Lobo Howl Newsletter - Rocky Mountain High School
Lobo Howl Newsletter - Rocky Mountain High School
PAGE 1 APRIL 2016 Rocky Mountain High School 1300 West Swallow Rd. Fort Collins, CO 80526 Main Office Number 970.488.7023 Attendance Number (24 hrs) 970.488.7002 Athletics Number 970.488.7016 Student Services Number 970.488.7032 School Resource Officer 970.488.7013 Media Center 970.488.7040 Important Dates for Fourth Quarter April 20th: 7:00pm, Lobo Lectur e Ser ies #4 in Auditor ium (speaker: Nina Bodenhammer) April 30th: 8:00pm, Pr om at CSU Lor y Student Center Ballr oom April 30th: 10:00pm, After Pr om @ RMHS May 21st: 1:00pm, RMHS Gr aduation @ CSU Moby Ar ena May 27th: Last Day of Classes Wednesday, May 25th 1st Period 7:30am—9:00am 2nd Period 9:10am—10:50am Lunch 10:50am—11:40am 3rd Period 11:40am—1:10pm FINAL EXAM 4th Period 1:20pm—2:50pm FINAL EXAM 1st Period 7:30am—9:00am FINAL EXAM 2nd Period 9:10am—10:50am FINAL EXAM Thursday, May 26th Website http://eweb.psdschools.org/ schools/rockymountain/ ** Thursday afternoon and Friday morning are set aside for make up finals time for students that were absent for any finals or need to make up work. Para infomacion en Español hablar con Aracely Alba al: 970.488.7035 Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Advertising in this newsletter does not imply endorsement by Poudre School District. Page 2 Administrators and Dean of Students If you need assistance from any of our administrators, please feel free to call or email. Principal Craig Woodall 488-7015 cwoodall@psdschools.org Office Manager Erin Murray 488-7015 emurray@psdschools.org Assistant Principal Tim Bruell 488-7007 tbruell@psdschools.org APRIL 2016 Secondary Summer School PSD will be offering secondary level summer school classes June 2-29 at Fort Collins High School. More information is available here: www.tinyurl.com/PSDSummer Time & Dates Credit Monday through Friday: June 2-29 Morning Session: 8:00am-11:30am Afternoon Session: 12:00pm-3:30pm *Each semester class is worth 5 credits *Students may sign up for am, pm and online sessions for a maximum of 10 credits *Summer School cannot offer a year of credit in one subject *Students are responsible for turning in Grade Change Forms at completion of class *Math classes are credit recovery ONLY Registration *Registration begins March 21, 2016 *May 26-June1, register at Centennial HS *June 2– register at Fort Collins HS *All payments are due at time of registration. Payment must be made before online classes will be activated. Assistant Principal Wayne Moddelmog Athletics Director 488-7006 wmoddelm@psdschools.org Location/Phone Assistant Principal Tyler Ann Nickel Activities Director 488-7009 tylert@psdschools.org Tuition Assistant Principal Karen Bennett 488-7008 bennett@psdschools.org Fort Collins High School 3400 Lambkin Way Phone: 970-488-8160 *Cost of each 5 credit class: $175 *Free&Reduced: $135 Request to reduce tuition must come from your student’s school *Out-of-district students: $215 *Option for taking Health/PE for 2.5 credits instead of the full 5 credits: $100 (Online ONLY) Refunds Refunds are only granted until JUNE 6th. NO REFUNDS AFTER JUNE 6th. *Make refund requests at Centennial HS *Complete a Refund Request Form and submit the original receipt for the class *For each class dropped, a processing fee of $5.00 will be deducted from the refund *Refund checks are mailed within two weeks of the request date Online High School Information about online high school can be found at: www.tinyurl.com/PSDSummer Dean of Students Russ Stapleton 488-7155 rstaplet@psdschools.org Dean of Students Mike Ruffner 488-7192 mruffner@psdschools.org Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 3 APRIL 2016 AP Exam Information Notes for Test Day: PLEASE DO NOT BRING: Cell phones, digital cameras, laptops, Bluetooth enabled devices, iPods, MP3 players, or any other electronic or communication device. (Students are not allowed to use these devices at any time during testing. This includes breaks.) Students caught using these devices will have their exam voided and possibly will void the tests of all students taking the exam at the same time. This is serious with AP! Last year, 350+ student tests nationally were invalidated due to cell phones!! Mechanical pencils, highlighters, notes or colored pencils. Scratch paper. (extra scratch paper will be provided by the proctor. Watches that have an alarm or beep. Food or drink. You may have a water bottle for breaks. We appreciate your help with this. We want to make sure everyone testing has a successful experience and gets the optimum score! MAKE SURE YOU BRING: Every student should bring at least two #2 pencils, two black or dark blue ink pens, and photo ID. **See test schedules on the following page... Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 4 APRIL 2016 AP Exam Information continued... AP Exam Schedules: Date (Week 1) 8:00am Testing Report at 7:30am 12:00pm Testing Report at 11:30am Monday, May 2 Chemistry *Bring Calculator Psychology Tuesday, May 3 Spanish Language Physics 1: Algebra-Based *Bring Calculator Wednesday, May 4 English Literature & Composition Physics 2: Algebra-Based *Bring Calculator Thursday, May 5 Calculus AB Calculus BC *Bring Calculator Friday, May 6 US History German Language Date (Week 2) 8:00am Testing Report at 7:30am 12:00pm Testing Report at 11:30am Monday, May 9 Biology Tuesday, May 10 U.S. Government & Politics French Language Wednesday, May 11 English Literature & Composition Macroeconomics Thursday, May 12 Comparative Government & Politics Statistics *Bring Calculator Friday May 13 Human Geography Microeconomics Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 5 APRIL 2016 From the Health Office We still have some students who are missing some immunizations. Notices have been sent home every month with those students. If you have any questions about whether your student is compliant with state law, please call the health office and we can check the school records. Colorado has been making changed to the immunization law over the past year. Currently, it is expected that the exemption rules will change July 1. After July 1, all exemptions will need to be resigned. Schools will no longer be accepting paper exemptions, all exemptions will be signed online. Personal conviction and religious exemptions will need to be signed yearly, medical exemptions only need to be signed once. There is contact info on that form if you have questions about the changes in exemptions. If your student has exemptions on file now, I’ll send you a note in May. For more information about the changes, follow this link: https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/vaccine-exemptions. Career Cab Events Career Cab Field Trips are half-day, free opportunities for Rocky students to explore careers in a number of fields. Trips coming up: Heavy Equipment/Gas/Oil—April 21 Firefighting—May 12 (Dates subject to change) Career Cab trips are limited to 12 students in good academic standing. If you are interested in a field trip, sign up in the College and Career Center now. Once permission slips are available (usually 2-3 weeks prior to the trip), one will be sent to you in class. Return your permission slip as soon as possible to reserve your seat! Already this school year, we have visited many businesses to learn about their related careers. We are grateful for the support from the following business partners! Agriculture/Farming—Bellvue-Watson Fish Hatchery and KM2 Farms Construction—CSU Construction and Hensel Phelps Construction Working with Animals—Raintree Animal Hospital and FRCC Police Services—Larimer County Courthouse and Larimer County Sheriffs Dept Cosmetology—Hair Dynamics and The Parlour Healthcare—CSU Health Center and Columbine Healthcare Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 6 APRIL 2016 Lobo Brag Board Please join us in congratulating the following students for their academic achievement, leadership, and extracurricular and community involvement. Analise Iwanski – Boettcher Scholarship Xandria Amash and Olivia Fortunato – Daniels Scholarship Danielle Browne – HOBY Rylee Bundy – HOBY Alternate Hannah Kuhn-Gale – CU Boulder Outstanding Colorado Student Award Sean Cornell – Colorado School of Mines Medal Award Aaron Lambert and Cate McCowin – Colorado College Colorado Scholars Program Andrew Bennett – Shepardson STEM Educating All Children Scholarship Emily Blomberg – Lena & Evelyn Traut Memorial Scholarship Xandria Amash – Elks Academic Scholarship Noelle Hemphill, Emma Kauzmann, Madelyn Murray, and Olivia Thomas – Zonta International Please go and support our student artists at the Fort Collins Museum of Art Mask exhibit. The show runs April 1- May 6. The students who contributed are: Melody Brunswig, Madison Nigro, and Taylor Wernig. Visit their web site for more information: http://www.ftcma.org Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 7 APRIL 2016 Lobo Brag Board Special Thanks to the 2015-2016 Peer Counselors and their sponsors! A special thanks to counselors Pam Kilness, Jo Locricchio and Kelley Madden for training and working with our Peer Counselors. These young people are committed to making Rocky Mountain High School a great place to be. They have volunteered over 2000 hours of their time planning and assisting with many school events. Some projects include new student orientation, Back-ToSchool Night, Adopt-A-Family, and Unity Week. They have made over 40 presentations in the high school and junior highs on the topics of suicide prevention, sexual assault and harassment education and prevention. Our peers are invaluable in working with other students who are experiencing academic and personal challenges. Laura Ackerson Austin Maciel Matt Bartholomew Emma Kauzmann Autry Baskin Lena Long-Shore Andrew Bennett Avery Martin Baylee Bedard Joey McCoy Lupita Castorena Chris Monell Frida Dawson Maddie Murray Jeffrey Ellis Logan Murray Jaxn Engstrom Soren Ostregren Rachel Fairbairn Trevonne Robinson Megan Fenwick Elsa Roeber Katey Fitzgerald Quinn Schulte Casey Forest Dom Snyder Erica Giesenhagen Sydney Thein Noelle Hemphill Mark Thiebaut Rachel Holland Olivia Thomas Ryan Hutcheson Jhossep Torres Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 8 APRIL 2016 Lobo Brag Board From FCCLA: RMHS was the only school in the city to end up with only gold and silver recognition at the FCCLA State Leadership Conference earlier this month! 