and install air conditioning system. Job 3707 Dunreath.—Additions and renovations. Job 3690 .. Broome.—Erect new post office and exchange building. Job 3715 Derby.—Erection of electrical high tension and low tension power line. Job 3711 Tasmania. Tenders returnable to Controller of Works, Stowell-avenue, Battery Point, Hobart. Noon, 17th June, 1958 Department of Works, Stowell-avenue, Battery Moonah.—Provision of concrete bases and repairs to Point, Hobart fences, P.M.G. stores site. (Revised) Hobart.—Evaporative cooling, ventilation^ heating and exhaust systems, Repatriation General Hospital Hobart.—Erection of brick strong room. War Service Homes, 66 Collins-street Department of Works, Stowell-avenue, Battery Oatlands.—Internal and external painting and repairs Point, Hobart; Department Of Works, and erection of new fencing, Exchange Building Hobart-road» Youngtown; and Postmaster, Oatlands Department of Works, Stowell-avenue, Battery Noon, 24th June, 1958 Dowsing Point.—Erection of workshop and vehicle Point, Hobart shelter at Department of Army Ordnance Depot Department of Works, Stowell-avenue, Battery Deloralne.—Erection of two-story brick and concrete Point, Hobart; Department of Works, Exchange Building Hobart-road, Youngtown; and District Employment Officer, Devonport Northern Territory. Tenders returnable to Director of Works, Darwin. 23rd June, 1958 Darwin.—Supply and delivery of two 1,2) three-phase Department of Works, Darwin, Brisbane, voltage transformers for metering purposes only Sydney and Melbourne ratio 22,000/110 to Darwin Darwin.—Supply and delivery of three (3) Burden 15 NA. effective ratio 50/25/10/5 22,000 volts metering current transformers Alice Springs.—Installation of floodlighting and 6-voIt Department of Works, Darwin and Alice Springs power outlets at the cattle transhipment yards Department of Works, Darwin Darwin.—Erection of line depot for P.M.G. Tennant Creek.—Low voltage reticulation to Patterson Department of Works, Darwin, Tennant Creek and Schmidt-streets and Alice Springs Tennant Creek.—Fencing Sections 274-279, inclusive Department of Works, Darwin and Tennant Creek and Section 287 Department of Works, Darwin, Katherine, Wave Hill School.—Erection of low tension lines and Tennant Creek and Alice Springs wiring of buildings Department of Works, Darwin Darwin.—Construction of approximately 1,000 feet Of 4-inch watermain in Parap area Darwin.—Sullage drainage, terminal hangar Department of Works, Darwin, Tennant Creek Elliott.—Erection and completion of police office and and Alice Springs court house, tracker's quarters and cells, &c. Department of Works, Darwin Darwin.—Erection and completion of office and store N.T.A. Experimental Farm, Berrimah AistraUan Capital Territory. Tenders returnable to Director of Works, Canberra. 17th June, 1958 Department of Works, Barton, Canberra Canberra.—Alterations and additions to convert two existing weatherboard huts into sporting d u b rooms. Turner Sports Ground Canberra.—Alterations and additions to convert ** existing weatherboard hut into sporting club rooms, Northboume Oval, Braddon Canberra.—Alterations and additions to convert existing weatherboard hut into sporting club room, Kingston Oval, Kingston Canberra.—Erection and completion of eighty-nine (89) »» »» houses comprising 36 brick, 8 brick veneer, 25 raonocrete, 20 masonry veneer at Sections 22,23,27 and 28, Campbell Canberra.—Erection and completion of a new building to house diesel generator at H.M.A.S. Harman 1914 No. 31—12th June, 1958 DEPARTMENT OF TENDERS Commonwealth Gazette WORKS—continued. INVITED—continued. Tenders Returnable on— Locality and Description of Work. Plans, Specifications. Available at— Australian Capital Territory—continued. Canberra.—Supply and delivery of one (1) only electrically operated sheep head splitting machine for Canberra Abattoirs at Woden Canberra.—Construction of concrete pavements and walkways at plant depot yard Molonglo Canberra.—Erection and completion of a manproof fence around area to be vacated by timber mill in Kingston Stores Area 24th June, 1958 „ „ ,, „ Department of Works, Barton; Canal-road» Leichhardt; and 225 Bourke-street, Melbourne Department of Works, Barton, Canberra TENDERS ACCEPTED. 1 Locality and Description of Work. Amount of Contract, £ Date ot Date of Acceptance. Completion. Contractor's Name and Address. s. d. New South Wales. Lithgow (Small Arms Factory).—Internal painting of the Tool Room, Ground floor. Automatic Builduig Bankstown Airport,—Removal, re-erection and additions to timber-framed residence Wallerawang.—Erection and completion of brick Telephone Exchange and long line equipment building Athol Bay (Reserve Fleet Berths).—Construction of water mains and associated work Nowra (R.A.N.A.S.).—Erection and completion of Air Control Building, Stage 2 Kingswood (R.A.A.F. Explosives Area).—Repairs and painting to various buildings Sydney University.—Repairs and painting to National Standards Laboratory Sydney (Phillip House).—External repairs and painting and alterations to steel windows Maribyrnong.—External painting of Building No. 87 at Ordnance Factory Mulwala.—Repainting forty-four (44) buildings at Explosives Factory Bendigo.—Painting of various buildings at Ordnance Factory Bonegilla.—External painting of various buildings Port Melbourne.—Erection of brick building with concrete roof Benalla.—Painting various buildings at Migrant Holding Centre 1,650 0 0 1,650 0 0 17,400 0 0 17,987 17 3 64,896 19 3 925 0 0 2,910 0 0 9,031 0 0 7,877 Messrs, J. Moes & J. Cope, 3 High-street, Portland H. Campbell Constructions, 502 Punchbowl-road, Lakemba Shebulton Pty. Ltd., 100 Doonmore-street, Penrith Harry Simpson & Co. Pty. Ltd., 58 Pittstreet, Sydney Hughes Bros. Pty, Ltd., Box 90, P.O., Port Kembla D. S. Foster, 19 Mitchell-street, Condell Park H. G. Cox, 19 Edenholme-road, Five Dock 30.5,58 6.58 22.9.58 R. G. Brooks & Sons Pty. Ltd., 40-44 Red Lion-street, Rozelle 6.58 21.10.58 9.5.58 15.8.58 14.5.58 13.8.58 Victoria. 0 0 E. H. Johns, 120 King-street, Melbourne . 28.5.58 16.7.58 6.8.58 26.11.58 28.11.58 28.8.59 25.7.58 2,250 0 0 Kolu KolefT, 192 High-street, Echuca 1,379 0 0 Kolu Koleff, 192 High-street, Echuca 23.7.58 2,382 613 0 0 0 0 L. Bardy, 2 Noel-street, Wodonga Collins Vaughan Construction Pty. Ltd., 666 Swanston-street, Carlton W. Sewoff, 140 Edgevale-road, Kew 13.8.58 9.7.58 22.5.58 3.7.58 E. C. H. Roberts, 36 Hampton-street, Woolloongabba Atlas Copco (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 12 Waterstreet, South Brisbane 28.5.58 »» 25.6.58 29.5.58 7.8.58 Queensland. Mirrimbul (Mount Coot-tha).—Site clearing at National T.V. transmitter station Eagle Farm Plant Pool, Department of Works,—Supply, installation, testing and maintenance of compressed air plant Canungra J.W.T.C., N.C.O.'s Accommodation.—Plumbing work Mirrumbul (Mount Coot-tha).—Erection of a tubular steel framed chain wire fence Rockhampton.—Erection of a timber-framed residence R.A.A.F., Amberley.—Re-sealing of roads Salisbury.—Supply and deliver tubular steel chairs. Spec. WRE.58/305 Salisbury.—Supply and delivery of bookcases. Spec. WRE.58/300 Salisbury.—Supply and delivery of dressing tables. Spec. WRE.58/300 Keswick.—Erection oi mess and sleeping quarters. Spec. AY.58/200 Enfield Heights.—Internal repairs and painting. Spec, IT.58/277 Adelaide, Commonwealth Offices.—Rewire electrical installation. Spec. PG.58/129 Whyalla.—Alterations and additions to P.M.G. staff residence. Spec. PG.58/27 Department of the Army, Southwark.—Re-wiring and alterations to lighting. Spec. AY.58/266 Crystal Brook, 5CK.—Repairs and maintenance. Spec. PG.58/17 345 0 0 574 10 0 3,622 15 0 J. Thorburn, 60 Glenora-street, Wynnum 1,198 16 6 3,890 0 Cyclone Co. of Aust. Ltd., Robinson-road East, Geebung A. W. Ashton, 22 Elphinstone-street, Rockhampton Queensland Oil Refineries Pty. Ltd., Kingsford Smith-drive, Whinstanes 0 400 0 0 (Estimated Cost) South Australia. 249 12 0 K. F. Productions, 259 North East-road, Hampstead 527 0 0 Henley Joinery Works, Mitton-avenue, Kirkcaldy 811 4 0 Ferrand Furniture Co. Ltd., 165 West Beach-road, Richmond 51,386 0 0 F. Fricker Ltd., Old Port-road, Queenstown 640 0 0 7,177 10 0 0 0 233 12 5 987 0 1,544 0 10.7.58 2.6.58 28.5.58 18.6.58 28.6.58 3.6.59 26.5.58 Clarence Park Menash Electrical Services, 77 Gover-street, North Adelaide W. E. Panter, 37 Donaldson-terrace, Whyalla Complete Electrical Services, 49 Hardingstreet, Broadway Estate V. Evelc, 1 Alpha-street, Kensington Park 8.9.58 21.7.58 24.11.58 29.5.58 28.8.58 30.5.58 4.7.58 29.5.58 31,7.58 Commonwealth Gazette No. 33.—I2th June, 1^58 1915 DEPARTMENT OF WORKS-~continued. TENDERS ACCEPTED—continued. Locality and Description of Work. Amount of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. £ s. d. South Australia—continued. 852 0 0 G. & R. Wills & Co. Ltd., 20 Gawler-place, Salisbury.—Supply and delivery of curtains. Spec. Adelaide WRE.58/315 Woomera.—Erection of balloon filling building. Spec. 3,846 0 0 Martin Building Constructions Ltd., Box 1802N, G.P.O., Adelaide WRE.58/193 611 0 0 J. Ancans & A. Weigurs, 32 Egmont-terrace, Kensington Training Depot.—Stormwater drainage. Lower Mitcham Spec. AY.58,/242 7,058 6 8 Quarry Industries Ltd., 333 Marion-road, Salisbury.—Delivery of 7,000 tons of H-in. fine crushed Plympton rock. Spec. WRE.58/295 * Woomera.—Supply of fruit and vegetables. Spec. WH. A. E. Tully & Sons (Sales) Ltd., New 58/309 Market, Grenfell-street, Adelaide Edinburgh Airfield.—Construction of concrete aircraft 27,998 11 8 Mosaic Flooring Co. Ltd., 76 Days-road, Laurel Park pavement. Spec. 58/223 1,015 0 0 S. MisirdjiefT, 330 Tapleys Hill-road, Seaton Oodnadatta (Repeater Station).—Repairs, minor works Park and painting. Spec. PG.58/37 and Addendum No. 1 460 0 0 A.K.A. Electrical Services, 19 ElizabethNavy Birkenhead.—Rewire electrical installation, street, Enfield H.M.A.S. Torrens. Spec. NV.58/270 1,600 0 0 H. Anson, Smoky Bay, South Australia .. Ceduna (Staff residences).—Internal and external painting. Spec. CA.58/207 428 8 0 T.S.I. (Sales) Ltd., Daws-road, Cudmore Department of Supply.—Supply and delivery of tubular Park steel beds. Spec. WRE.58/302 852 0 0 Myer Emporium (South Australia) Ltd., Salisbury.—Supply and delivery of bedside mats. Spec. WRE.58/303 Rundle-street, Adelaide 369 0 0 R. B. Day & Sons Ltd., 18 Field-street, Salisbury. —Supply and delivery of fireside chairs. Spec. Adelaide WRE.58/30i 357 12 0 R. B. Day & Sons Ltd., 18 Field-street, Salisbury.—Supply and delivery of inner spring Adelaide mattresses. Spec. WRE.58/302 849 0 0 Gorrens Island.—Alterations to kitchen. Spec. HH.58/29 B. Hillier, 64 Francis-street, Clarence Park Perth (99 Wellington-street).—Office alterations. Job 3687 Nungarin.—Supply and delivery of one (I) 200 kVA. stepdown transformer. Job 3694 Midland Junction, 5 BOD.—Repairs, maintenance and painting. Job 3676 Fremantle.—Supply and delivery at Fremantle, of one (1) fast motor launch. Job 3583 Alice Springs.—Construction of water mains in old town area Darwin.—Alteiations to existing building to Storage shed at N.T.A. experimental farm, Berrimah Alice Springs.—Alterations and improvements to Court House Darwin.—Low voltage reticulation to fifteen (15) residences at R.A.A.F. Station Darwin,—Fencing, Stage 2, of 24 sites in Gregory and Drysdale-streets, Parap Darwin.—Construction of 6in. and 4in. C.l.C.I. water mains, Nightcliffe-Seabreeze area Darwin.—Provide water reticulation at Parap Primary school Darwin.—Electrical rehabilitation, Sion House, Mitchellstreet Western Australia. 780 0 0 R. A. Ellis, 555 Beaufort-street, Mount Lawley 691 0 0 Rablec Pty. Ltd., 135 St. George's-terrace, Perth 6,400 0 0 G. E. White, 33 Orchid-street, Joondanna Heights 41,755 0 0 Wm. Weatherhead & Sons, (1954) Ltd.. Sterling West Harbour, Cockenzie, Scotland Northern Territory. 8,860 4 0 E. Nelli, c/o P.O., Darwin 670 0 0 Darwin Engineering, P.O. Box 523, Darwin 6,588 7 0 A. S. & R. S. Sweet, P.O. Box 59, Alice Springs 578 10 6 John Joseph, P.O. Box 110, Darwin 2,383 0 0 D. C. Steel Products, c/o P.O., Darwin .. 6,076 1 0 Skewes Contracting Ltd., 65 McMinnstreet, Darwin 550 0 0 A. Thiel, c/o P.O. Darwin 770 0 0 Brack Bros., P.O. Box 88, Darwin Date of Date o{ Acceptance. Completion. 29.5.58 30.5.58 30.5.58 26.5.58 27.5.58 19.6.58 8,8.58 11.7.58 I.8.58 t 19.9.58 10.7.58 II.7.58 4.8.58 17.6.58 29.5.58 24.6.58 17.6.58 24.7.58 30.5.58 2.6.58 29.5.58 28.5.58 29.5.58 28.5.58 26.5.58 23.7.58 17.9.58 t 27.5.58 23.12.58 1.7.58 28.5.58 6.8.58 29.5.58 19.6.58 7.8.58 16.10.58 19.6.58 11.7.58 >> Australian Capital Territory. 1,534 19 0 Demco Machinery Co. Pty. Ltd., 267-271 29.5.58 Immediatt Canberra.—Supply and delivery of one (1) only Heine Cleveland-street, Redfem, New South power geared guillotine shears, Model 106 B Wales McPhersons Ltd., McEvoy & BrennanCanberra.—Supply and delivery of workshop equipment, streets, Alexandria, New South Wales f.o.r.— (a) One (1) only G.M.F. electric pedes- £ s. d. tal grinder. Model 8-in. 50 3 6 (b) One (1) only " John Heine " model 60c throatless shear . . 49 7 6 (c) One (1) only "Justice" burring machine, model 7B . . 10 5 0 109 16 0 Canberra.—Completion of earth works and gravel pave - 4,430 15 0 Grunberg & Donoghoe Constructions Pty. 3.6.58 4.8.58 ments, Captain Cook-crescent— Ltd., P.O. Box 361, Canberra City (a) North lane from Mclntyre-street to Sturt-avenue (b) South lane from Carnegie-crescent to Sturtavenue Canberra.—Conversion of Brassey House, Barton, to a 37,270 9 10 C. H. Webb Bros. Pty. Ltd., 42 Rosehill- 9.5.58 29.8.58 road, Parramatta, New South Wales Commonwealth Administrative College Canberra.—Erection and completion of Lyneham High 407,713 0 0 Karl Schreiner Pty. Ltd.. P.O. Box 220, Pt. (i)~ Canberra City School at Lyneham 29.1.59 Pt. (ii)29.1.60 * Schedule Rates t As tendered. t Period 1.6.58 to 31.5.59. 1916 No. 33.—l2th June, 1958 Commonwealth Gazette DEPARTMENT OF WORKS—contiflued. TBNDl^S ACCEPTED—continued. Amount of Contract. Locality and Description of Work. Date of Date of Acceptance. Completion. Contractor's Name and Address. £ s. d. Australian Capital Territory—continued. Canberra.—Supply and delivery of white bread to Works Schedule of M^ef & Son, Mort-street, Canberra City 30.5.58 31.5.59 rates hostels for the period of 1st June, 1958 to Slst May, 1959 Goodall & Co. Pty. Ltd., 301 Kent-street, 29.5.58 Canberra.—Supply and delivery of workshop equipment Sydney, New South Wales as follows:— (a) One (1) only Maiden model 4 MB £ s. d. pipe screwing machine fitted with 4-in.head 2,159 0 0 29.9.58 (b) One (1) only Waldon utility radial bench drilling machine .. 110 11 0 2,269 11 0 Immediate ORDERS PLACES—SERVICES. Omnaticn No. Q.449 Q.440 Q.407 Q.425 Locality and Description of Work. P.M.G. Transport Depot, North Sydney.— Minor alterations C.S.I.R.O. Research Laboratory, Camden.— Minor renovations and painting R.A.A.F. Station, Uranquinty.—Supply and installation of heating and ventilation system. Building 31 Quarantine Station, North Head.—Supply and install hot water systems I^ate Order IsMed. Asiotmt Contractor*4 Name and Address. Order.of £ 8. d. New South Wales. 270 0 0 John Langmar & Son, 136 Walker-street, North Sydney 869 0 0 A. C. Hulbert, Harrington-street, Camden 1,908 15 0 C. Campbell, 8 Cormiston-avenue, Concord 1,562 0 0 F, R. Coyle Pty. Ltd., 17 William-street, Rose Bay Completi<in Date. 28.5.58 29.5.58 18.6.58 25.6.58 24.7.58 26.6.58 C O M M O N W E A L T H S T O R E S S U P P L Y A N D T E N D E R BOARD. IJIENDERS are invited for the following:— Schedule No. C.T.B. Material Required. Lined Strawboard for the Government Printer, Canberra Paper Oiled Tympan Manilla for Government Printer, Canberra .. Tender! Tender Forms, Specifications. Close at &c.. Obtainable froto— 3 p.m. on— C.T.B. 1583 C.T.B. 1584 26.6.58 15.7.58 a b and c a Stores and Contracts Branch, Postmaster-General's Department, Sydney and Melbourne only, b Stores and Contracts Branch, Postmastdr-Ocneral Departroeot, in each State capital city, c High Commissioner's Office, London. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. TENDERS INVITED. No. locality and Description of Work. Tenders Returnable at— Plans, Specifications, &c.. Available from— New South Wales. Tenders returnable to Chief Engineer, H.Q. Eastern Command, Victoria Barracks, Paddington. 199 Werrington.—1 Base Sig. Pk.—Lopping of 2 p.m., 24th June, 1958 .. Chief Engineer, H.Q. Eastern Command, Victrees toria Barracks, Paddington DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. WAR SERVICE HOMES DIVISION. TENDERS ACCEPTED. Locality and Description of Work. Amount of Contract. Contractor's Kame and Addrest. Date of Date of Acceptance. Completion. £ 8. d. New South Wales. & Cotteril, 299 Cabramatta-road, St. Marys.—Erection offive(5) timber-framed dwellings. 14,345 0 0 Reynolds Cabramatta Group 49R (N), Sub-group 3 A. Irvine, Lot 21, Milne-street, ShortNorth Ryde.—Erection of six (6) timber-fraifted dwellings. 16,737 0 0 H.lands Group 7R, 8R, IIR and 25R, Sub-group 56 A. Stewart St Co. I'ty. Ltd., 128 Georges Bankstown.—Erection of six (6) timber-framed dweUings. 16,650 0 0 L. River-crescent, Croydon Park Group 122R (N), Sub-group 9 North Ryde.—Erection of six (6) timber-framed dwclHngs. 16,221 0 0 A. J. Laurence & Sons Pty. Ltd., 80 VirgilAvenue, Chester Hill Group 7R, 8R, IIR and 25R» Sub-^oup 59 M. Bracken, 5 Myddleton-avenne, SmithBankstown.-Erection of eleven (11) timber-frartied dwel- 31,359 0 0 A.field lings. Group 122R (N), Sub-group 21 Queensland. Kedron.—Erection of four (4) timber-framed dwellings. 10,305 0 0 National Builders, 18 Gympic-road, Kedron Group 28R (Q), Sub-group 6 19.5.58 20.5.58 22.5.58 30.5.58 2.6.58 18.5.59 19.5.59 21.5.59 29.5.59 1.6.59 27.5.58 25.11.5a Commonwealth Gazette No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1917 POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. TENDERS INVITED. e n d e r s are invited for the supplies or service shown below. Envelopes containing tenders should be endorsed ** Tender for Schedule No Each tender schedule indicates the Officer to whom it is to be addressed and the location of the Tender Box in which it should be deposited. If sent by mail, tenders should be registered. T Schedule No. Description of Material or Service Required. a a a a a a abf ab ab ab ab ab a a abh 19.6.58 24.6.58 24.6.58 26.6.58 26.6.58 26.6.58 3.7.58 3.7.58 31.7.58 31.7.58 7.8.58 12.8.58 14.8.58 21.8.58 2.10.58 NEW SOUTH WALES. N.S.W.1025 N.S.W.1028 N.S.W.1029 N.S.W.1031 N.S.W.1035 N.S.W.1036 N.S.W.1030 d d d d d d d 13.6.58 13.6.58 13.6.58 13.6.58 13.6.58 17.6.58 20.6.58 VICTORIA. V.595 V.601 V.602 V.603 V.606 V.612 V.605 V.607 V.608 V.609 V.610 V.611 V.613 19.6.58 19.6.58 19.6.58 19.6,58 19.6.58 19.6.58 26.6.58 26.6.58 26.6.58 26.6.58 26.6.58 26.6.58 26.6.58 SOUTH AUSTRALU. S.A.152 20.6.58 Tools, Leadworking, Measuring, &c. .• •. Counter Notice Stands .. .• Platinum Wire .. .. .. .• •• Electric Wall Clocks .. .. .. .• .. •• Steel Shelving Components for Storage Units, Medium Weight Loading Packing Cases .. .. .. .. .. .• Hammers, Files, &c. Public Telephone Cabinet Components—Door, Closet and Handles .. Public Telephone Cabinet Components—Glass .. Public Telephone Cabinet Components—Roof—Asbestos Cement .. Public Telephone Cabinet Components—Aluminium Die Castings .. Public Telephone Cabinet Components—Acoustic Tile Window Cleaning Relay Sets for R.A.X. Equipment ., Tenders Close at 3 p.m. On— C.7908 C.7909 C.7911 C.7902 C7915 C.7916 C.7831 C.7903 C.7905 C.7906 C.7914 C.7896 C.7904 C.7893 C.7894 Sleeves Wire Jointing Sleeves Wire Jointing Printed Forms R. Series . . Insulated Wire Transposition Fittings Printed Forms S.E. Series Automatic Verbal Announcing Equipment Telephones and Bellsets .. Stapling Machines and Staples Gas Detectors Gas Leak Detectors Switchboard Cable, Braided and P.V.C. Sheathed Supply and Erection of Mast Radiators Medium Frequency Broadcasting Transmitters, Tubes and Spares Multi Channel Radio Telephone Systems Universal Milling Machine 10-in. Swing SS/SC Lathe .. High Frequency Moulding Powder Pre-Heaters J-in. Capacity Drilling Machines .. Horizontal Spindle Surface Grinder Screwing Machines Spark Erosion Machine GENERAL. Tender Forms, Specifications, &c., obtainable from— a Stores and Contracts Branch in all Capital Cities. b High Commissioner, London. c Stores and Contracts Branch, Melbourne. d Stores and Contracu Branch* Sydney. e Stores and Contracts Branch, Adelaide. f Consul-Gcneral, New York. h Closing date extended. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. TENDERS ACCEPTED. C.5562/21,920. Automatic trunk switching and 2 U.F. signalling equipment for Victoria.—Siemens (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £214,191 7s. lid. plus exchange. C.6911/18,983. High frequency radio telephone subscribers equipment.—Telecommunication Co. of Aust. Pty. Ltd., South Australia. £1,692 12s. 6d. C.7060. Automatic telephone switching equipment— 21,188. Siemens (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £78,820. 21.878. Telephone and Electrical Industries Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £1,107,047 14s. 21.879. Telephone and Electrical Industries Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £363,491 14s. 21.880. Standard Telephones and Cables Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £1,107,209 3s. 21.881. Standard Telephones and Cables Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £363,495 16s. 21,888. Pope Electronics Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £75,073 10s. C.7103/21,546. Trunk type cable.—Austral Standard Cables Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £1,628 5s. (approx.). C.7186/21,918. No-break power supply plant.—McColl Electric Works Ltd., Victoria. £257. C.7364/20,679. Material for steel aerial towers.—British Insulated Callender's Cables Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £8,336 6s. 3553/58.-2 C.7510/20,829. Accumulator ceUs.—Exide Batteries of Aust. Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £1,395 3s. C.7534/20,405. Ornamental telegram stationery.—Containers Ltd., Victoria. £1,322 10s. 8d. C.7554/21,168. Electron tubes.—Amalgamated Wireless Valve Co. Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £2,848 7s. C.7649. Cable terminal boxes.— 21,376. Townsend and Parker Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £720 7s. 6d. 21,419. Wing Gauge & Instrument Co. Victoria. £445 5s. 8d. C.7680/21,465. Post office scales.—R. E. Batger Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £1,868 5s. C.7691/20,988 Printed leaflets" Television Interference".— Modern Printing Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £1,590. C.7699/21,607. Keys, switchboard.—Ericsson Telephones Ltd., New South Wales. £300, plus exchange. C.773 8/21,664. Condensers.—Ducon Condensers Ltd., New South Wales. £1,129 17s. lid. C.7773. Motor trucks— 21,684. Chrysler Australia Ltd., South Australia. £28,179 15s. 3d. 21,686. McGrath Trailer Equipment Pty. Ltd., Victoria, £1,781 18s. 21.892. Ley land Motors Ltd., New South Wales. £5,459. 21.893. Thorneycroft (Australia) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £10,024. 21.894. British Standard Machinery Co. Ltd., New South Wales. £10,855 78. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1918 C.7774. Motor vehicles (sedan cars, utilities and vans)— 21.636. General Motors Holden's Ltd., Victoria. £229,709 18s. 9d. 21.637. Ford Motor Company of Aust. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £36,604 14s. 5d. 21.638. International Harvester Co. of Aust. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £137,156 4s. 21.639. Grenville Motors Ltd., New South Wales. £8,20& 7s. 6d. 21,640. Champions Ltd., South Australia. £4,716 16s. 21.641. Regent Motors, Victoria. £26,593 15s. 21.642. Standard Motor Products Ltd.. Victoria. £29,065 17s. 4d. C.7785. Arm braces and combiners— 21.900. Elecman Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £16,220. 21.901. Galvanising Industries Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £19,413 8s. 9d. 21.902. Toowoomba Foundry Pty. Ltd., Queensland. £9,718. 6s. 8d. 21.903. J. & C. Lyons & Co., Western Australia. £5,162 10s. C.7794. Synthetic enamels and paints— 21.858.—Bahn Paints Pty. Ltd., Victoria. 21.859.—Glazebrooks Paints Aust. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. 21.860.~Goodlass Wall & Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. 21.861.—Lewis Berger & Sons (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. 21.862.—^Tip Top Paints (Australia) Ltd., Victoria. C.7841. Compound, insulating and cable covering— 21,908.—G. M. Skinner Pty, Ltd., New South Wales. £572 4s. 8d. 21,910. Vacuum OU Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £2,609 7s. 3d. C.7881/21,996.—Printed forms, various—Albion Press, Queensland. £239 Is. 8d. New South Wales. N.S.W.956/4743.—Standard notice boards—E. R. & M. C. Bate, New South Wales. £937 10s. N.S.W.968/4741.—Sapping and creosoting poles, Junee—^R. L. Robinson & Sons, New South Wales. £1,404 18s. N.S.W.970/4748.-Power-operated guillotine—John Heine & Son Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £1,375. N.S.W.972. Conveyor belting— 4746.—Powergrip Woven Belts Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £5,058 6s. 8d. 4747.—Robert Young Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £360. N.S.W.980/4744.—Injection moulding machine—Johns Hydraulic Equipment Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £7,966. N.S.W.981. Creosote oil— 4738—The Gas Department, Council of City of Wagga, New South Wales, 4739.—Timbrol Ltd., New South Wales. N.S.W.983/4742.—Cleaning of Administration Buildings, Waverton—A. & C. Cleaning Co., New South Wales. N.S.W.989/4737.—Purchase and removal of second-hand batteries—Albert G. Sims, New South Wales. N.S.W. 1008/4745.—Unloading and laying of pressure-treated poles—P. F. Gander, New South Wales. N.S.W. 1009/4740.—Dismantling Canberra-Yass trunk route—J, Joseph, Victoria. Queensland. Q.437/814.—Poles for Jondaryan-Formartin trunk route—L. P Turley, Queensland. £389 lis. 6d. Q.443/815.—Poles for subscribers' group, Inkerman—W. J Burdell, Queensland. £301 15s. Q.455/816.—Poles for Barton Springs, Meeleebee trunk route— J. H. J. Hunter, Queensland. £341. Q.461/813.—Hire of bulldozer at Greenhills—Koppen & Sons, Queensland, £462. CONTRACT CANCELLED. Contract 21,665 placed with United Capacitor Co. Pty. Ltd., New South Wales, Schedule C.7738, Condensers, appearing on page 474 of Gazette No. 8A of 13th February, 1958, has been cancelled. C. W. DAVIDSON, Postmaster General. D E P A R T M E N T O F TERRITORIES. (SYDNEY.) TENDERS ACCEPTED. Tender No. 1888.—Metaldehyde—C.S.R. Chemicals Pty. Ltd. £266. Tender No. 1917.—Hospital furniture—^Allen & Hanburys (Australasia) Ltd. £510. Tender No. 1926.—Ampoules and tabletsRotary Tableting Corp. Pty. Ltd. £67 10s. Nicholas Pty. Ltd. £105. Andrews Laboratories Pty. Ltd. £400. Commonwealth Gazette DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION. TENDERS closing 17th June, 1958, are invited by the Secretary, Central Contract Board, 499 Little Collins-street, Melbourne, for the supply of the following schedule:— C.784—Batteries, lead, acid. Full particulars at above address or the Superintendent of Stores at Sydney or Brisbane. TENDERS are invited by the Secretary, Central Contract Board, 499 Little Collins-street, Melbourne, for the supply of the following schedules:— C.785.—Coaxial connectors and cable for V.H.F. equipment, closing 24th June, 1958. C.786.—Line voltage regulators, 2.5 K.V.A. and 3.5 K.V.A., closing 22nd July, 1958. C.787.—Runway selector contactors, closing 8th July, 1958. Full particulars at above address or the Superintendent of Stores, at Sydney, Brisbane, or Adelaide, also for C.786 only from Official Secretary, Australia House, Strand, London, W.C.2, and Australian Consul-General, 636 Fifth-avenue, New York 20, United States of America. DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLY. TENDERS will be received at the Directorate of Contracts, Melbourne, or the District Contract Boards in all other capital cities until 2 p.m. on the dates shown— Required. 17th June, 1958. Oregon. (Melbourne.) Masking tape. (Melbourne.) Height gauges. (Melbourne.) Portable lamps. (Melbourne.) Centrifugal pumps. (Melbourne.) Pallets, forklift, wood. (Melbourne.) Cathode ray oscilloscope. (Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide.) 18th June, 1958. Safety glass. (Melbourne.) Machine, fotosetter, cartographic. (Melbourne, Sydney.) Printed form. (Melbourne.) Printed application forms. (Melbourne.) 19th June, 1958. Insecticide sprayer and duster. (Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide.) 2 Nitro-diphenylamine. (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide.) Acid-sulphuric. (Melbourne.) Electrical fittings. (Melbourne, Sydney.) Electronic valves. (Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide.) Microscope, monocular. (Melbourne.) Repair and overhaul of fire fighting equipment. (Melbourne.) Tablets and therapeutic drugs and chemicals. (Melbourne.) 24th June, 1958. Spare parts for Studebaker vehicles. (Melbourne, Sydney.) 26th June, 1958. Truck chassis and mounting of crane shovel equipment. (Melbourne, Sydney.) 8th July, 1958. Truck mounted 1000-gal. water distributors. (Melbourne, Sydney.) 9th July, 1958. Supply and installation of air conditioning equipment in naval vessels. (Melbourne, Sydney.) 31st July, 1958. Supply and installation of 10 kw. radio beacon equipment. (Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide.) For Sale. 17th June, 1958. Scrap metal. (Melbourne.) 19th June, 1958. Landing barges. (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth. Hobart.) Commonwealth Gazette 1919 DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLY. CONTRACTS ARRANGED. Victoria. C4/104/2179. Cereal blocks.—Brockhoff's Biscuits Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £1,875. C4/104/2179 (3). Jams, fortified.—Fowlers Vacola Mfg. Co. Ltd., Victoria. £1,596 15s. 4d. C4/106/2308. Canned dehydrated onions.—Dewcrisp Products Ltd., Tasmania. £829 Is. 2d. C4/106/2330. Frozen ox livers.—G. K. & M. Reynolds Bros., Victoria. £341 5s. C4/106/2342. Canned green peas.—Raleigh Preserving Co. Ltd., Victoria, £558 6s. 8d. C4/106/2342 Canned tomato paste.—Tom Piper Ltd., Victoria. £570. C4/106/2373. Frozen meat— F. Watkins Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £515. Jackson's United Meat Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £741 5s. C4/112/152. Training equipment (hospital)— D.H.A. (N.S.W.) Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £394 7s. lid. Australian Medical Export Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £779 13s. Id. C4/112/163. Drugs and diet supplements.—Commonwealth Drug Co. Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £4,019 8s. 9d. C4/155/103. Band instruments and accessories.—Boosey & Hawkes (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £2,740 lis. 6d. C4/155/105. Musical radio feature.—Robert Peach Productions Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £1,475 10s. C4/160/61. Furniture removal.—Wridgway Bros. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £240. C4/161/376. Titanium dioxide.—LC.LA.N.Z. Ltd., Victoria. £5,463. C4/161/377. Zinc oxide.—Lysaght Bros. & Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £1,747 10s. C4/161/377. Resin wallkyd.—Reichhold Chemicals Inc. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £2,263 16s. C4/171/456. Hand tools— McPherson's Ltd., Victoria. £712 8s. Stanley F. Coffey, New South Wales. £720 15s. 4d. McPherson's Ltd., New South Wales. £335 10s. 3d. C4/174/383. Medical equipmentWatson Victor Ltd., Victoria. £278 14s. Surgical Manufacturing Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £814 8s. Allen & Hanbury A/asia Ltd., Victoria. £231 4s. 6d. W. Ramsay (Surgical) Ltd., Victoria. £475 13s. 2d. C.LG. (Vic). Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £365 10s. C4/177/260. Tape, adhesive.—Sellotape (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £457 lis. 3d. C4/179/642. Cellophane.—Wrightcell Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £715 16s. C4/179/647. Celluloid,—P. Rowe (Vic.) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £590 12s. 6d. C4/181/823. Printing of target.-Morris & Walker Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £425, C4/185/298. Transport of nitric acid.—Collier's Bulk Liquid Transport Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £744 3s. 4d. C4/203/212. Boots, football.—Hicks Bros. Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £1,555 2s. 6d. C4/204/232. Slippers, black.—Johnson & Sons Pty, Ltd., Queensland. £4,250 15s. C4/204/23 5. Shoes, white, canvas.—James McKeown Sons Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £1,042 3s. 8d. C4/204/239. Shoes, leather, black.—Nicholson & Merrett Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £1,055 15s. 8d. C4/253/683. Cap badges.—A. Warhaft, Victoria. £450. C4/255/285. Pullovers, sleeveless, blue.—Haworth Knitting Mills, Victoria. £1,462 10s. C4/258/701. Towels, bath.—Lincot Linen Co, Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £230 8s. C4/258/725. Towels, hand.—S.A. Towel Mfg. Co. Ltd., South Australia. £2.798 10s. lid. C4/258/726. Canvas, white, french.—Andrews Bros. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £460 15s. C4/258/727. Drill, cotton, grey.—Stirling Henry Ltd., New South Wales. £2,925. C4/25 8/729. Preshrinking and dyeing, green of driU, loomstate. —Davies Coop & Co. Ltd., Victoria. £572 18s. 4d. (approximately). C4/259/410. Re-processing of material.—Gibbs Burge & Co., Victoria. £924 lis. (estimate). C4/302/923. Width lights,—McCalman & Judd Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £764 2s, 4d. C4/302/937. Rear vision mirrors.—McCalman & Judd Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £662 7s. 5d. C4/303/961. Conversion of motor vehicle.—A. & M. Hawke, New South Wales. £600. C4/3003/999, Trailer fire pumps.—Freighters Ltd., Victoria. £6,068. C4/303/1016. Ambulance.—Ford Motor Co. of Aust. Pty. Ltd., Victoria £2,693 C4/303/1019. Motor vehicles.—International Harvester Co. of Aust. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £4,982 13s. C4/303/1063. Motor vehicles.—FauUs Pty. Ltd., Western AustraUa. £4,562 8s. 4d. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 C4/305/197. Radiosonde batteries.—Eveready Co., Division of Union Carbide Aust. Ltd., New South Wales. £7,791 13s. 4d. C4/306/166. Mobile crane.—I.S.A.S. (N.S.W.) Ltd., New South Wales. £2,090. C4/307/1774. Hotplates, electric.—Electro Mechanical Products, Victoria. £392 8s. C4/307/1793. Motor generator.-Northern Electric Trading Pty. Ltd., Queensland. £1,840. C4/307/1864. Electric stock pots.—British General Electric Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £1,391 8s. C4/308/685. Excavators.—Jaques Bros. Ltd., Victoria. £46,770. C4/308/692. Rollers, 7-9 ton.—A. H. McDonald & Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £8,145. C4/308/713. Spares for road roUer.—A. H. McDonald & Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £266 10s. 6d. C4/315/233. Centrifugal pumps.—Harland Engineering (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £372. C4/316/1408. Maintenance spares.—Geo. H. Sample & Son Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £1,422 8s. 4d. C4/316/1475. Signal generators.—Amalgamated Wireless (A/asia) Ltd., Victoria. £9,169 17s. 6d. C4/316/1530. Wireless transceiver sets.—Royal Flying Doctor Service of Aust., South Australia. £433. C4/316/1542. Amplifiers.—Trimax Transformers Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £375. C4/317/252. Climatic chamber unit.—H. B. Selby & Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £1,746 5s. C4/317/265. Watercooling tower, &c.—R. Werner & Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £1,640 10s. C4/319/713. Cathode ray oscilloscopes.—Geo. H. Sample & Sons (Electronics) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £324 3s. 9d. C4/319/725. Universal bridge.—Geo. H. Sample & Son Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £263 5s. C4/327/60. Heating elements.—Major Electric Furnaces Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £235 8s. C4/330/1454, Aircraft instrument spares—National Instrument Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £317 14s. 6d. C4/330/1726. Aero wheel and brake equipment.—Dunlop Rubber Aust. Ltd., Victoria. £1,040 Os. 5d. C4/330/1753. Areo wheel and brake equipment.—Dunlop Rubber Aust. Ltd., Victoria. £2,164 6s. (est.). C4/330/1793. Actuator spares and accessories.—Lucas Rotax (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. £907 19s. 8d. C4/330/1843. Rotor bearing assemblies.—National Instrument Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £552. C4/330/1846. Air bottles.—Dunlop Rubber Aust. Ltd., Victoria. £219 19s. 2d. C4/330/1854. Gaskets, main oil screen.—Brown & Dureau Ltd., Victoria. £630. C4/3 30/1856. Trollies, rectifier, ground starting and servicing.— Standard Telephones & Cables Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £590. C4/340/378. Installation service for lathes.—Ferrocast Pty.'Ltd., Victoria. £750. C4/341/786. Grinding machines.—Pauer & Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £12,654. C4/341/816. Spare parts for milling machines.—McPherson's Ltd., Victoria. £431 5s. C4/341/818. Support and pressure rolls.—Alfred Herbert & Co. (A/asia) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £522. C4/341/825. Milling machine.—Norman N. Benson & Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £1,310. C4/344/42. Driver projectile units.—Ramset Fasteners (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £2,139 14s. 3d. C4/345/176. Magnetic crack detector and demagnetizer.—^E. L. Heymanson & Co., Victoria. £4,216. C4/345/198. Measuring instrument.—William Adams & Co. Ltd., Victoria. £416 12s. 6d. C4/345/190. Hardness testing machine.—Frederick Pearson Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £690. C4/349/462-1. Tool and cutter grinder, concrete mixer, garage equipment— McPherson's Ltd., Victoria. £1,515 15s. Lightburn & Co. Pty. Ltd., South Australia. £200 2s. 6d. Replacement Parts Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £977 12s. lid. Pauer & Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £5,147 14s. lid. C4/349/468. Drill and accessories.—Mindrill Ltd., Victoria. £8,675 Os. Id. C4/355/410. Cast sticks, gunmetal.—Jones & Hooke, Victoria. £374 17s, C4/360/596, Tins.—William Horsfall Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £791 13s. 4d. C4/366/976. Eyelets.—Eyelets Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £289 Is. Id. C4/371/1948. Mild steel sheet.—Western Steel & Engineering Supply Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £202 10s. C4/373/803. 16-mm. film.—Sixteen Millimetre (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £340. C4/376/443. Rain gauges and boxes for rain gauges— Malleys Ltd., Victoria. £1,112 10s. J. S, Phillips & Co., Victoria. £1,338 3s. 9d. C4/376/451. Electron microscope and accessories.—National Instrument Co, Ply. Ltd., Victoria. £14,192 lis. 3d. (approx.). C4/386/237 (Pt. 2). Cups for detonators, tinned.—Premier Wire Works Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £9,430. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Oommonwealth Gazette 1920 C4/386/295 (Pt. 2). Cups for detonators, tinned.—Premier Wire Works Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £576. C/104/2211. Breakfast cereals, for Department of the Army, 1st June to 30th November, 1958— Creamoata Ltd., Victoria. Kelloggs (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., New South Wales. Cereal Foods (Q'land.) Pty. Ltd., Queensland. Purina Grain Foods Pty. Ltd., Victoria, Tasmania. Sanitarium Health Food Co. Western Australia. C/104/2231. Meat, for the Department of the Army, 1st June to 31st August, 1958.—F. Watkins Pty, Ltd., Victoria. C/104/2232, Meat, for Department of the Army, 1st June to 31st August, 1958.—H. W. Wilson, Victoria. C/104/2233, C/114/720. Meat, for Department of the Army and Department of Immigration, 1st June to 31st August, 1958.— W. Angliss & Co. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. C4/104/2234. Meat, for Department of the Army, 1st June to 31st August, 1958.—F. Watkins Pty. Ltd., Victoria. C4/104/2235. Meat, for Department of the Army, 1st June to 30th November, 1958.—J. C. Hutton Pty. Ltd., Victoria. C4/106/2221. Bread and milk, for Department of the Army, 1st June, 1958, to 31st May, 1959— Eric Smith & Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. E. A. Bates Dairy Pty. Ltd., Victoria. C4/114/719. Fruit and vegetables for Department of Immigration, 1st June to 31st August, 1958.—C. A. Michaelides, New South Wales. C4/122/80. Bread, milk and butter, for Department of Supply, 1st June, 1958, to 31st May, 1959— K, G. Turner, Romsey Bakery, Victoria. D. P. Jones, Victoria. Romsey Butter Factory, Victoria. C4/122/81. Meat, for Department of Supply, 1st June to 30th November, 1958.—J. & P. Wollin, Victoria. C4/164/83. Servicing, &c., dental X-ray units, for Department of Air, 1st July, 1958, to 30th June, 1959.—Watson Victor Ltd., Victoria. C4/166/437. Black coal, for Department of Defence Production, 16th May to 30th September, 1958.—R. W. Miller & Co. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. New South Wales. 58/2256. Terminating panels and handbooks.—Standard Telephones & Cables Pty. Ltd. £992 13s. 6d. 58/2426. Angle steel slotted dexion.—G. Wills & Co. Ltd. £1,510. 58/2427. Spare parts for Le Toumeau Westinghouse motorized scraper.—Le Tourneau Westinghouse Pty, Ltd, £454 3s. 2d. 58/1125. Floor polishers.—A. Wurth & Co. Pty. Ltd. £220. 58/1984. Cloth, leather green.—Fabric Div. I.C.I.A.N.Z. Ltd. £450. 58/2019. Mower, lawn.—Scott Bonnar Aust. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £759 Is. 58/1128, 58/1922. Pallets.—Macleay Timber Investments Pty. Ltd. £1,225. 58/47. Night latches.—Ogden Industries Pty. Ltd. £313 12s. 6d. 58/1732. Steel shelving.—Brownbuilt (N.S.W.) Ltd. £1,640 12s. 58/2444. Optical gauging equipment.—Sheffield Corp, of Aust. Pty. Ltd., Victoria. £433 4s. lOd. 57/6931. Standard optical dividing head and equipment.— William Adams & Co. Ltd. £1,286. 58/2679. Motor scooters.—W, (Bill) Mahler, £311 15s. 8d. 58/2700. Removal of furniture and effects.—^Wridgways (N.S.W.) Pty. Ltd. £245. 58/2275. Printing of tourist maps of Canberra.—Colourtone Pty. Ltd. £770. 58/2231. Removal of furniture and effects.—Abbco (Amal.) Transport Pty. Ltd. £352. 58/2248. Nickel shot.—Eagle Metal & Industrial Products Ptv. Ltd. £406. 58/678. Heating oven for soldering irons.—Martin Furnace & Engineering Pty. Ltd. £312. 58/1517. Spares for "Allen* circulating water pumps. Coates & Co. Pty. Ltd. £313 16s. 58/2422. Blades for welded products guillotine.—Welded Products Ltd. £341 2s. 57/3611. Installation of radar Type 15 Mark 5.—Amal. Wireless (A'asia.) Ltd. £603. 58/1274. Firebricks.—Illawarra Fireclay & Brick Co. Ltd. £360 18s. 4d. 58/161. Spare components for Type CB3 radio transmitters.— Standard Telephones & Cables Pty. Ltd, £289 2s. 6d. Master Instruments Pty. Ltd. £258 5s. 58/1416. Radial drilling, boring and tapping machine.—Austin Quinn Pty. Ltd. £5,245. 58/1834. Co-axial cable.—Telecommunication Cables Pty, Ltd. £230 12s. 58/2625. Refrigerators.—New System Telephones Pty. Ltd. £666 9s. 2d. 58/1746. Jelly crystals, for Department of the Navy, 1st June to 31st August, 1958.—Nut Foods Pty. Ltd. 58/2794. Eggs, for Department of the Army, 1st August to 31st December, 1958.—N.S.W. Egg Marketing Board. 58/1898. Groceries, for Department of Immigration, 1st June to 31st August, 1958.—Sydney Groceries Pty. Ltd. 58/1741. Custard powder, for Department of the Navy, 1st June to 31st August, 1958.—Clifford Love & Co. Ltd. 58/2417. Fruit and vegetables, for Department of Air, Ist June to 30th November, 1958.—G. Chew Lee & Co. Pty. Ltd. 58/2417. Fruit and vegetables, for Department of Immigration, 1st June to 30th November, 1958.—Producers Providores Pty. Ltd. 58/2417. Fruit and vegetables, for Department of Air, Ist Jtine to 30th November, 1958.—Johnston & Goon, 58/2257. Canned fish, for Department of the Army, Ist June to 31st August, 1958.—Waters Trading Co. Pty. Ltd. 58/1861. Meat, for Department of Air, 1st June to 31st August, 1958.—South Dubbo Butchery. 58/2418-9. Fruit and vegetables, for DepartmenU of Air and Army, 1st June to 31st August, 1958.—E, Beecher and L. Bradshaw. 58/1743. Peanut butter, for Department of the Navy, Ist June to 31st August, 1958.—Nut Foods Pty. Ltd. 58/1896. Flour, for Department of the Navy, let Juno to 31st August, 1958.—John Darling & Son Pty. Ltd. 58/1392, Repair of footwear, for Department of the Army, 1st June, 1958, to 31st May, 1959.—J. R. Benning, 58/1190. Laundry and dry cleaning services, for Department of Air, 1st June, 1958, to 31st May, 1959.--R. SL R. Laundry. 58/1404. Dust bins, for Department of Air, 27th May, 1958, to 30th April, 1959.—Malleys Ltd. 58/1393. Repair of footwear, for Department of the Army, ending 31st May, 1959— Michel Shoe Service. Groom's Shoe Repairs. Waites & Ferran. 58/1194. Repair of footwear, for Department of Air, lit June, 1958, to 31st May, 1959.—Riverina Boot Repairs, 58/1952. Cleaning cloth service, S.A.F. Lithgow, 1st July, 1958, to 30th June, 1959.—Letnor Pty. Ltd. 58/1950. Cleaning cloth service, for Department of the Navy, 1st July, 1958, to 30th June, 1959.—Letnor Pty. Ltd. Queensland* (a) Fixed Quantity Purchases. Q58/330. Canvasware.—Davies Coop. Co. Ltd., Victoria. £221. Q58/605. Furniture removal.—W. G. Taylor & Sons, Queensland. £230. (b) Period Contracts. Q58/97. Welding and brazing rods, for Department of Air, 1st June, 1958, to 31st May, 1960— Stewarts & Lloyds (Q.) Pty. Ltd. E.S.C.A. Ltd. C.I.G. (Q.) Pty. Ltd. Q58/406, Meat, for Department of the Army, 1st June, 1958, to 31st May, 1959.—Australian Meat & Grazing Co. Ltd. Q58/405. Groceries, for Department of the Army, 1st June, 1958, to 31st May, 1959.—H. A. Manahan & Sons Pty. Ltd. Q58/404, Fruit and vegetables, for Department of the Army, 1st June, 1958, to 31st May, 1959.—Blue Bell Fruit Shop. Q58/403. Dairy produce and margarine, for Department of the Army, 1st June, 1958, to 31st May, 1959.—H. A. Manahan & Sons Pty. Ltd. AUSTRALIAN APPLE AND PEAR BOARD. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS. IS Excellency the Governor-General in Council, in pursuance of seciion 4 of the Apple and Pear Organization Act 19381953, has been pleased to appoint the persons specified in column 1 of the Schedule hereto to be members of the Australian Apple and Pear Board for a period of three years from 1st July, 1958, io represent the interests specified in column 2 of the Schedule. H Column 1. Member. THE SCHEDULE. Charles Edward Critchley, 116 Kooyong-road, Armadale, Victoria. Douglas Glover Jones, Ellingtonroad, Hobart, Tasmania. Donald Kenyon Barron, 42 Tareema-street, Nedlands, Western Australia. Arthur Grimaldi Perry, Nexonstreet, Shepparton, Victoria. Column 2. Interest represented. The Commonwealth Government. The exporters of apples and pears in the State of Tasmania. The exporters of apples and pears in the State of Western Australia. The exporters of apples and pears in the States of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia, William Hamlet Nicol, 85 Letitia- Employees engaged in the Street, North Hobart, Tasapple and pear industry. mania WILLIAM McMAHON Minister of State for Primary Industry. —(Ex. Min. No. 25.) Commoawealth Gazette No. 33.