2016 Summer Newsletter - Upper Gwynedd Township
2016 Summer Newsletter - Upper Gwynedd Township
Upper Gwynedd Editor NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY The Township is conducting a Needs Assessment Survey for a proposed new Community Center. Please see Page 4 in the Parks and Recreation section of the Newsletter for more information. N O R T H WA L E S AREA LIBRARY 2016 Summer Newsletter Upper Gwynedd Township Website Phone www.uppergwynedd.org 215.699.7777 Children’s summer reading every Wednesday in July and August. Call the library for program details at 215-699-5410. Upper Gwynedd Hosted the Eastern Pennsylvania Water Pollution Control Operators Association, Inc. T he Eastern Pennsylvania Water Pollution Control Operators Association (EPWPCOA) is an organized group of wastewater treatment facility and collection system operators, superintendents, managers, and consulting engineers, with a membership in excess of 1,300. Average meeting attendance is between 125 and 200 members and guests. Attendees meet to discuss common experiences, tour new and improved facilities, and learn necessary and improved methods of operation, including exposure to new products and materials. Above, left to right: Township Manager, Leonard T. Perrone with Christopher L. Lenton, Former President of EPWPCOA On November 20, 2015, the Township Wastewater Treatment Plant hosted the EPWPCOA Trade Show. The Township’s Wastewater Treatment Plant serves 12,000 residents, two large industries, and has 75 miles of sewer lines and seven pumping stations. The Township’s Plant was chosen to host the EPWPCOA annual event because of the technological improvements that the Township has made in recent years. These improvements include the installation of a fine bubbler air diffuser system (Dissolved Oxygen), automated chemical feed systems, ultra violet disinfection and most recently the state-of-the-art BioMag System (a system which is the only one of its kind in the state of Pennsylvania). West Point Streetscape Improvements The Township recently completed streetscape improvements on West Point Pike between Jones Avenue and Park Road. The project included the installation of new decorative streetlights, stamped concrete sidewalks and crosswalks, and pedestrian accessibility improvements at the Garfield Avenue and Park Road intersections. The project was funded in part by a $300,000 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation grant. Nor-Gwyn Adds Improved Access to Pool Grounds T he Nor-Gwyn Pool season will open with a reconfigured front booth to improve traffic flow in and out of the facility. Those members with current registrations, ID cards in hand and pictures on file will be able to “fast track” through the entrance; while those needing to purchase day passes, update their registrations, etc., will complete their transactions at a second window. Also new this year is a 5 % “Early-Pay” discount for those who register and pay online by April 15, 2016. The University of Swimming will again be offering swim instruction. Toilet trained tots are included in the beginner level of the program, which focuses on teaching techniques of self-rescue to the very young. More advanced instruction levels teach strokes, breathing, endurance, etc. Classes will be offered in three two-week sessions of up to 60 minutes each beginning June 20th from 9-12am. Membership is not required to participate in the instruction program. Registration and additional information can be found at USwim1.com. The double flume slide and WIBIT inflatables continue to provide amusement for users and spectators alike! The 54 foot obstacle course and two deep water attractions return this year. Additional activities include dive lessons, competition training with Nor-Gwyn Aquatics Club, beach volleyball, and GAGA. Our traditional July 4th celebration is a festive day of pie-eating contests, gold fish catch, egg toss, swim relays, WIBIT races, and more. A variety of membership levels are available. Whether you plan on attending frequently or just evenings and weekends, we have a membership that will suit your needs. We would like to take a moment to offer our sincere thanks to the North Wales Lions Club for leading our organization over the past 40 years. The Lions were instrumental in the building of our facility in 1975 and have led the Pool Commission since its inception. We are all very grateful for the time and talent contributed by the Lions Club for more than 40 years for the benefit of our community. The Pool Commission looks forward to enjoying the summer with you again this year! Opening Day: Saturday, May 28th at noon Programs & Offerings: Swim and dive instruction is offered weekday mornings until 12:00pm. Go to www.norgwynpool.com for details or call 215-699-5111. Those interested in competitive swimming are invited to join the Nor-Gwyn Aquatics Club (www.norgwynswim.com ). Membership & Registration: Rates include Individual, Family, and Senior; membership levels include Full and Twilight. Register at www.norgwynpool.com or pick up a mail-in application at Upper Gwynedd and North Wales municipal buildings. Walk-in registration is available during pool hours. The facility is also available for parties with rates on an hourly basis. Industrial Development News The Industrial Development Authority (IDA) donated $10,000 to fully fund three Department requests and also contributed towards the funding of Public Meeting Room planned upgrades to enhance presentation functionality. • Police Department: • Parks and Crime Scene Camera Recreation: and Gear High • Public Works Resolution Department: Camera for New Two-Way Radios pictures and to stay in contact video of events with Police and Fire and activities 2 Pictured left to right: Public Works Truck Driver Dennis Gerhart, IDA Secretary Frederick Hencken, Parks & Recreation Director Alex Kaker, IDA Treasurer James L. Watters, Police Chief David W. Duffy, IDA Chairman Albert Bailey, Township Manager Leonard T. Perrone, and Public Works Foreman David Richard upper gwynedd township | summer 2016 from the fire marshal Smoke Alarms ARE NOT all the same Recently, our office has fielded a few questions on the replacement of smoke alarms. When replacing a smoke alarm, picking up a new one at the store seems simple, yet there are significant differences in the types of alarms available on the market. The two most popular are Ionization and Photo Electric. Ionizationtype smoke alarms have a small amount