The Reference Section
The Reference Section
The Reference Section Abbreviations and Acronyms.......................... 54 Battery Testing & Wire Gauges....................... 70 Duty Cycle / Dwell / Voltage Conversions....... 71 Circuit Protection Devices............................... 72 Transmission Identification Charts................. 73 C hances are, at least once a day someone from your shop finds himself looking for a common conversion rate or value. You dig through shop manuals, reference guides… even go online to find that one piece of information you need. Wouldn’t it be great if someone would compile all those conversion values, application charts and solenoid tables in one place? That way, no matter what you were looking for, you’d know right where to look? 52 Well, someone finally has: Your ATRA Technical Department. We’ve done the digging, through dozens of manuals and obscure sources, to find an array of technical values and reference listings you’re likely to need. And we’ve put it all in one, easy-to-find place: Right here in GEARS. Take a look and see what’s here. You’ll be amazed at how valuable this reference will be for you on a daily basis. And, to make things even easier, we’re putting a copy on ATRA Online. Just log in, and go to the Technical Reference section. Then choose the type of reference information you need, and click on the appropriate link. In seconds, you’ll have the information you’re looking for. And, if you notice something missing or something you’d like to see added, let us know: The ATRA Reference Manual is a living document. We’ll continue to update and refine the information as long as you continue to use it. GEARS January/February 2007 “Putting our shop online was one of the best things we’ve done in a long time. Best of all, ATRA makes this process extremely easy and affordable.” 9 Year Member "ATRA's Technical Department continues to be one of the leaders in training and support. The 'On-Line' help has broken new ground and is second to none!" 21 Year Member Benefits of Membership Technical & Educational • • • • • • • Technical Seminars Technical HotLine ATRA’s Online Tech Center Books & Monthly Bulletins GEARS Magazine ATRA’s Powertrain Expo Testing & Certification "Having a nationwide warranty to offer my customers is a great thing, but having a warranty that works is even better." 4 Year Member "ATRA is a major contributor to the advancement of the education of auto technicians and I am pleased to be a part of that effort." College Testimonial Reduced Fees Reduced insurance & credit card processing fees Discounts for all ATRA Events & BookStore Website, design & hosting at discount Nationwide Warranty With nearly 2000 members ATRA’s network of professional service centers can provide nationwide warranty coverage to your customers. ...and much more Join ATRA Membership TODAY! 866-GO-4-ATRA • 866-464-2872 atra memshp rv107.indd 53 1/5/07 3:27:45 PM Abbreviations and Acronyms Every month, the ATRA Technical Hotline receives a number of calls regarding the various abbreviations used in bulletins, manuals and training programs. To help make your job easier, we compiled a list of some of the more common abbreviations used in the automotive industry. Notice that some of these abbreviations appear more than once. That’s because more than one manufacturer may have cre- 2V 2WS 3GR 4GR 4EAT 4R70W 4R100 4V 4WAL 4WAS 4WD 4WS 5R55W A A-6 AALA AAT AAV ABARS ABC ABS ABSV AC A/C ACC ACC ACC accel ACCS accum 54 54AbbrAcron.indd 54 Two (Venturi) Valve (two barrel carburetor) Two Wheel Steer Third Gear Fourth Gear Four speed Electronic Automatic Transmission Four speed, Rear wheel drive, (up to) 700 lb/ft torque rated, Wide ratio Four speed, Rear wheel drive, (up to) 1000 lb/ft torque rated Four (Venturi) Valve (four barrel carburetor) Four Wheel Antilock Four Wheel Air Suspension Four Wheel Drive Four Wheel Steer Five speed, Rear wheel drive, (up to) 550 lb/ft torque rated, Wide ratio A Amps; Amperes Axial 6-Cylinder A/C Compressor American Automobile Labeling Act Ambient Air Temperature AntiAfterburn Valve (Mazda) Automobile Backward Automatic Ranging System Active Body Control Antilock Brake System Air Bypass Solenoid Valve (Mazda) Alternating Current Air Conditioning Adaptive Cruise Control Air Conditioning Clutch Automatic Climate Control Acceleration Air Conditioning Cycling Switch Accumulator ated its own use for that abbreviation. In that case, you’ll have to consider the context to determine exactly which definition to use. In addition, many abbreviations appear in lower case type; that’s important, because changing the case changes the meaning. For example, ns means nanoseconds, while nS means nanoseimens: Two completely different definitions. Keep that in mind when using any of these abbreviations. accy ACD ACE ACL ACM ACM ACP ACON ACR ACR4 act ACT ACTS actv ACV A/D AD adapt adapts ADAS ADBV ADC ADG adj ADL ADS ADU AECM A/F AF AFC AFCD Accessory Air Conditioning Demand Active Cornering Enhancement Air Cleaner Airbag Control Module Audio Control Module Air Conditioning Pressure Air Conditioning On Air Conditioning Relay Air Conditioning Refrigerant, Recovery, Recycling, Recharging Actual Air Charge Temperature Air Charge Temperature Sensor Activate (Thermactor) Air Control Valve Analog to Digital Accommodated Device Adaptive Adapters Advanced Driver Assistance System AntiDrainBack Valve Automatic Distance Control Accommodated Device Gateway Adjust Automatic Door Lock Auxiliary Discriminating Sensor Analog-Digital Unit Airbag Electronic Control Module Air Fuel Ratio (see also AFR) Air Fuel Air Flow Control; Air Fuel Control Advanced Frontal Crash Dummy GEARS January/February 2007 1/4/07 4:14:45 PM AFCM AFECM AFM AFO AFR AFS aft AGSP AGVS AHLD AHR amp hr AHS AIM AIR AIRB AIRD AIRM AIS AIS ALC ALC ALCL ALDL ALM ALR Alt ALT AM AMB AMM amp AMS AMT AOD AODE AODE-W AOS AP APADS APC APCM APECS API APO APP APS APS APT ARC ARC ARS Alternate Fuel Control Module Alternate Fuel Engine Control Module AirFlow Meter Alternate Fuel Operation Air/Fuel Ratio (see also A/F) AirFlow Sensor (Mitsubishi) After Auxiliary Gauge Switch Pack Automated Guided Vehicle System Automatic Headlamp Leveling Device Active Head Restraint Amp Hours Active Handling System Automotive Interior Material Air Injection Reaction (Secondary air injection) Secondary Air Injection Bypass Secondary Air Injection Diverter Secondary Air Pump Monitor Automatic Idle Speed Air Injection System (Chrysler) Automatic Lamp Control Automatic Level Control Assembly Line Communications Link (DLC) Assembly Line Data Link (DLC) Adaptive Learn Matrix Automatic Locking Retractor Alternative Alternator (GEN) Amplitude Modulation Ambient Air Mass Meter Amplifier Automatic Music Search Automated Manual Transmission Automatic Overdrive Automatic Overdrive Electronic (transmission) Automatic Overdrive Electronic Wide ratio (transmission) Automatic Occupant Sensing Accelerator Pedal Air Conditioning Protection and Diagnostic System Automatic Performance Control Accessory (or Auxilliary) Power Control Module Advanced Proportional Engine Control System American Petroleum Institute Accessory Power Outlets Accelerator Pedal Position Absolute Pressure Sensor (GM) Atmospheric Pressure Sensor (Mazda) Adjustable Part Throttle Active Roll Control Automatic Ride Control Adaptive Receptive System GEARS January/February 2007 54AbbrAcron.indd 55 ARS ARTHUR ASA ASA ASARC ASC ASD ASDM ASF ASG ASM ASM ASM ASM asm ASR ASSYST ASTC ASTM A/T ATC ATDC ATF ATF ATF ATM AT-PZEV ATS ATSLC ATTS ATX AWD AWG AYC AXOD AXOD-E b B+ BARO BAS BAT BBV BCA BCM BECU BFC BHP BID BLM B-LVL BLW Automatic Restraint System Automatic Radio system for Traffic situations on Highways and Urban Roads Air Signal Attenuator Automatic Slack Adjuster Air Suspension Automatic Ride Control AntiStall Control Automatic Shutdown Airbag System Diagnostic Module (Chrysler) Audi Space Frame Automatic Shift Gearbox Acceleration Simulation Mode Accelerator and Servo control Module Air Solenoid Module Alarm Siren Module Assembly Acceleration Slip Regulation Active Service System Automatic Stability and Traction Control American Society for Testing and Materials Automatic Transmission/Transaxle Automatic Temperature Control After Top Dead Center Active Transfer Case Automatic Transfer Case Automatic Transmission Fluid Actuator Test Mode Advanced Technology Partial Zero Emission Vehicle Air Temperature Sensor (Chrysler) Automatic Transmission Shift Lock Control Advanced Torque Transfer System Automatic Transaxle All Wheel Drive American Wire Gage Active Yaw Control Automatic Overdrive Transaxle Automatic Overdrive Transaxle B BAR; Metric Unit of Atmospheric Pressure Battery Positive (voltage) Barometric (pressure) Brake Apply Sensor Battery Brake Booster Vacuum Bias Control Assembly Body Control Module Body Electronic Control Unit Body Function Controller Brake Horsepower Breakerless Inductive Discharge (AMC) Block Learn Multiplier (LT FUEL TRIM) Bilevel Brake Lining Wear 55 1/4/07 4:14:56 PM Abbreviations and Acronyms Continued BMAP bn BOB BOO BP BPA BPCM BPMV BPP BPS BPT BPW BSFC BSW BTCM BTDC BTM BTSI Btu BV C3I CA CAA CAA CAB CAC CAFC CAFE cal calc CALID Calif CALPAK CAMM CAMS CAN CANP CARB CARS CAS CASE cass CATS cc CC CC CC CC CCA CCC 56 54AbbrAcron.indd 56 Barometric and Manifold Absolute Pressure Bank BreakOut Box Brake On/Off BackPressure Bypass Air Battery Pack Control Module Brake Pressure Modulator Valve Brake Pedal Position Barometric Pressure Sensor (Ford and Nissan) BackPressure Transducer Base Pulse Width Brake Specific Fuel Consumption Black Sidewalls Brake Torque Control Module Before Top Dead Center Battery Thermal Module Brake Transmission Shift Interlock British Thermal Units Battery Voltage C Computer Controlled Coil Ignition Cranking Amps Canadian Automobile Association Clean Air Act Controller, Antilock Brake Charge Air Cooler Company Average Fuel Consumption (Canada) Corporate Average Fuel Economy (USA) Calibration Calculated Calibration Identification California Calibration Package Computer Aided Manufacturing Measurement Computerized Automotive Maintenance System Controller Area Network Canister Purge (solenoid) California Air Resources Board Canadian Automotive Repair and Service Council Crank Angle Sensor Crank Angle Sensor Error Cassette Computer Aided Test Suite Cubic Centimeters Climate Control Coast Clutch Cruise Control Catalytic Converter Cold Cranking Amps Computer Command Control (GM) CCCD CCD CCD CCDIC CCEI CCEV CCFL CCM CCM CCM CCM CCO CCOT CCP CCP CCRM CCS CCS CCSM CCW CD CDA CDCV CDI CDR CDR CDRV CDX CE CEL CEAB CEC CECU CEMF CEMS CEMS CES CESS CEX CFC CFI CFI CFI cfm CG CHMSL CID CID CID CIS CJC CKP Catalytic Converter CoolDown Chrysler Collision Detection Computer Controlled Dwell (Ford) Climate Control Driver Information Center Coolant Controlled Idle Enrichment (Chrysler) Coolant Controlled Engine Vacuum Switch (Chrysler) Cold Cathode Florescent Lamp Central Control Module Chassis Control Module Comprehensive Component Monitor Convenience Charge Module Converter Clutch Override Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube Climate Control Panel Controlled Canister Purge (GM) Constant Control Relay Module Climate Controlled Seat Coast Clutch Solenoid Climate Controlled Seat Module CounterClockWise Compact Disc Cylinder DeActivation Canister Drain Cut Valve Capacitive Discharge Ignition (AMC) Chrysler Diagnostic Readout Crash Data Retrieval Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve Compact Disc Changer Commutator End Check Engine Lamp (MIL) Cold Engine Air Bleed Crankcase Emission Control System (Honda) Central Electronic Control Unit (Nissan) Counter Electromotive Force Catalyst Efficiency Management System Carbureted Engine Management System Clutch Engage Switch Cold Engine Sensor Switch Cabin Exchanger Chlorofluorocarbons Central Fuel Injection (TBI) Continuous Fuel Injection CrossFire Injection cubic feet per minute Center of Gravity Center High Mounted Stop Lamp Component Identification Cubic Inch Displacement Cylinder Identification (Ford) Continuous Injection System (Bosch) Collision Judgment Coefficient Crankshaft Position GEARS January/February 2007 1/4/07 4:15:13 PM CKP REF CKT CL CLC CLCC CLS CLTBI CLYC CLNT cm3 CMC cmd cmdd CMFI CMP CMP REF CMVSS CNG CO CO2 Crankshaft Reference Circuit Closed Loop Converter Lockup Clutch (TCC) Closed Loop Carburetor Control Coolant Level Switch Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection Closed Loop Yaw Control Coolant Cubic Centimeters Compressor Motor Controller Command Commanded Central Multiport Fuel Injection Camshaft Position Camshaft Reference Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Compressed Natural Gas Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide On-Board Diagnostics Inspection/ COBDIMR Customer Maintenance Readiness COMBATT Commercially Based Tactical Truck combo Combination COMDC Commanded Duty Cycle comm Communication cond Condition const Constant COP Coil On Plug COP Computer Operating Properly CP Canister Purge (GM) CP Crankshaft Position Sensor (Ford) CPA Connector Position Assurance CPC Camshaft Position Control CPI Central Port Injection (GM) CPL Control Parts List CPM Cellular Phone Module CPP Clutch Pedal Position CPS Cam Profile Switching CPS Center Panel Switches CPS Central Power Supply CPS Childseat Positioning Sensor CPU Central Processing Unit CRR Cool Running Rotor CRT Cathode Ray Tube CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller CRTS Continuously Regenerating Trap System CS Charging System CSC Coolant Spark Control (Ford) CSE GND PCM Case Ground CSFI Central Sequential Fuel Injection CSI Compression Sense Ignition CSM Central Security Module GEARS January/February 2007 54AbbrAcron.indd 57 CSSA CSSH cSt CSTO CTAV CTD CTM CTO CTO CTOX CTP CTS CTS CTVS CV CVCC CVN CVR CVRSS CVRTD CVS CVT CW CWS CZS DAB DAB DART dB dBA DBB DBM DC DC DCCSM DCL DCM DDM DDS DDS DE dec DEC DEFI ºC ºF DEPS DERM des DFCO DFI Cold Start Spark Advance (Ford) Cold Start Spark Hold (Ford) Centistokes Compression Sense Time-Out Cold Temperature Actuated Vacuum (Ford) Content Theft Deterrent Central Timer Module Clean Tachometer Output Coolant Temperature Override Switch (AMC) Continuous Trap Oxidizer Closed Throttle Position (switch) Coolant Temperature Sensor Charge Temperature Switch or Sensor Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch Constant Velocity Compound Vortex Controlled Combustion (Honda) Calibration Verification Number Control Vacuum Regulator (Ford) Continuously Variable Road Sensing Suspension Continuously