—12tb June, 1958 1921 PRIME MINISTER'S DEPARTMENT. HIGH COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, LONDON, Promotions: High Commissioner (Staff) Regulation 20. IJHE undermentioned oflficers are promoted as indicated:— Name. Egan, Raymond Maurice East, Stanley Thomas Chick, Peter Revett .. Present Designation and Station. Accounts Branch. Clerk (£1,010-£1,100), Second Clerk (£1,135-£1,195), Second Class, vice Class R. Quine Procurement Branch. Clerk (£765^£850), Second Class Clerk (£885-£975), Second Class, vice J. K, McMorrow Migration Branch. Clerk (£765^£850), Second Class Clerk (fl.OlO^fJ,100), Second Class, vice H. W. StoltenhoflT RESIGNATION OF A JUSTICE OF THE HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA, IS Excellency the Governor-General in Council has acceptcd the resignation of the Honorable Sir William Flood Webb, K.B.E., as a Justice of the High Court of Australia as from the close of business of the court on the sixteenth day of May, 1958.~^(Ex. Min. No, 32.) H I Position to which Promoted. COMMONWEALTH STORES SUPPLY AND TENDER BOARD. T is notified for general information that--1. The appointment of James James as a member of the Comwealth Stores Supply and Tender Board has been cancelled; 2. George Douglas Bennett Maunder has been appointed a member of the Commonwealth Stores Supply and Tender Board during the absence from Canberra at any time of Louis Francis Loder; 3. John Joseph Lonergan has been appointed Secretary to the Commonwealth Stores Supply and Tender Board. NAVAL FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. Appointments, Ac. rpHE following changes are made:— PERMANENT NAVAL FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH (SEA GOING FORCES). Appointments.—Lieutenant-Commander Geoffrey Mortimer Heneage Drummond is appointed on loan from the Royal Navy (Exchange Officer), with seniority in rank of 1st December, 1949, dated 29th March, 1958. Lieutenant Giles Anthony St. George Poole is appointed on loan from the Royal Navy (Exchange Officer), with seniority in rank of 16th September, 1950, dated 13th April, 1958. Instructor Lieutenant David James Burrows is appointed on loan from the Royal Navy (Exchange Officer), with seniority in rank of 5th September, 1953, dated 10th April, 1958. David Keith Balmer is appointed Midshipman (U.) (on probation), dated 26th March, 1958. Promotions.—Surgeon Lieutenant (D.) (for Short Service) Edwin Fredrick Jones is promoted to the rank of Surgeon LieutenantCommander (D.) (for Short Service), dated 5th April, 1958. SubLieutenant Robert Thomas Mitchell Chandler is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, with seniority in rank of 1st October, 1957, dated 28th February, 1958. Sub-Lieutenants John Browne McAlister and Haliburton Charles Findlay are promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, dated 1st March, 1958, and 16th April, 1958, respectively. Sub-Lieutenant (S.L.) John Eric Selsmark is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant (S.L.), dated 19th March, 1958. SubLieutenant (U.) (on probation) Noel Daniele Panettiere is promoted to the rank of Surgeon Lieutenant (on probation), dated 31st March, 1958. Acting Sub-Lieutenants Geoffrey Wayne Furlong, Kenneth Edward Langford, David Edward Clinch, Philip Irvine Playford, Martin DeVille Salmon, Dennis Chamberlain Rose, John Douglas Foster, John Graham McDermott and Robin Arthur Herron are promoted to the rank of Sub^Lieutenant, with seniority in rank of 1st May, 1956, dated 1st February, 1958. Acting SubLieutenant Raymond Brian Doolan is promoted to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant, with seniority in rank of 1st May, 1956, dated 27th February. 1958. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. £ 1,195 19.5.58 885 13-5.58 1,010 8.5.58 Loan to the Royal Navy for Service and Training.—The following are loaned to the RoyaJ Navy for service and training:—Acting Sub-Lieutenant (S.L.) John Robert Franklin, dated 24th February, 1958; Lieutenants John Edward Cecil Williams, Leonard James Kelaher, John Lyle Curtis, Ian William Hall and Robert Graeme Harris, Acting Sub-Lieutenants (S.L.) Harry Joseph Hansen and Midshipman (S.L.) Kent Osborne, dated 5th March, 1958; Midshipman (S.L.) Michael Clarence Williams, 14th March, 1958; Commanders Robert Grant Craft and Robert John Scrivener and Lieutenant-Commander Alexander Hughie Gordon, D.F.C., dated I7th March, 1958; Instructor Lieutenant Stewart Alister Prafistr, dated 7th April, 1958. The loan of the following to the Royal Navy for service and training is terminated:—Acting SubLieutenants Geoffrey Wayne Furlong, Kenneth Edward Langford, Philip Irvine Playford, Martin DeVille Salmon, Dennis Chamberlain Rose, John Douglas Foster, John Graham McDermott, and Robin Arthur Herron, dated 31st January, 1958; Lieutenant-Commander Ronald Owen Brasch, dated 5th February, 1958; Sub-Lieutenant David Edward Clinch, dated 7th February, 1958; Acting SubLieutenant Raymond Brian Doolan, dated 26th February, 1958; Lieutenant-Commander Ronald Sidney Impey, Instructor LieutenantCommander Cedric Wallace Johnston and Instructor Lieutenant Charles Christopher Robson, dated 25th March, 1958; LieutenantCommander (Acting Commander) Hugh Pryce Jarrett, dated 3rd April, 1958; Sub-Lieutenant (S.D.) Graham Angus Currie, dated 7th April, 1958; Midshipman Nicholas Newman, dated 10th April, 1958. Fixing Rates of Pay.—Lieutenant-Commanders John HaroW Savin Osborn and John Gillon Butler Campbell, D.F.C., are to be paid the rates of pay and allowances prescribed for Commander whilst acting in that rank, dated 21st March. 1958, and 2XBX April, 1958, respectively. Extension of Retiring Age.—^The retiring age of Engineer Lieutenant Alec Russell Ryan is extended for a period of two years from 3rd April, 1958. Transfer to the Emergency List.—Lieutenant-Commander (S.D.) Cyril Herbert Paine is transferred to the Emergency List and reappointed for temporary service, dated 16th April, 1958. Resignation.—The resignation of Donal Drummond Smith of his appointment as Acting Sub-Lieutenant is accepted, dated 2nd April, 1958. Termination of Appointments.-~^The appointments of the following are terminated on reversion to the Royal Navy:—SubLieutenant (S.D.) David John Walton, dated 4th February, 1958; Lieutenant-Commander Anthony Patrick Rabbit, dated 10th March, 1958; Lieutenant (S.L.) Alan Warde Dobson, dated 31st March, 1958; Lieutenant-Commander Sydney Richard Dennett, dated 17th April, 1958. The appointment of Second Lieutenant (B.M.) Leo Henry Albert Arnold is terminated on reversion to the Royal Marine Forces, dated 19th February, 1958. Dismissal.—Supply Sub-Lieutenant (Acting) John Francis Ryan is dismissed from Her Majesty's Service by sentence of Court Martial, dated 22nd January, 1958. Women's Royal Australian Naval Service. Promotion.—Petty Officer Wran Regulating Gwendoline May Walker, Official Number R84185, is promoted to the rank of Third Officer (for Short Service) (on probation), dated 25th March, 1958. Termination of Appointment—The appointment of First Officer (Acting Chief Officer) Elizabeth Laura Minton Hill is terminated on reversion to the Women's Royal Naval Service, dated 28th April, 1958. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1922 Commonwealth Gazette Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve. Transfers to the Retired List—The following are transferred to the Retired List to date 31st March, 1958:—Commander John David Bates. Lieutenant-Commanders Malcolm Birrell Gale, George Ewart Vaughan Glyndwr Owen, Richard Gordon Burnell, Richard Harwin Nossiter, D.S.C., William Morell Nodrum, James Edward Scollick, Geoffrey James Gellie, Charles Ian Birnie, James Benison Griffin, D.S.C., Terence Harold Arnott, Maxwell Taylor Munro, Alastair Leveson George and Roy Hamblyn Collins; LieutenantCommanders (Special Branch) Henry William Traynor, Boyd Adam Graham, James McConnell Hambleton and Roger Harold Sisley; Lieutenant Keith William Pearson, and Lieutenant (Special Branch) Arthur Hulme Gott. Termination of Appointments.—The appointments of the following are terminated to date 31st March, 1958:—LieutenantCommanders John Colin Patrick Boyle, George Charles Sangster, Henry Harcus Bolton and Harold Arthur John Ford; Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander Roland Frederick Kingston; LieutenantCommanders (Special Branch) John Mark Dunn and Eric John Lawson; Acting Lieutenant-Commander Allan Geoffrey Lacy Perman; Lieutenants James Wilfred Kershaw, Herbert Minchin Nicholls, Alfred Ronald Cornell, Colin Robert Downie, Rollo Ashton Eastmure Moore, Horace Evelyn Godden, John David Crafer Wood, John de Courcy Lewis, Charles Vincent Holloway, Robert Henry Kendick McKerihan, Ian Wallace Lesslie, Willis Frederick Franklin, James Quentin Auburn Saunders, Lyle Clark Miller, Stephen Henry Rieck, Colin James Gillespie, Douglas Gerald Hope-Johnstone, Alan Douglas McCay, John Francis Irwin, John Lenehan Chapman, Hans Jack Kohane, Geoffrey Hamlet Taylor, Kevin Tracey Kimball, Berry Dubois Spooner, Frederick Neal Kirkwood, George Ashby Bartlett, George Preston Donaldson, Paton Cameron Forster, Francis Davidson Gillan, NAVAL DEFENCE ACT AND NAVAL ESTABLISHMENTS Robert Tyson Boynton and Edward John Shepherd; Lieutenant (on probation) Edwin George Lawrence; Surgeon Lieutenant Rodney REGULATIONS. Ian Meyers; Lieutenants (Special Branch) Kenneth Burdett York NAVAL ESTABLISHMENTS. Syme, Kevin Thomas Kell3% Harold Arthur King, Alexander David Resignation. Fleming, Oliver Howard Williams and Frank William Kempton; HE resignation of Daniel Graham, Assistant Aircraft Engineer, Sub-Lieutenant (S.D.) (Acting Lieutenant (S.D.)) Erskine Beveridge Kelly, and Sub-Lieutenants John Montague Baden Cooke with effect from the close of business on 13th November, and Donald Archibald Cameron.—(Ex. Min. No. 74—Approved 1957, is accepted.—(Ex, Min. No. 68—Approved, 3rd June, 1958.) 3rd June, 1958.) C. W. DAVIDSON, Minister for the Navy. C. W. DAVIDSON, Minister for the Navy. CITIZEN NAVAL FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. Royal Australian Naval Reserve (Sea-going). Promotions.—Acting Sub-Lieutenant Anthony Keith Wadey is promoted to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant, dated 4th June, 1957. Midshipman Robert James Smith and Clyde Lamont Oates are promoted to the rank of Acting Sub-Lieutenant, dated 3rd February, 1958, and 17th February, 1958, respectively. Royal Australian Naval Reserve. Appointment—The Reverend Stanley Trengrove Harper is appointed Chaplain, dated 7th March, 1958. Promotions.—Midshipman Neville Vernon Hawtin and Jeremy Lawrence Pascoe are promoted to the rank of Acting SubLieutenant, dated 30th June, 1957, and 31st December, 1957, respectively. Transfer to Retired List.—Lieutenant-Commander John Joseph Pye is transferred to the Retired List, dated 30th May, 1958. Termination of Appointments.—The appointments of William Patrick Burke as Lieutenant and Douglas James Little as Lieutenant (Special Branch), are terminated, dated 26th February, 1958, and 19th March, 1958, respectively. Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve. Appointment.—Lieutenant Garth Westaby Sweeney, Royal Australian Naval Reserve, is appointed Lieutenant, with seniority in rank of 31st December, 1955, dated 28th February, 1958.—(Ex. Min. No. 67—Approved, 3rd June, 1958. C. W. DAVIDSON, Minister for the Navy. T NAVAL DEFENCE ACT AND NAVAL ESTABLISHMENTS REGULATIONS. NAVAL ESTABLISHMENTS. Promotions. HE following promotions are made with effect from 28th February, 1958:— Ordnance Inspection Section, Central Staff.—To be Foreman Examiner (£1,168)—Fred Ford. To be Leading Examiner (£1,078£1,108)—Raymond Major Maunder. Ordnance Inspection Section, Maribyrnong.—To be Foreman Examiner (£1,168)—Stuart Murray Owler. To be Leading Examiner (£1,078-£1,108)—Albert Kerr, James George Henry Edward Morgan, Frederick Charles Crerar, and Alex Lawrence Pitcher.— (Ex. Min. No. 69—Approved 3rd June, 1958.) C. W. DAVIDSON, Minister for the Navy. T NAVAL FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. COMMISSION TO ASSEMBLE COURTS-MARTIAL. URSUANT to the Imperial Naval Discipline Act, the Naval Discipline (Dominion Naval Forces) Act 1911, and the Naval Defence Act 1910-1952, and regulations thereunder, a commission is issued to Commodore First Class Christopher Haynes Hutchinson, D.S.O., O.B.E., Chief of Staff to the Commander-inChief, Far East Station, authorizing and empowering him, for the better maintaining a proper government and strict discipline in Her Majesty's Australian Ships and Vessels, to assemble Courtsmartial as often as he shall see occasion.—(Ex. Min. No. 75— Approved 3rd June, 1958.) C. W. DAVIDSON, Minister for the Navy. P NAVAL DEFENCE ACT AND NAVAL ESTABLISHMENTS REGULATIONS. NAVAL ESTABLISHMENTS. Appointment HE following appointment is made with effect from 14th PERMANENT NAVAL FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH January, 1958:— (SEA-GOING FORCES). Ordnance Branch, Ordnance Inspection Section, New South Appoin -Lieutenant Julian Lawrence Stuart Beauchamp Wales.—To be Examiner (£758-£798)—Laurence Albert Henry is appointed Lieutenant-Commander on loan from the Royal Navy, Brown.—(Ex. Min. No. 76—Approved 3rd June, 1958.) dated 1st April, 1958. C. W. DAVIDSON, Minister for the Navy. Promotion.—Commissioned Gunner (T.A.S.) (Acting) Bruce Lancelot Weeks is promoted to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant (S.D.) (Acting), dated 1st January, 1957. Confirmation in Rank.—Sub-Lieutenant (S.D.) (Acting) Bruce AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES. Lancelot Weeks is confirmed in the rank of Sub-Lieutenant (S.D.), with seniority in rank of 1st January, 1957. HONOURS AND AWARDS. Termination of Appointment.—The appointment of Supply LieuHE following Honours and Awards are made in connexion tenant Cecil George Daffey is terminated on reversion to the Royal with the Australian Military Forces:— Navy, dated 30th April, 1958. Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct (Military). Warrant Officers Class I, 2/5500 William Nelson Shonk, Royal CITIZEN NAVAL FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. Corps of Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 3/528 Royal Australian Naval Reserve. Douglas Albert Wride, Royal Corps of Australian Electrical and Promotions.—Sub-Lieutenants Robert John Bracewell and Donald Mechanical Engineers, and 3/642 James William Wylie, Royal Granville Harrison Bantock are promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, Corps of Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. dated 31st December, 1957, and 19th March, 1958, respectively. 3/618 Staff Sergeant Walter Aloysiiis Cahill, Royal Australian Confirmation in Rank.—Acting Sub-Lieutenant (on probation) Infantry Corps. Bruce Horton Keen is confirmed in the rank of Acting Sub-Lieu2/5059 Sergeant fTemporary Warrant Officer, Class 2) George tenant, with seniority in rank of 30th June, 1955. Henry Putney, Royal Australian Army Service Corps. T NAVAL FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. APPOINTMENTS, ETC. HE following changes are made:— T T Commonwealth Gazette 1923 The Australian Efficiency Medal. VX133153 (now 3/111535) Captain Gordon Munro Bryant, Headquarters, 2nd Brigadier Royal Australian Armoured Corps. NXl 17799 Lieutenant (now Captain) Ernest Malcolm Snelsqn, Royal Australian Artillery (Coast). QX9595 Sergeant John Arthur Sloane, 2nd/10th Field Regiment. VX15089 Private Clarence Malcolm Smart, 2nd/1st Machine Gun Battalion. The Australian Efficiency Decoration. 3/50050 Brigadier William Boulton Leonard, Australian Army Canteens Service. 4/35215 Major Colin Stewart Morrison, Australian Intelligence Corps. 3/50120 Captain (Honorary Major) Joshua Shilkin, Royal Corps of Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. The name of 2/149225 Lieutenant-Golonel John McCarthy. University of Technology Regiment, which appeared in Executive Minute No. 21 of' 1958, promulgated in Commonwealth Gazeite, No. 15 of 1958, is amended to read 2/149225 Lieutenant-Colonel John McCarty.—(Ex. Min. No. 41—Approved 3rd June, 1958.) J. O. CRAMER, Minister for the Army. AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES. h e following changes, &c., are made in connexion with the Australian Military Forces:— T AUSTRALIAN REGULAR ARMY. AUSTRALIAN STAFF CORPS. 2/265 Major J. M. Maxwell is appointed to command 1st Armoured Regiment, and to be Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel, 14th April, 1958. 3/195 Lieutenant-Colonel K. R. G. Coleman, M.C., relinquishes command 1st Armoured Regiment, 13th April, 1958. The provisional ranks of the following officers are confirmed:— 1/7012 Captain G. J. Lawrence and Lieutenants 2/8410 T. B. Fuller, 5/2241 R. J. Darlington, 2/7236 L. E. Kilner, 1/3344 J. W. McEnerny and 6/889 N. W. J. McVilly. 2/35111 Lieutenant D. P. Burnett is seconded whilst holding the appointment of Aide-de-Camp to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor of the State of South Austrab'a, 9th April, 1958. 2/37628 Major C. C. Boyce ceases to be seconded to the Department of Supply, 27th March, 1958. The notification respecting 2/37628 Major C. C. Boyce which appeared in Executive Minute, No. 20, of 1958, promulgated in Commonwealth Gazette, No. 15, of 1958, is withdrawn. 2/40155 Captain (provisionally) L. R. Burch ceases to be seconded to the Department of Defence, 6th January, 1958 (in lieu of the notification respecting this officer which appeared in Executive Minute, No. 22 of 1958, promulgated in Commonwealth Gazette, No. 21, of 1958). The Short Service Commission granted to 2/3079 Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) L. Christensen is converted to a Long Service Commission. The Short Service Commission granted to 2/4127 Captain R. H. E. Harvey is extended until 10th April, 1963. The Short Service Commission granted to 1/1014 Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) M. D. Jellie is extended until 10th April, 1963. 5/2753 2nd Lieutenant B. J. McCracken is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Eastern Command), 21st March, 1958. 5/7504 Major G. L. Bales is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Southern Command), 1st April, 1958. To be Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel, 16th June, 1958.—2/288 Major B. L. Bogle. To be Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel, 5th December, 1957.— 5/7503 Major P. M. Shanahan. To be Majors, 3rd May, 1958.—Captains 2/40123 R. C. Rodd and 5/8033 J. E. T. R. Hardwick, 3/10729 Captain (Temporary Major) R. R. Preston, and 5/8044 Captain A. W. Millen. To be Temporary Captain.—Lieutenants 3/12015 T. J. Gray, 25th May, 1956, 3/35060 M. G. Dachs and 3/35072 B. M. Illingworth, 3rd February, 1958, 1/2841 G. C. Baker, 31st March, 1958, 3/35078 P. T. Murray, 2nd April, 1958, and 4/7015 G. J. Murphy, 11th April, 1958. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY CHAPLAINS' DEPARTMENT. 3/40149 Chaplain 4th Class L. Brehaut is appointed from the Citizen Military Forces, Royal Australian Army Chaplains' Department (Methodist), Southern Command, and to be Chaplain 4th Class, April, 1958, with a Short Service Commission for a period of four years. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY SERVICE CORPS. Australian Army Canteens Service. 1/2167 Lieutenant A, A. Steffen relinquishes the temporary rank of Captain, 11th February, 1958. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Pharmaceutical. 5/8009 Captain H. Longden is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Pharmaceutical)) (Western Command), 27th March, 1958. 3/40042 Captain K. M. Boundy is placed upon the Retired List (Southern Command) and is granted the honorary rank of Major, with permission to wear the prescribed uniform, 18th March, 1958. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY DENTAL CORPS. To be Captain, 19th February, 1958, with a Short Service Commission for a period of four years.—2/40201 Anthony Robert Gates. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY ORDINANCE CORPS. The resignation of 2/40059 Captain A. B. Rose of his commission is accepted, 21st March, 1958. To be Major, 1st May, 1958.—2/40085 Captain G. M. Allison. ROYAL CORPS OF AUSTRALIAN ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. To be Temporary Captain, 26th February, 1958.—1/2397 Lieutenant A. J. Hogan. AUSTRALIAN ARMY EDUCATIONAL CORPS. The Short Service Commission granted to 1/1232 Captain H. F. Donaghue is converted to a Long Service Commission. To be Lieutenant, 10th April, 1958.—1/3900 Brian John Edwards. AUSTRALIAN ARMY PSYCHOLOGY CORPS. To be Lieutenant (Temporary Captain), 14th February, 1958, with regimental seniority and service for purposes of promotion effective from 14th February, 1957.—5/7556 Norman William Briers. WOMEN'S ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY CORPS. To be Temporary Captain, 6th February, 1958.—F2/25 3 Lieutenant J. Williscroft. QUARTERMASTERS. To be Major, 15th May, 1958.-2/337 Captain S. A. Newbery. REGULAR ARMY SPECIAL RESERVE. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMOURED CORPS. The following officer of the British Army ceases to be attached to the Australian Military Forces, 19th December, 1957:— VB/338478 Captain (Temporary Major) J. T. Paley, M.C. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARTILLERY. The following officer of the British Army ceases to be attached to the Australian Military Forces, 18th May, 1958:—VB/378247 Major (Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) J. R. Ray, M.C. The following officer of the British Army is attached to the Australian Military Forces, 14th December, 1957:—VB/414977 Captain C. D. Simpson. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ENGINEERS. The following officer o ^ the British Army is attached to the Australian Military Forces, 1st October, 1957:—VB/152403 Major J. L. Drake, M.B.E. VB/152403 Major J. L. Drake, M.B.E., is seconded to the Department of Supply, 1st October, 1957. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY CORPS. NX700334 Lieutenant R. B. Leslie relinquishes the temporary rank of Captain, 19th February, 1958, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Eastern Command), 20th,February, 1958. To be Temporary Captain, 27th March, 1958.—VX700213 Lieutenant A. K. McDowall, M.M. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY ORDNANCE CORPS. The following officer of the British Army ceases to be attached to the Australian Military Forces, 5th April, 1958:—VB/169660 Lieutenant-Colonel J. Omand. CITIZEN MILITARY FORCES. NORTHERN COMMAND. General List.—1/24896 Lieutenant-Colonel C. C. F. Bourne, D.S.O., E.D., is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, is appointed Commander 7th Infantry Brigade, and to be Colonel (Temporary Brigadier), 19th April, 1958. 1/21001 Brigadier J. L. Amies, No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1924 C.B.E., E.D., relinquishes the appointment of Commander 7ih Infantry Brigade, 18th April, 1958, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Northern Command), 19th April, 1958. Royal Australian ArtiUery (Field Branch).—1/10554 LieutenantColonel D. G. Young is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 10th March, 1958. 1/21663 Lieutenant J. H. Newell is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Artillery) (Northern Command), 20th February, 1958. To be Majors— 1/10549 Captain (Temporary Major) A. J. P. Walker, 1st April, 1958, and 1/10566 Captain L J. S. Drew, 9th April, 1958. To be Captains, 3rd April, 1958—Lieutenants 1/10576 R. M. Badgery and 1/10613 R. G. Fay. Royal Australiaa Artillery (Anti-Aircraft),—The notification respecting 1/13493 Captain J. N. Stevens which appeared in Executive Minute No. 22 of 1958, promulgated in Commonwealth Gazette No. 21 of 1958, is withdrawn. To be Captain^ Hth December, 1957—1/13493 Lieutenant J. N. Stevens, with regimental seniority next before 1/701101 Captain R. J. Tucker. Royal Australian Engineers.—1/69881 Captain K. J. Gray relinquishes the temporary rank of Major, 11th March, 1958, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Engineers) (Northern Command), 12th March, 1958. To be Lieutenant (on probation), 26th March, 1958—1/70831 2nd Lieutenant (pro(visionally) R. L. Johnston, wUh regimental seniority next after 1/18382 Lieutenant (on probation) W. F. Shenton. To be Lieutenant (on probation), 26th March, 1958—1/710559 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally) E. J. L. Rasmusion. Royal Australian Engineers (Movement Control).—To be Lieufenant (on probation), lltb April, 1958—1/54858 Clive Gaudry. Royal Australian Engineers (Transportation),—1/45132 Lieutenant A. F. Fleming is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Austrahan Engineers) (Northern Command), 24th February, 1958. Royal AustraUan Corps of Signals.—1/19834 Lieutenant D. J. Gillham is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Corps of Signals) (Northern Command), 17th March, 1958. To be Captain, 18th March, 1958—1/702542 Lieutenant K. D. Collins. 9th Infantry Battalion.—The notification respecting 1/22023 Captain A. E. J. Breen which appeared in Executive Minute No. 20 of 1958, promulgated in Commonwealth Gazette No. 15 of 1958, is withdrawn. 1/22023 Captain A. E. J, Breen is transferred from the Australian Regular Army, 17th January, 1958, with regimental seniority in accordance with Army seniority (12th December, 1955). The following officers are transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Northern Command):— 1/21206 Major A. R. Thorburn, M.B.E., 27th February, 1958, and 1/46806 Lieutenant J. K. Howes, 16th March, 1958. 1/21027 Lieutenant L K. Mclver relinquishes the temporary rank of Captain, 29th May, 1958, and is placed upon the Retired List (Northern Command) in the honorary rank of Captain, with permission to wear the prescribed uniform, 30th May, 1958. 3l8t Infantry Battalion.—To be Lieutenant (on probation), 16th April, 1958—1/711612 Llewellyn Stanley Munchow. 47th Infantry Battalion.—To be Temporary Major, 3rd April, 1958—1/21384 Captain R. B. Gardner. To be Temporary Captain, 23rd April, 1958—1/32835 Lieutenant R. W. Raebel. 51st Infantry Battalion.—1/55121 Major S. E. Davis, M.C., is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry (Corps) (Northern Command), 31st December, 1957. To be Captain, 28th March, 1958^1/55381 Lieutenant B. T. P. Cranwell. Papua-New Guinea Volunteer Rifle8.<^To be Lieutenant (oo probation), 11th April, 1958—1/59715 Norman Beardsell. To be Captain, 16th April, 1958—1/39440 Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) F. G. Hoeter, M.B.E. Queensland University Reghnent.-^'^) be Lieutenant-Colonel, 9th April, 1958—1/46780 Major (Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) T. Parslow. Australian Intelligence Corps.—1/43721 Lieutenant-Colonel L. K. Shave, O.B.E., E.D., is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Australian Intelligence Corps) (Northern Command), 10th March, 1958. 1/20608 Lieutenant S. B. H. Bongers is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Australian Intelligence Corps) (Northern Command), 18th March, 1958. The resignation of 1/59138 Lieutenant (provisionally) W. L. J. P Goossens of his commission is accepted, 27th January, 1958. Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Medical).—1/55673 Captain (provisionally) G. F. Dixon relinquishes the provisional rank of Captain, 29th January, 1958, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Medical)) (Northern Command) in the honorary rank of Captain, 30th January, 1958. 1/39085 Captain (provisionally) G. C. T. Kenny relinquishes the provisional rank of Captain, 2nd February, 1958, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Medical)) (Northern Command) in the honorary rank of Cantain, 3rd February, 1958. 1/61860 Captain (provisionally) W. A. Campbell relinquishes the provisional rank of Captain, 9th March, 1958, is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Medical)) Northern Command), and is granted the honorary rank of Captain, 10th March, 1958. To be Captain (proyistonally), 16th April. 1958.—1/39219 John Sylvester Harte. Commonwealth Gazette Royal Australian Anny Medical Corps (Pharmaceutical).— 1/39217 Lieutenant K. L, Bate is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 11th March, 1958, and to be Temporary Captain, 19th March, 1958. Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps.—1/45808 LieutenantColonel L. G. Kerr is absorbed within a vacancy in the authorized establishment of Lieutenant-Colonels, and received pay and allowances of that rank, 13th January, 1956. Royal Corps of Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. —1/39979 Lieutenant S. S. Langford is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Corps of Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) (Northern Command), 1st November, 1957, AustraUan Army Psychology Corps.—1/54514 Captain (provisionally) A. C. Proctor relinquishes the provisional rank of Captain, 14th March, 1958, is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Australian Army Psychology Corps) (Northern Command) in the honorary rank of Captain, 15th March, 1958. 1/54511 Captain (provisionally) J. T. Damm relinquishes the provisional rank of Captain, 15th March, 1958, is transferred to the Reserve ot Officers (Australian Army Psychology Corps) (Northern Command), and is granted the honorary rank of Captain, 16th March, 1958. Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps.—^TTie provisional rank of Fl/1028 Lieutenant M. R. Yorke is confirmed. EASTERN COMMAND. General List.—2/131002 Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. Van Nooten is transferred from 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers, 23rd February, 1958. 2/147984 Lieutenant-Colonel G, G. King, D.S.O., is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 1st January, 1958. 2/78997 Lieutenant^Colonel F. A. Mackell, O.B.E., M.C., is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 1st January, 1958. 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers.—The notification respecting 2/131002 Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. Van Nooten, which appeared in Ex. Min. No. 116, of 1957, promulgated in Commonwealth Gazette No. 59 of 1957, is withdrawn. 2/131002 Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. Van Nooten relinquishes command, 22nd February, 1958, and Is transferred to the General List, 23rd February, 1958. 2/139056 Major R. D. Schofield is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 1st January, 1958. To be Captain, 1st April, 19M.—2/138944 Lieutenant S. R. James. 12th/16th Hunter River Lancers.—^To be 2nd Lieutenant (orovlsfonally), 9th April, 1951^-2/137510 Murray Helyer Scheflferle Haywood. Royal Australian Artillery (Field Branch).—The probationary rank of 2/108077 Lieutenant R. A. Green is confirmed. 2/226085 Lieutenant A. C. G, Veron is transferred from Royal Australian Artillery (Anti-Aircraft), Eastern Command, 9th April, 1958, with regimental seniority in accordance with Army seniority (23rd March, 1954). 3/52021 Captain N. P. Ferguson is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 26th March, 1958. The age for retirement of 2/147320 Maior C. R. Stoddart, E.D., is extended until 17th October, 1958. The age for retirement of 2/104396 Major J. E. Lewis is extended until 31st December, 1958. To be Lleiitenant (on probation), 1st April, 1958.—2/753336 Peter Laurence Noone. To be Captains. 16th April, 1958.—Lieutenants 2/57267 D. A. Fisher, 2/79162 J. A. P. Nelson, and 2/104151 K. L. Willis. Royal Australian Artillery (Anti-Alrcraft).—2/151940 Brigadier P. W. A. Kelso, E.D., is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, and is seconded for duty with Eastern Command Officers Staff Group, 1st January, 1958. The following officers are transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Artillery) (Eastern Command):—2/111341 Captain B. R. Bluett, 11th February, 1958, 2/191691 Lieutenant F. J. Doyle, 21st February, 1958, 2/221717 Captain R. H. Grenfell, 24th February, 1958, and Lieutenants 2/57221 L V. Hough, 28th February, 1958, 2/268995 A. L. Duffield, 4th March, 1958, and 2/230006 C. McDonald, 11th March. 1958. To be Majors, 9th April, 1958.^2/151988 Captain® E. J. Lee, 2/104066 Captain (Temporary Major) D. M. Garment, and Captains 2/221703 W. K. Beck and 2/111339 H. N. Green. To be Major (provisionally), 9th April, 1958.—2/226101 Captain R. K. Blackeby, M.C. Royal Australian Engineers.—2/79331 Lieutenant S. R. Moulton is transferred from Sydney University Regiment, 9th April, 1958, with regimental seniority in accordance with Army seniority (30th August, 1956). 2/270321 Major R. R. Taylor, D.S.O., is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 27th March, 1958. 2/206752 Lieutenant A. W. Maxwell relinquishes the temporary rank of Cantain, 2nd March, 1958, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Engineers) (Eastern Command), 3rd March, 1958. The age for retirement of 2/147961 Major R. C. Wilh'ams h extended until 24th March, 1959. Royal Australian Engineers (Supplementary Reserve),—To be Lieutenant (on probation), 1st April, 1958—2/166519 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally) N. W. Russell. Royal Australian Survey Corps.—^The following officers are trans ferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Survev Como^ (Eastern Command:—2/147375 Lieutenant G. E. Miller, 28th February, 1958. and 2/147373 Major C. T. Smith, M.B.E., E.D., 30th May, 1958. Royal Australian Corps of Signals,—2/151000 Maior R. J. S McDonald is apnointed to command Ist Corps Signal Reeiment, ^nd to be Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel, 24th March, 1958. The orobationary rank of 2/111235 Lieutenant J. C. Ballantine is confirmed. 2/183738 Lieutenant R.d'E. Minchin relinquishes thr Commonwealth Gazette 1925 temporary rank of Captain, 10th December, 1957, and is tra: . ferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Corps of Signals, (Eastern Command), 11th December, 1957. 1st Infantry Battalion (Comnjando).—Major-General D. Macarthur-Onslow, C.B.E., D.S.O., E.D., Reserve of Officers (General List) (Eastern Command) is appointed Honorary Colonel of the 1st Infantry Battalion (Commando), The City of Sydney's Own Regiment, 10th April, 1958. 2nd Infantry Battalion.—2/217032 Lieutenant G. R. Conry is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Eastern Command), 15th March, 1958. To be 2nd Lieutenants (provisionally), 1st April, 1958—2/71721 Henry Thomas Holstein and 2/744020 James Ridley D'Archy. 3rd Infantry Battalion.—The probationary rank of 2/175879 Lieutenant M. J. Bray is confirmed. The following officers are transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Eastern Command):—2/52104 Major W. C. McDonald, 12th February, 1958, and 2/52842 Lieutenant T. D. Evans, 17th March, 1958. To be Lieutenant (on probation), 1st April, 1958— 2/87966 Ian Keith Brazel. 4th Infantry Battalion.—^The probationary ranks of the following officers arc confirmed:—Lieutenants 2/58395 J. O'Connell, 2/267196 N. B. Gregory, 2/97029 K. R. Telfer and 2/736763 D. J. Bray. The following officers are transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Eastern Command):—Lieutenants 2/267194 P. J. Anderson, 5th March, 1958, and 2/58395 J. O'Connell, 28th March, 1958. To be Major, 1st April, 1958—2/142482 Captain (Temporary Major) H. R. Fitzgerald. To be Captain, 16th April, 1958—2/267198 Lieutenant N. G. Anderson. 13tb Infantry Battalion.—2/716806 Lieutenant N. O. Bonnell is transferred from Sydney University Regiment, 30th January, 1958, v/ith regimental seniority in accordance with Army seniority (11th January, 1956). 2/217024 Lieutenant (Honorary Captain) R. V. Saunders is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 13th March, 1958, with regimental seniority effective from 1st May, 1954. 2/217022 Lieutenant A. P. Nix is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 13th March, 1958, with regimental seniority effective from 26th February, 1955. To be Lieutenant (on probation), 16th April, 1958—2/217159 Norman Peter Brett. To be Captain, 1st April, 1958—1/59338 Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) A. WScales, To be Lieutenant (on probation), 25th March, 1958— 2/138087 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally) E. P. O'Brien. 17th/18th Infantry Battalion.—2/717741 Lieutenant K. R. Handley is transferred from Sydney University Regiment, 23rd January, 1958, with regimental seniority in accordance with Army seniority (11th January, 1956). The following officers are appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 1st January, 1958:—2/96506 Major R. S. Rudkin, M.C., and 2/147988 Captain J. G. Myers. To be Captain, 16th April, 1958^2/61627 Lieutenant W. A. Durrant. 30th Infantry Battalion.—2/147987 Captain (Honorary Major) R. J. Som^rville is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 1st January, 1958. 2/58312 Lieutenant P. M. With is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Eastern Command), 5th February, 1958. To be Captain, 16th April, 1958—2/58169 Lieutenant R. F. Cooper. 34th Infantry Battalion.—2/167563 Major K. M. Boyer is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Eastern Command), 12th February, 1958. 41st Infantry Battalion.—2/714734 Lieutenant C, R. Jenkins is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Eastern Command), 3rd March, 1958. To be Lieutenants (on probation), 28th March, 1958—2/66693 Hector Errol Spinks and 2/732374 Maxwell Henry Lines. 45th Infantry Battalion,—The probationary rank of 2/75860 Lieutenant J. Phair is confirmed. 2/76363 Lieutenant K. A. B. Andrews is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Eastern Command), 27th March, 1958. To be Lieutenant, 1st April, 1958—2/75676 Raymond Charles Miller. To be Lieutenants (on probation), 1st April, 1958—2/76458 John Albeus Pigott and 2/76477 John Harwood Moore. 6th New South Wales Mounted Rifles.—The following officers are transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Eastern Command):—2/142401 Lieutenant T. J. Culkin, 11th February, 1958, and 2/167661 Captain R. L. Wood, 6th March, 1958, 2/52114 Captain J. A. Newton is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Southern Command), 27th February, 1958. University of Technology Regiment—To be Lieutenants (on probation), 18th April. 1958—2/765168 Gordon Kenneth Jenkyn, 2/751513 John Joseph Lucas, 2/764732 Robert John Crane, 2/753355 Eric Henry Ralphs and 2/742256 James Lindsay Cook. Sydney University Regiment—The regimental seniority of 2/707578 Lieutenant F. J. Nile is in accordance with Army seniority (12th January, 1955). To be Lieutenant (on probation), 1st April, 1958—2/740193 Neil Raymond Conn. To be Major, 26th March, 1958^2/79232 Captain K. W. Bromham. To be Major (provisionally), 26tb March, 1958^2/70938 Captain T. J. Crawford. To be Captain, 26th March, 1958—2/705368 Lieutenant L. B. Edwards. No. 33—12tb June, 1958 Royal Australian Army Chaplains' Department (Church of England),---To be Chaplain 4tb Class, X6th April, 1958-2/147992 Norman Basil Minty. Royal Australian Army Chaplains' Department (Roman CathoUc).^To be Chaplam 4th Class, 16th April, 1958— 2/147991 Hugh Kevin Halpin. Royal Australian Army Service Corps,~2/132507 LieutenantColonel (provisionally) L. F. Stansfield, E.D., is appointed Commander 2nd Division Column, 3rd March, 1958. 2/86414 Lieutenant^Colonel R. C. W. McCann, E.D.. relinquishes the appointment of Commander 2nd Division Column, 2nd March, 1958. The notifications respecting 2/132507 Lieutenant-Colonel (provisionally) L, F, Stansfield, E,D., and 2/86414 LieutenantColonel R. C. W. McCann, E.D., which appeared in Executive Minute No. 20 of 1958, promulgated in Commonwealth Gazette, No. 15, of 1958, are withdrawn. The provisional rank of 2/207662 Captain G. H, Kelly is confirmed. The following officers are transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Service Corps) (Eastern Command), 31st December, 1957:—2/211312 Major T. C. Thornton, Captains 2/167610 L. R. Macdougal, 2/137285 E. H. Paterson, 2/142663 A. L Yates and 2/207662 G. H. Kelly, Lieutenants 2/86524 W. P. Sumner, 2/702527 J. K. Fowler, 2/209460 P. H. J. Flood and 2/207667 R. Purvis-Smith, 2/207661 Captain C. J. Egan, M C., relinquishes the provisional rank of Major, 30th December, 1957, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Service Corps) (Eastern Command), 31st December, 1957. 2/207672 Lieutenant J. G. McLaughlin relinquishes the temporary rank of Captain, 30th December, 1957, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Service Corps) (Eastern Command), 31st December, 1957. 2/209464 Lieutenant C. R. Frizell relinquishes the temporary rank of Major, 30th December, 1957, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Service Corps) (Eastern Command), 31st December, 1957. 2/209467 Lieutenant J. H, Leemon relinquishes the temporary rank of Captain, 30th December, 1957, and is placed upon the Retired List (Eastern Command) with permission to wear the prescribed uniform, 3l8t December, 1957. Royal Australian Army Service Corps*—The following officers relinquish the probationary rank of Lieutenant, 31st December, 1957, are transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Service Corps) (Eastern Command), and are granted the honorary rank of Lieutenant, 1st January, 1958:—Lieutenants 2/722295 R. J. Gilroy, 2/209483 L. G. Eddy, 2/207669 D. H. Miller, 2/207670 G. M. Doust, and 2/207674 A. J. Ritchie, The provisional appointment of 2/707365 2nd Lieutenant M. M. Doust is terminated, 31st December, 1957. To be Lieutenants (on probation), 11th April, 1958—2/132525 Harry Dudley Ely Smith. 2/164875 Ronald Frederick Carelton, 2/739044 Brian James Arkell, 2/83801 Septimus Allan Forrester Adams, 2/134989 Barry Martin Arms, 2/164350 John Sydney Ottaway, and 2/175908 Noel Frederick Hilt. To be Major. 30th December. 1957-^2/211312 Captain (Temporary Major) T. C, Thornton. To be CaptainsLieutenants (Temporary Captains) 2/132498 S. H. Foord, 2/57314 J. A. Knox, 2/83952 G, B. Miller, and 2/85205 W. B. Coombe, Lieutenants 2/705985 F, P. Meek, 2/708932 P. A. C, Hemsley, 2/134116 J. B. Thomson, and 2/79336 J. E. Fitzgerald, 12th March, 1958, Lieutenants (Temporary Captains) 2/175869 D. G, Faulkner and 2/83889 D. F. Bowen, 22nd March, 1958, and 2/164880 Lieutenant A. L. S. Minkie, 16th April, 1958. To be Captain (provisionally), 3rd April, 1958—2/132522 Lieutenant D. R. Smith. To be Temporary Captains, 12th March, 1958— Lieutenants 2/175869 D. G. Faulkner, 2/83889 D. F. Bowen, and 2/705983 B. L. McKinnon. To be Lieutenants (on probation), 18th March, 1958—2nd Lieutenants (provisionally) 2/96765 A. F. Shoebridge and 2/715309 N. T. Holt. Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Medical).—The provisional rank of 2/146614 Captain K. F. Hume is confirmed. 2/146527 Lieutenant-Colonel J. F. C, C. Cobley is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 1st January, 1958. 2/147990 Honorary Captain P. P. Manzie is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, and to be Captain (provisionally), 25th March, 1958. 2/127043 Captain (provisionally) A. R. Doutreband relinquishes the provisional rank of Caotain, 23rd March, 1958, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Medical)) (Eastern Command) in the honorary rank of Captain, 24th March, 1958. To be Captains (provisionally)—2/206961 Raymond Stanley Hyslop, 28th March, 1958, and 2/130123 John Henry Steele-Smith, 16th April, 1958. Royal Corps of Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (Electrical and Mechanical Assistant Engineers).—The probationary rank of 2/183347 Lieutenant E. W. Phegan is confirmed. Australian Army Catering Corps.—2/164351 Lieutenant S. F. Chilton relinquishes the temporary rank of Captain, 24th March, 1958, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Australian Army Catering Corps) (Eastern Command), 25th March, 1958. Royal Australian Army Pay Corps.—The provisional rank of 2/183741 Lieutenant A. R. Kelly is confirmed. Australian Army Psychology Corps.—3/138602 Major J. R. Coghlan is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Australian Army Psychology Corps) (Eastern Command), 31st March, 1958. To be Captain (provisionally), 16th April, 1958—2/715112 Donald Leonard Casey. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1926 Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps.—The resignation of F2/1014 Lieutenant (provisionally) M. George of her commission is accepted, 1st March, 1958. SOUTHERN COMMAND. General List.—3/50263 Lieutenant-Colonel W. G. Fry is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 15th January, 1958. 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse.—3/719812 Lieutenant J. C. Chappell is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Armoured Corps) (Southern Command), 1st March, 1958. To be Lieutenant (on probation), 16th April, 195»—3/770973 John Arthur Tempany. To be Captain, 16th April, 1958—3/108137 Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) L. E. Reeder. To be Temporary Captain, 1st April, 1958—2/111551 Lieutenant D. M. Crane. Royal Austrafian Artillery (Field Branch).—3/92038 Lieutenant C. E. Griffin is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Southern Command), 1st January, 1958. The following officers are transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Artillery) (Southern Command), 1st March, 1958:—3/123210 Captain E. J. King and 3/123404 Lieutenant E. R. Clayton. To be Major, 5th March, 1958—3/123205 Captain (Temporary Major) F. A. Davenport. To be Captain, 23rd April, 1958—3/55445 Lieutenant F. A. Glazebrook. Royal Australian Engineers.—3/117273 Major E. R. Baldwin is appointed to command 5th Corps Engineer Regiment, and to be Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st April, 1958. 3/117203 Major (Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) W. M. Eady, E.D., relinquishes command 5th Corps Engineer Regiment, 31st March, 1958. To be Lieutenants (on probation), 18th April, 1958—3/774040 Hilton Russell Brown, 3/157864 Kenneth Hedley Thornton, and 3/64147 Blair Nienaber. To be Lieutenant (on probation), 18th April, 1958—3/64135 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally) J. A. Dixon, with regimental seniority next after 3/774040 Lieutenant (on probation) H. R. Brown. Royal Australian Engineers (Movement Control).—To be Temporary Captains, 1st April, 1958—Lieutenants 3/135071 J. H. Asher and 3/135043 A. K. Radley. Royal Australian Engineers (Supplementary Reserve).—To be 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally), 16th April, 1958—3/121802 David Eakins. Royal Australian Corps of Signals.—To be Captains, 23rd April, 1958—Lieutenants (Temporary Captains) 3/68098 A. D. May and 3/68221 M. B. Causer. 5th Infantry Battalion.—4/21381 Lieutenant J. M. Middleton is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (v^outhern Command), 1st February, 1958. 6th Infantry Battalion.—The probationary rank of 3/723763 Lieutenant M. K. Caulfield is confirmed. To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 16th April, 1958—3/129155 Norman Douglas Curtis. 59th Infantry Battalion.—The probationary rank of 3/747675 Lieutenant N. J. G. Gibbs is confirmed. To be Lieutenants (on probation), 16th April, 1958—3/754705 Ian Keith Hamilton and 3/758829 William Thomas Claton Hale. Australian Intelligence Corps.—3/164602 Captain F. C. Covill is seconded for post-graduate training in the United Kingdom, 13th November, 1957. 3/164734 Lieutenant P. Richards is retired, 1st January, 1958. Royal Australian Army Chaplains* Department (Church of England).