Lobo Howl Newsletter - Rocky Mountain High School
Lobo Howl Newsletter - Rocky Mountain High School
PAGE 1 FEBRUARY 2016 Rocky Mountain High School 1300 West Swallow Rd. Fort Collins, CO 80526 Main Office Number 970.488.7023 Important Dates for Third Quarter February 15: NO SCHOOL (Elementar y, Middle and RMHS ONLY) Attendance Number (24 hrs) 970.488.7002 March 3, 4, 5 & 10, 11, 12: RMHS Musical Per for mances, 7:00pm @ RMHS Athletics Number 970.488.7016 March 14 - 18: Spr ing Br eak, No School Third Quarter Finals Schedule: Student Services Number 970.488.7032 School Resource Officer 970.488.7013 Media Center 970.488.7040 Website http://eweb.psdschools.org/ schools/rockymountain/ Thursday, March 10th 1st Period 7:30am—9:00am 2nd Period 9:10am—10:50am Lunch 10:50am—11:40am 3rd Period 11:40am—1:10pm FINAL EXAM 4th Period 1:20pm—2:50pm FINAL EXAM 1st Period 7:30am—9:00am FINAL EXAM 2nd Period 9:10am—10:50am FINAL EXAM Friday, March 11th ** The afternoon is set aside for make-up finals for students that were absent for any finals or need to make up work. Para infomacion en Español hablar con Aracely Alba al: 970.488.7035 Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Advertising in this newsletter does not imply endorsement by Poudre School District. Page 2 Administrators and Dean of Students FEBRUARY 2016 Rocky Assessment Schedule Tues, April 12th Thurs, April 14th If you need assistance from any of our administrators, please feel free to call or email. PARCC 9th Grade 7:30am-9:25am Math Unit 1 (90min) PARCC 9th Grade ELA 7:30am-9:45am Unit 2 (110min) PARCC 9th Grade 9:35am-11:05am Math Unit 2 (90min) PARCC 9th Grade ELA 9:45am-11:30am Unit 3 (90 min) Principal Craig Woodall 488-7015 cwoodall@psdschools.org Lunch CMAS 11th Grade 7:35am-8:55am Science Unit 1 (60 min) Office Manager Erin Murray 488-7015 emurray@psdschools.org Period 1 11:55am-12:35pm Period 2 12:40pm-1:20pm CMAS 11th Grade 10:10am-11:30am Science Unit 3 (60min) Period 3 1:25pm-2:05pm Lunch 11:30am-12:20pm Assistant Principal Tim Bruell 488-7007 tbruell@psdschools.org Period 4 2:10pm-2:50pm Period 3 12:20pm-1:30pm Period 4 1:40pm-2:50pm Assistant Principal Wayne Moddelmog Athletics Director 488-7006 wmoddelm@psdschools.org PARCC 9th Grade 7:30am-9:25am Math Unit 3 (90min) Assistant Principal Tyler Ann Nickel Activities Director 488-7009 tylert@psdschools.org Assistant Principal Karen Bennett 488-7008 bennett@psdschools.org 11:05am-11:55am Class-All Grades (*5min. Passing) CMAS 11th Grade 8:55am-10:00am Science Unit 2 (60min) Wed, April 13th PARCC 9th Grade 9:25am-11:30am ELA Unit 1 (110min) Tues, April 19th ACT (11th Grade) or PSAT (10th Grade) 7:00am-11:05am **Career Expo 11:40am-2:50pm Lunch 11:30am-12:20pm Period 1 12:20pm-1:30pm Class-All Grades (*5 min passing) Period 2 1:40pm-2:50pm Period 1 11:55am-12:35pm Period 2 12:40pm-1:20pm Period 3 1:25pm-2:05pm Period 4 2:10pm-2:50pm Dean of Students Russ Stapleton 488-7155 rstaplet@psdschools.org Dean of Students Mike Ruffner 488-7192 mruffner@psdschools.org Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 3 FEBRUARY 2016 AP Exam Information AP Students, It’s time to start registering for AP exams! If you currently have, or have taken, an AP class this year, here is the link you need to use to register for your exam(s). www.TotalRegistration.net/AP/060588 (Please use Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, there have been issues using Google Chrome) You will also pay for the exam at this website. The website will be active from January 11th until March 8th. It is VERY important you sign up for your exam during that window. Late registrations will not be accepted after that date. If you have any questions about the actual exam, please see your teacher. If you have specific questions about the registration or administration of an AP exam, please contact Mr. Bruell at tbruell@psdschools.org or 488-7007. Notes for Test Day: PLEASE DO NOT BRING: Cell phones, digital cameras, laptops, Bluetooth enabled devices, iPods, MP3 players, or any other electronic or communication device. (Students are not allowed to use these devices at any time during testing. This