Newsletter - December 2013 - Gray Memorial United Methodist
Newsletter - December 2013 - Gray Memorial United Methodist
1 Caribou Clock Publisher – Gray Memorial United Methodist Church 2 Prospect St., P. O. Box 69 Caribou ME 04736 E-mail: Date: December 2013 Pastor: 492-0371 Church Office: 498-2103 Website: Greetings from the Church Office! This month’s Newsletter is a little smaller than last month’s, but still has a lot of information in it. For those who did not place an order for the Anniversary Photos or DVDs, we plan on submitting another order by the first of the year. If you wish to order any of these items, just contact the church office as soon as possible. Later in this Newsletter, there are also order forms for Christmas Plants and bulbs for the “Tree of Lights”. Just fill them out and return to the church office. It’s hard to believe that the year is almost over…. I wish each of you and your family a very blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year! FYI - Pastor Tom’s sermons are available through email. If you would like to receive them, just let me know! Until next YEAR ….. Bobbi Pelletier Church Secretary 2 November Prayer Joys & Concerns: Prayer Concerns: Sharon Ramey, Debbie Sharp, Judi & Ken McKee, Elli Thomas, Pansy Bent, Fred Sirois, Herman Pelletier, Betty Branscom, Ruthann Weeks, Beverly Nelder, Kristin McBreairty, victims of typhoon in the Philippines, Dolores Tarbox, Charles Sykes, Dawn Westman, Doug Spencer, Donald Belyea, Andrea Alley’s father; Bud Brewer On Family Death: The family of Sonny Tracy; the family of Abigail Ladner; the family of Murielle Lizotte Other Reasons: Prayers of joy for Andrew & Michaele Rackliff for birth of son Zadkiel (Cherie Black’s nephew)!; prayers of joy for birth of Amelia Constance (great granddaughter of Dave & Marcia DeMerchant)!; prayers of joy for Meagan & Robbie Irving on birth of baby girl!; prayer of celebration for Mary & Todd Theriault on their marriage! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REMINDERS DATE December 1 December 8 December 15 December 22 December 29 LECTOR Dave Belyea Deneane Bentum Cherie Black Mary Lou Brown Richard Clark GREETERS Charlene Gage & Duska Franklin Elsie & Ken Doody Diane & Bruce Fitzpatrick Mary & Mike Ayers Norma & Bob Thompson COUNTER Joelene Reitmeyer Joelene Reitmeyer Ruth Ross Ruth Ross Ruth Ross COFFEE FELLOWSHIP UMW & Jennie Lyon Trustees SPRC Worship Committee Reta, Marcia, Gwen & Zelma Usher Coordinator for December – Dale Sharp Evangelism Greeters for December – Dec 1, 8 & 15: Debbie Nichols; Dec 22 & 29 – Ruth Ross Communion Stewardess for December – Diane Fitzpatrick Child Care Volunteers: Dec 1-Meagan Irving; Dec 8-Diana Locke; Dec 15-Samuela Manages; Dec 22-Roberta Walton; Dec 24 (Christmas Eve)-Dawn Westman; Dec 29-Debbie Barnes Acolytes: Dec 1-Darrell Adams; Dec 8-Mari Witmer; Dec 15-Cassie Westman; Dec 22-Madison Jandreau; Dec 29-Darrell Adams Each individual or committee is responsible to make arrangements for changes to these various calendars. Please contact the church office if any changes to these lists are made so the weekly bulletins are correct! COMING EVENTS: Sundays, December 1, 8 & 15 – Exploring Membership Classes; 8:45am Friday & Saturday, December 20 & 21 – Living Nativity Scene, 6:30-7:30pm, sponsored by Church & Community Committee 3 * * December Birthdays & Anniversaries * * Birthdays and Anniversaries are celebrated on the first Sunday during Coffee Fellowship. Remember your birthday & anniversary by a special offering each year. 1 3 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 Mike Ayers, Carson Doody Bob Sawyer Bonnie Ward Jeffrey Alden, Janet Chandler, David Doody Pamela Danforth, Paula Richards Elsie Doody, George Knorr Leslie Anderson, Steven Scott Libby Collier, Connie Ennis, Claire Hodgkins Ryan Fitzpatrick, Dawn Frost, Zelma Merritt Leland Frost Peter Bentum 1 3 7 Pat & Warren Dobson Penny & Ivan Shaw Gwen & Bob Ellinwood 18 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 24 26 28 Donald Cole Judith Blackstone Diane Fitzpatrick, Alison Kieffer, Meghan Scott, Katherine Scott Dylan LaForge, Carol Norsworthy Dan DaCosta Nick Pelletier Ken Albert, Roxann Alley, Jody Smith Kathie Forbes Katherine Strom Jeanette & Ken Peters Ruthann & John Weeks Dawn & Jeff Frost If your name or the name of someone in the Gray Memorial Family does not appear on this list and you would like to add it, please contact the church office, 498-2103. Corrections are ALWAYS appreciated!!! 