of radioactive material between two electrically charged plates, which ionizes the air and causes current to flow between the plates. When smoke enters the chamber, it disrupts the flow of ions, reducing the flow of current and activating the alarm. Photoelectric-type alarms aim a light source into a sensing chamber at an angle away from the sensor. Smoke enters the chamber, reflecting light onto the light sensor; triggering the alarm. Why is this information important? Residential home fires during the hours of 11 pm and 7 am account for 20% of fires. However, the fires during this timeframe account for 50% of all fire fatalities. Research over the past few years has indicated that the majority of home fires start as an item that begins to smolder. In some instances, the fire has smoldered for over an hour prior to becoming what is known as a “free burning” flame. There are physical differences in the smoke that a smoldering fire produces versus a free burning flame. Photo Electric smoke alarms detect the larger particles that are put off by a smoldering fire much quicker than an Ionization alarm. Some studies have shown up to a 50 minute contrast between the time a Photo Electric alarm sounds and an Ionization alarm sounds. The overwhelming number of fatalities and injuries come from smoke inhalation, and not from actual burns. With the delay in time for notification, you can see why the sleeping hours are the most dangerous for all occupants in a residence. Therefore, when replacing smoke alarms in your residence, we recommend you choose Photo Electric alarms. Additionally, since Ionization alarms serve their purpose, we recommend the installation of this type of alarm as well. It is NOT recommended to use combination units that consist of both Photo Electric and Ionization alarms due to inconsistent third party testing results. We care about you and your family. The small amount of funds spent on replacement alarms may just save your life and keep everyone safe! Source: NFPA, NIST, IAFF, BRK from the chief of police Zoning The Police Department maintains a Special Needs Registry. If you or anyone in your household has any special medical or other needs such as autism, dementia, etc., you are welcome to contact the Department and provide that information for our confidential Special Needs Registry. The information provided by you is kept in case of an emergency so that officers and other first responders can better resolve the situation. Also, if any special needs persons would like a tour of the station and/or other information from the Police Department, please contact Officer Matt Toro for assistance. Please keep your house and car doors locked. Always report any suspicious persons or activity by calling 9-1-1, even if you do not think it is an emergency. FEMA Adopts New Flood Insurance Rate Maps The Federal Emergency Management Agency has announced that as of March 2, 2016, the new floodplain maps will become official. Upper Gwynedd adopted the new maps as part of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Individuals may access the new FEMA NFIP Maps at https://msc.fema.gov/portal/. Click on “view map” to see one map panel or click on “Interactive map” to see multiple maps including aerial photos. Make sure that you look at the maps effective March 2, 2016. The Upper Gwynedd Township Administration Office maintains a property map which illustrates the new floodplain lines. It is available for review at the Administration Office and will be online around mid-March, 2016. As a reminder, only a professional surveyor or engineer can certify a flood elevation certificate applicable to a particular property which is often required for home insurance or mortgage purposes. If you believe your property falls within or near a flood zone, you should contact your homeowners insurance agent for flood insurance details. and Code Enforcement Things that Grow in the Summer: Grass, Weeds, Signs and Swimming Pools • Please remember if you plan to travel have received a construction permit from or be away from your home make the Township are permitted to post their arrangements to have your lawn cut signs on a property, and this posting is on a regular basis. Township ordinance limited to a 30 day duration. public works requires that grass and weeds shall • Signs from contractors providing services not exceed 12” in height. Of course, such as: tree service, lawn maintenance, Trees Within the Public Street Right-of-Way you would expect a well maintained power washing, painting or any type of Public Works crews have noticed that neighborhood to keep their lawn commercial message are never permitted there are property owners who have trees maintained at heights far less than this. on residential properties and in all cases a protruding into the Township’s roadway • Please remember that weeds, brush and permit from Upper Gwynedd is required right-of-way. Tree limbs are a problem yard waste should never be deposited for any sign located on commercial or in the street right-of-way. The only during paving operations and snow plowing industrial properties. exception would be when placed in trash • For new pools, it is not too early to start operations as well as a serious problem for containers for regular pick-up. emergency vehicles. The Township requests thinking about summer. Swimming • In the summer and early fall, illegal signs that property owners trim any trees that pools require zoning and building code seem to grow as rapidly as the grass. extend into the right-of-way of the street. compliance permits. Please remember Signs are never permitted to be placed At a minimum trees should be trimmed to allow sufficient time for Township within the legal rights-of-way of the even with the back of the curb line and/ officials to review pool applications, which street or in a manner that could obstruct or beyond the edge of the black top where must also consist of a property survey sight vision at street intersections or curbs do not exist. Sidewalks should remain and grading plan prepared by a licensed where driveways intersect with streets. clear of tree limbs, also. professional. Please have your contractor This is true for all zoning districts within contact the Zoning and Building the Township. Departments for additional regulations in 2016 Roadway Projects • In addition, only those contractors who order to help expedite the review process. Milling and Overlay • Dickerson Road: • Fourth Street Bamboo: Aggressive