The 4Vo Indicator Revisited - Technical Analysis of Stock Trends
The 4Vo Indicator Revisited - Technical Analysis of Stock Trends
TradingWith The Trend The4VoIndicator Revisited areequally weightedandcoveredin theValueLine InvestmentSurvey,a popularinvestmentservice. This index consistsprimarily of mid-cap stocks andis thereforemore representativeof underlying s trend-following traders,we understandthat market movements. Fortunately,you only needtobeconcernedwith successdependson identifying and trading with the price trend of the markets.We have the weekly closeof this index: come to appreciatethe saying that "the trend onlywhentheweekly closeisat A buysignaloccurs is yourfriend." More than 20 yearsago, Martin Zweig, week's A sell close. least 4%higher thantheprevious in his book Winning On Wall Street,featured a simple closeis at least signaloccursonlywhentheweekly indicator designedto help an investor follow the price week's close. 4o/olower thantheorevious trend of the markets.Zweig called this the 4Voindicator. In his book he illustrated that for the 22-yearperiod endedlate 1988,if an investorfollowed this indicator,a You only need to look at the Value Line index modest$10,000investmentwould havegrown to more oncea week andperform thenecessarycalculation than$233,000! This is anapproximateI 5Vocompounded to determineif any action needsto be taken. For annualrate of return - a remarkablereturn that sisnifi- example,assumethe weekly closeof the index is cantly exceededmarket returns. 316.69. To initiate a trade, the index must close But that was then.Due to changingmarketdynamics, the following week 12.67pointshigher (buy) or many indicators appearto work for a certaintime and as lower (sell). This is 47o hrgher or lower than the conditions change,the indicator loses its effectiveness previousweekly close. despitewhat backtestingresultshave shown. If this does not happen,you do nothing. In This article revisits the 4Vomodel and exploresits ef- this case,let's assumethe Value Line closesthe fectivenessin currentmarketconditions.Is thisindicator following week at 330. Since 330 is 4Vohtgher still relevant 20 years later? To find out, I developeda than the prior week's close of 316.69,you will trading model. initiate a buy. You would hold this position until the index closes 4Voor lower than the previous TH.N4Vo INDICATOR week. Continuing with the example,assumethe Often,thesimplertheindicator,theeasierthemodelis to market rallies and four weeks later the index is execute.It doesn't get much simpler! As Zweig showsin now at 355. The next week, the index closesat his book, the4VaindicatorusestheValueLine Composite 337. Since331is 4Volessthanthepreviousweek's Index to generatethe buy and sell signals. The Value closeof 355, you exit your position.The result is Line Compositeis a collectionof 1,700companiesthat a gain of approximately6Va.Now let's develop the model. Thissimpletime-testedindicatorallows investorsto tade with the trend to achieve above-averagereturns. o E f E o @ by Michael J. Collins o/ STOCKS & ColffrlOOntpS BonusIssue2010o Teclnical Analysts . 13 (January M0DEL SIGNALS 1, 2001-November 2, 2009)Tradesymbol: IWM SIGNAL SIGNAL ACTION DATE DATE o/o PROFIT TIME $1,000,000 grovrtth Invested (DaYs) IWM BUY THB rnnuING MoDEL This long/short model is mechanical in $1,000,000.00 nature. All buy/sell decisions are clearly $922,279.79 Buy 11121200111161200196.50 Sell*** 31161200131191200189.00 -7.77% 62 9qy,_ 1|42991__4'16!,09\ eq.50 -16e% zB $s06,735.7s defined and based on price usingthe 470 Sell.** 8.84/0 63 $986,889.19 indicator.The model will usetheValueLine 611512001 611812001 98.50 _Buy__ 9l2p-t?fd1 105___91,170€40.U index to generatethe buy and sell signals. .