—3/50025 Chaplain 2nd Class J. D. McKie. E.D., is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Chaplains' Department (Church of England)) (Southern Command), 1st April, 1958, 3/50057 Chaplain 4th Class C. H. Partridge is placed upon the Retired List (Southern Command) with permission to retain the classification of Chaplain 4th Class and wear the prescribed uniform, 31st March, 1958. To be Chaplain 2nd Class, 1st April, 1958—3/78014 Chaplain 3rd Class G. T. Sambell. To be Chaplain 3rd Class, 1st April, 1958—3/78320 Chaplain 4th Class J. B. Moronay. Royal Australian Armv Chaplains* Department (Presbyterian);— To be Chaplain 3rd Class, 18th April, 1958—3/50188 Chaplain 4th Class W. F. Gilmour. Royal Australian Army Chaplains' Department (Methodist).— 6/15266 Chaplain 4th Class L. Brehaut is appointed to the Australian Regular Army, 1st April, 1958. 3/86616 Chaplain 4th Class L. G. Phillips is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Chaplains' Department (Methodist)), (Southern Command), 25th March, 1958. Royal Australian Army Service Corps.—To be 2nd Lieutenant (provisional^), 23rd April, 1958—3/133881 Bernard Scholfield. Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Medical).—3/139406 Captain (provisionally) M. R. Barrett relinquishes the provisional rank of Captain, 31st December, 1957, is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Medical)) (Southern Command), and is granted the honorary rank of Captain, 1st January, 1958. 3/101826 Captain L. K. Morgan is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Medical)) (Southern Command), 1st March, 1958. To be Lieutenant-Colonel, 2nd January. 1958—3/82441 Major (Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) D. C. Cowling. Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Scientific).—The provisional rank of 3/135314 Lieutenant K. W. Whitley is confirmed. Commonwealth Gazette Royal Australian Army Dental Corps.—3/50075 Major K. S. McDowall is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Dental Corps) (Southern Command), 1st April, 1958. To be Major, 1st April, 195^3/137005 Captain D. H. Ellis. Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps.—3/771109 Lieutenant B. E. Gleeson is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps) (Southern Command), 13th February, 1958. The resignation of 3/717566 Lieutenant (on probation) G. N. Browne of his commission is accepted, 3rd March, 1958. To be Captains—Lieutenants 3/157701 E. R. Henderson, 11th April, 1958, and 3/135456 B. J. Brown, 16th April, 1958, and 3/135472 Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) R. C. Watts, D.F.C., 16th April, 1958. CENTRAL COMMAND. 3rd/9th South Australian Mounted Rifles.—The following officers are transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Armoured Corps) (Central Command)—Lieutenants 4/10642 J. Ayres, 28th February, 1958, and 4/705553 J. A. Mezzino, 5th March, 1958. To be Captain, 1st April, 1958—4/10694 Marcel Paul Le Mercier. Royal Australian Artillery (Field Branch).—The probationary rank of 4/14705 Lieutenant K. J. Poole is confirmed. 4/700261 Lieutenant D. C. Gerschwitz is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Artillery) (Central Command), 4th March, 1958. Royal Australian Engineers.-4/17752 Captain S. B. Munro lelinquishes the temporary rank of Major, 7th June, 1958, and is placed upon the Retired List (Central Command) with permission to wear the prescribed uniform, 8th June, 1958. 10th Infantry Battalion.—4/35267 Major A. F. Puddy is placed upon the Retired List (Central Command) with permission to retain his rank and wear the prescribed uniform, 5th May, 1958. 27th Infantry Battalion.—4/21388 Lieutenant J. V. Cromwell is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Central Command), 1st March, 1958. Adelaide University Regiment.—4/20992 Major J. A. Pollok, M.C., is appointed to command, and to be Temporary LieutenantColonel, 5th March, 1958. 4/20992 Major J. A. Pollok, M.C., is transferred from 43rd/48th Infantry Battalion, 1st January, 1958, with regimental seniority in accordance with Army seniority <l\h October, 1952). To be Lieutenant (on probation), 16th April, 1958—4/711186 Richard Hugh Corbet. Royal Australian Army Service Corps.—4/31665 Lieutenant F. W. Fenn is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 6th March, 1958. 4/31805 Captain C. P. Rielly is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Service Corps) (Central Command), 24th February, 1958. Royal AukraUan Army Medical Corps (Medical).—4/31903 Lieutenant-Colonel C. M. Gurner is appointed to command 1st Casualty Clearing Station, 1st February, 1958. 4/31911 LieutenantColonel F. E. Welch relinquishes command 1st Casualty Clearing Station, 31st January, 1958, and is borne supernumerary to the authorized establishment of Lieutenant-Colonels with pay and allowances of Major (at own request), 1st February, 1958. 4/35233 Lieutenant-Colonel J. D. Rice is seconded whilst in the United Kingdom, 1st June, 1957. 4/31903 Lieutenant-Colonel C. M. Gurner ceases to be seconded whilst undergoing post-graduate studies in the United Kingdom, 31st May, 1957. 4/35233 Lieutenant-Colonel J. D. Rice ceases to be seconded whilst in the United Kingdom, 31st January, 1958. To be Lieutenant-Colonel, 30th .ranuar>', 1958—4/31911 Major (Temporary LieutenantColonel) F. E. Welch. Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Miscellaneous).—To be Captain, 5th March, 1958-^/32076 Lieutenant B. L. George. Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps.—4/35255 Captain P. W. Christie is transferred to the Reserve of Officeis (Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps) (Central Command), 6th March, 1958. Royal Australian Army Pay Corps.—4/37167 Lieutenant R. F Scanlan is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Pay Corps) (Central Command), 28th March, 1958. WESTERN COMMAND. lOth Light Horse.—To be Lieutenant (on probation^, 26th March. 1958—5/45588 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally) J. D. Deykin. Royal Australian Engineers (Movement Control).—The notification respecting 5/37968 Lieutenant A. G. Russell which appeared in Ex. Min. No. 120 of 1957, promulgated in Commonwealth Oa/ette No. 63 of 1957, is withdrawn. Royal Australian Corps of SlG[nals.~To be Lieutenant Ton probation). 24th March, 1958—5/35325 Frederick Leslie Middleton. To he Lieutenant (on probation), 26th March, 1958.—5/705341 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally) L. R. Scott. 11th/44th Infantry Battalion—To be Lieutenant (on probation), 26th March, 1958—5/32572 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally) E. M. Mandible. 16th Infantry Battalion.—To be Lieutenant (on probation), 26th March, 1958—1/39054 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally) G. W. Strachan. 28th Infantry Battalion.—5/39282 Major T. R. Stenhouse, E.D., is absorbed within a vacancy in the authorized establishment of Majors, and received pay and allowances of that rank, 10th Commonwealth Gazette 1927 March, 1958, 5/16702 Lieutenant N. Astill relinquishes the temporary rank ot Captain, 30th September, 1957, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Western Command), 1st October, 1957. 5/15993 Captain C. A. Pearson relinquishes the provisional rank of Major, 30th January, 1958, and is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Infantry Corps) (Western Command), 31st January, 1958. Australian Intelligence Corps.—5/10037 Lieutenant T. B. Haygarth is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Australian Intelligence Corps) (Western Command), 2nd April, 1958. Royal Australian Army Chaplains' Department (Roman Catholic).—5/32067 Chaplain 4th Class J. P. O'Brien is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Chaplains' Department (Roman Catholic)) (Western Command), 22nd April, 1958. Royal Australian Army Chaplains* Department (Presbyterian). —2/165470 Chaplain 4th Class A. J. Watt is appointed from the Reserve of Officers, 2nd April, 1958. Royal Australian Army Chaplains' Department (United Churt-hes).—The age for retirement of 5/32059 Chaplain 3rd Class H. W. Law-Davis is extended until 31st July, 1960. Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Medical).—5/26553 Captain (provisionally) P. D. Goatcher relinquishes the provisional rank of Captain, 17th March, 1958, is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Medical)) (Western Command), and is granted the honorary rank of Captain, 18th March, 1958. 5/45806 Captain (provisionally) J. M. Lubich relinquishes the provisional rank of Captain, 29th March, 1958, is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (Medical)) (Western Command), and is granted the honorary rank of Captain, 30th March, 1958. TASMANIA COMMAND, 40th Infantry Battalion.—To be Lieutenant (on probation), 1st April, 1958—6/705021 William Martin Kenna. Royal Australian Army Service Corps.—6/26002 Captain A. A. Freak is transferred to the Reserve of Officers (Royal Australian Army Service Corps) (Tasmania Command), 18th March, 1958. To be Lieutenant (on probation), 28tli March, 1958.—6/29501 Frederick Henry Smart. To be Temporary Captain, 16tli April, 1958.—6/26037 Lieutenant E. R. Armsby. NORTHERN TERRITORY COMMAND. Royal Australian Artillery (Coast).—3/126090 Captain K. J. Rodda relinquishes the temporary rank of Major, 27th March, 1958. RESERVE CITIZEN MILITARY FORCES. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Medical. Southern Command.—The resignation of Honorary Captain A. W. Stapleton of his commission is accepted, 25th February, 1958. To be Honorary Captains.—Ian Peter Mclntyre and John Anthony Mirams, 10th February, 1958, and Peter Bray ton Brown, 10th March, 1958, and Ian Irving Findlay, 11th March, 1958. The following officers are placed upon the Retired List (Central Command) with permission to retain their rank and wear the prescribed uniform, 30th April, 1958:— ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARTILLERY. Lieutenant (Honorary Captain) R. G. Steele. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ENGINEERS. Captains T. A. Barnes, J. P. Hodge, and J. G. Giles. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN CORPS OF SIGNALS. Lieutenant R. D. S. Walter. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY CORPS. Major H. J. Williamson, E.D., Lieutenant (Honorary Captain) M. C. Naffin, and Lieutenants F. L. Lucas and F. B. Piper. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY SERVICE CORPS. Lieutenant (Honorary Captain) J. C. Frearson. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Major R. H. Hamilton. AUSTRALIAN ARMY VETERINARY CORPS. Captain M. R. Irving. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY PROVOST CORPS, Lieutenant (Honorary Captain) G. W. Farrant. SPECIAL LIST. Lieutenant S. W. Dodds. The following officers are placed upon the Retired List (Northern Command), 30th June, 1958:— ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARTILLERY. Majors R. H. Barraclough, E.D., and J. K. M. Forster. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ENGINEERS. Lieutenant-Colonel T. A. Symons, O.B.E., Captain (Honorary Major) D. A. Galloway. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY CORPS. Lieutenant-Colonel (Honorary Colonel) C. J. Cummings, D.S.O., O.B.E., E.D., Major G. A. Theodore, Captains A. A. De Oberitz, A. D. R. Meldrum and W. K. Pulsford, and Lieutenants J. D. Eales and A. M. Hartley. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY SERVICE CORPS. Captain (Honorary Major) R. G. Collier. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Major A. K. Green and Captain W. J. Rawlings. ROYAL CORPS OF AUSTRALIAN ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Captains C. G. Clayton and A. Skirving. AUSTRALIAN ARMY LEGAL CORPS. Lieutenant-Colonel M. H. Douglas. AUSTRALIAN ARMY LABOUR SERVICE. Lieutenants C. L. Buckle, C. S. J. Jocumsen and W. M. Munden. SPECIAL LIST. Lieutenant K. E. Cumminss. RETIRED LIST. Eastern Command.—The name of Chaplain 4th Class N. B. Minty is removed from the Retired List (Eastern Command) on appointment to the Citizen Military Forces, Royal Australian Army Chaplains' Department (Church of England), Eastern Command, 15th April, 1958. Southern Command.—Captain F. R. Bond is granted the honorary rank of Major, with permission to wear the prescribed uniform, 14th September, 1956. The following changes are made in connexion with the Australian Cadet Corps:— AUSTRALIAN CADET CORPS. NORTHERN COMMAND. 1ST CADET BRIGADE. 1st Cadet Battalion. Banyo State High School.—Lieutenant (provisionally) (Honorary Captain) F. T. Barrell is transferred from Ipswich State High School, 1st February, 1958. Marist Brothers' College (Ashgrove).—To be Temporary Captain, 1st February, 1958—Lieutenant (provisionally) K. G. Muller. Mitchelton State High School.—Lieutenant (provisionally) T. C, Baker-Finch is transferred from Gladstone State High School, 1st March, 1958. No. 33.—12th June, 19S8 1928 Nambour State High and Intermediate School—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) T. C. Johnson of his commission is accepted, 31st January, 1958. The Southport School.—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) R. G. Moore of his commission is accepted, 7th March, 1958. 2nd Cadet Battalion. Queensland Agricultural High School and College (Lawes).— The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) M. O'Keeffe of his commission is accepted, 1st March, 1958. St. Mary's Christian Brotliers' College (Toowoomha).—To he Temporary Captain, 1st February, 195»—Lieutenant (provisionally) K. C. Hanley. Toowoomba State High School.—Lieutenant (provisionally) J. T. F. Briggs is transferred from Herberton State High School, 13th February, 1958. 3rd Cadet Battalion. Gladstone State High School.—Lieutenant (provisionally) T. C. Baker-Finch is transferred to Mitchelton State High School, 1st March, 1958. To be l ieutenant (provisionally), 1st March, 1958— Velio Uksi. Rockhampton Grammar School.—To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 1st March, 1958—Romuald Brian Hayes. Commonwealth Gazette 11th Cadet Battalion. Ne>vcastle Central Junior Technical High School (Broadmeadow). —Lieutenant (provisionally) H. T. Bellamy is transferred from Dubbo High School, 1st January, 1958. NewcasUe Technical High School (Tighes Hill).—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) R. T. Macrae of his conimission is accepted, 31st December, 1957. To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 17th March, X958—Donald Campbell Tennent. Singleton Intermediate High School,—Lieutenant (provisionany) A. S. Pickett is transferred to Taree High School, 1st January, 1958. To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 3rd March* 1958—Brian Alexander McCloskey. Taree High School.—Lieutenant (provisionally) A. S. Pickett is transferred from Singleton Intermediate High School, Ist January, 1958. The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) W. K. Birrell of his commission is accepted, 27th February, 1958. 12th Cadet BattaUon. Grafton High School.—Lieutenant (provisionally) F. R. Harrison is transferred from Mudgee High School, 1st January, 1958. St. John's College Woodlawn (Lismore).—The resignations of the following officers of their commissions are accepted, 15th February, 1958:—Lieutenant (provisionally) (Temporary Captain) J. G. O'Ryan and Lieutenant (provisionally) F. N. Lopez. 4tli Cadet BattaUon. Herberton State High School.—Lieutenant (provisionally) J. T. F. 14th Cadet BattaUon. Briggs is transferred to Toowoomba State High School, 13th February, 1958. Dubbo High SchooL-^Lieutenant (provisionally) H. T. Bellamy is transferred to Newcastle Central Junior Technical High School 5th Cadet Battalion. (Broadmeadow), 1st January, 1958. To be Lieutenant (proIpswich State High School.—Lieutenant (provisionally) visionally), 17th March, 1958—Henry Elmore Roberts. (Honorary Captain) F. T. Barrell is transferred to Banyo State Forbes High School,—Lieutenant (provisionally) T. H. Perrin is High School, 1st February, 1958. transferred List. Eastern Command, I2th Kedron State High School (Lutwyche).—To be Lieutenant (pro- March, 1958,to Tothehe Unattached Lieutenant (provisionally), 17th March, 1958 visionally), 1st February, 1958—John Stuart Parnell. —Joseph George Willis. Nudgee College.^To be Lieutenants (provisionally), 1st February, Marist Brother9' College (Forbes),—The resignation of Lieu1958—Robert Joseph Noel Bird and Francis Rumold Pelin. tenant (provisionally) P. F. Howley of his commission is accepted, St. Columban's College (Albion Heights).—To be Lieutenants 31st December, 1957. To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 3rd (provisionally), 1st February, 1958—Charles Maximin Adams and March, 1958—Vincent Patrick Daly. James Vincent Cleary. Mudgee High School.—Lieutenant (provisionally) F. R. Harrison is transferred to Grafton High School, 1st January, 1958. Lieutenant (provisionally) T, R. Latham is transferred to the Unattached EASTERN COMMAND. List, Eastern Command, 12th March, 1958. To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 17th March, 1958—John Thomas Ducll. 2ND CADET BRIGADE. 7th Cadet Battalion. 15th Cadet Battalion. The Cranbrook School (Bellevue Hill).—To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 3rd March, 1958—^James Milton Mathers. Christian Brothers' (Young).—To be Lieutenant (proWaverley College.—To be Temporary Major, 17th March, 1958— visionally), 17th March,College 1958—Thomas Alfred O'Dwyer. Lieutenant (provisionally) (Temporary Captain) F. S. Farrell. To Griffith High School*—The resignation of Lieutenant (provibe Temporary Captain, 17th March, 1958—Lieutenant (provisionally) (Temporary Captain) T. M. N. Pether of his commission sionally) T. V. Casey. is accepted, 31st December, 1957. 8th Cadet Battalion. Wagga Wagga High School.—Lieutenant (provisionally) J. W. is transferred from Manly Boys' Junior High School Dulwich Hill Central School.—The resignation of Lieutenant McQualter 1st January, 1958. (provisionally) A. S. Furniss of his commission is accepted, 31st (Balgowlah), Yanco Agricultural High School.—The resignation of Lieutenant December, 1957. Newington College (Stanmore).—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) (Temporary Captain) B. M. Levett of his commis(provisionally) J. L. P. Elmes of his commission is accepted, 31st sion is accepted, 4th March, 1958. December, 1957. 16th Cadet Battalion. 9th Cadet Battalion. Canberra High School—-Lieutenant (provisionally) J. H. Shaw Knox Grammar School (Wahroonga).—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) D. R. Palmer of his commission is accepted, is transferred to the Unattached List, Eastern Command, 1st 31st December, 1957. To be Temporary Captain, 17th March, January, 1958. 1958—Lieutenant (provisionally) A. J. Wood. St. Patrick's College (Goiilburn).—Lieutenant (provisionally) Manly Boys' Junior High School (Balgo^lah).—Lieutenant (pro- (Honorary Major) F. D. Marzorini relinquishes the temporary visionally) J. W. McQualter is transferred to Wagga Wagga High rank of Captain, 17th March, 1958, and is transferred to the Unattached List, Eastern Command, 18th March, 1958. School, 1st January, 1958. St. Patrick's Intermediate Technical School (Goulburn),—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) T. B. Mahony of his com10th Cadet Battalion. mission is accepted, 1st February, 1958. To be Lieutenant (proBarker College (Hornsby).—To be Lieutenants (provisionally), visionally), 17th March, 1958—Patrick Matthew McKeon. 17th March, 1958—Robert Ellington Steanes and Richard Cole Manning. Hornsby Central Technical School.—The resignation of Lieu17th Cadet Battalion. tenant (provisionally) T. Hobson of his commission is accepted, 31st January, 1958. Christian Brothers' College (WolIongong).*^To be Lieutenant Katoomba High School.—The resignation of Lieutenant (pro- (provisionally), 3rd March, 1958—John Henry Hills. visionally) H. J. Dolan of his commission is accepted, 13th March, East Hills Boys' High School.—The resignation of Lieutenant 1958. (provisionally) J. K. Cleary of his commission is accepted, 31st Westmead Central Technical School.---To be Lieutenant (pro- December, 1957. To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 3rd March, 1958—John Joseph Lucas. visionally), 17th March, 1958—David James Turner. Commonwealth Gazette 1919 SOUTHERN COMMAND. 3RD CADET BRIGADE. 20th Cadet Battalion. Brighton Grammar School.—To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 31st March, 1958—Douglas Victor Lamb. Hampton High School.—To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 2ud lanuary, 1958—Ernest Rowland Cecil. Mentone Granmiur School.—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) A. S'. Fielding of his commission is accepted, 27th February, 1958. Mordialloc-Chelsea High School (Mordialloc).—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) G. G, Clough of his commission is accepted, 22nd March, 1958. 21st Cadet Battalion. Scotch College (Hawthorn).—To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 31st March, 1958—Alan John Michael Eggleston. Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) R. S. Bond is granted the honorary rank of Major, 1st March, 1958. 22nd Cadet Battalion. Christian Brothers* College (St. Kilda).—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) F. R. Hickey of his commission is accepted, 22nd February, 1958. Melbourne Boys' High School (South Yarra).—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) M. G. Lincoln of his commission is accepted, 11th February, 1958. To be Lieutenants (provisionally), 31st March, 1958—Kenneth McRobert Evans and Graeme Shaw Stuart. St. Kevin's College (Toorak).—Lieutenant (provisionally) K. C. Nangle is transferred from Rostrevor College (Magill) (Central Command), 10th February, 1958. 23rd Cadet Battalion. Collingwood Technical School.—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) (Temporary Captain) J. W. Dulf of his commission Is accepted, 31st March, 1958. Mount Scopus College (Burwood).—To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 31st March, 1958—Denis Thomas Potter. Northcote High School.—To be Lieutenants (provisionally), 31st March, 1958—Alan James Slatter and Mervyn Patrick Cunningham. St. Bernard^s College (Moonee Ponds).—Lieutenant (provisionally) P. U. Dillon is transferred from St. Joseph's College (Geelongj, 1st January, 1958. 24th Cadet BattaUon. Ballarat High School.—To be Lieutenant (provisionally), Ist January, 1958—Maurice Robert Murphy. St. Joseph's College (Geelong).—Lieutenant (provisionally) P. U. Dillon is transferred to St. Bernard's College (Moonee Ponds), 1st January, 1958. Lieutenant (provisionally) (Temporary Captain^ R. L. Stewart is transferred to St. Patrick's College (Ballarat), 1st January, 1958. Lieutenant (provisionally) W. R. Garretty is transferred from St. Patrick's College (Launceston) (Tasmania Com.mand), 24th February, 1958. St. Patrick's College (BaHarat).~Lieutenant (provisionally) (Temporary Captain) R. L. Stewart is transferred from St. Joseph's College (Geelong), 1st January, 1958. Lieutenant (provisionally) M. A. Esler is transferred to St. Patrick's College (Launceston) (Tasmania Command), 24th February, 1958. To be Lieutenant (provisionally) and Temporary Captain, 15th January, 1958— William Gabriel Monagle. CENTRAL COMMAND. 4TH CADET BRIGADE. 26th Cadet BattaUon. Christian Brothers' College (Adelaide).—Lieutenant (provisionally) P. R. Heslin is transferred to Christian Brothers' College (Kalgoorlie) (Western Command), 1st February, 1958. Rostrevor College (Magill).—Lieutenant (provisionally)^ K. C. Nangle relinquishes the temporary rank of Captain and is transferred to St. Kevin's College (Toorak) (Southern Command), 10th February, 1958. To be Temporary Captain, 28th March, 1958— Lieutenant (provisionally) W. A. Greening. To be Lieutenant (provisionally), loth March, 1958—Francis Lambert Wise. 28th Cadet BattaUon. Adelaide High School^Lioutenant (provisionally) A. C. Williams is transferred to the Unattached List, Central Command, 1st March, 1958. Kadina Park Memorial High School.—Lieutenant (provisionally) A. W. Martin is transferred to the Unattached List, Central Command, 1st March, 1958. To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 11th March, 195^David Kyffin Thomas. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Scotch College (Mitcham).—Captain N. M. Pickford is transferred to Uie Unattached List, Central Command, 1st March, 1958. Unley High School (Kingswood).—Lieutenant (provisionally) B. H. Donnelly is transferred to the Unattached List, Central Command, 1st March, 1958. The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) A. G. Anderson of his commission is accepted, 2nd April, 1958. WESTERN COMMAND. 5TH CADET BRIGADE. 30th Cadet Battalion. Armadale High School.—To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 2nd April, 1958—Ivor Clyde Jumeaux. Christian Brothers' College (Kalgoorlie).—Lieutenant (provisionally) P. R. Heslin is transferred from Christian Brothers' College (Adelaide) (Central Command), 1st February, 1958. Eastern Goldiields High School (Kalgoorlie).—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) (Temporary Captain) F. J. Eggleston of his commission is accepted, 1st April, 1958. Merredin Junior High School.—To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 27th March, 1958—Douglas Keith O'Dwyer. 31st Cadet BattalloiL Midland Junction High School.—Lieutenant (provisionally) W. Moir is transferred from Narrogin School of Agriculture, 10th February, 1958. 32nd Cadet Battalion. John Curtin High School (Fremantle).—To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 20th March, 1958—Kenneth John Brehaut. Narrogin School of Agriculture.—Lieutenant (provisionally) W. Moir is transferred to Midland Junction High School, 10th February, 1958. To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 10th April, 1958— Colin Howard Trotman. TASMANIA COMMAND. 6TH CADET BRIGADE. 33rd Cadet BattaUon. Elizabeth-street Secondary School (Hobart).—Lieutenant (provisionally) K. L. Spaulding is transferred to G. V. Brooks Community School (Launceston), 1st January, 1958. To be Lieutenant (provisionally), 10th March, 1958—Denis Leo Harvey. St. Virgir§ College (Hobart).—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) W. B. Thomas of his commission is accepted, 31st December, 1957. 34th Cadet BattaUon. G. V. Brooks Community School (Launceston).—Lieutenant (provisionally) K. L. Spaulding is transferred from Elizabethstreet Secondary School (Hobart), 1st January, 1958. The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) B. G, Cole of his commission is accepted, 31st December, 1957. Launceston Technical High School.—The resignation of Lieutenant (provisionally) A. F. Ray of his commission is accepted, 31st December, 1957. St. Patrick's College (Launceston).—Lieutenant (provisionally) M. A. Esler is transferred from St. Patrick's College (Ballarat) (Southern Command), 24th February, 1958. Lieutenant (provisionally) W. R. Garretty is transferred to St. Joseph's College (Geelong) (Southern Command), 24th February, 1958.—(Ex. Min. No. 42—Approved 3rd June, 1958.) J. O. CRAMER, Minister for the Army. AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES. HE following change is made in connexion with the Australian Military Forces:— CITIZEN MILITARY FORCES. NORTHERN COMMAND. 51st Infantry Battalion.—His Excellency Colonel Sir Henry Abel Smith, K.C.V.O., D.S.O., Governor of the State of Queensland, is appointed Honorary Colonel of the 51st Infantry Battalion, 5th May, 1958.—(Ex. Min. No. 43—Approved 3rd June, 1958.) J. 0. CRAMER, Minister for the Army, T isfo. 3l—12th June, 1958 1936 COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE. Commonwealth Gazette PROMOTIONS—SECTION 50 AND REGULATION 109. h e following promotions arc provisional and subject to appeal by officers to the Public Service Board, and, where consequent upon another provisional promotion, shall be dependent upon the latter being confirmed. Appeals should be lodged, either by letter or telegram, within Ttwenty-one days of the date of this notification, as follows:— (a) if the promotion is to be made in a State, with the Commonwealth Public Service Inspector in the capital city of that State; (b) if the promotion is to be made in the Australian Capital Territory, with the Public Service Inspector in Canberra, unless the promotion is to be made to a vacancy in the Postmaster-General's Department, in which case the officer shall lodge his appeal with the Commonwealth Public Service Inspector, Sydney; (c) if the promotion is to be made in the Northern Territory— (i) with the Commonwealth Public Service Inspector, Brisbane, in the case of a promotion to a vacancy in the Department of Customs and Excise; (ii) with the Commonwealth Public Service Inspector, Adelaide, in the case of a promotion to a vacancy in the Department of Civil Aviation or the Postmaster-Generars Department; (iii) with the Public Service Inspector, Canberra, in other cases; (d) if the promotion is to be made in Norfolk Island, with the Commonwealth Public Service Inspector, Sydney; (e) if the promotion is to be made in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea, with the Commonwealth Public Service Inspector, Brisbane; (f) if the promotion is to be made in the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands, with the Commonwealth Public Service Inspector, Perth; (g) if the promotion is to be made in a place outside the Commonwealth (and not being a place specified above), with the Public Service Inspector, Canberra. An appellant shall forward his appeal direct to the Public Service Inspector and the following particulars in respect of his permanent position should be set out at the foot of the appeal:— Full name (block letters) Age (in years) Designation Salary Scale Office or Branch Department Appeals not lodged with the appropriate CommoDwealtb Public Service Inspector within the prescribed period will not be accepted. Under Section 50 (7A) of the Public Service Act, the Board may regard an appeal as having been made against a provisional promotion notified hereunder by an officer who, at any time within the time prescribed for lodging an appeal, is absent on leave for war service, or is absent from Australia on official duty. Where an officer desires to appeal against two or more provisional promotions a separate appeal should be lodged in respect of each. The grounds of appeal must be as prescribed in Section 50 of the Public Service Act, viz.:— (1) Where a promotion is to be made to a position prescribed in Regulation i09o, viz.:—Assistant, Grade 1; Assistant, Grade 2; Assistant Storeman; Clerical Assistant, Grade 1; Hospital Assistant (Female), Grade 1; Hospital Assistant (Female), Grade 2; Labourer, Grade 1; Labourer, Grade 2; Lift Attendant; Line Foreman, Grade 1; Lineman, Grade 2; Mail Officer; Monitor; Monitor (Female); Orderly, Grade 1; Phonogram Monitor (Female); Postal Assistant; Postal Assistant (Mail); Postal Clerk in the Fourth Division; Postal Officer; Preventive Officer, Grade 1; Quarantine Assistant, Grade 1; Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1; Storeman; Storeman, Grade 1; Storeman, Grade 2; Telegraphist in the Fourth Division—that the appellant is senior to the officer provisionally promoted and is efficient. (2) In other cases— (a) Superior efficiency; or (b) equal efficiency combined with seniority. (N.B.)—By reason of the operation of Regulation 106A the annual rates of salary are increased as follows:— Adult Males and Married Minors (Males) .. Increase of £63 per annum. Adult Females .. .. .. .. Increase of £47 per annum. Minors—Proportionate adjustments as specified in Regulation 106A. Where positions have been the subject of an Arbitration Determination, the salary scales shown are those prescribed by Determinations. Present Deaigoatioa and Station. Name. Position to which Promoted. i Comber, Harold George .. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. £ PRIME MINISTER'S PEPARTMENT. Auditor-General's Office—Victoria. Audit Inspector, Grade 2 (£1,488- Audit Inspector, Grade 3 (£1,668-£1,833), Third 1,668 £1,533), Third Division, Division, Melbourne, vice C. B. Green Melbourne 12.6.58 DEPARTMENT OF TERRITORIES. Administration Division. McConaghy, Frederick Inspector (O. & M.) (£1,778- Administrative Assistant (£l,888-£2,053), Third 2,053 12.6.58 William £1,943), Third Division, unDivision, vice P. L. Ryan attached Duties.—Under direction of First Assistant Secretary, Head Office, preparation and maintenance of Departmental War Books and liaison on Territories War Books; carry out special policy and other general investigations. Qualifications.—Appropriate university degree desirable; appropriate experience in policy investigation work. Swift, Robert Stanley .. Officer-in-Charge (£2,108-£2,273), Special Projects Officer (£2,218-£2,493), Third 2,218 12.6.58 Third Division, Lands and Division. New office Cert. 58/1272 Mining Branch, Industries and Commerce Division Duties.—Under direction of secretary, in charge of research and preparatory work associated with projects of an involved and confidential nature associated with policy development in the Territories. Qualifications.—Knowledge of territorial conditions; analytical and constructive ability; qualifications or experience in Territorial and commercial law and practice desirable. Commonwealth Gazette No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1931 PROMOTIONS—continued. Name. Present Designation and Station. Position to which Promoted. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. £ DEPARTMENT OF TERRITORIES—continued. Northern Territory Administration Division, General Services Branch. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1 (£339- Municipal Inspector (£858-£918), Fourth Divi- 858 12.6.58 Fox, Arthur John .. sion, Municipal Section, Katherine. New £758), Fourth Division, Unoffice Cert. 57/1609 attached, Taxation Branch, Department of the Treasury, Brisbane Duties.—Inspection and reporting on matters relating to preservation and maintenance of public property, pubUc and domestic hygiene, public safety and protection; investigate complaints regarding the operation and maintenance of municipal services; read electricity and water supply meters. Qualifications.—Relevant experience desirable. DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS. AustraUan Capital Territory. Division 1—Pacific and Americas Branch. Hill, Maurice De Lacy Pierce External Affairs Officer, Grade 1 External Affairs Officer, Grade 2 (£1,443- 1,443 12.6.58 (£903-£l,353), Third Division, £1,723), Third Division, East Asian Section, Economic Relations Branch, vice R. J. Percival Division 2 Duties.—Responsible to Head of Section for material and research on East Asia. Drafting of contributions to Current Notes and other publications. Collection, collation and distribution of information on countries in East Asia. Manila Treaty Branch. External Affairs Officer, Grade 1 External Affairs Officer, Grade 2 (£1,443- 1,533 12.6.58 (£903-£l,353), Third Division, £1,723), Third Division, vice F. W. Truelove Division 6 Duties.—Responsible to the Head of Branch for matters concerning Manila Treaty. Liaison with other departments and Manila Treaty member countries. Division 3—Administrative Branch. Robertson, Robert Harry External Affairs Officer, Grade 1 External Affairs Officer, Grade 2 (£1,443- 1,443 12.6.58 £1,723), Third Division, vice W. H, Bray (£903-£l,353), Third Division, Middle East Section, Europe, Africa and Middle East Branch, Division 4 Duties.—Personal Assistant to the Permanent Head. Gardner, Richard Hamilton Division 4—^Europe, Africa and Middle East Branch. External Affairs Officer, Grade 1 External Affairs Officer, Grade 2 (£1,443- 1,443 12.6.58 £1,723), Third Division, Europe Section, vice (£903-£l,353), Third Division, J. H. Barnett American and South Pacific Section, Pacific and Americas Branch, Division 1 Duties.—Responsible to Head of Section for material and research on Western European Affairs (including N.A.T.O.); drafting of information summaries, Diary of Events and Current Notes articles; collection, collation and distribution of information on Western European countries. Kelso, John Robert .. External Affairs Officer, Grade 1 External Affairs Officer, Grade 2 (£1,443- 1,443 12.6.58 (£903-£l,353). Third Division, £1,723), Third Division, Middle East SecEurope Section tion, vice K. R. Douglas-Scott Duties.—Responsible to the Head of Section for material and research on Middle East affairs. Drafting of information summaries, Diary of Events and Current Notes articles. Collection, collation and distribution of information on Middle Eastern countries. Division 6. Furlonger, Robert William .. External Affairs Officer, Grade 3 External Affairs Officer, Grade 4 (£2,218- 2,218 12.6.58 £2,493), Third Division. New office Cert. (£1,998-£2,163), Third Division 57/2785 Duties.—Senior political or economic policy adviser to the Head of an important Post. Direction of the administration and activities of a Post and in particular for political and economic discussion and reporting, negotiation with authorities of the country to which posted and direction of consular activities. Attendance in a representative capacity at major international conferences. May be Head of a Consular Post or act as Charge in the absence of the Head of a Diplomatic Post. Douglas-Scott, Keith Robin External Affairs Officer, Grade 2 External Affairs Officer, Grade 3 (£1,998- 2,053 12.6.58 £2,163), Third Division, vice R. W. (£1,443-£1,723), Third Division, Furlonger, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Africa Section, Europe, Africa and Middle East Branch, Division 4. External Affairs Officer, Grade 2 External Affairs Officer, Grade 3 (£1,998- 1,998 12.6.58 Parsons, Alfred Roy £2,163), Third Division. Office reclassified (£1,443-£1,723). Third Division Cert. 58/1248 External Affairs Officer, Grade 2 External Affairs Officer, Grade 3 (£1,998- 1,998 12.6.58 Dexter, Barrie Graham £2,163), Third Division, vice J. W. C. Cumes (£1,443-£1,723), Third Division, unattached Duties (above three positions).—Head of certain Consular Posts; responsible for administration of some Posts abroad; direction of political and economic work and preparation of despatches; correspondence and liaison with local authorities and other diplomatic missions; responsible for Post accounts of expenditure; attendance in a representative capacity at other than major international conferences. Melhuish, Arthur John No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Commonweaith Gazette 1932 PROMOTIONS—continued. Name, Present Designation and Station. Position to which Promoted. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. £ DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS—continued. Australian Capital Territory—continued. Division 6—continued. External Affairs Officer, Grade 1 External Affairs Officer, Grade 2 (£1,443- 1,533 12.6.58 Wilson, David George (£903-£l,353), Third Division, £1,723), Third Division, vice M. L, Johnston unattached External Affairs Officer. Grade 1 External Affairs Officer, Grade 2 (£1,443- 1,443 12.6.58 Lewis, Graeme Calder (£903-£l,353), Third Division £1,723), Third Division, vice A. R. Parsons, prov. prom. 12.6,58 . Duties (above two positions).—Assistance to the External Affairs Officer, Grade 3, in the administration of larger Posts; responsible for administration of smaller Posts. Correspondence and discussion with local authorities and other diplomatic missions. Collection of information and preparation of reports and despatches on policy to He ad of Mission in smaller Posts. Attendance in an advisory capacity at international conferences or in a representative capacity at meeting s of committees of international bodies. Dlvisian 7—Defence Liaison Branch. External Affairs Officer, Grade 1 External Affairs Officer, Grade 2 (£1,443- 1,443 (£903-£l,353). Third Division £1,723), Third Division, vice J. D. McCredie Duties.—Liaison Officer for Department of External Affairs in Department of Defence. Woodard, Charles Garrard 12.6.58 Economic and Technical Assistance Branch. External Affairs Officer, Grade 1 External Affairs Officer, Grade 2 (£1,443- 1,443 12.6.58 (£903-£l,353). Third Division, £1,723), Third Division, Economic Aid SecEconomic and Social Section, tion, vice R, P. Thompson United Nations Branch, Division 2 Duties.—Examination of requests for Capital Aid under the Colombo Plan and advice to Head of Section. Correspondence with overseas Posts and other Departments on matters affecting proposed and established projects. Preparation of periodical statistical returns. Hickey, Brian Blakely ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. The Arbitration Court, Victoria. Davenport, John . . . . Clerk (£385-£903), Third Divi- Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Melbourne, 903 sion. Engineering Division, vice J. F. Burge Postmaster-General's Department, Melbourne Duties,—Act as Staff Clerk, deal with requisitions, purchase orders, check accounts, and other duties as directed. 12.6.58 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Central Staff. General Financial and Economic Policy Branch. Finance Officer, Grade 1 (£1,668- Senior Finance Officer, Grade 2 (£1,998- 1,998 12.6.58 Davey, Neil William £1,833), Third Division, un£2,163), Third Division, vice R. Daniel attached Duties.—Conduct and supervise research and investigation into financial and economic aspects of Australian trade and payments relations with overseas countries, &c. Qualifications.—University degree in Economics, Conmierce, or Arts (Economics) preferably at Honours Standard, desirable. Central Secretariat Typist (Female) (Sercetarial) Typist-in-charge (Female), Grade 2 (£844), (£704-£754), Fourth Division Fourth Division, vice M. T. Flaherty Duties.—In charge of Typing Pool. Qualifications.—Shorthand, at least 100 words per minute. Stenographer, Grade 1 (£604- Typist (Female) (Secretarial) (£704-£754), Scott, Frances Paterson Fourth Division, vice D. J. Miller £644), Fourth Division Stenographer, Grade 1 (£604- Typist (Female) (Secretarial) (£704-£754), Atkinson, Lurlene Adele Fourth Division, vice E. C. Sexton £644), Fourth Division Stenographer, Grade 1 (£604- Typist (Female) (Secretarial) (£704-£754), Docherty, Mildred Teresa Fourth Division, vice C. P. Wilson £644), Fourth Division Qualifications of above three positions.—Shorthand, at least 100 words per minute. Typist (Female) (£308-£614), Stenopapher, Grade 1 (£604-£644), Fourth Willey, Maureen Patricia Division, vice Y. A. Bolderrow Fourth Division, Taxation Branch, Perth Aherne, Theresa Marie Typist (Female) (£30f8-£614), Stenographer, Grade 1 (£604-£644), Fourth Division, vice M. T. Docherty, prov. prom. Fourth Division, Public Ser12,6.58 vice Board, Canberra Qualifications of above two positions.—Shorthand, at least 80 words per minute. Clerk (£385-£903), Third Divi- Clerk (£903-£l,083), Third Division, Personnel Bourke, Kevin Patrick Section, vice P. E. Morris, prov. prom. sion 12.6.58 Duties.—Assistant Staff Clerku Scholes, Valerie Edithe 844 12.6.58 704 704 704 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 604 12.6.58 604 12.6.58 948 12.6.58 1933 Commonwealth Gazette N o . 3 3 . — 1 2 t h June, 1958 PROMOTIONS—continued. Name. Present Designation and Station. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. Position to which Promoted. £ DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY—continued. Insurance and Actuarial Branch, Central Staff. Smart, John Robert .. Clerk (£2,218-£2,493), Third Divi- Actuary (£2,383-£2,713), Third Division. Office 2,383 12.6.58 sion, unattached reclassified Cert. 58/1236 Duties.—Conduct actuarial investigations. Examine returns submitted by health insurance organizations and actuarial and financial returns undef Life Assurance Act. Qualifications.—Fellow of Institute or Faculty of Actuaries desirable. Morris, Peter Edward Clerk (£993-£l,173), Third Division. Clerk (£9C3-£1,083), Third Divireclassified Cert. 58/1236 sion, Personnel Section, Central Secretariat Duties.—Preparation of statistical tables for actuarial purposes. Office 993 12.6.58 Curtis, Kaye Typist (Female) (Secretarial) (£704-£754), Stenographer, Grade 1 (£604Fourth Division, vice D. J. Miller £644), Fourth Division, Central Secretariat Qualifications.—Shorthand, at least 100 words per minute, 724 12.6.58 1,353 12.6.58 Clerk (£1,083-£1,263), Third Divi- Clerk (£1,173-£1,353). Third Division. Special Services and Investigations Section, vice sion, Services Pay and ConG. P. Welch, prov. prom. 12.6.58 ditions Section Duties.—Treasury investigational work in regard to matters relatmg to defence generally. 1,263 12.6.58 Clerk (£903-£l,083), Third Divi- Clerk (£1,083-£1,263), Third Division, Services sion. Records and Typing Pay and Conditions Section, vice B. J. Reilly, Scction prov. prOtn. 12,6.58 Duties.—Matters concerning pay artd conditions of service for the Defence Forces. 1,083 12.6.58 Flynn, Edward Thomas 1,398 12.6.58 Breen, William 1,173 12.6.58 993 12.6.58 1,128 12.6.58 794 12.6.58 1,533 12.6.58 1,488 12.6.58 1,488 12.6.58 1,443 12.6.58 1,308 12.6.58 1,353 12.6.58 1,128 12.6.58 Dettnt€ Division, Melbourne. Clerk (£l,173-£ 1,353), Third Divi- Clerk (£1,263-'£1,443), Third Division, Defence sion, Special Services and Forces Retirement Benefits Section, vice Investigations Section W. J. Shearman Duties.—In charge of Contributions Sub-section. *Welch, Gerald Patrick •Reilly, Brian Joseph •Breen, Graham Leslie Taxation Branch (Sales Tax, See,), Victoria. Investigation Officer, Grade 1 Investigation Officer, Grade 2 (£1,263-£1,443), (£993-£l,173), Third Division, Third Division, Sales Tax and Pay-roll Tax Sales Tax and Pay-roll Tax Section, Melbourne, vice J. Ryan Section Joseph Investigation Officer, Grade 1 Clerk (£1,083-£1,263), Third Division, Sales (£993-£l,173), Third Division. Tax and Pay-roll Tax Section, Melbourne, Sales Tax and Pay-roll Tax vice T. J. Moyle Section Duties.—Dealing with inquiries under the Sales Tax and Pay-roll Tax Assessment Acts. Candela, Frank John Smith, Maurice Patrick Barton, Ermina Bridget Winifred Free, Colin Henry Mansley, Roland Douglas Fibbins, Phillip Henry Watt, George Gordon Greiner, Alan John Shirlaw, Bfuce Haylen, Phillip James Clerk (£813-£993), Third Divi^ sion, Sales Tax and Pay-roU Scction Investigation Officer, Grade 1 (£993^£1,173), Third Division, Sales Tax and Pay-roll Tax Section, Melbourne, Vice E. T. Flynn, prov. prOm. 12.6.58 Clerk (£903-£l,083). Third Divi- Clerk (£993-£l,173). Third Division, Accounts sion, Accounts and Registers and Registers Section, Melbourne, vice J. J. Section Walshe Duties.—Senior Teller. Accounting Machinist (Female), Accounting Machinist-in-charge (Female), Grade 2 (£704), Fourth DiviGrade 1 (£794), Fourth Division. Accounts sion, Sales Tax and Pay-roll and Registers Section, Melbourne, vice M. Tax Section Radich Qualifications—Must have passed the prescribed test. Taxation Branch (Income Tax), New South Wales. Assessor, Grade 5 (£1,353-£1,533), Assessor, Grade 6 (£1,443-£1,623), Third DiviThird Division, Assessing Secsion, Assessing Section, Sydney, vice C. A. tion Butel Assessor, Grade 5 (£1,353-£1,533), Assessor, Grade 6 (£1,443-£1,623), Third DiviThird Division, Assessing Secsion, Assessing Section, Sydney, vice V. J. tion Martin Indoor Examiner (£1,263-£1,443), Assessor, Grade 5 (£l,353-£1.533), Third DiviThird Division, Investigation sion. Assessing Section, Sydney, vice R. D. Section Mansley, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Assessor, Grade 4 (£1,173-£1,353), Assessor, Grade 5 (£1,353-£1,533), Third DiviThird Division, Assessing Secsion, Assessing Section, Sydney, vice C. H. tion Free, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Assessor, Grade 4 (£l.l73^£l,35:i), Third DiviAssessor, Grade 3 (£1,083-£1,263), sion, Assessing Section, Sydney, vice G. G. Third Division, Assessing SecWatt, prov. prom. 12.6.58 tion Assessor, Grade 4 (£1,173-£1,353), Third DiviAssessor, Grade 3 (£ 1,083-£ 1,263), sion. Assessing Section, Sydney, vice H. A. Third Division, Assessing SecHamilton, prov. prom. 12.6.58 tion Asseswr, Grade 3 (£1,083^£1,263), Third DiviAssessor, Grade 2 (£993-£l,173). siorl. Assessing Section, Sydney, vice A. J. Third Division, Assessing SecGreiner, prov. prom. 12.6.58 tion • These positions eventually will be located In Canbefra. 