Variable Real Time Damping Canister Vent Solenoid Continuously Variable Transmission, Transaxle ClockWise Continental Wheel System Crash Zone Sensor D Delayed Accessory Bus Driver AirBag (module) Diagnostic And Reprogramming Tool Decibels decibels on A-weighted scale Dual Bed Bead Dual Bed Monolith Direct Current Duty Cycle Dual Climate Controlled Seat Module Data Communication Link Door Control Module Driver’s Door Module Deflection Detection System Driver’s Door Switch Drive End Decrement Digital Electronic Controller Digital Electronic Fuel Injection (Cadillac) Degrees Celsius Degrees Fahrenheit Digital Engine Position Sensor Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module (GM) Desired Deceleration Fuel CutOff Direct Fuel Injection 57 1/4/07 4:15:23 PM Abbreviations and Acronyms Continued DFS DGI DI DIC diff DIM dis DIS DIS disc DISI DIST DIY DLC DLC DMCM DMM DMSD DOHC DNR DOL DPFE DPI DRB DRBII DRCV DRF DRL DRR DRW DSCC DSDA DSI DSM DSO DSP DSPA DSS DSSA DSST DTC DTM DTR DTT DVDSV DVDV DVOM E4OD E85 EA EAC 58 54AbbrAcron.indd 58 Deceleration Fuel Shutoff (Ford) Direct Gasoline Injection Distributor Ignition Driver Information Center Differential Dashboard Integration Module Disable Direct (Distributorless) Ignition System (EI) Distributorless Ignition System (Ford) Disconnect Direct Injection, Spark Ignition Distributor Do It Yourself Data Link Connector Diamond Logic Computer Driver Motor Control Module Digital MultiMeter Drive Motor Speed and Direction Dual Overhead Cam Dolby Noise Reduction Data Output Line/Link Differential Pressure Feedback EGR Dual Plug Inhibit Diagnostic Readout Box Diagnostic Readout Box, Version 2 Distributor Retard Control Valve Deactivating Roller Follower Daytime Running Lamps Digital Radio Receiver Dual Rear Wheel Distance Sensing Cruise Control Dual Stage Driver Airbag Dual Stage Inflator Driver’s Seat module Digital Storage Oscilloscope Digital Signal Process Dual Stage Passenger Airbag Downshift Solenoid Dual Signal Spark Advance (Ford) Dunlop Self Supporting Tire Diagnostic Trouble Code Diagnostic Test Mode Digital Transmission Range Diesel Transmission Technologies Differential Vacuum Delay and Separator Valve Distributor Vacuum Delay Valve Digital Volt-Ohmmeter E Electronic 4-Speed Overdrive Ethanol 85 percent Electronic Accelerator Electronic Air Control (AIR) EACV EAIR EAS EAS EATC EBC EBCM EBD EBM EBP EBTCM EC EC E&C ECA ECC ECCS ECD ECI ECL ECM ECM ECS ECS ECS ECT ECU EDF EDIS EDR EDSR EEC EEC EECS EEDS EEPROM EEVIR EFC EFC EFCA EFE EFI EFTA EFTA V EFTB EFTB V EGC EGO EGOG EGR Electronic Air Control Valve (Honda) Electronic (Secondary) Air Injection Reaction Electrically Assisted Steering Electronic Air Switching Electronic Automatic Temperature Control Electronic Brake Control Electronic Brake Control Module Electronic Brake force Distribution Electronic Brake Module; Electronic Body Module Exhaust BackPressure Electronic Brake and Traction Control Module Electrical Center Electronic Control; Engine Control Entertainment and Comfort Electronic Control Assembly Electronic Climate Control Electronic Concentrated Control System (Nissan) Electronically Controlled Deceleration Extended Compressor at Idle Engine Coolant Level Electronic Control Module Engine Control Module Electronic Crash Sensor Emission Control System Evaporation Control System (Chrysler) Engine Coolant Temperature (Switch, Sensor) Electronic Control Unit Electric Drive Fan (relay) Electronic Direct Ignition System (EI) Event Data Recorder Electronic Dealer Service (Investigation) Report Electronic Engine Control (Ford) Evaporative Emission Controls (Ford) Evaporative Emission Control System (GM) Electric-Electronic Distribution System Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory Evaporator Equalized Valves In Receiver Electronic Feedback Carburetor (Chrysler) Electronic Fuel Control Electronic Fuel Control Assembly (Ford) Early Fuel Evaporation Electronic Fuel Injection Engine Fuel Temperature Bank 1 Input (degrees) Engine Fuel Temperature Bank 1 Input Volts Engine Fuel Temperature Bank 2 Input (degrees) Engine Fuel Temperature Bank 2 Input Volts Electronic Gauge Cluster Exhaust Gas Oxygen (O2S) EGO Ground Exhaust Gas Recirculation GEARS January/February 2007 1/4/07 4:15:34 PM EGRB EGRBARO EGRC EGRCMDS EGRMC1 EGRMC2 EGRMC3 EGRMC4 EGRPS EGRT EGR TVV EGRV EGRVR EGR-5V EGTS EGRTV EHB EHCU EHOC EHPA EHPAS EHPS EHTWC EI ELB ELC EM EM EMAS EMAT EMB EMB EMCC EMF EMI EMR EMR EOBD EOP EOS EOT EOTF EOT V EP EPA EPACT EPC EPHS EPOS EPR EPROM EGR Boost Sensor Enable BARO Read instead of EGR pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control EGR Motor Commanded in Steps EGR Motor Control Output Command 1 EGR Motor Control Output Command 2 EGR Motor Control Output Command 3 EGR Motor Control Output Command 4 EGR Valve Position Sensor (Mazda) Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature (switch) Exhaust Gas Recirculation Thermal Vacuum Valve Exhaust Gas Recirculation Vent EGR Valve Vacuum Control EGR Solenoid Valve (Mazda) Exhaust Gas Temperature Switch (EGRT) EGR Thermo Valve (Chrysler) Electro-Hydraulic Brake Electronic Hydraulic Control Unit Electrically Heated Oxidation Catalyst Electro-Hydraulic Power Assist Electro-Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering Electrically Heated Three-Way Catalyst Electronic Ignition (includes Distributorless Ignition System, formerly DIS) Electronic Lean Burn (Chrysler) Electronic Level Control Energy Management Engine Modification Engine Management and Analysis System Electro-Mechanical Automatic Transmission Electromagnetic Brakes Electro-Mechanical Brake Electronically Modulated Converter Clutch ElectroMotive Force (voltage) ElectroMagnetic Interference Electronic Module Retard Emission Maintenance Reminder Enhanced On-Board Diagnostics Engine Oil Pressure Exhaust Oxygen Sensor Engine Oil Temperature Engine Oil Temperature Fault Detection Engine Oil Temperature Volts Exhaust Pressure Environmental Protection Agency Energy Policy Act Electronic Pressure Control Electrically Powered Hydraulic Steering EGR Valve Position Sensor (Ford) Exhaust Pressure Regulator Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory GEARS January/February 2007 54AbbrAcron.indd 59 ESA EPS EPS EPS EPT ERH ESB ESB ESC ESC ESC ESC ESCM ESD ESM ESN ESO ESOF ESP ESS ESS EST ETBE ETC ETC ETC ETCC ETR ETS EUDC Electronic Spark Advance (Chrysler) Electric Power Steering Electric Power Steering Engine Position Sensor EGR Pressure Transducer (PFE) Extended Ride Height Energy Storage Box Expansion Spring Brake Electrical Systems Controller Electronic Spark Control (GM) Electronic Suspension Control Extended Service Contract Energy Storage Control Module Electrostatic Discharge Electronic Steering Module Electronic Serial Number Engine ShutOff Electronic Shift On-the-Fly Electronic Stability Program Electronic Shift Scheduling Electronic Spark Selection (Cadillac) Electronic Spark Timing Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether Electronic Temperature Control Electronic Throttle Control Electronic Timing Control Electronic Touch Climate Control Electronically Tuned Receiver Enhanced Traction System Extra-Urban Driving Cycle Extra-Urban Driving Cycle for Low Power EUDC-LP vehicles EV Electric Vehicle EVA Electronic Vibration Analyzer EVAP Evaporative Emission EVAPCPF Evaporative Emissions Canister Purge Fault Emissions Canister Purge Vent EVAPCV Evaporative Control Emissions Canister Purge Vent EVAPCVF Evaporative Fault EVAPPDC Evaporative Emissions Canister Purge Control % EVAPPF Evaporative Purge Flow Input VOLTS EVIC Electronic Vehicle Information Center EVMV Electric Vapor Management Valve EVO Electronic Variable Orifice EVP EGR Valve Position Sensor (Ford) EVR EGR Vacuum Regulator Electronic Vacuum Regulator Valve for EGR EVRV (GM) Enhanced Tactical Vehicle Occupant EVTOP Protection Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting EVTM Manual EWMA Exponentially Weighted Moving Average EX; EXH Exhaust 59 1/4/07 4:15:45 PM Abbreviations and Acronyms Continued F Farad Full Time Four Wheel Drive Flexible Auto Body System Fan Air Flow Variable Speed Fan Duty Cycle % Variable Speed Fan Output Fault Feedback Carburetor (Ford and Mitsubishi) Fan Control; Friction Curve Fuel Control Assembly (Chrysler) Front Control Module Fuel Cell Partnership Fuel Control Solenoid (Ford) Front Control Unit Fuel Cell Vehicle Feedback Fuel Data Center Fuel Deceleration Valve (Ford) Front End Accessory Drive belt Federal (except California) Fuel Enable Data Stream Flexible Engine Diagnostic System Flash Electronically Erasable Programmable FEEPROM Read Only Memory FEIC Fuel Economy Integrated Counter FET Field Effect Transistor FEX Front Exchanger FF Flexible Fuel FFCRS Front-Facing Child Restraint System FFFP Fuel-Flexible Fuel Processor FFH Fuel Fired Heater FFS Fine-blanking and Finishing System FFS Flexible Fuel Sensor FFV Flexible Fuel Vehicle FFWS Fuel Filter Water Separator FI Fuel Injection FICM Fuel Injector Control Module FIDO Flame Ionization Detector Optimization FIM Fuel Indicator Module FIPL Fuel Injection Pump Lever FIPT Fuel Inlet Pressure Test FL Front Left FLI Fuel Level Indicator FLI V Fuel Level Indicator Input VOLTS FLO Fast Light-Off flr Floor FLS Fluid Level Sensor (GM) FLVV Fill Limit Vent Valve FM Frequency Modulation FMEM Failure Mode Effects Management FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards FP Fuel Pump FPCM Fuel injection Pump Control Module F F4WD FABS FAF FANDC FANVARF FBC FC FCA FCM FCP FCS FCU FCV FDBK FDC FDC FEAD FED FEDS FEDS 60 54AbbrAcron.indd 60 FPDM FPF FPM FPR FPRC Fuel Pump Driver Module Fuel Pump Output Fault Fuel Pump Monitor Fuel Pump Regulator Fuel Pressure Regulator Control Flash Erasable Programmable Read Only FPROM Memory FPS Fast Pass Standard FPSM Fuel Pump Secondary Monitor FPV Ford Performance Vehicles FR Front Right Reporting And Corrective Action FRACAS Failure System FRC Forced freq Frequency frnt Front FRP Fuel Rail Pressure FRS Face Recognition System FRV First Response Vehicle FSA Field Service Action FSDI Four-Stroke, Direct Injection FSI Fuel Straight Injection FSS Forward Sensing System FSVF Fuel Solenoid Valve Fault FSVM Fuel Solenoid Valve Secondary Monitor FT Fuel Trim ft-lb Foot Pound FTL Fuel Tank Level Sensor FTO Filtered Tachometer Output FTP Federal Test Procedure FTP Fuel Tank Pressure FTPT Fuel Tank Pressure Transducer FUDC Federal Urban Driving Cycle FUELPW1 Injector Pulse Width Bank 1 FUELPW2 Injector Pulse Width Bank 2 FW Flat Wire fwd Forward FWD Front Wheel Drive G GA Gauge GA Gravitational Acceleration GAWR Gross Axle Weight Rating GCM Governor Control Module GCR Global Concern Report GCW Gross Combined Weight g/cyl Grams per Cylinder GCWR Gross Combined Weight Rating GDI Gasoline Direct Injection GEN Generator GENF Generator Output Fault GENFDC Generator Field Control Output GEM Gasoline Engine Management GEM Generic Electronic Module GEARS January/February 2007 1/4/07 4:15:55 PM GFS GGT GHG GISMO GND GOVN GPCM GPS GS g/s g/sec GTL GVW GVWR H or H2 H2DI H2O HAIS HAST HBA HBU HC HCCI HCM HCM HCU HCV H/CMPR HD HDC HDGV HDR HDUDDS HEC HEDF HEGO HEGOG HEI HEPS HEUI HEV HFC HFC HFCF HFM HFP Hg Hi Alt HID HIS Generator Field Signal Gas Guzzler Tax GreenHouse Gas Geographic Information System, Mobile Ground Governor Module Glow Plug Control Module Global Positioning System Garage Shift Grams Per Second Grams Per Second Gas To Liquid Gross Vehicle Weight Gross Vehicle Weight Rating H Hydrogen Hydrogen Direct Injection Water Heated Air Intake System (Chrysler) High Accelerated Stress Test Hydraulic Brake Assist Hub Bearing Unit Hydrocarbons Homogeneous-Charge, Compression Ignition Heating Control Module Hybrid Control Module Hydraulic Control Unit Heavy Commercial Vehicle High Compression Heavy Duty Heavy Duty Cooling Heavy Duty Gasoline-fueled Vehicle High Data Rate Heavy Duty Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule Hybrid Electronic Cluster High Speed Electro Drive Fan (relay or circuit) Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (sensor) (HO2S) HEGO Ground (circuit) High Energy Ignition (GM) Hydraulic Electric Power Steering Hydraulic-actuated Electronically-controlled Unit Injector Hybrid Electric Vehicle High Fan Control/Clutch Hydraulic Fading Compensation High Speed Fan Control Fault Hot Film Meter High Fuel Pump Mercury Hi Altitude High Intensity Discharge Horizontal Impact Sensor GEARS January/February 2007 54AbbrAcron.indd 61 hist HLDT HLOS HO HO2S HO2S1 HO2S2 HO2S3 hp HPDI HPL HPP HPS HPS HPV HPVS HRC HSA HSC HSCDS HSDI HSE HSEA HTCM HTR11 HTR11F HTR12 HTR12F HTR21 HTR21F HTR22 HTR22F HTRX1 HTRX2 HUD HUD HVAC HVACM HVI HVIL HVM HVS HW HWFET HYPAS Hz IA IABM IAC IACV History Heavy Light-Duty Truck Hardware Limited Operating Strategy High Output Heated Oxygen Sensor Upstream Heated Oxygen Sensor Up or Downstream Heated Oxygen Sensor Downstream Heated Oxygen Sensor Horsepower High Pressure Direct Injection High Pressure Liquid High Pressure Pump Head Protection System High Performance System High Pressure Vapor Heat Pump Ventilation System Headlamp Range Control Head Side Airbag High Swirl Combustion High-Sensitivity Collision Detection System High-Speed Direct Injection High-Speed Enrichment High Solar Energy Absorbing (glass) Heating-ventilation-air-conditioning Thermal Control Module Bank 1 Upstream O2S Heater Control Bank 1 Upstream O2S Heater Circuit Fault Bank 1 Downstream O2S Heater Control Bank 1 Downstream O2S Heater Circuit Fault Bank 2 Upstream O2S Heater Control Bank 1 Downstream O2S Heater Circuit Fault Bank 2 Downstream O2S Heater Control Bank 1 Downstream O2S Heater Circuit Fault O2 Sensor Upstream Heater Control O2 Sensor Downstream Heater Control Heads-Up Display Heads-Up Display Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Module High Viscosity Index High Voltage Interlock Loop Heater Vent Module High Voltage Switch Heated Windshield Highway Fuel Economy Test (driving schedule) Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering Hertz I Intake Air Integrated AirBag Module Idle Air Control Idle Air Control Valve 61 1/4/07 4:16:06 PM Abbreviations and Acronyms Continued IAFM IAFS IAT iATN IATS IBOB IC IC ICA ICC ICCS ICDX ICE ICM ICP ICS ICS ICWS ID ID IDI IDIS IDL IDM IDM IDS IEDIS IFES IFI IFS IFSM IGN ILC ILEV illum I/M IMA IMDX IMLUT immo IMPR IMRC IMRC F IMRCM IMRCM2 IMS IMS IMSC IMSC F IMT IMTD 62 54AbbrAcron.indd 62 Integrated Air Fuel Module Integrated Air Fuel System Intake Air Temperature International Automotive Technicians Network Intake Air Temperature Sensor (Mazda) Intelligent