Species On Invasive Plants “Watch List” Industrial Drive to • Crest Road Bamboo, a non-native plant, has been used for border or ornamental plantings for Sumneytown Pike • Anders Road • Hancock Road: • Green Street years. However, one particular species known as “Golden Bamboo” (AKA yellow grove E. Prospect Avenue to • Rosemont Avenue bamboo, fish pole bamboo) having the species class of Phyllostachys aurea, has been DeKalb Pike • Park Avenue placed on the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources “Watch List” for • Evergreen Drive • Maxwell Place • Hazelwood Drive • S. Broad Street: Morris invasive plants. DCNR defines invasive plants as those species that are not native to the • Haines Drive Road to Garfield state, grow aggressively, and spread and displace native vegetation. Invasive plants are • Paddock Place Avenue generally undesirable because they are difficult and costly to control and can dominate • Sixth Street • Park Road: S. Broad • Gwynedd Avenue Street to West Point Pike whole habitats, making them environmentally destructive in certain situations. A Micro Surfacing “Watch List” means there is reason to believe that these species have the potential to act • Jarvis Lane • E. Prospect Avenue aggressively in certain environments or in surrounding states. They could pose threats • Scobee Drive • Louise Lane to natural ecosystems if they become invasive. These species may have value in certain • McNair Drive • Dickerson Road: situations where they are not considered invasive, but are not preferred in natural • McAuliffe Lane Industrial Drive to the • Pineview Lane dead end at railroad settings. Some municipalities in the eastern part of Montgomery County have elected • Norwood Lane tracks to adopt ordinances to prohibit the planting of the undesirable species of bamboo. In • Newport Lane • Carmichael Drive residential neighborhoods of higher density and smaller lots bamboo can grow very • Canterbury Lane • Breezewood Lane • Royal Avenue • Towamencin Avenue aggressively onto neighboring properties. Caution is recommended. upper gwynedd township | summer 2016 3 Parks & Recreation Like us Facebook: Upper Gwynedd Parks & Recreation | PROGRAM REGISTRATION AT WWW.UPPERGWYNEDD.ORG You will still need to create an account online even if you pay at the Township. Nothing cancels a good program quicker than waiting until the last minute to register. (If there are not enough registrations, your program could be canceled.) We do not accept day-of registrations for any program. Follow us on Twitter: Upper Gwynedd P&R PAVILION, GAZEBO & PLAYGROUND RENTALS Any group planning on utilizing these locations for an event must contact Alex Kaker no less than two months prior to the event. It is highly recommended that you confirm availability before submitting any rental request (215-6997777 or akaker@uppergwynedd.org). Summer Breeze Concert Series Needs Assessment Survey Parkside Place Park Complex Debarth Amphitheatre DAY & TIME: Wednesdays, 7pm FEE: Free PLACE: May 18 June 15 Pennbrook Middle School Genre: Jazz Mojo and the Helper Monkeys Genre: 50’s Rock and Roll May 25 Ambler Symphony Genre: Bach, Vivaldi, Beethoven, and Mozart June 22 Retro-Oldies Genre: Oldies The Other Brothers Band Genre: Classic Rock, Motown, Blues and Bluegrass June 8 June 29 The Kickbax Band Genre: Contemporary hits from the 60s to today Where is Pete Genre: Top 40s from the 60s through today June 1 Thank you to All July 6 July 20 Point Blank Band Genre: Oldies Midlife Crisis Genre: Doo Wop, Soul, Rock n’ Roll July 13 River of Dreams Genre: Billy Joel Tribute Band of Sun, 9/11/16 1–3pm Mango Men Our 2016 Sponsors T hank you, sponsors! Due to their generosity Upper Gwynedd Township has become one of the premier recreation departments in the area and is able to provide quality recreation programming for our residents and the entire North Penn community. Please contact Alex Kaker, Director of Parks and Recreation, for information on how your company can help support our mission: Upper Gwynedd Township Department of Parks and Recreation shall strive to develop and maintain quality parks and facilities; to preserve open/natural spaces; and to provide recreational programs and services which will enhance the physical, social and emotional well-being of all current and future residents of Upper Gwynedd. 2016 Sponsors (as of 3/1/16) Platinum: Merck & Company; T&M Associates; TD Bank Gold: Code Inspections, Inc; Univest Banking, Insurance, Investments; Colorcon, Inc. Silver: The Reserve at Gwynedd Condo Assoc.; Allan Myers, PFM Asset Management LLC; E. Van Rieker & Company; Bishop’s Fencing & Outdoor Products Bronze: Armour & Sons Electric, Inc; Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin, Maxwell & Lupin; American Heritage FCU, State Representative Kate Harper, Wawa, Heinrich & Klein Associates, Inc.; North Penn Gulf 4 upper gwynedd township | summer 2016 DISCOUNT SUMMER TICKETS AVAILABLE Stop by the office for discounted tickets to your favorite family destination spots: Adventure Aquarium, Dorney Park, Dutch Wonderland, Philadelphia Zoo and more! Call ahead to check availability (215-699-7777). THE DATE ! SAVE Thursday, 9/8 through Sunday, 9/11 Upper Gwynedd Township officials have engaged with the engineering firm, T&M Associates, to conduct a needs assessment for a potential community center within the Township complex. Since 1991, the Parks and Recreation Department has expanded its facilities and programming dramatically. The Township now employs two full-time and 20 parttime staff members and provides services like basketball, tennis, summer recreation camps, trails, an amphitheater with concerts, a pavilion for family gatherings, an annual Fall Fest and Carnival, and a wide array of programs. Currently, the only indoor facility available for the Township is a single-room community building, constructed by the Upper Gwynedd Lions Club and local scouts in 1980. It is the desire of the Township to explore the feasibility and need of developing a new community center with the input of Township residents. A survey has been developed by T&M Associates and is currently available online at www.uppergwynedd.org. Hard copies are available at the Township Building. The survey should take no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete and all survey-takers are able to submit their name and contact information to be placed in a drawing for free admission into The Franklin Institute (valid for one day, up to two adults