-, 19ll?99\_ _9_020__,13-58?q__ Sell.** 6n12002 611012002 93.80 16.96% 252 $1,368,684.89The exchangetraded fund (Ern) used for 71.80 23.4s% 133 $1,689,698.41trading purposeswill be the Russell 2000 lyy _-,t01$l2nz__10121t2002 Sell.*- 11241200311271200374.00 3,06% 98 $1,741,471.89 i-Share (Iwna). Iwu is extremely liquid, trading more than 50 million sharesdaily. Sell*** 91261200391291200397.25 31.9b% 189 $2,307,255.48 Go long Iwlt on the buy signal and Buv 10/3/2003 10/6/2003102.20 -5.09% 7 89,81 6.77 $2,1 hold the position until a sell signal occurs. Sell*** 413012004 51312004 111.60 9.20o/o 210 $2,391,228-49 You then closethe long position and initiate Brty__812012004 1.917o-----_11?___9'232004_Wlf __$2,436,86;i.5il Sell*** 1n,2005 111012005 122.00 11.45% 140 92,715,792.80 a new short position at the openingthe next 512312005 tg 0.53% 133 $2,730,262.19 tradingday.Again,thepositionis helduntilthe _eg_5402001 l4 31212007 3151200776.09.. Sell... 25.41o/. 651 $3,423,908,53 next buy signal,at which time the positionis Buv 72.54 4.67%_ a36____$!,E!!,091s3 closedanda new long positionis established. __41lnw_ _21412008 Sell--* 21812008 211112008 69.66 7 -3.97"/o $3,441,372.94 The investoris either long or shortthe Iwu. 41412008 Buv -287% 56 $3,342,568.09 Remember,the buy/sell decisionsare made ___A112008 71.66 Sell... 612712008 6/30/2008 69.86 -2.51o/. 84 $3,258,607.41 usingthe ValueLine index andthe tradesare Buv 10/31/2008 11/3/2008 53.48 23.W" 126 $4,022,649,63 executedusing lwu. Sell*** f n12008 111101200851.74 -3.25fo 7 $3,891,770,60 The model results in this summary have Buy 11128120081?111200846.12 10.86% 21 94,s14,4s4.82 beenbacktestedfrom 2001;that is the first Sell--* 111612009 112012009 45.88 -0.52o/. 50 $4,292,042.98 full yearthat i-Sharestradedon the Russell Buv 2/6/2009 2/9/2009 46.79 -1.98% 20 $4,206,913.09 Sell... 211312009 211712009 43.00 -8.10% I $3,866,152.23 2000. For the purposesof this article, we Buv 3fi312005 3/16/2009 39.81 7.42% 27 $4.152.966.78 will refer to the model as the TT. Sell.-. 511512009 511812009 48.30 21.33% 63 $5,038,640.94 Buv 5/2912009 6/1/2009 51.36 -6.349i, 14 $4,719,422.69 PBnnonvTnNCESUMMARY Sell**. 10/30/2009 fiU2009 56.63 10.26% 154 $5,203,678.09 As Figure 1 illustrates,utilizing the TT model producedinterestingresults.A hyTOTAL RETURNpothetical $1 million has grown to more TTModel 420.37o/" than $5 million in approximately nine Russ2000Index 16 .5 9 % years, producing a total return of more S&P500Index -21.52% than 400Vo. This equals an approximate dividend andinterest earned -.Adjusted for2-'l split June2005 ---Sell/short -Excludes 207o compounded annual rate of return FIGURE 1: TRADII{G SlGl{AtSGEI{ERATEO BYTHETTM00Et. Hereyouseethegrowthof $1millionol capital and comparesfavorably to the returns that period, Within a nine-year thismodelproduced a totalreturn of morethan400%. Zweig produced in his study more than2} yearsago. Figure2 summarizestheresultsproduced 0UF"REVtsrD 9l+N by the model under three different condi{S fD ll,,lEcfsEF,toUs tions.This allows you to seereturnsacross THF D E }A T FINTd different risk parameters: ECOrloUV fo MAKI Btt,-__ 321.!L3__,_3Q4/29W qa _ ruLq,, _o.!yb _ 5_6___$t,74q.!gt 0F Ecovo&lc Abvrsftl tr 6RoWJ dr chfulA14*14 . BonusIssue2010. Technicat Anqlysis af SfocfS & COuvoltftes Scenario I (all trades).' Use all the signals. Scenario 2 (long only): Only go long on the buy signals and exit on the sell signals.Go to cashuntil the next buy signal. Scenario 3 (short only): Only sell short on the model sell signals and close position on the buy signals.The