BreakOut Box Ignition Control Integrated Circuit Injector Cam Actuation Intelligent Cruise Control Integrated Chassis Control System Integrated Compact Disc Changer Internal Combustion Engine Ignition Control Module Injection Control Pressure Idle Control Solenoid (GM) Integrated Chassis System Intersection Collision Warning System Identification Inside Diameter Integrated Direct Ignition International Dismantling Information System Idle Position Switch Ignition Diagnostic Monitor/Module Injector Driver Module Integrated Diagnostic Software Integrated Electronic Distributorless Ignition System Integrated Front End System Indirect Diesel Injection Inertia Fuel Shutoff Integrated Fuel System Module Ignition Idle Load Compensator Inherently Low Emission Vehicle Illumination Inspection Maintenance Integrated Motor Assist Integrated Mini Disc Changer Inspection/Maintenance Look-Up Table Immobilizer In-use Monitor Performance Ratio Intake Manifold Runner Control Intake Manifold Runner Control Fault (Yes/No) Intake Manifold Runner Control Monitor Input Bank 1 Volt Intake Manifold Runner Control Monitor Input Bank 2 Volts Inductive Magnetic Saturation Instant Mobility System Intake Manifold Swirl Control Intake Manifold Swirl Control Fault Intake Manifold Tuning Intake Manifold Temperature Differential IMTV IMTVF in inadv inc INCA incand infl init INJ INJ INJ1F-8F INJ9F-lOF INP inst int INT I/O IOC I/P IPC IPEC IPM IPM IPR IRDS IRQ IRS ISA ISAD ISB ISC ISG ISI ISO ISO iso ISS ITARDA ITTB ITTR ITS IVC IVCS IVI IVIS IVS IVSC IWC JARI JAS Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control % Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Fault Inch; Inches Inadvertent Increment In-Car Acquisition Incandescent Inflatable Initial Injection Injector Fuel Injector Primary Fault Cylinders 1 thru 8 Fuel Injector Primary Fault Cylinders 9 and 10 Input Instant Interior Integrator (ST FUEL TRIM) In/Out Instant Oil Change Instrument Panel Instrument Panel Cluster Instrument Panel Electrical Center Instrument Panel Module Integrated Power Module Injector Pressure Regulator Independent Rear Drive Suspension Interrupt Request Independent Rear Suspension Integrated Starter-Alternator Integrated Starter-Alternator Damper Interact System B Idle Speed Control Integrated Starter-Generator Ion Sensing Ignition Interior Systems Optimization International Standards Organization Isolation Input Shaft Speed Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis Idle Time To Boil Inflatable Tubular Torso Restraint Idle Tracking Switch Integral Vapor Canister Integrated Vehicle Control System Intelligent Vehicle Initiative In Vehicle Information System Idle Validation Switch Integrated Vehicle Speed Control Inertia Weight Class J Japan Automotive Research Institute Jet Air System (Mitsubishi) GEARS January/February 2007 1/4/07 4:16:16 PM JTEC JTEC KAM KAPWR KDD kg kg/h kHz km km/h km/l KOEC KOEO KOER kPa KS KSM KS1 V KS2 V kV L L4 LATCH LB lb-ft LCD LCM LDCL LDCM LDDT LDGT LDM LDP LDR lduty LEADER LED LEP LEV LF LFC LFC LFCF LFCS LFP LFWS LGM LH LIE L/M Jeep, Truck Engine Control Joint Transmission-Engine Controller K Keep Alive Memory Keep Alive power Keyboard Display Driver Kilogram Kilograms per Hour Kilohertz Kilometer Kilometers per Hour Kilometers per Liter Key On Engine Cranking Key On Engine Off Key On Engine Running Kilopascal Knock Sensor Knock Sensor Module Knock Sensor Input Bank 1 Volt Knock Sensor Input Bank 2 Volts Kilovolts L Liter; Liters Four Cylinder Inline Engine Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren Long Box, Long Bed Pound-Feet Liquid Crystal Display Lighting Control Module Left Door Control Locking Left Door Control Module Light Duty Diesel Truck Light Duty Gasoline (fueled) Truck Lamp Driver Module Leak Detection Pump Low Data Rate Light Duty Low Emissions Advanced Engine Range Light Emitting Diode Light Emitting Polymer Low Emissions Vehicle Left Front Lamp Fault Code Low Fan Control/Clutch Low Speed Fan Control Fault Low Flow Cooling System Low Fuel pump Left Front Wheel Speed Lift Gate Module Left Hand Laterally Inclined Engine Liters Per Minute GEARS January/February 2007 54AbbrAcron.indd 63 lm LMD LNG LO LOMA LONGFT1 LONGFT2 LOS LPA LPG LPM LPO LPS LR LR LRA LRD lrn LSD LSEGR LSP and BV LSS LSUV LT LT LTA LTD LT FT LTPI LTPWS LUS LV8 LVDT LVL LWB MAF malf MALL MAN MAP MAT MC MC MCM MCS MCT MCU MD MD MDP MDS(2) Lumens Left Mid Door Liquid Natural Gas Low Lifter Oil Manifold Assembly Long Term Fuel Trim Bank 1 % Long Term Fuel Trim Bank 2 % Limited Operation Strategy Low Pressure Accumulator Liquefied Petroleum Gas Liters Per Minute Limited Production Option Low Pressure Sensor Left Rear Loaded Radius Latching Rocker Arm Left Rear Door Learn Limited Slip Differential Linear Solenoid Exhaust Gas Recirculation Load Sensing Proportioning and Bypass Valve Linear Shift Solenoid Luxury Sport Utility Vehicle Left Long Term (Fuel Trim) Low Temperature Aftercooling Long-Travel Dampened (clutch) Long Term Fuel Trim Low Tire Pressure Indicator Low Tire Pressure Warning System LockUp Solenoid (see TCC) Load Variable 8 Cylinder Linear Variable Differential Transducer Level Long WheelBase (see LB) M Mass AirFlow (sensor) Malfunction Multifunction Alarm Lighting and Locking Manufacturer Manifold Absolute Pressure Manifold Air Temperature Measuring Core Mixture Control Message Center Module Mixture Control Solenoid (GM) Manifold Charge Temperature (Ford) Microprocessor Control Unit Mini Disc Modulated Displacement Manifold Differential Pressure Mopar Diagnostic System 63 1/4/07 4:16:27 PM Abbreviations and Acronyms Continued MDX MECS med MEM MEMCAL MFC MFCF MFI MGMT MIC MID MID MIL MIN MIN MIN MIP ML MLP MLPS mm mm3 MMC mmHg MMM mod mon MPa MPFI MPG MPH MPI ms MSFF MSLF MSM MSO MSRP MST MSVA M/T MTBE MTBF MTV MV mV MVLPS MVSA MVSS MY NAAO 64 54AbbrAcron.indd 64 Mini Disc Changer Mazda Electronic Control System Medium Memory Memory Calibration Medium Speed Fan Control ON/OFF Medium Speed Fan Control Fault YES/NO Multiport Fuel Injection Management Mechanical Instrument Cluster Midrange Monitor Identification Malfunction Indicator Lamp Minimum Minute Mobile Identification Number Mixer Inlet Pressure Manual Longitudinal Manual Lever Position (sensor) Manual Lever Position Sensor Millimeter Cubic Millimeter(s) Manifold Mounted Converter Millimeters of Mercury Memory Mirror Module Module Monitor Megapascal Multiport Fuel Injection Miles Per Gallon Miles Per Hour MultiPort Injection Millisecond Miles Since First Fail Miles Since Last Fail Memory Seat Module Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price Manifold Surface Temperature Magnetic Steering Variable Assist Manual Transmission/Transaxle Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether Mean Time Between Failures Manifold Tuning Valve Megavolt Millivolt Manual Valve Lever Position Sensor Motor Vehicle Safety Act Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Model Year N North American Automotive Operations NAES NAICC NC NCAP NDH NDS NEG NEU NFF NG NGS NGSC NGV NGV NGVM NHTSA NI NiMH NLGI Nm NO NOx NoVRAM NPF NPS NPTC NPTF nS NSBU NV NVH NVLD NVRAM NYCC O2 O2S OASIS OASIS OBD OBD-I OBD-II OC OC OCC OCR OCS OCS OCT ADJ OD OD North American Export Sales Navigation-Aided Intelligent Cruise Control Normally Closed New Car Assessment Program Navigation Display Head Neutral Drive Switch Negative Neutral No Fault Found Natural Gas New Generation STAR (Self Test Automatic Readout) Next Generation Speed Control Natural Gas Vehicle New Generation Vehicle Natural Gas Vehicle Module National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Neutral Idle Nickel Metal Hydride National Lubricating Grease Institute Newton Meters Normally Open Nitrogen Oxides Non-Volatile Random Access Memory No Problem Found Neutral Pressure Switch National Pipe Thread Coarse National Pipe Thread Fine NanoSiemens Neutral Safety BackUp Night Vision Noise, Vibration and Harshness Natural Vacuum Leak Detection Non-Volatile Random Access Memory New York City Cycle O Oxygen Oxygen Sensor Online Automotive Service Information System Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards. On-Board Diagnostics On-Board Diagnostics, Generation 1 On-Board Diagnostics, Generation 2 Oxidation Catalyst Oxidation Converter (GM) Output Circuit Check Oil Control Ring Overrun Clutch Solenoid Opportunity Charge Station Octane Adjust Fuel Outside Diameter Overdrive GEARS January/February 2007 1/4/07 4:16:37 PM ODM ODM ODO OE OEM OHC OL OLED OPR O/R ORC ORC ORVR OS OSAC OSC OSC OSGI OSM OSS OTC OTIS OTM PAB PADS PA PAFS PAG PAG PAIR PASE PASM PASS PASS PATS PB; P/B PC PCB PCI PCI PCM PCM PCS PCS PCV PDC PDC PDC PDS PDS PDV Output Drive Module Output Device Monitor Odometer Original Equipment Original Equipment Manufacturer Overhead Camshaft Open Loop Organic Light Emitting Diode Over-Pressure Relief Overrun Clutch Oxidation Reduction Converter Occupant Restraint Controller On-board Refueling Vapor Recovery Oxygen Sensor Orifice Spark Advance Control (Chrysler) Output State Check Output State Control Open-Service Gateway Interface Output State Monitor Output Shaft Speed Overhead Trip Computer Overhead Travel Information System Output Test Monitor T Passenger Air Bag Passenger Airbag Disarm Switch Pressure Air (Honda) Pulse Air Feeder System (Chrysler) PolyAlkylene Glycol (Ford) Premier Automotive Group Pulsed Secondary Air Injection PAssive Start and Entry system Porche Active Steering Management Passenger Personalized Automotive Security System Passive AntiTheft System Power Brakes Pressure Control Printed Circuit Board Programmable Communications Interface Programmable Controller Interface Power Control Module Powertrain Control Module PreCrash Sensor Pressure Control Solenoid Positive Crankcase Ventilation Park Distance Control Parts Distribution Center Power Distribution Center Passenger Door Switch Portable Diagnostic Software Parcel Delivery Van GEARS January/February 2007 54AbbrAcron.indd 65 P/E PEB PECB PEM PEMFC PEP PF PFE PFI PFS PGM-FI PHEV PHT PID PIM PIP PKE PLL PM PMD PMV P/N PNP POA pos POS POT P-PC ppm PPS PRNDL PROM PROX PS PSA PSCM PSCM PSD psgr psi psia psig PSIR PSM PSM PSOM PSP PSV pt PTC PTC Power Enrichment Power Electronics Bay Power Enrichment Control Valve Proton Electric Membrane Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Peripheral Expansion Port Purge Flow Pressure Feedback EGR Port Fuel Injection Purge Flow Sensor Programmed Gas Management Fuel Injection (Honda) Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Parallel Hybrid Truck Parameter Identification Power Inverter Module Profile Ignition Pickup (CKP) Passive Keyless Entry Phase Locked Loop Permanent Magnet Pump Mounted Driver Pressure Modulator Valve Part Number Park/Neutral Position (switch) Pilot Operated Absolute Position Positive Potentiometer Pocket Personal Computer Parts Per Million Passenger Presence Sensor Park Reverse Neutral Drive Low Programmable Read Only Memory PReferential OXidation Power Steering Pressure Switch Assembly Passenger Seat Control Module Power Steering Control Module Power Sliding Door Passenger Pounds Per Square Inch Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge Passenger Supplemental Inflatable Restraint Passenger Seat Module Pressure Switch Manifold Programmable Speedometer/Odometer Module Power Steering Pressure Public Service Vehicle Pint Pending Trouble Code Positive Temperature Coefficient 65 1/4/07 4:16:49 PM Abbreviations and Acronyms Continued PTO PTOX PTU PVA PVS PWM PWR PZEV PZM QDM QDR qt QVM R/A RABS RAC RAM RAM RAM RAP RAV RBC RCC RCC RCDLR RDCM RDM RDS RDS rec recal RECIS REDOX REEGR REF REM RESC REX RF RF RFA RFF RFI RFID RFWS RH RIM RIM RKE Rly 66 54AbbrAcron.indd 66 Power TakeOff Periodic Trap Oxidizer Part Throttle Unlock Ported Vacuum Advance Ported Vacuum Switch Pulse Width Modulation Power Partial Zero Emission Vehicle Platform Zone Module Q Quad Driver Module Quality, Durability, Reliability Quart Qualified Vehicle Modifier R Resume or Accelerate Rear Antilock Brake System Remote Accessory Controller Random Access Memory Ride Air Module Remote Antitheft Module Retained Access Power Remote Activation Verification Rotary Blade Coupling Rear Climate Control Remote Climate Control Remote Control Door Lock Receiver Right Door Control Module Rear Door Module Radio (broadcast) Data System Radio Display System Receive Recalibrate, Recalibration Remote Entry Control and Immobilizer System Reduction Oxidation Catalytic Converter Rotary Electric EGR Reference Rear Electronic Module Remote Emergency Satellite Unit Rear Exchanger Radio Frequency Right Front Remote Function Actuator Roller Finger Followers Radio Frequency Interference Radio Frequency Identification Right Front Wheel Speed Right Hand Radio Interface Module Rear Integration Module Remote Keyless Entry Relay RM RMD ROM RPA RPM RPM RPO R&R RR RRD RSA RSC RSS RSS R/T RT RTC RTD RTN RTT RTV RV RVAC RVP RWAL RWD RWS S S4WD SAE SAF SAS SATC SAVDAS SAVM SAW SB SBDS SBEC SBM SBS SBT SC SCA SCB SCC SCCA SCI SCIL SCM SCP Relay Module Right Mid Door Read Only Memory Rear Parking Assist Remote Power Module Revolutions Per Minute Regular Production Option Remove and Replace Right Rear Right Rear Door Rear Seat Audio Roll Stability Control Reverse Sensing System Road Sensing Suspension Road/Track Right Real—Time Clock Real-Time Dampening Return Reconfigurable Telltale Room Temperature Vulcanizing Recreational Vehicle Rear Video/Audi/HVAC Module Reid Vapor Pressure Rear Wheel AntiLock Rear Wheel Drive Rear Wheel Steer S Siemens Selectable Four Wheel Drive Society of Automotive Engineers Stabilized Aluminum Foam Side Auxiliary Sensor SemiAutomatic Temperature Control module StandAlone Vehicle Data Acquisition System Spark Advance Vacuum Modulator Spark Angle Word Short Box, Short Bed Service Bay Diagnostic System Single Board Engine Controller (PCM) Standard Body Module Supercharger Bypass Solenoid Serial Bus Traveler Supercharger Supplemental Coolant Additive Supercharger Bypass Spark Control Computer (Chrysler) Sports Car Club of America Serial Communications Interface Steering Column/Instrument panel Lighting Seat Control Module Standard Corporate Protocol GEARS January/February 2007 1/4/07 4:16:59 PM SCS SCTM SCV SDARS SDI SDL SDM SDRS SDS SDS SDV SEFI SEMA SEO SES SFI SGCM SHO SI SIAB SIACM SIG RTN SIL SIR SIS SKIM SLA SLS SLT SLU SMCC SMEC SMPI SNSR SO2 SOC SOD SOF SOH SOHC sol S/P SP SPD SPI SPL SPS SPS SPO SPOUT SPS SRC Side Crash Sensor Seatbelt Timer Control Module Speed Controlled Volume Satellite Digital Audio Radio System Saab Direct Ignition Serial Data