3553/58.-3 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Commonwealth Gazette 1934 PROMOTIONS—continued. Present Designation and Station, Name, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY—continued. Taxation Branch (Income Tax), New South Wales—continued. Macpherson, Robert Ireland, Harry Richard Simpson, Jack Anderson, Douglas Thomas .. Hamilton, Hugh Alexander .. Taxation Branch (Income Tax), Victoria. Senior Investigation Officer, Grade 1 (£1,668£1,833), Third Division, Investigation Section, Melbourne, vice W. H. Murphy Assessor, Grade 5 (£1,353-£1,533), Third Division, Assessing Section, Melbourne, vice A. Smith Assessor, Grade 4 (£1,173-£1,353), Third Division, Assessing Section, Melbourne, vice E. H. Hunter, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Assessor, Grade 4 (£1,173-£1,353), Third Division, Assessing Section, Melbourne, vice W. V. Brown Assessor, Grade 4 (£1,173-£1,353) (female rate £l,019-£l,199), Third Division, Assessing Section, Melbourne, vice C. B. Manfield Assessor, Grade 4 (£1,173-£1,353) (female rate £1,019-£1,199), Third Division, Assessing Section, Melbourne, vice W. G. Sheldrake Clerk (£1,083-£1,263), Third Division, Cashiers Section, Melbourne, vice N. A. Byham, prov. prom. 29.5.58 of the Cheque Reconciliation Sub-section, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES. Centra] Staff. Clerk (£385-£903), Third Divi- Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Adminission, Airways Engineering trative Branch, Melbourne, vice J. G. Branch, Division of Airways, McNally, prov. prom. 17,4.58 Department of Civil Aviation, Melbourne Duties.—^Register and index correspondence. Generally assist Officer-in-charge, Records. Farrell Salary on Date of Promoti on. Promotion. £ Assessor, Grade 2 (£993-£l,173). Assessor, Grade 3 (£1,083-£1,263), Third Divi- 1,128 Third Division, Assessing Secsion, Assessing Section, Sydney, vice B. tion Shirlaw, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Assessor, Grade 1 (£903-£l,083). Assessor, Grade 2 (£993-£ 1,173), Third Divi- 993 Third Division, Assessing Secsion, Assesing Section, Sydney, vice P. J. tion Haylen, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Assessor, Grade 1 (£903-£l,083), Assessor, Grade 2 (£993-£l,173), Third Divi- 1,083 Third Division, Assessing Secsion, Assessing Section, Sydney, vice R. tion Macpherson, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Clerk (£385-£903), Third Divi- Assessor, Grade 1 (£903-£ 1,083), Third Divi- 903 sion, Assessing Section, Sydney, vice J. sion, unattached Simpson, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Assessor, Grade 4 (£1,173-£1,353), Indoor Examiner (£1,263-£1,443), Third Divi- 1,443 sion, Investigation Section, Sydney, vice P. H. Third Division, Assessing SecFibbins, prov. prom. 12.6.58 tion Investigation Officer, Grade 3 (£l,443-£ 1,623), Third Division, Investigation Section Hunter, Edward Hammond . . Assessor, Grade 4 (£1,173-£1,353), Third Division, Assessing Section Assessor, Grade 3 (£1,083-£1,263), McLuckie, Thomas Ian Third Division, Assessing Section Robins, Arthur Prichard Assessor, Grade 3 (£1,083-£1,263), Third Division, Assessing SecTownshend tion Assessor (Female), Grade 3 Kelly, Irene Marie (£929-£1.109), Third Division, Assessing Section Assessor (Female), Grade 3 O'Shea, Mary Josephine (£929-£1.109), Third Division, Assessing Section Assessor, Grade 2 (£993-£l,173), Colbeck, Robert Arthur Third Division, Assessing Section Duties.—Supervision and direction of staff Blake, John Douglas Smith, Raymond Kiernan Position to which Promoted. Victoria. 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 1,668 12.6.58 1,398 12.6.58 1,308 12.6.58 1,308 12.6.58 1,064 12.6.58 1,019 12.6.58 1,263 12.6.58 813 12.6.58 Special Magistrate and Examiner Senior Special Magistrate and Examiner 1,533 12.6.58 (£1,263-£1,443), Third Division, (£1,353-£1,533), Third Division. Pensions Pensions Branch, Melbourne Branch, Melbourne, vice H. O, Anson Duties.—Supervise Magistrates and Examiners and deal with special cases. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is desirable. 12.6.58 Gallagher, Murray Thomas .. Special Magistrate and Examiner Senior Examiner (£1,353-£1,533), Third Divi- 1,488 sion, Pensions Branch, vice A. D. Morgan (£1,263-£1,443), Third Division, Pensions Branch, Melbourne Duties.—Officer-in-charge Review Section. Supervise work of Section relating to review examination of age, invalid and widows' pensions claims. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is desirable. I Jamieson, David James .. Registrar (£1,173-£1,353), Third Special Magistrate and Examiner (£1,263- 1,443 12.6.58 Division, Unemployment and £1,443), Third Division, Pensions Branch, Sickness Benefits Branch, MelMelbourne, vice M. T. Gallagher, prov. prom, bourne 12.6.58 Duties.—Investigate, examine and make recommendations on claims for age, invalid and widows' pensions. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is desirable. 12.6.58 Registrar (£1,173-£1,353), Third Special Magistrate and Examiner (£1,263- 1,443 Morley, Geoffrey James £1,443), Third Division, Pensions Branch, Division, Unemployment and Melbourne, vice G. J. J. Carr, prov, prom. Sickness Benefits Branch, Mel12.6.58 bourne Duties,—Investigate, examine and make recommendations on claims for age, invalid and widows' pensions. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is desirable. Hill John Charles .. .. Examiner, Grade 2 (£1,083- Registrar (£1,173-£1,353), Third Division, Un- 1,353 12.6.58 £1,263), Third Division, Penemployment and Sickness Benefits Branch, sions Branch, Melbourne Melbourne, vice G. L. Stewart Duties.—Under direction of Senior Registrar exercise delegate J authority to determine benefit claims. Supervise work of, and train, assessors. Carr, Gerald John Joseph Commonwealth Gazette 1935 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 PROMOTIONS—continued. Name. Present Designation and Station. Position to which Promoted. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. £ DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES—continued. Victoria—continued. Fitzsimmons, Stanley John Examiner, Grade 2 (£1,083£1,263), Third Division, Pensions Branch, Melbourne Registrar (£1,173-£1,353), Third Division, Un- 1,353 12.6.58 employment and Sickness Benefits Branch, Melbourne, vice D. J. Jamieson, prov. prom. 12.6,58 Duties.—Under direction of Senior Registrar exercise delegated authority to determine benefit claims. Supervise work of, and train, assessors. Bourke, Kevin Thomas Examiner, Grade 2 (£1,083£1,263), Third Division, Pensions Branch, Melbourne Registrar (£1,173-£1,353), Third Division, Un- 1,353 12.6.58 employment and Sickness Benefits Branch, Melbourne, vice G. J. Morley, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Duties.—Under direction of Senior Registrar exercise delegated authority to determine benefit claims. Supervise work of, and train, Assessors. Woodgate, Albert Frederick Clerk (£993-£l,173), Third DiviClerk (£1,083-£1,263), Third Division, Family 1,218 12.6.58 sion. Executive Branch, MelAllowances Branch, Melbourne, vice N. J. bourne Dermody Duties.—Under delegated authority, assist with the determination of claims for child endowment and maternity allowances. Supervise the examiners. Neil Coy, Ramon Joseph Charles Assessor, Grade 2 (£903~£1,083), Clerk (£1,083-£1,263). Third Division, Internal 1,173 12.6.58 Third Division, UnemployAudit Branch, Melbourne, vice H. G. ment and Sickness Benefits Hutchison Branch, Melbourne Duties.—Responsible to the Internal Auditor for the carrying out of the approved internal audit programme for rehabilitation and unemployment and sickness benefits. O'Loughlin, Leonard Hugh . . Clerk (£993-£l,173). Third DiviExaminer, Grade 2 (£1,083-£1,263), Third Divi- 1,263 12.6.58 sion, Accounts Branch, Melsion, Pensions Branch, Melbourne, vice bourne K. T. Bourke, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Duties.—Investigate, examine and assess current benefit claims. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is desirable. 12.6.58 Clerk (£993>£1,173), Third Divi- Examiner, Grade 2 (£1,083-£1,263), Third Divi- 1,218 sion. Accounts Branch, Melsion, Pensions Branch, Melbourne, vice S. J. bourne Fitzsimmons, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Duties.—Investigate, examine and assess current benefit claims. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is desirable. Wade, Edwin John Clerk (£385-£903), Third Divi- Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Executive sion, Family Allowances Branch, Melbourne, vice E. D. Sykes, prov. Branch, Melbourne prom. 12.6.58 Duties.—Assistant Staff Clerk. 858 12.6.58 Butler, Gordon Stanley Assessor, Grade 2 (£903-£l,083), Clerk (£993-£l,173). Third Division, Executive Third Division, Unemployment Branch, Melbourne, vice F. N. A. Woodgate, and Sickness Benefits Branch, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Melbourne Duties.—Assistant Personnel Officer. 1,173 12.6.58 Kennedy, Joan Madeline Clerk (£385-£903) (female rate £385-£749), Third Division, Pensions Branch, Melbourne Examiner, Grade 1 (£813-£993) (female rate £659-£839), Third Division, Pensions Branch, Melbourne, vice W. L. Saunders, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Duties.—Preliminary review examination of pension cases. 749 12.6.58 Geddes, James Alexander Clerk (£813-£993), Third DiviClerk (£903-£1.083), Third Division, Pensions sion. Accounts Branch, MelBranch, Melbourne, vice W. J. O'Neill, prov. bourne prom. 12.6,58 Duties.—Correspondence Clerk, Pensions. 948 12.6.58 Withell, Brian Noel Elliott Clerk (£813-£993), Third Divi- Clerk (£903-£l,083). Third Division, Pensions sion, Family Allowances Branch, Melbourne, vice E. J. Wade Branch, Melbourne Duties.—Funeral Benefits Clerk. 1,083 12.6.58 McCulloch, Murray Clerk (£385-£903), Third Divi- Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Family sion. Family Allowances Allowances Branch, Melbourne, vice Branch, Melbourne B. N. E. Withell, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Duties.—Relief Clerk. 813 12.6.58 Fisher-Brown, bourne Ronald John Mel- Cameron Sykes, Elvia Dawn Clerk (£813-£993) (female rate £659-£839), Third Division, Executive Branch, Melbourne Keys, Henry Joseph Examiner, Grade 1 (£813-£993, Third Division, Pensions Branch, Melbourne Assessor, Grade 2 (£903-£l,083) (female rate 794 12.6.58 £749-£929), Third Division, Unemployment and Sickness Benefits Branch, Melbourne, vice R. J. Coy, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Duties.—Examine, investigate and assess claims for unemployment, sickness and special benefits in accordance with Social Services Act, 12.6.58 Assessor, Grade 2 (£903-£l,083), Third Division, 1,083 Unemployment and Sickness Benefits Branch, Melbourne, vice G. S. Butler, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Duties.—Examine, investigate and assess claims for unemployment, sickness and special benefits in accordance with Social Services Act. Na 12th June, 1958 C o m m o n w e ^ t h Gazette 1936 PROMOTIONS—continued. Nam. Present Designation and Station. Position to which Promoted. Salary on Date of Promation. Promotion. £ DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES—continued. Vktofia—cotitliiued. CUfk (£385-£903) (female rate Assessor, Grade 1 (£813^£993) (female rate £659- 749 Hutton, Barbara Hovvwd £385-£749), Third Division, £839), Third Division, Unemployment and Executive Branch, Melbourne Sickness Benefits Branch, Melbourne, vice K. F. Cannon Duties.—Continuation assessment of unemployment, sickness and special benefits in accordance with Social Services Act. Clerk (£903-£l,083). Third Divi- Clerk (£993-£l,173)» Third Division, Accounts 1,173 Petts, Robert Stanley Bion, Internal Audit Branch, MelBranch, Melbourne, vice L. H. O'Loughlin, bourne prov. prom. 12.6.58 Duties.—Recording, preparation and payment of Imperial pensions. Clerk (£903-£1.083), Third Divi- Clerk (£993-£1,173), Third Division, Accounts 1,173 O'Neill, William James Branch, Melbourne, vice E. J. Wade, prov. sion, Pensions Branch, Melbourne prom. 12.6.58 Duties.—Examiner of Accounts. Clerk (£^85-£903) (female rate Clerk (£813-£993) (female fate (£659-£839), 749 Cottoii, Pamela Ann £385-£749), Third Division, Third Division, Accounts Branch, Melbourne, Accounts Branch, Melbourne vice J. A, Geddes, prov. prom. 12.6.58 Duties.—Reconciliation of benefit registers. Examiner, Grade 1 (£8I3-£993), Clerk (£903-£l,083)» Third Division, Internal 1,038 Saunders, William Llewellyn Audit Branch, Melbourne, vice R. S. Petts, Third Division, Pensions Branch, prov. prom. 29.5,58 Melbourne Duties.—Internal Audit of new grants and variations of pensions. 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 New South Wales. 12.6.59 Clerk (£385.£903), (female rate, Clerk (£813-£993) (female tate, £659-£839), 839 £385-£749), Third Division, Third Division, Family Allowances Branch, Family Allowances Branch, Sydney, vice M. P. Hogan Sydney Duties.—Examine, investigate and report on cases for review. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is essential. Comyn, Arthur .. .. Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Family Allow993 12.6.58 Family Allowances Branch, artces Branch, Sydney, vice N. H. N. Bland Sydney Duties.—Examine, investigate and report on cases for review. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is essential. 749 12.6.58 Flint, Norma Mary .. Clerk (£385-£903) (female rate. Examiner, Grade 1 (£813-£993) (female rate, £385-£749), Third Division, In£659-£839), Third Division, Pensions Branch, ternal Audit Branch, Sydney Sydney, vice S. S. Lisle Duties.—Examination of benefit claims. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is essential. 993 12.6.58 Shaw, Maxwell Arthur Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Examiner, Grade 1 (£813-£993), Third Division, Executive Branch, Sydney Pensions Branch, Sydney, vice F. W. Cook, prov. prom. 17.4,58 Duties.—Examination of benefit claims. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is essential. 993 12.6.58 Giumelli, James Kevin .. Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Branch, Sydney Branch, Sydney, vice F. C. Woolley Duties.—Correspondence concerning beneficiaries considered suitable for rehabilitation. Take action as required to advise Registrars of decision and for closure of cases. Conduct interviews. 993 12.6.58 Brown, Brian Henry . Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Pensions Accounts Branch, Sydiley Branch, Sydney, vice G. T. McFarland Duties.—Relief duties. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is essential. 12.6.58 . Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Pensions 993 Wilmot, Nolan Lindsay Branch, Sydney, vice K. H. Simpson Unemployment and Sickness Benefits Branch, Sydney Duties.—Relief duties. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is essential. Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Pensions 993 Jennings, Leslie Charles 12.6.58 Executive Branch, Sydney Branch, Sydney, vice H. T. Knight Duties.—Examination and investigation of claims for funeral benefit. Approve grant of funeral benefits. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is essential. Clerk (£385-£903) (female rate Examiner, Grade 1 (£813-£993) (female rate 839 Kerrigan, Diana Lome 12.6.58 £385-£749), Third Division, £659-£839), Third Division, Pensions Branchy Pensions Branch, Sydney Sydney, vice A. J. Walker Duties.—Bxamination of benefit claims. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is essential. WottUfe, Richafd Mailtice Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Examiner, Grade 1 (£8l3-£993). Third Division, 993 12.6.58 Executive Branch, Sydney Pensions Branch, Sydney, vice P. F. Hallahan Duties .^Examination of benefit claims. A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is essential. Nelson, Roy Allan .. Clark (£385-£903), Third Division, Examiner, Grade 1 (£813-£993), Third Division, 993 12.6.58 Accounts Branch, Sydney Pensions Branch, Sydney, vice N. E. Lehn Duties.-^BXamination of benefit claims* A sound knowledge of the Social Services Act is essential. Sharah, Anne Margaret Elizl beth Commonwealth Qaisettd No. 33.«-12th June, 19S8 1937 PROMOTIONS—continued. Nftipp. Present DMignation and Station. Position to which romoted. SalaiYon Date of PromotioQ. Promotion. £ Honeyman, William Bain DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES—continued. New South Wales—continued. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Internal Audit 993 12.6.58 Branch, Sydney, vice M. J. Meyers, prov. prom. 17.4.58 Duties.—Audit of files and entries to recording sheets of widows' pensions payments and issue of pensions certificates, notices etc. Lloyd, Betty Stuart .. Clerk (£385-£903) (female rate Clerk (£813-£993) (female rate £659-£839), Third 993 12.6.58 £385-£749), Third Division, Division, Pensions Branch, Sydney, vice H. R. Family Allowances Branch, Rann prov. prom. 17.4.58 Duties.—Examination and investigation of claims for funeral benefits approve grant of funeral benefits. A sound knowledge of the Sociaj Services Act is essential. Mitchell, Colyn David Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993). Third Division, Rehabilitation 993 12.6.58 Pensions Branch, Sydney Branch, Sydney, vice K. F. Cowley prov. prom, 17.4.58 Duties.—Correspondence concerning beneficiaries considered suitable for rehftbilitation. Take action as required to ftdvise Registnr* of decision ^n^l for ploswre of cases Conduct interviews, Squires, Barrie Irving Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Rehabilitation branch, Sydney DEPARTMENT OF WORKS. Technical Division, Victoria and Tasmania. Engineer, Grade 1 (£903-£l,353). Engineer, Grade 2 (£1.353-£1,443), Third Divi- 1,353 12.6.58 Third Division, Engineering Desion. Engineering Design Section, Melbourne, sign Section, Melbourne vice N. W. Ludbrook Grace, Kevin James Engineer, Grade 1 (£903-£l,353), Engineer, Grade 2 (£1,353-£1.443), Third DiyJ- 1,443 sion. Engineering Design Section, Melt)oijme, Third Division, Engineering Device A. Laing sign Section, Melbourne Bennett, Royce Frederick 12.6.58 Engineer, Grade 1 (£903-£l,353). Engineer, Grade 2 (£1,353-£1,443), Third Divi- 1,398 sion. Engineering Design Section, Melbourne, Third Division, Engineering Device G. Howard sign Section, Melbourne Duties.—Planning and design of more important works including supervision, where necessary, of staff of lower status. Qualifications.—Educational qualifications giving full exemption from A.M.I.E. (Aust.) examinations desirable. Administration and Finance Division, New South Wales. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Clerk (£903-£ 1,083), Third Division, Suspense 1,083 12.6.58 Hely, Leslie Joseph . . Suspense Ledgers Sub-section, Ledgers Sub-section, Finance Section, Sydney, Finance Section, Sydney vice G. E. Mackney Duties.—Control of Stock Ledgers. Reconciliations of Controls and preparation of Returns. Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Suspense 948 12.6.58 Fell, Harold Abigail Ledgers Sub-section, Finance Section, Sydney, unattached vice L. J. Hely, prov. prom. 12,6.58 Duties.—Preparation of Journal Entries for stores issues, disposals, Ac. 12.6.58 Cashman, John Fearon Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Salaries and 993 Wages Sub-section, Sydney. New office Cert. unattached 58/505 12.6.58 .. Clerk (£335-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, S^larie^ and Purrows, John Joseph Wages Sub-section, Finance Section, Suspense Ledgers Sub-section, New office Cert. 58/505 Finance Section, Sydney 12.6.58 Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Salaries and 858 Wall, Henry Ernest Wages Sub-section, Finance Section, Sydney. Expenditure Sub-section, FinNew office Cert. 58/505 ance Section, Sydney Duties of above three positions.—Preparation of wages of day labour employees in accordance with relevant awards; costing of wages to projects, &c. Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Expenditure 993 Phillips, Leonard Thomas 12.6.58 Sub-Section, Finance Section, Sydney, vice Unattached E. D. J. MacGregor 12.6.58 Roman, Edward Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Expenditure 948 Sub-Section, Finance Section, Sydney, vice Unattaebed D. Leishman Duties of the above two positions.—Examination of Traders* Accounts. 12.6.5? Clerk (£385-£903) (female rate Clerk (£813-£993) (female rate £659-£839), Third 704 Bray, Deidre Catherine Division, Expenditure Sub-Section, Finance £385-£749), Third Division, Section, Sydney, vice M. N. Lloyd Expenditure Sub-Section, Finance Section, Sydney Duties.—Issue Completion Returns, prepare financial statements, Ac. 12,6,58 Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Expenditure 993 Payne, Leslie Sydney Sub-Section, Finance Section, Sydney, vice Unattached R. T. Gaal Duties.—Review of Bulk Authorisations, prepare financial statements, &c. Administrative Division. Typist (Female) (£308-£614), Stenographer, Grade 1 (£604-£644), Fourth Divir 604 Dunn, Eileen Margaret Fourth Division, Unattached sion. Typing Services Section, Newcastle, Office + 30 reclassified Cert. 58/726. Duties.—General stenographic and typing duties for Divisional Works Office. Qualifications.—Shorthand at 80 words per minute. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1938 Commonwealth Gazette PROMOTlONS^ontinued. Present Designation and Station. Name. Position to which Promoted. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. £ Edson, Lawrence Geoffrey .. DEPARTMENT OF WORKS-K:ontinued. Administrative Division, Northern Territory. Clerk (£385-£903). Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Works Unattached Administration and Correspondence Section, Darwin, vice S. A. Garland Duties—Sub-requisition clerk. 993 12.6.58 DEPARTMENT OF TRADE. Central Staff—Trade Policy Branch, Commercial and Commodity Policy Division. Richardson, John Foulkes .. Commercial Policy Officer (£2,218- Assistant Secretary (£2,603-£2,933), Third Divi- 2,603 12.6.58 £2,493), Commercial Policy sion, Canberra, New office Cert. 57/2572 Section, Canberra Duties.—Direction of the Division which is required to made policy recommendations and administer existing Government policies in the fields of international commercial policy and international commodity policy, including the effects on Australian trade of the policies of other Governments and activities under relevant international agreements or in relevant international organizations. Qualifications.—Experience in international negotiations and agreements in these fields and appropriate academic qualifications desirable. Staff of the Tariff Board, Canberra. Compiler (£1,353-£1,533), Third Clerk (£1,533-£1,723), Third Division, Canberra, 1,533 12.6.58 Division, Social Statistics Section, New office Cert. 58/1058 Development Division, Statistician's Branch, Department of the Treasury, Canberra Duties.—Liaison with Department of Trade, Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics and other Departments, to obtain information required by the Tariff Board in connexion with its activities. Qualifications.—Ability to analyse statistical information desirable. Miller, Aaron James.. Victoria—Staff of the Tariff Board. Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 Typist (Female), Secretarial (£704-£754), Fourth (£604-£644), Fourth Division, Division, Melbourne, New office Cert. 58/1058 Postal and Transport Services Division, Post Offices Branch, Postmaster-Generars Department, Perth Duties.—Secretarial assistance to members of the Tariff Board. Qualifications.—Shorthand, 100 words per minute. Previous secretarial experience desirable. Woodthorpe, Norma Kathleen 724 12.6.58 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. Central Staff, Psychology Branch. llMeyer, Geoffrey Neville .. SeniorPsychologist(£l,668-£l,833), Chief Psychologist (£l,998-£2,163), Third Divi- 1,998 12.6.58 Third Division, Flinders Naval sion, Melbourne, vice L. R. Parker Depot, Victoria Duties.—Direct the activities of the Psychology Branch in the Department of the Navy. Maintain liaison with psychological organizations in Australia and overseas. Qualifications.—University degree with major in psychology, including training in statistical method as applied to psychological data, Experience in training, selection and management activities necessary. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. Central Staff. Army Head-quarters, Master-General of the Ordnance Branch, Directorate of Ordnance Requirements. Upton, Bernard Vincent Clerk (£993-£l,173), Third Divi- Clerk (£1,083-£1,263), Third Division. Mel- 1,263 12.6.58 sion, Quartermaster-Generars bourne, vice S. R. Millin Branch, Army Head-quarters Duties.—Determination of requirements of major equipments of engineers, survey, photographic stores and machine tools for peace and war. Preparation of programming and statistical returns relating thereto. Qualifications.—General knowledge of engineers, survey, photographic stores and machine tools. Army organization and procedures, particularly in respect of financial aspects of Army procurement. Blair, Richard James .. Clerk (£903-£l,083). Third Divi- Clerk (£993-£l,173), Third Division, Melbourne, 1,128 12.6.58 sion. Army Audit Section, Southvice K. A. McKay ern Command Duties.—Calculation of requirements for spares and associated equipment, for G.M.C., Studebaker, Chevrolet and Holden. Disposal action. Kitchen, William Edward .. Clerk (£903-£ 1,083), Third Divi- Clerk (£993-£ 1,173), Third Division, Melbourne, 1,128 12.6.58 sion, 2 Central Ordnance Depot, vice B. C. Thomas Southern Command Duties.—Processing demands for " B " vehicles and associated spares. Finalization of documentation and preparation of expenditure and authorization control data. Lewis, Allan Maxwell .. Clerk (£903-£l,083), Third Division Clerk (£993-£l,173). Third Division, Melbourne, 1,173 12.6.58 vice R. E. Gallpen Duties.—Progressing of orders for printing, stationery and general stores and clothing items. II This position will be tranferred to Canberra at an early date. Commonwealth Gazette 1939 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 PROMOTIONS—continued. Name. Present Designation and Station. Position to which Promoted. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. I DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY—continued. Central Staff—continued. Army Head-quarters, Master-General of the Ordnance Branch, Directorate of Ordnance Requirements—continued. Hickey, Lyndsay Joseph Clerk (£903-£ 1,083), Third DiviClerk (£993-£l, 173), Third Division, Melbourne, 1,128 sion. Stores and Contracts vice C. B. Hazen Branch, Postmaster-General's Department, Central Staff Duties.—Calculation of deficiencies of arms, armament and ammunition and preparation of orders. Causer, Morton Brettell 12.6.58 .. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Clerk (£993-£l,173), Third Division, Melbourne, 993 12.6.58 Telecommunications Section, vice K. J. P. Flynn Supply Planning Branch, Department of Supply Duties.—Calculation of requirements of radio, radar and telecommunication equipment and preparation of orders against capital programmes. Keane, Maurice John Clerk (£903-£1,083), Third DiviClerk (£993-£l, 173), Third Division, Melbourne, 1,128 sion, 3 Base Workshop, Southern vice R. T. Perry Command Duties.—Calculation of requirements of engineer, survey and photographic stores and machine tools. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Clerk (£903-£l,083), Third Division, Melbourne, Head-quarters Maintenance vice B. E. Gleeson Command, Department of Air, Central Staff Duties.—Calculation of requirements and preparation of orders for office requisites and stationery. 12.6.58 Stone, Maurice Lionel .. 1,038 12.6.58 Egan, Patrick Thomas .. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Clerk (£903-£l,083). Third Division, Melbourne, 2 Central Ordnance Depot, vice R. J. D. H. Mabbett Southern Command Duties.—Calculation of requirements and preparation of orders for clothing items. 948 12.6.58 Despard, William Burnett .. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division 1,083 12.6.58 James, Albert Kenneth .. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division Clerk (£903-£l,083). Third Division. Melbourne, vice R. T. Perry Duties.—Calculation of requirements and preparation of orders for hand tools and depot equipment. Clerk (£903-£l,083), Third Division, Melbourne, 1,038 12.6.58 vice N. A. McPhie Duties.—Submit necessary data on changes in makers past numbers for publication in Weekly Summaries; documentation action resulting from Weekly Summary of additional and amended nomenclatures. Potter, Frank Oliver Eastern Command. Civil Personnel Section, Sydney. Clerk (£903-£ 1,083), Third DiviTraining Officer, Grade 1 (£993-£l,353), Third sion, Postmaster-General's DeDivision, New office Cert. 58/518 partment, Sydney Duties.—Responsible for organising the formal training of civilian staff within the Command. 1,218 12.6.58 DEPARTMENT OF AIR. Central Staff, Melbourne. Supply and Equipment Branch. O'Connor, John Kerry Clerk (£903-£l,083), Third DiviClerk (£993-£ 1,173), Third Division (Directorate 1,038 12.6.58 sion. Clothing and Footwear of Works and Buildings), vice B. W. Davis Section, Directorate of Contracts, Melbourne, Department of Supply, Central Staff Duties.—Responsible to Administrative Assistant for supervision of clerical section of Directorate. Preparation of general works submissions, requisitions and associated correspondence. Note.—The above position will be transferred to Canberra in 1959, and housing accommodation will be available. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION. Central Staff, Victoria. Division of Airways Engineering. Buchanan, Norman Thomas .. Technician (Radio) (£818-£918), Supervising Technician (Radio), Grade 2 (£1,278- 1,338 12.6.58 Fourth Division, Unattached £1,338), Fourth Division, Very High Frequency Communications Section, Radio Communications Branch, Melbourne, New office Cert. 57/992 Duties.—Assist in the development and modification of VHF/UHF radio communications equipment and the production of prototype equipment. Hewitt, Ronald Supervising Technician (Radio), Supervising Technician (Radio), Grade 2, (£1,278- 1,278 12.6.58 Grade 1 (£l,218-£l,248, Fourth £1,338), Fourth Division, Airways Control Division, General Engineering Engineering Installation Section, Engineering Section, Airways Engineering Investigation Branch, Melbourne, New office Branch, Victoria - Tasmania Cert. 57/992 Region Duties.—Generally assist in the preparation of installation plans and assembly of materials appropriate to the Section's engineering activities. Assist in performing field tests on airways control and fire alarm installations. 1940 No, 3 3 , - - l 2 t h June, 1958 Cpmmonwq^ltb Gazette PROMOTIONS—coatinued. Nan*. Jack, Wesley Johnstone (21.11.55 (39)) PrMent P^igqation and Station. Positioo to which Prpmoted. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AYIATION—contmued. Victoria-Tasmania Region, Victoria. Finance and Stores Branch. Assistant Storeman (£328-£748), Storeman (£768-£808), Fourth Division, Stores Fourth Division, Geophysical (Main Store) Section, Melbourne, New office Section, Bureau of Mineral ReCert. 54/1978 sources. Department of National Development Duties,—Responsible for the receipt, storage an^i issue of Departmentftl stares. Salary on Date of Promotioa. Promotion. £ 768 12.6.58 DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLY. Central Staff. Clerk (£385-£903). Third Division, Cadet Engineer (£385-^903), Third Division, vice 655 U.6.58 John WilUam Administrative Section, AmmuniN. J. Spinks + 203 tion Factory, Footscray allowance Personnel aQ4 EstabUsbmeiits Bpfmch. Teleprinter Operator (£333-£768) Machine Operator (£818-£858) (female rate 664 12.6.58 Amiishaw, Selma Inez (female rate £308-£614), Fourth £664-£704), Fourth Division, General AdminiDivision, General Administration stration Section, New office Cert. V. 58/9 Section Duties.—Operate teleprinter machines, keyboard tape reperforators and transmitter/distributors, also operate cypher machines used on teleprinter circuits. New South Wales. Stores and Transport Branch, Botany. Nettleton, Alfred George .. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division Clerk (£903-£l,083), Third Division, vice W. R. 1,083 12.6.58 Withford Duties.—Supervise and direct personnel employed in charging and invoicing transport hiring charges, conduct correspondence, provide quotations for specialized work, and prepare returns and reconciliations of transport costs. Vella, Anthony Michael Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, vice A. G. 993 12,6.58 Nettleton, pro v. prom. Duties.—Check emergency contractors' claims, prepare summary and reconciliation of revenue and charges, and assist in preparation of claims for recovery of hired transport expenditure. Administrative Branch. Typist (Female) (£308-£614), Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 (£604-£644), 644 1 2.6.58 Chapman, Phyllis Beverley Fourth Division, unattached Fourth Division, Staff and Industrial Section, Sydney. New office Cert. 58/920 Qualifications.—Shorthand, 80 words per minute. Cotter, Mary Elizabeth Typist (Female) (£308-£6I4), Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 (£604-£644), 604 12.6.58 Fourth Division Fourth Division, vice H. J. Herbert Qualifications.—Shorthand, 80 words per minute. Explosives Factory, Mulwala, Technical Section. Chemist, Grade 1 (£903-£l,353). Chemist, Grade 3 (£1,443-£1,623), Third Divi- 1,533 5.6.58 Richards, Lionel Bryan Third Division, Explosives sion, vice A. A. Anderson Factory, Maribrynong Duties.—Under direction of Head of Section, supervise plant investigation and control work associated with sulphuric and nitric acid manufacture. [In lieu of notice appearing in Gazette of 15.6.58,] South Australia. Research an4 Pevelppment Branch. Rockliff, Robert John Scientific Officer, Grade 3 (£1,668- Senior Scientific Officer (£2,053-£2,218), Third 2,108 12,6.58 £1,888), Third Division, Weapons Division, Weapons Research and Development Research and Development Wing, Weapons Research Establishment, SalisWing, Weapons Research Esbury, vice E. R. Johnson tablishment, Salisbury Duties.—Initiate and supervise research in unsteady aerodynamics using the free flight model technique. Qualifications.—Honours degree in engineering or science desirable or other academic qualifications and research achievements considered the equivalent. Experience in research in this field. DEPARTIV»:NT OF SHIPPING AND TJUNSPORT. Central Ofipce, Victoria. Quinn, Helen Fay .. Typist (Female) (£308-£6J4), Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 (£604-£644), 604 Fourth Division, Recovery SecFourth Division, Administrative Section, tion. Taxation Branch (Income Marine Branch, Melbourne. Office reclassified Tax), Department of the TreaCert. 57/2546 sury, Victoria Dutifs.—Typing and stenographic assistance to the Assistant Secretary (Marine) and other senior officer. Qualifications.—Shorthand, 80 words per minute. 12.6.58 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR AND NATIONAL SERVICE. Administrative Divisipn, Victoria, Central 0®ce. Taylor, Linda Wendy .. Clerk (£385-£903), (female rate. Clerk (£813-£993) (female rate, £659-£839), 659 12.6.58 £385-£749), Third Division, Third Division, Staff Section, Melbourne, Registry Section, Administrative vice F. W. Hawkins, prov. prom. 17.4.58 Division, Melbourne Duties.—Clerk (Leave); increments; higher duties allowance; superannuation; extra duty; accident compensation. QualiQcations—Kjiowledge of Public Service Act and Regulations, General Orders, Superannuation Act, an4 Commonwealth Employees' Compensation Act, an advantage. Cpmmpuweftlth mi Qmti^ No. JU4«, 1958 PROMOTIONS—PQPtiqwed. Name. Present Pesiga^tipa and Station. PQ»ition to wjiich Prpinoted, DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR AND NATIONAL SERVICE-^ontinued. Administration Division, Victoria, Central Office—continued. Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 Typist (Female) (Secretarial) (£704-£754), Fourth Jackson, Lois Maureen (£604-£644), Fourth Division, Division, Melbourne, vice E. M. Light General Services Section, Melbpume Duties.—Stenographic jjnd typing duties of a secretarial nature for Assistant Secretary of Division. Qualifications.—Shorthand, 100 words per minute, tin lieu of notification appearing in the Gazette of 29.5.1958.] Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 Typist (Female) (Secretarial) (£704^£754), Fourth Holland, Joan Patricia (£604-£644), Fourth Division, Division, Melbourne, vice L. M. Stephens International Relations Section, Industrial Relations Division, Melbourne Duties.—Stenographic and typing duties of a secretarial nature for Assistant Secretary of Division. Qualifications.—Shorthand, 100 words per minute. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. £ 734 29.5.58 734 12.6.58 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. War Service Homes Division. Central Administration. Quealy, Patrick Vincent Cleric (£903-i£l.083). Third Djvi- Training Officer, Grade 1 (£993-^1,353), Third 1,083 12.6.58 sion. Finance and Public RelaDivision, Administrative Section, New office tjons Branch, PostmasterCert. 58/J257 (position located in Melbourne) General's Department, Central Staff, Melbourne Duties,—Responsible to Assistant Director for planning and oversight of training programme in the Division, including State Branch Offices, Qualifications.—Interest in and aptitude for training duties. Applicants should state details of any University or equivalent training in this field. Victoria. Warren, Leon William James.. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Clerk (£903-£ 1,083), Third Division, Internal 948 12.6.58 Accounts Section, Melbourne Audit Sub-Section, Administrative Section, Melbourne, vice y . J. O'Day Duties.—Internal Auditor. Knowledge of accounts procedure under Au4it Act ^nd Treasury Regulations deMrabl?. DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND EXCISE. Excise Branch, New South Wales. Brooks, Athol Gordon Excise Officer, Grade 2 (£903Excise Ofiicer, Grade 3 (£993-^1,173), Third Divi- 1,128 12.6.58 £1,083), Fourth Division, Excise sion, Forbes, vice R. R. Evans Branch, Sydney Duties.—Responsible for excise control over all operations at Forbes cigarette factory. Supervision of distillery and winery operations in the district, as required. Note.—Accommodation is difficult to obtain. REPATRIATION DEPARTMENT. Administrative St^ff, Head-quprterSt Clerk (£903-£l,083). Third Divi- Clerk (£1,173-£ 1,353), Third Division, Executive 1.173 Mackenzie, Malcolm sion. Executive Section, MelSection, Melbourne, vice K. V. O'Malley bonrne Duties,—Supervision of War Gratuity and War Service Estate Trusts administered by the Repatriation Commission. Assistance on all matters relative to Pension Trusts and Pension Moneys retained for certain members of the forces. Marshall, John Robert .. Personnel Officer (£993-£l,l73). Research Officer, Grade 1 (£l,083-£ 1,353), Third 1,083 12.6.58 Third Division Unattached Division, Institutions Section, Melbourne, vice P. B. Stringer Duties.—Examination and consolidation of data received from the branches covering institutions and Branch Office functions and preparation of preliminary statistical analysis. Western Australia. Sister (£644-£704), Fpurth Divi- Senior Sister (£724-£764), Fourth Division, Re764 patriation General Hospital, Hollywqod, vice sion, Repatriation General HosH. M. Appleton pital, Hollywood Sister (£644-£704), Fourth Divi- Senior Sister (£724-£764), Fourth Division, ReMoore, Eveleen Dowson 764 patriation General HospitaL Hollywood, vice sion, ^ep^trjatipn General HosE. F. Clark pit^il, Hollywood Sister (£644-£704), Fourth Divi- Senior Sister (£724-£764), Fourth Division, ReSherwood, Ruth 764 sion, Repatriation General Hospatriation General Hospital, Hollywood. pital, Hollywood Vacant position, vide Sect. 81 z P.S. Act Duties of above three positions.—Responsible for the management of a ward or other department of the hospital. Eustice, May Elizabeth .. Laundry Assistant (Female) (£370- Laundry Assistant (Female), Leading Hand 574 £554), Fourth Divi3iQn, Repat(£574), Fourth Division, Repatriation General nation General Hospital, HollyHospital, Hollywood. New office Cert, wood 53/1944 of 7.9.53 Duties.—Responsible for control of Laundry Assistant's operating steam presses and puff irons. Drabble, Edna Violet .. Cook (Female), Grade 1 (£594- Cook (Female), Grade 2 (£654-£674), Fourth 674 £634), Fourth Division, RepatDivision, Repatriation General Hospital, riation General Holspital, HollyHollywood. Vacant position, vide Sect. 81 z wood P.S. Act Duties.—Special cooking duties. Tinley, Charles Reginald .. Laundryman (£692-£728), Fourth Senior Laundryman (£768), Fourth Division, 768 Division, Repatriation General Repatriatipn General Hospital, Hollywood. Hospital, Hollywood New office Cert. 53/1944 of 7.9.53 Duties.—Responsible for the control of laundrymen and the performance of laundry duties as required. Dodd, Gwendoline Ann 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Commonwealth Gazette 1942 PROMOTIONS—continued. Name. Present Designation and Station. Position to which Promoted. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. £ POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Centra] Staff, Melboarae. Telecommunications Division. Director, Posts and Telegraphs Assistant Director-General (Telecommunica- 3,850 12.6.58 Skerrett, James Leishman (£3,650), Second Division, Victions) (£3,850), Second Division, Central toria Staff, vice M. R. C. Stradwick Manderson, Leonard Knuckey Superintendent (£2,108-£2,273), Controller (£2.218-£2,493), Third Division, 2,273 26.6.58 Third Division, TelecommuniCommercial Branch, vice H. S. Kelly cations Division, Victoria Engineering Division. Goddard, Richard Arthur .. Engineer, Grade 1 (£903-£l,353). Group Engineer (£1,443-£1,623), Third Divi- 1,443 12.6.58 Third Division, Engineering sion, Supplies Section. Office reclassified Division, Victoria Cert. 54/626 Duties.—As directed, take action for the improvement and standardization of specification and technical details for procurement purposes, and oversight the inspection, testing and acceptance of supplies. .. Clerk (£365-£903), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Automotive 948 12.6.58 Beattie, John Edward Repatriation Department, VicPlant Section, vice R. C. Giacometti toria Duties.—Preparation and analysis of departmental motor vehicle statistics. Clerical Assistant, Grade 2 (£758- Clerical Assistant, Grade 3 (£798-£858), Fourth 818 12.6.58 Robertson, Alexander Ross £798), Fourth Division, EnDivision, Methods and Training Section. gineering Division, Victoria New office Cert. 57/1411 Duties.—Responsible for filing, indexing and issue of printing plates, patterns and negatives. Radio Section. Group Engineer (£1,443-£1,623), Divisional Engineer (£1,778-£1,943), Third Divi- 1,888 22.5.58 Richards, Peter Howard Third Division, Engineering sion, vice E. J. Wilkinson Division Duties.—Responsible to the Sectional Engineer for the executive and technical work associated with the establishment of radio telephone systems operating on the U.H.F. and S.H.F. bands. [In lieu of notice appearing in Gazette of 22nd May, 1958.] Engineer, Grade 1 (£903-£l,353). Group Engineer (£1,443-£1,623), Third Divi- 1.443 22.5.58 Ellis, Austen George Third Division, Engineering sion, vice N. J. C. Medlim Division Duties.—Responsible to the Divisional Engineer for preparation of standards, specifications and plans for radio services, undertaking theoretical and laboratory work as necessary. [In lieu of notice appearing in Gazette of 22nd May, 1958.] Engineer, Grade 1 (£903-£l,353). Group Engineer (£l,443-£ 1,623), Third Divi- 1,443 22.5.58 Roberts, Donald Sinclair Third Division, Engineering sion. New office Cert. 58/119 Division Duties.—Responsible to the Divisional Engineer for the establishment of new V.H.F. radio telephone systems and H.F. radio receiving stations. [In lieu of notice appearing in Gazette of 22nd May, 1958.] Engineer, Grade 1 (£903-£l,353), Group Engineer (£1,443-£1,623), Third Divi- 1,488 22.5.58 Sebire, Leon Dudley sion. New office Cert. 58/119 Third Division, Engineering Division Duties.—Responsible to the Divisional Engineer for the establishment of new H.F. broadcasting stations and H.F. radio-telephone systems. [In lieu of notice appearing in Gazette of 22nd May, 1958.] Lines Section. Engineer, Grade 1 (£903-£l,353). Group Engineer (£l,443-£ 1,623), Third Divi- 1,443 12.6.58 Third Division, unattached sion, vice F. D. Morris Duties.—Under the direction of the Divisional Engineer (Service Sub-section), investigation of matters closely connected with the maintenance of aerial plant, Cazalet, Alexander Bernard .. Enff'neer, Grade 1 (£903-£l,353), Group Engineer (£1,443-£1,623), Third Divi- 1,578 12.6.58 Third Division, Engineering sion. Office reclassified Cert. 54/626 Division, Western Australia Duties.—Responsible to the Divisional Engineer for the review of major aerial works programmes and examination of engineering proposals for aerial works. New South Wales. Postmaster, Grade 3 (£1,308- Postmaster, Grade 4 (£1,533-£1,668), Third 1,623 12.6.58 Anderson, David John Division, Bondi Junction. Vacant position £1,488), Third Division, Kingsford Postmaster, Grade 2 (£1,038- Postmaster, Grade 3 (£1,308-£1,488), Third 1,488 12.6.58 Thorburn, Robert George Division, Regents Park. Vacant position £1,218), Third Division, Ingleburn Military Post Office Postmaster, Grade 2 (£1,038- Postmaster, Grade 3 (£1,308-£1,488), Third 1,308 12.6.58 Beattie, William £1,218), Third Division, Uhimo Division, Rozelle. Vacant position Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 Postmaster, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,218), Third 1,173 12.6.58 Sorrenson, Colin John (£948-£l,038). Third Division, Division, Whitton. Vacant position Willoughby Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 Postmaster, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,218), Third 1,083 12.6.58 Gray, Leslie James .. Division, Urbenville. Vacant position (£948-£l,038). Third Division, Werris Creek Pearson, Neville Thomas Commonwealth Gazette No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1943 PROMOTIONS-H:ontinued. Name. Present Designation and Station. Position to which Promoted. 11 Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. £ POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT—continued. New South Wales—continued. Symonds, Maxwell Mark Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 Postmaster, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,218), Third Division, Pilliga. Vacant position (£948-£l,038). Third Division, Allan Warren Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 Postmaster. Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,218), Third Bareham, Reginald Donald Division, Dunedoo. Vacant position (£948-£l,038), Third Division, Adamstown Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 3 (£1,173-£1,263), Bruderlin, Charles Percival Third Division, Gosford. Vacant position (£1,038-£1,128), Third Division, unattached Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 3 (£1,173-£1,263), Myors, John Daniel Third Division, Casino. Vacant position (£1,038-£1,128), Third Division, Lismore Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 3 (£1,173-£1,263), Hurrell, Jack Neville Third Division, Taree. Vacant position (£948-£l,038), Third Division, The Entrance Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 3 (£1,173-£1,263), Stiff, Maurice Harold Third Division, Bankstown. Vacant position (£1,038-£1,128), Third Division, Hurstville Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 3 (£1,173-£1,263), Southon, Robert Venor Third Division, North Sydney. Vacant posi(£1,038-£1,128), Third Division, tion unattached Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 3 (£1,173-£1,263), Postmaster, Grade 2 (£1,038Connellan, John Edward Third Division, Inverell. Vacant position £1,218), Third Division, Naval Post Office, Nowra Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 3 (£1,173-£1,263), Quirk, Keith James Third Division, Murwillumbah. Vacant posi(£1,038-£1,128), Third Division, tion Nowra Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,128), Quayle, Frank Third Division, Hamilton. Vacant position (£948-£l,038). Third Division, Newcastle Smith, Keith Bernard Postal Qerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,128), Third Division, Griffith. Vacant position Division, Griffith Soper, Arthur Richard Samuel Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,128), Third Division, Wyong. Vacant position (£948-£l,038), Third Division, Sarina, Queensland Coleman, William Clifton . Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,128), (£948-£l,038), Third Division, Third Division, Bourke. Vacant position unattached Sparkes, Cyril David Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,128), (£948-£l,038), Third Division, Third Division, Corowa. Vacant position unattached Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,128), McDonald, Leslie Arthur (£948-£l,038). Third Division, Third Division, Eastwood. Vacant position unattached Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,128), Hennessy, Joseph .. (£948-£l,038), Third Division, Third Division, Cronulla. Vacant position Sutherland Traffic Officer (Telegraphs) (£993- Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,128), McKay, Geoffrey Joseph £1,083), Third Division, unThird Division, Moss Vale. Vacant position attached Brown, James Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038), (1.7.52(151)) Division, Gladesville Third Division, Rozelle. Vacant position Hoskinson, Clifford John Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038), (1,7.52(106)) Division, Relieving Staff, NarThird "Division, Hay. Vacant position randera District, Deniliquin Johnson, Douglas .. Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038), (1.7.52 (65)) Division, Broadmeadow Third Division, New Lambton. Vacant position Thomson, Bruce Charles Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£ 1,038), (21.2.50 (4)) Division, St. Mary's Third Division, Blacktown. Vacant position O'Brien, Edward .. Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038), (1.7.51(22)) Division, Relieving Staff, LisThird Division, Woodburn. Vacant position more District, Grafton Cooper, Robert Noel Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038). Third Division, Port Kembla. Vacant (1.7.52(140)) Division, Guildford position Summerville, Athol Brien Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038). (1.7.50) Third Division, Penshurst. Vacant position Division, St. Peters Gabriel, Donald Richard Adolf Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038), (1.7.39 (77)) Third Division, Henty. Vacant position Division, unattached Wand, Gordon Stanley Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038). (1.7.52(102)) Third Division, Gloucester. Vacant position Division, Gloucester Gunn, Donald John Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038). Third Division, Dapto. Vacant position (1.7.52 (88)) Division, Berry Howells, William Samuel Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038), Third Division, Culcairn. Vacant position (1.7.52 (77)) Division, Adelong Bowden, Bernard James Bartlett Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038). Third Division, Boorowa. Vacant position (28.10.52) Division, Relieving Staff, Townsville District, Hofne Hill, Queensland Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038), Foley, Edwin James (15.7.52(12)) Third Division, Barham. Vacant position Division, Wentworth Newton, Keith Lionel Postal Assistant (£398-£858), Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Fourth Division, Pen(18.10.50(139)) rith. Vacant position Fourth Division, Scone 1,083 12.6.58 1,173 12.6.58 1,173 12.6.58 1,173 12.6.58 1,173 12.6.58 1,263 12.6.58 1,218 12.6.58 1,263 12.6.58 1,173 12.6.58 1,128 12.6.58 1,128 1,128 12.6.58 12.6.58 1,128 12.6.58 1,128 12.6.58 1,038 12.6.58 1,128 12.6.58 1,128 12.6.58 1,038 993 12.6.58 12.6.58 993 12.6.58 1,038 1,038 12.6.58 12.6.58 993 12.6.58 1,038 1,038 993 948 948 948 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 948 858 12.6.58 12.6.58 No. 1944 Juaf, 1958 C o m m o n w e ^ t h Gazette PROMOTION S—coptinved. Nam*. J^j^^nt P^ignatiQO &nd Station. Position to which Promoted. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. £ POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT—continued. New South Wales—continued. Postal Officer (£328-£758). Postal Clerk (Strong Point) (£455-£918), Fourth 738 12.6.58 Simpson, Lionel Clive Fourth Division, unattached Division, Muswellbrook. Vacant position (10.12.53(413)) Personnel Branch. Branch Services Section, Sydney. Typist (Female) (£308-£614), Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 (£604-£644), 644 12.6.58 Harper, Annettp Thpros^ Fourth Division. Office reclassified Cert. Fourth Division, unattached 57/2613 Typist (Female) (£308-£614), Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 (£604-£644), 644 12.6.58 Baker, Rita Mary Fourth Division. Office reclassified Cert. Fourth Division, unattached 57/2613 Typist (Female) (£308-£614), Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 (£604-£644), 644 12.6.58 Heid, Madonna R099 Fourth Division, Office reclassified Cert. Fourth Division, unattached 57/2613 Hamilton, Janice Typist (Female) (£308-£614), Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 (£604-£644), 644 12.6.58 Fourth Division. Office reclassified Cert. Fourth Division, unattached 57/2613 Typist (Female) (£308-£614), Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 (£604-£644), 624 12.6.58 My^rs, Joy S l w e Fourth Division, Personnel Fourth Division. Office reclassified Cert. Branch 57/2613 Qualifications for above five positions.—Shorthand, at least 80 words per minute. Accounts Branch. Dagger, Arnold Ernest .. Clerk (£993-£l,173). Third Divi- Clerk (£1,083-£1,263), Third Division, General 1,218 12.6.58 sion. Telecommunications DiviAccounts Section, Sydney, vice M. D. Walter sion Duties.—Officer-in-charge, Wages Snb-seption. Clerical Assistant (female), Clerical Assistant, Grade 2 (£758-£798) (female ^04 12.6.58 Brown, Beryl Alicia Grade I (f303-£604), Fonrth rate £604-£644), Fourth Division, Telegraph D'ivision, Accounts Branch Accounts Section, Sydenham, vice J, S. Cook Duties.—Preparation and rendition of accounts to newspapers and newsagencies. Chesterton, Maureen Patricia Clerical Assistant (Female), Grade Accounting Machinist (Female), Grade 1 (£3Qa- 308 22.5.58 1 (£303-£604), Fourth Division, £614), Fourth Division, Telephone Accounts + 40 unattached Section, Waverton. New office Cert. 57/3511 Postal and Transport Services Division. Motor Driver (£728-£768), Fourth Motor Driver (£748-£788), Fourth Division, 768 12.6.58 O'Neill, Dennis Marvin Transport Branch, Chippendale. Vacant Division, unattached position Finn, David Henry Dougal .. Inspector (£1,353-£1,533), Third District Inspector (£l,888-£2,053), Third Divi- 1,888 12.6.58 Division, Pqst Oflfices Branch, sion, Post Oflftces Branch, Country Inspectorial Districts, Dubbo, vice B. C. Craig Ipswich, Queensland Mai! Fxchapge Sydney. i^upervi^or (£1,263-£1,443), Third Supervisor (£1,533-£1,723), Third Division, vice 1,533 12.6.58 Brackenridge, William Division, Postal and Transport H. J. Bernard Services Division Duties.—Assist with general supervision of all traffic sections while administrative officers are on duty, then cp-prdinate and direct the activities of all sections until termination of intermediate shift. Clerk (£993-£l,173). Third Divi- Clerk (£l,443-£l,623). Third Division, vice 1,443 12.6.58 Butterworth, Robert Irvine sion, pqsta] ^nd Transport SerG. Newman vices Division Duties.—^Responsible to the Assistant Superintendent (Administration) for the control, discipline and work of the Clerical, Dead l^etter Office m^ Pqnting Sections. Mail Officer (£328-£858), Fourth Overseer (£1,018-£1,078), Fourth Division, vice 1,018 3.7.58 Wafh^ini, Henry Frances Division, Postal an^ Tr^n^port F. O. Charlton Services Division Duties.—Assist in snpervi^ion and control of activities associated with the Registration Sub-section. Postal Officer (£328-£758), Fourth Mail Officer (£328-£858), Fourth Division. 738 12.6.58 Tagg, Maurice Vacant position Division, unattached (15.3,57) Engineering Pivision. Assistant (Plan Printing), Grade Officer-in-charge (Photography and Plan Pro- 1,208 12.6.58 Reneke, William John 3 (£858-£918), Fourth Division, duction) (£1,178-£1,208), Fourth Division, Engineering Division Engineering Services Branch, Drafting Section, Sydney, vice E. N. Walter Putie^,—^Respon^il^le to the Supervising I>raftsman for the control ^ d direction of plan printing, printing, photographic an^} map mounting staff and the safe custocjy of plans. Qualifications.—A widp l^nQwlejlge an4 experience of pUn printing ^nd photographic processes, operation ^ ^ care of plan printing and associated machinery ^nd ability tp organize and control staff. Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 12.6.58 Heaslip, Alwyn Wallace Metropolitan Branch, Metropolitan District Fourth Division, Engineering (30.12.48 (1)) Works, No. 3 Division, Liverpool. Vacant Division position puties.—Cable jointing. Commonwealth Gazette N o . 33.—12th June, 1958 1945 PROMOTIONS—continued. Name. PfeScnt tJesigfiation and Station. Positidii to Which Promoted. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. £ 1 POSTMASTER-GENERAL^S DEPARTMENT—continued. New South Wales—continued. Engineering Division—continued. Country Branch, Regional Works and Services Section. Johnston, Ronald Cecil Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£978), Line Inspector (£1,088-£1,238), Fourth Division, 1,178 12.6.58 Fourth Division, Engineering WollongOng Division, Major Works Group, Division Wollongong. Vacant position Duties.—Responsible to an Engineer for supervision and control in the field of a large work or group Of smaller works. Mudiman, Roy Clifford Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£978), Fourth Divi- 978 12.6.58 Division, Engineering Division sion, Newcastle No. 1 Division, Gosford. position Franklin, Wilfred James Line Foreman, Grade 1 (£888- Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£978), Fourth Divi- 978 12.6.58 £918), Fourth Division, Ension, Newcastle No. 1 Division, Gosford. gineering Division Vacant ftosition Duties of above two positions.—Area Foreman. Robertson, Geoffrey TelecommunicatioDJS l>ivl^dn. Radio Inspector, Grade 1 (£903- Radio Inspector, Grade 3 (£1,353-£1,533), 1,353 £1,353), Third Division, TeleThird Division, Radio Branch, Newcastle, communications Division vice P. E. Lobegeier Duties Responsible to Superintendent for the efficient functioning of the Radio Branch in Newcastle District. McGr&th, Patricia Mary Telephonist (Female) (£308-£6l4), Clerical Assistant, Grade 3 (£798-£858) (female 704 Fourth Division, Telecomrate £644-£704), Fourth Division, Telephone munications Division Service Branch, District Telephone Office, Canberra, vice S. M. T. Sutherland Duties.—Centralized inspection of telephone accountancy. Victoria. Harrison, James Cyril Assistant Director (Telecommuni- Director, Posts and Telegraphs (£3,650), 3,650 cations) (£3,150), Third DiviSecond Division, Victoria, vice J. L. Skerrett, sion, Victoria prov. prom. Bowd, Ernest Edward District Telephone Officer Assistant Superintendent (£1,668-£1,833), Third 1,723 (£1,443-£1,623), Third DiviDivision, Telecommunications Division, Telesion, Telecommunications Diviphone Service Branch, Main Trunk Exchange sion, Ballarat Section, Melbourne, vice F. H. Trevenen Duties.—Management of the Main Trunk Exchange Section. Postal and Transport Services Division. Roberts, Harold . . Postmaster, Grade 2 (£1,038- Clerk (£l,083-£ 1,263), Third Division, Post 1,263 £1,218), Third Division, St. Offices Branch, Dandenong, vice J. B. Payne Mary's, Tasmania Duties.—Clerk to the District Inspector. Qualifications.—Sound knowledge of Post Offices Branch procedures desirable. Mail Exchange Branch. Mayes, John Edward .. Supervisor (£1,173-£1,353), Third Supervisor (£1,353-£1,533), Third Division, City 1,533 Division, Postal and Transport Section, vice G. L. Smith Services Division Bray, Eric Cecil .. Supervisor (£1,173-£1,353), Third Supervisor (£1,353-£1,533), Third Division, 1,443 Division, Postal and Transport Inland Section, vice F. J. Ford Services Division Duties of the above two positions.—Supervisor-in-charge. Engineering Division. Hamilton, Sydney John Postal Officer (£328-£758), Fourth Fitter and Turner (£818-£858), Fourth Division, 858 Division, unattached Country Branch, Radio Section, Radio (Broadcasting) No. 2 Division, Shepparton. New office Cert. 56/3046 Duties.—Fitting and turning in connexion with diesel engines and high-power radio transmitters. Killey, Percy James Pottenger, William Graham Hocking, James Andrew Engineering Planning Branch. Sectional Engineer (£1,998- Supervising Engineer (£2,108-£2,273), Third 2,218 £2,163), Third Division, EngiDivision, Transmission and Trunk Telegraph neering Division, Central Staff Planning Section, South Yafra, vice H. S. Robertson Duties.—Responsible for the work of the Section. External Planning Section. Group Engineer (£1,443-£1,623), Divisional Engineer (£1,778-£1,943), Third 1,888 Third Division, Engineering Division, No. 3 Division, South Yarra, vice Division D. F. Styles Duties.—Planning and design of country line plant. Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£978), Fourth Envi- 978 sion, No. 1 Division, South Yarra. Vacant Division, Engineering Division position DUties.-^Estimating Line Foreman (Planning). 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.38 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Commonwealth Gazette 1946 PROMOTIONS—continued. Name. Present Designation and Station. Position to which Promoted. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT-^ontinued. Victoria—continued. Engineering Division—continued. Metropolitan Branch. Metropolitan District Works No. 4 Division. Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Percival, Norman Ivan (22.3.50 (53)) Fourth' Division, Engineering Collingwood. Vacant position Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Reeve, Frederick Walter Fourth Division, Engineering (4.8.55 (45)) Richmond. Vacant position Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Tansey, Ian Greville Fourth Division, Engmeering (15.7.55 (103)) North Melbourne. Vacant position Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Tempany, Ronald Roy Fourth Division, Engineering Collingwood. Vacant position (27.9.56) Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Walker, Albert Collingwood. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (27.9.56) Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Bourke, Patrick Leo North Melbourne. Vacant position Fourth Division, unattached (1.3.56 (172)) Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Carroll, Keith Richmond. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (7.5.56 (8)) Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Devereaux, Leslie Wilson Fourth Division, Engineering Northcote. Vacant position (5.5.55 (72)) Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Divis, Zdenek Carlton, Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (27.9.56) Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Haffenden, Paul George Thornbury. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (30.4.52 (53)) Division Herbstreit, Francis Anthony Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Collingwood. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (27.9.56) Division External Plant Metropolitan No. 2 Section. Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£978), Fourth DiviMyers, Edward Francis Division, Engineering Division sion, Metropolitan District Works No. 1 Division, Footscray South. Vacant position Duties.—Area Foreman. Queensland. Blomeley, Thomas Ronald .. Postmaster, Grade 2 (£1,038- Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 4 (£1,263-£1,353), Vacant Tliird Division, Toowoomba. £1,218), Third Division, Chilposition tern, Victoria Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 Postmaster, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,218), Third Lynam, Bryan Edward Division, Injune. Vacant position (£948-£l,038), Third Division, Miles Pleace, Daniel William Gray Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 Postmaster, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,218). Third Division, Manly. Vacant position (£1,038-£1,128), Third Division, Woolloongabba Postmaster, Grade 1 (£828-£978), Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,128), Hughes, Cecil William Third Division, Longreach. Vacant position Fourth Division, unattached Smith, Russel Colin Postal Officer (£328-£758), Fourth Postal Assistant (£398-£858), Fourth Division. Innisfail. Vacant position Division, Biloela (24.12.47 (294)) Bearkley, Douglas Archibald Postal Officer (£328-£758), Fourth Postal Assistant (£398-£858), Fourth Division, Toowoomba Town Hall. Vacant position Division, Toowoomba (31.7.50 (D) Postal Officer (£328-£758), Fourth Postal Assistant (Mail) (£328-£858), Fourth White, Leonard Leslie Division, Townsville. Vacant position Division, Townsville (7.2.46 (1) ) Mail Officer (£328-£858), Fourth Senior Assistant (Mails) (£898), Fourth DiviRees, Frederick Thomas Division, Postal and Transport sion, Postal and Transport Services Division, Services Division Mail Exchange Branch, Brisbane. Vacant position Duties.—Investigate and report on discrepancies in Branch. Engineering Division, Brisbane. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1 (£328- Clerical Assistant, Grade 2 (Relief) (£758-£798), £758), Fourth Division, EnFourth Division, Administrative Branch, gineering Division Staff and Industrial Section, New office Cert. 57/3576 Duties.—Provide relief for Clerical Assistants in Division. Country Branch. Clerical Assistant, Grade 2 (£758-£798), Fourth Postal Officer (£328-£758), Fourth Kelly, Noel Joseph Division, Radio Section, Radio Service DiviDivision, Relieving Staff, Headsion, vice T. A. Urry quarters Brisbane Armbruster, Adrian Alban . Clerical Assistant, Grade 1 (£328- Clerical Assistant, Grade 2 (£758-£798), Fourth Division, Trunk Service, Country Installa£758), Fourth Division, Entions and Telegraphs Section, Long Line gineering Division Equipment Installation Division, vice C. A. Mills Duties of the above two positions—Clerical assistance to Supervising Technician. Godsell, Ronald Ross Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion £ 818 12.6.58 818 12.6.58 818 12.6.58 818 12.6.58 818 12.6.58 818 12.6.58 818 12.6.58 818 12.6.58 818 12.6.58 818 12.6.58 818 12.6.58 978 12.6.58 1,263 12.6.58 1,173 12.6.58 1,218 12.6..58 1,038 778 778 758 898 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 798 12.6.58 778 12.6.58 798 12.6.58 Commonwealth Gazette No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1947 PROMOTIONS—continued. Present Designation and Station. Name. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. Position to which Promoted. £ POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT—continued. South Australia. Postal Assistant (£398-£858), Fourth DiviPostal Officer (£328-£758), Fourth sion, Warooka. Vacant position Division, unattached Typist (Female) (£308-£6i4), Stenographer (Female). Grade 1 (£604-£644), Fourth Division, Telecommunications DiviFourth Division, Department sion, Adelaide, Office reclassified Cert. of Supply, Salisbury 58/339 Duties.—Personal Stenographer to Assistant Director, Telecommunications Division. Qualifications.—Shorthand, at least 80 words per minute. Hogben, Brian Clive (4.9.53 (50)) Krolling, Raldene . . Williams, Richard Thomas . . Orsmby, Desmond Harold .. (27.9.56) Featherston, (27.9.56) Robert Emmett Hallam, Glen Russell (27.9.56) Bcal, Edwin Alfred (5.5.55 (238)) Engelson, Ross Gordon (27.9.56) Johinke, John Anthony (27.9.56) Buxton, Norman Henry (27.9.56) Tingey, Herbert Samuel (21.11.56) Lycett, Ronald John (29.8.55 (2)) Shaub, Charls Konstantin (27.9.56) .. Graham, John Charles (27.9.56) Hawkes, Trevor Bruce (5.5.55 (246)) Jones, Norman Oliver (5.5.55 (255)) Nitschke, Walter Maurice (27.9.56) .. Reid, Charles Reginald (27.9.56) Whitehead, Norman Lancelot Haskard, Samuel Goss Willis, Raymond John (5.5.55 (236)) Chapman, Leonard (5.5.55 (239)) House, Clifford Seymour (27.9.56) Roberts, Robert Dougald (26.8.57) Engineering Division. External Plant Section. District Works No. 1 Division. Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£978), Fourth DiviDivision, Engineering Division sion, Norwood. Vacant position Duties.—Area Foreman. Lmeman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade I Fourth Division, Division Lineman, Grade 1 Fourth Division, Division 12.6.58 604 12.6.58 978 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Adelaide. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Adelaide. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Adelaide. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Norwood. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Norwood. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Norwood. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Norwood. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman. Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Norwood. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Port Adelaide. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Port Adelaide. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Port Adelaide. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Prospect. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Prospect. Vacant position Division, 818 12,6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Prospect. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 (£708-£768), Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Prospect. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 978 12.6.58 978 12.6.58 District Works No. 2 Division. Assistant (Drafting), Grade 1 Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£978), Fourth Division, Adelaide. Vacant position (£328-£878), Fourth Division, Engineering Division Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£978), Fourth DiviDivision, Engineering Division sion, Adelaide. Vacant position Duties of above two positions.—Estimating Foreman. Lineman, Fourth Division Lineman, Fourth Division Lineman, Fourth Division Lineman, Fourth Division 758 Grade 1 (£708-£768), Division, Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Blackwood. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 Grade 1 (£708-£768), Division, Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Blackwood. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 Grade 1 (£708-£768), Division, Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Blackwood. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 Grade 1 (£708-£768). Division, Engineering Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Blackwood. Vacant position Division, 818 12.6.58 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Commonwealth Gazette 1948 PROMOTIONS—continued. NuAe. Present Designation and Station. Position to which Promoted. Salary on Date of Promotion. Promotion. £ POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT-^ontinued. South Australia—continued. Engineering Division—continued. District Works No. 2 Division—continued. Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Fuller, Keith George Fourth Division, Engineering Glenelg. Vacant position (27.5.55 (4)) Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 O'Neill, Hugh Beaumont .. Fourth Division, Engineering Glenelg. Vacant position (27.9.56) Division Rogan, Francis McCue Hamil- Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Fourth Division, Engineering Glenelg. Vacant position ton McGoury Division (26.8.57) Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Gardiner, Samuel Lyon Fourth Division, Engineering Glenelg. Vacant position (26.8.57) Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 BfoWn, Ernest Walter Fourth Division, Engineering Stirling West. Vacant position (27.9.56) Division Altschwager, Kenneth Alfred Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Unley. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (21.9.53 (12)) Divlfilon Hobbs, Lawrence George .. Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Unley. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (5.5.55 (178)) Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Neill, Frederick Arthur Unley. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (5.5.55(219)) Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Johns, Clifford Joseph Unley. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (27.9.56) Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Rae, Alan Thomas Unley. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (27.9.56) Division Country District Works Section. Central Division. Kttappstein, Herbert Herman Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Fourth Division, Engineering Clare. Vacant position (11.3.52(41)) Division McMahon, Cornelius William Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lmeman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Fourth Division, Engineering Peterborough. Vacant position (11.3.52 (80)) Division Linemart, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Oluyas, Alan Keith Fourth Division, Engineering Whyalla. Vacant position (5.5.55 (212)) Division Namcoorte Division. Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Williams, Kenneth (T. and T.), Naracoorte. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (26.8.57) Division Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Sander, Walter Clarence Naracoorte. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (21.9.53 (19)) DivisiofA Wallaroo Division. Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Stark, David Keith Port Lincoln. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering (27.9.56) Division Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, 818 Carabott, Carmel Pubblicer Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768), Lineman, (T. and T.), Gladstone. Vacant position Fourth Division, Engineering Anthony Division (5.5.55 (256)) Qualifications desirable for the above seven positions:—Cable jointing, and ability to drive a motor vehicle. General Works aUd Services Section. Workshops Division* . Clerical Assistant, Grade 1 (£328- Carpenter (£818-£858), Fourth Division, Ade- 858 Phillips, Viner Laurence £758), Fourth Division, Engilaide, vice C. F. J. S. Gatt neering Division Clerical Assistant, Grade 1 (£328- Clerical Assistant, Grade 2 (£758-£798), 758 Sawyers, Ernest George £758), Fourth Division, EnFourth Division, Materials Testing, Adelaide, gineering Division vice P. M. Hurley Duties.—Provide clerical assistance to the Supervising Technician, Materials Test Room. BUkers^ Stanley William (27.1.55 (11)) Campbell, Robert Baylis (1.4.52 (57) ) Western Anstrallfl. Stores ^ d Contracts Bmncli. Assistant Storeman (£328-£758), Storeman (£768-£808), Fourth Division, Perth. Fourth Division, Stores and Vacant position Contracts Branch Postal Assistant (£328-£858), Storeman (£768-£808), Fourth Division, Perth. Vacant position Fourth Division, Post Offices Branch, Aberdeen-street 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 788 12.6.58 768 12.6.58 Commonwealth Gazette 1949 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 PROMOTIONS-^contlnued. Name. Present Designation and Station. 1 Knowles, Arthur Chester Cashton, Ivy Alberta (15.3.49(2)) Chilvers, John Francis Position to which Promoted. Salary on Date of Promotiofl. Promotion. £ POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT—continued. Tasmania. Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£978), Fourth Divi- 978 Division, Engineering Division sion. Engineering Division, External Plant Section, Country Districts Works, Mowbray. Vacant position Duties.—Area Foreman. Qualifications.~Ability to drive a motor vehicle essential. Telephonist (£308-£614), Fourth Monitor (£818-£858) (female rate £664-£704), 704 Division, Telecommunications Fourth Division, Telecommunications DiviDivision sion, Telephone Service Branch, Hobart. Vacant position Training Officer, Grade 1 (£1,173- Assistant Superintendent (£1,263-£1,443), Third 1,263 £1,353), Third Division, Prime Division, Education and Welfare Section, Minister's Department, CanPersonnel Branch, Hobart, vice W. T. Tilley berra 12.6.58 12.6.58 12.6.58 (a) ProvisJonal promotion withdrawn after notification on the dates indicated^ R. G. Robertson, 29.5.58—Withdrawn. C. J. Darlison, 5.9.57—Lapsed. H. G. W. Moore, 15.5.58—Withdrawn. P. W. Lamb, 27.3.58—Lapied. (b) Variation of salary on firomotion-R. E. Debenham, 9.1.58—" £1,218 " in lieu o f " £1,268 P. F. Brown, 28.5.58—" £604 plus £60 " in lieu o f " £604 plus £30 G. Jan, 15.5.58—" £1,083 in lieu o f " £1,038 M. E. Telfer, 22.5.58—" £929 " in lieu of " £884 (c) Other variations of promotion— R. R. Morris, 29.5.58—Position to which promoted should read " Third Division " in lieu of " Fourth Division W. J. F. Woodland, 29.5.58—Cause of vacancy should read " New Office Cert. 46/453 P. A. Tozer, 8.5.58—Date of promotion should read " 8.5.58 " in lieu of " 2.8.58 N. Gum, 13.3.58—Withdrawal notice appearing in Gazette of 17.4.58 is hereby withdrawn. The following provisional promotions, notified on the dates indicated, have been confirmed, PRIME MINISTER'S DEPARTMENT. Office of Education. Mary GaUagher and D. W. Hudson. 8.5.58. ATTORNEY-OENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. J. H. R. Drew, 1.5.58. S. C. Brosnahan, 8.5.58. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. R. Ratnam, 8.5.58. Taxation Branch. D.Kennedy, 8.5.58. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES. P. G. Moore, 17.10.57. R. A. Carmen and E. A. Prime, 1.5,58. A. A. Page, 8.5.58. DEPARTMENT OF WORKS. O. R. R. Tedder, F. J. Whitewood and C. H. Christie, 21.11.57. J. W. Ball, W. Galli, L. O. Briggs, W. E. Cromer and C. M. T. BeUett, 8.5.58. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. R. J. Perez, E. P. Browne, M. P. Spriggs, J. H. Kendrick and M. R. Hinton, 8.5.58. 13EPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION. L. E. A. D'Arcy, D. Y. Kruusman, D. H. Lane, P. M. Corbett, D. M. J. Davem, E. Joisce, J. V. Beleher, E. M. Shepherd, N. L. Goodchiid, J. Meredith and A. J. MacCoU, 8.5.58. DEPARTMENT OF TRADE. A. T. Carmody and A. F. Peate, 8.5.58. DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRY. M. R. E. Tooker, 8.5.58. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE. P. M. White, 20.3.58. D. F. Duggan and J. F. Loughman, 2.4.58. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. T. F.Nordberg, 7.11.57. H. T. Ford, R. J. Corrie, J. A. MiUer and K. K. Heggs, 1.5.58. DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR AND NATIONAL SERVICE. B. G. Fumey and J. T. Wells, 8.5.58. DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND EXCISE. R. Rose, 24.4.58. I. G. Langan and H. M. Griffiths, 1.5.58. 3553/58.-4 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Commonwealth Gazette 1930 PROMOTIONS—continued. REPATRIATION DEPARTMENT. G. Zakijevsky and N. C. Uhlmann. 24.4.58. B. G. Manders and A. L. Coles, 1.5.58. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. I. G. Geddie and C. D. Spencer, 5.12.57. J. E. Bleasel, L. H. Binskin and F. J. Budden, 24.4.58. H. G. Cousins, P. J. Coughlan, G. M. Wicker, K. E. King, L. S. Russell, J. H. Freeland, C. A. Scowen, K. R. Hartup, J. R. Simpson, J. M. Cawley, B. D. Edgar, R. Moulden, J. E. Dowdle, B. C. B. Johnston, A. G. Sheppard, T. F. Scully and D. Daly, 1.5.58. S. S. Gough, L. F. Corbett, R. E. Daymond, B. W. Byrnes, R. L. Smith, C. F. Metcalf and A. W. Johns, 8.5.58. TRANSFER OF OFFICERS TO ADVERTISED VACANCIES^ Name of Transferee. Designation and Location of Former Position. Position to which Transferred. Date of Notification of Vacancy. Scott, Frank Crofton DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Accounts and Personnel Section, Accounts and Personnel Section, Adelaide Adelaide 10th April. 1958 Inglis, George Davidson DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION. Victoria-Tasmania Region. Supervisor (£l,443-£ 1,623), Third Divi- Airport Manager (£1,443-£1,623), sion, Darwin, South AustraliaThird Division, Launceston Airport Northern Territory Region (Western Junction) 19th December, 1957 Hurley, Kevin Patrick Murphy, John Joseph Bryson, John Francis Thorbum, Robert George Thome, Clarance Alfred Dunkerley, Leslie John Huxley, Kenneth Victor Pearce, Edward Francis Shailer, William Henry Avery, Harry Folkes, Kevin John Francis Payne, Howard James Watson, Henry James Smith, Alan Ivan .. Thomson, Frederick George Stevens, Leslie John Timbrell, Barry Frederick McLaurin, Ronald Edmund Stuart Smith, Malcolm Howard Woodward, Cecil Sinclair Parish, Leslie James Smith, Edward Albert DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR AND NATIONAL SERVICE. Employment Division, New South Wales. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, National Service Section, Sydney National Service Section, Sydney POSTMASTER GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. New South Wales. Postmaster, Grade 3, Third Division, Postmaster, Grade 3, Third Division, unattached Belmore Postmaster, Grade 2, Third Division, Postmaster, Grade 2, Third Division, Enmore Darlington Point Postmaster, Grade 2, Third Division, Postmaster, Grade 2, Third Division, Military Post Office, Holsworthy Military Post Office, Inglebum Postmaster, Grade 2, Third Division, Postmaster, Grade 2, Third Division, Bondi unattached Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2, Third Division, unattached Division, Thirroul Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2, Third Division, Balmain Division, Balgowlah Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2, Third Division, Broadway Division, Lane Cove Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2, Third Division, Auburn Division, Fairfield Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Division, imattached Division, Villawood Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Division, unattached Division, Erskineville Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Division, unattached Division, Harbord Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Division, unattached Division, Padstow Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Division, unattached Division, Merewether Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Division, Richmond Division, Riverstone Postal Clerk, Third Division, Broadway Postal Clerk, Third Division, Relieving Staff, Parkes District, Condobolin Telegraphist (£455-£948), Third Divi- Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Division, Telecommunications Division sion. Relieving Staff, Metropolitan Districts, Amcliffe Postal Clerk, Fourth Division, West Postal Clerk, Fourth Division, Wyalong Woonona Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Fourth Divi- Postal Assistant (£398-£858), Fourth sion, Weston Division, Lithgow Postal Assistant, Fourth Division, Postal Assistant, Fourth Division, Deniliquin Leeton Line Inspector, Fourth Division, En- Line Inspector, Fourth Division, Engineering Division gineering Division, Country Branch, Regional Works and Services Section, Kempsey Division, Wingham Victoria. Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1, Third Division, Pascoe Vale South Division, Glenroy 24th April, 1958 1st May. 1958 27th February, 1958 27th February, 1958 27th February. 1958 13th March, 1958 13th March, 1958 13th March, 1958 13th March, 1958 13th March. 1958 13th March, 1958 13th March, 1958 13th March, 1958 17th April, 1958 17th April, 1958 13th March, 1958 17th April, 1958 24th April, 1958 10th April, 1958 24th April, 1958 27th February, 1958 13th March, 1958 Commonwealth Gazette 1951 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 TRANSFER OF OFFICERS TO ADVERTISED VACANCIES—continued. Name of Transferee. Designation and Location of Former Position. Position to which Transferred. Guthrie, Ebenezer Donald Wilfred POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT—continued. Queensland. Supervising Technician, Grade 2, Supervising Technician, Grade 2, Fourth Division, Engineering DiviFourth Division, Engineering Division sion, Country Branch, Regional Works and Services Section, Cairns Division, Regional Broadcasting Station 4QY Cairns Cook, Thomas Ross Vaughan, Edward Murray Sheahan, Colin Benjamin Milte, John Postmaster, Grade 2, Third Bellerive, Tasmania Senior Postal Clerk, Grade Division, unattached Senior Postal Clerk, Grade Division, Jamestown Senior Postal Clerk, Grade Division, Gladstone Kean, Maxwell William Young, Leon John .. Laker, Ernest Herbert Tasmania. Postal Assistant, Fourth Division, Postal Assistant, Fourth Division, Sorell Lindisfarne Postal Assistant, Fourth Division, Postal Assistant, Fourth Division, Launceston Oatlands Overseer (£798-£858), Fourth Division, Clerical Assistant, Grade 3 (£798Telegraph Service and Radio Branch, £858), Fourth Division, Personnel Hobart Branch, Hobart South Australia. Division, Postmaster, Grade 2, Third Booleroo Centre 1, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade Division, Magill 1, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade Division, Henley Beach 1, Third Senior Postal Clerk, Grade Division, Payneham OFFICES ABOLISHED, CREATED, ETC. DEPARTMENT OF TERRITORIES. New Offices Created.—One of Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Welfare Branch, Northern Territory (Ex. Min. No. Ill); one of Clerk (£993-£l,173), Third Division, Housing Loans Section, General Services Branch, Northern Territory (Ex. Min. No. 112): one of Clerk (£1,263-£1,443), Third Division, Business Undertakings Section, General Services Branch, Northern Territory (Ex. Min. No. 114). ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. New Office Created.-—One of Registrar and Assistant Magistrate (£2,218-£2,493), Third Division, Courts and Titles Office, Canberra. —(Ex. Min. No. 31.) Office Abolished.—One of Clerk of Courts and Registrar (£1,998£2,163), Third Division, Courts and Titles Office, Canberra.—(Ex. Min. No. 31.) DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Appointment effected under Section 47.—John Arthur Burton (formerly Dobrivoje Zivkovic) (born 10.10.17), on probation as Senior Finance Officer, Grade 1 (£l,888-£2,053). Third Division, Budget and Accounting Branch, with effect on and from 8th April, 1958,—(Ex. Min. No. 29.) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Exemptions.—(a) The provisions of the Public Service Act 1922-1957, except sections 73, 74 and 75 of the regulations made thereunder, shall not apply from the 4th April, 1958, to Albert Stephen Bamford Mauger or Harold Stephenson, (b) From the 4th April, 1958, the following conditions of service shall apply to Albert Stephen Bamford Mauger:—Rate of pay—£24 14s. per week subject to variation on account of cost of living adjustment applicable under the Fire Brigade Employees (State) award of New South Wales; hour of duty—40 hours per week, worked from 7.30 a.m. to 4.15 p.m., Monday to Friday; overtime—first four hours, time and one-half then double time, Sundays and public holidays (State) double time; annual leave—three (3) weeks per annum; and any other matters which are required to be decided shall be as determined by the Board of Fire Commissioners, (c) From the 4th April, 1958, the provisions of the Fire Brigade Employees (State) Award of New South Wales—applicable in the State of New South Wales—other than clause 8 thereof relating to long-service leave, shall be applicable to Harold Stephenson.—(Ex. Min. No. 267.) Division, 1, Third 1, Third 1, Third Date of Notification of Vacancy. 6th February, 1958 23rd January, 1958 23rd January, 1958 23rd January, 1958 23rd January, 1958 24th April. 1958 24th April, 1958 27th March. 1958 DEPARTMENT OF WORKS. Head Office. New Offices Created.—The undermentioned Third Division offices in the Technical Division, Architectural Design Section:—One of Supervising Architect (£1,998-£2,163); one of Senior Architect (£1,778-£1,943).—(Ex. Min. No. 35.) Confirmation of Appointment effected under Section 47.— Tadeusz Peter Iwanowicz, as Architect, Grade 1 (£903-£1.353), Third Division, Architectural Design Section, Technical Division, Head Office.—(Ex. Min. No. 34.) Offices Abolished.—The undermentioned Third Division offices in the Accounts Division:— Executive Section.—One of Assistant Chief Finance Officer (£2,218-£2,493); one of Clerk (£385-£903). Budget and Treasury Accounts Section.—One of Finance Officer (Treasury) (£1,778-£1943); one of Clerk (£1,173-£1,353); one of Clerk (£903-£l,083); one of Clerk (£385-£903). Internal Audit Section.—One of Inspector (Accounts) (£1,668£1,833); one of Clerk (£1,263-£1,443); one of Clerk (£993£1,173). Accounting, Methods, Procedures, &c., Section.—One of Inspector (Organization and Management) (£1,778-£1,943). Trust and Sundry Debtors Section.—One of Clerk (£1,353£1,533). New Offices Created.—The undermentioned Third Division offices in the Finance Division:—One of Assistant Chief Finance Officer (£2,108-£2,273); one of Finance Officer (£1,668-£1,833); one of Clerk (£1,443-£1,623); one of Clerk (£1,173-£1,353); one of Clerk (£1,083£1,263); one of Clerk (£813-£993).—(Ex. Min. No. 35.) Appointment effected under Section 47.—Gregory Richard Aboody (born 30.8.24), on probation as Engineer, Grade 1 (Electrical) (£903-£l,353), Third Division, Engineering Design Section, Technical Division, Brisbane, vice K. J. Woodward, promoted, with effect on and from 6th May, 1958.-(Ex. Min. No. 32.) Appointment effected under Section 47.—Brian Parker (born 1.1.1933), on probation as Quantity Surveyor (£903-£l,353), Third Division, Quantity Surveying Section, Technical Division, South Australia, new office Cert. 54/2531, with effect on and from 8th May, 1958.—(Ex. Min. No. 33.) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. New Offices Created.—Quarantine Division, Coode Island, Health, Victoria, Fourth Division—One of Quarantine Assistant Grade 1.—(Ex. Min. No. 86.) Industrial Hygiene Section, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Sydney, Health, New South Wales, Fourth Division—One of Technical Officer, Grade 1. —(Ex. Min. No. i87.) No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Commonwealth Gazette 1952 IS Excellency the Governor-General in Council, has approved of the appointment of Doctor Henry Erskine Downes, as H Acting Director-General of Health and Acting Director of Quarantine from 22nd May, 1958, for a period of two months or until the return of the Permanent Head from duty abroad — (Ex. Min. No. 79.) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE. Offices Abolished.—One of Senior Defence Officer, Grade 2 (£1,668-£1,833), Third Division, position No. 101. The undermentioned Fourth Division offices:—Clerical Assistant, Grade 2, position No. 281; Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, position No. 330. New Offices Created.—The undermentioned Third Division offices:—One of Senior Defence Officer, Grade 3 (£l,888-£2,053); one of Senior Defence Officer, Grade 1 (£l,443-£1,723); one of Defence Officer, Grade 2 (£1,263-£1,443); one of Technical Defence Officer (£l,n3-£l,353); eight of Defence Officer, Grade 1 (£1,083£1,353); eight of Assistant Defence Officer (£813-£1,083). The undermentioned Fourth Division offices:—^Three of Clerical Assistant, Grade 3; four of Clerical Assistant, Grade 2; two of Typist (Female).—(Ex. Min. No. 3.) DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. Central Staff. New Office Created.—One of Statistical Officer. Engineering and Construction Branch (£1,443-£1,623), Third Division.—(Ex. Min. No. 73.) Victoria. Offices Abolished.—The undermentioned Fourth Division offices in the Naval and Air Store Branch, Naval Store Depot, Port Melbourne:—One of Clerical Assistant, Grade 2, occupied by S. E. Norris; one of Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, occupied by F. J. Atkinson; one of Assistant, Grade 1, occupied by F. E. Harris; two of Junior Assistant, positions Nos. 44, 45. New Offices Created.—The undermentioned offices of Clerk, Naval and Air Store Branch, Naval Store Depot, Port Melbourne, Third Division:—Three of Clerk (£813-£993); two of Clerk (£385£903).—(Ex. Min. No. 72.) DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLY. New Offices Created.—One of Foreman, Grade " D " , Fourth Division, Stores and Transport Branch, Western Australia (Ex. Min. No. 26); one of Principial Scientific Officer (£2,713-£3,043), Third Division, Weapons Research Establishment, Trials and InsUumentalion Wing, Salisbury, Research and Development Branch, South AustraUa (Ex. Min. No. 25). DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR AND NATIONAL SERVICE. Officcs Abolislied.—The office of District Employment Officer, Grade 1 (£1,083-£1,263), Third Division, Employment Division, District Employment Office, Bridgetown, last occupied by W. L. Owen, is abolished; the office of Clerical Assistant, Grade 3, Fourth Division, Employment Division, District Employment Office, Bridgetown, occupied by P. L. Murphy, is abolished.—(Ex. Min. No. 10.) New Office Created.—An office of Clerk (Employment) is created in the Employment Division, Employment and General (Pool) Section, with scale of rates of annual salary of £813-£1,083, and it is directed that such office be included in the Third Division.—(Ex. Min. No. 10.) DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Appointment effected under Section 47.—Kevin Arnold Rochow (date of birth 14.8.35), on probation as Cadet Geologist (£385-£903), Third Division, Geological Section, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Adelaide, vice D. R. G. WooUey.—(Ex. Min. No. 45.) War Service Homes Divisioii. Central Administration, New Office Created.—Administrative Section, Third Division— One of Training Officer, Grade 1 (£993-£l,353).—(Ex. Min. No. 46.) South Australia. Offices AboKshed.—Technical Section, Third Division—One of Architect, Grade 3 (£1,443-£1,623), last occupied by J. S. Chappel; one of Architect, Grade 2 (£1,353-£1,443) (new office created Cert. 55/1482); one of Architect, Grade 2 (£1,353-£1,443), last occupied by J. S. Chappel.—(Ex, Min. No. 47.) REPATRIATION DEPARTMENT. Offices AboBsfaed.—Four of TVpist (Female) Administrative Staff, TVping and Accounting Section, New South Wales, occupied by J. E. Delaney, last occupied by F, Tunsted, B. D. Firminger and B. J. Burton.—(Ex. Min. No. 31.) POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. New South Wales. New Offices Created.