rest of the time, remain in cash until the next sell signal. ldentlfying group rotation is essential I "Thevarious industry groups constantly rotatebetweenstrength andweakness. Because the industry groupplaysa majorrolein howa stockperforms, identifying group rotationin realtimeisessential to successful trading.".,, Experienced tradersknow that identifying grouprotationin its earlystagesis extremely valuable information - and morethana littletricky.EnterDynamicTrendprofile. With it'sproprietary grouprotationscreen, you canidentifyat a glancewhen a grouprs startingto rotate.Thenwith a click,you can identifythe stockstradingin the direction of the group'strend- all in real-time. This - TomJoseph criticalpieceof informationisjust one reason DynamicTrend Profile hastakenthe market by storm,and a greatreasonfor you to check out a FREE onlinelivedemotodav! nilfiw 5*rEqqE , _! .- .- +- ! a a As u,*[UIlltl;,J,!J so*. sirii; i .i q r u'irflEEllulduil --e ldentify Real-Time group rotations in the following markets: ;-"i!(+ aa-.h usdUilgUU[Ud -A-- figeg -=eg ilrgd ;cXfifr8c ;,ifE reil88q8 ilgcc ;d8&88fr gqgd ggsEf,f,qqg USStocks(102 industrygroups) Euro Stoxx600 (18 industrygroups) Indian NSEStocks(37 industrygroups) AustralianStocks(10 industrygroups) SaudiArabia (8 industrygroups) FOREX(20 currencypairs) iljEEilrE 0t[[ ie*figfie ili8E FRFElive online demonstrationat or eontact a salesexpert at 0are % ge4,s$fiS,g€e il EF&tr Quicklyidentifywhen a group rotates from weakness(red)to strength(blue) 1-900-466-6209 rrp 'TFi! r\ neirer d ,oitcrar,o .o o.v o, spr dny1/pe 0t ind^cra 'n,l LTents,ro ,-!e-deda . -\"l Ie.oTne_dd'ro-..A,l i vesrenfLdoirq nvovesn ul',orp ruosa r ar 1s's ot roleldry o-s.NO qtpRFSE\A tON.s BEI\CVADt I hAr A\Y A!COUNTWil I ORtSI t\tL/ 'O acHFvL pRof,T(oR Lossts \,MtLAqTO InOSt StOWN. ]N FACI THERE AREFRIQUENTLY SHARP DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HYPOTHET]CAt PERFORMANCE RESULTs OR TESTIMONIALS AND THI ACTUALRESULTS SUESEQUENTLY ACHIEVED BYANY PART]CULAR TRAD]NG PROGRAM. j ODYNAMIC ffif \,_,,,tPRoFrLE i %t **1*'*****i**r***ugffi*try?****r**o* FOREX,& OPTIONSI I Designed for STOCKS,fTUTURES, ' AllTrades years 8.84 SUMMARY TestPeriod Timeinmarket SUMMARY TestPeriod Timeinmarket %Return model %Return index S&P500%return Total Trades 99% %Return model %Return index 420.37"/' 16.59% S&P500%return Total Trades Profitable Losses gain Average -21.520io Average loss '4.01T0 29 18 62.070/" 11 37.93/" 12.76o/o Average dayspertrade Average daysinwinning trade Average daysinlosing trade Longest trade(days held) trade(days Shortest held) 0nlybuys years B,B4 63% 169.91% 16.59% I -21.521" tc Profitable 60.00% 40.00% I o L U JJC J gain Average loss Average lsthe4%indicator still releyant 20yearslater? 1538% '4.351o Figure 3 shows the annual returns of the TT model vs. the Russell 2000 and Standard & Poor's 500 indexes. To summarize: 111 159 31 oc l r The model produced 29 trading signals over the pasteight-plusyears. 7 S&P500%return %Timeinwinningtrades B9% %Timeinlosing trades 11To Finally, the model seems to hold winners and cut lossesquickly. On average, a losing trade was held only 31 days, while winning trades were held more than four times longer (159 days). FIGURE 2:M0llEtRETUBT{S lt{DIFFEREI{T (1fl2001SGEI{ARIOS 112f2O0). Thefirst scenarjo uses alltrades, thesecond scenario uses long signals only, andthethird scenario uses short signals. Several points are worth noting: r In all three scenarios,the TT model performanceresults significantly exceedthe buy & hold index returns. r The win/loss ratio is consistentacrossall scenarios,but the winning trades are almost three times as large as the losing trades.Interestingly,Zweig producedsimilarresults using this indicator more than 20 yearsago. r The TT model produced positive returns in every year but one (2007). The model underperformed the S&P 500 in just two ofthe last nine years. 