Link Sensing Diagnostic Module Satellite Digital Receiver System Satellite Discriminating Sensor Shock Dampening System Spark Delay Valve Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection (SFI) Specialty Equipment Market Association Special Equipment Option Service Engine Soon (MIL) Sequential (multiport) Fuel Injection Starter/Generator Control Module Super High Output System International Side Impact Air Bag Side Impact Air Bag Control Module Signal Return Shift Indicator Lamp Supplemental Inflatable Restraint Side Impact Sensor Sentry Key Immobilizer Module Short/Long Arm Suspension Shift Pressure Control Solenoid Throttle Pressure Control Solenoid Lockup Pressure Control Solenoid Stepper Motor Cruise Control Single Module Engine Controller (PCM) Sequential MultiPort Injection Sensor Sulfur Dioxide State Of Charge Side Object Detection Shift On the Fly State Of Health Single Overhead Cam Solenoid Series/Parallel Splice Pack Speed Serial Peripheral Interface Smoke Puff Limiter Service Programming System Speed Signal Service Parts Operations Spark Output Service Programming System Selective Ride Control GEARS January/February 2007 54AbbrAcron.indd 67 SRDV SRG SRI SrPP SRS SRT SRW SS SS SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5 SSA SSB SSC SSD SSE SSI SSM SSS SSV ST ST STAR STAR STC STC stdby STI STID STL STO STS SULEV SUV SVO SVS SVT S/W sw SWB SWC SWPS SWS SXR syn sys TA TA Spark Retard Delay Valve Solar-Reflective Glass Service Reminder Indicator Self-reinforced PolyPropylene Supplemental Restraint System System Readiness Test Single Rear Wheel Shift Solenoid Speed Signal/Sensor Shift Solenoid 1 Shift Solenoid 2 Shift Solenoid 3 Shift Solenoid 4 Shift Solenoid 5 Shift Solenoid A Shift Solenoid B Shift Solenoid C Shift Solenoid D Shift Solenoid E Solid State Ignition Suspension Steering Module Speed Sensitive Steering Shift Solenoid Valve Scan Tool Short Term (Fuel Trim) Self Test Automatic Readout (tester) Stolen Auto Recovery System Snap To Connect Step Timing Control Standby Self Test Input Station Identification Service Transmission Lamp Self Test Output Service Technicians Society Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Sport Utility Vehicle Straight Vegetable Oil Service Vehicle Soon Special Vehicle Team Software Switch Short WheelBase (see SB) Steering Wheel Controls Steering Wheel Position Sensor SideWall tension Sensor Send and Receive Synchronize System T Traction Assist Temperature Air (Honda) 67 1/4/07 4:17:10 PM Abbreviations and Acronyms Continued TAB TABPV TAC TAC TACH TACM TAD TAP TAS TAV TB TBC TBI TC TC TCC TCCS TCCS TCIL TCM TCS TCS TDC TDI TED TEMP TFI TFP TFP TFT TGS THEMIS THM THS TIC TID TIIS TIM TIM TIS TISS TIV TKS TOC torq TOT TP TPA TPI TPM TPP TPS 68 54AbbrAcron.indd 68 Thermactor Air Bypass (AIRB) Throttle Air ByPass Valve (Ford) Throttle Actuator Control Thermostatic Air Cleaner (GM) Tachometer Throttle Actuator Control Module Thermactor Air Divert (AIRD) Transmission Adaptive Pressure Trap Alert System Temperature Actuated Vacuum Throttle Body Truck Body Controller (or Computer) Throttle Body Injection Transmission Control Turbocharger Torque Converter Clutch Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid Toyota Computer Controlled System Transmission Control Indicator Lamp Transmission Control Module Transmission Control Switch Traction Control System Top Dead Center Toyota Direct Ignition Thermo Electric Device Temperature Thick Film Integrated (DI) Transmission Fluid Pressure Throttle Fluid Pressure Transmission Fluid Temperature Top Gear Switch Thermal Management Intelligent System Turbo HydraMatic Transmission Hydraulic Switch Thermal Ignition Control (Chrysler) Test Identification Thermal Imaging Inspection Station Tire Inflation Module Tire Inflation Monitor Techline Information System Transmission Input Speed Sensor Thermactor Idle Vacuum Valve (Ford) Throttle Kicker Solenoid (Ford) Transmission Oil Cooler Torque Transmission Oil Temperature Throttle Position Terminal Positive Assurance Tuned Port Injection Tire Pressure Monitor Throttle Position Potentiometer Throttle Position Sensor TPT TR TRS T-RAC trans TRDU TRS TSA TSB TSI TSP TSS TSS TT TTM TTS TV TVAM TVR TVRS TVS TVV TWC TWC+OC TXV UASID UART UD UDDS U/H U/HEC UIDI ULEV ULSD UMTS unlk USCAR UTD UTQG V V2G VAC VAC VAC VACS VAF VAF VAPS VAPS VASCO Throttle Position Transducer (Chrysler) Transmission Range (switch) Transmission Range Switch Trailer Rotating Air Chamber Transmission/Transaxle Trailer Remote Diagnostic Unit Transmission Range Sensor Thorax Side Airbag Technical Service Bulletin Two-Speed Idle Throttle Solenoid Positioner (Ford) Transmission Speed Sensor Turbine Shaft Speed; Turbine Speed Sensor Telltale Lamp Tilt and Telescope Module Transmission Temperature Switch (TOT) Throttle Valve Television Antenna Module Turbine Vane Regulator Television and Radio Suppression Thermal Vacuum Switch Thermal Vacuum Valve Three-Way Catalyst Three-Way Catalyst + Oxidation Catalyst Thermal Expansion Valve U Units And Scaling Identification Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter Underdrive Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule Underhood Underhood Electrical Center Up-Integrated Direct Ignition Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Universal Mobile Telecommunications System Unlock United States Council for Automotive Research Universal Theft Deterrent Uniform Tire Quality Grading V Volts Vehicle to Grid Vacuum Vehicle Access Code Volts Alternating Current Vehicle Access Control System Vane Air Flow Volume Air Flow Variable Assist Power Steering Virtual Automotive Prototyping System Vehicle Application-Specific Computer GEARS January/February 2007 1/4/07 4:17:20 PM VAT VAT VATS VB VCC VCI VCIM VCL VCM VCM VCM VCRM VCT VDC VDCS VDF V dif VDIS VDM VDM VDOT VDP VDR VDR VDS VDV VECI VEDR veh vel ver vert VES VF VGT VIC VICS VICS VIN VIP VIR VIU VLCM VLR vlv VMM VMRS VMV VMV VNT VNT VOTM Vane Air Temperature (IAT) Visual Authoring Tool Vehicle AntiTheft System Valve Body Viscous Converter Clutch Vehicle Communication Interface Vehicle Communication Interface Mode Vehicle Communication Link Variable Cylinder Management Vehicle Communication Module Vehicle Control Module Variable Control Relay Module Variable Camshaft Timing Volts Direct Current Vehicle Dynamics Control System Visctronic Drive Fan Voltage Difference Vehicle Diagnostic Information System Vehicle Dynamics Module Vehicle Dynamics Monitor Variable Displacement Orifice Tube Vehicle Dynamics Processor Vehicle Data Recorder Vehicle Dealer Recorder Valve Deactivation System Vacuum Delay Valve Vehicle Emission Control Information Vehicle Event Data Recorder Vehicle Velocity Version Vertical Variable Effort Steering Vacuum Florescent Variable Geometry Turbocharger Virtual Image Cluster module Vehicle Information Communication System Variable Induction Control Solenoid Vehicle Identification Number Vehicle Intrusion Protection Valve In Receiver Vehicle Interface Unit Variable Load Control Module Voltage Loop Reserve Valve Vehicle Measurement Module Vehicle Maintenance Reporting System Vacuum Modulator Valve Vapor Management Valve Variable Nozzle Turbine Variable Nozzle Turbocharger Vacuum Operated Throttle Modulator GEARS January/February 2007 54AbbrAcron.indd 69 VPWR VR VREF VRLA VRS VRV VRIS VS VS VSC VSES vspd VSS VSV VTA VTD Vehicle Power Vacuum Regulator; Voltage Regulator Voltage Reference Valve Regulated Lead Acid Variable Reluctance Sensor Vacuum Reducer Valve Variable Resonance Induction System Variable Speed Vehicle Sensor Vehicle Stability Control Vehicle Stability Enhancement System Vehicle speed Vehicle Speed Sensor Vacuum Solenoid Valve Vehicle Theft Alarm Vehicle Theft Deterrent Variable (valve) Timing (and lift) Electronic VTEC Control VTSS Vehicle Theft Security System VVT-i Variable Valve Timing with Intelligence VVTL-i Variable Valve Timing and Lift with Intelligence W w/ With WAC Wide Open Throttle A/C Cutoff warn Warning W/B Wheelbase WCF Wireless Communication Framework WDS Workbay Diagnostic System WDS Worldwide Diagnostic System WGC Wastegate Control WHL Wheel WIF Water In Fuel (sensor) w/o Without WOT Wide Open Throttle W/P Water Pump WSM WorkShop Manual WSS Wheel Speed Sensor WU-OC Warmup Catalyst with Oxidation Catalyst WU-TWC Warmup Catalyst with Three Way Catalyst WVO Waste Vegetable Oil WVVWS Wireless Vehicle to Vehicle Warning System X X-valve Expansion Valve xVDS Extended Vehicle Diagnostic System Y yd Yard Z ZEV Zero Emission Vehicle 69 1/4/07 4:17:30 PM Battery Testing P art of nearly any Battery Charge and Charging Times electrical diagnosis Charge Times at 80ºF (27ºC) Battery Open Percent of has to involve checking Charge Voltage Charge 20 Amps 40 Amps 60 Amps the batteryʼs condition. 12.6 V 100% — — — This chart provides you 12.4 V 75% 48 minutes 27 minutes 15 minutes with a comparison of bat12.2 V 50% 95 minutes 55 minutes 36 minutes tery charge based on its 12.0 V 25% 145 minutes 85 minutes 50 minutes open circuit voltage, and 11.8 V 0% 195 minutes 110 minutes 65 minutes then shows how long it should take to charge the Battery Load Test battery, based on the charging rate. Minimum Voltage Battery Electrolyte A standard battery load test involves loading the batUnder Load After 15s Temperature tery to ½ of its Cold Cranking Amps (CCA) rating for 15 seconds. If the voltage drops below the minimum spec 9.6 70ºF (21ºC) shown at the end of those 15 seconds, the battery needs 9.5 60ºF (16ºC) to be either recharged or replaced. 9.4 50ºF (10ºC) The minimum load voltages vary based on electrolyte 9.3 40ºF (4ºC) temperature. 9.1 30ºF (–1ºC) 8.9 20ºF (–7ºC) 8.7 10ºF (–12ºC) 8.5 0ºF (–18ºC) Wire Gauges Wire Gauges 70 70Wire-Battry.indd 70 AWG Metric (mm) Maximum Amps 24 0.22 3.5 22 0.35 7.0 20 0.50 11.0 18 0.80 16.0 16 1.00 22.0 14 2.00 32.0 12 3.00 41.0 10 5.00 55.0 8 8.00 73.0 6 13.00 101.0 4 19.00 135.0 2 32.00 181.0 W ire comes in a wide range of thicknesses, or gauges. The thicker the wire, the more current flow it can support. Here’s a chart of the wire gauges using the American Wire Gauge standard. It compares the most common gauges to their metric counterparts, and lists the maximum amperage rating for that thickness of wire. GEARS January/February 2007 1/4/07 4:18:54 PM Duty Cycle / Dwell / Voltage Conversions T hese charts make it easy to convert between duty cycle, dwell and voltage measurements. To use these measurements, always connect your meterʼs red wire to the control circuit, and the black wire to a good ground. The voltage measurements shown are based on a system voltage of 14.5 volts. If the system voltage is higher, your measurement Ground Controlled Circuit Feed Controlled Circuit 100 Dwell (6-Cyl Scale) 60 14.50 13.78 95 57 13.78 54 13.05 90 54 13.05 15 51 12.33 85 51 12.33 20 48 11.60 80 48 11.60 25 45 10.88 75 45 10.88 30 42 10.15 70 42 10.15 35 39 9.43 65 39 9.43 40 36 8.70 60 36 8.70 45 33 7.98 55 33 7.98 50 30 7.25 50 30 7.25 55 27 6.53 45 27 6.53 60 24 5.80 40 24 5.80 65 21 5.08 35 21 5.08 70 18 4.35 30 18 4.35 75 15 3.63 25 15 3.63 80 12 2.90 20 12 2.90 85 9 2.18 15 9 2.18 90 6 1.45 10 6 1.45 95 3 0.70 5 3 0.70 100 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Volts Duty Cycle (%) 0 Dwell (6-Cyl Scale) 60 14.50 5 57 10 Duty Cycle (%) GEARS January/February 2007 71duty.indd 71 will be higher; if system voltage is lower, your measurement will also be lower. Make sure youʼre using the right chart for the circuit youʼre checking. The feed controlled chart is for circuits that pulse the feed wire, and use a common chassis ground. Ground controlled circuits use system voltage and pulse the ground wire. Volts 71 1/4/07 4:19:51 PM Circuit Protection Devices N early every circuit on todayʼs cars has some type of protection scheme. The most common of these circuit protection devices are fuses or fusible links. Hereʼs a listing of the various spade-style fuses, along with a color code to help you identify the fuse rating. Blade Style Fuses Most late model vehicles no longer use fusible links; instead, they use maxi-fuses. These large fuses are usually located in a fuse block near the battery. Maxi-Fuses Color Rating (Amps) Yellow 20 Light Green 30 Color Rating (Amps) Orange or Amber 40 Violet 3.0 Red 50 Pink 4.0 Blue 60 Tan 5.0 Brown 70 Brown 7.5 White or Natural 80 Red 10.0 Blue or Light Blue 15.0 Yellow 20.0 White or Neutral 25.0 Green or Light Green 30.0 Another type of protection device is the fusible link. This is basically a thinner piece of wire than the rest of the circuit. If the circuit overloads, the fusible link burns out before the rest of the circuit can be damaged. In most cases the fusible link should be about 4 gauges thinner than the wiring in the circuit it protects. And the length of the fusible link is important: usually 9 inches is just about right to provide adequate circuit protection. Asian vehicles still use fusible links, but instead of wiring them into the harness, theyʼre mounted in a plastic housing that either plugs or screws into place. They look much like fuses, and are sometimes called Pacific Fuse Elements. Pacific Fuse Elements Color Rating (Amps) Pink 30 Green 40 Red 50 Yellow 60 Black 80 Dark Blue 100 Fusible Links Color Gauge Gray 12 Green 14 Black or Orange 16 Red or Brown 18 Blue 20 72 72circuit.indd 72 GEARS January/February 2007 1/4/07 4:21:13 PM Transmission Identification Charts Model CL CL CL CL Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Legend Legend Legend MDX MDX NSX RL RL RL RSX SLX TL TL TL TL TL TSX Vigor Year 1996-97 1998-99 1996-00 2001-06 1986-89 1990 1991-93 1994-99 1994-99 2000-01 1986-87 1988-90 1991-95 2001-02 2003-07 1991-06 1996-04 2001-05 2005-07 2002-07 1996-99 1995-98 1996-98 1999 2000-03 2004-07 2004-07 1992-94 Model Hummer (H1) Hummer (H1) Hummer (H1) Hummer (H2),(H2 SUT) Hummer (H2),(H2 SUT) Hummer (H3) Year 1991-93 1993-05 2006-07 2004-07 2006-07 2006-07 Model 100 100 100 100 100 Quattro Year 1977-94 1985-94 1989-97 1990-94 1992-94 GEARS January/February 2007 73-transID1.indd 73 ACURA Engine L4 2.2L L4 2.3L V6 3.0L V6 3.2L L4 1.6L L4 1.8L L4 1.8L L4 1.8L L4 1.8L L4 1.8L V6 2.5L V6 2.7L V6 2.7L 3.2L V6 3.5L V6 3.5L V6 3.0L 3.2L V6 3.5L V6 3.2L V6 3.5L L4 2.0L V6 3.2L 3.5L L5 2.5L V6 3.2L V6 3.2L V6 3.2L V6 3.2L L4 2.4L L5 2.5L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD/AWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD Transmission A6VA B6VA B7ZA / M7ZA MGFA / BGFA CA / P1 RO MPRA MP7A / SP7A S4XA SKWA G4 L5 / PL5X MPYA MGHA / BGHA MDKA / BDKA MR9A M5DA B7WA MJBA MRMA 4L30E M1WA M5HA B7VA M7WA / B7WA BDGA MCTA MPWA