4 Worship Attendance and General Fund Offerings: Date Attendance Operating Fund Offering November 3 111 $ 4,594.00 November 10 100 $ 2,209.00 November 17 106 $ 2,813.00 November 24 108 $ 2,210.25 Needed to meet 2013 Budget: $3,640.07 weekly *************************************************************** Status of the Sharing the Grace (STG) Capital Campaign: As of November 26th, the Sharing the Grace Capital Campaign pledges total $215,020.00 and we had $5,756.15 in the STG Checking Account. The latest statement from the Foundation, received November 4th, reflects a loan balance of $30,968.98. On November 27th, the regular loan payment of $1,121.92 was submitted along with an additional check for $4,300.00 to be applied towards the principal. If you are behind on your pledge, please consider getting current! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Correspondence received: A Thank You note was received – To our Methodist Church Family: We thank God for you, your support this past year. If you said a prayer, knit a prayer shawl, gave a hug, visited, made a phone call. It all meant so much. God Bless you all, Charlene & Chester Gage The gift of generosity This holiday season, we thank everyone who has supported Gray Memorial United Methodist Church this past year with their time, talent and financial contributions and look forward to support from all of our members in the year ahead. If you need a convenient way to make regular offerings or if you plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to look into our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up, especially around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. Visit or contact the church office for more information. 5 SPECIAL KODAK MOMENTS! Scenes from the UMW Bazaar of Saturday, November 16th (thanks to Pat Dobson!): Mary Lou Brown at the “Rada” cutlery table! Voscar Nelder takes a look at the Bazaar items. Deneane Bentum, Diane Fitzpatrick & Joelene Reitmeyer prepare to work during the Bazaar Luncheon. Phyllis Billing at the Jennie Lyon Circle Bake Sale Table! Margaret Cyr & Ruth Ross looking over the Bazaar items! 6 Audrey Bubar at the Craft Table during the Bazaar! Judi Greenier, UMW Treasurer, ready to help customers with purchases! November 24 – Leona Michaud (with help from Pastor Tom) presents Bill Thomas with the Cluster’s Social Action Award for 2012-2013! 7 The following two pictures were taken on October 6th and copies are available for $15.00 each (plus postage). Contact the church office (207-498-2103) or to order your copy! Please specify photo A or B – Photo A (above) Photo B (above) We also can order DVDs that contain 190 pictures taken during the October 6th Worship and Dedication Services. If you wish to purchase one of them, they are $8 (plus postage). The first order was received November 21st – we will place another order on January 2, 2014! 8 SUMMARY HARVEST SUPPER 2013 REVENUE: Total Dinners----140 (INCLUDES 30 TAKEOUTS) Donations Food Sales Saturday Evening /Church TOTAL REVENUE EXPENSES: Del Ramey Supper Supplies Sleepers Turkeys, Peas, Containers, ETC. Bob Thompson Supper Supplies TOTAL EXPENSES: NET PROFIT $2044.00 65.00 50.80 $2159.80 $63.00 130.00 22.00 $ 215.00 $ 1944.80 NET PROCEEDS FROM THE HARVEST SUPPER WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO TWO ACCOUNTS. THE CHURCH’S CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FUND (SHARING THE GRACE) IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,044.80 AND THE CHURCH’S FUEL FUND FOR $900.00. THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR PARTICIPATING (YOUR TIME, PRESENCE, AND FINANCIAL GIFTS) IN MAKING THIS ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL HARVEST SUPPER AND REACHING OUT IN FELLOWSHIP TO THE CARIBOU COMMUNITY. BOB & DEL __________________________________________________________________ The Caribou Choral Society will be presenting its 38th annual Christmas concerts WHERE ARE YOU CHRISTMAS? on Tuesday, Dec 3rd, 7:00pm at the Mormon Church Cultural Center, Caribou; Sunday, Dec 8th, 3:00pm at St. Thomas Church in Madawaska; Friday, Dec 13, 7:30pm at St. Mary’s Church in Presque Isle; and Saturday, Dec 14, 7:30pm at Holy Rosary Church in Caribou. The public is cordially invited at attend. A good-will offering will be taken. ____________________________________________________________________________ Notes from Jennie Lyon Circle: Fifteen were in attendance on November 13 for Jennie Lyon Circle of UMW pot-luck luncheon. Refreshments were provided by Ruth Ross, who also led devotions. Guest vocalist Don Ross sang three lovely