16 students traveled down to Denver for the event- 14 competed and 2 judged. Please help me in congratulating this amazing young men and women! Student Event Place Wes Duckworth Cake Design Silver & Recipient of $1000 scholarship to Escoffier Culinary School Caydi Johnson & Veronica Frost Life Event Planning Silver Erica Cordova & Maddie May Food Innovations Silver Makayla Brown Focus on Children Silver Annika Mahler Leadership Silver Amanda Wagner Recycle & Design Silver Madison Mauch (student at Preston) Nutrition & Wellness Silver Abby Mielke, Kaleigh Thrash, Liz Bruenger Chapter Service Project Gold Jared Wright Applied Math for Culinary Management Gold, 1st Place-National Qualifier Molly O’Brien Fashion Design Gold, 1st Place-National Qualifier **Jared Wright and Molly O'Brien both earned $1000 scholarships to Johnson and Wales University. **Molly O'Brien earned a $3,000/year scholarship to Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and will be competing at Nationals to earn a first place prize of a FULL RIDE SCHOLARSHIP to FIDM (private school and best fashion design school in the nation!) Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 9 APRIL 2016 Lobo Brag Board RMHS Makers Club The RMHS Makers Club raced their “built from scratch” electric cars at Bandimere Speedway earlier this month. The students exhibited authentic problem solving and enthusiasm throughout the event. They started with trying to figure out how to prevent a pedal on their car from prolapsing before the race even started, to problem solving as a pit crew when their car needed help to get back on the track. It was a team of MacGyver’s in action! Rocky had the most cars and the only cars that were not made from a kit. Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 10 APRIL 2016 Lobo Brag Board Congratulations to RMHS sophomore Dawson Scheid, and his robotics team The Highlanders, for winning the Engineering Inspiration Award at the FIRST FRC Robotics Tournament in Flagstaff, AZ. His team consists of 20 students from five schools in the northern Colorado area. This prestigious award "celebrates outstanding success in advancing respect and appreciation for engineering within a team’s school and community” and qualifies the team to compete at the FRC World Championship in Saint Louis in April, with the $5000 entry fee paid by NASA. FIRST stands for For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology - See more at: http://www.firstinspires.org/ . Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 11 APRIL 2016 Lobo Brag Board Congratulations to the following students for an outstanding job at the State Mock Trial Competition earlier this month at the Pueblo County Courthouse. Colorado had 125 mock trial teams this year, 24 qualified and competed at the state competition and Rocky Mountain finished 3rd out of all these teams! Prosecution team: Sydney Buchheister , J ames Halder man, Mikayla Johnson, Ayrika Johnson, Kendrick Seen, Kelli Hatch Defense team: Andr ew Maddox, Cathleen Marzolf, Ayrika J ohnson, Sydney Buchheister, Sharra Baeighkley, Danielle Silverstein If you know any of our attorney coaches: Nathan Hansen, Renee Doak, and Ethan Doak, please thank and congratulate them as well! They put in a tremendous number of hours and we obviously couldn’t do it without their time, expertise and support! Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 12 APRIL 2016 Lobo Brag Board CHSAA State Tournament Please congratulate the following nine students who made an incredibly strong showing at the CHSAA Speech and Debate State Tournament. In addition to a State Champion (Rocky’s first in 10 years as well as our first ever State Champion in an Interpretation event) Rocky was represented in numerous semi-final and final rounds! Taylor Stone – State Champion in Poetry Interpretation Tommy Long and Ailish Beveridge – 3rd place in Public Forum Debate Caleb Schmitz – 5th place in Lincoln-Douglas Debate Val Sonnenberg and Anna Davis – 7th place in Duo Interpretation Katie Winkelman and Ben Lacey – 9th place in Public Forum Debate Sammie Leo – 10th place in International Extemporaneous Speaking National Qualifying Tournament In addition to State, Rocky won the Speech Sweepstakes award as well as the District Sweepstakes award for having the most qualifiers (12th time in 14 years!). Additionally, Rocky claimed every single qualifying spot in Congressional Debate for the district. The following nine students will travel to Salt Lake City, Utah in June for the National Speech and Debate Tournament: Katie Winkelman (Senior) and Ben Lacey (Sophomore) – Public Forum Debate (undefeated) Theo Champ (Senior) and Brendan Giesey (Senior) – Public Forum Debate Sammie Leo (Senior) – National Extemporaneous Speaking Val Sonnenberg (Senior) and Anna Davis (Senior) – Duo Interpretation Logan Haas (J unior) – Informative Speaking Abby Roberts (Freshman) – Humorous Interpretation Honorable Mention: Although students may