V8(Gas)6.5L(Diesel) V8 6.6L(Diesel) V8 6.0L V8 6.2L L5 3.5L Trans Type 3 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD/4X4 5 SPD RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD/4X4 6 SPD RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD/4X4 Transmission 3L80E 4L80E 1000 (Allison) 4L65E 6L80E 4L60E AUDI Engine L5 2.3L L4 1.9L V6 2.6L 2.8L L5 2.3L 2.8L V6 2.8L Trans Type 3 Spd Transaxle 3 Spd Transaxle 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD Transmission 87 89 ZF4HP18FLE 097 (01N) ZF4HP18FLE AM GENERAL Engine 73 1/5/07 10:09:39 AM Transmission I.D. Chart Continued Model 200 200 80 80 80, Avant 90 90 A3 A3, Quattro A4 A4 A4 Avant A4, Cabriolet A4 A4, Cabriolet, Quattro A4, Avant, Cabriolet, Quattro A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 Quattro A6 Quattro A6 Quattro A6 Quattro, A6 Allroad A6 Quattro, A6 Allroad A6 Quattro A6, Avant A6, Avant A6, Avant A6 Avant A8 A8 A8 A8 Quattro A8 Quattro A8 Quattro A8 Quattro A8 Quattro A8 Quattro Allroad Quattro Cabriolet Cabriolet Q7 S4, Avant S4, Avant S6 Avant, RS6 TT TT Quattro V8 Quattro Year 1984-91 1989-97 1985-91 1991-92 1991-96 1985-91 1991-95 2006-07 2006-07 1995-98 1995-04 1998-05 2004-07 2006-07 2003-07 2006-07 1995-96 1997-04 1997-04 2002-04 2005-07 1995-97 1995-97 1998-04 1998-04 1998-04 2005-07 1994 1994-97 1995-98 2006-07 1994-99 1994-03 1994-03 1994-99 1995 1995 1999-03 2004-07 2004-07 2002-05 1992-98 1992-98 2007 2004-07 2001-02 2002-03 2003-07 2004-07 1989-94 AUDI continued Engine L5 2.2L V6 2.6L 2.8L L5 2.3L L4 2.0L L5 2.3L L5 2.3L L5 2.3L;V6 2.6L 2.8L L4 2.0L V6 3.2L L4 1.6L 1.8L 1.9L L4 2.4L; V6 2.6L 2.8L L4 1.8L; V6 2.8L 3.0L L4 1.8L 2.0L; V6 3.0L L4 2.0L L4 1.8L; V6 3.0L L4 2.0L; V6 3.1L 3.2L V6 2.8L V6 2.8L 3.0L 2.7L V8 4.2L V6 3.0L V6 3.2L V8 4.2L V6 2.8L V8 4.2L V6 2.8L 3.0L 2.7L V8 4.2L V6 3.2L; V8 4.2L L5 2.3L; V6 2.6L 2.8L V6 2.5L 2.6L 2.8L L4 1.9L 2.0L; V6 2.6L V6 3.2L V6 2.8L V6 2.5L 2.8L 3.7L V8 4.2L V8 4.2L V6 2.5L 2.8L 3.7L V6 2.8L V8 4.2L V8 4.2L W12 6.0L V6 2.7L; V8 4.2L L4 1.6L 1.8L 1.9L V6 2.8L V8 4.2L V8 4.2L V6 2.7L V8 4.2L L4 1.8L 2.0L; V6 3.0L V6 3.2L V6 3.6L; V8 4.2L Trans Type 3 Spd Transaxle 4 Spd FWD 3 Spd Transaxle 3 Spd Transaxle 4 Spd FWD 3 Spd Transaxle 4 Spd FWD 6 Spd FWD 6 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD CVT FWD 6 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 6 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD CVT FWD CVT FWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 6 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 6 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 6 Spd AWD 6 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 6 Spd AWD 6 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 6 Spd FWD 6 Spd AWD 4 Spd AWD Transmission 87 ZF4HP18FLE 87 89 097 (01N) 87 097 (01N) AWTF60SN ZF6HP26A 097 (01N) ZF5HP19FL ZF5HP19FLA 01J (Multitronic) AWTF60SN ZF5HP19FLA ZF6HP26A ZF4HP18FLA ZF5HP19FL ZF5HP19FL 01J (Multitronic) 01J (Multitronic) ZF4HP24A ZF4HP18FLA ZF5HP24A ZF5HP19FLA ZF5HP19FLA ZF6HP26A 097 (01N) ZF4HP18FLE 097 (01N) ZF6HP26A ZF4HP18FLE ZF5HP19FL ZF5HP19FL ZF4HP24A ZF5HP19FLA ZF4HP18FLA ZF5HP24A ZF6HP26A ZF6HP32A ZF5HP19FLA 097 (01N) 097 (01N) ZF6HP26A ZF6HP26A ZF5HP19FLA ZF5HP24A AWTF60SN ZF6HP26A ZF4HP24A Model 1 Series 3 Series (E46) 318i 323i 323i 325i 325i, 325ci, 325xi 325i, 325ci 325i, 325xi 328i 328i Year 2007 1997-03 1991-99 1997-99 2000 1992-95 2001-06 2000-04 2006 1996-99 2000 BMW Engine L6 2.5L L6 2.5L L4 1.8L 1.9L L6 2.5L L6 2.5L L6 2.5L L6 2.5L L6 2.5L L6 3.0L L6 2.8L L6 2.8L Trans Type 5 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD/AWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD Transmission 5L40E ZF5HP19 4L30E 4L30E 5L40E 4L30E 5L40E ZF5HP19 ZF6HP19 4L30E 5L40E 74 73-transID1.indd 74 GEARS January/February 2007 1/5/07 10:09:56 AM Model 330i, 330ci, 330xi 330i 335ci 335i 5 Series (E39) 5 Series (E39) 525i 525i 525i, 525xi 525i 528i 528i 530i 530i 530i, 530xi 540i 540i 545i 645ci, 645Li 7 Series (E38) 7 Series (E38) 7 Series (B7) 740i 740i 745i, 745Li 750Li 750i, 750Li 760i, 760Li 8 Series (E31) 840ci, 840cia 840ci 850 850 M3 Mini Cooper Mini Cooper X3 X3 X5 X5 X5 Z3, Z3 Roadster Z4 Roadster Year 2001-07 2006 2007 2007 1995-96 1997-03 1991-95 2001-03 2004-06 2004 1996-99 2000 1993-95 2001-03 2004-06 1991-95 1996-02 2004-06 2004-06 1997-03 1997-00 2007 1992-95 1996-01 2002-05 1995-01 2006 2004-06 1995-00 1992-99 1996-97 1988-94 1995-97 1995-98 2002-07 2006-07 2004-07 2007 2000-07 2000-07 2004-07 1996-00 2001-06 BMW continued Engine L6 3.0L L6 3.0L L6 3.0L L6 3.0L L6 2.5L L6 2.5L L6 2.5L L6 2.5L 3.0L L6 2.5L 3.0L L6 2.5L L6 2.8L L6 2.8L V8 3.0L L6 2.5L 3.0L L6 2.5L 3.0L V8 4.0L 4.4L V8 4.4L V8 4.4L V8 4.4L V8 4.4L V8 4.4L V8 4.4L V8 4.0L 4.4L V8 4.4L V8 4.4L V12 5.4L V8 4.8L V12 6.0L V8 4.4L V8 4.0L 4.4L V8 4.4L V12 5.0L V12 5.5L L6 3.0L 3.2L L4 1.6L L4 1.6L L6 2.5L 3.0L L6 3.0L L6 2.5L 3.0L V8 4.4L 4.6L V8 4.4L 4.8L L4 1.9L; L6 2.8L L6 2.5L 3.0L Trans Type 5 Spd RWD/AWD 6 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 6 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD CVT FWD 6 Spd FWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 6 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 6 Spd RWD/AWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD Transmission 5L40E ZF6HP19 5L40E ZF6HP19 ZF5HP24 ZF5HP19 4L30E 5L40E ZF6HP19 ZF5HP19 4L30E 5L40E ZF5HP18 5L40E ZF6HP19 ZF5HP30 ZF5HP24 ZF6HP26 ZF6HP26 ZF5HP19 ZF5HP24 ZF6HP26 ZF5HP30 ZF5HP24 ZF6HP26 ZF5HP30 ZF6HP26 ZF6HP32 ZF5HP24 ZF5HP30 ZF5HP24 ZF4HP24 ZF5HP30 ZF5HP18 CFT23 (ZF) AWTF60SN 5L40E STEPTRONIC 5L40E 5L40E ZF6HP26A 4L30E 5L40E Model Allure Century, Century Wagon Century, Century Wagon Century Century LaCrosse LeSabre LeSabre LeSabre Lucerne Lucerne Park Avenue, Ultra Park Avenue, Ultra Rainier Rainier Regal Regal Rendezvous Year 2005-06 1995-96 1994-99 2000-05 2005 2005-07 1992-97 1998-04 2004-05 2006-07 2006-07 1991-96 1997-05 2004-07 2006-07 1994-97 1997-04 2002-07 BUICK Engine V6 3.6L 3.8L L4 2.2L V6 3.1L V6 3.1L V6 3.1L V6 3.6L 3.8L V6 3.8L V6 3.8L V6 3.8L V8 4.6L V6 3.8L V6 3.8L V6 3.8L 3.8L SC L6 4.2L; V8 5.3L V8 6.0L V6 3.1L 3.8L V6 3.8L 3.8L SC V6 3.4L 3.5L 3.6L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/AWD 4 Spd RWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD Transmission 4T65E 125C (3T40) 4T60E 4T65E 4T45E 4T65E 4T60E 4T65E 4T45E 4T80E 4T65E 4T60E 4T65E 4L60E / 4L65E 4L70E 4T60E 4T65E 4T65E GEARS January/February 2007 73-transID1.indd 75 75 1/5/07 10:10:09 AM Transmission I.D. Chart Continued Model Riviera Riviera Roadmaster, Wagon Skylark Skylark Skylark Terraza Year 1991-96 1997-99 1994-96 1983-98 1994-98 1997 2005-07 BUICK continued Engine V6 3.8L V6 3.8L V8 5.7L L4 2.3L L4 2.3L 2.4L; V6 3.1L L4 2.4L V6 3.5L 3.9L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD Transmission 4T60E 4T65E 4L60E 125C (3T40) 4T60E 4T40E 4T65E Model Catera Concours, DeVille CTS CTS CTS CTS Deville DTS Eldorado Eldorado Escalade, ESV, EXT Escalade, ESV, EXT Escalade, ESV, EXT Fleetwood, Brougham Limo Livery, Hearse, Limo Seville Seville STS, SRX, XLR STS, SRX, XLR STS, SRX, XLR STS, SRX, XLR Year 1997-01 1994-05 2003-07 2005-07 2007 2006-07 1994-95 2006-07 1991-92 1993-03 1999-07 2006-07 2006-07 1991-96 1991-96 1997-01 1991-93 1993-04 2004-07 2005-07 2007 2006-07 CADILLAC Engine V6 3.0L V8 4.6L V6 2.8L 3.2L 3.6L V8 4.4L 4.6L V8 4.4L 4.6L V8 6.0L V8 4.9L V8 4.6L V8 4.9L V8 4.6L V8 5.3L 5.7L 6.0L V8 4.8L 5.3L V8 6.0L 6.2L V8 4.9L 5.7L V8 4.9L 5.7L V8 4.6L V8 4.9L V8 4.6L V6 2.8L 3.6L V8 4.4L 4.6L V8 4.4L 4.6L V8 6.0L Trans Type 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 6 SPD RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/AWD 4 Spd RWD/AWD 6 Spd RWD/AWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 6 Spd RWD/AWD 6 Spd RWD/AWD Transmission 4L30E 4T80E 5L40E 5L40E 6L50E 6L80E 4T60E 4T80E 4T60E 4T80E 4L60E / 4L70E 4L80E 6L80E 4L60E 4L60E 4T80E 4T60E 4T80E 5L40E 5L40E 6L50E 6L80E Model Acadia Astro Van, Safari Avalanche Avalanche Avalanche Aveo Beretta Beretta Camaro Camaro Caprice, Wagon Cavalier Cavalier Blazer, Jimmy Blazer, Jimmy Envoy, TrailBlazer Envoy, TrailBlazer TrailBlazer Cobalt Colorado, Canyon Colorado, Canyon Corsica Corsica Corvette Corvette Equinox Express,Savana, 1500-2500 Express,Savana, 1500-2500 Express,Savana, 2500-3500 Year 2007 1995-07 2001-07 2001-03 2004-06 2004-07 1995-96 1995-96 1994-02 1994-05 1992-96 1991-05 1995-06 1992-07 1992-07 1992-07 1992-07 2006-07 2005-07 2004-06 2007 1992-96 1995-96 1992-05 2006-07 2005-07 1996-07 1996-07 1996-07 CHEVROLET/GMC & GEO Engine V6 3.6L V6 4.3L V8 5.3L V8 8.1L V8 8.1L L4 1.6L L4 2.2L V6 3.1L V6 3.4L 3.8L V8 5.0L 5.7L V6 4.3L; V8 5.0L 5.7L L4 2.2L; V6 3.1L L4 2.2L 2.3L 2.4L L4 2.2L; V6 4.2L 4.3L V8 5.3L L4 2.2L; V6 4.2L 4.3L V8 5.3L V8 6.0L L4 2.0L 2.2L 2.4L L4 2.8L; L5 3.5L L4 2.9L; L5 3.7L L4 2.2L V6 3.1L V8 5.7L 6.0L V8 6.0L 7.0L V6 3.4L V6 4.3L V8 4.8L 5.3L 5.7L V8 4.8L 5.3L 5.7L Trans Type 6 Spd FWD/AWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd FWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 6 SPD RWD 5 Spd FWD/AWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 Transmission 6T70E 4L60E 4L60E 4L80E 4L85E ML4 (81-40LE) 125C (3T40) 4T60E 4L60E 4L60E 4L60E 125C (3T40) 4T40E 4L60E 4L60E / 4L65E 4L60E 4L60E / 4L65E 4L70E 4T45E 4L60E 4L60E 125C (3T40) 4T60E 4L60E 6L80E AW55-50SN (AF33) 4L60E 4L60E / 4L65E 4L80E / 4L85E 76 73-transID1.indd 76 GEARS January/February 2007 1/5/07 10:10:28 AM Model Express,Savana, 2500-3500 Express,Savana, 2500-3500 Express,Savana, 3500 HHR Impala Impala Impala Impala Kodiak Lumina(Car) Lumina(Van), APV Lumina(Van), APV Mailbu Malibu Malibu Malibu, Malibu Maxx Malibu Metro Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Prizm Prizm Prizm S10,S15,Jimmy,Sonoma Silverado,Sierra,1500-3500 Silverado,Sierra,1500-3500 Silverado,Sierra,1500-3500 Silverado,Sierra,1500-3500 Silverado,Sierra,1500-3500 Silverado,Sierra,1500-3500 Silverado,Sierra,1500-3500 Silverado,Sierra,1500-3500 Silverado 1500SS Silverado 1500SS Sierra Denali Sierra Denali Silverado,Sierra,2500-3500 Silverado,Sierra,2500-3500 Silverado,Sierra,2500-3500 Silverado,Sierra,2500-3500 Storm Storm Suburban 1500-2500 Suburban 1500-2500 Suburban 1500-2500 Suburban 1500-2500 Suburban 2500, Yukon SSR Tahoe, Yukon Tahoe, Yukon Tahoe, Yukon Tahoe, Yukon Tracker Tracker Tracker Uplander Venture(Van), APV Venture(Van), APV GEARS January/February 2007 73-transID1.indd 77 Year 1996-07 2006-07 2002 2006-07 1994-96 2000-06 2000-06 2006-07 2006-07 1993-00 1990-95 1992-96 1997-99 1997 1998-05 2004-07 2006-07 1989-01 1995-96 1997-99 1997-05 1997-05 2006-07 1989-92 1993-02 1989-02 1991-04 1995-07 1995-07 1995-07 1995-07 1995-06 1995-07 2006-07 2006-07 2004-06 2006-07 2004-06 2006-07 2000-06 2006-07 2000-06 2006-07 1990-93 1990-93 1992-07 1995-07 1995-07 1995-07 2002-07 2003-07 1992-07 1995-07 1995-07 1995-07 1989-98 1996-04 1996-04 2005-07 1997-98 1999-05 CHEVROLET/GMC & GEO continued Engine Trans Type V8 6.0L 7.4L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 6.6L(Diesel) 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 8.1L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 L4 2.2L 2.4L 4 Spd FWD V8 5.7L 4 Spd RWD V6 3.4L 3.8L 4 Spd FWD V6 3.8L(W/S.C.) 4 Spd FWD V6 3.5L 3.9L; V8 5.3L 4 Spd FWD V8 6.6L(Diesel); 8.1L 5 Spd RWD/4x4 V6 3.1L 3.4L 4 Spd FWD V6 3.1L 3 Spd FWD V6 3.1L 3.4L 3.8L 4 Spd FWD L4 2.4L 4 Spd FWD V6 3.1L 4 Spd FWD L4 2.4L; V6 3.1L 4 Spd FWD L4 2.2L; V6 3.5L 4 Spd FWD V6 3.9L 4 Spd FWD L3 1.0L; L4 1.3L 3 Spd FWD V6 3.1L 3.4L 4 Spd FWD V6 3.1L 4 Spd FWD V6 3.4L 3.8L 4 Spd FWD V6 3.8L(W/S.C.) 4 Spd FWD V6 3.5L 3.9L; V8 5.3L 4 Spd FWD L4 1.6L 4 Spd FWD L4 1.6L 1.8L 4 Spd FWD L4 1.6L 1.8L 3 Spd FWD L4 2.5L; V6 4.3L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V6 4.2L 4.3L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 4.8L 5.0L 5.3L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V6 5.4L 5.7L 6.0L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 5.0L 5.7L 6.0L 6.5L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 7.4L 8.1L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 6.6L(Diesel) 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 6.6L(Diesel) 6 SPD RWD/4X4 V8 6.0L 6.2L 6 SPD RWD/4X4 V8 6.0L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 6.0L 6.2L 6 SPD RWD/4X4 V8 6.0L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 6.0L 6.2L 6 SPD RWD/4X4 V8, 6.0L 6.6L(Diesel) 5 Spd RWD/4x4 V8, 6.6L(Diesel) 6 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 8.1L 5 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 8.1L 6 Spd RWD/4x4 L4 1.6L 3 Spd FWD L4 1.8L 4 Spd FWD V8 4.8L 5.0L 5.3L 5.7L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 5.7L 6.0L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 6.5L(Diesel) 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 7.4L 8.1L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 8.1L 5 Spd RWD/4x4 L6 4.2L V8 5.3L 6.0L 4 Spd RWD V8 4.8L 5.0L 5.3L 5.7L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 5.7L 6.0L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 6.5L(Diesel) 4 Spd RWD/4x4 V8 7.4L 8.1L 4 Spd RWD/4x4 L4 1.6L 3 Spd RWD L4 1.6L 2.0L 2.4L 4 Spd RWD/4X4 V6 2.5L 4 Spd RWD/4X4 V6 3.5L 3.9L 4 Spd FWD/AWD V6 3.3L 3.4L 4 Spd FWD V6 3.4L 4 Spd FWD Transmission 4L80E / 4L85E 4L85E 4L80E 4T45E 4L60E 4T65E 4T65E 4T65E 1000 (Allison) 4T60E 125C (3T40) 4T60E 4T40E 4T60E 4T40E 4T45E 4T65E MX17 (A210) 4T60E 4T60E 4T65E 4T65E 4T65E A240E A245E A131L 4L60E 4L60E 4L60E 4L60E 4L80E 4L80E 4L80E 1000 (Allison) 6L80E 4L65E / 4L70E 6L80E 4L65E / 4L70E 6L80E 1000 (Allison) 1000 (Allison) 1000 (Allison) 1000 (Allison) F3A JF403E 4L60E 4L80E 4L80E 4L80E 1000 (Allison) 4L65E / 4L70E 4L60E 4L80E 4L80E 4L80E 180C(3L30) A44DE (03-72LE) A44DE (03-72LE) 4T65E 4T60E 4T65E 77 1/5/07 10:10:40 AM Transmission I.D. Chart Continued Model 300 300, 300C 300M 602 Acclaim Aspen Aspen Breeze Cirrus Concorde Crossfire Fifth Avenue Imperial Laser Laser Laser Laser LeBaron LHS New Yorker New Yorker Pacifica Pacifica Prowler PT Cruiser Sebring Sebring Sebring Sebring Sebring Sundance Town & Country Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager Grand Voyager Year 2005-07 2005-07 1999-04 2002 1992-95 2007 2007 1996-06 1995-06 1993-04 2004-07 1993 1990-93 1990-94 1990-94 1991-94 1992-94 1995 1994-01 1989-93 1994-96 2004-07 2007 1997-02 2001-07 1995-07 1995-07 2001-05 2001-05 2007 1993-94 1989-07 1995-99 1995-99 1995-07 1995-07 1997-98 CHRYSLER / PLYMOUTH Engine V6 2.7L 3.5L V6 3.5L; V8 5.7L 6.1L V6 3.5L L4 2.4L; V6 3.3L L4 2.5L V8 4.7L V8 5.7L L4 2.0L 2.4L L4 2.4L; V6 2.5L V6 2.7L 3.2L 3.3L 3.5L V6 3.2L V6 3.3L