03 September 2010 24 Ramadan 1431 Volume 1 / Issue 8 Reminder: “The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.” 97:3 The Holy Quran Starting Saturday Prayer MCA Al-Noor Fajr 6:00 am 6:00 am Duhr 1:30 pm 1:30 pm Asr MCA Women’s Committee & The Rahmah Foundation The Fast of the Woman withUstadha Rania Awaad Join us for practical guidelines to help you attain greater heights in your journey 5:15 pm 5:45 pm this blessed month... Maghrib Sunset Sunset Isha 9:15 pm 9:15 pm Event Calendar Sun, Sep 5th, 2010 at 1:45pm MCA Women’s Prayer Hall Babysitting will be arranged For more info, contact Eid Bazaar September 4th see page 3 Muslim Unity Day September 18th see page 9 Don’t Forget to Donate! RAMADAN EXPENSES $ 1 2 5 p e r fa m ily Our expenses during Ramadan are: $125,000. Ramadan expenses pay for additional electricity for air conditioning, extra cleaning expenses for bathrooms, travel expenses for visiting scholars, security and babysitting expenses, additional employee hours, Eid festival expenses, etc. Please donate generously. Deposit your checks in the designated cones with ‘Ramadan Expenses’ in the memo. Ramadan Activities Muslim Family Day September 18th see page 7 ING Annaul Supporters Dinner October 9th see page 7 Article: RamadanAn Opportuintuy to Know Your Inner Self see page 11 TO ADVERTISE WITH US VISIT OUR WEBSITE: MCA, c/o Newsletter, P.O. Box 180, Santa Clara, CA 9505 2 • • 408.727.7277 x41 6 Come finish your Eid shopping! We’ll have Islamic art, abayas, tunics, shalwar kameez suits, jewelry, shoes, kids’ clothing, scarves, pins, books, toys, henna, and much, much more! V endor s inte r e s te d to s ell s hould c onta c t Mic helle L ee a t mic helle . le e@ mc a ba ya r e a . or g or c a ll 408. 727. 7277 x415. ﺓَﺭﺍَﻥَﻡﻝﺍ ُﺩَﻩْﻉَﻡ ﺓﻱﻑﺍﻕﺙﻝﺍﻭ ﺓﻱﻭﻍﻝﻝﺍﻭ ﺓﻱﻭﺏﺭﺕﻝﺍ ﺕﺍﻡﺩﺥﻝﻝ ALMANARH INSTITUTE For Educational, Language, and Cultural Services Arabic Classes Fall 2010 October 2 – December 20 100A - Arabic Language I 100B - Arabic Language II Starts Sunday October 3, 2010 @8:30 – 10:30 AM Starts Saturday October 2, 2010 @ 8:30 – 10:30 AM 100C - Arabic Language III Starts Monday October 4, 2010 @ 7:00-9:30 PM All classes are held at Granada Islamic School classrooms (3003 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara CA) For more information please visit Contact Khalid Obeid, email: 2 AL-ARQAM SCHOOL Islamic Education Supplemental Program “Islamic studies, Arabic language and Quran recitation” Open Enrollment Age: 5 to 13 years old Program: Two-day Program Sunday:12:30 PM to 5:15 PM Friday:4:15 PM to 6:45 PM Registration: Apr 2nd to Sep 5th, 2010 Office Hours: Fridays: 1:00pm to 5:00pm Visit us at the School office inside the MCA office area Phone: 408-727-7277 Ext. 401 AL-ARQAM School is an Islamic Education Supplemental Program. The program includes: QURAN Recitation and Tajweed, Arabic Language and Islamic Studies. New enrollment students will be accommodated if class level and places are available. School days and time are not options for parents. Caring Friends Needs Volunteers MCA has collaborated with Stanford Hospital to provide assistance for homebound individuals in our Muslim community in Santa Clara and neighboring cities who request assistance. This program recruits, trains and carefully matches volunteers with recipients to help them remain independent at home. The following services are provided by the MCA Caring Friends volunteers:* Transportation to medical appointments * Being a comforting and supportive presence * Shopping assistance * Light housekeeping, light meal preparation * Friendly visits, phone calls If you are 18 yrs and above and would like to volunteer for this program , please contact us today by calling Caring Friends at 408-727-7277 ext. 460 or email This is a FREE service provided by MCA in collaboration with Stanford Hospital’s Partners in Caring program. Please sign-up today. By being a volunteer, you can gain great personal satisfaction from knowing that you have made an impact in another person’s life. Caring is one of the greatest gifts we can give… 3 Taqwa School & Islamic Center Learn to read the Quran in 8-12 weeks 8-12 weeks with correct pronunciation from Alphabets to Quran reading with Tajweed by dedicated, committed scholars, huffiz who had 15 years