and four children). The survey must be completed by Sunday, May 1 at 11:59pm to be eligible for the drawing and your input to be analyzed. Questions and/or comments can be made to the Director of Parks and Recreation, Alex Kaker at 1 Parkside Place, North Wales, PA 19454 or by email at AKaker@uppergwynedd.org. He can be reached at 215.699.7777 ext. 236. BUS TRIPS EVENTS Broadway Play: Aladdin Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association Series Saturday, June 18, 2016 New Amsterdam Theatre Depart UGT at 8am, Return UGT at 8pm $149/person Hailed by USA Today as “Pure Genie-Us,” ALADDIN on Broadway features all your favorite songs from the film as well as new music written by Tony® and Academy Award® winner Alan Menken (Newsies) with lyrics penned by the legendary Howard Ashman (Beauty and the Beast), Tony Award winner Tim Rice (The Lion King, Aida), and book writer Chad Beguelin (The Wedding Singer). Broadway Play: Finding Neverland Saturday, June 18, 2016 Lunt-Fontanne Theatre Depart UGT at 8am, Return UGT at 8pm $149/person Based on the Academy Award®-winning film of the same name, this breathtaking show follows playwright J.M. Barrie as he summons the courage to become the writer—and the man—he yearns to be. Barrie finds the inspiration he’s been missing when he meets the beautiful widow Sylvia and her four young sons: Jack, George, Michael and Peter. Delighted by the boys’ hilarious escapades, Barrie conjures the magical world of Neverland and writes a play unlike any the high-society London theatergoers have ever seen. New York Yankees vs Boston Red Sox Friday, July 15 Yankee Stadium (Tickets in section 227A) Depart UGT 2:00pm, Game 7:05pm $149/person Movie: The Sandlot (1993) Parkside Place Park Complex Debarth Amphitheatre DATE: Friday, 6/17/16 TIME: Dusk FEE: Free Film Showing PLACE: Upper Gwynedd Township Main Meeting Room DATE: Thursday, 6/30/16 TIME: 6:30–7:30pm FEE: Free PLACE: Come learn about the history of the Wissahickon Creek, the development of the Wissahickon Valley, and how it has affected our waterways. Learn about how the Wissahickon is impaired, and discover ways to have a positive impact on the creek. The film, A Healthy Wissahickon: We All Have a Part to Play, is 25 minutes long, and will be followed by a Q&A session. Pack up your blankets and join Upper Gwynedd for a movie under the stars. Bring your family and friends to enjoy an evening in the park. We request you bring low sitting chairs for the consideration of other patrons. This movie is weather permitting. Night Sky Campout PLACE: Walk and Talk in Parkside Place Park PLACE: Parkside Place Park Pavilion Main Meeting Room DATE: Thursday, 7/7/16 TIME: 6pm FEE: Rain Barrel Workshop Upper Gwynedd Township Community Center DATE: Thursday, 7/14/16 TIME: 6pm FEE: $60 (includes rain barrel) PLACE: To register, contact Lindsay Blanton at lindsay@wvwa.org or (215)-550-1506 Help the watershed and save money on utilities with a rain barrel! A rain barrel is a container used to collect rainwater at your home, and can be used to water your lawn and garden. Come learn how rain barrels have a positive impact on the watershed and leave with your own to take home! Golf Outing PLACE: TIME: FEE: Parkside Place Park Complex Fri, 7/8/16, 6pm–Sat. 7/9/16, 9am Donation of non-perishable item DATE & TIME: Stroll through Parkside Place Park and learn about all the projects that help our community manage storm water issues. DATE: Come check out this summer classic match-up between division rivals! This is the first game for both teams following the All-Star game, certain to have all of the biggest stars on the field. Tickets are limited—don’t wait! Cinema Under the Stars Break out your tent and spend a night camping under the summer sky. With the donation of a non-perishable item, families will have the opportunity to camp in Parkside Place Complex for the night. Celebrate Independence Day with a campsite decorating theme of “America.” Prizes will be given to the top three winners. Games, food and movies will be provided by Keystone Fellowship. Not the camping type? No need to feel left out! You can still join in the festivities with the donation of a non-perishable. Activities will include inflatable obstacle courses, gaga competitions, paintballing, bubble soccer, various eating contests, tie-dye and more! A movie will also be show at sundown along with a camp fire and s’mores. Come celebrate National Parks and Recreation month with Upper Gwynedd! Visit www.uppergwynedd.org for details (Campers must RSVP by 7/5 at www.uppergwynedd.org). Earth Day Event: Tree Planting Cedarbrook Country Club Monday, 6/6/16 1pm scramble $135/person PLACE: DATE: TIME: Join us for our Parks and Recreation fundraiser event! Cost includes greens fees, cart rental, golf prizes, deli buffet lunch and dinner. Register by Friday, 5/6. Find more info online under “Community Events.” Parkside Place Complex Friday, 4/22/16 9:30am–2:30pm Join us for a tree planting! For more details visit the the Parks and Recreation page. Contact Emily Croke if interested in helping at ecroke@uppergywnedd.org. upper gwynedd township | summer 2016 5 KIDS CAMPS & ACTVITIES Bricks 4 Kids: Mining & Crafting PLACE: AGES: DATE: TIME: FEE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center 5–12 Mon–Fri, 7/18/16-7/22/16 1pm–4pm $175 Minecraft® is a game about placing blocks to build anything you can imagine. Experience the world of Minecraft® with LEGO® Bricks in this fun summer camp! Students will face new challenges each day, building models and crafting key elements in the popular Minecraft game. Bricks 4 Kids: Space Adventures PLACE: AGES: DATE: TIME: FEE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center 5–12 Mon–Fri, 8/8/16-8/12/16 1pm–4pm $175 Inspired by NASA and Star WarsTM, this camp is packed full of models that will make your imagination blast off! Each day campers will learn about real-life space exploration and build models related to the NASA space program. In addition, the camp includes LEGO® Star Wars themed models, group challenges and more. Young Rembrandts: Art Class Upper Gwynedd Community Center 6–14 DATE: Mon–Fri, 7/11/16-7/15/16 DAY & TIME: 1pm–4pm FEE: $199 PLACE: Engineering for Kids: Engineering for Kids: Electronic Game Design: Invader Defense PLACE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center AGES: 8–12 DATE: Sundays, 4/10, 4/17, 4/24 TIME: 9am–12pm or 12:30–3:30pm FEE: $149 LEGO® Robotics: Rescue Robots