V6 3.3L 3.8L L4 1.8L L4 2.0L (Non Turbo) L4 2.0L(W/Turbo) L4 2.0L(W/Turbo) V6 3.0L V6 3.5L V6 3.0L 3.3L V6 3.5L V6 3.5L 3.8L V6 4.0L V6 3.5L L4 2.4L L4 2.0L 2.4L(DOHC) V6 2.7L, 3.0L L4 2.4L(SOHC) V6 2.7L 3.0L V6 3.5L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L 3.3L 3.4L 3.8L L4 2.4L V6 3.0L L4 2.4L V6 3.0L 3.3L 3.8L V6 3.8L Trans Type 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 3 Spd FWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD 6 Spd FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 6 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD 3 Spd FWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD Transmission 42RLE 722.6 A606 (42LE) A604 (41TE) A413 (31TH) 5-45RFE 722.6 A604 (41TE) A604 (41TE) A606 (42LE) 722.6 A604 (41TE) A604 (41TE) F4A22-2 (KM175-5) F4A22-2 (KM175-5) F4A33-1 W4A33-1 A604 (41TE) A606 (42LE) A604 (41TE) A606 (42LE) A604 (41TE) 62TE A606 (42LE) A604 (41TE) A604 (41TE) A604 (41TE) F4A42-2 F4A51-2 62TE A604 (41TE) A604 (41TE) A413 (31TH) A670 (31TH) A604 (41TE) A604 (41TE) A604 (41TE) Model Avenger Caravan Caravan Caravan Caravan Charger, SRT Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt D50 Pickup Dakota, Durango Dakota, Durango Dakota, Durango Dakota, Durango Dakota, Durango Dakota, Durango Intrepid Magnum R/T Magnum SE/SXT Magnum SXT Magnum SRT-8 Neon Year 1995-00 1988-99 1988-95 1990-07 1990-07 2006-07 1990-96 1989-94 1992-96 1992-96 1992-96 1990-93 1989-03 1989-03 1998-03 2000-06 2003-07 2004-07 1993-06 2005-07 2005-07 2005-07 2006-07 1995-01 DODGE Engine L4 2.0L; V6 2.5L L4 2.4L 2.5L V6 3.0L L4 2.4L 2.5L V6 3.0L 3.3L 3.8L V6 3.5L; V8 5.7L 6.1L L4 1.5L L4 1.5L 1.6L L4 1.8L L4 2.4L L4 1.8L 2.4L L4 2.4L; V6 3.0L L4 2.5L; V6 3.9L V8 4.7L 5.2L V8 5.9L V8 4.7L V8 4.7L 5.7L V6 3.7L V6 2.7L 3.2L 3.3L 3.5L V8 5.7L V6 2.7L 3.5L V6 3.5L V8 6.1L L4 2.0L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 3 Spd FWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD 3 Spd FWD Transmission A604 (41TE) A413 (31TH) A670 (31TH) A604 (41TE) A604 (41TE) 722.6 F3A21 (KM171-5) F4A21 (KM176-5) F4A22 (KM175-5) F4A23 (KM177-8) W4A32 A500 (40RH-44RE) A500 (40RH-44RE) A500 (40RH-44RE) A518 (46RH-46RE) 45RFE 5-45RFE 42RLE A606 (42LE) 722.6 42RLE 722.6 722.6 A413 (31TH) 78 73-transID1.indd 78 GEARS January/February 2007 1/5/07 10:10:51 AM Model Neon Nitro Nitro Raider Raider Ram Van 1500 Ram Van 1500-3500 Ram Van 1500-3500 Ram Van 1500-3500 Ram Van 1500-3500 Ram 1500 Ram 1500 Ram 1500 ST Ram 1500 SRT10 Ram 2500 ST/SLT Ram 2500 ST/SLT Ram 2500 ST/SLT Ram 2500 Ram 2500 Ram 3500 Ram 3500 Ram 3500 ST/SLT Ram 3500 ST/SLT Ram 3500 ST/SLT RAM 3500 HD Chassis Cab RAM 3500 HD Chassis Cab Spirit Spirit Sprinter Van, 2500-3500 Sprinter Van, 2500-3500 Stealth Stratus Stratus Stratus Stratus R/T Model Aerostar Aerostar Aerostar Aspire Bronco Contour Crown Victoria Crown Victoria E150, E250, E350 E150, E250, E350 E150, E250, E350 E150, E250, E350 E150, E250, E350 E150, E250, E350 E150, E250, E350 E150, E250. E350 E150, E250, E350 E150, E250, E350 E150, E250, E350 E250, E350 E250, E350 Escape Escape(Hybrid) Escort Excursion Excursion GEARS January/February 2007 73-transID1.indd 79 Year 2002-06 2007 2007 2007 2007 1990-02 1995-07 1995-06 1995-06 2007 2002-06 2007 2003-07 2006-07 2004-07 2004-06 2004-07 2005-07 2005-07 2003-07 2003-07 2004-07 2004-07 2004-06 2007 2007 1989-95 1989-95 2004-07 2004-07 1991-96 1995-06 1995-06 2001-06 2001-06 Year 1985-95 1996-97 1997 1994-97 1990-96 1995-00 1993-94 1995-07 1994-96 1995-12/97 1995-12/97 1995-12/97 1995-12/97 1/1998-04 1/1998-04 1/1998-04 1/1998-04 1996-07 1996-07 2004-07 2004-07 2001-07 2006-07 1990-03 2000-05 2000-05 DODGE continued Engine L4 2.0L; V6 2.5L V6 3.7L V6 4.0L V6 3.7L V8 4.7L V6 3.0L 3.9L; V8, 5.2L L6 5.9L(Diesel) V8 5.2L 5.7L V10 8.0L 8.3L L6 6.7L(Diesel) V6 3.7L; V8 4.7L 5.7L V6 3.7L V8 4.7L 5.7L V10 8.3L L6 5.9L(Diesel) V6 3.7L V8 4.7L 5.7L L6 5.9L(Diesel) V8 5.7L L6 5.9L(Diesel) V8 4.7L 5.7L L6 5.9L(Diesel) V8 4.7L 5.7L V6 3.7L L6 6.7L(Diesel) V8 5.7L L4 2.5L L4 2.5L; V6 3.0L L5 2.7L(Diesel) L5 2.7L(Diesel) V6 3.0L L4 2.0L 2.4L(DOHC) V6 2.5L 2.7L L4 2.4L(SOHC) V6 3.0L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD Transmission A604 (41TE) 42RLE 722.6 42RLE 5-45RFE A500 (40RH-44RE) A518 (46RH-48RE) A518 (46RH-48RE) A518 (46RH-48RE) AS68RC (Aisan) 45RFE 42RLE 5-45RFE A518 (46RH-48RE) 45RFE 45RFE 45RFE 5-45RFE 5-45RFE 5-45RFE 5-45RFE 45RFE 45RFE 45RFE AS68RC (Aisan) 5-45RFE A413 (31TH) A604 (41TE) 722.6 MT643 (Allison) F4A33-1 A604 (41TE) A604 (41TE) F4A42 F4A51 FORD Engine V6 3.0L 4.0L V6 3.0L 4.0L V6 4.0L L4 1.3L V8 4.9L L4 2.0L; V6 2.5L V8 4.6L V8 4.6L L6 4.9L; V8 5.8L 7.5L V6 4.2L V8 4.6L 5.4L 5.8L V8 7.3L(Diesel) V10 6.8L V6 4.2L V8 4.6L 5.4L 5.8L V8 7.3L(Diesel) V10 6.8L V6 4.2L V8 4.6L 5.0L 5.4L V8 6.0L(Diesel) V10 6.8L L4 2.0L 2.3L; V6 3.0L L4 2.3L L4 1.8L 1.9L 2.0L V8 5.4L 7.3L(Diesel) V10 6.8L Trans Type 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 3 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD CVT FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 Transmission A4LD 4R44E / 4R55E 5R55E F3A E4OD CD4E AODE 4R70W / 4R70E C6 E4OD E4OD E4OD E4OD 4R100 4R100 4R100 4R100 4R70W / 4R75W 4R70W / 4R75W 5R110W (TorqShift) 5R110W (TorqShift) CD4E CVTPSE 4EAT-F (1 PAN) 4R100 4R100 79 1/5/07 10:11:00 AM Transmission I.D. Chart Continued Model Excursion Expedition Expedition Expedition Expedition Expedition Explorer Explorer Explorer Explorer Explorer Explorer, Sport Trac Explorer, Sport Trac F150 F150 F150 F150 F150 F150 F250 F250 F250 F250 F250, F250 Super Duty F250, F250 Super Duty F250, F250 Super Duty F250 Super Duty F250 Super Duty F250 Super Duty F250 Super Duty F250 Super Duty F250 Super Duty F350 F350 F350 F350, F350 Super Duty F350, F350 Super Duty F350, F350 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F450 F450, F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty 80 73-transID1.indd 80 Year 2004-05 1997-04 9/96-12/97 1/98-2002 2005-07 2006-07 1991-94 1995-96 1996-01 1997-04 2002-03 2004-07 2006-07 1992-12/97 1995-07 1995-05 1/98-2004 2006-07 2004-07 1992-12/97 1992-12/97 1994-99 1992-96 1/98-2004 1/98-2004 1/98-2004 2003-06 2007 2003-06 2007 2003-06 2007 1992-96 1992-12/97 1992-12/97 1/98-04 1/98-04 1/98-04 2003-06 2007 2003-06 2007 2003-06 2007 1992-96 1995-3/98 3/98-2004 3/98-2004 3/98-2004 2003-06 2007 2003-06 2007 2003-06 2007 2003-06 2003-06 2003-06 2003-06 2007 2003-06 2007 2003-06 2007 FORD continued Engine V8 6.0L(Diesel) V8 4.6L 5.4L(16 Valve) V8 5.4L(16 Valve) V8 5.4L(16 Valve) V8 5.4L(24 Valve ) V8 5.4L(24 Valve ) V6 4.0L V6 4.0L V8 4.9L 5.0L V6 4.0L V6 4.0L; V8 4.6L V6 4.0L; V8 4.6L V8 4.6L L6 4.9L; V8 5.4L V6 4.2L V8 4.6L 5.4L(16 Valve) V8 5.4L(16 Valve) V8 4.6L V8 5.4L(24 Valve) V8 5.4L 5.8L V8 7.3L(Diesel) 7.5L V8 4.6L 5.4L L6 4.9L; V8 5.8L 7.5L V8 5.4L 5.9L 6.0L V8 7.3L(Diesel) V10 6.8L V8 5.4L (24 Valve) V8 5.4L (24 Valve) V8 6.0L(Diesel) V8 6.0L & 6.4L(Diesel) V10 6.8L V10 6.8L V8 5.8L 7.5L V8 5.8L 7.5L V8 7.3L(Diesel) V8 5.4L 6.0L(Diesel) V8 7.3L(Diesel) V10 6.8L V8 5.4L(24 Valve) V8 5.4L (24 Valve) V8 6.0L(Diesel) V8 6.0L & 6.4L(Diesel) V10 6.8L V10 6.8L V8 5.8L 7.5L V8 7.5L 7.3L(Diesel) V8 5.4L 6.0L(Diesel) V8 7.3L(Diesel) V10 6.8L V8 5.4L(24 Valve) V8 5.4L (24 Valve) V8 6.0L(Diesel) V8 6.0L & 6.4L(Diesel) V10 6.8L V10 6.8L V8 5.4L 6.0L(Diesel) V8 7.3L(Diesel) V10 6.8L V8 5.4L(24 Valve) V8 5.4L (24 Valve) V8 6.0L(Diesel) V8 6.0L & 6.4L(Diesel) V10 6.8L V10 6.8L Trans Type 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 3 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 3 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 3 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4x4 Transmission 5R110W (TorqShift) 4R70W / 4R70E E4OD 4R100 4R75W / 4R75E ZF6HP26 A4LD 4R55E 4R70W 5R55E 5R55W 5R55S 6R60 (ZF6HP26) E4OD 4R70W / 4R70E 4R70W / 4570E 4R100 4R70E 4R75W / 4R75E E4OD E4OD 4R70W C6 4R100 4R100 4R100 5R110W (TorqShift) TorqShift 5R110W (TorqShift) TorqShift 5R110W (TorqShift) TorqShift C6 E4OD E4OD 4R100 4R100 4R100 5R110W (TorqShift) TorqShift 5R110W (TorqShift) TorqShift 5R110W (TorqShift) TorqShift C6 E4OD 4R100 4R100 4R100 5R110W (TorqShift) TorqShift 5R110W (TorqShift) TorqShift 5R110W (TorqShift) TorqShift 4R100 4R100 4R100 5R110W (TorqShift) TorqShift 5R110W (TorqShift) TorqShift 5R110W (TorqShift) TorqShift GEARS January/February 2007 1/5/07 10:11:10 AM Model Festiva Five Hundred Five Hundred Focus Freestar Freestyle Freestyle Fusion Fusion Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Probe Probe Ranger Ranger Ranger Ranger Ranger Ranger Taurus Taurus Tarus Tempo Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird Windstar Windstar ZX2 Year 1990-93 2005-07 2005-07 2000-07 2004-07 2005-07 2005-07 2006-07 2006-07 1990-93 1994-95 1996-04 2005-07 1990-97 1994-97 1990-94 1990-94 1995-01 1995-01 1997-07 2001-07 1991-93 1995-03 1995-07 1990-94 1992-94 1995-97 2002 2003-05 1995-00 2001-03 2001-03 FORD continued Engine L4 1.6L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L L4 2.0L 2.3L V6 3.8L 3.9L 4.2L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L L4 2.3L V6 3.0L 3.5L L4 2.3L V6 3.8L; V8 4.9L 5.0L V6 3.8L; V8 4.6L V6 4.0L; V8 4.6L L4 2.2L; V6 2.5L 3.0L L4 2.0L L4 2.3L V6 2.9L 3.0L 4.0L L4 2.3L 2.5L; V6 3.0L V6 4.0L V6 4.0L L4 2.3L; V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L 3.2L 3.8L V6 3.0L; V8 3.4L L4 2.3L V6 3.8L V6 3.8L; V8 4.6L V8 3.9L V8 3.9L V6 3.0L 3.8L V6 3.8L L4 2.0L Trans Type 3 Spd FWD CVT FWD/AWD 6 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD CVT FWD/AWD 6 SPD FWD 5 SPD FWD 6 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD Transmission F3A CFT30 (ZF) AF21-B (Asin Warner) 4F27E 4F50N (AX4N) CFT30 (ZF) AF21-B (Asin Warner) FNR5 (Mazda) AF21-B (Asin Warner) A4LD AODE 4R70W / 4R70E 5R55S 4EAT-G (G4A-EL) CD4E A4LD A4LD 4R44E 4R55E 5R55E 5R44E AXODE AX4S 4F50N (AX4N) ATX AODE 4R70W 5R55N 5R55S AX4S 4F50N (AX4N) CD4E Model Accord Accord Wagon Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Hybrid Civic CRX Civic Wagon Civic Del Sol Civic Del Sol Civic Civic Civic Civic Civic Civic Civic HX Civic HX Civic GX, HX Civic Hybrid CR-V CR-V Year 1990 1991 1991-92 1992 1993 1994-97 1994-97 1995-97 1998-02 1998-02 2003-07 2003-07 2005-06 1988-91 1989-91 1992-95 1993-97 1996 1997-00 1997-98 1998-00 1999-00 2001-05 1996-00 2001 2002-05 2003-06 1997-04 1997-04 HONDA Engine L4 2.2L L4 2.2L L4 2.2L L4 2.2L L4 2.2L L4 2.2L L4 2.2L V6 2.7L L4 2.3L V6 3.0L L4 2.4L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L L4 1.5L 1.6L L4 1.6L L4 1.5L 1.6L L4 1.5L 1.6L L4 1.6L L4 1.6L L4 1.6L L4 1.6L L4 1.6L L4 1.7L L4 1.6L L4 1.7L L4 1.7L L4 1.3L L4 2.0L 2.4L L4 2.0L 2.4L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD CVT FWD CVT FWD CVT FWD CVT FWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd AWD Transmission PX4B APXA APX4 MPWA MPXA MPOA / AOYA BOYA MPZA BAXA / MAXA B7XA BCLA / MCLA BAYA / MAYA MURA L4 / ML4A S5 / MPSA A24A / A2YA S24A / M24A A4RA B4RA B46A / M4RA S4RA BDRA BMXA / SLXA M4VA MLYA SLYA SZCA M4TA / MDMA MRVA GEARS January/February 2007 73-transID1.indd 81 81 1/5/07 10:11:23 AM Transmission I.D. Chart Continued Model CR-V CR-V CR-V Element Element Insight Odyssey Odyssey Odyssey Odyssey Odyssey Passport Pilot Prelude Prelude Prelude Ridgeline Year 1998-04 2005-06 2005-07 2003-06 2003-06 2001-06 1995-97 1998 1999-01 2002-04 2005-07 1994-02 2003-07 1990-91 1992-96 1997-01 2006-07 HONDA continued Engine L4 2.0L 2.4L L4 2.4L L4 2.4L L4 2.4L L4 2.4L L3 1.0L L4 2.2L 2.3L L4 2.2L 2.3L V6 3.5L V6 3.5L V6 3.5L L4 2.6L; V6 3.2L V6 3.5L L4 2.0L 2.1L L4 2.2L L4 2.2L V6 3.5L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD CVT FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD Transmission MDLA / MCVA MKYA / MKZA GPLA / GPPA MZKA BZKA MHTA MPJA MDWA B7TA / B7YA BYBA BGRA 4L30E BVGA PY8A / MY8A MP1A M6HA MJFA Model Accent Accent Azera Elantra Elantra Elantra Elantra Elantra Entourage Excel Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Scoupe Scoupe Sonata Sonata Sonata Sonata Tiburon Tiburon Tiburon Tucson Tucson XG300 XG350 / XG350L Year 1995-99 2000-07 2006-07 1992-95 1993-95 1996-99 2000-01 2002-07 2007 1990-94 2001-06 2003-06 2007 2007 1991-92 1993-95 1990-98 1995-98 1999-07 2006-07 1997-99 2000-01 2002-07 2005-07 2005-07 2001 2002-05 HYUNDAI Engine L4 1.5L 1.6L L4 1.5L 1.6L V6 3.8L L4 1.6L L4 1.8L L4 1.8L 2.0L L4 1.8L 2.0L L4 2.0L V6 3.8L L4 1.5L L4 2.4L; V6 2.7L V6 3.5L V6 2.7L V6 2.7L 3.3L L4 1.5L L4 1.5L L4 2.0L 2.4L V6 3.0L L4 2.4L; V6 2.5L 2.7L V6 3.3L L4 1.8L 2.0L L4 1.8L 2.0L L4 2.0L; V6 2.7L L4 2.0L V6 2.7L V6 3.0L V6 3.5L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD/4x4 5 Spd FWD/4x4 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD/4x4 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD/4X4 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD Transmission A4AF1 / A4AF2 A4AF3 F5A51 F4A21 (KM176-5) F4A22 (KM175-5) A4BF1/ A4BF2 A4BF2 F4A42 F5A51 F4A21 (KM176-5) F4A51 F5A51 F4A51 F5A51 F4A21 (KM176-5) A4AF1 F4A22 (KM175-5) F4A33-1 F4A42 F5A51 A4BF1/ A4BF2 A4BF2 F4A42 F4A42 F4A51 F5A51 F5A51 Model CX35 FX35 FX45 G20 G20 G35 I30 I35 J30 M30 M35, M35x M45 Q45 Q45 Year 2007 2003-07 2003-07 1991-93 1994-02 2003-07 1995-01 2002-04 1993-97 1990-92 2006-07 2003-07 1990-01 2002-07 INFINITI Engine V6 3.5L V6 3.5L V8 4.5L L4 2.0L L4 2.0L V6 3.5L V6 3.0L V6 3.5L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 3.5L V8 4.5L V8 4.1L 4.5L V8 4.5L Trans Type 5 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD Transmission RE5R05A RE5R05A RE5R05A RL4F03A RE4F03A / RE4F03V RE5R05A RE4F04A / RE4F04V RE4F04A / RE4F04V RE4R01A RE4R01A RE5R05A RE5R05A RE4R03A RE5R05A 82 73-transID1.indd 82 GEARS January/February 2007 1/5/07 10:11:36 AM Model QX4 QX56 Year 1997-03 2004-07 INFINITI continued Engine V6 3.3L 3.5L V8 5.6L Trans Type 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 Transmission RE4R01A RE5R05A Model Amigo Amigo Ascender Axiom Hombre I280 I290 I350 I370 NPR Truck NPR Truck NPR Truck Oasis Oasis Pick-Up Rodeo Rodeo Trooper Trooper VehiCROSS Year 1992-94 1999-00 2003-07 2002-06 1997-00 2006 2007 2006 2007 1987-98 1987-04 1999-04 1996-97 1998-99 1988-94 1990-06 1990-06 1988-91 1992-02 1999-01 ISUZU Engine L4 2.3L 2.6L V6 3.2L L6 4.2L; V8 5.3L 5.4L V6 3.5L L4 2.2L; V6 4.3L L4 2.8L L4 2.9L L5 3.5L L5 3.5L L4 3.9L(Diesel) V8 5.7L L4 4.7L(Diesel) L4 2.2L 2.3L L4 2.2L 2.3L L4 2.3L 2.6L L4 2.2L 2.6L V6 3.1L 3.2L 3.5L L4 2.6L, V6 2.8L V6 3.2L 3.5L V6 3.5L Trans Type 4 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd 4x4 4 Spd 4x4 4 Spd 4x4 Transmission 03-72L (A44DL) 4L30E 4L60E 4L30E 4L60E 4L60E 4L60E 4L60E 4L60E JR403E 4L80E 