includes breaks.) Students caught using these devices will have their exam voided and possibly will void the tests of all students taking the exam at the same time. This is serious with AP! Last year, 350+ student tests nationally were invalidated due to cell phones!! Mechanical pencils, highlighters, notes or colored pencils. Scratch paper. (extra scratch paper will be provided by the proctor. Watches that have an alarm or beep. Food or drink. You may have a water bottle for breaks. We appreciate your help with this. We want to make sure everyone testing has a successful experience and gets the optimum score! MAKE SURE YOU BRING: Every student should bring at least two #2 pencils, two black or dark blue ink pens, and photo ID. Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 4 FEBRUARY 2016 AP Exam Information continued... AP Exam Schedules: Date (Week 1) 8:00am Testing Report at 7:30am 12:00pm Testing Report at 11:30am Monday, May 2 Chemistry *Bring Calculator Psychology Tuesday, May 3 Spanish Language Physics 1: Algebra-Based *Bring Calculator Wednesday, May 4 English Literature & Composition Physics 2: Algebra-Based *Bring Calculator Thursday, May 5 Calculus AB Calculus BC *Bring Calculator Friday, May 6 US History German Language Date (Week 2) 8:00am Testing Report at 7:30am 12:00pm Testing Report at 11:30am Monday, May 9 Biology Tuesday, May 10 U.S. Government & Politics French Language Wednesday, May 11 English Literature & Composition Macroeconomics Thursday, May 12 Comparative Government & Politics Statistics *Bring Calculator Friday May 13 Human Geography Microeconomics Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 5 FEBRUARY 2016 Music Department UPCOMING EVENTS FOR FEBRUARY Thursday, February 25: BLEVINS MIDDLE SCHOOL CONCERT will be at Blevins beginning at 7pm. Rocky’s Jazz Combo will perform at the concert. Friday, February 26: GREAT WORKS CONCERT will be held at Fir st United Methodist Church beginning at 7pm. Rocky Mountain Singers, Prima Voce and full Symphony Orchestra will perform. This concert is free to the public. There will be opportunity for a free will donation. Monday, February 29: COMBINED LEAGUE HONOR ORCHESTRA will be held at the Union Colony Civic Center in Greeley. The final concert begins at 7pm. Tickets for the concert may be purchased at https://ucstars.showare.com, or by calling 970-356-5000. ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC is once again a SEMI-FINALIST for the GRAMMY SIGNATURE SCHOOL AWARD for 2016. We won this award in 2011 and have been semi-finalists every year since 2012. We will be notified in late March if we win again this year. Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 6 FEBRUARY 2016 Lobo Brag Board From FCCLA: -Meghan Jackson and Annika Mahler have been elected to the Northern District FCCLA Officer Team. Meghan will serve as the 2016-2017 2nd Vice President and Annika will serve as the 2016-2017 Vice President of Membership. Are you are interested in seeing what FCCLA competition is all about? Join us at FCCLA Night of the STARs, where students who are competing at state will be presenting their final projects: Monday, March 28 from 6:00pm-8:00pm in the RMHS Media Center. From the Visual Arts Department: The following RMHS visual arts students received Gold and/or Silver Key Awards and/or honorable mentions at the State Scholastic Art and Writing competition. Their artwork will be on display in Denver at The History Colorado Center: 1200 Broadway, Denver CO. Opening Night: February 12, 2016 5-7:00pm Show Dates: February 12-March 18, 2016 Danika Minthorn Madison Nigro Kylie (Jade) Kovats Melody Brunswig Emily Davis Frida Dawson Megan Fenwick Brian List Sean Papile Rachel Proctor Alex T. Wall Casey Forest Hanna Williams Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 7 FEBRUARY 2016 Lobo Brag Board From FBLA: Congratulations to the following students, listed below, who qualified for the FBLA State Competition in Vail on April 14-16. Over 900 students competed at the district event in Greeley. Name Daniel Andales Competition Place Name Competition Place E-Business 2nd Logan Marlow Mgt