10.14T0 r The worst year for the model was 2007. Investorsexperienceda -2.247oreturn. r The timing model significantly outperformed in flat to down markets.This was especiallytrue in 200I,2002, and 2008. ANNUAT TT MODEL RETURNS VS.INDEX" gh11lzl0sl (throu 2001-09 # Trades TTM0DEI RUSSELL 2000 S&P500 Adv an ced algorithm s deliv er low lagr low noise analysis. Voted#1 2010Readers'ChoiceAwards Plug-lnSoftwareCategory Als0tot:AmjBroker, Wealth-Lab, MetaTrad€t Wavewige, Excel, Investor/RT, Bi0Comp Prolit, Ne0Ticker, Tradecision, Tradingsolutions, MATLAB, Tradestation, Ninja Trader, esiqnal, Neuroshell Trader, Financial j0. Data Calculatot Genesis TradeNavigator andTradersslud For more informationcircleNo. 2 16 o Bonus Issue 2OlO.Technical Analysis of STOCXS & COVVOOnIES 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009ytd Standard Deviation 4 z 40.59% 26.90% A 33.07To 21.43% 4.15To 16.95% z z 0 'l -2.24o/o 7 34.18% 1.03% -13.04% -21.580/0 -23.37% 45.370/0 17.00% 26.38% 8.99% 3.32Yo 3.00% 17.00% 13.62To 12.97o/o -2.750/0 3.53% -34.80V" -38.49% 12.87% 14.720/0 14.33% 23.30Yo 20.60Yo dividend reinvestment -Excludes FIGURE 3: A]{]{UAIRETUBT{S 0FTHETTM00EtVS.THElllDEXES. Thismodel produced almost 20times thereturn while oftherespective benchmarks incurring risk. lower ENTRYHighor low Max.% STGNAL PRICE afterentry drawdown 111612001 Buv 96.50 87.51 90.50 98.50 88.75 102.40- -9.32% 31512007Sell 76.09 -1.93% 211112008Sell -3.967o- 41712008 Buv 69.66 71,66 85.74 -12.68/" _3/ig?001_-9ql qe.qo--11q0-_- --1,152q-_ 4!QA99 ?t:t__l?.9! _-_@42*__!411e .3.70t0 411612001Buy 6/18/2001 Sell Drtzoor guy Je! _qq20q2___ 1012112002 Buy 112712003 Sell stzqlzow-tsiy929/2003*Sell 10/6/2003Buy 51312004Sell 812312004Buy '1110/2005 Sell 512312005 Buv 80.20 93.80 71.80 74.00 ttn 97.25 102.20 111.60 109,47 122.00 121 .35 7a.os -2.68r" 6/30/2008seir 69.86 72.24 68.23 -86,05 -4.79"/o"to Thesimple4o/o indicator has stoodthetest ol time. 94.55 -.80%*11h07/ooa 11/3/2008 L Buy_ _!148*__{!ls _!.ltj4 71.60 -0.[s% seii it.tq sti+ o.ooy" 75.00 -1.35% 121112008 Buv 46.12 41.96 -9.02%"r" ttzoizlos Seir 45.88 47.49 -3.51% Finally, the model signals 102.70 -5.602" 21912009B.y__16.7L__4qq0_ --qLoZ" 100.28 -1.88% 2t17t2009 Sell 43.00 43.62 -1.44% seemto have validity when 118.08 -5.81%-anizooe 3t1612009Buy -+€io-39,81 38.43 -3.47% applied to other ETFs.Figure 107.88 l.qsu Setr srso -a.gqdr"5 showsperformanceretums 129.28 -5.970/" 611 /200e _Bg1_ \1 e_47?7 -7e6% when the model signals 120,30 -0.87T" 111212009 Sell 56.63 62.44r are applied to three other .Priceasof 12131/09 indexes: the Nesoeq 100, the S&P500, andtheRussell FIGURE 4: ItBAWD0llllt{S PR0DUGED BYIHE TT M0DEL.Forthe29tradingsignals, percentage srgtheaverage drawdown between percentage nalswas-5.02%. Themedian drawdown between signals was-3.61%. Thelargest drawdown between signals was-23.17%, 3000.Withoutexception,the in2008, occurring model retums significantly outperformedthe respective index returns. INDEX RETURNS" 11112081 through111212009 CoNcr-usroN The TT model signals are mechanical and basedon price. The strategyis clearly designedto keep the investor in tune with the NASDAO 1OO s&P500 Russell 3000 price trend of the market.All entry and exit signalsareexecuted accordingto the 4Vomodel indicator,without regardto personal Trade symbol 0Q00 IW IWV biases. The results show that the model has been successfulin TTmodelreturns 99.65% 101.620/0 136.521o this pursuit.Given theresults,the simple4Voindicatorhasstood -28.810/o -21.52% Index returns -1 6.88% the test of time, exhibiting a superior 4}-year track record. . Exclusive ofdividend reinvestment Of course,past performanceis not a guaranteeof future results.At the least, the 4Voindicator appearsto be a helpful tool FIGURE THETTMODEL 5: APPtYlllG T00THER |I{DEXES. Hereyouseetheperformance returns whenthemodel signals areapplied tothreeotherindexes: theNASDAQ to identify and trade with the trend. 