www.centralivinglab.eu www.centralivinglab.eu Rural development Technical university of Kosice - Slovakia www.tuke.sk Rural development pilot responds to the difficult financial situation of rural municipalities inhibiting the development of these areas. Moreover, underdeveloped areas become less attractive for citizens causing emigration of creative human resources, critical for future prosperity, what places rural areas into vicious circle. Pilot activities aim to improve financial situation of rural areas through a set of tools for effective spend management. Municipalities will be provided with intelligent procurement system bringing together modern procurement services and educational and communicational platform for knowledge sharing in the community of buyers in order to improve their buying skills. The working group of 20 municipalities from Eastern Slovakia, providers of procurement solutions, researchers and policy makers was created in order to support current and further development of such a system. Potential of this pilot will be tested in the neighborhood foreign regions. For more information, please visit: http://rural-development.centralivinglab.eu Eco-Tourism Faculty for Organisational Sciences - Slovenia www.fov.uni-mb.si The pilot that we are creating is a platform where Tourist Service Providers (TSP) and Tourists share a common 'playground'; meaning that Tourist Service Providers upload their existing touristical offers and Tourists upload their 'Real-life' experiences of attractions and routes they have discovered. TSP thus have an insight as to what tourists actually want. We will encourage all stakeholders to participate in the co-creation of the platform to make it as alive as possible, as it is based on the Living Lab concept where all stakeholders need to participate to reap the maximum result. The platform enables logging in via social media or manually; it enables account creating, text, photo and video uploading and sharing/using existing attractions or routes. The platform is user friendly and has the possibility of adding new countries and new services to it. The fact that it is an online portal, there are practically no limits in transnational usage of it. For more information, please visit: http://eco-tourism.centralivinglab.eu Mobility Vorarlberg University of Applied Science (FHV) - Austria www.fhv.at FHV conducts a pilot in the e-mobility sector in cooperation with the electric car trial VLOTTE in Vorarlberg, Austria. VLOTTE is owned and run by the Vorarlberg electricity service provider VKW. At its initiation VLOTTE was the largest electric car trial in Europe with approx. 150 cars and actually has more than 360 cars. VLOTTE offers e-car leasing and buying processing for private and public customers.The e-mobility living lab pilot executed by FHV has the following objectives:• User involvement and requirements• Public aids and funds for e-mobility for innovation in mobility• More efficient use of existing electric cars and more according to end-user needs• Create sustainable ecosystem for innovation in the e-mobility sector in the Vorarlberg regionVorarlberg’s location is unique. Its boarders connect to Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Germany. Mobility is demanded due to transnational business and work carried out and strong dynamics in the area. For more information, please visit: http://mobility.centralivinglab.eu Pilot activities CentraLab Central European Living Lab for Territorial Innovation Broad-reaching laboratory for innovation and competitiveness “Co-design” process with end users New policy framework for Knowledge Economy PROJECT FACTS Title: CentraLab - Central European Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (3CE400P1) Programme: Central Europe Programme - European Territorial Cooperation Objective Duration: 1.5.2011 – 30.4.2014 (36 months) Lead Partner: E-Institute (SI) E-mail: info@centralivinglab.eu Website: www.centralivinglab.eu 10 Project partners from 8 EU countries CONTACT Matjaž FRAS E-zavod, Zavod za celovite razvojne rešitve E-Institute, Institute for Comprehensive Development Solutions Čučkova ulica 5, 2250 Ptuj, Slovenia Tel: +386 (0)2 749 32 27 E-mail: matjaz.fras@ezavod.si Website: www.ezavod.si This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF The CentraLab project is based on a promising approach that has emerged in the area of ICT under the name “Living Lab”. In this model, technology R&D brings infrastructures into real-life contexts to enable a “co-design” process with end users. The specific objective of CentraLab is to apply the Living Lab approach transversally across a broad range of policy fields relevant to Central European regional development, constructing a multi-level governance network for a trans-national Central European Living Lab. One of the main activities within the CentraLab project is a coordinated set of trans-national pilot projects that build partnerships, specify ICT platforms and services, and co-design innovative approaches for ten issues of shared concern: Eco-tourism, Energy, Micro-SME Networks, Media & Creativity, Mobility, Environment & Education, Climate Change, Waste Management, Rural Development and eHealth. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THEMATIC PILOTS Environment and education Czech Center for Science and Society - Czech republic www.ccss.cz The various organization (universities, state administrative) and projects produce huge number of various educational materials connected with environment (e.g. tutorials, presentation, texts, articles, book etc.). The pilot is developing so-called “smart catalogue” that will be able to transform users' requirements to formalized language that could be used by knowledge base to search relevant study material. The catalogue uses the semantic and modern web technologies (HTML 5, ontological principles). The proposed solution is based on international standards and it is open. Therefore every user can implement catalogue to his product. The interregional cooperation is supported also by using UTF standard (different types of alphabets) and by ontology elements referring to multilinguality. Partners of projects as well as other cooperating organisations and institutes are invited to participation on catalogue. For more information, please visit: http://environment-and-education.centralivinglab.eu Energy efficiency Micro SME network E-Institute, Institute for Comprehensive Development Solutions - Slovenia www.ezavod.si Kielce Technology Park - Poland www.technopark.kielce.pl Using energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) sources/technologies