PLACE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center AGES: 8–12 DATE: Mon–Fri, 6/13-6/17 TIME: 9am–12pm FEE: $199 Students will use Multimedia Fusion 2® to create their own video game. Whether students wish to fire marshmallows or missiles, they build a complete video game from start to finish. They program characters to survive a wave of enemy attacks in order to reach the next level. At the end of the class, students take home a copy of the game they create. This LEGO® Robotics camp is designed to introduce students to the world of not only building, but also programming basic robots. Throughout this camp, students design and program robots to respond to simulated disaster situations such as moving rubble after an earthquake, retrieving survivors after an avalanche and more! Engineering for Kids: Engineering for Kids: Jr. LEGO® Robotics: Wild Animals PLACE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center AGES: 4–7 DATE: Sundays, 4/10, 4/17, 4/24 TIME: 9am–12pm or 12:30–3:30pm FEE: $149 Minecraft® EDU: Traveling Into The Future PLACE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center AGES: 8–12 DATE: Mon–Fri, 6/13-6/17 TIME: 12:30–3:30pm FEE: $199 This LEGO® Robotics class is specifically designed for the youngest engineers. Using the LEGO® WeDo bricks and software, the goal of this class is to introduce students to the concept of what robotics is as well as give them a chance to build and program their first robot. Students will build a hungry alligator, roaring lion, drumming monkey and more! Join us in an apocalyptic future, one where the earth has been ravaged by a series of natural disasters. Each day, students rely on the engineering design process to solve a series of challenges such as building a city on a series of islands, escaping from a bunker on Mt. Everest and even building a rocket to land on the moon! Engineering for Kids: Summer Drama Camp PLACE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center AGES: 5–6 DATE: Mon-Fri, 8/1/16-8/5/16 TIME: 1pm–4pm FEE: $99 AGES: This is the most popular Young Rembrandts workshop. Children will be exposed to three different media all in one workshop! We will emphasize drawing skills while completing a roller coaster drawing with markers. We will learn cartooning techniques while being introduced to some fun new characters enjoying summer fun. We will also learn pastel techniques as we complete a 12 x 18 pastel piece with the beach in mind. The step-by-step Young Rembrandts teaching method insures success and fun with all media! Please wear an old shirt or smock on the last day. 6 Wings, Wheels and Sails PLACE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center AGES: 4–7 DATE: Mon–Fri, 6/13-6/17 TIME: 9am–12pm FEE: $199 Guten Tag! Travel the world with Kelvin and our core of engineers as we explore the Engineering of Travel. Drive across the United States, build a boat to sail the Mediterranean, and fly to the Orient in this fun engineering experience. Join us on an amazing adventure as we engineer planes, cars, boats and rockets to travel the globe, and beyond. upper gwynedd township | summer 2016 Theatre Horizon: Young actors spend a week working as an ensemble to create an original play full of drama, comedy, suspense, and one-of-akind characters! Our professional teaching artists, who are trained in collaborative theatre, guide campers through playwriting basics and fun improvisational games. On the last day, campers perform their world premiere play for an audience with props and costumes! KIDS CAMPS & ACTVITIES Kitchen Wizards: Mini-Desserts PLACE: AGES: DATE: TIME: FEE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center 9–13 Saturday, 5/14 11am–12:30pm $30 In this workshop, a Kitchen Wizards instructor will help children learn to create mini-desserts! They’ll make tartlets, eclairs and cream puffs. Chefs will create their own desserts and come home with delicious goodies! Kitchen Wizards: Taste of Italy PLACE: AGES: DATE: TIME: FEE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center 8–14 Tuesday–Friday, 7/5-7/8 1–3pm $149 Do your children love Italian food? During this camp, they’ll prepare and eat a different Italian meal each week. This camp will be Mangia madness! Kitchen Wizards: Little Chefs Begin Cooking PLACE: AGES: DATE: TIME: FEE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center 5–11 Monday–Thursday, 8/8-8/11 10am–12pm $149 pressure experiments, dig for hidden treasures, investigate the science of illusions and build spectroscopes to view the spectrum of different types of light. Stay for the full day and we’ll reveal many mysteries of science as we investigate creepy creatures, learn troll tricks, capture a rainbow in a bottle, make instant snow, mix up glowing slime and conduct lab tests on mystery substances. Mad Science: Mad Machines & Rockin’ Rockets PLACE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center AGES: 6–12 DATE: Mon–Fri, 6/27/16–7/1/16 TIME: 1pm–4pm FEE: $139 This is a camp designed by you— the Inventor! Each day you’ll be given a series of challenges which must be overcome using basic materials, simple machines, tips from world famous inventors and the most important thing of all—your imagination! With a little bit of ingenuity you’ll construct catapults and forts, fabricate a winning Egg Drop design, and assemble a working light saber to take home. This camp will focus on building and designing with your hands. Each day, students will learn about various sculpting material like terracotta, and oil based clay. They will use hand building and glazing techniques to build a new project each day. Projects include a shoe design, favorite character, and time to explore on their own. The second half of the day will be focused on modeling clay and building charms that can be put on carabiner clips and necklaces. Please bring a small snack and drink. This camp is for all abilities and all materials are included. We use food safe and toxic free material. For more information please go to potteryworksmobile.com. Chess Camp: Shining Knights PLACE: AGES: TIME: Red-Hot Robots PLACE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center AGES: 7-12 DATE: Mon–Fri, 8/22/16-8/26/16 TIME: 1pm–4pm FEE: $169 Science Explorers: Spend this Summer playing with our super cool Red-Hot Robots! Discover the world of robots as we investigate the differences between humans and their robotic counterparts. Campers will learn how robots use infrared and other sensors to discover their environment. Invent your