of services in the bay area. Inshallah a student will be able to read Quran from anywhere with Tajweed after completion of the program, for sisters & elders & also for senior citizens. Islamic Studies Classes. Seerat-un-Nabi & Stories of Prophet. S A.W Taqwa School & Islamic Center full time Year Along Hufizul Quran with Home Schooling grade 1 to 10th. Qualified Huffaz sisters with certification. TARAWEEH PRAYERS DURING RAMADHAN 4673 Thornton Ave# M Fremont ,94538 Cupertino branch call (408-602-6021) Fremont branch call (510-396-0738) QUR’AN INSTITUTE 2010-2011 LEARN QUR’AN WITH SHAYKH ABDUR RAHMAN SAAFAN MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY CLASSES AGES TIME 5 To 7 yrs ---------------------3:30PM - 4:30 PM 8 To 10 yrs ---------------------4:30PM - 5:30 PM 11 To 13 yrs ---------------------5:45PM - 6:45 PM SATURDAY AND SUNDAY CLASSES AGES TIME 14 To 16 yrs -------------------10:00AM - 11:00 AM 17 yrs and up -------------------11:15 AM – 12:15 PM FEE : 150$ PER MONTH TO BE PAID IN ADVANCE FOR EACH STUDENT CURRICULM • PROPER PRONUNCIATION OF THE QURAN • ARABIC ALPHABET READING AND WRITING • LEARNING EASY QURAN READING BOOK WITH CORRECT PRONOUNCIATION • LEARNING FUNDAMENTALS OF TAJWEEDUL QURAN • MEMORIZATION SHORT SURAHS, JUZU’ OR MORE QURAN • TRANSLATION , MEANING AND EXPLANATIONS OF QURAN • BASIC OF DAILY PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN AND REVERTS LOCATION: MCA, 3003 SCOTT BLVD, SANTA CLARA, CA95054 FOR REGISTRATION AND SCHEDULING CONTACT: SHAYKH ABDUR RAHMAN SAAFAN INSTRUCTOR OF QURAN AND ARABIC EDUCATION WITH 26 YEARS OF INTERNATIONAL TEACHING EXPERIENCE. PHONE (408) 466 -8694 EMAIL SHABAD2003@GMAIL.COM 4 HIJAB SALE Sale … Sale …. Sale .. Sale • Children Hijab startedat $6.00 • Selected Hijab at $7.00/pc • Selected sleeves 3 pc for $10.00 • Selected underscarves at $3.00 / pc BUY ONE AND G ET SECOND ONE 50% O FF (Regular Price of equal value or lower) New Arrivals : Jilbab, Abaya, Khimar, Hijabs and ma ny mor e All sizes av ailable. We c arry C hildren (Dubai Abaya ) and Ladies u p to Plus Sizes —4X Store Hours Monday—Saturday 11.00 am— 6.30pm Extra hours : Open this Sunday 3095 El Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 95051 (2 doors from Taj Mahal) Tel: 408-246-3170 Saratoga Masjid: A unique opportunity To Support The Vision for the Future Focused on our Youth. Towards self-sufficiency through rental income. Our focus is to build the Islamic identity and character of families, especially our youth. Under the guidance of Sh. Aladdin El Bakri, the community has thrived. The attendance at Jummah and Taraweeh prayers is over 300 people. But more importantly there are 70 preteens between the ages of 9 years and 12 years that attend weekly sessions. And over 100 people attend every Friday night an interactive program to build strong families. Our vision now is to take this thriving community to the next level. The rectangular lot faces Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road (De Anza Blvd.) and is just 1 block from the current Masjid, and very centrally located just ½ mile from Highway 85 on one of the main thoroughfares in the area. The cost of the land is $3 million. $2 million is due by November 15, 2010 and $1 million will be carried interest-free by the owner for 2 years and payable by November 2012. This is a unique opportunity – where folks can contribute to starting a center focused on the vision for the future of our community. We invite Muslims from all over the Bay Area to join us in supporting this vision for a center that is focused on Pre-Teens and Youth. Detailed Presentation: Online Donations: Address: West Valley Muslim Association, 12370 Saratoga Sunnyvale Road, Saratoga CA 95070 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Religious Organization. All donations are tax deductible. Tax-Id: 26-1328437 The Weekend Islamic School (WIS) is Looking for Volunteers! If you would like to earn reward with Allah (swt) by teaching our youth then this opportunity is for you. Positions are available for Qur’an Teachers. Knowledge of Tajweed is highly preferred. Interested individuals should email 5 Syed Dental Care Quality Dental Care For Adults and Children Dr. Rafia Syed Dr. Samia Naeem Dr. Saira Hanif Dr. Erum Makhani Dr. Ayeesha Qazi