only compete in one event, many qualified in more than one. Double qualifiers are in a special tier at qualifying tournaments, with fewer than ten students in the category. Triple qualifiers are even more rare; there have been fewer than ten in Rocky’s history alone. Double Qualifiers: Sammie Leo – Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking, Congressional Debate (Senate) Sammie is also the first student in the Poudre School District to have qualified to the National tournament all four years of high school – an accomplishment achieved by fewer than 50 students nationally! Val Sonnenberg – Duo Interpretation, top qualifier in Humorous Interpretation Logan Haas – Informative Speaking, top speaker in Congressional Debate (House) Triple Qualifiers: Theo Champ – Public Forum Debate, top qualifier in International Extemporaneous Speaking, top speaker in Congressional Debate (House) Brendan Giesey – Public Forum Debate, qualifier in International Extemporaneous Speaking, top speaker in Congressional Debate (Senate) Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 13 APRIL 2016 Los Lobos Diversity Club Los Lobos Diversity Club, sponsored by Mrs. Alba, was recognized as a great club by empowering others, supporting programs that help the most needy, respect for life and acceptance of others and by building unity and community mobilization on March 31st under the Cesar Chavez Award! Pictured: Laura Garcia, Amaury Padilla, Karina Barajas, Yamileth Fuentes Castillo, Monica Garcia, and Veronica Barajas Not Pictured: Lesley Garcia, Estefania Granados and Jennifer Gonzalez . Los Lobos members (Amaury Rodríguez, Andrea Mendoza, Jennifer Gonzalez, Karen Solorio, Alan Patricio, Karina and Verónica Barajas, Carlos Gutiérrez, Edgar Ramos, Lesley Garcia and Estefania Granados) recently volunteered at Beattie’s Family Carnival on April 7th. David C. Patterson, Beattie’s Principal, had this to say about our students: “Aracely, I want to thank you for getting involved with our school carnival tonight. The RMHS students were great with our students, and really did a great job running the games and jumping in where we needed them. They represented RMHS with pride, and we were impressed with these young people. We hope you will partner with us for the same event again next year.” Great job, ‘Bo’s!! Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 14 APRIL 2016 Lobos of the Month Please Join Us In Congratulating Our Lobo of the Month Winners Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 15 APRIL 2016 Athletics RMHS K-8 Boys & Girls Summer Skills Camp—May 23-25 Follow this link for more info: https://rmh.psdschools.org/athletics/camps Volleyball Skills Sessions Begin April 5 Open Gyms begin April 5th and will run until May 12th from 3:15-5:15pm. Weightlifting will be every Tuesday & Thursday from 5:15pm-6:15pm **The week of April 18th: Open Gym ONLY on April 22nd. Girls Basketball Spring/Summer Skills/Weights Calendar Follow this link for more info: https://rmh.psdschools.org/athletics/sports-info/winter-season *Families/players can also find information @: www.rockylobobasketball.wix.com/ rmbasketball or on twitter @rockygirlsbball RMHS Cheerleading Tryouts 2016-2017 April 18-21 @ 3:30-5:30pm, April 22 @ 4:00pm RMHS AUX Gym Please make sure to complete all 2015-2016 Athletic Participation paperwork (Dr.’s signature not required until participant makes the team. All forms needed for tryouts available in the front office and online at:https://rmh.psdschools.org/athletics/participation-fees. Note that once participant makes team, Dr’s signature required right away! More forms will be required in August for the 2016-2017 school year! Register: https://coloradocheeracademy.formstack.com/forms/rmhs_cheer_tryouts Click here for tryout packet: https://rmh.psdschools.org/athletics/sports-info/fall-season Questions? Kwilkerson@psdschools.org Spring/Summer 2016: Off-Season Football Follow this link for more info: https://rmh.psdschools.org/athletics/sports-info/fall-season Athletic Dead/Timeout Week: August 1-5, 2016 No athlete/coach contact from Aug. 1-5. Athletes should plan to do personal and family things during this time. All facilities will be closed and will be off limits to athletes! **Offical Date for Current 9th Graders to Participate at HS for Sports** The official date that 9th graders may participate in athletics at the high school is May 19th (day after MS Track Championships). Exception to this rule is for athletes that want to try out for cheer or dance (as those tryouts usually occur in March or April)! Need to find an athletic schedule??? You can locate schedules two ways… 1) Go to the Rocky website and click on the Athletics Tab. On the left hand side of the page, click on “Schedules and Scores.” 2) Go to http://rmathletics.org and click on your favorite team at the bottom of the page. Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 16 APRIL 2016 Athletics IMPORTANT VOLLEYBALL SUMMER/FALL INFO MEETING APRIL 26, 5:30 PM There will be an important volleyball meeting for all interested HS girls and interested incoming 9th graders on Tuesday, April 26 at 5:30 pm in the San Juan Open Spaces at Rocky. Important summer, tryout and fundraising information will be given then. BOYS BASKETBALL INFO MEETING APRIL 27, 5:30 PM Parents of athletes interested in boys basketball at Rocky should plan to attend a summer info meeting on Wed., April 27, 5:30-6:30 pm in the Main Gym. Current Rocky parents of athletes and Incoming freshman parents are encouraged to attend. Important summer and camp information will be given out then. SPRING ATHLETIC SIGNINGS: Congratulations to the following Lobos who were recognized on Wednesday, April 13th with the opportunity to continue their academic/athletic careers in college: Kacey Donner – Cross Country/Track, University of Wyoming Bryan Hird – Cross Country/Track, Colorado State University Adrian Veliz Smith – Boys Soccer, Western Nebraska Community College Daphne Williams – Girls Swimming, Colorado School of Mines Taira Cottingham – Volleyball, East Carolina University Michaela Kriewall – Volleyball, Laramie County Community College Morgan Weatherwax – Volleyball, College of Southern Idaho Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 17 APRIL 2016 Student Opportunities Would you like to help out the animals at Animal House? If so, we would greatly appreciate your donations! Sophie, Lindsey, Maddy, and Heidi are a group of students in a leadership class at Webber Middle School. These young ladies are doing a service project and their group is donating supplies to Animal House. Animal House is an organization that rescues animals, with a mission to decrease the euthanasia rate of adoptable animals. The organization also collaborates with overpopulated animal shelters to take-in some of the animals, as well as, rescue strays and put them up for adoption. These animals are rescued instead of killed, and with your donations they can continue their mission! Please, donate for the cause in the RMHS Front Office! Check this out! RMHS' award-winning literary magazine, The Looking Glass, is just about ready to head off for publication. Featuring fantastic fiction, poetry, art, and music from a great variety of RMHS students, and pieced together by our outstanding design team, this year's magazine is bound to be a classic You can support this artistic endeavor and pick up your own copy of the magazine at The Looking Glass Launch Party on Friday, May 6th from 5pm8pm at Everyday Joe’s Coffee Shop in Old Town. Everyone is welcome and admission is only $3. If you submitted a piece of writing, music or art and do not know whether or not you have been accepted into The Looking Glass Magazine, please check your email. If you have had a piece of writing accepted, consider signing up in Mr. Glenn’s room to read your piece aloud at the Launch Party. Either way, we hope to see you there! Host an International High School Student in Your Home! Are you interested in a unique cultural experience that could enrich your family and create a lifelong bond with an international student? If so, please consider volunteering to host one of our students from Europe, Asia or Latin America. The Council for Educational Travel USA is a non-profit organization that promotes global goodwill and understanding. CETUSA places students with families who can provide a warm, welcoming environment. This includes a comfortable bed, three meals a day and transportation to school and some activities. Each student speaks English and arrives with a passport, J-1 cultural exchange visa, $250 a month spending money, health insurance and a dream of life with an American family. Typically, students stay for the school year, although a few come for just the fall or spring semester. Let us match your family with a student who shares your interests and a similar lifestyle. To learn more about hosting, please contact Community Coordinator Laura Guice at 970-988-6142 or lsguice@aol.com. Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 18 APRIL 2016 College & Career Center Commitment Day Celebration for Seniors Thursday, May 5th from 10:30am-1:30pm @ RMHS College and Career Center The official National Commitment Day for College is May 1 st, so be sure to finalize your plans with your college. Then, the following week, stop by the College and Career Center to: Finish your last steps for next year (Complete your senior and exit surveys, get your last questions about college answered, etc.) Share your plans Offer advice for our underclassmen Enjoy a free dessert bar Enter great prize drawings! Academic, Leadership, Service and Arts Scholarship Signing Day Thursday, May 5th at 3:15 PM in the Media Center This scholarship “signing” event will be open to all seniors who will be using a full-tuition or equivalent college scholarship because of excellence in academics, service, leadership, or the arts. Students must register for the event by May 2 nd to be included. Registration will be completed through a short, online survey available now on Naviance “Scholarship Signing Event Registration Form” Like at an athletic signing, students will invite a staff member to speak on their behalf about the reason for their scholarship (academic teacher, sponsor of club, etc.)