Information Sys 1st Network Design 2nd Angel Martin Digital Video 1st Lucas Balbuena Mgt. Information Sys Alternate Julia Marzolf Social Media Alternate Taylor Bastian E-Business 2nd Jack MacDonald Banking & Financial 1st Network Design 2nd Shane Piscoya Insurance & Risk Mgt 2nd Olivia Becker Help Desk 1st Brice Powers Marketing 2nd Natalie Bradshaw Networking Concepts Alternate Kayla Proctor Business Plan 2nd Sydney Buchheister Business Law 1st Peter Quadrel Marketing 2nd Zach Campbell Intro to Info. Technology Alternate Keegan Rowan Sales Presentation Alternate Anna Cherian Global Business 3rd Leslie Schenk Public Speaking II 2nd Nina Cherian Global Business 3rd Kendrick Seen Banking & Financial 1st Melissa Culliss Healthcare 1st Securities Investment 4th Micah Davis Mgt. Information Sys Alternate Hospitality Mgt 2nd Jackson Engstrom Public Service 1st Networking Concepts Alternate Eliza Fader Business Plan 2nd Agribusiness 2nd Olivia Fortunato Business Plan 2nd Bailyn Furrow Hospitality Mgt Alternate Ragan Garner Insurance & Risk Mgt 1st Sales Presentation 3rd Kendall Glasgow FBLA Principles 3rd Copper Glenn Hospitality Mgt Alternate Drew Guyor Mgt. Decision Making 1st Logan Hass Desktop Application 1st Network Design 2nd Economics 1st Mgt Decision Making 1st Jacob Higdon Mgt Information Sys 1st Molly Hoffman Help Desk 2nd Carissa Kelley Intro to Business Alternate Annika Levy Insurance & Risk Mgt 4th Thomas Long Agribusiness 1st Lena Long-Shore Hospitality Mgt Alternate Ryan Loury Business Plan Alternate Alessandro Lucero Intro Bus Presentation 3rd James Halderman Copper Smith Dom Snyder Inpromptu Alternate Mark Thiebaut Job Interview 1st Benji Williams Insurance & Risk Mgt Alternate Steven Winkler Intro to Parli Pro 3rd Falkyn Worm Computer Game Alternate Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Computer Programming Alternate Page 8 FEBRUARY 2016 Lobo Brag Board Congratulations to Matthew Bartholomew, class of 2016, for completing the prestigious Boy Scout honor and rank of Eagle Scout with Troop 97! Matt began his scouting career with cub scouts at McGraw Elementary and finished his scouting throughout middle & high school while juggling AP classes, serving as a RMHS peer counselor, and singing with multiple choirs within the Rocky music department . Since the inception of the Eagle Scout award in 1912, only 2.01% of eligible Scouts have earned Scouting’s highest honor. Matthew competed all of the eagle badges in November of this year and also completed a community service project by re-furbishing hunting blinds for a local Christian nonprofit organization called SYC (http:// www.syccolorado.org/index.html). Matthew's completed project will continue to help youth with special needs experience the great outdoors. A special thank you to all teachers, staff members & counselors in the Rocky community that have supported Matt throughout this process. Way to lead the pack, Matt, we Congratulations to the following students whose films won awards in our recent Rocky Mountain Film Fest. The films were judged and winners chosen by five independent professional artists from the Fort Collins community. Winners will appear in the city-wide high school film festival at the Lyric on Friday April 8. 1st Place Documentary: " Nora" by J ack McDonald 2nd Place Documentary: " Beautiful" by Rebecca Knaff 1st Place Drama: " Remember Me" by Matt J ennings and Raheem Wynter 2nd Place Drama: " Nothing Needs to be Said" by Ricky Mendoza 1st Place Experimental/Music: " Point of Obscurity" by Sean Papile and Isaac Trippet 2nd Place Experimental/Music: " Yellowstone" by Taylor Stone Best Picture: "Remember Me" by Matt Jennings and Raheem Wynter Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 9 FEBRUARY 2016 Lobos of the Month Please Join Us In Congratulating Our Lobo of the Month Winners Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 10 FEBRUARY 2016 Athletics IMPORTANT SPRING SPORTS INFORMATION: Boys are you interested in Athletic Training, Baseball, Lacrosse, Swimming or Track??? Girls are you interested in Athletic Training, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Tennis, or