We Welcome Dr. Farhan Syed University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine (Dr.Rafia Syed’s Son) Eid Special:Zoom 2 teeth whitening $27 5 ( regula r $ 5 5 0 ) in office or $1 75 take home WALK-IN Emergencies Welcome, Open Monday to Saturday We accept most insurance plans and all cash patients 0% Interest Monthly Payment Plans We offer: Implants, Invisalign, Extractions, Cosmetic dentistry. Telephone (40 8)985 -79 33 www.syeddentalcare. com 1 15 0 Scott Blvd. Suite A-2 Santa Clara, CA 950 50 ( Only 10 Minutes away from MCA) 6 7 YOUTH CORNER MCA Youth Committee Contact : Halaqa Leaders Contact : • 408-727-7277 ext 444 Ramadan Youth Programs The following programs have been designed for youth in the high school through college ages. Friday, Sept. 3rd: Youth Forum with Amir Abdel Malik “Post-Ramadan Survival Guide for Campus” Basketball Courts, after 8 rakaats of taraweeh MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE POST-RAMADAN EVENTS! Saturday, Oct. 2nd: Entertainment Fundraiser for Pakistan Saturday, Oct. 30th: Qiyam with Sh. Suhaib Webb Check out the New MCA Youth Blog! FOLLOW US ON: Facebook MCA Youth Fan Page Twitter “MCA Youth” Website 8 1) 30 Days … Still Hurting by Zahid 2) Food and Tropical Disease by Laura 3) The Pakistan Floods by Laura 4) Three Billion Choke, A Silent Killer by Laura Want your posts to be published in next week's newsletter? Head over to and submit your post. MUSLIM UNITY DAY Eid Celebration Saturday, September 18, 2010 Great America Park, Santa Clara Celebrate Eid with Muslim communities from across California Rides, Halal Food, Muslim Picnic Area, Bazaar, Islamic Art Display, Prayer Area, Evening Entertainment Program, and much more!! Comedy by Preacher Moss Muslim Hip Hop by Baraka Blue and DJ Anas Canon For tickets and more information, visit or call: 951-452-9369 408-509-7965 408-373-7081 9 Don’t Delay and Enroll Now! Spots are limited and filling up fast For the Country's FIRST EVER Bilingual Arabic – English Immersion Kindergarten Program at FAME Public Charter School in Fremont, California • • • • • • A Dual Language Immersion 50:50 Program Offers students the unique opportunity to become bilingual and biliterate in both Arabic and English Students will gain knowledge and appreciation of the history and culture of the language they study Students will meet California standards in all subjects while developing fluency in Arabic and English Research demonstrates that students enrolled in dual language programs achieve high levels of fluency and literacy in both languages This is a free program open to all students in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties There are a limited number of openings For more information contact Krista Kastriotis at (925) 980-3820 For information about FAME Charter School visit: 10 FEATURE ARTICLE of which of these (knowledge or ignorance) it acts upon. The nafs is in continuous restless motion, but it is a motion that circumambulates around a center of manifold physical and chemical interactions that give rise to need, By: Irshaad Hussain wants, pleasures, habits, moods, impulsions, compulsions, and desires. The complex system Fasting (Sawm) carries a two-fold meaning - of body and mind are in an incessant state two seemingly opposing definitions combined of movement (that ceases only with death), switching continually from one mode to the into a single word. And sawm, as described other, pouring forth a torrent of thoughts and in the Qur'an and the hadith, simultaneously fulfills both of these definitions. The primary internal impulses that turn the mind’s focus meaning is to hold back, the further meaning endlessly from one locus to another. There is is to rise beyond, to move past former limits. perpetual movement and motion but within tightly constrained boundaries - pivoting around the locus of the nafs and what it seeks. The month of Ramadan is a time in which we hold our compulsions and instincts under strict control, together with our thoughts and And so the qur’anic command is issued - “... our mental states, our moods and desires. We fast until the night....” (Qur’an 2:187) Fast from what the nafs needs and desires. Let the submit ourselves (our nafs) and our accusnafs know that there is a truer you, a