—for 1-2 minutes per student. Parents are invited, and will be able to come up for “signing” photo opportunities. Cake and punch will be provided. Scholarships in the Graduation Program and the Scholarship Breakfast If you have been offered any scholarships (even from colleges you will not attend), please go online to Naviance and complete the “Scholarships & Grants offered” survey! Students who submit by April 25th will be included in the scholarship listing in the Graduation Program and included in the Scholarship Breakfast. Those who submit after April 25 but before May 10 will be included in the Scholarship Breakfast celebration but their scholarships will not be listed in the Graduation Program. To complete the survey: Go to RMHS Webpage Click on “Quick Links” or “Resources” Click on Naviance (Student) Put in your username and password (that same user name and password as to get in to a PSD computer) Click on the “About Me” tab On the left hand menu, click on “Scholarships & Grants offered” survey. Follow directions in survey. Questions 1-20 are only for merit based awards (scholarships for academics, athletics, arts, activities, etc.). Scholarships will be included for the graduation program and scholarship breakfast. Questions 21-40 are for need based awards (grants or work study. Do NOT include loans). Need based awards will NOT be included for the graduation program and scholarship breakfast, but we do keep data on trends in financial aid available. If you have more awards offered than space available, please email Ms. Wilgenbusch with the details of additional awards (nwilgenb@psdschools.org) Mark your calendar for the Scholarship Breakfast on Wednesday, May 18th at 7:30AM. Seniors who submit their earned scholarship information (and their parents) will be invited. Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 19 APRIL 2016 College & Career Center cont... Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Page 20 APRIL 2016 Lobo (3.5-3.74 GPA) 3rd Quarter Honor Roll 9th Aboellail, Maryam Balmer, Braiden Bass, Seth Benton, Danielle Brewer, Jacob Burrud, Chloe Campbell, Jake Caron, Morgan Cathcart, Jon Charters, Station Cho, Abby Cody, Bryce Crawford, Luke Cruz, Caleb Diana, Evan Faye, Monica Geller, Mickey Genschoreck, Caitlin Hand, Max Harvey, Madilyn Haynes, Alexander Hebert, Cheyla Hedman, Kaely Henderson, Jared Holland, Robbie Holly, Amanda Janus, Justin Johnson, Bethany Macchietto, Julianna Naffier, Michael Nestlerode, William Nicholson, Jordan Patterson, Ian Pittman, Madelyn Plano, Sandra Rademacher, Reagan Randall, Logan Rodriguez, Jr Schaffer, Aaron Seen, Jared Sherman, Jacob Vandel, Jade Vassaux, Nicole Vattano, Angelo Watson, Ryan Wilberton, Molly Zhu, Kevin 10th Adams, Delaney Aber, Catherine Archambault, Tyler Beveridge, Ailish Bol, Skyler Clark, Blake Dawson, Lydia DeBord, Sydney DeLong, Julia Dixon, Cole Downey, Caitlyn Fabian, Harper Foster, Abigail Garza, Taylor Glasgow, Kendall Goes, Devin Graves, Austin Green, Jordan Gunther, Jack Gustafson, Nathaniel Harley, Abby Hughes-Ford, Seren Johnson, Xavier Jones, Kjerstine Kling, Skyler Kovats, Kylie Krueger, Caroline Lewis, John Lovell, Spencer Martinez, Jose Martinez, Tate McKinney, Macy Mendoza, Andreina Miller, Maggie Murphy, John Owens, Miles Pelletier, Tayler Perkins, Helaina Quadrel, Peter Quijano, Gabrielle Remington, Sophie Robbins, Brooke Robinson, Natalie Schaake, Natalie Schulze, Caroline Shields, Jennifer Shuster, Bailey Slayden, Cole Sorrell, Kyle Stacey, Ian Stevens, Cody Stockton, Carly Toureene, Shaley Varela, Tania Vosseteig, Jessica Williams, Hanna Wimberger, Maya Zafarana, Nicolo 11th Andales, Daniel Aboellail, Ibrahim Arone, William Barrett, Natalie Bhatti, Eleshba Blount, Ivan Bonillas, Joui Braddy, Berit Brown, Emmett Chayer, Rachel Clemens, Addison Cochran, Tess Culp, Jessica Diana, Nolan Douglass, Bailey Eddy, Samuel Ellis, Jeffrey Fisher, Payton Foerster, Lauren Folse, Shaynnah Gagne, Ivanna Gainley, Sydney Galvan, Jessica Garnett, Tre' Harvey, Anna Hebert, Andre Hedman, Kaija Heilbrun, Tristen Hersch, Taylor Higdon, Jacob Holland, Rachel Hotchkiss, Alyssa Hyland, Tyler Jager, Robert Jewkes, Zachary Kalmbach, Anthony Kemp, Sarah Kiraly, George Krehbiel, Eric Kropp, Sydney Land, Shelby Lopez, Renee May, Nathan Meighen, Brenna Mita, Kathleen Miwa, Sakiko Moro, Lopez Northrop, Brandon O'Connell, Aidan Olbrys, Gibson O'Toole, Lindie Patchen, Hannah Perez, Ashley Pilon, Marguerite Piscoya, Shane Potts, Dana Presley, Bethany Richard, Ashley Rodriguez, Penilla Rodriguez, Steven Roley, Alicyn Rose, Jesse Selig, Conrad Snyder, Rebecca Stephenson, Daniel Stockton, Jack Sundstedt, Nathan Tepe, Joseph Thompson, Jennah Walts, Derric Wright, Natania Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos 12th Baron, Autumn Alrosini, Sami Bartholomew, Matthew Baskin, Autry Bass, Jordan Benjamin, Kaitlynne Bijayananda, Afsha Bragg, Avery Buchheister, Sydney Chavez, Daniel Colbray, Marco Colon-Bonet, Jane Cook, Makayla Dawson, Frida Edgren, Lucas Ellendorff, Mary Fairbairn, Rachel Feist, Grace Frost, Veronica Giesenhagen, Erica Glenn, Genevieve Gonzales, Alexander Gosar, Cole