Track??? Skills sessions, conditioning camps, etc… begin mid-February (see website for more information), official start date for all sports is February 29th. In order to participate in a sport you must do the following: If, you have been an athlete this school year, and your physical is current, be sure to stop by the Athletic Secretary’s desk to pick up a new “Permit to Practice” card before tryouts. Please, don’t wait until the first day of tryouts to pick this up. If, you have not participated in a sport this school year (2015/16) you must turn in all appropriate paper work (Physician Certification of Student Fitness for Athletic Participation, and, 2015-2016 HS Athletic Participation Permission and Release form – 3 pages, 2015-2016 Student Athlete Medical Information form, and Student Eligibility Information Form and CHSAA Anti-Hazing Policy - these can be accessed on the Rocky website under the Athletics/Participation and Fees tab, or, on the https://rmathletics.org website under “More” and “Files and Links” – go to “Files”, or, picked up in the main office) and get your “Permit to Practice” Card. This must be obtained before tryouts. Please, don’t wait until the first day of tryouts to turn this in. Pay the Athletic Fee of $100.00 (Family Max for school year: $300.00) & $5.00 Athletic Training Fee (if not already paid for a previous sport). Fee must be paid by first scrimmage. IF free and reduced, you must notify bookkeeper in the office of your status. Charter/Home school/out of district athletes pay $150.00 per sport (no family maximum.) If a new athlete is not enrolled at Rocky and is a charter/homeschool student, they must first get clearance by the District Athletic Director - Ron Alexander. Once the Athletic Director has cleared an athlete to participate at one of the four high schools, the athlete's family and the high school will receive a placement letter. Contact info for Ron Alexander - 970-490-3106 or e-mail at ralexander@psdschools.org. To access specific sports information go to https://rmh.psdschools.org/, look under our Athletics Tab/Winter Sports. For Winter Sports Schedules go to http://rmathletics.org . Pancake Breakfast Wrestling Fundraiser Location: Applebee’s - 4306 S College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80525 Date: Satur day Feb 27th Time: 7:30am – 9:30am Tickets: $10 a plate Tickets can be purchased by emailing: patrick.anderson@hp.com Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 11 FEBRUARY 2016 Athletics Need to find an athletic schedule??? You can locate schedules two ways… 1) Go to the Rocky website and click on the Athletics Tab. On the left hand side of the page, click on “Schedules and Scores.” 2) Go to http://rmathletics.org and click on your favorite team at the bottom of the page. GIRLS’ GOLF – Coach Phil Coatman (Rocky participates @ Poudre HS) RMHS Player Meeting 2/18 @ RMHS Room 407 at 3:00pm 2/22 – 2/25 Preseason Camp: 3:45pm @ City Park 9 Golf Course or Virtual Links 2/25 Player & Parent Meeting: 5:00pm @ City Park 9 Golf Course or Virtual Links 2/29 Practice 3:45p @ City Park 9 Golf Course or Virtual Links For more information contact Phil Coatman: (970) 290-3701 or pcoatman@psdschools.org TRACK PRESEASON INFO Preseason conditioning takes place Feb 8-11 from 3:15-5:00pm and Feb 16-26, every day (except Sat/Sun) from 4:15pm until 6-ish. **Official practice begins Feb. 29th after school** ATHLETIC DEAD/TIMEOUT WEEK: August 1-5, 2016 No athlete/coach contact from Aug. 1-5. Athletes should plan to do personal and family things during this time. All facilities will be closed and will be off limits to athletes! RMHS PAC NEWS & STORE HOURS During the month of February, the PAC Store will be cutting back its hours. The Store will be selling spirit wear at lunchtime on Wednesdays. However, if you need an item outside of that timeframe, please call or text Jamie Reisman, at 970-232-4155, to schedule a time that works for you to meet at Rocky to shop. The PAC Store will also be selling spirit wear at the following school events: • Friday, February 19, Unified Basketball versus Fossil Ridge HS • Wednesday, February 