hymns, accompanied on the piano by Judi Greenier. Business meeting was conducted by President Phyllis Billing. Secretary’s report was given and approved. Treasurer Marilyn Langley reported a balance on hand of $217.23. Other business included discussions relating to the Nov. 16 UMW Bazaar and the Jennie Lyon bake sale. Volunteers are needed to fill 2014 vacancies for the offices of President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. The next meeting of Jennie Lyon Circle will be December 11 and will include a Yankee Swap and Christmas carols singing. Respectively, Betty Branscom 9 CHURCH COUNCIL MINUTES 11-21-13 ATTENDEES: David DeMerchant (Chair), Claire Hodgkins, Bobbi Pelletier, Debbie Barnes, Margaret Cyr, Mary Lou Brown, Susan White, Deneane Bentum, Pastor Tom Bentum, and Diane McDonough. David DeMerchant called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM in the church kitchen. After a brief prayer by Pastor Tom, the Council approved the minutes of the last meeting as published in the Newsletter. The following committee reports were submitted: CHURCH AND COMMUNITY: November 17, 2013 meeting minutes The Church & Community Committee (CCC) met after hosting coffee fellowship. The Committee was called to order by Dave Belyea at 11:55 a.m. Members present: Dave Belyea, Sheila Pelletier, Leland Frost and Marjie Edgecomb. Members absent: Joelene Reitmeyer, Connie Ennis and Duska Franklin. Discussed the cookie booth at the Craft Fair Oct 26 -27. Sales were good, virtually sold out. Net proceeds were $ 448 contributed to the Imagine No Malaria project. The same space was reserved for next year and $ 70 was paid out of the gross proceeds. Discussed CCC sponsorship of the Living Nativity as it seems to be closely aligned to our charter of community outreach and visibility. After some discussion the committee agreed to take this project on this year. However it was also agreed that the traditional food for police and fire depts. would have to be deferred to another holiday to make time for this project. It was noted that both Fire & Police Depts get a lot food at Christmas, and another holiday would be better. We will need help to get the costumes repaired/replaced and people to play the parts. Committee members should be able to help “characters” get dressed, refreshments. Next meeting will be called in early December. CLUSTER: Pastor Tom reported that the Cluster will present an award at the Cluster Service to be held at Gray Memorial UMC on November 24th. Attendees to the Cluster Service are asked to bring goods for the Homeless Shelter. Also a potluck meal will be served after the service. Those closest are asked to bring hot dishes. Youth 2015 is in Orlando. David Adams from Grant Memorial UMC is heading up the group from Presque Isle. Ernie will check with Dave to see if he will organize the Cluster. Bishop Devadhar will be coming to Pentecost 2014 service to be held at the Houlton UMC on June 8th at 4 PM with fellowship to follow. Erie Farrar continues to work with the Bishop’s office on plans for the service. Sue will contact Pat to invite her and provide details for her calendar. During the Lenten Cluster services the Mission Focus for 2013-2014 will be “Imagine No Malaria”. The Bishop has asked that this focus be carried out for this year. The following events are coming up in December: Dec. 1- Limestone UMC, 4-6PM Advent Festival. Music, crafts, spaghetti supper. Please RSVP: 325-4870. Dec. 2 - Mars Hill UMC 12 Noon- UMW Christmas Party. Dec. 15- Stetson UMC Patten- 6 PM “O Worship the King” Christmas music/concert with praise team and Chuck Loucka. EDUCATION, FAMILY, AND YOUTH: The “Imagine No Malaria” collection was $300. Fifteen children participated in topping the pizzas and assisting Papa DeMerchant in making a very successful Halloween pizza party. More Sunday school teachers are needed. The Committee would be open to people volunteering for quarters instead of the whole year. The roller skating family night held on Nov. 17th from 4-6 PM was attended by about 30 people. Other area churches were invited to join in. The Junior/Senior Sunday School Class is working with Mary to prepare to do Communion in December. The Committee is looking for help from adults with the Christmas Tree sales to be held on December 1,78,14,15. EVANGELISM AND PUBLICITY: The Evangelism greeters for December will be Debbie Nichols and Ruth Ross. Some new people have expressed a wish for name tags. Ruth will be making those. The Committee will be getting names of families for the Angel Tree project