450-43LE MPJA MDWA 03-72L (A44DL) 4L30E 4L30E A340H 4L30E 4L30E Model S Type S Type X Type XJ6, XJ6L XJ8, XJ8L, XJ Sport XJ8, XJ8L XJR XJR, XJR 100, Super V8 XJR, Super V8 XJS XJ Vanden Plas XJ Vanden Plas XJ Vanden Plas XK8 XK8 XK8 XKR, XKR 100 XKR Year 2000-02 2003-07 2002-07 1990-97 1998-03 2004-07 1995-97 1998-03 2004-07 1993-96 1990-97 1998-03 2004-07 1997-00 2001-02 2003-07 2001-02 2003-07 JAGUAR Engine V6 3.0L; V8 4.0L V6 3.0L; V8 4.2L V6 2.5L 3.0L L6 4.0L V8 4.0L V8 4.2L L6 4.0L V8 4.0L V8 4.2L L6 4.0L; V12 6.0L L6 4.0L V8 4.0L V8 4.2L V8 4.0L V8 4.0L V8 4.2L V8 4.0L V8 4.2L Trans Type 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD Transmission 5R55N ZF6HP26 JF506E ZF4HP24 ZF5HP24 ZF6HP26 ZF4HP24 ZF5HP24 ZF6HP26 4L80E ZF4HP24 ZF5HP24 ZF6HP26 ZF5HP24 5R55N ZF6HP26 5R55N ZF6HP26 Model Cherokee Cherokee Comanche Commander Commander Grand Cherokee Grand Cherokee, Laredo Grand Cherokee Grand Cherokee, Laredo Grand Cherokee, Laredo Grand Cherokee, Laredo Grand Cherokee, Limited Grand Cherokee, Overland Grand Cherokee, SRT-8 Grand Cherokee Year 1987-01 1994-00 1990-92 2006-07 2006-07 1991-93 1994-04 1997-98 1999-00 2001-05 2006-07 2005-07 2005-07 2006-07 2007 JEEP Engine L4 2.5L; L6 4.0L L4 2.5L L4 2.5L; L6 4.0L V6 3.7L V8 4.7L 5.7L L6 4.0L L6 4.0L V8 5.2L 5.9L V8 4.7L V6 3.7L; V8 4.7L V6 3.7L V8 4.7L 5.7L V8 4.7L 5.7L V8 6.1L V6 3.0L(Diesel) Trans Type 4 Spd RWD/4x4 3 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd 4x4 5 Spd 4x4 5 Spd 4x4 5 Spd 4x4 Transmission A340 (AW4) A904 (30RH) A340 (AW4) 722.6 5-45RFE A340 (AW4) A500 (42RE) A518 (46RH) 45RFE 5-45RFE 722.6 5-45RFE 5-45RFE 722.6 722.6 (W5J400) GEARS January/February 2007 73-transID1.indd 83 83 1/5/07 10:11:45 AM Transmission I.D. Chart Continued Model Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Wrangler Wrangler Wrangler Year 2002-04 2003-05 2003-07 2005-06 2005-06 1992-02 2003-06 2007 JEEP continued Engine V6 3.7L L4 2.4L V6 3.7L L4 2.8L(Diesel) V6 3.7L L4 2.5L; L6 4.0L L4 2.4L; L6 4.0L V6 3.8L Trans Type 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 3 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 Transmission 45RFE 42RLE 42RLE 5-45RFE 5-45RFE A904 (30RH-32RH) 42RLE 42RLE Model Amanti Optima Optima Rio, Rio Cinco, Rio 5 Sedona Sephia Sorento Sorento Sorento Spectra Sportage Year 2004-07 2001-05 2006-07 2001-07 2002-05 1994-01 2003-04 2003-04 2005-07 2000-07 1995-02 KIA Engine V6 3.5L L4 2.4L; V6 2.5L 2.7L L4 2.5L; V6 2.7L L4 1.5L 1.6L V6 3.5L L4 1.6L 1.8L V6 3.5L V6 3.5L V6 3.5L L4 1.8L 2.0L L4 2.0L Trans Type 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 SPD FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 Transmission F5A51 F4A42 F5A51 F4A-EL (1 PAN) F5A51 F4A-EL (1 PAN) A44DE (03-72LE) A340 RE5RO5A F4A-EL (1 PAN) A44DE (03-72LE) Model Defender 90 Discovery Freelander LR2 LR3 Range Rover Range Rover Range Rover HSE, Sport Year 1994-97 1994-04 2002-05 2007 2005-07 1992-02 2003-05 2006-07 LAND ROVER Engine V8 3.9L 4.0L V8 3.9L 4.0L 4.6L V6 2.5L TBD V6 4.0L; V8 4.4L V8 3.9L 4.0L 4.6L V8 4.4L V8 4.2L 4.4L Trans Type 4 Spd 4x4 4 Spd 4x4 5 Spd FWD/AWD 6 Spd 4X4 6 Spd 4X4 4 Spd 4x4 5 Spd 4x4 6 Spd 4X4 Transmission ZF4HP22A / ZF4HP24A ZF4HP22A / ZF4HP24A JF506E ZF6HP26A ZF6HP26A ZF4HP22A / ZF4HP24A ZF5HP24A ZF6HP26A Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 5 Spd 4x4 6 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 4 Spd 4x4 4 Spd 4x4 5 Spd 4x4 4 Spd FWD/AWD 5 Spd FWD/AWD 5 Spd FWD/AWD CVT AWD 4 Spd RWD Transmission A540E A541E U140E U150E U151E A341E A350E A650E A761E / A761F A650E A650E A761E A750F A761E / A761F A650E A761E A341E A650E A650E A761E A343F A343F A750F U140E / U140F U151E / U151F U151E / U151F P310 A340E LEXUS Model ES300 ES300 ES300 ES300 ES330 GS300 GS300 GS300 GS300 GS400 GS430 GS430 GX470 IS250 IS300 IS350 LS400 LS400 LS430 LS430 LX450 LX470 LX470 RX300 RX330 RX350 RX400h (Hybrid) SC300 84 73-transID1.indd 84 Year 1992-93 1994-01 1999-01 2002-03 2004-06 1993-96 1997 1998-06 2006-07 1998-00 2001-05 2006-07 2003-06 2006-07 2001-06 2006-07 1990-97 1998-00 2001-03 2004-06 1996-97 1998-02 2003-06 1998-03 2004-06 2007 2006-07 1992-97 Engine V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 3.3L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V8 4.0L V8 4.3L V8 4.3L V8 4.7L V6 2.5L L6 3.0L V6 3.5L V8 4.0L V8 4.0L V8 4.3L V8 4.3L L6 4.5L V8 4.7L V8 4.7L V6 3.0L V6 3.3L V6 3.5L V6 3.3L L6 3.0L GEARS January/February 2007 1/5/07 10:11:55 AM Model SC300 SC400 SC400 SC430 SC430 Model Aviator Blackwood Continental Continental Continental LS LS Mark LT (Pick-Up) Mark LT (Pick-Up) Mark VIII MKZ MKZ, MKX Navigator Navigator Navigator Town Car Zephyr Zephyr Model 3i, 3S, 3SP23 3 323 323 5 6 6i 6S 6S 626 626 929 B2200 B2300, B3000, B4000 B2300 B2300 B2500 B3000 B3000 B3000 B4000 B4000 Miata, MX5 Miata, MX5 Miata, MX5 Millenia Millenia MPV (Van) MPV (Van) MPV (Van) MPV (Van) MPV (Van) MX3 MX6 MX6 GEARS January/February 2007 73-transID1.indd 85 Year 1998-00 1992-97 1998-00 2001-05 2006-07 Year 2003-05 2002 1991-94 1995-00 2001-02 2000-02 2003-06 2006-07 2007 1993-98 2007 2007 9/97-12/97 1/98-04 2005-07 1993-07 2006-07 2006-07 Year 2004-06 2005-07 1990-94 1990-91 2006-07 2005-07 2003-06 2003-06 2006-07 1992-02 1994-02 1992-95 1992-93 1994 1995-99 2000-07 1999 2001 1995-99 2000-07 1995-99 2000-07 1990-97 1998-05 2006-07 1995-02 1995-02 1989-94 1989-99 2000-01 2002-07 2006 1992-95 1990-93 1994-97 LEXUS continued Engine L6 3.0L V8 4.0L V8 4.0L V8 4.3L V8 4.3L Trans Type 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD Transmission A341E A341E A650E A650E A761E LINCOLN Engine V8 4.6L V8 5.4L V6 3.8L V8 4.6L V8 4.6L V6 3.0L; V8 3.9L V6 3.0L; V8 3.9L V8 5.4L(24 Valve ) V6 4.2L; V8 4.6L V8 4.6L L4 2.3L V6 3.5L V8 5.4L V8 5.4L V8 5.4L(24 Valve ) V8 4.6L V6 3.0L L4 2.3L Trans Type 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd FWD 6 Spd FWD/AWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 6 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD 6 Spd FWD/AWD 5 Spd FWD Transmission 5R55S 4R100 AXODE / AX4S AX4N 4F50N (AX4N) 5R55N 5R55S 4R75E 4R70E AODE / 4R70W FNR5 (Mazda) AF21-B (Aisin Warner) E4OD 4R100 ZF6HP26 4R70W / 4R70E AF21 (Asin Warner) FNR5 (Mazda) MAZDA Engine L4 2.0L 2.3L L4 2.0L 2.3L L4 1.6L 1.8L L4 1.6L L4 2.3L L4 2.3L L4 2.3L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L L4 2.0L; V6 2.5L L4 2.0L V6 3.0L L4 2.2L L4 2.3L 3.0L; V6 4.0L L4 2.3L L4 2.3L L4 2.5L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 4.0L V6 4.0L L4 1.6L 1.8L L4 1.8L L4 2.0L V6 2.5L V6 2.3L L4 2.6L V6 3.0L V6 2.5L V6 3.0L L4 2.3L L4 1.6L; V6 1.8L L4 2.0L 2.2L; V6 2.5L V6 2.5L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 6 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD Transmission FN4A-EL (4F27E) 5NR5 F4A-EL (1 PAN) G4A-EL (2 PAN) FN4A-EL (4F27E) 5NR5 FN4A-EL (4F27E) JF506E (JA5A-EL) AF21-B (Aisin Warner) G4A-EL (2 PAN) CD4E R4AEL (RE4R01A) N4A-EL (4N71B) A4LD 4R44E 5R55E 4R44E 5R55E 4R44E 5R55E 4R55E 5R55E N4A-EL (4N71B) A44DE ACTIVEMATIC G4A-EL ( 2 PAN) LJ4A-EL (JF403E) N4A-EL (4N71B) R4AEL (RE4R01A) G4A-EL ( 2 PAN) JF506E (JA5A-EL) FN4A-EL (4F27E) F4A-EL (1 PAN) G4A-EL ( 2 PAN) G4A-EL ( 2 PAN) 85 1/5/07 10:12:05 AM Transmission I.D. Chart Continued Model MX6 Navajo Protégé Protégé Protégé RX7 RX7 RX8 RX8 Titan Truck (2 Ton) Tribute Year 1994-97 1991-94 1990-94 1995-98 1999-03 1989-92 1993-94 2004-05 2006-07 1990-97 2000-07 MAZDA continued Engine L4 2.0L V6 4.0L L4 1.8L L4 1.5L 1.8L L4 1.6L 1.8L 2.0L Rotary 1.3L Rotary 1.3L Rotary 1.3L Rotary 1.3L Various L4 2.0L 2.3L; V6 3.0L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 6 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD Transmission CD4E A4LD F4A-EL (1 PAN) F4A-EL (1 PAN) FN4A-EL (4F27E) N4A-EL (4N71B) R4AEL (RE4R01A) RC4-AEL 6EAT JR403E (RG4R01A) CD4E Model 190 300 300SL 400 500 C220 C230 C230 C240 C280 C280 C280 C280 C320 C350 C350 C36 C36 C43 C55 CL500 CL500 CL500 CL55 AMG CL600 CL600 CL65 AMG CLK320 CLK350 CLK430 CLK500 CLK500 CLK55 AMG CLK 550 CLS500 CLS55 AMG CLS550 CLS63 AMG E300 E300 E320 E320 E320 E350 E350 E420 E420 E430 E500 E500 Year 1990-93 1991-93 1990-93 1992-93 1990-93 1994-96 1997-05 2006-07 2002-05 1994-96 1997-00 2006 2006-07 2000-05 2006 2006-07 1995-96 1997 1998-00 2005-06 1998-04 2005-06 2007 2001-07 1998-06 2007 2005-07 1998-05 2006-07 1999-03 2003-04 2005-06 2001-06 2007 2006 2006 2007 2007 1995-96 1997-99 1994-96 1997-07 1997-06 2006-07 2006 1994-96 1997 1998-02 1994-99 2003-04 MERCEDES Engine L4 2.3L; L6 2.6L L5 2.5L; L6 2.6L 3.0L L6 3.0L V8 4.2L V8 5.0L L4 2.2L L4 1.8L 2.3L V6 2.5L V6 2.6L L6 2.8L L6 2.8L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 3.2L V6 3.5L V6 3.5L L6 3.6L L6 3.6L V8 4.3L V8 5.5L V8 5.0L V8 5.0L V8 5.5L V8 5.5L V12 5.5L 5.8L 6.0L V12 5.5L V12 6.0L V6 3.2L V6 3.5L V8 4.3L V8 5.0L V8 5.0L V8 5.5L V8 5.5L V8 5.0L V8 5.5L V8 5.5L V8 6.3L L6 3.0L L6 3.0L L6 3.2L L6 3.2L(Diesel) V6 3.2L V6 3.5L V6 3.5L V8 4.2L V8 4.2L V8 4.3L V8 5.0L V8 5.0L Trans Type 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/4X4 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/4X4 7 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 5 Spd RWD/AWD 7 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD Transmission 722.4 722.4 722.5 722.3 722.3 722.4 722.6 722.9 722.6 722.4 722.6 722.6 722.9 722.6 722.6 722.9 722.4 722.6 722.6 722.6 722.6 722.9 722.9 722.6 722.6 722.9 722.6 722.6 722.9 722.6 722.6 722.9 722.6 722.9 722.9 722.6 722.9 722.9 722.3 722.6 722.3 722.6 722.6 722.9 722.6 722.3 722.6 722.6 722.3 722.6 86 73-transID1.indd 86 GEARS January/February 2007 1/5/07 10:12:15 AM Model E500 E500 E550 E55 E63 AMG G500 G55 AMG GL320 GL450 ML320 ML350 ML350 ML430 ML500 ML500 ML55 ML63 AMG R350 R500 R63 S320 S320 S350 S350 S420 S420 S430 S430 S500 S500 S500 S550 S55 AMG S600 S600 S65 AMG SL320 SL500 SL500 SL500 SL55 AMG SL600 SL600 SL65 AMG SLK230 SLK280 SLK32 AMG SLK350 SLK55 AMG SLR McLaren Year 2005-06 2005-06 2007 1999-06 2007 2002-07 2003-07 2007 2007 1998-02 2003-05 2006-07 1999-01 2002-05 2006-07 2000-03 2007 2006-07 2006-07 2007 1994-95 1996-99 1994-95 2006 1994-95 1996-99 2000-06 2005-06 1994-95 1996-06 2005-06 2007 2001-06 1994-95 1996-07 2006-07 1994-97 1994-95 1996-03 2004-06 2003-06 1994-95 1996-06 2005-06 1998-04 2006-07 2002-04 2005-07 2005-07 2005-07 MERCEDES continued Engine V8 5.0L V8 5.0L V8 5.5L V8 5.5L V8 6.3L V8 5.0L V8 5.5L V6 3.0L(Diesel) V8 4.6L V6 3.2L V6 3.5L V6 3.5L V8 4.3L V8 5.0L V8 5.0L V8 5.5L V8 6.3L V6 3.5L V8 5.0L V8 6.3L L6 3.2L L6 3.2L L6 3.4L(Diesel) V6 3.7L V8 4.2L V8 4.2L V8 4.3L V8 4.3L V8 5.0L V8 5.0L V8 5.0L V8 5.5L V8 5.5L V12 6.0L V12 5.5L 5.8L 6.0L V12 6.0L L6 3.2L V8 5.0L V8 5.0L V8 5.0L V8 5.5L V12 6.0L V12 5.5L 6.0L V12 6.0L L4 2.3L; V6 3.2L V6 3.0L V6 3.2L V6 3.5L V8 5.5L V8 5.5L Trans Type 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/4X4 7 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 7 Spd RWD/4X4 7 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 7 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 7 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 7 Spd RWD/4X4 7 Spd RWD/4X4 7 Spd RWD/4X4 7 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 7 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD Transmission 722.9 722.6 722.9 722.6 722.9 722.6 722.6 722.9 722.9 722.6 722.6 722.9 722.6 722.6 722.9 722.6 722.9 722.9 722.9 722.9 722.5 722.6 722.3 722.6 722.3 722.6 722.6 722.9 722.3 722.6 722.9 722.9 722.6 722.3 722.6 722.6 722.5 722.3 722.6 722.9 722.6 722.3 722.6 722.6 722.6 722.9 722.6 722.9 722.9 722.6 Model Capri Cougar Cougar Cougar Grand Marquis Grand Marquis Milan Milan Marauder Mariner Mariner (Hybrid) Year 1991-94 1993-94 1995-97 1999-02 1993-94 1995-07 2006-07 2006-07 2003-04 2005-07 2006-07 MERCURY Engine L4 1.6L V6 3.8L V6 3.8L; V8 4.6L L4 2.0L; V6 2.5L V8 4.6L V8 4.6L L4 2.3L V6 3.0L 3.5L V8 4.6L L4 2.3L; V6 3.0L L4 2.3L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd FWD 6 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD CVT FWD/AWD Transmission G4A-EL ( 2 PAN) AODE 4R70W CD4E AODE 4R70W / 4R70E FNR5 (Mazda) AF21-B (Aisin Warner) 4R70W / 4R70E CD4E CVTPSE GEARS January/February 2007 73-transID1.indd 87 87 1/5/07 10:12:25 AM Transmission I.D. Chart Continued Model Montego Montego Monterey Mountaineer Mountaineer Mountaineer Mountaineer Mountaineer Mystique Sable Sable Sable Sable Topaz Tracer Villager Model 3000GT Cantor (2 Ton Truck) Diamante Diamante Eclipse Eclipse Eclipse Eclipse Eclipse Eclipse Eclipse Eclipse Eclipse Endeavor Expo Expo Expo Galant Galant Galant Galant Galant Galant Galant Lancer Lancer Mirage Mirage Mirage Mirage Montero Montero Montero Montero Montero Outlander Outlander Outlander Pickup Raider Raider 88 73-transID1.indd 88 Year 2005-07 2005-07 2004-07 1997-01 1999-01 2002-03 2004-06 2006-07 1995-00 1991-03 1995-00 1995-05 2001-06 1990-94 1991-99 1993-02 Year 1991-99 1990-97 1992-96 1997-04 1990-94 1990-94 1991-99 1991-99 1995-98 1996-98 1997-07 1996-05 2006-07 2004-06 1992-94 1992-94 1992-94 1990-93 1991-92 1994-98 1999-03 1999-03 2004-07 2004-07 2002-03 2004-07 1994-97 1994-97 1998-02 1998-02 1990-5/94 6/94-2000 1999-02 2001-02 2003-07 2003-05 2003-05 2006 1990-96 2006-07 2006-07 MERCURY continued Engine V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 4.2L V8 4.9L V6 4.0L V6 4.0L; V8 4.6L V6 4.0L; V8 4.6L V8 4.6L L4 2.0L; V6 2.5L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L L4 2.3L L4 1.8L 1.9L 2.0L V6 3.0L 3.3L Trans Type 6 Spd FWD CVT FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 6 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD Transmission AF21-B (Asin Warner) CFT30 (ZF) 4F50N (AX4N) 4R70W 5R55E 5R55W 5R55S 6R60 (ZF6HP26) CD4E AXODE AX4N AX4S 4F50N (AX4N) ATX 4EAT-F (1 PAN) 4F20E (RE4F04A) MITSUBISHI Engine V6 3.0L Various V6 3.0L V6 3.5L L4 1.8L L4 2.0L(Non-Turbo) L4 2.0L(W/Turbo) L4 2.0L(W/Turbo) L4 2.0L(Non-Turbo) L4 2.4L(Non-Turbo) L4 2.4L(Non-Turbo) V6 3.0L V6 3.8L V6 3.8L L4 1.8L L4 2.4L L4 1.8L 2.4L L4 2.0L L4 2.0L L4 2.4L L4 2.4L V6 3.0L L4 2.4L V6 3.8L L4 2.0L L4 2.0L 2.4L L4 1.5L L4 1.8L L4 1.5L L4 1.8L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L 3.5L V6 3.0L 3.5L V6 3.5L V6 3.8L L4 2.4L L4 2.4L V6 3.8L L4 2.4L V6 3.7L V8 4.7L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 Transmission F4A33-1 JR403E (RG4R01A) F4A33-1 F4A51 F4A22 (KM175-5) F4A22 (KM175-5) W4A32-1 F4A33-1 A604 (41TE) F4A23 (KM177-8) F4A42 F4A51 F5A51 F4A51 F4A22 (KM175-5) F4A23- (KM177-8) W4A32-1 F4A22 (KM175-5) W4A32-1 F4A23 (KM177-8) F4A42 F4A51 F4A42 F4A51 F4A42 F4A42 F4A21 (KM176-5) F4A22 (KM175-5) F4A41-1 F4A42-1 AW372L (A44DL) AW30-40LE (A340F) V4A51 / R4A51 V5A51 / R5A51 V5A51 / R5A51 