24, Incoming Freshmen Information Meeting Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 12 FEBRUARY 2016 Athletics DANCE TEAM 2016-17 TRY OUT CLINIC Monday March 7th 3:30-6:30pm Multipurpose room – Rocky Mtn High School Come get a preview/practice for tryouts! We will go over: Leaps Turns Jumps Tricks Flexibility Rhythm Movement Showmanship TRYOUTS WILL TAKE PLACE SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM No sign up necessar y: However …. Yellow Card required – To get yellow card athlete must turn in all 2015-2016 Athletic Participation paperwork (Dr.’s signature not required until participant makes the team)! Paperwork can be found at: https://rmh.psdschools.org/athletics/participation-fees (Note that once participant makes team, more forms will be required in August for the 2016-2017 school year!) For questions/more information Contact: Tessa Gress – Head Coach tessagress@gmail.com Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 13 FEBRUARY 2016 Athletics College Signing Recognition: Congratulations to the following Lobos that were recognized in the RMHS Media Center on Wednesday, February 3rd as they signed to continue their athletic careers at the collegiate level: Girls Soccer signee: Baylee Bedard - Kansas State University Boys Soccer: Max Salomon - Colorado Mesa University Football signees: Cade Hairgrove – Fort Lewis College Otis Johnson - Fort Lewis College Wil Morgan – Chadron State University Logan Richards – University of Northern Colorado Baseball signees: Austin Alarid - Eastern Arizona College Chris Diehl - Central Arizona College Alex Gonzales - Colorado Mesa University Casey Kostrzewa - Central Washington University Rian Olson - Garden City Community College We also would like to recognize a couple athletes that were not be able to attend the signing: Softball signee: Melanie Stajduhar – Southwest Tennessee Community College Boys soccer signee: Adr ian Veliz Smith – Western Nebraska Community College Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 14 FEBRUARY 2016 Athletics CHAMP Honors Rocky Athletes Local nonprofit, CHAMP, awarded seven Fort Collins athletes with the 2016 Heart of a Champion Senior Scholarship on February 10, 2016. Three of those honored were RMHS students: Colby Dolgin (wrestling) Analise Iwanski (swimming) Taylor Phebus (softball) These athletes were nominated by their coaches, teachers and peers for demonstrating superior character during their high school careers. All three students were commended for their work ethic, character and leadership with their teammates as well as outside their sport. Girls’ Swim & Dive Team Excels! The Rocky Mountain Girls’ Swim & Dive team finished its best season in over 10 years. They broke 10 school records in swimming this season, setting the bar higher for next year’s team. The team came in 2 nd to Fossil in their conference and 8th in the state. Conference Champions: Daphne Williams - 100 breast Emily Barrier - 200 free 200 Free Relay – Daphne Williams, Analise Iwanski, Amy Fromme, Emily Barrier Set a new Conference Meet Record! New individual school records were set by: Emily Barrier (4 new records), Kaitlin Pryor and Daphne Williams (2 new records) New relay records were set by 3 relay teams consisting of: Emily Barrier, Amy Fromme, Leslie Gilsdorf, Analise Iwanski and Daphne Williams It was an exciting season and with the majority of the team returning, they anticipate continued success next year! Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 15 FEBRUARY 2016 College & Career Center Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 16 FEBRUARY 2016 College & Career Center Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 17 FEBRUARY 2016 College & Career Center cont... Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 18 FEBRUARY 2016 Lobo (3.5-3.74 GPA) 2nd Quarter Honor Roll 9th Acevedo, Alyssa Becker, Adeline Biggerstaff, Aaron Bonillas, Julian Brandl, Calvin Brewer, Luke Buchanan, Catelyn Burrud, Chloe Burt, Madison Campos, Breanne Caron, Morgan Cho, Abby Corbin, Chloe Cotier, Krysta Eley, Sarah Fisher, Garrett Fondy, Olivia Genschoreck, Caitlin Harpman, Abby Hash, Trevor Hiney, Ryan Hoggatt, Jett Holland, Robbie Hough, Emily Jones, Reanna Kelley, Carissa Knauer, Benjamin Kopp, Kaylee Kress, Delaney Kruse, Sawyer Morris, Caroline Nichols, Sheridan Nicholson, Jordan Nicklay, Brooke Oh, Oswin Oliver, Fiona Olver, Cameron Plano, Sandra Pryor, Kaitlin Rademacher, Reagan Reich, Geoffrey Rhead, Jeremy Rodriguez Jr, Joshua Sanchez, Haden Shanley, Mackenzie Smith, Forrest Taulbee, Luke Thomas, Katelyn Tjalkens, Jacob Weaver, Colton Wheeler, Jada Wright, Frank 10th Archambault, Tyler Beveridge, Ailish Billington, Katherine Black, Gavin Bush, Daxson Chaffee, Elizabeth Clark, Blake Clover, Sara Cronin, Andrew Davis, Michael Elliott, Joseph Fisher, Marta Fletcher, Tate Foster, Abigail Garza, Taylor Graham, Victoria Green, Jordan Guerrero, Matthew Harden, Riley Harley, Abby Jett, Audreyanna Johnson, Mya King, Ryland Kriewall, Mason Lance, Sage Leo, David Lopez, Hannah Lucero, Alessandro Martinez, Tate McGee, Chevy McKinney, Macy Owens, Miles Parlin, Darla Phelps, Toby Riott, Blake Robbins, Brooke Rodriguez, Christo Ronquillo, Megan Roth Hurkett, Blayke Saipaia, Alefosio Santistevan, Tenzing Schulze, Caroline Shields, Jennifer Simon, Patrick Snelling, Jonathen Spurgin, Lainee Stacey, Ian Strother, Ethan Torres Anariba, Carlos Toureene, Shaley Velasquez, Veronica Villalpando, Jose Williams, Madison Witman, Alex Young, Chandler Zafarana, Nicolo 11th Abbitt, McKinley Aboellail, Ibrahim Adams-Hageman, Gavin Adl, Laila Anguiano, Kate Archuleta, Autumn Balbuena, Lucas Barajas, Karina Barrett, Natalie Bartran, Morgan Bastian, Taylor Becker, Olivia Block, Jessica Bottke, Autumn Boulton, Marley Bowes, Sarah Breslin, Cory Bruner, Jason Charlesworth Rice, Preston Cohen, Natalea Coin, Dana Cosgrove, Ethan Cullis, Melissa Cunning, Adam Diana, Nolan Dierks, Kannon Essley, Micheal Fitzgerald, Kate Forest, Casey Fox, Alison Garnett, Tre' Gates, Hannah Gehlhaar, Alina Glenn, Cooper Guinn, Audrey Haas, Logan Hansen, Emma Harley, Austin Haugen, Kathryn Hersch, Taylor Holland, Rachel Hutcheson, Ryan Hyland, Tyler Kalmbach, Anthony Kemp, Sarah Kindsfater, Kade Knaff, Rebecca Knox, Christina Kroll, Hannah Land, Shelby Lopez, Renee Luna, Kristopher Maciel, Austin Manley, Laurel Marmor, Amanda Minthorn, Danika Miwa, Sakiko Muniz Liggett, Dimitri Neergaard, Hanna Nielsen, Sofie O'Connell, Aidan Osland, Andrew Owens, Samuel Potts, Dana Powers, Brice Rademacher, Joseph Rhead, Madison Rice, Madeleine Rodahl, Jacob Rodriguez Penilla, Amaury Rush, Ariana Schneider, Wyatt Shortman, Nicholas Snyder, Rebecca Sorensen, John Soth, Lilia Stooksbury, Holly Swanson, Maya Valdez, Michael Widick, Madison Wilder, Hanna 12th Al Agha, Dinah Allen, Justin Anderson, Olivia Bartholomew, Matthew Baskin, Autry Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Beard, Catherine Bragg, Avery Carlton, Sawyer Creighton, Scott Crownover, Joanna Davis, Anna Diehl, Christopher Dolan, Easton Druse, Madison Feist, Grace Fenwick, Megan Fletcher, Ethan French, Bianca Frost, Veronica Funke, Ava Garcia, Diego Green, Poetry Gudmestad, Samuel Gunther, Allison Hamdan, Basel Hardman, Catherine Haynes, Ellanore Hemphill, Noelle Hood, Brady Inscho, Julian Jones, Chelsea Jones, Jacob Kovats, Kera Krausse, Alec Kropp, Tobi Lana, Rachel Larson, Emiley Leschak, Dylan Lipe, Madison Lorenz, Madison Loury, Ryan Mackie, Holly Maiberger, Gabriel Martin, Angel Martinez, Angelo Moffett, Abigail Mollenhauer, Samantha Murray, Madelyn Music, Taylor Nemitz, Jacob Ney, Thomas Oldham, Brittany Pineda Soraca, Laura Presley, Nathan Proctor, Rachel Pusheck, Thomas Ramirez, Rita Ramos, Alycia Rowan, Keegan Ryan, Shannon Sample, Victoria Schramm, Miranda Sharpe, Katrin Shields, Nicolas Stajduhar, Melanie Thiebaut, Mark Tjalkens, Jordan Winn, Cassidy Zachman, Nicholas Page 19 FEBRUARY 2016 Cardinal & Gold (3.75-3.99 GPA) 2nd Quarter Honor Roll 9th Allen, Julia Boyles, Emily Campbell, Tyler Cunning, Luke Dantas, Victoria David, Neil Davis, Benjamin Deherder, Alice Doebbeling, Caleb Engelhardt, Alexandra Erskine, Madison Feist, Natalie Guerrero, Angel Gutierrez Cruz, Jossue Hutcheson, Erin Larson, Annika Mackey, Emma Martinez, Alexander