own robot designs using recycled materials. We use your handson skills to build your very own working Robot to take home to “LIVE” with You! Is it science or magic? You’ll find out! In our half day camp you’ll create erupting foam monsters, conduct amazing air Pottery Design Summer Camp PLACE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center AGES: 5–10 DATE: Mon–Fri, 8/29/16–9/2/16 TIME: 1pm–4pm FEE: $175 DATE: Mad Science: Campers will enjoy kid-friendly favorites for budding chefs, including oven-baked chicken fingers, homemade pasta and meatballs, and more! Each member of the family will enjoy these entrees when the kids make them at home. Potions, Powders & Polymers PLACE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center AGES: 7-11 DATE: Mon–Fri, 8/15/16-8/19/16 TIME: 9am–12pm or 12:30pm–3:30pm FEE: Half Day: $225, Full Day: $415 Pottery Works Mobile: FEE: Upper Gwynedd Community Center 5–13 Mon–Fri, 7/25/16–7/29/16 1pm–4pm $185 Spend a week playing and learning about chess from the Shining Knights chess coaches! Our coaches have taught tens of thousands of children to play. Many have won state and national championships. Assigned to groups by skill level, classes appeal to total beginners through advanced tournament players. Campers receive t-shirts and tournament-style chess sets. Activities include learning openings, tactics, and end games, studying master games, playing against fellow students and analyzing student games. T-shirt and chess set are provided to all campers. upper gwynedd township | summer 2016 7 KIDS CAMPS & ACTVITIES Each day will include hands-on activities, discussion and a team activity. Bring a water bottle and healthy snack; wear comfortable shoes and dress for activity and the weather. GeoVentures: Wilderness Survival Camp PLACE: Camp Parkside PLACE: AGES: TIME: FEE: Parkside Place Park Pavilion 5-12 9am–12pm $69/week Sign up for one week or all six! Every child registered in week one and/or two will receive a free day pass at the pool! Enjoy various arts and crafts, sports, nature activities and special events. You will be responsible for taking your child to and from the swim lessons at Nor-Gwyn Pool, not Camp Parkside staff. $5/off each camp if registered by Monday, 6/6! Day of registrations are not accepted.Counselor In Training Program is now accepting applications! Applicants must be 14 years or older. Visit www.uppergwynedd.org for more details. Week 1: All-Stars DATE: Mon–Fri, 6/27/16-7/1/16 Campers will showcase their talents through various activities such as crafts, games and teamwork geared challenges. From athletics to memory games, campers will experience fun encounters to test their limits. Week 2: Outback Expedition DATE: Tues–Fri, 7/5/16-7/8/16 FEE: $56 (no Monday due to holiday) Give your child the opportunity to experience the outdoors in a unique way through learning about the environment they live in. Campers will learn about plants and animals that live in their very own backyard. 8 Week 3: Superheroes and Villains DATE: Mon–Fri, 7/11/16-7/15/16 Every child at one point in their youth has had a favorite superhero or villain. Whether your favorite character is Superman, Lex Luther, Sleeping Beauty or Maleficent, we have a place for you. Campers will design their own super-logos, masks, and more to create the perfect superhero secret identity. (Children are welcome to dress in their favorite Superhero costumes!) Week 4: Dr. Frankenstein’s Mad Science Lab DATE: Mon–Fri, 7/18/16-7/22/16 Release your inner evil genius while exploring science at the same time. Campers will learn basic elements of science such as mass, gravity, inertia and much more! Throughout the week, campers will perform basic experiments as well as themed games and activities. Week 5: Fun and Fitness DATE: Mon–Fri, 7/25/16-7/29/16 Health is a fundamental element of growing up. What better way to learn healthy habits than through fun games and crafts! All week campers will learn the importance of being active and eating well balanced meals. AGES: DATE: TIME: FEE: Introduces the world of survival using ancient skills and modern tools. Build natural shelters, be introduced to outdoor navigation and signaling, learn how to pack for adventures and practice the secrets of invisibility and stealth. GeoVentures: Zombie Survival Camp PLACE: AGES: DATE: TIME: FEE: As summer begins to come to a slow close, why not end the summer with the best week of the year?! Campers will indulge in various water themed games as well as our annual grand finale featuring a water balloon toss, tie-dying, and a visit from the Upper Gwynedd Fire Truck! upper gwynedd township | summer 2016 Parkside Place Complex 10-14 Mon–Fri, 7/18/16-7/22/16 12:30–3:30pm $119 Become a member of the Zombie Outbreak Response Agency. Learn protocol for building zombie-proof shelters, locating supply caches using GPS, signaling skills to communicate with other agents, tracking the undead’s movements and camouflaging to hide among the zombie legions. GeoVentures: Jedi Academy PLACE: AGES: DATE: Week 6: Water World DATE: Mon–Fri, 8/1/16-8/5/16 Parkside Place Complex 10–14 Mon–Fri, 6/20/16-6/24/16 1pm–4pm $119 TIME: FEE: Parkside Place Complex 8–12 Mon–Fri, 8/15/16-8/19/16 9am–12pm $119 Campers learn the way of the Jedi through games and team challenges. Discover the secrets of faraway galaxies: how to navigate the wilds of Naboo; how to detect and elude galactic forces; and make and properly handle your own lightsaber. A D U LT ( 1 8 +) FITNESS KIDS SPORTS Power Pump the opportunity to try lacrosse, soccer, basketball, T-ball, parachute games and more in a safe, structured environment. All activities promote hand-eye coordination, movement, balance and most importantly—fun! Upper Gwynedd Community Center DATE: 5/11/16–6/15/16 or 7/13/16–8/17/16 DAY & TIME: Wednesdays, 6:15–7:10pm FEE: $44 PLACE: Increase muscle activation, burn calories faster and maximize results in our new Power Pump class. With new innovative weight training equipment, you are sure to see quick results. Limited to 12 people. Please bring a mat to class. USG Sports: T-Ball Squirts PLACE: AGES: DATES (1): DATES (2): TIME: Guts & Butts Upper Gwynedd Community Center DATE: 5/11/16–6/15/16 or 7/13/16–8/17/16 DAY & TIME: Wednesdays, 7:15–7:45pm FEE: $24 PLACE: British Soccer Camp Mini Kickers PLACE: AGES: DATES: TIME: FEE: This is a fun and varied 30 minute core class focused on enhancing the abdominal, back, shoulder and hip girdle strength. If you want to tone