2015 July/August - Sun Newsletter


2015 July/August - Sun Newsletter
Sun Newsletter
City of West Melbourne’s Community Publication
July / August 2015
Public Invited to City Council Hearings to
Consider Proposed Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget
The West Melbourne City Council will hold two public hearings to consider adoption of the City’s annual budget
for the upcoming 2015-2016 fiscal
year that starts October 1, 2015. The
public hearing dates are Thursday
September 10, 2015, and Tuesday
September 22, 2015. The hearings
will be held in the Judge T. Mitchell
Barlow Jr. Council Chamber, 2285
Minton Road. Both hearings will start
at 6:30 p.m. or as soon as the order of
the Council agenda provides for the
consideration of the budget.
The City Manager’s proposed budget
maintains general operating cost discipline, while continuing the City’s
Council’s continued commitment to
preventative maintenance and in constructing needed capital improvements. The City of West Melbourne
consistently has among one of the
lowest rates of municipal expenditures
per capita among similar sized Florida
cities. The chart on the right shows
total municipal per capita expenditures
for the latest year available for all Florida cities between 10,000 and 25,000
in population. In that year, West Melbourne had the eighth lowest rate of
expenditures of seventy-two cities.
West Melbourne’s Veterans Memorial Complex
11:30am - 12:15pm, November 11, 2014
A summary slide show describing
highlights of the City’s proposed 20152016 budget may be found on the
City’s web site at
“Creating New Horizons”
City of West Melbourne
Heritage Day
Saturday, September 26, 2015
West Melbourne Police
The fun, family event features craft booths, children’s
games and food. Activities will get underway at 10:00
a.m. and run through 3:00 p.m. We are currently accepting vendor applications. Interested persons are encouraged to contact the Recreation Department at 837-7779
for additional information and participation forms.
From 6 to 9 pm on August 4th, residents in neighborhoods throughout
West Melbourne and across the nation are asked to lock their doors, turn
on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and police
for the 32nd Annual National Night
Please contact Detective Evelyn Moyer at emoyer@westmelbourne.org or
723-9673 if your neighborhood is
planning any activities.
City Council members will be visiting
the neighborhoods that have planned
The Sun Newsletter
Published by the City of West Melbourne
Scott Morgan, City Manager 837-7771
Write to:
City Hall
2240 Minton Road
West Melbourne, FL 32904
Phone: 727-7700
Email: info@westmelbourne.org
Website: www.westmelbourne.org
West Melbourne Public Works Department welcomes Michael Zukowski as a
new member of the team.
Spanish American Veterans Association present the City of
West Melbourne with memorial plaques, honoring those
who have served, to be displayed at the Veterans Memorial
Hurricane Season Information
Brevard County Emergency Management has an excellent website with helpful information, including advance sign ups for possible emergency shelters for
those with extensive medical needs. The website is:
West Melbourne would like to welcome two new
Police Officers, Ahmad Abu Soud and Danielle Quinn.
City Council
Your City Council meets twice a month to discuss important issues impacting the community. Many
local issues are studied and decisions are made by your elected officials to make this a better community. Here are a few decisions that your Council has made on behalf of the citizens of West Melbourne in the last few months:
Welcomed Public Works Maintenance worker Michael Zukowski, Police Officers Danielle Quinn and Ahmad Abu Soud.
Presented the second quarter Beautification Award to McDonald’s located at 445 S. Wickham Road.
Issued Proclamations declaring May 9, 2015 as “Letter Carriers Food Drive Day” and June 1 – 5, 2015 as
Code Enforcement Officers’ Appreciation Week.
Approved a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment removing the Palm Bay Road Overlay on
DR Horton’s Minton Cove property.
Adopted an Ordinance regarding the use of the City of West Melbourne municipal seal.
Appointed Bernard Letzinger of Rodizio Grill to the Business Advisory Board.
Received the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Fiscal Year ended September 30,
Awarded the bid for the Cannova Park CDBG Neighborhood Waterline Replacement project in the amount
of $867,169.
Approved the purchase of two 2015 F-150 ½ ton Ford pickup trucks for the Public Works Department.
Approved the purchase of one 2015 F-250 ¾ ton Ford pickup with utility body for the Water Department.
Approved approximately 860 feet of storm sewer pipe lining in the amount of $92,102.
Approved the lining of approximately 3,100 feet of sanitary sewer pipe on U.S. 192, Frederick Avenue and
Martin Lane in the amount of $129,254.
Approved the repair of five sewer manholes on U.S. 192 in the amount of $16,847.
Accepted from Brevard County certain properties in the vicinity of the Lowe’s at New Haven Avenue and
Minton Road.
Entered into an agreement with Lowe’s Home Centers, LLC for the use of a surplus parcel as part of the
redevelopment of the shopping center.