100,theS&P500,andtheRussell Without 3000. exception, themodel returns significantly outperformed therespective index returns. Michael Collins has been in the securities industry for more than 28 year.s.He currently is a senior vice president of investments and senior portfulio manager in the Pup program at I Finally, it appears investors experienced less risk (as Uns Financial Services.For more inJormation on this or other measuredby standarddeviation) by using the TT model trading systems,he can be reachedat m.collins@ubs.comor vs. buying and holding the indexes.In short,this model by phone at 888 277-8607. produced almost 20 times the return of the respective benchmarkswhile incurrins lower risk. SuccBsrBD READING Achelis, StevenB. [2000]. TechnicalAnalysis From A Tt Z, To further measurerisk and volatility, Figure 4 shows the McGraw-Hill. maximum percentage(Vo) tnrealized Ioss an investor would Colby, R.W., and T.A. Meyers [988]. The EncyclopediaOf have been exposedto between signals (otherwiseknown as Technica LMarket I ndicators, Dow Jones-Irwin. drawdowns). Kargenian,Bob [1992]. "The 4VoModel," TechnicalAnalysis To summarize: o/Srocrs & Covmootrms, Volume l0: March. Peterson,Dennis D. [2001]. "Intraday Intensity," t For fhe 29 trading signals, the average percentage Advantage,December10. drawdownbetweensignalswas -5.02Vo. Zweig, Martin [1986]. Winning On Wall Steet, Warner Books. f The median percentage drawdown between signals was- 3. 61V o. f The largestdrawdownbetweensignalswas -23.1'77o, occurrins in 2008. FflTil Bonuslssue2010. TechnicalAnalys,s r/ STOCKS & COVtrrtOOtflnS . 17 r lrNprcAroRsI \. '*" ! \ !t- \.*; s Interpretation, Application,Preference SmoothingThe Ride With Moving Averages There are many ways to smooth out fluctuations in the movementoJprices. So what's the best? by Edward Donic ecauseofthe daily volatility ofprices, investorsuse many methods to smooth out these fluctuations to analyze longer time frame trends in price movements.Two common methods are the simple moving average(Sv,+ or MA) and the exponential moving average (Eue). Both are calculated for a variety of time frames. They can also be combined to create other indicators and sisnals. Which is better? We will examine two frequently used time frames, 20 days and 50 days. 18 . BonusIssue2010. TechnicalAndlyslro/ STOCKS & CON{NAOotflgS tz Stupln MovING AvERAGE tc l9 The simple moving averagefor a particular number of days is i = | !'1 the sum of most recentclosesfor that number of days divided by thosedays.After the closeof trading,it is updatedto include today's data and the data of the oldest day is dropped.This figure is plotted on chartsto provide a smootherinterpretation of the direction of prices. In the case of the 20-day simple moving average,it is calculatedby adding the closing prices of the last 20 days and dividing that total by 20. The 50-day Sve is calculatedby adding the closing prices of the last 50 days and dividing that total by 50. N,IOVING AVERAGE ExpoNTxuAL The calculation of the exponential moving average I S less intuitive. It is calculated by taking a percentage of