center tomed patterns of life to a higher template, capable of overseeing and stabilizing all the one that fosters a regimen of self-restraint intersecting mental systems of the mind and within the body and mind and correspondingly seeks an intensification of the life of the all the material/chemical/habitual/hormonal systems of the body. Proclaim to it that there is spirit. The body is ordered to fast from what it needs, from what is normally allowed to it, a guardian and owner and ruler over the nafs from what it desires and from what it habitu- and over the physical form with which it is inally seeks - from all that leads to an intensifi- tegrally co-mingled. Let it know that the form and the stirrings of need and desire within the cation of the activities of the nafs. nafs have to submit to this guardian in seeking During the interval of daylight, halal (the allowed) transforms into haram (the forbidden) their satisfaction. The wants and desires that spring from the material form must submit to and whatever nourishes the physical body becomes haram. As for the nafs, it undertakes the governance and tutelage of a higher form a psychic fast from anger, backbiting, gossip, - to the spiritual form indicated by the hadith that states: “God created Adam in His own harshness towards others, from reaching in any manner through any of the senses towards form....” (hadith) This is not the material form driven by chemical interactions but the spirithat which is disallowed. All those inclinations which strengthen the nafs, which allow tual substance which is the subtle, essential form of a human being - one that is masked by it to inject itself with vigor and attachment into the flux of worldly life are proscribed and the ceaseless activity of an unconstrained nafs (nafs al-amarra). denied expression. Ramadan - An Opportunity to Know Your Inner Self The nafs continuously asserts itself through it's ties with the body and according to a complex and ever-shifting world of attraction and desire, knowledge and ignorance that endlessly churns within it. Through its movements and motions, it seeks what it needs and wants and can become, depending on circumstances, complacent or cavalier, disdainful or self-assured, arrogant, callous or ambitious, lethargic or craving - endlessly acting and reacting within the confines of its limited knowledge. What it does not know it is ignorant of, and what it does not know is infinitely more vast in extent than what it knows. So it’s knowledge is forever outweighed by it’s ignorance and it’s pursuits and actions are indicators of 11 fasting we let them subside and wane. We let them grow silent so we have a chance to hear what we otherwise would not hear, to perceive what we otherwise could not perceive. We subdue our physical form and when it grows silent we perhaps become aware of a spiritual form that resides subtly within us.The vigil of denial and regulation of the physical form and the nafs is maintained until the spirit and mind’s ascendancy is clear. “Fast until the night....” (Qur’an 2:187) The night approaches and the day’s fast ends with the former hierarchy reversed - what was first (physically and psychically generated needs, wants, and desires) comes last and what was last comes first, and with this new ordering of spirit and body in place, the fast is completed. Over the course of the month of Ramadan, as the days merge into the nights, this drama of reversal is repeated and intensified till the person fasting ( with complete sincerity and profound intensity) approaches spiritual readiness. Until in the watch (the vigil) of the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan, there arrives the possibility of a profound inner remaking, an unfolding of the potential to witness the laylatul qadr. “And what can convey to you what laylatul qadr is? That night is better than a thousand months....” (Qur’an 97:2-3) During the day we break ourselves down, we fast from what sustains our existence - we submit our clay form to be unmade, to be kneaded and worked over - we remove ourselves from our material subsistence and turn to prayer and spiritual subsistence from God - we prepare ourselves to be reshaped. The onset of the darkness of night is representative of pure potential waiting