which will begin December 1st. There will be envelopes in the pew racks for Angel Tree donations. The Committee will be giving out small gifts at the Christmas Eve service on December 24th. FINANCE AND STEWARDSHIP: Debbie Barnes reported that the regular offerings and other sources of operating funds for October were $12,458.92. Reimbursements were $68.00, and special funds for church use equaled $4,886.69. Of that special fund amount $3,776.00 was for the Sharing the Grace Capital Campaign. There was $1028.21 for the Native American Ministry and $1176.00 for the UMC “Imagine No Malaria” project bringing the total October offerings to $18,617.82. Bobbi Pelletier reported the following checkbook figures: Beginning Balance $409.57 2012 Operating Income 12,458.92 Fuel Fund 1,190.13 Interest .45 Less EFT fee (20.50) Less Expenses (14,233.30) Ending Balance (194.73) Bobbi reported she had to take the funds out of the fuel fund to pay bills leaving a slight deficit. The Sharing the Grace previous balance was $702.53. Deposits for October were $3,776.09. She paid out $4,221.92 on the loan leaving an end balance of $256.70. There is 10 approximately $30,000.00 left on the loan at the end of October. In October we collected $1,028.21 for “Imagine No Malaria”. The District reports this has been one of the most successful campaign projects conducted by the United Methodist Church. Bobbi reported that at $1,777.33 per month, we are now 2 months behind in Mission shares ($3,554.66), but did pay the Pastor Pension Benefit of $842.90. The Dead River Balances as of October 31st were Church $3,692.00, and for the Parsonage $1,538.34. The contract price for 2012/2013 was $1,762 per month, and for 2013/2014 it is $1,631.00, a decrease of $131.00. Debbie Barnes presented a review of the 2013 Budget YTD as of October 31st is as follows: Budget Target Tithes and Offerings Total Expenses Unpaid Expenses $157,737.33 $141,151.38 $149,727.90 $3,554.66 The average attendance for year-to-date through October was 100. The Finance Committee is accepting budget proposals from Chairs and is working to complete the 2014 Budget proposal. A few budget items are still not in to the Committee. Also, the Committee is working on their annual Stewardship Campaign. HISTORY AND RECORDS: No report. Mary Lou did share archive historical papers and a book that documented Sunday school meetings. The book was dated 1905. She will display it in the library. It will be of interest to many. Of special interest was the explanation of a typical part of each lesson called “The Black Board Drawing” which was the center of each lesson. She also drew attention to the Bishop’s E-newsletter which is called “Together in Christ”. MEMORIALS: No Report. The scholarship plaques, which only cost $100, are ready to be mounted in the library. They were dedicated last week. SPRC: Sue White reported that Dale Sharp and Bill Thomas installed a light under the organ so that Susan and consolidating the many wires that have been a hazard. The Committee will continue to review all staff requests and plan to address them as it can. The Committee reviewed the 2014 Budget proposal and made one adjustment. It will be submitted to the Finance Committee. TRUSTEES: Mary Lou reported that the Memorial Scholarship plaques have been dedicated and the Trustees will see that they are hung in the Library. The Trustees have approved the Worship Committee’s Christmas Tree light project in which members can purchase a light in honor or memory of a friend or loved one. Wayne Smith will be hired to install an outside outlet for easier access for outdoor projects requiring electricity. The Trustees paid $224.00 toward a new refrigerator which is now located in the hallway leading up the back stairs. Roy Alden or Dave Belyea needs to have Jim Martin install the outside Plexiglas on the Dove window before winter. The church kitchen has been painted and the wall paper and cabinets have been washed. The black stove has been cleaned. The paint and labor has been paid. The top square of roof on the parsonage has been recovered at a cost of $2500.00. The Trustees will not formally meet again until January. The fuel fund is depleted and there is a balance of approximately $30,000.00 on our Saving the Grace Campaign loan. UMW: Bobbi Pelletier reported that the UMW annual Bazaar was held on November 16th and that half the proceeds, $163.00, will go toward the “Imagine No Malaria” project. Jennie Lyon Circle made $287.00 on their bake sale. The new refrigerator was delivered on November 14th and will