Medina, Aidan Mendoza Ulloa, Joana New, Samantha Patterson, Ian Randall, Logan Rankin Welles, Anna Sherman, Jacob Strahmann, Hannah Thompson, Wesley Tobin, Colley Vassaux, Nicole Welch, Gilliane 10th Aber, Catherine Amah, Crystal Amash, Alex Anderson, Ashley Berg, Amelia Billington, Connor Bishop, Rio Castle, Felicia Cherian, Anna Cook, Kate Curtiss, Autumn DeLong, Julia Elson, Joseph Engstrom, Parker Foy, Soleil Fromme, Amy Garner, Lauren Garner, Tristin Garza, Cassandra Gunther, Jack Hicks, Ally Howard, Chase Hughes-Ford, Seren Jeppson, Carmen Kling, Skyler Levine, Mathew Liufau, Teagan Luongo, Anthony Martinez, Jose Marzolf, Julia May, Madeline McDonald, John Naumburg, Jordan Neff, Sarah Osborn, Marcus Radcliff, Easton Sanchez, Samuel Silbaq, Katrina Stockton, Carly Sylvester, Angelina Talley, Cheyenne Teck, Andrew Tetrault, Andie Thompson, Margaret Thrash, Kaleigh Turkalj, Nicole Ufer, Cara Wang, Lauren Watson, Adriana Wilberton, Morgan Williams, Hanna 11th Andales, Daniel Battiato, Amber Beezley, Leah Bhatti, Eleshba Bonillas, Joui Chudacoff, Jalen Cochran, Tess Culp, Jessica Eddy, Samuel Evans, Grace Fisher, Payton Foerster, Lauren Fridal, Natalie Gonzales, Gabrielle Hoffman, Molly Jackson, Meghan Kiraly, George Knott, Angel Kuck, Sierra Lacey, Addison Larson, Caleb Lobato-Roberts, Blanca Long-Shore, Lena McCowin, Cate Northrop, Brandon O'Toole, Lindie Patchen, Hannah Piscoya, Shane Presley, Bethany Pytlinski, Emily Rodriguez, Steven Salazar, Alyssa Schueler, Kelli Selig, Conrad Stockton, Jack Sundstedt, Nathan Vernon, Ellaina Vikse, William Wagner, Richard Webb, Trevor Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos 12th Barrier, Jackson Clasen, Natalya Colon-Bonet, Jane Dietemann, Devon Ellendorff, Mary Fields, Miriam-Joy Holland, Emily Kauzmann, Emma Klaer, Stefan Marzolf, Cathleen Mendoza, Ricardo Mendoza-Ulloa, Laura Mihelich, Jenna Papile, Sean Phebus, Taylor Santini, Jacob Schall, Hannah Vannoy, Jennifer Worm, Falkyn Page 20 FEBRUARY 2016 Principal (4.0 GPA) 2nd Quarter Honor Roll 9th Aboellail, Maryam Alicea-Mjelde, Rachael Andrews, Christopher Anishchenko, Julia Axe, Lauren Balmer, Braiden Barker, Tessa Benjamin, Karina Bennett, Jacob Blomberg, Alyssa Butki, Alisha Campbell, Jake Cathcart, Jon Chorpenning, Christopher Christensen, Gabriel Chudacoff, Trae Cronen-Smith, Margaret Cross, Aspen Cruickshank, Lacy Daly, Jordan Doctor, Karenna Eberl, Chloe Eccher, Mikayla Emslie, Cora Escamilla, Kassandra Farmer, Cami Fleischman, Elena Ford, Natalie Goertz, Morgan Gram, Anabelle Grant, Isabelle Hall, Sinclair Hand, Madison Harvey, Madilyn Hebert, Cheyla Hendrie, C Hilbert, Myles Hoffman, Grant Holland, Anna Holland, Sloan Horn, Marley Jennings, Breken Johar, Jennifer Kalmbach, Annelise Karnes, Kasi Kinney, April Knierim, Megan Koepsell, Madeline Krieger, Anna Kuck, Max Laborde, Tristan Ladzinski, Laurel Martinez, Ella McDowell, Leah McGonagle, Quinn Miller, Jack Mollenhauer, Mason Morrongiello, Cameron Muth, Jordan Naffier, Michael Neidhardt, Zoey Nelson, Fiona Nicholson, Vincent Niesent, Emily Olbrys, Beckett Ostler, Regan Perry, Ethan Peterson, Jacob Piepho, Jaren Porche, Kamren Propst, William Reynolds, Kayla Roberts, Abigail Rokke, Wyatt Rowden, Savannah Schaffer, Aaron Schlepp, Julia Schmidt, Kemmari Schmitz, Caleb Shawesh, Malak Sigda, Jason Smith, Christian Smith, Taryn Sohn, Emily Stewart, Samantha Stolpe, Mia Stutzman, Nathaniel Sundstedt, David Swain, Jacson Swan, Sidney Swigris, Jaclyn Thompson, Benjamin Tufte, Olivia Urynowicz, Joseph Van Der Sluys, Beau Vanatta, Sandra Vander Meer, Kaytlyn Vattano, Angelo Vischer, Emery Werning, Emma White, Jamison Wolf, Torie Woodward, Milo Wright, Madison Yoxall, Harry Yuan, Tony Zachman, Ashley 10th Achziger, Kelsey Adair, Cortnee Adams, Alexandria Allen, McKenna AmRhein, Nicholas Atherton, Christian Baca, Clayton Baeighkley, Sharra Bales, Blade Barrier, Emily Barrier, Tia Becker, Jordyn Bennett, Madelyn Bowen, Emma Bowles, Carly Brodeen, Austen Browne, Danielle Bundy, Rylee Carpenter, Emily Chavez, Herman Chupik, Benjamin Ciraula, Nathan Clasen, Katrina Dale-Ealum, Blake Deakin, Lauren Dong, Angel Dotson, Mallory