F4A42 W4A42 V5A51 / R5A51 A500 42RLE 5-45RFE GEARS January/February 2007 1/5/07 10:12:35 AM Model 200SX 240SX 300ZX 300ZX 350Z, Z Altima Altima Altima Frontier Frontier Maxima Maxima Maxima Murano NX Pathfinder Pathfinder, Armada Pathfinder Pickup Quest Quest Sentra Sentra Titan Versa Versa Xterra SE Xterra XE Year 1995-98 1992-98 1992-96 1992-96 2003-07 1993-06 2005-06 2007 1998-04 2005-07 1992-03 2004-06 2007 2003-06 1991-93 1993-04 2004-07 2005-07 1993-97 1993-05 2004-07 1993-06 2007 2004-07 2007 2007 2000-04 2005-07 NISSAN Engine L4 1.6L 2.0L L4 2.4L V6 3.0L(Non-Turbo) V6 3.0L(W/Turbo) V6 3.5L L4 2.4L 2.5L; V6 3.5L V6 3.5L L4 2.5L; V6 3.5L L4 2.4L; V6 3.3L 3.4L L4 2.5L; V6 4.0L V6 3.0L(DOHC) 3.5L V6 3.5L V6 3.5L V6 3.5L L4 1.6L 2.0L V6 3.0L 3.3L 3.4L 3.5L V8 5.6L V6 4.0L L4 2.4L; V6 3.0L V6 3.0L 3.3L 3.4L 3.5L V6 3.5L L4 1.6L 1.8L 2.0L 2.5L L4 2.0L V8 5.6L L4 1.8L L4 1.8L L4 2.4L; V6 3.3L 3.4L V6 4.0L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD CVT FWD 4 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD CVT FWD CVT FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD CVT FWD 5 Spd RWD/4x4 4 Spd FWD CVT FWD 4 Spd RWD/4x4 5 Spd RWD/4x4 Transmission RE4F03A RE4R01A RE4R01A RE4R03A RE5R05A RE4F04A AW55-50SN RE0F09A RE4R01A RE5R05A RE4F04A AW55-50SN RE0F09A RE0F09A RL4F03A RE4R01A RE5R05A RE5R05A RE4R01A RE4F04A AW55-50SN RE4F03A Extronic RE5R05A RE4F03A Extronic RE4R01A RE5R05A Model Achieva Alero Alero Aurora Aurora Bravada Ciera Cutlass, Ciera Cutlass Intrique LSS, Regency Royale, 88, 98 Silhouette Silhouette Year 1995-97 1999-04 1999-04 1995-03 2001-02 1993-04 1996 1995-96 1997-99 1998-02 1992-99 1992-99 1995-98 1999-04 OLDSMOBILE Engine L4 2.3L 2.4L; V6 3.1L L4 2.2L 2.4L V6 3.4L V8 4.0L V6 3.5L L6 4.2L; V6 4.3L L4 2.2L V6 3.1L V6 3.1L V6 3.5L 3.8L V6 3.8L V6 3.8L V6 3.4L 3.8L V6 3.4L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4X4 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD Transmission 4T60E 4T40E 4T45E 4T80E 4T65E 4L60E 3T40 (125C) 4T60E 4T40E 4T65E 4T60E 4T60E 4T60E 4T65E Trans Type 4 Spd FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD Transmission 4T65E 4T60E 4T65E 4T65E 4T80E 4L60E 3T40 (125C) 4T60E 4T40E 4T45E 4T60E 4T65E 4T60E 4T65E PLYMOUTH (USE CHRYSLER) Model Aztek Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Firebird Grand Am Grand Am Grand Am Grand Am Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix GEARS January/February 2007 73-transID1.indd 89 Year 2001-06 1992-97 1997-06 1997-06 2004-06 1994-02 1995 1994-98 1999-04 1999-06 1994-97 1997 1998-99 1998-07 PONTIAC Engine V6 3.4L V6 3.8L V6 3.8L V6 3.8L(W/S.C.) V8 4.6L V6 3.4L 3.8L; V8 5.7L L4 2.3L L4 2.3L 2.4L; V6 3.1L L4 2.2L 2.4L V6 3.4L V6 3.1L 3.4L 3.8L V6 3.8L(W/S.C.) V6 3.1L V6 3.1L 3.8L 89 1/5/07 10:12:45 AM Transmission I.D. Chart Continued Model Grand Prix Grand Prix GTO GTO G5 G6 G6 G6 Montana Montana SV6 Pursuit Solstice Sunfire Sunfire Torrent TransSport TransSport Vibe Vibe Wave Year 1998-07 2005-07 2004 2005-07 2007 2005-07 2005-07 2007 1999-06 2005-07 1995-06 2006-07 1995-01 1995-06 2006-07 1995-95 1992-98 2003-07 2003-07 2004-06 PONTIAC continued Engine V6 3.8L(W/S.C.) V8 5.3L V8 5.7L V8 6.0L L4 2.2L 2.4L L4 2.4L; V6 3.5L V6 3.9L V6 3.6L V6 3.4L V6 3.5L 3.9L L4 2.2L 2.4L L4 2.0L 2.4L L4 2.2L L4 2.2L 2.4L V6 3.4L V6 3.1L V6 3.4L 3.8L L4 1.8L(130 HP) L4 1.8L(123 HP) L4 1.6L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 6 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd RWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD/AWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD Transmission 4T65E 4T65E 4L60E 4L65E 4T45E 4T45E 4T65E 6T70E 4T65E 4T65E 4T40E 5L40E 3T40 (125C) 4T40E AW55-50SN (AF33) 3T40 (125C) 4T60E A246E U341F ML4(81-40LE) Model 9000 9000S 9000S 9-2X 3-Sep 3-Sep 5-Sep 5-Sep 9-7X Year 1994-98 1994-98 1994-98 2005-07 1999-03 2004-07 1999-01 2002-07 2005-07 SAAB Engine L4 2.3L(W/Turbo) L4 2.3L(Non-Turbo) L4 2.3L(W/Turbo) L4 2.0L 2.5L L4 2.0L L4 2.0L L4 2.3L; V6 3.0L L4 2.3L; V6 3.0L L6 4.2L; V8 5.3L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD Transmission ZF4HP18Q ZF4HP14 ZF4HP18Q AW50-40LE AW50-42LE AW55-50SN AW50-42LE AW55-50SN 4L60E Model Ion Quad Coupe Ion Sedan Ion L300 L300 LS LS LW LW Relay S-Series Sky Vue Vue Vue Vue Year 2003-04 2003-04 2005-07 2003-04 2003-06 2000-02 2000-02 2000-02 2000-02 2005-07 1991-02 2007 2002-06 2002-07 2002-06 2005-07 SATURN Engine L4 2.2L L4 2.2L L4 2.2L 2.4L L4 2.2L V6 3.0L L4 2.2L V6 3.0L L4 2.2L V6 3.0L V6 3.5L 3.9L L4 1.9L L4 2.0L 2.4L V6 3.0L V6 3.5L L4 2.2L L4 2.2L 2.4L Trans Type CVT FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd FWD/AWD 5 Spd FWD/AWD CVT FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD Transmission VT25-E (VTI) AW55-50SN (AF23) 4T45E 4T40E 4T45E 4T40E 4T45E 4T40E 4T45E 4T65E TAAT 5L40E AW55-50SN (AF33) MDRA VT25-E (VTI) 4T45E Model B9 Tribeca Baja Forester Impreza Justy Legacy Legacy Outback Outback Outback Year 2006-07 2003-07 1998-07 1993-07 1990-94 1990-06 2005-07 2000-04 2000-04 2005-07 SUBARU Engine H6, 3.0L H4, 2.5L H4, 2.5L H4, 1.8L 2.0L 2.2L 2.5L L3, 1.2L H4, 2.2L 2.5L H4, 2.5L(W/Turbo) H4, 2.2L 2.5L H6, 3.0L H4, 2.5L(Non-Turbo) Trans Type 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD ECVT FWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd AWD Transmission 5AT 4EAT (EC8) 4EAT (EC8) 4EAT (EC8) ECVT 4EAT (EC8) 5AT 4EAT (EC8) 4EAT (EC8) 4EAT (EC8) 90 73-transID1.indd 90 GEARS January/February 2007 1/5/07 10:12:55 AM Model Outback Outback SVX Year 2005-07 2005-07 1992-97 SUBARU continued Engine H4, 2.5L(W/Turbo) H6, 3.0L H6, 3.3L Trans Type 5 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd AWD Transmission 5AT 5AT 4EAT (EC8) Model Aerio Aerio Esteem Forenza Reno Sidekick 2 Door Sidekick 4 Door, Sport Swift GTI Verona Vitara, Grand Vitara Vitara, Grand Vitara X-90 XL-7 XL-7 XL-7 Year 2002-03 2004-07 1995-02 2004-07 2005-07 1992-98 1992-98 1992-01 2004-07 1999-05 2006-07 1996-98 2001-03 2004-07 2007 SUZUKI Engine L4 2.0L L4 2.3L L4 1.6L 1.8L L4 2.0L L4 2.0L L4 1.6L L4 1.6L 1.8L L4 1.3L V6 2.5L L4 1.6L 2.0L; V6 2.5L V6 2.7L L4 1.6L V6 2.7L V6 2.7L V6 3.6L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD/AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 3 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD/4X4 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD/4X4 4 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd RWD/4X4 5 Spd FWD/AWD Transmission AW60-40LE AW50-42LE AW60-40LE ZF4HP16 ZF4HP16 TH180C (3L30) A44DE (03-72LE) MX17 ZF4HP16 03-72LE (A44DE) A750E / A750F A44DE (03-72LE) A44DE (03-72LE) A750E / A750F AW55-50SN (AF33) Year 1992-04 1992-04 1992-04 1992-94 1995-04 1995-04 2003-07 2003-07 1995-04 2005-07 1992-01 1992-93 1994-01 2002-04 2002-04 2003-07 1999-03 1999-01 2002-05 2004-07 1992-93 1994-99 1994-99 2000-06 2000-06 1992-02 1993-02 2003-07 1992 2000-06 2007 2001-07 2001-03 2001-07 2004-07 2004-07 2006-07 1993-1/95 1/95-2002 2003-07 TOYOTA Engine L4 2.4L V6 3.0L 3.4L 4.0L V8 4.7L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L 3.4L 4.0L V8 4.7L V6 4.0L; V8 4.7L V6 4.0L; V8 4.7L V6 3.0L V6 3.5L L4 2.2L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L L4 2.4L V6 3.0L L4 2.4L; V6 3.0L 3.3L V6 3.0L L4 2.2L L4 2.4L; V6 3.3L L4 2.4L; V6 3.3L L4 2.2L L4 2.2L L4 1.8L L4 1.8L(140 HP) L4 1.8L(180 HP) L4 1.6L 1.8L L4 1.8L L4 1.8L L6 3.0L L4 1.5L V6 4.0L L4 2.4L V6 3.0L L4 2.4L; V6 3.0L V6 3.3L V6 3.3L V6 3.3L L6 4.5L L6 4.5L; V8 4.7L V8 4.7L Trans Type 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd 4x4 4 Spd 4x4 4 Spd 4x4 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd 4x4 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd 4X4 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd 4x4 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd 4x4 ECVT FWD/AWD 4 Spd 4x4 4 Spd 4x4 5 Spd 4x4 Transmission A340E A340E A340E A340H A340F A340F A750E A750F A541E U151E A140E A540E A541E U241E U140E U151E A541E A140E U241E U151E A241L A140E A246E U341E U240E A131L A245E U341E A340E U340E A750F U241E U140E U140F U151E U151F P310 A442F A343F A750F Model 4 Runner 4 Runner 4 Runner 4 Runner 4 Runner 4 Runner 4 Runner 4 Runner Avalon Avalon Camry Camry Camry Camry Camry Camry Camry Solara Camry Solara Camry Solara Camry Solara Celica GT Celica GT Celica ST Celica GT Celica GTS Corolla Corolla Corolla Cressida Echo FJ Cruiser Highlander Highlander Highlander Highlander Highlander Highlander Hybrid Landcruiser Landcruiser Landcruiser GEARS January/February 2007 73-transID1.indd 91 91 1/5/07 10:13:04 AM Transmission I.D. Chart Continued Model Matrix Matrix Matrix Matrix MR2 Paseo Pickup Pickup Pickup Pickup Pickup (T100) Pickup (T100) Previa Previa Previa Previa Prius (Hybrid) RAV4 RAV4 RAV4 RAV4 RAV4 RAV4 RAV4 Sequoia Sequoia Sequoia Sequoia Sienna Sienna Sienna Sienna Supra Supra Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Tercel Tercel Tundra Tundra Tundra Tundra Yaris Year 2003-06 2003-06 2003-06 2007 1992-95 1992-97 1992-02 1992-02 1992-95 1992-95 1993-98 1993-98 1991-97 1991-97 1995-97 1995-97 2001-07 1996-99 1996-97 1998-99 2000-07 2000-07 2006-07 2006-07 2001-06 2001-06 2005-07 2005-07 1998-00 2001-03 2004-07 2004-07 1992-98 1993-98 1995-06 1995-07 1995-07 2005-07 2005-07 1992-98 1995-98 2000-04 2000-04 2005-07 2005-07 2007 TOYOTA continued Engine L4 1.8L(130 HP) L4 1.8L(180 HP) L4 1.8L(123 HP) L4 1.8L(126 HP) L4 2.2L L4 1.5L L4 2.4L L4 2.7L; V6 3.0L 3.4L L4 2.4L V6 3.0L L4 2.7L; V6 3.0L 3.4L V6 3.0L 3.4L L4 2.4L(W/O S.C.) L4 2.4L(W/O S.C.) L4 2.4L(W/S.C.) L4 2.4L(W/S.C.) L4 1.5L L4 2.0L L4 2.0L L4 2.0L L4 2.0L 2.4L L4 2.0L 2.4L V6 3.5L V6 3.5L V8 4.7L V8 4.7L V8 4.7L V8 4.7L V6 3.0L V6 3.0L V6 3.3L V6 3.3L L6 3.0L(W/O Turbo) L6 3.0L(W/ Turbo) L4 2.4L L4 2.7L; V6 3.4L L4 2.7L; V6 3.4L V6 4.0L V6 4.0L L4 1.5L L4 1.5L V6 3.4L; V8 4.7L V6 3.4L; V8 4.7L V6 4.0L; V8 4.7L V8 4.7L L4 1.5L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd 4x4 4 Spd 4x4 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd 4x4 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd AWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd 4x4 ECVT FWD 4 Spd 4x4 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd 4x4 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd 4x4 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd 4X4 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd 4x4 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd 4X4 3 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd 4x4 5 Spd RWD 5 Spd 4X4 4 Spd FWD Transmission A246E U240E U341F U341E A241E A244E A43D A340E A340F A340H A340E A340F A46DE A46DF A340E A340F P111 A540H A241E A247E U140F U241E U151E U151F A340E A340F A750E A750F A540E A541E U151E U151F A340E A341E A43D A340E A340F A750E A750F A132L A242L A340E A340F A750E A750F U340E Model Cabrio Corrado Eos Eurovan Eurovan Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf, Rabbit GTI GTI GTI Jetta Jetta Year 1995-02 1992-94 2007 1993-94 1995-06 1996-05 1996-05 2004-05 2006 2006-07 1999-01 2002-05 2006-07 1993-05 1993-05 VOLKSWAGEN Engine L4 2.0L L4 1.8L; V6 2.8L V6 3.2L L5 2.5L V6 2.8L L4 1.9L(Diesel) 2.0L V6 2.8L L4 1.9L(Diesel) L4 1.9L(Diesel) L5 2.5L L4 1.8L 2.0L L4 1.8L L4 2.0L L4 1.8L 1.9L(Diesel) L4 2.0L V6 2.8L Trans Type 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 6 SPD FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 6 SPD FWD 6 SPD FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 6 SPD FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD Transmission 01M (096) 01M (095/096) AWTF60SN 01P (098) 01P (098) 01M (095/096) 01M (095/096) JF506E (09A) AWTF60SN AWTF60SN 01M (095/096) JF506E (09A) AWTF60SN 01M (095/096) 01M (095/096) 92 73-transID1.indd 92 GEARS January/February 2007 1/5/07 10:13:14 AM Model Jetta Jetta Jetta (New) Jetta (New) New Beetle New Beetle New Beetle New Beetle Passat Passat Passat Passat Phaeton Phaeton Touareg Touareg Touareg Year 2002-05 2002-05 2005-07 2005-07 1998-03 2004 2004-07 2006-07 1992-97 1998-05 2002-04 2006-07 2004-07 2004-07 2004-06 2004-07 2007 VOLKSWAGEN continued Engine L4 1.8L 1.9L(Diesel) V6 2.8L L4 1.9L(Diesel) L4 2.0L; L5 2.5L L4 1.8L 1.9L(Diesel) 2.0L L4 1.8L 2.0L L4 1.8L 1.9L(Diesel) 2.0L L4 2.5L V6 2.8L L4 1.8L 2.0L; V6 2.8L V8 4.0L L4 2.0L; V6 3.6L V8 4.2L W12 6.0L V6 3.2L; V8 4.2L V10 4.9L(Diesel) V6 3.6L Trans Type 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 6 SPD FWD 6 SPD FWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 6 Spd FWD 6 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 6 SPD FWD 6 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 6 Spd 4X4 6 Spd 4X4 6 Spd 4X4 Transmission JF506E (09A) JF506E (09A) AWTF60SN AWTF60SN 01M (095/096) 01M (095/096) AWTF60SN AWTF60SN 01M (095/096) ZF5HP19FL ZF5HP19FLA AWTF60SN ZF6HP26A ZF5HP24A ZF6HP26A ZF6HP26A ZF6HP26A Model 240 740 740 740 850 940 960 C70 C70 C70 Cross Country S40 S40 S40 S40 S60 S60 S60 S70 S70 S70 S80 S80 S80 S80 S80 S90 V40 V40 V50 V50 V70 V70 V70 V70 V90 XC70 XC90 XC90 XC90 XC90 XC90 Year 1992-93 1990-92 1990-92 1990-92 1993-97 1992-95 1992-97 1998-00 2001-04 2006-07 2002 2000 2001-04 2005-07 2005-07 2001-06 2003-07 2003-07 1998-00 2000 2000 1999-04 1999-04 2004-06 2004-06 2007 1997-98 2000 2001-04 2005-07 2005-07 1998-00 1998-00 2000-07 2000-05 1997-98 2003-07 2003-06 2003-05 2003-06 2006-07 2007 VOLVO Engine L4 2.3L L4 2.3L L4 2.3L L4 2.3L(W/Turbo) L5 2.3L 2.4L L4 2.3L(W/Turbo) L6 2.9L L5 2.3L 2.4L L5 2.3L 2.4L L5 2.5L L5 2.4L L4 1.9L L4 1.9L L5 2.4L 2.5L L5, 2.5L L5 2.3L 2.4L L5 2.4L 2.5L L5 2.5L L5 2.3L 2.4L L5 2.4L L5 2.4L L5 2.4L L5 2.5L L5 2.5L L5 2.5L L6 3.2L; V8 4.4L L6 2.9L L4 1.9L L4 1.9L L5 2.4L 2.5L L5 2.5L L5 2.3L 2.4L L5 2.3L 2.4L 2.5L L5 2.3L 2.4L 2.5L L5 2.3L 2.4L 2.5L L6 2.9L L5 2.5L L5 2.5L L6 2.9L L5 2.5L V8 4.4L L6 3.2L Trans Type 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 6 Spd AWD 4 Spd RWD 4 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd FWD 4 Spd AWD 5 Spd FWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd RWD 5 Spd AWD 5 Spd AWD 4 Spd AWD 5 Spd FWD 6 Spd AWD 6 Spd FWD/AWD Transmission A42DL (03-70L) A42DL (03-70L) A44DL (03-72L) A43DL (03-71L) 50-40 (AW50-40) A43DL (03-71L) A341E (30-40LE) AW50-42LE AW55-50SN AW55-50SN AW55-50 AW50-42LE AW55-50SN AW55-51SN AW55-50 AW55-50SN AW55-50SN AW55-50 AW50-42LE AW55-50SN AW55-50 AW50-42LE 4L65E AW55-50SN AW55-50 AWTF80SC A341E (30-40LE) AW50-42LE AW55-50SN AW55-50SN AW55-50 AW50-42LE AW50-42LE AW55-50SN AW55-50 A341E (30-40LE) AW55-50 AW55-50 A341E (30-40LE) AW55-50SN AWTF80SC AWTF80SC GEARS January/February 2007 73-transID1.indd 93 93 1/5/07 10:13:24 AM
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