In-depth example: Mobility Pilot CentraLab
In-depth example: Mobility Pilot CentraLab
7. 7. 2014, Stuttgart In-depth example: Mobility Pilot CentraLab Martin Dobler - SFC Fostering students' entrepreneurship and open innovation in university-industry collaboration Project outline • Central Europe Programme - European Territorial Cooperation Objective • Duration: 1.5.2011 – 30.4.2014 (36 months) • Lead Partner: E-zavod (SI) • 10 Project partners from 8 EU countries PROJECT PARTNERS This project is imolemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF POLICY APPROACH TERRITORIAL CAPITAL ICT PLATFORMS AND SERVICES REGIONAL POLICY FRAMEWORK SMEs CITIZENS NGOs LOCAL AUTHORITIES MULTI-LEVEL GOVERNANCE MODELS LIVING LABS • User-driven open innovation ecosystems based on business – citizens – government partnerships which enable users to take part an active part in: • Bringing users early into the co-creation process • Bridging the innovation gap between technology development and the uptake of new products and services • Allowing for early assessment of the socio-economic implications of new technological solutions MAIN ACTIVITIES • A survey of the current potential for application of the CentraLab approach (innovation policies, on-going R&D, and development initiatives). • New policy framework that increases the knowledge economy component of regional development initiatives in a range of fields. • A coordinated set of trans-national pilot projects: Eco-tourism, Energy, Micro-SME Networks, Media & Creativity, Mobility, Environment & Education, Climate Change, Waste Management, Rural Development, and eHealth. • A strategic governance work package. PILOT THEMES • • • • • • • • • • Eco-tourism Energy Micro-SME networks Media and creativity Mobility Environment and education Climate change Waste management Rural development eHealth e-mobility Pilot for VLOTTE • VLOTTE is owned and run by the Vorarlberg electricity service provider VKW • VLOTTE was at its start the largest e-car trial in Europe with approx. 150 cars • VLOTTE provides aids for electricity powered cars – currently five different cars are backed by VLOTTE under the following requirements – Cars have to be used as a fuel powered car replacement – Cars have to be powered by Li-Ion or Zebra batteries – Cars have to be registered in Vorarlberg and have to be used in Vorarlberg at least for 90 per cent – Kilometres travelled has to be higher than 7500 km/year Pilot Objectives • Examine and validate user involvement and requirements • Examine how public aids and funds for e-mobility can help to innovate and change the people transport sector • Examine how existing electric cars can be used more efficiently and according to end-user needs and therefore examine possibilities for new products • Bring together public and private interests for leasing, buying and renting electric cars • Create a sustainable ecosystem for innovation in the emobility sector in the Vorarlberg region Creating a holistic mobility ecosystem Public Transport Car Sharing Apps Social Media E-Mobility Green Electricity Apps ICT Energy and Mobility LLs - three Dimension Mobility Smart Grid Visualization of energy consumption Smart usage of actually available energy Efficient use of energy lower costs Focussed on sustainable mobility Transparency over offers & market Increase comfort Smart Home Control of smart features at home and on the go Always available status of the features Increase of safety, comfort and efficiency Other LLs with mobility background Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab Urban transport, carpooling and car sharing (regional scale) Amsterdam Living Lab mobility, new media, co-creative design Urban Living Lab (Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) new uses of low carbon transports: electrical vehicle trains, smart city improved traffic Thank you for your attention! TARGET GROUPS • • • • • • • • • • • Regional Programming Authorities, Regional Development Agencies, Local Chambers of Commerce, Local authorities and municipalities, ICT industry and SMEs, University departments, Private and public research centres, Local businesses, Local associations and cooperatives (e.g. LEADER+ LAGs), NGOs, Pilot specific stakeholders, Media.
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