to emerge into existence waiting for the command and decree which will give it form. “The angels and the spirit (ruh) descend in it, by the command of their Lord with every decree....” (Qur’an 97:4) We turn ourselves into malleable clay awating the shaping command of that night - anticipating the profound and weighty descents that accompany laylatul qadr. “(That night is) Peace till the breaking of the dawn.” (Qur’an 97:5) So sawm (fasting) fulfills its meanings - to hold back from, to abstain, pertains to the restraint engendered through the fast - to rise beyond pertains to the results that God bestows upon those who seek the fast with sincerity and knowledge. The material form and its impulses (manifested through the nafs) are reigned in during fasting. All the things which give strength and life to the body and nafs are terminated - the attachment is weakened. We cease to consume and are no longer able to enjoy what feeds our physical form and with that cessation we begin to unhook the clamps which bind us to the most basic goods of this world. By penetrating to the very root of our attachment, to the most fundamental layer, to the very seat ofour creaturely connection to the world - food, water, and more. we overturn their dominion and arrive at a position where we, for a time, subdue Irshaad Hussain is a contemporary Islamic them. We deny creaturealy exterenals, we let thinker and author of Islam from Inside. the creaturealy demands and impluses remian unanaswered - over the course of days of Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem KAAJ HEALTHCARE A Multi-Specialty Group for all your healthcare needs Internal Medicine/Primary Care/Family Practice German E. Baldeon, MD Ronald G. Kite, MD Mrs. Nayyar Masood, MD Chau T. Nguyen, MD Mrs. Shallu Singh, MD Ms. Ami Patel, PA Ms. Elizabeth Roman, PA Cardiology & Vascular Medicine Mohammed Habeeb Ahmed, MD, FACC, MABHP, MAAC, RVT Endocrinology Ronald G. Kite, MD Obstetrics/Gynecology Mrs. Karen G. Kohut, MD, FACOG Kambiz K. Zand, MD John Richards IV, MD Anthony J. Damore, MD Sidney R. Sogolow, MD Mrs. Betty Spears, NP Multi lingual staff well versed in: English, Spanish, Urdu, Punjabi, Telugu, Farsi, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Tagalo Accepting new patients For appointments, please call 408-937-9000; All insurances accepted Locations: 200 Jose Figueres Ave. Suite 325 San Jose, CA 95116 12 700 West 6th St. Suite I Gilroy, CA 95020 825 Pollard Road Suite 100 Los Gatos, CA 95032 Darul-Quran(Q.M.C) Quran Tajweed program For children and Adults School will start on September 24th New student registration will be on September 17 In women’s pray hall after 2nd Salah Phone # 408 807-0110 REGISTRATION TAJWEED CLASSES FOR BOYS 1 hour Class Teacher Student ratio 1:4 Ages 5 & Up Morning and evening Classes available Monday to Sunday Tuition $35/ month Registration fee $20 REGISTRATION ARABIC CLASSES FUSHA FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Sundays: 1 hour Children 5 and Up 11/2 hours Adults Morning and evening sessions available Tuition $50/ month Registration fee $20 IHSAN FOUNDATION for WEST AFRICA Accepting Zakat and Sadaqa for Education, Health Care, Orphans, Vocational Training, Digging of Wells, and building of Masajid *** Sponsor a needy child’s Education for Sadaqa of just $20/Month *** Donate generously, and transform lives forever Visit or IHSAN’s Table at MCA banquet hall Tel 408-982-9133; Email: Mailing Address: PO Box 5056, Santa Clara, CA 95056-5056 Tax-Exempt Charity (Federal Tax ID: 77-0441551) ALAM ACCOUNTANCY CORPORATION Khorshed Alam MBA, MA (Econ.), CPA, CVA, EA Tax and Business Solutions • Tax Preparation and Planni ng Individual, corporation (C&S), Partnership, LLCs • • • • Business Bookkeeping Service Payroll Services & Tax Fili ng Payroll Tax Filing Services Sales Tax Preparation & Filing • • • • • Estate Tax Filing-Form 706 Business Consulting/CFO Services Financial Statement Preparation Business Valuation Service IMAT (Integrated Management, Accounti ng, & Tax Solutions) for Start-ups, and small businesses Visit to get help and free tax tips WE REPRESE NT TAXPAYERS BEFORE THE IRS, CALIFORNIA SALES TAX AUDIT AND FRANCHISE TAX BOARD. PLEASE CALL 4 08 -4 4 5 -1 1 20 * * * * * * * * * * S erving Clients