and tighten your midsection, this is the class for you. Please bring a mat to class. Sculpt & Define Upper Gwynedd Community Center 5/9/16–6/13/16 or 7/11/16–8/15/16 DAY & TIME: Mondays, 6:15–7:10pm FEE: $44 PLACE: DATE: Strengthens and tone your entire body using hand weights, stability balls, tubes, body bars and steps. Research has proven that adding lean muscle helps increase metabolism while working out and at rest. Please bring a mat and hand weights. Outdoor Boot Camp Parkside Park DATE: 6/4/16–7/9/16 or 7/16/16–8/20/16 DAY & TIME: Saturdays, 6:15–7:10pm FEE: $48 PLACE: Mini Kickers is a new and exciting enrichment program focused on the development of children aged 3-5 years, through the medium of soccer. Challenger Sports’ professional British coaches are experts in working with young children and will combine soccer games and stories to help your child’s gross motor skill development, while having lots of fun playing soccer! Each child will receive a Mini Kicker’s soccer jersey and size two soccer ball for attending the program. Registration Deadline is 4/4/16. Rain date of 5/25. USG Sports: Total Sports Squirts PLACE: AGES: Parkside Place Complex 3–5 Spring I DATES: TIME: FEE: Wednesdays, 4/13/16–5/4/16 5–6pm and 6pm–7pm $79 Spring II DATES TIME Fitness Boot Camp by Fazio5Fitness, LLC is a fast paced, high energy training system designed to push people a little bit further than they would normally push themselves in the gym alone. The idea is that everyone involved works at their own pace as they team up and work towards one goal, either in pairs, small teams of three or four, or as an entire group. Contact Anji Fazio (215-407-4158, fazio5fitness@gmail.com). FEE: Parkside Place Complex 3–5 Wednesdays, 4/13/16–5/18/16 1:30–2:30pm $99 FEE Wednesdays, 5/18/16–6/8/16 5–6pm $79 Summer DATES: TIME: FEE: Mon–Fri, 8/8/16-8/12/16 4:30–5:30pm $99 Experience a new sport each week of the program with Sports Squirts. Participants have Parkside Place Complex 3–5 Tuesdays, 4/12/16–5/3/16 Tuesdays, 5/17/16–6/7/16 5–6pm and 6–7pm $79 A great way to introduce young sluggers to the exciting game of baseball! Focusing on the fundamental skills of the game including hitting, throwing, catching and running the bases, our progressive T-ball curriculum enables each child to develop both their skills and understanding of the game. USG Sports: Multi-Sports DATES TIME & FEE PLACE AGES Parkside Place Complex 5–8 & 9–12 Mon–Fri, 8/8/16–8/12/16 9am–4pm ($205) 9am–12:30pm ($175) 1pm–4pm ($125) Experience over 16 different sports from around the world including soccer, basketball, lacrosse, volleyball, disc golf, cricket, floor hockey and many more at US Sports Institute’s Total Play Multi Sports camp. All activities will take place in an atmosphere which promotes good sportsmanship, teamwork and most of all—fun! Campers will receive technical instruction, have the chance to experience the sport in a realistic game situation, and will participate in the exciting USSI World Cup Competition. All participants will receive a tee shirt and certificate. upper gwynedd township | summer 2016 9 KIDS SPORTS USG Sports: Golf Squirts Parkside Place Complex AGES: 4–5 DATES: 8/1/16-8/5/16 DAY & TIME: Mon–Fri, 4:30–5:15pm FEE: $99 PLACE: USG Sports: Golf Parkside Place Complex 6–8, 9–10 DATES: 8/1/16-8/5/16 DAY & TIME: Mon–Fri 5:30–7:00pm FEE: $129 PLACE: AGES: Using the revolutionary SNAG (Start New at Golf) system, US Sports Institute’s First Play Golf Clinic is the ideal way to introduce youngsters to one of the world’s most popular sports. Children will learn all the basic golf techniques including swing, grip and ball contact through unique and fun training methods each day. Inclusive team challenges and individual play will be incorporated into our US Open Competition. Children will experience greater success by using larger balls and club heads and increase stroke consistency while developing player confidence. The First Play Gold clinic provides a thorough, early introduction to this life long past-time. 0 i9 Flag Football Instructional League Parkside Place Pavilion AGES: 3–10 DATES: 6/27/16-7/1/16 AGE & TIME: Ages 3–4: 1–2pm AGE & TIME: Ages 5–10: 1–4pm FEE: $125 PLACE: Children in this camp will focus on learning new skills, game strategies, and good sportsmanship. Campers will participate in a variety of games and activities which will not only help them develop the fundamentals of the game of flag football, but are also good exercise and a ton of fun! We will have daily practices as well as games. i9 Cheerleading Camp Parkside Place Pavilion AGES: 4–10 DATES: 6/20/16-6/24/16 DAY & TIME: Monday–Friday, 9am–12pm FEE: $125 PLACE: The i9 Sports Cheerleading Program is an introduction to Cheerleading, and the Cheerleading experience. The program is led by experienced and passionate i9 Sports Cheer Instructors that will focus on teaching core cheers, chants, dances in a fun and supportive atmosphere. Participants will end the week with a performance of cheers, chants, dances and participant trophy, followed by a party (included in the registration). Cheer squads will be taught by our experienced cheerleading coaches. Each participant will receive an official i9 Cheerleading Participant Shirt and Pom-Poms to keep. Appropriate footwear includes sneakers or running shoes. upper gwynedd township | summer 2016 Basketball League PLACE: DATE: FEE: Parkside Place Basketball Courts 6/13/16–7/29/16 $90 Walk-In Registration: Saturday, May 14 from 9am–12pm and Thursday, May 19 from 7-9pm ONLINE REGISTRATION NOW AVAILABLE! Registration deadline: May 22 ($5 late fee) Contact: Emily Croke at 215-699-7777 Player Eligibility (Entering Grades): Boys Junior Division: 7th & 8th grade Boys Intermediate Division: 9th & 10th grade Boys Senior Division: 11th & 12th grade Girls Junior Division: 7th & 8th grade Girls Senior Division: 9th–12th grade Ultimate Frisbee Parkside Place Complex 11–17 DATES: 6/20/16-6/24/16 DAY & TIME: Mon–Fri, 9am–12:30pm FEE: $99 PLACE: AGES: Have fun playing the fastest growing sport in America! Learn basics of the sport through fun activities and Frisbee “games.” The main focus of playing is on games, but campers will also receive technical instruction on the sport. TENNIS Event: Free Tennis Play Day with Upper Gwynedd PLACE: AGES: DATE: TIME: FEE: Parkside Place Tennis Courts 10 and Under Saturday, 4/9/16 10am–12pm FREE! (online registration required) Come enjoy a morning of free play with the PennSuburban Community Tennis