—One of Divisional Engineer (£1,778-£1,943)^ Third^ Division, Telephone Planning Internal Planning Section, Engineering Planning Branch, Engineering Division; one of Clerk (£1,083-£1,263), Third Division, Transport Branch, Postal and Transport Services Division. The undermentioned Fourth Division offices in the Transport Branch, Postal and Transport Services Division:—Two of Transport Officer (£1,238-£1,298); two of Assistant Transport Officer (£l,148-£ 1,208); four of senior Motor Driver (£808-£828); two of Clerical Assistant, Grade 4; two of Clerical Assistant, Grade 2. The undermentioned Third Division offices in the Industrial Section, Personnel Branch:—One of Clerk (£993-£l,173); one of Clerk (£813-£993). Offices AboUshed.—One of Clerk (£385-£903), Third Division, Costing Section, Administrative Branch, Engineering Division, occupied by W. L. Tanner. The undermentioned Fourth Division offices in the Transport Branch, Postal and Transport Services Division:—Two of Assistant Transport Officer (£1,083-£1,173), • Position Nos. 14 and 15; three of Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Position Nos. 24, 25 and 26. Victoria. New Offices Created.—One of Divisional Engineer (£1,778£1,943), Third Division, Internal Planning Section, No. 2 Division, Engineering Planning Branch, Engineering Division; one of Clerk (£1,083-£1,263), Third Division, Transport Branch, Postal and Transport Services Division.—^Two of Senior Motor Driver (£808£828), Fourth Division, Transport Branch, Postal and Transport Services Division. The undermentioned Fourth Division offices in the Transport Branch, Postal and Transport Services Division.— One of Clerical Assistant, Grade 3; two of Clerical Assistant, Grade 2; three of Clerical Assistant, Grade 1; one of Storeman; five of Garage Attendant. One of Assistant (Drafting), Grade 2, Fourth Division, Regional Works and Services (East) Section, Country Branch, Engineering Division, Croydon Division. Offices Abolished.—Twelve of Monitor, Fourth Division, Telephone Service Branch, Telecommunications Division. Appointment effected under Section 47.—Brian John Ayres (bom 7.8.40) on probation as Cadet Engineer (£369-£903), Third Division, Professional Training Division, Supplies and Training Section, Services Branch, Engineering Division as on and from 24th March, 1958, or the date of commencing duty, whichever is the later. Confirmation of Appointments under Section 47.—^The undermentioned officers to positions of Engineer, Grade 1 (£903-£l,353) Third Division, unattached as on and from 3rd October, 1957:— Ian Graeme McKinna and John Peter Ruban. Qoeensland. New Officcs Created.—One of Clerk (£903-£l,083). Third Division. Accounts Branch; two of Clerical Assistant, Grade 2, Fourth Division, Metropolitan Subscribers and P.A.B.X. Installation Division, Metropolitan Service and Installation Secticm, Metropolitan and Engineering Services Branch, Engineering Division. South Australia. New Offices Created.—The undermentioned Fourth Division offices in the Telegraph Service Branch, Telecommunications Division.—One of Monitor (Female); one of Supervisor (Finale); eight of Phonogram Operator (Female). Offices Abolished.—Traffic Officer (Telegraphs) (£993-£l,083). Third Division, Port Augusta, Position No. 30.—Fifteen of Tdegraphist. Fourth Division, Telegraph Service Branch, Telecommunications Division. Western Australia. New Office Created.—One of Assistant (Stamp Sales), Fourth Division, Money Order Accounts Section, Accounts Branch. —(Ex. Min. Nos. 38. 39, 40.) PROMOTIONS—PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 1922-1958. HE Public Service Board has— Confirmed the undermentioned provisional promotions as in Gazettes indicated:—Percival James Quirk, Leslie Ronald Stubbs, 16th January, 1958, Malcolm Eric Burges, Raymond Baker Cain, Kevin William Bluett, Gerald Joseph Hawkins, Stuart Gordon Warren, John Francis Waldron, Alexander Michael Magner, Bert Leopold Edwards, Leslie John Hutchinson, Pearce John Brown, George Forsyth Christie, Patrick Joseph Hanneberry, John McNeil Pow, Kehh Athol Lloyd, Arthur E>ennis Glanz, Robert Edward Barbour, Brian Joseph Cox, Kevin John Radic, Dudley Wililam Cranswick, Frederick Neil MacFarland, James Denis Wells, Wiliam John Smith, Harrington Thomas Cadwallader, James Bruce Morrison, William John Pobjoy, Kevin Patrick Hoctor, Maxwell James Beattie, John Henry Giddcns, Leonard Anthony Doherty, 30th January, 1958; Cecil Albert Simpson, I3th February, 1958; Alec Francis Herbert, 27th February, 1958; Trevor Milton Howard, Denis O'Shea, 6th March. 1958; Herbert Leslie Arthur Day, Albert Neil Story, Christopher Trevor Ellis, Raymond Boultw, Charfoi T(1) Commonwealth Gazette 1953 Vincent Morris, William George Sheldrake, Mary Elizabeth Williams, Alan Ross Walker, 13th March, 1958; Charles John Grusovin, John Henry Jay, William Walter Messenger, 20th March, 1958; Lilian Lambert, Victor Ray McFadyen. 2nd April, 1958. (2) Cancelled the undermentioned provisional promotions as in Gazettes indicated:—William Leslie Canberra Walker, 27th February, 1958; Leo Darcy Hickleton, 13th March, 1958; John Wilfred Toohey, 20th March, 1958; Gloria May Bradley, 10th April, 1958; Campbell Douglas, 17th April, 1958, John Voulkes Richardson, 22nd May, 1958. (3) Promoted the undermentioned officers as shown:— POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Victoria. John Richard Brooker Keast, Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Engineering Division, Postmaster-General's Department, Victoria, as Technical Instructor, Grade 1 (£1,038-£1,158), Fourth Division, Technical Training Division, Supplies and Training Section, Fishermen's Bend, vice W. P. Davis, with effect from 27th February, 1958. Alfred George William Ryan, Lineman, Grade 1 (£708-£768)» Fourth Division, Engineering Division, Postmaster-General's Department, Victoria, as Lineman, Grade 2 (£818), Fourth Division, Croydon, South Central Division, vacant position, with effect from 20th March, 1958. Robert John Stubbs, Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Engineering Division, Postmaster-General's Department, Victoria, as Clerk (£993-£l,173), Third Division, Country Branch, Regional Works and Services (West) Section, Hamilton E>ivision, Hamilton, vice R. A. Beckett, with effect from 13th March, 1958. Queensland. Marjorie May Mathews, Typist (Female) (£308-£614), Fourth Division, Engineering Division, PostmasterGeneral's Department, Brisbane, as Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 (£604-£644), Fourth Division, Personnel Branch, Staff and Industrial Section, Brisbane, vice M. Doyle, with effect from 10th April, 1958. H. C. AVENT, Secretary, Public Service Board. T APPOINTMENTS, RETIREMENTS AND DISMISSALS. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Depa It of tbe Army. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—John Henry Bannon, Murray Albert Bird, Charles William Donnelly, Joflre Frederick Kinna, William Arthur Mawdsley, Albert Arthur Miller, William Thomas Murphy, James Douglas McNaughton, Raymond George Sheffield, Vernon Jessan Sims, John Robert Troy. Typist (Female), Fourth Division.—Eileen Mary Rees. Departii ; of Air. Card Punch Operator (Female), Grade 1, Fourth Division.^ Jean Veronica Barnes, Elaine Frances Donelly. Typist (Female), Fourth Dlvislon.—Jeanine MilUcent Noble, June Elaine Sills. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Gordon Robert Studdert. Department of Civfl Aviation. Clerk, Third Division.—David James Stack. Typist (Female), Fourth Division.--Pamela Mary Bazeiey. Department of Supply. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Divislon^George Francis Fillingham, Kevin Joseph Cannan, Marjorie Grant, John Cowan Sharpe. Clerk, Third Division.—Graeme Hilaire Cantwell. Technical Officer, Grade 1, Fourth Division.^AIexander Da Costa. Department of Labour and National Service. Clerk, Third DIvlsloii.—Gerald Catling, John Hinton Quinlem. Repatriation Department Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Francis Thomas Clancy. Postmaster-General's Department Clerk, Third Division.—John Edmund Devitt, Russell William Collins. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fonrfli Division.—John Carsten Hespe. VICTORIA. Prime Minister's Department. Office of the Public Service Board. Clerk, Third Divkkm.—Terence James Hartnett. Department of External Affairs. Antarctic Divition. Typist (Female), Fourth Division.—Jean Maud NuttalL Investigation Branch. Typist (Female), Fourth Division.—Lilian Yvonne Bennett. Commonwealth Legal Service Bureau. Clerk, Third Divisioii.--George Loftus Walker. Depart of the Treasury. Taxation Branch (Income Tax). Clerk, Thh-d Diviaon.—Thomas Bernard Beasley, Brendon Gavan Belleville, Alan Orme Matters, Lionel Mclver, Donald Birdwood Prosser, Frederick Scoullar Rogers^ Kenneth John Simon, Alan Keith Thompson, John Terence Wells, Allan Ernest Williams. Clerk (Female), Third Division.—Mary EUen Duck, Moira Jean Humphrey, Ida Mary Stuart McPherson. Department of Social Services. Clerk, Third Division.—Brian Lawrence Mitchell. HE following appointments, retirements and dismissals are notified by the Public Service Board:— APPOINTMENTS. CENTRAL STAFF. Department of Social Services. Typist (Female), Fourth Division.—Evelyn Frances Talbot. Department of the Interior. Meteorological Branch. Observer (Radio), Fourth Division.—Cyril Gordon Bate, Charles Cornelius Bonnar, James Cregan, Charles Gavan Ingram, Noel Errol Thwaite. Department of Health. Serum Laboratories. Cadet Biochcmist, Thirf Divisions—Alan Fredrick Condron, Geoffrey Francis Cross, Alan WUliam Hampson, Kevin John Healy, Department of Works. Graeme Kenneth Edward Noonan, Robert Murray Pahner, Graham Peter Skerry, David Lindsay Webster, Michael John Young. Clerk, Third Division.—Felix Phillip Barca. Motor Driver, Fourth Division.—Maxwell Harris, William Henry Cadet Quantity Surveyor, Third Dlvision^Peter John Chmiel, Warren. Robert Peter Craigie, Kevin John Fennell. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Edwin John Assistant Storeman, Fourth Division^—^Edward James Courtney, Garth, Keith Harold Mclntyre. John Mathew Farrell, Phillip Barry Ryan, James Anthony Taylor. Works Supervisor (Mecliankal), Fourth DIvisloii.—William Alexander Willock. Department of Defence. Departaient of Immigration. Clerk, Third Division.—Christopher Russell Forsyth, Kenneth Herbert Barnes. Clerk, Thu-d Division.—Raymond Stanley Famfield. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Divlston.—Ronald Joseph Chubb, John Albert Dickson, Maurice Francis Dowling, Alexander of Health. John Garth, Herbert Haines, Peter Joseph O'Connor, Leo Martin Technical Assistant, Department Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Peter Lelghton Quinn, Robert Aquilla Riley, Alexander Thomas Williams. Farries, Marina Theresa Mackevics, Clive Murdoch. Department of the Navy. Department of the Army. Clerk, Thh-d Division.—John George Geddes, Geoffrey Howard Jackson, Simon Fraser Kinch. Clerk, Third Division.—Albert Henry Piper. Technical Instructor, Grade 2, Fourth Division.—Jeffrey Charles Clesfc (Fenale), Third DIvisfon.—Kathleen Power Mack^. Thomson. Typist (Female), Fourth Division.—Carolyn Mary Maher. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1934 Assistant Storeman, Fourth Division.—Donald Ernest Baker, Alan Gordon Campbell, Frederick William Davey, Alec Edward Dunmall, Kevin Ernest Fisher, Norman Basil Fretwell, Michael Alan Gannon, Frederick Joseph Gilbert, Albert Henry Goodwin, Edward Alexander Albert Gough, Clive Stancel Griffiths, Avro Patrick Hagan, Paul Augustine Holmes, Leo Fitzgerald Hunter, Charles Frederick Jones, Norman Allan Larke, Harry Joyce Lowther, Edgar Horace McGuire, Reginald Leslie MacNevin, Sydney Albert Meyers, Leslie Harvey Mitchell, Gordon Horace Richardson, Geoffrey Noel Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Reginald Keith Stubbs, John Alfred Sutherland, Norman Enos Thompson, Laurence Earl Thurling, Mervyn Roy Tychsen, Norman Elliot Watson, Ivan Alexander Webber, Joseph Patrick Wornes, George John Young. Commonwealth Gazette Taxation Branch (Income Tax), Victoria. Clerk, Third Division.—Gerald Edward Brown, Douglas Forbes, Karlis Zubeckis. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Anthony Patrick Bryan, Ralph Framingham Day, Frederick Dodd, Arthur Hyam Hart, Arthur Maxwell Hart, Ernest Alfred Jessup, Rudolf Siegfried Edward Laqueur, Gerard Edmund Mullins, John William Nolan, Frederick William Orrell, Kevin Joseph Robinson, Henry James Thomas. Junior Assistant, Fourth Division.—Norman Studley Raines. Taxation Branch (Sales Tax), Victoria. Clerk, Third Division.—Peter Edwin Hadley Barclay, Robert Angus Crellin. Department of CivU Aviation. Department of Social Services. Technician-in-training (Radio), Fourtli Division.—Trevor Robert Bartlett, Peter Anthony Hainslin, Dennis Neil Holmes, Brian Trevor Typist (Female), Fourth Division.—Mary Smith. Jones, Robert William Martin, Norman Alexander Pritchard, Peter Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Victor Edward George Webb, John William Wormington. Bannerman, Claude Spencer Burns, Francis Charles Butcher, Technician (Radio), Fourtli Division.—Wallace Edward Annison, Stanley Frederick Butterworth, Henry Meyliger Dewhurst, James John Brady, Percy George Glennon, Francis William Howsan, Henry Harling, Albert Leslie Hooper, George Henry Kenny, Alexander Jack Foster Paterson, Norman Valentine Robinson, Janis Richard Noel Lloyd, Laurence Irving O'Brien. Zeltins. Department of Immigration. Department of Supply. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Albert George Clerk, Third Division.—Kenneth Roy Batten, Denis Patrick Clifford, Anthony Brian Britton, Reginald Donald Hayward, John Evelyn Fry. Thomas Leehane, Henry Keith Lehrke, Edward Joseph Rohan, Department of Health. Joseph Herbert Strudwick, Arthur Richard Wigley. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—John Bary Arnold. Assistant (Printing), Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Donald Morris Phillips. Department of the Navy. Department of Labour and National Service. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Ronald Arthur Clerk, Third Division.—Frederick Louis Lucas. Typist (Female), Fourth Division.—Barbara Armitage, Janice King, Sidney Charles Munro. Moxham. Department of the Army. Department of National Development Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Ernest Edgar Bureau of Mineral Resources. Gibbs. Clerk, Third Division.—Kay Karl Kern. Department of Civil Aviation. Instrumental Maker, Fourth Division.—Arthur Haig Booth. Communications Officer, Fourth Division.—Cornelis Schoolmeester. Department of Customs and Excise. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Arthur William Clerk, Third Division.—Michael John Brasher, Daryl Winslow Curran. Crilly, Brian Michael Hanley, Alan Walter McEvoy. Department of Supply. Typist (Female), Fourth Division.—Margaret Joyce Davis. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Zena Audrey Hill. Repatriation Department. Department of Shipping and Transport Clerk, Third Division.—Eric William Claude Carlyon. Clerk, Third Division.—Wallace Leonard Beuermann. Clerk (Female), Third Division.—Jacquelin Ann Dunn. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—William Thomas Department of National Development. Taylor. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Donald Marcus Nurshig Aid (Female), Fourth Division.—Maria-Sabina Clark. Maslakiewicz. Hospital Assistant (Female), Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Elaine War Service Homes Division. Hilda Doherty, Catherine Veronica McCartney. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Maxwell Hedley Limb and Appliance Maker, Fourth Division.—James Eric Henry Bird. Barefoot, George Hartley Jackson, Maurice Lewis Lapthorn. Department of Customs and Excise. Typist (Female), Fourth Division.—Joan Colson, Carmel Eileen Logan, Patricia Lorraine McGuire, Helene Rose Morley. Clerk, Third Division.—Alan Victor Tilley. Surgical Bootmaker, Fourth Division.—Sydney Arthur Lacey. Cook, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Peter John Baylie, Cyril Repatriation Department. Arthur Butler, Arthur Gerald Carton, Thomas Charles Collins, Clerk, Third Division.—Patrick Francis Donovan. William Henry Elliott, Pascoe James William Jose, William Barry Sister (Female), Fourth Division.—Josephine Moynihan. Long, Lindsay Frederick Nancarrow, Alan Leslie Peterson, Ray Gardener, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Roy William Charles Leslie Gerald Rogan. Laundry Assistant (Female), Fourth Division.—Bonnie Laurel Starks. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Henry Emanuel Marshall. Alexander, Sidney Walter Blencowe, Sydney Keith Bradmore, Harry Fostmaster-GeneraPs Department. Hancock, Hugh Mackinnon Innes, Frederick Alexander Lund, Clerk, Tliird Division.—Allan Leigh Carter, Frederick Mihon James Lisle Mudie, Joseph Wallwork. Laundryman, Fourth Division.—Ernest Reuben Hill, John Harold West. Hogan, Leslie Gordon Symons. Clerk (Female), Third Division.—Delma Joan MacRobb. Cadet Engineer, Third Division.—Thomas Joseph Bartels, Peter Postmaster-General's Department. William Dwyer, Alan Tregear Hamley, John Barry Herbert, Diethard Hert Kottek, Brian Vincent Lee, Robert John Lukeis, Clerk (Female), Third Division.—Rosalind MerrUl McCallum. Alexander Louis Gordon Monsborough, John Vincent Murphy, Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Eric Alexander David Scott Smyth, James Wilson Tayton, John Francis Tonkin, Deering, Ronald George Dickson, Murray James McFarlane. John Stewart Urquhart, Peter John Wallace, Brian Leslie White. Carpenter, Fourth Division.—Edward Underwood Clode, Ian Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—^John Daniel Stanley Miller, Edward Henry Spiteri. Keppel. Painter, Fourth Division.—John Henry Clark, Francis Norman Apprentice, Fourth Division.—Alan Laurance Robb. Dunn, Frederick George Watts. Cleaner, Fourth Division.—Peter Friedstein, Iliga Milenkovic. Motor Mechanic.—Stanley Bertram Bridges, John Joseph Connop, Postal Officer (Delivery), Fourth Division.—David John Derrick. Desmond Gerard Cunningham, Robert John Skelton. Postal Officer Gndoor), Fourth Division.—Clifford Arthur Maughan. NEW SOUTH WALES. VICTORIA. Department of the Treasury. Department of the Treasury. Bureau of Census and Statistics. Statistician's Branch. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Margaret Ada McCallum. Clerk, Third Division.—Peter George Whitehead. Commonwealth Gazette 1955 Taxation Branch (Income Tax). Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth IMvisloii.—Allan Walter Brown, William Kevin Bryan, Eric Thomas Butterfield, Matthew Collins, Ramon Clarence Dahlin, Neville Walter Ellis, Kevin Francis McConnell, James Dingwall McKenzie, Cecil Rodney Ryan, Robert Towler, Heather Mary Bone, Rona Callaghan, Heather June Campbell, Anne Elizabeth Curran, Ellen Marie Theresa Egan, Eileen Mary Fitzgibbons, Betty June Grief, Beverley Joan Harden, Joyce McRorie, Bonnie Janice Milne, Rita Mary Moore, Judith Ann Nichols, Veronica Edna Pitkin, Helen May Sullivan, Nancye Therese Sutton. Typist (Female), Fourth Division.—Barbara Joan Rowsell. No. 33.~12th June, 1958 Postmaster<General's Department. Motor Driver, Fourth Division.—Alan James Irwin. Telephonist, Fourth Division.—Pauline Enid Gray. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Department of Immigration. Clerk, Third Division.—John Frederick Lewis. Postmaster-General's Department Canvas Worker, Fourth Division.—Frederick William Franklia. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Department of the Treasury. Taxation Branch. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Nicholas Keating, Department of Works. Pearse Stephen Mullen, Barbara Joyce Wade, Beverley Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—John Ernest Richard Grace Thomas, Marlene Ellen Suda, Helen Clare Orchard. Skelsey, Mary Joyce McNamara, Millie Malka Silverman. Statistician's Branch. Department of Health. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Beverley Joy Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Jeanette Mary Commerford, Maureen Judith Theresa Daly, Patricia Anne Prideaux. Department of Social Services. McDermott. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Francis Charles Department of Trade. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Gwenda Mary Chinnery. Department of the Interior. Dunne. Meteorological Branch. Department of the Army. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Raymond Francis Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Raymond John Taylor. Anderson, Patricia Anne Walker. Department of Immigration. Department of Air. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Ronald Keith Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Michael Patrick Severin. Department of the Army. Morrissey, Maureen Bennett, Ruth Bridle. Assistant Storeman, Fourth Division.—Ross Matthews. Department of Civil Aviation. Repatriation Department Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Barry Thomas Gilpin. Clerk, Third Division.—Albert Edwin Gardiner. Department of Supply. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Hazel May Hardy. Postmaster-GeneraPs Department Telephonist, Fourth Division.-Lillian Dorothy Bennett. Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Lynette Beryl Department of National Development Hutton. (War Service Homes Division.) Clerical Afristant, Grade 1, Fourth Divi8loa.~Patricia Lesley AS NOTIFIED BY THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S Rots. DEPARTMENT. Repatriation Department New South Wales. Clerit, Thh-d Division.—Hillar Clarence Gale. Junior Postal Officer, Fourth Division.—Christopher Thomai Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Jcrzy Piotrowgki, Ashley, John Leslie Aston, Peter Keith John Bevan, James Stanley Joyce Audrey Payne. Lawrence Briggs, Barry John Chrisian, Barry Leslie Donald Davis, Gary Lawrence Dimmock, John Charles Elphick, Kenneth Edward Postmaster-GeneraPs Department. Ferrier, Robert Henry Fuller, Terrence Bede Gavin, Ronald George Harder, Richard Alan Gabriel Harfield, Alfred James Hennock, Clerk, Third Division.—Paul West. John Hogan, Brian Allan Lewer, Alfred Ian Frederick Lloyd, Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Raymond Geor^ Denis MiUon Lodge, Robert William Lynn, Francis James Montagu©, Jamieson, Emily Florence Keefe, Iris Belle Steed, Dorothy Marie Gary Ian Douglas O'Reilly, Shannus O'Sullivan, Frank Ronald Parkinson, Symington. Douglas Edward Pross, Allan Robert Teague, Anthony John Thomas, Junior Postal Officer, Fourth Division.—Robert Wilson Daly. Bruce Ashley Thorpe. Postal Officer, Fourth Division.—Ian Grant Ross. Postal Officer, Fourth Division.—Linden Raymond Anderson, Telephonist, Fourth Division.-Helen Bemadette Walker, Wendy Joseph Attard, Cecil Bowen Ballard, Alfred Leonard Beale, Anne Witney. Biviano, Eric Clive Blanchard, Frederick William James Carpenter, Fourth Division.—Leonard Hartley Beach, John Domem'co Bray, Terence Robert Brown, Eric John Buttsworth, Desmond George Christie, Barry Townsend. Callaghan, Leslie Neil Cameron, Oscar Joseph Cassano, Kevin Joseph Clarke, James Morrison Clink, Stanislaus QUEENSLAND. Joseph Conlon, Graeme John Daley, Kenneth Stanley Department of flie Treasury. Davies, Ronald William Deane, Maurice Reginald Dobbin, Stanley George Downs, Alan Gordon Edwards, Joseph (Statistician's Branch.) Melton Evans, Michael Felice, Edward Floridia, James Hubert Clerk, Third Division.—Alan Keith Stevenson. Fox, Gian Carlo Gambotto, Peter Richard Garrett, William Vincent Gibbons, Arthur John Gibson, Geoffrey Howard Greentree, Stanley Department of Social Services. Norman Groll, Norman Sturton Hale, Bernard Heitner, Walter Clerical Assistant, Grade, Fourth Division.—Beverley Avis Richard Herbert, Clarence Richmond Jones, John Sophus Jorgensen, Charles King, John Edwin Lancaster, Neville Grosvenor Lawson, Blond, Roy Duff, Patricia Timmins. Lawrence Edward Lelliott, John Andrew Lynch, Ian Leonard Macpherson, Yascha Nissim Malkhoo, John Joseph Marshall, Allan Department of Health. Cyril James McDonald, Jack Stewart McLeish, Francis Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.-Lillian Frances McArthur, Mohan, Colin John O'Brien, John Joseph O'Brien, Peter Micheal Hellmuth. O'Neill, Bede Lance Peadon, Kenneth Maxwell Read, Lodewijk Marie Roes, William Thomas Ryan, Roy Lawrence Selby, Neville Department of the Army. Sharman, Sidney Colin Smith, Charles William Spring, Claudia Clerical Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Bevan William John Edith Starr, Cecil Arthur Stringer, Donald Pearson Sullivan, Alan Bailey, Laurence Thomas Freney. Raymond Thomson, Allan Tisdell, Teodoro Tonetti, Walter Bavin Vine, Wesley Benjamin Warburton, Stanley William Waterson, John Repatriation Department. Whitman, Robert John McGee, Geoffrey Neil Williams, Emanuel Zammit. Sister (£644.£704), Fourth Division.—Edith May Rolling. Department of Social Services. Clerk, Third Division.—Anthony John Vallentine. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1956 Telephonist, Fourth DivUon.—Joan Elaine Behan, Nina Merle Cleveland, Greta Margaret Anne Day, Marlene Loretta Godwin, Annette Joyce James, Peter Leon McSpadden, Valma Margaret Ricketts, Janice Stevens, Pamela Joan Webber. Typist, Fourth Division^—Diane Vernon Walker. Victoria. Junior Postal Officer, Fourth Division.—William Frederick Connell, David William McKenzie, Captain Edgar Abbott, John Frederick Palmer, David Thomas Timms, Donald Sinclair Sutherland, Kenneth Edward Jones, Laurence James McKenzie, William James Andrew Gronbeck, Warner William Blake, John William Rundle, John McLean Frederick, George Walter Paul, Leon Francis Arthur, Peter John Lovett, Keith John Boles, Peter Gordon Marke, Kelvin John McMahon, William Francis Morrish, Robert Thomas Eaton, Colin Michael Ehner, Gerald William Lodge, Tony Todaro, Terence Robert Mulcahy, Brian Douglas Davidson, Graham Maurice Williams, Raymond William Bohan, David Morton Bryce, Alan James Sampson, Girvan John Paterson, Peter John Harding, Barry John Spence, Raymond John Waters, Alan Edward Potter. Telephonist, Fourth Division.—Eleanor Ruby Hillyard, Marilyn Kay Hillyard, Dorothy Jeanette Bertram, Margery Ann Alcock, Margaret Rose Windsor, Judith Selkirk, Wendy Fay Byrne, Fay Jeanette Ballinger, Beverley Rose King, Wihna Marie Merrett, Marjorie Hazel White, Norma Evelyn Scott, Janet Marie Neeson. Merle Elizabeth Avery, Geraldine Day, Betty Olga Drinan, Beverley Teresa Bassett, Aileen Patricia Bucldey, Beverley Faye Holden. Lineman, Grade 1, Fourth Division.—Kenneth Kneale Dalgleish. Technician-in-training, Fourth Division.—Mervyn Douglas McAvoy, Barrie Ian West, Robert Allan Tumbuli, Stanley Lockwood. South Aastnhtu Telephonist, Fourth Division.—Wynsome Anne Netting. Janice Marie Johnson, Leonie Kaye Baillie. Motor Driver, Fourth Divisioo.—David John Vinnell. Junior Postal Officer, Fourth Division.—^Donald Kerry Manuel. Western Australia. Telephonist, Fourth Division.->-Janice May Hannagan, Mary Gregg, Kathleen Ann Reynolds, Laurel Marian Gibson. Patricia Ann Downs, Shirley Margaret McLeod, Nola Joan Wri^t. Junior Postal Officer, Fourth Division.-Bevan John Butler. Postal Officer, Fourth Division.—Kenneth Frank McLerie, George Paton, Robert McKinlay. RETIREMENTS. (With effect as from close of business on the date indicated.) PRIME MINISTER'S DEPARTMENT. Section 85 (1).—Thomas Joseph ColUns, Secretary to the Federal Executive Council (£l,888-£2,053), Third Division. 30th May, 1958. DEPARTMENT OF TERRITORIES. Section 49.—Joyce Margaret Stedman, Teleprinter Operator (£354^14), 16th May, 1958. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Section 85 (2).—Frederick Hector Osmond, Senior Finance Officer. Grade 2. 30th May. 1958. Section (Female), Machinist Section Inspector, Section 1918. Taxation Branch. 49.—Maureen Anne Manning. Accounting Machinist 26th April, 1958; Maxine Alice O'Neill^ Accounting (Female), Grade 2, 26th April, 1958. 67 (Invalidity).—^Lawrence Haworth Dalton. Assistant Mead Office, 21st May, 1958. 85 (2).—Douglas Dain, Supervising Valuer, 22nd June. RETIREMENTS. (With effect from the close of business on the date indicated.) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Section 85 (2).—^Arthur Edward Lean. Divisional Returning Officer, 16tb July, 1958; William Henry McKenna, Divisional Returning Officer, 5th August, 1958; *John Pitt, Divisional Returning Officer (£l,263-£1.443). Third Division, 9th June, 1958. [• In lieu of notice appearing in Gazette of 15th June, 1958.] DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Section 49.—Eleanor Marlene Stewart. Checker (Female). Brisbane, 7th March, 1958. DEPARTMENT OF TRADE. Section 85 (2).—Robert Edmonstone Bruce. Clerk. 2nd May. 1958. Commonwealth Gazette DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR AND NATIONAL SERVICE. Section 49.—Eileen Mary MuUane, Typist (Female), 7th April, 1958. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Victoria. Section 49.—Nancy Short, Monitor, Main Trunk Exchange, 7th April, 1958; Bemice Isobel Kay, Telephonist, BaUarat. 26th April. 1958; Jean Hamlyn, Telephonist, Seymour, 19th April, 1958; Marjorie Patricia Slattery, Supervisor, Telephone Service Branch, Geelong, 26th April, 1958; Patricia Alice Hogan, Telephonist. Traralgon. 19th April, 1958; Denise Kusel, Telephonist, Frankston, 10th May, 1958; Yvonne Mary Cook, Telephonist, Morwell, 10th May, 1958; Jennifer Frances Penno, Telephonist, Bendigo, 12th April, 1958; Beverley Ann Green, Accounting Machinist, Grade 2. Accounts Branch, 17th May, 1958; Junice Malvena Brady, Telephonist, Croydon, 10th May, 1958; Daphne Marlene Graham, Telephonist, Warragul, 5th April, 1958; Lorraine Rosalind Long, Typist, Engineering Division, Ararat, 19th April, 1958. New South Wales. Section 67 (Invalidity.—Charles O'Brien, Clerical Assistant, Grade 2, 13th May, 1958; Harold Duncan Howarth, Lineman, Grade 2, 24th July, 1958; George Samuel Benson. Storeman. 14th July, 1958. Section 85 (2).—Edwin George Merton, Line Foreman, 5th July, 1958. Tasmania. Section 49 (2).—C. Barnes, Typist, Personnel, 5th April. 1958; B. G. Wisby, Monitor, Telephone Service Branch, 19th April, 1958; L. Pitchford, Telephonist, 18th April, 1958. DISMISSALS. DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND EXCISE. Queensland. Section 55.—^Leo John Johnson, Preventive Officer, Grade 2, Shipping Branch, Brisbane, as from the close of business on 13th June, 1958. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Tasmania. Section 62.—Martin Lyons Moorehouse, Postal Officer, Engineering Division, Launceston, as from the close of business on 11th June, 1958. H. C. AVENT, Secretary. Public Service Board. EXAMINATIONS. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF EXAMINATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT OF TRANSFER AS TECHNICIAN-INTRAINING, FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTERGENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Notification of the genertil conditions of this examination, which appeared in Gazette, No. 28, dated 15th May. 1958, is hereby amended as follows:— Delete: 2. Persons EUgible to Enter. Insert: 2. Persons EUgible to Enter(i) Appointment: Males not on the permanent staff of the Commonwealth Public Service who are bet^en the age of fifteen years and eighteen years as at 31st December of the year in which the examination is held. (ii) Transfer: Officers (male) of the Commonwealth Public Service who are between the age of fifteen years and eighteen years as at 31st December of the year in which the examination is held. Examinatioii No. 4562. FOR PROMOTION OR TRANSFER AS SUPERVISOR, THIRD DIVISION, MAIL BRANCH, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. I^OTIFICATION of this examination which appeared in Gazette, No. 22, of 17th April, 1957, is hereby amended as foUowS:— Delete paragraph " Period of Eligibility " and insert in its stead— P^Hod of EMglblMty.—(i) In the case of— (a) Successful candidates—three years from date of gazettal of results of the examination at which they complete their qualifications for promotion or transfer as Supervisor (Mail). Commonwealth Gazette (b) A qualified officer who, duriflg the period of eligibility shown at (a) above performs for not less than three weeks continuously as a temporary occupant the duties of Supervisor (Mail)—three years from date on which he last performed the duties as Supervisor (Mail), (ii) An officer who has quMified fof promotion of transfer as Supervisor (Mail) v^ill retain this qualification while employed in the l^ostal and Transport Services Division provided that— (a) He commenced his service in the Division during his period of eligibility under Sub-paragraph (i) above, and (b) The duties are appropriate to flrtd at least of equivSllent standard to those performed by a Supervisor (Mail), and (c) The Assistant Director-General (Postal and Transport Services) or Assistant Director (Postal and Transport Services), as the case may be, certifies that he has, in the full-time performance of those duties, given satisfactory evidence of the retention of the requisite qualifications. EXAMINATION ttfiStW^TS, Examination No. 4562. FOR PROMOTION OR TRANSFER AS SUPERVISOR, THIRD DIVISION, MAIL BRANCH, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, ALL STATES. E S U L T S of the abovememlOMd examination which appeared in Gazette, No. 30, of 22nd May, 1958, are hereby amended as follows:— Add footnote— " Candidates whose names appear on the above list should also qualify, or have qualified for inclusion in the Third Division at one of the prescribed examinations before they are eligible for promotion or transfer as Supervisor (Mall)." R TESTS TO ENABLE MAIL OFFICERS TO QUALIFY FOR A D V A N C E M E N T B E Y O N D S A L A R Y O F £758 P E R A N N U M , A N D OTHER OFFICERS AS SPECIFIED TO QUALIFY FOR P R O M O T I O N OR TRANSFER AS MAIL O F F I C E R S W I T H S A L A R Y E X C E E D I N G £758 P E R ANNUM. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 57, of 4th December, 1956.) Held May, 1958, N E W SOUTRT W A L E S . PERMANENT OFFICER^. Laver, Kenneth Peter. Naylor, Joseph Edmurid. Ryan, Charles Henry. No. 3 3 , " 1 2 t h June, 1958 1957 QUEENSLAND. PERMANENT OFFICERS. Anderson, Allan Edward. Bateman, Lionel Patrick. Burton, Maxwell Colin. Davidson, Williani Patrick. Howard, Trevor. Kelly, Patrick Joseph. Lane, Vincent Albert Keith. Martin, Alan Arthur. Mulholland, Patrick John. Mcintosh, Leonard AUafl. Mclntyre, Keith Harry. Roche, Brian Joseph. Ryan, Hilton Stephen. Ryan, Vincent Joseph. Walsh, Peter Frederick. EXEMPT BMPLOYBBS. Miller, Leslie James. Shaw, Dudley George. Tudhope, John Brown. SOUTH AUSTJIALIA. PERMANENF OI^FICI^M. Gouch, Seymour Stirling. EXEMPT FIMPLOVFEES. Joseph, Esmond Hilaire V«r»on. Trembath, John Gordon. Vonk, Yan. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. PERMANENT OFFICERS. Burgess, John Geoffrey. McSweeney, Brian GeOTge. Stubbs, Kenneth Alwynne. Wandless, Ronald Leslie. TAJSMANIA. PERMANENT OFFICERS. Buttolph, Norman Richardi Fenton, Leslie Robert. Parker, John Edward. EXEMPT EIFFTCA'ECA^ No succesdvA cafldidatW. EXEMPT EMPLOYEES. Abbott, Ronald Crawford. Abolins, Karilis. Chambers, Henry Francis. Cooper, Clifford Harold. Freeman, Werner Harfy, McKone, David Joseph. Morcam, Donald Leslie. Nicol, James Joseph. Ramsbottom, Frederick Hirst, Sullivan, Donald Pearson. Tindall, Oliver William. Toth, John. Varna, Jack Jekabs. Williams, Henry Raymond. VICTORIA. PERMANENT OFFICER^. Mackiewicz, Paul. Mitchell, James Henry. More, Leslie William Ffancis. Thomas, Raymond Ernest. TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES. COustley, Gilbert William. Cox, Edward William. Fischer, Horst Robert Leo. Handley, Frederick Charles, ^ifchnowski, Mikolaj. LIberman, Alex. McElvogue, John Harold. Phillips, Allan Leslie. Szust, Eugene. Valys, Silva. Vassos, Nicholas. Wilson, Gilbert William. Zabilla, Ben. 2idlicky, Rudolph. 3553/58.-5 Examination No. N1032. FOR APPOINTMENT OR TRANSFER AS TYPIST (FEMALE), F O U R T H DLVLSRON, S Y D N E Y . Order of registration. Held 10th May, 19§ii. Name. 1. *tBennet, May Beatrice Lockyet 2. Milton, Jean 3. Brincat, Patricia Grace * Former member of tJie t Passed typing at a speed greater tfian 50 words per minute. Unsuccessful candidates have been included as applicants for the next examination (to be held 8th Jttfle) aftd tiee<f make no further application. ExaminatiM Na. NP551. FOR APPOINTMENT AS POSTAL OFFICER. FOURTH DIVISION, P0STMASTER-G£NERAL^5 DEPARTMENT, NEW SOUTH WALES. (Commonwealth Gazette, No, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 10th May, 1958. Order of registration. L 2. 3. 4. 5. e. Name. No dpplicatlcrfls received. RICHMOND. *Eldering, Frederick Ge6f^e. Burton, Warren Cecil. Shaddick, John Vivian. Shepherd, Thomas Wilkftfi. Spurway, Ronald Vincetlt. Coffman, Joseph Charles. * Forfltef rtiefftbdr <rf thtf fofcei. Commonwealth Gazette 1958 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Examination No. NP555. Examination No. 3712. FOR APPOINTMENT OR TRANSFER AS CLERK, THIRD DIVISION. ALL STATES (EXCEPT QUEENSLAND), CANBERRA AND NORTHERN TERRITORY. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 10, of 21st February, 1957.) jg^ESULTS for the month of May, 1958, a r e Order of registration. Name. FOR APPOINTMENT AS POSTAL OFFICER, FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, NEW SOUTH WALES. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 24th May, 1958. Total Order of marks. merit. Name. WINDSOR. 1. Burton, Warren Cecil . . .. 332 VICTORIA. MALES. 1140. 1141. 1142. 1143. 1144. 1145. 1146. 1147. 1148. 1149. 1150. 1151. 1152. 1153. 1154. 1155. 1156. 1157. 1158. 1159. 1160. Royston, Malcolm James. Walters, Vernon Victor. Anselmi, Robert Graham. Palisi, Joseph. Beattie, James Charles. Mellan, William Edward. Saleeba, Graeme Joclen. Curry, Neil David. Brophy, Hugh Francis. Waring, John Colin Grant. Logan, Donald Alexander. Schwatschko, Arnold. Radcliffe, Alan Leslie. Zitterschlager, Mark. Bryent, Edward. Franz, John Terrence. Campbell-Lalor, Anthony. Groom, William Anthony. Plummer, Ian Patrick. Stewart, David Fergusson. Hartnett, Ross. Examination No. NP556. FOR APPOINTMENT AS TELEPHONIST, FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, NEW SOUTH WALES. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 24th May, 1958. Total Order of marks. merit. Name. COWRA. 1. 2. 3. Lew-Sang, Valerie Yut Yung. Irwin, Patricia Frances. Drummond, Lesley Jean. Foster, Isabel Martha. Morrissey, Patricia Margaret. Gordon, Beryl Elaine. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. MALES. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. Burdzielow, John. Moss, Graham Alfred Irwin. Korte, Harald Eberhard. McCann, Barry Deane. Lock, Brian Frank. Hamilton, Fenwick William Lewis Lynn. Clayfield, John Edward. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. Withers, Kay. Millar, Janet Leonie. Grastins, Ilze. Scott, Annette May. Wills, Glenda Evelyn. FEMALES. 1. 2. 3. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. MALES. 169. 170. 171. 172. Powell, David Lewis. Wark, Francis Anthony. Kelly, Brian Roy. Hart, Edward Stephen. 56. Lowe, Janice Ethel Mary. .. ..285 .. 273 . . 223 KEMPSEY. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. FEMALES. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. Noble, Helen McKeown, Julianne . . Elliott, Elaine Ann . . FEMALES. Examination No. N1034. FOR APPOINTMENT OR TRANSFER AS ACCOUNTING MACHINIST, GRADE 1, FOURTH DIVISION, SYDNEY. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Frith, Joy Isabella Sheridan, Angela Claire Stuart, Janine Ann . . Lewis, Beverley Clare Callaghan, Nancy Irene McCristal, Lynette Irene McGuire, Glenda Mary Crilley, Yvonne Carmel Castray, Lynette Gollan, Margaret Willing, Winifred Joyce Slocombe, Dawn Elaine Kemp, Shiriey Elizabeth Ducat, Joan Mary Roberts. Adele Booth, Marcia Dawn Selvey, Jennifer Partridge, Daphne Ellen Watts, Valmai Gay . . Mills, Rita Margaret . . Flanagan, Mary Elizabeth Cooper, Heather Dick. Irene Grace . . 354 354 348 342 336 336 332 330 324 318 312 312 306 302 297 294 292 292 286 279 272 265 229 SCONE. Stephens, Margaret Frances Palmer, Gloria Ann . . Cummins, Bettina Dawn 314 300 242 WOLLONGONG Price, Hilda Ann Robaard, Dini Egberdina Jones, Olwen George, Linda Joan . . Bolger, Johanna Mary Rosiak, Teresa Irene .. Dodds, Ethel Brady. Annette Josephine Burke, Helen Mary . . Sheppard, Lorna May Watts, Janette Maxine Beaumont, Davena 338 324 296 296 289 272 259 256 253 246 237 233 YANCO. Hafner, Maureen Anne Taylor, Patricia Anne Newton, Beverley June Moss, June Elizabeth . . 298 291 291 276 Held 17th May, 1958. Order of merit. 1. 2. 3. Name. »Howarth, Sandra Elizabeth »Connolly, Patricia Colleen •Hancock, Marie Phyllis » Permanent officers of the Service. Total marks. 200 165 145 1. 2. 3. 4. Commonwealth Gazette Examination No. NP554. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Examination No. OP213. 1959 APPOINTMENT AS JUNIOR POSTAL OFFICER. FOR APPOINTMENT AS JUNIOR POSTAL OFFICER, FOR FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL^S DEPARTFOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL^S DEPARTMENT, QUEENSLAND. MENT, NEW SOUTH WALES. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 24tli May, 1958. Held 24th May, 1958. Total Order of Order of Total marka. Name. merit. marks. rrtrit. Name. HOLBROOK. COOLANGATTA. 346 Campbell, 1. ^ , John Charles 346 278 Young, Robert William 1. 2. Spokes, Robert Arthur Leslie 223 3. Tutty, Anthony Charles 271 2. Stone, Frederick Stanley 268 3. Pearce, Robert Patrick NARRANDERA. 312 1. Adams, Allan John .. DIRRANBANDI. 269 2. Close, Terrence William 249 3. Walkom, Roy William Thomas 291 Lee, Donald Jack 1. 257 2. Rodwell, William James PEAK HILL. 296 1. Dunn, Garry James .. 289 2. McGregor, Phillip Neville MAROOCHYDORE. 279 3. Wright, Robin Harold 240 328 4. Glasheen, Mervyn John 1. Leadbetter, Kevin Leslie 315 2. Cassidy, Ian .. Examination No. NP558. FOR APPOINTMENT AS JUNIOR POSTAL OFFICER, FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, SYDNEY. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 31st May, 1958. Total Older of marka merit. Name. 332 1. Uzzell, John William .. 326 2. Connor, Denis John .. 323 3. Bell, Colin .. 321 4. McDougal, Geoffrey Michael 316 5. Entwistle, Malcolm Richard 313 Skien, Roger Douglas .. 6. 307 7. Rizzo, Peter Albert . . 304 8. Griffin. Gary Russell .. 300 9. Morris, Robert William 297 Lalor, Ronald Henry . . 10. 290 O'Donnell, Noel Bernard 11. 251 Ferguson, Kevin Walter James 12. 245 13. Lyons, Brian Francis . . Examination No. YP596. FOR APPOINTMENT AS TELEPHONIST, FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, MELBOURNE. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 24th May, 1958. Order of Total n\erit. marks. Name. 1. Ely, Lois Yvonne 348 2. Walder, Margaret Dorothy 311 3. Buchan, Cathleen 299 Examination No. QP172. FOR APPOINTMENT AS JUNIOR POSTAL OFFICER, BRISBANE, FOURTH DIVISION. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, QUEENSLAND. HE results of this examination, which appeared in Gazette, No. 3, of 16th January, 1958, are hereby amended as follows:— Order of Total marks. merit. Name. Delete: 278 49. Svenson, Allan Alfred Insert: 49. Svensen, Allan Alfred 278 T Examination No. QP214. FOR APPOINTMENT AS TELEPHONIST, FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, QUEENSLAND. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 24th May, 1958. Order of Total merit. Name. marks. BIGGENDEN. 1. Doran, Naomi 332 2. Dimock, Beverley Alma Hannah 316 3. Young, Heather Mary 305 4. Johnson, Desley Joan .. 293 5. Godbold, Aileen Mary 258 254 6. Bayntun, Dorothy Norma 244 7. Roser, Shirley Margaret 232 8. Graham, Gwenyth Grace 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. CABOOLTURE. Moorhead, Dorothy Margaret .. Harper, Heather Jean .. Daly, Moya Imelda Russell, Doris Joy Dwyer, Rosemarie Kathleen .. Pritchard, Desley Joan John, Beverley June .. 321 316 311 306 292 281 273 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. DALBY. Brennan, Patricia May Erbacher, Evon Margaret Ruth Stimson, Robin Marie Fisher, Rae Evelyne Earle Cook, Shirley Fay .. Troe, Glenda Laraine Keene, Helen Bridgette Gray, Ann Catherine .. Mogg, Lorraine Lillian 343 316 305 303 288 287 282 269 259 KILLARNEY. 1. Tyler, Gloria Margaret 2. Fairbrother, June Nevada 3. Walker, Agnes Eileen .. 321 316 268 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Commortwcalth GazMte 1960 Examinatloii No. QP215. Examliiatloii No. WP189. FOR APPOINTMENT AS POSTAL OFFICER, FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, QUEENSLAND. FOR APPOINTMENT AS TELEPHONIST, FOURTH DIVISION. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, WESTERN AUSTRALIA. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 24tli May, 1958. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 24tli May, 195S. Order of merit. Total marks. Name. 1. THEODORE. Walsh, James Michael 3. 4. 1. 2. Adams, Jennifer Gaye Bandy, Rae Lynette .. 2. INGLEWOOD. MacPherson, Ewen Malcolm Donald Thomas Wolff, Leo Name. WYALKATCHEM. Barber, Alice Marjorie Fenwick, Marie Constance Monck, Beverley Francis Murray, Gail Lynette . . 1. CUNNAMULLA. No applications received. 2. Order of merit. 334 270 .. Total marks. 324 314 257 245 YARLOOP. 285 276 347 Examination No. TP108. Examination No. SP168. FOR APPOINTMENT AS LINEMAN-IN-TRAINING. FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 17th May, 1958. Order of merit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total marks. Name. Woodhead, William Leonard Wellington, David John Starr, Robin Winston . . Lucas» Kenneth John Thompson, Warren Vincent Hawke, Ian Andrew .. .. .. 330 267 260 259 239 229 FOR APPOINTMENT AS POSTAL OFFICER, FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, HOBART (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 4th January. 1958. Order of registration. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name. •Moore, Owen. Orr, Edgar William. Jenkins, Harry, Fredericks, Harold. Essy, Kevin Maurice. Kovacs, George. Murray, Graeme Alfred. Smith, Eric George. Woolley, Kingsley. • Former member of the Forces. Examination No. SP171. FOR APPOINTMENT AS TELEPHONIST, FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21tt November, 1957.) Held 17th May, 1958. Ordet of merit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name. CEDUNA. Hunkin, Lesley Diana Hughes, Margaret Rose Kelly, Brenda Lyn Gaden, Faith Loraine . . Thompson, Loma Dorothy Total marks. 318 273 270 255 222 Examination No. TP114. FOR APPOINTMENT AS POSTAL OFFICER, FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. HOBART. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 15tti February, 1958. Order of registration. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TENNANT CREEK. No applications received. Name. •Griffiths, Colin Rex. Farrow, Brian Athol. Courtney, Bryan Stanley. •Martin, Geoffrey Neil. Robertson, Kevin James. • Former member of the Forces. Examination No. TP124. Examination No. VP597. FOR APPOINTMENT AS TELEPHONIST, FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, VICTORIA. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Order of Held 24th May, 1958. Order of merit. Name. FOR APPOINTMENT AS POSTAL OFFICER, FOURTH DIVISION, POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, HOBART. (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 63, of 21st November, 1957.) Held 17th May, 1958. Total marka. 1. 2. 3. HAMILTON, Westland, Wendy Viola Chapman, June Margaret Van Kalken, Ann Cornelia 300 294 225 1. 2. MORTLAKE. Brumley, Nancye Elaine Foreman, Pamela 305 273 mcfh. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total Name. markd. Reardon, Francis Joseph 323 McLoughlin, William John m Doherty, Anthony 302 McKellar, Reginald John 288 Keleher, Laurence Keith 246 Gearman, David Lyle 239 6. Fentiman, Patrick Joseph 234 7. Candidates whose names do not ftpjwar in the above results were unsuccessful. H. C. AVENT, Secretary, Public Service Board. Commonwealth Gazette 1961 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES. VACANCIES OPEN TO PERMANENT OFFICERS ONLY. PPLICATIONS are invited from officers of the Commonwealth Service for promotion or transfer to the positions mentioned below. Applicants should state fully their qualifications for the positions sought, and, forward their applications to the officer indicated in the last column in time to reach him not later than the appointed date. Applications submitted by telegram before the closing date will be accepted, but these should be followed up immediately by written application. Where an applicant desires to be considered for two or more vacancies a separate application should be forwarded for each position sought except where the positions applied for are of similar classification and in the same Branch of the Department, e.g., positions of Postmaster, Lines Staff positions, &c., when one application covering such positions will be accepted. The following particulars should be set out at the foot of the application:— Full name (block letters) .., Seniority date Designation Length of service Salary scale Salary (per annum) Office or Branch Date of last increment Date and place of birth VACANCIES OPEN TO OFFICERS AND TO PERSONS OUTSIDE THE COMMONWEALTH SERVICE. Where indicated, positions are open to officers and to persons outside the Commonwealth Service (including temporary employees). Appointment to permanent positions is restricted to British subjects under the age of 51 years except where otherwise indicated permanently residing in Australia, or eligible for entry to Australia for permanent residence. Applicants for permanent positions only should make application on printed forms which may be obtained from the Public Service Inspector in each Capital City, the Public Service Board's Representative in Port Moresby, or from the Department in which the vacancy exists. SALARY, CONDITIONS, ETC. The range of salary indicates the classified value of a position and new appointments may be made at any salary within such range. A Position, Salary Scale and Division. The rate of salary per annum shown in the advertisement is increased as follows:— (a) Adult Males and married minors (Males)—£63 per annum. (b) Adult Females—£47 per annum. (c) Minors—Proportionate adjustments as specified in Regulation 106A. Should a female be appointed promoted or transferred to a position named below and not designated a "Female position", the salary payable will be— Adult Females— (a) Third Division—£154 less (Regulation^ 104 (2) and (3)) I pios£47 (b) Fourth Division-^154 less (Regulation f perammm 106 (3) and (4)) Junior Females— (a) Third Division—Rates specified hi' plus proportionate (regulation 104 (5)) specified (b) Fourth Division—Rates specified hi adjustment (regulation 106(2) or 106(5)) , faireguhitionl06A Successful applicants must comply with the provisions of the Superannuation Act. At offices where quarters are shown, a deduction at the rate of 10 per cent, of the minimum salary of the position will be made unless otherwise stated. Particulars of existing quarters are furnished merely for the information of officers. It is not incumbent on Departments to provide quarters, which, if provided, may be wholly or partly withdrawn at any time. Officers of the Commonwealth Service, who may be transferred without promotion, as the result of an application for an advertised vacancy, will be required to pay their own expenses of removal unless the transfer comes within the conditions prescribed in Public Service Regulation 119. Fares to locality of appointment of appointees who are not officers of the Commonwealth Service will not be paid by the Commonwealth unless such fares (including, if the applicant is married, those of his wife and family) exceed £3, when such allowances as the circumstances justify may be granted. Locality. Applications Close. PRIME MINISTER'S DEPARTMENT. Forward Applications to. - AUDITOR-GENERAL'S OFFICE. Victoria. Clerk (Audit), Grade 3 (£903-£l,083). Third Division Melbourne .. 26.6.58 The Secretary and Chieflnspector, Auditor(two positions) Generars, Office, Canberra Qualifications.—Applicants should give details of any progress made in accountancy subjects. Stage 1. accountancy necessary for advancement beyond £993(S) per annum. DEPARTMENT OF TERRITORIES. ADMINISTRATION DIVISION. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Registry and Library Section Office Services Branch. Canberra .. 26.6.58 Duties.—Subject indexer. The Secretary, Department of Territories, Canberra NORTHERN TERRITORY ADMINISTRATION DIVISION. §Plant Pathologist (£1,443-£1,723), Third Division Agricultural Branch. Darwin.. .. The Assistant Administrator, Darwin (by airmail) Duties.—Carry out work on identification and control of plant diseases; field work in relation to disease resistance in varieties and seasonal variation incidence of disease; pathological quarantine investigations; advise producers on plant diseases and control. Qualifications.—Appropriate academic qualifications and post-graduate experience. District Allowance.—Darwin: married, £275 per annum; single, £175 per annum. Accommodation.—Married accommodation available immediately upon taking up duty. Single hostel accommodation available. A taxation concessional allowance of £180 may be allowable. Welfare Branch. (a) 3.7.58 The Assistant Administrator, Darwin (by tSenior Carpenter, Grade 2 (£978), Fourth Division (five Airmail) positions) (a) Beswick Creek, Hooker Creek and other centres of Welfare Branch (Field Staff). Duties.—Construction and maintenance work on settlements as part of a programme of training of aborigines in related manual skills. Appointees may be required to serve anywhere in the Northern Territory. Qualifications.—Possess training and/or experience which would qualify for acceptance as a tradesman carpenter by an appropriate trade union or similar body. Applicants should state any experience as foreman or leading hand or in training apprentices or others. District Allowance.—From £120 per annum to £275 per annum married and from £70 per annum to £175 per annum unmarried depending on location. A concessional taxation deduction of £180 per annum may be allowable. Married accommodation, if required, available at Papunya and Warrabri; will be available at Amoonguna, Bsswick Creek and Hooker Creek after about six months. 3553/58.-6 3.7.58 For references see footnotes on page 1971. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1962 Commonwealth Gazette N O T I F I C A T I O N O F VACANCIES—continued. Position, Salary Scale and Division. Applications Close. Locality. Forward Applications to. D E P A R T M E N T O F EXTERNAL AFFAIRS. Antarctic Division. tOflScer-in-charge (£1,353), Third Division (temporary position) Macquarie Island 26.6.58 The Director, Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne Duties.—Under the direction of the Director, Antarctic Division, to control all phases of the expedition's activities at the station, to maintain the morale and efficiency of the men and to supervise them in the performance of their duties; to control and issue all stores and to re-order supplies for the following year; to report to the Director upon the progress of work and life at the station in general. Qualifications.—Applicants should possess powers of leadership, sound judgment, high character and interest in outdoor life and adventure. Experience in the handling of men. {Medical Officer (£l,833-£2,493), Third Division, (two temporary positions) Wilkes (Antarctica) Macquarie Island 26,6.58 {Surveyor (£l,263-£ 1,443), Third Division (temporary position) Mawson (Antarctica) 26.6.58 {Physicist (£903-£ 1,443), Third position) Macquarie The Director, Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne Duties.—To care for the health of the party at the station and to conduct certain research in biology and physiology. Qualifications.—At least one year's post-graduate hospital experience in addition to normal medical qualifications. Surgical experience is essential. The Director, Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne Duties.—Exploratory work and survey work in Antarctica from the ground and from the air. Qualifications.—Applicants should be fully qualified with a sound knowledge of astronavigation. Experience in outdoor activities, particularly ski-ing or mountaineering would be an advantage. Division (temporary Island 26.6.58 The Director, Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne Duties.—To operate and maintain electronic and photographic equipment and to investigate ionospheric, cosmic ray and auroral phenomena. Qualifications.—University degree with physics as a major subject (or equivalent). Sound knowledge of, and experience in electronics. Commencement of Duty.—The successful applicant will be required to commencc duty with the Antarctic Division on 4th August, 1958. {Physicist (£1,353-£1,623), Third Division (three temporary positions) Mawson (2) .. 26.6.58 The Director, Antarctic Division, Department Wilkes (1) of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, (Antarctica) Melbourne Duties.—To carry out research on ionospheric, cosmic ray and auroral phenomena involving operation and maintenance of radar, pulse counting, photo-electric and other electronic equipment and photographic and spectrographic equipment. Qualifications.—University degree, preferably with honours, with physics as a major subject or equivalent. Sound knowledge of, and experience in electronics. Commencement of Duty.—The successful applicants will be required to commence duty with the Antarctic Division on 1st July, 1958. {Glaciologist (£1,353-£1,443), Third Division (temporary position) Wilkes (Antarctica) 26.6.58 The Director, Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne Duties.—To carry out a programme of glaciological research in Antarctica. Qualifications.—University degree with physics as a major subject or equivalent, and sound knowledge of glaciological techniques. {Supervisor (Radio) (£1,022-£1,052), Fourth Division, (four temporary positions) (a) 26.6.58 J R a d i o Officer (£882-£ 1,002), Fourth Division, (seven temporary positions) (a) 26.6.58 tSenior Diesel Mechanic (£998-£ 1,058), Fourth Division (two temporary positions) Mawson, Wilkes (Antarctica) 26.6.58 {Senior Technician (Radio) (£978-£ 1,038), Fourth Division (temporary position) Macquarie 26.6.58 The Director, Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne (a) Mawson, Davis, Wilkes (Antarctica), Macquarie Island. Duties.—To service and maintain radio, radiosonde and rewind equipment and act as senior radio telegraphist. Qualifications,—Applicants should state any appropriate licence or technical diploma held by them. A thorough knowledge of theoretical and practical electronics is essential plus a first-class commercial operator's certificate of proficiency or equivalent service experience. The Director, Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne (a) Mawson (2), Davis (1), Wilkes (2) (Antarctica), Macquarie Island (2). Qualifications.—Commercial operator's Certificate of Proficiency or equivalent service experience together with wide experience in operation and maintenance of ground installations. The Director, Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne Duties.—^To maintain diesel electric generating plants and other mechnical equipment including tractors and weasels. T o be responsible for the reticulation of power throughout the station. Qualifications.—Wide experience with diesel electric generating plant. Island The Director, Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne Duties.—^To service and maintain radar and allied equipment. Qualifications.—Qualified Radio Technician. Considerable experience in the maintenance and adjustment of pulse modulated equipment. Practical experience with high power radar desirable. {Diesel Mechanic (^958-£l,008), Fourth Division (two temporary positions) Davis (Antarctica), Macquarie Island 26.6.58 The Director, Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne Duties.—^To maintain diesel and petrol electric generating plant and other mechanical equipment, including tractors. Qualifications.—Wide experience with diesel-electric generating plant. {Diesel Mechanic (£948-£978), Fourth Division (two temporary positions) Mawson, Wilkes, (Antarctica) 26.6.58 T h e Director. Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne Duties.—To assist with the maintenance of diesel electric generators and other mechanical equipment at the station. Qualifications.—Wide experience with diesel-electric generating plant. For references see footnotes on page 1971. Commonwealth Gazette 1963 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES--continued. Locality. Position, Salary Scale and Division. Application Close. Forward Applications to. DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS—continued. Antarctic Division—continued. JCarpenter (£918-£948), Fourth Division (temporary Macquarie Island 26.6.58 The Director, Antarctic Division, Department position) of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne Duties.—To assist with the design, construction and maintenance of buildings. Qualifications.—Qualified carpenter with wide experience. JCook (£788-£828), Fourth Division (four temporary positions) (a) 26.6,58 The Director, Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, 187 Collins-street, Melbourne (a) Mawson, Davis, Wilkes (Antarctica); Macquarie Island. Duties.—To cook for the party at the station. Qualifications.—Wide cooking experience, including bread baking and butchering. Conditions for Positions in Antarctic Division.—Period of employment—two to six months preparatory work in Melbourne, followed by approximately twelve months at the Station. Tentative sailing dates—Macquarie Island early December, 1958; Mawson, Davis and Wilkes, late December, 1958. Whilst absent from Australia, kitting and maintenance provided free by the Commonwealth and tax-free regional allowance of 12s. 6d. per day single man, 17s. 6d. per day married men, is payable in addition to salary, also recreation leave accrues at the rate of five weeks per annum. Subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act, Zone Allowance deduction of £180 may be allowable. Commencing salary within appropriate range according to qualifications and experience. Applicants must be in robust health and have experience in outdoor life, such as ski-ing, mountaineering, bushwalking, &c. They must furnish a recent photograph and names of at least two referees. ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Administrative Office, Crown SoUcitor's Division. Senior Legal Officer (£l,888-£2,053), Third Division .. Canberra 26.6.58 The Secretary, Attorney-General's Department, Canberra Duties.—Prepare draft opinions and submissions as required; carry out research into difficult legal problems; furnish oral advice to departmental officers on common law matters. Qualifications.—Applicants should be Barristers or Solicitors of the High Court or of the Supreme Court of a State. [In lieu of notification appearing in Gazette of 29th May, 1958.] AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY. Crown Solicitor's Office. Senior Legal Officer (£1,888-£2,053), Third Division Canberra 26.6.58 The Secretary, Attorney-General's Department, Canberra Duties.—Conduct of the more important property and litigation work. Qualifications.—Applicants should be Barristers or Solicitors of the High Court or of the Supreme Court of a State. (In lieu of notification appearing in Gazette of 29th May, 1958.] Patent, Trade Marks, Designs and Copyright Offices. §Examiner of Patents, Grade 1 (£993~£1,443), Third DiviCanberra 3.7.58 The Commissioner of Patents, Patent Oflice, sion. Patents Examinations Section (several positions) Canberra Vacancies exist for Electronic (computer, television or radar) Engineers or Scientists, Telephone Engineers and Organic Chemists. Duties.—Technical investigations and reports amongst other things as to— (a) Whether applicants for Letters Patent have given adequate description of their inventions; (b) Whether the inventions are novel. Qualifications.—Applicants should have qualified for an appropriate degree or diploma at an Australian university or technical college or possess equivalent qualifications. Applications will be received from final year under-graduates expecting to graduate in the present academic year. Initial training will be given in Patent examination procedure. Advancement beyond £1,263 and promotion to higher grades is dependent on passing prescribed examinations in Patent Law subjects. Lectures in these subjects may be conducted at the Canberra University College. Appointees with dependants may be temporarily stationed in Sydney or Melbourne but are subject to transfer to Canberra as accommodation becomes available. Applicants who are not permanent officers of the Public Service must be under the age of 55 years. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division .. .. NEW SOUTH WALES. The High Court. Sydney.. .. 26.6.58 The Principal Registrar, High Court of Australia, Melbourne Duties.—General clerical duties relating to the filing of Court documents, the collection of fees, accounts, records and correspondence. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Taxation Branch, Head Office. Typist-in-charge (Female), Grade 1 (£794), Fourth DiviCanberra .. 26.6.58 The Commissioner of Taxation, Canberra sion, Correspondence Section, Management Division Duties.—In charge of Typing Pool. Qualifications.—Shorthand, 100 words per minute. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Ionospheric Prediction Service. JPhysicist (£903-£ 1,443), Third Division (temporary Macquarie Island 26.6.58 position) The Officer-in-charge, Ionospheric Prediction Service, Department of the Interior, 5 Hickson-road, Miller's Point, New South Wales Duties.—To operate and maintain Ionospheric recording station and take part in other geophysical investigations. Qualifications.—University degree or diploma with physics as a major subject (or equivalent). A sound knowledge of, and experience in electronics. Commencement of Duty.—The successful applicant will be required to commence duty with the Antarctic Division on 4th August, 1958. For references see footnotes on page 1971. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1964 Commonwealth Gazette NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES--continued. Position, Salary Scale and Division. Locality. Applications Close. Forward Applications to. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR—continued. Ionospheric Prediction Service—continued. {Physicist (£1,353^£1,623), Third Division (two tempor- Mawson 26.6.58 The Officer-in-charge, Ionospheric Prediction ary positions) Wilkes (Antarctica) Service, Department of the Interior, 5 Hickson-road, MiJler's Point, New South Wales Duties.—To carry out research on Ionospheric, Cosmic Ray and Auroral phenomena, involving operation and maintenance of radar, pulse counting, photo electric and other electronic equipment and photographic and spectrographic equipment. Qualifications.—University degree, preferably with honours, with physics as a major subject (or equivalent). A sound knowledge of and experience in electronics. Commencement of Duty.—The successful applicants will be required to commence duty on 1st July, 1958. Conditions for positions in Antarctica.—Period of employment—two to six months' preparatory work in Melbourne followed by approximately twelve months at the station. Tentative sailing dates—Macquarie Island early December, 1958; Mawson and Wilkes, late December, 1958. While absent from Australia kitting and maintenance arc provided free by the Commonwealth and a tax-free regional allowance of 12s. 6d. per day single men, 17s. 6d. per day married men, is payable in addition to salary. Also recreation leave accrues at the rate of five weeks per annum. Subject to provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act, zone allowance deduction of £180 may be allowable. Commencing salary within appropriate range according to qualifications and experience. Applicants must be in robust health and have experience in outdoor life, such as ski-lng, mountaineering, bush-walking, &c. They must furnish a recent photograph and names of at least two referees. DEPARTMENT OF WORKS. QUEENSLAND. Technical Division. Principal Architect (£2,218-£2,493), Third Division .. Brisbane .. 26.6.58 The Director-General, Department of Works, Box 2807AA, G.P.O., Melbourne Duties.—Responsible to the Director of Works for the detailed design and standard of construction for all Departmental architectural works in Queensland. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. tTechnical Assistant, Grade 1 (£333-£878), Fourth Divi- Kalgoorlie .. 10.7.58 The Commonwealth Director of Health, sion. Health Laboratory Perth Duties.—General assistance to the Biochemist. Prepare simpler chemical solutions, strains and bacteriological media and smears for microscopic examination. Qualifications.—Qualifications and experience should be stated. District Allowance.—Grade I. NORTHERN TERRITORY. SPharmacist, Grade 1 (£903-£l,083). Third Division, Darwin.. 3.7.58 The Director-General of Health, Canberra Darwin Hospital Qualifications.—Applicants must be qualified Pharmaceutical Chemists. District Allowance.—Grade VII. A taxation rebate of £180 per annum may be allowable. DEPARTMENT OF TRADE. CENTRAL STAFF. Trade Services and Industries Branch. O f f i c e r - i n - c h a r g e (£l,998-£2,163), Third Division, Trade Canberra .. 26.6.58 The Secretary, Department of Trade, CanInformation Sub-section, Trade Services Section berra Duties.—Collection and recording of information on international trade and distribution thereof. Co-operation with responsible sections in certain aspects of Trade Commissioner work and overseas trade promotion and publicity projects. Qualifications.—Knowledge of international trade, practical experience in the selection, analysis and distribution of specialized information desirable. Clerk (£1,778-£1,943), Third Division, Industries and Canberra .. 26.6.58 The Secretary, Department of Trade, CanTrade Services Policy Section berra Duties.—Initiation and control of work programmes in Trade Services and Industries Branch; preparation of Cabinet and Ministerial submissions, analysis of submissions on financial and economic issues and material of a similar nature. Qualifications.—Sound training and experience in economics, knowledge of Australian industries and appropriate university degree desirable. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Trade Services and Industries Branch, Industries Division. (£1,353-£1,533), Third Division .. .. Perth .. 26.6.58 The Secretary, Department of Trade, Canberra Duties.—Investigation into structure, capacity and operation of manufacturing industries; trade promotion, export control, and investigation of import licensing applications andin correspondence. Qualifications.—Experience investigation work and knowledge of manufacturing industry and export trade desirable. Clerk DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. CENTRAL STAFF. Secretariat. llClttrk (£1,443-£1,623), Third Division .. .. Melbourne .. 26.6.58 The Secretary, Department of the Navy, Melbourne Duties,—Collection, preparation and presentation of statistical data for planning and administrative purposes within the Department. Qualifications.—Appropriate university training and practical experience in statistics desirable. For references see footnotes on page 1971. Commonwealth Gazette 1965 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES^ontinued. Position, Salary Scale and Division. Locality. Applications Close. Forward Applicatiom to. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. CENTRAL STAFF. Branch of the Secretary, Finance. Melbourne 26.6.58 The Secretary, Department of the Army, MeN bourne Duties.—Officer-in-charge of Expenditure Control Sub-section; examine and consolidate submissions by Branches relating to the Estimates of Expenditure; prepare data and submissions on new proposals for inclusion in Army programme; examine Branch expenditure proposals. Clerk (£1,443-£1,623), Third Division ARMY HEAD-QUARTERS. Adjutant-Generars Branch. Clerical Assistant, Grade 3 (£798-£858), Fourth Division Melbourne .. 26.6.58 The Secretary, Department of the Army, Melbourne Duties.—Maintain unit records of other rank personnel of Army Head-quarters; prepare pay and service retimis for Army Head-quarters other rank personnel for notification to Central Army Records Office; prepare leave passes and neccssary documentation work. It is expected that the above two positions will be transferred to Canberra in 1959. Master-General of the Ordnance Branch. Clerk (£813-£993),Third Division (two positions) .. Albert Park .. 26.6.58 The Secretary, Department of the Army, Melbourne, S.C.I Duties.—Calculation and recording of provision data relating to procurement of vehicles and associated stores; preparatioa of draft schedules of requirements. Qualifications.—A knowledge of current procurement procedure is desirable. Clerical Assistant, Grade 2 (£758^£798), Fourth Division Albert Park .. 26.6.58 The Secretary, Department of the Army, Melbourne, S.C.I Duties.—Maintenance of card index systems for orders relating to procurement of clothing items; Registration and filing of correspondence and procurement data, DEPARTMENT OF AIR. CENTRAL STAFF. Technical Services Branch. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division .. Melbourne 26.6.58 The Secretary, Department of Air, Melbourne Duties.—General assistance to Administrative Assistant (Financial). Supply and Equipment Branch. tDrafting Assistant, Grade 1 (£333-£878), Fourth Divi- Melbourne 3.7.58 The Secretary, Department of Air, Melbourne sion Duties.—Under direction, prepare routine plans and drawings, trace plans and drawings. Note.—It is expected that the above position will be transferred to Canberra in 1959, and housing accommodation will be available for the successful applicant. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Area Finance Office. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division (two positions) Perth .. 3.7.58 The Area Finance Officer, Department of Air, 44 Stirling Street, Perth Duties.—Ledger-keeper, maintenance of R.A.A.F. Pay and Allotment Accounts. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION. QUEENSLAND REGION. Airways Engineering Branch. §AirwaysEngineer(£903-£l,353), Third Division, General Brisbane 3.7.58 Engineering Section The Regional Director, Department of Civil Aviation, P.O., Box 1, Brisbane Airport, N.E.2 Duties,—Assistance on duties associated with the installation and maintenance of power generating and airport and airways lighting equipment. Qualifications.—Appropriate degree or diploma in electrical engineering or other educational qualifications giving f\ill exemption fSrom A.M.I.E. (Aust.) examinations. SOUTH AUSTRALIA—NORTHERN TERRITORY REGION. Finance and Stores Branch. Storeman (£768-£808), Fourth Division, Stores (Main Parafield 26.6,58 The Regional Director, Department of Civil Store) Section (two positions) Aviation, Box I958p, G.P.O., Adelaide Duties.—Responsible for the receipt, storage and issue of Departmental stores. Qualifications.—A sound knowledge of stores procedure and stores accounting instructions and practical experience in modem warehousing and organization of stocks desirable. WESTERN AUSTRALIA REGION. Personnel and Establishments Branch. § Assistant Librarian (£385~£903), Third Division .. Perth 10.7.58 The Regional Director, Department of Civil Aviation, Private Mail Bag, G,P.O„ Perth Duties.—Responsible for the efficient operation of the Regional Technical Library. Qualifications.—Leaving Certificate or equivalent. Some library experience desirable. Minimum salary at age 21 is ^723 (male), £569 (female) per annum. This position is considered to be more suitable for a female. For references see footnotes on page 1971. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1966 Commonwealth Gazette NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES—continued. Position, Salary Scale and Division. Locality. Applications Close. Forward Applications to. DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLY. NEW SOUTH WALES. Explosives Factory. §Engineer, Grade 3 (£l,443-£ 1,623), Third Division, Mulwaia .. 3.7.58 The Secretary, Department of Supply, Box Technical Section 2288u, G.P.O., Melbourne Duties.—(Position No. 36)—Responsible to Head of Section (Maintenance and Services) for the direction and supervision of installations and maintenance work for the factory, with particular reference to services. Qualifications.—Educational qualifications giving exemption from A.M.LE. (Aust.) examinations and relevant experience desirable. A house is available for the successful applicant. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Research and Development Branch. JScientific Officer, Grade 3 (£1,668-£1,888), Third Divi- Woomera .. 3.7.58 The Controller, Weapons Research Establishsion, Trials and Instrumentation Wing, Weapons ment. Box 1424H, G.P.O., Adelaide Research Establishment (Temporary Position No. 405) Duties.—Research and experimental work associated with the tracking and recording of artificial satellites using electronic methods. This includes work on the Minitrack, phase-comparison equipment, telemetry and doppler installation and also the interpretation and assessment of results, including the preliminary determination of orbits. Qualifications.—Honours degree in physical science or electronic engineering or other academic qualifications and research experience considered the equivalent. Several years* research and experimental experience in radio physics or electronic engineering desirable. Conditions.—An allowance of £120 p.a. is payable to a married man maintaining a family; others £70 p.a. Housing accommodation will be made available within a reasonable period. Applicants not possessing experience to justify appointment as Scientific Officer Grade 3, will be considered for appointment at Scientific Officer, Grade 1, level. Senior Drafting Officer, Grade 2 (£1,448-£1,538), Fourth Salisbury .. 26.6.58 The Controller, Weapons Research EstablishDivision, Engineering Division, Weapons Research ment, Box 1424H, G.P.O., Adelaide Establishment Duties.—Responsible to a Senior Engineer for planning and distribution, supervision and direction of work within Section of the Drawing Office engaged on preparing design and detail drawings for electronic projects, including block schematics, circuit diagrams and associated general mechanical requirements. Responsible for final checking of drawings and detailed training of junior staff in the Section. Qualifications.—Particulars of qualifications and experience to be stated. Note.—Assistance will be given in obtaining housing accommodation. Applicants qualified for appointment to Third Division will be appointed to that Division. TASMANIA. Hobart .. Clerk (£903-£l,083), Third Division 26.6.58 The State Controller, Department of Supply, Box 118F, G.P.O., Hobart Duties.—Final accounting work in respect to Stores and Transport Accounts. Maintain Debtors and Creditors Ledgers, Prepare Financial and Statistical returns. Qualifications.—Knowledge of accountancy desirable, DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRY. CENTRAL STAFF. Marketing Division. Clerk (£813~£993), Third Division, Meat Dairy Produce Canberra 26.6.58 The Secretary, Department of Primary and Eggs Section Industry, Canberra Duties.—Responsible to the Marketing Officer for the preparation of material relating to marketing of dairy produce, maintaining price data, &c., and to assist in the detailed work involved in the payment of butter and cheese subsidies. VICTORIA. Administration Branch, Inspection and Administration Division. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Clerical Section Melbourne .. 26.6.58 The Secretary, Department of Primary Industry, Canberra Duties.—Clerical duties in connexion with dairy produce submitted for export. Knowledge of Commerce Act, particularly in regard to dairy products, desirable. QUEENSLAND. Clerk (£903-£l,083). Third Division, Clerical Section, Brisbane 26.6.58 The Secretary, Department of Primary Administration Branch, Inspection and Administration Industry, Canberra Division Duties.—Clerical duties connected with the export of dairy produce from Queensland. A thorough knowledge of the Export (Dairy Produce) Regulations is desirable. DEPARIMENT OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. W A R SERVICE HOMES DIVISION. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Operations Section .. Victoria. Melbourne .. 26.6.58 The Deputy Director, War Service Homes Division, Box 1277L, G.P.O., Melbourne Duties.—Statistical Clerk. Control registers of applications received and dealt with; prepare statistical returns and other statements of activities. For references see footnotes on page 1971. Commonwealth Gazette No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1967 NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES—continued. Position, Salary Scale and Division. Locality. Applications Close. Forward Applications to. REPATRIATION DEPARTMENT. NEW SOUTH WALES. Auxiliary Services. Sister (£664-£704), Fourth Division (a number of posi- Concord .. 26.6.58 The Deputy Commissioner, Repatriation tions), Repatriation General Hospital Department, Box 3994, G.P.O., Sydney Orderly, Grade 1 C£668-£708), Fourth Division (a number Concord 26.6.58 of positions), Repatriation General Hospital Duties.—Ward duties. Hospital Assistant (Female), Grade 1 (£303-£554), Fourth Concord 26.6.58 Division (a number of positions). Repatriation General General Hospital Duties.—Carry out duties in ward, pantries, kitchens, dining rooms and staff quarters. VICTORIA. Administrative Staff. South Melbourne Clerical Assistant, Grade 2 (£758-£798), Fourth Division, 26,6.58 The Deputy Commissioner, Repatriation Records Section, Branch Office Department, Box 87A, G.P.O., Melbourne, C.l Duties.—Receive and assemble the War Service Documents. Other duties as required. Clerical Assistant, Grade 2 (£758-£798), Fourth Division, South Melbourne 26.6.58 The Deputy Commissioner, Repatriation Accounts Section, Branch Office (two positions) Department, Box 87A, G.P.O., Melbourne, C.l Duties.—Stamping Pension Pay Register receipts. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. §MedicalOfficer(£l,833-£2,383), Third Division, Medical Adelaide 3.7.58 The Deputy Commissioner, Repatriation and General Section Department, Box 902E, G.P.O., Adelaide Duties.—Medical examinations and reports; other medical administrative duties as required. Qualifications.—Applicants must be legally qualified medical practitioners and should state their qualifications and experience. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. CENTRAL STAFF. Accounts Branch. Accounting Machinist (Female), Grade 2 (£704), Fourth Melbourne 26.6.58 The Director-General, Posts and Telegraphs, Division, Central Office Account Section Melbourne, C.2 Duties.—Preparation of pay roll for Central Office on Remington accounting machine. General machine duties on Madas and Burroughs listing machines and comptometer calculator. Qualifications.—Applicants must have passed the prescribed test for advancement. Personnel Branch. Clerical Assistant, Grade 3 (£798~£858, Female rate Melbourne 26.6.58 The Director-General, Posts and Telegraphs, £644->£704), Fourth Division, Establishments Section Melbourne, C.2 Duties.—Minor clerical work associated with staffing proposals. Typing qualifications desirable. This position is more suitable to a female. Finance and Public Relations Branch. Assistant Research Officer (£813-£1,083), Third Division, Melbourne .. 26.6.58 The Director-General, Posts and Telegraphs Economic Analysis Section, Research and AdminisMelbourne, C.2 tration Sub-section Duties.—Assists in compilation of reports and reviews of Departmental activity and in the co-ordination of statistical data. Qualifications.—Academic qualifications should be stated. ENGINEERING DIVISION. Telephone Equipment Section. Group Engineer (£1,443-£1,623), Third Division (ten Melbourne 26.6.58 The Director-General, Posts and Telegraphs positions) Melbourne, C.2 DutiesPosition No. 19—Assists Divisional Engineer in the design and investigation of circuits for automatic and manual exchange switching, sub-station apparatus, routine test equipment and miscellaneous facilities. Position No. 20—Assist Divisional Engineer in the investigation and standardization of methods and practices associated with manual and sub-station plant installation. Position No. 73—Assist Divisional Engineer in the development and planning of metropolitan and trunk networks and the preparation of works programmes Position No, 76—Assist Divisional Engineer in the development, design and standardization of automatic and manual trunk exchanges, trunk switching and signalling equipment, &c. Position No. 77—Assist Divisional Engineer in the development, design and standardization of sub-station equipment, manual exchanges, phonogram equipment, &c. Position No. 78—Assist Divisional Engineer in the development design and standardization of automatic and manual exchange components and parts, standardization of relay codes, &c. Position No. 79—Assist Divisional Engineer in the development, design and standardization of automatic and manual exchange apparatus layouts, mountings, wiring, &c. Position No. 80—Assist Divisional Engineer in the development design and standardization of automatic and manual exchange material finishes, manufacturing standards, &c. Positions No. 21 and 81—Assist Divisional Engineer in the procurement of trunk switching and signalling equipment, automatic exchange equipment, R.A.X.*s P.A.B.X.*s, &c. For references see footnotes on page 1971. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1968 Commonwealth Gazette NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES—continued. Locality. Position, Salary Scale and Division. Applications Close. Forward Applications to. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT—continued, N E W SOUTH W A L E S . POSTAL AND TRANSPORT SERVICES DIVISION. Post Offices Branch. Yagoona .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sydney Quarters.—Nil. Postmaster, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,218), Third Division .. Trundle .. 26.6.58 Quarters.—Six rooms. District Allowance.—Grade 1. Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038), Third Divi. Yagoona 26.6.58 sion Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third or Fourth Division .. Botany .. .. 26.6.58 Postal Assistant (£398-£858), Fourth Division, (four (a) 26.6.58 positions) (a) Castlereagh-street (2), Clarence-street, Moss Vale. Postal Assistant (Mail) (£328-£858), Fourth Division .. Parramatta 26.6.58 Postmaster, Grade 3 (£1,308-£1,488), Third Division .. ENGINEERING DIVISION. Engineering Services Branch. Foreman, Grade 2 (£1,188-£1,218), Fourth Division, St. Peters .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sydney Workshops Section, Plant and Design Division Duties.—Responsible for the efficient functioning of the Workshops Tool Section. Qualifications.—Knowledge of workshops practice and procedures and modem methods of tool making and heat treatment and ability to control staff desirable. tAssistant (Drafting), Grade 1 (£328-£878), Fourth Divi- Hurstville 3.7.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sydney sion. Drafting Section (two positions) Rose Bay Duties.—Measure accurately line plant, prepare cable and conduit information for Drafting Section and maintain cable and conduit record plans at line depots. Full details of cable and conduit experience should be furnished. fMotor Mechanic (£818~£858), Fourth Division. Auto- Alexandria .. 3.7.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sydney motive Plant Section Qualifications.—Applicants should have completed an apprenticeship course or hold a certificate of recognition as one of the following:— Motor Mechanic, Fitter, Fitter and Turner, Welder (first class) (engineering). Motor Cycle Mechanic or Motor Tuner and Tester. Applicants may be required to undergo an informal trade test. Metropolitan Branch. Cable Recorder (£818-£858), Fourth Division, Metro- Parramatta 26.6.58 The Director. Posts and Telegraphs. Sydney politan District Works, No. 3 Division Metropolitan Equipment Installation Section, Sub-station Installation, No. 1 Division. Supervising Technician, Grade 5 (£1,428-£1,458), Fourth Sydney .. .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sydney Division Duties.—Conduct surveys, consult with building authorities and prepare plans and estimates of subscribers' equipment installations in large city buildings. Carry out special investigations and tests. Supervising Technician, Grade 2 (£1,218-£1,248), Fourth Sydney .. .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sydney Division Duties.—Supervision and control of a metropolitan sub-station installation depot and store. Metropolitan Equipment Service Section. Supervising Technician, Grade 4 (£1,368-£l,398), Fourth (a) 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sydney Division (three positions) (a) No. 1 Division, Lane Cove; No. 3 Division, Randwick; No. 5 Division, Dalley Exchange. DutiesLane Cove.—Maintenance of a 2,000 type automatic branch exchange. Randwick.—Maintenance of a pre-2,000 type automatic branch exchange. Dalley Exchange.—Shift Supervising Technician, 2,000 type automatic exchange. Supervising Technician, Grade 2 (£1,218-£ 1,248), Fourth Sydney.. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sydney Division, Administration Duties.—Relief Supervising Technician, pre-2,000 and 2,000 type exchanges. Country Branch. Supervising Technician, Grade 2 (£1,218-£1,248), Fourth (a) 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sydney Division, Long Line and Country Installation Section (two positions) (a) No. 3 Division, Sydney; No. 5 Division, Sydney. Duties,—Supervision of staff engaged on the installation of long line, trunk switching and signalling equipment. Regional Works and Services Section. Supervising Technician, Grade 3 (£1,278'-£1,338), Fourth Moree .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sydney Division, Armidale Division Duties.—Control of long line equipment station, magneto exchanges and R.A.X.'s. District Allowance.—Grade 1. For references tee footnotes on page 1971. Commonwealth Gazette 1969 No. 33.—12th June, 1958 NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES—continued. Locality. Position, Salary Scale and Division. Applications Close. Forward Applications to. 1 POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT—continued. New South Wales—continued. Engineering Division—continued Country Branch—continued. Regional Works and Services Section—continued. Supervising Technician, Grade 2 (£1,218-£1,248), Fourth (a) 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sydney Division (three positions) (a) Dubbo Division, Coonabarabran; Lismore Division, Bangalow; Maitland Division, Cessnock. Duties— Coonabarabran.—In charge of carrier station and district, comprising magneto exchanges and R.A.X. Bangalow.—In charge of technicians' district, including magneto exchange and B.G.B. and A.P.O. type R.A,X.'s. Cessnock.—Maintenance and control of a large magneto exchange and country technicians' district including R.A.X.'s. fMotor Mechanic (£818-£858), Fourth Division, Goul- Goulburn 3.7.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sydney bum Division Qualifications.—Applicants should have completed an apprenticeship course or hold a certificate of recognition as one of the following:— Motor Mechanic, Fitter, Fitter and Turner, Welder (first class) (engineering). Motor Cycle Mechanic or Motor Tuner and Tester. Applicants may be required to undergo an informal trade test. VICTORIA. SiRvicEs DIVISION. Senior Assistant (Mails) (£898), Fourth Division, Mail Melbourne 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, MelExchange Branch, Inland Section ' bourne, C.l Duties.—Checking-out Officer on intermediate shift. Post Offices Branch. Postmaster, Grade 5 (£l,723-£1,778), Third Division .. South Melbourne.. 26,6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Melbourne, C.l Quarters.—'Nil. Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038). Third Divi- Pascoe Vale South 26.6,58 sion Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third or Fourth Division (three Carnegie .. 26.6.58 positions) Metropolitan Relief Oakleigh Postal Clerk (Strongpoint) (£455-£918), Third or Fourth Camperdown 26.6.58 Division [In lieu of notification appearing in Gazette of 22nd May, 1958.J N.B.—Applicants for the above four positions must be qualified by examination. Senior Postal Assistant (Mails), Grade 1 (£898), Fourth Shepparton .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, MelDivision bourne, C.l Postal Assistant (Mail) (£328-£858), Fourth Division Wangaratta .. 26.6.58 (two positions) Wodonga POSTAL AND TRANSPORT Assistant Director (£3,150), Third Division .. TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIVISION. .. Melbourne 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Melbourne, C.l Commercial Branch. Melbourne 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Melbourne, C.l Duties.—Ministerial Correspondence Clerk. Qualifications.—Thorough knowledge of Commercial Branch procedures desirable. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division .. .. Melbourne .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Melbourne, C.l Qualifications.—Knowledge of Telephone Regulations and Commercial Branch instructions and procedures as applied to private wire services, desirable. Clerk (£813-£993). Third Division .. Melbourne 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs. Melbourne, C.l Duties.—Contract Clerk. Qualifications.—Knowledge of Commercial Branch procedures desirable. Clerk (£993-£l, 173), Third Division .. ENGINEERING DIVISION. Clerk (£813-£993), Third Division, Administrative Melbourne 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, MelBranch, Costing Section (three positions) bourne C.l Duties.—Preparation of wages and allowance for engineering workmen. Country Branch. Clerk (£993~£1,173), Third Division, Radio Section, Melbourne .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Mel Radio (Broadcasting) No. 2 Division bourne C.l Duties.—Divisional clerk. Qualifications.—Sound knowledge of Engineering Division procedures desirable. Line Foreman, Grade 1 (£888-£918), Fourth Division, Heathcote .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts m d Telegraphs, Mel-' Regional Works and Services (West) Section, Bendigo bourne, C.l Division Duties.—Area Foreman. N.B.—Housing at Heathcote is very difficult to obtain. For[references[see footnotcs[on page 1971. No. 33.—12th June, 1958 Commonwealth Gazette 1970 NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES—continued. Position, Salary Scale and Division. Locality. Applications Close. Forward Applications to. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT—continued. Victoria—continued. Engineering Division—continued. Metropolitan Branch. Technical Assistant, Grade 2 (£918-£1,098), Fourth Divi- City West 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Melsion, Equipment Service Section, No. 2 Division bourne, C.l Duties.—Fault Control Officer. Assist in the control of metropolitan junction network. Qualifications.—Detailed knowledge of requirements of miscellaneous circuits, including broadcast and television and ability to assess requirements from the point of view of signalling and transmission limits; interpret traffic studies, allocate new junctions, and, in emergency, make the best possible junction re-arrangements desirable. Line Inspector (£1,088-£1,238), Fourth Division, External Ringwood .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, MelPlant Metropolitan No. 2 Section, Metropolitan bourne, C.l District Works No. 5 Division Duties.—Line Inspector, Service. QUEENSLAND. POSTAL AND TRANSPORT SERVICES DIVISION. Post Offices Branch. Warwick 26.6.58 Quarters.—Nil. Postmaster, Grade 4 (£1,533-£1,668), Third Division .. Gladstone .. 26.6.58 Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 (£1,038-£1,128), Third Divi- Woolloongabba .. 26.6.58 sion Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£948-£l,038), Third Divi- Miles .. .. 26.6.58 sion (two positions) Rockhampton District Allowance.—Rockhampton, Grade I. 26.6.58 Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third or Fourth Division, Home Hill Relieving Staff, Townsville District District Allowance.—Grade II. Postmaster, Grade 5 (£1,723-£1,778), Third Division .. The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Brisbane TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIVISION. Telephone Service Branch. Stenographer (Female), Grade 1 (£604-£644), Fourth Brisbane 26,6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Brisbane Division Qualifications.—Shorthand, at least 80 words per minute. [In lieu of notification appearing in Gazette of 22nd May, 1958.] SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ENGINEERING DIVISION. Group Engineer (£1,443-£1,623), Third Division, External Adelaide 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Adelaide Plant Section, Cable Protection Duties.—Responsible for installation of gas pressure alarm system and cable electrolysis work. Suiwrvising Technician. Grade 6 (£1,518), Fourth Divi- Adelaide .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs. Adelaide sion. Internal Plant Service Section, Metropolitan Division, Wakefield Exchange Duties.—Control and supervision of maintenance of a pre-2,000 and 2,000 type city main exchange. Group Engineer (£1.443-£l,623), Third Division, Country Wallaroo .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs. Adelaide District Works Section, Wallaroo Division Duties.—Under direction of the Divisional Engineer, take charge of a Sub-section of the Division. Qualifications.—Knowledge of external and internal plant desirable. Internal Plant Installation Section. Group Engineer (£l,443-£ 1,623), Third Division, Metro- Adelaide .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Adelaide politan Exchange, Subscribers and P.A.B.X. Installation Division Duties.—Under the direction of a Divisional Engineer, take charge of Exchange Installation Depot. Supervising Technician, Grade 3 (£l,278-£l,338), Fourth Adelaide .. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Adelaide Division, Metropolitan Exchange, Subscribers and P.A.B.X. Installation Division Duties.—To supervise the installation of P.A.B.X. equipment. General Works and Services Section. fCarpenter (£818-£858), Fourth Division, Workshops Adelaide .. 3.7.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Adelaide Division, Carpenter's Shop (two positions) Qualifications.—Applicants should possess a good knowledge of joinery, cabinet making and constructional work, and be capable of operating various woodworking machines. Applicants may be required to undergo an informal trade test. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Pemberton 3.7.58 Quarters.—Five rooms. .. Claremont .. 3.7.58 Postmaster, Grade 2 (£l,038-£ 1,218), Third Division .. Postal Clerk (£455-£918), Third Division .. For references see footnotes on page 1971. The Director, Posts and Telegrpahs, Perth Commonwealth Gazette No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1971 NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES-^continued. Position, Salary Scale and Division. Locality. Applications Close, Forward Applications to. POSTMASTER-GENERAL^S DEPARTMENT—continued. TASMANIA. POSTAL AND TRANSPORT SERVICES DIVISION. Postal Assistant (£398-£858), Fourth Division Swansea 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Hobart Qualifications.—Applicants should have passed a test for advancement as Postal Assistant. Director's Staff. 26.6.58 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Hobart Typist (Female) (Secretarial) (£704-£754), Fourth Divi- Hobart .. sion Duties.—Secretary to the Director. Qualifications.—Shorthand, 100 words per minute. t These positions are open to persons within and without the Commonwealth Service. The provisions of the Re-estabiishment and Employment Act 1945-1953 will apply in the making of appointments to these positions. See preamble to vacancies for eligibility and method of making application. t These positions are open to persons within and without the Commonwealth Service including officers in the Fourth Division of the Commonwealth Service. The provisions of the Re-establishment and Employment Act 1945-1955 will apply in the selection of applicants for temporary employment in these positions. Applicants who are not permanent officers of the Commonwealth Service must be under the age of 65 years. See preamble to vacandes for eligibility and method of making application. § These positions are open to persons within and without the Commonwealth Service including officers of the Fourth Division of the Commonwealth Service. The provisions of the Re-establishment and Employment Act 1945-1955 will apply in the making of appointments to these positions. See ^ preamble to vacanciesfor eligibility and method of making application. 11 At a later date it is expected that the successful applicant may be permanently transferred to Canberra- AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING COMMISSION. PPLICATIONS are invited for the following permanent positions in Sydney and Melbourne:— Technicians (Television). Salary.—£868-£998 per annum. Shift loadings and penalty rates for weekend and holiday work are paid where applicable. Duties.—Under supervision to set up, operate, test and maintain television equipment. Qualifications.—The successful completion of a Technician's examination (Radio, Communications, &c.), or equivalent, with A experience in the operation and maintenance of electronic equipment. Appointees from the Commonwealth Public Service who are permanent officers will preserve their existing rights under the Officers, Rights Declaration Act. Applications in writing, with copies only of references, stating age, nationality, present position and salary and giving full particulars of qualifications and experience, should be forwarded to the Chief Personnel Officer, Box 487, G.P.O., Sydney, except for those applicants resident in Victoria, who should forward their applications to the Manager, Box 1686, G.P.O., Melbourne. Applications close on Friday, 25th July, 1958. NOTICES UNDER THE BANKRUPTCY ACT 1924-1950, Commonwealth of Australia. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1955. The assigned estate of Ian Drummond Lloyd, trading as Ian Lloyd Radio and Electrical Co., 131 Hampshire-road, Sunshine (No. 9 of 1957). OTICE is hereby given that a first dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter. Creditors who have not proved their debts by the 17th day of June, 1958, may be excluded from this dividend. Dated this 2nd day of June, 1958. J. K. HALL, Trustee. 2783 N Commonwealth of Australia. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1955—Part XI. No. 94/57/Xr. of W.A. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A FIRST DIVIDEND. In the matter of the separate estate of William Michael Corey, residing at 10 Canny-road, Bentley, in the State of Western Australia. ^ O T I C E is hereby given that it is intended to declare a first jji dividend in the above matter. Creditors must prove their debt by not later than 27th June, 1958. Dated at Perth, this twelfth day of June, 1958. FINN M. MELSOM, Trustee. Melsom, Wilson & Smith, Chartered Accountants (Aust.), 104 St. George's-terrace, Perth. 2785 Commonwealth of Australia. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1955—Part XI. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A THIRD AND In the Supreme Court of the State of Tasmania, Bankruptcy District FINAL DIVIDEND. of Tasmania. In the matter of Henry George James Abbott, residing at 33 George-road, Geraldton, in the State of Western Australia. SEQUESTRATION ORDERS, FIRST MEETINGS, ETC. OTICE is hereby given that it is intended to declare a third O. 24 of 1958.—Re Walter S. Allan, formerly of 11 Scott-street, Glebe, Hobart, but at present of 258 Park-street, Hobart, panel and final dividend in the above matter. Creditors must prove beater. their debt by not later than 27th June, 1958. Date and time of first meeting of creditors—^Eleven a.m., on Dated at Perth, this twelfth day of June, 1958. 10th June, 1958, at Official Receiver's Office, Hobart. FINN M. MELSOM, Trustee. Date of public examination—^Half-past Ten a.m., on 23rd Melsom, Wilson & Smith, Chartered Accountants (Aust.), 104 June, 1958, at Bankruptcy Court, Hobart. St. George's-terrace, Perth. 2784 No. 25 of 1958.—Re John Scoular McVey, of Chapel-street, Glenorchy, in Tasmania, storekeeper. Date of presentation of petition—21st May, 1958. Commonwealth of Australia. Date of sequestration order—27th May, 1958. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1955. Date and place of first meeting of creditors—Eleven a.m., on In the Federal Court of Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy District of the 5th June, 1958, at Official Receiver's Office, Hobart. State of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Date of public examination—Half-past Ten a.m., on 26th June, 1958, at Bankruptcy Court, Hobart. NOTICE OF ORDER OF DISCHARGE. No. 26 of 1958.—Re Harold Tasman Robinson and Darrell Thome EBTOR'S Name—Gerrit Jan Velthuis. Dwyer, of No. 8, Hunter-street, Stockton, Newcastle, in the State of New South Wales. Date of presentation of petition—17th July, 1957. Address—13 West Market-street, Richmond. Description—Builder. Date of sequestration order—22nd May, 1958. Number—303 of 1955. N.B.—All debts due to the above estates should be paid to me. Date of order—7th May, 1958. Nature of order—Unconditional order of discharge. H. A. RICHARDS, Official Receiver. 2788 L. G. BOHRINGER, Registrar. 18 Elizabeth-street, Hobart, Tasmania, 29th May, 1958. 2789 N D N No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1972 Con Dwealtfa of Australia. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1950—Part XL In the Court of Insolvency of the State of South Australia, Adelaide, exercising Federal Jurisdiction in Bankruptcy (No. 45 of 1957)—In the matter of the Bankruptcy Act 1924-1950 and in the matter of the scheme of arrangement of Kenneth Gordon Munchenberg and Loris Velma Munchenberg, of Victor Harbour, in the State of South Australia, debtors. VrOTICE is hereby given that it is proposed to pay a first iM dividend to all creditors who have proved their claims, on and after the 13th day of June, 1958, at the offices of Eric A. Gibson & Co., 29-32 Epworth Building, Pirie-street, Adelaide. Dated at Adelaide, this 27th day of May, 1958. ERIC A. GIBSON, Trustee. 29-32 Epworth Building, Pirie-street, Adelaide. 2786 Commonwealth Gazette Commonwealth of Australia. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1955. Notice of transfer of funds from assigned estate Janet Lowther Hannel (separate estate) to assigned estate Milton Alfred Hannel and Janet Lowther Hannel (joint estate). ^ O T I C E is hereby given that there being in the hands of the Xl trustee in the above estate a surplus estimated at £233 arising from the separate estate of Janet Lowther Hannel, one of the debtors, and provision having been made for the payment of all known creditors, of such debtor, in full, it is the intention of such trustee, at the expiration of fourteen days from the appearance of this notice in the Commonwealth Gazette, to transfer such surplus to the credit of the joint estate in the said assigned estate. Dated this 30th day of May, 1958, HUNGERFORD, SPOONER & CO., Chartered Accountants (Aust.), agents for the Trustee, 115 Pitt-street, Sydney. 2792 Commonwealth of Australia. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1950—Part XI. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1950. In the Court of Insolvency of the State of South Australia, Adelaide, OF INABILITY TO PAY. exercising Federal Jurisdiction in Bankruptcy (No. 33 of 1957) In the Court of DECLARATION Bankruptcy, District of New South Wales and the in the matter of the Bankruptcy Act 1924-1950 and in the matter Australian Capital Territory (No. of 1958). of the scheme of arrangement of Milton Gordon Penrose and Rhonda Joyce Penrose, formerly trading as " Irene " Frock Salon, ATHOL DARE LARK, residing at Lansdowne-street, Young, Unley-road. Unley, in the State of South Australia, debtors. , in the State of New South Wales hereby declare that I am OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed to pay a first dividend unable to pay my debts. to all creditors who have proved their claims, on and after Dated this 3rd day of June, 1958. the 17th day of June, 1958, at the office of Eric A. Gibson & Co.. Signed by the Debtor in my presence— 29-32 Epworth Building, Pirie-street. Adelaide, r A. D. LARK. Dated at Adelaide this 30th day of May. 1958. R. B. OMANT, Young, ERIC A. GIBSON, Trustee. Filed the 3rd day of June, 1958. 29-32 Epworth Building, Pirie-street, Adelaide. 2787 2793 N I Commonwealth of Australia. NOTICE OF ORDER OF DISCHARGE. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1955—Part XI. In the Federal Court of Bankruptcy. No. 17/58/XI. of Western Australia. EBTOR'S Name—Estclla May Lord. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A FIRST AND FINAL DIVIDEND. Address—205 Hoddle-street, Abbotsford. In the matter of Harold Gabriel Freedman, hardware store proDescription—Motor repairer. prietor, wine licensee and cycle repairer of South-West Highway, Number—97 of 1955. Donnybrook, and residing at Steere-street, Donnybrook, in the District-—Bankruptcy District of the State of Victoria. State of Western Australia. Date of order—24th April, 1958. VrOTICE is hereby given that it is intended to declare a first Nature of order—Discharge suspended until 1st May, 1958. Grounds named in order for refusing absolute order of discharge 1 \ and final dividend in the above matter. Creditors must prove -^Proof of facts (b) and (c) of section 119(7). their debt by not later than 27th June, 1958. Dated at Perth, this twelfth day of June, 1958. FINN M. MELSOM, Trustee, AFPLICATION FOR ORDER OF DISCHARGE. Melsom, Wilson & Smith, Chartered Accountants (Aust.), 104 St. George's-terrace, Perth. 2794 In the Federal Court of Bankruptcy. EBTOR'S Name—Ronald Leslie Payne. Address—Frawleys-road, Hallam. Description—Transport proprietor. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE DTVIDEND, Number—96 of 1957. Assigned estate of Kenneth Delghton Holland, trading as Brenbar District—Bankruptcy District of the State of Victoria. Mfg. Co. of Leichhardt, manufacturer. Date fixed for hearing—22nd July, 1958. ^ O T I C E is hereby given that first and final dividend is intended to Z. HARTSTEIN, Deputy Registrar, 2790 Xl be declared in this estate and will be payable to those creditors who have proved their claims on or before the 23rd June, 1958. MALCOLM CHARLES CARD, Trustee. 107 Elizabeth-street, Sydney, 6th June, 1958. 2795 Commonwealth of Auslraliau The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1955. In the matter of a deed of arrangement (assignment) by Janet COMPULSORY APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE. Lowther Hannel (separate estate). In the Federal Court of Bankruptcy. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A DTVODEND. EBTOR'S Name—Edgar Barratt Clegg, OTICE is hereby given that it is intended to declare a first and final dividend in the above matter. The dividend will be paid Address—369 Toorak-road, South Yarra, formerly 89 Morayonly to those creditors who have proved their claims on or before street, South Melbourne. 13th June, 1958. Creditors who have not proved their claims on Description—^Electrical contractor. or before that date will be excluded from such dividend. Number—164 of 1957. Dated at Sydney, this 3rd day of June. 1958. District—Bankruptcy District of the State of Victoria. Date fixed for hearing—24th July, 1958. HUNGERFORD, SPOONER & CO., Chartered Accountants (Aust.) agents for the Trustee, 115 Pjtt-street, Sydney. 2791 2796 Z. HARTSTEIN, Deputy Registrar. D D N D Commonwealth Gazette 1973 In the Supreme Court of Queensland, Bankruptcy District of Southern Queensland. APPLICATION FOR ORDER OF DISCHARGE. EBTOR'S Name—CoUn Herrick Lansdowne NichoUs. Address—24 Guy-street, Warwick. Description—Electrical mechanic. Number—13 of 1954. Date fixed for hearing—15th July, 1958. D COMPULSORY APPLICATION FOR ORDER OF DISCHARGE. J^EBTOR'S Name—Cecil Barry George. Address—31 Kippen-street, Mackay. Description—Radio and electrical retailer. Number—52 of 1957. Date fixed for hearing—29th July, 1958. 2797 J, T. JOHNSTONE, Registrar in Bankruptcy. Commonwealth of Australia. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1955. NOTICE OF ORDER OF DISCHARGE. In the Federal Court of Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy District of the State of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. DEBTOR'S Name—Cleatus Uemy Carew. Address—93 Casey-street, Bendigo, Victoria. Description—Painter, Number—92 of 1948. Date of order—9th May, 1958. Nature of order—Unconditional order of discharge. L. G. BOHRINGER, Registrar. 2798 D" No. 33.—12th June, 1958 No. 105 of 1958.—Re Lawrence Davis Nykiel, of 35 Murphystreet, Elizabeth Grove, electrical representative, lately residing at Alice Springs, and carrying on business under the style of " Nick Nykiel", as an electrical contractor.—Summary case. Date of presentation of petition and sequestration order— 26th May, 1958. Date of first meeting of creditors—24th June, 1958, at halfpast Ten a.m. Date of public examination—14th August, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m. :Mo. 106 of 1958.—Re Robert Hem-y GilUes, of Monarto South, previously of Freeling, railway ganger. (Summary case.) Date of presentation of petition and sequestration order—26th May, 1958. Date of first meeting of creditors—18th June, 1958, at half-past Two p.m. Date of public examination—14th August, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m. No. 107 of 1958.—Re Joseph Darius Ross, salesman, and Terese Pauline Ross, secretary, both residing at 28A Naldera-street, Glandore, lately carrying on business at Port Augusta under the style of " Augusta Crash Repairs ". Dale of presentation of petition and sequestration order— 28th May, 1958. Date first meeting of creditors—25th June, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m. Date of public examination—14th August, 1958, at Eleven a.m. No. 108 of 1958.—Re Andre Brian Davey, of Eudunda, previously residing at 272 Glen Osmond-road, Fullarton Estate, railway fireman. (Summary case.) Date of presentation of petition and sequestration order—28th May, 1958. Date of first meeting of creditors—26th June, 1958, at Eleven a.m. Date of public examination—20th August, 1958, at 2.30 p.m. No. 109 of 1958.—Re William Raymond Gardner-Fluck, of 267 Esplanade, Henley Beach, taxi driver, previously of 68 Weaverstreet, Woodlands Park. Date of presentation of petition and sequestration order— 29th May, 1958. Date of first meeting of creditors—23rd June, 1958, at halfpast Two p.m. Date of public examination—21st August, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m. No. n o of 1958.—Re Hans Paul Erich Gunther, of 61 Murraystreet, Albert Park, fitter. (Summary case.) Date of presentation of petition—15th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—30th May, 1958. Date of first meeting of creditors—19th June, 1958, at half-past Two p.m. Date of public examination—21st August, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m. Ihe above meetings, unless otherwise shown, will be held at my office and examinations at Bankruptcy Courtroom, Adelaide. All debts due to the above estates are payable to me. J. E. TREGENZA, Official Receiver. 47 Waymouth-street, Adelaide, 2nd June, 1958. 2800 NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF SEPARATE ESTATE TO JOINT ESTATE. In the Supreme Court of Queensland, TownsviUe, exercising Federal Jurisdiction in Bankruptcy. No. 8 of 1958.—Ian William Irving Graham, of No. 7 Robinroad, Longreach, in the State of Queensland, lately insurance inspector, but now of no known occupation, and Dulde Melba Graham, his wife, lately of No. 7 Robin-road, Longreach, aforesaid, but at present at Fletcherview Station, near Charters Towers, in the said State, both formerly of Marlow Station, near Mingela, in the said State, where they carried on business of graziers under the firm name of " Marlow Pastoral Company Separate estate of Dulcie Melba Graham. ^ O T I C E is hereby given that there being in the hands of the 1 \ trustee in the above bankruptcy a surplus estimated at £82, arising from the separate estate of Dulcie Melba Graham, and there being no separate creditors of this bankrupt, it is the intention of the trustee at the expiration of seven days from the appearance of this notice in the Commonwealth Gazette, to transfer such surplus to the credit of the joint estate in the said bankruptcy. In the Court of Insolvency of the State of South Australia, Adelaide, exercising Federal Jurisdiction in Bankruptcy. A. W. BRASNETT, Official Receiver. "l^OTICE is hereby given that the proceedings in the following A.W.C. Building, Cleveland-street, Townsville, 3rd June, 1958. 2799 ]}i estate have been amended to read— "No. 72 of 1958.—WilUam Adamson Ellis^awthorpe, of 77 Winchester-street, Malvern, barman, formerly fencing contractor J. E. TREGENZA, Official Receiver. In the Court of Insolvency of the State of South Australia, 47 Waymouth-street, Adelaide, 2nd June, 1958. 2801 Adelaide, exercising Federal Jurisdiction in Bankruptcy. T^O. 79 of 1958.—Re Lawrence William Janeway, of Moorak, JS Mount Gambier, carpenter, lately residing and carrying on business as a cabinet maker at 92 Crouch-street, Mount Gambier. SEQUESTRATION ORDERS, FIRST MEETINGS AND PUBLIC —Summary Case. EXAMINATIONS. Date of first meeting of creditors and public examination— 11 th June, 1958, at Ten a.m., at local court, Mount In the Supreme Court of Queensland, Bankruptcy District of Gambier. Southern Queensland. No. 80 of 1958.—Re Roy Louis Bull, of Lucindale, railway ganger, O. 49 of 1958.—Re Elwin Arthur Browning and Elsie II«n« previously of Penola, carrier.—Summary case. Browning, his wife, both of 36 Esplanade, Urangan. Date of first meeting of creditors and public examinationDate of presentation of petition—27th May, 1958. nth June, 1958, at Ten a.m., at local court. Mount Gambier. Date of sequestration order—29th May, 1958. No. 92 of 1958,—Re B. G. Skipworth, of Karkoo. Note.—All debts due to the estate should be paid to me. Date of public examination—23rd June, 1958, at half-past No. 50 of 1958.—Re Ronald Virginal Wagner, of Brittania-avenue, Ten a.m., at local court, Port Lincoln. Broadbeach, and lately of "Miegunyah", Birt-avenue, Surfers No. 104 of 1958.—Re Kenneth Desmond Lewis, of 26 ShepherdsonParadise, bookmaker. road. Mount Gambier, timekeeper, lately residing at Salt Creek, Date of presentation of petition—24th April, 1958. Keith, Meningie and Culburra.—Summary case. Date of sequestration order—29th May, 1958. Date of public examination—17th June, 1958, at Two p.m., at Note.—All debts due to the estate should be paid to me. local court, Mount Gambier. N No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1974 No. 39 of 1958.—Re Leslie Eric Stanton, of Crego-road, Castle Hill, near Sydney, New South Wales, and lately carrying on business under the firm name of Total Services at corner of George and Herschell streets, Brisbane, and East Brisbane, and at Ipswich, Surfers Paradise and Toowoomba, and as a partner in the firm of Total Services with his wife Zelie Marea Stanton at 77A Argyle-street and 17 Macquarie-street, Parramatta, New South Wales, Crego-road, Castle Hill, near Sydney, 13 Belmore-street, Burwood, Sydney, 22 Church-street and Hunter House, Hunterstreet, Newcastle, and at Murwillumbah, Coffs Harbour and Lismore, New South Wales, and at 104 Wellington-parade, East Melbourne, Victoria. Date and place of first meeting of creditors—27th June, 1958, at Eleven a.m., at the office of Official Receiver, Brisbane. Date and place of public examination—30th July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at Bankruptcy Court, Commonwealth Offices, Brisbane. No. 32 of 1958.—Re Charles Bell, trading under the firm name or style of Chas. Bell Engineering, Inverell, New South Wales. Date and place of public examination—12th June, 1958, at half-past Eleven a.m., at Bankruptcy Court, Commonwealth Offices, Brisbane. No. 36 of 1958.—Re R. Stovin, of Chief Engineers Department, Southern District Railway, Mayne Junction, Brisbane, presently of 652 Ann-street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane. Date and place of first meeting of creditors—19th June, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at the office of Official Receiver, Brisbane. INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND. No. 96 of 1955.—Re Lindsay Andrew Montgomery, of 24 Aberleigh-road, Herston, Brisbane.—Summary case. (Second and final dividend.) No. 50 of 1957.—Re WiUiam Robert Peachey, trading as Peachey's Drapery Store, of Stanthorpe. (First dividend.) A dividend as above is intended to be declared in the above two estates. Creditors who have not lodged their proofs of debt with me on or before 24th June, 1958, will be excluded from the dividend. L. T. STAPLETON, Official Receiver. Commonwealth Offices, Adelaide-street, Brisbane, 3rd June, 1958. 2802 In the Federal Court of Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy District of the State of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. SEQUESTRATION ORDERS, FIRST MEETINGS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. v r o . 195 of 1958.—Re Thomas George Moy, of 17 River-road, -Ll Rydalmere, carrier. Date of presentation of petition—4th February, 1958. Date of sequestration order—26th May, 1958. No. 196 of 1958.—Re George WUliam Dickinson, of 21 Bridgestreet, Epping, builder. Date of presentation of petition—29th May, 1958. Date of sequestration order—29th May, 1958. No. 197 of 1958.—Re Guiseppe Attana, of 11 Glanville-road, Pagewood. Date of presentation of petition—17th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—29th May, 1958. No. 198 of 1958.—Re Cuthbert Theodore Ferguson, of Coonambleroad, Gulargambone, omnibus proprietor. Date of presentation of petition—3rd April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—29th May, 1958. No. 199 of 1958.—Re AUce Verna Hurley, of Penshurst-avenue, Neutral Bay. Date of presentation of petition—3rd April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—29th May, 1958. No. 200 of 1958.—Re H. G. Shade, of 26 Vista>street, Sans Souci. Date of presentation of petition—26th February, 1958. Date of sequestration order—29th May, 1958. No. 201 of 1958 —Re Walter Robert Elliott Peadon, Bombala. formerly hotel proprietor. Date of presentation of petition—11th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—29th May, 1958. No. 202 of 1958.—Re George Arthur Matthews, of 7 Apsleyavenue, Padstow, taxi cab driver. Date of presentation of petition—14th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—29th May, 1958. No. 203 of 1958.—Re A. M. Gale, of 15 Lavender-street, Bellambi. Date of presentation of petition—14th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—29th May, 1958. No. 204 of 1958.—Re C. Raebum, of Flat 3, 52 Blair-street, North Bondi. Date of presentation of petition—16th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—29th May, 1958. Commonwealth Gazette No. 205 of 1958.—Re Clifford Noel Bennett, of Morton-street, East Moree, formerly trading as "The Mehi Service Station". Date of presentation of petition—30th May, 1958. Date of sequestration order—30th May, 1958. No. 206 of 1958.—Re Arthur Morrison Cowan (deceased), of 53 Edward-street, Black Rock, City of Sandringham, Victoria, salesman. Date of presentation of petition—11th April, 1958. Date of administration order 30th May, 1958. No. 207 of 1958.—Re Edward Henry Bishop (deceased), of Petersham, contractor. Date of presentation of petition—16th April, 1958. Date of administration order—30th May, 1958. No. 208 of 1958.—Re Edward Henry Crane, of Arnott-street, Laurieton, timber getter. Date of presentation of petition—10th April, 1958, Date of sequestration order—30th May, 1958. No. 209 of 1958.—Re A. W. C. Atkinson, of Gladstone-road, Leura, optometrist. Date of presentation of petition—12th February, 1958. Date of sequestration order-30th May, 1958. No. 210 of 1958.—Re Cyril Claude Hancock, of 5 Cedric-street, Junee, shearing contractor. Date of presentation of petition—31st January, 1958. Date of sequestration order—30th May, 1958. No. 211 of 1958.—Re Edward Stringer, of Wybong-road, Muswellbrook, carrier. Date of presentation of petition—11th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—30th May, 1958. No. 212 of 1958.—Re Sylvester Frank Rudd, of 15 Salford-street, Goulburn, master plasterer. Date of presentation of petition—11th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—30th May, 1958. No. 213 of 1958.—Re WaUace Samuel Mason, of 9 Cordeaux-street, Mount Kembla, trading as " Mason Studios Date of presentation of petition—15th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—30th May, 1958. No. 214 of 1958.—Re Walter Richard Pym, of Flat 1, Park-lane Mansions, Waratah-street, Rushcutters Bay. Date of presentation of petition—16th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—30th May, 1958. No. 215 of 1958.—Re R. W. Hodgson, of 1 Headlands-avenue, Austinmer, engineer. Date of presentation of petition—6th February, 1958. Date of sequestration order—30th May, 1958. No. 216 of 1958.—Re George Owen Garvin, of Ophir-road, Orange, garage proprietor. Date of presentation of petition—30th May, 1958. Date of sequestration order—30th May, 1958. No. 217 of 1958.—Re Neal McLachlan and Beryl Jean McLachlan, of 121 Burke-street, Glen Innes, hotel proprietors. Date of presentation of petition—27th May, 1958. Date of sequestration order—30th May, 1958. No. 218 of 1958.—Re Hans Muskens, of Murray-street, Tumbarumba, watchmaker. Date of presentation of petition—2nd June, 1958. Date of sequestration order—2nd June, 1958. No. 159 of 1955.—Re Arthur Edward Sansom, of Cashmore-street, Evans Head.—Summary case. Date of public examination—10th July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at Bankruptcy Court, Sydney. No. 149 of 1958.—Re William Roy Chee, of 15 Kendall-street, Tarrawanna, carrier.—Summary case. Date of first meeting of creditors—23rd July, 1958, at half-past Nine a.m., at Court House, Bulli. Date of public examination—23rd July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at Court House, Bulli. No. 190 of 1958.—Re Kevin John Galvin, of 10 Norfolk-street, Berkeley.—Summary case. Date of first meeting of creditors—23rd July, 1958, at a quarter to Ten a.m., at Court House, Bulli. Date of public examination—23rd July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at Court House, Bulli. No. 174 of 1958 —Re Douglas Hugh Hawthorne Hopper, of 15 Duke-street, Woonona, labourer.—Summary case. Date of first meeting of creditors—23rd July, 1958, at Ten a.m., at Court House, Bulli. Date of public examination.—23rd July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at Court House, Bulli. No. 187 of 1958.—Re Allan William Handsaker, of Glenthorne, Taree, sharefarmer.—Summary case. Date of first meeting of creditors—17th June, 1958, at Ten a.m., at Court House, Taree. Date of public examination—7th July, 1958, at Ten a.m., at Court House, Taree. Commonwealth Gazette 1975 No. 216 of 1958.~Re George Owen Garvin, of Ophir-road, Orange, garage proprietor.—Summary case. Date of first meeting of creditors—25th June, 1958, at Ten a.m., at Court House, Orange. Date of public examination—15th July, 1958, at Ten a.m., at Court House, Orange. No. 196 of 1958.—Re George William Dickinson, of 21 Bridgestreet, Epping.—Summary case. Date of first meeting of creditors—23rd June, 1958, at half-past Eleven a.m., at Official Receiver's Office, Sydney. Date of public examination—21st July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at Bankruptcy Court, Sydney. No. 140 of 1958.—Re Ken McGovem, c/o Mrs. C. R. Niven, 48 Kings-road, Vaucluse.—Summary case. Date of first meeting of creditors—24th June, 1958, at halfpast Eleven a.m., at Official Receiver's Office, Sydney. Date of public examination—8th July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at Bankruptcy Court, Sydney. No. 205 of 1958.—Re Clifford Noel Bennett, of Morton-street, East Moree, formerly trading as " The Mehi Service Station ".— Summary case. Date of first meeting of creditors—25th June, 1958, at halfpast Eleven a.m., at Official Receiver's Office, Sydney. Date of public examination—21st July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at Bankruptcy Court, Sydney. No. 192 of 1958.—Re David Leonard Jones, of 55 Oxford-street, Paddington, hotel proprietor. Date of first meeting of creditors—24th June, 1958, at halfpast Eleven a.m., at Official Receiver's Office, Sydney. Date of public examination—21st July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at Bankruptcy Court, Sydney. No. 217 of 1958.—Re Beryl Jean McLachlan and Neat McLachian, of 121 Burke-street, Glen Innes, hotel proprietors. Date of first meeting of creditors—19th June, 1958, at Ten a.m., at Court House Murwillumbah. Date of public examination—17th July, 1958, at Ten a.m., ai Court House, Murwillumbah. All debts due to the above estates should be paid to me. S. T. JAQUES, Official Receiver. 119 Phillip-street, Sydney. 2803 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND. No. 16 of 1949.—Re Robert White Innes, of Cawongla, via Kyogle. (Second and final.) No. 55 of 1954.—Re Ttiomas Patrick James Mooney, of Orchardstreet, Taralga, carrying on business at that address. (First and final.) No. 361 of 1956.—Re R. G. Stevenson, of 206 Macquarie-street, Dubbo, (First and final.) No. 198 of 1956.—Re Alan Percy Griffith, of 53 Beecroft-road, Epping, butcher. (First and final.) No. 124 of 1957.—Re Rupert William Baiter, of Borambil Flats, Bower-street, Manly, company officer. (First and final.) No. 35 of 1951.—Re Alan Percival FelUngham, of 30 The Mall, South Hurstville, painter and contractor. (First and final.) No. 125 of 1954.—Re CoUn St John, residing at 230 Victoriaavenue, Chatswood, formerly carrying on business at 780 Pacific Highway, Gordon, glass blower. (First and final.) IVIDENDS as above are intended to be declared in the above estates. Creditors who have not lodged proofs of debt with me on or before 26th June, 1958, will be excluded from dividend. S. T. JAQUES, Official Receiver. 119 Phillip-street, Sydney, 4th June, 1958. 2804 D No. 33.—12tli June, 1958 Commonwealth of Australia. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1955. In the matter of a Deed of Arrangement (Assignment) by Milton Alfred Hannel and Janet Lowther Hannel (trading as "Hilltop Service Station", Newbridge-road, Moorebank). NOTICE OF DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND. OTICE is hereby given that a First Dividend has been declared in the above-mentioned matter, and that dividend orders may be obtained at this office from 30th May, 1958, or any subsequent week day between the bourse of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Dated at Sydney this 6th day of June, 1958. HUNGERFORD, SPOONER & CO., Agents for the Trustee, 115 Pitt-street, Sydney. 2806 N Commonwealth of Australia. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1955. ^ O T I C E is hereby given that a Sixth Dividend is intended to be IS declared in the undermentioned estate. Creditors who have not proved their debts by the 27th Day of June, 1958, will be excluded. Martin Leslie Whelan and Marion Whelan of Dunkeld, storekeepers (trading as " M. L. & M. Whelan "). Assigned 23rd day of October, 1952. No. 21 of 1952. Dated this 5th day of June, 1958. E. R. SMAIL, Trustee. Kennedy, Smail & Middlemiss, 31 Queen-street, Melbourne. 2807 In the Supreme Court of Western Australia exercising Federal Jurisdiction in Bankruptcy. SEQUESTRATION ORDERS, FIRST MEETINGS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. ^ O . 55 of 1958.—Re John Francis Douglas Wragg, of Shannon l l River Mill, farmer. Date of petition.—29th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order.—27th May, 1958. No. 57 of 1958.—Re Roy Mervyn Meharry, late of Carnarvon, haulage contractor, deceased. Date of petition.—25th February, 1958. Date of administration order.—27th May, 1958. No. 46 of 1958.—Re WilUam Edward Holroyd, of Wilfred-road, Canning Vale, wood contractor. Date and place of first meeting of creditors.—1st July, 1958, at half-past Two p.m. at Official Receiver's Office, Perth. Date and place of public examination.—2nd July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at the Court Room, Adelaide-terrace, Perth. No. 25 of 1958.—Re George Everton Robinson, of Ambergate, near Busselton, farmer, lately residing at Armadale. Date and place of public examination.—16th July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at the Court Room, Adelaide-terrace, Perth. No. 48 of 1958.—Re Thomas Henry LansdeU, of 56 Muriel-road, Jankadot, unemployed, lately carrying on a stone quarry business at James-street, Hamilton Hill. Date and place of first meeting of creditors.—3rd July, 1958, at half-past Two p.m. at Official Receiver's Office, Perth. Date and place of public examination.—4th July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m. at the Court Room, Adelaide-terrace, Perth. No. 58 of 1958.—Re Leonard Leighton, of 169 London-street, Osborne Park. Date of petition.—13th January, 1958. Date of sequestration order.—11th March, 1958. No. 59 of 1958.—Re Frederick Salter, of 22 Geddes-street, Victoria Park, bricklayer, lately residing at Bailey-road, Glen Forrest. Date of petition.—29th May, 1958. Date of sequestration order.—30th May, 1958. Date and place of first meeting of creditors.—8th July, 1958, at half-past p.m. at the Official Receiver's Office, Perth. Date and place of public examination.—9th July, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m. at the Court Room, Adelaide-terrace, Perth. F. J. BENISON, Acting Official Receiver. Manufacturers' Building, 212 Adelaide-terrace, Perth. 2811 Commonwealth of Australia. The Bankruptcy. Act 1924-1955. In the matter of a deed of arrangement (assignment) by Ernest Percy Manseli and Joyce Edna Mansell, trading as " E.P. & J.E. Mansell", general storekeepers, Dalgety. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A DIVIDEND. OTICE is hereby given that it is intended to declare a first dividend in the above matter. The dividend will be paid only In the Supreme Court of the State of Tasmania (No. 24 of 1958), Bankruptcy District of Tasmania.—Re Walter S. Allan. to those creditors who have proved their claims on or before 18th June, 1958. Creditors who have not proved their claims on or NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF PROCEEDINGS. before that date will be excluded from such dividend. VrOTICE is given that the proceedings in this matter have been Dated at Sydney this fourth day of June, 1958. l l amended to read, Walter Stanley Allan. H R. RICHARDS. Official Receiver. HUNGERFORD, SPOONER & CO., Agents for the Trustee, 115 Pitt-street, Sydney. 2805 18 Elizabeth-street, Hobart, Tasmania. 2813 N No. 33.—12th June, 1958 1976 In the Supreme Court of Western Australia exercising Federal Jurisdiction in Bankruptcy. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND. No. 5 of 1939.—Re Lawrence Frederick Quelch, of 36 Stationroad, East Fremantle, and carrying on business at 92 High-street, Fremantle, salesman. (Tenth.) No. 5 of 1944.—Re Thomas Reginald Barlow (deceased), formerly of Narembeen, storekeeper. (Fourth and final.) IVIDENDS as above are to be declared in these estates. Creditors who have not proved their debts by the 26th day of June, 1958, will be excluded from dividend. F. J. BENISON, Acting Official Receiver. Manufacturer's Building, 212 Adelaide-terrace, Perth. 2812 D In the Federal Court of Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy District of the State of Victoria. SEQUESTRATION ORDERS AND FIRST MEETINGS. ^ O . 150 of 1958.—Re F. J. Kainey, of 60 Lincoln-road, EssenXi don, Clerk.—Summary case. Date of petition—28th May, 1958. Date of sequestration order—28th May, 1958. Date and place of first meeting of creditors—13th June, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at Official Receiver's Office, Melbourne. No. 145 of 1958.—Re Hugh McBean Stewart, of " Merrilyn Point Lonsdale. Date and place of first meeting of creditors—13th June, 1958, at half-past Eleven a.m., at Official Receiver's Office, Melbourne. No. 151 of 1958.—Re Raymond Arnaud, of 155 Rankins-road, Kensington, engine cleaner, lately residing at 1183 Hoddle-street, East Melbourne, and lately carrying on business at the said addresses in partnership with Andre Picoulean and Elis Anthonoz, as cartage contractor under the name " Raymond's Cartage Contratctors —Summary case. Date of petition—28th May, 1958. Date of sequestration order—29th May, 1958. Date and place of first meeting of creditors—17th June, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at Official Receiver's Office, Melbourne. No. 93 of 1958—Re Gerald Bernard McShanag, of 25 Mantell street, Moonee Ponds, cartage contractor. Date and place of first meeting of creditors—18th June, 1958, at half-past Ten a.m., at Official Receiver's Office, Melbourne. No. 154 of 1958.—Re Albert Van Leeuwen, of 44 Stud-road, Dandenong. Date of petition—5th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—3rd June, 1958. No. 146 of 1958.—Re Gordon Kemp, of Canterbury-road, Forest Hill, drainer.—Summary case. Date and place of first meeting of creditors—17th June, 1958, at half-past Eleven a.m., at Official Receiver's Office, Melbourne, No. 153 of 1958,—Re Norah Hazel Kelly, of 32A EUzabeth-street, Geelong West, and lately carrying on business at 32A Elizabethstreet, Geelong West, as aforesaid shopkeeper. Date of petition—13th April, 1958. Date of sequestration order—2nd June, 1958. Note,—^AII debts due to the above estates should be paid to me. V. A. PUGH, Official Receiver. 450 Law Courts-place, Melbourne, 4th June, 1958. 2814 In the Federal Court of Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy District of the State of Victoria. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND. No. 93 of 1958.—Re Gerald Bernard McShanag, of 90 McKeanstreet, Clifton Hill, in the State of Victoria, cartage contractor. (First and final dividend.) No. 143 of 1958.—Re Bertram James Kemp, of Cohuna, in the State of Victoria, service station proprietor. (First and final dividend.) No. 16 of 1953,—Re LesUe Baden Edwards, of 133 Main-street, Stawell, unemployed, formerly carrying on business at 9 Sloanestreet, Stawell, in partnership with Ernest Cecil Charles Barnett, as a garage proprietors under the name of Edwards and Barnett. (First and final dividend.) Commonwealth Gazette No. 286 of 1957.—Re Thomas Williamson, of 11 Hayes-street, Ironbark, Bendigo, carrying on business at 13 Hayes-street, Ironbark, Bendigo, as a case manufacturer. (First and final dividend.) No. 2 of 1957.—Re Dudley Verdun Brodle, of 13 Cherry-grove, Doveton, Dandenong, cartage contractor, formerly carrying on business at Patchewollock, as a storekeeper. (First and final dividend.) No. 167 of 1957.—Re Charles William De Prada, of Church-street, Keilor, motor mechanic, lately residing at 6 Wordsworth-street, Moonee Ponds, and formerly carrying on business at Kennedystreet, Keilor, as a motor mechanic under the name of " Keilor Auto Repairs ". (First and final dividend.) No. 93 of 1955 —Aubrey Lewis Jones, late of Lake Boga, in the State of Victoria, and now care of H. E. Cain Motors, Haywoodroad, Portland, in the State of Victoria, mechanic. (Second dividend.) No. 83 of 1955.—Re Gunars Normunds Novackis, trading as Nova Constructions, of 61 Cooloongatta-road, Camberwell, in the State of Victoria. (Second dividend.) DIVIDEND as above is intended to be declared in these estates. Creditors who have not lodged their proof of debt with me on or before the 26lh day of June, 1958, will be excluded from this dividend. V. A. PUGH, Official Receiver. 450 Law Courts-place, Melbourne, 4th June, 1958. 2815 A PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS. OPPERS COMPANY, INC., the patentee of Australian Letters Patent No. 155,530 relating to " A process for the production of a valuable gas comprising carbon monoxide and h y d r o g e n i s prepared to meet trade and public requirements for the invention pursuant to Part XII. of the Patents Act. EDWD. WATERS & SONS, Fellows of the Institute of Patent Attorneys, of Australia, of 422-428 Collins-street, Melbourne and at 33 York-street, Sydney. 2808 K COMBUSTION (HOLDINGS) LIMITED, the patentee of Australian Letters Patent No. 133,954 relating Ito NTERNATIONAL " A process for protecting the heating surfaces of boiler and superheater tubes and economisers' is prepared to meet trade and public requirements for the invention pursuant to Part XII. of the Patents Act. EDWD, WATERS & SONS, Fellows of the Institute of Patent Attorneys, of Australia, of 422-428 Collins-street, Melbourne and at 33 York-street, Sydney. 2809 TANDARD RAILWAY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, the patentee of Australian Letters Patent No. S128,917 relating to "Car coupler mechanism". No. 129,930 relating to Coupler operating mechanism No. 130,870 relating to "Car coupler supports and positioning device" and No. 131,199 relating to " Improvements in railway car roofs" is prepared to meet trade and public requirements for the invention pursuant to Part XII. of the Patents Act. EDWD. WATERS & SONS, Fellows of the Institute of Patent Attorneys, of Australia, of 422-428 Collins-street, Melbourne and at 33 York-street, Sydney. 2810 CONTENTS. Proclamations ,. Ordinances Regulations Customs—By-laws, Ac... Statements and notifications Expenditure, purchases, &c. Land and Property Tenders—All Departments Appointments, &c., other than Public Service and Defence Defence—Staff changes .. Public Service— Staff changes ,. Examinations.. Examination results Vacancies Vacancies, other than Pubh'c Service and Defence .. Bankruptcy Notices Private advertisements .. Printed and Published for the GOVERNMENT of the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA by A. J. ARTHUR, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra. Page. 1901 1901 1901 1902 1908 1908 1908 1911 1920 1921 1930 1956 1957 1961 1971 1971 1976