Green, Justin Green, Poetry Gudmestad, Samuel Hamdan, Basel Hardman, Catherine Hird, Dylan Johnson, Austin Johnson, Ayrika Johnson, Otis Johnston, Andi Kesterson, Todd Kile, Evan Kostrzewa, Casey Larson, Emiley Loeb, Sophia Loury, Ryan Mahar, Kaitlyn Mendoza-Ulloa, Laura Micek, Kayley Mielke, Abigail Miller, Sean Morgan, William Newman, Paul Ni, Yao Noll, Neal Overbey, Makenzie Papile, Sean Petago, Kristine Phebus, Taylor Reed, James Remington, Kendall Rosen, Anastasia Salomon, Maxwell Schroeder, Esjay Shields, Nicolas Somerstep, Seamus Stone, Taylor Tonn, Daxton Vannoy, Jennifer Vinson, Nathan Page 21 APRIL 2016 Cardinal & Gold (3.75-3.99 GPA) 3rd Quarter Honor Roll 9th Acevedo, Alyssa Alicea-Mjelde, Rachael Aweida, Kassidy Barajas, Veronica Bennett, Jacob Biggerstaff, Aaron Bonillas, Julian Cotier, Krysta Cruickshank, Lacy Daly, Jordan Davidson, Kaitlyn Davis, Benjamin Eley, Sarah Farmer, Cami Fisher, Garrett Fleischman, Elena Gallahan, Jacob Gram, Anabelle Guerrero, Angel Hall, Sinclair Holland, Anna Horn, Marley Hough, Emily Jones, Reanna Keller, Kiana Kim, Minseo Klussmann, Andrew Knauer, Benjamin Knierim, Megan Kress, Delaney Kropp, Alexis Larson, Annika McMahon, Alexandra Nastu, Elizabeth O'Connell, Logan Olbrys, Beckett Olver, Cameron Penner, Ella Rankin, Welles Reynolds, Kayla Roscoe, Sydney Runge, James Savala, Sean Schroeder, Dalton Schulte, Nicholas Sheffler, Haylee Taulbee, Luke Thomas, Katelyn Thompson, Benjamin Thompson, Wesley Tucci, Michael Vischer, Emery Welch, Gilliane Wright, Frank 10th Amash, Alex AmRhein, Nicholas Atherton, Christian Barrier, Emily Barrier, Tia Bell, Trevor Billington, Connor Billington, Katherine Black, Gavin Bowles, Carly Browne, Danielle Bruenger, Elizabeth Carpenter, Emily Castle, Felicia Cerman, Kohana Cordova, Erica Couch, Easton Davis, Michael Dotson, Mallory Downing, Reece Elsheimer, Emily Frank, Brody Gartzka, Brendan Gonzales, Adelin Graham, Victoria Guerrero, Matthew Jeppson, Carmen Johnson, Mya Lance, Sage Lebsack, Slade Lee, Anna Levine, Mathew Lewchuk, Connor Liufau, Teagan Lovell, Noah Marshall, Joshua McDonald, John McEndaffer, Alissa McGee, Chevy Mike, Sabrina Nance, Emily Naumburg, Jordan Osborn, Marcus Parker, Tori Ramos, Edgar Rowan, Lauren Runyan, Haeley Santistevan, Tenzing Siclair, Allison Simon, Patrick Spencer, Jenna Strother, Ethan Sylvester, Angelina Teck, Andrew Thompson, Margaret Thrash, Kaleigh Watson, Adriana 11th Archuleta, Danae Adl, Laila Barnes, Corey Bartran, Morgan Bruner, Jason Buchanan, Abigail Chamberlain, Jacinda Cullor, Ravyn Erickson, Rebecca Forbes, Kira Gendreau, Spencer Gonzales, Gabrielle Harley, Austin Huebner, Adriana Johansen, Nanna Kirkland, Zyik Kroll, Hannah Kruse, Jackson Kuck, Sierra Marmor, Amanda Morgan, Clara Nagel, Cameron Osland, Andrew Ostergren, Soren Rozar, McKenzie Saleem, Jasmine Schulte, Quinn Stewart, Caitlyn Swanson, Maya Titelbaum, Jonathan VanderMeer, Michael Vega, Guillen Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos 12th Baker, Nalah Barker, Nicholas Barrier, Jackson Bennett, Andrew Blomberg, Emily Brunswig, Melody Clasen, Natalya Davis, Anna Diehl, Christopher Guzzardo, Taylor Hemphill, Noelle Inman, Haley Kauzmann, Emma Maday, Margaret McFall, Gavin Monell, Christopher Proctor, Rachel Santini, Jacob Scovel, Samantha Sonnenberg, Valerie Worm, Falkyn Page 22 APRIL 2016 Principal (4.0 GPA) 3rd Quarter Honor Roll 9th Allen, Julia Andrews, Christopher Anishchenko, Julia Axe, Lauren Barker, Tessa Benjamin, Karina Blomberg, Alyssa Bowes, Katherine Boyles, Emily Brandl, Calvin Brewer, Luke Bruce, Abigail Butki, Alisha Campbell, Tyler Chorpenning, Christopher Christensen, Gabriel Chudacoff, Trae Cronen-Smith, Margaret Cross, Aspen Culhane, Conner Cunning, Luke Dantas, Victoria David, Neil Deherder, Alice Doctor, Karenna Doebbeling, Caleb Eberl, Chloe Eccher, Mikayla Edgerley, Carter Emslie, Cora Erskine, Madison Feist, Natalie Ford, Natalie Goertz, Morgan Grant, Isabelle Hand, Madison Harpman, Abby Hash, Trevor Hendrie, C Hilbert, Myles Hoffman, Grant Hoggatt, Jett Holland, Sloan Jennings, Breken Johar, Jennifer Justice, Kelly Kalmbach, Annelise Karnes, Kasi Kelley, Carissa Kinney, April Koepsell, Madeline Kopp, Kaylee Korsa, Elaina Krieger, Anna Kruse, Sawyer Kuck, Max Laborde, Tristan Ladzinski, Laurel Mackey, Emma Martinez, Alexander Martinez, Ella McDonald, Megan McDowell, Leah McGonagle, Quinn McLean, Kevin Miller, Jack Mollenhauer, Mason Morris, Caroline Morrongiello, Cameron Nelson, Fiona Nicholson, Vincent Oliver, Fiona Ostler, Regan Perry, Ethan Peterson, Jacob Piepho, Jaren Porche, Kamren Propst, William Pryor, Kaitlin Rhead, Jeremy Roberts, Abigail Rokke, Wyatt Rowden, Savannah Samsel, Halle Schlepp, Julia Schmidt, Kemmari Schmitz, Caleb Shawesh, Malak Sigda, Jason Smith, Christian Smith, Taryn Sohn, Emily Stewart, Samantha Stolpe, Mia Stutzman, Nathaniel Sundstedt, David Swain, Jacson Swan, Sidney Swigris, Jaclyn Tobin, Colley Tufte, Olivia Urynowicz, Joseph Van, Der Vanatta, Sandra Vander, Meer Werning, Emma Wheeler, Jada White, Jamison Wolf, Torie Woodward, Milo Wright, Madison Yoxall, Harry Yuan, Tony Zachman, Ashley 10th Achziger, Kelsey Adams, Alexandria