since 1981 * * * * * * * * * * * Visit or email or K 13 MCA CAREER SERVICES MCA Career Services Committee Contact : Job Portal: • 408.727.7277 ext. 461 CAREER RESOURCE CENTER AT MCA Career Counseling and Assistance: InBy Phone: Available. For appointments: e-Mail or Call 408.727.7277 ext. 461, leave message & contact number and Professional Networking OPEN POSITIONS (Recently posted to the job portal) Fund Development (Internship) Business Development Manager Content Development (Internship) Programs Development (Internship) Webpage: Job Portal: Email: Voicemail: 408.727.7277 ext. 461 Direct Deposit Donation Form Federal tax ID # is: 31-1267559 E nroll in MCA’s monthly auto deduction drive and inves t in your community. For your convenience MCA has made arrangements for you to send your contribution through an Electronic Debit Transfer directly to the Masjid’s Direct Deposit Account. Please sign the EDT form and indicate what you would like to contribute. No amount is insignificant; everyone should participate to help maintain our institution. Please note that these donations are tax deductible. Please Cut out and drop form in any of the MCA cones or mail to MCA. Forms are also available outside of the building manager's office. For Direct bank account withdrawals please provide your ABA number (which consists of 9 digits) and your bank account number. 1) Donor’s Information __________________________________ First Name 2) Donor’s Address: ______________________________ ________ Middle Initial ________________________________________ Last Name 3) Telephone Number:_______________________ 4) ABA Number 5) Bank Account number 6) For Credit Card Donors: Please provide the credit card information □ Visa □ Master Card □ America Express 7) Amount: □ $25 □ $50 □ $100 Other $____________________. 9) Please make sure to mark your intention from the following: □ Activities, Operations and Services □ Maintenance S ignature __________________________________ 14 Exp. Date □ Monthly Date________________________ □ One Time CLASSIFIEDS TO ADVERTISE WITH US VISIT OUR WEBSITE: MCA, c/o Newsletter, P.O. Box 180, Santa Clara, CA 95052 • • • 408.727.7277 Disclaimer: MCA does not endorse and is not responsible for products and services in the ads section of the MCA newsletter. MCA holds the right to reject or accept ads submitted. No ads dealing with a business deemed to be in conflict with Islamic principles w ill be accepted . Due to relocation, a deep 3cb feet freezer filled Better grades needed for your child? Excellent Tutor Available k-12, Who's Who amongst Ameriwith breast milk. Enough supply for two month. can teacher 2 years. Improve grades 1-1 1/2 yrs. baby Milk for free, Freezer is for $100. call Nabil 30.00 per Hour. Dr. Mustafa Ansari 408-376-3789 408 230 2460 Natural Childbirth Nurse Midwife & Doula Jannah Alaoui, CNM Prenatal Care, HomeAcco limousine airport service. Affordable rates. Persian Hairstylist in Sunnyvale Salon 30 yrs. birth, & Labor Support at Home or Hospital exp, rooms for Muslim clients, haircut, color, For booking contact Mahmoud Jomaa @ (408)3143284 or Mention this ad (408)332-1411 threading, waxing, facial. Farin 408 3073679 get $10 Off." PEDIATRICS Farda Quershi, M.D. Medical Now Starting Hifz of Quran under Shereen Ear Piercing For App. Call: 408. 730. 2200, 500 E. Cal Micro, Inc. is a distinguished Authorized Ramadan and Nasrat Ragab Options : Hifz of 30th Remington Dr., #15 Sunnyvale Notebook Repair Center for Apple, HP, IBM, Sony, Juzz, Hifz of 25-30th Juzz Thoughtfully designed to Fujitsu & Toshiba. Cal Micro technicians are Certicomplete Hifz of Quran in 2-3 years (Inshallah) Orthodontist Dr. Zahra Ammari, DDS, MDS. fied to work on your notebook, including convePlease call 408-657-0844 for Location and Braces and Invisalign for adult and children. Saturnient warrantees (typically free) and affordable Tuition day open. Please call: 408-275-0103 out-of-warranty repairs. 408 321-9777 Welcome Ramadan & Eid with beautiful Sarah Azad, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Interiors. Professional one day Room redesign or 650—988—3232 Le Sensor develops mobile apps for all smartcolor consultation. Kitchen/Bath design./Staging phones. We specialize in building solutions to fit Call Z Designz for appointment 408 910 6086. 