replace the one in the hall. It was purchased by the UMW and the Trustees. Three Mission pins will be presented on December 15th during the worship service. UMW will sponsor a Vintage Christmas program on Saturday, November 30th from 10 AM -Noon. Women are invited to bring a potluck lunch dish and share Christmas memories. The donations received for Hill Top School and Halfway Home Pet Rescue have been delivered. The Committee discussed getting one or two highchairs for the Fellowship Hall. Bobbi checked with the insurance company which advised using judgment when selecting any highchairs. Pat Dobson has one she will donate. If another is needed it will be purchased. We would also like to replace some of the card tables and will discuss this further at the next meeting. WORSHIP: Margaret Cyr reported that Scott Branscom would be making 4 new wooden plant stands to replace the rusting metal ones. One is already paid for by the Langley family in honor of Gary & Marilyn’s 50th wedding anniversary. The food donations on Thanksgiving Sunday will go to the Caribou Ecumenical Food Pantry. The Worship Committee has sent a donation to the Dan Schall Ministry. The Committee is in the process of ordering new Easter Paraments with the inscription “He Has Risen” which can be used for several post-Easter Sundays and events. Donations for lights for the Advent Christmas “Tree of Lights” project are already coming in. The money can be designated for either the Fuel Fund or the Sharing the Grace Campaign loan repayment. The Committee will be decorating the Sanctuary on November 30th. The Senior Choir has accepted an invitation from the United Baptist Church to join in a Christmas Sing. We have been asked to sing two Christmas songs. We feel this is a really good outreach program which will take place at 5 PM on December 15th. Advent begins Dec. 1st. There will be a service at 4 PM on Christmas Eve and Pastor Tom’s son-in-law will be a guest musician. The Committee will accept orders for Christmas Plants for the sanctuary in honor or memory of friends and loved ones as usual. PASTOR’S TIME: Pastor Tom shared his proposal for a Safe Sanctuaries Policy which came out of a resolution aimed at reducing the risk of sexual abuse of youth and children in the church. It would include Background checks for all persons who have contact with our youth and children. The Safe Sanctuaries policy has already been approved by the Education Committee and SPRC. He asked the Council members to read his proposal and take up a discussion to adopt some form of it at the next meeting. There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:43 PM. The next meeting will be December 19th at the church. Respectfully submitted by Claire Hodgkins, Secretary 11 CHRISTMAS PLANT ORDER FORM The Worship Committee negotiated a discount for Christmas plants if we place one early order for the church. Please complete the form below and return to the church office by Sunday, Dec 8th. If you are unable to e-mail or return your form to the office in person, call the church office (498-2103) and place your order NLT 10:00AM Friday, December 6th. Your payment to the church is due by Sunday, Dec 22nd. Please make checks payable to Gray Memorial UMC. These plants will be delivered to the church on Saturday, Dec 21st and will be arranged for our service on December 22nd. Due to Bobbi Pelletier by Sunday, Dec 8th! =========================================== Plant/Pot Size; Color (Check One) Cost # Poinsettias: 4” Red__ Burgundy__ White__ Pink__ $6.99 ____ 6” Red__ Burgundy__ White__ Pink__ $14.99 ____ 7” Red__ Burgundy__ White__ Pink__ $19.99 ____ Cyclamen: 6”-7” White__ Red__ Pink__ $18.00 ____ Wording for the plant’s card and Sunday Bulletin: In Honor Of: __________________________________ __________________________________ In Memory Of: _________________________________ _________________________________ Your Name (as you want published): ____________________________________________ 12 TREE OF LIGHTS ORDER FORM The Worship Committee is sponsoring a “Tree of Lights” that will have 200 white lights and be on display outside the church beginning on Sunday, December 1st. You may “purchase” a light for $5 and as the lights are “sold”, they will be turned on. Our hope is that all 200 lights will be “sold” and lit by Sunday, December 22nd! Please complete the form below and designate which fund you wish your $5 donation to go towards. Your payment to the church is due by Sunday, Dec 22nd. Please make checks payable to Gray Memorial