Association. The event will feature quick matched with players of similar age and skill. Experience the thrill of competition and gain confidence without the pressure! Registration required at www.pscta.usta.com. Tennis Day Camp with Frog Hollow Racquet Club PLACE: AGES: DATES: TIME: FEE: Parkside Place Tennis Courts 4–7, 8–10, 11–12, 13+ 6/20–6/24, 6/27–7/1 & 7/11–7/15 9am–3pm $280/week Frog Hollow Tennis Camp offers players a fun-filled and energetic tennis camp experience. With multiple camps for all levels and ages, players will be challenged at their own level of play all while making friends and having serious fun! Beginners will discover tennis fundamentals while experienced players will fine-tune skills and train for competitive performance. Our worldclass teaching professionals at Frog Hollow are either PTR or USPTA certified in order to produce the best tennis camp experience for all students. Must bring own racquet, water and sneakers. Contact Jared Morgan at 610.584.5502 x34 or Jared@FrogTennis.com for more info. Tennis Lessons PLACE: AGES: FEE Parkside Place Tennis Courts 10 and Under $60 per 5-week session Must bring own racquet, water and sneakers. Preregistration is required—no day of registration will be accepted. Lessons run by tennis professionals from the PennSuburban Community Tennis Association (PSCTA). PSCTA is a local, not-for-profit organization and is registered through the United States Tennis Association. The scaled-to-size equipment and playing area allows children to rally and play the game, increasing the likelihood that they will return to the court and continue to improve! Spring 1st Set Summer Set Tuesdays Tuesdays 4/19/16-5/17/16 (5/24 rain date) DAY: Tuesdays ONLY AGE & TIME: 5–6, 4:15–5:00pm AGE & TIME: 7–8, 5:15–6:00pm AGE & TIME: 9–10, 6:15–7:15pm Thursdays DATES: 4/21/16-5/19/16 (5/26 rain date) DAY: Thursdays ONLY AGE & TIME: 5–6, 4:15–5:00pm AGE & TIME: 7–8, 5:15–6:00pm AGE & TIME: 9–10, 6:15–7:15pm DATES: 7/12/16-8/9/16 (8/16 rain date) Tuesdays ONLY AGE & TIME: 5–6, 4:15–5:00pm AGE & TIME: 7–8, 5:15–6:00pm AGE & TIME: 9–10, 6:15–7:15pm Thursdays DATES: 7/14/16-8/11/16 (8/18 rain date) DAY: Thursdays ONLY AGE & TIME: 5–6, 4:15–5:00pm AGE & TIME: 7–8, 5:15–6:00pm AGE & TIME: 9–10, 6:15–7:15pm DATES: DAY: Spring 2nd Set Fall Set Tuesdays Tuesdays 5/31/16-6/28/16 (7/5 rain date) DAY: Tuesdays ONLY AGE & TIME: 5–6, 4:15–5:00pm AGE & TIME: 7–8, 5:15–6:00pm AGE & TIME: 9–10, 6:15–7:15pm Thursdays DATES: 6/2/16-6/30/16 (7/7 rain date) DAY: Thursdays ONLY AGE & TIME: 5–6, 4:15–5:00pm AGE & TIME: 7–8, 5:15–6:00pm AGE & TIME: 9–10, 6:15–7:15pm Little Tots DATES: 6/4/16-7/2/16 (7/9 rain date) DAY: Saturdays ONLY AGE & TIME: 3–6, 9:00–9:45am DATES: 9/13/16-10/11/16 (10/18 rain date) Tuesdays ONLY AGE & TIME: 5–6, 4:15–5:00pm AGE & TIME: 7–8, 5:15–6:00pm AGE & TIME: 9–10, 6:15–7:15pm Thursdays DATES: 9/15/16-10/13/16 (10/20 rain date) DAY: Thursdays ONLY AGE & TIME: 5–6, 4:15–5:00pm AGE & TIME: 7–8, 5:15–6:00pm AGE & TIME: 9–10, 6:15–7:15pm DATES: DAY: upper gwynedd township | summer 2016 prst standard us postage paid southeastern, pa permit no. 50 UPPER GWYNEDD TOWNSHIP Parkside Place, P.O. Box 1, West Point, PA 19486 Township Commissioners Kenneth E. Kroberger, President M. Clare Edelmayer, Vice President James A. Santi Eugene P. Ziemba Thomas A. Duffy Public Works 215-699-7777 Willard W. Troxel, Superintendent Wastewater Treatment 215-699-5824 Lee Honeywell, Operations Superintendent Police Department 215-699-5861 David W. Duffy Chief of Police Fire Company 215-699-5454 Fire Marshal and Emergency Management Coordinator 610-721-6784 Jeffrey A. Tomczak Administration 215-699-7777 Leonard T. Perrone, Manager Michael J. Lapinski, Assistant Township Manager David Brill, Finance Director Alex Kaker, Parks & Recreation Director E. Van Rieker, Zoning & Land Development Coordinator Dan Quimby, Building Inspector Tax Collector 215-699-6689 Jane M. Murray summer 2016 calendar 4/4/16 4/18/16 4/19/16 4/25/16 4/26/16 5/2/16 5/9/16 5/17/16 5/18/16 5/23/16 5/24/16 5/30/16 6/6/16 6/13/16 6/21/16 6/27/16 6/28/16 7/4/16 7/11/16 7/19/16 7/25/16 7/26/16 8/1/16 8/8/16 8/16/16 8/17/16 8/22/16 8/23/16 Planning Commission Meeting Zoning Hearing Board Workshop Meeting Board of Commissioners Meeting Primary Election Planning Commission Meeting Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Workshop Meeting Police Pension Board Board of Commissioners Meeting Zoning Hearing Board HOLIDAY: Memorial Day Golf Outing! Planning Commission Meeting Workshop Meeting Board of Commissioners Meeting Zoning Hearing Board HOLIDAY: Independence Day Planning Commission Meeting Workshop Meeting Board of Commissioners Meeting Zoning Hearing Board Planning Commission Meeting Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Workshop Meeting Police Pension Board Board of Commissioners Meeting Zoning Hearing Board upper gwynedd township | summer 2016 nor-gwyn baseball and softball opening day april 16th 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm OFFICES OPEN 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 3:30pm 7:30pm 7:00pm OFFICES CLOSED OFFICES OPEN 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm OFFICES CLOSED 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 3:30pm 7:30pm 7:00pm T he 2016 Nor-Gwyn season begins on Saturday, April 16 with several Baseball, Softball, and T-Ball games. The annual Opening Day player parade and ceremony will immediately precede the games at 10:30am sharp. The ceremony will be held at the Nor-Gwyn Complex on Hancock Road in Upper Gwynedd Township. Everyone is invited to come out to celebrate the start of the new season. The ceremony will include remarks by Nor-Gwyn officials and presentations of the Ben Hostelley Scholarship, Larry Meyers Coach-of-theYear, and the Volunteer-of-the-Year. State and local government officials are expected to be on-hand. The ceremony also includes the traditional First Baseball and Softball Pitches. All Nor-Gwyn Baseball and Softball players and coaches are invited to participate in the ceremony by assembling behind the Bachman-Jasinski Field outfield fence in full uniform promptly at 10:15am. Players and coaches will line-up and parade onto the field by team to start the ceremony. The rain date for the ceremony is Sunday, April 17 at 12:15pm. If weather or field conditions require postponement, a message will be posted on the Nor-Gwyn answering service (267-217-2567) after 9:30am.
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