PLUS24. - System 24
PLUS24. - System 24
PLUS24. GENERAL OVERVIEW 2 5. RATECARDS INDICE 6. TECHNICAL DATA 1. EDITORIAL PROFILE 2. TARGET 3. READERSHIP 4. SECTIONS 3 1.PLUS24: EDITORIAL PROFILE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ROBERTO NAPOLETANO FREQUENCY WEEKLY (Saturday) CIRCULATION 382,032 (226,158 digital) READERSHIP 879,000 SOURCE ADS March 2016 AUDIPRESS 2015.III Plus24 is the Saturday tabloid devoted to financial issues and is the clear and complete reference point for the investor who wants to orient and consciously choose the best forms of investment, and for operators who need a updated guide, complete and exhaustive markets. The tabloid offers, as well as sections devoted to life insurance policies, bonds, analysis of ethical rating of listed companies, the section ArtEconomy which constitutes a fixture entirely dedicated to modern and contemporary art market. Ideal context of planning for savings and investment products. 4 2. TARGET It has a leading role among the asset consultants and has taken over the years a major role in the finance and savings sector by offering in-depth information on key issues affecting them and directed to: Risparmio e Famiglia: the weekly column about management of family economy 1. SAVERS 2. INVESTORS 3. CONSULTANTS "Risparmio & Famiglia" (Savings & Family):: is the weekly column about the management of family economy, economy published every Monday, in the wake of the traditional Saturday issue of Plus24. The association with the brand of Plus24 underlines the continuity as far as the prestige of the contents and the big names of the journalism are concerned. 4. FINANCIAL ADVISORS 5. BROKERS 6. ACCOUNTANTS It helps families in the choice of the everyday investment with essential answers, practical examples and direct comparisons with regard, for example, to themes such as pensions, life insurance policies, home's energy consumption, strategic choices for the children's future etc. Ideal planning context for those companies dealing with products and services related to the family economy. economy. 5 3. READERSHIP The readers of Plus24 are financially competent; they pay particular attention to the performance of their investment and keep themselves constantly updated through both stock market quotes and advertisements on financial services. AGE 43% 35 – 54 yrs 19% 55 – 64 yrs GENDER 65% UOMO Source: Audipress 2015.III 35% DONNA 17% > 64 yrs 6 4. SECTIONS COVER STORY STRUMENTI Focused on current news and of interest Suggestions from executives and experts who for savers and investors explain how to increase the value of your investment: •Interviews RISPARMIO & FAMIGLIA with international executives sharing their view of the markets, the current For a direct contact with the reader financial crisis, and the possible outcomes.All supported by data and numerical data, with the PROFESSIONISTI DEL RISPARMIO new and improved layout. A reference for the market most valuable portfolio based on your needs A section with discussion, information and in depth • The suggestions of experts in building the detail dedicated to professional and objectives. savers: from promoters to consultants, from RUBRICHE negotiatiors The best columnists publish several in-depth to finance professional companies. sections, amongst which: Focus and in depth detail into the global “Dietro i numeri”, “Gorvernance”, “Lettera da pension market, and further information Wall Street”, “Insider”, “Autogol”, “Punto” (the relating to companies and regions. week’s hottest topic, positioned on the opening Arteconomy, Arteconomy regular briefing that takes a page “tabelle”) close look at the modern and contemporary “Il tuo portafoglio” (how to manage your savings art market. in a time of crisis) and “Il tuo debito” (how to manage your debts in a time of crisis). 7 5. RATECARDS Plus24 E A R PI E C E FR O N T PA G E mm 4 6 X 4 6 € X FO O T FR O N T PA G E mm 3 4 X 1 9 9 € X FI N . 3 ° PG . I N D I C I & N U M E RI mm 1 7 0 X 1 2 2 € 6,780.00 S U M M A R Y WI N D O W mm 6 3 X 1 4 7 € 25,000.00 FO O T mm 9 9 x 2 4 9 € 40,220.00 LI T T LE FO O T mm 6 3 x 2 4 9 € 35,840.00 10 MOD. VERTICAL mm 1 6 9 x 9 7 € 35,840.00 1 2 M O D U LE S mm 1 3 4 x 1 4 7 € 45,000.00 QUARTER mm 1 6 9 x 1 4 7 € 48,410.00 FA KE HA LF mm 1 3 4 x 2 4 9 € 98,000.00 PA G E mm 3 5 0 x 2 4 9 € 194,870.00 D O U B LE PA G E S PR E A D mm 3 5 0 x 5 1 8 € 318,880.00 8 6. TECHNICAL DATA Plus24 READERSHIP 879.000 FREQUENCY WEEKLY PAPER Pink NUMBER OF PAGES 6-10 pages ca. FORMAT Tabloid mm 249X350 MEDIA TYPE Print DATE OF RESERVATION 2 weeks b e fo r e t he da t e DATE OF MATERIALS DELIVERY 4 days before S o ur c e : A udip r e s s 2 0 1 5 . I I I ( S a t ur da y ) the day of pubblication 9 6. TECHNICAL DATA Deadline for materials: 4 working days before publication. PDF file format 1. It must conform to the PDF/X-1a:2003 standard in the PDF 1.3 version, with profile “Coated Fogra 39” (compatible with Acrobat 4); 2. It must not be password protected; 3. It must contain one page only; 4. It must be composite (no separations allowed); 5. It must not contain over 10,000 vector objects or track layout with more nodes (anchorage points) than the specified value; 6. The number of tracks on page it must be less than 5.000 objects; 7. It must not contain images 16Bit for channel; 8. It must not contain “PieceInfo” (Application information structure); 9. It must not contain transparent objects. Fonts used 1. All fonts must be embedded in the PDF; 2. Use Type 1 fonts. Don’t use CID fonts, if any, convert into vector paths. Colours and resolution 1. Colour images must be in high resolution (300 dpi). Use CMYK space only (best to use the “Coated Fogra39” ICC profile). Any RGB, Lab, Pantone and flat color “All” elements must be converted into CMYK; Screen 60 lines (screen Agfa-Sublima). The white dot should not go over 5% cyan, 4% magenta and 4% yellow. Black should not go over a hue value of 90%. The total percentage of colour saturation (total INK) should not go over 240%. If it does, to avoid over-inking, the software will automatically reduce the amount required, using generic tables, to bring it to 240%. Dot Gain of print 15-20%; 2. For grayscale images, use Grayscale (15%) space with 300 dpi resolution; 3. For line art, use Black & White space and use only vector paths or Bitmap with 1200 dpi resolution; 4. For color adv avoid written texts with font size below 14px and avoid frames or lines in negative on colored background. For written texts, frames or lines in positive withfont size below 14px, use only black color (no cyan, no magenta, no yellow). This is to avoid any out of register during printing. File size and trim 1. PDF sizes must be built to bleed. With no additional margins and printing marks. Trim Box and Bleed Box sizes must match. Load PDF files on the Group’s portal only from the following URL (we cannot receive PDF files through mail or we transfer): To accredited to access the portal, If you are not accredited, send a mail to: Material delivery deadline: 4 business days before publication Gruppo 24 ORE System24 Via Monte Rosa, 91 – Milano