UMC. ************************************************************************ Number of lights: _______@ $5.00 each Total _________ In Memory of: _________________________________ In Honor of: _________________________________ By: _____________________________________________ Designate donation to: Sharing the Grace __________ Church’s Fuel Fund __________ 13 The History & Records Committee is offering the 100th Anniversary Suncatcher pictured above for $15.00 each. This fundraiser will help offset costs associated with our 100th Anniversary Celebration in 2013. WE STILL HAVE A LOT OF THESE BEAUTIFUL SUNCATCHERS FOR SALE! IF YOU DON’T HAVE ONE YET, PLEASE SEE THE DISPLAY DURING COFFEE FELLOWSHIP! If you wish to order one (or more!), please complete the order sheet below and return it to the church office along with your payment. If you want us to mail your order, please consider including a little extra money to cover the cost of postage. ***************************************************** Name ___________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________ Suncatcher Quantity: ____ Price: $15.00 each Total: _______ Estimated Postage: _______ Grand Total Amount Due: __________ Check No: __________ 14 LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING IN DECEMBER!!!!! Sunday 01 Monday 02 Tuesday 03 Wednesday 04 Thursday 05 Saturday Sunday 07 08 Monday 09 Tuesday 10 Wednesday 11 Thursday Friday Saturday 12 13 14 Sunday 15 Monday 16 Tuesday 17 Wednesday 18 Thursday 19 Friday Saturday 20 21 Sunday 22 Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Sunday 24 25 28 29 8:45am 10:00am 11:30am 1:30pm 6:30pm 9am-12pm 5:00–6:15pm 7:00pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 9:30am 6:30pm 9:30am-10:30am 8:45am 10:00am 11:30am 3:00pm 1:30pm 6:30pm 9am-12pm 9:30am 10:30am 5:00–6:15pm 12:00pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 9:30-10:30am 9:30am 7:30pm 8:45am 10:00am 5:00pm 12:00pm 1:30pm 6:30pm 9am-12pm 2:00pm 5:00–6:15pm 4:30pm Sunday School; Exploring Membership Class with Pastor Tom Worship – First Sunday of Advent; World AIDS Day Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting in Library Disciple II Bible Study Disciple II Bible Study CPC Counseling in the Choir Room TOPS ME 197 Group Meeting in Fellowship Hall Caribou Choral Society Performance at Mormon Church Cultural Center, Caribou Barbershop Group Practice Handbell Choir Practice (notice time change) Senior Choir Practice History & Records Committee Meeting at Church Worship Committee Meeting at Church Moms in Prayer Meeting in Library Sunday School; Exploring Membership Class with Pastor Tom Worship – Second Sunday of Advent; Stewardship Sunday Education & Family Ministries Meeting in Library Caribou Choral Society Performance at St. Thomas Church, Madawaska Disciple II Bible Study Disciple II Bible Study CPC Counseling in the Choir Room UMW Meeting at Church (all women are welcome to attend!) Evangelism Committee Meeting at Church TOPS ME 197 Group Meeting in Fellowship Hall Jennie Lyon Potluck Luncheon & Christmas Party at Church Barbershop Group Practice Handbell Choir Practice (notice time change) Senior Choir Practice SPRC Meeting at Church Caribou Choral Society Performance at St. Mary’s Church, Presque Isle Moms in Prayer Meeting in Library Cluster Meeting in Mars Hill Caribou Choral Society Performance at Holy Rosary Church, Caribou Sunday School; Exploring Membership Class with Pastor Tom Worship – Third Sunday of Advent; Prayer Shawl Dedication: UMW Mission Pin Presentation Musical Event at High Street Baptist Church, Caribou (our choir is participating) DEADLINE FOR NEWSLETTER ARTICLES Disciple II Bible Study Disciple II Bible Study CPC Counseling in the Choir Room Caregivers Support Group in Fellowship Hall TOPS ME 197 Group Meeting in Fellowship Hall Barbershop Group Practice 5:30pm Handbell Choir Practice (notice time change) 6:30pm Senior Choir Practice 6:30pm The Crown of Maine Quilters at GRANT Memorial UMC, Presque Isle 6:00pm Finance/Stewardship Committee Meeting at Church 6:30pm Church Council Meeting at Church 6:30-7:30pm Living Nativity Scene sponsored by Church & Community Committee 9:30-10:30am Moms in Prayer Meeting in Library 6:30-7:30pm Living Nativity Scene sponsored by Church & Community Committee 8:45am Sunday School 10:00am Worship – Fourth Sunday of Advent; Baptism 4:00pm Christmas Eve Family Candlelight Service FEDERAL HOLIDAY – CHRISTMAS DAY – CHURCH OFFICE IS CLOSED 9:30-10:30am Moms in Prayer Meeting in Library 8:45am Sunday School 10:00am Worship – First Sunday after Christmas Day 15