Allen, McKenna Amah, Crystal Baca, Clayton Baeighkley, Sharra Baker, Erin Becker, Jordyn Bennett, Madelyn Berg, Amelia Bowen, Emma Brodeen, Austen Bundy, Rylee Chaffee, Elizabeth Chavez, Herman Cherian, Anna Chupik, Benjamin Ciraula, Nathan Clasen, Katrina Curtiss, Autumn Davignon, Robert Deakin, Lauren Dong, Angel Dunnington, Alistair Eisele, Mira Elliott, Joseph Elson, Joseph Engstrom, Parker Fortunato, Emma Foy, Soleil Fromme, Amy Fulton, Jace Furrow, Kendall Garcia, Laura Garcia, Monica Garner, Tristin Garza, Cassandra Givens, Neil Gordon, Camron Gosar, Jade Graves, Maclean Gutierrez, Macedonio Han, Justin Haynes, Maggie Heinze, Hayden Hoard, Cassandra Howell, Avery Hoyberg-Nielsen, Patrik Hutchinson, Erika Iwanski, Isabel Johnson, Lucas Kennedy, Brooke King, Ryland Klein, Samantha Lacey, Bernard Lambert, Aaron Lana, Jack Lozano, Jesus Lucero, Alessandro Manning, Logan Marzolf, Julia Marzolf, Taylor Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Mateer, James May, Madeline McAllister, Amelia McCrystal, Avery McDonald, Gabriella McLaurin, John McRoberts, Edie Miller, Elizabeth Mingus, William Morris, Hailey Naddy, Callin Newton, Kennedy Nira, Joshua O'Brien, Cole Ostler, Riley Papile, Fiona Parlin, Darla Powers, Rebecca Pulido, Sophiamarie Radcliff, Easton Reisman, Peyton Ronquillo, Megan Schaffer, Lauren Scheid, Dawson Schoenbauer, Ashley Shorthill, Madison Shorthill, Samantha Silbaq, Katrina Smith, Kaeda Smithbaker, John Stetter, Lucas Talley, Cheyenne Thompson, Ryan Torres, Anariba Towne, Kiley Troutman, Brian Turkalj, Nicole Vattano, Matteo Villalpando, Jose Warner, Savannah White, Greta Williams, Madison Windsor, Cela Wright, Jared Young, Danielle Younis, Malak Page 23 APRIL 2016 Principal (4.0 GPA) 3rd Quarter Honor Roll 11th Archuleta, Autumn Arriaza, Eguizabal Atencio, Kordell Azulay, Francine Baker, Christopher Bauernfeind, Julia Becker, Olivia Bellefeuille, Christian Bishop, Andrew Boulton, Marley Bowes, Sarah Box, Shayla Boyton, Noelle Breslin, Cory Burgdorf, Jessica Carroll, Nicklaus Cathcart, Christopher Charlesworth, Rice Chudacoff, Jalen Cohen, Natalea Collier, Joel Cornell, Sean Cullis, Melissa Eckery, Samantha Egan, Lauren Elliott, Ana Evans, Grace Farricker, Arrionna Fitzgerald, Kate Forest, Casey Furrow, Bailyn Gates, Hannah Glenn, Cooper Grant, Elenya Green, Paisley Gregg, Harmony Hardegree-Ullman, Harris, Keegan Haugen, Kathryn Heck, MaKenzie Huang, Russ Jackson, Meghan Jan, On Jensen, James Jongsma, Colin Kaukovuo, Tuuli Kley, Adrian Knaff, Rebecca Knott, Angel Knutson, Whitney Korsa, Ashley Kuhn-Gale, Hannah Lacey, Addison Larson, Caleb Levy, Anika Long-Shore, Lena Lu, Cynthia Maciel, Austin Maguire, Matthew Malaske, Cameron Manley, Laurel McCowin, Cate Meighen, Erin Muchow, Stephanie Neergaard, Hanna Nelson, Lauren Newberry, Samantha Nickoloff, Alexa Nielsen, Sofie O'Brien, Molly Oglesby, Abigail Olver, Madison Ornelas, Luis Powers, Brice Pytlinski, Emily Rhead, Madison Rice, Madeleine Richter, Jamie Rodahl, Jacob Rohlfs, Sierra Rossi, Filippo Rush, Ariana Salazar, Alyssa Scheetz, Emma Schenk, Leslie Schueler, Kelli Soth, Lilia Stooksbury, Holly Thornton, Tate Timby, Sarah Vernon, Ellaina Vikse, William Wagner, Richard Webb, Trevor Widick, Madison Williams, Jordan 12th Ackerson, Laura Allen, Justin Amash, Xandria Anderson, Olivia Arroyo, Madison Baker, Clyn Barrett, Jeremiah BeAney, Emmett Bedard, Baylee Biedermann, Anna Binder, Jenna Breeze, Kadin Bush, Caden Campana, Antonio Carlton, Sawyer Champ, Theodore Cherian, Nina Christensen, Aubrey Cottingham, Taira Cronen-Smith, Payson Crownover, Joanna Davis, Emily Dietemann, Devon Dillon, Logan Dolan, Easton Dolgin, Coby Doner, Kacey Druse, Mackenzie Druse, Madison Duckworth, Wesley Dugger, McKenna Engstrom, Jackson Fenwick, Megan Fields, Miriam-Joy Fitzsimmons, Shannon Fletcher, Ethan Fortunato, Olivia French, Bianca Funke, Ava Garcia, Diego Givens, Natalie Haase, Micah Hairgrove, Cade Halderman, James Hatch, Kelli Hester, Lindi Hevelone, Kelton Holland, Emily Hood, Brady Hoyberg-Nielsen, Jessika Iwanski, Analise Jarquin, William Jennings, Matthew Jones, Chelsea Klaer, Stefan Klein, Mikaela Kovats, Kera Lana, Rachel Leo, Samantha Leschak, Dylan Lipe, Madison Longwell, Zelaya Lorenz, Madison Rocky Mountain High School - Home of the Lobos Luna, Angela Mackie, Holly Malone, Evan Martin, Angel Martin, Avery Matsuura, Rena Mayer, Zachary McCoy, Joseph McGann, Raven McGee, Matthew McGinley, Laura Mendoza, Ricardo Mihelich, Jenna Mollenhauer, Samantha Murray, Logan Murray, Madelyn Music, Taylor Nemitz, Jacob Nigro, Madison Oldham, Brittany Owens, Jacob Patterson, Nathanael Paul, Brendan Pearson, Samuel Powers, Scott Presley, Nathan Ramirez, Rita Robuck, Danielle Roeber, Elsa Sample, Victoria Santistevan, Araceli Schall, Hannah Sharpe, Katrin Shelley, Brayden Sherman, Kyle Shi, Jake Shrum, Anne Simon, Joseph Smith, Ryan Snyder, Dominic Thomas, Olivia Thompson, Reyna Trupkiewicz, Margaret Turkalj, John Wagner, Amanda Watkinson, Allie Weatherwax, Morgan Werning, Taylor Williams, Daphne Winn, Cassidy Wright, Kaylei Zachman, Nicholas Zafarana, Mac
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