2490 Hospital Dr. #300 all your corporate needs Mountain View, CA 94040 Bidet- Toilet Attachment Washlet Spray Water Saturday appointments available $55 Bidet is a high quality personal hygiene product - easy to install and can Mohsena Ahmad, DDS, be fixed to any toilet - Do it yourself, does not Family Dentistry with a caring approach. require a plumber. fresh Your True Greetings is a premier Islamic GreetMost Insurance accepted. Open on Saturday. and clean feeling ing Cards company from Berkeley, California, 259 Meridian Ave., Ste 12, San Jose, CA 95126 Call Adam at 408-665-5832 or 408-309-3659 where you will find: More than 100 designs for (Between W. San Carlos St. & Park Ave.) Ramadan *& Eid Cards( with custom imprinting)* Please call: (408) 275-0768 *Islamic All Occasion and Wedding cards* *Islamic Fareeda N. Adeeb, M.D., FAAP Diplomatic ATTORNEY American Board of Pediatrics Infants, Children & Calendars* *Beautiful Names of Allah on ceramic tiles*Arabic calligraphy original paintings by Adolsecents 275 O'Connor Dr. Ste. B San Jose CA owner-artist Salma Arastu www.yourtruegreetings. 95128 Tel: 408.279.8798 Fax: 408.279.8777 VM: 408.539.1837 com Phone: 510 868 4398 Immigration Attorney Margaret Ibrahim Sauber Janitorial Services 9 years as former Immigration Officer "Green Cleaning for Your Environment" Ramadan Greetings from Anmol Designs Contact Br. David "Dâwûd" Shaw Bass Let her knowledge & expertise help your case. New arrivals of fancy, unique 1 pc Indonesian +1 408 393 9545 (408) 966-4140 hijabs for girls 3-8 years. Stylish scarves for all 3S International Travel Inc. Umrah & all your occasions. Kuwaiti abayas, capsters, hand sleeves, Immigration Attorney Sana Siddiqi. travel needs pls call us. 408 243 5495/ 510 249 and more. Wide selection and affordable pricing at Multi-lingual staff-- Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, 9333 email: MCA Bookstore! Spanish, Tigrinya, French, and Italian. Additions, remodels, kitchen, bath, major or Flat World Architecture Design/build soluCall 415-552-8831 minor repairs, low cost great quality. Please call tions for residential and commercial buildings FB BUILDERS 650-444-3097 REAL ESTATE/INVESTMENT Experienced in home improvements, Home value Auto Haus El Camino Complete Auto Repair enhancement, additions/expansions & home TWO ROOMS FOR RENT ALL UTILITIES reconfiguration Insured and bonded. Call for free & Service All work guaranteed, 20% off w/ this ad PAID YOU PAY only $650 PER MONTH! Near 3100 El Camino Real Unit C&D Santa Clara, CA consultation Mahmoud Ali 408-334-8809 MCA masjid! Share huge backyard, big kitchen, 95051 408.244.3634 big living room, bathroom, washer and dryer. Childcare Available. For all ages, Before and AfBrothers only! Call Mohammad Siddique 415-205Remodelling ter school care. Pick-up and drop-off service avail. 4786 cell Or 408-970-4786 home Kitchen and bath remodel, room addition, tile, Contact 408-243-7330. hardwood fl oor, carpentry, electrical and plumbing. Mohammad Alazzah RE/MAX Luxor ReOmar Yassin Realtor Small or big job call 408-718-1630 alty License #01295406 Residential, CommerRepresents banks for foreclosures and short sales cial & 1st time home buyer program. Certified state wide at almost half-price! Financing at reaDistressed Property Expert. (408)592-9847 sonable terms Call me at (408) 806-4300 or email Rita’s Beauty Salon Over 26 years of me at ence and private room for ladies with hijab. 20% discount for first time customers. Haircuts, Best Hajj at Great Value Eyebrow Threading, Waxing, Facial, Hi-lights, NON- PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS World famous hajj agency offers 2010 hajj. 30 Hair Straightening, Manicure & Pedicure. Call years of experience in helping guests of Allah Get Rahima Foundation 408 888 0152 for appt. best service at lowest cost! Starting from $5595 Help Us To Help The Needy. 616 Hollenbeck Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Next call 408-246-3021 or 714-962-2690 2302 Calle Del Mundo, SC, CA to Bakara Halal Market 408-845-0050 DENTISTS/MEDICAL PRODUCTS/SERVICES 15 Please discard this newsletter in a respectful manner as it includes the names of our Lord and our Prophet.
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