Dunnington, Alistair Eisele, Mira Fortunato, Emma Fulton, Jace Garcia, Laura Garcia, Monica Gartzka, Brendan Givens, Neil Glasgow, Kendall Gonzales, Adelin Gosar, Jade Graves, Maclean Han, Justin Haynes, Maggie Heinze, Hayden Hontz, Chase Howell, Avery Hoyberg-Nielsen, Patrik Hutchinson, Erika Iwanski, Isabel Johnson, Lucas Kennedy, Brooke Klein, Samantha Kovats, Kylie Lacey, Bernard Lambert, Aaron Lana, Jack Lee, Anna Lewchuk, Connor Lozano, Jesus Manning, Logan Marzolf, Taylor Mateer, James McCrystal, Avery McDonald, Gabriella McLaurin, John McRoberts, Edie Mendoza, Andreina Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Maggie Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Mingus, William Morris, Hailey Morrison, Emerson Naddy, Callin Newton, Kennedy Nira, Joshua Noble, Alexandra O'Brien, Sierra Ostler, Riley Papile, Fiona Powers, Rebecca Pulido, Sophiamarie Quadrel, Peter Reisman, Peyton Richter, Jamie Rowan, Lauren Runyan, Haeley Schaake, Natalie Schaffer, Lauren Schoenbauer, Ashley Shorthill, Madison Shorthill, Samantha Shuster, Bailey Siclair, Allison Smith, Kaeda Smithbaker, John Sorrell, Kyle Stetter, Lucas Tharp, Hope Thompson, Ryan Towne, Kiley Troutman, Brian Vattano, Matteo Vong, Franklin Vosseteig, Jessica Warner, Savannah White, Greta Wiggins, Sophie Windsor, Cela Wright, Jared Younis, Malak Page 21 FEBRUARY 2016 Principal (4.0 GPA) 2nd Quarter Honor Roll 11th Archuleta, Elijah Arriaza Eguizabal, Andrea Bauernfeind, Julia Bellefeuille, Christian Bishop, Andrew Boyton, Noelle Braddy, Berit Bradshaw, Natalie Buchanan, Abigail Carroll, Nicklaus Cathcart, Christopher Chamberlain, Jacinda Chayer, Rachel Collier, Joel Cornell, Sean Cullor, Ravyn Douglass, Bailey Eckery, Samantha Elliott, Ana Ellis, Jeffrey Farricker, Arrionna Forbes, Kira Furrow, Bailyn Gendreau, Spencer Grant, Elenya Green, Paisley Gupta, Anvi Haberecht, William Hardegree-Ullman, Melody Heck, MaKenzie Huang, Russ Huebner, Adriana Jan On, Touchsada Jensen, James Kaukovuo, Tuuli Kley, Adrian Knutson, Whitney Krehbiel, Eric Kuhn-Gale, Hannah Levy, Anika Lu, Cynthia Maguire, Matthew Malaske, Cameron Meighen, Erin Mita, Kathleen Morgan, Clara Moro Lopez, Olinda Nelson, Lauren Newberry, Samantha Nickoloff, Alexa Oglesby, Abigail Olver, Madison Richard, Ashley Rohlfs, Sierra Rossi, Filippo Sakkal, Karim Saleem, Jasmine Scheetz, Emma Schenk, Leslie Schulte, Quinn Steininger, Peter Thornton, Tate Timby, Sarah Titelbaum, Jonathan Williams, Jordan 12th Ackerson, Laura Alrosini, Sami Amash, Xandria Arroyo, Madison Baker, Clyn Banowetz, Callie Barrett, Jeremiah Bedard, Baylee Bennett, Andrew Berrong, Lucas Biedermann, Anna Blomberg, Emily Breeze, Kadin Brown, John Brunswig, Melody Campana, Antonio Campbell, Mason Cherian, Nina Christensen, Aubrey Cook, Makayla Cottingham, Taira Cronen-Smith, Payson Cross, Jared Dolgin, Coby Doner, Kacey Druse, Mackenzie Duckworth, Wesley Engstrom, Jackson Fairbairn, Rachel Fitzsimmons, Shannon Flynn, Kerigan Fortunato, Olivia Fullmer, Jordan Geary, Austin Giesenhagen, Erica Givens, Natalie Glenn, Genevieve Gosar, Cole Guzzardo, Taylor Haase, Micah Hairgrove, Cade Halderman, James Hatch, Kelli Heaberlin, Jonathan Hiney, Matthew Hird, Bryan Hird, Dylan Holman, Alexis Hoyberg-Nielsen, Jessika Inman, Haley Iwanski, Analise Jennings, Matthew Johnson, Ayrika Johnson, Otis Klein, Mikaela Kriewall, Michaela Leo, Samantha Liu, Jamie Longwell Zelaya, Dennis Maday, Margaret Mahar, Kaitlyn Martin, Avery Martinez, Anthony Mayer, Zachary McGann, Raven McGinley, Laura Mielke, Abigail Mikels, Anna Monell, Christopher Murray, Logan Ni, Yao Nigro, Madison Orr, Chloe Powers, Scott Roeber, Elsa Roselles, Mira Santistevan, Araceli Schroeder, Esjay Scovel, Samantha Shaw, Allison Shelley, Brayden Sherman, Kyle Shi, Jake Shrum, Anne Simon, Joseph Smith, Ryan Snyder, Dominic Sonnenberg, Valerie Stauffer, Eric Stowell, Megan Terjak Wall, Alexander Thompson, Reyna Trupkiewicz, Margaret Wagner, Amanda Weatherwax, Morgan Weidenbach, Jenna Welch, Cade Williams, Daphne Yajnik, Kshiti Zafarana, Mac Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos
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