significantly reduces greenhouse gases emissions and contributes to the environmental protection. E-Institute with stakeholders (energy agencies, development agencies, local authorities, energetic-ICT-engineering-other SME's and end-users) developed pilot project - Sustainable Energy Investment Decision Aid tool for house and small business owners "EnergyHouseAID".EnergyHouseAID is an Interpretation user friendly application for web - a decision support tool used to effectively evaluate potential investments in green energy technologies. Users are able to view the impact on overall economic value of various EE&RE combinations to make their buildings/homes more energy efficient involving also financial-environmental impact. The pilot model can be easily replicated and adapted elsewhere, thanks to the high interoperability of the web platform and the fact that the necessity of reduce energy costs is widespread. The pilot network consists of over 70 startups located in Kielce Technology Park (KTP), external companies and people with business ideas. For them KTP developed an information system supporting management of knowledge, resources and relationship with companies. New functionalities improve communication with clients, promote the companies offers, simplify establishing a firm and support management. Developed elements are devoted into 3 zones: I - for people who plans to set up a business, incl.: web application for creating a professional business plan; an electronic calculator to count a rent space, additional fees in KTP infrastructure; II - for KTP tenants, incl.: intranet; interactive database; III - for external companies incl. mobile webpage; conference rooms booking online; infokiosks. The transnational application created for all pilot project end users is a Partner Search which allows to find a business partner and meet with him during the announced event. For more information, please visit: http://energyefficiency.centralivinglab.eu For more information, please visit: http://micro-sme-networks.centralivinglab.eu Open Innovation and Usability Climate Change CyberForum e.V. - Germany www.cyberforum.de Informatica Trentina - Italy www.infotn.it Usability testing and open innovation processes enable companies to develop products in cooperation with end-users. These processes result in products that are very close to the needs of the market. In order to strengthen the role of usability tests and open innovation processes in SMEs, two companies, a research institution as well as an IT-business-network have made a concept for a Living Lab (LL) that combines these two process types. During the testing phase the LL, implemented as an Internet-based IT-platform, will be available for all stakeholders of the SmarterCity Karlsruhe. They will not only be able to test their own software but also to give feedback, discuss their own ideas on the LL and thus contribute to the overall concept – and thus they themselves will be involved in an open innovation process. After finalizing the concept the LL will be translated in English and made available for all CentraLab partners and their member companies who will also be able to use the LL. Informatica Trentina is developing a pilot project about climate change, with particular regards to energy conservation in the public domain. As a matter of fact, public lighting is one of the main items of expenditure and a significant source of energy consumption. In the Municipality of Campodenno Centralab will develop a remote monitoring project of the public lighting system by adopting pervading and intelligent systems in a Smart City perspective. By using an autonomous and open remote monitoring net, it will also be possible to transmit further information pertaining both environmental monitoring and the video surveillance. Information regarding environment and energy will be made available to all citizens with the help of a web-app. The project has been planned in collaboration with the main stakeholders of the territory – such as the Municipal Administration, the Municipalities Consortium of the BIM of Adige, Trento Rise etc. under the supervision of Trentino As a Lab. For more information, please visit: http://media-and-creativity.centralivinglab.eu For more information, please visit: http://climate-change.centralivinglab.eu Waste Management e-Health Corvinno Technology Transfer Center - Hungary www.corvinno.hu Regione Piemonte, Direction Research & Innovation - Italy This pilot aims to establish a system where ecological, economical and public administration requirements can be harmonized in the waste management domain. Several stakeholders (companies, policy makers, and experts) are involved. The ICT platform supports data-driven and agile policy making. In this ICT driven model, technology brings infrastructures into real-life contexts to enable a “co-design” process with end users.The solution maps the general lifecycle of policy making process, it has three main blocks: portal, ontology learning block and interpretation block. Portal is used to support posting, issuing draft policies, comments and opinion articulation about policies and discussion with stakeholders. Ontology learning block helps to analyse and understand discussion and provide the context for the discussion. Interpretation block provide feedback and interpretation for policy makers. The pilot consists in the development of a test-bed and the creation of an APP that should allow public authorities to have a unified system of control of parking card for disabled people. Stakeholders involved belong to different fields, from municipalities to research centres and end-users associations. They cooperated together in order to find out a solution that could integrate already existing systems, facilitating administrative simplification, with an easy delivering of the device, using on-line procedures.Since the European card improves the possibility of people with disabilities to circulate in the EU, the solution developed intends to be transferred in the partner regions with the objective to encourage their mobility in Central Europe area, simplifying procedures for the release, having not counterfeiting marks and easy systems of notification, that can be easily integrated in various operational contexts. For more information, please visit: http://waste-management.centralivinglab.eu For more information, please visit: http://ehealth.centralivinglab.eu www.regione.piemonte.it/innovazione www.centralivinglab.eu www.centralivinglab.eu CENTRALAB PROJECT GOALS
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