Council Member John “Coach” Tice received a Certificate of Completion for the Elected Municipal Officials
III: Leadership Challenge.
Accepted the second quarter 2014-2015 Budget Status report.
Approved a Development Agreement for Buena Vida.
Accepted gifts from the Spanish American Veterans Association to be displayed at the Veterans Memorial
Approved a future land use designation and rezoned for a new skilled nursing development by Buena Vida
at the corner of Doherty Drive and New Haven Avenue.
Accepted the dedication of water and sewer facilities associated with Hammock Landing Phase II as well
as roadway turn lane improvement on Norfolk Parkway.
Accepted a revision to the County’s Max Rodes Park water easement.
Approved an agreement in the amount of $92,280 for engineering design services for the upgrade of the
reuse production system.
Approved a project engineer for the U.S. 192 Decorative Street Lighting design.
Approved an agreement with Florida Department of Transportation accepting State funding in the amount
of $165,384 to assist in installing decorative street lighting along U.S. 192 from just west of I-95 to Dike
Approved entering into an agreement with Florida Power and Light to install additional street lights in the
Westerwold and Mona Park neighborhoods (Carolina and Shannon streets).
Awarded a contract in the amount of $19,899. for constructing a gateway sign at the intersection of Dairy
Road and New Haven Avenue.
Approved the final plat for Fell Road Parkside Estates.
Adopted a Resolution approving the City’s employees’ health insurance plan for the period of August 1,
2015 through July 31, 2016.
Approved the removal of fats, oils and grease accumulation in Digester #2 in the amount of $105,960.
Awarded the construction bid in the amount of $1,338,175 for the new Public Works Building.
Approved a Resolution creating a new classification of Deputy City Manager/Director of Engineering.
“Creating New Horizons”
Honoring Mary B. Hewitt
Hewitt passed
from this life
on May 16th.
She was 75
years old. Mary
was born in
Mississippi on
June 16, 1939.
She grew up in
Mississippi but
moved to Florida in 1958 where she met and married Russell
Hewitt. They bought a house in West Melbourne
around 1962 in Laila Park and she resided there
until her death. She was originally a homemaker
but became involved in childrens education with
the Title 1 program at Meadowlane Elementary.
This inspired her to finish her college education
which she did by getting her Masters degree from
Rollins College. Mary then became a classroom
teacher, first at Harbor City Elementary and then
University Park Elementary.
She retired from
teaching after 33 years. After she retired from
teaching, Mary became involved/active on several
citizens committees for the City of West Melbourne. She was recognized by the mayor and city
council in 2014 for her community service. She
also wrote articles that were published in the City
of West Melbourne newsletter about local history
and local citizens, which she thoroughly enjoyed
researching and writing.
Mary is survived by her two children, Shari Hewitt
Whitman and Russell (Rusty) B Hewitt; her granddaughter Audra Hewitt Adams; her two great
grandchildren Tyson and Alivia Adams; her sons in
law Robert (Bob) Whitman and Jason Adams; a
sister Lucy Branch Hodges and a brother Charles
"Bo" Branch. She was a wonderful wife, mother,
grandmother and sister, and a cherished friend to
many. She loved all very much and she was loved
very much. Mary Hewitt will be missed terribly.
She taught hundreds of Brevard County school
children, many lessons for which we will all be
eternally grateful.
Mary requested no funeral service upon her passing. In lieu of flowers, if you so desire, you can
make a donation to the City of West Melbourne
Parks and Recreation Department, and the money
will be used to erect a garden bench memorial for
her in the new West Melbourne Community Park
currently under construction.
(Back L-R) Deputy Mayor Bill Mettrick,
Council Members Pat Bentley, Barbara Smith, Stephany Eley.
(Front L-R) Council Member Andrea Young, Mayor Hal J. Rose,
Council Member John “Coach” Tice.
West Melbourne City Council
Mayor Hal J. Rose
Deputy Mayor Bill Mettrick
Barbara Smith
Pat Bentley
John Tice
Stephany Eley
Andrea Young
City Calendar
3 Independence Day Observed - City Hall closed
8 West Melbourne Business Association - 11:30 am
8 Parks & Recreation Advisory Board - 6:00 pm
14 Planning and Zoning Board - 6:30 pm
16 Code Enforcement Board - 5:30 pm
20 Citizens Action Committee - 6:30 pm
21 City Council Meeting - 6:30 pm
23 Board of Adjustment - 7:00 pm
1 City Council Interviews of City Attorney
Candidates - 2:30 pm
11 Planning and Zoning Board - 6:30 pm
12 West Melbourne Business Association - 11:30 am
17 Citizens Action Committee - 6:30 pm
18 City Council Meeting - 6:30 pm
20 Code Enforcement Board - 5:30 pm
24 Business Advisory Board - 6:30 pm
27 Board of Adjustment - 7:00 pm